Post on 08-Jan-2018

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The Research  A dancer lives in the movement.  Sources were difficult to find because the world of dance is not written word.  This was a topic about me and what I loved.

Transcript of BUILDING THE STRENGTH TO DANCE Zoey Bay Chittick.


Zoey Bay Chittick

The Research Self image is critical for a dancer’s

well being. Dancers often live close to their

company. Ballet is hard on the body, and

if they don’t care of themselves, their career is short-lived.

The Research A dancer lives in the movement. Sources were difficult to find

because the world of dance is not written word.

This was a topic about me and what I loved.

A Work in Progress The choreography process was

tedious, listening to music then taking notes.

I was their choreographer, psychologist, mentor, and family. It was my job to know the dancers.

I worked independent of my mentor.Rehearsing a small group number outside the front doors of the theatre.

A Work in Progress I was at almost every rehearsal. Sometimes, I wish I had more time

to work individually with the kids.

Reteaching and giving corrections were problems I did not expect.

Reviewing a dance with my “elephants”.

I Wanna Be Like You

We made use of what little space we were given.

While learning the dances, we learned the words to the songs.

In the End As difficult as it was, I learned

so much about myself. I’m planning on a major in Biology

and a minor in dance. All that I learned makes me a

better dancer in the end.

Works CitedBachko, Katia. "Mind Over Mirror." Dance Spirit 10.3 (2006): 56-58. Academic Search Complete. Web. 14 Feb. 2012."Creating Dance - Training to be a Choreographer." UKP-Arts: Performing Arts Colleges Acting Colleges Musical Theatre Courses. Web. 01 Feb. 2012."Dancers and Choreographers." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 17 Dec. 2009. Web. 01Feb. 2012.Lavender, Larry, and Jennifer Predock-Linnell. "From Improvisation to Choreography: the Critical Bridge." Research In Dance Education 2.2 (2001): 195-209. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Feb. 2012.MacFarlane, Teri. "Training Dancers Who Are Healthy In Mind And Body." Performing Arts & Entertainment In Canada 29.1 (1994): 27. Academic Search Complete. Web. 14 Feb. 2012.McGuire, Kathleen. "Troubleshooting Nerves." Pointe 11.3 (2010): 58. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 14 Feb. 2012. Press, Carol M. "Self Psychology And The Modern Dance Choreographer." Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences 1159.(2009): 218-228. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Feb. 2012.Stahl, Jennifer. "Don't Crash & Burn." Dance Magazine 82.8 (2008): 50-54. Academic Search Complete. Web. 14 Feb. 2012.

……And my own personal collection of photos.

Let us take a bow…

…And thank you for your time.