Caboto 1/2015

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Caboto 1/2015

  • 8/10/2019 Caboto 1/2015


    Settimanale gratuito

    7/13 gennaio 2015 - n. 1 - anno III

  • 8/10/2019 Caboto 1/2015





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    STATI UNITILUXURY HOTEL- Luxury countryside hotel with award winning res-taurant in Lenox, MA, USA, close toNew York and Boston, member ofLHW is seeking professionals: HeadHousekeeper, Front Oce Manager,restaurant Manager, Head Somme-lier. Experience in similar properes

    and good English required. Sendyour resume in English to: AND PRIFESSIONALS- Luxury country side hotel withaward winning restaurant in Lenox,MA, USA, Close to New York andBoston, Member of LHW is seekingrecent graduates and profession-als: Chef de Rang, Commis de rang,Receponist/Reservaon Specialist,Chef de pare. Experience in similarproperes and good English re-quired. Send your resume in Englishto:

    CANADAWELDER/FABRICATOR/SKILLEDLABOURER/AUTOBODY ASSISTANT- L&B Friesen Ltd. is looking for aWelder/Fabricator/Skilled Labourer/Autobody assistant, (m/f) for Bran-don, Manitoba, Canada. Responsi-bilies: Making and repairing metalparts used in the construcon oftruck frames, boxes, and hitches.Laying out, cung, and fabricangstructural steel, plate, and miscel-laneous ferrous and non-ferrousmetals for use in the construcon

    of Grain/Gravel/Deck bodies. As-sembling and ng metal seconsand plates to form complete unitsor sub-units such as frames, plates,girders, structural steel, and equip-ment repairs. Requirements: a mini-mum of 2 - 3 years of experience,ability to interpret drawings, weldsymbols and schemacs, ability touse tools and equipment such asbrake press, shear, plasma cuer,cung torch, grinder and drill tobend, cut, punch, drill or form metalcomponents. Ability to fasten com-ponents together using methodssuch as tack welding and bolng,trained and experienced in the useof cranes and rigging, grade 10with math, valid Manitoba driver slicense, strong interpersonal andcommunicaon skills, excellent at-

    tenon to detail. Oer: full benetpackage available. If this sounds likeyou, please send your resume alongwith cover leer and salary expecta-ons to: or callEvan 204-721-2010.TRUCK/TRANSPORT MECHANIC

    - L&B Friesen Ltd. is looking for aTruck/Transport Mechanic, (m/f).Mature, reliable individual requiredto ll a Mechanic posion in a grow-ing repair shop within 10 minutesof the city of Brandon. Job Purpose:maintain diesel equipment opera-on by compleng inspecons andprevenve maintenance require-ments; correcng vehicle decien-cies; making adjustments andalignments; keeping records. DieselTechnician/Mechanic Job Dues: de-termines vehicle condion by con-ducng inspecons and diagnosctests; idenfying worn and damagedparts. Keeps equipment available foruse by compleng prevenve main-tenance schedules; installing com-ponent and part upgrades; control-ling corrosion; compleng winteriza-on procedures. Corrects vehicledeciencies by removing, repairing,adjusng, overhauling, assembling,disassembling, and replacing majorassemblies, sub-assemblies, com-ponents, parts, or systems, such as,power and drive trains, electrical,air condioning, fuel, emission,brake, steering, hydraulics; com-pletes machine shop operaons;

    making adjustments and alignmentsincluding bearing loads, gear toothcontact, valve mechanisms, gover-nors, oil systems, control linkages,clutches, and tracon units. Veriesvehicle performance by conducngtest drives; adjusng controls andsystems. Complies with federal andstate vehicle requirements by test-ing engine, safety, and combusoncontrol standards. Maintains vehicleappearance by cleaning, washing,and painng. Maintains vehiclerecords by annotang services andrepairs. Keeps shop equipmentoperang by following operanginstrucons; troubleshoong break-

    downs; maintaining supplies; per-forming prevenve maintenance;calling for repairs. Contains costs byusing warranty; evaluang serviceand parts opons. Keeps suppliesready by inventorying stock; placingorders; verifying receipt. Updates

    job knowledge by parcipang ineducaonal opportunies; read-ing technical and regulaon pub-licaons. Enhances maintenancedepartment and organizaonreputaon by accepng ownershipfor accomplishing new and dierentrequests; exploring opportunies toadd value to job accomplishments.Skills/Qualicaons: Tooling, SupplyManagement, Mechanical Inspec-on Tools, Technical Understanding,Aenon to Detail, Dependability,Thoroughness, Verbal Communica-on, Documentaon Skills, Inven-tory Control, Job Knowledge. Oer:Full benet package available. Suc-cessful candidate will be eligible fora signing bonus. If this sounds likeyou, please send your resume alongwith cover leer and salary expecta-ons to: or callEvan 204-721-2010.


    CHEF DE PARTIE- Scotland, FrenchBistro (Chez Jules Edimbourg) need2 Chef de Pare (f/m). Exc. sal-ary. English not essenal. Phone:, emai: This local authorityemployer has been very acve indeveloping Social Pedagogy in resi-denal services and more recently

    in Fostering services. They are nowlooking to employ a Social Peda-

    gogue, (m/v) on a xed-term (inial-ly 1 year) in their Adopon service.The aim will be to synchronise asocial pedagogic approach with thedevelopment of the service, includ-ing a more holisc support packageto adopters and children and young

    people. The role is currently beingdened and it is ancipated thatit will include broadly two parts:1. an educave role with sta col-leagues, helping them understandSocial Pedagogy and 2. direct workwith children and young people andadopters. Requirements: a degreein Social Pedagogy, experience ofworking with children and youngpeople who have been taken intocare, ideally experience in Adopon,experience or skills to oer stateam training or awareness-raisingof Social Pedagogy, excellent Eng-lish, both verbal and wrien. Pleaseemail a simple Word CV to: abby@, ifyou are interested in this opportu-nity. Please give vacancy referenceVR/904.CUSTOMER SERVICES ADMIN. -Frimley, near Camberley (Surrey).Temporary: 6 Months. 10-12/hour. On behalf of our client, we arelooking for enthusiasc mullingualcandidates to join their CustomerAdministraons Team. Role summa-ry: to improve their nancial perfor-mance by reducing claims, speedingup validaon of deducons and

    improving DSO. Responsibilies.Claims & Deducons Management:ensure mely approval and process-ing of all Freight, Returns, Price andPenalty claims by customer; conductthorough invesgaon of disputedclaims/deducons with local Logis-cs Service Provider, local CountrySales and with customer where nec-essary; ensure mely escalaon andresoluon of disputed claims. Re-turns Processing: eecvely managethe processing of all customer re-turns under instrucon of CustomerService; ensure pricing consistencyfor all credits. Pricing Entry & Man-agement: ensure the accuratemaintenance of all Pricing levels inSAP for those countries where this isnot managed locally. ManagementReporng: produce Monthly SSC KPIreports; produce Monthly Penaltyreports for HQ Finance; produceMonthly Acvity reporng for Lo-cal Company and SSC Managementteam. Requirements: must be uentin spoken & wrien English andone or two of the above languages.Good spoken & wrien commu-nicaon skills. Ability to work onown iniave and priorise tasks.

    Ability to work to deadlines andhave an aenon to detail. Strongnumeracy & analycal skills. At leastIntermediate level in Word, Exceland Outlook. Previous experience in


    Per linvio di comunicati stampa, segnalazioni, suggerimenti, critiche o

    qualsiasi altro materiale potete scrivere a


    Per proporre collaborazioni, partnership e richieste commerciali scrivere


    Per scaricare il

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    a Customer Services environment.desired skills/experience. Fluent inan addional European language.Previous working knowledge of SAPexperience. Ability to demonstrateprevious process improvement de-sign & implementaon. Previous Ac-

    counts Receivable and/or CustomerServices experience. Experiencein Business to Business claims or aback oce environment. If you feelyou have the requirements pleasedo send me your CV!! To apply,please email me your CV in Wordformat to Tiago:


    GERMANIACOMMUNICATIONS ANALYST- Doyou speak uent German, Englishand Italian? Are you looking fora posion which allows you tocombine your nancial knowledgewith your interest in markeng?

    Do you enjoy working hard in or-der to improve yourself? Do youwant to work for one of the worldsleading investment managementrms? Our client has consistentlyaracted and retained key profes-sionals by providing a dynamicworking environment and culture.They reward sta for excellence andcontribuon, oering compevepackages and nancial incenves.In order to support their markengteam in the Munich oce, they arenow looking for a CommunicaonsAnalyst (m/f). Your new tasks. Cre-ate presentaons for client servicing

    teams (business development andgeneral client services). Keep inter-nal presentaons and reports up todate and ensure they are consistentwith our clients standards. Supportthe events team with promoonalmaterial. Cooperaon with suppli-ers. Your prole. Bachelor degreeor equivalent. Fluent in German,English and ideally Italian. Excel-lent PowerPoint and Excel skills.Understanding of and interest innancial services. Outstanding memanagement and multasking skills.Condent working in a high pres-

    sure environment and with seniorlevel colleagues. Your benets: com-peve salary, at hierarchies, greatdevelopment opportunies. Couldthis be the opportunity youve beenwaing for? If so, I would denitely

    like to here from you! If you fullthe requirements send me your CVtoday, you could soon be making anexcing step in your career! Pleasesend your CV via email in word for-mat to Sarah Heimer - or call 0049 (0)89 23

    23 95 80. All applicants must havevalid documentaon to work inGermany.RESTAURANT/CAFE/BAR -Zum Auau des Service- undKchenteams suchen wir zumnchstmglichen Zeitpunkt loyaleund einsatzfreudige Mitarbe-iter in den Bereichen: Spler m/w,Koch/Kchin, Kchenhilfe m/w.Vorrausetzungen sind: eine ab-geschlossenen Berufsausbildungund Berufserfahrung. Flexibilittund Teamfhigkeit, selbstndigesArbeiten. ber uns. In der Nheder Kaiserswerther Innenstadt mitguter Verkehrsanbindung bendetsich dieses Gebude mit kleinemRestaurant mit ca. 70 Sitzpltzenund groem Veranstaltungssaal fr300 Personen, sowie einer groenSommerterrasse. Es erwartet Sieein Arbeitsplatz der ersten Stunde.Sollten Sie sich fr einen Arbe-itsplatz bei uns interessieren, freuenwir uns ber eine aussagekrigeBewerbung per Email oder per Postan folgende Adresse: NaRo GmbH,Herr Janzon, Kalkumer Schlossallee1 - 40489 Dsseldorf. Email: Tele-

    fon: +49 0211 4080357.BARCHEF- Gehen Sie mit uns aufErfolgskurs: Als Kreuzfahrtunterneh-men ist AIDA Cruises fhrend aufdem deutschen Markt fr Seereisen.Wir begleiten unsere Gste zu mehrals 180 Traumzielen in den schn-sten Urlaubsdesnaonen der Welt.Bis 2016 wird die AIDA Floe - eineder modernsten Kreuzfahrloenweltweit - auf zwlf Schie wa-chsen und mit ihr die vielseigenKarrierechancen fr qualizierteFach- und Fhrungskre auf Seeund an Land.Zum nchstmglichenZeitpunkt suchen wir Sie an Bordunserer Schie als: Barchef m/w, BarManager m/w. Ihr angesteuertesZiel: Sie sind verantwortlich fr dieprofessionelle Fhrung mehrererBaroutlets sowie die Schulung undWeiterentwicklung Ihres Bar Teams.Dazu sichern Sie den reibungslosenAblauf im Arbeitsbereich, inklusiveder damit verbundenen adminis-traven Aufgaben ab. Weiterhinkontrollieren Sie die Bestellungdes Bar Equipments und der Ver-brauchsmaterialien hinsichtlichbetriebswirtschalicher Aspekte.Neben der Umsatzentwicklung ha-

    ben Sie stets die Gstezufriedenheitim Blick. Anforderungsprol. Ihrbisheriger Kurs: Mit einer Ausbil-dung im Hotel- und Gastronomie-bereich sowie nachweisbarer Beruf-

    serfahrung. Vorzugsweise bringenSie ein IHK Barmixer Diplom odereinen IHK Barmeister-Brief mit. IhreEnglischkenntnisse sind gut und inMS Oce sind Sie sicher. Eine hoheDienstleistungs- und Verkaufsorien-erung, eine posive Ausstrahlung,

    Souvernitt und Kommunikaons-strke runden Ihr Prol ab. beruns. Als Kreuzfahrtunternehmenist AIDA Cruises fhrend auf demdeutschen Markt fr Seereisen. Wirbegleiten unsere Gste zu mehr als180 Traumzielen in den schnstenUrlaubsdesnaonen der Welt. Bis2016 wird die AIDA Floe - eine dermodernsten Kreuzfahrloen welt-weit - auf zwlf Schie wachsen undmit ihr die vielseigen Karrierechan-cen fr qualizierte Fach- undFhrungskre auf See und an Land.Gehen Sie mit uns auf groe Fahrt!Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung-sunterlagen, die Sie idealerweiseals Online-Bewerbung unter oder an unten ste-hende Adresse senden. Telefon:(DE)+49 381 4448641. Internet: Ansprechpartner: FrauNicole Bergier.IT SUPPORTER- Ein Robin bist dudurch und durch. Von oben bis un-ten, von links bis rechts. Hinter denOhren, bis in die letzte Haarspitzeund vor allem im Herzen. Robin, sonennen wir uns alle hier im Teambei Robinson. Unsere Clubs sind fr

    ihre besondere, ihre einzigargeAtmosphre bekannt. Das liegt aminnovaven Urlaubskonzept, amherzlichen Du untereinander undunseren Gsten gegenber - und vorallem an unseren 4.500 robins! Inber 20 auergewhnlichen Loca-ons setzen sie die Erfolgsgeschich-

    te von robinson fort, die vor ber 40Jahren begann. Besonders ihretwe-gen kann sich robinson heutedeutscher Markhrer im Premium-segment fr Cluburlaub nennen. AlsRobin bist du dort zu Hause, wo an-dere Urlaub machen! Stell dir vor, esist Winter - und du bist miendrin.Mien im riesigen Wintersportpar-adies Ski Amad liegt der familien-freundliche robinson Club Amadganz nah am Naonalpark HoheTauern. Und direkt hinterm Club ist

    der Skili! Komm ins Netzwerk als ITSupporter m/w, Systemadministra-tor m/w. Beschreibung: ab sofort.Biende Blicke, hilose Anrufe: Dubist der Reer in der Not! Du km-

    merst dich um Serveradministraonund Benutzer-Support der Client-/Serverumgebung. Du bist Expertefr die IT-Landscha in unserenClubs in sterreich und der Schweizund beeindruckst deine Kollegen im-mer wieder mit deiner Fachkennt-

    nis. Du solltest dein Ich und Folgen-des mitbringen: informakstudiumoder IT-Ausbildung, idealerweiseZerzierungen (MCSA/MCSE). Ken-ntnisse im IT-Support (vorwiegend1st Level). Kenntnisse im BereichMicroso -Windows (Server und Cli-ent). MS Oce Paket und IBM NotesDomino. Netzwerkkenntnisse TCP/IP. Erfahrungen mit mobile devices(iPhone, iPad). Bei Robinson kannstdumit fachlich erstklassigen,aufgeschlossenen Kollegen arbe-iten; dich beruich entwickeln undpersnliche Ziele erreichen; dichkreav enalten und neue Talentean dir entdecken; echten Team-Zusammenhalt spren; neue Lnderkennenlernen und Clubambientegenieen. Darberhinaus bieten wirdir eine sichere Anstellung mit her-vorragenden Kondionen. Nebendem Gehalt stellen wir Unterkunund Verpegung zur Verfgung. Dugeniet die kulinarischen Kstlich-keiten zusammen mit unserenGsten und kannst alle Clubeinrich-tungen nutzen. Jetzt bewerben:Der schnelle und einzig richgeWeg zu deiner Bewerbung: unserOnline-Formular! Nutze die einfache

    Maske, um deine Daten einzutragenund Unterlagen hochzuladen! VielErfolg. Dein Team Personal aus Han-nover. Robinson Club GmbH, E-Mail:, Web hp: Die extraGames Entertainment GmbH isteiner der fhrenden Spielhallen-betreiber in Deutschland. Mit rund1.600 Mitarbeiter/innen betreibenwir deutschlandweit ber 200Spielcenter. Wir suchen Verstrkungin Vollzeit und Teilzeit: Service-mitarbeiter m/w. Ihre Aufgaben:Verantwortung fr reibungsloseAblufe innerhalb der Spielhalle.berwachung und Einhaltung geset-zlicher Besmmungen. Betreuungunserer Kunden. Kontrolle derGerte und Ausstaung. Reklama-ons- und Beschwerdemanage-ment. Mitwirken bei Akonen undSchnistelle zu Technikern undLieferanten. Unsere Anforderungen:Freundliches und gepegtes Er-scheinungsbild. Serviceorienerungund Fingerspitzengefhl fr die

    jeweiligen Situaonen. Idealerweiseerste Erfahrung aus dem BereichDienstleistung. Selbststndiges Ar-

    beiten, Ehrlichkeit und Verantwor-tungsbewusstsein. Bereitscha zurSchichtarbeit, auch an Sonn- undFeiertagen. EDV-Grundkenntnisse.Wir bieten Ihnen: intensive Einar-

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    beitung und umfangreiches Schu-lungsprogramm. Mglichkeiten zurWeiterentwicklung. Die Chance sichals Quereinsteiger zu beweisen.Einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz in einemexpandierenden Unternehmen. Ge-haltszuschlge und Erfolgsprmie.

    Vielflge Sozialleistungen. SptereFestanstellung mglich. Haben wirIhr Interesse geweckt? BewerbenSie sich bie Online unter hp:// oder rufenSie uns an. Bewerbung online, tele-fonisch gewnscht. Telefon: (DE)+49 7552 9286-286. Internet:hp:// Ansprech-partner: Frau Franziska Rucht.

    IRLANDASENIOR SOUS CHEF- Fairhill HouseHotel (3 Star), Clonbur, Connemara,Co Galway, requires (f/m) Senior

    Sous Chef for busy 3 star 20 bed ho-tel with bar dining area and funconroom seats 200. Fairhill House Hotelis known for its high quality excel-lent standard in food and accom-modaon. Min 3 years experience insimilar role, good English essenal,good rates apply. 12 month full-mecontact. Email c.v. to Recherche Crepier(e) pourvoir de suite Cork, mov etsrieux, exprience exige. EnVoyerCV photo et lere de

    ITALIAN SPEAKING LIFE OPERA-TIONS ADMINISTRATOR- (Dublin)The role of the Operaons funconwithin the company is to ensurethat all aspects of the operaonsprocess for new and exisng busi-ness run smoothly and eciently.It is essenal that exemplary clientservicing is provided to both theclient advisor network and the highnet worth individuals. The postholder will be part of a small teamof dedicated Operaons person-nel, reporng into an OperaonsController. In this role you will beconducng compliance checks

    on new applicaons, taking intoaccount varying market specicrequirements. You will be requiredto undertaking all exisng businessservicing as well as the produconof high quality and accurate clientdocumentaon in local languagesto agreed SLAs. Requirements. Inorder to apply for this role you mustbe Italian speaking and be legallyable to work in Ireland. You musthave at least one years experi-ence in a similar posion as wellas a background in Life Insuranceoperaons. If you are interested in

    this role please send your CV at NETWORK SUPPORT- Thisis a technical role for a Frenchspeaker to join an expanding IT

    Hardware company here in Cork.Responsibilies: Providing tele-phone and email support for Serversand associated issues. Support willfocus on soware issues, hardwareissues, networking and the likesof repairs and returns. Business to

    business, mainly dealing with ITprofessionals or in their absencea manager with access to servers.Requirements. Minimum 2-3 yearsprevious technical support andhave demonstrated that they haveworked with IT or with computersin the past. Previous server supportis preferable. At least 2 qualica-ons (or working towards) of thefollowing: CCNA, CCNP, Compa A+,Compa Server + or Server +, AnyMCP, MCSE, CISCO or equivalentwould be great also. Some knowl-edge the following would be a bo-nus: VMware, Linux, UNIX, and SAP.Fluency in French and English. Ifyou are interested in this rolepleasecontact Mairead OLeary +353 021-4315770.TECHNICAL SUPPORT WITH ITALIANAND SPANISH- Responsibilies.To respond/log and undertake a xwherever possible on any incomingcalls and emails received from thecustomers. To demonstrate excel-lent customer service at all mes.All calls are measured and usedas part of an on-going call qualityprocess. Escalate any calls you areunable to x detailing any acon

    already undertaken. 1st line techni-cal support role in a predominantlyMicroso arena. General issuesinclude password resets/use of ADand outlook issues. Requirements:1+ years experience in a supportrole; uent Italian,Spanish and Eng-lish; base understanding of Micro-so Acve Directory; understandingof ITIL frame work; previous 1st Lineexperience; strong Customer facingskills; call logging experience; MSOce If you are interested in thisrole please send your CV at or call Cathy on 021 4315770.SALES ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE SPAN-ISH MARKET- This really is a once ina life me opportunity to establisha career as a top sales professionalwith a company at the forefrontof their market and oering anabsolutely amazing remuneraonand benets package. An excellenttraining an mentoring system is inplace and your rst month will bespent in the USA receiving full train-ing and orientaon. Responsibilies:on a daily basis you will be workingfrom thousands of warm leads sup-plied to you and determining where

    best to apply your valuable meand resources to achieve maximumresults. You will be responsible foracquiring new customers from theseleads using your strong consultave

    selling skills. Candidates must comefrom a mulnaonal type SowareSales environment selling eithersoware or soware as a service.If you feel you have what it takes toexcel in this very dynamic environ-ment we would love to hear from

    you. Requirements: substanal SalesAchievements in a similar environ-ment. Ability to manage a largepipeline of inbound sales leads.Substanal career and personalsuccess to date (career, sport, lifeetc.). Candidates should speak u-ent English and nave-level Spanishand have full Irish work status. I fyou are interested in this role pleasesend your CV at: SPECIALIST FRENCH + SPAN-ISH- Responsibilies: acquirenew customers via telesales salescampaigns; ability to prequalifysales prospects; meet and exceedsales targets; ability to understandtechnical subject maer and upsellto customers; review customer ac-count health and provide proacvesearch opmizaons; build, retainand expand customer relaonshipsusing telephone, email and mar-keng materials; contact exisngcustomers proacvely to idenfyand qualify new sales opportunies;

    quickly and professionally resolvecustomer issues; review and providefeedback on new processes, prod-uct, and tool releases that will im-prove operaonal eciencies; eec-vely follow process and guidelines.Requirements: French + Spanish

    speaker, ability to sell in a technicalenvironment, experience in searchengine markeng preferred (SEO,SEO, PPC, Adwords), knowledge ofMicroso Excel, strong aenonto detail, excellent wrien and oralcommunicaon skills and superiorcustomer-service oriented skills,ability to think analycally and toset clear priories, with very strongorganizaonal, issue resoluon, anddecision-making skills required. Pro-acve, self-starter, driven. I f you areinterested in this role please sendyour CV at IT GRADUATE SOFT-WARE JOB- An internaonal leaderin soware, ranking in Forbes 25most promising companies to workfor. With over 5,000 customers anda client base with huge opportunityfor growth, our client has recentlyset up their EMEA headquartershere in Dublin and are looking tohire energec and ambious gradu-ates to join their team. This role asa Graduate Soware Specialist is an


    CraCovia (polonia)Foto di Soia Vicchi

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    excing opportunity for a recentlyqualied graduate to become partof a company that promises hugepotenal for career progressiongoing forward. Responsibilies:support clients who have boughtthe product, ensuring that theyare comfortable and at ease withhow it works. Interface with projectmanagers and clients to determinethe products future direcon. Com-municate with researchers to fur-

    ther beer the product. Proacvelystrive to improve client experienceand customer sasfacon. Require-ments: uency in another Europeanlanguage (French, German, Dutch,

    Spanish, Italian, any of the Nordiclanguages), BSc or MA degree inhard sciences - Maths, Science, ITetc - 2.1 necessary. Recent gradu-ate. Knowledge of CSS, Java, HTML.A natural problem solver. Enthusi-asc and ambious personality. Adrive to succeed. Ability to workwell independently and as part ofa team. If you are interested in thisrole please contact Hannah todayon +353 01 4744 603.

    FRENCH ORDER MANAGEMENTJOB- French Order ManagementRepresentave required for a GlobalNutrion and Dairy Products leader,based in Dublin 24 .Responsibilies.

    As part of the role you would be themain point of contact between theinternal and external customers.Need to be able to mul-task and towork to ght deadlines. Being ableto eecvely communicate betweenmulple departments. Catch inter-

    nal and external customer demandsand load it onto SAP. Manage cus-tomer data and price lists in SAP.Requirements: uent in French,wrien and verbal. Proven trackrecord of working in a supply chainmanagement posion or in a similararea. Minimum of 2 years in supplychain management or order man-agement preferably in the FMCGsector. Very good communicaonskills. Third level qualicaon inBusiness Studies, Customer Serviceor Supply Chain. Experience workingwith SAP would be a plus. If you areinterested in this role please contactFranziska on 016146158.

    SVIZZERACHEF DE PARTIE- Restaurant gas-tronomique Le Montagne, DavidTarnowski, Chardonne en Suisserecrute ds que possible un(e)chef(fe) de pare autonome ayantune bonne maitrise culinaire, doudorganisaon, pour raliser desobjecfs prcis pour 2015. Dotdune bonne capacit dcoute etde comprhension rapide, ainsique dune excellente hygine et

    ponctualit. Vous raliserez de trsbelles composions issu de produitsfrais, du march. Poste log. En-voyer dossier complet avec lere demovaon, cercats et diplmes,ainsi que dune photo rcente : Les dossiers incomplets serontnon traits ou sans rponse.CUISINIER- Diablerets Suisse cher-che Cuisinier(e) 2 3 ans expri-ence pour saison hiver, entre desuite, logement disposion. Tl.00.41.79 673 83 17, email: BOULANGER- Recherche

    (h/f) Pssier boulanger pleintemps pour restaurant Plan-lesOuates, horaires connus du lundiau vendredi. Disponibilit n Jan-vier. Contact au Le Caf du ChatLuthier, St-Pierre et Miqueloncherche Serveur(se) mov(e),srieux(se) responsable. Exp pro 2ans, 2000 net. Ds 13/02/15. En-voyer cv Nous sommes uncabinet de recrutement spcialispour lhtellerie et la restauraonhaut de gamme en Suisse. Pour

    rpondre divers mandats noussommes la recherche parr defvrier 2015: Sous-Chef pour htel3* cot Gault&Millau Riviera vaudo-ise; Assistant(e) Chef de Rcepon

    pour Htel 3* allemand obligatoire;Chef de rang ou 1/2 chef de rangrestaurant gastronomique toilMichelin; Chef de pare restaurantgastronomique toil Michelin; Di-recteur F&B opraonnel pour H-tel avec restaurant toil Michelin.

    Toutes les candidatures sont traitesavec une totale condenalit.Les rfrences seront soigneuse-ment contrles. Votre dossier decandidature doit obligatoirementcomprendre un CV, une lere demovaon, une photo et des r-frences contrlables transmereuniquement par mail : YvesDefalque, HotelO Srl enseigneMacarons Conseil & Recrutement,CP 104, Route des Layeux 4 - 1884Villars-sur-Ollon. Glacier 3000, lerestaurant du domaine skiablesur le Glacier des Diablerets etGstaad, cherche immdiatementou date convenir: un(e) Chef dePare; un(e) Second(e) de Cuisine.Restaurant Boa avec RestaurantClassique- Self-Service & TerrassePanoramique- Au total: 350 Places.Envoyer CV par email: CUISINE POLYVALENT-Commis de cuisine polyvalent h/f,plonge, pizza,sachant travailler seul,dbutant sabstenir, disponible desuite. Lieu: Anniviers (Valais). Cv : Urgent !!! Cher-chons Serveuse ou Serveur avecentre de suite. Possibilit de loge-ment. Faire ore a ABPlacement de Personnel recherchedes inrmiers-anesthsistes, (h/f) 80-100% pour la Suisse dans le can-ton de Vaud dans hpitaux et clin-ique prives. Dure du contrat: CDI41h.30 par semaine. Taux dacvit: 100%. Prise de poste : de suiteou convenir. Salaire brut: 4500 6500 (selon exprience). 13salaires par anne, 5 semaines devacances par anne, 10 jours frispar anne. Possibilit de logement.Intress? Veuillez contacter MmeFranoise Mabillard: DE BLOC OPRATOIRE- AB Placement de Personnel re-cherche des inrmiers (h/f) de blocopratoire dans un centre mdico-chirurgical pour le canton du Valais.Prol: avec exprience en instru-mentaon ORL, chirurgie gnraleet vasculaire. Ore: possibilit delogement, CDI, 41h.30 par semaine;

    taux dacvit: 100%. Prise de poste:de suite ou convenir. Salaire brut:4500 6500 (Selon exprience). 13salaires par anne, 5 semaines devacances par anne, 10 jours fris

    Werden Sie Teil des Erfolgsrezepts von Aramark

    dem gastronomischen Partner vieler namhafter Unternehmen weltweit.

    Verstrken Sie unser Gastronomieobjekt im Hause unseres Kunden Airbus Defenceand Space GmbH in Ulm als

    Servicemitarbeiter (m/w) fr die


    befristet bis 31. Januar 2016Kennziffer 104/2015

    Dieses Men bieten wir Ihnen

    In unserem Gastronomieobjekt sind wir tglich Gastgeber fr bis zu 380 Gste undbegeistern diese jeden Tag aufs Neue mit verschiedenen frischen Speiseangeboten.

    An unserer Kaffeebar zaubern Sie gekonnt bei der Zubereitung aller Kaffeevariationen

    einen herrlichen Kaffeeduft in die Nasen unserer Gste und laden diese zum Ver-weilen ein. Daneben kommen jedoch die Tee- und Kakaoliebhaber auch nicht zu kurz.

    Mit Ihrer freundlichen Art sorgen Sie dafr, dass sich jeder Gast bei uns rundum wohl-fhlt und gerne wiederkommt. Weil Sie Ihr Handwerk meisterhaft beherrschen und Sie

    nebenbei noch konomisches Geschick mitbringen, sorgen Sie noch mit Verkufenaus unserer Snackbar dafr, dass die Kasse stimmt. Nicht zuletzt behalten Sie unsere

    Hygienestandards aufmerksam im Blick und sorgen souvern dafr, dass immer allesWichtige griffbereit ist.

    Diese Zutaten sollten Sie mitbringenServiceerfahrung, gerne auch als Barista

    Erste Erfahrung im Umgang mit SiebtrgermaschinenHervorragendes Qualittsbewusstsein, Organisationstalent und Gastgeberqualitten

    Gepflegtes Erscheinungsbild und ausgezeichnete Umgangsformen

    Sehr gute Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse

    Diese Beilagen servieren wir IhnenAttraktives Gehalt nebst tariflichen Sonderleistungen wie Weihnachts- und

    Urlaubsgeld sowie betriebliche AltersversorgungGeregelte Arbeitszeiten und freie Wochenenden

    Kostenloses Essen im Betrieb

    Bereitstellung und unentgeltliche Reinigung Ihrer ArbeitsbekleidungHohe Produktvielfalt undqualitt sowie modern ausgestattete Betriebe

    Die Vorzge eines international sowie bundesweit aufgestellten Unternehmens

    Sind Sie auf den Geschmack gekommen?Dann freuen wir uns schon jetzt auf Ihre Bewerbung mit Angabe der Kennziffer

    104/2015, Ihres frhestmglichen Eintrittstermins sowie Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellung,

    bevorzugt per E-Mail an

    Aramark GmbH i. Hs. Airbus Defence and Space GmbHWrthstrae 85 89077 Ulm

    Einen ersten Einblick in unsere Aktivitten erhalten Sie unter


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    par anne. Intress? Envoyez votreCV EN PSYCHIATRIE- ABPlacement de Personnel rechercheun inrmier en psychiatrie 80%.Ore: Contrat dure indtermi-

    ne, taux dacvit: 80-100%, prisede poste: ds le 1er mai ou con-venir. Poste possibilit de logement.Salaire brut: 4000 6000 (selonexprience), 13 salaires par anne,5 semaines de vacances par anne,10 jours fris par anne. Intress?Envoyer votre candidature par e-mail: (Ma-dame Mabillard Francoise).BUYER- Per azienda del CantonTicino (Svizzera italiana), che operain ambito eleronica/automazione,cerchiamo un buyer. Il/la candidatoideale ha preferibilmente una laureatecnica; ha esperienza di almenocinque, see anni nel mondo dellelavorazioni meccaniche, in par-colare carpenteria pesante fresatae verniciata o lavorazioni di CNC;conosce il mondo dellautomazione;ha unoma conoscenza dellalingua inglese; abituato nellusodei suppor IT per gli acquis; persona proposiva, dinamica, orga-nizzata e determinata; autonomonella negoziazione ed operavonellemissione degli ordini; risiedein fascia di conne o disponibileal trasferimento. Studioemme Srl,Via Veronese 2 21100 Varese, tel

    0332/241720, 0332/239656, fax0332/497462, ESPERTO- Per studioprofessionale di commercialissito in Canton Ticino (Svizzera itali-ana, vicinanze conne di Chiasso),cerchiamo impiegato/a contabileesperto/a in contabilit svizzera. Il/la candidato/a ideale: diplomato/ain ragioneria o laureato/a in eco-nomia; ha una buona esperienzanel ruolo; conosce la contabilitsvizzera, deve infa aver lavoratoalmeno un paio danni in aziendesvizzere o meglio in studi profes-sionali in Svizzera, svolgendo man-sioni contabili; conosce la linguainglese ed eventualmente il tedesco;risiede in fascia di conne (megliose provincia di Como). Si valutanocandidature di persone libere subitoo in tempi brevi poich la selezione molto urgente. Studioemme Srl,Via Veronese 2 21100 Varese, tel0332/241720, 0332/239656, fax0332/497462,


    RECEPTIONNISTE- Cherche Rcep-onniste polyvalent de nuit Hotel ** Bussy Saint Georges. Exp. exige,bilingue, trs bonne prsentaon. e-MAIL:

    ANTILLES- Htel Christopher 5* -Saint Barth Recherche H/F, CDD 8mois, disponibilit immdiate: Chefde pare, Chef de rang, Commis desalle. Exprience 5*, bonne matrisede langlais. Email:

    CHEF DE CUISINE- Nous sommes unHtel Restaurant 4* dans la rgiondes Alpilles, au cur de la Provenceen France. Nous recrutons un chefde cuisine parr de mi-mars 2015pour notre Restaurant en contrat dure dtermine avec pos-sibilit dvoluon en grance durestaurant. Prol demand: Chef decuisine avec exprience niveau 1*Michelin. Solide exprience dansla cuisine mditerranenne axesur la mise en avant de la qualit duproduit du terroir. Vous tes cr-af, bon gesonnaire et avez enviedvoluer dans votre carrire. Vousavez un fort esprit dentreprise.Si votre prol rpond aux critresci-dessus, alors envoyez-nous votreCV par mail avec une lere de mo-vaon candidature sera traite demanire strictement condenelle.CHEF DE RANG & BARMAN- Lerestaurant Benedict dans le Maraisrecrute... Nous recherchons (h/f):chef de rang & barman quali(e)pour un Plein Temps. Le poste estvoluf et bas sur 10 Services (soit:5 Jours/ Semaine). Salaire: 2.000.Se prsenter a parr de 11h muni

    dun CV. Benedict, 19 rue SainteCroix de la Bretonnerie 75004 Paris.Mtro Hotel de Ville.CHEF DE RANG- Schwartzs re-crute.... Nous recherchons- (h/f):Chef de Rang quali(e) pour unPlein Temps. Le poste est volufet se base sur 10 Services pour2.000 et bons pourboires (soit: 5Jours de travail eecfs/ Semaine).Se prsenter tous les jours parrde 11H avec un CV: RestaurantSchwartzs, 22 av Niel, 75017Paris- (Mtro: Ternes) ou 16 rue desEcoues, 75004 Paris- (Metro StPaul) ou 7 av dEylau, 75016 Paris-(Metro Trocadro).PIZZAIOLO + AIDE- Restaurant Toussus le Noble 78 recherche desuite Pizzaiolo quali et Aide deCuisine/Plonge competents tel pourR.D.V au 0681516246.SERVEUR(EUSE) -Rechercheserveur serveuse pour louverturedun restaurant n Janvier Senlis.Impraf : tre vhicul. Possibilitdvoluon trs rapide pour unposte de manager. Belle aventure.Merci de prendre contact par tl-phone 06 44 37 83 34 ou par en

    envoyant votre CV.CHEF DE PARTIE- Restaurant Saint-Barthelemy recherche (h/f) Chef dePare. Exprience etoile & tradi-onnelle exiges. Possibilit loge-

    ment. Envoyer CV complet, photoindispensabile. Pour toute candida-ture: Paris- Le Na-poleone 25, avenue des Champslyses. Cherche serveurs(euses)dynamiques et movs. Horai-

    res connus et plein temps. Tel. Ore poste cuisinier,Marina du Marin, Marnique, librede suite. Exprience souhaite. Tel:06/96/34/15/66, email: Htel 5* LeGuanahani LHW (St. Barth) recher-che un(e) Rceponniste en CDD.Exprience obligatoire. Poste pourvoir ds le 01/02/2015. DE CLIENTLE - GESTION-NAIRE DE SINISTRE- (Mulhouse)Eurojob Consulng, un Cabinetde Recrutement et de Conseil enRessources Humaines spcialisdans la recherche de prols franco-allemands en Top et Middle Man-agement. Prsents dans 14 villes enFrance et en France, nos conseillersvous apportent galement uneexperse par du coaching, desconseils de salaires et de candida-ture (CV et lere de movaon).Pour notre client, un prestataire deservice dans le secteur automobile,nous recherchons pour son quipefranaise proximit de Mulhouseun Charg de clientle - Geson-

    naire de Sinistre, (h/f). Vos missionsprincipales: tre linterlocuteurunique des recours en garane etdemandes de rglement lamiableprovenant des clients franais;analyser et traiter techniquementles retours garane, les sinistres etles rclamaons; mere en place etsuivre les processus de rsoluonet danalyse des retours Garaneavec lappui des services internes;reprsenter lentreprise dans la miseen uvre des dcisions relaves la garane auprs des rparateursagrs et grer les rclamaonsen aval; veiller opmiser syst-maquement les procdures enmare de traitement des recoursen garane et demandes de rgle-ment lamiable. Prol. De forma-on technique automobile VP/VIde type BTS ou quivalent, vousavez acquis une exprience profes-sionnelle au sein dun service clientou dun atelier technique. -Vousdisposez de bonnes connaissancesen mcanique automobile. -Vousfaites preuve dune grande facultdanalyse et matrisez les processusconomiques. Bon communicant,vous tes rigoureux dans votre tra-

    vail et aimez travailler en quipe etla relaon clientle. Vous matriseztrs bien le franais et disposez debonnes bases en allemand. Postebas proximit de Mulhouse,

    CDI pourvoir ds que possible.Intress(e)? Faites nous parvenirpar mail votre CV en allemand, ainsique votre lere de movaon enindiquant vos disponibilits et vosprtenons salariales : Mme SylviePache, email: s.pache@eurojob- Restaurant Bar Deshaies Guadeloupe, cuisine tradi-onnelle, crole, de 100 200 cou-verts jour ( rechercheServeur ou serveuse exprimenten restauraon service a lassiee.Bonne Connaissance des vins. Ma-trise de langlais. Temps plein, mini-mum 3 ans dexprience. Le posteest pourvoir immdiatement Deshaies. Guadeloupe. Envoie CV +photo par Mail : Salaire de 1500 a 2000 eurosuivant comptence + Prime enSaison.

    BELGIOOUVRIERS BTIMENTS- Entre-prise gnrale de construconet rnovaon engage plusieursouvriers pour Bruxelles avec per-mis de conduire pour lectricit,plomberie, plafonnage, maonnerie,carrelage et autres pour rnova-ons de bments ( Intress(e)? Veuillez envoyerune lere de movaon ainsi quevotre CV laenon de MonsieurGaba uniquement ladresse

    mail: 0475.394.726 (Monsieur EricGaba).ELECTRICIEN- Entreprisedelectricit gnerale cherche unelectricien diplom, capable detravailler seul ou en quipe, avecmin 5 ans dexperience, permisB, mov et responsable. PlanAcva est un atout. Installaonet depannage, en vue dun pleintemps et CDI. envoyer CV a Tches: installaon etdepannage. Descripon du prolsouhait: Possder une expriencede minimum 5 ans, tre en posses-

    sion dun cercat du 3me degrgnral (CESS) (6me anne delenseignement secondaire), Avoirdes connaissances en Franais, treen possession du Permis B. Nousorons: Un contrat dure indter-mine, un salaire de 2000 brut/mois. Intress(e)? Veuillez envoyerune lere de movaon ainsi quevotre CV laenon de MonsieurMourcia ladresse mail: EN VENTE- AlterSmoke Belgium est un rseau debouques de cigarees lectron-

    iques prenium en France, Belgiqueet Suisse, qui propose dans ses bou-ques des produits tests et slec-onns au pralable par une quipedexperts et de haute qualit. Toutes

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    les cigarees lectroniques venduesen bouques respectent les normesCE, RoHS, et les e-liquides sontfabriqus et contrls en France,assurant ainsi une qualit opmaleaux clients. Tches: Alter Smoke Bel-gium recrute un/une conseiller/con-

    seillre en vente pour nos bouquesBelges (Uccle Fort jaco - BruxellesCity2 - Bruxelles Rue du Luxembourgniveau Trne). Le poste consiste en:explicaon du materie, guider le cli-ent dans ses choix, convaincre, vri-caon des stocks, tenue de caisse,tenue dune bouque toujoursprsentable. Nous recherchonsactuellement un 25h/sem. Nousrecherchons une personne avec uneexcellente prsentaon, trs bonnedicon, ponctuel et exible dansles horaires. Possibilit de travaillerles dimanches et jours fris si be-soin, possibilit de remplacementen cas dabsence dune vendeuse/dun vendeur, exibilit dans lechangement de bouque, nous netravaillons pas uniquement dans unseul point de vente mais dans lestrois bouques. Nous travaillons enbouques, donc limage de marqueest respecter, cest dire que nousrechercons des candidats qui soientsouriant et lcoute de nos clients,une premire exprience en venteest souhait mais non obligatoire.Langlais et le nrlandais sontun plus. Sitravailler avec une quipe jeune et

    dynamique vous interress, veuillezenvoyer une lere de movaonainsi que votre CV laenon deMademoiselle Parent ladressesuivante: et jour de prsentaonpour le 1er entreen dcider avecMlle Parent.INFIRMIER- La Rsidence Vesper(Mr-Mrs) situe Avenue du Do-maine 13, 1190 Forest rechercheun inrmier. Tches. Inrmier de

    jour en maison de repos et de soins,dispenser des soins aux personnesges de lEtablissement. Distribueret administrer les traitementsmdicamenteux. Etablir des plansde soins, parciper aux runionspluridisciplinaires. Inrmier de jouren maison de repos et de soins,sintger dans une quipe pluri-disciplinaire. Rigueur, consciencepreofessionnelle et empathie sontrequis. Diplom et visa en art in-rmier indispensable. Inrmier de

    jour en maison de repos et de soins,dispenser des soins aux personnesges de lEtablissement. Distribueret administrer les traitements m-dicamenteux. Etablir des plans desoins, parciper aux runions pluri-

    disciplinaires. Intress(e)? Veuilleztlphoner au 0494/846546 pourobtenir un rendez-vous avec Mon-sieur Baudot.EMPLOYE ADMINISTRATIF- Eli Lilly

    est une socit pharmaceuquedynamique enrement dvoue linnovaon. Nous dveloppons unportefeuille de mdicaments faisantpare des premiers ou des meilleursde leur catgorie dans direntsdomaines thrapeuques comme

    loncologie, lendocrinologie, le CNSet la cardiologie. Notre tche prin-cipale consiste rpondre aux be-soins des paents. Tches. Supportadministraf pour le dpartementAdministrave Support Center :vous triez le courrier, vous scannezet archivez les notes de frais desemploys, vous entrez des don-nes dans sap pour la craon debons de commande, vous prparez

    des mailings (copies), vous tesresponsable de la geson du stock,vous distribuez du matriel versnos dlgus (posters, chanllons,livres, brochures), vous prparez lematriel pour les stands (brochures,bloc-notes), vous tes responsable

    de la rcepon et distribuon dumatriel de bureau, vous assurezque les salles de runion sont enordre. Vous travaillez de manireindpendante et prcise, vousavez le sens de lorganisaon, vousmatrisez bien le nerlandais ou lefranais, vous avez une bonne con-naissance de langlais + la connais-sance des ouls informaques (MSOce), vous aimez le travail plus

    technique (ulisaon de machine copier), vous avez un bon sens desresponsabilits, vous tes exible,ponctuel, dynamique et asserf,vous entrez en considraon dans lecadre dune convenon de premieremploi. Nous orons un contrat

    dure dtermin temps plein.Intress(e)? Veuillez envoyer unelere de movaon ainsi que votreCV laenon de Madame DelneDubus ladresse mail: SERVICE APRSVENTE- Coyote Systems Beneluxest le leader au niveau internaonaldans le secteur des aversseurs deradars. Il est largement reprsenten Europe. Il est actuellement larecherche dun collaborateur pourle Service Aprs-Vente pour lquipedu Benelux. En tant que collabora-teur au Service Aprs-Vente, vousaurez pour responsabilits prin-cipales de: traiter les retours desproduits dfectueux, geson desenvois de nouveaux produits, ap-porter des soluons aux clients (partlphone ou en direct), expliquerles produits aux clients, geson dustock dfectueux entrant et sortant.Nous sommes la recherche dunepersonne prsentant les carac-trisques suivantes: vous tesparfaitement bilingue Franais/Ne-rlandais, vous maitrisez les logicielsMS Oce, vous tes dynamique,autonome et organis, vous tes

    mthodique et rigoureux, vousaimez prendre des iniaves, voustes orient client, vous tes souri-ant et posif, team player. -Un cadrede travail aracf situ dans le zon-ing nord de Wavre. Contrat dureindtermine, temps plein. CoyoteSystems Benelux, Madame StenierGeraldine. Postuler via le site

    LUSSEMBURGOGRILLARDIN/CUISINIER- RestaurantLa Boucherie Luxembourg recher-che (h/f) Grillardin/Cuisinier. Possi-

    bilit dtre log dans une chambrepour commencer. Merci denvoyerun CV et une lere de movaonpar mail DE DIRECTION- RHConseil recherche un Assistant deDirecon (h/f), pour Nord du GrandDuch de Luxembourg. Tches:Support de la Direcon, rdacondores au niveau Internaonal, ex-cuon de tches administraves enautonomie dans les trois langues (al-lemand, anglais et franais), etroitecollaboraon avec lquipe du secr-

    tariat. Prol: Diplme dAssistant(e)de Direcon ou diplme similaireou connaissances acquises parlexprience, exprience de plu-sieurs annes dans un environ-

    Werden Sie Teil des Erfolgsrezepts von Aramark

    dem gastronomischen Partner vieler namhafter Unternehmen weltweit.

    Verstrken Sie unser Betriebsrestaurant in Gmund am Tegernsee als

    Kchenhilfe (m/w)in Voll- und Teilzeit 20-30 Stunden wchentlichKennziffer 091/2015

    Dieses Men bieten wir Ihnen

    In unserem Betriebsrestaurant sind wir tglich Gastgeber fr bis zu 250 Gste und

    begeistern diese jeden Tag aufs Neue m it verschiedenen frischen Speiseangeboten.

    Sie sind die gute Seele in unserer Kche und haben einen sehr vielseitigen Speise-

    plan. Von der tatkrftigen Untersttzung bei der Zubereitung frischer Speisen, bis zur

    Essensausgabe an unsere GsteSie sind bei jedem Arbeitsschritt mit dabei. Sie

    sorgen auerdem dafr, dass wieder gengend Nachschub an Geschi rr zur Verfgung

    steht und tragen mit dazu bei, dass unsere Gste ihre Mahlzeiten bei uns genieen.

    Diese Zutaten sollten Sie mitbringen

    Erste Gastronomieerfahrung ist von Vorteil, aber kein Muss

    Gepflegte, offene und freundliche Ausstrahlung

    Hohes Qualittsbewusstsein, Zuverlssigkeit und Teamgeist

    Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse

    Interesse an einer langfristigen Beschftigung

    Diese Beilagen servieren wir Ihnen

    Attraktives Gehalt nebst tariflichen Sonderleistungen wie Weihnachts- und

    Urlaubsgeld sowie betriebliche Altersversorgung

    Geregelte Arbeitszeiten und freie Wochenenden

    Kostenloses Essen im Betrieb

    Bereitstellung und unentgeltliche Reinigung Ihrer Arbeitsbekleidung

    Hohe Produktvielfalt undqualitt sowie modern ausgestattete Kchen

    Die Vorzge eines international sowie bundesweit aufgestellten Unternehmens

    Sind Sie auf den Geschmack gekommen?

    Dann freuen wir uns schon jetzt auf Ihre Bewerbung mit Angabe der Kennziffer

    091/2015, Ihres frhestmglichen Eintrittstermins sowie Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellung,

    bevorzugt per E-Mail an

    Aramark GmbH Regionalleitung Sd-Ost

    Bleicherfleck 3 85737 Ismaning

    Einen ersten Einblick in unsere Aktivitten erhalten Sie unter


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    nement Internaonal, connaissancede Microso Oce, autonomie,mthode de travail systmaque etoriente soluons, rapide capacitdapprenssage et capacits concep-tuelles, trs bonne communicaonet capacit simposer, exibilit,

    orient praque. Nous orons: datedembauche immdiate, contrat dure indtermine, salaire selonprol et exprience. Intress? En-voyer votre candidature laenonde Sandrine Garnier:, en menonnant la r-frence: adm221.DESSINATEUR EN STRUCTURE M-TALLIQUE- Turbolux recherche unDessinateur en structure mtallique(h/f) pour un bureau dtudes Bet-tembourg (Luxembourg). indus864- Dessinateur charpente. Prol:formaon de dessinateur mtal-lerie, charpente ou quivalence,exprience en charpente m-tallique, serrurerie, comptence entechnique industri elle, bonne ma-trise dAutocad et des techniquesindustrielles de soudure/visserie(charpentes/poutres), comptencesen charpente, chaudronnerie (as-semblage de tlerie) et serrurerie(escalier, gardecorps), des connais-sances en mcanique sont un plus;franais. Ore: date dembaucheimmdiate, 1 mois reconducble,possibilit de CDI, salaire selon pro-l et exprience. Intress? Veuillezenvoyer votre CV Sandrine Gar-

    nier, Aenon: seuls les cv au format Word ou RTFsont accepts!INGNIEUR DTUDES PROJETSROUTIERS- Turbolux recherchepour un bureau dtudes au Luxem-bourg un Ingnieur dtudes ProjetsRouers, (h/f). btp1161. Tches. Encharge dune quipe de projeteurs,vous grez les dtails des projetsdtudes de routes(rdacon desdossiers dappels dores, excu-on et laboraon des projetsdexcuon de projets rouers).Prol: ingnieur gnie civil, 5 ansdexprience minimum. Connais-sances linguisques: franais,lallemand ou le luxembourgeoisest un avantage. Ore: datedembauche immdiate. CDI aprs 3mois dessai en intrim. Salaire sel-on prol et exprience. Intress?Veuillez envoyer votre CV SandrineGarnier ( At-tenon: seuls les cv au format Wordou RTF sont accepts!JUNIOR PSFT TESTER OFFICER- Uni-Systems SA is a leading EuropeanICT Soluons and Services providerfounded in 1964 and operanginternaonally through its subsidiar-

    ies and oces in Athens, Brussels,Amsterdam, Istanbul, Bucharest,and Limassol. We boast a substan-al and successful track record inthe delivery of large-scale, mission-

    crical, innovave and reliableinformaon systems and servicesfor the Banking, Telco and PublicAdministraon business sectors. Weare posioned as a client orientedfocused provider to the Europeanmarketplace, and considered as a

    lead supplier of ICT services to Eu-ropean Union Instuons, Agenciesand Internaonal Organizaons. Wecurrently have a vacancy for a JuniorPSFT Tester Ocer, (m/f) to oerhis/her services within an EuropeanInstuon in Luxembourg.Tasks andresponsibilies. The consultant willbe integrated within the team work-ing in our customers upgrade PFSTHCM 9.1-9.2 and will be involvedin: test and deploy applicaonsand patches in a tesng environ-ment; preparaon and execuonif the Systems Tests; preparaon,coordinaon and support to execu-on of the UAT Tests; preparaonof user guides/training materialand session. Skills and experience:University degree with minimum3 years of experience in IT OR nonuniversity degree with minimum 6years of experience in IT; minimum1-2 years of tesng experience inBMC Remedy IT service Manage-ment and /or PeopleSo; provenexperience in problem analysis andtesng preparaon & execuon; ex-cellent knowledge of either Frenchor English and, at least, good oraland wrien knowledge of the other;

    customer orientaon and willing-ness to integrate a small funconalteam. Remuneraon. Companyoers a compeve remuneraonpackage based on qualicaons andexperience. Interested? Candidateswho meet the above requirementsmay forward an English version oftheir CV quong the reference code:Ref: Ref: UNI-PSFTTEST-10/12/2014at: Appli-cants must be eligible to work in thespecied locaon. All applicaonswill be treated as condenal.

    SPAGNASALES EXECUTIVE AGENT- (Barce-lona) Are you ready to discover newchallenges in one of the greatestcies? Being one of Europes lead-ing global outsourcing companywith over 22 dierent locaonsworldwide, our client is constantlylooking for thriving candidates whowant to be part of a mul-culturalwork environment. For their teamin Barcelona, they are currentlyrecruing French and Dutch speak-ing candidates with advancedEnglish, for a Sales Execuve,(m/f)

    posion. Responsibilies include:in this role, the ideal candidate hasfull responsibility of his/her market,reporng to the Sales Manager.Understanding of your market:

    research leads, idenfy and qualifypotenal clients. Bring new ideasto develop, enhance and grow yourmarket. Respond and provide infor-maon and advice on clients inqui-ries. Prepare and present contractproposals. Understand the posion

    and needs of the clients and tailoryour service accordingly. Ensureclients sasfacon and create longterm relaonships. Accomplishyour tasks in a mely manner andreport results to your manager. TheProle: nave level of French andDutch + Advanced level of English.Min. 2 years of experience in B2Bsales. Candidates who like to bechallenged, IT and soluon oriented,result-driven and goal oriented,stress resistant and structured, ex-cellent team spirit, but being ableto work autonomously. Ability toorganize your own work; movatedand posive mindset, business De-velopers. Benets Include: dynamicatmosphere, chance to work foran internaonal company, growthopportunies, addional companybenets, a mul-cultural and openminded work environment, an at-tracve salary around 35,000 euroyearly (TBD based on experience),exible working hours: 9:30 am to6:30 pm or 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.Start Date ASAP. To begin your ad-venture? Send your CV to: or check out for other posions

    in Barcelona!LOGISTICS PLANNER- (Barcelona)Blu Selecon is looking for a Logis-cs Planner, (m/f) French + Dutchor German. The Company. Our cli-ent is a well-known mulnaonalcompany with Support Operaonsestablished in Barcelona. For theirLogiscs Support department, theyare currently looking for a LogiscsPlanner, which is uent in bothFrench and German (or Dutch) +excellent command of English. TheJob. In this role, your main respon-sibility is to schedule the routesof Distributors. Analyse deliveryrequirements based on forecasteddata. Properly Schedule based onorders received and forecasted inorder to full customer require-ments. Opmize the trips to maxi-mize KPIs by opmizing full loads,clustering customers, allocangweekly plans, etc. Opmize ecien-cies by using measurement tools.Follow work process and qualityprocedures. Complete shi han-dover dispatchers. Keep relaonshipand communicate with Country Dis-tribuon Managers. Idenfy areasof improvement. Work safely and

    ensure that all issues and failuresare reported. The Prole. Fluent inboth French and German (or Dutch),excellent command of English, back-ground in Logiscs or Scheduling,

    excellent analycal skills, detail andnumber oriented. Ability work in-dependently and as part of a team,ability to idenfy customer needs,good geographical knowledge, expe-rience with schedulino/planning andtransport regulaon is a huge plus.

    Ability to review your own job, Ex-cellent PC knowledge and ability tolearn the technical material of thecompany, excellent communicaonskills and team spirit, dynamic andopen minded, willingness to work inshi: Shis of 10h/day; 4 days ON,4 days OFF; including weekends - nonights. The oer: aracve salarypackage: around 26.000 + bonus;rst 6 month-contract + possibilityto get permanent contract aer; acompany which oers learning andcareer development opportunity;a dynamic team; a respecul workenvironment and employer; a com-pany with worldwide presence andreputaon. Interested? Please ap-ply online: HELPDESK- (Barcelona) Bluselecon is looking for a (bilingualFrench + German) IT Helpdesk,(m/f) for Barcelona. Our client is animportant BPO player established inBarcelona. They are currently look-ing for experienced candidates in IThelpdesk. The Job: provide excellentcustomer support; answer incomingcalls and help clients resolving theirIT technical issues; follow up and

    solving L1 incidents; escalate inci-dents to L2 when unable to resolve;responding to incoming emails;ensuring that service quality levelsmeet expectaons. The Prole:nave level of French and German,uency in English and/or Spanish;proven experience in IT; experiencein customer support; experiencein technical support; 1 year experi-ence; IT-minded; problem solvingcapabilies and excellent communi-caon skills; exibility in work hours(Wednesday-Sunday 22:00 - 06:00or Saturday-Wednesday 06:00-14:00). Interested? Please sendyour resume to


    SENEGALMAITRE DHOTEL- Restaurant situ Dakar (Sngal). Nous recherchonsun Matre dHtel (H/F) disponible

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    immdiatement pour un restaurantgastronomique situ au centre ville.Billet davion et logement pris encharge par le restaurant. Contactpar email


    RUSSIACHEF DE CUISINE- RestaurantGastronomique Franais haut de

    gamme Rostov sur le Don, sudouest de la Russie recrute son nou-veau chef de cuisine, Idalementposte pouvant convenir a trs bonsecond avec 5 annes dexpriencesminimum ce poste en tablisse-ments toils indispensable ou h-tellerie 5*. Amoureux de votre m-er et dsirant prendre les rennesdun tablissement haut de gammeou vous pourrez vous exprimez etaurez une grande libert dacon.

    Qualits humaines et formateur,capacit dadaptaon et dirigerpete quipe. Tesng prvu Aix enProvence pour les candidats rete-nus. Poste pourvoir au mois defvrier 2015 . Nous orons packageet avantages complets ; Visa et per-

    mis de travail, interprte assistantefranco-russe, logement, vhicule, 2A.R. par an (billets davions), 3 fois15 jours de vacances par an, salairevoluf (net dimpots) + intresse-ment sur CA. Envoyer nous votrecandidature; CV + LM avec photoainsi que rfrences contrlables. : Toutdossier incomplet ne pourra treretenu.


    CINACHEF PTISSIER- Psserie haute

    de gamme Pkin, recherche pourle future ouverture, un chef pssertalentueux. Ayant une expriencerussie de haut niveau au pral-able de chef pssier/chef pssierexcuf, vous grerez une quipedans un laboratoire quip avec

    des machines professionnellespour la producon. Missions: cer et dvelopper des nouveauxproduits de psserie; raliser desches techniques; former et dirigerles apprens sous votre contrle;travailler en quipe avec ouverturedesprit et une trs bonne organisa-on; superviser la produco; ga-ranr la qualit des prestaons,le respect des rgles dhygine etde scurit; mise en place de nou-veaux quipements et procduresen foncon des plans dexpansion.Comptences: personne srieuse,rigoureuse, crave qui souhaitesinvesr en Asie avec une fortemovaon pour accompagner ledveloppement de lentreprise.tre passionn et curieux, toujours lat de nouvelles recees etde nouvelles saveurs. Minimum de5 ans dexprience de mer entant que Chef Pssier/Chef Ps-sier Excuf. Un niveau techniquelev. Les capacits ncessairespour manager une quipe. Bonneorganisaon et coordinaon.

    Bonne facult dadaptaon. Pourplus dinformaon, merci de nouscontacter par mail, et nous joindrevotre CV, lere de movaon, photoet les photos de vos craons MANAGER- Presgioso

    gruppo di medio-grandi dimensioni,che progea, sviluppa e produceparcolari metallici desna inparcolare al seore automobil-isco italiano ed estero. Per lorocerchiamo un operaon manager- resident Cina dellunit produva,di circa 30 persone, situata al centrodel paese. E preferibile possedereuna esperienza specica acquisitanel campo metalmeccanico. Riport-er al country manager locale. Siore un paccheo retribuvo com-prensivo di sso, variabile e fringebenets di sicuro interesse, in baseallesperienza acquisita dal candida-to prescelto. Tel 02/4693701,



    IMPIEGATO UFFICIO COMMERCIALE ESTERO- During agenzia per illavoro seleziona impiegato ucio commerciale estero. Richiesta ot-ma conoscenza delle lingue francese ed inglese con esperienza,anche breve, nella mansione. Orario di lavoro: full me. Zona di lavoro:Lenai. Se interessa inviare il proprio curriculum completo di dapersonali, foto, esperienze lavorave e numero telefonico


    IMPIEGATO/A COMMERCIO ESTERO- Per azienda cliente operante nelseore metalmeccanico sita zona Grantorto, si ricerca un impiegato/acommerciale estero con oma conoscenza della lingua inglese e fran-cese. Viene richiesta esperienza pregressa nella mansione e autonomianella gesone completa dellordine, dallinserimento no allevasione.Rappresentano requisi preferenziali il domicilio in zone limitro e ladisponibilit immediata. Inviare cv a


    EXPORT MANAGER- Lazienda nostra cliente, realt leader nel seoredella gomma, ci ha commissionato la ricerca e selezione di un exportmanager. La risorsa si occuper di: analizzare i merca di competenza

    con lo scopo di individuare le strategie pi ecaci di penetrazione sulterritorio; tenere i rappor con i clien sia italiani che esteri; lavorareal consolidamento dei clien auali e allo scoung di nuovi clien,

    con lobievo di denire e realizzare il budget commerciale svilup-pando il faurato estero; sviluppare la qualit del servizio a tu i livellie suggerire soluzioni per il miglioramento dellarea. La risorsa idealeha maturato esperienza in ruolo analogo presso aziende chimiche delseore gomma, plasca od ani. Possiede una buona conoscenza dellalingua inglese e del tedesco. Dinamismo, buone capacit organizzavo-gesonali e buone abilit di problem solving ne completano il prolo.Gli aspe economici e contrauali saranno discussi in sede di colloquioe commisura allesperienza e professionalit. Luogo di lavoro: EmiliaRomagna. RIF: 467. Inviare cv a


    IMPIEGATA/O UFFICIO COMMERCIALE ESTERO- Sta agenzia per illavoro ricerca, per azienda di vicinanze Parma 1 impiegata/o uciocommerciale estero. La risorsa si occuper di inserimento ordini e ges-

    one commerciale di clien e fornitori, collaborando con le altre guredellucio commerciale. Si richiede unoma conoscenza della linguainglese (orale e scria) per la gesone di clien esteri, ed esperienza inarea ucio commerciale. Sede di lavoro: vicinanze Parma. Contrao:a tempo determinato. Orari di lavoro: full me spezzato (8.00-12.00;14.00-18.00). Per candidarsi inviare curriculum a


    IMPIEGATO/A COMMERCIALE ESTERO- Eurointerim S.p.a., liale diGuastalla, ricerca per azienda metalmeccanica, la gura di: impiegato/acommerciale estero. Le caraerische del prolo ricercato sono: di-ploma e/o laurea in materie linguische, esperienza pregressa nellamansione ed oma conoscenza della lingua inglese e del francese. Larisorsa inserita si occuper di: gesre i rappor con i clien stranieri;gesre gli ordini e le spedizioni; tradurre e compilare documen com-merciali. Contrao di assunzione: tempo determinato. Sede: Poviglio(RE). Per partecipare alla selezione rispondere al seguente annuncio oinviare la propria candidatura a

    Hai trovato lavoro allestero?


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    INSEGNANTE DI LINGUE- Primariasociet di formazione di Milanorecluta docen delle seguen linguestraniere: inglese, francese, spagno-

    lo, tedesco. I candida ideali, prefer-ibilmente madrelingua, devonopossedere laurea in lingue straniereo tolo di studio europeo ricono-sciuto equipollente a quelli italiani eunesperienza nel ruolo di almeno 2anni. Completano il prolo: capacitcomunicava, essibilit e orienta-mento agli obievi. Sede di lavoro:Milano zona nord. Tipologia contrat-tuale: collaborazione part-me. Siprega di inoltrare il cv


    ADDETTO CUSTOMER- Gi GroupSpA, agenzia per il lavoro, liale diMonza Cavallo sezione Perma-nent, ricerca per azienda clienteleader nel seore eleronica diconsumo un/una addeo customercare Francia. Il customer care unapersona dinamica, movata e di-sponibile che sia in grado di gesreautonomamente tue le problem-ache del cliente; nello specico larisorsa si occuper di: gesone degliordini; gesone telefonica e tramitemail di tue le problemache delcliente (pre e post vendita); gesonedelle avit di back oce e difront oce. Requisi: conoscenzaa livello madrelingua del francese;esperienza pregressa in call center/customer care; buona conoscenzadel paccheo Oce e As400; buonacapacit di problem solving. Sededi lavoro: Vimercate (MB). Gi GroupSpA Filiale di Monza Cavallo, ViaCavallo 125 20900 Monza (MB),tel 0392726344,

    CALL CENTER- Per importanterealt del seore alimentare siricerca operatore call center linguafrancese. La risorsa verr inseritaallinterno del call center e si oc-

    cuper dellavit di vendita deiprodo dellazienda in Francia.Il candidato ideale ha maturatounesperienza allinterno di callcenter di vendita modernamentestruura, gradito il diploma discuola superiore o laurea a indirizzolinguisco. Requisito fondamentaleeccellente conoscenza della linguafrancese, preferibile se madrelingua.

    Sede di lavoro: Torino. E previstoun inserimento iniziale in sommin-istrazione al V del CCNL (4 ore).Le persone interessate, delluno odellaltro sesso, possono candidainviando una mail a DI LINGUE- Primariasociet di formazione di Milanorecluta docen delle seguen linguestraniere: inglese, francese, spagno-lo, tedesco. I candida ideali, prefer-ibilmente madrelingua, devonopossedere laurea in lingue straniereo tolo di studio europeo ricono-

    sciuto equipollente a quelli italiani eunesperienza nel ruolo di almeno 2anni. Completano il prolo: capacitcomunicava, essibilit e orienta-mento agli obievi. Sede di lavoro:Milano zona nord. Tipologia contrat-tuale: collaborazione part-me. Siprega di inoltrare il cv Adecco Italia S.p.A.Roma Oce per presgiosa societdingegneria cliente ricerca unasegretaria madrelingua francese.La risorsa prescelta avr compi disegretariato generale e amministra-vo. Supporter il team di ingegneri,

    occupandosi prevalentemente dellaredazione, gesone e archiviazionedi documen word, excel e pdf inlingua francese, inglese e italiana.I requisi richies: madrelinguafrancese; esperienza nel ruolo;uente conoscenza della linguaitaliana e della lingua inglese; omaconoscenza del sistema operavoWindows e del paccheo Oce;Ome capacit organizzave;essibilit e teamworking. Luogo dilavoro: Roma Nord. Orario di lavoro:full me dal luned al venerd, dalleore 9.00 alle ore 18.00 con unora

    di pausa pranzo. Contrao di som-ministrazione della durata di duemesi con possibilit di proroghe.CCNL Commercio, V livello. AdeccoItalia S.p.A. - Oce Roma, Via Os-

    ense, 91/A 00154 Roma (RM), fax06.57178229,


    CALL CENTER- Per importante re-

    alt del seore alimentare si ricercaoperatore call center lingua tedesca.La risorsa verr inserita allinternodel call center e si occuperdellavit di vendita dei prododellazienda in Germania. Il candida-to ideale ha maturato unesperienzaallinterno di call center di venditamodernamente struura, gradito ildiploma di scuola superiore o laureaa indirizzo linguisco. Requisito fon-damentale eccellente conoscenzadella lingua tedesca, preferibile semadrelingua. Sede di lavoro: Torino.E previsto un inserimento iniziale

    in somministrazione al V del CCNL(4 ore). Le persone interessate,delluno o dellaltro sesso, possonocandida inviando una mail a DI LINGUE- Primariasociet di formazione di Milanorecluta docen delle seguen linguestraniere: inglese, francese, spagno-lo, tedesco. I candida ideali, prefer-ibilmente madrelingua, devonopossedere laurea in lingue straniereo tolo di studio europeo r icono-sciuto equipollente a quelli italiani eunesperienza nel ruolo di almeno 2anni. Completano il prolo: capacit

    comunicava, essibilit e orienta-mento agli obievi. Sede di lavoro:Milano zona nord. Tipologia contrat-tuale: collaborazione part-me. Siprega di inoltrare il cv CONTABILITA- Ricerchia-mo per importante azienda clienteaddeo/a contabilita fornitori ma-drelingua tedesca. Avit: gesonecontabilit fornitori delle liali Ger-mania, Svezia ed Austria. Requisi:pregressa esperienza maturata nellamansione, conoscenza del tedescolivello madrelingua. Durata con-

    trao: assunzione direa da partedel cliente con contrao a terminenalizzato allinserimento o a tempoindeterminato. Zona: Bollate. Tel0291080232, fax 0291080280, pad- Cerchiamo inseg-nante madrelingua di tedescoin zona Busto Arsizio (Varese),laureato/a, con esperienzanellinsegnamento, automunito percorsi in sede e/o aziendali. Mandarecv e leera di presentazione a

    ADDETTA/O AL CUSTOMER SERVICE- Euroce il pi grande rivenditoreindipendente di prodo per ucionel Regno Unito e opera in Italiatramite la propria liale con sedead Assago (MI). Cerchiamo un/unaaddea/o al customer service chesi occuper di gesre le richieste diservizio clien. Riportando al cus-tomer service manager, avr inoltrela responsabilit di: Soddisfare leaspeave della clientela Italo/Ted-esca mantenendo uno alto standardnel servizio di supporto al cliente.Gesre le richieste di supporto da

    parte dei clien, sia a mezzo tele-fono che tramite email, ineren aiprodo vendu e gli ordini eet-tua. Comunicare ecacementecon i fornitori al riguardo dei prob-lemi riscontra, accrescendola co-operazione tra le par. Promuovereidee che nalizzate allo sviluppodel ruolo stesso. La sede di lavoro Assago (MI). Prolo ricercato: Ma-drelingua tedesco. Omo italianoparlato e scrio. For capacit diproblem solving, usando un aeg-giamento posivo e costruvo.

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    Abilit nel comunicare ecace-mente ad ogni livello, sia in modoscrio che verbale. Movato e conuna atudine posiva. Amante delgioco di squadra. Eccitato allidea dilavorare per unazienda giovane edinamica. Comprovata esperienza

    nellambito della gesone di servizial cliente. Oma padronanzanelluso degli applicavi MicrosoOce e degli strumen per lulizzodi internet. Sapersi inserire in unteam di start-up che richiede fordo di adaamento e essibilit.Omo inglese parlato e scrio, nec-essario allinserimento in un teaminternazionale che prevede contagiornalieri, anche telefonici, con icolleghi in Inghilterra. La posizioneoerta prevede un contrao di as-sunzione a tempo determinato. Eu-roce orgogliosa della sua culturaaziendale giovane, fortemente ori-entata al mercato online, informale,dinamica e rivolta ad un aggressivoobievo di crescita. Cerchiamopersone che con noi vogliano creareun posto eccezionale dove lavorareper oenere risulta eccezionali. Gliinteressa/e sono prega di inviareil proprio curriculum vitae via emailallindirizzo Mulnazionale sitaa Cinisello Balsamo ricerca due can-dida madrelingua tedeschi da in-serire nellarea commerciale: 1 com-merciale yunior esterno, disponibile

    a trasferte semanali in Germania,1 commerciale interno junior cheaanchi il lavoro di ricerca di nuoviclien per il mercato della SvizzeraTedesca e Germania (no trasferte).Si ore contrao iniziale di 6 mesi.Ricerchiamo proli junior e mova,anche senza esperienza nel seorecommerciale. Adecco Filiale di SestoSan Giovanni, Piazza dei Marri divia Fani 79 20099 Sesto San Gio-vanni (MI), tel 02 26 22 20 31, fax 0226 26 11 29, DI DIREZIONE-Lazienda nostra cliente, mulnazi-onale leader nel proprio seore diriferimento, ci ha commissionato laricerca e selezione di una segretariadi direzione (tedesco uente). Larisorsa sar lassistente del direoregenerale e si occuper di tue le at-vit legate allorganizzazione e allagesone dei suoi impegni: gesoneagenda, ltro delle telefonate, tra-duzioni, organizzazione e pianicazi-one viaggi, trasferte, even, organiz-zazione e gesone riunioni e C.d.A.con relavi meeng report e verbaliriunioni, organizzazione di evenaziendali, referente per le comuni-cazioni istuzionali dellazienda. La

    risorsa ideale una brillante lau-reata, intraprendente, seria, riser-vata, diplomaca, dotata di spiccateabilit comunicave e relazionali,organizzata, capace di dare ordine

    e spazio alle priorit. Desideriamoentrare in contao con una personache ha maturato una precedenteesperienza nel ruolo in aziende direspiro internazionale e possiedeuna uente conoscenza della linguatedesca (preferibilmente madrelin-

    gua o bilingue). Gli aspe econo-mici e contrauali saranno discussiin sede di colloquio e commisuraallesperienza e professionalit.Luogo di lavoro: provincia di ReggioEmilia. RIF: 497. Gli interessa sonoinvita a inviare deagliato cv, conallegato consenso al traamento deida personali (D.Lgs.196/2003), viae-mail allindirizzo: Per azienda inzona Fino Mornasco ricerchiamo uncommerciale back oce, madrelin-gua tedesca, disponibile a trasferteper partecipazione a ere e visitaclien. Si ore un contrao conome prospeve. Randstad Filialedi Fino Mornasco, Via Garibaldi144 22037 Fino Mornasco (CO), tel031-881073, fax 031-928970,


    INSEGNANTE DI LINGUE- Primariasociet di formazione di Milano

    recluta docen delle seguen linguestraniere: inglese, francese, spagno-lo, tedesco. I candida ideali, prefer-ibilmente madrelingua, devonopossedere laurea in lingue straniereo tolo di studio europeo ricono-sciuto equipollente a quelli italiani eunesperienza nel ruolo di almeno 2anni. Completano il prolo: capacitcomunicava, essibilit e orienta-mento agli obievi. Sede di lavoro:Milano zona nord. Tipologia contrat-tuale: collaborazione part-me. Siprega di inoltrare il cv


    ARCHITETTO- Dimensione Casa srlarredamen cerca architeo/inte-rior designer madrelingua russa persviluppo seore export. Inviare cur-riculum a SALES ASSISTANT RUSSO- Perazienda cliente seore della modalusso ricerchiamo 2 sales assistantrusso. Si richiede diploma di scuola

    media superiore ed esperienza,anche di di breve durata nella man-sione maturata preferibilmente innegozi di abbigliamento ed acces-sori. La risorsa si occuper della

    vendita e dellassistenza al cliente,oltre che della gesone del maga-zzino e del rifornimento prodo trai pun vendita dellazienda. Indis-pensabile oma conoscenza livellomadrelingua del russo e omoinglese, buona presenza, sobriet,

    senso di responsabilit movazioneal ruolo. Disponibilit immediata alavorare su turni, anche nel ne set-mana. Durata contrao: 3 mesi +proroghe. Sede: lavoro: Firenze. Percandidarsi: liale di Firenze Orsini:V.Giampaolo Orsini 22/24, tel. 0554641013, fax.055 4641093, SALES ASSISTANT RUSSO- Perazienda cliente seore della modalusso ricerchiamo 2 sales assistantrusso. Si richiede diploma di scuolamedia superiore ed esperienza, an-che di breve durata nella mansionematurata preferibilmente in negozidi abbigliamento ed accessori. Larisorsa si occuper della vendita edellassistenza al cliente, oltre chedella gesone del magazzino e delrifornimento prodo tra i punvendita dellazienda. Indispensabileoma conoscenza livello madrelin-gua del russo e omo inglese,buona presenza, sobriet, senso diresponsabilit movazione al ruolo.Disponibilit immediata a lavoraresu turni, anche nel ne semana.Durata contrao: 1 mese + pro-roghe. Sede: lavoro: Firenze. Percandidarsi liale di Firenze Orsini:

    V.Giampaolo Orsini 22/24, tel. 0554641013, fax 055 4641093,


    3 SALES ASSISTANT LINGUA CINESE- Per importante azienda area lussoricerchiamo 3 sales assistant linguacinese. Si richiede esperienza nellavendita, maturata preferibilmente

    nel seore della moda lusso e areafashion e conoscenza della linguacinese. La risorsa si occuper inparcolar modo dellassistenza allaclientela cinese e dovr pertantoavere una conoscenza a livello ma-drelingua del cinese. Completano ilprolo unoma padronanza ancheper la lingua inglese e disponibilitimmediata. Durata contrao: 1mese + proroghe. Zona: Reggello.Per candidarsi: tel. 055 4641013- fax.055 4641093 email MADRELINGUA CINESE- Perimportante realt operante nel set-

    tore Metalmeccanico sita zona Ros,si ricerca un perito madrelingua ci-nese. Viene richiesto tolo di studiodi perito meccanico o equipollen.Rappresentano requisi preferen-

    ziali il domicilio in zone limitro ela disponibilit immediata. Inviarecv a otelefonare al 0499400694.COMMESSO- Per bouque del cen-tro ricerchiamo madrelingua cinese.La risorsa deve aver gi maturato

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    ADDETTO COMMERCIALE- GiGroup spa per azienda seore

    metalmeccanico ricerchiamo 1 ad-deo commerciale estero madrelin-gua araba. Si richiede madrelinguaaraba, esperienza nella mansionee oma conoscenza della linguainglese e francese. La risorsa si oc-cuper della gesone del back ocecommerciale estero con creazioneprevenvi, gesone rappor confornitori, inserimento ordini asistema e corrispondenza con laclientela. Richiesta disponibilit adeventuali trasferte estere e al fullme. Durata contrao: 1 mese connalit di inserimento direo in

    azienda. Zona: Firenze. Gi Group,Via Orsini 22/24 50100 Firenze (FI),tel 0554641013,

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