Conversor analógico

Post on 22-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Conversor analógico


Tanto nuestra voz como muchas de las señales que se envían a través de un medio guiado como un cable o no guiado como es el aire son de tipo continuo y pueden tomar infinitos valores a lo largo del tiempo.

El muestreo implica que tenemos que coger una muestra de la señal cada T segundos ya que no hay memoria suficiente capaz de almacenar los infinitos puntos de una señal en un intervalo cualquiera de tiempo

Estos valores van a depender del número de bits que vayamos a almacenar para cada muestra, por ejemplo, en la imagen se cogen 4 bits y con ellos se pueden formar 16 combinaciones y por lo tanto 16 distintos niveles en los que se puede dividir el eje. El PIC cuantifica con 10 bits luego son 1023 niveles

ERROR DE CUANTIFICACIÓN El parámetro fundamental del muestreo digital es el intervalo de

muestreo ▲seg., o su equivalente frecuencia de muestreo 1/▲ Hz. cuanto menor sea ▲, mayor número de valores obtendremos de

la señal, y viceversa la obtención de una serie discreta ordenada {xr} = {x0, x1,

x3,..., xr,...}, en la que el índice r indica la posición de orden temporal del valor xr. Así, el valor de la señal original, en el tiempo t = ▲r, x (t), se representa por xr.

temp ; This code if for the TC74A5-5.0VAT temperature sensor ; 1st. Check if temperature is ready to be read in config reg. ; 2nd. If ready, retireve temperatute in hex. ; If not ready, check config register again.

bankselTRISC;initialize MSSP module bsf TRISC,3 bsf TRISC,4 movlw B'00101000' bankselSSPCON movwf SSPCON bankselSSPSTAT bsf SSPSTAT,SMP movlw .5 movwf SSPADD

bankselPIR1 bcf PIR1,TMR1IF

clrf TMR1H;load regs for 2 sec overflow

clrf TMR1L get_temp banksel cmd_byte movlw 0x01

;config register command byte movwf cmd_byte temp_now banksel SSPCON2

;write to TC74 bsf SSPCON2,SEN btfsc SSPCON2,SEN goto $-1 movlw B'10011010' ;send TC74

ADDRESS (write) banksel SSPBUF movwf SSPBUF call ssprw banksel SSPCON2 btfsc SSPCON2,ACKSTAT

;ack? goto $-1

banksel cmd_byte movf cmd_byte,w ;send

COMMAND byte (config) banksel SSPBUF movwf SSPBUF call ssprw banksel SSPCON2 btfsc SSPCON2,ACKSTAT

;ack? goto $-1

bsf SSPCON2,RSEN;send repeated start

btfsc SSPCON2,RSEN goto $-1 movlw B'10011011' ;send TC74

ADDRESS (read) banksel SSPBUF movwf SSPBUF call ssprw

;module idle? banksel SSPCON2 btfsc SSPCON2,ACKSTAT

;ack? goto $-1

bsf SSPCON2,RCEN;enable receive mode

btfsc SSPCON2,RCEN goto $-1

banksel SSPBUF;retrieve config reg or temp reg

movf SSPBUF,w

banksel SSPCON2;send NOT-ACK


bsf SSPCON2,PEN ;stop btfsc SSPCON2,PEN goto $-1

banksel cmd_byte ;config command OR temp command

btfss cmd_byte,0 goto convert_temp ;get

temperature ready for display

andlw 0x40 sublw 0x40 btfss STATUS,Z ;is temp

ready ?? goto get_temp ;NO, try

again movlw 0x00

;YES, send temp command banksel cmd_byte ;send temp

register command movwf cmd_byte goto temp_now

convert_temp movwf temperature call bin_bcd

;NO, get temp ready for LCD call LCDLine_1

movlw A'T';send "Temp=" to LCD

movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'e' movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'm' movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'p' movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'=' movwf temp_wr call d_write

movlw 0x20;space

movwf temp_wr call d_write

movf MSD,w;send high digit

movwf temp_wr call d_write movf MsD,w

;send middle digit movwf temp_wr call d_write movf LSD,w

;send low digit movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'C'

;send "C" for Celsius movwf temp_wr call d_write

movlw 0x20;space

movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write

call LCDLine_2 ;send "RB0 = Exit" to LCD

banksel ptr_pos

movlw .144 movwf ptr_pos call stan_char_2

btfss select;wait for RB0 release

goto $-1 call delay_100ms btfss select

;exit ? goto menu_clock ;YES, goto

main menu btfsc PIR1, TMR1IF ;2 second

overflow occur ?? call write_eeprom ;YES goto get_temp ;NO, get

temperature again

call ssprw banksel SSPCON2 btfsc SSPCON2,ACKSTAT

;ack? goto $-1

bsf SSPCON2,RSEN;send repeated start

btfsc SSPCON2,RSEN goto $-1 movlw B'10011011' ;send TC74

ADDRESS (read) banksel SSPBUF movwf SSPBUF call ssprw

;module idle? banksel SSPCON2 btfsc SSPCON2,ACKSTAT

;ack? goto $-1

bsf SSPCON2,RCEN;enable receive mode

btfsc SSPCON2,RCEN goto $-1

banksel SSPBUF;retrieve config reg or temp reg

movf SSPBUF,w

banksel SSPCON2;send NOT-ACK


bsf SSPCON2,PEN ;stop btfsc SSPCON2,PEN goto $-1

banksel cmd_byte ;config command OR temp command

btfss cmd_byte,0 goto convert_temp ;get

temperature ready for display

andlw 0x40 sublw 0x40 btfss STATUS,Z ;is temp

ready ?? goto get_temp ;NO, try

again movlw 0x00

;YES, send temp command banksel cmd_byte ;send temp

register command movwf cmd_byte goto temp_now

convert_temp movwf temperature call bin_bcd

;NO, get temp ready for LCD call LCDLine_1

movlw A'T';send "Temp=" to LCD

movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'e' movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'm' movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'p' movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'=' movwf temp_wr call d_write

movlw 0x20;space

movwf temp_wr call d_write

movf MSD,w;send high digit

movwf temp_wr call d_write movf MsD,w

;send middle digit movwf temp_wr call d_write movf LSD,w

;send low digit movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'C'

;send "C" for Celsius movwf temp_wr call d_write

movlw 0x20;space

movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write

call LCDLine_2 ;send "RB0 = Exit" to LCD

banksel ptr_pos

movlw .144 movwf ptr_pos call stan_char_2

btfss select;wait for RB0 release

goto $-1 call delay_100ms btfss select

;exit ? goto menu_clock ;YES, goto

main menu btfsc PIR1, TMR1IF ;2 second

overflow occur ?? call write_eeprom ;YES goto get_temp ;NO, get

temperature again


bsf SSPCON2,PEN ;stop btfsc SSPCON2,PEN goto $-1

banksel cmd_byte ;config command OR temp command

btfss cmd_byte,0 goto convert_temp ;get

temperature ready for display

andlw 0x40 sublw 0x40 btfss STATUS,Z ;is temp

ready ?? goto get_temp ;NO, try

again movlw 0x00

;YES, send temp command banksel cmd_byte ;send temp

register command movwf cmd_byte goto temp_now

convert_temp movwf temperature call bin_bcd

;NO, get temp ready for LCD call LCDLine_1

movlw A'T';send "Temp=" to LCD

movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'e' movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'm' movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'p' movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'=' movwf temp_wr call d_write

movlw 0x20;space

movwf temp_wr call d_write

movf MSD,w;send high digit

movwf temp_wr call d_write movf MsD,w

;send middle digit movwf temp_wr call d_write movf LSD,w

;send low digit movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'C'

;send "C" for Celsius movwf temp_wr call d_write

movlw 0x20;space

movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write

call LCDLine_2 ;send "RB0 = Exit" to LCD

banksel ptr_pos

movlw .144 movwf ptr_pos call stan_char_2

btfss select;wait for RB0 release

goto $-1 call delay_100ms btfss select

;exit ? goto menu_clock ;YES, goto

main menu btfsc PIR1, TMR1IF ;2 second

overflow occur ?? call write_eeprom ;YES goto get_temp ;NO, get

temperature again

call bin_bcd;NO, get temp ready for LCD

call LCDLine_1

movlw A'T';send "Temp=" to LCD

movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'e' movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'm' movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'p' movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'=' movwf temp_wr call d_write

movlw 0x20;space

movwf temp_wr call d_write

movf MSD,w;send high digit

movwf temp_wr call d_write movf MsD,w

;send middle digit movwf temp_wr call d_write movf LSD,w

;send low digit movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'C'

;send "C" for Celsius movwf temp_wr call d_write

movlw 0x20;space

movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write

call LCDLine_2 ;send "RB0 = Exit" to LCD

banksel ptr_pos

movlw .144 movwf ptr_pos call stan_char_2

btfss select;wait for RB0 release

goto $-1 call delay_100ms btfss select

;exit ? goto menu_clock ;YES, goto

main menu btfsc PIR1, TMR1IF ;2 second

overflow occur ?? call write_eeprom ;YES goto get_temp ;NO, get

temperature again

Instrucción cambio de señal

call d_write

movf MSD,w;send high digit

movwf temp_wr call d_write movf MsD,w

;send middle digit movwf temp_wr call d_write movf LSD,w

;send low digit movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw A'C'

;send "C" for Celsius movwf temp_wr call d_write

movlw 0x20;space

movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write movlw 0x20

;space movwf temp_wr call d_write

call LCDLine_2 ;send "RB0 = Exit" to LCD

banksel ptr_pos

movlw .144 movwf ptr_pos call stan_char_2

btfss select;wait for RB0 release

goto $-1 call delay_100ms btfss select

;exit ? goto menu_clock ;YES, goto

main menu btfsc PIR1, TMR1IF ;2 second

overflow occur ?? call write_eeprom ;YES goto get_temp ;NO, get

temperature again

call LCDLine_2 ;send "RB0 = Exit" to LCD

banksel ptr_pos

movlw .144 movwf ptr_pos call stan_char_2

btfss select;wait for RB0 release

goto $-1 call delay_100ms btfss select

;exit ? goto menu_clock ;YES, goto

main menu btfsc PIR1, TMR1IF ;2 second

overflow occur ?? call write_eeprom ;YES goto get_temp ;NO, get

temperature again

Medidor de temperatura