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Sayfa 1


01 OCTOBER / EKİM 2010













Sayfa 2


After meeting with Syrian President Bashar Al Assad in Damascus on Wednesday, Al

Iraqiya List leader Iyad Allawi urged international and regional powers not to interfere in

Iraq’s government formation.

Allawi asked Syria on Wednesday to persuade Iran not to interfere in Iraq.

Assad told Allawi that Syria would "support any agreement that gets Iraqis out of the

current crisis and contribute to the formation of a government of national unity that

brings together all the forces represented in parliament," SANA said. (Alsumaria Iraqi

Satellite TV)

The National Alliance is due to meet on Thursday night after adjourning Tuesday’s


The National Alliance was put off till Thursday since Al Sadr Front and the Islamic

Supreme Council did not attend, a political source said.

Al Sadr Front is engaged in a visit to Najaf Province while the Islamic Council has been

boycotting the meetings since Tuesday, a source from Al Sadr Front said.

If the Islamic Council abstains from attending, the mechanism of voting to premiership

candidate would be ineffective for lack of two competitors, the source added. (Alsumaria

Iraqi Satellite TV)

Al Sadr Front leader Sayyed Moqtada Al Sadr acknowledged that he was subject to

pressure to rename Nuri Al Maliki for a second term.

Political pressures are a status quo, he said.

Sayfa 3

Al Sadr Front aims to serve its followers and protect them from oppression regardless of

the Prime Minister to be. (Alsumaria Iraqi Satellite TV)

Head of Al Iraqiya List Iyad Allawi and senior officials Rafea Al Issawi and Ousama Al

Nujaifi started on Tuesday night a visit to Damascus.

The visit is aimed to discuss a number of issues mainly Iraqi government formation.

(Alsumaria Iraqi Satellite TV)

A leader from the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (ISCI) led by Ammar al-Hakim

dismissed the reports that the Iraqi National Alliance (INA)'s prime ministerial candidate

has stepped down.Adel Abdul Mahdi

Hakim also leads the INA which is the third ranking bloc in the Iraqi parliament. The bloc

nominated Adel Abdul-Mahdi in early September to challenge the outgoing PM Nouri al-

Maliki and the former PM Ayad Allawi for the post.

Speaking to AKnews on Thursday, Habib Tarafi, a leader from the ISCI refuted the reports

concerning Abdul-Mahdi's step down from the PM candidacy, saying they are the

"personal statements of some leaders in Maliki's State of Law Coalition (SLC)."

Tarafi described the statements "baseless", underlining that Abdul-Mahdi enjoys more

support than Maliki "for the ISCI is a major segment in the National Coalition (NC)."

"The NC openly supports Abdul-Mahdi," Tarafi remarked.

In the March general elections al-Iraqiya won 91 seats, the SLC 89, and the INA 70.

Following the elections, the INA and the SLC, the two predominately Shia blocs, united in

the NC in the hope of obtaining the right to form the government. However, the super

bloc fell four seats short of the 163 seats required.

Sayfa 4

Some segments in the NC, especially the Sadr Current have rejected Maliki’s bid to lead

the government for a second term.

No party can prevent Adbul-Mahdi's candidacy, said the leader from ISCI, while he

stressed that all the parties should agree on the elected PM.

He took such "false" reports as a "clear indication [of efforts] by the SLC to disband the


On Thursday the ISCI once more demanded the SLC to name another candidate or the

ISCI will not attend the meetings for choosing the NC's PM nominee.

The INA repeatedly asked the SLC to replace Maliki with another nominee but only when

the calls hit an impasse the INA named Adbul-Mahdi. Now the merger bloc has to choose

between the two candidates from within its ranks. (AK News)

A member in al-Iraqiya list headed by the former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi said that a

force from the Kurdish security (Asayesh) came to Daquq area and seized the personal

belongings of the Arab citizens, asking them to leave the city within one week, while a

security source in Daquq denied this issue.

Omar al-Jabbouri said in a news conference held on Thursday at the parliament, "The

incident came within the demographic change in the city before the census. The

government must investigate the incident, prosecute the perpetrators and bring the

personal belongings to their owners.” The force had told the citizens to get their

possessions at the first checkpoint outside the city.

The police chief in Daquq Chuan Majid denied the incident, saying "no force carried out

this process in Daquq."

Kirkuk is 255 km northeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, it is one of the disputed areas

between the Federal Government in Iraq Kurdistan Regional Government. (AK News)

Sayfa 5

A member of the Kurdistan Blocs Coalition (KBC) said on Thursday that the the Iraqi

Defense Minister, Abdul-Qader al-Obeidi’s signature on an agreement that allows

Turkish forces to enter Iraqi territory to hunt down PKK members is a flagrant and

dangerous violation of the constitution.

Mohammad Khalil

Mohammad Khalil told AKnews that the agreement allegedly signed by the Iraqi minister

“constitutes a dangerous precedent for Iraq” that “lacks both legal and constitutional

legitimacy” as the country’s legislative authorities had not been consulted.

"Article 9 of the Constitution states that the Iraqi Ministry of Defense must not interfere

in political affairs”, he said.

"Al-Obeidi is a caretaker (interim) minister now; he can’t take such a step".

"The entry of any State across the Iraqi border is considered a violation on Iraqi

sovereignty and the Iraqi people.”

Khalil said that such liberties, “pave the way and open doors to further interventions”.

The Iraqi government allegedly signed an agreement with Turkey during the visit of a

security delegation headed by Abdel-Qader al-Obeidi to Ankara two days ago that allow

Turkey entry into Iraqi territory to pursue the PKK members it says are hiding in the

mountainous border regions.

This morning however, the Iraqi Army Chief, Babakir Zebari dismissed all reports of such

a deal that appeared in the Turkish media, saying that such an agreement could not be

made without consulting the Kurdistan Region where the Iraqi-Turkish border lay.

The meeting between the two countries had covered a range of subjects according to

Zebari, such as the training of the Iraqi armed forces, deracinating terror in Iraq and

reinforcing their mutual ties.

Sayfa 6

The Turkish government used intelligence provided by the United States and has

launched a series of air raids against PKK targets which began in September 2007 and

have on several occasions penetrated into Iraqi territory.

Earlier this year a committee made up of the U.S. military, and the Iraqi (including the

Kurds) and Turkish defense ministries was set up to resolve the PKK related border


The PKK, recognized by Turkey, the U.S. and the European Union as a terrorist

organization, has taken arms against Turkey since 1984 for the rights of the 20 million or

so Kurds living in the country. (AK News)

One member of the Iraqi parliament stated on Wednesday that the Iraqi legislators

would hold an assembly in parliament next week while another lawmaker has rejected

the possibility. Iraqi Parliament, Parlamani Iraq

The first parliamentary session in mid June, where the elected deputies were sworn in,

was technically opened and then postponed to an indefinite date until the blocs could

settle their differences.

From the Kurdistan Blocs Coalition (KBC), Mohsen Sadun told AKnews that the Iraqi

President, Jalal Talabani, and Vice President, Adel Abdul-Mahdi have met and agreed for

parliament to reconvene next week.

The KBC comprises all the Kurdish factions which together have 57 seats in the Iraqi


"Talabani will demand the acting Iraqi parliament speaker, Fuad Massum to summon the

members to parliament," he added.

He urged the presidency of parliament to respect and protect the Iraqi constitution

against any infringement and resume the sessions.

Sayfa 7

Many observers held parliament accountable for concluding the first session open as

well as the seven months of delay in government formation. They maintain the open

sessions and the delay are not supported by the constitution.

Last months a number of the NGOs protested against the violation and demanded to sue

Massum, the acting speaker of the parliament.

"There were no excuses to call off the sessions and the constitution of the parliamentary

committees", the Kurdish lawmaker believed.

However, another member of the KBC, Mahmoud Othman dismissed the possibility of an

assembly next week.

"As long as the blocs cannot reach an agreement the parliament cannot meet," he said.

The major disagreement is over the allocation of the prime minister position.

Othman went on to accuse the blocs of "disregarding the internal terms of parliament

and the constitution." (AK News)

A member of the Islamic Supreme Council led by Ammar al-Hakim has reaffirmed his

party’s boycott of National Coalition (NC) meetings until The State of Law Coalition (SLC)

nominates a PM candidate other than Nouri al-Maliki.Adel Abdul-Mahdi and maliki

Hakim’s party has boycotted each of the NC meetings this week that were intended to

end the political stalemate in Baghdad and nominate a sole candidate for the post of

Prime Minister.

Islamic Supreme Council member, Mohammed Yasser, told AKnews that the candidate of

the alliance must be compatible with demands from within the alliance and outside it in

the creation of a coalition government.

Sayfa 8

“Objections to the NC candidate from the other political blocs put the coalition in

jeopardy”, he said.

“The Islamic Supreme Council wants the NC candidate to be accepted in order to form a

government that is able to manage the country."

SLC leader and outgoing Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki has faced opposition to his claim

on the premiership for a second term from both within the NC and opposition parties.

Many key elements of the Iraqi National Alliance which merged with the SLC in May to

form the NC have expressed their opposition to Maliki, pointing to his alleged tendency

to act unilaterally and proffer positions of authority to his personal supporters.

These objections which had previously led the INA to break-down in talks with the SLC,

their alliance partners, pushed the INA to elect their own candidate for the post of Prime

Minister, current Iraqi Vice President Adel Abdul-Mahdi.

Despite almost a month of negotiations and the creation of an “arbitrators committee”

taken from across the factions within the NC, no agreement has so far been reached

concerning mutually agreed candidate for the premiership.

The al-Iraqiya list which narrowly secured the most votes in the parliamentary elections

has repeatedly threatened to boycott the Iraqi political process if Maliki is given office for

a second term.

The Islamic Supreme Council member, Mohammed Yasser said, "We have come to the

conclusion that Maliki is not admissible to the other political parties such as al-Iraqiya,"

pointing out that "Hakim's coalition does not want to jeopardize its relationship with al-

Iraqiya by supporting Maliki, because it is a main bloc essential to the formation of the


The rupture within the coalition became deeper last week when the Sadrist Current, a

faction from within the INA, agreed to back Maliki in what has been described as a bid to

Sayfa 9

resolve the political impasse that has thus far prevented the Iraqi parliament from being


The leader of the Sadrist movement, Moqtada al-Sadr, addressed his followers on

Tuesday evening by saying, "servicing the Iraqi people and lifting the injustice from them

must be the main objective of the political commission of the movement and this is what

we seek."

Some media sources have claimed that the Sadrist Current’s decision to support Maliki’s

candidature has made Hakim all the more vehement in his opposition to it, and is behind

his decision to boycott this week’s NC meetings.

Al-Iraqiya, led by former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi came first in the March elections by

securing 91 seats. The SLC led by the outgoing PM Nouri al-Maliki ended up second with

89 seats, the INA came third with 70 seats and the Kurdistan Blocs Coalition (KBC) won

57 seats.

In late March, Iraq’s Federal Supreme Court ruled that the bloc that has the highest

number of seats when parliament convenes will be entitled to form a government and

not the party that won the highest number of seats in the election.

The court’s decision meant al-Iraqiya was not automatically allowed to form the next

government. This decision paved the way for larger coalitions and political maneuvering

by the different blocs.

Following the announcement of the inconclusive electoral results, the INA and the SLC,

both Shia-dominated lists, merged in May to form the National Coalition (NC) in a bid to

gain the parliamentary majority necessary to form the next government.

Even if the National Coalition eventually comes up with a single candidate for the Prime

Minister’s office, it still falls four seats short of a parliamentary majority necessary to

form the new government.

Sayfa 10

This would mean that the alliance would have to look to the Kurdistan Blocs Coalition

(KBC), which holds 57 parliamentary seats, to make up the rest. (AK News)

A French-speaking Canadian newspaper mentioned on Wednesday that Iraq was still

"angry" with the opposition of the Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi to holding the

Arab Summit in the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

Muammar Gaddafi "Baghdad is angry from Gaddafi’s call to the United Nations to open

an investigation into the U.S. invasion of Iraq," the newspaper read, noting that the

Libyan leader intends to submit this issue to the agenda of the forthcoming Arab summit

(if held) in March 2011.

"Mondialisation" newspaper further said, “Gaddafi opposes the Arab Summit in

Baghdad, and (…) the Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari believes that the Libyan

request is a "threat to Iraq's security, as it incites foreign intervention, and hinders the

efforts of national conciliation."

The newspaper pointed out that "Libya's position is not new. In October 2002, Gaddafi

has distanced himself from the Arab League by accusing them of collusion with the

United States against Iraq."

Gaddafi, according to the paper, is the only Arab president who declared mourning after

the execution of the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in 2006.

The Libyan leader recently proposed to hold the next Arab Summit in Cairo, saying that

no Arab president or king would go to Iraq given the situation of the country. (AK News)

The outgoing Iraqi government confirmed on Wednesday that the agreement with

Damascus over exporting oil through joint pipelines in its territory was not a political


Sayfa 11

The official spokesman of the Iraqi government, Ali al-Dabbagh, told AKnews, "the

agreement the Iraqi government signed with Syria over transferring oil through the latter

to the Mediterranean sea was not a political agreement like some political parties are

claiming; it came in response to the need of the Iraqi side for such agreement.”

"The Iraqi government has the ambition to conduct high-level coordination with all the

region’s states that would contribute in strengthening the export capacity of Iraqi oil."

The Iraqi Oil Ministry signed a contract with Syria to establish three export lines,

implemented by BOT system: “Build - Operate - Transfer"; the lines would belong to both

countries, and the last oil pipelines would be cancelled because the can no longer bear

exporting oil.

The length of the Iraqi-Syrian line is 235 km, its export capacity ranges between 900

thousand and a million barrels a day. (AK News)

The Gorran (Change) opposition party in the parliament of Kurdistan insists on

prolonging the parliamentary boycott it began today.Parlamani Kurdistan, Kurdistan


Today as the lawmakers were due to initiate their assembly, the Gorran faction walked

out of the parliament building as a protest against the ban on reporters from covering

the discussion.

Earlier today Adnan Othman, a deputy from the party, led by Nawshirwan Mustafa

pointed the finger at the Regional Parliament Speaker, Kamal Kirkuki for violating the

journalism law and the internal regulations of the parliament.

Today’s session was set up to discuss the bills for the constitution of a Regional high

electoral commission, formalizing the Yazidi minority's religious feasts, compensating

Sayfa 12

detainees held without legal justification, and the right to demonstrate and hold public


"We will continue our boycott and protest," Othman told the reporters in a press release

shortly ago.

He went on to blame the presidency of the parliament for stripping the lawmakers of

their freedom of speech and banning journalists from covering the discussion.

The Gorran deputies have submitted a petition to parliament calling for media

correspondent access during parliamentary sessions.

The Gorran lawmaker further accused the parliament of discriminating between the


He said "parliament is divided between the majority and minority which is a form of

disrespect. To restore honor to the assembly we left the hall."

As Othman stated the presidency of parliament had voted to expel two lawmakers from

the Gorran party who spoke out against the violations and another lawmaker who had

left the session was blocked from voting.

"This is contempt against which we will take all necessary measures," he warned.

Othman was of the opinion that parliament prefers to hold its sessions "in the dark" and

leave the public "uninformed" about events.

Gorran broke away from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) last year to run

independently for the 2009 Regional parliamentary elections and secured 25 seats. (AK


A leading Iraqi political analyst said on Wednesday that the al-Iraqiya List’s threat to

boycott the political process is intended to put pressure on the other blocs to reject

Sayfa 13

Maliki's nomination for the prime minister's post.alawi + maliki + abdulmahdi، Allawi +

Maleki + Abdal Mahdi

Abdul Rahim al-Moussawi said that al-Iraqiya would either participate in a government

led by Maliki if he is chosen as the National Coalition (NC)’s candidate, or “miss out on

the opportunity” to play an important role as a large parliamentary bloc.

"Al-Iraqiya may participate in the government even if it is headed by Nouri al-Maliki, and

its threats of boycotting the political process are a kind of pressure on the political blocs

to promote Abdul-Mahdi’s candidature in the NC instead of Maliki’s."

The National Coalition is under increasing pressure to nominate a sole candidate for the

premiership from between the outgoing PM and leader of the State of Law Coalition


The NC postponed its Tuesday evening meeting that was to be held to choose between

the two candidates, a day past the scheduled deadline.

Some media sources revealed that the NC didn't agree on a single candidate because of

the wide disputes within the coalition.

Differences have emerged, according to sources because it was agreed that the Sadrist

Current would withdraw its support for the Iraqi National Alliance (INA) candidate Adel

Abdul Mahdi for the sake SLC’s Nouri al-Maliki.

This move was vehemently rejected by INA leader Ammar al-Hakim who remains

opposed to Maliki's nomination for a second term in office and boycotted the Monday


The NC will hold a fourth meeting on Wednesday to choose its candidate for the prime

minister's post, and if the coalition fails to do so, it will resort once again to the

arbitrators’ committee.

Sayfa 14

The INA and SLC, Shia-dominated groups, formed a super bloc in May known as the

National Coalition (NC) to gain the parliamentary majority necessary to form the next


Fearing Maliki’s alleged tendency to act unilaterally and offer positions of authority to his

personal supporters, many INA members opposed the SLC leader, Maliki’s bid for a

second term in power.

The INA elected the current Iraqi Vice President Adel Abdul-Mahdi as its own nominee

for the prime minister’s position and the NC must now choose between the two


The NC formed a 14-member “arbitrators’ committee” which includes representatives

from both blocs to choose one candidate from the INA but so far it hasn’t succeeded in

doing so. (AK News)

The leader within the Iraq’s Unity Alliance, Sheikh Ahmed Abo Risha, pointed out that

“We are against the calls to reconduct the elections,” noting that “We will participate in

the next government.”

He stated to the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA) “In case of reconducting the

elections, I expect the Iraqis, who feel disappointed because the figures they elected did

not form the government after seven months post the elections, will not participate any


Abo Risha called the figures concerned with the process of forming the upcoming

elections to give up selfishness and distribute the posts in a just way. (NINA)

Justice Minister in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region Rauf Rasheed discussed with a European

Union official on Thursday procedures to open an office for the European bloc in the

Kurdish city of Arbil, according to a statement by the region’s government.

Sayfa 15

“Minister Rasheed received the EU official in charge of judicial development in Iraq and

discussed ways to open an office for the EU in the Iraqi Kurdistan region,” read the

statement as received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

The European official praised judicial development witnessed by the region as far as

protection of human rights and independence of justice circles are concerned.

The EU has two offices in Baghdad and Basra. (Aswat Al Iraq)

The Iraqi minister of human rights received a UN official, and discussed with him issues

related to local displacement in Iraq.

“The two sides discussed the role of the Iraqi Human Rights Ministry in following up

social and economic circumstances of the displaced people in Iraq,” said a release issued

by the ministry as received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

It explained that the ministry is dealing with the displacement issue in two levels:

integrating the displaced people in their new communities, and supporting provinces

that host displaced persons. (Aswat Al Iraq)

İtalya’da resmi temaslarda bulunan Başkan Barzani ile telefonla görüşen ABD Başkan

Yarıdımcısı Biden Başkan Barzani’n yeni hükümetin kurulması için sunduğu önerilerin çok

önemli olduğunu ve uygulanması gerektiğini belirtti.

Barzani ile Biden arasında gerçekleşen telefon görüşmesinde taraflar yeni hükümetin

kurulması için yürütülen çalışmaları değerlendirdi ve şuana kadar hükümetin kurulmamış

olasından duydukları üzüntüyü dile getirdiler.

Taraflara telefon aracılığıyla yapılan görüşmede Iraklı tarafların görüşlerini ve yapılan

toplantıları değerlendirdiler.

Sayfa 16

Biden, Başkan Barzani’n Irak’ın içinde bulunduğu krizden kurtulması için sunduğu

önerilerin çok önemli olduğu belirtti ve Başkan Barzani’den önerilerin uygulanabilmesi

için özel çaba göstermesini istedi. (Peyamner)

Kürdistan Müzakereler Komitesi üyesi Mahmud Osman Kürtlerin Elırakiye ve Yüksek

İslam Şurası ile anlaştıkları yönünde çıkan haberleri ted etti ve Kürtlerin hükümete

katılmasının temel şartını Kürt halkının çıkarıları olarak açıkladı.

Kürdistan Kualisyonunun Irak’ın yeni hükümetini kurmak amacıyla El Irakiye ve Yüksek

İslam Şuarsı ile anlaştığı yönünde çıkan haberleri red eden Müzakerler Komitesi üyesi Dr

Mahmud Osman PNA’ya “ adı geçen taraflarla görüşmelerimiz oldu ancak üçlü bir

hükümet kualisyonu söz konusu değil”dedi.

Osman, Yüksek İslam Şuarasının Ulusal itilafı içinde yer aldığını ve bu nedenle onlarla

anlaşmaya varıldığı yönünde çıkan haberlerin doğru olmadığını belirtti.

Osman yapılan görüşmeler konusunda “ Başbakan adayı gösteren taraflarla Komitemizin

19 maddesi ve Başkan Barzani’n sunduğu öneriler çerçevesinde görüşüyoruz. Bu

maddleri kabul eden ve imzalayan taraflarla anlaşacağız. Biz bazı taraflara benzemiyoruz,

halkımızın çıkarları doğrultusunda hareket ediyoruz”şeklinde açıkladı.

Irakiye ile Yüksek İslam Şurası’nın anlaştığı yönünde çıkan haberler ile ilgili olarak

Parlementer Mahmud Osman “böyle bir anlaşma yok, belirtiğim gibi Yüksek İslam Şurası

Ulusal İtilafa bağlı bir gruptur”dedi. (Peyamner)

Iraq's participation in this year's meetings of the 65th United Nations General Assembly

focused on efforts to remove Iraq from Security Council resolutions based on Chapter VII

that were passed in the days of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Iraq is striving to

close this file - that puts heavy political and economic burdens on the country - by the

Sayfa 17

end of this year when a meeting is held to review the resolutions against Iraq. During his

visit to New York this year, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani exerted strong efforts in this

regard. He met with Kuwaiti Prime Minister Nasser al-Muhammad al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-

Sabah and affirmed to him Iraq's commitment to the international resolutions and

borders between the two countries. In an exclusive interview with Asharq Al-Awsat,

Talabani affirmed that he expects Iraq to be removed from the provisions of Chapter VII

this year. Meanwhile, he is busy with the details regarding the formation of the

government. Asharq Al-Awsat met with Talabani in his place of residence in New York to

discuss the situation in Iraq and Iraq's foreign relations. The following interview ensued:

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Let us begin with your participation in the UNGA this year. What is

Iraq's message to the world?

[Talabani] Of course, we participated this year to outline Iraq's position on developments

and to show our stand on a solution to the Middle East crisis. The issues on which we

focused are Iraq's removal from the provisions of Chapter VII, solutions to Middle East

issues based on the proposal outlined in the Arab project, and resolving the issue with

Iran through peaceful negotiations. We also emphasized Arab solidarity and the amicable

solution of Middle East issues. Moreover, we gave a briefing on Iraq's progress and the

accomplishments it has made on the cultural, political, economic, and security fields as

well as in living standards. I believe that our position was clear in all the issues that were

under discussion.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Let us discuss these issues. Let us talk about the efforts at the United

Nations to remove Iraq from the resolutions of Chapter VII. What are the obstacles

impeding Iraq's removal from these resolutions? Did you sense cooperation from the

United Nations in this regard?

[Talabani] Yes, we sensed cooperation. The other point is that the Kuwaiti brothers made

some observations. We held the discussions with them this time. I affirmed to Sheikh

Nasir al-Muhammad (Al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah), the prime minister of fraternal Kuwait,

Sayfa 18

and that Iraq is committed to the international resolutions, including the issue of the

borders. We are ready to affirm to them Iraq's permanent commitment to solving the

issues that were pending between the former (Iraqi) regime and Kuwait. They too

expressed their readiness to support us on this issue. I also talked to United Nations

Secretary General Ban-ki moon and he too made promises to us.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Will this issue be reviewed at the end of the year?

[Talabani] We hope that Iraq will be removed from this chapter at the end of the year.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] With Kuwait's endorsement?

[Talabani] Kuwait will not object. They only want a confirmation from us on the issue of

the borders and we are ready.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Are you ready to be committed to the Safwan agreement?

[Talabani] Iraq accepts all the international resolutions and we reaffirm our approval.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] So let us talk about relations with the Arab countries in a broader

sense. Have you sensed an improvement in relations with the Arab countries?

[Talabani] Yes, I personally am noticing a major improvement. I had the honor to visit

Egypt, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. They all expressed their readiness to

cooperate with and help Iraq. The custodian of the two holy shrines promised me that

after the formation of the government "I will exert efforts to improve your relations with

the other Arab states and I will bring the Arabs to support you". He added: "We stand

equidistant from all the sides and groups in Iraq". He also said, "We want Iraq's progress,

stability, and independence". His stand was indeed gracious and in support of Iraq and of

cooperation between Iraq and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is our big neighbor in

the region. Brother Dr. Bashar (Al-Assad, the Syrian president) has the same stand. He

recently said that he wants close cooperation with Iraq. We are now exerting efforts to

Sayfa 19

improve the relations, restore the oil pipeline, and develop trade and political relations

with sisterly Syria.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] But some Iraqis are wondering why there is Arab interference in the

issue of the Iraqi government formation.

[Talabani] Actually, we have not sensed any strong interference, as is alleged. The Arab

countries express their views if asked. I asked the custodian of the two holy shrines who

said, "We stand at an equal distance from all the candidates in Iraq. This is a matter that

concerns you. Form your government and we will help you".

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Iraq is preparing to host the Arab summit next month. Do you think

that Baghdad is ready to welcome the Arab leaders?

[Talabani] Yes, we have begun to prepare Baghdad. We are building, reconstructing, and

preparing. Baghdad will be ready to welcome the upcoming Arab summit.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Do you expect all the Arab leaders to attend?

[Talabani] So far, I think, they have decided that Iraq should host the summit. They will

come to Iraq, particularly after the government is formed and security conditions have


[Asharq Al-Awsat] You met with Iranian President Ahmadinejad in New York. Tell us

about the meeting and about the latest developments in relations between the two


[Talabani] Iraq's relations with Iran are very good. There is a high volume of trade

between the two countries. Iran backs Iraq, the elections, and the selection of the

president and the prime minister. The Iranian side is eager to establish good commercial,

economic, cultural, and religious relations with Iraq. There is no problem between us,

but sometimes there are some minor issues, such as the common rivers. They are all

issues that can be discussed and resolved.

Sayfa 20

[Asharq Al-Awsat] But there are always fears about Iranian support for specific armed

groups in Iraq or lack of support for stability in Iraq.

[Talabani] Actually, Iran supports stability in Iraq. Iran wants the Iraqi government to

succeed. Particularly after the withdrawal of 100,000 US soldiers from Iraq, Iran no

longer has the fears that were caused by the presence of a large US force in Iraq.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] The withdrawal of 100,000 US soldiers from Iraq is part of a new

relationship with US President Barack Obama. How do you classify this relationship?

[Talabani] Our relationship is good and normal; it is improving. In fact, we have the

"SOFA" (Status of Forces Agreement in Iraq) agreement and we welcomed the

withdrawal. We believe that our armed forces are capable of safeguarding security,

stability, and internal security in Iraq even after the withdrawal of all the US forces from

Iraq. Our relations are developing on the political, cultural, scientific, and technological

fields and so on.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] You had historic relations with former President George W. Bush. How

is your personal relationship with President Obama?

[Talabani] Our relationship with President Obama is normal, but President Bush

governed for eight years and relations were formed during these eight years. This man

has been here for only one year; nevertheless our relationship with him is normal; it is

good. We hope it would improve in the future.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] US Vice President Joe Biden has been put in charge of the Iraqi file.

[Talabani] Our relationship with Joe Biden is better than best. He is our old friend and I

have known him for years. He understands the situation in Iraq; I love him and respect

him very much.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Are you satisfied with the current US strategy in Iraq?

Sayfa 21

[Talabani] Yes, we are satisfied with this strategy. It is appropriate for Iraq in the long

run. They are ready to cooperate with us on the political, cultural, scientific, and

economic levels as well as in training the Iraqi forces and the Iraqi army.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Are you not worried that American preoccupation in Afghanistan and

the issues of peace in the Middle East may divert their attention away from Iraq?

[Talabani] No, I think the United States understands the political, strategic, and

geographic importance of Iraq. It understands the role of Iraq in spreading democracy

and co-existence among different ethnic groups in the Middle East. Therefore, I believe

that the United States will not abandon Iraq. It will remain interested in establishing

good relations with Iraq.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Can Iraq mediate between the United States and Iran?

[Talabani] We have exerted efforts in the past to establish direct US-Iranian relations

related to Iraqi issues and non-Iraqi issues. We once reached agreement on a meeting

between senior officials (from both sides) in Iraq. This meeting, however, failed at the

last minute. But there have been meetings between the ambassadors in Baghdad. We

always exerted such efforts because we are friendly with both sides and we have alliance

relations with both countries. It is also in our interest to have good American-Iranian

relations. That is why we always exert efforts in order to have a meeting, understanding,

and dialogue between the United States and Iran. In my speech at the Security Council, I

pointed out that dialogue is the best way to solve problems.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] But we do not expect specific progress in this regard at the present


[Talabani] Let us be realistic; at the same time, let us be optimistic.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Let us talk about the internal situation in Iraq. Seven months have

passed since the last elections but so far there is no agreement on forming the


Sayfa 22

[Talabani] I believe that the government will be formed soon, God willing. I expect

agreement to be reached in the Shi'ite alliance on one person and this person will begin

to form the government later. I am personally convinced that the issue is a bit

exaggerated. It has not been seven months. After a deputy is elected, he should obtain

the approval of the constitutional court. He then goes to parliament and takes the

constitutional oath in order to become a deputy. Thus it has been three months and not

seven months. The three-month delay is due to the fact that no agreement has been

reached on who will be the next prime minister. God willing, such an agreement on a

person will be reached soon.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Do you expect a candidate from the National Alliance to form the

government and not Dr Iyad Allawi?

[Talabani] Yes, I think the candidate to form the government will be from the National

Alliance. But brother Iyad should play a major role appropriate to his struggle, stature,

and large bloc in parliament.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Are you not worried that the Iraqi people will start wondering about

the credibility of the elections if the result in forming the government does not reflect

the result of the elections?

[Talabani] The government should reflect the result of the elections because the result of

the elections is that the government should be formed by a parliamentary bloc that

obtains the vote of confidence of the parliament. If it is not a constitutional government

it will not win the vote of confidence of the parliament. In this respect, I am not worried

that the Iraqi people may be reluctant about their government that will obtain the

parliament's vote of confidence.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Should we expect a second term for you as president?

[Talabani] Actually, all the parliamentary blocs have announced that they support a

second term for Jalal Talabani. The suggestion was made by Masud Barzani, the

Sayfa 23

president of the [Kurdistan] Region as well as by the Kurdish Alliance. We also heard

support from Dr Iyad Allawi. The National Alliance has already reiterated its support and

so has the Islamic Party. I have not heard of any opposition to my holding a second term

as president. Some brothers may be harboring other things in their hearts but what they

have shown is support for me.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What do you hope to accomplish in a second term as president of


[Talabani] I think that my role is to gather the fold; it is to strengthen reconciliation,

coordination, and cooperation among the various forces. I believe in the political theory

whereby the various parliamentary blocs and parties agree on and execute a program

that serves the interests of the Iraqi people. I play the role of bringing the various forces

together and unifying them. One of the things that I am proud of in my life is that I have

good relations with all the brothers that were in the government or the opposition. I

have good relations with the brothers in the Al-Iraqiya List, the State of Law Coalition

[SLC], the Islamic Party, the National Alliance, and, of course, with the Kurdistan Alliance.

I act in accordance with this role. I have a good relationship even with those that were in

the opposition or the government.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is the biggest challenge facing Iraq at present?

[Talabani] The biggest challenge is to achieve genuine national alliance and to form a

genuine national unity government and a national partnership in Iraq in which everyone

participates without any marginalization of the major forces such as the Al-Iraqiya List. I

believe that such an accomplishment will produce a climate of tremendous opportunities

for the new government so that it would not be worried about terrorist operations or

sabotage activities. Its main task then will be to draw up a plan for the development and

prosperity of Iraq as well as for Iraq's strong return to its Arab, Muslim, and world


Sayfa 24

[Asharq Al-Awsat] So the present challenge is to form the government and maintain the

participation of all?

[Talabani] I am saying that the first priority is national unity and the second priority is the

formation of a national partnership government with no marginalization of any of the

forces Let us assume that the next prime minister will be from the National Alliance. The

Al-Iraqiya List led by Dr Iyad Allawi cannot be ignored or marginalized. This is an

important list. Moreover, Iyad and many of his elements struggled in the opposition

against the dictatorship and they also won many votes from the Iraqi people. They

should not be marginalized. If one of them does not become prime minister, they should

occupy posts appropriate to them in the various ministries.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] But what would happen if they refuse to participate in the next

government if they do not approve the candidate for the post of prime minister?

[Talabani] We strongly oppose their marginalization. I personally am determined not to

have them marginalized and to be represented.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Let us turn to the Iraqi people. Services in the capital Baghdad and

many other towns are not up to standard. What do you say to the people?

[Talabani] Compare the conditions of the Iraqi people now and under Saddam. You will

find a big difference. In the standard of living, the latest figure on the income of the Iraqi

individual is $3,486. It was a few dollars under Saddam. In some places salaries have

gone up 100 times or 50 times more. All the consumer goods can be found in the

country. Hospitals, universities, and schools are operating. We have some shortages in

certain areas, like electricity, but the people suffered from these shortages also under

the former regime. When Saddam left the country, the country produced 3,000

megawatts. We need 15,000 megawatts but we now have 7,000 megawatts and, God

willing, we will add to this. In certain regions, like Kurdistan for instance, it is prosperous,

developed, and has electricity. There are no problems there. Also in the south, the

situation has begun to improve and become stable. There is a real exaggeration of the

Sayfa 25

negative aspects while the positive aspects are ignored. The progress we have made is

not bad. A teacher used to make two dollars per month; now, a teacher makes hundreds

of dollars per month. A junior employee who used to make two dollars per month now

makes $200 or $300. This is huge progress.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Are you satisfied with the rate of progress?

[Talabani] No, I am not satisfied; I want more and more, but this takes time. Even the

construction of electric power plants and roads takes time. Under Saddam Hussein,

everything was in shambles. The railroad was in disarray and the roads needed

renovation. All the needs were non-existent; we are starting from zero.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] But seven years have passed.

[Talabani] But a lot has been developed in these years. Moreover, the basic services such

as hospitals and schools are now functioning in Iraq. They could have been better but we

are under occupation; we were restricted. Moreover, terrorism was a big obstacle to the

development of Iraq.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Are you certain of the US commitment to withdraw from Iraq by the

end of 2011?

[Talabani] The Americans will definitely withdraw; they intend to. However, I hope they

will not withdraw completely. As an Iraqi that has struggler for Iraq's independence all

my life, I think it is necessary for some US units in Iraq to remain in order to train the

Iraqi army on the use of arms and on protecting Iraq's stability. In the coming years, we

cannot spend a lot of money on building a strong army equipped with thousands of tanks

and planes because we want to spend the money for the security, prosperity, and

happiness of the people. Therefore, a symbolic presence of US forces is important.

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is the number of these forces?

[Talabani] No, they will withdraw; they will stay only if we ask them.

Sayfa 26

[Asharq Al-Awsat] Will we see this after the formation of the government?

[Talabani] If God wills it. (Asharq Al Awsat)


Under threat of U.S. sanctions, European oil firms Total, Shell, Statoil and Eni have

pledged to stop investing in Iran in what amounts to a "significant setback" to Tehran, a

U.S. official said Thursday.

The pledges fall in line with tough new energy and financial measures against Iran that

were passed by Congress and signed in July by U.S. President Barack Obama, which came

atop U.N. Security Council sanctions imposed in June.

"I am pleased to announce that we have received commitments from four international

energy firms to terminate their investments and avoid any new activity in Iran's energy

sector," Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg said, calling the move "a significant

setback to Iran."

Steinberg said the move by France's Total, Anglo-Dutch Shell, Norway's Statoil and Italy's

Eni makes the companies eligible to avoid U.S. sanctions.

The companies "have provided assurance to us that they have stopped," or taken steps

to stop business with Iran, he said.

However, some international oil companies have not yet committed to any new activities

in Iran's petroleum sector. And for this reason the State Department is launching

investigations into those companies," he said.

He would not identify these firms or say how many there are.

Sayfa 27

Two senators urged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday to ensure that the

administration punish Chinese and Turkish firms reportedly providing Iran with refined

petroleum products.

Steinberg also said the State Department decided to impose sanctions on Naftiran

Intertrade Company (NICO), a Swiss-based subsidiary of Iran's national oil company, for

its involvement in Iran's energy sector.

State Department official Douglas Engel admitted that U.S. firms were already prohibited

from most dealings with the firm, but said the move "does send a message" to

companies in other countries not to work with NICO.

The latest steps came a day after Obama ordered sanctions against eight senior Iranian

officials for alleged human rights abuses during the crackdown against those protesting

the 2009 elections.

It was the first time Washington had imposed sanctions against Iran based on human

rights abuses, Clinton said.

Steinberg put the moves by the four major European energy firms in the context of the

growing global effort to tighten the noose around Iran in a bid to halt its uranium

enrichment program.

The West fears Iran's program masks a drive to build a nuclear bomb, while Iran insists it

is solely for peaceful purposes.

"Iran is using revenues from its energy sector to fund its nuclear program, as well as

procurement for its energy sector to mask procurement of dual-use items," Steinberg


With both Iran and the United States signaling last week they are open to returning to

negotiations, administration officials suspect Iran is willing to consider talks now that

sanctions are beginning to bite. (Al Arabiya News Channel)

Sayfa 28

Nearly four minutes of shaky, hand-held video clips show roadside bombs hitting U.S.

convoys, a battery of Katyusha rockets and a soldier who appeared to be downed by

sniper fire.

And digitally burned into the left-hand corner is the raised-rifle emblem of a Shiite militia

linked to Iran.

The purported claim of responsibility by the group known as Asaib Ahl al-Haq and

pledges of more violence highlight possible new muscle flexing by armed Shiite factions

as U.S. forces depart and Iraq's political leaders struggle to form a government. The

jihad-style montage also underscores the unpredictable nature of armed Shiite factions

eager to portray U.S. troops as leaving under fire.

To be sure, the immediate threats from Shiite militias are small compared with the

recurring blows inflicted by suspected Sunni insurgents, such as car bombings last week

in Baghdad that killed more than 30 people and a recent wave of targeted slayings. The

worries, however, are more about how much Iran could be pulling the strings as it

maneuvers to fill any vacuum left by the Americans.

Hezbollah inspired" militants"

Iran has been accused for years of aiding violent Shiite gangs - a charge Tehran denies.

But U.S. and Iraqi authorities say a possible splintering of Shiite factions in Iraq could

open even more channels for Iran to back proxy attacks and harassment of American

forces and Sunni allies.

Such a scenario would further strengthen Iran's hand, which already reaches into the

political hierarchy through deep ties with major Shiite parties.

The map of Shiite militants has always been difficult to read - with a host of offshoots

and rival factions. Now, U.S. and Iraqi security official are trying to make sense of the

Sayfa 29

latest Shiite-linked violence linked to Asaib Ahl al-Haq, or "League of the Righteous," or

fighters inspired by the Tehran-support Hezbollah in Lebanon.

A U.S. security adviser to Iraq's government said it's unclear if the claims by Asaib Ahl al-

Haq - posted on a website linked to the group - represent a return to attacks by its rank-

and-file militants, who were blamed for some of the worst sectarian bloodshed in recent

years. Or perhaps it's a splinter faction using the group's name and emblem, which is

modeled on Hezbollah's banner: an arm thrusting aloft an assault rifle. The adviser spoke

on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief reporters.

Senior Iraqi security officials repeatedly claim Iran is giving logistical and financial backing

to Shiite extremist cells including Asaib Ahl al-Haq and a Hezbollah-modeled group

believed led by Abu Mustafa al-Sheibani, who is accused by Washington of smuggling

rockets and weapons from Iran and coordinating bomb attacks on U.S. forces.

In January 2008, al-Sheibani was added to the U.S. Treasury's sanctions list.

"These groups are now the main militant forces among Shiites," said a top Iraqi

intelligence official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of

the issue. "Attacks are growing and that could mean Iran is stepping up its aid."

It comes at a delicate time.

Iraq's political chiefs have been unable to agree on a government since March

parliamentary elections, which were narrowly won by a Sunni-backed coalition. Prime

Minister Nouri al-Maliki is battling to stay in power. But if the Sunni-supported bloc gets

to form the next government, it could reduce some of Iran's channels to decison-makers

in Baghdad and open the door for more Sunni Arab involvement and investment.

Recruiting Sadrists

Sayfa 30

Since the U.S.-led invasion, Iran has had powerful connections in Iraq through Shiite

clerics such as Iranian-born Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani and Muqtada al-Sadr, who has

been in self-exile in Iran since 2007.

Al-Sadr's Mahdi Army was the main Shiite militia in Baghdad for years before it was

routed in a series of U.S.-Iraqi offensives and agreed to a pact in 2008 that generally

halted attacks. Iraqi security chiefs now suspect that al-Sheibani's network may have

incorporated renegade Mahdi fighters for selected attacks in Baghdad, including recent

mortar strikes on the protected Green Zone.

Asaib Ahl al-Haq does little to hide its admiration for Iran and its allies. A website linked

to the group includes photos of the father of the Iran's Islamic Revolution, the late

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and Hezbollah commander Imad Mughniyeh, who was

killed by a car bomb in Syria in 2008.

The U.S. military said most of the six attack claims issued by Asaib Ahl al-Haq in recent

weeks have been false or exaggerated, including the group's account of a Katyusha

rocket barrage on an American base outside Baghdad. A roadside bomb did strike a U.S.

Humvee in the southern city of Basra, but it only caused flat tires, and a U.S. soldier was

wounded by sniper fire in Aramaic, about 200 miles (320 kilometers) southeast of

Baghdad, the military said.

The claims - accompanied by the video clips - say the group plans more attacks against

U.S.-led forces and "Baathists" - a reference to Sunnis who once enjoyed privileges under

Saddam Hussein and his Baath party. (Al Arabiya News Channel)

The Japanese government and oil developer Inpex Corp. plan to completely withdraw

from Iran's largest onshore oil field project to avoid possible U.S. sanctions, reports said


Sayfa 31

The move, which could be announced this week, is to prevent government-backed Inpex

being included in a list of companies subject to U.S. sanctions against Iran, the Yomiuri

Shimbun and the Nikkei reported, citing government sources.

Iran's Azadegan oilfield, which has about 42 billion barrels of oil, was initially to have

been developed with Inpex.

The Japanese company in 2006 significantly lowered its stake from 75 percent to 10

percent over fears of possible sanctions on Tehran over its controversial nuclear


"There are various risks, as we were asked by Iran to invest more in the project," an

anonymous government official told the Yomiuri.

Japan's Trade Minister Akihiro Ohata told reporters Thursday he has been told that Inpex

was considering withdrawing from the project.

"I have heard that it is considering that as a managerial policy," Kyodo news reported

him as saying.

Washington and several other nations fear Iran is developing a nuclear arsenal under

cover of its atomic energy drive, a charge Tehran denies.

Earlier this month Japan imposed new sanctions against Iran, including an assets freeze

on people and entities linked to the nuclear program and tighter restrictions on financial


The steps came a month after Tokyo approved punitive measures in line with a UN

Security Council resolution in June, which slapped a fourth set of sanctions on Iran over

its refusal to halt uranium enrichment work.

Inpex spokesman Kazuya Honda said the company has yet to decide on whether to

withdraw from the project.

Sayfa 32

But he added: "After Japan imposed sanctions on Iran on September 3, the government

told us to deal with the project with great care. So it's our policy to closely consult with

the government over this project."

Iran is the fourth-biggest oil supplier to resource-poor Japan.

Other Japanese companies are also carefully reviewing their Iran operations.

In August Japanese auto giant Toyota suspended auto exports to Iran indefinitely in line

with global sanctions against Tehran.

Inpex shares fell 3.67 percent in Tokyo trade Thursday. (Al Arabiya News Channel)

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister and State Minister Ali Babacan announced that Ankara

will not abide by the unilateral sanctions imposed by certain countries against Iran,

saying that his country will boost trade ties with Tehran.

The US blacklist against companies trading with Tehran "does not bind Turkey," Babacan

told reporters on the sidelines of the Istanbul Finance Summit on Wednesday.

He said that the Turkish banks and businesses are free to trade with Iranian firms in a

move interpreted as defying the US-engineered sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

After US-engineered UN sanctions were imposed against Iran in June, the United States

and the European Union followed suit, imposing their own unilateral sanctions.

While the US possesses and has used nuclear weapons in the past, Washington, in a

politically-motivated move, in early September, imposed additional sanctions against

Iran, which does not possess nuclear weapons nor does it seek to develop such weapons.

Turkey has voted against the sanctions but pledged to adhere to them. Ankara says it is

boosting relations with Tehran in areas not specified by the sanctions.

Sayfa 33

Iran-Turkey trade has increased significantly in recent years, hitting USD 10 billion in the

past year compared with the USD 1 billion in 2000.

Iran supplies one-third of Turkey's energy needs mostly in the form of natural gas. (Fars

News Agency / FNA)

Iran and Bolivia announced their willingness and resolve to expand bilateral ties and

mutual cooperation in all fields, specially in agricultural, industrial and trade sectors.

Iran and Bolivia enjoy deep friendly relations and we are ready to develop ties with the

country in various sectors, including agriculture, trade and industry, Iranian President

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a meeting with Bolivian Minister for Presidential Affairs

Oscar Coca Antezana, and Minister of Planning and Development Elba Viviana Caro


The Bolivian ministers also said that their country welcomed further expansion of ties

with the Islamic Republic.

Iran has in recent years expanded friendly ties with Latin America, specially in economic,

trade and industrial fields.

Since taking office in 2005, Ahmadinejad has expanded Iran's cooperation with many

Latin American states, including Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba.

He visited Bolivia late 2009 and inaugurated an Iranian Red Crescent hospital and other

projects completed by Iranian technicians and experts in the country, including a milk

factory and a petrochemical complex. (FNA)

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa underscored that Quito will not allow other countries

to interfere in the country's relations with Iran.

Sayfa 34

Correa made the remarks in a telephone conversation with Iranian President Mahmoud

Ahmadinejad, saying that nothing can damage the Tehran-Quito cordial ties and that he

will let no states interfere in the two countries' relations.

The Ecuadorian president further said Iran and Ecuador should seize the existing

opportunities for promotion of bilateral cooperation.

Ahmadinejad, for his part, called for fostering bilateral and brotherly ties between the

two countries, and said nothing can separate the two nations from each other.

Iran has in recent years expanded friendly ties with Latin America, specially in economic,

trade and industrial fields.

Since taking office in 2005, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has expanded

Iran's cooperation with many Latin American states, including Venezuela, Bolivia,

Ecuador and Cuba. (FNA)

Pakistani Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Seyed Naveed Qamar and a

delegation from the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) held a meeting in Islamabad to

discuss different aspects of the multi-billion-dollar pipeline project which is due to bring

Iran's gas to Pakistan.

The high-level Iranian delegation informed Pakistan that Iran has already constructed

900 km pipeline of 56 inch diameter from Assalouyeh gas processing facility up to

Iranshahr, the Pakistan Petroleum Ministry said Wednesday.

This means only 250 km remains to be constructed up to the Pakistan border, a

statement from the Ministry said.

The Iranian side was led by Hamid Ahmadi Sharaf, Director of Gas Exports to Pakistan,

Armen Karaqullakian, Managing Director of Engineering Studies Affairs, and Ghasem

Aghaie, Head of Legal Affairs.

Sayfa 35

Pakistani side was led by Hilal A. Raza, Managing Director, Inter State Gas System Limited

(ISGSL) at the meeting.

Hilal A. Raza, Managing Director, Inter State Gas Systems Limited (ISGSL) briefed the

minister on the outcome of the Wednesday's IP pipeline coordination committee

meeting with NIOC of Iran.

He informed that significant progress and understanding was achieved on the technical

specifications of pipeline, quantity of gas to be delivered and identification of delivery

point on the Iran - Pakistan border.

Syed Naveed Qamar welcomed the Iranian delegation and expressed his satisfaction on

the progress of the project for import of 750 million cubic feet per day of gas from the

brotherly country of Iran.

The next coordination Committee meeting is scheduled to be held in Tehran in February

2011, the statement said.

In a major breakthrough on March 20, 2009, the Pakistani government approved Iran's

proposed pricing formula for gas supplies to the South Asian nation.

Subsequently, Tehran and Islamabad signed a final agreement to launch implementation

of the project.

Tehran and Islamabad also sealed a final contract for the start of Iran's gas exports to

Pakistan through the multi-billion-dollar pipeline in spring 2014.

The last annex of the agreement for export of Iran's gas to Pakistan was signed on June

13 by Iranian Oil Minister Masoud Mir-Kazzemi and Managing Director of Pakistan's

Inter-State Gas Company Naeem Sharafat in a meeting also attended by the Iranian oil

ministry's representative in gas talks with Pakistan Seyed Reza Kassayeezadeh.

The 2700-kilometer long pipeline was to supply gas for Pakistan and India which are

suffering a lack of energy sources, but India has evaded talks. Last year Iran and Pakistan

Sayfa 36

declared they would finalize the agreement bilaterally if India continued to be absent in

the meetings.

According to the project proposal, the pipeline will begin from Iran's Assalouyeh Energy

Zone in the south and stretch over 1,100 km through Iran. In Pakistan, it will pass

through Baluchistan and Sindh but officials now say the route may be changed if China

agrees to the project.

The gas will be supplied from the South Pars field. The initial capacity of the pipeline will

be 22 billion cubic meters of natural gas per annum, which is expected to be later raised

to 55 billion cubic meters. It is expected to cost $7.4 billion. (FNA)

European Union Chief Diplomat Catherine Ashton announced that the Group 5+1 (The

five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) is planning for holding

negotiations with Iran in the near future.

"We seem to be thinking that in the next few weeks there could be (talks), and we're

planning for that," Ashton said on Wednesday.

"The signals we're still getting are that there is a possibility that Iran will want to have

dialogue with us," she added.

Ashton said resuming negotiations with Iran is "very important," adding that "It's

important to do it in ways that make them feel that we are serious and willing to

negotiate properly."

On September 22, foreign ministers of the G5+1 -- China, France, Germany, Russia, the

UK and the US -- announced they seek an "early negotiated solution," which "restores

international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program."

According to the statement which was read by Ashton, the G5+1 is ready to engage with

Iran in the context of the fuel swap deal proposed in Geneva in October 2009.

Sayfa 37

After Iran announced to the IAEA last year that it had run out of nuclear fuel for its

research reactor in Tehran, the Agency proposed a deal according to which Iran would

send 3.5%-enriched uranium and receive 20%-enriched uranium from potential suppliers

in return, all through the UN nuclear watchdog agency.

The proposal was first introduced on October 1, when Iranian representatives and

diplomats from the Group 5+1 held high-level talks in Geneva.

But France and the United States, as potentials suppliers, stalled the talks soon after the

start. They offered a deal which would keep Tehran waiting for months before it could

obtain the fuel, a luxury of time that Iran could not afford as it is about to run out of 20-

percent-enriched uranium.

The Iranian parliament rejected the deal after technical studies showed that it would

only take two to three months for any country to further enrich the nuclear stockpile and

turn it into metal nuclear rods for the Tehran Research Reactor, while suppliers had

announced that they would not return fuel to Iran any less than seven months.

Iran then put forward its own proposal that envisaged a two-staged exchange. According

to Tehran's offer, the IAEA would safeguard nearly one third of Iran's uranium stockpile

inside the Iranian territory for the time that it took to find a supplier. The western

countries opposed Tehran's proposal.

After West's opposition to Iran's proposal, Iranian, Brazilian and Turkish officials on May

17 signed an agreement named the 'Tehran Declaration' which presented a solution to

the longstanding standoff between Iran and potential suppliers of nuclear fuel. According

to the agreement, Iran would send some 1200 kg of its 3.5% enriched uranium to Turkey

in exchange for a total 120 kg of 20% enriched fuel.

But again the western countries showed a negative and surprising reaction to the Tehran

Declaration and sponsored a sanctions resolution against Iran at the UN Security Council

instead of taking the opportunity presented by the agreement.

Sayfa 38

Russia, France, and the US, in three separate letters, instead of giving a definite response

to the Tehran Declaration, raised some questions about the deal, and the US took a draft

sanctions resolution against Iran to the UN Security Council, which was later approved by

the Council.

Iran in a letter responded to the questions raised by the Vienna Group on the Tehran

Declaration and voiced its preparedness to hold talks.

In a later move, IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano proposed a plan to resume talks

between the two sides, and the Iranian foreign minister announced Tehran's agreement

with Amano's proposal.

"Iran is ready to take part in the meeting brokered by Amano," Mottaki said.

He referred to Iran's letter to Amano in which the country had declared its readiness for

talks with the Vienna Group and said, "Mr. Amano has forwarded the letter to other

members of the group and it seems that he is arranging for holding the meeting."

Mottaki said that the country wants to determine and approve details of fuel swap

through talks with Vienna Group. (FNA)

Pakistani Federal Minister Farzana Raja appreciated the Iranian nation for its assistance

to the flood-hit Pakistani people, reiterating that Tehran and Islamabad enjoy strong and

friendly relations.

Pakistan and Iran enjoy strong social, cultural and religious bonds and this timely support

is a reflection of this linkage," she said in a meeting with an Iranian delegation, led by

Hussein Anvari, Chairman of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee.

Mashallah Shakeri, Ambassador of Iran in Pakistan was also present on the occasion, an

official statement said.

Sayfa 39

Farzana Raja, who also the Chairpersons the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP),

said that providing relief to flood-hit people was the topmost priority of the People's


Hussein Anvari, Chairman of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee said that responding to an

appeal from Ali Khamnei, supreme leader of Iran, the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee

and Red Crescent Iran with the support of Iranian people have gathered piles of goods

for flood affected people of Pakistan.

He said that a consignment comprising 100 trucks of relief goods would reach Pakistan


The delegation also urged Ms. Raja to send a BISP delegation to Iran so that the two

countries would learn from each others' experiences for poverty alleviation across the


Farzana Raja while thanking the overwhelming support of the Iranian government and

people said that their help to the Pakistani people in the hour of need will always be

remembered and cherished.

Iran has announced that it plans to send more aid cargo to the South Asian state by


Head of Iran's Red Crescent Society (RC) Abolhassan Faqih announced on Wednesday

that the volume of Iran's humanitarian aids to the flood-stricken people in Pakistan will

surpass five million tons by the weekend. (FNA)

Newyork ziyaretini tamamlayan Dışişleri Bakanı Menuçehr Mutteki, bu sabah Tahran’a


Muhabirimizin bildirdiğine göre BMT genel kurul oturumuna katılmak üzere Newyork’a

giden Dışişleri Bakanı Mutteki, bu sabah yurda döndü.

Sayfa 40

Mutteki, Newyork’ta bulunduğu sırada genel kurul oturumunun kulisinde dünyanın önde

gelen ülkelerinin üst düzey yetkilileri ile çok sayıda ikili görüşmeler gerçekleştirdi. (FNA)

İslami İran Dışişleri Bakanı Menuçehr Mutteki, Tahran deklarasyonu çerçevesinde

istişarelerin devam etmesine vurgu yaptı.

BMT genel kurul oturumu kulisinde Brezilya Dışişleri Bakanı Amorim ile görüşen Mutteki,

iki ülke arasında son zamanlarda yaşanan gelişmelerin iki ülke ilişkilerinde aydın bir

gelecek vaadettiğini kaydetti.

İran ve Brezilya arasında son iki yılda sağlanan anlaşmaların emsalsiz olduğuna vurgu

yapan Mutteki, bu anlaşmaların çeşitli alanlarda ilişkilerin güçlenmesine vesile olacağını

ifade etti.

Mutteki ayrıca Tahran deklarasyonu çerçevesinde istişarelerin sürmesi gerektiğini

belirterek İran’ın nükleer meselesi ile ilgili son gelişmeler hakkında Brezilyalı meslektaşını

bilgilendirdi. (FNA)

Rusya’nın BMT daimi temsilcisi Vitali Çurkin, Amerika ve Avrupa Birliği’nin İran aleyhinde

aldığı tek yanlı yaptırım kararlarının, uluslararası yasalara aykırı olduğunu vurguladı.

BMT genel kurul oturumunda konuşan Rusya’nın BMT daimi temsilcisi Çurkin, İran

aleyhinde alınan tek yanlı yaptırım kararlarının Tahran’ın nükleer meselesinin çözümünü

ciddi engellerle karşı karşıya bıraktığını kaydetti.

Çurkin, alınan tek yanlı yaptırım kararlarının, uluslararası yasalara aykırı olduğunu ve

siyasi açıdan da olumsuzluklara yol açtığını belirtti.

Çurkin ayrıca, Amerika ve Avrupa Birliği’nin aldığı tek yanlı kararların güvenlik konseyinin

yaptırım kararnamesini aştığını sözlerine ekledi. (FNA)

Sayfa 41

İran İslam Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı Mahmud Ahmedinejad ilerleme ve kalkınmada en

ileriye doğru gitmenin İran halkının inançlarından ve hedeflerinde olduğunu söyledi.

İran İslam Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı Mahmud Ahmedinejad'ın başkent Tahran'da

düzenlenen "dünya sağırlar günü" etkinlikleri kapsamında yaptığı konuşmada, İranlı

uzmanların bebeklerde işitme kabiliyetini ölçen cihazı geliştirdiklerini hatırlatarak, "İran

halkı, her başarıya ulaşamak için yetenek ve beceriye sahibtir ve ilerleme ve başarıya

doğru gitmek kendisi için uzak bir yol değil " diye konuştu.

Cumhurbaşkanı Mahmud Ahmedinejad ülke genelindeki tıp fakültelerine bağlı kadın ve

çocuk merkezlerine yeni doğmuş bebeklerin işitme kabiliyetlerini ölçen 42 adet cihazın

verildiğini hatırlatarak, " üniversiteler ve ilmi merkez yetkilileri, teknoloji ve ilmi

yeteneklerini geliştirerek, özellikle işitme engellilerin sorunlarını çözmeleri gerekir' diye


İran, yeni doğan çocuklarda işitme kabiliyetini ölçen cihaz yaparak, bu alanda ilk 6 ülke

içerisinde yerini aldı.

Hatırlanacağı gibi dünya genelinde 30 eylül , dünya işitme engellileri günü olarak

adlandırılmıştır.(Mehr News Agency / MNA)

İslami İran Dışişleri Bakanı Menuçehr Mutteki, 'İran şu anda % 3.5 düzeyinde uranyumu

zenginleştirme işlemlerini sürdürüyor ve elektrik üretimi için gerekli nükleer yakıta

sahiptir. Şu anda, Tahran nükleer araştırma reaktörü için gerekli yakıt üretimi

yapılmaktadır. Önümüzdeki bir yıl içerisinde bu alanda kendi kendine yeterli duruma

gelecektir' diye konuştu.

İran İslam Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanı Menuçehr Mutteki, Cumhurbaşkanı Mahmud

Ahmedinejad'ın BM genel kurulunda yaptığı konuşma ve BM genel kurulunda yaşananlar

Sayfa 42

hakkında bilgi verdiği Cuma imamları toplantısında bu yıl 70'den fazla röportaj, görüşme

ve oturumun düzenlendiği, böylece geçen yıla oranla daha geniş ve yoğun bir programın

gerçekleştiğini belirtti.

Mutteki konuşmasında, dünyada kamuoyu oluşturmakta en büyük role sahip olan

Amerika'nın halkı arasında her yıl bir önceki yıla oranla, İran'ın daha fazla ilgi çektiği ve

Beyaz sarayın ise bu konuda aciz kaldığını söyledi.

İran'ın nükleer programları sürecine de işaret eden Dışişleri Bakanı Menuçehr Mutteki ,

5+1 grubu İran'a karşı yaptırım kararından sonra gerek tek tek ve gerekse de grup olarak

İran'la görüşme talebini tekrar ettiğini belirterek, "biz, BM genel kurulu için New York'a

yaptığımız ziyarette, 5+1 grubunun müzakere taleblerine yanıt verdik. Ve, bakanlar

düzeyinde toplanabileceğimizi söyledik. Bunu Çin dışişleri bakanı ile bir araya

geldiğimizde de dile getirdik. Fakat, 5+1 grubu üyeleri arasında yapılan görüşmede kendi

aralarında bir uzlaşmaya varılamadı" dedi.

İran İslam Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanı, 'İran şu anda % 3.5 düzeyinde uranyumu

zenginleştirme işlemlerini sürdürüyor ve elektrik üretimi için gerekli nükleer yakıta

sahiptir. Şu anda, Tahran nükleer araştırma reaktörü için gerekli yakıt üretimi

yapılmaktadır. Önümüzdeki bir yıl içerisinde bu alanda kendi kendine yeterli duruma

gelecektir' diye konuştu. (MNA)

ABD hükümetinin yasa dışı eylemlerine karşı ABD menfaatlerini İran’da koruyan İsveç

büyükelçisi İran Dışişleri Bakanlığına çağırıldı.

İran Dışişleri Bakanlığı Kuzey Amerika Bölgesi Genel Müdürü görüşmede ABD’nin İran’lı 8

yetkili aleyhine ambargo uygulanmasına dair tutumunun iki ülke arasında imzalanan

Elcazeyir anlaşmasına zıt olduğunu ve İran içişlerine karışma anlamına geldiğini belirtti.

Sayfa 43

Bu eylemin uluslararası düzeninin ihlalı anlamına geldiği belirilen görüşmede ,ABD

devletinin insan hakları kavramını siyası maksatla kullandığı ve bunun da insan hakları

kavramının zayıflatılma anlamına geldiği ifade etti. (IRNA)


Arab League representatives, set to meet in Cairo on Wednesday to discuss the future of

the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in the wake of the expiration of Israel's freeze on

settlement construction in the West Bank, will also consider a proposal to request that

an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council be held on the issue,

sources at the UN told Haaretz.

The idea to call for a Security Council session on the settlement freeze issue has

reportedly been considered before but was put on hold due to the doubts of some Arab

representatives at the UN of the benefits of holding such a session.

After Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's speech at the UN General Assembly on

Tuesday, however, in which Lieberman questioned the wisdom of direct talks and called

a peace deal "unrealistic", support grew among Arab representatives to call for an

emergency session on the settlement freeze issue.

According to sources in New York, Arab and Muslim representatives at the UN believe

that Lieberman could not have presented his views on a population and territory

exchange without advance coordination with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Because of the Arab League's involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian talks, Arab

representatives at the UN decided to pass to the Arab League the decision on whether to

call for an emergency Security Council session on the expiration of the settlement freeze.

Sayfa 44

Although the Arab representatives can call for an emergency Security Council session,

any Security Council action would be mainly declarative.

The United States is also expected to exert its influence on moderate Arab states to

forestall a Security Council debate on the matter. The U.S. position is that an Security

Council session on the settlement freeze issue would only harden the positions of the

Israelis and the Palestinians as the U.S. tries to prevent a collapse of the peace talks.


The United States is reportedly incensed over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's

rejection of a draft letter that would have extended the freeze on West Bank settlement

construction, formulated by advisers to the U.S. and Israeli leaders.

The letter, written by U.S. President Barack Obama's advisers and by Netanyahu's and

Defense Minister Ehud Barak's adviser Isaac Molho, would have had Israel freezing

construction in the settlements for another 60 days in exchange for unprecedented U.S.

political and security assistance.

Senior American officials said they were frustrated by Netanyahu's conduct in the affair.

"We're not buying the excuse of political difficulties anymore," a senior U.S. official told

his Israeli counterpart.

"The Americans said Netanyahu's conduct is humiliating the president," said a senior

European diplomat who met with senior U.S. officials in New York last week.

The details of the letter were revealed by senior researcher David Makovsky on the

website of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

According to the report, the letter included benefits crucial to Israel's security that

Netanyahu has been demanding for years. For example, the United States pledged to

Sayfa 45

support Israel's position on stationing Israeli troops in the Jordan valley after the

establishment of a Palestinian state, in order to prevent weapons smuggling.

The United States also would not ask Israel to further extend the building moratorium

and would pledge that the issue of settlements would be dealt with only as part of final-

status talks with the Palestinians, the letter reportedly said.

The United States also reportedly would veto any UN Security Council resolutions on the

Israeli-Palestinian conflict this year, would upgrade Israel's defense capabilities after the

peace agreement, and would increase security assistance.

This reportedly would include providing Israel with advanced fighter jets and early

warning systems, including satellites. The U.S. also would start talks with Arab countries

toward a regional agreement vis-a-vis Iran.

Obama adviser Dennis Ross, who is the moving force behind the letter, is believed to

have encouraged Obama to change his policy toward Netanyahu in order to come off as

friendlier. Ross reportedly worked with Barak and Molho on the letter during the UN

General Assembly in New York.

The White House yesterday denied that Obama sent a letter to Netanyahu, but did not

deny that the United States and Israel worked on a letter.

The Prime Minister's Office declined to answer any questions on the subject.

According to a source involved in discussions of the letter, Netanyahu agreed to the talks

conducted by Barak and Molho in New York, but began to backpedal in two phone calls

with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Saturday night.

On Sunday, Netanyahu said he appreciated the letter but could not accept the American

proposal because it included a two-month extension of the construction moratorium,

which he said would damage his public credibility.

Sayfa 46

According to an Israeli source involved in the details of the affair, Ross was very insulted

by Netanyahu's conduct and considered it "treason."

To head off a possible public confrontation following Netanyahu's rejection of the letter,

Ross and White House Middle East adviser Dan Shapiro met Tuesday in Washington with

a large group of Jewish senators and congresspersons to report on talks with Israel and

the draft letter.

According to a source informed about the meeting, Ross said the administration was

surprised that Netanyahu had turned down the draft. To increase pressure on

Netanyahu, Ross reportedly passed on the draft to Makovsky, who published it online

Tuesday night.

According to a senior Israeli official, the "guarantee letter" may now be off the table and

the Americans may be formulating a different solution to allow continued negotiations.

On Tuesday morning, Netanyahu met with U.S. envoy George Mitchell. Mitchell met

yesterday with Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah and will meet

with Netanyahu again today.

Meanwhile, European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton

landed yesterday in Israel and will meet with Netanyahu today.

According to news agencies, the Arab League, which was to meet Monday to decide

whether direct Israeli-Palestinian talks should continue, has put off the meeting until

Wednesday, giving another 48 hours for Israeli-Palestinian talks. (Hareetz)

The White House denied on Thursday that U.S. President Barack Obama sent a letter to

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proposing a set of U.S. guarantees to Israel in

exchange for Israel extending a freeze on settlement construction in the West Bank for

another two months.

Sayfa 47

"No letter was sent to the Prime Minister. We are not going to comment on sensitive

diplomatic matters,” said Benjamin Chang, the deputy spokesman for the White House

National Security Council.

It is not clear, however, whether Obama could have made the offer via means other than

a letter.

Earlier on Thursday, Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath said that U.S. special envoy to

the Middle East George Mitchell denied that Obama made such an offer to Netanyahu.

In an interview on Nazareth's A-Shams radio station, Shaath said that Mitchell made the

denial during a meeting on Thursday with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud

Abbas in Ramallah.

Shaath added that the Palestinians would not return to the negotiating table unless

Israel extends a freeze on settlement construction in the West Bank and that the Arab

League would support that position at its meeting next week.

An article published on Wednesday on the website for the Washington Institute for Near

East Policy by David Makovsky, a researcher with ties to Dennis Ross, Barack Obama's

chief advisor on the Middle East, reported that Obama had written a letter Netanyahu in

which Obama offered to support the presence of Israel Defense Forces soldiers in the

Jordan Valley even after the establishment of a Palestinian state, if Israel would agree to

a two month settlement building freeze.

Netanyahu was reportedly inclined to reject the offer.

Obama's letter was said to include a long list of American favors in exchange for an

extension of the settlement building freeze, which ended this week. Most of these favors

are critical to Israel's strategic security needs that Netanyahu has been demanding for


Sayfa 48

Other commitments that Obama reportedly offered Netanyahu in the letter include an

agreement not to ask for any more building freeze extensions, an agreement to veto any

anti-Israel UN Security Council resolution in the next year, and an agreement that the

future fate of the settlements be dealt with only as part of a final status agreement with

the Palestinians.

Obama's letter was said to include additional commitments, including a series of

guarantees to prevent the smuggling of weapons and missiles into a Palestinian state, a

lengthy period of interim security arrangements in the Jordan Valley and a

comprehensive regional defense pact for protection from Iran to follow the

establishment of the Palestinian state.

The American President also reportedly vowed to upgrade Israel's security capabilities

and increase the three billion dollar security aid package that Israel receives annually.

The letter included commitments to advanced weapons and early warning systems,

including satellites. (Hareetz)

The police chief of Dubai has told a newspaper he received death threats from Israeli spy

agency Mossad, after leading an investigation that fingered Mossad for killing a Hamas

leader in the Gulf Arab emirate.

Dubai's police chief, Dahi Khalfan Tamim, led the probe into the killing of Mahmoud al-

Mabhouh, who was killed in a Dubai hotel in January. The investigation was unusually

public for the region and made Tamim a hero in the Arab world.

Tamim's revelations about the suspects in a series of press conferences and media

interviews - that the hit squad used fake passports from Britain, Ireland, Germany,

France and Australia - strained Israel's relationship with several countries.

Sayfa 49

In an interview published on Thursday, Tamim told United Arab Emirates government-

owned daily al-Ittihad he believed Mossad was behind two threats he had received, one

in an e-mail and the other in a phone call to one of his relatives.

He said Dubai police had managed to track the email's source, but gave no more details.

The e-mail said: "Protect your back if you are going to keep your tongue loose."

In the phone call, his relative was told to pass on a message for Tamim "to remain silent".

The paper said the call was made by a "dual nationality Westerner, who was later

confirmed to be a retired Mossad agent."

Israeli officials were not available for comment on Thursday due to the Jewish holiday of

Simchat Torah.

Israel has neither confirmed nor denied any role in the assassination of Mabhouh.

Residents of Israel with the same names as the suspects, holding dual nationalities, said

their identities appeared to have been stolen.

The apparent passport abuse drew global criticism. Ireland, Britain and Australia expelled

Israeli diplomats. (Hareetz)

The Palestinian leadership plans to meet on Saturday and is expected to officially decide

to end negotiations with Israel if the renewed West Bank settlement construction is not


Those expected to attend the meeting Saturday include representatives of the PLO

executive committee, the Fatah central committee, and the heads of other political


After making a decision, the Palestinian leadership is expected to announce that the final

decision of whether to leave the talks will be made by the Arab League, who are planning

to discuss the issue this coming Monday.

Sayfa 50

The head of the Palestinian negotiation team, Saeb Erekat, said on Wednesday that

"there are no half-way solutions on the settlements issue."

In a statement released to the press after meeting with U.S. Consul General Daniel

Rubinstein, Erekat called on the American government and the European Union to force

Israel to stop all construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, in order to give peace

a chance.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said on Wednesday that the Palestinians

would not be able to remain in the peace talks after Israel's decision not to extend the

moratorium, in comments to the Dubai-based Al-Arabiya news network. Gheit added

that "despite the international efforts, I am not optimistic [about peace talks]".

The European Union Foreign Minister Catherine Ashton is also expected to arrive for

talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders on Thursday. The purpose of her visit will be to

support American efforts to save the fledgling talks from collapse. (Hareetz)

US special envoy George Mitchell and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton are to

meet with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in Caesarea on Friday morning, and will

then proceed directly to Ramallah to meet with Palestinian Authority President

Mahmoud Abbas, in an attempt to progress the talks.

The meetings come following reports on Thursday that US President Barack Obama had

sent Israel a draft letter in which he offered security guarantees – including a continued

Israeli military presence in the Jordan Valley after the creation of a Palestinian state – if

Israel in exchange reinstituted the moratorium on new settlement construction for 60


A White House and a State Department official denied the existence of such a letter.

Sayfa 51

The Palestinians have threatened to walk away from the direct negotiations that began

in early September if Israel does not reinstate the moratorium that expired on Sunday,

10-months after it was imposed by the government.

As of Thursday night, intense coordinated diplomatic efforts by the US and Europe had

yet to break the impasse between Israel and the Palestinians over the issue of settlement

construction that threatens to put a halt to the fledgling negotiations between the


The Arab League foreign ministers, who were expected to meet in Cairo next Monday to

decide whether Abbas should continue with the negotiations, opted to delay the

meeting for two days to give the US administration a chance to persuade the Israeli

government to extend the settlement freeze.

The PA on Thursday renewed its call to extend the moratorium on settlement

construction and expressed hope that the US administration would succeed in putting

enough pressure on Israel in this regard.

On Thursday, Mitchell meet with Abbas in Ramallah for two hours, in a meeting that

chief PA negotiator Saeb Erekat described as “thorough.”

“The Israeli government holds the keys to the continuation of the peace talks,” Erekat

said. “We have repeatedly asked the Israeli government to halt settlement construction,

including natural growth, so as to give the peace process the chance it deserves.”

Erekat said the Palestinians seek peace and appreciate the efforts the US is making in this


“We hope that the US administration and the international community would succeed in

obliging Israel to fulfill its commitments, especially with regards to stopping construction

in the settlements,” he said.

Sayfa 52

Mitchell said after the meeting with Abbas that Washington was determined to pursue

its efforts to achieve peace in the region.

“We will continue our efforts to find common ground between the parties to enable the

direct negotiations to continue in a manner that we hope will lead to an agreement,” he


“President Obama’s vision of comprehensive peace in the Middle East remains our

primary goal in the region. That means Israel and the Palestinians reaching agreement on

the two-state solution with security and prosperity for both peoples." (Jerusalem Post)

The Arab League meeting with Palestinian Authority Mahmud Abbas to consult on the

peace talks, originally scheduled to take place on Monday, was postponed until October

6 in order to give the United States another opportunity to save the peace talks, AFP

reported Thursday.

Arab League spokesman Ahmed Eissa told the AFP that the meeting was postponed in

order to "allow Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas to attend the meeting, in light of

the latest developments and efforts by the United States for peace talks," Eissa said.

Another Arab diplomat, who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the

issue, suggested the meeting was delayed because some ministers had asked for further

discussions to forge a unified Arab position.

Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal said in a statement Wednesday that "the moment

of truth" had arrived for those seeking to resolve the conflict and that "the consequences

of failure this time are too catastrophic to imagine."

He called on Israel to freeze its settlements, which he said, "aim to change facts on the

ground and thus jeopardize the peace process and render the negotiations meaningless."

Sayfa 53

Talks between Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have been

deadlocked over Israeli settlement construction. Earlier this week, Netanyahu refused to

extend a 10-month-old moratorium on new housing construction in West Bank

settlements. Abbas warned he would quit the U.S.-sponsored peace talks unless the

moratorium is extended.

Abbas' final decision is expected Wednesday, when Arab League foreign ministers are to

meet in Cairo. Underscoring the sense of urgency, Europe's top diplomat, Catherine

Ashton, rushed to the region for talks with Abbas and Netanyahu on Thursday and

Friday. (Jerusalem Post)

All those people who are now calling for Avigdor Lieberman to quit, or be fired, should

know that we’ve seen similar conduct by previous foreign ministers. For example, once

upon a time we had Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, who worked behind his prime

minister’s back and formulated the contemptible Oslo Accords without the PM’s


I cannot recall what all those people who currently seek Lieberman’s head thought about

Peres’ abovementioned move, undertaken with the help of his adjutant, Yossi Beilin.

However, I’m certain that they did not demand PM Rabin fire the two, despite the

diplomatic folly they dragged him into.

I have one question for all those people who now seek to crucify the foreign minister for

daring to present his plan (and keep in mind this is no more than a plan at this time) – did

they stop for a moment to examine it? That is, perhaps it includes some measure of


In fact, what did Avigdor Lieberman tell us? The “Palestinian people” wants, in practice, a

“Palestinian state” clear of any Jews (in German this was called Judenrein) in Judea and

Sayfa 54

Samaria, another such state in the Gaza Strip, and yet another one, similar to the other

two, across the Jordan River.

At the same time, the Palestinians (who were not recognized as a people by the nations

of the world until 1967) want the State of Israel to be a bi-national state, or a

multicultural one (to borrow a phrase from the anarchists from the leftist anti-Zionist

camp) that would be home to a very large Arab majority, which is already demanding

cultural autonomy, as well as to hundreds of thousands of refugees (and possibly many

more) who shall return to their villages and to the communities they left in 1948.

This is, in fact, what Avigdor Lieberman seeks to avert.

If there is no solution, he says, let’s turn the two states – the State of Israel and Palestine

– into nation-states that are only home to the nationalities they were established for.

Such solution is only possible if we see the tradeoff of populated areas. The Triangle area

in northern Israel, for example, with its land and homes and residents, would be handed

over to the Palestinian Authority, while areas such as Gush Etzion, Ariel, and Maale

Adumim, with their residents, shall shift into the State of Israel’s territory.

We shall see clearly marked borders. All the Jews would be on one side of the border,

and all the Arabs would be on the other side. A homogenous Jewish parliament without

Ahmad Tibi and Taleb al-Sana. What could be bad about that?

I’m not saying this should be the solution, or that there are no other possible solutions,

such as one federation from Sea to River that has two houses of parliament, a Jewish and

an Arab one, as is the case in other places in the world.

I don’t know what the best, safest solution is for us Jews, who already experienced quite

a few pogroms and Holocausts, not only at the hands of the Muslims but mostly at the

hands of European nations. Yet I’m certain about one thing: The “solution” being offered

today, premised on the current “two states vision,” would bring about the Jewish state’s

demise within a very short period of time.

Sayfa 55

No security arrangements would prevent the Iranians, for example, from deploying

missiles on the eastern boundaries of central Israel towns. They already did it in the Gaza

Strip and in southern Lebanon after the IDF foolishly withdraw from there.

Ahmad Tibi and Taleb al-Sana will apparently be happy with such solution. But we must

not agree to even hold a real public debate on issues that are crucial to our existence.

And so, automatically disqualifying Avigdor Lieberman is a move that must not succeed.

(Yedioth Ahranot)

White House officials denied on Thursday reports that US President Barack Obama sent a

letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which he vowed to support Israel in

negotiations with the Palestinians in return for a two-month extension on the

construction freeze in settlements.

Dennis Ross updates Jewish senators on US demand that Israel extend settlement

construction moratorium. Washington Institute for Near East Policy says Obama sent

Netanyahu letter guaranteeing he would not ask for another extension, offers incentives


The officials say the letter was just a draft being debated by diplomats representing

Israel and the US, and that its content would only be implemented if agreed upon by

both parties.

The strategy is familiar from the Gaza withdrawal, which was negotiated by former Prime

Minister Ariel Sharon and the previous US president, George W. Bush. At the time, the

latter promised that the issue of the Palestinian refugees would not be solved within

Israeli territory.

The current letter was described similarly by David Makovsky of The Washington

Institute for Near East Policy, who reported that Obama had guaranteed that the US

would not ask Israel for another extension on the construction freeze beyond 60 days.

Sayfa 56

“Rather, the future of settlements is to be settled at the table as part of territorial

negotiations. Second, the letter promises that the United States will veto any UN Security

Council initiative – Arab or otherwise – relating to Arab-Israeli peace during the agreed

one-year negotiating period," he said.

"Third, Washington pledged to accept the legitimacy of existing Israeli security needs and

not seek to redefine them. In this context, the letter explicitly mentions the need to

ensure a complete ban on the smuggling of rockets, mortars, arms, and related items, as

well as the infiltration of terrorists into Israel," according to Makovsky. (Yedioth Ahranot)

The end of the settlement construction freeze on Monday was felt not only by the

settlers, but also their Palestinian neighbors. Hundreds of laborers flooded West Bank

settlements as of the early morning hours and could be seen operating bulldozers. They

agreed to build, but not to talk, due to fears of a Palestinian boycott of the settlements.

Speaking en route to New York, Palestinian president stresses he is 'not opposed to

settlement freeze for a month or two,' believes it is possible 'to conclude a peace deal on

all final status issues if the settlement freeze is extended'

One of the workers, a Palestinian resident of the Jerusalem area who asked to remain

anonymous, said "I just want to build. At the end of the day both sides need to make a

living, and although we are rivals, the need to put food on the table overrides everything

else. I have no problem building settlements; I have been doing it for twenty years."

"We want genuine and just peace, just like everyone else, but peace without income is

worthless," he added. "I don't care if the settlements stay here. The most important

thing is for us to live in peace, what's wrong with that? We don't believe the boycott on

settlement goods will last. The workers cannot survive another extended period of just

sitting at home without doing anything, which has been the case now for almost a year."

Sayfa 57

Most of the Palestinian construction workers at the construction sites refused to give an

interview. They quietly and hesitantly said that the second phase of the boycott on

settlements is to begin, which stipulates they will not be able to work for settlers.

"They are being threatened with five years in prison if they work for us after January 1,"

Shaul Goldstein, head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council said.

"It concerns us just as much as it concerns them. The real coexistence, after all, happens

here, and the Palestinian Authority is trying to sabotage this. I am the one who wants

peace and they just want war. This is the difference between us."

Goldstein said that the start of construction in the settlement of Neve Daniel was

celebrated with a joint barbeque which included all 80 Palestinian construction workers

and 40 Jews. (Yedioth Ahranot)

Both the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships don’t want an agreement and cannot secure

one. The suspicious are too existential, the leaderships are too week, the hostility is too

great, and Obama is too fragile. Everyone understands that the president’s power shall

be curbed within a month or so, after the US elections.

At the end of the day, it’s a blame game: That is, who will be embarrassed and charged

with the failure of these odd negotiations, which have no past and no future.

Netanyahu was wrong to agree to a temporary construction freeze without getting

anything in return. It’s odd, as he was the one who coined the famous reciprocity slogan

in the 1990s: If they give something, they’ll get something in exchange; if they don’t give

it, they won’t get it. Yet this time around he gave something, but got nothing for it.

Global leaders and the international and Israeli media are overjoyed: Netanyahu is in

distress now and he will seemingly be blamed for the failure of the talks. However, it is

Sayfa 58

so easy to resolve this temporary distress; after all, Netanyahu himself is the person who

presented the formula in his first term in office.

The only thing that Israel needs to say is that it demands a parallel gesture from the

Palestinian Authority and all Arab states, which stand behind Mahmoud Abbas and

maneuver him.

Should an Arab gesture be granted, Israel would embark on another temporary freeze,

yet if such gesture won’t be granted, the construction freeze won’t be extended. The

Arab gesture would have to include a dimension of Arab symbolism, just like the freeze

had a dimension of Israeli symbolism, and both these gestures must be temporary.

Summit in Jerusalem

A possible gesture is a festive summit that would see Jordan’s King Abdullah, Egypt’s

President Mubarak, and Saudi King Abdullah arriving in Jerusalem. Why not? After all,

this is a peace process, no? The Arab League, and especially Saudi Arabia, plays such

dominant role in these talks, so how can they not meet? And what’s wrong with

Jerusalem? We already saw meetings in Egypt, Jordan, and Washington. Can’t Arab

leaders set foot in Israel?

An Arab gesture could also include elements of public normalization, or any symbolic

recognition of Jewish nationalism. For example, inviting the Israeli prime minister to

deliver a speech before the Arab League in Cairo. Why not? After all, we’re in the midst

of a peace process.

And what about the anti-Semitic TV shows from the recent Ramadan holiday? Are they

also part of the “peace process?” And what about anti-Israeli Arab proposals at

international bodies; isn’t it time to withdraw them? Our Foreign Ministry can provide a

long list of Arab proposals, which were prompted by the Palestinian Authority, of course.

Another gesture could be to pass a Lebanese law that would grant Palestinians in

Lebanon civil rights. I’m not talking about citizenship, heaven forbid, but the basic right

Sayfa 59

to live and work there. Lebanon is the most vicious state towards the Palestinians and

does not grant these miserable souls the right to buy an apartment or work, yet the Arab

world is silent, of course. The life of Palestinians in Gaza is much better than that of their

“transparent” brethren in Lebanon.

There is such wide spectrum of symbolic gestures that Arab states, or even the Arab

League, should adopt – yet they won’t be doing a thing. After all, they do not seek peace

with Israel, but rather, they wish to weaken and embarrass it. Yet if they fail to

undertake these gestures, they would take the blame. With their very conduct, the Arab

sides would confirm that they do not seek peace.(Jerusalem Post)


A new Muslim Brotherhood (MB) student campaign has been launched under the name

“The Reformers” to ostensibly show the “true face” of the younger ranks of the banned

Islamic group--and the one-day-old campaign is already facing resistance by university

authorities and state security police.

On Tuesday, students at Cairo University held a press conference to announce their new

initiative. With microphones beaming into one of the university’s halls, the sounds of the

young student leaders echoed with promises to reach out to all students, form alliances

with other student groups and spread a message of peace.

“We created this campaign to explain to the *non-MB-affiliated] students who we are

and what we want,” Taha al-Rantissy, head of Islahiyoun (“the Reformers”) at Cairo

University told Al-Masry Al-Youm.

He denied that the newly established group was formed in reaction to the recently-aired

television series “Al-Gamaa.”

Sayfa 60

“The idea has been in the pipeline for over a year now, and we’re only just starting to

spread our message, which is an understanding of Islam as a civilized method for reform

across all spheres,” al-Rantissy added.

“Al-Gamaa,” or “the Group,” is a TV series that was aired last Ramadan, which depicted

the life of MB founder Hassan al-Banna. The series, which was partially sponsored by

state-run television, lampooned the modern leadership of the Islamist group, showing its

student ranks to be violent, confused and angry-- in perpetual conflict with the police

and their classmates.

Islam Abul-Fotouh, a former MB student leader and supporter of Islahiyoun, stressed

that the new initiative was not a reaction to the TV series but merely a part of the

political activity that has been rekindled in the run-up to parliamentary elections.

“The streets are active these days; it’s an interesting time,” he said. “Parliamentary

elections, presidential elections--even student union elections--are all coming up very

soon, and Islahiyoun will be there for two terms to spread awareness about all this.”

Al-Rantissy acknowledged, however, that “past mistakes” had added to the stigma

associated with students affiliated with the MB, which has attracted many among the

grassroots but has also alienated some people due to its exclusive nature and

conservative approach to Islam and politics.

In December 2007, in a show of strength and as a form of protest, members and

supporters of MB students at Al-Azhar University organized what was later termed a

“militant show,” in which dozens of students convened on campus wearing black face

masks and head bands bearing the words “We will stand firm.”

Some of them displayed their skills in martial arts and others held banners aloft decrying

security intervention in student affairs. The act was also supposed to protest reported

discrimination on the part of university authorities.

Sayfa 61

State security has used pictures taken by the press at the time as proof that the Islamist

group was covertly training militias.

“We all make mistakes of course. We’re young,” said al-Rantissy when asked about the

incident. “But this is what we’re trying to avoid now, and we want to hear from students

in order to improve. We’re ready to talk with anyone, including Copts, with whom we

would like to work, and students belonging to other trends. Everyone.”

Islahiyoun’s schedule is already full: they have scheduled a peaceful march, student

galleries, a student-published booklet, a student magazine, and events promoting the

MB, in addition to a short film--which they produced and performed--portraying the

funeral of Hassan al-Banna and his “assassination.”

“The TV soap opera ‘Al-Gamaa’ had 28 episodes in which Hassan al-Banna’s death was

not shown,” he said. “So we will stage it, produce a film, and screen it. We’ll call it the

missing ‘29th episode’ of ‘Al-Gama’a’ *as a snub to the show+.”

The students will also participate in student union elections, where MB contenders in the

past have often been clamped down upon by state security police and allegedly harassed

by university authorities. “We will have a Facebook group with all the details of the

elections very soon,” he said.

But the young campaign is already facing hurdles across universities. At Alexandria

University, 11 students were dismissed for belonging to the campaign, while physical

clashes have taken place between Islahiyoun organizers and campus security at

Munoufiya University.

“Only this morning, a gallery promoting the brotherhood was closed down by the dean,”

said el-Rantissy.

Although banned since 1954, the MB managed to win 20 percent of the seats in Egypt’s

lower-house of parliament in 2005, forming the biggest opposition bloc against the ruling

Sayfa 62

National Democratic Party of President Hosni Mubarak. The group is also popular among

the grassroots for its charity and development work.

According to Hala Moustafa of the semi-official Al-Ahram Center for Political and

Strategic Studies, the domain of reform within the MB is not--and will not--contradict the

group’s longstanding aim of Islamizing the state and applying Islamic law.

"All the talk and campaigns about reforming the MB are based on their main principles:

implementation of Islamic law, the establishment of an Islamic state, and reviving the

Islamic caliphate,” she said.

Human rights activist Emad Mubarak, executive director of the Foundation for Freedom

of Thought and Expression, told Al-Masry Al-Youm that the MB generally used students

to achieve political goals.

"Despite some differences between the leadership of the MB and the students affiliated

with the group, the leadership maintains direct and tight control over MB-affiliated

students," said Mubarak, who closely follows student activism on Egyptian university


Asked about the timing of the nascent student campaign, Mubarak sees it as being

inspired and planned by the group leadership. "These student activities are part of a

wider process with the main group itself,” he said.

Mubarak argues that, unlike a few years ago when students affiliated with the MB

supported alternative student elections, they are now obeying the leadership’s orders

not to participate in alternative elections. (Al Masry Al Youm)

The Obama administration should push Egypt to allow international monitors to observe

Egypt’s November parliamentary elections, a bipartisan group of Washington foreign

policy experts and Senators is urging. More broadly, they urge, the United States should

Sayfa 63

be preparing for the end of the Mubarak era by encouraging greater Egyptian political

reform and human rights, I report in a print piece today.

The bottom line is that we are moving into a period of guaranteed instability in Egypt,”

said Robert Kagan, a foreign policy scholar with the Brookings Institution who co-

founded the Egypt Working Group with Michele Dunne of the Carnegie Endowment for

International Peace. “So the idea [that] we can keep puttering on as if nothing is going to

change is a mistake. ... What we need now is to move to deliverables.” ...

The Obama administration has stepped up talking about respect for democracy, civil

liberties and human rights, for example in President Barack Obama’s address to the U.N.

General Assembly last week. Obama also touched on civil liberties when he famously

chose Cairo as the place to give his major address to the Muslim world in June 2009.

But Egyptian civil society activists complain the Obama team — like preceding U.S.

administrations — has been too muted in its calls for greater democracy and human

rights in Egypt. They say the U.S. has placed a greater priority on seeking Egypt’s help to

advance fragile Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts, as well as Cairo’s lead role in

reconciliation negotiations between rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas.

But while President Mubarak promises Washington much on these fronts, Egyptian civil

society activists contend that he delivers very little.

“We have a feeling that Mubarak has managed to bluff one more *American+

administration, as he has done for 28 years,” Egyptian- American sociologist and civil

society activist Saad Eddin Ibrahim told POLITICO. “He’s very skillful at portraying himself

as the stalwart [Arab partner in the Middle East peace process], and arguing the focus

should not be on elections and democracy while he has to attend to other important files

— Gaza, the Palestinians, Iran, Syria; on all these [he portrays himself as] the best ally,

the lever.”

Sayfa 64

U.S. officials bristle at the suggestion that they give short shrift to human rights and

democracy concerns in Egypt. Obama raised them with Mubarak during a White House

meeting in early September, officials say. The White House also criticized Egypt for

renewing a controversial emergencies law last spring under which hundreds of civil

society activists have been arrested on national security grounds.

U.S. pressure has led Egypt to release hundreds of Egyptian civil society activists detained

under emergency law in the past several months, [Carnegie's Michele] Dunne said.

But Kagan and company say the U.S. should be doing much more.

“At various different times — think about the shah of Iran in the late 1970s — the critical

thing is what does the U.S. do when there is a crucial turning point,” Kagan said. “Egypt is

in that condition now.” .

Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) agree. They have introduced a

Senate resolution (S.R. 586) on Egypt that has attracted a dozen co-sponsors, from

Minnesota Democrat Al Franken to Arizona Republican Jon Kyl. The nonbinding

resolution, which staffers had hoped would move before recess, affirms a strong U.S.-

Egypt relationship, while calling for international monitors to observe voting in the

November election. It also calls on Egypt to release everyone detained under Egyptian

emergency law and to revoke that measure. (Egypt News)

Moufid Shehab Minister of State for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs dismissed

allegations of fraud and rigging in Egypt 's elections.

Shehab denies allegations of fraud in Egyptian elections

In a conference held at Saqiyet al-Sawy’s cultural center in Zamalek, he asserted that

elections were not rigged. He suggested however that mistakes by controllers,

candidates or even voters could occur.

Sayfa 65

Although Shehab welcomed the involvement of opposition parties in the upcoming

parliamentary elections he confirmed his wishes that the National Democratic Party

would win the majority seats.

The minister maintained that the judicial supervision and monitoring of the last elections

in 2005 had many disadvantages. He criticized that judges had to postpone cases in order

to attend the ballots, adding that a judge should not be turned into a clerk that

supervises ballots. "That is why we have substituted direct judicial supervision of the

elections with the Supreme Election Committee that we have formed for this purpose".

Shehab commended the democracy in Europe describing it as more mature than

democracy in Egypt describing Egypt 's democracy as theoretical. He hoped that

democracy could be applied stressing that a transparent electoral race is in the interest

of all political parties.

Shehab highlighted that there are 24 political parties in Egypt , with the presence of only

four or five significant ones. He alleged that the Muslim Brotherhood group benefited

the most from the absence of the opposition parties in the 2005 elections claiming that

the group acquired more seats than they could handle. (Egypt News)

Assistant Secretary-General of the MB parliamentary bloc and a member of the National

Association for Change Mohamed Al-Beltagy has stressed that the Brothers and the

National Association for Change have reached consensus and will continue to effectively

jointly work against the widespread electoral fraud, NDP's corruption and Egypt 's

succession scenarios.

Beltagy told Ikhwanweb that a meeting to discuss future procedures was recently held

between Muslim Brotherhood chairman Dr. Mohammed Badie and a delegation from

the National Association for Change led by General NAC Coordinator Dr. Abdul Galil

Sayfa 66

Mustafa, Dr. Hassan Nafaa, and Journalist Hamdi Kandil, and the group's spokesman

Dr.Salah Abdul Moatal at his office last week.

Al-Beltagy who attended the meeting, maintained that the two sides discussed the latest

political developments and put forward a proposed agenda for the upcoming stage. He

maintained that they both agreed on the significance of preserving the unity of the NAC

and asserted they will continue their petitioned drive collecting signatures calling for

political reform and constitutional amendments.

Both sides maintained they would hold rallies to raise awareness for the necessity of

reform, and will pressure the government into responding to their popular demands.

They vowed they would continue to cooperate with all political opposition forces

pushing for democratic change in Egypt .

"The decision to go forward with these elections or not will not deter peaceful activities

aimed to combat the tyranny of the ruling regime, but will increase support for all

proposals involved in demands for peaceful reform and change". Al-Beltagui asserted.

Dr. Hassan Nafaa, former General NAC Coordinator, denied that the Brotherhood and

the Wafd Party's participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections may cause a crisis

and a split within the ranks of the Assembly, stressing that no political force will be ruled

out from the NAC (Ikhwan Web)


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Lebanon in mid-October drew

controversy among Lebanese rival political groups particularly with regard to the agenda

of the trip and its objectives amid rising tensions between Hizbullah and March 14

parties over the UN-backed Tribunal.

Sayfa 67

But Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Ghazanfar Roknabadi said Ahmadinejad’s upcoming

visit aims to help promote unity among the Lebanese.

Following a meeting with Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt Thursday,

Roknabadi said Iran stood alongside Lebanon as well as its “resistance, people, army and

government” and stressed the need for Lebanese political parties to stand united to

avoid falling into Israeli traps.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran stands by Lebanon and justice, wherever they are,” he said

in remarks published by the An-Nahar newspaper Friday. “Iran’s national stands are well

known. Those stands are based on both Islamic basis and national interest,” Roknabadi


But March 14 parties expressed concern over the Iranian president’s visit because he

considers Lebanon “an Iranian base on the Mediterranean.”

“The *March 14+ secretariat regards with much caution and suspicion the visit of the

Iranian president to Lebanon, due to his anti-peace stances and his insistence on

considering Lebanon an Iranian base on the Mediterranean coast,” a statement said after

a meeting of the alliance.

Earlier this month, Roknabadi had announced Ahmadinejad would visit Beirut in mid-

October to discuss with Lebanese officials the latest regional and international


Ahmadinejad’s visit is his first to Lebanon as president, and comes at a time of increased

tension in Beirut in the run up to the STL indictments, which Hizbullah said are aimed at

implicating its members in former Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination in 2005.

Media reports said protests that might take place during Ahmadinejad’s visit to Lebanon

raised fears of sparking confrontations between rival Lebanese groups.

Sayfa 68

Other reports said the Iranian president’s planned tour in southern Lebanon, particularly

on the Lebanese-Israeli border, could instigate tensions and provoke Israel.

Lebanese political sources said they expect Ahmadinejad to visit Bint Jbeil, a bastion of

Hizbullah and a border village that was heavily bombed during the July 2006 war.

Iran’s envoy has met Lebanese officials in the run-up to Ahmadinejad’s visit, expressing

Tehran’s willingness to support Lebanon’s energy and business sectors.

Iran has also offered to help Lebanon’s military after a clash between the Lebanese and

Israeli armies in August sparked Israeli concern that weapons provided by Western

countries were being used against Israel.

But Iran’s proposed military aid, which Ahmadinejad could raise with Lebanese officials

during his visit to Beirut, remains a controversial issue among the Lebanese as some

officials fear it could prompt Western countries to halt military aid to Lebanon.

Sunni Arab countries are concerned about Iran’s rising influence in the region, through

its proxies of Hizbullah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.

Iran is embroiled in a long-running dispute with the West over its controversial nuclear

program that has sparked rumors of planned Israeli or US military strikes.

US commanders have warned that military strikes against Iran could spark retaliatory

action by Tehran and its allies like Hizbullah and Hamas that could destabilize the region.

In an interview with LBCI television on Thursday, Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General

Sheikh Naim Qassem said that Hezbollah does not trust the Internal Security Forces (ISF)

– Information Branch, adding that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) may not lead to

events similar to the 2008 May events.

Qassem said that the Information Branch fulfilled some achievements but some of its

members gave wrong information to the international investigation probing the 2005

assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

Sayfa 69

“Hezbollah will wait for the tribunal’s indictment to *react+,” Qassem said, adding that

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s upcoming speech in a few weeks

will tackle the STL issue.

Prime Minister Saad Hariri can attempt to prevent the indictment of Hezbollah, the

deputy secretary general also suggested, adding that relations between the two parties

are not severed.

“I do not think the 2011 state budget’s clause will be approved, Hariri might respect the

cabinet’s decision and not resign,” he also said.

March 14 MPs withdrew from the September 16 evening session of the Parliamentary

Budget and Finance Commission to prevent it from reaching a quorum when March 8

coalition MPs called for voting on a 2010 state budget clause pertaining to Lebanon’s

funding of the STL.

The Hezbollah deputy added that some parties like the Lebanese Forces (LF) are arming


Regarding Hezbollah’s relations with Syria, Qassem said they are strategic and those

betting on harming them will fail.

Qassem voiced his disappointment over some political figures’ dissatisfaction of Iranian

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Lebanon.

This comes in a possible reference to the March 14 General Secretariat’s Wednesday

statement that warned of Ahmadinejad’s visit to the country particularly because the

latter considers Lebanon “an Iranian base on the Mediterranean sea.”

Ahmadinejad is expected to visit the country mid-October. (Now Lebanon)

Sayfa 70

Hezbollah's leader has said the tribunal looking into Hariri's death could indict some of

the Iranian-backed group's members, fueling the country's worst political crisis in years.

Hezbollah contends the tribunal has been poisoned by witnesses who have given false


The indictments could be issued as early as next month.

"You know our position on the tribunal, so we cannot agree to finance it," Hezbollah

spokesman Ibrahim Moussawi told The Associated Press on Wednesday when asked if

his party will try to block the funding in Lebanon's budget.

Lebanon pays 49 percent of the tribunal's costs, with other U.N. member states

providing the remainder.

Hezbollah has a key role in the country's fragile national unity government, which is led

by the slain leader's son - Prime Minister Saad Hariri - who heads a Western-backed

coalition. The Cabinet has delayed discussions on the 2011 draft budget as lawmakers

debate funding for the tribunal.

Hezbollah could unify the opposition to stop the funding. According to the resolution

that created the tribunal, other countries would step in if Lebanon failed to provide its

share. Still, such a decision would be a strong message that support for the tribunal is


Despite opposition to the court, Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his supporters insist the

tribunal will go forward. (Now Lebanon)

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmad Abu al-Gheit told UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

during their Thursday meeting in New York that Egypt supports the Special Tribunal for

Lebanon (STL), according to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry’s website.

Sayfa 71

Abu al-Gheit told the UN chief that Cairo also considers the STL an independent

institution, the report said.

“Egypt is convinced that the tribunal needs to pursue its probe to uncover the

perpetrators behind the assassinations *of Lebanese public figures+,” Abu al-Gheit said.

Tension ran high in Lebanon after reports said that the STL would soon issue its

indictment in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

There are fears that, should the court indict Hezbollah members, it could lead to clashes

similar to those of the 2008 May Events. (Now Lebanon)


President Bashar al-Assad will pay an official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran on


During the visit, President al-Assad will hold talks with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

of Iran and Iranian senior officials on the distinguished bilateral relations between the

two friendly countries and the latest developments on the regional and international


In September, President al-Assad discussed with President Ahmadinejad in Damascus the

need for raising the level of the economic and developmental cooperation, particularly in

issues of strategic nature as oil, gas, railways, and increasing tourist communication

between the two peoples.

The two leaders pointed out to the necessity of getting Iraq out of the crisis of forming a

government to preserve its unity, stability and security.

Sayfa 72

The Syrian-Iranian high committee signed in last April in Damascus memos of

understanding on cooperation in the fields of trade, economy, investment, banks,

communication, IT, health, education, higher education, agriculture, electricity, industry,

transport and statistics.

Syria and Iran last February signed an agreement on canceling entry visas between the

two countries. (SANA)

Syrian Minister of Finance, Dr. Mohammad Al-Hussein, said that Syria and Libya create

an Arab African depth to be bolstered, calling for making use of this depth as to bolster

cooperation and accomplish the aspired-for objective to be an example for Arab

Economic Cooperation.

Addressing the Syrian-Libyan Strategic Cooperation Council, Dr. Al-Hussein said '' we seek

to achieve the more of success and progress in our relations, based on the political will of

H.E. President Bashar al-Assad and Colonel Mua'amer Algathafi, Leader of Al-Fatih of

September Revolution, so as to achieve integrated partnership between Syria and Libya

in all fields.''

Minister Al-Hussein underscored Syria's welcome to Libyan Businessmen and Investors,

citing the ongoing positive investment developments, new investment legislative bylaws,

and promising investment opportunities, calling for joint ventures.

The Minister disclosed that score of cooperation agreements are to be signed between

Syria and Libya during the coming visit of Libyan Prime Minster to Damascus.

For his part, Secretary of Libyan General People's Committee for Planning and Finance,

Dr. Abdul Hafeez Al-Zulaity, underlined the importance of bolstering the Libyan-Syrian

cooperation, intensifying contacts and communications between businessmen of both

countries, hindering whatever obstacles which might encounter businessmen and


Sayfa 73

Dr. Al-Zulaity disclosed that among the agreements to be signed is one related to the

formation of a joint Libyan-Syrian Company as the core for a holding company with many

affiliated companies with a capital of about 4 billion US dollars.

The talks during this meeting focused at the final touches on the legal aspect for

investment exchange between Syria and Libya, facilitation of citizens' movements, and

the possibility of opening a maritime line between both countries. (SANA)

President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday renewed Syria's support to any agreement that

takes the Iraqis out of the current crisis and leads to the formation of a national unity

government which includes all Iraqi forces represented in the Parliament and is able to

preserve Iraq's unity, sovereignty and independence.

President al-Assad's remarks came during his meeting with a delegation from the Iraqi

List led by Iyad Allawi.

Talks dealt with the latest developments in Iraq and the ongoing efforts and negotiations

among different Iraqi blocs to form an Iraqi government.

President al-Assad expressed keenness on maintaining best relations between Syria and

Iraq in various areas in a way that achieves the common strategic interests of both

countries and peoples.

Allawi highlighted Iraqis' high confidence in Syria as it stands at the same distance from

all Iraqi forces.

He also thanked President al-Assad for his great interest and care for Iraq's unity and

national accord to recover and restore its security and stability.

The meeting was attended by Vice-President Farouk al-Shara, Assistant Vice-President

Mohammad Nassif and Presidential Political and Media Advisor Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban.

Sayfa 74

President al-Assad held talks with Allawi last July during which they discussed the

formation of an Iraqi government on the basis of agreement among the Iraqis and

maintaining Iraq's unity, sovereignty and Arab identity..

During his meeting with a delegation from the State of Law Coalition earlier this month in

Damascus, the President stressed Syria's support to any agreement among the Iraqis

based on Iraq's unity.

A number of Iraqi officials visited Syria during the last months including Head of the Iraqi

Supreme Islamic Council Ammar al-Hakeem, Vice-President Adel Abdul-Mahdi, Leader of

the Iraqi Accord Front Ayad al-Samarrai and Leader of the Sadr Trend Muqtada al-Sadr.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari informed his Syrian counterpart Walid al-Moallem

during their meeting in New York a few days age of the Iraqi government's decision to

return the Iraqi Ambassador to Damascus as soon as possible. Al-Moallem, in turn,

confirmed the return of the Syrian Ambassador to Baghdad.

Allawi said at a press conference following the meeting that the Iraqi officials will

continue dialogue and exchange viewpoints with the Arab countries, on top, Syria,

adding "the Iraqi List conducts dialogue and holds contacts with Iraq's Arab depth, and

this is the reason why we came to Syria who spares no effort to support Iraq stability."

As for reports about a regional understanding on forming the Iraqi government, Allawi

said "we are slowly approaching towards the formation of a new government… in the

end; the decision will be an Iraqi one."

He called on the international community, the US to stand at one distance from all

political Iraqi parties.

Allawi hailed Turkey's efforts to help Iraq get out of its dilemma, saying "Turkey was one

of the neighboring countries which issued a clear statement prior to elections that

supports the political and electoral process.

Sayfa 75

He said the Iraqi List hopes the government will be formed on a national basis.

For his part, Member of Iraqi List Delegation Saleh al-Mutlaq said that President al-

Assad's meeting with leaders of the Iraqi List was dedicated to study the situation in Iraq

and came in the framework of Syria and other Arab neighboring countries efforts to

protect Iraq from going to a security dilemma.

He pointed out that the Iraqi List called upon the brotherly country of Syria to have a

pioneering role in protecting Iraq.

Al-Mutlaq said the Syrian role comes in support of Iraq and its people as it calls for Iraq's

unity and the formation of a national government which doesn't belong to the political

sectarianism, expressing his confidence that Syria will continue playing this constructive


He pointed out that the Iraqi List insists that the next Iraqi government gain the trust and

the will of the Iraqi people and could be able to pass to a new stage when Iraqi people

would achieve security, peace, safety and development. (Champress)



Dubai's police chief said he has received death threats from Israel's spy agency Mossad

linked to his role in uncovering details of the assassination of a senior Hamas leader, a

report said Thursday.

The Arabic-language al-Ittihad daily quoted Dahi Khalfan as saying he had "received two

death threats based on the case of Hamas militant" Mahmud al-Mabhuh's assassination

in a Dubai hotel on January 20.

Sayfa 76

Khalfan received the threats, one in an e-mail and the other in a phone call to one of his


He said Dubai police had managed to track the email's source, but gave no more details.

The e-mail said: "Protect your back if you are going to keep your tongue loose".

In the phone call, his relative was told to pass on a message for Khalfan "to remain

silent". The paper said the call was made by a "dual nationality Westerner, who was later

confirmed to be a retired Mossad agent".

The police chief accused Mossad of being behind both threats, the state-owned paper


Israeli officials were not available for comment on Thursday, a Jewish holiday.

The first threat came days after Khalfan released pictures of the suspected killers and at

the same time accused Mossad of involvement in the murder.

Khalfan in mid-February released the names and photographs of 11 murder suspects he

said had entered Dubai with European passports -- six from Britain, three from Ireland,

one from Germany and one from France.

Residents of Israel with the same names as the suspects, holding dual nationalities, said

their identities appeared to have been stolen.

The apparent passport abuse drew global criticism. Ireland, Britain and Australia expelled

Israeli diplomats.

According to the report, Khalfan also revealed that the authorities of a "Western

country" had arrested a suspect involved in Mabhuh's assassination "two days ago."

The person arrested was among a number of suspects for which international red notices

had been issued by global police agency Interpol on behalf of the UAE, he added, without

giving details of the country or the person involved.

Sayfa 77

The UAE is seeking the extradition of the suspect, the daily added.

Mabhuh, a founder of the military wing of the Islamist Hamas movement which controls

the Gaza Strip, was found dead in his room in the al-Bustan Rotana hotel near Dubai


Twelve British, six Irish, four French, one German and three Australian passports were

used by the 26 people believed linked to the murder, according to Dubai police.

In many cases, the travel documents appeared either to have been faked or obtained

illegally. The countries whose passports were used all called in Israeli envoys for talks.

Britain announced in March that it was expelling one Israeli diplomat while Australia

announced in May that it was throwing out an official from the Israeli embassy.

Israel has said there is no evidence linking it or Mossad to the assassination. (Al Arabiya

News Channel)

ON the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of

China, I would like to extend, on behalf of the staff of the Chinese Embassy and myself,

warm congratulations and sincere greetings to all the Chinese who are studying and

working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It also coincides with the 20th anniversary of the

establishment of diplomatic relations between PRC and KSA. I would like to extend best

wishes and heartfelt thanks to the friendly leadership and people of KSA, and friends

from all sectors who have been committed to and supporting the development of China

and Sino-Saudi relations over the years.

Over the past 61 years, China has made remarkable achievements in its domestic

development and external relations. Chinese economy has achieved a historic leap. In

the first six months of this year, China’s total trade volume reached $1,354.8 billion and

its foreign exchange reserves reached $2,400 billion, ranking third and first respectively

Sayfa 78

in the world. The educational system improves continuously. Free and compulsory

education in urban and rural areas is fully realized, the number of students enrolled in

universities, high schools and elementary schools ranked first in the world, and China

now issues more Ph.D. than any other country in the world. A social security system

covering both the urban and rural areas has taken initial shape. Public medical service

continues to improve, providing health care for more than 1.2 billion residents in urban

and rural areas. The 2010 World Expo currently being held in Shanghai is presenting a

harmonious, inclusive, prosperous and progressive China.

China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace and has established diplomatic ties

with more than 170 countries on the basis of five principles of peaceful coexistence.

China actively engages in multilateral issues, shoulders its due share of international

responsibilities. It has joined more than 100 international organizations and is signatory

of more than 300 international conventions. Out of the five permanent members of the

UN Security Council, China contributes the most peacekeeping personnel. China is

playing an increasingly important role in the international cooperation against global

challenges, such as financial crisis, climate change, food security, public health security

and terrorism.

However, we must be aware that China’s per-capital GDP still ranks below 100th in the

world. According to the UN standard, China has more than 150 million people living in

poverty. The imbalance of industrial structure and uneven development between urban

and rural areas and among different regions remain a serious challenge. China is still a

developing country and will remain so for a long time to come.

Just several days ago, Saudi Arabia celebrated its 80th National Day. In the past 80 years,

the country has made huge progress in many areas. Especially in recent years, under the

leadership of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, the country continues

to enjoy social stability, and its people are living a happy life. Saudi Arabia has capitalized

on its oil resources and carried out a large number of infrastructure projects, which has

Sayfa 79

delivered greater welfare to the people and driven the economy into a new period of

prosperity. Saudi economy has successfully weathered the impact of the international

financial crisis and maintained a steady growth. The educational system is also making

headways. Most impressively, with the implementation of the Ninth Five-Year

Development Plan, Saudi Arabia had announced its First Five-Year Plan for Science

Innovation, which will undoubtedly give great impetus to its national development and

prosperity. Saudi Arabia is highly commended by the international community for its

active role in safeguarding peace and stability in the Middle East, pursuing the proper

settlement of relevant issues and vigorously advocating for transnational and inter-

cultural dialogue. All this has greatly elevated its international status and influence. We

believe that under the able leadership of King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia will embrace a

brighter future.

The Sino-Saudi relations can be regarded as a model of the friendly cooperative relations

between China and Arab states. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 20 years

ago, the Sino-Saudi strategic friendly relations has developed rapidly. We have seen

frequent high-level exchanges with growing mutual political trust. King Abdullah visited

China in 1998 as the crown prince and in 2006 again during his first overseas visit after

his accession as king. President Hu Jintao visited Saudi Arabia in 2006 and 2009

respectively. Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping visited Saudi Arabia in June 2008. In 2010,

Yang Jiechi, Chinese foreign minister, and Chen Deming, minister of commerce of China,

visited Saudi Arabia respectively. In May, Prince Saud Al-Faisal, Saudi Arabian foreign

minister, visited China and attended the Fourth Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab

Cooperation Forum. This year the leaders of the two countries also exchanged

congratulatory messages on the 20th anniversary of diplomatic ties.

Saudi Arabia has remained the largest trading partner of China in West Asia and Africa

for nine consecutive years. The bilateral trade volume reached $32.6 billion in 2009, and

$16.32 billion from January to May in 2010, registering a year-on-year increase of 59.5

percent. China imported 41.95 million tons of crude oil from Saudi Arabia in 2009, it’s

Sayfa 80

expected to surpass 50 million tons this year. Bilateral cooperation in energy,

telecommunication, investment, infrastructure construction has been unfolding with

satisfactory results. Our two countries are also working more closely on education,

youth, culture, sports and information. This July, the Cultural Week of Saudi Arabia was

held by the Saudi side in China. The Saudi youth delegation led by Dr. Sa’doun,

undersecretary for economic and cultural affairs of the Saudi Foreign Ministry, are now

visiting China and interacting with the young Chinese under the framework of China-

Saudi Youth Forum.

At present, both China and Saudi Arabia are at the best stage of development, and the

bilateral relations are at its best time in history. We believe that with the joint efforts

from both sides, the Sino-Saudi strategic friendly relations will move forward to a higher

level and therefore bring greater benefits to the people of our two countries. (Arab


The Human Right Commission’s partnership with the King Abdullah Center for Research

and Consultancy Studies at King Saud University has resulted in a long-term strategy

workshop for board members and staff.

According to the HRC’s Vice President Zaid Al-Hussaini, the partnership is a means to

fulfill its assigned mission on establishing scientific and methodical bases on human


Al-Hussaini also indicated that the workshop would help the HRC in its rapid

development by merging an understanding of practical experiences with scientific


The vice president pointed out during the opening speech of the workshop that the

commission was established to assist the Kingdom’s fast progress and development in

Sayfa 81

social, administrative and economic directions, to protect and enhance human rights in

accordance with international human rights conventions and Islamic teachings.

Al-Hussaini referred to the partnership as an important project allowing the commission

to benefit from the King Abdullah Center’s expertise.

He indicated that the commission, its board members and administration rely on such

workshops to broaden its participation, benefit from specialist participants to achieve its

goals, review its strengths, weaknesses and external forces that could influence its

performance as well as evaluate the results of its projects.

Al-Hussaini said the HRC had three major goals, including improving the commission’s

performance, improve the quality of services offered to citizens and residents in the

Kingdom and abroad and improve interaction with official bodies, international

organizations and diplomatic missions.

Workshop supervisor Muadi Al-Mathhab praised the commission’s decision to ask the

King Abdullah Center to help them prepare a long-term strategy.

Al-Mathhab pointed out that the strategy is focusing on the HRC’s strengths and

weaknesses, challenges and officials’ expectations.

At the same time, he said, the strategy is also reviewing successful practices adopted by

similar organizations in other developed countries. (Arab News)



Sayfa 82

President Asif Ali Zardari has stated that the government is fully cognizant of the issues

of elderly people and has taken some institutional and legislative measures to address

their problems in the country.“Our religion and cultural values place great emphasis on

us to look after the elderly and infirm. The elderly people are usually looked after by the

families within their resources. However, the myriad pressures of life has posed new

challenges and weakened the institution of joint family system.“That is why it is

important for the government to make institutional arrangements to take care of their

elderly when families’ support to them is either non-existent or inadequate”, the

President said in his message on the International Day of Older Persons, being observed

on Oct 1.

The President said the setting up of “Affiat” old peoples’ homes and the introduction of

monthly stipend scheme for them launched by some provincial governments are steps in

the right direction.

“But much more needs to be done to provide needed services to the elderly and extend

them to the district and tehsil levels in the country”, he stressed.

The President said care of the elderly is a duty in which the philanthropists and the

affluent members of society also can, indeed must, step forward and help the


“Through concerted action by all, the private and the public sector, we can make the

lives of elderly more comfortable and meaningful”, he added.

The President said the International Day for Older Persons “reminds us all of our

obligation to provide a conducive, secure and healthy environment in which senior and

older people are enabled to cope with the challenges of old age”.

“Let us remember that those who are elderly today were also young and productive in

the past and played their role in sustaining and supporting their families and in the

building of the society and the communities of which they are part”, he added.

Sayfa 83

The President said the community and the society owe it to the elderly to look after

them in the twilight of their life.

He also appreciated the UN agencies, international organizations and NGOs in

highlighting the issues of elderly people and wish them success in the pursuit of their

noble objective.

“On the day I urge every one to play his part in providing the elderly a conducive and

congenial environment that makes of the life of elderly comfortable and the nation

prosperous, healthy and tolerant”, the President said adding, “May Allah bless us in this

noble cause”. (Associated Press of Pakistan)

The World Bank has approved a credit worth US$130 million in additional financing for

the Pakistan Highway Rehabilitation Project to continue revitalizing and modernizing

Pakistan’s highway system.The project will further create a productive and efficient

highway network,lowering transportation bottlenecks and costs, particularly crucial in

light of tremendous damage caused by the recent floods.The project consists of three

components: rehabilitating 514 km of highways, resurfacing 342 km of highways, and

reconstructing 128 km of damaged roads that provide vital access to remote and

disaster-prone communities.

Additionally, the project also reinforces resource allocation, road maintenance, and

strengthens the National Highway Authority’s (NHA) capacity. This will complement

Pakistan’s development goals especially with rising per capita income and improving

social indicators.

“Improvements in basic infrastructure including highways are critical to improving

human development outcomes,” said Rachid Benmessaoud, World Bank Country

Director for Pakistan. With growth there has been an increase in demand for better

Sayfa 84

infrastructure. However, Pakistan’s infrastructure platform needs significant investment

in order to support Pakistan’s growth and service delivery goals.

The Pakistan Highway Rehabilitation Project was initially approved in 2003 and has

demonstrated transformative results with 884 km of roads having been improved.

Stretches in poor condition have been reduced by 20%, travel time between Peshawar

and Karachi has been reduced by 9%, and road fatalities have been reduced by a notable


“This continues to be a very important project,” said Zafar I. Raja, Project Team Leader.

“We are committed to continually improving the three impact indicators, reduction in

average vehicle operating costs; reduction in travel time; and improvement in road


The World Bank has a long history of partnership and collaboration with Pakistan and has

continued its support for a variety of infrastructure projects including improvements of

ports and barrages along with improving facilitation of trade and transport.

The additional financing route was chosen to ensure fast processing of funds for the

flood affected communities. Of the $130.0 million, $20.0 million is part of the billion

dollar floods package announced by the World Bank.

The credits from the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s

concessionary arm, have 40 years to maturity with a 10-year grace period; they carry a

service charge of 0.75 percent. (Associated Press of Pakistan)

President Asif Ali Zardari on Thursday said the Government of Pakistan strongly

disapproves any incident of violation of its sovereignty.Any violation of internationally

agreed principles is counter productive and unacceptable, he remarked.The President

expressed these views during a meeting with Director CIA Leon Panetta, who called on

Sayfa 85

him here at the Aiwan-e-Sadr. Leon Panetta was accompanied with Ms. Anne W.

Patterson, US Ambassador to Pakistan.

Interior Minister Senator A. Rehman Malik, Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir and DG ISI

Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha also attended the meeting.

Matters relating to cooperation in the fight against militants and security situation in the

region among other related issues were discussed in the meeting.

The President said that the fight against militancy and terrorism remains the highest

priority and the Government was determined to pursue its struggle against militancy till

its logical end.

He said that there was a need to enhance trust, cooperation and coordination at the

strategic, policy and operational planes. Capacity enhancement of the Pakistan security

apparatus was very crucial, the President observed.

The President said Dr. Aafia’s sentence was being perceived as harsh and

disproportionate and has led to protests in Pakistan.

Leon Panetta thanked the President for meeting and reite (Associated Press of Pakistan)


India strongly rejected Pakistan’s allegation that it was sponsoring terrorism in South

Asia, with External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna terming it as “unacceptable“.

“We have rejected it. This is totally unacceptable,” Mr. Krishna told PTI as he left New

York after attending the opening session of the General Assembly here.

“The track record of India speaks so eloquently,” he added. “We don’t need to defend

our position.”

Sayfa 86

On Wednesday, following Mr. Krishna’s speech at the annual debate of the General

Assembly in which he blasted Pakistan for sponsoring terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir,

Pakistani delegates charged India of supporting terrorism in South Asia.

“The Indian government is well advised to take careful stock of its own polices and

conduct that includes supporting terrorist elements in neighbouring countries which

contributes to the problems facing South Asia,” said Amjad Hussain B Sial, deputy envoy

of Pakistan to UN.

The remarks by Pakistani diplomat led to a sharp exchange of words between the

diplomats of both countries in the General Assembly.

India closed the spat by saying, “We reject all untenable and unsolicited remarks from

the distinguished delegate of Pakistan.”

Mr. Krishna in speech had said, “Jammu & Kashmir, which is an integral part of India, is

the target of Pakistan-sponsored militancy and terrorism.”

The confrontation at the UN happened after more than a week of critical remarks and

retaliations from both sides, which led to a potential Indo-Pak bilateral finally not taking

place during the opening session of the General Assembly.

However, Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi is expected to come to New

Delhi at a date, which has yet to be decided.

Responding to whether these latest remarks by Pakistan would negatively impact future

talks, Mr. Krishna said, “Draw your own conclusions.”(The Hindu)

President Barack Obama, who has described India as an “indispensable” partner for the

21st century, is preparing for his landmark visit to New Delhi to help further grow the

ties between the two economies and people, a top U.S. official said on Friday.

Sayfa 87

“I foresee our great nations becoming ever closer in the years and decades to come.

President Obama intends to make a landmark visit to India in November to help further

grow the ties between our two knowledge societies, our economies, and our people,”

Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Robert Blake said.

“There has been a transformation in the way the U.S. views India. President Obama has

called India our “indispensable” partner for the 21st century,” Mr. Blake said in his

remarks at the San Diego World Affairs Council.

India’s strategic importance to the U.S. reflects several factors, he said, including the

centre of gravity of U.S. foreign policy has shifted from Europe to Asia and within Asia no

other country has the thriving democracy, economic promise, the sheer human capital

and the growing record of cooperation with the United States that India has.

As Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns recently noted, “Never has

there been a moment when India and America mattered more to one another. And

never has there been a moment when partnership between India and America mattered

more to the rest of the globe.”

The vitality of U.S.-India relations is no more evident than here in San Diego, he said.

In addition to strong commerce and business connections and a vibrant Indian American

population, U.S. India defence cooperation also has local ties to the San Diego area, Mr.

Blake said.

“The close links between our two militaries, particularly the Navy-to-Navy relationship,

are a remarkable feature of the larger Indo-U.S. defence relationship. India holds more

military exercises with the U.S. than any other country, including the annual MALABAR

naval exercises,” he said.

India, he said, would be the first to say that its own successes should not overshadow

important recent developments in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives and Bhutan

that could have wide and positive ramifications for the region.

Sayfa 88

“The recent histories of Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives show that

they are joining India in consolidating democracy and contributing to the peace and

security of the larger world. They may seem small, but they understand the need to think


“Each in their own way is contributing to the growth of South Asia and the growing

importance that the United States attaches to cooperation with South Asia,” Mr. Blake

said. (The Hindu)

A landmine was today found by the BSF troops near the Indian-Pakistan border in Kathua

district of Jammu and Kashmir.

Acting on a tip off, BSF men rushed to Londi border village near the International Border

in Hiranagar tehsil and recovered the mine, officials said.

The device was later defused safely. (The Hindu)


A UN report says opium harvests in Afghanistan have dropped by almost half this year

due to a crop disease.

Afghanistan produces around 90 percent of the world's opium, the main ingredient of


The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in a report released today said Afghanistan

produced an estimated 3,600 tons of opium this year -- a 48 percent reduction from


Sayfa 89

But the report said the total area of the country used for opium-poppy cultivation

remains the same, with most of the poppies grown in restive southern and western


The report also warned that with prices rising, production is unlikely to remain low.

The Taliban, who have been waging war on the Afghan government for the past nine

years, are thought to get much of their funding from Afghanistan's illegal drug

production. (Afghan Online Press)

Seven servicemen with the US-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) have lost

their lives in a militant attack in volatile southern Afghanistan.

The ISAF service members were killed following an attack in Afghanistan's southern

province of Kandahar, a Press TV correspondent reported on Thursday.

Roadside bombs, or Improvised Explosive Device (IEDs), are by far the most lethal

weapon Taliban militants use against foreign troops, Afghan forces as well as civilians.

The latest deaths bring to 59 the number of fatalities among foreign troopers in war-

ravaged Afghanistan this month. June, nonetheless, remains the worst month for foreign

military casualties with a death toll of 103. A total of 549 foreign soldiers have been

killed in the Afghan war so far this year.

The American army has lost 1,307 soldiers since October 2001 when Washington

unleashed the US-led invasion of Afghanistan to overthrow Taliban militants. Thousands

of civilians have died and many others sustained injuries in US-led operations in

Afghanistan. (Afghan Online Press)

Sayfa 90

Pakistani army confirmed Thursday that two NATO helicopters attacked a Pakistani

border post and killed three soldiers.

An army statement said that two NATO helicopters from Afghanistan crossed the border

into Pakistan in Upper Kurram Agency and shelled a check post despite warning shots.

"Today at 0525 hours two helicopters from Afghanistan appeared to have crossed the

border into Pakistan at Mandata Kandaho, Ali Mangola area of Upper Kurram Agency

and engaged through cannon fire on an outpost of Frontier Corps (FC), located 200

meters inside Pakistan (location of post shared with ISAF), manned by six soldiers," the

army said.

"Troops of Frontier Corps present at the post retaliated through rifle fire to indicate that

the helicopters were crossing into our territory," a statement from the army's Inter-

Services Public Relations said.

The statement said that instead of heeding to the warning, helicopters went to fire two

missiles, destroying the post. Three FC soldiers have been killed and three have been


This is the third incident of its kind during past week, the statement said.

"In the wake of the last incident on Sept. 27, contact was made at the highest military

level and the incident was regretted by the U.S.," it said. (Afghan Online Press)

Pakistan shut down the main land route for NATO supplies into Afghanistan Thursday

after officials accused NATO of killing Pakistani troops in the fourth cross-border attack

this week.

NATO and the Pakistani government said they were investigating the incident in the

Kurram district of Pakistan's tribal belt, which Washington has branded an Al-Qaeda

headquarters and hub of militants fighting in Afghanistan.

Sayfa 91

The region is being targeted by a record number of US drone strikes and was reportedly

where Al-Qaeda hatched a plot to attack cities in Britain, France and Germany uncovered

by Western intelligence agencies.

"We have suspended NATO supply trucks for the time being due to security reasons," an

official in Pakistan's Frontier Corps paramilitary unit told AFP in the northwestern city of

Peshawar on condition of anonymity.

Two officials at the Torkham border crossing in Pakistan's northwestern Khyber district

and a US diplomat confirmed that NATO convoys were not being allowed to cross.

Khyber is on the main NATO supply route into Afghanistan, where more than 152,000 US

and NATO forces are fighting a nine-year Taliban insurgency.

Pakistan has condemned cross-border air strikes by NATO helicopters pursuing militants

into its territory. NATO said it was investigating Thursday's incident, but has said

previously it has the right to self-defence.

Washington considers Pakistan's border areas with Afghanistan the most dangerous

place on Earth and has this month significantly stepped up a covert drone war on Taliban

and Al-Qaeda-linked militants holed up in the area.

At least 21 such strikes have been recorded in September, including one last Saturday

believed to have killed Sheikh Fateh, the purported Al-Qaeda operations chief for

Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Although Pakistan is a key US ally, its powerful military has been accused in the West of

playing a double game by supporting Afghan Taliban.

CIA chief Leon Panetta was in Pakistan on Thursday for talks with the country's

leadership following reports of a major European terror plot.

Sayfa 92

Pakistan, which is under US pressure to do more to crack down on Al-Qaeda-linked

extremists and launch a ground offensive in the district of North Waziristan, has

dismissed the reports.

Security officials told AFP on Thursday that NATO helicopters entered Pakistani airspace

and bombed a paramilitary checkpoint in an "unprovoked attack" in Mandati Kandaw


"NATO helicopters intruded up to five kilometres (three miles) into Pakistan's airspace,"

the Pakistani official said.

Officials said initially three soldiers were killed, but later clarified that the third was

seriously injured, putting the death toll at two. Another four paramilitary troops were


A Frontier Corps official said NATO helicopters again violated Pakistani airspace and fired

seven shells near a Pakistani border security checkpoint but caused no casualties later


ISAF said it was investigating the Pakistani claims. It said that an air strike had targeted

insurgents "believed" to have been on the Afghan side of the border and denied that its

troops crossed into Pakistani airspace.

After being informed by Pakistanis that their border forces had been hit, ISAF said it was

working with the Pakistanis "to ascertain if the two events are linked".

Pakistan's civilian government also said it was investigating.

"Let the investigation complete first, then we will formulate our response," foreign

ministry spokesman Abdul Basit told reporters.

Owais Ahmed Ghani, governor of the northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,

condemned the attack as a violation of sovereignty and "blatant act of aggression" and

called on Pakistan to review the conduct of the war on militancy.

Sayfa 93

It was the fourth such attack reported in a week.

The US presence in Afghanistan and US drone strikes in the tribal belt are the subject of

fierce criticism and suspicion in Pakistan.

The Pentagon said Tuesday the recent strikes were marked by "communication

breakdowns" as officers were not able to contact their Pakistani counterparts about the

operation until afterwards. (Afghan Online Press)

*This media summary is prepared by ORSAM Middle East Research Assistants Sercan Doğan and Nebahat

Tanrıverdi O. It covers news and commentaries as reported by the national media sources publishing in the

Middle Eastern countries. The views expressed are not those of ORSAM and their inclusion does not imply

factual accuracy.

*Bu bülten Kasım 2009’dan beri ORSAM Ortadoğu Uzman Yardımcıları Sercan Doğan ve Nebahat Tanrıverdi O

tarafından hazırlanmaktadır. Bülten Ortadoğu ülkelerinin yerel haber kaynaklarından derlenmektedir. Belirtilen

görüşler bölge ülkelerinin haber kaynaklarına ve ismi geçen yazarlara ait olup ORSAM’ın görüşünü
