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Para alumnos con INGLÉS de

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Plazo de entrega 29 mayo 2020, 15:00h.

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IES Tirant lo Blanc, Elche. 2019-2020 Departamento de INGLÉS


Performing arts

1. Complete the text.

Shelly Shakespeare's

a 1play__ __ __ __ __ __. At the moment

she's writing about

a 2co__ __ __ __ __ __ __. He's also

a 3b__ __ __ __ __ dancer. One night

he's dancing on a small 4st__ __ __. He

falls on top of the 5au__ __ __ __ __ __.

Shelley Shakespeare's new 6p__ __ __ is

called Tonight I Fall.

Performing arts

2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box..

• audition • choreographer • live

• orchestra • performance • rehearsals

1. A lot of actors want an ___________________ for Shelley Shakespeare's play.

2. Shelley also needs musicians for the ___________________.

3. She doesn't want recorded music, she wants ___________________ music.

4. Shelley's looking for a ___________________ to plan the dance moves.

5. Before the play starts, they'll have four weeks of ___________________.

6. The first ___________________ will be in four weeks and two days at the Royal


Musical instruments

3. Complete the crossword.


3. A ___________________ is made of metal. You blow into it and press the metal keys.

5. A sax player is someone who plays the ___________________.


1. The ___________________ is the largest musical instrument of the violin family.

2. A ___________________ is made of a wooden or plastic tube. You blow down this and

cover the holes with your fingers.

4. A trombonist is someone who plays the ___________________.

6. An ___________________ is shaped like a box. You hold it in your hands to play it.

The orchestra

4. Complete the table with the instruments in the box.

• cello • piano • steel drums • tambourine • clarinet • saxophone

• double bass • recorder • trombone • accordion


Verbs + -ing form

1. Complete the dialogue.

• can't • enjoy • hate • like • mind • prefer

Sabina I 1enjoy going to the beach on holiday. It's really good.

Tom The beach is cool, but I 2___________________ going to the mountains. It's

nicer there.

Sabina We never go to the mountains because my mum 3___________________ stand

it. She's afraid of heights.

Tom I also 4___________________ relaxing at home for a few days. That's fun.

Sabina Not for me! I 5___________________ staying at home. It's horrible. But I

don't 6___________________ going to my cousin's house. That's OK.

Prepositions + -ing form

2. Correct three of the sentences.

1. Tom's good at languages.


2. Sabina and Thelma are interested of holidays.


3. They aren't afraid in anything.


4. Tom's hopeless on doing homework.


5. Sabina's serious about rugby.


Verbs + infinitive

3. Write complete sentences.

1. Martina / hope / travel / around the world


2. Kate and Danny / would like / be / dancers


3. Joseph / not plan / study / Maths


4. he / would not like / work / a bank


5. she / want / be / an artist


have to: present and past

4. Circle the correct option.

Hi Jessie,

How are you? I'm fine, but very busy. On Friday we 1doesn't have to / don't have to go to

school because it's a holiday, but we 2have to / had to do extra homework the teacher has

given us! Last week my grandmother visited us. We 3had to / haved to paint the walls.

We 4had to / didn't have to cut the grass because we haven't got a garden. When your gran

came did you 5had to / have to prepare a bedroom for her? We did! And it was a mess! Now

my dad says that I 6has to / have to clean the room before I watch the TV!! That's not fair!


can and mustn't

5. Complete with can or mustn't

The best thing about my job is that I don't have to get up early like many other people.

Instead of six or seven o'clock, I 1___________________ get up at nine or ten each

morning! I 2___________________ stay in bed too late though, because I have to go to the

swimming pool to start training. Training is very important – I 3___________________ miss

even one day! I have to be careful what I eat, too – like all sportsmen and women I have to

control my diet – I 4___________________ eat too much or too little. As professionals,

we 5___________________ travel all over the world and enjoy a great lifestyle, but it's

not always an easy life. We 6___________________ forget that what we do is a job, not a



Places in a village

1. Complete the sentences.

1. Jack goes running every day. He runs along the p___________________ beside the


2. He runs through the fi___________________ so he can smell the flowers.

3. He loves jumping over the f___________________.

4. He runs up the h___________________.

5. He stops at the c___________________ to drink some water.

6. Then he goes home over the b___________________.

Places in a village

2. Match the words with the descriptions.

1. a wood __

2. a stream __

3. a gate __

4. a signpost __

5. a farmhouse __

6. a church __

a. This opens and closes like a door.

b. A farmer normally lives here.

c. This is a building for religious activities.

d. This is an area of land covered with trees.

e. This is next to the road. It gives information about distances.

f. This is a small river.


3. Circle the correct option.

1. Clothes that are made of glass / silk / wood are usually very soft.

2. Windows are normally made of metal / silver / glass.

3. You can find fashionable leather / metal / wooden jackets in the shops.

4. Supermarkets shouldn't use so many wooden / plastic / metal bags.

5. They cut down a tree and made a lot of wooden / silver / silk tables.

6. My dad's wedding ring's made of silver / plastic / leather. It's an expensive ring.


4. Complete the crossword.


2. She loves sleeping with bed sheets made of ___________________.

4. Nessa's got a beautiful ___________________ watch.

6. She's also got a big ___________________ blanket so she won't get cold.


1. When it rains she covers the bike with a big ___________________ bag.

3. Her bike's made of ___________________.

5. Nessa's also got a pair of ___________________ trousers. She wears them to discos.


Past simple vs. past continuous

1. Correct four of the sentences.

1. When I arrived at the castle, Countess Draculita was giving food to her cat.


2. While we ate, I suddenly saw her nails.


3. I was walking up the stairs when the cat was jumping at me.


4. While I sat on my bed, someone downstairs called my name.


5. I was going to the living room when I was seeing a child.


6. When I walked into the living room, everyone shouted 'SURPRISE!'


Past simple vs. past continuous

2. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in the box. There is an extra verb.

• arrive • come • cry • fall • hear • jump • see • try

Journalist's notes

A man saw the Hotel Heart ghost last night. He was entering his room, when suddenly the

ghost 1___________________ in front of him. He stayed calm while the

ghost 2___________________ to scare him. The other guests were sleeping when suddenly

they 3___________________ a very loud noise. The guest, Mr Declan Daniels, said 'I was

running after the ghost, when suddenly the ghost 4___________________ and shouted. I

called the police while the ghost 5___________________ on the floor. When the

police 6___________________, everybody congratulated Mr Daniels. They said he was a

brave man.

used to

3. Write sentences with used to or didn't use to.

1. When my mum was four, she / dance on her kitchen table


2. She / not eat / her vegetables


3. My mum / play with cars


4. She / not play / with dolls


5. My mum / go swimming with her brother


6. They / not write / emails. They didn't exist!


used to: questions

4. Write the questions to complete the dialogue.

Sean 1where / your grandparents / live?


Celina Sean They used to live in London. 2you / visit them when you were young?


Celina Sean Yes, I did. We saw them every week. 3what / you / do with them?


Celina We used to go for walks and play in the park. They were both actors.

Sean 4your grandparents / have fans?


Celina Yes, my grandfather used to have fans. He was very famous.

Sean 5you / go to their plays?


Celina Yes, I did. I used to see a lot of them.



1. Complete the sentences.

1. We booked a t___________________ to Mexico City.

2. We planned a r___________________ from Mexico City to Oaxaca.

3. The night before we left we packed a really big b___________________.

4. We s___________________ at some cool youth hostels.

5. In Oaxaca, we h___________________ bicycles.

6. We went s___________________g almost every day.

2. Match the phrases.

1. check a. nice photos

2. take b. off on a journey

3. buy c. at the hotel

4. setting d. hiking

5. go e. nice guidebooks

6. check in f. the weather forecast

3. Complete with the phrases in exercise 2.

1. You can ______________________________________ to know more about your

holiday destination.

2. If you ______________________________________ on the Pyrenees, you should


3. ______________________________________ is a fantastic feeling. Holidays are

about to start!

4. The first thing to do when you get to the place is


5. Don't forget your camera to ______________________________________.

British vs. American English

4. Complete with the British English words.

(Tourist = American; Guide = British)

Tourist My room's on the first floor.

Guide Well, we call it the 1___________________.

Tourist Anyway, I don't have to use the elevator.

Guide No, you don't have to use the 2___________________.

Tourist Where do I put the garbage?

Guide In the 3___________________ bin.

Tourist The sidewalk is crowded.

Guide Yes, the 4___________________ is full of people.

Tourist I need to buy some pants.

Guide You mean some 5___________________.

Tourist Hey, is that a gas station?

Guide Yes, but we call it a 6___________________.

5. Complete with the British or American word.

Joe I saw a great 1___________________ (film) last night with Sean Penn.

Tony How did you get home afterwards?

Joe I took the 2___________________ (subway).

Tony I called you yesterday but you didn't answer.

Joe I'm really sorry. I left my 3___________________ (mobile) at home.

Tony I wanted to invite you to a 4___________________ (football) game.

Joe I have a 5___________________ (vacation) next week.

Tony OK. We could go shopping for new 6___________________ (trainers).

6. Complete with the words in exercise 5.


Present perfect with just

1. Order the words to make sentences.

1. his / finished / homework / Mark / just / has


2. moved / We / just / house / 've


3. the / 's / just / Amy / painted / wall


4. booked / his / John / just / ticket / has


5. 've / eaten / You / just / a sandwich


2. Match the sentences in exercise 1 with the responses.

a. So why are you ordering a pizza? __

b. So be careful not to put your hands on it. __

c. You should come and visit us. __

d. So he's going to watch a DVD now. __

e. He's going to Madrid next month. __

already and yet

3. Look at the picture. Write sentences with the present perfect and already or yet.

1. Kathleen / make a cup of tea


2. Kathleen / open the window


3. She / throw out the rubbish


4. She / pick the clothes up from the floor


5. She / put on her glasses


Present perfect with for and since

4. Choose the incorrect option.

1. Sue and Ken have worked in a music shop...

a. for a year.

b. since last year.

c. for last year.

2. Sue's sung in a band...

a. since three years.

b. for a long time.

c. for three years.

3. Ken's played the guitar...

a. for twelve years.

b. since ages.

c. since he was six.

4. They've been friends...

a. since they met at school.

b. for five years.

c. for they met at school.

5. Sue's had a boyfriend...

a. for Christmas.

b. since Christmas.

c. for a few months.

6. Ken hasn't seen Sue...

a. for a week.

b. since a week.

c. since last week.

5. Complete with for or since and the time phrases in the box.

• a few weeks • ages • he was born

• he was eighteen • six days • they were children

1. Ken's had a car __________________. His dad gave it to him for his birthday.

2. Sue's been on holiday __________________. That's almost one week.

3. Ken's known Gary __________________. They met at primary school.

4. He's been at university __________________.Everything's very new to him.

5. Her family have lived there __________________, maybe over fifty years.

6. Ken's lived in Glasgow his whole life, __________________.



1. Find the words and complete.

Roy went shopping one day with his friends.

They wanted to buy things in the 1_________.

It was a Saturday and there were a lot of 2_________________ in town. When Roy was

trying on a T-shirt in the 3_______________,

he heard people screaming. He looked out and

saw a robber at the 4___________________.

The robber told the shop assistant to open the 5___________________ and give him all the

money. Roy pushed a 6___________________

at him. It hit the robber, and he fell. Then a

policeman came and caught the robber.

Everybody said that Roy was a hero.


2. Complete the dialogue.

• bargain • checkout • cost • paid for • price

• queuing • receipt • shoppers • trying on

Sam I was 1___________________ a T-shirt. The

real 2___________________ was €18 but it only 3___________________

€2. It was a 4___________________.

Journalist Where you 5___________________ when you first saw the robber?

Sam Well, I had just 6___________________ the T-shirt but I was standing

near the 7___________________ with a friend. He was asking the shop

assistant for a 8___________________.

Journalist Did any of the other 9___________________ help you?

Sam Yes, one lady called the police. So I wasn't the only hero of the day!

The advertising process

3. Complete the sentences.

1. Hi, my name is Emma. I'm doing some market r___________________.

2. We've de___________________ two logos. Which one do you think's the best?

3. This is the new product that we want to launch and pro___________________.

4. We're m___________________ a TV commercial today.

5. Karl's only got one day to w___________________ a slogan for the new product.

6. The boss is really angry. She thinks the phone's not ready for the market and that we

need to d___________________ the product more.

Advertising techniques

4. Match the words with the descriptions.

1. billboards __

2. jingles __

3. sponsor __

4. commercial __

5. slogan __

6. logo __

a. A graphic mark of a company to promote instant public recognition.

b. Large panels outdoors on which posters are displayed.

c. An advertisement that is broadcast on television or radio.

d. A short and simple tune to advertise a product on radio, TV or cinema.

e. A short and easily-remembered phrase used in advertising.

f. Pay some or all of the expenses connected with an event.


Comparatives and superlatives

1. Write comparative or superlative sentences.

1. yellow and blue trainers / be / fashionable / black shoes


2. discount supermarkets / be / cheap / other supermarkets


3. you can find / good offers / on the internet


4. the local market / be / old / the shopping centre


5. my watch / be / expensive / thing / I'm wearing today


(not) as ... as

2. Write complete sentences.

1. high-heeled shoes / comfortable / trainers

High-heeled shoes aren't as comfortable as trainers

2. coffee / healthy / orange juice


3. secondary school / easy / primary school


4. famous brands / cheap / other brands


5. spring / hot / summer


too and not enough with adjectives

3. Complete with too or enough and the adjectives in the box.

• cold • fast • good • strong • tired • young

1. Tara wasn't ___________________ to win the race. She was very slow!

2. He's ___________________ to buy cigarettes.

3. The film isn't ___________________ to recommend. Don't pay to watch it!

4. He isn't ___________________ to lift that. That's very heavy!

5. She's ___________________ and she can't stay awake.

6. It's ___________________ to go swimming.

Sense verbs

4. Complete with the correct form of look, smell, taste, feel or sound.

1. Tom made popcorn soup. It __________________ really horrible. I had to put my hand

over my nose.

2. Then he served us a salad. The tomatoes were black and the lettuce yellow. It

__________________ horrible.

3. I put some food in my mouth. It didn't __________________ very nice.

4. Tom went to the kitchen. I heard a noise. It __________________ like he was crying.

5. Poor Tom. I __________________ bad, so I went to the kitchen to talk to him.

Modals of deduction

5. Choose the correct option.

1. There are no lights on in the house so there ... be anyone at home.

a. could

b. must

c. can't

2. Tim always plays football in the park on Saturday mornings. It's Saturday morning now, so

he ... be there.

a. can

b. must

c. mustn't

3. Joanna finishes work at 5.30. It's now 5.45 so she ... be on her way home.

a. might

b. can

c. can't

4. Peter never gets home before 8.00. It's only 7.30 now so he ... be home yet.

a. mustn't

b. can't

c. might

5. Silvia isn't answering her phone. She ... be out.

a. can

b. mustn't

c. may



1. Complete with the verbs in the box.

• argue • chat • discuss • gossip • lie • shout • whisper

1. I can hear you! You don't have to ___________________.

2. I have something very important to ___________________ with you.

3. The girls are in Mary's room. They want to ___________________ about school and

their friends.

4. The twins agree about everything. They never ___________________.

5. Sssh! It's a secret so we have to ___________________.

6. If you always ___________________, nobody will believe you when you tell the truth.

7. If you always ___________________ about other people, they'll talk about you too!

Personality adjectives

2. Find the adjectives and complete.

1. A person who always tells the truth is ___________________.

2. Someone who loves meeting and talking to people is ___________________.

3. Someone who is not stressed or worried is ___________________.

4. A person who is not relaxed and who is often worried is ___________________.

5. Someone who knows things but doesn't talk about them is ___________________.

6. A person who is not afraid and who feels good about themselves is _____________ .

Communication technology

3. Complete with the words in the box. There is an extra word.

• blog • emails • fax • landline • mobile • social networks • messages

I love seeing my friends and I communicate with them in lots of other ways, too. I write a 1_________________ which a lot of people read. I also write long 2_________________

to some people and of course I use 3___________________ to tell everyone what I'm

doing right now. Telephoning with a 4___________________ can be quite expensive so I

use it more to send 5___________________. My mother wants to know why I never use

the 6___________________ but I just never think of it.

On the phone

4. Order the words to make telephoning phrases for the situations.

1. Somebody has called you but you can't talk to them now.

I'll / back / later / you / call


2. You've called somebody who you don't know by mistake.

I've / number / the / wrong / dialled


3. Your friend doesn't answer his phone so you talk to his voicemail.

I'll / message / a / leave


4. You're calling somebody.

I'm / a / call / making / phone


5. You want somebody to wait for a few seconds.

Please / a / on / hold / moment


6. You call someone at work and speak to a secretary first.

Can / you / to / Mrs / Smith / me / through / put / please?



Relative pronouns

1. Choose the correct option.

One place 1____ I always feel really relaxed is at my grandmother's house. She's someone 2____ knows how to make everyone around her feel good. At times 3____ I feel worried

about something, I go to her place after school and soon I can't remember what the problem

was. She has a kitchen 4____ is always open for visitors and a big kitchen table 5____ there

is always someone sitting, drinking coffee and chatting. People 6____ lives are normally

stressful suddenly find time to relax when they go to her. And her fantastic cooking is

something 7____ everyone in our town knows about!

1 a who b which c where

2 a who b whose c when

3 a that b when c where

4 a which b who c whose

5 a that b where c which

6 a whose b who c which

7 a where b when c that

whose and who's

2. Correct four of the sentences.

1. Jo is a woman whose husband is famous.


2. I saw someone who's hair was pink.


3. There are people who's social networking pages give too much information.


4. Karen is someone whose always online.


5. Edward's girlfriend is not someone whose very popular.


6. I'm a person who's never afraid to try new things.


Omitting relative pronouns

3. Rewrite the sentences without who, which or that if the relative pronoun can be


1. Tom is a boy who wants to be famous.


2. Frank is a boy who I met on holiday last year.


3. London is a city that everyone should see once.


4. The internet is an invention which changed people's lives.


5. Cycling is the sport which I like the best.


Defining and non-defining relative clauses

4. Choose the correct sentence, a or b.

1. a. People who spend all day on the computer have unhealthy lives.

b. People, who spend all day on the computer, have unhealthy lives.

2. a. I think my father who is an architect has an interesting job.

b. I think my father, who is an architect, has an interesting job.

3. a. I like going to Scotland where my grandmother lives.

b. I like going to Scotland, where my grandmother lives.

4. a. The place where I most like to spend my holidays is on the beach.

b. The place, where I most like to spend my holidays, is on the beach.

5. a. I don't want a mobile phone which can't take pictures.

b. I don't want a mobile phone, which can't take pictures.


Natural disasters

1. Complete the sentences.

• desertification • earthquake • global warming • hurricane • iceberg

1. ___________________ is the degradation of land because of climatic variations and

human activities.

2. A giant ___________________ has broken free and is floating along the Antarctic


3. In Japan a lot of buildings shake but don't fall during a(n) ___________________.

4. There were a lot of things flying through the air during the ___________________.

5. We should adopt a more responsible lifestyle to stop ___________________.

Natural disasters

2. Complete the sentences

1. Last year there were really big f___________________ in our town.

2. D___________________ is a really big problem in the world today.

3. The polar bear population could disappear if the g___________________ melt.

4. Everybody's left the city because a t___________________ is coming.

5. Some experts say there will be a v___________________ e___________________.

6. Every summer there's a danger of f___________________ f___________________s.


3. Complete the dialogue.

• burgle • mug • rob • shoplifting • steal

• thieves

Harry I saw a great film yesterday. It was about two women

who 1___________________ a car. They meet two men. The men are also 2___________________. They decide to 3___________________ a house

together, but they don't know how.

Will I think I saw this! Do they 4___________________ an old lady and

then 5___________________ a man outside the house?

Harry Yes, exactly. In the end the police catch them all 6___________________ in a

clothes shop.

Word families

4. Correct the words in bold. Use the following table.

act person verb

mugging mugger mug

piracy pirate pirate

shopflifting shoplifter shoplift

robbery robber rob

theft thief/thieves -

burglary burglar burgle

1. The police ran after the two mugging (___________________).

2. There's a lot of pirating (___________________) on the internet.

3. Shoplifter (___________________) is stealing. In most places there are heavy

penalties for it.

4. There was a big rob (___________________) at the bank.

5. Thefts (___________________) stole my wallet.

6. I saw a burgle (___________________) and called the police.


Future forms

1. Match the sentences with their meaning.

1. In 2025 Jessica won't be a teenager. She'll be an adult.

2. She'll probably live in her own apartment.

3. Jessica's going to study this weekend. She's got exams next week.

4. After her exams, Jessica's having lunch with her mum at Eddies' restaurant.

5. Jessica's mum will probably ask for spaghetti bolognese.

6. Jessica won't eat meat at Eddies' because she's a vegetarian.

a. This is a future prediction. __ and __

b. This is a future plan. __

c. This is a future fact. __ and __

d. This is a future intention. __

Future forms

2. Complete with will, won't, going to or the present continuous and the verbs in


1. Jason __________________ (have) a party at his house.

2. The environment expert said that more glaciers __________________ (melt) soon.

3. Terence __________________ (book) a holiday to Spain.

4. He __________________ (probably be) very red at the end of his holiday.

5. The bird __________________ (not live) in this tree anymore!

6. She __________________ (probably not eat) her dinner. It's full of flies.

will and might

3. Circle the correct option.

Martin I'm not sure about what we're doing on Friday night, but we 1might / will

probably go to the cinema.

Keith I've got an exam on Saturday so I 2might / probably won't go out this weekend.

I'm really worried because I haven't studied. 3I'll probably / I might fail.

Martin You always say that before an exam, and you always pass. So I'm sure 4you'll

probably / you might pass this exam too. I'm not really sure about my Saturday

plans, but I 5will / might watch a game of football.

Keith If I have time, I'll go too. But I'm almost certain that I won't have time. 6I'll

probably be / I might be at home all day.

First conditional

4. Complete the first conditional sentences.

• buy / break down • go / get • go / want • not stay / be

• pass / have • win / be

1. If I __________________ to the supermarket, I __________________ fair trade


2. If Martin's football team __________________, he __________________ very happy.

3. We can __________________ for a walk, if you __________________ to come with


4. If Keith __________________ his exam, his parents __________________ a party

for him.

5. People __________________ at home if it __________________ sunny this weekend.

6. My parents __________________ a new car if the old car __________________.