Desafios da Sustentabilidade nos Mercados Globais

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Workshop Finance XXI “Vencer no mercado Global” ISG, 4 de Dezembro de 2012

Transcript of Desafios da Sustentabilidade nos Mercados Globais

Nuno Gaspar de Oliveira

CIGEST | Environment & Sustainability, ISG | Business &

Economics School

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Workshop “Vencer no mercado Global”ISG, 4 de Dezembro de 2012

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

• Biólogo da área da Ecologia e Conservação da Natureza (FCUL, 1998);

• Coordenador da Área de Ambiente & Sustentabilidade e investigador na área da Economia Natural no CIGEST - Centro de Investigação em Gestão ISG – Business & Economics School;

• Professor Assistente de Economia da Energia e dos Recursos Naturais da Licenciatura de Economia do ISG;

• Delegado do ISG no BCSD Portugal;• Doutorando na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas

(UNL) na área de Geografia e Ambiente, com o tema “Biodiversidade e Planeamento Territorial: Da Política à Estratégia, da Estratégia à Prática”;

• Consultor em Gestão Florestal Sustentável, Gestão de Risco Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, gestão de Biodiversidade e Conservação de Recursos Naturais

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

• The only option to soften the impact of high oil prices that is likely to meet the magnitude of the challenge is a transition to a low-carbon economy. But this will require political leadership and policy certainty to create a long-term, sufficient and consistent incentive structure for renewable energy.

• We recommend the government employs available and new mechanisms for public sector finance, such as a Green Investment Bank to change investor behaviour in favour of new, low carbon sectors.

• Adaptive responses such as investment into mass public transit systems, more efficient vehicles, people travelling less due to home working, and cheaper, low carbon energy alternatives will also all help.

• In addition to issues of security and sustainability, the impact of economic peak oil is another important reason to reduce an economy’s energy intensity and dependence on oil.

“Historical evidence shows that shocks lie in wait for unprepared nations. Well prepared economies, however, should still prosper”

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

European waters - current status and future challenges - a synthesis �

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

• Inorganic phosphate-based fertilisers have done much to alleviate the grave problem of global hunger, yet these gains have also come at the expense of a critical dependence on a finite mineral resource.

• According to various projections, current economic global reserves of phosphate rock, approximately 90% of which is used to manufacture chemical fertilisers, are diminishing and will be depleted within as few as 40–150 years – a phenomenon commonly known as peak phosphorus.

• This article argues that much like the idea of peak oil before it, the peak phosphorus claim tends not to distinguish between long-term concerns about one day ‘running out’ of phosphate rock and the more immediate, multi-dimensional socio-economic causes and effects of poor resource management.

• The article shows the importance of a more nuanced understanding of the problem of resource scarcity to the sustainable investing agenda.

the concentration of the majority of remaining global phosphate

reserves in a handful of geopolitically sensitive

countries and state-capitalist corporations presents a number

of unexplored challenges to investors.

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

The Perverse Pyramid: The US Farm Bill's skewed system of subsidies helps explain why unhealthy foods are often cheap and plentiful, while healthy foods are more expensive and less available. The priorities in the subsidy system stand in stark contrast to the federal government's own advice on nutrition.

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global• The European Commission has proposed

a new Environment Action Programme for the EU. Entitled "Living well, within the limits of our planet", it will guide environment policy up to 2020.

• The proposal aims to enhance Europe's ecological resilience and transform the EU into an inclusive and sustainable green economy.

• Protecting natural capital, encouraging more resource efficiency and accelerating the transition to the low-carbon economy are key features of the programme, which also seeks to tackle environmental causes of disease.

• The results should help stimulate sustainable growth and create new jobs to set the Union on a path to becoming a better and healthier place to live.

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Unfortunately, market prices do not take into account the full economic value of many goods and services we obtain from our environment. From clean air and water to timber, food and strolls in nature, we often pay for only a fraction of the benefits we receive.

Recent studies, including the European Environment Agency’s State and Outlook Report 2010 (SOER 2010), underline that we cannot look at environmental issues in isolation. To preserve and manage our natural capital wisely, Europe needs to reshape its economy and improve resource efficiency.

Environmental tax reform is one of the measures that could contribute to Europe’s transition towards a greener economy.

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

• expand energy access worldwide, improve energy efficiency and increase the share of renewables.

• 19 “Industry Opportunity” reports focusing on individual sectors, including retail; food and agriculture; automotive; information and communications technology (ICT); chemicals; mining; utilities; transportation; healthcare; financial services; travel and leisure; and renewable energy.

• The reports aim to provide guidance and inspire companies across all industries to take action in pursuit of sustainable energy.

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

• By 2025, more than half of the world’s population will have joined the consuming class, driving annual consumption in emerging markets to $30 trillion, from $12 trillion.

• Emerging markets could account for more than 70 percent of global economic growth during this period.

• While executives recognize that winning in emerging markets in the key to long-term growth, many companies remain reluctant to commit resources and talent at scale.

• McKinsey research shows that the largest companies headquartered in developed economies currently derive only 17 percent of their revenues from emerging markets, even though these markets already represent 36 percent of global GDP

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global• Between 2010 and 2020, the continent is set to add

122 million people to its labor force.

• An expansion of this magnitude should set the stage for dynamic growth, but capturing this potential will require a change in economic development strategy.

• At its current pace, Africa is not generating wage-paying jobs rapidly enough to absorb its massive labor force, which will be the largest in the world by 2035.

• Africa's most developed economies have a better record in producing wage-based employment, but shortfalls persist even in countries like South Africa, Egypt, and Morocco.

• Without wage-paying jobs, millions will be forced to turn to subsistence activities to survive, squandering vast potential.

• To change this picture, Africa's leaders must move to accelerate job creation in order to entrench economic growth and continue to expand Africa's emerging consuming class. But it won't be easy

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

“Nós não conseguimos mudar padrões olhando apenas para

a sociedade. Empresas e entidades também precisam

se engajar”

Ana Maria Neto, gerente do departamento de consumo

sustentável do Ministério do Meio Ambiente

• A cartilha Construção Eficiente, elaborada pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente em parceria com a Basf foi abordada no painel. A publicação traz dicas e orientações simples, que estão ao alcance do consumidor no momento de planejar a obra. A proposta é ajudar as pessoas a entender melhor como é possível economizar recursos, evitar desperdício, aperfeiçoar tempo e minimizar impactos ao meio ambiente na hora da execução. Com uma tiragem de 300 mil exemplares, o documento será distribuído em todo o Brasil.

• A Unilever ressaltou que o Plano de Ação para Produção e Consumo Sustentáveis foi importante para a elaboração das políticas da empresa com foco na sustentabilidade.

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

FUTURE DIRECTIONS • Sustainability will become integrated into the business. • The drive to manage supply chain impacts will transform retailer-

supplier relationships. • Retailers can help spur positive change, making the supply chain a

platform for continuous sustainability improvement. The retailer-supplier relationship will continue to evolve, using sustainability as an opportunity for generating shared value.

• Industry collaboration will become the standard. Industry and stakeholder collaboration will help retailers identify and address the root causes of deeply embedded social and environmental challenges.

• Business models will evolve as consumption habits change. Business models will embrace closed-loop product design and manufacture, recapturing resources and products and incorporating the value of ecosystems services.

• Innovations in how goods are produced and consumed will progress the consumer goods industry toward sustainability.

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

BENEFITS OF SUSTAINABILITY • Develop an efficient business. Looking at business operations through

the lens of sustainability finds environmental and financial efficiencies through the reduction of energy, fuel, materials, waste, packaging, and other resources.

• Actively mitigate risks. Decreasing dependence on natural resources like fuel and materials, both internally and in the product supply chain, reduces exposure to price fluctuations and market volatility.

• Source new innovations. Sustainability is increasingly seen as a platform for identifying and driving innovative business practices.

• Recruit and retain top talent. Employees, now more than ever, enjoy working for a company they can be proud of.

• Enter new geographies. Retailers that constantly reinforce the value they bring to communities, beyond that of simply economic value or job creation, are more likely to be welcomed in new locations.

• Enter new product markets. As the green, natural, conscious, and healthy consumer segments grow, retailers will benefit from developing products and services that cater to these markets.

• Improve reputation with the industry’s stakeholders. When sustainability efforts address the concerns of NGOs, suppliers, vendors, consumers, and other stakeholders, those stakeholders provide support rather than resistance to all dimensions of company growth

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Success factors issues - retail sector

• Coherent international brand management, disciplined distribution control, and retail presentation consistent with the marketing image

• Better services in store, shopping ambience, advertising, temporary price reductions

• Productivity led differentiation, pricing, customer service, unique market positioning, strong customer franchise, location advantage, cost effective

• Green and sustainable business practices as a means to reducing costs. Also, personalised offerings, differentiation via service, realignment of offerings with changing consumer values, reduced costs and investment.

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

"Scalability clearly remains crucial for true business innovation, but this report shows that, as small-scale green innovators with novel business models are gaining traction and market share across the world, large firms need to reconsider business models to ensure they don't get left behind," said Dax Lovegrove, head of business and industry, WWF-UK.

"Enlightened business are learning that, with increasing pressure on natural resources and changing patterns of consumption, that they need to adopt ‘disruptive' business models – or be disrupted. There are huge opportunities out there for businesses that are willing to change, as well as threats for the ones that fail to adapt."

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Desafios da Sustentabilidade no Mercado Global

Nuno Gaspar de Oliveira | Investigador CIGEST | Ambiente e Sustentabilidade ISG – Business & Economics School | | Telefone: 21 751 37 00 ext. 127

Linkedin: ngoliveira | SKYPE, GMAIL: nuno.gaspar.oliveira | Facebook: CIGEST, NGOLIVEIRA