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A Akamai protege e entrega experiências digitais para as maiores empresas do mundo. A Akamai Intelligent Edge

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A Akamai mantém as decisões, aplicações e experiências mais próximas dos usuários e os ataques e as ameaças cada

vez mais distantes. O portfólio de soluções Security Edge, desempenho na Web e em dispositivos móveis, acesso

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Publicado em 02/20.

Analisando 24 meses de dados de clientes, os pesquisadores da Akamai descobriram mudanças nos padrões de ataque à Internet,

especialmente contra organizações de serviços financeiros.*

Para mais detalhes e tendências que podem afetar todos os setores, baixe o relatório completo.

Financial ServicesHostile takeover attempts

Junho de 2019 Julho de 2019

DEFESA COM O ZERO TRUSTElimina todo o acesso aos recursos da rede até que o usuário

seja identificado e a autorização seja validada

*Todos os dados, a menos que indicado de outra forma, de dezembro de 2017 a

novembro de 2019.

[state of the internet] / security

Ataques observados Ataques observados

Uso de SQLi

Uso de LFI

Todos os outros

72% 19% 9%

Uso de LFI

Uso de SQLi

Todos os outros

47% 36% 17%


7.957.307.672 662.556.776SERVIÇOS FINANCEIROS

Os criminosos expandem os ataques a serviços financeiros por mais vetores


Por uma ampla margem, os serviços financeiros são os mais visados

Alta tecnologia

(Gigabits por segundo)


Diferentes vetores de


Serviços financeiros

(Pacotes por segundo)


632milhões de pps

Maior pps de todos os ataques em 2019, também direcionado a um banco 113milhões

de pps

Alvos exclusivos de ataques DDoS por vertical

Volumes de pico em um ataque a um banco

14%42% 8%



Gerenciamento de acesso e identidade do cliente (CIAM)

Gerenciamento de identidade e acesso (IAM)

Proteção do caminho de dados

Login único (SSO)

Segurança das aplicações


Controles de visibilidade

Um kit completo de ferramentas Zero Trust deve incluir:

Baixe nosso novo relatório, State of the Internet / Security: Financial Services — Hostile Takeover Attempts, para ter uma inteligência de segurança


Os ataques contra serviços financeiros continuam a crescer em número e sofisticação, e o que funciona aqui pode ser passado a outros setores.

11 [state of the internet] / security Financial Services — Hostile Takeover Attempts: Volume 6, Issue 1

Web Attacks

Credential stuffing is just one attack type that the

financial service industry faces. Criminals aren’t

choosy when it comes to methodologies, and for

the most part, they’ll try different attack types until

they’re successful. This is why a solid, multilayered

approach to defense is key to stopping them.

Within the same 24-month period used to

examine credential abuse traffic, Akamai observed

662,556,776 web application attacks against the

financial services sector and 7,957,307,672 across

all verticals. The peak attack dates in 2018 and

2019 are highlighted in Figure 5.

Figure 6 shows a breakdown of web attack types

during the 24-month observation period. Overall,

SQL Injection (SQLi) accounted for more than 72%

of all attacks when looking at all verticals during this

period. That rate is halved to 36% when looking at

financial services attacks alone. The top attack type

against the financial services sector was Local File

Inclusion (LFI), with 47% of observed traffic.

LFI attacks exploit various scripts running on

servers, usually PHP, but LFI flaws have also

been known to exist in ASP, JSP, and other web

technologies. The consequence of these attacks

is usually the disclosure of sensitive information.

However, LFI attacks can also be leveraged

for client-side command execution (such as a

vulnerable JavaScript file), which could lead to

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and denial-of-service

(DoS) attacks.

Taking all of this into account, criminals conducting

the LFI attacks are looking to expose data that

could enable a stronger foothold on the server,

such as exposing a configuration file with

database credentials. If the database user has

write permissions, the criminal could use the

data exposed via LFI to remotely connect to the

database and compromise the server itself by

command execution.

XSS was the third-most common type of attack

against financial services, with a recorded 50.7

million attacks, or 7.7% of the observed attack

traffic. XSS accounted for 3.3% of the attacks in all

verticals. After that, PHP Injection (PHPi) came in

at just under 16 million attempts against financial

services. Finally, Command Injection, Remote

File Inclusion, OGNL Injection, and malicious file

uploads rounded out the final 5.7% of recorded

attacks against financial services.

Between 2018 and 2019, the most

common attack type against the financial

sector was Local File Inclusion (LFI).


Oct 17, 201950,350,787

Nov 22, 201942,248,675

Nov 22, 201840,376,035

Dec 23, 201823,771,753

Oct 28, 201913,491,776

0 M

10 M

20 M

30 M

40 M

50 M

Jan 2018 Mar 2018 May 2018 Jul 2018 Sep 2018 Nov 2018 Jan 2019 Mar 2019 May 2019 Jul 2019 Sep 2019 Nov 2019







Vertical Other FinServFig. 5 – While the single-day peaks in attacks are concerning for individual organizations, the continued growth in web attacks

affects all organizations







80%90% 100%

% Attacks




Attack Vector SQLi LFI XSS PHPi RFI CMDi Other

Fig. 6 – LFI was the top financial services attack type, but SQLi continues to dominate when looking at all verticals

Daily Web Application AttacksFinancial Services and Other

Web Application Attack VectorsDecember 2017 through November 2019

[state of the internet] / securityVolume 6, Issue 1

Financial Services — Hostile Takeover Attempts



74%Aplicações e serviços que ainda usam nomes de usuário/senhas tradicionais para login



MédiaPico Pico

Porcentagem de logins mal-intencionados direcionados a APIs

19% 10%50% 88%

APIS COMO ALVOOs ataques de preenchimento de credenciais direcionados

a APIs atingem maiores concentrações contra o setor de serviços financeiros

Para obter detalhes sobre como a Akamai determinou pontos de extremidade de APIs, consulte o relatório completo.