Cosmos6 2

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Cosmos6 2


Unit 6-2

  単語 品詞 意味

1 pleasant 形 うれしい

2 dump   truck   名 ダンプカー

3 concrete 名 コンクリート

4 severe 形 ひどい、厳しい

5 dig 動 掘る

6 method 名 方法

7 manage 動 管理する

8 face 動 直面する

9 finally 副 ついに

10 traditional 形 伝統的な

11 technique 名 技術

12 Afghan 形 アフガニスタンの

P59 Part2  段落

Thank you very much for your e-mail.  It was a pleasant surprise to hear from you.  

As you know, I always wanted to do  

something for people in need. One day,  one of my friends told me about Dr.  Nakamura's project in Afghanistan, and  I decided to join it. I worked at many  kinds of jobs in Japan, but never  worked as a construction worker. Now  I'm trying as hard as I can. I've learned  to drive a dump truck and to make  wooden frames to hold concrete.   

Dr.   Nakamura‘s   project   in  Afghanistan

あなたも知っているとおり= poverty



プリント  [3]

①   He tried to use local methods.

c.Because the local people will be able to manage the canal by themselves.

③It’s a good because they don’t have enough money to use the latest methods. The local methods are simple and kind to the environment.

プリント  [3]3-3

①   He tried to use local methods.

c.Because the local people will be able to manage the canal by themselves.

③It’s a good/ bad idea because (they can repair when it is broken. They can teach other people.

プリント  [3]1-1①   He tried to use local methods.

c.Because the local people will be able to manage the canal by themselves.

③It’s a good/ bad idea because    people will have troubles if they use the latest method.  

P60 Part2 In Afghanistan, many people have become refugees because of  wars that lasted for more than 20 years. Moreover, severe drought  has caused a shortage of food and water since 2000.  Dr. Nakamura has worked hard to make plans for digging wells  and building canals to supply people with water.   

To build the canal here, we tried to use local methods as much  

as possible. Dr. Nakamura thinks this is important. Now,  

even after the Japanese workers leave, the local people  will be able to manage the canal by themselves.  

関係代名詞  20 年以上も続いた戦争





P60 Part2We faced various problems during construction. For example,  water from the main river kept entering the canal while we were  

digging. Stopping it was hard,  but finally we solved the  problem by using a traditional  Japanese technique: we sank  many triangular concrete  blocks in the river with  the help of the local workers.

P61 Part2Even though the work is hard, we try  to find time to enjoy ourselves. When  we finished the first canal, we had a big  party. We all sang and danced together  and shared our joy. It was fun.  


~ し続ける water

~ の間に

楽しむ  I enjoyed myself. 喜びを分かちあう

P61 Part2 Ten Japanese and 600 Afghan people  were working together on this project.  It is difficult to get a job here, so projects   何文型か?like this give local people a chance to  work. One of the local workers said,  "I'm so glad to be working for the  country where I was born."   

For us to be able to work together, it is necessary to use the local  

language. My Pashtun is still poor, but I plan to keep studying it.   I hope we can get together again after I return to Japan. Be sure to keep in touch!  



関係副詞 私が生まれた国

~ し続ける