Chapter 6. Binary Search Trees Internet Computing KUT Youn-Hee Han.

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1. Basic Concepts 무엇을 배우려고 하는가 ? (Motivation) Let’s first think just “Binary Search” Random array: sequential search  Ex) finding 65 Sorted array: binary search found!! 1 st step 2 nd step 3 rd step rd step pivot

Transcript of Chapter 6. Binary Search Trees Internet Computing KUT Youn-Hee Han.

Chapter 6. Binary Search Trees

Internet Computing Laboratory @ KUT

Youn-Hee Han

1. Basic Concepts무엇을 배우려고 하는가 ? (Motivation)

Sometimes, we want to search an arbitrary element efficiently.

Isn’t there any tree-based representation method for that situation?

Binary tree Binary search tree

1. Basic Concepts무엇을 배우려고 하는가 ? (Motivation)

Let’s first think just “Binary Search” Random array: sequential search

Ex) finding 65

Sorted array: binary search

35 38 70 75 12 25 18 54 65 90 86


1st step2nd step3rd step

12 18 25 35 38 54 65 70 75 86 90

4rd step


1. Basic ConceptsBinary search is more efficient than sequential search

Binary search is available for sorted array

Isn’t there a tree-based representation that has similar property with sorted array? BST (Binary Search Tree)

1. Basic ConceptsBinary search tree (BST): binary tree that is

All items in left subtree are less than the root All items in right subtree are greater than the root Each subtree itself is a binary search tree

BST 의 예

1. Basic Concepts




12 10 22








Ex) Which is/are binary search tree(s)?

There is an efficient algorithm to find an arbitrary element

Ex) Find 20 from the following BST

1. Basic ConceptsBinary search vs. BST

A[0] A[1] A[2] x A[n-1]


1st step2nd step3rd step


< root > root

BST 는 “약하게 정렬되어 있다”라고 말할 수 있음

피벗 (Pivot) 을 중심으로 작은 것은 모두 왼쪽 , 큰 것은 모두 오른쪽

서브트리만 놓고 볼 때도 다시 파티션 된 상태이다

2. BST OperationsTraversal

Preorder 23 18 12 20 44 35 52

Postorder 12 20 18 35 52 44 23

Inoder 12 18 20 23 35 44 52

Which order produces a sequenced list? Inorder

Data Structure8

2. BST OperationsSearchs

Find the smallest node

Find the largest node

Data Structure9

Algorithm findSmallestBST (root)1. if (left subtree empty) 1. return (root)2. end if3. Return findSmallestBST (left subtree)end findSmallestBST

Algorithm findLargestBST (root)1. if (right subtree empty) 1. return (root)2. end if3. Return findLargestBST (right subtree)end findLargestBST

2. BST OperationsSearchs

Find an arbitrary element The most important feature of BST

Data Structure10

Algorithm searchBST (root, targetKey)1. if (empty tree) 1. return null2. end if3. if (targetKey < root) 1. return searchBST (left subtree, targetKey)4. else if (targetKey > root) 1. return searchBST (right subtree, targetKey)5. else 1. return root6. end ifend searchBST

2. BST OperationsSearchs

Find an arbitrary element What if SearchBST tries to find a value that does not exist

in the BST? Ex) Finding 25 from the following BST

Data Structure11

2. BST OperationsInsertion

Inserting a node into a BST preserving requirements of BST

삽입 할 새로운 노드는 Leaf Node 로서 들어감

Data Structure12

2. BST OperationsInsertion

Inserting Algorithm

Data Structure13

Algorithm addBST (root, newNode)1. if (empty tree) 1. set root to newNode 2. return newNode2. if (newNode < root) 1. return addBST (left subtree, newNode)3. else 1. return addBST (right subtree, newNode)4. end ifend addBST





2. BST OperationsDeletion

Case 1: the node has no children just delete it 부모노드의 자신을 가리키는 포인터를 Null 로 셋팅

Data Structure14

- 노드 A 삭제 부모노드 B 의 LChild 를 Null 로

셋팅 - 노드 K 삭제 부모노드 H 의 RChild 를 Null 로


2. BST OperationsDeletion

Case 2: the node has only left subtree delete the node make the left child the new root ( 삭제되는 노드의 왼쪽 자식을 삭제되는 노드자리로 이동 )

Data Structure15

- 노드 F 삭제 F 의 부모노드 G 가 F 의 자식노드인 B 를 가리키면 됨

2. BST OperationsDeletion

Case 3: the node has only right subtree delete the node make the right child the new root ( 삭제되는 노드의 오른쪽 자식을 삭제되는 노드자리로 이동 )

Data Structure16

- 노드 L 삭제 L 의 부모노드 G 가 L 의 자식노드인 H 를 가리키면 됨

2. BST OperationsDeletion

Case 4: the node has both left and right children

Data Structure17

- 노드 B 를 삭제 노드 B 의 부모인 F 의 LChild 가 동시에 A 와 D 를 가리키게 ? 안되지… 노드 A 를 B 자리로 이동 ? 노드 D 를 B 자리로 이동 ? 둘다 가능하다 .

data copy


“ 이동” 에 대한 처리 : 1) 데이터만 실제 삭제하려는 노드로 Copy 2) 이동 대상 자체를 삭제 Deletion 을 다시 수행하므로 Recursion!

2. BST OperationsDeletion

Case 4: the node has both left and right children

Data Structure18

- 노드 G 를 삭제 우왕 복잡하다 ~~~~ 이진 탐색트리를 중위순회 (In-order Traversal) 한 결과를 생각 : A < B < D < F < G < H < K < L

G 가 삭제된 후에도 정렬된 순서를 그대로 유지하려면 G 의 자리에는 G 의 바로 오른쪽 H나 , 아니면 G 의 바로 왼쪽 F 가 들어가야 함 .

G 바로 다음에 나오는 H 를 G 의 중위 후속자 (In-order Successor) 라 하고 , G 바로 직전에 나오는 F 를 G 의 중위 선행자 (In-order Predecessor) 라고 함 .

그래서 , 결론적으로 G 에 대한 중위 후속자나 중위 선행자가 G 의 자리로 옮겨져야 한다 .

data copy

2. BST OperationsDeletion

Case 4: the node has both left and right children delete the node

replace it with the largest among left subtree or the smallest among the right subtree

Data Structure

Algorithm deleteBST (root, dltKey)1. if (empty tree) 1. return false2. end if3. if (dltKey < root) 1. return deleteBST (left subtree, dltKey)4. else if (delKey > root) 1. return deleteBST (right subtree, dltKey)5. else 1. if (no left subtree) 1. make right subtree the root 2. return true 2. if (no right subtree) 1. make left subtree the root 2. return true




12 27

2. BST OperationsDeletion

Case 4: the node has both left and right children delete the node

replace it with the largest among left subtree or the smallest among the right subtree

Data Structure

3. else 1. save root in deleteNode 2. set largest to largestBST(left subtree) 3. move data in largest to deleteNode 4. return deleteBST(left subtree, largest) 4. end if 5. end if



Data Structure21

3. BST ADTData representation

Data Structure22

3. BST ADTCompare function (revisit)

Type-independent generic coding function pointer Compare operation

int (*compare)(void *argu1, void *argu2);

본 교재에서는 다음과 같이 return 값이 정의됨 Case I) argu1 의 데이터 > argu2 의 데이터 1 이 리턴됨 Case II) argu1 의 데이터 < argu2 의 데이터 -1 이 리턴됨 Case III) argu1 의 데이터 == argu2 의 데이터 0 이 리턴됨

Data Structure23

Algorithm searchBST (root, targetKey)…3. if (targetKey < root) 1. return searchBST (left subtree, targetKey)4. else if (targetKey > root) 1. return searchBST (right subtree, targetKey)…

3. BST ADTBST Declarations

File Name: bst.h ( 이후 모든 ADT 구현은 이 한 파일에 추가 )

Data Structure24

#include "stdbool.h"

typedef struct node { void* dataPtr; struct node* left; struct node* right;


typedef struct { int count; int (*compare) (void* argu1, void* argu2); NODE* root;


BST_TREE* BST_Create (int (*compare) (void* argu1, void* argu2));BST_TREE* BST_Destroy (BST_TREE* tree);

3. BST ADTBST Declarations

File Name: bst.h

Data Structure25

bool BST_Insert (BST_TREE* tree, void* dataPtr);bool BST_Delete (BST_TREE* tree, void* dltKey);void* BST_Retrieve (BST_TREE* tree, void* keyPtr);void BST_Traverse (BST_TREE* tree, void (*process)(void* dataPtr));

bool BST_Empty (BST_TREE* tree);bool BST_Full (BST_TREE* tree);int BST_Count (BST_TREE* tree);

static NODE* _insert (BST_TREE* tree, NODE* root, NODE* newPtr); static NODE* _delete (BST_TREE* tree, NODE* root, void* dataPtr, bool* success);static void* _retrieve (BST_TREE* tree, void* dataPtr, NODE* root);static void _traverse (NODE* root, void (*process) (void* dataPtr));static void _destroy (NODE* root);

3. BST ADTCreate BST

Data Structure26

BST_TREE* BST_Create (int (*compare) (void* argu1, void* argu2)) { BST_TREE* tree;

tree = (BST_TREE*) malloc (sizeof (BST_TREE));

if (tree) { tree->root = NULL; tree->count = 0; tree->compare = compare; } return tree;}

3. BST ADTInsert BST

Data Structure27

bool BST_Insert (BST_TREE* tree, void* dataPtr) { NODE* newPtr; newPtr = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE));

if (!newPtr) return false;

newPtr->right = NULL; newPtr->left = NULL; newPtr->dataPtr = dataPtr; if (tree->count == 0) tree->root = newPtr; else _insert(tree, tree->root, newPtr);

(tree->count)++; return true;}

3. BST ADTInternal Insert BST

Data Structure28

NODE* _insert (BST_TREE* tree, NODE* root, NODE* newPtr) { if (!root) // Base Case return newPtr; // root 가 null 이면 return 되는 것은 newPtr if (tree->compare(newPtr->dataPtr, root->dataPtr) < 0) { root->left = _insert(tree, root->left, newPtr); } else { root->right = _insert(tree, root->right, newPtr); } return root; // root 가 null 이 아닐 때 return 되는 것은 단순히 root}






추가하려는 노드



추가하려는 노드



3. BST ADTDelete BST

Data Structure29

bool BST_Delete (BST_TREE* tree, void* dltKey) { bool success; NODE* newRoot;

newRoot = _delete (tree, tree->root, dltKey, &success); if (success) { tree->root = newRoot; (tree->count)--; if (tree->count == 0) tree->root = NULL; } return success;}

3. BST ADTInternal Delete BST

Data Structure30

NODE* _delete (BST_TREE* tree, NODE* root, void* dataPtr, bool* success) { NODE* dltPtr; // 삭제되어질 root 노드의 임시 저장소 NODE* exchPtr; // the largest node among left subtree NODE* newRoot; // 삭제되어질 root 대신의 역할을 담당하게 될 노드 void* holdPtr; // 교환 작업을 위한 임시 저장소

if (!root) { // 삭제될 것이 검색이 안된 경우 *success = false; return NULL; }

if (tree->compare(dataPtr, root->dataPtr) < 0) root->left = _delete (tree, root->left, dataPtr, success); else if (tree->compare(dataPtr, root->dataPtr) > 0) root->right = _delete (tree, root->right, dataPtr, success);

3. BST ADTInternal Delete BST

Data Structure31

else { dltPtr = root; free (root->dataPtr); // data memory de-allocation

if (!root->left) { // root 의 왼쪽 자식이 null 이거나 // root 자체가 leaf 노드일 때

newRoot = root->right; free (dltPtr); *success = true; return newRoot; // base case

} else if (!root->right) { // root 의 왼쪽 자식은 null 이 아니고

// root 의 오른쪽 자식만 null 일 때 , newRoot = root->left; free (dltPtr); *success = true; return newRoot; // base case

Case I

Case II

Case ICase I

Case II

3. BST ADTInternal Delete BST

Data Structure32

} else { // Find the lowest node on right subtree exchPtr = root->right; while (exchPtr->left) exchPtr = exchPtr->left;

// Exchange Data holdPtr = root->dataPtr; root->dataPtr = exchPtr->dataPtr; exchPtr->dataPtr = holdPtr; // Delete the largest node root->right = _delete (tree, root->right, exchPtr->dataPtr, success); } } return root; }

3. BST ADTRetrieve BST

Data Structure33

void* BST_Retrieve (BST_TREE* tree, void* keyPtr) { if (tree->root) return _retrieve (tree, keyPtr, tree->root); else return NULL;}

void* _retrieve (BST_TREE* tree, void* dataPtr, NODE* root) { if (root) { if (tree->compare(dataPtr, root->dataPtr) < 0) return _retrieve(tree, dataPtr, root->left); else if (tree->compare(dataPtr, root->dataPtr) > 0) return _retrieve(tree, dataPtr, root->right); else return root->dataPtr; } else return NULL;}

3. BST ADTTraverse BST (inorder)

Data Structure34

void BST_Traverse (BST_TREE* tree, void (*process) (void* dataPtr)) { _traverse (tree->root, process); return;}

void _traverse (NODE* root, void (*process) (void* dataPtr)) { if (root) { _traverse (root->left, process); process (root->dataPtr); _traverse (root->right, process); } return;}

3. BST ADTEmpty, Full, Count BST

Data Structure35

bool BST_Empty (BST_TREE* tree) { return (tree->count == 0);}

bool BST_Full (BST_TREE* tree) { NODE* newPtr; newPtr = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof (*(tree->root))); if (newPtr) { free (newPtr); return false; } else return true;}

int BST_Count (BST_TREE* tree) { return (tree->count);}

3. BST ADTDestroy BST

Data Structure36

BST_TREE* BST_Destroy (BST_TREE* tree) { if (tree) _destroy (tree->root); free (tree); return NULL;}

void _destroy (NODE* root) { if (root) { _destroy (root->left); free (root->dataPtr); _destroy (root->right); free (root); } return;}

4. BST ApplicationInteger Application

BST Creation reads integers from the keyboard and inserts them into

the BST reads integers from the keyboard and deletes them from

the BST If BST is empty, the application comes to the end

Data Structure37

#ifndef _STDBOOL_H#define _STDBOOL_H

typedef int _Bool;

#define bool _Bool#define true 1#define false 0#define __bool_true_false_are_defined 1



4. BST ApplicationInteger Application (BST_INT.c)

Data Structure38

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "bst.h"#include "stdbool.h"

int compareInt (void* num1, void* num2);void printBST (void* num1);

int main (void) { BST_TREE* BSTRoot; int* dataPtr; int dataIn = 1;

printf("Begin BST Demonstation\n");

BSTRoot = BST_Create (compareInt);

printf("Enter a list of positive integers;\n"); printf("Enter a negative number to stop.\n");

4. BST ApplicationInteger Application (BST_INT.c)

Data Structure39

do { printf("Enter a number: "); scanf ("%d", &dataIn); if (dataIn > -1) { dataPtr = (int*) malloc (sizeof (int)); if (!dataPtr) { printf("Memory Overflow in add\n"); exit(100); } *dataPtr = dataIn; BST_Insert (BSTRoot, dataPtr); } } while (dataIn > -1);

printf("\nBST contains:\n"); BST_Traverse (BSTRoot, printBST);

4. BST ApplicationInteger Application (BST_INT.c)

Data Structure40

while (!BST_Empty(BSTRoot)) { printf("\nEnter an integers to be deleted;\n"); printf("Enter a number: "); scanf ("%d", &dataIn); if (!BST_Delete(BSTRoot, &dataIn)) printf("ERROR: No Number: $d\n", dataIn);

printf("\nBST contains:\n"); BST_Traverse (BSTRoot, printBST); }

printf("\nEnd BST Demonstration\n"); return 0;}

4. BST ApplicationInteger Application (BST_INT.c)

Data Structure41

int compareInt (void* num1, void* num2) { int key1; int key2;

key1 = *(int*)num1; key2 = *(int*)num2; if (key1 < key2) return -1; if (key1 == key2) return 0; return +1;}

void printBST (void* num1) { printf("%4d\n", *(int*)num1); return;}