災害対応のトレーニングに関する 国際シンポジウム …...International Symposium...

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Transcript of 災害対応のトレーニングに関する 国際シンポジウム …...International Symposium...





講演者Prof. Russell Uyeno (ハワイ大学), Prof. Maksud Kamal (ダッカ大学), Mr. B. Wisnu Widjaja (インドネシア国家防災庁), 田中秀幸 (東京大学), 田中 淳 (東京大学), 伊藤哲朗 (東京大学), 目黒公郎 (東京大学), 沼田宗純 (東京大学)

参加申し込み氏名、所属、連絡先を記入の上、okawa@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp 宛にお申し込みください。

募集定員 125名

Where will the disaster management training go?

The Foundation for the Promotion of Industrial Science CIDIR

Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (III)

Time Contents Face

10:00 趣旨説明: 沼田 宗純

東京大学大学院情報学環総合防災情報研究センター生産技術研究所都市基盤安全工学国際研究センター/ 講師

10:10開会挨拶: 田中 淳

東京大学大学院情報学環総合防災情報研究センター/ センター長

10:15情報学環の紹介: 田中 秀幸


10:30 Context of National Disaster Training in the U.S. : Dr. Russell UyenoAssociate Director, Instructional Systems Design and DeliveryNational Disaster Preparedness Training Center, University of Hawaii

12:00 Lunch -

13:00 我が国の災害対応の現状と課題: 伊藤哲朗

第12代内閣危機管理監、第85代警視総監東京大学生産技術研究所都市基盤安全工学国際研究センター/ 客員教授

13:30 バングラディッシュの災害対応の現状と課題:Prof. Maksud KamalDean, Faculty of Earth and Environmental SciencesProf. & founder Chairman, Dept. of Disaster Science and Management, University of Dhaka

14:50 Break -

15:00 インドネシアの災害対応の現状と課題:Prof. B. Wisnu Widjaja

Deputy Chief for Prevention and Preparedness, National Disaster Management Authority

16:20ミャンマーの災害対応の現状と課題: 沼田 宗純Guest Ms. May Myat MonMaster Student, Yangon Technological University (YTU)

16:50 今後の災害対応のトレーニングの方向性: 目黒公郎

東京大学大学院情報学環総合防災情報研究センター生産技術研究所都市基盤安全工学国際研究センター/ 教授

17:20 まとめ: 沼田宗純






International Symposium on

Disaster Management Training

BackgroundJapanese disaster response officials often have difficulties in operating efficiently during a disaster due to lack of a systematically developed training curriculum. This situation is clearly visible at municipality but is also present in prefectural and central governments.

About SymposiumConsidering the best disaster management training system for Japan by understanding the current situation and future vision of the training in U.S., Bangladesh, and Indonesia.

Target AudienceStudents, Administrative Officers, Academicians, Organizations related to disaster prevention, NPOs and NGO

PresenterProf. Russell Uyeno (University of Hawaii), Prof. Maksud Kamal (University of Dhaka)Prof. B. Wisnu Widjaja (BNPB), Prof. Hideyuki Tanaka (UTokyo)Prof. Atsushi Tanaka (UTokyo), Prof. Tetsuro Ito (UTokyo)Prof. Kimiro Meguro (UTokyo), Dr. Muneyoshi Numada (UTokyo)

RegistrationEmail to okawa@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp with your name and Affiliation.Seating capacity: 125

Where will the disaster management training go?

The Foundation for the Promotion of Industrial Science CIDIR

Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (III)

Time Contents Face

10:00 Opening address: Dr. Muneyoshi Numada

Lecturer, The Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research (CIDIR), Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (III), and Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo (UTokyo)

10:10Opening speech: Prof. Atsushi Tanaka

Director of CIDIR, III, UTokyo

10:15Activities of III: Prof. Hideyuki Tanaka

Dean of III, UTokyo

10:30 Context of National Disaster Training in the U.S. : Dr. Russell UyenoAssociate Director, Instructional Systems Design and DeliveryNational Disaster Preparedness Training Center, University of Hawaii

12:00 Lunch -

13:00 Japanese DM: Prof. Tetsuro Ito

Former deputy chief cabinet secretary for crisis management.Visiting professor, IIS of UTokyo

13:30 Bangladesh DM: Prof. Maksud KamalDean, Faculty of Earth and Environmental SciencesProf. & founder Chairman, Dept. of Disaster Science and Management, University of Dhaka

14:50 Break -

15:00Indonesian DM: Prof. B. Wisnu WidjajaDeputy Chief for Prevention and Preparedness, National Disaster Management Authority

16:20Myanmar DM: Dr. Muneyoshi NumadaGuest Ms. May Myat MonMaster Student, Yangon Technological University (YTU)

16:50 Future DM: Prof. Kimiro Meguro

Professor of CIDIR, III and Director of International Center for Urban Safety Engineering (ICUS), IIS, UTokyo

17:20 Closing address: Dr. Muneyoshi Numada

ContentsDM: Disaster Management

Daiwa House Ishibashi Nobuo Memorial Hall,Venue:

Soon from the Kasuga Gate