Chapter 12. Eosinophil Cytokines in Allergy · 2020-05-20 · cytokines, suggesting that...

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Transcript of Chapter 12. Eosinophil Cytokines in Allergy · 2020-05-20 · cytokines, suggesting that...



Eosinophil Cytokines in Allergy

Paige LacyUniversity of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada


Introduction 174

Role of Eosinophils in Allergy 175

Degranulation Responses in Eosinophils 177

Cytokines Produced by Human Eosinophils 178GM-CSF (Granulocyte/Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor) 184Interferon-γ 185Interleukin-1α 186Interleukin-1β 187Interleukin-2 187Interleukin-3 188Interleukin-4 189Interleukin-5 191Interleukin-6 192Interleukin-9 193Interleukin-10 193Interleukin-11 194Interleukin-12 194Interleukin-13 195Interleukin-16 196Interleukin-17 196Interleukin-25 196CCL5/RANTES (Regulated on Activation, Normal T Cell

Expressed and Secreted) 197

173Cytokine Effector Functions in Tissues.

DOI: © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

CCL11/Eotaxin 199CCL17/TARC and CCL22/MDC 199CXCL8/Interleukin-8 200TGFα (Transforming Growth Factor-α) 200TGFβ (Transforming Growth Factor-β) 201TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor-α) 202

Summary 203

References 204


Eosinophils are granulated white blood cells that form part of theinnate immune system, and circulate at low levels in healthy indivi-duals, preferentially recruiting to the gut mucosa after their egressfrom the bone marrow.1 Classically, eosinophils were considered to beprotective against helminthic parasitic infections as part of theirimmune function, although recent studies have cast some doubt onthis concept.2 A potential role for eosinophils may exist for other infec-tious pathogens such as viruses, particularly respiratory viruses.3�5

Other findings suggest that eosinophils may serve a role in immuno-suppression of proinflammatory signals in homeostasis, particularlyin the lungs and gut.6,7 While the specific immunological role of eosi-nophils is still incompletely understood, their contribution to humandiseases such as allergy and asthma is more well defined. In manytypes of allergic inflammation, eosinophils are strikingly elevated, andthey have been found to increase in blood, as well as accumulatein the gut mucosa, skin, and lung tissues.8�10 In allergic diseasessuch as atopic asthma, the numbers of eosinophils broadly correlatewith severity of disease. Recruitment of eosinophils to tissues isorchestrated by a diversity of cells and mediators involving antigen-presenting cells, mast cells, T cells, B cells, epithelial cells, macrophages,neutrophils, and other cell types that release eosinophil-attractingfactors.

Eosinophils are a source of over 35 immunomodulatory cytokines,chemokines, and growth factors (collectively referred to as cytokines forthis chapter) that have a marked effect on the progression of immuneand inflammatory responses (Fig. 12.1).11,12 This chapter is focused onthe types of cytokines that are released from eosinophils and their rolein the propagation of immune responses.




Eosinophils, or eosinophil-like cells such as heterophils, havebeen reported in invertebrates as well as vertebrates, suggesting anevolutionarily conserved role for eosinophils in immune modulationand host protection.5,13 Their role in immunity is still under intenseinvestigation, with early evidence showing an association of eosino-phils with helminthic parasite infections. However, evidence fromstudies with transgenic mice that lack eosinophils, such as the PHILand ΔdblGATA strains,14,15 have indicated that the role of eosinophilsin protection of the host against helminths is more complex thanpreviously recognized.16 More recent studies suggest a role for eosino-phils in protection against respiratory virus infections.4 These recentfindings contribute to an evolving area of research on the functionof eosinophils in immunity.

In marked contrast, eosinophils are well known for their associationwith allergic inflammation. Organs, such as the lung and skin, thatnormally harbor very few eosinophils undergo a dramatic increasein tissue-recruited cells, including the lungs and upper airways, ina subset of patients with allergic asthma.9 Eosinophils recruit togetherwith other inflammatory cells to sites of allergen exposure, such as theperibronchial regions of the lungs, which results in allergic exacerba-tions. Upon their activation, eosinophils are believed to contribute to

FIGURE 12.1 Cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors secreted by eosinophilsthat have a postulated role in allergic inflammation. Shown is a rendered image fromCCL5/RANTES immunofluorescence in a human peripheral blood eosinophil.



bronchial symptoms including bronchoconstriction, mucus secretion,and coughing.

The inflammatory processes underlying allergic exacerbations arecontrolled by a complex network of cytokines that regulate bonemarrow progenitor differentiation, migration to inflammatory foci, celladhesion receptor expression, and immunoglobulin E (IgE) responses.The infiltration of eosinophils to inflammatory responses may furtherexacerbate inflammation by their ability to release a plethora ofcytokines. Along with cytokines, eosinophils release a range of cationicproteins that are cytotoxic, including major basic protein (MBP),eosinophil peroxidase (EPX), eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN),and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP).17 These factors have indepen-dent proinflammatory effects on tissues and are implicated in theexacerbation of allergic responses.

A large body of evidence from animal models has suggested thatallergic inflammation arises from inappropriate polarization of theinnate and adaptive immune systems toward a Th2 response, sincea greater expression of Th2 cytokines (interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5, andIL-13) occurs in allergy.9 The primary roles for these cytokines are topromote IgE switching in B cells, which leads to binding of allergen-specific IgE to mast cells, along with enhancement of T cell differen-tiation to a Th2 phenotype, and suppression of Th1 responses. Th2responses result in the maintenance of an abnormally hypersensitivestatus in reaction to usually innocuous allergens. These cytokines alsoserve to increase blood and tissue eosinophilia, enhance eosinophilsurvival in tissues, and initiate eosinophil degranulation. By prolongingeosinophil survival in tissues, Th2 cytokines are thought to prolongthe ability of eosinophils to actively release their immunomodulatorymediators into tissues.

However, while the majority of asthma cases in patients fit the Th2phenotype described in animal models, certainly not all of them maybe categorized in this way.9 While the proportion of asthmatics witheosinophilia is not known, approximately 50% of patients with mild tosevere asthma have some form of blood eosinophilia.9 Thus, eosinophilsmay be important contributors to allergic inflammation in around halfof all cases of asthma.

Taken together, the network of cytokine signaling underlyingallergic inflammation and asthma is highly complex. Th2 responsesare strongly evoked in animal models of asthma and allergy;however, not all human asthma phenotypes are driven by Th2cytokines. The contribution of eosinophil-derived cytokines to aller-gic diseases is not fully understood, although recent developmentssuggest that they may be implicated in the manifestation of allergicinflammation.




Eosinophils are densely packed with a unique type of secretory gran-ules called crystalloid granules. These are so named because of the coreof the granule which contains crystallized MBP, a highly charged cat-ionic protein with cytotoxic effects upon its release.10 The crystallinecore of the eosinophil secretory granule may be visualized by itselectron-dense properties using transmission electron microscopy.10

Surrounding the core of the eosinophil granule is the matrix, which con-tains additional cationic proteins, including EPX, ECP, and EDN. Othercomponents are also stored in the matrix including cytokines, which arereleased along with eosinophil granule proteins, although via distincttrafficking mechanisms (Fig. 12.2).

There are four major pathways by which eosinophil crystalloid gran-ules are released to the cell exterior by a process known as degranula-tion. The first is classical exocytosis, in which the membrane ofindividual granules fuses with the plasma membrane to form contigu-ous structures.18,19 The second is compound exocytosis, whereby thecrystalloid granules first fuse with each other (via homotypic fusion)and then fuse with the cell membrane through a single fusion pore.20�22

The third pathway of degranulation is known as piecemeal degranula-tion, where small, rapidly mobilizable secretory vesicles bud from thesurface of crystalloid granules and shuttle materials to the cell mem-brane as part of the eosinophil’s tubulovesicular system.23�26 Finally,



Small secretory vesiclesCCL5/RANTESIL-4GFα


FIGURE 12.2 Sites of storage and transport for eosinophil-derived cytokines. Theeosinophil crystalloid granule consists of two subcompartments: the core, made up of crys-tallized MBP, and the matrix, which contains EPX, among other granule components.Cytokines are shown in their specific locations in secretory organelles. Small secretoryvesicles also transport cytokines, including CCL5/RANTES, IL-4, and TGFα.



degranulation may occur through necrosis or “cytolysis,” in whichintact, membrane-bound crystalloid granules are released following theloss of cell membrane integrity.26�28

Degranulation from eosinophils is usually associated with markedtissue damage, as eosinophil granule proteins are cytotoxic and caninduce epithelial damage, leading to increased inflammation.8,10

Excessive release of MBP, EPX, and ECP correlates with increased dis-ease severity in allergy and asthma.10 Along with the release of eosino-phil granule proteins, prestored immunomodulatory cytokines are alsoreleased, many of which are differentially secreted in distinct pathwaysfrom those of eosinophil granule proteins.29

Agonists that potently evoke degranulation from eosinophils includeplatelet-activating factor (PAF),30,31 opsonized bacteria or other sur-faces,32 complement factors (especially C5a),33 and immunoglobulincomplexes.34 In addition, a range of cytokines also induce or promoteeosinophil degranulation, including granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interferon-γ (IFNγ), IL-3, IL-5, andCCL11/eotaxin.24,35�38 Most of these agonists are elevated in allergicinflammation and are predicted to contribute to eosinophil degranula-tion, leading to widespread tissue injury.


Human eosinophils produce over 35 cytokines, many of which arealso expressed in their murine counterparts (Table 12.1). In most cases,both the mRNA transcript and protein expression have been identifiedfor each cytokine in peripheral blood eosinophils obtained from nonato-pic as well as atopic subjects. Interestingly, 10 of these cytokines havebeen found as preformed mediators packaged within eosinophil crystal-loid granules, suggesting that eosinophil-derived cytokines may actimmediately and directly on their microenvironment within minutes ofcell activation.

Eosinophils from tissue sources also synthesize and release numerouscytokines, suggesting that eosinophils retain the ability to generate cyto-kines after their recruitment into peripheral tissues. Examples of tissueeosinophils that express cytokines have been observed in the respiratorysystem (nasal polyps, bronchial biopsies, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL),sputum samples), the gastrointestinal tract (celiac mucosal biopsies),and in the skin.

The following sections elaborate on the expression of individual cyto-kines in eosinophils derived from blood and tissues. The most fre-quently used techniques for determining intracellular sites of cytokine



TABLE 12.1 Eosinophil-Derived Cytokines, Chemokines, and Growth Factorsin Human and Mouse Studies



in humaneosinophils



of protein


(per 106

cells) Release factors



of storedprotein Reference

A. Cytokines

A proliferation-inducing ligand(APRIL)

mRNA � � � 39


Granulocyte/Macrophagecolony-stimulating factor(GM-CSF)

mRNA 15 pg Ionomycin Crystalloidgranules(core)


Protein LPS


mRNA 997 pg Cytokines Crystalloidgranules,smallsecretoryvesicles


Interleukin-1α mRNA � PMA � 49,50


Interleukin-1β mRNA � [Constitutivelyreleased]

� 51,52


Interleukin-2 mRNA 6 pg Serum-coatedparticles



Protein PHA

CD28 cross-linking

Interleukin-3 mRNA � Ionomycin � 41,57

Protein IFNγ

Interleukin-4 mRNA 108 pg Immunecomplexes






TABLE 12.1 (Continued)



in human





quantityof protein


(per 106

cells) Release factors



of stored

protein Reference

Protein Serum-coatedparticles


Interleukin-5 mRNA � Immunecomplexes




Interleukin-6 mRNA 356 pg Cytokines Crystalloidgranules(matrix)



Interleukin-9 mRNA � � Crystalloidgranules



Interleukin-10 mRNA 455 pg Cytokines Crystalloidgranules



Interleukin-11 mRNA � � � 81


Interleukin-12 mRNA 186 pg Cytokines Crystalloidgranules



Interleukin-13 mRNA 50 pg Cytokines Crystalloidgranules



Interleukin-16 mRNA � [Constitutivelyreleased]

� 85,86


Interleukin-17 Protein � � � 87




TABLE 12.1 (Continued)



in human





quantityof protein


(per 106

cells) Release factors



of stored

protein Reference

Interleukin-25 mRNA � Cytokines � 88�90


Tumor necrosisfactor-α (TNF)

mRNA 909 pg Immunecomplexes



Protein TNF



B. Chemokines


mRNA � � � 92,95


CCL5/Regulatedon activation,normal T cellexpressed andsecreted(RANTES)

mRNA 7000 pg Serum-coatedparticles



Protein IFNγ

CCL11/Eotaxin mRNA 16�22 pg C5a, immunecomplexes





mRNA 13 pg Immunecomplexes





mRNA � TNF1 IFNγ orIL-4

� 100




TABLE 12.1 (Continued)



in human





quantityof protein


(per 106

cells) Release factors



of stored

protein Reference



mRNA � TNF1 IFNγ orIL-4

� 100


CCL23/Myeloidprogenitorinhibitory factor 1(MPIF-1)

mRNA � Cytokines � 101


CXCL1/Groα mRNA 95 pg Cytokines Crystalloidgranules



CXCL5/Epithelial-derivedneutrophil-activating peptide78 (ENA-78)

mRNA 1500 pg Cytokines � 103



mRNA � C5a � 44,61,104�108

Protein fMLP








TABLE 12.1 (Continued)



in human





quantityof protein


(per 106

cells) Release factors



of stored

protein Reference

CXCL9/Monokineinduced by γinterferon (MIG)

mRNA � TNF1 IFNγ orIL-4

� 100,109


CXCL10/Interferon γinduced protein10 (IP-10)

mRNA � TNF1 IFNγ orIL-4

� 100,109


CXCL11/Interferon-inducible T cellα chemoattractant(I-TAC)

mRNA � IFNγ � 109


C. Growth


Heparin-bindingepidermal growthfactor-likebinding protein(HB-EGF-LBP)

mRNA � � � 110

Nerve growthfactor (NGF)

mRNA 10 pg � � 111


Platelet-derivedgrowth factor,B chain (PDGF-B)

mRNA � � � 112

Stem cell factor(SCF)

mRNA 9 pg Chymase Crystalloidgranules






storage in eosinophils include immunocytochemistry, immunofluores-cence, subcellular fractionation, immunogold labeling, and immuno-fluorescence using confocal microscopy analysis. In this chapter, a specificfocus will be made on eosinophil-derived cytokines that have a potentialrole in allergy or that have been identified in tissues from allergic patients.

GM-CSF (Granulocyte/Macrophage Colony-StimulatingFactor)

The principal role of GM-CSF in the immune system is to stimulatethe production of granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils)in the bone marrow. In allergic disease, GM-CSF facilitates allergicairway inflammation and promotes eosinophilic inflammation, Th2responses, mucus production, and airway hyperresponsiveness togetherwith other cytokines.130 Further, GM-CSF promotes cutaneous anaphy-laxis reactions in mice expressing humanized immune systems.131

In eosinophils, GM-CSF promotes maturation, differentiation, andsurvival by delaying apoptosis.132 GM-CSF also enhances survivalof adherent eosinophils in an autocrine manner133 and degranulationas well as superoxide production from human eosinophils.38

TABLE 12.1 (Continued)



in human





quantityof protein


(per 106

cells) Release factors



of stored

protein Reference

Transforminggrowth factor-α(TGFα)

mRNA � Cytokines � 114�118


Transforminggrowth factor-β(TGF-β)

mRNA � Cytokines � 116,118�125


Vascularendothelialgrowth factor(VEGF)

mRNA � Cytokines Crystalloidgranules





Eosinophils isolated from human peripheral blood produce significantlevels of GM-CSF.40,41,46 Early studies identified GM-CSF as a prominentcytokine that was released by eosinophils following stimulation bycalcium ionophore (ionomycin) or bacterial lipopolysaccharide.41,44

It was also demonstrated that GM-CSF prolonged eosinophil survival inan autocrine manner, and that the effect of GM-CSF on delay of apoptosiswas inhibited by the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A.41

In confirmation of findings in blood eosinophils, tissue eosinophilsexpress GM-CSF. For example, GM-CSF1 eosinophils have beendetected in nasal biopsies from patients with allergic rhinitis42 andbronchial biopsies from asthmatic subjects.43 Following endobronchialchallenge in human asthmatics, eosinophils are recruited to theperibronchial regions, and these were shown to express GM-CSF.43

Moreover, sputum eosinophils from asthmatic subjects expressGM-CSF as evaluated by immunocytochemistry.45 Thus, these find-ings suggest that GM-CSF is a critical eosinophil-derived cytokinethat serves an important role in maintaining viability as wellas eosinophil effector functions in allergy.

GM-CSF is one of the 10 cytokines that have so far been identifiedas preformed mediators that are stored within eosinophil crystalloidgranules46 (Fig. 12.2). The intragranular localization of GM-CSF appearsto be associated with the matrix subcompartment that surroundsthe crystalline core.46 This early observation was among the first reportsdescribing the ability of eosinophils to store preformed cytokines,which could be later released in a rapid manner in response toinflammatory signals.

Interferon-γIFNγ is the sole member of the type II class of interferons, and serves

as a potent proinflammatory Th1 cytokine. Its release is mainly frominnate immune NK and NKT cells in response to viral, bacterial andsome protozoal infections. IFNγ is classically known for its role indownregulation of Th2-driven allergic inflammation, leading to reducedeosinophilia, in mouse models of allergic inflammation.134,135 In allergicasthma, IFNγ is predominantly associated with virus-induced asthmaexacerbations.134

Stimulation of eosinophils by IFNγ has been proposed to promoteallergic inflammation through a number of mechanisms in response tovirus infections, suggesting a role for IFNγ in autocrine signalingin eosinophils.134 The effects of IFNγ on eosinophils are to enhancecytotoxicity,136 increase cytokine expression such as GM-CSF,40 inducesecretion of IL-3, IL-6, and CCL5/RANTES,24,57,76,137 and promote IL-5-or GM-CSF-induced superoxide release.138 IFNγ also enhances



eosinophil survival, although not as potently as GM-CSF or IL-5,136

while it suppresses degranulation responses from eosinophils inducedby secretory IgA,36 suggesting a complex effect by this cytokineon eosinophil secretory functions.

Perhaps counterintuitively to the classical model of the Th2 skewedresponses in allergy, IFNγ is also expressed in eosinophils, cells whichare usually considered to be associated with Th2 responses. IFNγ isamong the most abundantly secreted cytokines generated by humaneosinophils (Table 12.1).47,48 Secretion of IFNγ from eosinophils wasshown to occur following stimulation with Th1, Th2, and inflammatorysignals such as TNFα.11 Eosinophils also store significant quantities ofIFNγ, suggesting that this may be released immediately within minutesof stimulation.

In Balb/c mice, eosinophil-derived IFNγ has bioactive effects onsurrounding tissues was shown to contribute to airway hyperresponsive-ness in a manner independent of T cells,139 indicating an important immu-nomodulatory role for eosinophil-derived cytokines in lung inflammation.

The intracellular sites of storage for IFNγ in eosinophils have notyet been determined, and this remains an area of interest for futurestudies.

Interleukin-1αIL-1α, also known as hematopoietin 1, is a member of the IL-1

family of 11 cytokines and is produced mainly by macrophages,neutrophils, epithelial cells, and endothelial cells. This cytokine wasoriginally named IL-1 until it was recognized that this consisted of twodistinct cytokines, IL-1α and IL-1β. IL-1α is a potent proinflammatorycytokine associated with inflammation, fever, and sepsis. In allergicinflammation, IL-1α is thought to promote epithelial release of GM-CSFand IL-33, leading to allergic sensitization in mice exposed to housedust mite (HDM).140 Eosinophils respond to IL-1α by undergoingdegranulation141 and adhesion to endothelial cells.142,143

IL-1α was the first cytokine discovered in eosinophils, where it wascharacterized for its expression in peritoneal eosinophils from miceinfected with the larvae of the parasite Mesocestoides corti.50 Human eosi-nophils were first shown to synthesize IL-1α in association withcytokine-induced human leukocyte antigen DR (HLA-DR) expression.49

IL-1α mRNA transcripts and protein expression were elevated by stim-ulation with phorbol ester myristate (PMA), suggesting that humaneosinophils can process antigens (such as allergens), and express thecostimulatory cytokine IL-1α, for HLA-DR presentation to T cells. Laterstudies confirmed that eosinophils may function as antigen-presenting



cells in mouse models of allergic inflammation.144�147 The release ofIL-1α from eosinophils may serve an important role as antigen-presenting cells in promoting allergen presentation to T cells in subjectswith eosinophilia.

No studies have indicated intracellular sites of IL-1α storage or traf-ficking in eosinophils. As IL-1α is an unusual cytokine that does notcontain a signal peptide fragment, it is unlikely to be transported out ofthe cell via vesicular trafficking. The proposed transport mechanismsfor IL-1α are described elsewhere.148,149

Interleukin-1βIL-1β, also called human leukocytic pyrogen, lymphocyte-activating

factor and other names, and has similar properties to IL-1α in immunefunction by promoting inflammatory responses, fever, and sepsis. LikeIL-1α, IL-1β is a member of the IL-1 family of 11 cytokines, which regu-lates and initiates proinflammatory reactions. IL-1β is implicated inallergic disease, including atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma, andhas been shown to support T cell survival, upregulate IL-2 receptorexpression on lymphocytes, enhance DC recruitment, increase antibodyproduction from B cells, and promote B cell proliferation as well as ele-vate Th2 cytokines.150 For these reasons, IL-1β is considered to be animportant therapeutic target for treatment of allergic inflammation.150 Ineosinophils, IL-1β acts in a similar manner to IL-1α by inducing degran-ulation36,141 and cell adhesion,143 although different eosinophil subpo-pulations responded selectively to each isoform of IL-1.

Interestingly, it was only recently that eosinophils were shownto constitutively release IL-1β as an immunomodulatory cytokine.51

Eosinophil-derived IL-1β was shown to be involved in promoting thesynthesis and secretion of IL-17 from activated CD41 T cells.51

Eosinophils also elaborate IL-1β in the gastrointestinal lamina propriawhere they promote secretory IgA production.52 Since Th17 cells havebeen implicated in the pathogenesis of allergic airway inflammation,151

the ability of eosinophils to generate IL-1β indicates that this may bean important mechanism whereby eosinophils promote differentiationof T cells to Th17 phenotype.

Similarly to IL-1α, IL-1β lacks a signal peptide sequence, and thereare no reports indicating the sites of storage or transport of IL-1βin eosinophils.


An essential growth factor for T cells, IL-2 is a critical cytokine forkey functions of the immune system and has pivotal roles in tolerance



and immunity. Its predominant target is T cells, particularly in the thy-mus where it prevents the development of autoimmunity. In peripherallymphoid tissues, IL-2 promotes differentiation of T cells into effector Tcells and memory T cells. In allergic inflammation, IL-2 contributes tothe establishment of the allergic phenotype following early phase aller-gen exposure leading to IL-4 release,152 and was recently demonstratedto be important in the generation of Th2 memory cells that promoteallergic airway responses in asthma.153 IL-2 also has a direct effect oneosinophils which express the IL-2 receptor (CD25), by promotingchemotaxis.154

Eosinophils constitutively express IL-2 at the mRNA and protein levels,suggesting that eosinophil-derived IL-2 may contribute to T cell prolifera-tion in peripheral tissues.53�56 The release of IL-2 may be induced byserum-coated particles and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) from humanperipheral blood eosinophils. Eosinophil-derived IL-2 was shown to bebioactive, as supernatants from eosinophils treated with anti-CD28induced T cell proliferation and MHC II expression on a colon carcinomacell line.55 Few studies have reported the expression of IL-2 in tissue eosi-nophils, however, and this remains an area of interest for future investiga-tions to determine the role of eosinophil-derived IL-2 in allergic disease.

Intracellular sites of storage for IL-2 have been characterized in eosi-nophils. The majority of IL-2 was found stored as a preformed mediatorwithin eosinophil crystalloid granules,53 with some cytoplasmic stainingevident in a minority of freshly isolated peripheral blood eosinophils.Within the granules, IL-2 appeared to be predominantly localized to thecrystalline core.53 These findings suggesting that eosinophils have thecapacity to synthesize, store, and release IL-2 from the crystalloid gran-ules, allowing the granules to serve as a reservoir for the rapid releaseof IL-2 in inflammatory reactions associated with allergy.


An essential growth factor for myelocytic cells and granulocytes, IL-3is required as a pluripotent growth factor along with GM-CSF topromote the proliferation of precursors toward a myeloid phenotype. Itis produced by a number of immune cells, primarily T cells, NK cells,and mast cells. In allergic diseases, IL-3 is elevated following allergenexposure in the skin155 and in bronchial asthma.155�158 This cytokine isfrequently observed to increase in correlation with GM-CSF and IL-5during allergic responses.155,157,158 The function of IL-3 in these condi-tions is suggested to be through augmentation of IgE synthesis from Bcells159 and increased histamine release from basophils.160 In eosinophils,IL-3 functions together with IL-5 and GM-CSF to promote differentiation



from human bone marrow progenitor cells into mature eosinophils.161

IL-3 alone is insufficient to serve as a chemoattractant for matureperipheral blood eosinophils, although low concentrations are capableof enhancing chemotactic effects of PAF and other agonists.162

Eosinophils from atopic patients show an increased sensitivity to IL-3compared to normal individuals.163 IL-3 also promotes eosinophilsurvival and activation to generate hypodense eosinophils,164 and iscapable of promoting degranulation and superoxide production fromhuman eosinophils.38

IL-3 was among the first cytokines to be characterized in eosinophils,and its release can be evoked by GM-CSF.41 Eosinophils isolated fromhuman peripheral blood synthesize IL-3 at the mRNA and protein levels,and secrete IL-3 in response to calcium ionophore and IFNγ stimula-tion.41,57 Thus, eosinophils marginated into tissue sites that activelysecrete IL-3 are likely to prolong their own survival by autocrine signal-ing. While IL-3 has been shown to increase in allergic inflammation basedon biopsies from individuals with atopic rhinitis, the expression of IL-3 intissue eosinophils was not directly demonstrated but instead showed acorrelation between numbers of eosinophils and IL-3 mRNA1 cells.157,158

To date, the intracellular sites of storage or trafficking of IL-3 havenot yet been elucidated, and this remains an area of interest.


Of all the cytokines studied in eosinophils to date, perhaps the bestcharacterized has been IL-4, a cytokine essential for the developmentof the Th2 response and the production of IgE by B cells, placing IL-4 ina central effector role in allergic inflammation. In eosinophils, IL-4 hasbeen shown to promote chemotaxis in cells obtained from atopicpatients.165 Interestingly, early studies suggested that stimulation ofeosinophils with IL-4 may also promote the development of Th1responses. IL-4-treated eosinophils released the Th1 cytokine IL-12,which in turn induced the expression of IFNγ from Th1 cells during cul-ture of T cells with eosinophil-conditioned media.82 Conversely, IL-4also promotes the expansion of Th2 cytokine-producing eosinophilsin vivo in a mouse model of asthma, both in the airways and in bonemarrow progenitor cells.166 The finding that eosinophils may releaseTh1 or Th2 cytokines, depending on the stimulation and microenviron-ment, suggests that eosinophils possess a more nuanced control ofcytokine responses in allergic inflammation than may be previouslyrecognized.

Human peripheral blood eosinophils from atopic donors produceIL-4 and release this cytokine in response to serum-coated surfaces and



cytokines.59 Eosinophils purified from the blood of healthy donors alsoproduce and secrete IL-4 in response to CCL11/eotaxin,63,64 suggestingthat IL-4 is constitutively expressed in blood eosinophils under normalconditions. This is consistent with mouse studies of eosinophil-derivedcytokines. In IL-4 reporter 4get mice, eosinophils constitutively expressIL-4 transcript at early stages of ontogeny.167 Moreover, instillation ofIL-4 into mice leads to proliferation of IL-4-expressing eosinophils, sug-gesting that IL-4 promotes differentiation of bone marrow progenitorcells into eosinophils that express Th2 cytokines including IL-4.166 Anearlier study showed that, among the non-T and non-B cell populationsin lung and spleen tissues in mice infected with Nippostrongylus brasi-liensis, eosinophils are among the most abundant IL-4-expressingcells.168 Using 4get mice, eosinophils were found to be the most preva-lent IL-4-expressing cells that infiltrated the lungs of mice infected withN. brasiliensis.169 Eosinophils expressing IL-4 have also been observed inmice infected with fungal Cryptococcus neoformans, in which they formedthe majority of cells expressing IL-4.170

IL-4 production from eosinophils has been shown to occur in thespleen following adjuvant stimulation of B cell responses, based onobservations from eosinophil-deficient ΔdblGATA mice injected withalum.147 Alum injection into ΔdblGATA mice led to attenuation of earlyB cell priming and IgM production, suggesting that eosinophils mayplay an important role in promoting the adaptive immune response tovaccines containing adjuvants.

In parallel with findings on blood-derived human eosinophils, tissueeosinophils from human subjects also express IL-4 as shown in airway,lung, and skin biopsy samples. For example, in nasal biopsies obtainedfrom subjects with allergic rhinitis, tissue eosinophils expressed IL-4.58

As many as 44% of the tissue eosinophils present in nasal polyp tissueswere found to be positive for IL-4. Moreover, following allergen-induced cutaneous late-phase reactions, the majority of tissue-infiltrating eosinophils (84%) were IL-41 after 6 h.58 This was furtherdemonstrated in lung tissues, where eosinophils from bronchial biopsiestaken from atopic asthmatics and normal nonatopic subjects wereshown to express IL-4 mRNA.72 Finally, in skin biopsies of allergic indi-viduals, around 20% of tissue eosinophils were positive for IL-4 mRNAat 24 h following challenge, and this increased to 50%�60% for proteinexpression of IL-4.62

Eosinophil-derived IL-4 is also one of the few eosinophil-derivedcytokines that have been shown to have a direct bioactive role in tissuesin numerous reports. Several studies have suggested that eosinophil-derived IL-4 is important in priming naı̈ve T cells and activation ofmast cell IL-5 release during helminthic parasite infection, for examplewith Schistosoma mansoni.171 However, recent studies suggest that



eosinophil-derived IL-13 instead of IL-4 may play a more prominentrole in establishing allergic inflammation in a mouse model.172 Thepathophysiological significance of eosinophil-derived IL-4 in humandisease is yet to be determined.

IL-4 is one of at least 10 cytokines that have been identified as apreformed, stored mediator that is located within the crystalloidgranules of eosinophils59 (Fig. 12.2). While this report suggested IL-4colocalized with the core of the crystalloid granules, later studies usingimmunogold electron microscopy suggest that IL-4 was located withincrystalloid granules as well as small secretory vesicles that are granule-associated vesiculotubular carriers (so-called eosinophil sombrerovesicles).63,64,66,67 These small secretory vesicles are important intrafficking of IL-4, and their membrane trafficking mechanisms aredescribed in more detail elsewhere.29

In summary, IL-4 production from eosinophils may be importantin a variety of allergy and immune responses that are only justbeginning to be understood. These observations will continue toshape our understanding of the biological role of eosinophils inallergy.


Similarly, to IL-4, IL-5 has been extensively investigated for its role inallergic inflammation. While IL-5 does not have a direct role in skewingimmune responses toward a Th2 phenotype, it is important in down-stream Th2-associated events in response to allergens. IL-5 is an essen-tial cytokine involved in the terminal differentiation and proliferation ofprecursor cells in the bone marrow into an eosinophilic phenotype. Thiscytokine acts on CD341 cells together with IL-3 and GM-CSF to promoteeosinophil development.173,174 IL-5 has an important effector role inmouse and human eosinophils, including prolongation of survival,induction of chemotaxis, priming, and degranulation.36,38,175�177 Anti-IL-5, as well as anti-IL-5 receptor, are promising new treatments foreosinophilic asthma and may be able to promote a steroid-sparingregime for atopic asthmatics.178�182 Interestingly, eosinophils alsoexpress IL-5, suggesting that IL-5 may have an autocrine or paracrinerole in promoting eosinophil differentiation, survival, and activation.

Eosinophil expression of IL-5 was first characterized in tissue biop-sies from human subjects. A significant percentage of eosinophils in gutmucosa tissue samples from patients with active celiac disease werefound to be positive for IL-5, and following administration of a gluten-free diet, the numbers of IL-51 eosinophils declined.68 However, IL-51

eosinophils are not associated with all disorders of the gut, as intestinal



mucosal eosinophils in Crohn’s disease were not found to be positivefor IL-5 transcript.70

In allergic airway disease, eosinophils in nasal biopsies from subjectswith allergic rhinitis correlated with elevated IL-51 mRNA in tissuecells.157 Endobronchial or segmental challenge of atopic asthmatics ledto increased IL-51 eosinophils infiltrating the airways.43 Eosinophilsalso express IL-5 mRNA and protein in bronchial biopsies of atopicasthmatics as well as normal nonatopic subjects.72 In complementarystudies, B20% of tissue eosinophils were positive for IL-5 mRNA inskin biopsies of allergic individuals 24 h following challenge, whichincreased in correlation with IL-5 protein expression.62,73

Human peripheral blood eosinophils also express IL-5, and its releasemay be evoked by immune complexes.70,71 Moreover, IL-5 is also foundas a preformed, stored cytokine located within the eosinophil crystalloidgranule.70,71 Immunogold electron microscopy analysis of IL-5 proteinstorage indicated that IL-5 was localized to the core of the crystalloidgranule.71 Thus, eosinophils have the capability of releasing IL-5 intosurrounding tissues that has been already synthesized and storedwithin its secretory granules, suggesting that eosinophils may be able topromote the survival and activation of other newly recruited cells in anautocrine manner.


IL-6 is a pleiotropic proinflammatory cytokine that has a diversity ofroles in the immune system, with a predominant function in stimulationof immune responses after trauma or infection, particularly in acutephase reactions. This cytokine is also important in allergic asthma,where it is elevated in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage samples bothat baseline and following allergen challenge.183�185 Recent studies indi-cate that IL-6 has a potential role in determining the adaptive immuneresponse in allergy. Specifically, in vitro studies show that IL-6 pro-moted differentiation of effector CD41 T cells to a Th2 phenotype andsuppressed Th1 differentiation.186 Together with this, IL-6 is an essentialcofactor together with IL-4 in isotype switching of B cells to produceIgE.187 IL-6 also has a role in priming of granulocytes, suggestinga direct role in activation of the innate immune system.

Eosinophils express IL-6 and this is one of the 10 cytokines that hasbeen identified as being stored as a preformed mediator in eosinophil crys-talloid granules76 (Fig. 12.2). Stimulation of human peripheral blood eosi-nophils in vitro by IFNγ and other inflammatory cytokines inducesintracellular mobilization of IL-6 prior to its release.48,74�76 Whethereosinophil-derived IL-6 is important in allergic inflammation is not known.




IL-9 was first characterized as a T cell and mast cell growth factorwhich is predominantly generated by T cells. The production of IL-9 isassociated with the Th2 phenotype in allergy, and IL-9 has a prominentrole in the establishment of the allergic phenotype in mouse models.188

IL-9 is also important in human allergy as segmental allergen challengeof atopic asthmatics led to increased IL-9 expression in lymphocytespresent in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.189 In the mouse model of eosin-ophilic tissue inflammation, IL-9 acts by promoting an influx of eosino-phils and enhancing their differentiation, maturation, and survival.78,190

Eosinophils may also augment established Th2 responses by secretingIL-9 in response to proinflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-1β.191 Theexpression of IL-9 mRNA and protein products was shown in bothperipheral blood eosinophils obtained from atopic asthmatics and normalhealthy individuals. Tissue eosinophils also demonstrated IL-9 mRNAexpression in asthmatic airways.77 These studies indicate that eosinophilshave the capacity to express and secrete IL-9 in allergic inflammation.

The intracellular sites of storage and trafficking of IL-9 has not yet beenreported for eosinophils, and this is an area of ongoing investigation.


The immunosuppressive cytokine IL-10 plays a major role in immuneregulation and the promotion of immune tolerance. Its former name ishuman cytokine synthesis inhibitory factor, and it is primarily producedby monocytes, Th2 cells, and other innate and adaptive immune cells.The main function of IL-10 is to downregulate the production of Th1cytokines and to prevent antigen presentation in macrophages. IL-10 isalso known for its immunosuppressive role in allergic inflammation bysuppressing cytokine secretion.192,193 In parallel with this, IL-10 inhibitsthe effects of bacterial lipopolysaccharide on survival and cytokineproduction by human peripheral blood eosinophils.44

Human peripheral blood eosinophils have been shown to expressand release IL-10.61 Tissue eosinophils from nasal mucosa samples alsodemonstrated increased IL-10 expression after nasal allergen chal-lenge.194 These findings indicate that eosinophil-derived IL-10 mayenhance allergic inflammation, as IL-10 acts in concert with IL-4 tomediate the growth, differentiation, and isotype switching of activatedB cells.195 However, because IL-10 is known for its immunosuppres-sive properties in allergic inflammation,192,193 this may suggest thateosinophil-derived IL-10 may have a more complex role in the modu-lating the allergic phenotype than these reports suggest. In helminthinfections, eosinophil-derived IL-10 was shown to have a role in



proliferation of myeloid dendritic cells and CD41 T cells, leading to pro-tection of intracellular Trichinella spiralis larvae.80 This striking observa-tion suggests that eosinophils may serve a protective role for helminthlarvae, counterintuitive to the classically held notion that eosinophilskill helminths to protect the host. These findings show that a significantfunctional diversity exists for eosinophils and their cytokines thatwas not previously appreciated until the development of eosinophil-deficient mouse strains.

The intracellular sites of synthesis, storage, and trafficking of IL-10have not yet been elucidated in eosinophils, and this remains to beinvestigated in future studies.


A multifunctional cytokine derived from the bone marrow stromalcells, IL-11 has an important role in platelet function and bone develop-ment. In allergy, little is known regarding IL-11 function in Th2responses, although its expression is upregulated in bronchial biopsyspecimens from patients with asthma,81 suggesting that it may have arole in chronic remodeling in asthmatic airways. In this study, eosino-phils were shown to express IL-11 mRNA along with airway epithelialcells. Mouse models of allergic airway inflammation have demonstrateda role for IL-11 in inhibiting asthma-associated inflammation while pro-moting airway fibrosis.196 There have been no other reports ofeosinophil-derived IL-11, so the function of eosinophil-derived IL-11 inallergic diseases has not been determined and its intracellular locationnot yet been investigated.


IL-12 is a Th1 cytokine that is predominantly generated by cells inthe innate immune system. Its role is associated with the differentiationof naı̈ve T cells into Th1 cells. In allergy, IL-12 is known to downregu-late allergic inflammation following its release, along with IFNγ.135

Recombinant human IL-12 has been shown to reduce peripheral bloodand sputum eosinophils in patients with mild allergic asthma, althoughno effects on airway hyper-responsiveness or the late asthmatic reac-tion were observed.197 In human peripheral blood eosinophils, IL-12has been demonstrated to induce apoptosis in an antagonistic mannerwith IL-5.198

Eosinophils also produce IL-12 in response to proinflammatory cyto-kine treatment. Stimulation of human peripheral blood eosinophils withIL-4 led to the secretion of IL-12, which in turn induced expression of



IFNγ from Th1 cells.82 IL-12 is also one of a number of cytokinessecreted by eosinophils stimulated by Th1, Th2, and proinflammatorycytokines.48 In patients with dermatitis, it has been shown thateosinophil-derived IL-12 induced a switch from Th2 to Th1 responses inlate phase allergic skin reactions.82,199

The location of IL-12 protein expression in eosinophils has not yetbeen determined.


IL-13 is a prominent Th2 cytokine that is released by many celltypes, particularly from Th2 cells. The effects of IL-13 on immune cellsare similar to those of IL-4 as these cytokines share a common receptorsubunit (the α subunit), although IL-13 plays a predominant role inallergic inflammation by promoting bronchial hyperreactivity and over-production of mucus.200 IL-13 also promotes isotype switching of Bcells to produce IgE.201 In the mouse model, IL-13 is an importantmediator of allergic asthma,200 and was shown to induce eosinophilrecruitment to the airways in an IL-5 and CCL11/eotaxin-dependentmanner.202 More recently, anti-IL-13 has been promoted as a treat-ment for severe asthma in human patients, although its effects have notresulted in improvements in asthma control and other clinical para-meters.203 Further studies are in process to determine if targeting ofmore than one cytokine may result in improved asthma symptoms.

The receptor for IL-13 is expressed in an eosinophilic cell line,204

although there are few reports describing its direct effects on eosino-phils. Conversely, IL-13 is synthesized and secreted by eosinophils.83,84

IL-13 synthesis and expression has been characterized in human periph-eral blood eosinophils from patients with bronchial asthma, atopicdermatitis, and hypereosinophilic syndrome.84 In addition, tissue eosi-nophils from nasal polyps were shown to express IL-13, and its releasecould be induced by activation with cytokines or CD28 ligation.83,84

Eosinophil-derived IL-13 was also shown to be bioactive by inducingCD23 expression on B cells.83,84

A recent study has demonstrated that eosinophil-derived IL-13 maybe required for allergic airway responses.205 This was determined usingIL-132/2 eosinophils that were adoptively transferred into ΔdblGATAmice. In the computational model for this study, it was found that IL-13production by eosinophils was integral to the development of allergicasthma.205

The intracellular site of storage of IL-13 in eosinophils is associatedwith the crystalloid granules, suggesting that IL-13 is a preformed medi-ator that is released upon stimulation of degranulation.83 This was



determined by subcellular fractionation and immunogold electronmicroscopy analysis of human peripheral blood eosinophils.


IL-16 was formerly known as lymphocyte chemoattractant factor, andserves as a proinflammatory factor that is chemotactic for immune cells,including T cells, monocytes, and eosinophils. It acts through CD4 as itssignal-transducing receptor, and is elevated in allergic responses in nasaltissues206 and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of histamine-challengedasthma patients.207 In human eosinophils, IL-16 promotes leukotriene C4

generation and IL-4 secretion,208 suggesting that this cytokine activateseosinophils to facilitate an allergic inflammatory response.

Human peripheral blood eosinophils synthesize and secrete IL-16that was shown to be bioactive for T cells by inducing cell migra-tion.85,86 Thus, human eosinophils may have the ability to alter CD41 Tcell and memory T cell activities. IL-16 was also demonstrated to bestored as a preformed mediator in eosinophils, with intense granularstaining.86 Further studies on the intracellular storage and trafficking ofIL-16 would shed more light on how this is secreted from eosinophils.


The predominant role of IL-17 in immune responses is mainly proin-flammatory, and it is the major cytokine secreted by Th17 cells. In severeasthma, IL-17 is considered to be a key factor in the pathophysiologyof airway disease,209 and it has been shown to enhance Th2-mediatedeosinophilic airway inflammation in mouse models of asthma.210

A direct effect of IL-17 on eosinophils has not yet been reported.Eosinophils have been shown to express IL-17 in peripheral blood,

sputum, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.87 Levels of IL-17 weresignificantly higher in peripheral blood eosinophils from subjects withasthma than in control subjects. These findings indicate that eosinophil-derived IL-17 may be an important factor in eosinophilic asthma.However, there are no reports regarding the intracellular sites of synthe-sis or storage of IL-17 in eosinophils.


Also known as IL-17E, IL-25 is produced by epithelial cells alongwith numerous innate immune cells, and plays a prominent rolein enhancing Th2 cytokine production.211 IL-25 may be important inpromoting Th2 cytokine-mediated allergic inflammation along with



thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) by activating the function ofadaptive Th2 memory cells through dendritic cells88 The expression ofIL-25 is elevated in tissue biopsies from patients with chronic asthmaand atopic dermatitis.88

While they do not express significant levels of IL-25 receptor and donot respond to IL-25 treatment, eosinophils purified from the peripheralblood of atopic and nonatopic subjects generate IL-25 constitutively andupon activation with eosinophil-specific cytokines.88 It was furtherdemonstrated that eosinophil-derived IL-25 induced IL-5 productionfrom Th2 memory cells, along with modest levels of IL-4 and IL-13.Eosinophil-derived IL-25 production was confirmed in independentstudies of Churg�Strauss patients, where eosinophils were found to bethe main IL-25-producing cells in blood.89

No studies have been reported describing the intracellular sites ofstorage and trafficking of IL-25 in human eosinophils, and this remainsan area of interest for future investigations.

CCL5/RANTES (Regulated on Activation, Normal T CellExpressed and Secreted)

Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 (CCL5), also known as RANTES, isclassified as a chemotactic cytokine, or chemokine. It is highly chemotac-tic for T cells, eosinophils, and basophils, and acts on the G protein-coupled CCR5 receptor for its effector actions. CCL5/RANTES actsas a major regulator of local immune responses, and targets immune cellsto sites of inflammation. In allergic diseases, CCL5/RANTES is elevatedalong with other cytokines in tissue samples from atopic patients,where it is thought to have a role in recruitment of T cells andeosinophils.212�214 The production of CCL5/RANTES during respiratoryvirus infections is suggested to exacerbate allergic airway disease.134

In eosinophils, CCL5/RANTES not only induces chemotaxis but alsoinduces cell activation by elevation of Ca21, along with upregulation ofadhesion molecules,215,216 respiratory burst,38,217 and degranulation.37,38

Peripheral blood eosinophils from humans express CCL5/RANTESmRNA and protein.85,96 The release of CCL5/RANTES from eosinophilsmay be evoked by cytokines such as IFNγ and opsonized parti-cles.24,96,137 Expression of CCL5/RANTES in tissue eosinophils fromhuman subjects was also confirmed in studies which showed thataround 15% of the total CCL5/RANTES1 population of cells in nasalmucosal biopsies from seasonal rhinitis patients were eosinophils.213 Inlate-phase cutaneous reactions following allergen challenge in atopicsubjects, eosinophils recruited to the skin also expressed increasedCCL5/RANTES mRNA and protein.96 These findings suggest that both



peripheral and tissue eosinophils express CCL5/RANTES, and that thisis released during allergic inflammation.

Eosinophil-derived CCL5/RANTES has been shown to be bioactive,as it has direct chemotactic effects on lymphocytes in culture.96 In thesestudies, the bioactivity of eosinophil-derived CCL5/RANTES was inhib-ited by treatment of eosinophil supernatants with antibody to CCL5/RANTES. Thus, human eosinophils have the capacity to regulate thefunction of T cells and to elicit the accumulation of eosinophils throughan autocrine mechanism.

Eosinophils elaborate CCL5/RANTES from preformed stores withinthe matrix of their crystalloid granules.24 The release of CCL5/RANTES was inducible by IFNγ, which led to intracellular mobiliza-tion of this chemokine prior to its release.24 Specifically, IFNγ evokedthe redistribution of CCL5/RANTES from the crystalloid granules to arapidly mobilized pool of small secretory vesicles within 10 minutes ofstimulation, leaving MBP1 crystalloid granules behind.24 After 16 h ofIFNγ stimulation, CCL5/RANTES was found replenished in crystal-loid granules, suggesting that eosinophils have the ability to undergosustained rounds of cytokine secretion. These findings indicate theeosinophils have the ability to selectively and differentially releasecytokines and granule proteins in response to specific inflammatorystimulation.

The mechanism of selective cytokine release from eosinophils hasbeen associated with a tubulovesicular system which consists of thesmall secretory granules containing CCL5/RANTES along with IL-4.218

This membrane transport system is hypothesized to form the mecha-nism associated with piecemeal degranulation, a type of degranulationthat is commonly observed in tissues from allergic subjects.28 The tubu-lovesicular system allows the trafficking of granule contents to the cellsurface through vesicles and tubules that directly bud from the surfaceof the crystalloid granule.67,148,218,219 This specialized mechanism ofcytokine transport was first characterized with CCL5/RANTES ineosinophils.24

Some of the specific membrane fusion machinery has also been inves-tigated in association with CCL5/RANTES secretion. The small secre-tory vesicles containing CCL5/RANTES were found to colocalize withthe SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor attachment pro-tein receptor), VAMP-2 (vesicle-associated membrane protein-2), inhuman peripheral blood eosinophils.220 SNARE proteins are the hypo-thetical universal fusion proteins that regulate docking of granules andvesicles to target membranes including the plasma membrane.221 Fusionof CCL5/RANTES1 small secretory vesicles is proposed to requirebinding to cognate target membrane SNAREs, known as SNAP-23 andsyntaxin-4.222




CCL11/Eotaxin is an important eosinophil-specific chemokine thatis associated with the recruitment of eosinophils into sites of inflam-mation. It is generated in the lungs of asthmatic patients and has arole in targeting eosinophils at inflammatory foci.97,223,224 Mouse mod-els of allergic airway inflammation indicate a central role for CCL11/eotaxin in recruitment of eosinophils to the airways.225,226 Geneknockout of CCL11/eotaxin leads to markedly reduced tissue eosino-phil numbers, which is associated with reduced allergic inflammationin the gastrointestinal system, subcutaneous regions, and the air-ways.227 CCL11/eotaxin acts on cells through it G protein-coupledreceptor, CCR3, and eosinophils respond to CCR3 ligand binding byundergoing chemotaxis, Ca21 mobilization, degranulation, and respi-ratory burst.37,217,223,228�230

Human peripheral blood eosinophils express CCL11/eotaxin andrelease this chemokine in response to stimulation by complement fac-tors and immune complexes.98 In human airway tissues, endobronchialor segmental challenge with allergen evokes elevated numbers of eosi-nophils positive for CCL11/eotaxin labeling.97

The intracellular sites of storage of CCL11/eotaxin have not yet beendescribed in detail beyond an apparent association with the crystalloidgranules in eosinophils based on conventional immunocytochemicalstaining.98 This remains an area of interest for future studies.


The roles of CCL17/TARC (thymus- and activation-regulated chemo-kine) and CCL22/MDC (monocyte-derived chemokine) in the immunesystem are associated with induction of chemotaxis in T cells, and par-ticularly Th2 cells, by binding to the chemokine receptor CCR4. Thesetwo chemokines are found secreted in parallel from dendritic cells andmacrophages. In allergic inflammation, CCL17/TARC has been shownto be elicited upon segmental allergen exposure in asthmatics,231 whichcorrelated with elevated recruitment of Th2 cells that preferentiallyexpress CCR4. Interestingly, eosinophils do not respond significantly toCCL17/TARC stimulation in correlation with an absence of CCR4expression, at least in mouse cells.232 Eosinophils were also shown toelicit CCL17/TARC and CCL22/MDC in a mouse model of allergicinflammation, leading to effector T cell recruitment and the establish-ment of airway hyperresponsiveness.233

While there is no detectable CCR4 in eosinophils, human eosinophilsexpress and release CCL17/TARC and CCL22/MDC in response tostimulation by TNF and IFNγ or IL-4.100 These are among the few



cytokines that are actively synthesized and not stored by eosinophils.These intriguing findings suggest that eosinophils may contribute toallergic inflammation by promoting the recruitment of Th2 cells throughthe release of Th2-specific chemokines. Moreover, the release of CCL17/TARC and CCL22/MDC may occur through a distinct intracellulartrafficking pathway from those associated with preformed, storedcytokines. This remains an area of interest for future studies.


CXCL8/IL-8 (chemokine C-X-C motif ligand 8, along with its mousehomolog, keratinocyte-derived chemokine, CXCL1/KC) is widelyexpressed throughout the body, with predominant secretion frommacrophages, epithelial cells, airway smooth muscle cells, and endothe-lial cells. Its role in immunity is to attract neutrophils and other celltypes through CXCR1 and CXCR2 to sites of inflammation and infec-tion. In allergic inflammation, CXCL8/IL-8 has been associated withvirus-induced exacerbations of asthma and airway hyperresponsive-ness.234 Eosinophils from atopic individuals respond to CXCL8/IL-8 byundergoing chemotaxis in vitro235; however, CXCL8/IL-8 challenge ofnasal mucosa in allergic patients did not result in significant tissueeosinophil recruitment.236

Peripheral blood eosinophils from normal and atopic individualsare very well characterized for their ability to express and releaseCXCL11/IL-8 in response to stimulation by a variety of factors andcytokines.44,61,104�108 Further, eosinophils accumulating in the airwaysfollowing allergen challenge express CXCL8/IL-8.107 These findingsindicate that eosinophils may recruit neutrophils and other cells expres-sing receptors for CXCL8/IL-8 to sites of allergic inflammation. The roleof eosinophil-derived CXCL8/IL-8 in the context of allergic inflamma-tion has not yet been determined, and its intracellular sites of transportto the cell membrane are yet to be investigated.

TGFα (Transforming Growth Factor-α)

A cytokine with growth factor functions, TGFα is a mitogenic factorwith a role in cell proliferation, differentiation, and maturation. Itsreceptor is epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and it has impor-tant roles in wound healing and tissue remodeling in response toinflammatory stimuli. The role of TGFα in allergic inflammation has notbeen described in detail, although it is hypothesized to be importantin keratinocyte-mediated wound healing in response to allergen chal-lenge.237 Further, remodeling in asthmatic airways is postulated to



be associated with TGFα production in response to IL-13 in airwayepithelial cells.238

TGFα was the second cytokine to be described for its expression ineosinophils. It was shown to be expressed at mRNA and protein levelsin tissue eosinophils infiltrating interstitial regions adjacent to humancolonic or oral carcinomas.114 This was soon followed by the observa-tion that TGFα1 tissue eosinophils could be detected in a rabbit modelof healing cutaneous wounds,115 and in the nasal mucosa of individualswith allergic rhinitis.116 The release of TGFα from human eosinophilsmay be triggered by cytokine stimulation.118

Detailed immunogold analysis of human peripheral blood eosino-phils showed that TGFα is present as a preformed, stored mediator ineosinophil crystalloid granules as well as small secretory vesicles,117

suggesting that this cytokine is trafficked through the tubulovesicularsystem associated with IL-4 and CCL5/RANTES transport. Thesefindings indicate that eosinophils utilize their tubulovesicular systemfor differential release of several key cytokines in a pathway that maybe distinct from classical or compound exocytosis of crystalloid granules.

TGFβ (Transforming Growth Factor-β)First identified in human platelets, TGFβ is a member of the TGFβ

superfamily of cytokines that is secreted by a variety of cell types.TGFβ is produced as three highly homologous isoforms, and is boundas an immobilized, latent precursor form to extracellular matrixproteins in many tissues throughout the body.239 On its release intoan active form, it controls many types of cellular function includingproliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and angiogenesis, as partof its role in wound healing, and most cells possess receptors forTGFβ.239,240 TGFβ is also an important target for drug treatment innumerous clinical trials specifically focused on cancer therapy, butmay also be a promising target for allergic disease.240 In allergic dis-ease, TGFβ plays a prominent role in the development of asthma, aller-gic rhinitis, and eczema, along with gastrointestinal complaints.241,242

Mutations in the TGFβ receptor (TGFβR) were recently discovered inpatients with Loeys�Dietz syndrome, resulting in elevated rates ofallergic disease and increased eosinophil numbers.241,242 High levels ofTGFβ have been found in patients with asthma, suggesting an impor-tant role in airway remodeling.243 Eosinophils also respond to lowconcentrations of TGFβ by undergoing chemotaxis,244 although TGFβinhibits IL-5 activation of eosinophils.245

Perhaps unsurprisingly, human eosinophils from both blood andtissue sources also express TGFβ, and there are numerous reports



demonstrating this.61,116,118�125 In normal individuals, the airwayepithelium appears to be the major site of TGFβ expression, while inasthmatics, many reports have shown that eosinophils recruited tothe airways are the main source of TGFβ.124,243,246,247 Eosinophils frombronchial biopsies of patients with severe asthma were shown to exhibitgreater expression of TGFβ1 than those of normal control subjects, withup to 75% of tissue eosinophils being positive for TGFβ1.124

Moreover, eosinophil-derived TGFβ has bioactive effects in vitro,as TGFβ from eosinophils has been shown to regulate fibroblast pro-liferation and differentiation, suggesting a role for eosinophils inwound healing.248 In support of this finding, eosinophils were foundto express TGFβ along with IL-13 following intradermal allergenchallenge, leading to increased repair and remodeling in humanatopic skin.249

However, in spite of substantial studies showing that eosinophilsare a major source of TGFβ, and another report describing TGFαstorage in eosinophil crystalloid granules and secretory vesicles,117

there are no reports of the intracellular sites of TGFβ synthesis and/or storage in eosinophils.

TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor-α)

A major proinflammatory cytokine that has pleiotropic roles in localand systemic inflammation, TNF is one of several cytokines that is a tar-get for pharmacological intervention in numerous chronic inflammatorydisorders. TNF is also implicated in airway inflammation in asthma,and may be important in refractory asthma.250,251 TNF is a highly potentactivator of monocytes, T cells, neutrophils, and endothelial cells, andalso acts by enhancing eosinophil adhesion and cytotoxicity.252,253 TNFcontributes to allergic inflammation by promoting antigen-specific IgEproduction and induction of Th2 cytokines.254 Eosinophils respond toTNF activation by undergoing respiratory burst,255 and releasing matrixmetalloprotease-9,256 but do not undergo full degranulation, based onEDN release.36 However, TNF acts synergistically with IL-5 to inducedegranulation.38

Eosinophils synthesize and secrete TNF, and represent a potentialsource of this proinflammatory cytokine in allergy and chronic inflam-mation.48,92,94 Purified peripheral blood eosinophils from atopic indivi-duals spontaneously release TNF in culture, and normal eosinophilsstimulated with immobilized immunoglobulins or cytokines expressmRNA for this cytokine.61

TNF is one of the 10 cytokines that has been detected as a preformed,stored mediator in eosinophil granules based on immunogold electron



microscopy91 (Fig. 12.2). Ultrastructural immunogold analysis demon-strated that TNF was localized to the matrix compartment of eosinophilcrystalloid granules in patients with hypereosinophilic syndrome91 andCrohn’s disease.257 These findings indicate the eosinophil-derived TNFmay orchestrate inflammatory processes in an exacerbating or modula-tory manner.


It is clear from many studies that eosinophils have the capacity torelease a large array of cytokines and that many of these have beendemonstrated to have immunoregulatory roles in allergic responsesin both human and mouse models of allergic inflammation. A largeproportion of cytokines are found as preformed mediators stored ineosinophil crystalloid granules or similar secretory organelles, andmany of these have been demonstrated to have bioactive roles inimmunity. Many other cytokines derived from eosinophils that are notdescribed in detail in this chapter may also contribute to allergicinflammation, and these are listed in Table 12.1. Note that this chapterdoes not include all of the functions of eosinophil-derived cytokinesin homeostasis, fat deposition, antiviral effects, and diseases suchas cancer. There have been a series of recent striking developmentsimplicating eosinophils in many other immune-related functions, thatdemonstrate a pivotal role for eosinophils and their cytokines inplasma cell maintenance in the bone marrow,39 of immunosuppressiveeffects in the lungs6 and gastrointestinal tract,7 as well as implicatinga role for these intriguing cells in the formation of beige fat.258,259

What is evident is that eosinophils are only now being recognizedas important immune modulatory cells in maintaining the health ofthe organism and repressing damaging signals from pathogens andtheir impact on the immune system.

Taken together, these reports indicate that eosinophils serve animportant role in immunity, with a major role for their cytokines, che-mokines, and growth factors in augmentation of inflammatoryresponses in allergic diseases. We look forward to future studies inwhich the specific functions of each of these eosinophil-derived cyto-kines is determined for its contribution to allergic inflammation, and toinvestigate the mechanisms of cytokine trafficking and release for thepurpose of development of novel therapeutic targets.

Disclosures: The author has no financial conflicts of interest todisclose.




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