Chapter 12. Men fought the church Asserted that the Bible was sole authority Rejected authority...

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Transcript of Chapter 12. Men fought the church Asserted that the Bible was sole authority Rejected authority...


Contrast the forerunners of the Reformation with the other earlier reforming efforts.

Men fought the church Asserted that the Bible was sole authority Rejected authority of the Pope

Describe the background and the teachings of John Wycliffe and the effects of his teaching:

“Morning Star of the Reformation” Very learned Denounced Monastic Orders Criticized confession of sins to a priest Denied doctrine of transubstantiation Called Pope “antichrist” Initiated translation of Bible from Latin to

English – Wycliff Bible (1382) Followers called “Lollards” were persecuted

Explain what happened to John Huss at the Council of Constance and why. Also, describe the aftermath of his execution:

From Prague: told people to oppose worldly ways

Excommunicated 1414, Council of Constance Holy Roman Emperor promised to protect

him…didn’t happen Death at the stake Bohemians followed his teachings

Describe the events of Luther’s early life that led to his belief in justification by faith alone.

Disciplined University of Erfurt….saw a Bible! Why did he become a monk? 1505 1507…ordained priest Professor of Bible at Wittenberg

University How is one saved? Sola Fide

Explain why Tetzel was selling indulgences near Luther’s parish:

1514: Pope Leo X What was he selling and why?

Indulgences to finish St. Peter’s Basilica 1517: Johann Tetzel

Collected indulgences. Leo’s preached “excess

works”…”treasury of the saints”

Johannes Tetzel Pope Leo X

Luther’s trip to Rome: Explain why Luther’s trip to Rome would help sour him on the authority of the pope:

Found prostitution, immorality Learned Pope Alexander VI had murdered

Explain the Roman church’s teaching on indulgences Although Christ died to save men from hell, they

still had to do penance or suffer in purgatory as punishment for their individual sins.

The saints did more good works than necessary to get themselves into heaven. Their “excess works,” along with merits of Christ’s perfect life, were to be collected in a type of bank, “the treasury of saints.”

The pope served as “treasurer” and could dispense these extra good works.

At first, popes granted indulgences only to those people who performed some special work. However, by the time of the Renaissance, popes were selling indulgences to raise money for their own projects.

Explain the criticism of indulgences leveled by some churchmen at the time and what motivated Luther to raise this criticism.

Criticism: Why did the pope not give these merits out freely to all.

Luther's concern: Members of his congregation who had purchased indulgences were unwilling to change their wicked ways.

Explain what the Ninety-five thesis were, why Luther nailed them to the church door, and what the response to them was.

The church’s door served as a public bulletin board. The theses proposed topics for a scholarly debate concerning indulgences.

The theses became a symbol of defiance against the corruption and hypocrisy of Rome. By questioning indulgences, Luther inadvertently—but providentially—challenged the whole system of Roman Catholicism.

People supported Luther: Many of them were disgusted with Tetzel’s evil ways; others looked for occasion to stop the flow of German money into papal coffers at Rome.

Pope Leo X wasn’t worried at first….but…

Describe the Leipzig debate and its effect on Luther's teaching.

Church officials debated Luther….but he was always prepared

1519, the Leipzig Debate Johann Eck debated about authority of church

officials Luther claims pope is fallible Eck claims Luther a heretic like Huss Claimed all men were priests who could

approach God

Johann Eck

Describe what happened at the Diet of Worms

Luther protected under Prince Fredrick the Wise Never wanted subjects to face trial anywhere

other than Germany 1520, Pope gives Luther 60 days to

recant or excommunicated… he was excommunicated

Prince Fredrick the Wise

Emperor Charles V wanted to have a hearing, 1521

Summoned to Worms (Vohrms) to face German Diet

Still refused to recant his writings His writings were banned, nobody could

give him aid, etc. He fled, but lived till 1546, and died a

natural death

Emperor Charles V

List and describe the major documents created by Luther and Melanch him that helped solidify the Reformation.

Translation of New Testament, and later whole Bible Helped standardize the German language

Shorter Catechism – question and answers gives instructions about doctrine

Wrote hymns – “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”

Philipp Melanchthon, Luther’s friend, wrote “Augsburg Confession”….becoming Lutheran Doctrine

Explain how external threats to the Holy Roman Empire enabled Lutheransim to become firmly established

Charles V might have tried to crush the Reformation earlier had it not been for two external threats: 1) Charles had to fight several wars with the French king

(Francis I) was concerned that his country was encircled by Charles’s possessions.

2) The Ottoman Turks, led by Suleiman, invaded the eastern portion of his empire.

By the time Charles had dealt with the Turks and the French and could now try to stop Lutheranism, over twenty years had passed and Lutheranism was now firmly established.

Explain what brought about the Peace of Augsburg and list the stipulations of the Peace of Augsburg.

Charles V's armies fought against the armies of the Protestant German princes for almost a decade.

A compromise settlement was finally reached in the Peace of Augsburg. It allowed each prince the right to choose

whether his territory would be Lutheran or Roman Catholic.

The people within a given territory had to either accept the choice of their prince or move elsewhere.

Present Day Augsburg

SPREADSection 3

Match each of the major countries impacted by the Reformation with its description.

Germany: Reformation began here. Switzerland: A confederation of cantons

independent from the emperor allowed the Reformation to thrive here.

England: The Reformation began as a political movement under the direction of the crown. At first the people supported the crown because of the national pride and their resentment of the claims of a foreign pope on their land even though a majority remained within the Roman Catholic Church. Gradually a growing number of people embraced Protestantism as spiritual concerns replaced political concerns.

Scotland: The Reformation thrived in this land even though they had a Catholic queen, Mary Stuart.

Netherlands: Phillip II sent troops to quell Protestant unrest. After severe persecution, Protestants broke out in armed revolt. Aided by the English, they were able to hold off the Spanish and eventually declare their independence.

France: The works of Luther and Calvin had a strong influence here. Eventually, there were more than 2,000 Protestant congregations, and as many as half of the nobility were Protestant. The government, fearful of the growing political and religious power of the Protestants fiercely persecuted them.

Intro: Explain how the Swiss Confederation came into being and how its independence allowed the Reformation to thrive there.

Swiss Confederation: 1291 Formed 3 cantons (states), 13 cantons by

the Reformation Banned together to defend one another

Describe the life and doctrine of Ulrich Zwingli (ZWING lee)

Became priest Saw abuses Priest of largest church in Zurich (1519) Defended and agreed with Luther Sixty-Seven Conclusions Disagreed with Luther’s communion, thus

met with Luther at Marburg, Germany 1529 Consubstantiation vs transubstantiation

Cantons went to civil war! Zwingli killed

Ulrich Zwingli

Meeting with Luther

List the beliefs of the Anabaptists and explain what happened to them

These various religious bodies were grouped under the common title “Anabaptist” even though on other issues they were often in sharp disagreement. Because of the wrongdoing of a few, however, all Anabaptists had a bad reputation.

Beliefs: Opposed the practice of infant baptism. Only true believers should be members in the local

church. Believed in the separation of church and state—that

is, they rejected state interference in their affairs. Pacifism. Many, but not all, early Anabaptists also questioned

the doctrine of justification by faith alone. They feared that this teaching might encourage people to think that justification apart from good works allowed them to sin as much as they wanted.

When the city council tried to force the Zurich Anabaptists to conform to the religious practices of the city, the men refused to change their beliefs. Persecution followed.

The Mennonites and the Amish have continues to the present day.

Describe the life and teachings of John Calvin

The most famous and influential Protestant reformer .

Theology: Summarized his beliefs in The Institutes of the

Christian Religion. His theology emphasizes the sovereignty of

God. Calvin believed that God “predestines” all things (including who will be saved—these people are called “the elect”). Everything God does is for His glory, although finite man does not understand God’s ways.

His experience in Geneva: The Protestants of Geneva asked Calvin to stay and

become their pastor and teacher. He sought to build a Christian community based upon

the Word of God. He stressed the independence of church and state, but

he believed that both were subject to the rule of God. He asserted that the duty of the state was to promote piety, punish evildoers, and assist the church by providing and atmosphere that would encourage godliness in the lives of church members.

The Geneva city council adopted his teaching and issued orders forbidding dancing, drunkenness, and gambling and requiring everyone to attend church services.

Opposition mounted to Calvin’s strict discipline, however, and in 1538 the city council banished him. Later, problems in Geneva prompted the city to beg Calvin to return and become their spiritual leader once again.

John Calvin

List the two major factors that influenced the course of the Reformation in England, and explain why the people of England supported the break from the Pope and eventually supported Protestantism:

1.) A translated, and readable English Bible

2.) Involvement of English rulers Tudors (5) Broke with Catholic church People had pride in monarchy

Timeline: Wycliffe translation of the Bible The pope refuses Henry VIII a divorce 1st supremacy Act Edward VI “Bloody” Mary Elizabethan Settlement Spanish Armada

Explain why Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and describe the step he took to make that happen

“Defender of the Faith” Catherine of Aragon Charles V Thomas Cranmer In 1534 – Act of Supremacy

Explain how England moved closer to the Reformation under Edward VI

Young and frail Protestant advisors Speak English, not Latin Book of Common Prayer by Cranmer Forty-Two Articles

Faith alone 2 sacraments: baptism and Lord’s Supper

without transubstantiation

Describe Mary’s reaction to Protestantism in England

Hated Protestantism Banned many protestant church men Men fleeing to Germany and Switzerland Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley Cranmer recanted, but was still

condemned, then recanted and burned his hand

Killed 300 leaders in 5 years “Bloody Mary”

Characterize the reign of Elizabeth I:

It was one of the longest in English history and characterized by stability and strength.

Describe the Elizabethan Settlement:

Didn’t completely hate Catholicism “Supreme Head” to “Supreme Governor” Lessened Articles Elizabethan Settlement, leading to

Anglican Church

Explain why Spain attempted to invade England, why the Spanish Armada failed, and what were the results of that failure:

Philip II, son of Charles V Turned inquisition against Protestantism Philip had married Mary, then tried to marry Elizabeth Elizabeth attacks Spanish ships Philip planned to murder Elizabeth and make Mary

Stuart (Queen of Scotts) queen. (executed) Sir Francis Drake defeats Spanish Armanda

Greatly hurts Spain’s interaction in world affairs Strengthens Protestantism

Emperor Charles V

King Philip II

Explain how the Puritans, the Separatists, and Catholics responded to the Elizabethan Settlement. Know that their dissatisfaction led to political and religious agitation.

Puritans: wanted to purify the Church of England of the practices of Roman Catholicism.

Separatists: Wanted to separate from the Church of England because of the practices of Roman Catholicism.

Catholics: wanted a return to Catholicism. Neither the Protestants nor the Catholics

were satisfied with the Elizabeth’s solution to England’s religious problems. As a result, England experienced much political and religious agitation during the seventeenth century.

Recount the major events of John Knox’s life, and describe his impact on Scotland.

Leader of the Protestant Reformation in Scotland. Served for nineteen months as a galley slave of a

French ship. When he was released he went to England, where

he became a noted preacher during the reign of Edward VI.

When Mary I came to the throne, he fled to Geneva, where he was greatly influenced by John Calvin.

He returned to Scotland. Under his leadership Scotland threw off Catholicism and became a Protestant nation even though Scotland had a Catholic queen, Mary Stuart.

John Knox

Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots

Mary Stuart

Queen at 1 week Daughter of King James V Perhaps killed her husband Married the suspected killer Fled to England Son James VI took throne After Elizabeth died, he is invited to be

king of England as well

King James V

King James VI of Scotland/King James I of England

“Wrote” King James Bible

Explain why there was unrest in the Netherlands under Phillip II and describe the results of that unrest.

Cause of unrest: Philip was Catholic and Spanish Revolting in 1568, Philip sends troops Protestants fight back with William the

Orange/the Silent Results of unrest:

1581, Protestants declare independence from Spain

Modern day Belgium stayed under Spain William later murdered

William the Orange

Explain how tension arose between Huguenots and Catholics and describe the St. Bartholomew’s massacre.

France influences by Luther and Calvin Huguenots = French Protestants Aug. 27, 1572 (St. Bartholomew’s Day)–

mother of the king, Catherine de Medici, created a massacre of Huguenots

20,000 dead Philip of Spain and Pope praised the


Tell how Henry of Navarre became king of France, and identify the Edict of Nantes.

Civil War, 2 families vying for the throne Henry of Navarre, of the Bourbon Family,

leader of Huguenots, becomes king Became Catholic…but wrote Edict of Nantes

Henry of Navarre