Carotid End Arterectomy

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Transcript of Carotid End Arterectomy




Artery carotid Disease

Kurang lebih 80% stroke adalah iskemik dan penyakit karotis merupakan 2/3 penyebabnya.

Embolisasi plak dari bifurkasio artery karotis ke pembuluh darah intracranial, biasanya menuju a.serebri media pada sirkulasi anterior,atau dikarenakan aliran yang lambat.

Atherosklerotic Chatper 14,Ruherford’s Vascular Surgery,7th ed


Berasal dari Bahasa Yunani : Athere = Bubur, skleros = keras

Von Haller memakai istilah atheroma exudat warna kuning dari tunika intima

1904 Marchand Athero sklerosis ,degenarasi lemak dan penebalan arteri

Atherosklerotic Risk Factor section 3, Chapter 25,Ruherford’s Vascular Surgery,7th ed,2010

Patofisiology Pembentukan Plak

Adanya gangguan fungsi dari endotel(dilaporkan sebagai “aktivasi” karena sel seringakali terpapar oleh rangsangan yang berbahaya)

Atherosklerotic Risk Factor,Section # Chatper 25,Ruherford’s Vascular Surgery,7th ed ,2010

Evolusi perubahan dinding arteri dan Hipotesis pembentukan plak sebagai respon terhadap trauma Disfungsi arteri Hipertrofi sel otot polos pembuluh darah Migrasi dan proliferasi sel otot polos pembuluh darah Elaborasi matrix Terjadinya perlekatan molkul dan migrasi dari

monosit Pengambilan LDL dan pembentukan sel busa Pembentukan thrombus Agiogenesis dan neovaskularisasi

Atherosklerotic Risk Factor<section 3 Chapter 25, Ruherford’s Vascular Surgery,7th ed,2010

Faktor Resiko

Paparan TembakauDiabetes MelitusHipertensiGangguan HemodinamikHiper KolesterolemiaObesitas

Atherosklerotic Risk Factor,section 3 Chapter 25, Ruherford’s Vascular Surgery,7th ed,2010

Proses Disfungsi EndotelAtherosklerotic Risk Factor,section 3 Chapter 25, Ruherford’s Vascular Surgery,7th ed,2010

• Proksimal dari a.carotid Interna dan bifurcatio adalah bagian yang sering terlibat.Walaupun demikian a.cerebri media,distal a.carotis dapat juga dipengaruhi.Terjadinya ulserasi ,menyebabkan pasien berisiko tinggi untuk embolisasi atau thrombosis.

Atherosklerotic Risk Factor,section 3 Chapter 25, Ruherford’s Vascular Surgery,7th ed,2010

Biasanya kita dapat menemukan adanya bruit pada saat melakukan pemeriksaan fisik

Diantara pasien dengan carotid Bruit hanya 35% yang memeiliki lesi yang jelas (70-90% stenosis)

Teraba penebalan pada palpasi a.Carotis

Atherosklerotic Risk Factor,section 3 Chapter 25, Ruherford’s Vascular Surgery,7th ed,2010

Evaluasi Steonis A.carotis

Dapat dilakukan dengan satu atau gabungan dari pemeriksaan:Carotid duplex ultrasonography Digital substraction Angiography (DSA)Transcranial Doppler Computed tomographic angiographyMagnetic resonance angiography (MRA) Carotid angiography (the gold standard)

Carotid End Arterectomy

Prosedur bedah untuk menghilangkan sumbatan plak atherosclerosis dari arteri karotis interna.

Merupakan terapi paling ampuh untuk mencegah terjadiny a stroke,dan menurunkan resiko stoke ipsilateral dari 26% menjadi 9%.

Pasien-pasien dengan stenosis karotis berat ,bila diatasi CEA menunjukan efek yang sangat baik dan menguntungkan.

Guideline for the use of endarterectomy; current recomendatiion neurosurgical society ,j.max findlay et all

Diameter Lumen residual diukur dari titik terdangkal stenosis (N).Diameter ini dibandingkan dengan diameter lumen dari distal a.carotis interna pada dtitik dimana dinding arteri menjadi parallel (D) bukan pada titik distal dilatasi post stenotik ke obstruksi(d)Persentasi stenosis dihitung dengan rumus( 1-N/D) x100

Guideline for the use of endarterectomy; current recomendatiion neurosurgical society ,j.max findlay et all

Atherosklerotic Chatper 25,Ruherford’s Vascular Surgery,7th ed

Indikasi CEA

Algoritma Carotid StenosisGuideline for the use of endarterectomy; current recomendatiion neurosurgical society ,j.max findlay et all

Atherosklerotic Chatper 25,Ruherford’s Vascular Surgery,7th ed

Posisi CEA

Tehnik Operasi Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations *th edition

Anatomy of the neck

The vagus nerve> vocal cord paralysis.

The hypoglossal nerve > deviation of the tongue and dysphagia.

The ansa hypoglossi branches from the hypoglossal nerve > sacrificed without significant consequence

The carotid body > hypotension and bradycardia, cardiovascular effects that can be blocked effectively by injecting the carotid body with 1% lidocaine.

The facial nerve is at the most cephalad extent of the incision and should be well out of the field anteriorly.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

facial vein is divided.

carotid sheath opened. vessel loop is passed around

the external carotid artery.

vessel loop is passed doubly around the superior thyroid artery.

internal carotid artery is

then dissected circumferentially at a point 1 cm distal to palpable disease and encircled with a vessel loop.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

Zolinger atlas of surgical operation

If selective shunting, clamps are placed across the external carotid artery and common carotid artery, after which the needle is placed within the carotid artery.

given Stump pressures greater than 40 to

50 mmHg document significant collateral blood flow and are associated with a lower incidence of cerebrovascular accident.

heparin is now

Bulldog clamps are placed across the internal carotid artery, external carotid artery, and common carotid artery in sequence.

An incision then is made on the anterolateral surface of the common carotid artery just inferior to the bifurcation.

Potts scissors to elongate the incision proximally and distally

The incision is carried through the thickened intima into the lumen.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

The line of cleavage is within the media, leaving the adventitia and media externa for closure.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

If intraluminal shunting is elected, the previously prepared shunt is positioned proximally in the common carotid artery as the proximal bulldog clamp is removed and the tourniquet is snugged down.

The distal hemostat then is released, flushing blood, particulate debris, and air bubbles from within the shunt lumen.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

The shunt then is placed into the internal carotid artery distally at a point beyond the end of the plaque.

flow is restored, reestablishing ipsilateral cerebral perfusion.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

Endarterectomy then is begun in the distal common carotid artery.

The appropriate endarterectomy plane usually is identified easily in the mid- to outer media, leaving a smooth, glistening reddish-brown arterial wall behind.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

Zolinger atlas of surgical operation

The plaque then is divided proximally.

then proceeds distally.

No flap or shelf

Plaque is removed similarly from the external carotid orifice.

All residual debris then is removed

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

tacking sutures to prevent subintimal dissection.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

The arteriotomy is then closed, starting from both ends with 6/0 polypropylene sutures in a running fashion.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

When approximately 1 cm of arteriotomy remains to be closed, the inlying shunt is doubly cross-clamped with straight mosquito hemostats and divided.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

The two ends of the shunt are then removed, first distally, then proximally, and bulldog clamps are reapplied.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

The remainder of the arteriotomy then is closed rapidly, great care being taken to flush the system of particulate debris and air.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

Following completion of closure, the clamps are removed in a specific order: ◦ external carotid artery◦ common carotid artery◦ finally internal carotid artery

This order minimizes the possibility of cerebral embolization, permitting potential emboli to be flushed into the external carotid system preferentially.

Zollinger RM Jr,Zolinger RM Sr: Zollinger’s atlas of surgical Operations 8th edition

Perwatan Pasca Operasi

Ahli bedah harus meyakinkan bahwa tidak ada deficit neurologi didalam kamar operasi.Lalu pasien dapat pindah keruang pemulihan dan observasi selama 6 jam.Perhatikan status neurologi,tekanan darah,observasi luka apakah ada terjadi hematoma

Komplikasi Pasca Operasi

Wound HematomaHipertensiHipotensiSindroma HipoperfusiPerdarahan Intra SerebralKejang Stenosis berulang

Presntasi Kasus

AnamnesaLaki-laki umur 72 tahun datang dengan keluhan bila pasien terlalu lelah pasien suka merasakan sakit kepala sejak kurang lebih 1 tahun smrs.Bila pasien merasa sakit kepala biasanya pasien minum obat panadol dan dibawa tidur maka sakit kepala akan hilang.Bila sakit kepala menyerang mual tidak ada muntah tidak ada.Lalu pasien pergi memeriksakan diri ke dokter neurology dan pada saat pemeriksaan didapatkan adanya penebalan pada pembuluh darah dileher.Lalu pasien dilakukan pemeriksaan penunjag dan dikatakan ada penebalan pembuluh darah dan pasien di rujuk ke RSCM.

RPD : Dm sejak 10 tahun yang lalu terkontrol Hipertensi sejak usia 40 thn Hipertrofi prostat sejak 4 tahun yang lalu

Pemeriksaan PenunjangPT 9.5(11.1) APTT 34.8(32.6)SGOT/PT 21/28 Albumin 4.83Elketrolit 132/4.35/92.5 Ca/Mg 9.4/2.08lED 5 mm/jam, Fibrinogen 287 mgh/dl, D Dimer 550ng/ml FEUGDS 131 Hs Crp 1.2Kolesterol total LDL/HDL/Trigliserida 181/121/40/140

X-ray Thorax : Jantung BaikInfiltrat minimal para kardial dan


Carotid Examination:Intima Media 1.01 mm,irregular wallRCCA diameter 7.39 mm, RICA 4,63 mmRVA Diameter 7,33 mm,LVA 4.05 mmLCCA diameter 7,33 mm,LICA 4,72 mmHard plaque at right carotid Bulb with

>70% stenosisHard laque at right ICA with >50%

stenosisNon stenotic soft plaque at left Carotid

BulbNo thrombus and nor disection seen

Dopler : Normal in peak systole velocity and end

diastolic velocity(oyher than RICA and R bulb)

Increased in preipheral resistanceConclusion:1. Thicktening of intima media complex

with irregular endothelial wall2. Hard plaque at right carotid bulb with

70% stenosis3. Hard Plaque at right ICA with 50%


Transcranial Color DopplerTransorbital approach:Opth R/L : Normal in peak flow velocity and normal peripheral resistance.Siphon R : Normal in peak flow velocity and normal peripheral resistance.

Transtemporal ApproachMCA R/L: Normal in peak flow velocity and normal peripheral resistance.ACA R/L : Normal in peak flow velocity and normal peripheral resistance.PCA R?L : Normal in peak flow velocity and normal peripheral resistance.

Suboccipital aproach:VA R/L : Normal in peak flow velocity and normal peripheral resistanceBA : Normal in peak flow velocity and normal peripheral resistance

Conclussion : Normal TCCD

Intra OPeratif

Intra OPeratif

Anamnesa Keluhan Utama : Terasa baal terutama pada wajah sebelah kanan dan pindah-pindah, sejak 12 tahun yang lalu

RPS : Sejak 12 tahun yang lalu pasien mengeluhkan seringnya merasakan baal terutama pada wajah sisi kanan, baal dirasakan dapat berpindah pindah kadang pada ekstremitas tangan dan kaki. Pasien tidak merasakan kelemahan. Kadang pasien mengaku sering merasakan pusing melayang. Yang juga hilang timbul. Pasien riwayat stroke Iskemia th 2001 dan keluhan tersebut muncul setelah pasien stroke. Pasien kemudian berobat ke Neurologi RSCM dilakukan pemeriksaan USG karotis dan ditemukan adanya penyempitan pada pembuluh darah karotis. Pasien kemudian dirujuk ke bedah vaskular (prof soeparwata) untuk dilakukan CEA.

Pemeriksaan FisikTampak sakit ringan, kesadaran CM : GCS= 15TD 110/60 mmHg, HR 89/mnt, RR 18x/mnt, suhu 36,2 Kepala : deformitas tidak adaMata : konjungtiva pucat dan sklera tidak ikterikJantung : BJ I-II normal, tidak ada murmur dan gallopleher : JVP 5-2cnm H20, tidak ada bruiParu : vesikuler kedua lapang paru, rhonki dan wheezing tidak adaAbdomen : datar, lemas, nyeri tekan tidak adaEkstremitas : Akral kiri teraba lebih hangat daripada kanan.

Pemeriksaan PenunjangLaboratorium DPL = 13,5/39,1/8300/330000PT = 11,8 (11,4)aPTT = 39,9 (32,3)Ur/Cr = 26/1,0SGOT/SGPT = 13/10GDS = 78Elektrolit = 147/4,6/105Albumin = 4,57

Echocardiografi Global normokinetik Fungsi LV-RV baik   USG Karotis Multiple irregular wall calcification Intima Media Thickness Spontaneous Echo Contrast Suggestive Hyperviscosity Non stenotic hardplaque at RCCA Stenotic hardplaque at LICA (>50% stenotic) Stenotic hardplaque at RICA (>70% stenotic)

Suggestion DSA+CEA   DSA Stenosis karotis interna bilateral distal dan bifurcation karotis komunis dengan

derajat stenosis 66% untuk karotis interna kiri dan 68% untuk karotis interna kanan

  Saran CEA atau carotid arterial stenting  Transcranial Doppler Suggestive mild stenotic at ACA
