Daily routine

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Daily routine

Daily routine


• get up felkel• have a shower zuhanyzik• get dressed felöltözik• wash my face arcot mos• have breakfast reggelizik• eat a sandwich szendvicset eszik• drink tea or cocoa teát vagy kakaót iszik• clean my teeth fogat mos• go to school on foot/by car/by bike iskolába megy

• learn at school tanul• have a break szünetet tart• have lunch ebédel• do homework házit készít• from…to/from 2 to 4tól…ig• play computer games számítógéppel

játszik• watch TV TV-t néz• listen to music zenét hallgat

• have dinner vacsorázik

• read a book könyvet olvas

• have a shower/have a bath zuhanyzik/fürdik

• sleep alszik

• after utána

• before előtte

• then azután


• in 1982 at 9 o’clock• in March at night• in the afternoon at midday• in the evening at Easter• in the morning at Christmas

• on Monday• on Tuesday• on my birthday

I get up at 6 o’clock.

I get dressed.

I wash my face.

I have breakfast at 6.30.

After breakfast I clean my teeth.

Then I go to school.

I learn at school.

I have lunch at 12. 30.

I do my homework from 2 to 4.

Then I play computer games.

I play football at 5 o’clock.

I have dinner at 6.

Then I have a shower.

I watch TV from 7 to 8.

Before I go to bed I read a book.

I sleep at night.