CIE ICT Help MayJune 2008 Scenario 2

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Transcript of CIE ICT Help MayJune 2008 Scenario 2

May/June 2008

Scenario 2

Scenario 2• Jollywood is a large music retailer. It has decided to offer on-line

shopping to sell its music CDs, DVDs and other products. • They will use their website to allow customers to

log on, choose and buy their goods. • These goods are sent out from Jollywood’s central warehouse which is

computerised. Jollywood have had market research carried out which suggests that they should no longer sell traditional HiFi systems that use CDs and tapes.

• They will need to stock items which use state of the art technologies.• As well as this, the company has decided to operate a call centre

providing an information service to customers. • Customers will be able to phone the centre if they have a problem with

a product or other queries and the operators will advise them.

Question 4 (a)

• Jollywood is a large music retailer. It has decided to offer on-line shopping to sell its music CDs, DVDs and other products.

• They will use their website to allow customers to log on, choose and buy their goods.

• What advantages does Jollywood’s move to online shopping offer the customer and the music retailer? [4]

Answer Question 4 (a) #1Any four points from:• (Max of 3 marks for customer adv and max of 3 marks for

retailer adv)• Much wider choice of CD available• If live in small town, have access to all music• No need to travel to store (saves money and time)• Less expensive since savings passed on to the customer• Operates at any time of day and …• Use of search engine to find …

Answer Question 4 (a) #2• Some people do not like going shopping• Safer to use the Internet because ... e.g. no chance of mugging• No need to have a large store which will lower prices• Larger buying public (e.g. overseas customers) which leads to

increased sales• Can latch on to customer trends (promos etc.)• Better discounts for larger orders• Can seller cheaper due to lower overheads increasing profits• Larger customer base leads to bulk purchasing – lowers costs• Enables “just in time”, qualified … e.g. no build up in stock

Feedback Question 4(a)

• Most candidates have seen an online shopping site and this question was set to allow detailed knowledge of such a system to be given in context.

• Most candidates gave the first and third points.

Question 4 (b)

• Jollywood is a large music retailer. It has decided to offer on-line shopping to sell its music CDs, DVDs and other products.

• They will use their website to allow customers to log on, choose and buy their goods.

• Describe the features you would expect to find on Jollywood’s web site. [5]

Answers Question 4 (b) #1

Any five points from:• Shopping basket to show purchases• Link to secure website for purchase• A description of a ‘wish list’• Login leading to account• Additional languages option• Order history feature• Hyperlinks to music related sites e.g. NME• Feature to submit reviews of tracks• “When customers bought X, they also bought Y” facility

Answers Question 4 (b) #2• Search facility for artist/title• Drop down boxes to choose music categories (etc.)• Help facility• Currency conversion• Data/sales confirmation by email• Saved customer details/customised pages/email registration• Ability to track status of orders• Ability to listen to tracks/see video clips of artists• Recognise customer as soon as they log onto web site• Animation• Hyperlinks to related sites

Feedback Question 4 (b)

• This question was not answered well by the majority of candidates.

• When this question was written it was thought that the features of an online shopping site would be recognised and understood by candidates.

• Unfortunately this often did not prove to be the case.

• These points should not need any further explanation in this report.

Question 4 (c)

• These goods are sent out from Jollywood’s central warehouse which is computerised.

• Each item at the warehouse is marked with a bar code. Describe how an automatic stock control system would be used. [5]

Answers Question 4 (c)

Any five points from:• The bar code is read• Stock file holds details of item sold• Record found on stock file using key fields/bar code number• Number if items in stock reduced by 1 for each item sold• If number in stock Y re-order level …• … automatic order sent out• When new stock arrives• Stock levels of that item increased accordingly• Automatic print out of stock levels

Feedback Question 4 (c)

• This question related to automatic stock control.

• Many candidates failed to understand the level of detail required; for example, the record of the item sold must have been clearly mentioned when number in stock filed is reduced.

Question 4 (d)

• They will need to stock items which use state of the art technologies.

• Explain how a “just in time” system could be used by Jollywood at the warehouse. [3]

Answers Question 4 (d)

Any three points from:• Customer orders trigger a need to restock• Computer sends order to supplier• Supplies are ordered• To arrive at the warehouse as required e.g. within 48 hours• As required for selling/distribution• Could be sent direct to customer• Avoids need for large stores• Reduces cost by not having a lot of unsold items on shelves

Feedback Question 4 (d)

• Just in Time was a topic that was generally well answered, although the stem of the question was often repeated.

• Some candidates failed to explain that it was the customer who drove the ordering.

Question 5 (a)

• Jollywood have had market research carried out which suggests that they should no longer sell traditional HiFi systems that use CDs and tapes.

• Describe how market research would have been carried out for Jollywood. [5]

Answers Question 5 (a)Any five points from:• Send out questionnaires/surveys to target groups• Research what competitors are doing• Description of personal interview• Description of telephone surveys• Customer uses a web site to complete questionnaire• Description of how customer using web site is prompted to fill in

questionnaire• Monitor sales of items from the shops• Store all the information on databases …• … and later analyse the information• Produce report showing results of the surveys

Feedback Question 5 (a)• Market research is not a difficult topic. • However, candidates often failed to make reference to the

scenario and gave generic answers.• Most candidates explained how consulting with customers of

Jollywood could be effective in this research and were awarded marks.

• The marking points do not need any further explanation, apart from noting that a description of a survey is required.

• Candidates who simply offered a list such as; questionnaire, interviews, pop ups,… was not awarded marks. The answers required a description to meet the standards of an A2 examination paper.

Question 5 (b)

• Jollywood have had market research carried out which suggests that they should no longer sell traditional HiFi systems that use CDs and tapes.

• Describe the recent advances in technology which have led to music CDs being replaced by other media. [4]

Answers Question 5 (b) #1

Any four points from:• Ability to download music straight to a computer• Plug and play devices/ease of USB port• Music downloaded to MP3 players• Reduced size of hard discs leading to smaller players• Increased capacity of storage media (flash memory or HD)

holding more tracks• Improved compression techniques reducing size of files• Reduced size of batteries leading to smaller devices• Increased battery capacity leading to longer play time

Answers Question 5 (b) #2

• Description of CODEC• Improvements to user interaction with hardware via HMI• Broadband enables much more downloading of music

files• Most modern music is already held in a digital format• Solid state memory leads to more robust players• Use of hard drives to store music rather than CDs• Home entertainment system that combines TV, etc.• Generations of all digital music

Feedback Question 5 (b)• This section was an opportunity for candidates to use their everyday

experience with MP3 players and explain why these have radically changed the music industry and market.

• Few candidates gave enough detail to be awarded full marks despite the number of marking points.

• Apart from the final point, these marking points do not need any further explanation in this report.

• The final point relates to the fact that today’s generation of music is held in a digital rather than analogue form.

• Centres should take note of the level of description required to explain why, for example, flash drive players and hard disk machines have been so successful due to the technological developments.

Question 6 (a)• As well as this, the company has decided to operate a call

centre providing an information service to customers. • Customers will be able to phone the centre if they have a

problem with a product or other queries and the operators will advise them.

• Jollywood have bought all the necessary ICT hardware to create the call centre. Describe the specialist software which will be needed and explain why it is required.[5]

Answer Question 6 (a)Any five points from each item:• Computer telephony integration (CTI) software• used to combine the data and voice input to the system• Third party call control software• allows any computer in network to control any phone in the system• Inbound calling handling software• routing engine to ensure customers routed to correct “expert”• Script system• control on screen information for operators• Predictive dialling• auto dials next number on client list

Feedback Question 6 (a)

• A number of candidates gave CTI as an answer but did not provide the knowledge about what it can offer a call Centre.

• Candidates generally did not understand that CTI software enables telephone messages to be sent through the network to any computer.

• Very few understood the sixth mark point, that a caller keys in a number to select from an automatic menu system for routing.

Question 6 (b)• As well as this, the company has decided to operate a call

centre providing an information service to customers. • Customers will be able to phone the centre if they have a

problem with a product or other queries and the operators will advise them.

• Describe how computers would be used to support the call centre operators when dealing with customer enquiries. [4]

Answers Question 6 (b)Any four points from:• Computer software provides the script• Prompts operator to ask appropriate questions• Leads onto suitable advice provided• Can give access to technical help• Can provide access to product stock file (to tell customer if item

in stock)• Can provide operator with (email) link to higher technical

level/moving off script• Stores customer file information/can display customer file


Feedback Question 6 (b)

• This section was understood by candidates from some Centres, however others had little knowledge or understanding of this topic.

• Few candidates earned more than 2 marks.• Candidates gave the first 2 points but then

failed to provide any other marking points.

Question 6 (c)• As well as this, the company has decided to operate a call

centre providing an information service to customers. • Customers will be able to phone the centre if they have a

problem with a product or other queries and the operators will advise them.

• It has been decided to employ more disabled operators at the call centres. Describe what features the computer system should have to help these disabled operators. [3]

Answers Question 6 (c)Any three points – covering what device and who benefits from it – from:• Touch screen with menus operated by head wands by …• Foot operated devices for pointing by …• Speech synthesis for dumb operators• Microphones for physically handicapped to communicate• Large tracker ball devices for physically handicapped to

navigate• Special keyboards/concept keyboards for physically

handicapped to select options• Software magnifier for visually impaired

Feedback Question 6 (c)

• This question was generally well answered.• However, some candidates failed to explain

why a particular device was suitable for a particular disability.