DDW11 Heidegger Kritik NEG

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Transcript of DDW11 Heidegger Kritik NEG

  • 8/11/2019 DDW11 Heidegger Kritik NEG


    242365613.doc DDI 2010







    LinkInor!ation Tec#no$og%.............................................................................................................................1&Link'ro($e!)*o$ution.......................................................................................................................................1+


    I!pactTec# T#oug#t..........................................................................................................................................1,

    I!pact-acis! and *eis!.................................................................................................................................18A$ternati/eGeneric.............................................................................................................................................19



    A2 'er!.................................................................................................................................................................2+A2 A$ternati/e I!possi($e.....................................................................................................................................2

    A2 A$ternati/e Causa$ities.....................................................................................................................................25A2 ra!e3ork.......................................................................................................................................................2,

    A2 Case 4ut3eig#s...............................................................................................................................................28

    A2 Nai..................................................................................................................................................................29A2 Ca$cu$ati/e T#oug#t Ine/ita($e........................................................................................................................+&

    A2 Tec#no$ogica$ T#oug#t Good...........................................................................................................................+2

    A Ans3ers...................................................................................................................................................++

    Tec#no$og% 7e%.....................................................................................................................................................++Aut#enticit% Turn...................................................................................................................................................+

    Heidegger as a Nai.........................................................................................................................................+5Ca$cu$ation Good...................................................................................................................................................+6

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  • 8/11/2019 DDW11 Heidegger Kritik NEG


    242365613.doc DDI 2010



    The View of Earth from Sace Cat!re" the #or$d a" a% &'(ect to 'e &rdered) *ed!ci%g the #or$d to a

    Serie" of Ca$c!$atio%" a%d Domi%atio%+,$$ -ei%g" -ecome art of a Sta%di%g *e"er/e %der the

    I%f$!e%ce of Tech%o$ogica$ Tho!ght.

    oro%e%< Mikko. =epart!ent o Geograp#%< >ni/ersit% o Turku. 200. ?T#e Age o '$anetar% *pace; 4n Heidegger< @eing< andMetap#%sics o G$o(a$iation. #ttps;::333.doria.i:!$ui:(itstrea!:#and$e:1&&2:66,++:Anna$esAII25,Boronen.pdseDuenceE1ro! a$$ o t#e 3a%s !odern tec#no$og% #as transor!ed us< t#e 3or$d< and t#e eart#< spatia$ !agnitude !a% (e t#e one

    #a/ing conseDuences !ost co!pre#ensi/e and per/asi/e. In t#e appendi to one o #is (est)kno3n essa%s< T#e Age o t#e

    or$d 'icture< Ger!an p#i$osop#er Martin Heidegger F188919,6 descri(es t#is tec#no$ogica$ transor!ation in ter!s o

    3#at #as apparent$% (eco!e kno3n as t#e process o g$o(a$iation< an increasing$% spreading g$o(e)3ide connectedness ot#ings ro! societa$ practices to t#e use o natura$ entities. e are no3 aced 3it# t#e ?p$anetar% i!peria$is! o

    tec#no$ogica$$% organied !an< Heidegger 3rites< 3it# a tec#no$og% o ?organied unior!it% t#at #as (eco!e ?t#e surest

    instru!ent o tota$ ru$e o/er t#e eart# FHeidegger 19,,d;152. A$t#oug# it #as (eco!e so!e3#at se$)e/ident t#at ater a

    coup$e o decades o rapid intensiication t#is tec#no$ogica$ conDuest o p$anetar% space #as gro3n in !onu!enta$ #eig#tsni/ersit% 'ress< pg. )5

    Heidegger rustrates us. At a ti!e 3#en t#e stakes are so /er% #ig# and decisi/e action is so $oud$% and urgent$% ca$$ed orni/ersit% o 'ortuga$. 2003. ?T#eG$o(a$iation o 0/er%t#ing or Ge-stell(% 4t#er Na!e; A '#eno!eno$ogica$ Ana$%sis o Inor!ation Tec#no$og%.

    #ttp;::333.ucp.pt:site:resources:docu!ents:CH:X2&I$#arco:siteX2&T#eX2&G$o(a$isationX2&oX2&0/er%t#ingY*'H*.pdLet us t#ink< #o3 3ou$d 3e a$$ $i/e 3it#out IT A or!a$$% correct ans3er is t#at t#at 3or$d 3ou$d indeed (e anot#er

    3or$d< 3#ic# !eans t#at IT is a 3or$d. T#e kind o possi(i$ities< t#us o intentions< aspirations< and actions< t#at t#ese t3o

    3or$ds re/ea$ are e/ident$% su(stanti/e$% dierent. or ea!p$e< 3it#out IT 3e 3ou$d ne/er #a/e seen i!ages o t#e eart#

    taken ro! t#e !oon< (ecause !an 3ou$d ne/er #a/e gone t#ere. T#e !oon 3ou$d sti$$ stand in t#e sk% a(o/e us< as t#e!%ster% it sti$$ is< a$t#oug# no $onger recognied as suc#. T#e possi(i$ities or (eing t#at IT #as (roug#t to us< and t#e 3a%

    in 3#ic# t#ese possi(i$ities address t#e 3#o$e eart# and t#e a$$ o #u!an acti/ities< is per se t#e do!inating c#aracter o

    Geste$$ as an essentia$ e$e!ent o t#e essentia$ 3a% in 3#ic# IT uno$ds in t#e 3or$d. It is in accordance 3it# t#e

    possi(i$ities re/ea$ed (% IT as (ackground t#at !an no3ada%s is eperiencing t#e rea$. Hanna# Arendt F1958 argues t#at!odernit% is ounded< (esides t#e disco/er% o A!erica and t#e -eor!ation< on Ga$i$eoKs in/ention o t#e te$escope< 3#ic#

    irst$% !ade possi($e to consider t#e nature o t#e eart# ro! t#e perspecti/e o t#e uni/erse. 4ur ana$%sis is consistent 3it#

    t#is /ie3. Not on$% is Ge)ste$$ unda!enta$$% $inked to t#e -enaissance and 0n$ig#ten!ent< (ut a$so t#e te$escope !ig#t

    indeed essentia$$% (e understood as an IT de/ice. T#is unda!enta$ perspecti/e (egan to co!e to actua$it% as its distincti/e

    sign 3#en t#e proect o $anding a !an on t#e !oon s#o3s its actua$ possi(i$it% in t#e 196&s. @% $anding on t#e !oon it3as t#e eart# and not t#e !oon t#at 3as !ain$% disco/ered in a ne3 3a%. T#e pictures o t#e eart# taken ro! t#e !oonni/ersit%. 2&06. ?T#e 4nto$ogica$ConseDuences o Copernicus; G$o(a$ @eing in t#e '$anetar% or$d. T#eor%< Cu$ture [ *ociet%. o$. 2+F1;125)1+9.

    0ssentia$$%< Nietsc#eKs c$ai! is t#at Copernicanis! and =ar3inis! orce us to Duestion t#e signiicance o (ot# t#e GreekHu!anist and t#e BudeoC#ristian conceptions o #u!anit% and its 3or$d Ft#at is< to t#ink (e%ond t#e territoria$iation o

    estern p#i$osop#% as so!e3#ere (et3een JAt#ensK and JBerusa$e!K. In Nietsc#eKs /ie3< !odern !etap#%sics is (ot#

    Jground$essK and Jsi!ianK (ecause< ater Copernicus and =ar3in< Jt#e eart# does not stand astK FNietsc#e< 1998; 2 and

    J!an is !ore o an ape t#an an% apeK FNietsc#e< 1969; 2. In suc# a contet Nietsc#eKs !ad!an is not a prop#et o $ostarc#aic t#eo$ogica$ certainties< (ut a ne3 /oice o sanit%< castigating< 3arning and e#orting #is J!etap#%sica$$%

    so!na!(u$antK audience to 3ake up to t#e tru$% rig#tening p$ace$essness o !odernit%Ks Copernican and =ar3inian or!s

    o $ie. And !an% 3#o #a/e o$$o3ed Nietsc#e in t#is regard #a/e noted t#at t#e ke% to understanding t#e signiicance o

    !odernit%Ks un#ei!$ic# onto$og% resides 3it#in a (roader appreciation o t#e 3a% in 3#ic# t#e ne3 cos!o$og% #asunder!ined traditiona$ conceptions o eart#. As Nietsc#eKs #eir Martin Heidegger a!ous$% c$ai!ed< 3#en seen in

    Copernican p$anetar%)cos!o$ogica$ ter!s< t#e eart# is no $onger t#e eart# in an% /ita$ or $i/ed sense (ut si!p$% an o(ect

    co!prised o Jpure$% tec#no$ogica$ re$ations#ipsK and an o(ect< !oreo/er< t#at is su(ecti/ied into a representation< a

    /orste$$ung< t#at Jstands (eore usK rat#er t#an as so!et#ing in Jour !idstK FHeidegger< 199+; 1&56. or Heidegger< once

    percei/ed and concei/ed as a /isua$ representation o a p$anetar% (ounded 3#o$e< t#e eart# (eco!es Jde3or$dedK;appearing as ust one !ore casua$ s%ste! 3it#in a !uc# 3ider cos!o$ogica$ causa$ order. And t#is is 3#% or Heidegger

    in #is !uc#)cited re$ections on t#is !atter t#e interp$anetar% i!ages o t#e eart# ro! space are not si!p$% t#e end

    product o a rat#er co!p$e and po3eru$ set o tec#no$ogica$ process t#at enra!e t#e eart# as a !ass industria$ied o(ectni/ersit% 'ress< pg. 1Heidegger oten reers in #is 3ritings to t#e dra!atic c#anges to 3#ic# #e 3as 3itness ) t#e $oss o rootedness to p$ace t#atca!e 3it# t#e in/ention o t#e auto!o(i$e< t#en t#e airp$ane< and no3 our /arious /e#ic$es or tra/e$ in interp$anetar%

    space t#e conDuering o distances t#at #as acco!panied t#e de/e$op!ent o co!!unications tec#no$ogies suc# as radioni/ersit% o 'ortuga$. 2003. ?T#eG$o(a$iation o 0/er%t#ing or Ge-stell(% 4t#er Na!e; A '#eno!eno$ogica$ Ana$%sis o Inor!ation Tec#no$og%.

    #ttp;::333.ucp.pt:site:resources:docu!ents:CH:X2&I$#arco:siteX2&T#eX2&G$o(a$isationX2&oX2&0/er%t#ingY*'H*.pdT#e tec#no$ogica$ is a de$i(erate grasping as a unit% o t#e 3a%s< (ot# !anua$ and !ec#anica$< in 3#ic# acti/ities are

    peror!ed. T#e tec#no$ogica$ does not re$% on t#e tradition o t#e !an% tec#niDues. T#e $ogos o tec#no$og% re$ies on t#e

    e/er !ore eicienc% it (rings to #u!an acti/ities. T#e tec#nica$ procedures !ust it t#e criterion o (eing t#e !ost eicient

    3a% o ac#ie/ing a resu$t. T#is is t#e ordering process to3ards an e/er !ore eicient re$ations#ip o !an to #is 3or$d itstradition (eco!es its o3n pat# o eicienc%. Heidegger F19,, indicates t#is course as t#e essence o !odern tec#no$og%.

    Heidegger F19,, took Aristot$eKs t#esis o t#e our causes FAristot$e 1998 in order to de)construct causa$it%< 3#ic# reigns

    in t#e instru!enta$it% t#at c#aracteries t#e too$ness o tec#no$og%. He asks 3#at unites t#e our causes ro! t#e (eginning

    FHeidegger 19,,;8 He s#o3s t#at causa$it% is grounded on a re/ea$ing< 3#ic# in itse$ is a granting o t#e possi(i$it% otrut#< o a#r#eit in Ger!an. T#is re/ea$ing is an a$read% t#ere t#at gat#ers t#e our causes o occasioning< $etting (eings

    co!e into unconcea$!ent< to presence as (eings to (e preser/ed F(e3a#ren< to endure F3Q#ren< to (e 3atc#ed o/er and

    kept sae F3a#ren< to (e !aniest Fa#rnis. ?Tec#no$og% is t#ereore no !ere !eans. Tec#no$og% is a 3a% o re/ea$ing

    FHeidegger 19,,;12. T#is 3a% o re/ea$ing is an onto$ogica$ one (ecause it does not on$% concern t#e (eings t#at co!e

    into presence< a cratKs 3ork or a !ac#ine< (ut a$so and unda!enta$$% it is t#e disc$osure o is)ness as suc#. T#etec#no$ogica$ re/ea$ing is pri!ari$% and ore !ost$% t#e (ackground against 3#ic# appears t#at 3#ic# is. T#is onto$ogica$

    re/ea$ing is t#e unda!enta$ nature o tec#no$og%. ou$d t#is re/ea$ing (e t#e essentia$ nature o !odern tec#no$og% as

    3e$$ HeideggerKs F19,,;1 ans3er is una!(iguous; ?It too is a re/ea$ing. ?OAP tract o $and is c#a$$enged into t#e puttingout o coa$ and ore. T#e eart# no3 re/ea$s itse$ as a coa$ !ining district< t#e soi$ as !inera$ deposit FZ . T#e ie$d t#at t#e

    peasant or!er$% cu$ti/ated and set in order appears dierent$% t#an it did 3#en to set in order sti$$ !eant to take care o

    and to !aintain Fi(id.;1)5. Modern tec#no$og% c#anges decisi/e$% t#e co!ing into presence o #u!ans< t#ings< ani!a$sni/ersit% o 'ortuga$. 2003. ?T#eG$o(a$iation o 0/er%t#ing or Ge-stell(% 4t#er Na!e; A '#eno!eno$ogica$ Ana$%sis o Inor!ation Tec#no$og%.

    #ttp;::333.ucp.pt:site:resources:docu!ents:CH:X2&I$#arco:siteX2&T#eX2&G$o(a$isationX2&oX2&0/er%t#ingY*'H*.pdGe)ste$$ in Inor!ation Tec#no$og% IT endorses its essentia$ (e$onging to Ge)ste$$ precise$% (ecause it is order a(out data

    and:or inor!ation it is an eicient ordering process directed to data< inor!ation< and t#us to !eaning. T#us< essentia$$%

    IT is order a(out !eaning< 3#ic# i!p$ies t#at 3it#in IT !eaning is do!inated (% order.+ @ut #o3 can !eaning (e

    do!inated T#e ans3er #as (een gi/en; IT do!inates !eaning in t#at Ge)ste$$ is an onto$ogica$ re/ea$ing. IT (ringseicienc% direct$% to t#e do!ain o $anguage< t#at is< to !anKs essence FHeidegger 1962< 19,1< 19,8< to #u!an

    unda!enta$ coup$ing in:3it#:to t#e 3or$d. Acting in $anguage IT aects #orionta$$% eac# and e/er% kind o #u!an

    acti/it%. Caste$$s F2&&&;,& !entions t#at it is (ecause inor!ation is an integra$ part o a$$ #u!an acti/it% t#at a$$ processes

    o our indi/idua$ and co$$ecti/e eistence are direct$% s#aped (% IT. Language is t#at 3#ic# adusts us to en/iron!ent andto ot#ers. e are 3#at 3e are in $anguage. Aecting our structura$ coup$ing< in autopoietic ter!s FMaturana and are$a

    198&< 1992< IT su(stanti/e$% aects us. unda!enta$$% acting in $anguage IT is a part o (eing)in)t#e)3or$d< opening up a

    3a% or t#e onto$ogica$ decisi/eness o Ge)ste$$ urt#er to uno$d. Heidegger pointed out t#at t#e t%pe3riter re/ea$s t#e

    intrusion o tec#no$og% into t#e do!ain o $anguage F\i!!er!an 199&;2&6. Set< nor t#e t%pe3riter neit#er #and3riting

    pro/ides t#e eicienc% o t#e production o tets as successu$$% as t#e conte!porar% 3ord processor. In processing 3ordsN< 40C=< @< IM< Greenpeace. Set in t#is appearance o t#e essence o IT< it is not t#e picture

    as suc# (eore our e%es t#at is !ost re$e/ant or us. #at !atters< (ecause it is 3#at c#anges our $i/es su(stanti/e$%< is t#e g$o(e

    #anging suspended in space as (ackground o our action in)t#e)3or$d. #at is at stake is t#e co$$ecti/e appropriation o t#e !eaningo t#at i!age and perspecti/e in #u!an acti/ities. T#is #u!an e!(odi!ent o t#e g$o(e in space is 3#at is !ost decisi/e in

    g$o(a$iation. G$o(a$iation as a setting t#at esta($is#es possi(i$ities and t#e contours o t#e ana$%sis< #as (een an ep$icit or i!p$icitassu!ption or !uc# o t#e researc# o recent %ears in se/era$ areas o interest (esides econo!%< !arkets< inance< and 3or$d po3er

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    242365613.doc DDI 2010



    The ,ffirmati/e" ,ttemt to Imro/e the #or$d *eAe%tre%che" them i% the Tech%o$ogica$ Tho!ght that

    *ecreate" a$$ Imact".

    c#horter 92 FLade$$e< Heidegger and t#e 0art# 0ssa%s in 0n/iron!enta$ '#i$osop#%< T#o!as Beerson >ni/ersit% 'ress< pg. 4ur usua$ response to suc# prop#ecies o doo! is to ignore t#e! 4r< 3#en 3e cannot do t#at. to scra!($e to ind so!e 3a%

    to !anage 4ur pro($e!s< so!e Duick so$ution< so!e tec#no$ogica$ i. @ut o/er and o/er again ne3 resource !anage!enttec#niDues. ne3 so$utions. ne3 tec#no$ogies disrupt de$icate s%ste!s e/en urt#er. doing sti$$ !ore da!age to a p$anet

    a$read% dangerous$% out o eco$ogica$ (a$ance. 4ur cease$ess inter/entions see! on$% to !ake t#ings 3orse< to perpetuate a

    c%c$e o #u!an acti/it% o$$o3ed (% eco$ogica$ disaster o$$o3ed (% #u!an inter/ention o$$o3ed (% a ne3 disaster o

    anot#er kind. In act. it 3ou$d appear t#at our tr%ing to do t#ings. c#ange t#ings. i t#ings cannot (e t#e so$ution< (ecause itis part o t#e pro($e! itse$. @ut< i 3e cannot act to so$/e 4ur pro($e!s< 3#at s#ou$d 3e do.

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    242365613.doc DDI 2010



    The ,ffirmati/e" ro'$emASo$!tio% i%d"et ;e%erate" a De"tr!cti/e Di"ta%ci%g from Earth.

    c#horter 92 FLade$$e< Heidegger and t#e 0art# 0ssa%s in 0n/iron!enta$ '#i$osop#%< T#o!as Beerson >ni/ersit% 'ress< pg./iii

    In V0art#)T#inking and Transor!ation

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    242365613.doc DDI 2010



    The ,ffirmati/e" ,ttemt to B*ee%t for o!r #ro%g Doi%g" o% Earth+Thi" !"tifie" a%d Co%ti%!e"

    the Ca$c!$ati/e Tho!ght" that ir"t ;e%erated The"e #ro%g".

    c#horter 92FLade$$e< Heidegger and t#e 0art# 0ssa%s in 0n/iron!enta$ '#i$osop#%< T#o!as Beerson >ni/ersit% 'ress< pg./iii

    T#e irst essa%< VGui$t as Manage!ent Tec#no$og%; A Ca$$ to Heideggerian -e$ection.V gi/es an o/er/ie3 o HeideggerUst#inking on tec#no$og% and discusses HeideggerUs ca$$ or re$ection as opposed to instru!enta$ or ca$cu$ati/e t#inking

    a(out t#e eart#. It careu$$% distinguis#es re$ection. in HeideggerUs sense. ro! !ora$ stock)taking or et#ica$ udg!ent. In

    act< it suggests t#at !ora$ discourse and practice are t#e!se$/es or!s o tec#no$og%. sets o tec#niDues or !aintaining

    contro$ o/er se$ and ot#er. As suc#< !ora$it% s#o3s itse$ as a danger. as part o t#e tec#no$ogica$. ca$cu$ati/e. !anageria$

    t#inking t#at current$% endangers t#e eart# itse$. T#e essa% c$oses 3it# a kind o 3arning.Ifit is t#e case t#at !ora$it% is

    part o tec#no$ogica$ discourse and practice rat#er t#an a separa($e discourse 3#ose purpose is critiDue. t#en !ora$

    conde!nation and !ora$ gui$t are reinstantiations o t#e ca$cu$ati/e. T#us< our tendenc% to ee$ gui$t% a(out our treat!ento t#e eart# is not a c#ange o #eart (ut is rat#er a perpetuation o #u!an do!ination

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    The ,ffirmati/e" ,ctio% i" oti/ated '7 a ;!i$t that Ide%tifie" ;reater a%ageme%t a" the So$!tio% to

    the ro'$em" ;e%erated '7 i"ma%ageme%t+Thi" Tech%o$ogica$ Tho!ght &%$7 *eAe%tre%che" Imact".

    c#horter 92 FLade$$e< Heidegger and t#e 0art# 0ssa%s in 0n/iron!enta$ '#i$osop#%< T#o!as Beerson >ni/ersit% 'ress< pgs.8)9

    T#ereore. 3#en 3e react to pro($e!s $ike eco$ogica$ crises (% retreating into t#e a!i$iar disco!ort o our estern senseo gui$t. 3e are not p$acing ourse$/es in opposition to tec#no$ogica$ t#inking and its ug$% conseDuences. 4n t#e contrar%. 3e

    are si!p$% reasserting our tec#no$ogica$ drea! o perect !anageria$ contro$. Ho3 soU 4ur gui$t proesses ourU enduring

    ait# in t#e !anageria$ drea! (% insisting t#at a$$ pro($e!s ) pro($e!s $ike oi$ spi$$s. acid rain. ground3ater po$$ution. t#e

    etinction o 3#a$es. t#e destruction o t#e oone. t#e rain orests. t#e 3et$ands ) $ie si!p$% in !is!anage!ent or in aai$ure to !anage Fto !anage ourse$/es in t#is case and (% reair!ing to ourse$/es t#at i 3e #ad used our po3er to

    !anage our (e#a/ior (etter in t#e irst p$ace 3e cou$d #a/e a/oided t#is !ess. In ot#er 3ords< 3#en 3e respond to

    HeideggerUs ca$$ (% indu$ging in ee$ings o gui$t a(out #o3 3e #a/e (een treating t#e o(ect ean#. 3e are rea$$% ust te$$ing

    ourse$/es #o3 tru$% po3eru$ 3e< as agents< are. e are te$$ing ourse$/es t#at 3e rea$$% cou$d #a/e done dierent$% 3e #adt#e po3er to !ake t#ings 3ork< i on$% 3e #ad stuck c$oser to t#e princip$es o good !anage!ent. And in so sa%ing 3e are

    in %et a ne3 and !ore stu((orn 3a% reusing to #ear t#e rea$ !essage. t#e !essage t#at #u!an (eings are not< ne/er #a/e

    (een. and ne/er can (e in co!p$ete contro$. t#at t#e drea! o t#at sort o !anageria$ o!nipotence is itse$ t#e /er% danger

    o 3#ic# Heidegger 3arns. T#us gui$t ) as air!ation o #u!an agentia$ po3er o/er against passi/e !atter ) is ust anot#er

    3a% o co/ering o/er t#e !%ster%. T#us gui$t is ust anot#er 3a% o reusing to ace t#e act t#at 3e #u!an (eings are initeand t#at 3e !ust (egin to $i/e 3it# t#e eart# instead o tr%ing to !aintain tota$ contro$. Gui$t is part and parce$ o a

    !anageria$ approac# to t#e 3or$d

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    Imact+Tech Tho!ght

    Tech%o$ogica$ Thi%:i%g &rder" ,$$ -ei%g") *e"!$ti%g i% the Commodificatio% a%d rod!cti"atio% of a$$

    ,"ect" of 8ife) rom Nat!re to C!$t!re to #eao%r7.

    oro%e%< Mikko. =epart!ent o Geograp#%< >ni/ersit% o Turku. 200. ?T#e Age o '$anetar% *pace; 4n Heidegger< @eing< andMetap#%sics o G$o(a$iation. #ttps;::333.doria.i:!$ui:(itstrea!:#and$e:1&&2:66,++:Anna$esAII25,Boronen.pdseDuenceE1

    According$%< Heidegger understands !odern tec#no$og% a(o/e a$$ as a !etap#%sica$ proect. Modern tec#no$ogica$ de/ices

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    Imact+*aci"m a%d Se=i"m

    The 8ogic of Ca$c!$ati/e Tho!ght ;e%erate" *aci"m a%d Se=i"m.

    c#horter 92 FLade$$e< Heidegger and t#e 0art# 0ssa%s in 0n/iron!enta$ '#i$osop#%< T#o!as Beerson >ni/ersit% 'ress< pg. ,T#ose o us 3#o are 3#ite kno3 t#is strateg% /er% 3e$$. conronted 3it# our racis!< 3e respond not (% 3orking to

    dis!ant$e t#e structures t#at perpetuate racis! (ut rat#er (% ee$ing gui$t%. 4ur energ% goes into se$)re(uke< and t#e

    pro($e!s pointed out to us (eco!e so painu$ or us to conte!p$ate t#at 3e keep our distance ro! t#e!. T#roug# gui$t 3epara$%e ourse$/es. T#us gui$t is a !ar/e$ous strateg% or !aintaining t#e 3#ite racist se$. T#ose o us 3#o are 3o!en

    #a/e so!eti!es 3atc#ed t#is strateg% e!p$o%ed (% t#e caring< $i(era$)!inded !en in our $i/es. #en 3e #a/e eposed

    seis!< pressed our criticis!s and our c$ai!s< 3e #a/e seen suc# !en ) t#e UgoodU !en< (% ar t#e !ost responsi/e !en )

    de$ate. apo$ogie< and ask us to orgi/e. @ut se$do! #a/e 3e seen #onest atte!pts at c#ange. Instead 3e #a/e seen gui$tdep$o%ed as a cr% or !erc% or pit% on t#e status Duo and 3#en pit% is not ort#co!ing 3e #a/e seen gui$t turn to rage< and

    3e #a/e #eard !en ask< V#% are %ou punis#ing usV T#e pri!ar% issue t#en (eco!es t#e need to attend to t#e ee$ings o

    t#ose criticied rat#er t#an to t#eir oppressi/e institutions and (e#a/iors. Gui$t t#us protects t#e gui$t%. Gui$t is a acet o

    po3er it is not a reordering o po3er or a signa$ o oppressionUs end. Gui$t is one o t#e !odern !anageria$ se$Us!aneu/ers o se$)deense. 4 course gui$t does not ee$ t#at 3a%. It ee$s $ike so!et#ing unc#osen< so!et#ing 3e undergo.

    It ee$s !uc# !ore $ike se$)a(use t#an se$)deense. @ut 3e are s#aped< inor!ed. produced in our /er% se$/es (% t#e sa!e

    orces o #istor% t#at #a/e created ca$cu$ati/e< tec#no$ogica$ re/ea$ing. Ine/ita($%< 3#ene/er 3e are conronted 3it# t#e

    unaccepta(i$it% o 3#at is oundationa$ or our $i/es< t#ose oundations eert orce to protect t#e!se$/es. T#e eertionni/ersit% o Turku. Marc# 200. ?T#e tec#no$ogica$ !etap#%sics o p$anetar% space(eing in t#e age o g$o(a$iation. 0n/iron!ent and '$anning =; *ociet% and *pace.


    it#out a Duestion concerning (eing< !etap#%sics is a$3a%s una3are o its !on) u!enta$ c#aracter. As a !onu!ent

    grounds itse$ upon a ina$ conc$usion a(out t#e (eing o a$$ (eings< and t#us at t#e sa!e ti!e /ei$s t#e Duestion o (eing

    into o($i/ion. A$$ !etap#%sics< per#aps unkno3ing$% (ut a$3a%s necessari$%< depends on (eing. In !etap#%sics< (eing is

    (ound to signi% (eings as a 3#o$e< t#e (eing o a$$ (eings as suc#. Metap#%sica$ t#inking is !es!eried (% (eings ($indsus 3it# (eings< and t#us o(scures t#e Duestion o (eing as suc#. >$ti!ate$%< !etap#%sica$ t#inking $eads into t#e

    orgetu$ness o (eing. Ho3e/er< i t#inking is a3are o t#e onto$ogica$ dierence (et3een (eing and (eings Fentities t#e

    act t#at (eing is not a c#aracteristic o (eings< at $east not in a sense o per!anent endurance o t#e i!!anent (eco!es

    possi($e to gain an understanding t#at is not tainted (% !etap#%sics. T#ose 3a%s o t#inking in turn t#at do not pose (eing)#istorica$ Duestions a(out t#e o3n !ost opening o g$o(a$iation< (ut rat#er take so!e su(stantia$ notion o (eing or t#eir

    unda!enta$ starting point< necessari$% s#are t#e !etap#%sica$ conception o (eing< and t#us a !etap#%sica$ deter!ination

    o t#e do!ain o g$o(a$iation Feg =oe$< 1996< page 2, Le/inas< 1996< page 28 *!it#< 2&&+< page 8.

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    , Hi"torica$ Critici"m that *ecog%ie" the i%it!de of ,$$ -ei%g" Thro!gh Terre"tria$ E=i"te%ce i" ,'$e to

    Cha$$e%ge the etah7"ica$ Co%ditio%" that Created $a%etar7 Domi%atio%.

    oro%e%< Mikko. =epart!ent o Geograp#%< >ni/ersit% o Turku. 200. ?T#e Age o '$anetar% *pace; 4n Heidegger< @eing< andMetap#%sics o G$o(a$iation. #ttps;::333.doria.i:!$ui:(itstrea!:#and$e:1&&2:66,++:Anna$esAII25,Boronen.pdseDuenceE1

    4ut o t#is t3oo$d a!(iguit% o t#e 0/ent Fi.e. t#e #istorica$ and t#e onto$ogica$< t#e $ast t3o 'arts o t#e t#esis ep$icate

    t#e e!ergence o t#e p$anetar% s3a% o tec#no$ogica$ !ac#ination irst$% Fin 'art II< (% discussing t#e onto$ogica$

    conditions< c#aracteristics< and conte!porar% guises t#roug# 3#ic# t#e 0/ent o p$anetar% uno$ding takes p$ace< and

    second$% Fin 'art III< (% ep$oring t#e #istorica$ preparation o t#e onto$ogica$ $i!its and conditions constituti/e or suc# ap$anetar% e/ent. T#us< ater discussing t#e perspecti/es opened up (% t#e t3oo$d a!(iguit% o t#e 0/ent o uno$ding in

    'art I< a reading concerning t#e onto$og% o g$o(a$iation F'art II and t#e genea$og% o suc# a p$anetar% uno$ding F'art III

    3i$$ (e oered. 4ut o t#ese $ines an atte!pt 3i$$ (e !ade in 'art II to discuss t#e re$e/ant notions o Heidegger< suc# as

    t#e JgiganticK Fdas -iesen#ate< t#e Jg$o(eK F0rd(a$$< t#e J3or$d)pictureK Fe$t)@i$d and t#e circu$ar J!ig#tK FMac#t oco!!anding and ordering< in re$ation to t#e !ode o re/ea$ing constituti/e or t#e conte!porar% 0/ent o g$o(a$iation.

    o$$o3ing t#is< in 'art III t#e ocus 3i$$ (e !ore upon t#e #istorica$ onto$og% o spatia$ conditions; 3#en 'art II traces t#e

    p$anetar% uno$ding (ack to its grounding conditions< 'art III s#o3s #o3 t#ese conditions irst e!erged in t#e da3n o

    !odernit%< a$t#oug# t#e% 3ere a$read% initiated (% t#e unda!enta$ preparations !ade e/er since ancient Greek t#inking.As t#e sentences a(o/e s#o3< t#e J(eing)#istorica$K ep$oration o t#e conte!porar% constitution o spatia$ re$ations aords

    an #istorica$ critiDue o t#e present onto$og%< a critiDue (ased on a s#o3ing o t#e $i!its o onto$ogica$ oundations

    constituti/e or t#e p$anetar% age. In addition to its !an% (eneits< suc# a critiDue o t#e onto$ogica$ underpinnings op$anetar% !ac#ination !a% a$so oer an i!portant onto$ogica$ addition to t#e eisting critiDues o g$o(a$iation F*ee or

    instance @anuri 199& Hirst [ T#o!pson 1996 Hardt [ Negri 2&&& Ta%$or 2&&& =icken 2&& irno 2&& Har/e% 2&&5

    Nanc% 2&&, =oe$ 2&&9 Morin 2&&9. T#us< t#e present inDuir% o t#e onto$ogica$ conditions o p$anetar% uno$ding

    signiies an onto)#istorica$ critiDue< a critiDue t#at is (ased on a s#o3ing o t#e genea$ogica$ nature and t#us o t#eonto$ogica$$% inite c#aracter o t#e grounding conditions o p$anetar% uno$ding. It is precise$% t#e disco/er% o t#e initude

    o a$$ grounds o (eing t#at sets t#e onto$ogica$ ra!e3ork o tec#no$ogica$ !ac#ination arig#t; (% recogniing t#e initude

    o t#e pre/ai$ing !ode o (eing as !ac#ination< 3e are a($e sense its $i!its< re$ease its #o$d< and e/entua$$% recognie its

    originar% #appening as a inite 0/ent o (eing. *uc# ep$oration o t#e #istor% o (eing t#ere(% presents a critica$ea!ination as 3e$$ as an o/erco!ing o t#e #istor% o t#ose !etap#%sica$$% constituti/e conditions t#at t#roug# a

    succession o inite e/ents #a/e prepared t#e conte!porar% epoc# o p$anetar% !ac#ination. A$toget#er< suc# a critiDue

    inc$udes a recognition o t#e $i!its o t#e constituti/e conditions o present uno$ding< a s#o3ing o t#eir #istorica$ descent

    and initude< and t#ereore< an a(andon!ent o t#e onto$ogica$ /io$ence proposed (% a$$ !etap#%sica$ groundings< t#e sorto onto$ogica$ J0g%ptianis!K t#at Nietsc#e deined as #onoring o a t#ing (% de)#istoria$iing it FNietsc#e 2&&9;16.

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    ;ro!%di%g &%to$ogica$ I%/e"tigatio% to Earth i" Critica$ to Cha$$e%gi%g Tech%o$ogica$ Tho!ght. #hi$e

    Sace Tra/e$ *ed!ce" the #or$d to a Serie" Ca$c!$atio%") &%$7 the Earth ro/ide" Tr!e &%to$ogica$


    T!r%'!$$< Nei$. *enior Lecturer in '#i$osop#% and *ocia$ T#eor% at Notting#a! Trent >ni/ersit%. 2&06. ?T#e 4nto$ogica$ConseDuences o Copernicus; G$o(a$ @eing in t#e '$anetar% or$d. T#eor%< Cu$ture [ *ociet%. o$. 2+F1;125)1+9.More genera$$%< #o3e/er< as t#e /a$idit% o t#e su(ecti/ist notions o J3or$dK deri/ed ro! t#e 0n$ig#ten!ent 3ere s$o3$%

    eroded (% !odern scienceKs Jo(ecti/eK !at#e!atica$ 3or$ds< t#e /er% idea o t#e 3or$d< as Heidegger o(ser/ed< 3as

    rendered pro($e!atic. it# t#e e!ergence o p#%sica$ science< t#e 3or$d is reduced to t#e status o a JpictureK and< as suc#ni/ersit% 'ress< pgs./ii)/iii

    #en 3e atte!pt to t#ink eco$ogica$$% and 3it#in HeideggerUs discourse For per#aps (etter; 3#en 3e atte!pt to t#inkHeidegger$% 3it#in eco$ogica$ concerns< t#e paradoica$ uno$ds at t#e site o t#e Duestion o #u!an action. T#inking

    eco$ogica$$% ) t#at is< t#inking t#e eart# in our ti!e ) !eans t#inking deat# it !eans t#inking catastrop#e it !eans t#inking

    t#e possi(i$it% o utter anni#i$ation not ust or #u!an (eing (ut or a$$ t#at $i/es on t#is p$anet and or t#e $i/ing p$anet

    itse$. T#inking t#e eart# in our ti!e !eans t#inking 3#at presents itse$ as t#at 3#ic# !ust not (e a$$o3ed to go on< as t#at3#ic# !ust (e contro$$ed< as t#at 3#ic# !ust (e stopped. *uc# t#inking see!s to ca$$ or i!!ediate action. T#ere is no

    ti!e to $ose. e !ust 3ork or c#ange< seek so$utions< cur( appetites< reduce epectations< ind cures now,(eore t#e

    pro($e!s (eco!e greater t#an an%oneUs a(i$it% to so$/e t#e! ) i t#e% #a/e not a$read% done so. Ho3e/er< in t#e !idst o

    t#is urgenc%< t#inking eco$ogica$$%< t#inking Heidegger$%< !eans ret#inking t#e /er% notion o #u!an action. It!eansp$acing in Duestion our t%pica$ estern !anageria$ approac# to pro($e!s< our propensit% or tec#no$ogica$ inter/ention< our

    (e$ie in #u!an cogniti/e po3er< our co!!it!ent to a !etap#%sics t#at p$aces acti/e #u!an (eing o/er against passi/e

    nature. or it is t#e t#oug#t$ess dep$o%!ent o t#ese approac#es and notions t#at #as (roug#t us to t#e point o eco$ogica$

    catastrop#e in t#e irst p$ace. T#inking 3it# Heidegger< t#inking Heidegger$% and eco$ogica$$%< !eans< paradoica$$%< acting

    to p$ace in Duestion t#e acting su(ect< 3i$$ing a disp$acing o our 3i$$ to action it !eans ca$$ing ourse$/es as se$/es toret#ink our /er% se$/es< insoar as se$#ood in t#e est is constituted as agent< as actor< as contro$$ing ego< as kno3ing

    consciousness. HeideggerUs 3ork ca$$s us not to rus# in 3it# Duick so$utions< not to act decisi/e$% to put an end to

    de$i(eration. (ut rat#er to t#ink< to tarr% 3it# t#inking uno$ding itse$< to re$ease ourse$/es to t#inking 3it#out pro/ision orpredeter!ined ai!.

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    ,2 erm

    1. The $a% a%d the ,$ter%ati/e are !t!a$$7 E=c$!"i/e+The $a% *e$ie" o% Ca$c!$atio% #hi$e the

    ,$ter%ati/e i" the Nece""ar7 &o"ite. The erm Se/er" from the $a%" !"tificatio%" a%d ,ctio%)

    S:ewi%g Negati/e Strateg7 a%d Damagi%g air%e"". That" a Voter for air%e"" a%d Ed!catio%.

    2. erm ai$"+The ,$ter%ati/e *e@!ire" Co%"ta%t *ef$ectio% a%d *e(ectio% of Tech%o$ogica$ Tho!ght+

    The erm -rea:" thi" C7c$e a%d re/e%t" &%to$ogica$ ,!the%ticit7.

    c#horter 92 FLade$$e< Heidegger and t#e 0art# 0ssa%s in 0n/iron!enta$ '#i$osop#%< T#o!as Beerson >ni/ersit% 'ress< pg. 2*o!e !ig#t ind t#is unnecessari$% #ars#. e acade!icians !a% 3is# to contest t#e accusation. *ure$%. in t#e uni/ersities o

    a$$ p$aces. t#inking is going on. @ut Heidegger #ad no respect or t#at or an% ot#er kind o co!p$acenc%. T#e t#inking #e

    sa3 as essentia$ is no !ore $ike$%< per#aps unortunate$%< to (e ound in uni/ersities or a!ong p#i$osop#ers t#an an%3#ere e$se.

    or t#e t#inking #e sa3 as essentia$ is not t#e si!p$e a!assing and digesting o acts or e/en t#e !astering o co!p$e

    re$ations#ips or t#e producing o e/er !ore po3eru$ and inc$usi/e t#eories. T#e t#inking Heidegger sa3 as essentia$. t#et#inking #is 3orks ca$$ us to< is not a t#inking t#at seeks to !aster an%t#ing< not a t#inking t#at resu$ts ro! a dri/e to grasp

    and kno3 and s#ape t#e 3or$d it is a t#inking t#at discip$ines itse$ to a$$o3 t#e 3or$d ) t#e eart#< t#ings ) to s#o3

    t#e!se$/es on t#eir o3n ter!s. Heidegger ca$$ed t#is kind o t#inking Ure$ectionU. In 19+6 #e 3rote. V-e$ection is t#e

    courage to !ake t#e trut# o our o3n presuppositions and t#e rea$! o our o3n goa$s into t#e t#ings t#at !ost deser/e to (e

    ca$$ed in Duestion -e$ection is t#inking t#at ne/er rests co!p$acent$% in t#e conc$usions reac#ed %esterda% it is t#inkingt#at continues to t#ink< t#at ne/er stops 3it# a satisied s!i$e and announces; e can cease 3e #a/e t#e rig#t ans3er no3.

    4n t#e contrar%. it is t#inking t#at $o/es its o3n $ie. its o3n occurring. t#at does not Duick$% put a stop to itse$. as t#inking

    intent on a Duick so$ution a$3a%s tries to do.

    3. The erm" Net -e%efit ro/e" the erm 8i%:"+Their De"ire for ,ctio% i" a *e(ectio% of &%to$ogica$

    %der"ta%di%g. *e(ecti%g thi" Dri/e i" the &%$7 #a7 to Di"co/er ,!the%tic -ei%g. That" o!r

    a$ter%ati/e+c#horter i% 92.

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    ,2 ,$ter%ati/e Imo""i'$e

    Doi%g Nothi%g i" E""e%tia$ to *e"i"t the Ca$c!$ati/e Tho!ght+it i" ,'$e to *e"i"t E/e% the Stro%ge"t

    Ca$$" to ,ctio%.

    c#horter 92 FLade$$e< Heidegger and t#e 0art# 0ssa%s in 0n/iron!enta$ '#i$osop#%< T#o!as Beerson >ni/ersit% 'ress< pg. 6),

    T#is !anageria$. tec#no$ogica$ !ode o re/ea$ing< Heidegger sa%s< is e!(edded in and constituti/e o estern cu$ture and#as (een gat#ering strengt# or centuries. No3 it is 3e$$ on its 3a% to etinguis#ing a$$ ot#er !odes o re/ea$ing< a$$ ot#er

    3a%s o (eing #u!an and (eing eart#. It 3i$$ take tre!endous eort to t#ink t#roug# t#is danger. to t#ink past it and

    (e%ond. tre!endous courage and reso$/e to a$$o3 t#oug#t o t#e !%ster% to co!e ort# t#oug#t o t#e ine/ita(i$it%< a$ong

    3it# re/ea$ing< o concea$!ent. 4 $oss< o ignorance t#oug#t o t#e occurring o t#ings and t#eir passage as e/ents notu$ti!ate$% under #u!an contro$. And o course e/en t#e ca$$ to a$$o3 t#is t#inking ) couc#ed as it so oten !ust (e in a

    gra!!atica$ i!perati/e appea$ing to an agent ) is itse$ a parado< t#e irstU t#at !ust (e aced and a$$o3ed to speak to us

    and to s#atter us as it scatters t#inking in ne3 directions< directions o 3#ic# 3e #a/e not %et drea!ed< directions o 3#ic#

    3e !a% ne/er drea!. And s#attered 3e !a% (e< or our se$)understanding is at stake in act. our /er% se$/esse$/esengineered (% t#e tec#no$ogies o po3er t#at s#aped< t#at are< !odernit% ) are at stake. An% t#inking t#at t#reatens t#e

    notion o #u!an (eing as !odernit% #as posited it ) as rationa$$% se$ interested indi/idua$< as se$)possessed (earer o rig#ts

    and o($igations< as acti/e !enta$ and !ora$ agent ) is t#inking t#at t#reatens our /er% (eing< t#e conigurations o

    su(ecti/e eistence in our age. T#ose conigurations o orces 3i$$ resist t#is t#inking. T#eir resistance 3i$$ occur in !an%

    or!s. Ho3e/er. one o t#e !ost co!!on 3a%s t#at !ode! ca$cu$ati/e se$#ood 3i$$ atte!pt to reinstate itse$ in t#e aceo HeideggerUs paradoica$ ca$$ to t#ink t#e eart# is (% e!p$o%ing a strateg% t#at #as 3orked so 3e$$ so !an% ti!es (eore;

    it 3i$$ ee$ gui$t%

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    ,2 ,$ter%ati/e Ca!"a$itie"

    &%to$ogica$ Domi%atio% i" rior to a$$ other Co%"ideratio%"+Socia$) o$itica$) or Eco%omic %iformit7

    &cc!r i% the -ac:gro!%d of Tech%o$ogica$ Tho!ght.

    I$harco< ernando M. Assistant 'roessor or t#e *c#oo$ o Hu!an *ciences at t#e Cat#o$ic >ni/ersit% o 'ortuga$. 2003. ?T#eG$o(a$iation o 0/er%t#ing or Ge-stell(% 4t#er Na!e; A '#eno!eno$ogica$ Ana$%sis o Inor!ation Tec#no$og%.

    #ttp;::333.ucp.pt:site:resources:docu!ents:CH:X2&I$#arco:siteX2&T#eX2&G$o(a$isationX2&oX2&0/er%t#ingY*'H*.pdT#e paper #as s#o3ed< #opeu$$%< t#at IT and g$o(a$iation essentia$$% are t#e sa!e p#eno!enon an onto$ogica$

    p#eno!enon t#at addresses (eing)in)t#e)3or$d. IT:g$o(a$iation addresses #u!an on going adust!ent to t#e 3or$d and

    t#us it eatures do!ination o/er !eaning in t#at it is t#e essentia$ uno$ding o t#e onto$ogica$ re/ea$ing t#at ru$es our

    epoc#. As an appearance o Ge)ste$$ g$o(a$iation is t#e $ogos< t#e ground or action< against 3#ic# 3#at appears appears.G$o(a$iation !eans< rigorous$%< t#e g$o(a$iation o e/er%t#ing. As suc#< as a p#eno!enon 3it# !etap#%sica$ contours. o *usse< 199>< C%nicis! and 'ost!odernit%< Ne3 Sork Cit%; erso< p. 195)6=espite t#e di$igence and t#e ster$ing eorts o its (est t#eoreti cians< t#en< it see!s t#at post!odernis! #as actua$$%

    (eco!e so!et#ing. Its principa$ c#aracteristic is t#e retreat ro! and disa/o3a$ o t#e /io$ence o representation ) (ot#po$itica$ and se!iotic. T#ere are t#ree urt#er aspects to t#is essentia$$% igno!inious cu$tura$ operation; Fi a cu$ti/ation o

    stupidit% F3#at I #a/e ca$$ed 7e$/inis!< or U!etap#%sica$ innocenceU as a !eans o circu!/enting t#e ideationa$ U(ruta$it%U

    o t#e po$itica$ $ie Fii a recourse to t#e idea o an interna$ or su(ecti/e Utrut# o t#e sou$U 3#ic# transcends po$itica$ rea$it%. o *usse< 199>< C%nicis! and 'ost!odernit%< Ne3 Sork Cit%; erso< p. 16),I it is unreasona($e to suppose t#at t#e ina$ *o$ution 3as potentiated or e/en necessari$% aci$itated (% *c#!ittUs t#eoriesni/. o Ne3cast$e< Mora$ *paces< p. 6),

    T#at undecida(i$it% resides 3it#in t#e decision< =errida argues< Vt#at ustice eceeds $a3 and ca$cu$ation< t#at t#eunpresenta($e eceeds t#e deter!ina($e cannot and s#ou$d not ser/e as a$i(i or sta%ing out o uridico)po$itica$ (att$es