Chinese Lucky Numbers Numbers(1~10)_ Star Talk 【 Daisy Su 2009 】 P. 1.

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Chinese Lucky Numbers Numbers(1~10)_ Star Talk 【 Daisy Su 2009 】 P. 1.

Chinese Lucky Numbers

Numbers(1~10)_ Star Talk 【 Daisy Su 2009】 P. 1

Chinese Lucky Number

There is a Chinese saying “good things come in pairs”. You see the character 喜 (pinyin = xĭ) twice. 喜 can mean “happiness”, so two 喜 can therefore mean double happiness.

Numbers(1~10)_ Star Talk 【 Daisy Su 2009】 P. 2

Cultural Clue

Numbers(1~10)_ Star Talk 【 Daisy Su 2009】 P. 3

Lucky Chinese Number

Numbers(1~10)_ Star Talk 【 Daisy Su 2009】 P. 4

Cultural Clue

This number has similar pronunciation to flowing /smooth ( 流 = liú) and slippery ( 溜= liū) . It indicates that everything will go smoothly.

Chinese Lucky Number

Numbers(1~10)_ Star Talk 【 Daisy Su 2009】 P. 5

The Summer Olympics in Beijing was scheduled to open on 8/8/08 at 8:08:08 pm

Cultural Clue

This number sounds like prosper or wealth( 發 = fā). 發 is short for 發財 = fā cái = get rich. ( 恭喜發財 = gōngxĭ fācái = congratulations and get rich. This phrase is said at Chinese New Year and can mean “happy new year”or “congratulations and best wishes for a prosperous new year” ).

Chinese Lucky Number

This number sounds exactly like 久 (jiǔ)-which means “a long time” or “long lasting” . There are supposedly 9,999 rooms in the Forbidden City, in China.

Numbers(1~10)_ Star Talk 【 Daisy Su 2009】 P. 6

The number of knobs in the picture is 9 , both vertically and horizontally.

Where is the number nine used in this


Cultural Clue

Chinese Lucky Number

It means “road of prosperity” or to “be prosperous together”. ( 一路發 yí lù fā) For Chinese, it is considered one of the luckiest numbers. It is found in many business names, such as the one up:

Numbers(1~10)_ Star Talk 【 Daisy Su 2009】 P. 7

Cultural Clue

Chinese Lucky Number

Chinese Unlucky Number

Numbers(1~10)_ Star Talk 【 Daisy Su 2009】 P. 8

Chinese Unlucky Number

This number sounds like 死 (sĭ), which means “death.” Therefore, the number four is not included in many things, such as product models, floor numbers, and many other things.

Numbers(1~10)_ Star Talk 【 Daisy Su 2009】 P. 9

Cultural Clue