Christmas eve молчанова диана 5б гбоу гимназия 196 г.санкт...

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Christmas eve молчанова диана 5б гбоу гимназия 196 г.санкт...

Молчанова ДианаРоссийская Федерация г.Санкт-Петербург Гимназия № 196 5Б Учитель: Крылова Анастасия Николаевна

«Christmas in England»

The British decorate the house with Holly. This is a beautiful plant with sharp leaves.

In England there was also the custom of exchanging the New year greeting cards. The first greeting card for Christmas was printed in 1843 in London.

English people put gifts in Christmas socks. They pretend that Santa Claus puts presents in their socks.

Christmas log is one of the traditions. People cut down the best tree. It dries all year. And in Christmas it is thrown in the fire. If it burns down and does not go out, then the year will be good.

Test1.What do people in England

decorate the house for Christmas with?

2.When did the first Christmas card come?

3.Where are the gifts in the morning?