Ch 6 Sec 1 "The Renaissance"

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Transcript of Ch 6 Sec 1 "The Renaissance"

Chapter 6The Renaissance

• Perspective• Relief sculpture• Humanities• Etiquette• Transubstantiation• Inquisition• Indulgences• Predestination

• Flood of information from Crusades and scholars led to a revival of learning

Changes by The Renaissance

1. Tools2. Art3. Sculpture4. Architecture5. Learning6. Writing


• Johannes Gutenberg moveable type printing press– made literary works available to the public at a

low cost


• The Renaissance paintings differed from earlier paintings in three ways:

1. People looked real (vs. flat prior to Renaissance)

WHY?– Painters studied anatomy– Painted real people because realized they were

important because we were creations of God

2. Added dimension by shading

3. Gave paintings depth by using perspective• Perspective: used to create an illusion of

space and depth on a flat surface. Make something look 3-D

Famous Renaissance Artists

• Leonardo da Vinci– Painted the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa

Last Supper

Mona Lisa

• Michelangelo– Painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

Renaissance Sculpture

• The statues are lifelike, powerful and stunning. They are very realistic

• Relief sculpture – attached to a flat surface (like the wall of a cathedral or castle)

Renaissance Sculptors

• Ghiberti– Sculpted the doors of the baptistery of Florence

• Michelangelo– David

Renaissance Architecture

• Rounded arches, columns, and domes were common

• The Cathedral of Florence is a great example

• Built by Brunelleschi

Renaissance Learning

• The humanities were taught– Humanities: Human interests and experiences– Examples are: Literature, philosophy, art, history,

grammar and speech• The goal was to make the student a well-

rounded person, educated and interested in many fields

Renaissance Writing

• Italy– Patterned their work after the ancient Greeks and


Italian Writers

• Petrarch– Was known as the

Father of Humanism– He spread the ideas

of the Renaissance

• Castiglione– Wrote a

famous book on etiquette

– Etiquette: code of polite behavior

– The Courtier

• Machiavelli– He taught that those who lived by the classical and

biblical virtues would not be able to gain or keep power.

– He represented trend of freeing people from religious tradition

Northern Europe Writers

• Tended to emphasize religious issues

• Erasmus– First to print the Greek New Testament on the

movable type press– Refused to leave the Church of Rome

• Sir Thomas Moore– Wrote Utopia– Story about an imaginary country based on

Christian principles and the philosophy of Plato

Consequences of the Renaissance


1. Led to a return to the clear teachings of Scripture

2. Renewed interest in the manuscripts and languages of the Old Testament

3. Individual was emphasized 4. Literature was more available and education

became accessible to many more people


1. Emphasis was on man rather than God– Weakened morals