BUILDING A HOUSE - · Министерство...

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Сыктывкарский лесной институт (филиал) федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования «Санкт-Петербургский государственный лесотехнический

университет имени С. М. Кирова»


Посвящается 60-летию высшего профессионального лесного образования

в Республике Коми


Т. М. Карлова



Учебное пособие

Утверждено учебно-методическим советом Сыктывкарского лесного института в качестве учебного пособия по английскому языку для студентов 1 и 2 курсов направления бакалавриата «Строительство» и специальности

«Промышленное и гражданское строительство» всех форм обучения

Сыктывкар СЛИ 2012


УДК 811.111 ББК 81.2 Англ.


Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Сыктывкарского лесного института

Отв. редактор:

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент С. И. Шарапова

Рецензенты: кафедра лингводидактики и методики преподавания иностранных языков

(Нижегородский государственный лингвистический университет им. Н. А. Добролюбова);

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков экономических и юридических специальностей В. А. Черных

(Сыктывкарский государственный университет)


Карлова, Т. М. BUILDING A HOUSE = КАК ПОСТРОИТЬ ДОМ : учебное пособие /

Т. М. Карлова; Сыкт. лесн. ин-т. – Сыктывкар : СЛИ, 2012. – 224 с. – (ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES)

ISBN 978-5-9239-0340-9

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов направления ба-калавриата «Строительство» и специальности «Промышленное и гражданское строительство», изучающих иностранный язык для спе-циальных целей. Материалы пособия обучают чтению и пониманию иноязычного текста, воспроизведению и обсуждению профессио-нально значимой информации, устному и письменному переводу при аудиторной и самостоятельной работе. Предлагаемая система упражнений расширяет специальный вокабуляр и запас лексики об-щего пользования, совершенствует грамматические навыки. Пособие может использоваться широким кругом специалистов в

области строительства, а также всеми, кто интересуется указанной тематикой.

УДК 811.111 ББК 81.2 Англ.

Темплан 2010/11 учеб. г. Изд. № 50.

ISBN 978-5-9239-0340-9 © Карлова Т. М., 2012 © СЛИ, 2012


Contents ВВЕДЕНИЕ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Unit 1. BUILDING MATERIALS ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

TEXT 1. BUILDING MATERIALS IN CONSTRUCTION...................................................9 TEXT 2. MATERIALS SCIENCE: PLASTICS ................................................................15 TEXT 3. STONE AS HOUSE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL...........................................23 TEXT 4. NATURAL BUILDING .................................................................................26

Unit 2. BUILDING HOUSES ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 TEXT 1. BUILDINGS AND THEIR TYPES ...................................................................33 TEXT 2. BUILDING HOUSES....................................................................................40 TEXT 3. HOUSING .................................................................................................54 TEXT 4. HOUSES AND HOMES ...............................................................................57

Unit 3. FOUNDATION ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 TEXT 1. FOUNDATIONS IN CONSTRUCTION...........................................................64 TEXT 2. TYPES OF FOUNDATIONS .........................................................................71 TEXT 3. FROST HEAVING.......................................................................................81 TEXT 4. DIFFERENT TYPES OF HOUSE FOUNDATIONS.............................................82 TEXT 5. FOUNDATIONS AND TYPES OF SOILS ........................................................84

Unit 4. BRICK AND MASONRY ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 TEXT 1. BRICK LOADBEARING WALLS.....................................................................91 TEXT 2. MASONRY..............................................................................................100 TEXT 3. NATURAL STONE: FAR MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER BUILDING MATERIAL112 TEXT 4. MORTAR................................................................................................114 TEXT 5. TEN GOOD REASONS FOR NATURAL STONE............................................116

Unit 5. CONCRETE AND CEMENT ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 TEXT 1. CONCRETE.............................................................................................123 TEXT 2. TYPES OF CONCRETE .............................................................................131 TEXT 3. CEMENT.................................................................................................145 TEXT 4. EARLY CONCRETE ..................................................................................147 TEXT 5. ALTERNATIVES TO REGULAR CONCRETE.................................................150

Unit 6. WOOD AND WOOD-BASED MATERIALS ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 TEXT 1. WOOD ...................................................................................................156 TEXT 2. ENGINEERED WOOD ...............................................................................166 TEXT 3. PREPARING A WOOD-FRAME HOUSE CONSTRUCTION .............................180 TEXT 4. ABOUT WOODEN HOUSES.......................................................................181 TEXT 5. WOOD-FRAME CONSTRUCTION..............................................................183

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 БИБЛИОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ СПИСОК . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 ENGLISH-RUSSIAN VOCABLARY ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189



Учебное пособие «Building a House» («Как построить дом») предназначено для студентов первого и второго курсов, продол-жающих изучать английский язык для специальных целей. Объём и содержание лексического и грамматического материала опреде-ляются программой по английскому языку для неязыковых вузов.

Цель пособия – развитие у студентов коммуникативной компе-тенции, актуальной для их профессиональной деятельности. Од-ной из задач является обучение студентов умениям и навыкам, не-обходимым специалистам для успешной работы и дальнейшего профессионального самосовершенствования. Такими навыками яв-ляются умение работать с информацией на иностранном языке и умение высказываться по профессионально значимым темам и об-мениваться информацией. Задачи повышения компетенции студен-тов в области специального английского языка решаются через значительное увеличение вокабуляра и закрепление грамматиче-ского навыка. Большое внимание уделяется совершенствованию различных видов чтения.

Учебное пособие состоит из шести разделов (Units). Структура учебного пособия логична, установки лаконичны и сопровождаются моделями и примерами. Каждый раздел содержит тексты, объеди-ненные общей тематикой. Тематика и сложность текстового мате-риала определяется объёмом общетехнических знаний, которыми владеют студенты к концу первого года обучения в техническом вузе. Тексты пособия отобраны с учетом их информативности и со-ответствия научно-техническим достижениям в области домо-строения. Они аутентичны, но в некоторых случаях произведено некоторое сокращение. Тексты посильны, к тому же предусматри-вается предтекстовая работа по снятию большинства лексических трудностей и предлагаются предваряющие задания, облегчающие восприятие и понимание. Повторяемость лексических единиц и


грамматических моделей готовит студентов к пересказу текста и самостоятельному высказыванию.

В словаре поурочно представлена активная лексика на англий-ском языке. После текстов 1 и 2 предложены разнообразные уп-ражнения для проверки понимания текстов, а также для закрепле-ния пройденной лексики и лексико-грамматических моделей. Во всех разделах есть задания по структуризации и компонентному и содержательному анализу текстов, задания на выделение общих и частных вопросов, ключевой и добавочной информации, сравнение и обобщение. Достоинством предлагаемой работы является напол-нение упражнений лексическим материалом по теме, и все лекси-ческие и грамматические упражнения обусловлены особенностями текстов и темы. Подбор и организация упражнений обеспечивают повторяемость лексики и ее запоминаемость.

В лексико-грамматических упражнениях (всего более 150) отра-батываются ранее изученные проблемы словообразования, много-значности слов, сложные аспекты морфологии и синтаксиса. Большое внимание уделяется особенностям перевода словосочетаний и пред-ложений, преимущественно с английского языка на русский.

При разработке системы заданий использованы элементы функционально-коммуникативного обучения иностранному языку. При таком подходе явления языка (лексика и грамматика) рассмат-риваются с точки зрения их значимости для актуализации темы и поставленных коммуникативных задач. Функции, характерные для информативных текстов, – это определение объекта или понятия, классификация, систематизация, описание, определение, обосно-вание, обобщение. Все они находят свое отражение в текстовом материале, характерных коммуникативно-грамматических моде-лях и типичном наборе лексических единиц и словосочетаний.




Engineering is an activity other than purely manual and physical work which brings about the utilization of the materials

and laws of nature for the good of humanity. R. E. Hellmund

Vocabulary to memorise

hardness - твёрдость; степень твёрдости durability [,djuərə'bɪlətɪ] - долговечность; прочность; стойкость wood - дерево; древесина; лесоматериал stone [stəun] - камень (как материал) brick - кирпич; клинкер || класть кирпичи; мостить, облицовывать concrete ['kɔŋkri:t] - бетон || бетонировать steel - сталь; арматура (железобетонных конструкций) glass - стекло plastics - пластмасса, пластик strength [streŋθ] - прочность; крепость weight [weɪt] - вес; масса; груз fire-resistance [’faiə ri'zistəns] - огнестойкость decay-resistance [di’kei ri’zistəns] - устойчивость против гниения fire-proof ['faiə,pru:f] - несгораемый; огнестойкий, огнеупорный mechanical properties [’prɔpətiz] - механическиe свойства burnt brick - обожжённый кирпич compactness - плотность; компактность porosity [pɔ:’rɔsiti] - пористость, ячеистость; рыхлость mortar - известковый раствор; строительный раствор sound insulation [,insju’lei∫ən] - звукоизоляция heat insulation [,insju’lei∫ən] - теплоизоляция foundation [faun'dei∫ən] - фундамент, основание pier [piə] - стойка; столб; пилон finishing ['fini∫iŋ] - окончательная отделка; отделочные работы structure ['strʌkt∫ə] - строение, структура; конструкция, устройство weather resistant ['weðə ri'zistənt] - стойкий против атмосферных воздействий mass concrete – массивный бетон; монолитный, неармированный бетон steel reinforcement [,ri:in’fɔ:smənt] - cтальная арматура cement [sə‘ment] - цемент; цементный раствор || цементировать sand - песок crushed [krʌ∫t] stone - дроблёный камень; щебень


paste [peist] - тесто (цементное) raw material - сырьё, сырьевой (исходный) материал limestone ['laimstəun] - известняк cullet ['kʌlit] - стеклобой, стекольный бой alumina [ə'lju:minə] - глинозём organic [ɔ:'gænik] derivatives - органические производные rock - камень, булыжник; скала artificial [,a:ti'fi∫əl] - искусственный, ненатуральный timber брит. (lumber амер.) - лесоматериалы; строевой лес; древесина bearing structure - несущая конструкция paint - краска; (сухой) пигмент; красочное покрытие || красить; окрашивать; cementing [si'mentiŋ] - вяжущий; цементирующий; укрепляющий binding - связывание; связующий lime - известь; || белить известью; скреплять известью gypsum ['dʒipsəm] - гипс || гипсовать masonry ['meisnri] - каменная или кирпичная кладка plaster ['pla:stə] - штукатурка; штукатурный раствор || штукатурить clay [klei] – глина; глинистый, глиняный || обмазывать глиной availability [ə,veilə'biliti] - доступность, наличие

Pre-Reading Exercises

Ex. 1. State to what parts of speech the following words belong and translate them:

requirement, hardness, durability, strength, resistance, ancient, comparison, mechanical, disadvantage, suitable, compactness, poros-ity, foundation, structure, durable, crushed, equipment, derivative, primary, artificial, cementing, plaster, categorize, manipulation, de-signer, effective, economical, engineer, availability, property.

Ex. 2. Choose a word from column B similar in the meaning to

each of the words under letter A.

A B A B synthetic main wood building primary auxiliary structure employ secondary old fire-resistant timber ancient artificial use fire-proof


Ex. 3. What suffixes help to form abstract nouns describing prop-erties of materials? Make up nouns out of the following adjectives:

A) hard, durable, strong, light, compact, porous, available, B) fire-resistant, decay-resistant, weather-resistant. Ex. 4. Divide the given words into 2 groups: A) adjectives having comparative forms, B) adjectives having no comparative forms. Primary, hard, ancient, artificial, porous, organic, mechanical,

cheap, strong, light, easy, synthetic, important, physical, industrial, compact, available, costly (дорогой, дорогостоящий), resistant, main, durable, effective.

Ex. 5. Give the comparative and superlative degree of the follow-

ing adjectives and adverbs: cheap, hard, durable, ancient, strong, light, easy, easily, impor-

tant, widely, compact, porous, available, costly, weather-resistant. Ex. 6. Divide the nouns into 2 groups: А) names of building materials, B) other nouns. Limestone, purpose, wood, stone, mixture, property, brick, heat,

century, concrete, fire, steel, plastics, hardness, soda ash, strength, cellulose, weight, sound, paste, water, sand, century, resin, protein, cullet, glass.

Ex. 7. Translate the following word combinations. To meet requirements, to fasten together, commonly used mate-

rials, certain disadvantages, to differ in hardness, fire-proof buildings, easy to work with, mechanical properties, steps of buildings, with the help of mortar, for finishing structures, structures under water, unaf-fected by acids, organic derivatives, to require skilled labour, primary building materials, artificial stone, bearing structures, interior finish of


structures, to bind together masonry units, constituents of wall plaster, to make in industrial settings, to categorize into two sources, petro-leum based paints, the most economical means, minimally processed, to come into use.


the most common building materials and say where and why people use them.


Introduction Materials that are used for structural purposes should meet sev-

eral requirements. In most cases it is important that they should be hard, durable and easily fastened together.

Main Body 1. The most commonly used materials are wood, stone, brick,

concrete, steel, glass, plastics, etc. They all differ in hardness, dura-bility, strength, weight, fire- and decay-resistance and, naturally, cost.

Wood is the most ancient structural material. In comparison with steel wood is lighter, cheaper, easier to work with and its mechanical properties are good. On the other hand, wood has certain disadvan-tages. First, it burns and is therefore unsuitable for fire-proof build-ings. Second, it decays.

Stone belongs to one of the oldest building materials used by man. Stone is characteristic of many properties. They are mechanical strength, compactness, porosity, sound and heat insulation, and fire-resistance. Stone is widely used for foundations, walls and steps of buildings, for the supports of piers, and bridges, and for finishing and decorating all sorts of structures.

Bricks were known many thousand years ago. Bricks are hard and easily fastened together with the help of mortar. A brick building is strong, durable and weather resistant.

Concrete is referred to as one of the most important materials.


Mass concrete was employed by the Egyptians and the Romans but the use of steel reinforcement did not begin until the nineteenth century. Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand and crushed stone, made into a paste with water. It forms a hard, durable mass and is used largely for the foundations and walls of houses and for structures under water.

Steel has come into general use with the development of industry. Its manufacture requires special equipment and skilled labour.

Glass and plastics are also widely used nowadays in the construc-tion of different kinds of buildings. The raw materials employed in the manufacture of glass are limestone, sand, soda ash, sodium sulfate, cullet (broken glass), and a small amount of aluminia. Glass is unaf-fected by gasses and most acids.

Plastics is a name for various organic derivatives of resin, cellu-lose, and protein.

2. All building materials are divided into three main groups: 1) Primary (main) building materials such as rocks and artificial

stones, timber and metals are used for bearing structures. 2) Secondary (auxiliary) materials are used for the interior parts of

the buildings, for the interior finish of structures. 3) Cementing or binding materials such as lime, gypsum and ce-

ment are the three materials most widely used for the purpose of binding together masonry units, such as stone, brick and as constitu-ents of wall plaster.

Building materials can be further categorized into two sources, natural and synthetic. Natural building materials are unprocessed or minimally processed by industry, such as timber, sand, lime or stone. Whereas synthetic materials are made in industrial settings after some human manipulations, such as plastics and petroleum based paints. Cement, clay products and concrete are also examples of artificial buildings materials.

Conclusion The designer must be able to select and adapt such materials of

construction that will give the most effective result by the most eco-


nomical means. In this choice of materials for any work of construc-tion the civil engineer must consider many factors. These factors in-clude availability, cost, physical properties of materials and others.

Text-Based Exercises

Ex. 8. The text is structurally divided into an introductory part, main part (main body) and conclusion. The main body is further sub-divided into 2 paragraphs. Say to which part of the text and which paragraph the following ideas could refer.

1. Variety of building materials and properties. 2. Classification of building materials. 3. Factors influencing the selection of materials. 4. General implications of the term ‘building’. 5. Advantages and disadvantages of the most common building

materials. Ex. 9. Expand in more detail on the following: - the properties of material, both desirable and undesirable, - the advantages of all the above mentioned building materials, - the disadvantages of those materials, - where the materials can be used. Ex. 10. Fill in the missing information. Give 1 to 3 names of the

building materials to fill in the circles at the bottom of the scheme.

Building materials

Primary / Main Secondary / Auxiliary Binding / Cementing

Natural Artificial Natural Artificial Natural Artificial

2 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 23 1 1


Describing the scheme comment on the classification of the building materials. Say where each of the materials is used.

Ex. 11. Find in the text adjectives and participles corresponding to

the following words and translate them into Russian. Structure, mechanics, resist, skill, differ, employ, break, vary,

build, bear, second, bind, nature, synthesis, industry, effect, economy, physics, durability.

Ex. 12. Look through the text again to find as many word combi-

nations as possible with the given words (Adj + N, N + N, etc.): A) material; B) building. Ex. 13. All kinds of materials can be described by compound

words, in which the second element is –proof, –resistant, -tolerant, –insulating, –absorbing; e. g.: fire-proof ‘несгораемый’, weather-resistant ‘стойкий против атмосферных воздействий’, shade-tolerant ‘теневыносливый’, sound-insulating ‘звукоизолирующий’, sound-absorbing ‘звукопоглощающий’.

А) Make up such words using the suggested noun-components: fire, frost (freeze), heat, sound, vapor, water, cold, decay,

weather, corrosion, moisture, shade, acid. Translate the derived words into Russian. B) Translate the suggested sentences into Russian. 1. The most important requirements for concrete are: it should be

hard, strong, durable, fire-resistant and economical. 2. Silica concrete is light, fire-resistant and acid-proof. 3. As clay-based brick is usually not completely waterproof, the structural wall will often have a water-resistant surface (usually tar paper) and weep holes can be. 4. This technique requires some sort of weather-resistant exterior surface over the insulation. 5. If used in severe climates (such as shore-side in a salt water environment) the wiring must be made of appropriate


corrosion-resistant wire. 6. Blast-proof doors are constructed to allow access to a structure but also to provide protection from the force of explosions. 7. Civil engineering studies the ability of various earth-quake-proof structures to withstand hazardous earthquake exposures at the sites of their particular location. 8. Because of corrosion-resistance plastics can be used for pipes to some extent. 9. Once the joists are in position, the moisture resistant chipboard or plywood deck is laid across the joists. 10. They need no vapour check layer be-cause the plasterboard is vapour resistant. 11. A special sheathing ma-terial is used which is waterpoof but vapour permeable. 12. Corrosion-resistant fasteners (for example, stainless steel) are recommended for wood. 13. Fiberboard that has been treated to impart some degree of water resistance is a good option. 14. This type of brick must have good thermal shock resistance, high melting point and satisfactory porosity. 15. Masonry is very heat resistant and thus can provide good fire protection. 16. Shingles and shakes should be applied with rust-resistant nails long enough to penetrate into the wood sheathing.

Ex. 14. Complete the following sentences using English equiva-

lents instead of the Russian words and word-combinations. 1. Materials that are used for structural purposes should (отвечать

нескольким требованиям). 2. They all differ in hardness, durability, strength, weight, (огнестойкости, устойчивости против гниения) and cost. 3. Wood is cheap, easy to work with but it has (определенные недостатки). 4. Stone is widely used for foundations, walls and steps of buildings and (для отделки и декорирования) all sorts of struc-tures. 5. Bricks are hard and easily fastened together (посредством строительного раствора). 6. Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand and crushed stone, (образующих с водой тесто). 7. The manufacture of steel (нуждается в специальном оборудовании) and skilled labour. 8. Primary building materials are used (для несущих конструкций). 9. Binding materials such as lime, gypsum and cement are most widely used (с целью скрепления единиц кирпичной кладки). 10. Synthetic


materials are made (в промышленных условиях) after some human manipulations. 11. The designer must be able (выбирать и приспо-сабливать) materials of construction. 12. In the choice of materials for any work of construction (инженер гражданского строительства) must consider many factors.

Ex. 15. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Bажно, чтобы строительные материалы были твёрдыми, дол-

говечными и легко скреплялись. 2. По сравнению со сталью древе-сина легче, дешевле, проще в обработке, а ее механические свой-ства хорошие. 3. Древесина горит, и поэтому она не годится для огнестойких зданий. 4. Для камня характерны механическая проч-ность, компактность, пористость, звуко- и теплоизоляция и огне-стойкость. 5. Кирпичное здание прочное, долговечное и устойчиво к погодным условиям. 6. Использование стального укрепления для бетона до девятнадцатого века не практиковалось. 7. Бетон обра-зует твёрдую, прочную массу и используется для подводных со-оружений. 8. Стекло и пластмассы широко применяются при строительстве различных видов зданий. 9. Пластмассы - это назва-ние различных органических производных смолы, целлюлозы, и белка. 10. Вторичные материалы используются для интерьеров зданий, для внутреннего оформления сооружений. 11. Строитель-ные материалы можно далее подразделить по источникам проис-хождения на натуральные и синтетические. 12. Естественные строительные материалы являются промышленно необработанны-ми или обработаны минимально.

Scan text 2 “MATERIALS SCIENCE: PLASTICS” and find the para-

graph which describes: - the properties of plastics, - the importance of the materials science, - the application of plastics for different industrial purposes, - consumer plastics,


- simple and complex plastics, - engineering plastics, - the most widespread plastics. Read text 2 more thoroughly. Consult the list of additional vocabu-

lary. Be ready to do the assignments after the text.


Materials science or materials engineering is an interdisciplinary field involving the properties of matter and its applications to various areas of science and engineering. This science investigates the rela-tionship between the structure of materials and their properties. It in-cludes elements of applied physics and chemistry, as well as chemical, mechanical, civil and electrical engineering. With significant media at-tention to nanoscience and nanotechnology in the recent years, mate-rials science has been propelled to the forefront at many universities.

Metals, polymers and ceramics constitute an important part of materials science. Polymers are the raw materials (the resins) used to make what we commonly call plastics. Plastics consisting of one poly-mer are referred to as simple. Thus, organic glass (plexiglass) consists of one synthetic resin. But in the building field we usually deal with complex plastics, e. g. plastics consisting of a polymer and other components.

As is known, the term plastics covers a range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic condensation or polymerization products that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or fibers. Their name implies that in their semi-liquid state they are malleable, or have the property of plasticity. Plastics vary immensely in heat tolerance, hard-ness, and resiliency. Combined with this adaptability, the general uni-formity of composition and lightness of plastics ensure their use in almost all industrial applications today.

Polymers which are in current widespread use include polyethyl-ene, polypropylene, polyvinyl-chloride, polystyrene, nylons, polyes-


ters, acrylics, polyurethane, and polycarbonates. Plastics are generally classified as “commodity”, “specialty” and “engineering” plastics.

PVC (polyvinyl-chloride) is a commodity plastic; it is widely used, inexpensive, and annual production quantities are huge. This plastic has an incredible array of applications, and its fabrication and proc-essing are simple and well-established. To modify its material proper-ties various chemicals and compounds are added to the polymer base.

Polycarbonate would be normally considered as engineering plas-tic. Engineering plastics are valued for their superior strengths and other special material properties. They are usually not used for dis-posable applications, unlike commodity plastics.

It should be noted here that the dividing line between the various types of plastics is not based on material but rather on their properties and applications. For instance, polyethylene (PE) is a cheap polymer commonly used to make disposable shopping bags and trash bags, and is considered a commodity plastic, whereas Medium-Density Poly-ethylene (MDPE) is used for underground gas and water pipe.

Plastics combine all the fine characteristics of a building material owing to their inherent valuable and diverse properties. The architects and engineers have also turned to them to add beauty to modern homes and offices. Being a comparatively recent invention plastics have found today a wide application not only in construction, but many other indus-trial fields (machine-building, aviation, textile industry, etc.).

Additional Vocabulary

materials science - материаловедение engineering [,endʒi'niəriɳ] - инженерное дело; технология; машиностроение properties of matter ['mætə] – свойства вещества, материала polymer ['pɔlimə] - полимер || полимерный ceramic [si'ræmik] - керамический; гончарный organic [ɔ:'gænik] glass (plexiglass) - органическое стекло, плексиглас synthetic [sin'Ɵetik] resin - синтетическая смола; пластмасса complex plastics – сложные, составные пластмассы semi-synthetic/semisynthetic [,semisin’Ɵetik] - полусинтетический


condensation [,kɔnden'sei∫ən] - сгущение; конденсирование, конденсация polymerization [pə,limərai'zei∫ən] - полимеризация mold - форма || формовать; литейная форма || отливать в форму extrude [eks'tru:d] - экструдировать, штамповать, прессовать, выдавливать film - плёнка, тонкий слой fiber [faibə] - волокно semi-liquid [’likwid] - полужидкий malleable ['mæliəbl] - пластичный; вязкий, тягучий; ковкий plasticity [plæs'tisiti] - пластичность, эластичность; гибкость tolerance ['tɔlərəns] - стойкость, устойчивость; терпимость, толерантность resiliency [ri'ziliəsi] - упругость adaptability [ə,dæptə'biliti] - применимость, приспособляемость uniformity [,ju:ni'fɔ:miti] - единообразие; однородность lightness ['laitnis] - лёгкость; легковесность commodity [kə’mɔditi] plastics – бытовые пластики engineering plastics – пластмассы технического назначения fabrication [,fæbri'kei∫ən] - производство, сооружение, конструирование chemicals ['kemikəl] - химикалии, химикаты compound ['kɔmpaund] - химическое соединение || соединять superior [sju:'piəriə] - лучший, более совершенный; превосходящий disposable [dis'pəuzəbl] - выбрасываемый (после употребления); одноразовый medium density polyethylene – полиэтилен средней плотности inherent [in’hiərənt] - внутренне присущий, неотъемлемый

Reading Comprehension Exercise

Ex. 16. Say if it is true or false. Correct the wrong statements quoting the relevant information from the text.

1. Materials science or materials engineering studies the proper-ties of materials and their applications in science and engineering.

2. Polymers are the raw materials used to make cements. 3. Plastics consisting of one polymer are referred to as simple. 4. In the building industry complex plastics are more common. 5. Plastics include synthetic or semi-synthetic organic condensa-

tion or polymerization products. 6. Plastics aren’t malleable and don’t have the property of plasticity.


7. The general durability and hardness of plastics ensure their use in all industrial applications.

8. Plastics are generally classified as natural and artificial plastics. 9. PVC (polyvinyl-chloride) is well-established due to simple proc-

essing. 10. Engineering plastics are valued for their superior properties. 11. Engineering plastics are disposable like commodity plastics. 12. Polyethylene (PE) is used to make disposable packaging bags

and underground gas and water pipe. 13. Plastics combine fine characteristics of a building material

due to their diverse properties and beauty.

Vocabulary and Grammar Consolidation Exercises

Ex. 17. Pronounce the following words with two stresses: engineering [,endʒi'niəriɳ] - инженерное дело; технология; техника, машиностроение application [,æpli'kei∫ən] - применение, использование fabrication [,fæbri’kei∫ən] – производство investigation [in,vesti’gei∫ən] - изучение, исследование condensation [,kɔnden’sei∫ən] – уплотнение; конденсация polymerization [,pɔlimərai'zei∫ən] - полимеризация adaptability [ə,dæptə'biliti] - приспособляемость; переналаживаемость uniformity [,ju:ni'fɔ:miti] - единообразие; однородность inexpensive [,iniks’pensiv] - недорогой, дешёвый semisynthetic [,semisin’Ɵetik] - полусинтетический

Ex. 18. Pay attention to the specific pronunciation of the names of

some plastics, containing the prefix poly- at the beginning. Train the correct pronunciation. polyethylene [,pɔli’eƟili:n] - полиэтилен polypropylene [,pɔli'proupili:n] - полипропилен polyvinyl-chloride [,pɔli'vainil 'klɔraid] - поливинилхлорид


polystyrene [,pɔli'stairi:n] - полистирол polyester [,pɔli'estə] – полиэстер, сложный полиэфир polyurethane [,pɔli'juərə,Ɵein] - полиуретан polycarbonate [,pɔli'ka:bə,neit] - поликарбонат

Ex. 19. Translate the following word combinations (N + N). Cp.:

materials engineering ‘разработка материалов’ - engineering materi-als ‘конструкционные материалы’. brick building - building brick mass concrete - concrete mass commodity plastic - plastic commodity engineering plastics - plastics engineering

Ex. 20. Translate the text using a dictionary. Pay attention to the

italicized conversion words, like use, build/building, alloy etc.

METAL Metal is used as structural framework for larger buildings such as

skyscrapers, or as an external surface covering. There are many types of metals used for building. Iron alloyed with various proportions of carbon gives low, mid and high carbon steels. Steels are the usual choice for metal structural building materials. They are strong, flexi-ble, and if refined well or treated last a long time. Corrosion is metal’s prime enemy.

The lower density and better corrosion resistance of aluminium alloys and tin sometimes overcome their greater cost. Brass was more common in the past, but is usually restricted to specific uses today.

Metal figures quite prominently in prefabricated structures, and can be seen used in most cities. It requires a great deal of human la-bor to produce metal, especially in the large amounts needed for the building industries.

Other metals used include titanium, chrome, gold, silver. Titanium can be used for structural purposes, but it is much more expensive


than steel. Chrome, gold, and silver are used as decoration, because these materials are expensive and lack structural qualities such as tensile strength or hardness.

Ex. 21. Read text “STONE” and translate it sentence by sentence.

Underline the adjectives and adverbs and say what comparative forms they are in.

STONE Rock structures have existed for as long as history can recall. It is

the longest lasting building material available, and is usually readily available. There are many types of rock throughout the world, all with differing attributes that make them better or worse for particular uses. Rock is a very dense material so it gives a lot of protection too, its main drawback as a material is its weight and awkwardness.

Dry-stone walls have been built for as long as humans have put one stone on top of another. Eventually different forms of mortar were used to hold the stones together. The most commonplace now is cement.

In early construction the type of stone used for a particular build-ing largely depended on its geographical location. They transported stone across the country only for the most prestigious buildings. The most common stones are the ones that can be most easily quarried and cut. Sandstone and limestone are the two most popular materials, al-though flint, slate, granite and marble can also be used.

Granite is very hard, strong and durable. It is most common in basements, base courses, columns and steps and entire facades. Its colour may be gray, yellow, pink or deep red.

Marble is a crystalline stone chiefly used for decorative purposes. White and black marbles are used for ornamental decoration where the beauty of the marble is shown to its best advantage.

Stonework is not particularly common in modern construction in its traditional form. The cheapest type of wall is made from random rubble where stones of random shape and size are laid in a cement or lime mortar.


On more prestigious buildings it was common to find walls built in ashlar masonry. Ashlar, which is a style not a material, is stone cut with great accuracy and laid on very thin mortar joints. Because of its enormous expense it was normally only used as a facing material and required a structural backing in the form of brickwork or rubble.

The cheapest type of wall is made from random rubble where stones of random shape and size are laid in a cement or lime mortar.

Ex. 22. Translate the sentences with more comparisons. 1. New techniques aim at a higher output of better structures at

lower cost. 2. It is a well-known fact that the drier is the cut wood the greater is its strength and hardness. 3. Whatever may be the quality of mortar used, the wall should contain as much stone and as little mor-tar as possible, as the former is the stronger material. 4. When build-ing walls, blocks and bricks are primary materials. Bricks are smaller and made of clay, although concrete bricks are also available. 5. Thatch is one of the oldest building materials known in recorded his-tory. 6. For longevity of building, metal is the best building material. 7. Stone is the longest lasting building material available, and is usu-ally readily available. 8. Clay is the most common material used to build houses, especially the houses in country sides are made from clay and mud. 9. One of the most popular types of steel used in con-struction is the hot dip galvanized steel. 10. Construction with cross-laminated timber is faster and requires fewer workers and lighter equipment, which can make construction more affordable. 11. The most important use of cement is the production of mortar and concrete. 12. Of all the metallic alloys in use today, the alloys of iron make up the largest proportion both by quantity and commercial value. 13. Plywood for indoor use generally uses the less expensive urea-formaldehyde glue which has limited water resistance. 14. The more rapid the growth or the wider the rings of growth, the heavier, harder, stronger, and stiffer the wood. 15. Since the more the wood substance the greater the weight, and the greater the weight the


stronger the wood, chestnuts with wide rings must have stronger wood than chestnuts with narrow rings. 16. The interior rooms of a house in which the plaster is laid on the stone walls must always be more or less damp.

Ex. 23. Translate the sentences into Russian. Remember that pro-

noun it can be used in different functions (as personal, impersonal, demonstrative, formal, emphatic pronoun).

1. It is important that the building materials should be hard, du-rable and easily fastened together. 2. Wood has certain disadvantages. First, it burns and is therefore unsuitable for fire-proof buildings. Second, it decays. 3. If the hinges (петли) are on the left and the door opens in, it is a left hand door. 4. Titanium can be used for structural purposes, but it is much more expensive than steel. 5. It was only during the mid-18th century that visible brick walls regained some degree of popularity. 6. It is well known that bricks are usually ex-tremely durable. 7. It requires a great deal of human labor to produce metal, especially in the large amounts needed for the building indus-tries. 8. The most important requirements for concrete are: it should be hard, strong, durable, fire-resistant and economical. 9. It usually takes about three weeks before the final strength is achieved. 10. Ti-tanium can be used for structural purposes, but it is much more ex-pensive than steel. 11. It is steel and metal that is employed as rein-forcement in modern ferroconcrete structures. 12. It requires a great deal of human labor to produce metal, especially in the large amounts needed for the building industries. 13. Ceramics used to be just a specialized form of clay-pottery, but it has evolved into more techni-cal areas. 14. It is common to classify wood as either softwood or hardwood. 15. It is not only the proportion of late wood (летняя древесина), but also its quality, that counts.

Ex. 24. Translate the sentences into Russian. Remember that the

verb have can be used in different functions (as notional, modal, aux-iliary verb or as part of a set word group).


1. Plastics have found a wide application not only in construction, but many other industrial fields. 2. Dry-stone walls have been built for as long as humans have put one stone on top of another. 3. Each area of the planet is different and has many different materials that can be used for housing. 4. A new house has to be insulated in order to re-duce heating costs and to save money. 5. The designer must have in mind the actual conditions during the construction. 6. In cold places houses must be more compact and have thick walls and small win-dows to resist the cold; they also have heating systems. 7. In 1641 the five-story city hall, was the tallest building New Yorkers had to look up at or down from. 8. A multi-story building is a building that has multiple floors above ground in the building. 9. Long ago, people built homes with whatever building materials that they had. 10. In the northern part of North America and in northern Europe wood has been the main building material for many centuries. 11. When the outside of the house is finished you have to start working on the interior. 12. To some extent, aluminum and steel have displaced some traditional building materials. 13. A building is a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place. 14. For many, many years nature has been destroying stone, changing it into sand. 15. Many houses have several rooms with specialized functions.

Reading Practice

Read the text “STONE AS HOUSE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL” di-vided into parts. Find answers to the questions which come before each of the coming passages.


1. What is the best test with stone for different people? As good walls are a primary demand in all buildings and houses, it

follows that the consideration of the quality of materials of which they are composed, as well as the manner in which the conjunction or adhesion of parts can be most thoroughly effected is a matter of great importance.


Stone is a natural production, and it is adapted to the require-ments of building with little preparation. We may speak of the relative value of different kinds of stone. Experience seems to be the best test; although the science of chemistry may be sufficient for the geologist, the architect is better satisfied with the proofs of time.

2. What is the dampness of stone caused by? The principal objection that has been urged against stone houses

is that they are always damp. This is true, as they are usually con-structed without any attention to the possibility of preventing this fruitful source of calamity. Stone walls having their foundations in damp soil will inevitably be damp from capillary attraction, common lime mortar forming no impediment to the upward passage of mois-ture into the main wall of the house which as a consequence will sel-dom be quite dry.

The most effectual remedy for this is to build the underground portion of the walls with mortar made of Rosendale or any similar ce-ment. The interior rooms of a house in which the plaster is laid imme-diately on the stone walls must always be more or less damp. All stone is to some degree pervious to water, and therefore transmits the dampness. The inner surface of the wall, maintaining nearly the same temperature as the outer, condenses, extracts the moisture from the atmosphere of the rooms. Two methods are offered for the prevention of this, both depending on the intervention of a hollow space for the circulation of air. The first is to firr-off the plastering with vertical wall strips; the second, to form a hollow wall by building up a single thick-ness of brick on the inside, and connecting it with the stone wall in the course of erection.

3. What kind of structure has granite got? Granite, according to geology the primary rock, exists in great

abundance in the USA, and has already been employed to a great ex-tent for building purposes. In the USA the best specimens of granite for public buildings are from the quarries of Quincy and Fall River, Mass.; but there are qualities of lighter cast, and therefore better adapted to country architecture, found in various parts of the country.


Granite is recommended for foundations preferably to all other kinds of stone. It may be known by its granular structure, from which it takes its name. Its component parts are quartz, mica, and feldspar, distinctly or confusedly blended together. It is very easily worked into the rougher kinds of masonry, but does not admit fine polish or finely-cut mouldings. It may be employed in country homes ap-proaching the rustic character.

4. What properties are characteristic of the Nova Scotia sand-stone?

Sandstone. The absorbent nature of sandstone and the liability to suffer from the effect of heat and cold has rendered its durability some doubt; but we can point to numerous examples where it has stood the test of climate for years, and from present appearances may stand for generations.

The light-brown sandstone of Connecticut and New Jersey, the soft, light-gray stone of Cincinnati, and the warmer-tinted stone of Mount Joliet, Ill., take the first rank as valuable and agreeable materi-als for country house building. All these have an excellent effect in combination with surrounding verdure, they are easily wrought and exhibit to the best advantage the execution of ornament. The stone imported from Nova Scotia has been extensively used in the vicinity of Philadelphia, and aside from its delightful shade of color, is recom-mended as a durable material. Nothing could be more suitable for the refined architecture of a suburban villa than sandstone.

5. Is limestone always white? Limestone. Limestones of Vermont, Pennsylvania, and Missouri

are the best known, and they are all extensively employed in building in their respective localities. Where the color approximates light-bluish gray, as it does in the Pennsylvania specimens, the effect is very pleasing; but the others are so white as to be objectionable for coun-try buildings and houses, unless the mass of the building is kept hid-den in foliage.


Read text 4 “NATURAL BUILDING”. A) Read it without a dictionary. Guess the meaning of the un-

known words.


Natural building is a style of construction which emphasizes the use of local and benign materials (low processed) and technologies. Methods include timber frame, straw bale, straw/clay, adobe, cob, hemp, natural plasters and finishes and stone masonry. These methods of construction combine current, state of the art of techniques with historical methods. These well constructed buildings such as timber frames, can easily stand for 500 to 1000 years and more. Other bene-fits include a healthier and environmentally sustainable building, en-ergy efficiency, support of the local economy and social responsibility.

Labour intensive conversion of local, natural materials into build-ing materials keeps money in the local economy. By contrast, highly processed materials available at big box stores are fabricated by large corporations in far away lands. Purchasing these materials leads to "capital flight" from the local community. Furthermore, local materials travel less distances and are often processed by-hand or with very low energy methods. This means that they have less “embodied energy” than highly processed materials. From a building perspective, local materials encourage the re-introduction of vernacular architecture to a particular site. By contrast, many homes built today look the same in Southern California as they do in Northern Ontario. Natural buildings reflect the locale in which it is situated, its immediate environment, the community of skilled trades that inhabit the area and the larger community who support these buildings and their inhabitants.

Ten Natural Building Materials Choosing natural building materials helps reduce the use of man-

made materials. Additionally, it also minimizes the use of products that require a great deal of energy during manufacture and transport.

The focus is on simple construction methods that do no further damage to the environment, consume fossil fuel and are not sustainable.


- Adobe - Adobe continues to be one of the oldest building mate-rials that remains in use to the present day. Adobe is made up of dirt mixed with water, and sometimes other fibers as well, to add addi-tional strength. It is then sun-dried into the desired shape - which is most often like bricks - that are then stacked with a mud mortar in order to form a wall.

2 - Straw Bale - Straw bale building has become almost main-stream in the Southwestern parts of the United States. Straw is a re-newable resource with excellent insulation properties that has the added benefit of being fire-resistant. Straw bale is also used as infill for timber frame building and also in a load bearing capacity to carry the weight of the roof.

3 - Cob - Cob is a sustainable material that can be traced back to ancient times and is a multi-faceted green building material. Cob structures are made with clay or sand, local earth and with added fi-bers like straw. It is all then made into a stiff mud that is formed into cobs. The materials are then mixed together and applied over a con-crete or stone foundation.

4 - Wood - Wood continues to be one of the most commonly used building materials. However, for natural building purposes, the wood should be renewable and sustainably harvested. Wood is also used for frames, trim and flooring.

5 - Cord wood - Cord wood is similar to what is considered fire-wood. Using cord wood is resource-efficient because this type of wood may not have any other value.

6 - Bamboo - is fast-growing and strong for its weight. The sus-tainable material is used in many building applications. This includes a concrete replacement for rebars and as pins for straw bale building.

7 - Masonry - is also an ancient building material and includes brick and stone. Brick and stone are used for foundations, floors, walls, walkways and landscaping.

8 - Earth bags - are also referred to as sandbags. Long used by the military, they provide a strong protective barrier, especially


against flooding. The success of using earth bags in this capacity has made them useful in a variety of building applications. This includes the building of massive, substantial walls that resist severe weather - as well as bombs and bullets.

9 - Earth - is used to construct different types of homes. A rammed earth technique, used since ancient times, is made up mostly of clay and sand material, then tamped or compressed into place - usually creating a flat vertical surface. The poured earth con-struction technique uses Portland cement as a binder and is then mixed and formed like concrete. The poured earth technique uses or-dinary soil that is required to meet certain specifications.

10 - Reclaimed Materials - help reduce building waste. Modern day construction causes massive amounts of waste during the build-ing process. Building waste reclaimed includes salvaged wood, doors, windows, piping, insulation and chunks of concrete. By using the re-claimed waste in the building process, it serves as a means of reduc-ing the environmental impact on society.

B) Read the text again and make a list of essential topical vocabu-lary (10 to 15 words and word-combinations). Consult a dictionary to finalise the choice of the Russian equivalents.

Discussions 1. How are differnrt building materials used in the construction

industry? 2. Historically, what building materials were widely used earlier

and are no longer popular today? Why? 3. What materials will be used by civil engineers in the coming

centuries, do you think? 4. Are the Russian preferences concerning building materials dif-

ferent from the West European? 5. How can recycled materials be helpful in construction?



A man builds a fine house; and now he has a master, and tasks for life; he is to furnish, watch, show it, and keep it in repair, the rest of his days.

Ralph Waldo Emerson Vocabulary to memorise

building - здание; строение; постройка; дом; строительство, сооружение shelter - приют, кров; пристанище || укрывать; дать приют human habitat ['hæbitæt] – жилище, место обитания человека property ['prɔpəti] - имущество; собственность; свойствo occupancy ['ɔkjupənsi] – населённость; заполненность mortar - известковый раствор; строительный раствор || скреплять раствором cement [sə'ment] - цемент; цементный раствор || цементировать construction [kən'strʌk∫ən] - строительство; конструкция; сооружение; строение frame construction - деревянная каркасная конструкция; рамная конструкция exterior [eks'tiəriə] wall - внутренняя стена framework ['freimwə:k] - рамная конструкция, каркас; остов sheathe [∫i:ð] - обшивать (щитами, досками, планками) wood shingle ['∫iŋgl] - дранка siding - наружная обшивка; сайдинг; облицовка (листовым материалом) veneer [vi'niə] - шпон || облицовывать шпоном; зд. облицовывать кирпичoм terra cotta – терракота; обожжённая глина, керамическое неглазурованное из-делие stucco ['stʌkəu] - наружная штукатурка; штукатурный раствор || штукатурить (снаружи) sheet metal - тонкий листовой металл floor - пол; перекрытие; этаж partition [pa:'ti∫ən] - перегородка; внутренняя стена, простенок living space - жизненное пространство; жилая площадь (дома, квартиры) community [kə'mju:niti] building - общественное здание domestic (residential) building - жилой дом industrial building - промышленное здание recreational building - помещение для отдыха и развлечений house - жилой дом; жилище; помещение || вмещать; поместить (где-л.) home - дом, жилище dwell (dwelt) - жить, обитать; находиться, пребывать


dwelling - жилище, (жилой) дом, жилое помещение apartment building - жилое здание; многоквартирный дом wood-framed – построенный на основе деревянной каркасной конструкции masonry ['meisnri] - кирпичная (каменная) кладка adobe [ə'dəubi] – саман; глинобитное строение; саманное строение garage ['gæra:ʒ] - гараж; авторемонтная мастерская hangar ['hæŋə] - ангар; навес; склад storage facility - сооружение для хранения; хранилище, склад infrastructure - инфраструктура; сети обслуживания; инженерные коммуникации heating ['hi:tiŋ] - обогрев; отопление, отопительная система cooling ['ku:liŋ] - охлаждение power ['pauə] - сила, мощность; энергия wastewater - сточные воды maintenance ['meintənəns] – содержание, уход; текущий ремонт technique [tek'ni:k] - методика, технология; метод availability [ə,veilə'biliti] - наличие; годность comfortable ['kʌmfətəbl] - комфортабельный, удобный healthy ['helƟi] - здоровый; полезный, благотворный; безопасный healthy environment [in'vaiərənmənt] - среда, благоприятная для здоровья че-ловека

Pre-Reading Exercises

Ex.1. Underline the suffixes, state what part of speech they indi-cate and translate the following words into Russian.

Important, environment, cultural, infrastructure, apartment, partition, permanently, shelter, functional, occupancy, masonry, rec-reational, healthy, naturally, significant, maintenance, technological.

Ex. 2. Make up opposition pairs. Couple the following words from

group A with words having the opposite meaning from group B: A) usually, cold, permanent, heating, thick, regular, interior, sig-

nificant, high, natural, require, healthy, available, large, close, in-crease, similar, include, intricate, important, many, with, local, com-fortable;


B) impermanent, global, exterior, artificial, uncomfortable, small, far, decrease, low, unusually, different, insignificant, offer, exclude, cooling, simple, irregular, unimportant, unhealthy, few, without, un-available, warm, thin.

Ex. 3. Make up similarity pairs. Couple the following words from

group A with words close in meaning from group B: A) man-made, construction, to apply, to protect, continuous, unit,

way, divide, building, rock, exterior, domestic, important, component, role, energy, type, development, to function, comprise, near;

B) residential, to shelter, significant, evolution, stone, human-made, to use, involve, element, to operate, division, split, close, kind, house, outside, function, long, manner, power, structure.

Ex. 4. Form verbs from the following nouns according to the

model. Translate both words and comment on the word formation suffixes. Model: exhibition to exhibit.

Building, occupancy, foundation, dwelling, protection, settlement, attractor, construction, storage, communication, maintenance, devel-opment, location, difference, knowledge, decision.

Ex. 5. Give derivatives (adjectives) of the following words and

translate them: to invent, to relate, to produce, to function, industry, distance,

nature, comfort, to differ, health, to locate, structure, to create, soci-ety, base, culture.

Ex. 6. Choose a synonym or the correct explanation for the word

in bold type from the three suggested words or word combinations given below.

1. permanently adv. A. indefinitely long B. for a short period C. no longer


2. maintenance n. A. first in importance B. construction C. servicing

of buildings and correction 3. residential adj.

A. President’s residence B. suitable for living C. having residence problems

4. healthy adj. A. having good health B. needing health C. patient

in hospital 5. dwelling n.

A. doing well B. being a resident C. place of residence

6. shape n. A. outer form B. size C. pressure

7. change v. A. to make different B. to enlarge C. to make less

8. plaster n. A. piece of timber B. mixture of flour C. soft mixture

and water of lime, sand, water

9. property n. A. physical power B. special feature C. long, narrow

passage 10. increase v.

A. to make better B. to make smaller C. to make in size greater in size

Ex. 7. Translate the following word combinations: real estate; used for sheltering; human habitat; to protect some-

body’s property; direct harsh effect; a civil engineering construction; frame construction; walls of wooden framework; sheathed with wood; serve the needs of society; to provide privacy; to store belongings; residential buildings; multi-million dollar high-rise buildings; adobe dwellings; to house thousands of people; settlement density; close to


work; similar attractors; storage facilities; extremely intricate systems; to require regular maintenance; to comply with basic functions; to last for many years; due to cultural differences; to resist the cold; require a lot of knowledge; availability of materials.

Scan text 1 “BUILDINGS AND THEIR TYPES” and define the func-

tions of the units marked I, II and III. Read the text again and do the text-based exercises coming after

the text.


I. In architecture, construction, engineering and real estate devel-opment the word ‘building’ may refer to any human-made structure used for sheltering any use or for continuous residence.

II. 1. A building as a shelter represents a physical division of the human habitat standing more or less permanently. It is a place of comfort and safety which protects a human being and his property from direct harsh effect of weather like rain, wind, sun.

The buildings all differ in the manner of their construction, use, or occupancy.

A building is a civil engineering construction which is raised on a foundation and is generally made of stone, concrete blocks, bricks and mortar or cement. Frame construction embraces all buildings with exterior walls of wooden framework sheathed with wood shingles or siding; veneered with brick, stone, or terra cotta; or covered with stucco or sheet metal. Such buildings naturally have floors and parti-tions of wood. Buildings serve several needs of society, primarily as shelter from weather and as general living space, to provide privacy, to store belongings and to comfortably live and work.

2. Types of buildings depend upon social functions and may be classified according to the role in the community. The types of build-ings may be domestic, educational, office, industrial, recreational, etc.


Residential buildings are called houses/homes, though buildings containing large numbers of separate dwelling units are often called apartment buildings (blocks) to differentiate them from the more 'in-dividual' house.

Building types may range from one-room wood-framed, masonry, or adobe dwellings to multi-million dollar high-rise buildings able to house thousands of people. Increasing settlement density in buildings (and closer distances between buildings) is usually a response to high ground prices resulting from many people wanting to live close to work or similar attractors.

Industrial buildings comprise another significant type of construc-tion. This type of construction involves factories, laboratories, food-processing plants, mines, office buildings, stores, garages, hangars and other storage facilities, exhibition halls, etc.

3. Any building requires a certain amount of internal infrastructure to function, which includes such elements like heating and cooling, power and telecommunications, water and wastewater etc. Especially in commercial buildings (such as offices or factories), these can be ex-tremely intricate systems taking up large amounts of space (sometimes located in separate areas) and require regular maintenance.

The building of houses is fundamental for human development. It is very important for family and for general social development. The house is a place to live in, so it must be comfortable and healthy.

So, to be a good house it must comply with a few basic functions. • It should be a functional and healthy environment for those that

live in it. • Inside one must be protected from wind, cold, heat, rain, sand

and dust. • It should last for many years without requiring much mainte-

nance. 4. Houses vary according to their location; they change due to

cultural differences and also due to the local resources available to create them. In cold places houses must be more compact and have


thick walls and small windows to resist the cold; they also have heat-ing systems. In the forest areas the houses are made from wood, in the mountains they are made from stone, in areas with clay they are made from brick. In areas where there is seismic activity it is impor-tant to consider this when designing the structure of the house.

III. Many types of houses are difficult to build as they require a lot of knowledge and work to create them. The techniques of construc-tion or the methods by which structures are formed from particular materials are influenced not only by the availability and character of materials but also by the total technological development of society.

Post-Reading Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 8. Insert into the sentences the right word or word group from the box.

available; settlement density; foundation; regular maintenance; apartment buildings; human habitat; technological development; a good house; be protected; sheathed with; without requiring; seismic activity

1. A building as a shelter represents a physical division of the ______ standing permanently. 2. A building is a civil engineering con-struction which is raised on a ______ . 3. Frame construction embraces all buildings with exterior walls of wooden framework ______ wood shingles or siding. 4. Buildings containing large numbers of separate dwelling units are often called ______ (blocks). 5. Increasing ______ in buildings and closer distances between buildings is usually a response to high ground prices. 6. In commercial buildings there can be ex-tremely intricate systems requiring ______ . 7. To be ______ the build-ing must comply with a few basic functions. 8. The building should last for many years ______ much maintenance. 9. The types of houses change due to the local resources ______ to create them. 10. In areas


where there is ______ it is important to consider this when designing the structure of the house. 11. The techniques of construction are in-fluenced by the total ______ of the society. 12. Inside the house one must ______ from wind, cold, heat, rain, sand and dust.

Ex. 9. Complete the sentences. 1. The word ‘building’ may refer to … . 2. A building as a shelter

represents … . 3. A building is generally made of … . 4. Buildings serve several needs of society … . 5. According to the role in the community the buildings may be … . 6. Residential buildings are called … . 7. Industrial buildings involve … . 8. Internal infrastructure includes such elements like … . 9. To be a good house the building must comply with … . 10. In cold places houses must be … . 11. In ar-eas where there is seismic activity … . 12. The techniques of construc-tion are influenced by … .

Text-Based Exercises

Ex. 10. Say which of the following issues are considered in the text. If they are, say to which paragraphs they belong:

- types of buildings, - differences in building traditions, - building houses from steel and other metals, - wooden frame constructions, - residential buildings, - the role of knowledge and technological development, - building as a place of comfort and safety, - the use of plastics for construction, - internal infrastructures of modern buildings, - the basic functions of a good house, - social needs for buildings (shelter, privacy, comfort, etc.), - buildings of the future.


Ex. 11. Arrange the sentences in the logical sequence of the text above.

A) The buildings all differ in the manner of their construction, use or occupancy.

B) The building protects a human being from harsh effect of weather like rain, wind, sun.

C) Increasing settlement density in buildings is usually a response to high ground prices.

D) Many types of houses are difficult to build as they require a lot of knowledge and work to create them.

E) Types of buildings depend upon social functions and may be classified according to the role in the community.

F) In areas where there is seismic activity it is important to con-sider this when designing the house.

G) The house is a place to live in, so it must be comfortable and healthy.

H) The word ‘building’ may refer to any human-made structure used for sheltering any use or for continuous residence.

I) Houses vary due to cultural differences and also due to the lo-cal resources available to create them.

J) Frame construction embraces all buildings with exterior walls of wooden framework.

K) Industrial buildings comprise factories, laboratories, office buildings, stores, garages, etc.

Ex. 12. Find the key sentences in all the passages of the text: 1. 2. 3. 4. … Ex. 13. Choose a sentence (two or three) to elicit the main idea for

each of the four parts of the text.


Ex. 14. Summarise the text. For each of the parts give the key statement and support it with the chosen additional information.

Grammar Consolidation Exercises

Ex. 15. Find in Text 1 sentence with modal verbs may, can, must, should. Translate them into Russian.

Ex. 16. Translate the sentences with modal verbs may, can, must,

should and their equivalents. Pay attention to the form of the accom-panying infinitive.

1. Homes can be build from rough lumber (or even logs), com-pressed earth blocks, or modern materials like aluminum, glass, and vinyl. 2. We are required to spend a great deal of time indoors. Ac-cordingly, it is important that our houses should be a place where we can feel at home. 3. Beams generally carry vertical gravitational forces but can also be used to carry horizontal loads. 4. Many of the stone-built structures can still be seen today in the old town of Edinburgh. 5. You must have a piece of land on which your house can be built, then you should ask an architect or builder to find out if there are any re-strictions or limitations on building in the area. 6. It should be taken into account that usually plywood sidings must be painted in order to save them from decay. 7. Domestic timber stairs must be designed for safe and comfortable use by people of different ages. 8. Houses can be classified on the basis of the style of architecture or construction designs. 9. Materials for interior decoration of residential and public buildings, gardens and parks, etc. should be durable and strong. 10. After the plot of land has been chosen, and it is then time to decide what kind of house is to be built. 11. The structural engineer must design structures to be safe for their users and to successfully fulfill the function they are designed for. 12. Care should be taken to select bricks suitable for the climate in question. 13. If the mixing is to be done by hand the materials must be screened to remove any lumps of lime. 14. The structural design of a modern building can be extremely


complex, and requires a large team to complete. 15. The painting is usually finished in the rooms where the cabinets are to be installed first; when the painting is finished the flooring should be done.

Ex. 17. А) Study the meanings and use of some conversion words.

Shelter (кров, приют || укрывать, служить убежищем); house (дом, жилище || вмещать, предоставлять жилище); function (назначение, функция || функционировать, действовать); effect (результат, следствие; воздействие || воздействовать); veneer (шпон || облицовывать (шпоном, кирпичом); cover (крышка; колпачок || закрывать крышкой); need (необходимость, нужда || нуждаться); store (запас, резерв || хранить, сохранять; запасать), etc.

B) Translate the sentences. 1. The word ‘building’ refers to any human-made structure used

for sheltering any use. Buildings serve as shelter from weather and as general living space to provide privacy.

Many types of houses are difficult to build as they require a lot of knowledge and work to create them. Building types may range from one-room dwellings to high-rise buildings able to house thousands of people.

Types of buildings depend upon social functions and are classi-fied according to the role in the community. Any building requires a certain amount of internal infrastructure to function.

2. The building protects from direct harsh effect of weather Frame construction embraces all buildings with exterior walls of wooden framework veneered with brick, stone, or terra cotta; or cov-ered with stucco or sheet metal. Buildings serve to store belongings and to comfortably live and work.

Ex. 18. Prepositions and the verbs (which they accompany) are

closely linked semantically, so it is very important to memorise such verbs with the prepositions they take. Write out these verbs from the exercise. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. To be a good house it must comply with a few basic functions 2. Increasing settlement density in buildings is usually a response to high ground prices resulting from many people wanting to live close to work. 3. Types of buildings depend upon social functions and may be classified according to the role in the community. 4. The word ‘building’ may refer to any human-made structure used for sheltering. 5. The buildings differ in the manner of their construction, use, or oc-cupancy. 6. It is a big job in itself just to do the new home plans, oversee construction and deal with the numerous, sometimes com-plex, situations involved in home designs and house building. 7. A building permit is a basic requirement in many areas, particularly for permanent construction, which is to comply with local codes and zoning requirements. 8. The book will help you through the building process and provide you with the information you need to make deci-sions. 9. In some sites you will find many tips and plans on dealing with construction problems.

Scan text 2 “BUILDING HOUSES” and find the paragraph which de-

scribes: - the bricklayer’s work and responsibilities, - the plumber’s work and responsibilities, - the preparations for building a house, surveying and planning, - the joiner’s work, - digging trenches and laying the foundation, - the carpenter’s work, - the finishing stages in construction, - building the roof. Read text 2 more thoroughly. Consult the list of additional vocabu-

lary. Be ready to do the assignments after the text.


Most houses are built of wood, brick, stone and concrete. In the construction the first step to make is a careful survey of the site.


A surveyor measures the plot of land or site and makes a plan of it. Af-ter the plot of land has been chosen, and it is then time to decide what kind of house is to be built. An architect draws pictures of what the house will look like when it is built. He draws plans to show the size of the house, the shape of the rooms and where all the fittings must go in the house. Every detail of a house must be carefully planned. The working plan itself is called a blueprint. Without a blueprint the work-men would make all sorts of mistakes and waste a lot of time.

Further on quite a lot of people work together to make the house. The building process takes place under the supervision of foremen and engineers, and the structure is put up by bricklayers, carpenters, plasterers, plumbers, painters, locksmiths, glass-cutters, etc.

Copies of the plan are made and are given to the builder. The builder then marks out the shape of the house on the site. He does this with wooden pegs and tape. Everything is now ready for the workmen to start. They dig away the top-soil and cut trenches about two or three metres deep along the tapes. The workmen mix cement, sand, pebbles and water in a cement mixer to make concrete. They use the concrete to fill in the bottoms of the trenches. This is called laying the foundations. The walls of the house will be built on the concrete foundations.

The man who builds walls is called a bricklayer. The bricks are stuck together with mortar. When the walls of the house are too high for the bricklayer to reach, the first scaffold is made. A scaffold is a platform of planks for the workmen to stand on. This is usually held up by a frame of steel tubes. Extra scaffolds are put up as the workmen need them. As the bricklayer works he often looks at the plans. Then he will know where to build in the doors, windows and ventilators.

A carpenter now begins to work. He is the man who does the rough woodwork of the house. When the walls are at the level of the first floor he puts in the wooden floor joists. These are strong wooden beams which will carry the upstairs floors and hold up the ceilings in the downstairs rooms. Then the joiner fixes the window-ledges and when the walls are plastered he fixes the doors and other woodwork.


Today most of the woodwork is made at a joinery works. At the joinery works, machines plane the wood smooth and cut it to the right size. Machines also make the joints ready for the men to fit the pieces together. Doors, window frames and even the stairs all come to the building site on lorries. They are ready to be fixed in the houses.

A lot of strong timber which we cannot see is used to make a roof. The highest beam is called the ridge. The sloping beams are called rafters. When the roof is on, many different workmen can come and finish off the house.

Plumbers work on all the water pipes of the house. They lay pipes to carry clean water into the house from the water mains. Plumbers also lay pipes to carry waste water away to the sewers.

Glaziers put glass in the window frames to keep out the wind and the rain. When all the wires and pipes are in place the house is ready for the plasterers. They are the men who make the ceilings and walls nice and smooth. The joiners finish all the woodwork in the house, and leave it ready for the painters and decorators.

Additional Vocabulary

to make a survey ['sə:vei] - производить топографическую съемку (геофизическое исследование) surveyor [sə:'veiə] - землемер; топограф, маркшейдер; геодезист fittings ['fitiŋ] - фурнитура; электроарматура blueprint ['blu:print] – чертёж, синька || изготавливать чертёж supervision [,sju:pə'viʒən] - надзор, наблюдение; контроль foreman ['fɔ:mən] - мастер; бригадир bricklayer ['brik,leiə] - каменщик carpenter ['ka:pintə] - плотник, столяр plaster ['pla:stə] - гипс; штукатурка || штукатурить plasterer ['pla:stərə] - штукатур plumber ['plʌmə] - водопроводчик, слесарь-сантехник painter - маляр; художник locksmith ['lɔksmiƟ] - слесарь, специалист по замкам glass-cutter ['gla:s,kʌtə] - стеклорез, стекольщик wooden peg - кол, колышек


tape - рулетка; мерная лента; лента, тесьма workman (pl. workmen) ['wə:kmən] - работник, рабочий cut a trench [trent∫] - рыть ров, канаву, окоп, траншею pebbles ['pebl] - галька; мелкий щебень; булыжник cement mixer - бетономешалка lay foundation - закладывать фундамент scaffold ['skæfəld] - строительные леса; рабочая платформа (на высоте) planks [plæŋk] - тёс woodwork ['wudwə:k] - плотничные работы; столярные работы joist [dʒɔist] - брус, балка; перекладина, стропило beam [bi:m] - балка; брус ceiling ['si:liɳ] - потолок; полог joiner ['dʒɔinə] - столяр; плотник; строгальный станок joinery ['dʒɔinəri] - столярно-отделочная работа; столярное ремесло window-ledge - (наружный) подоконник plane - рубанок; уровень || строгать; выравнивать roof [ru:f] - крыша, кровля ridge [ridʒ] - конёк крыши rafter - стропило; балка water pipe - водопроводная труба water mains - водопроводная сеть wastewater - сточные воды sewer ['sjuə] - канализационный коллектор; канализационная труба || прокла-дывать канализационный коллектор glazier ['gleizjə] - стекольщик wire ['waiə] - провод decorator ['dekəreitə] - дизайнер, оформитель, декоратор

Reading Comprehension Exercise

Ex. 19. Say if it is true or false. Correct the wrong statements and quote the relevant information from the text.

1. A surveyor draws pictures to show what the house will look like when it is built.

2. The architect draws plans and indicates the size of the house, the shape of the rooms and where all the fittings must go in the house.


3. Without a surveyor’s plan the workmen would make all sorts of mistakes and waste a lot of time.

4. The building process takes place under the supervision of foremen and engineers.

5. The builder marks out the shape of the house on the site with stones and nails.

6. The workmen dig away the top-soil and cut trenches along the tapes.

7. A foundation is a platform of planks for the bricklayers to stand on. 8. The builder often looks at the plans to know where to build in

the doors, windows and ventilators. 9. The carpenter does the rough woodwork of the house. 10. The wooden floor joists carry the upstairs floors and hold up

the ceilings in the downstairs rooms. 11. At the plumber’s works machines plane wood smooth and cut

it to the right size. 12. Doors, window frames and stairs come to the building site

ready to be fixed in the houses. 13. The highest strong beam in the roof is called a rafter. 14. The plumber’s work is to put glass in the window frames. 15. The plasterers make the ceilings and walls nice and smooth.

Vocabulary and Grammar Consolidation Exercises

Ex. 20. Phrasal verbs are semantically indivisible. They need spe-cial efforts to memorise and require much practice.

А) Study the list below and memorise the meaning of the phrasal verbs.

B) Translate the sentences with the phrasal verbs from texts 1 and 2 and some more examples:

hold up - поддерживать, подпирать fill in - заполнить, залить take up - занимать (место) build in - встраивать, вделывать keep out - не допускать, не впускать carry away - уносить, выводить finish off – доделать, завершить dig away - выкапывать put in - устанавливать


1. The structure is put up by bricklayers, carpenters, plasterers, plumbers, painters, locksmiths, glass-cutters, etc. 2. The builder marks out the shape of the house on the site. 3. The workmen dig away the top-soil and cut trenches. 4. The workmen use the concrete to fill in the bottoms of the trenches. 5. The bricklayer will know where to build in the doors, windows and ventilators. 6. When the walls are at the level of the first floor he puts in the wooden floor joists. 7. The strong wooden beams will hold up the ceilings in the downstairs rooms. 8. When the roof is on, many different workmen can come and finish off the house. 9. Plumbers lay pipes to carry waste water away to the sewers. 10. Glaziers put glass in the window frames to keep out the wind and the rain. 11. The internal infrastruc-ture includes extremely intricate systems taking up large amounts of space. 12. All electrical work, inside and outside the house, must be carried out by a qualified electrician. 13. Cabinet sales person should come down and mark out the layout of all the cabinets. 14. Mansard roof is made up of four slopes, two on each side of the home. 15. Houses in regions with heavy rainfall or snow have slopping roofs to allow rainwater or melted snow to slide off easily. 16. Failing to plan such a huge project in detail can result in various elements of the job being built in the wrong order, slowing the project down and increas-ing the budget.

Ex. 21. The verbs to do and to make are semantically close but

their combinability is different, compare: to do the woodwork / to make a house.

А) In text 2 find the verb to make and all the V + N combinations, as make a step, make a survey, etc. (10 word groups). Such word groups very often become set expressions (устойчивые выражения): to make a house ‘построить дом’.

B) Translate the sentences with do and make (V + N combinations). 1. In the construction the first step to make is a careful survey of

the site.


2. A surveyor measures the plot of land or site and makes a plan of it.

3. Without a blueprint the workmen would make all sorts of mis-takes and waste a lot of time.

4. Further on quite a lot of people work together to make the house.

5. Copies of the plan are made and are given to the builder. 6. The workmen mix cement, sand, pebbles and water in a ce-

ment mixer to make concrete. 7. When the walls of the house are too high for the bricklayer to

reach, the first scaffold is made. 8. Today most of the woodwork is made at a joinery works. 9. Machines also make the joints ready for the men to fit the

pieces together. 10. They are the men who make the ceilings and walls nice and

smooth. 11. Building or buying a home is a very hard test and enormous

responsibility. It’s pretty easy to do wrong and if you do you pull all your life.

12. Maintenance shall be done every four to nine years, depend-ing of the quality of the wood.

13. I have a stone and mortar basement; we did extensive exca-vating to seal the outside of the foundation and also put in drains around the house.

14. You can do a search on the internet before deciding to build something.

15. Computations are done by structural engineers for high rise buildings for the proper size of foundations.

Ex. 22. Eхpress the following in one word, using the suffix

-er/-or. Model: The person who reads is a reader. The person who builds is a builder.


1. The person who creates is ... . 2. The person whose occupation is to produce is ... . 3. The person whose occupation is to construct is ... . 4. The person whose occupation is to decorate is ... . The person who is visiting is ... . 6. The person who designs is … . 7. The person who lives in London is … . 8. The person who lives in a village is ... . 9. The person who lives in New York is ... . 10. The person who lives in Syktyvkar is ... .

Ex. 23. Look through a list of names of occupations and profes-

sions. Consult a dictionary if you are not sure about some of the names.

1. a miner 15. a bricklayer 2. a doctor 16. a locksmith 3. a teacher 17. a mechanic 4. a builder 18. a student 5. a dentist 19. a watchmaker 6. a farmer 20. a musician 7. a pilot 21. a writer 8. a shoemaker 22. an actor 9. an architect 23. a singer 10. a fisherman 24. a designer 11. a driver 25. a welder 12. a painter 26. a building engineer 13. a carpenter 27. a plasterer 14. a photographer

А) Say a few sentences about the professions listed above. Model:

A miner is a worker. He works in a mine. He mines coal or other minerals. B) Say a few words about the different professions of your friends

and relations. Ex. 24. Translate the sentences with is called / are called. The man who builds walls is called a bricklayer. The highest beam of the roof is called the ridge.


The sloping beams are called rafters. The workmen mix cement, sand, pebbles and water in a cement

mixer to make concrete. They use the concrete to fill in the bottoms of the trenches. This is called laying the foundations.

Solid brick masonry is made of two or more layers of bricks with the units running horizontally (called "stretcher" bricks) bound to-gether with bricks running transverse to the wall (called "header" bricks). Each row of bricks is known as a course.

Residential buildings are called houses/homes, though buildings containing large numbers of separate dwelling units are often called apartment buildings/blocks to differentiate them from the more 'indi-vidual' house.

Ex. 25. Answer the following questions and then make up your own

sentences to describe something or somebody or some procedure. 1. What is called a survey? 2. What is called a scaffold? 3. What is called plastering? 4. What is called joinery? 5. Who is called a plumber? 6. Who is called a glazier? 7. Who is called a surveyor? 8. Who is called a carpenter? Ex. 26. Text 2 has several sentences with infinitives in the func-

tion of adverbial modifier of purpose, e. g.: The workmen mix cement, sand, pebbles and water in a cement mixer to make concrete. - ‘Рабо-чие смешивают в бетономешалке цемент, песок, щебень и воду, чтобы получить бетон’.

А) Translate the sentences with simple infinitives and for-phrases. 1. The architect draws plans to show the size of the house, the

shape of the rooms and where all the fittings must go in the house. 2. The workmen mix cement, sand, pebbles and water in a cement

mixer to make concrete.


3. The workmen use the concrete to fill in the bottoms of the trenches.

4. Machines make the joints ready for the men to fit the pieces together.

5. Plumbers lay pipes to carry clean water into the house from the water mains.

6. Plumbers also lay pipes to carry waste water away to the sewers. 7. Scaffolds are made of tubes and planks for the workmen to

stand on. 8. Glaziers put glass in the window frames to keep out the wind

and the rain. B) Make up similar sentences based on the suggested situations

from text 2. 1. A surveyor measures the plot of land or site and makes a plan of it. 2. The architect makes a blueprint and the workmen would make

no mistakes and waste no time. 3. As the bricklayer works he often looks at the plans. Then he

will know where to build in the doors, windows and ventilators. 4. Doors, window frames and even the stairs all come to the

building site on lorries. They are ready to be fixed in the houses. 5. Plasterers do their work and make the ceilings and walls nice

and smooth. Ex. 27. Translate the sentences with the verb-predicate in the

Passive Voice. 1. A building is a civil engineering construction which is raised on

a foundation and is generally made of stone, concrete blocks, bricks and mortar or cement.

2. The techniques of construction or the methods by which struc-tures are formed from particular materials are influenced not only by the availability and character of materials.

3. They are also being influenced by the total technological devel-opment of society.


4. After the plot of land has been chosen, and it is then time to decide what kind of house is to be built.

5. An architect draws pictures of what the house will look like when it is built.

6. Copies of the plan are made and are given to the builder. 7. The walls of the house will be built on the concrete foundations. 8. When the walls are plastered the joiner fixes the doors and

other woodwork. 9. Once the ground conditions have been calculated and the foun-

dation widths have been decided, the depth of concrete must be worked out.

Ex. 28. Choose the right form (active or passive) of the verb. Different workmen (employ / are employed) in building a house.

The stonemason (builds / is built) the foundation. The bricklayer (is built / builds) the walls and other parts made of bricks. He (lays / is laid) the bricks one on the top of another and (is put / puts) mortar between them with a trowel. The slater or tiler (employ / is employed) for putting slates or tiles on the roof. The plumber (is fixed / fixes) all the baths, water pipes and the sanitary fittings of drains and lavatories in the places marked for them in the plan drawn by the architect. The electri-cian (runs / is run) electric wires and (is made / makes) connections all through the house from the cellars under ground to the attics under the roof. All the doors and window-frames (make / are made) by the car-penter and (are put / put) into their places by the joiner. The latter also (lays / are laid) down the floor. Then the plasterer (puts / is put) plaster or cement over all the walls and ceilings and (is made / makes) them smooth. Then the walls (paint / are painted), papered or whitewashed.

Ex. 29. Transform the sentences with the verb-predicate in the

Passive Voice into the Active forms. Model: Most houses are built of wood, brick, stone and concrete. They (engineers, people …) build houses of wood, brick, stone and concrete.


1. The working plan of the house is called a blueprint. 2. The bricks are stuck together with mortar. 3. When the walls of the house are too high for the bricklayer to

reach, the first scaffold is made. 4. Extra scaffolds are put up as the workmen need them. 5. Today most of the woodwork is made at a joinery works. 6. Computations are done by structural engineers for buildings

for the proper size of foundations. Ex. 30. Transform the sentences with the verb-predicate in the

Active Voice into the Passive. Model: A surveyor measures the plot of land. The plot of land is measured (by a surveyor).

1. The architect draws plans to show the size of the house, the shape of the rooms.

2. The builder then marks out the shape of the house on the site. 3. They use the concrete to fill in the bottoms of the trenches. 4. Machines plane the wood smooth and cut it to the right size. 5. Plumbers lay pipes to carry clean water into the house. Ex. 31. Translate the sentences with modal verbs. Pay special at-

tention to passive Infinitives. 1. The word ‘building’ may refer to any human-made structure

used for sheltering any use or for continuous residence. 2. Types of buildings depend upon social functions and may be

classified according to the role in the community. 3. In commercial buildings the internal infrastructure can be ex-

tremely intricate and require regular maintenance. 4. The house is a place to live in, so it must be comfortable and

healthy. 5. To be a good house it must comply with a few basic functions. 6. It should be a functional and healthy environment for those

that live in it.


7. Inside one must be protected from wind, cold, heat, rain, sand and dust.

8. It should last for many years without requiring much mainte-nance.

9. In cold places houses must be more compact and have thick walls and small windows to resist the cold.

10. Every detail of a house must be carefully planned. Ex. 32. Translate sentences with modal verbs and equivalents. 1. The structural engineer must design structures to be safe for

their users and to successfully fulfill the function they are designed for. 2. A new house has to be insulated in order to reduce heating costs and to save money. 3. If non-concrete (clay-based) brick is to be used, care should be taken to select bricks suitable for the climate in question. 4. If the mixing is to be done by hand the materials must be screened to remove any lumps of lime. 5. Using good design princi-ples, construction techniques also need to be considered. 6. Clean soft water only should be used for the purpose of making mortar. 7. The structural design of a modern building can be extremely complex, and requires a large team to complete. 8. After the painting has been finished the flooring should be done in those rooms where the cabi-nets are to be installed first. 9. Bricks used during frosty weather should be quite dry, and those that have been exposed to rain or frost should never be employed. 10. Steel may be classified as iron with the controlled amount of carbon. 11. The designer determines the size of the walls, the parts which make up the framework. He also decides how they are to be spaced and arranged. 12. Foundations are to keep the floors and walls from contact with the soil. 13. Before you actually build a house there are a lot of things you must do first. 14. You must have a piece of land on which your house can be built, then you should ask an architect or builder to find out if there are any restric-tions or limitations on building in the area. 15. Tall skyscrapers are very heavy, which means that they must be built on a sturdier founda-tion than would be required for shorter, lighter buildings.


Ex. 33. Underline the words ending in –ing and identify their func-tions. These forms may be verbal nouns, present participles or gerunds. Prove your point. Translate the sentences into Russian.

BUILDING In architecture, construction, engineering and real estate devel-

opment the word ‘building’ may refer to one of the following: any man-made structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or continuous occupancy, or an act of construction (i. e. the activity of building).

Buildings serve several needs of society - primarily as shelter from weather and as general living space, to provide privacy, to store be-longings and to comfortably live and work.

Residential buildings are called houses/homes, though buildings containing large numbers of separate dwelling units are often called apartment houses (blocks) to differentiate them from the more 'indi-vidual' house.

Building types may range from one-room wood-framed, masonry, or adobe dwellings to multi-million dollar high-rise buildings able to house thousands of people. Increasing settlement density in buildings (and closer distances between buildings) is usually a response to high ground prices resulting from many people wanting to live close to work or similar attractors. Multi-story buildings aim to increase the area of the building without increasing the area of the land the build-ing is built on, hence saving land and, in most cases, money (depend-ing on material used and land prices in the area).

Any building requires internal infrastructure, which includes such elements like heating and cooling, water and wastewater, etc.

Ex. 34. Translate the sentences with –ing forms into Russian. 1. From caves to modern well built buildings, houses are fulfilling

the need of shelter and protection for humans in every age. 2. The main reason of using clay is its ability to keep the house cool in sum-


mers and warm in winter. 3. Then you usually need a building permit to start building your house. 4. Construction workers start digging holes for the footings, which support the walls of the house. 5. The footings are made by pouring concrete into forms that reach down below the frost line so that the house cannot move when it freezes in winter. 6. The roofs are built of different materials, depending on the climate and amount of rainfall. 7. Western-style buildings are slowly replacing traditional houses in the Middle East and Asia. 8. A beam is a structural element that is capable of withstanding load primarily by resisting bending. 9. An early example of a city consisting entirely of high-rise housing is the 16th-century city of Shibam in Yemen. 10. An early modern example of high-rise housing was in 17th-century Edinburgh, Scotland, where a defensive city wall defined the bounda-ries of the city. 11. A steel frame supports the entire weight of the walls, instead of load-bearing walls carrying the weight of the build-ing. 12. Large cities currently experiencing increased skyscraper con-struction include Toronto, London, Shanghai, Dubai, and Miami, which now is third in the United States. 13. The record for world's tallest building remained in Asia with the opening of Taipei 101 in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2004. 14. At the time Taipei 101 broke the half-kilometer mark in height, it was already technically possible to build structures towering over a kilometer above the ground.

Reading Practice

Read text 3 “HOUSING” divided into parts. Find answers to the questions which come before each of the coming passages.


1. What does the construction of a house start with? Houses are built of wood, brick, stone and concrete. A lot of

houses are built of prefabricated blocks (prefabs). All the parts of such houses are produced on an industrial scale in factories and assembled


on the spot. The building process takes place under the supervision of foremen and engineers. The structure is put up by bricklayers, car-penters, plasterers, plumbers, painters, locksmiths, glass-cutters, etc. In the construction of a house the first step is to make a careful survey of the site and to examine the soil in order to find its bearing power. Next, the building lines are staked out. After this, the foundations are built. The excavation is dug for the basement and then followed by the actual building of the foundation walls below ground level. Then the foundation work is finished by providing anchoring sills. That is the case of a wooden building.

2. What work is the designer responsible for when building a house?

In the case of a brick structure, the building of the walls may be directly proceeded with. Foundations are to keep the floors and walls from contact with the soil, to act against the action of the frost and to prevent from settlement. The part upon which the stability of the structure depends is the framework. It carries the loads which are im-posed on it. To do this work properly and safely the floors, walls, roofs and other parts of the construction must be correctly designed and proportioned. The designer determines the size of the walls, the floor joists, the beams, the girders and the parts which make up the framework. He also decides how they are to be spaced and arranged.

3. What is a lintel and where is it used? The building of a wall consists in laying down courses of bricks

and bonding them together with mortar. The instrument used by the bricklayer is called a trowel. In order to shape the brick to the neces-sary size or to chip it, the brick chisel and the hammer are used. Walls are constructed to enclose areas and to support the weight of floors and roofs. The walls may be solid and hollow. Besides brick, stone, concrete and other natural and artificial materials are used for the construction of walls. When doors or windows are to be made, a lintel is usually inserted in the wall above the opening. The entrance leading into the house from the street is called the front door, from the yard –


the back door. The sashes are placed in position only later and so, of course, are the window panes. The panes are fastened in with the help of glazier's putty. Walls may be either covered with wall-paper or only plastered. In both cases, lathwork is first made which is subsequently covered with plaster. The chief instruments used by the plasterer are the trowel and the float.

4. How are floor boards laid? Storeys are separated by several successive layers: the firestop

joists and rough flooring. The regular flooring is placed upon the rough floor, being supported by stringers and girders. The staircase leads to the upper floors. The staircase consists of stairs (steps). When we as-cend or descend from step to step we hold on to the banisters (hand-rails). The steps between two landings are called a flight of stairs. Floor boards are laid in several different ways. Of these the more usual are: plain jointed, when the boards are simply laid side by side, a nail is be-ing driven in through the boards into each joist. Tongued and grooved, one board can first be nailed and the other board, upon being slipped into it, will be kept down by the form of the joint. Thus the nails are prevented from appearing on the surface of the floor.

5. What materials are usually used for covering the roof of the building?

The whole structure is crowned by the roof which covers the build-ing and protects it from exposure to the weather. It ties the walls and gives strength to the structure. A complete roof consists of covering, sheathing, rafters, purlins (стропильные поперечины) and roof trusses. The covering is the outer or weather-resisting coating of the roof. The materials mostly used for the covering are shingles, slate (шифер), tiles and iron. The sheathing is the layer of boards or other material to which the covering is attached. The rafters are the inclined beams which support the sheathing. The purlins support the rafters. The roof trusses are the frames which support the roof and transmit its weight to the walls or columns of a building. The wall-plates are plates which are laid on top of the wall to distribute the weight transmitted by the trusses. The ridge is the highest horizontal line of the roof.


6. Who are the elements of internal infrastructure fixed by? After the building of the house proper is completed there will be

need to make a number of connections. The plumber fixes all the baths, water pipes and the sanitary fittings of drains and lavatories in the places marked for them in the plan drawn by the architect. The electrician runs electric wires and makes connections all through the house from the cellars under ground to the attics under the roof.

Read text 4 “HOUSES AND HOMES”. A) Read the text without a dictionary. Guess the meaning of the

unknown words that you may come across.


Houses are buildings that people can live, eat and sleep in. They protect you from dangers and bad weather. Most houses show the life-styles, traditions and cultures of the people who live in them. Homes and houses have different shapes and sizes. They are built of different materials that depending on the climate of the area you live in.

Building materials Long ago, people built homes with whatever building materials

that they had. In Africa and some islands of the South Pacific they used grass or leaves that grew nearby. In the south-western part of the United States the Pueblo Indians used sun-dried bricks to build their houses.

Even though today you can transport materials all over the world, it is still easier and cheaper to use the materials that are at hand. There are four basic kinds of material that are used today.

In the northern part of North America and in northern Europe wood has been the main building material for many centuries. Early settlers in America built log cabins and in Scandinavia people de-signed wooden houses with large beams and balconies.

Brick is among the oldest and most popular building material. It lasts long and is easy to get. Brick is often used to build row houses.


Early Dutch settlers brought bricks across the Atlantic to build their first houses.

Stone is the longest lasting of all building materials. Weather can-not destroy it so much and insects and animals cannot bore into it as they can into wood. Stone has been used for many centuries because it cannot be destroyed by fire. It has been used for all sorts of houses, from palaces to farmers' cottages.

In modern buildings we use concrete instead of stone and brick. It is cheaper and can be produced almost everywhere. Concrete is a mixture of sand, broken stones, water and other materials. Cement is added to hold it together. Steel rods are often put into the concrete, to hold it together when buildings get higher.

Building a house Before you actually build a house there are lot of things you must

do first. You must have a piece of land on which your house can be built, then you should ask an architect or builder to find out if there are any restrictions or limitations on building in the area. A construc-tion drawing of the house shows the size, order of the rooms, where doors and windows are and other details. Then you usually need a building permit to start building your house.

The foundation supports your house. Construction workers start digging holes for the footings, which support the walls of the house. They are made by pouring concrete into forms that reach down below the frost line so that the house cannot move when it freezes in winter. The area that is below the ground is called the basement or cellar. Many basements have extra rooms that are used for the house’s heat-ing or for storage. Not all houses have basements, those in wet re-gions are often put on stilts.

The frame is the skeleton around which the rest of the house is built. Workers put beams into the foundation that support the outside walls. Slabs are the horizontal parts of the frame that separate the floors. When the frame is finished the walls are raised.


The roof protects the house from rain and sun. Some roofs are flat others are slanted to lead rain and snow down. They are built of dif-ferent materials, depending on the climate and amount of rainfall.

Interior construction When the outside of the house is finished you must start working

on the interior. Windows, doors have to be built into the frame. Wires must be laid for electricity and power. Plumbers install the pipes through which water flows. A new house has to be insulated in order to reduce heating costs and to save money. Most houses have central heating system. A furnace or boiler, mostly in the basement, warms up the water which then leads through pipes through the whole house. Cold water returns through the pipes and into the furnace where it is heated up again. More and more houses install air condi-tioning to cool down in the summer months. Finally, the walls are painted and the rooms decorated.

Culture and lifestyles Home styles around the world are different because of culture and

tradition. Western-style houses and buildings are found all over the world. With their simple design they are slowly replacing traditional houses in the Middle East and Asia.

In big cities where there is not enough space people often live in apartments. They appear in all kinds of sizes and forms - from one-room apartments to apartments with balconies or terraces or even penthouses. Town houses or row houses are often found in cities. They have separate street entrances but often share the same walls.

Many suburban residents live in single-family houses with their own yards and gardens. Sometimes they are built in groups that are owned and sold by a company. In rural areas farmhouses usually stand alone, surrounded by fields, barns and huts.

In some parts of the world people don’t always live in the same place. They move their homes constantly. Mobile homes are becoming more and more popular, especially in America. They can be loaded onto a truck and towed from one place to another.


B) Read the text again and make a list of additional topical vo-cabulary (10 to 15 words and word-combinations). Consult a diction-ary to finalise the choice of the Russian equivalents. Memorise the new vocabulary.

Project “Building Houses”

Divide into teams of 4 or 5 students. Choose any aspect of the problem of the building houses. Jointly arrange a presentation of the materials collected in form of PowerPoint demonstration. Try to illus-trate your points of presentation.

Suggested issues Speak about different types of residential buildings common in our

country. Emphasize the special features, advantages and disadvan-tages. How does climate affect the choice of the styles of buildings?



He who has not first laid his foundations may be able with great ability to lay them afterwards, but they will be laid with trouble to the architect and danger to

the building. Niccolo Machiavelli

The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman.

Mexican proverb Vocabulary to memorise

foundation [faun'dei∫ən] - фундамент, основание footing ['futiɳ] - фундамент; подошва (фундамента); основание, опора shallow ['∫æləu] foundation - фундамент мелкого заложения deep foundation - фундамент глубокого заложения drilled pier [piə] foundation – фундамент на буронабивных сваях slab-on-grade foundation – монолитная плита-фундамент по грунту footing [‘futɪŋ] - основание, фундамент; опора, основа spread [spred] footing - фундамент на естественном основании stability [stə’bɪlətɪ] – устойчивость; состояние устойчивого равновесия; стой-кость, прочность load - нагрузка; груз || грузить; загружать dead load ['ded 'ləud] - мёртвый груз; собственный вес, вес конструкции imposed [im'pəuzd] (live) load - временная нагрузка; приложенная нагрузка concrete [‘kɔŋkri:t] - бетон pile - свая, столб pier [‘pɪə] - стойка; столб; пилон; вертикальная опора reinforced [,rɪɪn’fɔ:st] concrete – армированный бетон; железобетон pre-tensioned [prɪ‘tenʃnd] concrete – предварительно напряжённый железобетон settle - оседать; осаждать(ся); settlement [‘setlmənt] - осадка, оседание (напр., фундамента, грунта) total [‘təutəl] settlement – общая осадка differential [,dɪfə‘renʃəl] settlement – неравномерная осадка bearing capacity [‘bɛərɪŋ kə‘pæsɪtɪ] - несущая способность; подъёмная сила support [sə‘pɔ:t] - подставка, опора; опорная стойка fail - ломаться, разрушаться; повреждаться consideration [kən,sɪdə‘reɪʃn] - соображение; мнение, учитываемый фактор scour [‘skauə] - размыв; водная эрозия, промоина; эрозийное действие воды


frost heave [‘hi:v] - пучение (грунта) при замерзании; морозное пучение flowing water - проточная вода remove [rɪ‘mu:v] - удалять, устранять ice lens - ледяная линза moisture [‘mɔɪstʃə] - влажность, влага cause [‘kɔ:z] - причина, основание || быть причиной, вызывать expansive [ɪk‘spænsɪv] - способный расширяться; расширительный clay - глина swell - разбухание; вспучивание || разбухать; вспучиваться; вздуваться shrink - давать усадку; усыхать; сжиматься distort [dis‘tɔ:t] - искажать; искривлять; деформировать crack - трещина; разрыв || растрескиваться; разрываться; раскалываться semi-arid [,semɪ‘ærɪd] - засушливый; полупустынный; permafrost [‘pɜ:məfrɔst] - вечная мерзлота prevent [prɪ‘vent] - предотвращать; предохранять; препятствовать melt - плавить, плавиться; таять

Pre-Reading Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Study the verbs which you can find in the text and point out the irregular verbs. Are you sure you know their forms in Past Simple (Past Indefinite) and Past Participle?

Embed, extend, consist (of), break (into), transfer, drill, settle, freeze, penetrate, include, swell, shrink, vary, distort, occur, crack, follow, build, try, prevent, melt, found.

Ex. 2. Make nouns out of the adjectives using the proper suffixes

(-th, -ness, -ity). Make the necessary changes. Strong, stable, deep, weak, wet, dry, wide, long. Ex. 3. А) Divide the adjective into simple and complex (consisting

of a root and suffix). Shallow, permanent, different, deep, common, differential, typical, ex-

pansive, weak, total, seasonal, special, strong, simple, thermal, exact, wet. B) In complex adjectives identify the base form (from which the

adjective is derived).


Ex. 4. Analyse the compound words. Find the root(s), prefix(es), suffix(es):

bedrock, slab-on-grade, pre-tensioned, reinforced, semi-arid, permafrost.

Ex. 5. The following words can function as nouns, verbs or adjec-

tives (conversion). Consult the dictionary to find this information (A) and then translate the sentences (B).

А) surface, load, support, design, flow, form, cause, swell, crack, effect, soil.

B) Changes in soil moisture can cause expansive clay to swell and shrink. This swelling can vary across the footing. The variation in swell can cause the soil to distort, cracking the structure over it. The pri-mary design concerns are settlement and bearing capacity. Other de-sign considerations include scour and frost heave. Generally, the structure is designed in a way that tries to prevent the permafrost from melting.

Ex. 6. Match the words contrary in meaning.

A B shallow wet stability changeable hot cold (frosty) permanent deep later earlier dry above upper instability common lower different secondary primary similar to swell to shrink strong unusual below weak


Ex. 7. Translate the following word combinations: permanent stability, to transfer loads to the ground, shallow foun-

dation, deep foundation, to be embedded into soil, spread footing, strips/pads of concrete, below the frost line, to transfer the weight, slab-on-grade foundation, at the surface, an upper weak layer of soil, earth stabilized column, to penetrate bedrock, primary design con-cerns, total/differential settlement, to cause problems, to loaded be-yond bearing capacity, detached house, dead/imposed load, to carry load, exact imposed load, design considerations, frost heave, flowing water, supporting soil, to form ice lenses, soil moisture, expansive clay, to vary across the footing, to remove moisture, to distort soil, semi-arid climate, in areas of permafrost, to prevent from melting.

Read text 1 “FOUNDATIONS IN CONSTRUCTION”. In the text point

out the introductory part, the main part and the conclusion. Find out the differences between shallow and deep foundations,

total settlement and differential settlement and some other essential details concerning foundations.


Every building needs permanent stability. In order to have stability, buildings should have foundations. A foundation is a structure that transfers loads to the ground. Foundations are generally broken into two categories: shallow foundations and deep foundations.

Shallow foundations are usually embedded a meter or so into soil. One common type is the spread footing. It consists of strips or pads of concrete (or other materials) which extend below the frost line and transfer the weight from walls and columns to the soil or bedrock. Another common type is the slab-on-grade foundation where the weight of the building is transferred to the soil through a concrete slab placed at the surface.


Deep foundations are used to transfer a load from a structure through an upper weak layer of soil to a stronger deeper layer of soil. There are different types of deep foundations including piles, drilled shafts, caissons, piers, and earth stabilized columns. Historically, piles were wood, later steel, reinforced concrete, and pre-tensioned con-crete. Sometimes these foundations penetrate bedrock.

The primary design concerns are settlement and bearing capacity. When considering settlement, total settlement and differential settle-ment is normally considered. Differential settlement is when one part of a foundation settles more than another part. This can cause prob-lems to the structure the foundation is supporting. It is necessary that a foundation should not be loaded beyond its bearing capacity or the foundation will "fail". For a typical modern three-bedroom detached house the total of the dead and imposed loads is about 120 tonnes and most types of ground can easily carry this load using simple founda-tions. The exact dead and imposed loads can be easily calculated.

Other design considerations include scour and frost heave. Scour takes place when flowing water removes supporting soil from around a foundation (like a pier supporting a bridge over a river). Frost heave occurs when water in the ground freezes to form ice lenses.

Changes in soil moisture can cause expansive clay to swell and shrink. This swelling can vary across the footing due to seasonal changes or the effects of vegetation removing moisture. The variation in swell can cause the soil to distort, cracking the structure over it. This is a particular problem for house footings in semi-arid climates where wet winters are followed by hot dry summers.

When structures are built in areas of permafrost, special consid-eration must be given to the thermal effect the structure will have on the permafrost. Generally, the structure is designed in a way that tries to prevent the permafrost from melting.


Text-Based Exercises

Ex. 8. Say which of the following issues are considered in the text. If they are, say to which paragraphs they belong:

- scour and frost heave, - soil moisture content, - the main 2 kinds of foundations, - different climatic problems, - types of deep foundations and materials they are made from, - digging trenches for foundations, - the settlement concerns, - types of loads, - types of shallow foundations, - swelling and shrinkage of soils, - bearing capacity, - building in areas of permafrost, - functions of the foundations. Ex. 9. Arrange the sentences in the logical sequence of the text

above. A) Changes in the moisture content can cause expansive clay in

the soil to swell and shrink. B) Deep foundations are used to transfer the load from the structure

through an upper weak layer of soil to a stronger deeper layer of soil. C) Differential settlement occurs when one part of a foundation

settles more than another part. D) For permanent stability buildings should have foundations. E) Foundations are generally broken into two categories: shallow

foundations and deep foundations. F) Frost heave occurs when water in the ground freezes to form

ice lenses. G) In areas of permafrost the structure should be able to prevent

the permafrost from melting.


H) Most types of ground can easily carry the load of a typical modern three-bedroom detached house with simple foundations.

I) Scour takes place when flowing water removes supporting soil from around a foundation.

J) Spread footing consists of strips or pads of concrete which ex-tend below the frost line.

K) The foundation should not be loaded beyond its bearing ca-pacity.

L) The slab-on-grade foundation transfers the weight of the building to the soil through a concrete slab at the surface.

M) The spread footing transfers the weight from walls and col-umns to the soil or bedrock.

N) The variation in swell can cause the soil to distort, cracking the structure over it.

O) There are different types of deep foundations including piles, drilled shafts, caissons, piers, and earth stabilized columns.

P) Total settlement and differential settlement are normally con-sidered.

Ex. 10. Divide the main part of the text into logically complete

units. Find the key sentence in all the structurally meaningful pas-sages of the text:

1. 2. 3. 4. … Ex. 11. Choose a sentence (two or three) to elicit the main idea for

each of the parts of the text. Ex. 12. Give summary of the text. For each of the parts give the

key statement and support it with the chosen additional information.


Post-Reading Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 13. Insert into the sentences the right word or word group from the box.

soil moisture; thermal effect; loads; to distort; spread footing; to prevent; swell; ice lenses; bedrock; a concrete slab; design concerns; scour; differential settlement; simple foundations; bearing capacity; deep foundations; a particular problem

1. A foundation is a structure that transfers ______ to the ground. 2. The ______ consists of strips or pads of concrete (or other ma-

terials) which extend below the frost line. 3. The spread footing transfers the weight from walls and col-

umns to the soil or ______ . 4. The slab-on-grade foundation transfers the weight of the

building to the soil through ______ at the surface. 5. ______ transfer a load from a structure through an upper weak

layer of soil to a stronger deeper layer of soil. 6. The primary ______ are settlement and bearing capacity. 7. With ______ one part of a foundation settles more than another part. 8. The foundation should not be loaded beyond its ______ or the

foundation will "fail". 9. Most types of ground can easily carry loads of 120 tonnes us-

ing ______ . 10. ______ takes place when flowing water removes supporting

soil from around a foundation. 11. Frost heave occurs when water in the ground freezes to form

______ . 12. Changes in ______ can cause expansive clay to swell and

shrink. 13. The variation in can cause the soil ______, cracking the struc-

ture over it.


14. This is ______ for house footings in semi-arid climates with wet winters and hot dry summers.

15. Special consideration must be given to the ______ the structure will have on the permafrost.

16. The structure is designed in a way that tries ______ the perma-frost from melting.

Ex. 14. Complete the sentences. 1. We normally consider … settlements. 2. The foundation should not be loaded … . 3. A foundation is a structure … . 4. Historically, piles were … . 5. Foundations are generally broken into … . 6. Frost heave occurs when … . 7. The variation in swell can cause … . 8. The spread footing consists of … . 9. In areas of permafrost special consideration must be given to … . 10. Deep foundations are used to … . 11. Every building needs … . 12. Differential settlement is … . 13. A typical modern three-bedroom detached house can carry … . 14. Other design considerations include … . 15. Shallow foundations are … . 16. The different types of deep foundations include … . 17. Scour takes place when … . 18. Changes in soil moisture can cause … . 19. The primary design concerns are … . 20. The slab-on-grade foundation transfers … . Ex. 15. Complete the following sentences using English equiva-

lents instead of the Russian words and word-combinations. 1. Every building needs (усталостная прочность). 2. Foundations

(подразделяются на) two categories: shallow foundations and deep


foundations. 3. The spread footing consists of (бетонных полос или плит) which extend below the frost line and transfer the weight of the building to the soil or bedrock. 4. There are different types of (фун-даментов глубокого заложения) including piles, drilled shafts, cais-sons, piers, and earth stabilized columns. 5. When considering set-tlement, total settlement and (неравномерная осадка) is normally considered. 6. It is necessary that a foundation should not be loaded beyond its (несущая способность). 7. The exact dead and (дополнительная, приложенная) loads can be easily calculated. 8. Scour takes place when (проточная вода) removes supporting soil from around a foundation. 9. Changes in soil moisture can cause (набухающая глина) to swell and shrink. 10. The variation in (набухание) can cause the soil to distort, cracking the structure over it. 11. In areas of (вечной мерзлоты), special consideration must be given to the thermal effect. 12. The structure is designed in a way that tries (не допускать, препятствовать) the permafrost from melting.

Ex. 16. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Чтобы иметь устойчивость, здания должны иметь фундамент.

2. Мелкозаложенные фундаменты обычно углубляются в почву при-близительно на 1 метр. 3. Ленточный фундамент переносит на-грузку от стен и колонн на почву или скальное основание. 4. Глу-бокие фундаменты используются для того, чтобы передать груз конструкции от верхнего слабого слоя почвы к более глубокому прочному слою. 5. Прежде сваи были деревянные, позднее их ста-ли делать из стали, железобетона и предварительно напряжённого бетона. 6. Основные проблемы проектирования – осадка и несущая способность. 7. Неравномерное оседание происходит тогда, когда одна часть основания оседает больше, чем другая. 8. Необходимо, чтобы основание не подвергалось нагрузке сверх ее несущей спо-собности, иначе фундамент не выдержит. 9. Точную постоянную и дополнительную нагрузку можно легко рассчитать. 10. Другими важными соображениями для проектирования являются водная


эрозия и пучение грунта от мороза. 11. Изменения в содержании влаги в почве могут привести к тому, что набухающая глина будет вспучиваться или сжиматься. 12. Изменения в набухании могут вы-звать деформацию почвы и привести к появлению трещин в возвы-шающемся сооружении. 13. Когда сооружения строятся в условиях вечной мерзлоты, они проектируются таким образом, чтобы не до-пускать таяния.

For more specific information concerning foundations read text 2

“TYPES OF FOUNDATIONS” and get ready to answer the questions fol-lowing the text and the list of vocabulary.


Foundation construction is an integral part of home building. It is what the whole house rests on. A firm foundation is a must, so don't use sand. The simplest and most common form of foundation com-prises a strip of concrete under all the load-bearing walls. The depth and width of the concrete strip is determined by the nature of the ground and the load of the building.

Most soils consist of a mixture of solid particles, water and air. In addition, the soil near the surface of the ground will also contain or-ganic material and this top soil must never be used as a base for a foundation. It varies greatly in volume due to changes in water content and is very unstable due to the amount of organic material it contains.

Increasing the pressure on a soil by applying the load of a build-ing squeezes some of the water out of the soil causing it to consoli-date and allowing slight settlement of the structure above. In non-cohesive soils such as sands, water movements are rapid and a build-ing will normally complete its settlement during its construction. Co-hesive soils such as clay lose their water much more gradually and buildings may slowly settle for many years before equilibrium is reached. The softer clays contain large amounts of water and thus permit extensive settlement.


Concrete has only been common in foundations for just over 100 years. In its simplest form it is a mixture of ordinary Portland cement, stone and water, mixed in varying proportions. Because of concrete's high strength, bricklayers can usually start building on the foundations a few days after it has been poured.

There are three basic types of foundation used in housing and these are shown in the diagram below. Of the three, the strip founda-tion is by far the most common.

1. 2. 3.

1. Strip Foundation - strip of concrete under all loadbearing walls. The strip width and depth depends on building load and nature of ground. 2. Pile Foundation - long, slender concrete members used to transfer loads through weak or unstable soil to ground of higher loadbearing capacity. 3. Raft Foundation - concrete raft which spreads loads over whole ground floor area.

In practice both traditional strip and trench fill foundations be-

come uneconomic if the required depth is more than 1000mm. There is a large volume of excavated material to dispose of and in wet weather the open trenches need constant cleaning out and may well re-quire temporary support to prevent the banks collapsing. A sensible al-ternative is to use piled foundations.

Piling can take place in freezing or wet weather which can often stop traditional foundation methods. In addition there is less exca-vated material to dispose of. There are a variety of piling systems suit-able for housing.

In granular soils such as compact sands and gravels end bearing piles can be used. Their use in housing is very rare as these soils are generally ideal for strip foundations. However, on blocks of flats they


may sometimes offer cost savings over strip foundations. End bearing piles can be formed in a number of ways. Two of the most common are driven pre-formed (pre-cast) piles and driven, cast insitu piles.

Pier foundations are sometimes used as an alternative to piling. If the ground is full of old basements or other obstructions, or if the ground is too steep for piling rigs, pier foundations are sometimes specified. They usually comprise a series of thick concrete piers, formed insitu, which support a reinforced concrete ground beam. Large concrete rings, usually used for drainage inspection chambers, can provide a permanent formwork for the wet concrete. A typical house might be supported by six or eight piers. When constructing pier foundations it is usually necessary to excavate the whole area be-low the building to the required depth of the piers. When the piers have been poured the ground is replaced.

Additional Vocabulary

load-bearing ['ləud 'bɛərɪŋ] wall - несущая стена soil - грунт; почва; нанос || пачкать(ся), грязниться top soil - верхний слой почвы cohesive [kəu'hisiv] – связный, когезионный non-cohesive soil – несвязный грунт extensive settlement – обширная осадка strip foundation - ленточный фундамент pile foundation - свайный фундамент; свайное основание raft foundation - сплошной фундамент, фундамент в виде ростверка foundation trench [trent∫] - котлован под (ленточный) фундамент excavate ['ekskəveit] - рыть, копать; производить земляные работы; вынимать грунт end bearing pile - несущая свая; свая-стойка; свая-колонна driven ['drivn] pile - забивная свая pre-formed pile - готовая свая (заводского изготовления) pre-cast pile - сборная железобетонная свая cast insitu pile - бетонная набивная свая pier [piə] foundation - столбчатое основание; кессонный фундамент piling rig – копёр ground beam – лежень; фундаментная балка, ростверк formwork – опалубка, опалубочные конструкции; опалубочные работы wet concrete - пластичная бетонная смесь


Reading Comprehension Exercise

Ex. 17. Answer the questions. For each answer mark A, B or C to show the correct choice.

1. What is the most common form of foundation? A. a strip of concrete B. a piece of stone C. bedrock

2. Which soil is never to be used as a base for a foundation? A. non-cohesive soil B. granular soil C. top soil

3. What doesn’t the ordinary concrete mixture for foundation contain? A. Portland cement B. mineral soil C. water

4. Which type of foundation spreads loads over the whole ground floor area? A. strip foundation B. pile foundation C. raft


5. What do piled foundations require? A. wet weather B. excavated soil C. a piling rig

6. With what structures are bearing piles more cost saving? A. blocks of flats B. single family homes C. green-


7. How many piers can support a typical house? A. one or two B. six or eight C. twenty or thirty

Ex. 18. Say to which paragraph the suggested phrases could serve

as subtitles. Arrange them in the right order. A) Use of pile and pier foundations. B) Types of soils and their influence on the foundation. C) Basic types of foundations.

Ex. 19. Rearrange the statements in the correct order to make a

summery of the text.


А) Each of the basic types of foundations has advantages and limitations.

B) Bearing pressure and the type of soil cause different degrees of consolidation and settlement.

C) Pier foundations aren’t economic but help in solving problems with ground and obstructions.

D) End bearing piles have special uses and are specific for manu-facturing.

E) Concrete is used to produce simple but strong foundations. F) The depth and width of the concrete strip is determined by the

nature of the ground and the load of the building. Expand on each item with one or more sentences to retell the text.

Vocabulary and Grammar Consolidation Exercises

Ex. 20. Match the words and word groups with the definitions.

Words/word groups Definitions 1. reinforced con-crete

a. the upthrust and cracking of a ground sur-face through the freezing and expansion of water underneath

2. permafrost b. weight of a structure, such as a building, also including any permanent loads attached to the structure

3. cohesive soils c. a foundation pile that supports weight verti-cally

4. bearing capacity d. an arrangement of wooden boards, bolts, etc., used to shape reinforced concrete while it is setting

5. end bearing pile e. the load which the ground can carry 6. frost heave f. downward movement of the ground, or any

structure on it, due to soil consolidation, normally caused by the load applied by the structure


Words/word groups Definitions 7. dead load g. sticky soil such as clay whose strength de-

pends on the surface tension of capillary water 8. settlement h. ground that is permanently frozen, often to

great depths, the surface sometimes thawing in the summer

9. formwork i. concrete with steel bars, mesh, etc., embed-ded in it to enable it to withstand tensile and shear stresses

Grammar and Vocabulary Consolidation Exercises

Ex. 21. What do we measure in: - metres (km, cm, mm, etc.), - square metres (km2, cm2, mm2, etc.), - cubic metres (km3, cm3, mm3, etc.), - km/hr, - tree/ha, - hours (seconds, minutes, days, etc.), - years, - degrees (º), - gram (kg, tonne), - pascals? (age, area, density, speed, length, power, temperature, time, vol-

ume, weight, pressure…)

Ex. 22. А) Do you know what is measured in the following British Imperial units of measurement? Can you compare them with the commonly used standard units? Consult reference books (the Internet, ‘conversions’ in your telephone) in case you are not sure.

? ? ? inch ounce acre foot pound quart mile stone gallon


Note. The system of imperial units or the imperial system (also known as British Imperial) is the system of units first defined in the British Weights and Measures Act of 1824, which was later refined (until 1959) and reduced. The system came into official use across the British Empire. By the late 20th century, most nations of the former empire had officially adopted the metric system as their main system of measurement, although as of 2011 the United Kingdom had only partially adopted it.

B) Convert the following into the ISU measurement units: 6 foot 3; 50 miles; 2 ½ stones; 5 pounds; 12 gallons; ½ inch;

21 acres; 1.5 quart; an ounce and a half; a pint. C) Can you use the correct abbreviations for the measurement units: doz; ft; in; mi; pt; yd; ac; ha; sq mi; sq ft; sq in; cu in; cu yd; gal;

oz; qt; lb; Pa; psi; sq m; cu m; MPa; KB; mph; pt; mg; ml; kW. Ex 23. Translate the sentences into Russian. Remember that the

verb to be is used in different functions (as a notional verb, link verb, auxiliary or modal verb).

1. There are many different types of foundations in use. 2. The soil near the surface of the ground will also contain organic material and this top soil must never be used as a base for a foundation. 3. A foundation is a structure that transfers loads to the ground. 4. When considering settlement, total settlement and differential settlement is normally con-sidered. 5. Differential settlement can cause problems to the structure the foundation is supporting. 6. The structure is designed in a way that tries to prevent the permafrost from melting. 7. Pile foundations are to be used widely in the northern regions. 8. The piles are submerged in water to protect the wood from destruction. 9. Pyramidal piles are a progressive design of piles used in building. 10. Some foundations are built on a flat, concrete slab that provides both a base for the structure and the bottom floor of the house. 11. The exact dead and imposed loads are to be calculated. 12. The footing is generally wider than the foundation wall and is located about 12 inches below the frost line (the average depth at which soil freezes year after year). 13. The size and ac-ceptable types of foundations are regulated by building codes.


14. A poured-concrete foundation may be either a raised perimeter foundation, a flat slab, or a combination of the two. 15. Foundation construction is an integral part of home building. 16. When it is necessary, as so frequently it is at the present, to erect gigantic edifices on weak soils, the highest constructive skill is required.

Ex 24. Insert the correct form of the verb in the Active or Passive


PILE FOUNDATIONS The durability of a structure (depends / is depended) on how the

foundation (builds / is built) and on the property of the ground. Prior to the beginning of the last century buildings (put up / were

put up) mostly on stable ground. Bands of stone and baked bricks bound together by lime mortar (served / were served) as foundations.

Our ancestors could not even imagine on what kind of ground we (would build / would be built). Towns and cities (have appeared / have been appeared) in places where there had recently been swamps, on the permafrost ground of the northern regions of the country. Pile foundations (use / are used) widely there.

Piles (used / were used) in ancient times. Peter the Great widely (used / was used) piles in building the city. Interestingly, Ivan the Great's bell tower in the Kremlin (about 500 years old) also (stands / is stood) on a peculiar pile foundation. The base (comprises / is com-prised) of round, closely bound upright logs from 120 to 180 cm high. Upon the piles (rests / is rested) a massive stone slab. The piles (sub-merge / are submerged) in water to protect the wood from destruction.

During the last few decades pile boring (has found / has been found) wide application. First a bore hole (fills / is filled) with steel framework, then with concrete, and the pile is ready.

Vocaulary notes

prior to - прежде чем; перед, раньше put up - строить, воздвигать (здание)


ancestor ['ænsistə] - прародитель, предок swamp [swɔmp] - болото, топь bell tower ['tauə] - колокольня peculiar [pi'kju:ljə] - особенный; своеобразный; необычный upright log – вертикальное бревно rest – покоиться; опирать(ся) submerge [səb'mə:dʒ] – затоплять; погружать в воду destruction [dis'trʌk∫ən] - разрушение; повреждение

Ex. 25. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying at-

tention to the meaning of the word one. 1. The nature of the site of a building is one of the most important

factors in architectural design. 2. The question of selection of site is one with which the architect is often faced. 3. Any building today is the product not of one craft but of many crafts which are all interdepend-ent one of the other. 4. In designing a building one should take care that most comfortable living conditions are created. 5. Differential set-tlement is when one part of a foundation settles more than another part. 6. One common type of shallow foundation is the spread footing. 7. The force of one or more growing ice lenses is sufficient to lift a layer of soil, as much as 30 cm or more. 8. During frost heave, one or more soil-free ice lenses grow, and their growth displaces the soil above them. 9. The nature of the site of a building is one of the most important factors in architectural design. 10. You should understand that many soils are a combination of these types, and many building sites contain more than one soil type. 11. Discussing a scientific prob-lem with a layman sometimes helps one to see it from a different an-gle. 12. Taking part in a discussion one must learn to respect one's op-ponent's view. 13. The method employed in this construction is differ-ent from the one described above. 14. The interest in analysing one's own thoughts, thinking about the future, building systems and con-structing theories is developed most markedly during adolescence.


Ex. 26. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to polysemantic functional words for and since.

A) 1. The experiment was a failure, for the measuring instruments were defective. 2. Cohesive soils such as clay lose their water much more gradually and buildings may slowly settle for many years before equilibrium is reached. 3. Marble is used for such interior elements as window sills, table surfaces and fireplace decoration elements. 4. I asked him to come for a chat, for I had something to tell him. 5. Are you for, or against this proposal? 6. Concrete is laid into a trench up to 3 or 4 feet deep, and provides a very solid foundation for whatever building material used. 7. For timber to deteriorate, two elements are needed: water and oxygen. 8. Piers are foundations for carrying a heavy structural load. 9. The topmost layer of soil is seldom suitable for a footing. 10. Any foundation should be continued for at least 150mm above ground level to give adequate protection to the base of the well from moisture, surface water, etc. 11. If you are building a foundation for the first time, a project like a garage or workshop is a wiser choice than a complex major project like the foundation for a new house. 12. For soil block to cure uncovered, there must be at least 10 rain-free days.

B) 1. Rocks are particularly suitable in areas where thermal mass is desired, since they can hold their temperature very well. 2. This problem has been puzzling architects since times immemorial. 3. Some timber piles used during 16th century in Venice still survive since they were below groundwater level. 4. Keeping roof and surface water away from footings is always a good idea since settlement can also occur with excessive water in the soil. 5. Stones have been used for the purpose of construction since the era of cavemen. 6. I would like to see much greater use of stone, since it is such a long lasting and beautiful material. 7. Since there is no vertical load to be supported by partitions, single studs may be used at door openings. 8. Thermal insulation standards first came into being in the 1960s, and have been revised several times since, with the most recent


changes being introduced in 2006. 9. The Building Regulations were introduced in 1965 in the UK and have been amended several times since. 10. Another material which is very useful as building material is steel, it is better than iron since it is free from the rusting process.

Reading Practice

Read through text 3 “FROST HEAVING” and then choose the best sentence given below to fill in each of the blanks. E. g. : 1- e


Frost heaving can damage houses, barns, sheds, roadways, concrete slabs, basically anything that is connected to the Earth in a place where the ground freezes. (___1___) The problem is, the lifting may not be equal around the structure.

Frost heaving (or a frost heave) results from ice forming beneath the surface of soil during freezing conditions in the atmosphere. The ice grows in the direction of heat loss (vertically toward the surface), starting at the freezing front or boundary in the soil. (___2___). The growing ice is restrained by overlying soil, which applies a load that limits its vertical growth and promotes the formation of a lens-shaped area of ice within the soil. Yet the force of one or more growing ice lenses is sufficient to lift a layer of soil, as much as 30 cm or more. (___3___).

The dominant cause of soil displacement in frost heaving is the development of ice lenses. During frost heave, one or more soil-free ice lenses grow, and their growth displaces the soil above them. (___4___).

Frost heaving requires a frost-susceptible soil, a continual supply of water below (a water table) and freezing temperatures, penetrating into the soil. (___5___) Silty and loamy soil types, which contain fine particles, are examples of frost-susceptible soils.

Non-frost-susceptible soils may be too dense to promote water


flow (low hydraulic conductivity) or too open in porosity to promote capillary flow. (___6___). These soils contain small amounts of fine particles and their pore sizes are too open to promote capillary flow.

Sentences to choose from: A) Differential frost heaving can crack pavements and damage

building foundations. B) Examples include dense clays with a small pore size and

therefore a low hydraulic conductivity and clean sands and gravels. C) Frost-susceptible soils are those with pore sizes between

particles and particle surface area that promote capillary flow. D) It requires a water supply to keep feeding the ice crystal

growth. E) Just as the phrase implies, the frost heaves, or lifts things up. F) These grow with the continual addition of water from a

groundwater source lower in the soil structure, below the freezing line in the soil.


into parts. Find answers to the questions which come before each of the coming passages.


1. Which defects are more common, troubles with walls or with foundations?

Foundation construction is an integral part of home building. It is what the whole house rests on. A firm foundation is a must, so don't use sand. In most construction, concrete is used as foundation. It is laid into a trench up to 3 or 4 feet deep, and provides a very solid foundation for whatever building material used. The foundation is the most critical part of any structure. The structural failures due to faulty workmanship or to an insufficient thickness of the walls are rare in comparison with those due to defective foundations.


2. What factor is important to consider besides the soil type? There are many different types of foundations. The most typical

foundation is made up of a footing which is the portion of the steel reinforced concrete on the undisturbed soil. Waterproofing and drainage are typically applied at the exterior of the foundation and footing. This is particularly important when building in wet soils.

The choice of a home foundation depends on the soil type of the construction site. Homes that are built on poor soil conditions may require a deep foundation, whereas most sites only require a shallow foundation. Climate is another factor to consider when choosing a foundation. Some types of foundations do not perform well in flooding or cold temperatures.

3. Can poured concrete foundations be good in cold climates? A poured concrete foundation is the most common type of home

foundation. A concrete slab foundation is formed by pouring a few inches of concrete with thicker edges to provide support. The slab normally rests on a bed of crushed gravel to improve drainage. The slab is poured all at one time and is ideal for use in areas where the ground does not freeze in the winter.

4. What helps to support frost-protected foundations from frost damage?

As the name suggests, a frost-protected foundation protects concrete from damage due to extreme temperatures. A T-shaped foundation is the traditional choice for cold areas. This foundation method provides extra support for a concrete slab foundation with concrete footings that extend below the frost line. A frost-protected shallow foundation (FPSF) provides protection without digging below the frost line. FPSF utilizes insulated concrete to protect a slab foundation from frost damage. Frost-protected shallow foundations are used in over 5,000 buildings in the United States, as well as over a million homes in Sweden, Finland and Norway.

5. What are the advantages of wood for permanent foundations? Permanent wood foundations have been used since the 1960s,


and manufacturers are now recommending treated plywood and lumber as an alternate material for crawl space, basement and stem wall foundations. The foundations are made of preservative-treated wood that is very lightweight, decay-resistant and easy to install. A permanent wood foundation does not require concrete pouring or casting, which makes the process much more convenient. Additionally, the foundations are easy to insulate and moisture-resistant. More than 300,000 houses in the United States utilize permanent wood foundations.

6. What types of raised foundations are there? Raised foundations are necessary in coastal areas that receive

large amounts of rain and are prone to flooding. Raised foundations require careful planning, because they must be able to both support the home and provide protection from moisture. There are two types of raised foundations: pier-and-beam and stem wall. A pier-and-beam foundation uses concrete or brick blocks that are reinforced with footings. The blocks are placed approximately 8 to 12 inches apart and raise the home above the flood line. A stem wall foundation is similar, except that the footings are continuous rather than spaced.

Read text 5 “FOUNDATIONS AND TYPES OF SOILS”. A) Read the text without a dictionary. Guess the meaning of the

unknown words that you may come across.


It is a well-known fact that there exist different kinds of soil. It is also a well-known fact that the structure of the upper stratum of the soil is of great importance for excavation. The foundation of a building should never be placed on organic soils because soils of this kind are easily decomposed. They are decomposed because water and wind change their structure. So, if the upper stratum of soil is organic, it must be removed from the construction area in order to guard the foundation of the building against water and wind erosion. Further ex-


cavation may take place only after the upper organic stratum has been removed. In colder climates the foundations of buildings should be placed below the level to which the ground freezes in winter.

Natural Foundations. The soils comprised under this head may be divided into two classes. (1) Those whose stability is not affected by water, and which are firm enough to support the structure, such as rock, compact gravels, and hard clay, and (2) soils which are firm enough to support the weight of the structure, but whose stability is affected by water, such as loose gravels, sand, clay and loam.

Foundations on Rock. To prepare a rock foundation, all that is generally necessary is to cut away the loose and decayed portions and to dress the surface so exposed to a plane as nearly perpendicular to the direction of the pressure as practicable; or, if the rock forms an inclined plane, to cut a series of plane surfaces, like those of steps, for the walls to rest upon. If there are any fissures in the rock they should be filled with concrete.

Foundations on Gravel, etc. In dealing with soils of this kind usu-ally nothing more is required than to cover them with a layer of con-crete of width and depth sufficient to distribute the weight properly.

Foundations on Sand. Sand is almost incompressible so long as it is not allowed to spread out laterally, but as it has no cohesion, and acts like a fluid when exposed to running water, it must be treated with great caution.

Foundations on Clay. Clay is much affected by the action of water, and hence the ground should be well drained before the work is begun, and the trenches so arranged that water does not remain in them. In general, the less a soil of this kind is exposed to the action of the air, and the sooner it is protected from exposure, the better for the work. The top of the footings must be carried below the frost line to prevent heaving, and for the same reason the outside face of the wall should be built with a slight batter and perfectly smooth. The frost line attains a depth of six feet in some of the northern states.


The tearing power of clay and loamy soils may be greatly in-creased:

(1) By increasing the depth. (2) By drainage. This may be accomplished by a covering of gravel

or sand, the thickness depending upon the plasticity of the soil, and by surrounding the foundation walls with a tile drain. If springs are encountered the water may be excluded by sheet pilings, puddling or plugging the spring with concrete.

(3) By consolidating the soil. This may be done by driving short piles close together, or by driving piles, then withdrawing them and filling the space immediately with damp sand well rammed. If the soil is very loose and wet, sand will not be effective, and concrete will be found more satisfactory.

Artificial Foundations. When the ground in its natural state is too soft to bear the weight of the proposed structure, recourse must be had to artificial means of support, and, in doing this, whatever mode of construction is adopted, the principle must always be that of ex-tending the bearing surface as much as possible.

Foundations on Mud, silt, marshy or compressible soils are gener-ally formed in one of three ways:

(1) By driving piles in which the footings are supported. (2) By spreading the footings either by layers of timber, steel

beams, or concrete, or a combination of either. (3) By sinking caissons of iron or steel, excavating the soil from

the interior, and filling with concrete. B) Read the text again and make a list of additional topical vo-

cabulary (10 to 15 words and word-combinations). Consult a diction-ary to finalise the choice of the Russian equivalents. Memorise the new vocabulary.

Discussions 1. What materials are commonly used for foundations in our re-

gion? Which are rare?


2. What does the construction of a foundation depend on? How does it affect the choice of the material and type of foundation?

3. What would you recommend (concerning the foundation) to your friend if he decides to build a suburban single-family house in Syktyvkar?

4. Describe in detail the stages in foundation construction, keep-ing in mind the major requirements.



Science is facts; just as houses are made of stones, so is science made of facts but a pile of stones

is not a house and a collection of facts is not necessarily science. Henri Poincaire

Bricks and mortar make a house, but the laughter of children makes a home.

Irish proverb

Many natural stones are like good wine. They only attain their full elegance with advancing years.

Vocabulary to memorise

external [eks'tə:nl] loadbearing wall - внешняя несущая стена thermal ['Ɵə:məl] insulation - тепловая изоляция, теплоизоляция, термоизоляция fire protection – противопожарная работа; пожарная безопасность walling - возведение стен; обнесение забором brickwork ['brikwə:k] - кирпичная кладка (сооружение) block-work - кладка блоков; блочное сооружение manufacturing [,mænju'fækt∫əriɳ] technique [tek'ni:k] - технология изготовле-ния; технология производства additive ['æditiv] - добавка; примесь common ['kɔmən] brick - обычный кирпич face of the brick - лицевая грань кирпича, ложок plaster ['pla:stə] - штукатурка; штукатурный раствор; строительный гипс || штукатурить render ['rendə] - трёхслойная штукатурка || штукатурить; обмазывать finish - отделка, отделочное покрытие || отделывать facing bricks - облицовочный (лицевой) кирпич engineering [,endʒi'niəriɳ] bricks - высокопрочный кирпич; кирпич повышенной прочности dense [dens] brick – плотный, непроницаемый кирпич compressive [kəm'presiv] strength - прочность на сжатие; сопротивление сжатию water absorption [əb'sɔ:p∫ən] - гигроскопичность; абсорбция воды; впитывание воды retaining wall [ri'teiniɳ 'wɔ:l] - подпорная стенка frost attack [ə'tæk] - разрушительное действие низкой температyры


vulnerable ['vʌlnərəbl] -уязвимый, восприимчивый; чувствительный severe [si'viə] exposure [iks'pəuʒə] - сильное воздействие moderate exposure [iks'pəuʒə] - умеренное, сдержанное воздействие passive exposure [iks'pəuʒə] - инертное воздействие saturate ['sæt∫əreit] - насыщать; пропитывать undergo [,ʌndə'gəu] - подвергаться чему-л.; испытывать, переносить, претер-певать repeated [ri'pi:tid] - повторяющийся, неоднократный eaves - карниз Calcium ['kælsiəm] Silicate ['silikit] Brick - силикатный кирпич crushed flint - дроблёная кремниевая порода pigment ['pigmənt] - пигмент, красящее вещество, краситель hardening ['ha:dn] - закаливание; затвердевание hydrated ['haidreitid] calcium silicate - гидратизированный силикатный кирпич regular ['regjulə] in shape - правильной формы cementitious [si,men’ti∫əs] - цементирующий; вяжущий binder ['baində] - связующее вещество crushed stone aggregate - щебень substitute ['sʌbstitju:t] (for) - заменять, использовать вместо чего-л. cost advantage [əd'va:ntidʒ] - преимущество в цене; выгода damp proof course (DPC) – гидроизоляционный слой

Pre-Reading Exercises

Ex. 1. Make up opposition pairs (antonyms): A) similar; internal; unsatisfactory; weakness; rare; minority; un-

suitable; narrow; low; less; heat; moderate; active; thawing; irregular; bright; insoluble; artificial; disadvantage; unavailable;

B) advantage; severe; different; regular; wide; soluble; satisfactory; common; majority; more; frost; various; passive; freezing; external; pale; high; natural, available; strength.

Ex. 2. Transform the suggested nouns (A) and adjectives (B) into

verbs, removing nominal and adjectival suffixes or adding verbal suffixes (-en, -ify, -ise/-ize, -ate) and prefixes (en-), if necessary. Make changes where necessary. Consult the dictionary in case you are not sure.


A) Protection, suspension, requirement, insulation, strength, sta-bility, construction, characteristics, variety, additive, production, de-scription, resistance, absorption, frost, exposure, situation, satura-tion, pressure, reaction, advantage, width.

B) Satisfactory, different, special, suitable, general, wide, com-pressive, regular, soluble, popular, hard.

Ex. 3. Make up adverbs corresponding to the following adjectives.

Translate the derived words into Russian. E. g.: normal ‘обычный’ - normally ‘обычно’; but: high ‘высокий’ - high ‘высоко’.

A) satisfactory; total; external; common; general; wide; dense; moderate; passive; normal; severe; mechanical; regular; easy; virtual; free; dense; different; particular; natural;

B) outside; high; low; long.

Ex. 4. Give derivatives of the following verbs and translate them.

Verb Noun-person / noun-thing

Abstract notion

Adjective / participle

invent ‘изобретать’ inventor invention inventive produce ‘производить’ protect ‘защищать’ resist ‘противостоять’ compress ‘сжимать’ expose ‘подвергать воз-действию’

insulate ‘изолировать’ construct ‘строить’ decorate ‘декорировать’ use ‘использовать’ prevent ‘предотвращать’ mix ‘смешивать’ connect ‘соединять’ manufacture ‘произво-дить’


Ex. 5. Translate the following words and word combinations: to support load; a number of requirements; an external loadbear-

ing wall; weather protection; thermal insulation; fire protection; the most common materials; domestic construction; to use special manu-facturing techniques; to add a variety of additives; common bricks; the face of the brick; to cover with plaster or render; facing bricks; to be left exposed; engineering bricks; dense bricks; compressive strength; water absorption; civil engineering structures; retaining walls; resis-tance to frost attack; totally resistant; vulnerable; suitable for severe exposure; moderate exposure; passive exposure; repeated cycles; to undergo freezing and thawing; to take appropriate measures; to pre-vent saturation; below the eaves; for internal use; crushed flint and lime; hardening chamber; to inject steam under pressure; regular in shape; to recognise by pale colours; to blend and compact the aggre-gate; cementitious binder; to vary the proportions of cement; variety of strengths; crushed stone aggregate; substitute for natural stone; blockwork; cost advantages; equivalent in size; a range of widths; na-ture of the aggregate.

Scanning text 1 “BRICK LOADBEARING WALLS”, can you say what

types of brick are used in construction? Read the text more thoroughly and find out the differences be-

tween different sorts of brick and their uses. In the text point out the introductory part and the main part.


The external wall of a house has two basic functions: • to support the loads of suspended floors and roof, • environmental protection. In order to satisfactorily fulfil these functions there are a number of

requirements for an external loadbearing wall. These are: strength and


stability, weather protection, good thermal insulation, fire protection and durability.

The two most common materials used nowadays for walling in do-mestic construction are brickwork and block-work. The majority of bricks are made from clay. Different clays have different characteristics and, by using special manufacturing techniques and adding a variety of additives, bricks of various colours and strengths can be produced.

Bricks can be described as: • common bricks - these are suitable for general building work

where the face of the brick will be covered with plaster, render or other finish;

• facing bricks - these come in a wide range of finishes, colours and strengths and are used where the face will be left exposed. The most common use today is for the outside walls of houses;

• engineering bricks - these are dense bricks with high compressive strength and low rates of water absorption. Although some of them may be used as facing bricks for houses they are more likely to be found in civil engineering structures such as retaining walls and bridges.

Bricks can also be classified by their resistance to frost attack. Some bricks are totally resistant to frost attack while others are quite vulnerable. Bricks suitable for severe exposure are classified F2 (the new European Standard), those suitable for moderate exposure are classified F1, and those suitable for passive exposure FO. Class F2 bricks are therefore suitable for use in any part of an external wall in-cluding situations where they may be saturated and have to undergo repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. Class F1 bricks are normally durable in the outer face of a building as long as exposure is not se-vere and appropriate measures have been taken in the design of the wall to prevent saturation. This generally means they are suitable above the DPC and below the eaves. Class FO bricks are generally for internal use only.

Calcium Silicate Bricks. These bricks are made from sand or crushed flint and lime together with coloured pigments. The materials


are mechanically pressed into shape and then put in hardening cham-bers into which steam is injected under pressure. During hardening a chemical reaction occurs to produce hydrated calcium silicate. The bricks are very regular in shape and can easily be recognised by their pale colours. They are generally resistant to frost attack and virtually free from soluble sulfates.

Concrete Bricks. The majority of concrete bricks are made by blending and compacting dense aggregate with a cementitious binder under high pressure. Coloured facing bricks are manufactured by blending different aggregates or by adding special pigments. By vary-ing the proportions of cement the bricks can be manufactured in a va-riety of strengths. Concrete bricks are becoming increasingly popular, particularly when mixed with crushed stone aggregate as a substitute for natural stone.

Blockwork has become very popular in the last 60 years or so be-cause of its cost advantages over brickwork. Most blocks are equivalent in size to six bricks (three bricks high and two long) and are available in a range of widths from 50 mm to 300 mm. Blocks less than 75 mm wide are unsuitable for loadbearing walls. Blocks are made from ce-ment and aggregate, and by varying the quantity of cement and the nature of the aggregate, blocks with different strengths and levels of insulation can be formed.

Text-Based Exercises

Ex. 6. Say which of the following issues are considered in the text. If they are, say to which paragraphs they belong:

- advantages of blockwork, - advantages of engineering bricks, - bricks for external and internal use, - comparison of brick classes, - functions of the external walls, - kinds of brick suitable for facing,


- practical values of different bricks, - production and use calcium silicate brick, - production of concrete bricks, - requirements for loadbearing walls, - sizes of concrete bricks, - the components of brick. Ex. 7. Arrange the sentences in the logical sequence of the text

above. A) Blockwork has cost advantages over brickwork. B) By varying the quantity of cement and the nature of the aggre-

gate, blocks with different strengths and levels of insulation can be formed.

C) Calcium silicate bricks are made from sand or crushed flint and lime.

D) Class F2 bricks may be saturated and undergo repeated cycles of freezing and thawing.

E) Class FO bricks are suitable for internal use only. F) Concrete bricks are a mixture of dense aggregate with a ce-

mentitious binder. G) Different proportions of cement can produce bricks of various

strengths. H) Concrete bricks when mixed with crushed stone aggregate are

a substitute for natural stone. I) Engineering bricks are dense, with high compressive strength

and low rates of water absorption. J) Hardening leads to a chemical reaction to produce hydrated

calcium silicate. K) Calcium silicate bricks are resistant to frost attack and are un-

affected by soluble sulfates. L) Some bricks are totally resistant to frost attack while others are

quite vulnerable. M) Bricks for passive exposure are classified FO.


N) The majority of bricks are made from clay. O) The most common use of facing bricks is for the outside walls

of houses; P) There are a number of requirements for an external loadbear-

ing wall. Ex. 8. Divide the main part of the text into logically complete

units. Find the key sentence in all the structurally meaningful pas-sages of the text:

1. 2. 3. 4. … Ex. 9. Choose a sentence (two or three) to elicit the main idea for

each of the parts of the text. Ex. 10. Text 1 has no conclusion. Suggest one or more sentences to

conclude the description of the building material under consideration. Ex. 11. Give summary of the text. For each of the parts give the

key statement and support it with the chosen additional information. Remember that the summary should be accompanied by an introduc-tion and conclusion.

Post-Reading Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 12. Insert into the sentences the right word or word group from the box.

regular in shape; cost advantages; an external loadbearing wall; in-ternal use; compressive strength; a variety of additives; cementitious binder; the suspended floors and roof; facing bricks; totally resistant; hardening chambers; facing bricks; cement and aggregate; moderate exposure


1. To support _______ is one of the basic functions of the external wall of the house.

2. The basic requirements for _______ are strength and stability, weather protection, good thermal insulation, fire protection and dura-bility.

3. By using special manufacturing techniques and adding _______, bricks of various colours and strengths can be produced.

4. ________ of different colours and strengths are used where the face will be left exposed.

5. Engineering bricks are dense bricks with high _______ and low rates of water absorption.

6. Some bricks are _______ to frost attack while others are quite vulnerable.

7. Bricks suitable for _______ are classified F1. 8. Class FO bricks are generally intended for _______ only. 9. The materials are mechanically pressed into shape and put in

_______ into which steam is injected. 10. The bricks are very _______ and can easily be recognised by

their pale colours. 11. Concrete bricks are made from dense aggregate with a

________ . 12. Coloured _______ are manufactured by blending different ag-

gregates or by adding special pigments. 13. Blockwork has become very popular because of its ________

over brickwork. 14. Most blocks are made from _______ and have different

strengths and levels of insulation. Ex. 13. Complete the sentences. 1. In order to fulfil its functions the external loadbearing wall has

such requirements as … . 2. The majority of bricks are made from clay using … . 3. Common bricks are suitable for general building work where

… .


4. Facing bricks come in a wide range of finishes, colours and strengths and are used … .

5. Engineering bricks are dense bricks with high compressive strength and … .

6. Engineering bricks may be used … . 7. The bricks that … are classified F2. 8. Class F2 bricks are suitable for use in … . 9. Class F1 bricks are normally durable in the outer face of a

building as long as … . 10. Calcium silicate bricks are made from … . 11. During hardening a chemical reaction occurs to … . 12. Calcium silicate bricks are generally … . 13. Concrete bricks are made … . 14. Coloured facing bricks are manufactured by … . 15. Concrete bricks are popular a substitute for natural stone,

particularly when … . 16. Most concrete blocks are equivalent in size to … . 17. By varying the quantity of cement and the nature of the ag-

gregate blocks with … . Ex. 14. Complete the following sentences using English equiva-

lents instead of the Russian words and word-combinations. 1. The external wall of a house is to (поддерживать вес половых

и потолочных перекрытий). 2. In order to satisfactorily fulfil these functions (предъявляется

ряд требований) for an external loadbearing wall. 3. The requirements include: strength and stability, weather pro-

tection (хорошая теплоизоляция, пожарная безопасность и долго-вечность).

4. Different clays have different characteristics and (при использовании специальных методов производства и внесении разнообразных добавок), bricks of various colours and strengths can be produced.


5. Bricks can be described as (обычный, облицовочный и техни-ческий).

6. Сommon bricks are suitable where the face of the brick will be (покрыта строительным раствором, штукатуркой или какой-то дру-гой отделкой).

7. Facing bricks are used for the outside walls of houses where (лицевая сторона будет подвергаться внешнему воздействию).

8. Some engineering bricks are likely to be found in civil engi-neering structures such as (несущие стены и мосты).

9. Bricks can also be classified by (морозостойкость). 10. Some bricks are totally resistant to frost attack while others

are (уязвимыe). 11. According to the new European Standard bricks suitable for

(суровое воздействие окружающей среды) are classified F2. 12. Class F2 bricks are therefore suitable for use where they may

be saturated and have to (подвергаться многократному промерза-нию и оттаиванию).

13. With class F1 bricks appropriate measures have been taken in the design of the wall (чтобы предотвратить влагопоглощение).

14. Calcium Silicate bricks are made from (песка или каменной крошки) and lime together with coloured pigments.

15. The materials are put in hardening chambers into which (по-давать пар под давлением).

16. The bricks are generally resistant to frost attack and (факти-чески не вступают в реакцию с растворимыми сульфатами).

17. Coloured facing bricks are manufactured (при смешивании различного заполнителя) or by adding special pigments.

18. Concrete bricks are becoming popular, particularly when mixed with crushed stone aggregate (в качестве замены натурально-му камню).

19. Blockwork has become very popular because of its (ценовое преимущество) over brickwork.

20. Вlocks with different strengths and levels of insulation can be formed by (меняя количество цемента и характер заполнителя).


Ex. 15. Translate the sentences into English. 1. К несущей стене предъявляется ряд требований: прочность и

устойчивость, защита от погодных воздействий, хорошая тепло-изоляция, пожарная безопасность и долговечность.

2. В настоящее время самыми обычными для возведения стен являются кладки из кирпича и блоков.

3. Виды кирпича могут быть представлены как обычные, обли-цовочные и технические.

4. Облицовочный кирпич используется для внешних стен зданий, где лицевая сторона подвергается воздействию внешней среды.

5. Некоторые кирпичи являются абсолютно непромерзаемыми, в то время как другие весьма уязвимы.

6. Кирпичи, которые можно подвергать умеренному охлажде-нию, классифицируются как F1.

7. Кирпичи класса F1 обычно долговечны с внешней стороны здания, если были приняты соответствующие меры по предотвра-щению влагопоглощения.

8. Силикатные кирпичи делают из песка или каменной крошки и извести с добавлением цветных красителей.

9. Во время закаливания происходит химическая реакция, дающая в результате гидросиликат кальция.

10. Большинство бетонных блоков изготавливается при сме-шивании и уплотнении заполнителя с цементным связующим ком-понентом под высоким давлением.

11. Меняя пропорции содержания бетона, можно производить блоки различной прочности.

12. Бетонные блоки становятся все популярнее, особенно в ка-честве замены натуральному камню, когда заполнителем является каменная крошка.

13. Кладка из бетонных блоков стала очень популярной благо-даря ценовому преимуществу по сравнению с кирпичной кладкой.

14. С различным содержанием цемента и заполнителя можно получить блоки различной прочности и степени изоляции.


For more specific information concerning building brick buildings read text 2 “MASONRY” and get ready to answer the questions follow-ing the text and the list of vocabulary.


Definition of masonry, its main characteristics. Masonry is the building of structures from individual units laid in and bound together by mortar, and the term "masonry" can also refer to the units them-selves. The common materials of masonry construction are brick, stone such as marble, granite, travertine, limestone; concrete block, glass block, and tile. Masonry is generally a highly durable form of construction. However, the materials used, the quality of the mortar and workmanship, and the pattern the units are assembled in can strongly affect the durability of the overall masonry construction.

Brick Laying. Bricks are laid flat in rows called courses, exposing either their sides (stretcher) or ends (header). The pattern of overlap created by the course is called a bond. There are several different kinds of bonds, including Stretcher (most common), Herringbone, English, Basket and Flemish. With all bonds, the vertical joints between each course of bricks must not line up or the structure will be weakened.

Bricks are usually held together by mortar. The mortar consists of sand, a binding agent (traditionally lime but these days more often cement) and water, which is then mixed to a thick paste. It is applied to a brick, which is then placed onto another brick and allowed to dry.

When building a structure, a bed of mortar is laid on top of the foundation, and the structure's ends are built up first. A string is then stretched between these ends to ensure each row of bricks stays level. Two layers of brick are used to create a stronger structure, with a gap left in between for insulation purposes.

A wide range of structures including arches can be built using bricks.

Advantages. The use of materials such as brick and stone can in-crease the thermal mass of the building, giving increased comfort in the


heat of summer and the cold of winter and can be ideal for passive solar applications. So, masonry is very heat resistant and thus can provide good fire protection, too. In appearance, especially when well crafted, the construction has an impression of solidity and permanence.

Brick typically will not require painting and so can provide a struc-ture with reduced life-cycle costs, although sealing appropriately will reduce potential spalling due to frost damage. Non-decorative con-crete block generally is painted or stuccoed if exposed.

Disadvantages. Extreme weather may cause degradation of ma-sonry wall surfaces due to frost damage. This type of damage is com-mon with certain types of brick, though relatively rare with concrete block. If non-concrete (clay-based) brick is to be used, it should be suitable for the climate in question.

Masonry tends to be heavy and must be built upon a strong founda-tion (usually reinforced concrete) to avoid potential settling and cracking.

Differences in styles. The selection of the brick used, especially for color, will affect the appearance of the final surface. In buildings built during the 1970s, a high degree of uniformity of brick and accuracy in masonry was typical. In later periods this style was thought to be too sterile, so attempts were made to emulate older, rougher work. Some brick surfaces are made to look particularly rustic by including "burnt" bricks, which have a darker color or an irregular shape. Sometimes new bricks may be artificially aged by applying various surface treatments.

Stonemasonry. Stone blocks used in masonry can be "dressed" or "rough." Stone masonry using dressed stones is known as ashlar ma-sonry, whereas masonry using irregularly shaped stones is known as rubble masonry. Both rubble and ashlar masonry can be laid in courses (rows of even height) through the careful selection or cutting of stones, but a great deal of stone masonry is uncoursed.

Additional Vocabulary

mason ['meisn] – каменщик || производить кладку, класть камни или кирпичи masonry ['meisnri] – каменная кладка


mortar – строительный раствор || скреплять раствором marble ['ma:bl] – мрамор; мраморное изделие tile – черепица; кафель, плитка || крыть черепицей (кафелем) workmanship ['wə:kmən∫ip] – мастерство, квалификация; качество работы brick laying - ведение кирпичной кладки course [kɔ:s] – ряд (кладки, черепичной кровли) || класть ряд (кирпичей, черепицы) stretcher - ложок кирпича header - тычок кирпича, кирпичной кладки overlap - перекрытие, нахлестка || класть кирпичи внахлестку bond - перевязка кирпичной кладки, тип кладки, рисунок на поверхности стены herringbone - шеврон, кладка «в елку» joint - соединение, стык, шов paste - паста, мастика, замазка, клей pointing - расшивка швов каменной кладки; ориентирование, заострение trowel - шпатель, штукатурная лопатка; затирать лопаткой, наносить шпателем (штукатурку) bed of mortar - постель (кирпича, шифера), горизонтальные швы кирпичной кладки passive solar heating - самонагрев за счёт солнечной радиации spalling [spɔ:l] - откалывание, отслаивание stucco ['stʌkəu] – отделочный, штукатурный гипс; оштукатуривание; || штукатурить solidity [sə'liditi] – твёрдость, крепость, прочность permanence ['pə:mənəns] – неизменность, постоянство, прочность rough [rʌf] – грубый; необработанный; неровный rustic ['rʌstik] – неотёсанный, грубо отёсанный (о кирпичной кладке); грубо об-работанная каменная поверхность treatment ['tri:tmənt] – обработка, пропитка; обращение dressed – обработанный; отёсанный ashlar ['æ∫lə] – тёсаный камень (для облицовки зданий, парапетов); кладка из тёсаного камня rubble ['rʌbl] – бут, бутовый камень, бутовая кладка

Reading Comprehension Exercises

Ex. 16. Answer the questions. For each answer choose A, B or C to show the correct choice.

1. What is the term for building structures from bricks and blocks with the help of mortar? A. mason B. masoning C. masonry


2. Which building material is commonly used in masonry? A. stone B. wood C. straw

3. What does the quality of mortar affect most often? A. beauty B. durability C. servicability

4. What are the even rows of bricks in masonry called? A. routes B. layers C. courses

5. What is the most common kind of bond in bricklaying? A. stretcher B. basket C. herringbone

6. Which of the following ingredients isn’t added into the mixture to make mortar? A. sand B. timber C. water

7. What is built up on top of the structure's foundation first? A. the ends … B. the middle … C. the top of the building

8. What is stretched between the ends to ensure each row of bricks stays level? A. ribbon B. string C. measuring tape

9. How can brick and stone inflence the thermal mass of the building? A. can increase… B. can decrease … C. can double …

10. What kind of weather can cause degradation of masonry wall surfaces? A. rainy B. sunny C. frosty

11. What is not used to emulate older, rougher work in masonry? A. burnt bricks B. recycled blocks C. surface treatments

12. How is stone masonry using dressed stones known? A. as ashlar B. as block masonry C. as rubble masonry masonry


Ex. 17. Text 2 is devided into parts, each having a subtitle. Trying not to look into the text arrange the subtitles in the right order (make up a plan).

A) Advantages. B) Brick laying techniques. C) Definition of masonry, its main characteristics. D) Disadvantages. E) Masonry in the 20th century. F) Stonemasonry.

Ex. 18. A. Look through the sentence given below and say to which part of the text the statements could belong (consult the plan you made up in ex. 17). A) A wide range of structures including arches can be built using bricks. B) Being heavy, masonry must be built upon a strong foundation. C) Brick and stone can increase the thermal mass of the building and provide good fire protection, too. D) Brick typically does not require painting. E) Bricks are laid flat in rows called courses, exposing either their sides (stretcher) or ends (header). F) Earlier a high degree of uniformity of brick and accuracy in ma-sonry was typical. G) Later brick surfaces were made to look rustic with "burnt" bricks, surface treatments. H) Extreme weather may cause degradation of masonry wall surfaces due to frost damage. I) Masonry is generally a highly durable form of construction. J) Masonry is the building of structures from individual units laid in and bound together by mortar. K) Masonry using irregular stones is known as rubble masonry. L) Stone masonry using dressed stones is known as ashlar masonry. M) The mortar consists of sand, a binding agent and water, which is then mixed to a thick paste.


Ex. 19. Speak about bricks and masonry using the plan of ex. 17.

Vocabulary and Grammar Consolidation Exercises

Ex. 20. Couple the words as synonyms. To the word from colomn A add a word or word combination with the same meaning from colomn B. E. g.: weight bearing – load bearing.

A B weight bearing paint dressed stone construction rustic amount fire-resistant bricklayer antique inner cementitious stone plaster fire-proof internal rough external binding motar load bearing various plaster structure outer mason ashlar rock render pigment different quantity ancient

Ex. 21. Match the words and word groups with the definitions.

Words/word groups Definitions 1. brickwork a. some substance that creates uniform con-

sistency, solidification, or cohesion 2. rebar b. a block of ceramic material used in

masonry construction, usually laid using vari-ous kinds of mortar


Words/word groups Definitions 3. facing brick c. irregular fragments or pieces of rock used

in masonry or masonry made with such rocks 4. course d. a mixture of lime or gypsum, sand, and

water that hardens to a smooth solid and is used for coating walls and ceilings

5. paste e. a thin, dressed rectangle of stone for fac-ing walls

6. binder f. bricks for the outer layer or coating applied to a surface for protection or decoration

7. masonry g. a naturally occurring aluminium silicate of fine-grained minerals, which can impart plasticity and harden when fired or dried.

8. brick h. a metamorphic rock formed by alteration of limestone or dolomite, often irregularly colored by impurities, and used especially in architecture and sculpture

9. rubble J. a rod as tensioning device in reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures holding the concrete in compression

10. clay k. continuous horizontal layer of similarly-sized building material one unit high, usually in a wall

11. ashlar l. stonework or brickwork, also construction done by a mason

12. marble m. technique or work of constructing with bricks and mortar or a structure made of bricks

Ex. 22. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to

the noun damage ‘изъян, неисправность, повреждение; поломка; порча; убыток; ущерб; вред; урон…’ and the verb to damage


‘повреждать; портить; испортить; вредить; наносить ущерб; нанести убыток …’.

A) 1. Extreme weather may cause degradation of masonry wall surfaces due to frost damage. This type of damage is common with certain types of brick, though relatively rare with concrete block. 2. Brick typically will not require painting and so can provide a structure with reduced life-cycle costs, although sealing appropriately will re-duce potential spalling due to frost damage. 3. Homes made of con-crete resist damage caused by hurricanes, tornadoes and other weather-related events. 4. Wood burns more readily than some other materials, making timber-frame buildings somewhat more susceptible to fire damage. 5. Tongue and groove siding is best if you want to se-cure the wall from further damage brought by weather. 6. Wooden houses cause less damage to life and property if a natural calamity strikes than the concrete houses. 7. The finished bricks are very accu-rate and uniform, although they need careful handling to avoid dam-age to the brick and brick-layer. 8. The durability of a roof is a matter of concern and its damage or destruction can have serious effects. 9. The large area of a roof repels a lot of water, which must be directed in some suitable way, so that it does not cause damage or inconven-ience. 10. Buildings also may suffer from fire damage in special cir-cumstances.

B) 1. Frost heaving can damage houses, barns, sheds, roadways, concrete slabs, basically anything that is connected to the Earth in a place where the ground freezes. 2. Differential frost heaving can crack pavements and damage building foundations. 3. The type of founda-tion construction affects how a foundation may be damaged, cracked, settled, or moved. 4. When placing concrete be careful not to damage or move the formwork and reinforcement. 5. After earthquakes most of the undamaged buildings are made of logs. 6. Materials engineers are also involved in design of materials and methods to repair existing structures that may be damaged due to, for example, attack by our aggressive environment, structural overload, earthquakes, storms, etc.


7. Many owners of damaged buildings choose to demolish existing buildings and construct new structures. 8. Buildings may be damaged during the construction of the building or during maintenance.

Ex. 23. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to

the compound conjunctions both … and, either … or, neither … nor. A) 1. Both rubble and ashlar masonry can be laid in courses, but a

great deal of stone masonry is uncoursed. 2. Plaster is usually applied in two coats for both exterior and interior surfaces. 3. Lime plaster was used in ancient Egypt and by most early civilizations of both the Old and New Worlds. 4. Careful attention to both roof and opening details is necessary to protect the structure from water damage. 5. The density of wood, exclusive of water, varies greatly both within and between species. 6. Wood in service is exposed to both long-term (seasonal) and short-term (daily) changes in relative humidity and temperature of the surrounding air. 7. Ceilings can be produced of many various materials both natural and artificial. 8. Modern complex structures and timber trusses often incorporate steel joinery, for both structural and architectural purposes. 9. The pipework both inside and outside should be protected from frost. 10. Timber stud partitions are an alternative to brickwork and can act as both loadbearing and non-loadbearing walls.

B) 1. Stones are either shaped (dressed) into a block, known as ashlar masonry, or left rough and cut irregularly, known as rubble masonry. 2. Bricks are laid flat in rows called courses, exposing either their sides (stretcher) or ends (header). 3. Brick that is damaged can be crushed and recycled and either returned to the manufacturing process to make more brick, or used as a landscaping material in its crushed form. 4. The use of decomposed limestone can be problem-atic unless modified with either the addition of clay, portland cement or lime if necessary. 5. Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) is defined as that moisture content at which the wood is neither gaining nor los-ing moisture; an equilibrium condition has been reached. 6. Heating


can be provided by either a central source, or locally. 7. All timber can be classified as either softwood or hardwood. 8. The pressure is ap-plied with either a mechanical or hydraulic system. 9. If the whole of the system is protected by an RCD (Residual Current Device) then when ‘tripped’ there will be neither power nor lighting.

Ex. 24. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to

polysemantic functional word as. 1. Modern mortars use cement as the main binding agent al-

though hydrated lime is often introduced into the mix to make it more plastic. 2. The use of bearing piles in housing is very rare as sandy soils are generally ideal for strip foundations. 3. The force of the ice lenses is sufficient to lift a layer of soil, as much as 30 cm or more. 4. The house you own as well as the land it sits on is usually very expensive. 5. As the name implies, single-family homes are ideal for families, es-pecially those with children. 6. There are also those who like semi-detached houses or, as the Americans call them, duplexes. 7. If I lived in a detached house I would certainly build a garage, a summer house, and certainly I would arrange some flowerbeds as I adore flowers. 8. As long as no walls of the structure are connected to another dwelling, the house remains to be a detached house. 9. As time went by, terrace housing evolved and became known as townhomes or townhouses. 10. Stone is an exceptional material, durable as well as aesthetic. 11. Natural stone is also versatile as it has the durability of one hun-dred to one hundred fifty years. 12. As the climate warms, pile foun-dations lose their strength and will eventually fail. 13. The primary advantage of using earth as a foundation material is its low cost and availability. 14. Footings must be loaded evenly as eccentric loading may cause tipping and failure. 15. As a natural building material, natural stone contains no pollutants that are damaging to the health. 16. No other building material has as many different colors and struc-tures as natural stone.

Ex. 25. Translate the sentences with the Complex Subject. It is


recommended to start the translation with the verb-predicate. E. g.: In later periods this style was thought to be sterile. ‘ Позднее счита-лось, что этот стиль лишен своеобразия’ .

1. The construction of the bridge is expected to begin next spring. 2. Every modern building is known to have water, electricity, heating, ventilation and dispose of waste systems and, accordingly, their equipment. 3. Construction materials are known to differ in strength, hardness, fire- and corrosion-resistance durability, and, naturally, cost. 4. Wood is known to be the oldest construction material and is still widely used for different purposes. 5. In the cold countries we are more likely to find wooden houses. 6. Being the oldest building material, wood is also known to be the only naturally growing organic material. 7. Generally, a site for the dwelling house is considered to be fit for human habitation if it is free from dampness. 8. Wood house is considered by many people to be the perfect country or vacation dream home. 9. Although many masons object to 'second-hand' stone, there appears to be no scientific reasons why the material should not be reused. 10. For rooms that are likely to be higher hu-midity such as kitchens, stone is also likely to be the more practical choice. 11. The quality of concrete is known to depend on the proper-ties of materials it consists of. 12. A wood house is less likely to col-lapse under the stress of an earthquake. 13. Therefore one is more likely to find wooden houses in the earth quake belts of the world. 14. Experience seems to be the best test; although the science of chemis-try may be sufficient for the geologist, the architect is better satisfied with the proofs of time. 15. People who live in houses with cedar house siding are more likely to use less on heating and air condition-ing. 16. This research from Germany indicated that the health benefits of living in a solid wood house are likely to be even greater than just the thermal comfort. 17. Good curing is typically considered to pro-vide a moist environment and control temperature.


Ex. 26. Translate the sentences with -ing-forms in different func-tions.

1. A brick is a block of ceramic material used in masonry con-struction, usually laid using various kinds of mortar. 2. A cement/sand mix of 1:3 will result in the air space within the sand being completely filled by the cement, producing a strong but brittle mortar. 3. The an-cient mastery of extracting stone from the ground and working it into a building material requires an understanding of how that specific stone will cut. 4. The high-pressure resistance values of many natural stones have given the material a reputation of being an everlasting building material. 5. Stonemasonry is the craft of shaping rough pieces of rock into accurate geometrical shapes and then arranging the resulting stones together with mortar to form structures. 6. For efficient handling and laying bricks must be small enough and light enough to be picked up by the bricklayer using one hand (leaving the other hand free for the trowel). 7. The wall is built using alternating courses of stretchers, bricks laid longways and headers, bricks laid crossways. 8. Apart from being lovely to look at and wonderful to work in, an amazing building is quite often the product of very clever engineering. 9. More and more land in the UK is being converted to urban areas. 10. Bricks are blocks of clay that have been hardened through being fired in a kiln or dried in the sun. 11. Building with wood is a rich tradition that is still being practised in many countries around the world. 12. Wooden houses fall in the category of low-energy houses that retain heat in winter while being pleasantly cool during summer.

Ex. 27. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the

form of the predicate verb and the infinitive in conditional sentences. 1. If too little binder is in the mix, the render will be harsh and

difficult to apply; too much and it will suffer excess shrinkage. 2. If I lived in a detached house I would certainly build a garage, a summer house, and certainly I would arrange some flowerbeds as I adore flow-


ers. 3. No place can be healthy unless it is dry and damp-proof. 3. In many cases the loadbearing wall will continue up to the roof level to support part of the roof structure (if traditional roofing is used). 4. In addition, if minor cracking does occur in the wall, it is more likely to occur at the joints. 5. If the inside face of the wall cools below a par-ticular temperature then moisture in the air will condense on the cold surface. 6. When stucco is applied to platform-framed two-story houses, shrinkage of joists and sills may cause bulges or breaks in the stucco unless joists have reached moisture equilibrium. 7. If the sur-face of a wall plastered with dense plaster is cold, then condensation may occur on its surface. 8. Timber framing buildings may also have serious limitations in their insulation levels, unless the spaces between the studs are well insulated (which demands sufficiently large studs). 9. Wood is a renewable resource - if forestry management ensures that more trees are planted than are harvested. 10. If condensation occurs in a roof space it may result in fungal decay of the timbers.

Reading Practice

Read through text 3 “NATURAL STONE: FAR MORE THAN JUST AN-OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL” and then choose the best sentence given below to fill in each of the blanks. E. g. : 1- b.


Natural stone has been used for every function imaginable, from weapon to a bartering currency. ___1___ The various ways it can be in-stalled in a project are limited only by the creative imagination of the designer and technical understanding of the installer.

Each mason’s workmanship is unlike that of another, and each mason’s project is unlike his last. ___2___ The project can be struc-tural, aesthetic, or both. The effect can be powerful or subtle and, yet, ever changing with the mood of the day or season.


Each different kind of stone has its own unique graining. ___3___ The rift will run perpendicularly to the bedding grain of a sedimentary stone. The stone cutter would need to identify the rift in order to suc-cessfully cut the stone. This is one example of the knowledge a stone cutter would need.

The master stone cutters who worked the quarries in the United States’ early years are a reflection of the different cultures that helped settle America. Master stone cutters have come from Sweden, Ger-many, Italy and Ireland, to name a few. ___4___

The many different availabilities of texture, color, hardness and a workable nature of natural stone lend to an ability to express any de-sired outcome. The abundant choices in appearance and uses of natu-ral stone, coupled with the abounding skills of the mason and creative genius of an architect or designer, present possibilities that no other medium could. ___5____ .

The increased availability of natural stone is due mostly to the in-novations of stone processing equipment and tooling. ___6____ . Im-proved methods for quarrying and new ways of processing all of the stone removed from the ground can result in greater profit for the quarries and a greener product than any imitations.

____7____ . It has a history of use that is part of the human race. The stone industry has been able to take advantage of technological advances that improve yield and offer more options. Natural stone is a gracious compliment to any modern setting.

A) Most stones have a graining referred to as the “rift.” B) Stone also is timeless. C) Stone is far more than just another building material. D) The use of natural stone is as much about people and cultures

as it is about the material. E) These abounding options give natural stone an opportunity to

communicate any desired result. F) These advancements have increased production, lowered

costs and made available new products. G) This is one of the remarkable aspects of natural stone.


Read text 4 “MORTAR” divided into parts. Find answers to the questions which come before each of the coming passages.


1. What does lime improve when it is used in the motar? Mortar is the material which binds the bricks and blocks together.

It helps to distribute the load through a wall and seals the brick or block joints against water ingress. Mortars should have:

• good workability, • sufficient resilience to accommodate long term thermal move-

ment of the masonry, • adequate bond strength, • good resistance to water penetration. Mortar is made from fine aggregate (usually sand) and a binding

agent (nowadays usually cement). When mixed with water a chemical reaction, called hydration, occurs and the mortar sets. Early mortars were usually based on lime and sand but they were very slow to set and readily absorbed rain water (the mortar sets through a process known as carbonation where the lime gradually hardened by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere). Modern mortars use cement as the main binding agent although hydrated lime (i. e. bagged lime) is often introduced into the mix to give it a more plastic feel and to make it more 'workable'. Lime also improves the mortar's ability to cope with thermal and moisture movement. By varying the proportions of the cement the strength of the mortar can be increased or decreased as required.

2. What mix proportions ensure workability, adhesion and dura-bility?

A given volume of sand contains approximately 25 % of air space. The strength and physical properties of a mortar are determined by the type of binder that fills this air space. For example, a cement/sand mix of 1:3 will result in the air space within the sand being completely filled by the cement, producing a strong but brittle mortar. The rela-


tively high cement content will result in shrinkage as the mortar sets. Many bricks and blocks cannot resist this shrinkage resulting in loss of bond and cracks in the mortar. By replacing some of the binder with lime (say 1:1:6, cement/lime/sand) the binder/aggregate ratio is maintained at 1:3 and the mortar has improved workability, better ad-hesion and longer durability.

3. What is the function of liquid plasticizers? Liquid plasticisers can be used in place of lime to improve the na-

ture of a mortar. Plasticisers are usually air entraining agents; in other words, air is introduced into the mix to break down the internal fric-tion and produce more workable mortars. A mortar mix of 1 part ce-ment to 5 parts sand, plus plasticiser, is roughly equivalent to a 1:1:6, cement/lime/sand mix. Another option is to use masonry cement. This is a pre-bagged mix of cement with added chemicals to improve the workability of the mortar. Their finished strength is lower than cement mortars so they should only be used for lightly stressed brickwork in sheltered situations. They should not be used below ground level.

In recent years the use of pre-mixed mortars has become com-mon. These are delivered to site in sealed containers, ready for use. They usually contain a retarder so they remain usable for 36 - 48 hours or so. At the end of this period they develop their strength in the same way as normal mortars.

4. What is pointing? The face of the joint may be finished in a number of ways. These

are largely dependent on the exposure of the building, the type of brick and the preference of the designer. Most brickwork, these days, is jointed as work proceeds. Pointing is the term used to describe ex-isting or new joints which have been raked out and filled with fresh, often coloured, mortar. Pointing is relatively rare in new construction because coloured mortar mixes are now relatively cheap. In addition pointing requires great care. The pointing mortar mix must be slightly weaker than the jointing mortar. If it is stronger the outer face of the bricks, immediately above and below the pointing, will carry excess load. This can result in the edges of the bricks spalling.


Read text 5 “TEN GOOD REASONS FOR NATURAL STONE”. A) Read the text without a dictionary. Guess the meaning of the

unknown words that you may come across.


We’ve all heard it before: the often-debated question of stone or no stone. Why should I build with natural stone, ask developers and architects. Looking for some good arguments for stone? Try these ten.

1. Natural stone is a natural product with individual properties determined by the type and bonding of the minerals comprising the natural stone. Natural stone holds an outstanding position among all building materials. Components of natural stone are unique speci-mens, which can be combined with each other and with many other materials.

2. Natural stone is ecological. Natural stone as a building material is found naturally in a virtually finished form. No energy is needed for its actual manufacture. Energy is only consumed for quarrying and processing, but the share is small compared with other building mate-rials. The stone is extracted mostly from relatively small quarries without major blasting operations. The unused stone waste can be used directly for filling in the parts of the quarry where stone has been extracted. Nothing is lost in the complete cycle of natural stone quarrying, processing, and returning to nature.

3. Natural stone is environmentally compatible. As a natural building material, natural stone contains no pollutants that are dam-aging to the health. Natural stone can be used safely in food areas. It also releases no substances that are hazardous to health in case of fire. Natural stone requires no auxiliary chemical substances such as protective coatings, impregnating agents or coatings before it can be used as a building material.

4. Natural stone is varied. No other building material has as many different colors and structures as natural stone. Various surface fin-ishing processes make this variety virtually unlimited. Developers and


architects therefore have a broad spectrum of choice, which allows matching to any desired appearance or ambience. Natural stones are often chosen for their good visual and technical qualities. Natural stone is available in a variety of different colors, structures and tex-tures. A suitable natural stone is available for virtually any require-ment imposed on a building material.

5. Natural stone is individual. Natural stones are quarried in large blocks and cut to the desired size by natural stone companies. The sizes of natural stone slabs are limited only by the size of the rough blocks and not by standard dimensions specified by production. The sizes can be adapted individually to meet planning requirements. Any desired shape can be provided, not only square or rectangular slabs. Modern processing machines allow inlay work in natural stone. The variety of the stones and the individual processing and design possi-bilities constitute the uniqueness of the building material.

6. Natural stone ages well. Whereas many building materials be-come unsightly in the course of years, natural stone retains a natural patina, which is not detrimental to the beauty of the natural stone. Many natural stones are like good wine. They only attain their full ele-gance with advancing years. Natural stone can also be cleaned easily and cheaply. Even centuries-old floor coverings of natural stone can be ground and restored to their original condition. The lifetime of natural stone is extremely long. With the right planning and construc-tion, buildings of natural stone have been known to survive for thou-sands of years.

7. Natural stone is three-dimensional. Any desired shape of stone can be produced as well as slab sizes. Milling grooves and flutings in the stone surfaces can create interesting light and shade effects. Such processed slabs radiate strength and solidity when mounted on a fa-cade. Solid components, like moldings, frames and pillars, permit an aesthetic structure.

8. Natural stone is attractively priced. If the total costs of a building material are considered over a useful life of 30 years or more, inde-


pendent investigations show that natural stone is no more expensive than comparable synthetic building materials. The relatively high in-vestment costs are offset by the low long-term maintenance costs and long life. The cost of cleaning and maintenance of natural stone is low.

9. Natural stone is physically practical. Natural stone has very good thermal conductivity and a large heat storage capacity. Natural stone as facade material absorbs the heat radiated by the sun and prevents unwanted heating up of the building. Tests show an energy requirement of 100-150 kWh/m2 (1076-1616 kWh/ft2) for multi-story buildings with stone facades, in contrast to an energy requirement of 300-700 kWh/m2 (3229-7534 kWh/ft2) for the necessary heating and cooling of glass facades.

10. Natural stone is durable. The high-pressure resistance values of many natural stones have given the material a reputation of being an everlasting building material. Only the so-called stainless steels, which are costly in production, achieve the durability of natural stones. Natural stone is also the most durable material with the lowest abrasion values for floor coverings. Coverings of granite or similar hard stones show hardly any signs of wear even after decades or use.

B) Read the text again and make a list of additional topical vo-cabulary (10 to 15 words and word-combinations). Consult a diction-ary to finalise the choice of the Russian equivalents. Memorise the new vocabulary.

Project 2. Brick and Masonry

Divide into teams of 4 or 5 students. Choose any aspect of the problem of the brick and masonry in construction. Jointly arrange a presentation of the materials collected in form of PowerPoint demon-stration. Try to illustrate your points of presentation.

Suggested issues Why is brick so popular as a building material? Do you really think

it is the best choice in most cases? Trace the history of the brick, types of brick and their applications.



Second only to water, concrete is the most consumed material on earth, with three tonnes per year used for every person. Twice as much concrete

is used in construction as all other building materials combined. There is little doubt that concrete will remain in use well into the future.

Vocabulary to memorise

сoncrete [‘kɔɳkri:t] - бетон || бетонировать cement [sə’ment] - цемент; цементный раствор || цементировать; скреплять или обмазывать цементным раствором Portland cement - портландцемент fly ash - летучая зола, зольная пыль, зола-унос, зола пылеугольного топлива slag cement - бесклинкерный шлаковый цемент, известково-шлаковый цемент, шлако-портландцемент aggregate - заполнитель, инертный материал (бетона) coarse [kɔ:s] aggregate - крупный заполнитель fine aggregate - мелкий заполнитель gravel limestone ['grævəl 'laimstəun] - известняковая галька, гравий chemical admixture ['kemikəl əd'mikst∫ə] – химическая добавка; примесь, присадка solidify [sə'lidifai] - твердеть; затвердевать; застывать; загустевать harden ['ha:dn] - закаливать; твердеть, набирать прочность (о бетоне) placement ['pleismənt] - укладка (бетона, арматуры) hydration ['haidrei∫n] - гидратация, гидратирование bond (together) - соединять; связывать; склеивать; цементировать water and cement paste – водно-цементное тесто crushed stone - щебень, бут; бутовый камень blast furnace ['fə:nis] slag cement - шлакопортландцемент bottom ['bɔtəm] ash - шлак, зольный остаток fluid ['flu:id] - жидкость; жидкая среда, раствор plain concrete - неармированный бетон batching - дозирование (подачи бетонной смеси); приготовление замеса accelerator [ək'seləreitə] - ускоритель схватывания бетона hardening ['ha:dniɳ] - твердение, затвердевание (цементного раствора или бетона) curing ['kjuəriɳ] – (влажная) выдержка бетона; затвердевание (о синтетической смоле, бетоне); схватывание retarder [ri'ta:də] - замедлитель; добавка для замедления процесса схватывания


pour [pɔ:] - бетонирование; укладка бетонной смеси; объём бетонной смеси (укладываемой или производимой за единицу времени) || бетонировать; укла-дывать бетонную смесь; partial setting ['pa:∫əl 'setiɳ] - частичное, неполное твердение (схватывание) аir-entrainer [‘ɛə in'treinə] - воздухововлекающие добавки для гидравлическо-го цемента compressive strength [streɳƟ] - предел прочности при сжатии; прочность на сжатие; сопротивление сжатию plasticizer [‘plæstisaizə] - пластификатор; смягчитель; материал для придания пластичности (бетонной смеси) water-reducing admixture - разжижающая (пластифицирующая) добавка; водо-поглощающая добавка workability [,wə:kə'biliti] - удобоукладываемость (бетонной смеси); примени-мость; годность (к обработке) plastic ['plæstik] concrete – пластичный бетон consolidatе [kən'sɔlideit] - затвердевать, твердеть; уплотнять(ся) pigment - пигмент, красящее вещество, краситель || окрашивать corrosion inhibitor [kə'rəuʒən in'hibitə] - ингибитор (коррозии); замедлитель окисления, коррозии bonding - связывание; склеивание || связывающий, связующий hydrate ['haidreit] - гидрат || гидратизировать, гидратировать initial [i'ni∫əl] setting – первичное схватывание permeability [,pə:mjə'biliti] - водопроницаемость tensile ['tensail] stress - напряжение при растяжении, напряжение растяжения, продольное натяжение

Pre-Reading Exercises

Ex. 1. After you have studied the vocabulary to memorise, look through the words of this exercise. Say which of the words and word groups you are unlikely to come across in the text to come. The text is entitled “CONCRETE”.

Portland cement; fly ash slag; wood pulp; pigment; coarse aggre-gate; gravel; limestone; fine aggregate; wood-lot; sand; bottom ash; manufactured sand; water; laminate flooring; chemical admixtures; placement; hydration; pavement; harvested trees; foundation; motor-way; footing; fence; cement paste; cellulose; concrete mixture; crushed


stone; recycled aggregate; construction; blast furnace slag; chemical admixture; spruce; plain concrete; accelerant; compressive strength; plasticizers; corrosion inhibitor; bonding agent; initial setting; perme-ability; tensile stress; placement; timber chipboard; curing; granite.

Ex. 2. Make up negative adjectives with the help of negative suf-

fixes un-, in- (im-, il-, ir-). Use one word instead of the given two. not sufficient; not desirable; not efficient; not controllable; not

obtainable; not supplied; not suitable; not usual; not complete; not natural; not satisfactory; not interesting; not regular; not common; not available; not significant; not essential; not mobile.

Call to mind more negative forms (adjectives and adverbs) in Eng-lish from your personal language experience.

Ex. 3. Translate the following adverbs. Consult the dictionary to

make sure. Commonly, eventually, relatively, excessively, mainly, primarily,

interestingly, typically. respectively, significantly, particularly, care-fully, generally, normally.

Ex. 4. Analyse the composition of the following compound words.

Translate the words into Russian. Limestone; stone-like; air-cooled; motorway; however; landscape;

man-made; air-entrainer; freeze-thaw; thereby; trade-off; water-reducing; long-term; high-strength; high-performance.

Ex. 5. Call to mind related words in English to the adjectives sug-

gested (from your personal language experience). Translate the words. E. g.: compressive ‘сжимающийся’ – to compress ‘сжимать, сдавли-вать’ – compressor ‘компрессор’, - compression ‘сжатие, уплотнение’ - to press ‘нажимать, надавливать’ – press ‘пресс; прес-са’ - pressure ‘давление’ …


Structural, cementitious, chemical, architectural, partial, signifi-cant, decorative, obtainable, normal, difficult, desirable, plastic, envi-ronmental, problematic, various, available, careful.

Consult the dictionary to find more word forms and meanings. Ex. 6. Translate the following words and word combinations: cementitious materials; fly ash; slag cement; coarse aggregate;

fine aggregate; gravel limestone; manufactured sand; chemical ad-mixtures; to solidify and harden; mixing and placement; to bond components together; to create a stone-like material; to make pave-ments; parking structures; footings for gates; man-made material; water and cement paste; to develop strength over time; the bulk of a concrete mixture; natural gravel; crushed stone; recycled aggregates; demolition and excavation waste; partial replacements; manufactured aggregates; air-cooled blast furnace slag; bottom ash; crushed glass; landscape designer; chemical admixture; in the form of powder or fluid; plain concrete mix; admixture dosage; accelerant; to slow the hydration of concrete; large pour; partial setting; air-entrainer; to re-duce damage; freeze-thaw cycle; decrease in compressive strength; water-reducing admixtures; to increase workability; plastic concrete; corrosion inhibitor; to minimize the corrosion of steel bars; bonding agent; to acquire strength and hardness; initial setting; under specific environmental condition; to provide moist environment; to lower per-meability; to increase strength; to dry out excessively; tensile stress; exothermic chemical process of hydration; before curing is complete; to interrupt the hydration process; to lead to damage or failure; ex-posed surface; permeability of concrete; curing time; serviceability problems.

Read text 1 “CONCRETE”. When reading find answers to the fol-

lowing questions? 1. What do you need to make concrete? 2. What is hydration?


3. Where is concrete used besides architectural structures? 4. What materials can be used as aggregate? 5. When are admixtures added to the concrete mix? What are their

functions? 6. What conditions are necessary for concrete curing? 7. What damage can improper curing cause? Then read the text again and do the text-based exercises coming

after the text.


Concrete is a construction material that consists of cement (com-monly Portland cement) as well as other cementitious materials such as fly ash and slag cement, aggregate (generally a coarse aggregate such as gravel limestone or granite, plus a fine aggregate such as sand or manufactured sand) and water and chemical admixtures.

Concrete solidifies and hardens after mixing and placement due to a chemical process known as hydration. The water reacts with the cement, which bonds the other components together, eventually cre-ating a stone-like material. It is used to make pavements, architec-tural structures, foundations, motorways/roads, parking structures, brick/block walls and footings for gates, fences and poles.

Concrete is used more than any other man-made material on the planet.

Aggregates. The water and cement paste hardens and develops strength over time. Both fine and coarse aggregates are used to make up the bulk of a concrete mixture. Sand, natural gravel and crushed stone are mainly used for this purpose. However, it is increasingly common for recycled aggregates (from construction, demolition and excavation waste) to be used as partial replacements of natural aggre-gates, whilst a number of manufactured aggregates, including air-cooled blast furnace slag and bottom ash are also permitted. Decora-tive stones such as quartzite, small river stones or crushed glass are


sometimes added to the surface of concrete for a decorative "exposed aggregate" finish, popular among landscape designers.

Chemical admixtures. Chemical admixtures are materials in the form of powder or fluids that are added to the concrete to give it cer-tain characteristics not obtainable with plain concrete mixes. In nor-mal use, admixture dosages are less than 5 % by mass of cement, and are added to the concrete at the time of batching/mixing. The most common types of admixtures are:

Accelerators speed up the hydration (hardening) of the concrete. Without accelerants, concrete may take centuries to cure.

Retarders slow the hydration of concrete, and are used in large or difficult pours where partial setting before the pour is complete is un-desirable.

Air-entrainers add and distribute tiny air bubbles in the concrete, which will reduce damage during freeze-thaw cycles thereby increas-ing the concrete's durability. However, entrained air is a trade-off with strength, as each 1 % of air may result in 5 % decrease in compressive strength.

Plasticizers (water-reducing admixtures) increase the workability of plastic or "fresh" concrete, allowing it be placed more easily, with less consolidating effort.

Pigments can be used to change the color of concrete, for aes-thetics.

Corrosion inhibitors are used to minimize the corrosion of steel and steel bars in concrete.

Bonding agents are used to create a bond between old and new concrete.

Curing. Because the cement requires time to fully hydrate before it acquires strength and hardness, concrete must be cured once it has been placed and achieved initial setting. Curing is the process of keeping concrete under a specific environmental condition until hy-dration is relatively complete. Good curing is typically considered to provide a moist environment and control temperature. A moist envi-


ronment promotes hydration, since increased hydration lowers per-meability and increases strength resulting in a higher quality material. Allowing the concrete surface to dry out excessively can result in ten-sile stresses, which may cause the concrete to crack.

Also, the amount of heat generated by the exothermic chemical process of hydration can be problematic for very large placements. Al-lowing the concrete to freeze in cold climates before the curing is complete will interrupt the hydration process, reducing the concrete strength and leading to scaling and other damage or failure.

Reading-Comprehension Exercise

Ex. 7. Say which of the following issues are considered in the text. If they are, say which sentences from the text deal with the issue concerned:

- advantages of concrete, - types and uses of concrete, - curing, setting and hardening of concrete, - possible failures, - different methods of preventing failures, - different admixture and their uses, - substitutes for cement, - the common ingredients of concrete, - kinds of aggregates, - the difference between concrete and cement.

Text-Based Exercises

Ex. 8. Insert into the sentences the right word or word group from the box.

hydration process; gravel limestone; the workability; stone-like ma-terial; recycled aggregates; permeability; tiny air bubbles; chemical admixtures; the hydration; exposed aggregate finish; bonding agents; develops strength


1. The coarse aggregate in concrete is normally ______ or granite. 2. The water reacts with the cement, which bonds the other com-

ponents together and creates a ______. 3. The water and cement paste hardens and ______ over time. 4. ______ from construction, demolition and excavation waste are

used as partial replacements of natural aggregates. 5. Decorative stones or crushed glass are added to the surface of

concrete for a decorative ______. 6. ______ are added to the concrete to obtain desirable character-

istics. 7. Accelerators speed up ______ (hardening) of the concrete. 8. Air-entrainers add and distribute ______ in the concrete in-

creasing the concrete's durability. 9. Plasticizers increase ______ of plastic concrete to place it with

less consolidating effort. 10. ______ are used to create a bond between old and new con-

crete. 11. A moist environment in curing promotes hydration and lowers

______ for higher quality. 12. Freezing before the curing is complete interrupts the ______. Ex. 9. Complete the sentences. 1. Concrete consists of cement as well as other … . 2. In the chemical process of hydration water reacts with … . 3. The water and cement paste … . 4. Both fine and coarse aggregates are used to … . 5. Recycled aggregates are used as … . 6. Decorative stones such as … are sometimes used as a decora-

tive "exposed aggregate" finish. 7. Chemical admixtures are materials in the form of powder or

fluids … . 8. Retarders slow the hydration of concrete and … . 9. Air-entrainers add and distribute … .


10. Plasticizers increase the workability of "fresh" concrete allow-ing … .

11. Corrosion inhibitors are used to … . 12. … concrete must be cured once it has been placed and

achieved initial setting. 13. A moist environment during curing promotes hydration, since

… . 14. The amount of heat generated …. 15. Allowing the concrete to freeze before the curing is complete

will … . 16. Improper curing can lead to … . Ex. 10. Complete the following sentences using English equiva-

lents instead of the Russian words and word-combinations. Use Text 1 for support.

1. Concrete is a construction material that consists of cement as well as (других вяжущих материалов, заполнителя и воды и хими-ческих примесей).

2. Concrete solidifies and hardens after mixing and placement (благодаря химическому процессу, известному как гидратация).

3. Concrete is used more than (любой другой искусственный ма-териал на планете).

4. The water and cement paste (твердеет и набирает прочность) over time.

5. Recycled aggregates from construction, demolition and excava-tion waste are used as (взамен натуральных заполнителей).

6. Decorative stones (наподобие кварца, мелких речных камней или стекольный бой) are added for a decorative "exposed aggregate" finish.

7. Chemical admixtures are materials (в виде порошка или жид-костей) that give concrete certain characteristics not obtainable with plain concrete mixes.


8. Accelerators (ускоряют гидратацию (укрепление) of the con-crete. Without accelerants, concrete may take centuries to cure.

9. Retarders slow the hydration of concrete, and are used (при объёмных или затрудненных заливках) where partial setting before the pour is complete is undesirable.

10. (Воздухововлекающие добавки вносят и распределяют в бетоне крошечные воздушные пузырьки) which will reduce damage during freeze-thaw cycles thereby increasing the concrete's durability.

11. Plasticizers (примеси, уменьшающие содержание воды) in-crease the workability of plastic concrete, allowing it to be placed more easily.

12. Bonding agents are used to (скрепить старый и новый бетон). 13. Curing is the process of (выдерживания бетона при опреде-

ленном состоянии окружающей среды) until hydration is relatively complete.

14. Allowing the concrete surface to dry out excessively (может вызвать напряжение растяжения), which may cause the concrete to crack.

15. Allowing the concrete to freeze before the curing is complete (процесс гидратации прерывается), reducing the concrete strength and leading to scaling and other damage or failure.

16. The effects of curing are primarily a function of geometry, (водопроницаемости бетона), curing time, and curing history.

Ex. 11. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Бетон состоит из цемента (обычно портландцемента), а также

вяжущих материалов, заполнителя и воды и химических примесей. 2. Бетон твердеет и набирает прочность после смешивания и ук-

ладки благодаря химическому процессу, известному как гидратация. 3. Он используется для изготовления тротуаров, архитектурных

конструкций, фундаментов, автострад и автомобильных дорог, ав-тостоянок, кирпичных и блочных стен, оснований для ворот, забо-ров и столбов.


4. Водно-цементная смесь твердеет и набирает прочность спустя какое-то время.

5. Разрешается также примешивать ряд искусственных заполни-телей, включая остывший шлак доменной печи и зольный остаток.

6. Химические примеси - это материалы в виде порошка или жидкостей, которые добавляются к бетону, чтобы придать ему свой-ства, которые невозможно получить с простыми бетонными смесями.

7. Без катализаторов затвердевание бетона может длиться сто-летиями.

8. Замедлители используются при объёмных или затрудненных заливках, где частичное застывание, опережающее полную залив-ку, нежелательно.

9. Воздухововлекающие добавки вносят и распределяют в бе-тоне крошечные воздушные пузырьки, которые уменьшают ущерб в периоды таяния и промерзания.

10. Пластификаторы увеличивают удобоукладываемость пла-стичного бетона, что позволяет легче его укладывать, с меньшими усилиями по уплотнению.

11. Пигменты могут использоваться, чтобы изменить цвет бето-на в целях эстетичности.

12. Замедлители коррозии используются, чтобы минимизиро-вать коррозию стали и стальных стержней в бетоне.

13. Поскольку цементу требуется время для полной гидрата-ции, прежде чем он приобретет прочность и твёрдость, бетон дол-жен дозревать, после того как его уложили и произошло первичное схватывание.

14. Если позволить бетонной поверхности вызреть быстро, это может вызвать напряжение растяжения, что, возможно, приведет к растрескиванию бетона.

15. Кроме того, количество тепла, производимое при экзотер-мическом химическом процессе гидратации, может стать проблем-ным при больших заливках.


Ex. 12. Say which of the sentences convey the key ideas of the text and which describe details.

A) Concrete is a construction material with cement, aggregate, water and chemical admixtures.

B) Both fine and coarse aggregates are used to make up the bulk of a concrete mixture.

C) Sand, natural gravel and crushed stone are mainly used for this purpose.

D) Recycled aggregates are used as partial replacements of natu-ral aggregates.

E) Concrete solidifies and hardens after mixing and placement due to a chemical process known as hydration.

F) It is used to make pavements, architectural structures, foun-dations, motorways/roads, parking structures, brick/block walls and footings for gates, fences and poles.

G) Concrete is used more than any other man-made material on the planet.

H) The water and cement paste hardens and develops strength over time.

I) Chemical admixtures give concrete certain characteristics not obtainable with plain concrete mixes.

J) The most common types of admixtures are accelerators, re-tarders, air-entrainers, plasticisers, pigments, corrosion inhibitors, bonding agents.

K) Without accelerants, concrete may take centuries to cure. L) Entrained air is a trade-off with strength, as each 1 % of air

may result in 5 % decrease in compressive strength M) Cement requires time to fully hydrate before it acquires

strength and hardness. N) Curing is the process of keeping concrete under a specific en-

vironmental condition until hydration is relatively complete. O) A moist environment promotes hydration. P) Excessively high temperature can result in tensile stresses and

cause the concrete to crack.


Q) Exothermic chemical process of hydration can be problematic for very large placements.

R) Interrupted hydration process due to freezing can reduce the concrete strength leading to scaling and other damage or failure.

Ex.13. Write down the key sentences from the text: 1. 2. 3. … Ex. 14. Summerise the text. Use the key sentences from the previ-

ous exercise as a plan for your rendering. For more specific information concerning building brick structures

read text 2 “TYPES OF CONCRETE” and get ready to answer the ques-tions following the text and the list of vocabulary.


Various types of concrete have been developed for specialist ap-plication and have become known by these names.

Regular concrete. Regular concrete is the lay term describing con-crete that is produced by following the mixing instructions that are commonly published on packets of cement, typically using sand or other common material as the aggregate, and often mixed in impro-vised containers. This concrete can be produced to yield a varying strength from about 10 MPa to about 40 MPa, depending on the pur-pose, ranging from blinding to structural concrete respectively. Many types of pre-mixed concrete are available which include powdered cement mixed with an aggregate, needing only water.

High-strength concrete. High-strength concrete has a compressive strength generally greater than 6,000 pounds per square inch (40 MPa). High-strength concrete is made by lowering the water-cement (w/c) ratio to 0.35 or lower. Often silica fume is added to prevent the forma-


tion of free calcium hydroxide crystals in the cement matrix, which might reduce the strength at the cement-aggregate bond.

Low w/c ratios and the use of silica fume make concrete mixes significantly less workable, which is particularly likely to be a problem in high-strength concrete applications where dense rebar cages are likely to be used. To compensate for the reduced workability, super-plasticizers are commonly added to high-strength mixtures. Aggre-gate must be selected carefully for high-strength mixes, as weaker aggregates may not be strong enough to resist the loads imposed on the concrete and cause failure to start in the aggregate rather than in the matrix or at a void, as normally occurs in regular concrete.

In some applications of high-strength concrete the design criterion is the elastic modulus rather than the ultimate compressive strength.

High-performance concrete. High-performance concrete (HPC) is a relatively new term used to describe concrete that conforms to a set of standards above those of the most common applications, but not lim-ited to strength. While all high-strength concrete is also high-performance, not all high-performance concrete is high-strength. Some examples of such standards currently used in relation to HPC are:

• ease of placement; • compaction without segregation; • early age strength; • long-term mechanical properties; • permeability; • density; • heat of hydration; • toughness; • volume stability; • long life in severe environments. Reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete contains steel reinforc-

ing that is designed and placed in structural members at specific po-sitions to cater for all the stress conditions that the member is re-quired to accommodate.


Prestressed concrete. Reinforced concrete structures are normally very heavy and they have to be designed to carry their own weight as well as the superimposed design loads. The high compressive forces found in concrete columns present few problems, but the tensile stresses found in slabs and beams present design challenges to engi-neers. Prestressed concrete provides a way to overcome the combined tensile stresses, due to own weight and design loads in beams and slabs, by introducing a compressive stress in the structural element prior to the superimposed design loads coming into play. The net ef-fect in a properly designed prestressed structural element is a stress condition that satisfies the stress limits in the concrete for both com-pression and tension.

The prestressing is achieved by using steel tendons or bars that are subjected to a tensile force prior to casting the concrete, in pre-tensioned concrete, or only later once the concrete has cured, in post-tensioned concrete.

Additional Vocabulary

regular ['regjulə] concrete - обычный бетон lay term - непрофессиональный термин blinding - гравийно-песчаная подготовка; бетонная подготовка; стяжка, вы-равнивающий слой, мелкий заполнитель pre-mixed concrete - предварительно cмешанный; предварительно переме-шанный powdered ['paudəd] cement – порошкообразный цемент high-strength concrete - высокопрочный бетон MPa (megapascal) - мегапаскаль water-cement (w/c) ratio - отношение, соотношение воды и цемента, пропор-ция; коэффициент; silica fume ['silikə fju:m] - микрокремнезём matrix ['meitriks] - раствор, вяжущее вещество, цементирующая среда cement-aggregate bond - соединение, скрепление цемента и заполнителя dense - плотный; густой; компактный; частый rebar cage [keidʒ] - арматурный каркас super plasticizer - суперпластификатор; пластифицирующая добавка (к бетону)


high-performance [pə'fɔ:məns] concrete (HPC) - быстродействующий; бетон вы-сокого качества с повышенной удобоукладываемостью compaction – уплотнение, прессование; сжатие segregation [,segri'gei∫ən] - расслоение (бетонной смеси) toughness [‘tʌfnəs] - жёсткость; вязкость; тягучесть; плотность to carry weight [weit] - нести (элемент, нагрузку); выдерживать нагрузку; со-противляться воздействию slab - плита; панель; плита дорожного покрытия; панель перекрытия beam [bi:m] - балка; брус; перекладина design challenge [di'zain 't∫ælindʒ] - сложная задача, проблема; серьезное ис-пытание prestressed concrete - прессованный бетон net effect [i'fekt] - суммарное воздействие; совокупный эффект stress condition [kən'di∫ən] - напряжённое состояние satisfy ['sætisfai] - удовлетворять; соответствовать, отвечать (требованиям) stress limit - предел перегрузки; предельное напряжение steel tendon ['tendən] – стальная предварительно напряжённая арматура tensile ['tensail] force – сила растяжения casting ['ka:stiɳ] - литьё; отливка || литейный pretensioned [pri'ten∫ənd] concrete - предварительно напряжённый железобетон fast-setting cement - быстросхватывающийся цемент post-tensioned concrete - напряжённо-армированный бетон с последующим напряжением арматуры; железобетонная конструкция с натяжением арматуры на бетон

Reading Comprehension Exercises

Ex. 15. Say if it is true or false. Correct the false statements. 1. There are many types of concrete designed for specialist appli-

cations. 2. Regular concrete is produced following the common instruc-

tions on the use of cement, water and sand or other aggregate. 3. The regular concrete can yield strength to about 10 MPa. 4. Regular concrete of cement and aggregate is never pre-mixed. 5. Silica fume is used to reduce the strength at the cement-

aggregate bond. 6. Superplasticizers are added to high-strength mixtures to com-

pensate for the reduced workability.


7. High-strength concrete is also high-performance, and all high-performance concrete is high-strength, too.

8. High-performance concretes have long-term mechanical prop-erties and long life in severe environments.

9. Reinforced concrete with steel rebars catering for all the stress conditions are very heavy.

10. Prestressed concrete can overcome the combined tensile stresses, due to own weight and design loads.

11. The properly designed prestressed structural element satis-fies the stress limits for both compression and tension.

12. In post-tensioned concrete the rebars are applied only later once the concrete has cured.

Ex. 16. А) Rearrange the sentences to make a summery of the text. B) Make a summary of the text calling to mind the key sentences

(ex.16, A).

Vocabulary and Grammar Consolidation Exercises

Ex. 17. Find in the text verbs corresponding to the following words and translate them into Russian:

dependent, serviceable, appearance, useful, binding, protection, discovery, filling, development, cement, hard, construction.

Ex. 18. Transform the suggested nouns (А) and adjectives (C) into

verbs, removing or adding suffixes or prefixes, if necessary. Make changes where necessary. Consult the dictionary in case you are not sure.

A B C D connection connect large enlarge absorption initial reinforcement obtainable revolution cementitious


A B C D advantage partial admixture desirerable foundation compressive accelerator satisfactory plasticizer solid workability decorative corrosion various hardness careful permeability resistant application strong production suitable Ex. 19. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the

verbs. 1. Concrete solidifies and hardens after mixing and placement. 2.

The durability of concrete may be defined as the ability of concrete to resist weathering action, chemical attack, and abrasion. 3. Concrete also easily corrodes when exposed to seawater. 4. The type of materi-als available locally will vary depending upon the conditions in the area of the building site. 5. In the most general sense of the word, ‘cement’ is a binder, a substance that sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together. 6. Clinker is mixed with gypsum and ground to a fine powder to make cement. 7. Civil engi-neers select the type of cement that will obtain the best performance from the concrete. 8. The coarse cement tends to produce pastes with higher porosity than that produced by finer cement. 9. Tooled joints offer the best weather protection because the tooling smoothes and compresses the joint. 10. The net effect in a properly designed prestressed structural element is a stress condition that satisfies the stress limits in the concrete for both compression and tension. 11. Natural stone absorbs the heat radiated by the sun and prevents un-wanted heating up of the building. 12. However, as technology ad-vances, concrete has not remained the final choice for building. 13.


An alternative is to strengthen the wall but this is rarely economic. 14. In areas with a high water table the sulphates can dissolve in the ground water and permeate the concrete. 15. The brickwork provides a surface which is relatively easy to decorate.

Ex. 20. In descriptions we have to use many different adjectives.

Find in the text adjectives with suffixes -al; -ic; -ive; -able; -ent/-ant; -ous (and some others).

-al -ic -ive -able -ent/-ant -ous

Ex. 21. There are few suffixes to form adverbs. The most produc-

tive is -ly (to form adverbs from adjectives). E. g.: quick ‘быстрый’ – quickly ‘быстро’. Call to mind as many such pairs as possible.

А) Find in texts 1 and 2 and give examples of adverbs derived from adjectives (there are more than 10 of them). Translate them in the sentences.

B) Which of the adjectives you inserted into the table in ex. 20 can acquire suffix -ly?

Ex. 22. Read the text and choose the right form of the adjective or

adverb to suit the grammatical structure of the sentence and the context.

DISADVANTAGES OF CEMENT For centuries, one of the most common/commonly materials used

in construction has been concrete. Formed from hardened cement, concrete has been used for everything from driveways to home foun-


dations. However, it has a variety of disadvantages that should be considered before use.

History. The use of concrete dates to many ancient/anciently civi-lizations. The Romans, in particular, used concrete for everything from simple/simply buildings to the cores of aqueducts. The Romans were also among the first to experiment with mixing different/differently additives into their concrete. They understood that mixing it with cer-tain things would make it more water-resistant and less like/likely to crack under pressure.

Function. Concrete is still widely/wide known today for its dura-bility and longevity. As with any building material, it does have its share of complete/completely acceptable alternatives. Wood is often designed to be load-bearing, particular/particularly in foundations, and can be treated to withstand the negative/negatively effects of moisture and termites.

Considerations. One main/mainly disadvantage of concrete is that all structures made from it will crack at some point. Concrete can also crack as a result of shrinkage, which happens when it dries out. These cracks develop within a few days of laying the structure. This will gen-eral/generally not limit the durability of a structure.

Effects. Another disadvantage of concrete is its low ther-mal/thermally conductivity. While concrete is normal/normally used as a layer of fireproofing between walls, it can be bad/badly damaged when exposed to intense heat. The concrete will help to contain the spread of a fire but will become unusable/unusably in the process.

Warning. Concrete also easy/easily corrodes when exposed to seawater. The effects are quick/quickly if the concrete is com-plete/completely submerged for extended periods of time. Concrete can be worn away by waves and by the sand and other materials car-ried by the ocean.

Ex. 23. In Unit 5 we come across a few words with prefix re-. Make sure you know all these words and can understand them in con-text.


А) Translate the following words. Verbs: to recycle; to reinforce; to react; to recreate; to remove; to

replace; to reabsorb. Nouns: reinforcement; reintegration; restocking; removal; recovery. B) Find the sentence containing the derivatives with prefix re- in

text 1 and translate them into Russian. C) Make up your own situations with the words from the sug-

gested list. Ex. 24. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to

the words with prefix re-. 1. If the concrete has not hardened and damage is minimal the

surface can be refloated and re-trowelled. 2. Disagreement exists among researchers as to the first real use of reinforcing in concrete. 3. Recycling minimizes solid waste disposal, improves air quality, mini-mizes solid wastes, and leads to sustainable cement and concrete in-dustry. 4. Environmental protection also includes the re-integration of quarries into the countryside after they have been closed down by returning them to nature or re-cultivating them. 5. Fly Ash can replace about half of the required amount of Portland cement. 6. Concrete will either expand or contract as a reaction to temperature changes (as do all materials, to some extent). 7. In certain applications, lime mortar reabsorbs the same amount of CO2 as was released in its manufacture, and has a lower energy requirement in production than cement. 8. Selected waste and by-products with recoverable calorific value can be used as fuels in a cement kiln, replacing a portion of conventional fossil fuels, like coal. 9. Selected waste and by-products containing useful minerals such as calcium, silica, alumina, and iron can be used as raw materials in the kiln, replacing raw materials such as clay, shale, and limestone. 10. Concrete is a sustainable material because it is made from some of the most plentiful resources on earth; it can be made with recycled materials and is completely recy-clable. 11. In many cases, workability can be restored by remixing concrete before it is cast.


Ex. 25. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to the verbs to increase ‘увеличивать(ся)’, to reduce ‘уменьшить, сократить(ся)’ and their derivatives and some other words with similar meanings.

1. All compositions produce high ultimate strength, but as slag content is increased, early strength is reduced, while sulfate resistance increases and heat evolution diminishes. 2. The use of materials such as brick and stone can increase the thermal mass of the building, giv-ing increased comfort in the heat of summer and the cold of winter and can be ideal for passive solar applications. 3. Expansive cement concrete used to minimize cracking caused by drying shrinkage in concrete slabs, pavements, and structures is termed shrinkage-compensating concrete. 4. Plasticizers can be used to lower the water content in the concrete while keeping a decent level of workability. 5. Accelerators speed up the hydration, or hardening, of the wet con-crete, whereas retarders slow the hydration, or hardening, of the wet concrete. 6. A moist environment promotes hydration, since increased hydration lowers permeability and increases strength resulting in a higher quality material. 7. The advantage of using expansive cements is to induce stresses large enough to compensate for drying shrinkage stresses and minimize cracking. 8. High-strength concrete is made by lowering the water-cement (w/c) ratio to 0.35 or lower. 9. To com-pensate for the reduced workability, superplasticizers are commonly added to high-strength mixtures. 10. The cost of concrete can be de-creased substantially while performance is increased. 11. Water re-ducers or retarders influence cement compounds and their hydration. 12. After the initial setting, immersion in warm water will speed up setting.

Ex. 26. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to

the verb to fail ‘потерпеть неудачу; отказать, не выдержать, выйти из строя; рухнуть; рассыпаться; не удаться; провалиться …’ and


noun failure ‘обрушение; поломка; авария; отказ, сбой, неисправ-ность …’: Failure teaches success (English proverb).

A) 1. As the climate warms, pile foundations lose their strength and will eventually fail. 2. Failing to plan such a huge project in detail can result in various elements of the job being built in the wrong or-der, slowing the project down and increasing the budget. 3. The house is like an old, disused building where the damp proof course has failed and the walls have become permanently wet. 4. The func-tion of a foundation is to transfer the load from the structure to the ground (i. e. soil) supporting it – and it must do this safely, for if it does not then the foundation will fail in bearing and/or settlement, and seriously affect the structure which may also fail. 5. The rule is fairly satisfactory for thin walls on firm soil, but fails when applied to large walls, especially on soft soil.

B) 1. Allowing the concrete to freeze in cold climates before the curing is complete will interrupt the hydration process, leading to scaling and other damage or failure. 2. Footings must be loaded evenly as eccentric loading may cause tipping and failure. 3. The structural failures due to faulty workmanship or to an insufficient thickness of the walls are rare in comparison with those due to defec-tive foundations. 4. Solid wood buildings have withstood severe storms and earthquakes when nearby buildings have suffered catas-trophic failure. 5. You only have to look at pictures from any earth-quake to see concrete framing which has failed: not enough steel main reinforcement, leading to bending failure: not enough cement in the concrete, leading to crumbling under load. 6. Most commonly foundation failure is caused by the movement of expansive and highly plastic soils beneath different sections of the foundation foot-ings. 7. Failure can occur when the connections between the exterior and interior walls are inadequate.

Ex. 27. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to

polysemantic functional word once.


1. Once bricks are sufficiently cured, they can be set on end to continue drying. 2. Once you've made enough trusses to make your wooden house sturdy attach them to the top of the walls (crossways). 3. While the far more common concrete foundation requires separate measures to ensure good soil drainage, the rubble trench foundation serves both foundation functions at once. 4. Always check how much the mixer holds so you know how much concrete can be produced at once. 5. It is nearly impossible to lower noise transmission once a house is built. 6. Money once earned is undoubtedly spent on various big and small things for your house. 7. Where hardwood floors can be sanded and refinished many times, engineered floors may be refin-ished only once or twice. 8. Covered bridges, although once popular, are usually not economically feasible. 9. Once the concrete is thor-oughly mixed and workable it should be placed in forms before the mixture becomes too stiff. 10. Where floor, wall, and roof sheathing for light-frame construction were once commonly made from wood boards, sheathing is now commonly made from structural panel prod-ucts, such as plywood and structural flakeboard. 11. Once purlins or rafters are installed, apply roofing boards for the roof sheathing.

Ex. 28. Translate the negative sentences. Pay attention to different

means of expressing negation (suffixes, prefixes, negative particle, pronouns and adverbs, negative words).

1. Recycling not only helps in reducing disposal costs, but also helps to conserve natural resources, providing technical and economic benefits. 2. Non-decorative concrete block generally is painted or stuccoed if exposed. 3. Only the so-called stainless steels, which are costly in production, achieve the durability of natural stones. 4. Never try to make a mixture more workable by just adding more water be-cause this lowers the strength and durability of concrete. 5. Mixing concrete by hand is a bad idea unless you only have a tiny amount to do. 6. Cements with special or unique properties should not be re-quired unless absolutely necessary. 7. The argument that non-wood


construction materials are ultimately better for carbon emissions than wood products is not supported by our research. 8. Too much water and not enough cement means concrete will be weaker and less dura-ble. 9. Not only is wood the single major renewable building material, but it also requires less energy to manufacture than any other building material. 10. The stiffening of concrete, when it is no longer soft, is called setting. 11. Disagreement exists among researchers as to the first real use of reinforcing in concrete. 12. A common misconception with concrete is that it dries and gets hard; actually, the hydraulic ce-ment reacts with the water in a chemical process called hydration. 13. Cement used in construction is characterized as hydraulic or non-hydraulic. 14. For winter conditions, none of the constructions met the performance criterion. 15. But wood has certain disadvantages: it burns and decays. 16. Nowadays the majority of bricks are used in non-bearing walls. 17. Exposure to unfavorable storage conditions, improper drying, or careless handling may cause the material to fall below its original grade. 18. Lack of sufficient moisture removal dur-ing pressing affects strength. 19. Lumber sawn from a log, regardless of species and size, is quite variable in mechanical properties. 20. De-lamination and disintegration of the masonry are damage patterns typical for walls with many air voids. 21. Concrete, while quite strong in compression, fails quickly in tension by cracking.

Ex. 29. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to

subordinate clauses in complex sentences and the conjunctions. 1. Modern mortars use cement as the main binding agent although

hydrated lime is often introduced into the mix to make it more plastic. 2. Because the cement requires time to fully hydrate before it acquires strength and hardness, concrete must be cured once it has been placed and achieved initial setting. 3. Over time, kiln-fired bricks have grown more popular than sun-dried bricks, although both are still found worldwide. 4. While the far more common concrete foundation requires separate measures to ensure good soil drainage, the rubble


trench foundation serves both foundation functions at once. 5. When the concrete has cured the tension in the wires is released and this produces a very strong but lightweight beam. 6. Although concrete is a dense material it is not completely impervious to water. 7. As the wall heats up it will expand and as it cools it will shrink. 8. Expansion and contraction also occurs due to changes in moisture content, and at the design stage this movement must be allowed for, otherwise cracking will occur. 9. Increasing emphasis on thermal efficiency means that only a few of these blocks are suitable nowadays unless additional insulation is provided. 10. Ashlar, which is a style not a ma-terial, is stone cut with great accuracy and laid on very thin mortar joints. 11. Because of its enormous expense ashlar was normally only used as a facing material and required a structural backing in the form of brickwork or rubble. 12. Stonework deserves a brief mention even though it is not particularly common in modern construction in its traditional form. 13. The most common stones are the ones that can be most easily quarried and cut. 14. If a building is constantly heated then condensation is unlikely to occur as the structure is warm. 15. Layout can usually be performed in a single day provided prop-erty boundaries do not need to be established. 16. A single day is often all that is needed, provided appropriate equipment is em-ployed and there is access to the area. 17. Homes that are built on poor soil conditions may require a deep foundation, whereas most sites only require a shallow foundation.

Ex. 30. Insert who, which or that into the complex sentences with

attributive clauses. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Joseph Aspdin patented a material, ______ he called Portland

cement, because the render made from it was in color similar to the prestigious Portland stone. 2. Masonry materials have a high thermal mass, ______ is their ability to absorb and store heat. 3. Hydraulic ce-ments (e. g., Portland cement) harden because of hydration chemical reactions ______ occur independently of the mixture's water content.


4. The hydration products ______ produce strength are essentially the same as those produced by Portland cement. 5. Detailed information can be obtained from various manufacturers ______ produce informa-tion illustrating their products. 6. All portland cements are hydraulic cements ______ set and harden through a chemical reaction with wa-ter. 7. There is an exotic variety of floorings ______ you can choose from to decorate your house. 8. For making the house look beautiful, people choose a variety of flooring types but one thing that is equally significant is the fact ______ floors need to be maintained from time to time. 9. Almost any natural water ______ is drinkable and has no pro-nounced taste or odor may be used as mixing water for concrete. 10. The efforts of an engineer, ______ designs a project, and the con-structor, ______ builds the project, are directed toward the same goal, namely, the creation of something ______ will serve the purpose for which it is built.

Reading Practice

Read through text 3 “CEMENT” and then choose the best subtitle from the phrases below to entitle each of the paragraphs. E. g.: 1- b.


1. In the most general sense of the word, a cement is a binder, a substance that sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together. The word "cement" traces to the Romans, who used the term opus caementicium to describe masonry resembling modern concrete that was made from crushed rock with burnt lime as binder. The volcanic ash and pulverized brick additives that were added to the burnt lime to obtain a hydraulic binder were later re-ferred to as cementum, cimentum, cäment and cement.

2. The most important use of cement is the production of mortar and concrete–the bonding of natural or artificial aggregates to form a strong building material that is durable in the face of normal environ-mental effects.


Cement used in construction is characterized as hydraulic or non-hydraulic. Hydraulic cements (e. g., Portland cement) harden because of hydration chemical reactions that occur independently of the mix-ture's water content; they can harden even underwater or when con-stantly exposed to wet weather. The chemical reaction that results when the anhydrous cement powder is mixed with water produces hy-drates that are not water-soluble. Non-hydraulic cements (e. g., lime and gypsum plaster) must be kept dry in order to retain their strength.

3. Cement is made by heating limestone (calcium carbonate), with small quantities of other materials (such as clay) to 1450 °C in a kiln, in a process known as calcination, whereby a molecule of carbon di-oxide is liberated from the calcium carbonate to form calcium oxide, or quicklime, which is then blended with the other materials that have been included in the mix. The resulting hard substance, called 'clinker', is then ground with a small amount of gypsum into a powder to make 'Ordinary Portland Cement', the most commonly used type of cement (often referred to as OPC). Portland cement may be grey or white. Colored cements are used for decorative purposes. In some standards, the addition of pigments to produce "colored Portland ce-ment" is allowed. In other standards, pigments are not allowed con-stituents of Portland cement, and colored cements are sold as "blended hydraulic cements".

4. Cement sets when mixed with water by way of a complex series of hydration chemical reactions still only partly understood. The dif-ferent constituents slowly hydrate and crystallise while the interlock-ing of their crystals gives to cement its strength. After the initial set-ting, immersion in warm water will speed up setting. In Portland ce-ment, gypsum is added as a compound preventing cement flash set-ting. The time it takes for cement to set varies; and can take anywhere from twenty minutes for initial set, to twenty-four hours, or more, for final set.


5. Cement manufacture causes environmental impacts at all stages of the process. These include emissions of airborne pollution in the form of dust, gases, noise and vibration when operating ma-chinery and during blasting in quarries, and damage to countryside from quarrying. Equipment to reduce dust emissions during quarrying and manufacture of cement is widely used, and equipment to trap and separate exhaust gases are coming into increased use. Environmental protection also includes the re-integration of quarries into the coun-tryside after they have been closed down by returning them to nature or re-cultivating them.

Cement manufacturing releases CO2 in the atmosphere both di-rectly when calcium carbonate is heated, producing lime and carbon dioxide, and also indirectly through the use of energy if its production involves the emission of CO2.

The presence of heavy metals in the clinker arises both from the natural raw materials and from the use of recycled by-products or al-ternative fuels. Nickel, zinc and lead are commonly found in cement in non-negligible concentrations.

Suggested subtitles

a) Cement and environmental issues. b) The origin of the word. c) The setting of cement. d) Types of cement. e) Varieties of Portland cement.

Read text 4 “EARLY CONCRETE” divided into parts. Find answers to

the questions which come before each of the coming passages.


1. What is “pozzoulana”? Much has been written about the numerous significant buildings

of the Roman Empire constructed using "concrete" as the primary


structural material. Many researchers believe that the first use of a truly cementitious binding agent (as opposed to the ordinary lime commonly used in ancient mortars) occurred in southern Italy in about the second century B. C. A Special type of volcanic sand called pozzuolana, first found near Pozzuoli in the bay of Naples, was used extensively by the Romans in their cement. It is certain that to build the Porticus Aemelia, a large warehouse constructed in 193 B. C., pozzuolana was used to bind stones together to make "concrete." This unusual sand reacts chemically with lime and water to solidify into a rocklike mass, even when fully submerged. The Romans used it for bridges, docks, storm drains, and aqueducts as well as for buildings.

2. What technique did the Romans use to construct buildings? Roman concrete bears little resemblance to modern Portland ce-

ment concrete. It was never in a plastic state that could flow into a mold or a construction of formwork. Indeed, there is no clear dividing line between what could be called the first concrete and what might be more correctly termed cemented rubble. Roman concrete was con-structed in layers by packing mortar by hand in and around stones of various sizes. This assembly was faced with clay bricks on both sides, unless it was below grade, and in the case of walls the wythes of bricks served as forms for the "concrete".

3. Was the early cement used throughout Europe? It is known that the bricks had little structural value and were

used to facilitate construction and as surface decoration. There is little doubt that the pozzuolanic material made this type of construction possible, as it was used throughout the Rome/Naples area but is not seen in northern Italy, nor elsewhere in the Roman Empire.

Most public buildings, including the Pantheon, and fashionable residences in Rome used brick faced concrete construction for walls and vaults. The domed Pantheon, constructed in the second century A. D., is certainly one of the structural masterpieces of all time. It is a highly sophisticated structure with many weight-reducing voids, niches, and small vaulted spaces.


4. Why wasn’t pozzuolan cement used widely in the world? The builders of the Pantheon knew enough to use very heavy ag-

gregates at the ground level and ones of decreasing density higher up in the walls and in the dome itself in order to reduce the weight to be carried. The Pantheon's clear span of 142 ft dwarfed previous spans and created nothing less than an architectural revolution in terms of the way interior space was perceived.

Probably due to the lack of availability of similar pozzuolans throughout the world, this type of concrete was not used elsewhere and stone and brick masonry continued to be the dominant construc-tion materials for most of the world's significant buildings for many centuries.

5. Who was the first person to patent Portland cement? A type of concrete was first seen again in eighteenth-century

France, where stuccoed rubble made to emulate true masonry became fashionable. Francois Cointeraux, a mason in Lyon, searched for an economical means of making fireproof walls by using cementitious mortar in combination with the very ancient pise or "rammed earth" construction technique. Pise calls for the use of timber formwork to contain the clay or mud while it is being compacted, but the use of new and stronger cements made the compacting process unnecessary. In 1824 Joseph Aspdin, an English mason, patented an improved ce-ment which he called Portland cement because it resembled a natural stone quarried on the nearby Isle of Portland. It is generally believed that Aspdin was the first to use high temperatures to heat alumina and silica materials which resulted in fusion. Cement is still made this way today. During the nineteenth century concrete was used for many buildings in Europe, often of an industrial nature, as this "new" mate-rial did not have the social acceptability of stone or brick.

From "Reinforced Concrete: Preliminary Design for Architects and Builders" by R. E. Shaeffer, McGraw-Hill, 1992


Read text 5 “ALTERNATIVES TO REGULAR CONCRETE”. A) Read the text without a dictionary. Guess the meaning of the

unknown words that you may come across.


Fly-ash concrete, available in many regions, offers an alternative to conventional concrete. Fly-ash is a waste material - the inorganic resi-due - that remains after pulverized coal is burned in coal-burning power plants. Disposing of it can be a problem. Fortunately, the con-struction industry has discovered that fly-ash can produce a superior concrete with excellent finishing characteristics. It can replace up to 35 percent of the Portland cement found in conventional concrete mixes.

Each ton of fly-ash used to replace a ton of cement saves the equivalent of approximately one barrel of oil. By replacing cement, the ash produces less of the greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Coal fly-ash can also replace clay, sand, limestone and gravel, saving the energy costs of mining such materials.

While fly-ash concrete offers a "greener" alternative to regular concrete mixes, it may not be appropriate for every use. Check with a qualified building professional to see if it fits your application.

Recycled aggregates and lightweight aggregates can replace the usual sand and gravel in some concrete applications. Recycled aggre-gate can consist of crushed concrete, brick, or crushed glass. Light-weight concrete is made by using expanded volcanic materials - pum-ice and perlite, for example - to replace some of the usual stone ag-gregate. Because these materials place less weight on structures, they are of particular value when used on either wood or lightweight steel floors. Volcanic materials also add some thermal insulation value to the concrete.

Health Problems with Concrete. Manufacturing Portland cement creates a great deal of carbon dioxide, a gas that contributes to global climate change. Once concrete is in place in a structure, however, it emits very little air pollution. Because it is often confined to the foun-


dations and concealed structural elements of a building, concrete has minimal exposure to the building's air.

Experts, however, are debating the possibility that concrete pro-duces radon emissions; testing is underway. Other possible sources of indoor air pollution are concrete additives such as water reducers or super-plasticizers, which may produce odors and can cause skin and bronchial irritation in some people.

Coating concrete forms with lubricants makes it easier to remove them once the concrete has set. These form-release agents - some-times made from diesel oil or other odorous petroleum oils - can pro-duce emissions if they are used in interior applications. Alternatives made from wax or mineral oil instead of petroleum are available as substitutes.

New construction designs use foam blocks as the forms for poured concrete. The forms remain in place, adding energy efficiency and soundproofing to the wall.

Cement Alternatives. There are alternatives materials that can supplement clinker without compromising the performance of cement as a construction material. These materials have inherent cementitious qualities and are classified into two types: mineral additions and sup-plementary cementitious materials. The advantage of using these al-ternatives to clinker is that it reduces the amount of clinker produced, with consequent savings in raw materials, electricity, fuel, and emis-sions. Cements using these materials are called blended cements.

Mineral additions such as ground limestone can be added in small amounts at the final grinding stage of cement manufacturing.

Supplementary cementitious materials include fly ash (from coal-burning power stations), ground granulated blast-furnace slag (from the steel industry) and silica fume. The use of SCMs reduces the quan-tity of clinker or cement required. They are added to cement either through intergrinding with cement clinker or by blending with cement after grinding; or can be added during concrete batching to supple-ment the cement. Because of differences in chemistry, SCMs affect the performance of cement in concrete to suit different applications.


The use of SCMs allows the industry to maintain the performance expected of cement while reducing the amount of clinker required in cement. As a result, this reduces the emissions of greenhouse gases, a key measure in the industry of environmental performance.

B) Read the text again and make a list of additional topical vo-cabulary (10 to 15 words and word-combinations). Consult a diction-ary to finalise the choice of the Russian equivalents. Memorise the new vocabulary.

Discussions 1. Why is China the biggest consumer of concrete, do you think? 2. Is it possible to construct reliable buildings without cement

and concrete? 3. Building a country house what type of concrete will you need?

How much of it will you use? 4. Are residential buidings from concrete blocks practical and

healthy? Are they good in our climate?



Knowledge and timber shouldn't be much used till they are seasoned. Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vocabulary to memorise

fibrous [‘faibrəs] - волокнистый, жилистый, фиброзный lumber [‘lʌmbə] амер. - пиломатериалы; строевой лес, брёвна timber [‘timbə] брит. - лесоматериалы; строевой лес; древесина board [bɔ:d] - доска; планка plank [plæɳk] - брус; толстая доска; планка bending - изгибание, сгибание; изгиб, кривизна log - бревно; кряж; лесоматериал, годный для распиловки bark [ba:k] - кора (дерева) personal ['pə:snl] wood-lot - частный лесной участок harvest ['ha:vist] trees - заготавливать древесину mechanizing ['mekənaiziɳ] saw - бензо-, электропила dimensional lumber – мерный пиломатериал; пиломатериалы стандартных размеров felling ['feliɳ] - рубка, валка (леса) wood pulp [wudpʌlp] - древесная масса; целлюлоза pulpwood [pʌlpwud] - балансы, балансовая древесина rough [rʌf] lumber - нестроганый пиломатериал finished ['fini∫t] lumber - готовый, отделанный, обработанный пиломатериал furniture-making ['fə:nit∫ə] - изготовление мебели cutting ['kʌtiɳ] - резание, обработка резанием; резка shaping ['∫eipiɳ] - придание формы; формирование, фасонирование hardwood ['ha:dwud] - твёрдая древесина; древесина лиственных пород softwood ['sɔftwud] - мягкая древесина; хвойная древесина coniferous [kəu'nifərəs] - хвойный, шишконосный high-grade flooring - высокосортные половые доски; высококачественный на-стил пола timber-framed construction – деревянная рамная конструкция, деревянное кар-касное строительство supporting material - подпорный материал; вспомогательный, дополнительный материал interior [in'tiəriə] doors - внутренние двери


door frame - дверная коробка exterior [eks'tiəriə] cladding - наружная обшивка стен; облицовка (стен) sawn [sɔ:n] planks - обработанный брус (толстая доска) shuttering material - опалубка break down (broke, broken) - измельчать chips [t∫ip] - щепа, крошка, стружка cellulose ['seljuləus] - клетчатка; целлюлоза chipboard ['t∫ipbɔ:d] - древесностружечная плита, ДСП engineered wood – композитные материалы на основе древесины; инженерные деревянные элементы hardboard - твёрдая древесноволокнистая плита; сверхтвёрдая древесново-локнистая плита; твёрдый картон fiberboard [‘faibəbɔ:d] - древесноволокнистая плита medium-density fiberboard (MDF) - древесноволокнистая плита средней плот-ности oriented ['ɔ:rientid] strand board (OSB) – ориентированно стружечная плита; структурно ориентированная плита wood derivatives [di'rivətiv] - производные, вторичные древесные материалы laminate flooring – ламинированные напольные покрытия

Pre-Reading Exercises

Ex. 1. Match the adjective in A with a noun in B and translate the phrases. E. g.: fibrous plant ‘волокнистое растение’.

A B fibrous structure various production large material mass size dimensional species modern cladding structural style standard lumber coniferous uses exterior plant


Ex. 2. Translate the following verbs. Consult the dictionary to make sure. Divide the verbs into two groups: А) standard (regular), B) non-standard (irregular).

Cut; press; use; keep; be; compress; bend; grow; decide; process; need; strip; notch; have; harvest; build; tend; put; make; supply; fin-ish; require; shape; include; begin; find; know; fell; saw; form; pour.

Revise the forms of the non-standard verbs. Ex. 3. Translate the word combinations, consisting of participles in

the attributive position and nouns: А) participle I + noun; B) participle II + noun.

А) growing conditions; supporting material; building materials; mechanizing saws; shuttering material; differing qualities;

B) unprocessed form; needed length; finished lumber; timber-framed construction; felled trees; sawn planks; reinforced concrete; engineered wood; oriented strand board.

Ex. 4. Fill in the gaps with the proper preposition from the sug-

gested list: of, for, in, under, as. Product ______ trees; used ______ construction purposes; used

______ building; flexible ______ load; different types ______ wood; im-portant ______ deciding quality; production ______ dimensional lum-ber; material ______ construction; available ______ many species; to supply ______ standard sizes; commonly known ______ lumber; unsuit-able ______ construction.

Ex. 5. Look through the nouns which are to be transformed into

verbs. Divide them into two groups: А) conversion verbs (requiring no changes in the form); B) derivational verbs (adding suffixes or prefixes).

Product; strength; quality; condition; form; length; bark; part; harvest; material; construction; shape; industry; shelter; house; frame; shutter; chip; engineer.

Make the necessary changes. Consult a dictionary and translate both the nouns and the verbs.


Ex. 6. Translate the following words and word combinations: flexible under load; incredibly strong; to compress vertically; tree

species; for deciding quality; in unprocessed form; stripped of bark; a personal wood-lot; to harvest trees; to tend to a wood-lot; invention of mechanizing saw; dimensional lumber; to put up a building; lum-ber/timber; wood pulp for paper production; to supply rough lumber; finished lumber; pulpwood; furniture-making; shaping; hardwood; in standard sizes; softwood from coniferous species; high-grade flooring; building shelters; domestic housing; timber-framed construction; sup-porting material; in roof construction; interior doors; door frames; exte-rior cladding; felled trees; sawn planks; shuttering material; to form mould; wood in its native form; may be broken down mechanically; chip-board; engineered wood; medium-density fiberboard (MDF), oriented strand board (OSB); wood derivatives; wood fiber; laminate flooring.

Read text 1 “WOOD” and find information on the following: • unprocessed wood, its forms and uses, • processed wood, its form and uses, • engineered wood, its forms and uses. Then read the text again and do the text-based exercises coming

after the text.


Wood is a product of trees, and sometimes other fibrous plants, used for construction purposes when cut or pressed into lumber and timber, such as boards, planks and similar materials. It is a generic building material and is used in building any type of structure in most climates. Wood can be very flexible under loads, keeping strength while bending, and is incredibly strong when compressed vertically. There are many differing qualities to the different types of wood, even among the same tree species. This means that specific species are better for various uses than others. And growing conditions are im-portant for deciding quality.


Historically, wood for building large structures was used in its un-processed form as logs. The trees were just cut to the needed length, sometimes stripped of bark, and then notched or lashed in to place.

In earlier times, and in some parts of the world, many country homes or communities had a personal wood-lot from which the family or community would grow and harvest trees to build with. These lots would be tended like a garden.

With the invention of mechanizing saws came the mass produc-tion of dimensional lumber. This made buildings quicker to put up and more uniform. Thus the modern western style home was made.

Lumber or timber is wood in any of its stages from felling to readiness for use as structural material for construction, or wood pulp for paper production.

Lumber is supplied either rough or finished. Besides pulpwood, rough lumber is the raw material for furniture-making and other items requiring additional cutting and shaping. It is available in many spe-cies, usually hardwoods. Finished lumber is supplied in standard sizes, mostly for the construction industry, primarily softwood from coniferous species including pine, cedar, hemlock, fir and spruce, but also some hardwood, for high-grade flooring.

Wood has been an important construction material since humans began building shelters, houses and boats. New domestic housing in many parts of the world today is commonly made from timber-framed construction. In buildings made of other materials, wood will still be found as a supporting material, especially in roof construction, in in-terior doors and their frames, and as exterior cladding. Wood to be used for construction work is commonly known as lumber in North America. Elsewhere, lumber usually refers to felled trees, and the word for sawn planks ready for use is timber. Wood is also commonly used as shuttering material to form the mould into which concrete is poured during reinforced concrete construction.

Wood unsuitable for construction in its native form may be broken down mechanically (into fibers or chips) or chemically (into cellulose)


and used as a raw material for other building materials such as chip-board, engineered wood, hardboard, medium-density fiberboard (MDF), oriented strand board (OSB). Such wood derivatives are widely used: wood fibers are an important component of most paper, and cellulose is used as a component of some synthetic materials. Wood derivatives can also be used for different kinds of flooring, for exam-ple, laminate flooring.

Reading-Comprehension Exercises

Ex. 7. Say which of the sentences are taken from another context. Name the numbers.

1. Wood may be broken down mechanically or chemically and used as a raw material for composite boards or engineered wood.

2. Wood is used for construction purposes as lumber and timber, such as boards, planks and similar materials.

3. Today, solid wood furniture is becoming increasingly hard to find and can be very expensive.

4. Individual houses in many parts of the world today are com-monly made as timber-framed constructions.

5. Different types of wood have many differing qualities which are useful for construction purposes.

6. Wood is sometimes burned as a fuel, and hardwood is pre-ferred over softwood as it creates less smoke and burns longer.

7. As a rule, finished lumber is supplied for the construction in-dustry as softwood from coniferous species but also some hardwood, for high-grade flooring.

8. If the preservative is applied correctly, it extends the productive life of lumber by five to ten times.

Ex. 8. Answer the questions relying on the information from the

text. Give short answers.


1. Is wood a product of fibrous plants like trees? 2. Are boards, planks and similar materials named lumber or timber? 3. Is wood strong and flexible under loads? 4. Is wood used for building in its unprocessed form? 5. Did the invention of mechanizing saws influence the produc-

tion lumber? 6. Is rough lumber used as raw material for furniture-making or

construction? 7. Is individual housing made from timber-framed construction? 8. Is wood used as a supporting material or shuttering material? 9. Are wood derivatives used in construction?

Text-Based Exercises

Ex. 9. Insert into the sentences the right word or word group from the box.

flexible under loads; unsuitable for construction; timber-framed; harvest trees; wood pulp; dimensional lumber; furniture-making; laminate flooring; coniferous species; growing conditions; fibrous plants; sawn planks; oriented strand board; supporting material; unprocessed form

1. Wood is a product of trees, and sometimes other ______ . 2. Wood can be very ______, keeping strength while bending, and

strong when compressed vertically. 3. And ______ are important for deciding quality. 4. Historically, wood for building large structures was used in its

______ as logs. 5. In earlier times many country homes or communities had a

personal wood-lot from which they would grow and ______ to build with.

6. With the invention of mechanizing saws came the mass pro-duction of ______ .


7. Lumber is wood for use as structural material for construction, or ______ for paper production.

8. Rough lumber is the raw material for ______ and other items requiring additional cutting and shaping

9. Finished lumber is supplied in standard sizes, primarily soft-wood from ______ for high-grade flooring.

10. New domestic housing today is commonly made from ______ construction.

11. Wood is found as a ______ in roof construction, in interior doors and their frames, and as exterior cladding.

12. Outside America lumber usually refers to felled trees, and the word for ______ ready for use is timber.

13. Wood ______ is broken down mechanically (into fibres or chips) or chemically (into cellulose).

14. Wood can be used for other building materials such as chip-board, engineered wood, hardboard, medium-density fiberboard (MDF), ______ (OSB).

15. Wood derivatives can also be used for kinds of flooring, for example, ______ .

Ex. 10. Complete the sentences. 1. Wood is cut or pressed into lumber and timber, such as … . 2. It is a generic building material and is … . 3. There are many differing qualities to … . 4. The trees were just cut to the needed length, sometimes … . 5. In earlier times many country homes or communities had … . 6. With the invention of mechanizing saws … . 7. Lumber or timber is wood in any of its stages from … . 8. Finished lumber is supplied in standard sizes for the construc-

tion industry, primarily … . 9. … is commonly made from timber-framed construction. 10. In buildings made of other materials, wood will still be found

as … .


11. Wood is also commonly used as … . 12. Wood unsuitable for construction in its native form may be … . Ex. 11. Complete the following sentences using English equiva-

lents instead of the Russian words and word-combinations. Use Text 1 for support.

1. Wood is a product of trees, and sometimes (и других волок-нистых растений), used for construction purposes when cut or pressed into lumber and timber.

2. It is a (общее название строительного материала) and is used in building any type of structure in most climates.

3. Wood can be very (гибкий под нагрузкой, сохраняя прочность при сгибании), and is incredibly strong when compressed vertically.

4. (Есть много отличительных свойств у различных типов дре-весины), even among same tree species.

5. This means that (определенные породы лучше других для различных назначений) than others.

6. Historically, wood for building large structures was used in (в необработанном виде как бревно).

7. The trees were (только распиливали на необходимую длину), sometimes stripped of bark, and then notched or lashed in to place.

8. In earlier times, and in some parts of the world, (многие сель-ские семьи или общины имели личный участок леса) from which the family or community would grow and harvest trees to build with.

9. With the invention of mechanizing saws (возникло массовое производство пиломатериалов стандартных размеров).

10. This (позволило быстрее строить здания и унифицировать их) and thus the modern western style home was made.

11. Lumber or timber is wood (на любой из ее стадий от лесопо-вала до готовности для использования) as structural material for construction, or wood pulp for paper production.

12. Besides pulpwood (необработанные пиломатериалы – это сырьё для изготовления мебели и других изделий) requiring addi-


tional cutting and shaping. It is available in many species, usually hardwoods.

13. (Обработанная древесина поставляется в стандартных раз-мерах), mostly for the construction industry, primarily softwood from conifers.

14. (Древесина является важным стройматериалом) since hu-mans began building shelters, houses and boats.

15. In buildings made of other materials, wood will still be found as a supporting material, (особенно при строительстве крыши, внут-ренних дверей и их коробок и в качестве наружной обшивки).

16. Elsewhere, lumber usually refers to felled trees, (а слово для распиленных досок, готовых к использованию) is timber.

17. Wood is also commonly used as (материал для опалубки, чтобы сделать форму, в которую заливается бетон) during rein-forced concrete construction.

18. Wood (непригодная для строительства в своем первоздан-ном виде) may be broken down mechanically (into fibers or chips) or chemically.

19. Pulpwood is also used as a raw material for other building materials such as (древесностружечные плиты, композитные мате-риалы на основе древесины), hardboard, medium-density fiberboard (MDF), oriented strand board (OSB).

20. Wood derivatives can also be used (для различных видов на-польных покрытий, например ламинированных покрытий).

Ex. 12. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Древесина - это общее название строительного материала,

который используется в строительстве любых сооружений в боль-шинстве климатических условий.

2. Древесина сохраняет прочность при сгибании и может быть невероятно прочной при вертикальном сжатии.

3. Определенные породы дерева лучше других для различных назначений.


4. В прошлом древесина для строительства использовалась не-обработанной в виде бревна.

5. Многие сельские семьи имели личный участок леса, в котором они выращивали и заготавливали древесину для строительства.

6. Изобретение механической пилы привело к массовому про-изводству пиломатериалов стандартных размеров.

7. Пиломатериалы – это древесина на любой из ее стадий от лесоповала до готовности для использования в виде конструкци-онного материала.

8. Необработанные пиломатериалы – это сырьё для изготовле-ния мебели и других изделий, требующих дополнительной резки и формовки.

9. Обработанная древесина поставляется в стандартных разме-рах, главным образом для строительной промышленности.

10. Новые жилые строения во многих местах в мире обычно строятся на основе деревянной рамной конструкции.

11. Древесина встречается как дополнительный материал, осо-бенно в строительстве крыши, внутренних дверей и их коробок и в качестве наружной обшивки.

12. Древесина используется как материал для опалубки для изготовления формы, в которую заливается бетон.

13. Древесина, непригодная для строительства в своем перво-зданном виде, может измельчаться механически или химически.

14. Измельчённая древесина может использоваться как сырьё для строительных материалов типа ДСП, ДВП средней плотности (MDF), структурно ориентированной плиты (OSB).

15. Древесные производные могут также использоваться для различных видов напольных покрытий, например, ламинирован-ных покрытий.

Ex. 13. Condense the sentences retaining the key information

and removing details, e. g.: Wood is a product of trees, and some-times other fibrous plants, used for construction purposes when cut


or pressed into lumber and timber, such as boards, planks and similar materials. Wood is a product of trees used for construction pur-poses when cut or pressed into timber.

1. Wood can be very flexible under loads, keeping strength while bending, and is incredibly strong when compressed vertically.

2. In earlier times, and in some parts of the world, many country homes or communities had a personal wood-lot from which the family or community would grow and harvest trees to build with.

3. Finished lumber is supplied in standard sizes, mostly for the construction industry, primarily softwood from coniferous species in-cluding pine, cedar, hemlock, fir and spruce, but also some hardwood, for high-grade flooring.

4. In buildings made of other materials, wood will still be found as a supporting material, especially in roof construction, in interior doors and their frames, and as exterior cladding.

5. Wood unsuitable for construction in its native form may be broken down mechanically (into fibers or chips) or chemically (into cellulose) and used as a raw material for other building materials such as chipboard, engineered wood, hardboard, medium-density fiber-board (MDF), oriented strand board (OSB).

Ex. 14. А) Arrange the sentences in a logical order (it may differ

from the logical presentation of text 1). B) Write out 10-12 sentences conveying the key ideas and omit

what is unessential. 1. Finished lumber is supplied in standard sizes, mostly for the

construction industry. 2. Historically, wood for building large structures was used in its

unprocessed form as logs. 3. It is a generic building material and is used in building any type

of structure in most climates. 4. Lumber is primarily softwood from coniferous species includ-

ing pine, cedar, hemlock, fir and spruce, but also some hardwood, for high-grade flooring.


5. New domestic housing in many parts of the world today is commonly made from timber-framed construction.

6. Rough lumber is the raw material for paper production and furniture-making.

7. Specific species of wood are better for various uses than others. 8. The mechanizing saws resulted in mass production of dimen-

sional lumber. 9. The trees were cut to the needed length, stripped of bark, and

notched or lashed. 10. There are many differing qualities to the different types of

wood, even among the same tree species. 11. Timber is wood from felling to readiness for use structural

material for construction, or wood pulp for paper production. 12. With the mass production of lumber the modern western style

home was made. 13. Wood can be very strong when compressed vertically and

flexible under loads. 14. Wood derivatives can be used for different kinds of flooring,

for example, laminate flooring. 15. Wood has been an important construction material since hu-

mans began building shelters, houses and boats. 16. Wood is a product of trees used for construction purposes

when cut or pressed into timber. 17. Wood is also commonly used as shuttering material for rein-

forced concrete. 18. Wood is used as a supporting material in the construction of

roofs, doors and as cladding. 19. Wood to be used for construction work is commonly known as

lumber in North America. 20. Wood unsuitable for construction may be broken down and

used as a raw material for engineered wood products. Ex. 15. Summarize the text. Tell us the essentials about wood,

types of wood products and their uses in construction.


For more specific information concerning wood read text 2 “EN-GINEERED WOOD” and get ready to answer the questions following the text and the list of vocabulary.


In today’s sustainably built environment engineered wood prod-ucts play a major role, both in interior and exterior applications. Engi-neered wood is sometimes referred to as composite, as it is comprised of wood veneers, lumber, panels, fibers or strands bound together with an adhesive to make the end product. Engineered products are also made with shredded wood which is glued together, and can in-clude other plant materials such as rice stalks.

Engineered wood products are produced all over the world, and can be found in use as flooring, structural supports, cladding, and a number of other components of a structure. They offer a high-performance, dimensionally stable and environmentally responsible option for any building project, however large or small, residential or commercial. And structural engineered wood products offer incredible design versatility for architects.

One advantage to engineered wood is that it is very strong and durable, and can be stronger than regular wood of the same size. This can be an advantage when people want to increase the strength of a structure without making it heavy or bulky.

Plywood is sometimes called the original engineered wood. It is made out of thin wooden sheets which are glued together and com-pressed to create a block of durable wood. Plywood is produced by assembling veneers (thin sheets of wood of uniform thickness) and bonding them together to form a panel. The veneers are usually as-sembled with the grain direction in one veneer being at right angles to that in the adjacent veneer. To insure a stable balance construction free of warping tendencies, an odd number of veneers is used (e. g. 3-ply, 5-ply and 7-ply). The grain on the face and back veneer is paral-lel. The crossing of the grain at right angles tends to equalize the


strength in all directions and the uniformity increases with the number of plies used.

Glued Laminated Timber, often referred to as Glulam, is an engi-neered structural wood product, developed in the 1960's. It is pro-duced by bonding together a number of graded, seasoned and mostly finger-jointed laminates with a structural moisture-resistant adhesive to form a solid member. The laminates are bonded together with the grain running essentially parallel. Because the product is made up of many laminates, any strength reducing characteristics (that might af-fect a piece of solid timber of the same cross section) are not present in a glued laminated product.

Glulam structural members are used as vertical columns or horizontal beams, as well as curved, arched shapes. In fact, glulam is the only engineered wood product that can be produced in curved shapes, offering unlimited design flexibility.

Now, a new development in wood construction called cross-laminated timber (CLT) is making new possibilities available in wood construction.

Cross-laminated timber panels are like massive plywood boards. Instead of shaving a log into a veneer and then gluing it together to make a board, a CLT panel is made from pieces of sawn wood and is several inches thick. Like plywood, alternating layers are laid perpen-dicular to one another, so that the finished panel is stronger and more dimensionally stable than plain wood would be.

Because the panels are many inches thick, there is an inherent fire resistance to the material. Construction with CLT is also faster and re-quires fewer workers and lighter equipment, which can make con-struction more affordable.

Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) and Laminated Strand Lumber (LSL) are engineered structural products. They are produced by as-sembling wood veneers (thin sheets of wood of uniform thickness) or strands and bonding them together with a structural adhesive to form a solid product. The grain direction of each veneer or strand is usually


oriented to be parallel with the length of the piece but may be cross-banded for specialty applications. The laminated structure disperses strength and gives LVL and LSL a higher bending strength and stiff-ness than the equivalent solid timber of the same species.

LVL is typically used in structural applications where the high strength and stiffness, long lengths and large section sizes are advan-tageous. These applications include floor joists, lintels, purlins, roof truss components, and portal frames.

Some engineered wood products, like oriented strand board (OSB), can use trees from the poplar family, a common but non-structural species. Alternatively, it is also possible to manufacture similar engineered cellulosic products from other lignin-containing materials such as rye straw, wheat straw, rice straw, hemp stalks, or sugar cane residue, in which case they contain no actual wood but rather vegetable fibers.

Additional Vocabulary

interior/exterior application – внутреннее/наружное применение composite wood – композитный древесный материал veneer – шпон, однослойная фанера panel – панель; щит, тонкая доска strand – жила, пучок волокон, слой; направление adhesive - клеящее вещество; клеящий материал shredded wood – дроблёная, измельчённая древесина glue – клей || клеить; склеивать flooring - напольное покрытие; настил; пол; настилка полов structural support - опора конструкции; структурная опорная конструкция cladding - наружная обшивка (стен здания); оболочка; плакирование; плакировка; облицовка high-performance - высокие эксплуатационные качества; высокоэффективный; высококачественный versatility - универсальность, многофункциональность; разносторонность regular wood - обычная, нормальная древесина sheet – лист, пласт, пластина bond together - связывать, скреплять grain - структура; волокно; фибра; зернистость; грануляция


right angle - прямой угол (90 град.) adjacent - смежный; соседний warping – искривление, коробление odd number – нечётное число face veneer – лицевой слой фанеры back veneer – задняя поверхность, изнаночный слой crossing - скрещивание, перекрещивание equalize - делать равным; уравнивать; сравнивать; уравновешивать ply - пласт шпона, слой glued laminated timber (Glulam) - клеёные деревянные конструкции, глулам grade – сорт || сортировать, рассортировать season – сушить лесоматериал на воздухе finger-joint – зубчатое соединение (элементов деревянных конструкций); шиповое соединение laminate – изделие из слоистого материала; слоистый материал; слоистый пластик; ламинат solid timber – массивная древесина cross section - поперечное сечение; поперечный разрез; профиль beam – балка, перекладина, брус, бревно curve – кривая, изгиб || сгибать, изгибать, согнуть arch – арка, дуга || изгибать дугой; придавать форму арки cross-laminated timber (CLT) - клеёная многослойная древесина с перекрёст-ным расположением слоёв; клеёная многослойная древесина с продольно-поперечной ориентацией слоёв shavе - срезать тонкую стружку sawn wood – пиломатериалы, чистообрезной пиломатериал plain wood – простая, обычная древесина Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) - профилированный клеёный брус Laminated Strand Lumber (LSL) - брус из клеёного шпона joist - брус; балка; стропило; лага floor joist - балка междуэтажного перекрытия; ригель пола lintel - перемычка окна или двери; перемычка (окна или двери); косяк; притолока purlin - перекладина; продольная балка, прогон roof truss - висячие стропила; ферма стропильная portal frame - портальная рама


Reading Comprehension and Text-Based Exercises

Ex. 16. Say if it is true or false. Correct the false statements. 1. Engineered wood products are important for interior and exte-

rior applications. 2. Engineered wood is sometimes referred to as integrated, as it is

comprised of wood veneers, lumber, panels, fibers or strands bound together with an adhesive.

3. Engineered wood products can be found in use as flooring, structural supports, cladding, etc.

4. Engineered wood products offer a high-performance, dimen-sionally stable and environmentally responsible option for a building project.

5. Structural engineered wood products offer incredible design versatility for architects.

6. Engineered wood is very strong and durable, but not stronger than regular wood.

7. Plywood is made out of thin wooden sheets glued together and compressed.

8. The veneers are assembled with the grain direction in one ve-neer being at right angles to that in the adjacent veneer.

9. To insure a stable balance construction free of warping, an even number of veneers is used (e. g., 4-ply, 6-ply and 8-ply).

10. The crossing of the grain at right angles tends to strengthen the material used.

11. Glulam is produced by bonding together a number of graded, seasoned and mostly finger-jointed laminates.

12. The glulam laminates are bonded together with the grain run-ning at right angles.

13. Glulam structural members are used as vertical columns or horizontal beams, and as curved, arched shapes.

14. A CLT panel is made from pieces of sawn wood with alternat-ing layers perpendicular to one another.


15. A cross-laminated finished panel is stronger and more dimen-sionally stable than plain wood.

16. Construction with solid wood is faster and requires fewer workers and lighter equipment and is more affordable.

17. Laminated veneer lumber and laminated strand lumber are produced by assembling wood veneers or strands without a structural adhesive.

18. The grain direction in LVL and LSL is usually perpendicular. 19. The laminated structure in LVL and LSL disperses strength and

gives a higher bending strength and stiffness. 20. LVL is never used in structural applications where the high

strength and stiffness, long lengths and large section sizes are advan-tageous.

21. LVL and LSL are advantageous for floor joists, lintels, purlins, roof truss components, and portal frames.

22. Wood products, like plywood, can use trees from the poplar family.

23. It is possible to manufacture engineered products from other vegetable fibers.

Ex. 17. Find key sentences (either in ex. 16 after due corrections

or in the text) to make up a summary. Ex. 18. Speak about wood products and their types. Follow the

suggested scheme: • general description and characteristics, • properties and special qualities, • recommended conditions (if any), • advantages (or disadvantages), • uses. Ex. 19. Match the words and word groups with the definitions.


Words/word groups Definitions 1. chipboard a. the wood of trees cut and prepared for use

as building material. 2. plywood b. building material used in laying floors. 3. purlin c. a thin slice of wood, usually thinner than

3 mm obtained by "peeling" the trunk of a tree. 4. adhesive d. timber grown with the principal purpose of

making wood pulp for paper production. 5. flooring e. manufactured wood layered in structure

made from thin sheets of wood glued together an odd number of plies so that adjacent plies have their wood grain at right angles.

6. truss f. an engineered wood product formed by lay-ering strands (flakes) of wood in specific ori-entations.

7. seasoning g. wood from conifers. 8. engineered wood h. drying lumber either naturally, or in a kiln,

to a moisture content appropriate to be used. 9. lumber/timber i. a type of paperboard or an engineered wood

product also known as particle board. 10. softwood j. derivative wood products which are manu-

factured by binding the strands, particles, fibers, or veneers of wood, with adhesives, to form composite materials.

11. pulpwood k. horizontal structural member in a roof to support the loads from the roof deck or sheathing.

12. oriented strand board (OSB)

l. deviation from flatness due to uneven dry-ing of wood.

13. veneer m. glue, a mixture in a liquid or semi-liquid state that bonds items together.

14. wood warping n. a structure comprising one or more trian-gular units constructed with straight members whose ends are connected at joints.


Ex. 20. Make up opposition pairs matching each word from col-umn A with a word from column B contrary in the meaning.

A B interior unlimited thin light flexibility unstable stable parallel include exterior vertical small moisture-resistant irresponsible heavy weak strong stiffness limited exclude advantage low-performance large thick responsible moisture-absorbent high-performance disadvantage perpendicular horizontal

Ex. 21. Translate the attributive word groups with noun material: construction material; fibrous material; locally available materials;

low cost material; plant materials; recycled plant material; toxic mate-rials; framing materials; sheet material; sheathing material; raw mate-rials; fingerjointed materials; good quality material; structural mate-rial; natural material; hygroscopic material; decorative materials; composite materials; insulation material; modern materials; organic materials; structural material; innovative materials; wood-based ma-terials; flooring material; universal material; traditional materials; high-tech materials; durable material; permeable material; roofing material; light-frame materials.

Make up more similar word groups.


Ex. 22. Translate the sentences with words containing like in dif-ferent uses and its derivatives in different functions. Before doing the exercise find the proper information in dictionaries.

1. Cross-laminated timber panels are like massive plywood boards. 2. Engineered wood is very reliable, unlike regular wood, which can fluctuate in quality. 3. Woods like hickory and oak have more fuel value, because they are heavier (contain more woody mate-rial per cu. ft.). 4. Other high-grade plywood such as oak and maple are likewise available for use in cabinet work. 5. Softwoods are derived from a family of trees which produce cones and have needle-like leaves that generally (larch is a notable exception) remain both green and on the tree through the winter; hence the term 'evergreen'. 6. The wood reaches an equilibrium with the indoor environment which re-duces the likelihood of dramatic wood movement after a project is complete. 7. There are some decay fungi that can transport water great distances through rootlike structures and destroy wood even when it is not near a source of water. 8. The narrow and medium widths are likely to be more satisfactory where moisture content changes are moderate. 9. Wood porches are especially vulnerable to decay–like failure caused by wood rot or termites–because of expo-sure to the elements. 10. Furniture includes the movable articles, as tables, chairs, desks or cabinets, required for use or ornament in a house, office, or the like. 11. Wood is a universal material used in construction, as it works great for temporary or short-term units (tool sheds and the like). 12. The choice is easy for those opting for a cabin-like house. 13. Modern light-frame structures usually gain strength from rigid panels (plywood and other plywood-like composites such as oriented strand board (OSB). 14. LVL is much less likely than conventional lumber to warp, twist, bow, or shrink due to its composite nature. 15. While OSB does not have a continuous grain like a natural wood, it does have a specific axis of strength.


Ex. 23. Translate the sentences with the word free in different uses. Before doing the exercise study the proper information from dictionaries.

1. To insure a stable balance construction free of warping tenden-cies, an odd number of veneers is used (e. g. 3-ply, 5-ply and 7-ply). 2. Cabinetmakers use MDF when they require a shelf or panel free of defects. 3. The surface of MDF is flat, smooth, uniform and free of knots and grain patterns, which simplifies finishing operations, espe-cially for thin laminates. 4. MDF is dense, flat, and stiff, free from knots and is easily machined. 5. People sensitive to formaldehyde emissions should consider low formaldehyde or formaldehyde-free MDF, or con-sider methods of controlling these emissions through proper finishing. 6. Important properties for wood siding include good painting charac-teristics, easy working qualities, and freedom from warp. 7. Western redcedar shingles can be obtained in three grades, and the first grade is all heartwood, edge grain, and knot-free. 8. With second grade shin-gles, three-fourths of the shingle length is blemish free. 9. For soil block to cure uncovered, there must be at least 10 rain-free days. 10. The binder used (not adhesive) can be engineered to be not only toxic free but bio-degradeable. 11. Veneer of any grade may be util-ized provided that it is free of active insect attack and decay and is of uniform thickness within each sheet. 12. To insure a stable balance construction free of warping tendencies, an odd number of veneers is used (e. g. 3-ply, 5-ply and 7-ply). 13. Type D plywood has a bond that is only suitable for internal conditions completely free of damp-ness. 14. Shelving is a popular application for particleboard because it provides a flat, easy to cut, void free, smooth surface.

Ex. 24. Translate the sentences with the words when and while in

word groups with adverbial functions. 1. Wood is a product of trees, and sometimes other fibrous

plants, used for construction purposes when cut or pressed into lum-ber and timber. 2. Wood can be very flexible under loads, keeping


strength while bending. 3. Concrete bricks when mixed with crushed stone aggregate are a substitute for natural stone. 4. Defects such as knots, when peeled into a veneer, which is then assembled into LVL, are no longer concentrated in one location. 5. This process can con-siderably increase the strength and stiffness properties when com-pared with solid timber from the same resource. 6. Due to insulation, wooden houses fall in the category of low-energy houses that retain heat in winter while being pleasantly cool during summer. 7. Wood is easy to keep clean and helps to maintain an optimum balance of humidity by warming up the room more quickly while keeping condensation to a minimum. 8. Cross-lamination provides excellent two-way strength and stiffness properties, resistance to impact dam-age, and dimensional stability when wet. 9. Many factors must be considered when designing and constructing wood buildings, includ-ing structural, insulation, moisture, and sound control. 10. Some types of soil get soft and expand when exposed to air or water. 11. Use of minimal structural materials allows builders to enclose a large area with minimal cost, while achieving a wide variety of architectural styles. 12. Consider hardness, workability, appearance, stability, fastening properties, and finishing ease when selecting inte-rior woods. 13. In rehabilitating a wood-frame house, the goal is to preserve as many of the historic features as possible while making necessary repairs, upgrades, and retrofits. 14. Waterproofing, dam-proofing and drainage are particularly important when building in wet soils. 15. Wood is a renewable resource which, when properly man-aged and utilized, can enhance our quality of life, sustain our natural environment, and contribute to the economy.

Ex. 25. Translate the sentences with the for-with-the Infinitive

construction. Define the function of the for-phrase. 1. For soil block to cure uncovered, there must be at least

10 rain-free days. 2. There is some time lost waiting for the mortar to dry out. 3. One of the disadvantages of balloon framing as a


construction method is the creation of a path for fire to readily travel from floor to floor. 4. Most condominiums are found in provincial areas, and this makes it harder for residents to get to work, especially in rush hour. 5. If the span between load-bearing walls is too long for joists to safely support, then a heavy crossbeam may have to be used. 6. Originally, master carpenters would peg the joints with allowance of approximately an inch (25 mm), enough room for the wood to move as it seasoned, then cut the pegs and drive the beam home fully into its socket. 7. Today it is more common for timbers to be bandsawn, and the timbers may sometimes be machine-planed on all four sides. 8. Supplying log cabins for you to build yourself, most companies also offer construction services. 9. Houses started burning fiercely and then it was easy for the fire to spread from house to house. 10. City streets had always been narrow, with the houses built close to the street edge and just room for a cart to get through. 11. The warmth of the wooden house is another attraction for people to start making timber-frame houses of their dream.

Ex. 26. Translate the sentences with the words should and would

in different functions. А) 1. In the cold and hot water supply system attention should be

paid to the hardness of the water. 2. There is a potential fire hazard with internal insulation and care should be taken in the choice of in-sulation materials. 3. It should be borne in mind that the rendering material which protects external insulation is subject to relatively large changes in temperature. 4. The fire resisting properties and combustion characteristics of the insulation material should be taken into account. 5. To prevent people falling off the staircase it should have a guard rail either side. 6. In bathrooms and kitchens mechanical ventilation should be used. 7. Timber should be dried-out, or sea-soned, to a MC similar to that where it will be used, in order to avoid excessive shrinkage. 8. The floor should provide suitable fire protec-


tion to delay the spread of fire. 9. To lessen the possibility of wet rot it is generally accepted that the timber frame should not be covered until the moisture content is at 20 % or below.

B) 1. Once in position the boards would shrink slightly as their moisture content stabilised. 2. In early construction the type of stone used for a particular building would largely depend on its geographi-cal location. 3. Small linear convector heaters are often used in fitted kitchens where a normal radiator would be inconvenient. 4. It would be possible in theory to remove all moisture by increasing ventilation. 5. The Chicago Spire, with 150 floors, would be the second tallest residential building in the world if completed. 6. Tall skyscrapers are very heavy, which means that they must be built on a sturdier founda-tion than would be required for shorter, lighter buildings. 7. Some projects built using wood veneer would not be possible to construct using solid lumber. 8. And after caves, timber would probably have been one of the first human building materials.

Ex. 27. Translate the sentences with prepositional verbs in the

Passive Voice and other sentences with detached prepositions. Mind the correct word order.

1. His skill and experience in building matters can be relied upon. 2. Masonry is the building of structures from individual units laid in and bound together by mortar, and the term "masonry" can also refer to the units themselves. 3. The materials used, the quality of the mor-tar and workmanship, and the pattern the units are assembled in can strongly affect the durability of the overall masonry construction. 4. Engineered wood is sometimes referred to as composite, as it is comprised of wood veneers, lumber, panels, fibers or strands bound together with an adhesive to make the end product. 5. Generally, the insulation standards to be applied to the structure should be decided upon before designing the heating system. 6. The first stage is also referred to as the pre-construction stage.


Ex. 28. Fill in the gaps with Participle I or Participle II to suit the context.


The siding of the house is the first thing everyone sees from the outside. It gives a general idea of the house's condition, style and structure. If you want your house to have a cozy feeling, then cedar house siding is (recommending/recommended).

Why use cedar? Cedar has (developing/developed) a reputation as one of the most popular commercial woods available for its many uses. It is a good thermal regulator, so people who live in houses with cedar house siding are more likely to use less on (heating/heated) and air conditioning; as a result, they are able to pay lower electricity bills. Cedar keeps buildings cool during summer and warm during winter. Cedar is less fire-resistant than most woods; it does not help much in the spread of fire and is not (knowing/known) to produce smoke in large amounts. For carpenters, cedar wood is easy to work with: it is easy to be (sawing/sawn) and (cutting/cut) smoothly, nails in cedar last for about one-third longer than those of other wood, and is easily (joining/joined) together by adhesives.

The benefits of cedar house siding. These properties make cedar house siding useful to homes; it is both strong – (being/been) 80 % of the strength of oak – and durable. The durability of cedar wood is (at-tributing/attributed) to natural preservatives in its composition and therefore can resist decay. Native Americans prefer cedar wood for their houses since it has a long (lasting/lasted) effect; some artifacts (mak-ing/made) out of cedar wood survive for centuries in great condition. It is very resistant to fungi and bacteria; so pest control is the least of your worries. A (well-treating/well-treated) wood has a good resistance against the adverse effects of weather. In the decorative arena, cedar wood gives more of a traditional look to the building or a house.


Reading Practice

Read through text 3 “PREPARING A WOOD-FRAME HOUSE CON-STRUCTION” and then choose the best sentence given below to fill in each of the blanks. E. g.: 2- b


Wood-frame house construction continues to predominate in many countries. ___1___ In fact, a wood-frame house represents an environmentally responsible choice. Wood is a renewable resource which, if properly managed and utilized, can enhance our quality of life, sustain our natural environment, and contribute to the economy.

Due to a wide variety of homes in terms of style and size, and the differences in building techniques, ___ 2___ Many factors apply, such as whether a single house or a whole subdivision is being built, as well as other factors such as weather, site conditions and the availability of labour and materials.

___3___ It is assumed that a typical two- or three-bedroom house is being built by an average builder employing sub-trades. The steady de-cline in construction time is due largely to the introduction of sheet and panel goods, such as drywall and plywood, factory-built components such as roof trusses, windows and cabinets, and plastic piping for sani-tary plumbing. Specialized power tools and equipment also helped re-duce manual labour. ___4___ If it is a very large or highly detailed build-ing, 20 or more weeks may be needed. On the other hand, completing a small, simple dwelling may only require eight to ten weeks.

There are a number of stages in constructing a house which must be properly planned, co-ordinated and executed by the builder. ___5___ The amount of time needed to develop a complete set of plans, estimate the cost of the dwelling, arrange for financing and obtain a building permit and all other required approvals, will vary considerably. Providing access to the building site and arranging for temporary power may also take place during this stage.


It is important for do-it-yourself and less experienced builders to obtain advice on local conditions and practices. ___6___ .

Sentences to be inserted a) The first stage is also referred to as the pre-construction stage. b) it is difficult to say exactly what is a typical house construction

process. c) The description of the typical house construction process is

based on the wood-frame house construction techniques. d) In fact, a wood-frame house represents an environmentally re-

sponsible choice. e) It is also important to add in several weeks time to allow for

unavoidable delays. f) Thus, normally, about 16 weeks is required from start to finish. Read text 4 “ABOUT WOODEN HOUSES“ divided into parts. Find an-

swers to the questions which come before each of the coming passages.


1. Why has wood become an appealing building materal? Wood is one of the most endurable building materials, which can

be seen from a number of Scandinavian wooden houses that are over 600 years old. In modern times, a pervasive trend is ecological efficiency, the tendency to turn to nature and healthy living in all aspects. This is why the wood, due to its ecological, biological and economic advantages, has again become an appealing material for the construction of houses and other wooden buildings.

2. Due to what are wooden houses included into the low-energy category?

Technological evolution and the modern design of wooden houses led to combining tradition and technology to produce safe, environmentally friendly and sound wooden houses suitable to man. Modern technology provided greater durability and stability of wood,


while the typical shortcomings of traditional wood constructions have been eliminated by advanced design methods. Wooden houses offer ideal harmony with nature, simultaneously providing excellent thermal and sound insulation and humidity regulation. Due to such insulation, wooden houses fall in the category of low-energy houses that retain heat in winter while being pleasantly cool during summer.

3. Where does wood accumulate energy from? Research has shown that the fire risk is considerably lower with

log houses than with typical constructions. Wooden houses also exhibit more seismic endurance as they are less affected by earth tremors than typical constructions. The construction of a wooden house in itself is an entirely dry method of building, which, in addition to faster building, enables you to move into a healthy and pleasant space immediately after the completion of the works.

The wood as biomass represents the sun energy accumulation along with the carbon from air and minerals from the ground, in the growth process of the trees (photosynthesis) and then the transforma-tion in tissues that within a year form a growth ring (yearly ring).

The accumulation of the yearly rings during the years forms the wood itself that represents another form of energy, a living resource, regenerable, with many uses.

As an energy resource and raw material, the wood has to be ra-tionally exploited and rationally used.

4. What does rational use of wood imply? Rational exploitation means capitalisation of the wood that

reached the age of exploitation, but with a continue assurance of a new forest, by sylvic treatments and afforestation projects. Rational use means wood processing on a high level, using it in constructions in many varied and useful ways, using modern technologies.

In constructions field the wood is a raw material used for thou-sands of years, but nowadays when the planet’s resources diminishes, the wood has to be appreciated and used with skills and respect.


5. In what is our responsibility concerning nature? Appreciating the wood we are appreciating the environment and

ourselves. Following that idea, we are to do our work as wood houses constructors with skills, responsibility and professionalism, wishing to bring into your homes the sunlight improved by the wood’s warmth and beauty.

Our common duty is to understand that we have to live in balance with the nature and not to dominate it, in order to pass to our children the joy of breathing a pure air on a clean planet.

Read text 5 “WOOD-FRAME CONSTRUCTION”. A) Read the text without a dictionary. Guess the meaning of the

unknown words that you may come across.


Framing, in construction known as light-frame construction, is a building technique based around structural members, usually called studs, which provide a stable frame to which interior and exterior wall coverings are attached, and covered by a roof comprising horizontal ceiling joists and sloping rafters (together forming a truss structure) or manufactured pre-fabricated roof trusses–all of which are covered by various sheathing materials to give weather resistance.

Modern light-frame structures usually gain strength from rigid panels (plywood and other plywood-like composites such as oriented strand board (OSB) used to form all or part of wall sections, but until recently carpenters employed various forms of diagonal bracing (called wind braces) to stabilize walls. Diagonal bracing remains a vital interior part of many roof systems, and in-wall wind braces are required by building codes in many municipalities or by individual state laws in the United States.

Light frame construction using standardized dimensional lumber has become the dominant construction method in North America and Australia because of its economy. Use of minimal structural materials


allows builders to enclose a large area with minimal cost, while achieving a wide variety of architectural styles. The ubiquitous platform framing and the older balloon framing are the two different light frame construction systems used in North America.

Wall framing in house construction includes the vertical and horizontal members of exterior walls and interior partitions, both of bearing walls and non-bearing walls. These stick members, referred to as studs, wall plates and lintels (headers), serve as a nailing base for all covering material and support the upper floor platforms, which provide the lateral strength along a wall. The platforms may be the boxed structure of a ceiling and roof, or the ceiling and floor joists of the story above. The technique is variously referred to colloquially in the building trades as stick and frame, stick and platform, or stick and box as the sticks (studs) give the structure its vertical support, and the box shaped floor sections with joists contained within length-long post and lintels (more commonly called headers), supports the weight of whatever is above, including the next wall up and the roof above the top story. The platform, also provides the lateral support against wind and holds the stick walls true and square. Any lower platform supports the weight of the platforms and walls above the level of its component headers and joists.

A typical modern wood-frame house consists of a reinforced con-crete strip-footing foundation, whereupon a platform is constructed of joists covered with plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) to form the ground-floor level of the house (also known as platform wood-frame construction). This platform is connected directly to the foun-dation with anchor bolts. On this base, the exterior and interior walls are erected. The walls consist of a horizontal sill plate with vertical timber studs with board or panel sheathing nailed to the studs on the outside of the building. After the first-story walls are completed, the second-story floor is constructed, which, in turn, acts as a platform for erection of the second-story walls. This process is continued for all the stories. The roof structure typically consists of prefabricated trusses, which are covered with sheathing and roof tiles.


The standardized wood-frame structure of today is now aug-mented by a wide range of compatible standardized components, such as doors, windows, electrical and plumbing fixtures, and the like, which are designed to be easily installed in the wood structure.

Because wood-frame walls are hollow, alternative levels of insula-tion can be installed enabling any climatic conditions to be accommo-dated. Plumbing, heating, and electrical services are easily installed within the walls, in the open spaces above ceilings, within the floor structure, and in the space between the first (ground) floor and the ground below. Wood-frame houses can be up to three stories in height.

Today, wood frame is used for approximately 90 % of the houses constructed in the USA, predominantly in suburban regions. Costs vary greatly by region and house design, and range from about 650 US$/m2 to 2200 US$/m2, excluding land cost.

In the typical wood frame house, gravity loads are accommodated by wood “studs,” commonly placed at 16 inches (approximately 400 mm) centers. Floor and roof-framing members are commonly 2 inches (50 mm) in thickness and may be from 6 to 14 inches (150 mm to 350 mm) in depth. Lateral resistance is provided by a shear-wall system consisting of plywood or manufactured wood pan-els (particle board) nailed to vertical studs, creating shear walls.

Wooden posts, with cross-sectional dimensions ranging from 105 mm to 150 mm, carry gravity loads. The roof structure is made out of wood and is covered by roof tile or slate. The roof load is trans-ferred to the wood frame. The roof-supporting system in Japan is dif-ferent from that of western countries and is based only on vertical and horizontal members. No diagonal members or trusses are used, as is common for similar construction in Western countries.

Alternate approaches to the post-and-beam construction are the Russian Federation’s timber panel construction and horizontal timber log construction. The panel buildings use load-bearing panel walls to carry gravity loads. The layered paneling acts as a shear wall to resist lateral loads. These layered timber panels also serve as floor and roof


diaphragms. The horizontal timber system uses stacked logs as verti-cal and lateral load-resisting elements.

B) Read the text again and make a list of additional topical vo-cabulary (10 to 15 words and word-combinations). Consult a diction-ary to finalise the choice of the Russian equivalents. Memorise the new vocabulary.

Project “Wood and Wood-Based Materials”

Divide into teams of 4 or 5 students. Choose any aspect of the problem of the wood and wood-based materials. Jointly arrange a presentation of the materials collected in form of PowerPoint demon-stration. Try to illustrate your points of presentation.

Suggested issues Is wood as popular now as it was in the previous centuries? Speak

about the applications of wood as a structural and secondary building material. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of wood and wood-based materials in domestic construction.



Учебное пособие «Как построить дом», предназначенное для современного инженера-строителя, студента как будущего строи-теля, - обучающее средство для совершенствования всех компе-тенций, необходимых для владения английским языком для про-фессиональных целей. Пособие актуально в связи с отсутствием подобных учебных материалов для студентов или их ограниченной доступностью, а также необходимостью систематизированной по-дачи материалов в условиях обучения профессиональному англий-скому языку в неиноязычной среде.

Пособие может быть рекомендовано широкому кругу лиц, за-интересованных в повышении своих профессиональных знаний посредством чтения специальной литературы на иностранном язы-ке и систематизирующих ранее полученные знания и умения для профессионального и языкового самосовершенствования.


РЕКОМЕНДУЕМАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА English grammar for technical students = Грамматика английского языка для студентов технического вуза [Текст] : учебное пособие для студентов всех специальностей и форм обучения / сост. Т. М. Карлова ; Сыкт. лесн. ин-т. – Сыктывкар : СЛИ, 2004. – 176 с.

English grammar for correspondence students = Грамматика англий-ского языка для студентов-заочников [Текст] : учебное пособие для студентов всех специальностей заочной формы обучения / сост. Т. М. Карлова ; Сыкт. лесн. ин-т. – Сыктывкар : СЛИ, 2009. – 216 с.

ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА И ИСТОЧНИКИ Marshall, D. The Construction of Houses [Text] / Duncan Marshall, Derek Worthing. – 4th Ed. – Bristol : EG Books, 2006. - 295 p.


Английский язык для студентов архитектурных и строительных специальностей [Текст] / Дж. Камминг ; предисл. к рус. изд. и анг-ло-рус. словарь проф. В. Н. Бгашева. – М. : Астрель, 2005. – 270 с.

Стецкий, С. В. Англо-русский словарь по строительству и архитек-туре [Текст] / С. В. Стецкий. – М. : Архитектура-С, 2005. – 400 с.



abound [ə'baund] - иметься в большом числе abrasion resistance [ə'breiʒn ri'zistəns] – износоустойчивость; прочность на ис-тирание; сопротивление абразивному износу abrasion values [ə'breiʒn 'vlju] – абразивная ценность, полезность absorb [ə'bzɔ:b] - всасывать, впитывать; абсорбировать; поглощать abundant - обильный, богатый, изобилующий accelerator [ək'seləreitə] - ускоритель схватывания бетона acceptability [ək,septə’biliti] - приемлемость acceptable [ək'septəbl] - приемлемый, допустимый accommodate [ə'kɔmədeit] - подгонять; приспосабливать; размещать, приспо-сабливать; предоставлять жильё, помещение; расквартировывать acid ['æsid] - кислота; кислый; кислотный acid proof - кислотоупорный acrylic [ə'krilik] - акриловая смола, краскa; акриловое волокно; акриловый adapt [ə'dæpt] - приспосабливать, пригонять, прилаживать; регулировать adaptability [ə,dæptə'biliti] - применимость, приспособляемость; способность к самокоррекции, переналаживаемость additive ['æditiv] - добавка; примесь adhesive [əd'hi:siv] - клеящее вещество; клеящий материал; липкий, клейкий; связывающий adjacent [ə'dʒeisənt] - смежный; соседний adobe [ə'dəubi] – саман; суглинок; смесь глины, песка и соломы (для изготов-ления саманов); глинобитное строениекирпич воздушной сушки advance [əd'va:ns] - движение вперёд, продвижение; двигать вперёд, продви-гать; передовой; передний advanced [əd'va:nst] - передовой; продвинутый; выдвинутый вперёд, находя-щийся впереди advantageous [,ædvənd'teidʒəs] – полезный; выгодный; благоприятный; выигрышный; предпочтительный, aesthetic [i:s'Ɵetik] - эстетический affect [ə 'fekt] - влиять; действовать, воздействовать affordable [ə'fɔ: dəbl] – доступный по цене, недорогой aggregate [‘ægrigət] - заполнитель, инертный материал (бетона) air [ɛə] void - пустота; полость; карман (в породе) air bubble ['bʌbl] - пузырёк (воздуха) airborne [‘ɛəbɔ:n] - переносимый или перевозимый по воздуху air-cooled - с воздушным охлаждением


air-entrainer [‘ɛə in'treinə] - воздухововлекающие добавки для гидравлическо-го цемента alumina [ə'lju:minə] - оксид алюминия, глинозём ambience [‘æmbiəns] - окружение; обстановка, среда amount [ə'maunt] - величина, количество ancestor ['ænsistə] - прародитель, предок anchor ['æŋkə] - якорь; якорный; анкер ancient ['ein∫ənt] - древний; старинный, старый anhydrous [æn’haidrəs] cement – безводный цемент annual ['ænjuəl] - ежегодный; годичный, годовой antique [æn'ti:k]– старинная, антикварная вещь; старый, древний; антикварный; старомодный apartment building - жилое здание; многоквартирный дом appealing [ə’pi:liŋ] - привлекательный, притягательный appearance [ə’piərəns] - внешние признаки, показатели; появление application [,æpli'kei∫ən] - применение, использование applied [ə'plaid] - практический, прикладной apply load - применять (использовать, прилагать, прикладывать) нагрузку appreciate [ə'pri:∫ieit] - оценивать, (высоко) ценить; быть признательным, бла-годарным; понимать approximately [ə'prɔksimətli] - приблизительно, близко, около, почти, приближённо aqueducts ['ækwidʌkt] - акведук, водопровод; канал, проход, труба arch [a:t∫] – арка, дуга || изгибать дугой; придавать форму арки arch over - перекрывать сводом; придавать форму арки architecture ['a:kitekt∫ə] - архитектура; конструкция; конфигурация array [ə'rei] - масса, множество, совокупность artificial [,a:ti'fi∫əl] - искусственный, ненатуральный, неестественный ascend [ə’send] - всходить, взбираться, подниматься ashlar ['æ∫lə] – тёсаный камень (использующийся для облицовки зданий, пара-петов); кладка из тёсаного камня attain [ə'tein] - добиваться, достигать; добираться attics ['ætik] - мансарда, мезонин; чердак attractor [ə'træktə] - то, что привлекает, притягивает augment [‘ɔ:gmənt] - усиливать; увеличивать, расширять; прибавлять, прира-щивать; пополнять auxiliary [ɔ:g'ziljəri] - вспомогательный, дополнительный availability [ə,veilə'biliti] - наличие, присутствие; годность, полезность, пригод-ность; готовность; доступность back veneer – задняя поверхность, изнаночный слой bag - мешок; сумка; чемодан, пакет, мешок


balloon framing - деревянный балочно-стоечный каркас (здания); деревянная несущая конструкция здания с неразрезными стойками и прибитыми к ним го-ризонтальными элементами; жёсткий каркас banister ['bænistə] - балясина, стойка перил; перила (лестницы) bank - насыпь, дамба; вал, откос || сооружать насыпь, отвал (при земляных работах) banker ['bæŋkə] - верстак каменщика banker mason – каменотёс, резчик по камню bark [ba:k] - кора (дерева) barn [ba:n] - амбар; (сенной) сарай; здание плохой архитектуры, сарай barrel ['bærəl] - бочка, бочонок; баррель bartering currency - обменная валюта basement ['beismənt] - цокольный этаж; подвал; основание, фундамент; база колонны batching - дозирование (подачи бетонной смеси); приготовление замеса batter – замес глины; мятая глина; жидкая грязь beam [bi:m] - балка; брус; перекладина bear [bɛə] weight [weit] - носить, нести; переносить вес, массу bearing [‘bɛərɪŋ] – опорный, несущий bearing [‘bɛərɪŋ] power [pauə] - подъёмная сила bearing capacity [kə'pæsəti] - несущая способность; подъёмная сила bearing structure - несущая конструкция bearing wall - несущая стена bed of mortar - постель (кирпича, шифера), горизонтальные швы кирпичной кладки bedding - основание, фундамент; подушка; уплотнение; укладка кирпича bedrock [‘bed,rɔk] - скальное основание, коренная порода (общий термин для твёрдой породы, которая лежит под почвой или неплотным слоем) bell tower ['tauə] - колокольня belong [bi'lɔɳ] - принадлежать, находиться; быть частью (чего-л.) belonging [bi'lɔɳiɳ] – собственность; владение belongings [bi'lɔɳiɳz] - принадлежности, имущество; вещи, пожитки below grade – подземный, ниже поверхности земли bending [bendiɳ] - изгибание, сгибание; изгиб, кривизна bending strength - прочность на сгибание beneath [bi'ni:Ɵ] - внизу; ниже; под binder ['baində] - связующее вещество binding ['baindiŋ] - связывание; связующий blast furnace ['fə:nis] slag cement - шлакопортландцемент blasting ['blastiŋ] - взрывчатый, подрывной blasting operations - подрывные работы blended cements – цементные смеси


blending - смешивание, смешение blinding ['blaindiŋ] - гравийно-песчаная подготовка; бетонная подготовка; стяжка, выравнивающий слой, мелкий заполнитель block – стеновой блок; строительный блок; брусчатка (на мостовой) blockwork ['blɔkwə:k] - кладка блоков; блочное сооружение board [bɔ:d] - доска; планка boiler [‘bɔilə] - бойлер; паровой котел bolt - болт, винт; шуруп bond - перевязка кирпичной кладки, тип кладки, рисунок на поверхности стены bond (together) - соединять; связывать; склеивать; цементировать bonding - связывание; склеивание || связывающий, связующий bottom ['bɔtəm] ash - шлак, зольный остаток boundary ['baundəri] - граница, межа boxed [‘bɔkst] - помещённый в коробку; ограниченный узкими рамками bracing - крепление, связь; держатель, патрон break down – расщеплять; разрушать(ся) brick - кирпич; клинкер || класть кирпичи; выкладывать, мостить, облицовывать brick chisel [‘t∫izəl] - долото, стамеска, зубило; чекан, резец brick laying – кладка кирпича bricklayer [‘brikleiə] - каменщик по кладке кирпича brickwork ['brikwə:k] - кирпичная кладка (сооружение) bridge - мост; путепровод; эстакада || наводить мост; строить мост brittle ['britl] - ломкий, хрупкий building - здание; строение; постройка; дом; строительство, сооружение bulk [bʌlk] - груда, кипа; масса bulky [bʌlki] - большой; объёмистый; громоздкий; грузный burn (burnt) - гореть, пылать burnt brick - обожжённый кирпич caisson [‘keɪsɔn] - кессон; кессонная свая calcination [,kælsi’nei∫n]] - кальцинирование, обжиг, прокаливание Calcium ['kælsiəm] Silicate ['silikit] Brick - силикатный кирпич capacity [kə‘pæsɪtɪ] – способность; ёмкость, вместимость; объём carbon dioxide [‘ka:bn dai’ɔksaid] - двуокись carbonation [‘ka:bə’nei∫n] - насыщение угольной кислотой careful [‘kɛəfəl] - старательный, аккуратный; внимательный, тщательный careless [‘kɛələs] - небрежный, невнимательный carpenter ['ka:pəntə] - плотник, столяр || плотничать carry gravity load - выдерживать силу тяжести carry load - нести нагрузку; выдерживать нагрузку


carry weight [weit] - нести (элемент, нагрузку); выдерживать нагрузку cast insitu piles - бетонная набивная свая casting ['ka:stiɳ] - литьё; отливка || литейный categorize - распределять по категориям, категоризировать; классифицировать cater (for) - обслуживать, производить техническое обслуживание; обслуживать cause [kɔ:z] - причина, основание || быть причиной; вызывать; причинять, заставлять caution [kɔ:∫n] - осмотрительность, осторожность cedar ['si:də] - кедр ceiling [‘si:liŋ] - потолок; полог, навес cellar [‘selə] - подвал; погреб; подвальный этаж cellulose ['seljuləus] - целлюлоза, клетчатка cement [sə'ment] - цемент; цементный раствор || цементировать; скреплять или обмазывать цементным раствором cement-aggregate bond - соединение, скрепление цемента и заполнителя cementing [si'mentiŋ] – цементирование; вяжущий; цементирующий; укрепляющий cementitious [si,men’ti∫əs] - цементирующий; вяжущий ceramic [si'ræmik] - керамический; гончарный chamfer [‘∫æmfə] - фасочный резец, фреза cheap [t∫i:p] - дешёвый, недорогой chemical admixture ['kemikəl əd'mikst∫ə] – химическая добавка; примесь, присадка chemicals ['kemikəl] - химикалии, химикаты chemistry [’kemistri] - химия chip [t∫ip] - щепа, крошка, стружка || дробить, колоть расщеплять chipboard ['t∫ipbɔ:d] – древесностружечная плита, ДСП chisel [‘t∫izəl] - долото, стамеска, зубило; чекан, резец civil engineer - инженер-строитель cladding ['klædiɳ] - наружная обшивка (стен здания); оболочка; плакирование; плакировка; облицовка clay [klei] – глина; глинистый, глиняный || обмазывать глиной clay product ['prɔdʌkt] - изделие из глины coarse [kɔ:s] aggregate - крупный заполнитель coating ['koutiɳ] - слой (краски); грунт, шпаклёвка; обшивка (наружная); покры-тие; облицовка cohesive [kəu'hi:siv] soil - связный грунт cold tolerance [‘tɔlərəns] - холодостойкость cold(freeze)-resistant – морозостойкий cold-tolerant [‘tɔlərənt] - холодоустойчивый collapse [kə'læps] - обрушение (обычно здания); поломка; авария; выход из строя; разрушение; разрыв (вследствие потери устойчивости) || разрушаться column [‘kɔləm] – стойка; колонна; станина; столб


come into play - начать действовать, вступать в действие; обнаружиться, проявиться come into use - входить в употребление, начинать использование comfortable ['kʌmfətəbl] - комфортабельный, удобный commodity [kə’mɔditi] plastics – бытовые пластмассы common ['kɔmən] brick - обычный кирпич community [kə'mju:niti] - жилой комплекс; объединение, сообщество; местное сообщество; община community [kə'mju:niti] building - общественное здание compact [kɔm'pækt] - плотный || прессовать; уплотнять compaction – уплотнение, прессование; сжатие compactness - густота, плотность; компактность, концентрация comparison [kəm'pærisn] - сопоставление, сравнение compatible [kəm'pætəbl] - совместимый, сочетаемый compensate ['kɔmpenseit] (for) - возмещать, компенсировать complete cycle [saikl] – замкнутый цикл, круг complex ['kɔmpleks] - сложный, смешанный, составной, комбинированный compliment - любезность, комплимент; официальное признание comply [kəm'plai] (with) - соответствовать (стандартам); подчиняться (требова-ниям, правилам) composite ['kɔmpəzit] wood – композитный древесный материал compound ['kɔmpaund] - химическое соединение || соединять compressible [kəm’presəbl] - сжимающийся compressive [kəm’presiv] strength [streɳƟ] - прочность на сжатие; сопротивле-ние сжатию; предел прочности при сжатии conceal [kən‘si:l] - скрывать; прятать, укрывать; утаивать, умалчивать concern [kən‘sɜ:n] - вопрос (вызывающий озабоченность), проблема concrete ['kɔŋkri:t] - бетон || бетонировать concrete block - бетонный блок (массив, камень) concrete brick – бетонный блок condensation [,kɔnden'sei∫ən] - сгущение, уплотнение; уменьшение объёма; конденсирование, конденсация conductivity [,kɔndʌk'tiviti] - удельная проводимость материала confine [kən’fain] - ограничивать conform [kən'fɔ:m] - согласоваться (с чем-л.); соответствовать (чему-л.); при-спосабливаться, адаптироваться coniferous [kəu'nifərəs] - хвойный, шишконосный connection [kə’nek∫ən] - соединение, сочленение, присоединение consider [kən'sidə] - рассматривать; принимать во внимание, учитывать consideration [kən,sɪdə‘reɪʃn] - соображение; мнение, суждение; учитываемый фактор


consolidatе [kən'sɔlideit] - укреплять уплотнять(ся); затвердевать, твердеть constituent [kən'stitjuənt] - компонент, составная часть; структурная составляющая constitute ['kɔnstitju:t] - составлять; быть, являться; устанавливать construction [kən'strʌk∫ən] - строительство; стройка; конструкция; сооружение; строение; здание construction industry - строительство, строительная отрасль consume [kən'sju:m] - потреблять; расходовать; съедать; поглощать container [kən'teinə] – ёмкость; сосуд, ящик continual [kən'tinjuəl] - постоянный, непрерывный, непрекращающийся contraction [kən'trænk∫ən] – сжатие, сужение, уменьшение, сокращение cooling ['ku:liŋ] - охлаждение core [kɔ:] – ядро; сердечник; сердцевина; остов, каркас corrode [kə'roud] - корродировать, ржаветь; подвергаться коррозии; разъедать corrosion inhibitor [kə'rəuʒən in'hibitə] - ингибитор (коррозии); замедлитель окисления, коррозии corrosion-resistant [rə'zistnənt] - нержавеющий cost [kɔst] - стоимость, цена; себестоимость cost advantage [əd'va:ntidʒ] - преимущество в цене; выгода cost saving - снижение себестоимости, экономия в расходах costly [‘kɔstli] - дорогой, дорогостоящий cottage [‘kɔtidʒ] - небольшой сельский дом; хижина; загородный летний домик country home - дом в деревне, загородный дом course [kɔ:s] – курс; траектория, порядок, ход (действий, событий); способ, метод; слой, пласт, ряд (кладки, черепичной кровли) || класть ряд (кирпичей, черепицы) cover ['kʌvə] - крышка; охватывать, покрывать covering ['kʌvəriɳ] - обшивка; облицовка, покрытие crack - трещина; разрыв; щель || растрескиваться; разрываться; раскалываться crawl space - подпол, подполье cross section - поперечное сечение; поперечный разрез; профиль crossing ['krɔsiɳ] - скрещивание, перекрещивание cross-laminated timber (CLT) – клеёная многослойная древесина с перекрёст-ным расположением слоёв; клеёная многослойная древесина с продольно-поперечной ориентацией слоёв crossways [krɔsweiz] – крестообразный; крест-накрест crowned [kraund] – увенчанный; завершённый, законченный crumble ['krʌmbl] - сыпаться, осыпаться; обваливаться crushed [krʌ∫t] stone - дроблёный камень; щебень crushed flint - дроблёная кремниевая порода crushed glass - стеклобой, стеклянный бой crushed stone - рваный камень; бутовый камень, бут; щебень


crushed stone aggregate - щебень cullet ['kʌlit] - стеклобой, стекольный бой cultural differences ['kʌlt∫ərəl 'difrənsiz] – культурные различия curing ['kjuəriɳ] - созревание бетона; выдержка бетона; уход за бетоном (до вызревания) || затвердевать (о синтетической смоле, бетоне); схватывать(ся) curing ['kjuəriɳ] time – время выдержки curve – кривая; изгиб; выгиб, закругление, кривизна || сгибать, изгибать, согнуть cutting ['kʌtiɳ] - резание, обработка резанием; резка damage ['dæmidʒ] - вред, повреждение; разрушение; дефект, поломка; ущерб || повреждать; разрушать damp proof course (DPC) – гидроизоляционная прокладка; гидроизоляционный слой dead [ded] load - мёртвый груз; собственный вес, вес конструкции deal (with) - иметь дело (с кем-л., чем-л.), вести дела, заниматься debris ['deibri:] – осколки; обломки; остатки decay [di'kei] – гниль, распад || гнить, разлагаться (об органических веществах) decay-resistance - устойчивость против гниения decay-resistant [rə'zistnənt] - устойчивый против гниения decompose [,dikəm’pouz] - гнить, портиться, разлагаться decorating - декорирование; косметический ремонт deep foundation - фундамент глубокого заложения degradation [,degrə'dei∫ən] – деградация, снижение качества, сокращение воз-можностей, ухудшение delamination [,de’limi,nei∫ən] – отслаивание, расслоение материала demolition [,demə'li∫ən] - разрушение, снос (домов, сооружений) dense [dens] – плотный, толстый; массивный; густой; компактный; частый dense [dens] brick – плотный, непроницаемый кирпич dense aggregate - плотный заполнитель derivative [di'rivətiv] - производный, вторичный; деривативный descend [di'send] - спускаться, сходить, снижаться deserve [di'zə:v] - заслуживать, быть достойным design [di'zain] load - расчётная, проектная нагрузка design challenge [di'zain 't∫ælindʒ] - сложная задача, проблема; серьёзное ис-пытание в области проектирования designate [‘dezigneit] – обозначать, означать; объявлять, называть designer [di'zainə] - конструктор, проектировщик; разработчик; дизайнер destroy [di'strɔi] - разрушать, рушить, сносить; ликвидировать; уничтожать destruction [dis'trʌk∫ən] - разрушение; повреждение detrimental [,detri'mentəl] (to) - причиняющий ущерб; пагубный, губительный, вредный


developer [di'veləpə] - разработчик development [di'veləpmənt] - разработка diagonal [dai'ægənl] - диагональный, идущий наискось diaphragm [‘daiəfræm] – диафрагма; перегородка, перемычка differ (in) - отличаться, различаться, разниться; варьироваться differential [,dɪfə‘renʃəl] settlement – неравномерная осадка differentiate [,difə'ren∫ieit] – разграничивать; различать(ся), дифференцировать(ся) dig (dug) [dig] - копать, рыть dimension [dai'men∫ən] - измерение; размеры, величина; объём; протяжение dimensional [dai'men∫ənəl] lumber - мерные пиломатериалы; строевой лес diminish [di'miniʃ] - убывать, уменьшаться; умалять, преуменьшать disadvantage [,disəd’va:ntidʒ] - недостаток, вред disease [di’zi:z] resistant [rə'zistnənt] - устойчивый к заболеваниям disintegration [dis,intə'grei∫n] - разделение на составные части, разрушение; дезинтеграция disperse [dis'pə:s] strength – распределять, рассредоточивать нагрузку displace [dis'pleis] - перемещать; двигать, перекладывать, переставлять, смещать displacement [dis'pleismənt] - перемещение, перестановка; сдвиг; смещение disposable [dis'pəuzəbl] - выбрасываемый (после употребления); разовый, од-норазовый dispose (of) - удалять; устранять; сбрасывать, отводить (сточные воды) distort [dis‘tɔ:t] - искажать; искривлять; деформировать distortion [dis‘tɔ:∫n] – деформация. искривление; перекашивание; коробление; искажение distribute [dis'tribju:t] - распределять, раздавать disused - неиспользуемый diverse [dai’və:s] - многообразный, разнообразный, разный dividing [di'vaidiŋ] line - разделительная черта, граница domestic (residential) building - жилой дом; жилищное строительство domestic housing - жилищное строительство door frame - дверная коробка; дверная рама dosage ['dəusidʒ] – дозирование; доза, дозировка drain [drein] – дрена; дренажная канава; дренажная труба; дренаж, слив || дренировать; осушать; сливать; стекать; спускать; отводить воду drainage ['dreinidʒ] - дренирование, осушение; дренаж; водосбор dressed – одетый; украшенный, декорированный (чем-л.); обработанный; отё-санный (обычно о древесине) dressed stone – тёсаный камень; отделанный камень drill – сверло, перфоратор, бур || бурить; сверлить drilled - буровой; пробуренный; пройденный бурением


drilled pier [piə] – буровая свая drilled pier foundation - фундамент на буронабивных сваях drive [draiv] (a nail, pile) – забивать (гвоздь, сваю) driven [drivn] pile - забивная свая driveways [‘draivwei] - дорога, проезд, путь; подъездная дорожка drought [‘draut] tolerance - засухоустойчивость dry out - высохнуть; высушить due to - благодаря; вследствие; в результате; из-за durability [,djuərə‘bɪlətɪ] - продолжительность срока службы; долговечность; прочность; стойкость durable ['djuərəbl] - надёжный, долговечный, прочный, стойкий, крепкий dwell (dwelt) - жить, обитать, находиться, пребывать dwelling - жилище, (жилой) дом, жильё, жилое помещение dwelling unit - жилое помещение earth ['ə:Ɵ] – земля, грунт, почва; заземление earth ['ə:Ɵ] tremor – сотрясение Земли; толчки earth stabilized [‘steɪbəlaizd] – укреплённый грунтом, связанный грунтом earthquake ['ə:Ɵkweik] - землетрясение earthquake ['ə:Ɵkweik] prone – склонный, предрасположенный к землетрясениям earthquake resistance - противостояние землетрясению ease [i:z] - лёгкость, удобство (в работе) eaves [i:vz] - карниз eccentric [ik'sentrik] - нецентрированный; нецентральный economical [,i:kə'nɔmikəl] - экономный, бережливый, экономичный effect - эффект; влияние, воздействие; результат, следствие || воздействовать; производить; осуществлять; исполнять effective [i'fektiv] - эффективный, полезный, действенный elaborate [i'læbərit] – тщательно разработанный, продуманный, сложный; усо-вершенствованный electrical [i’lektrikəl] engineering [,endʒi'niəriŋ] - электроэнергетика electrical fixtures ['fikst∫ə] - электроприборы eliminate [I’limineit] - устранять, исключать; уничтожать, ликвидировать, аннулировать elsewhere [‘elswɛə] - где-либо в другом месте embed [ɪm‘bed] - закладывать; погружать(ся); заглублять(ся); укреплять (в грунте) embrace [im'breis] - охватывать emission [i’mi∫n] - выделение, распространение emulate ['emjuleit] – стремиться превзойти; конкурировать, соперничать, со-ревноваться; имитировать, копировать, подражать


encounter [en'kauntə] – встретить(ся), столкнуться, натолкнуться end bearing piles - несущая свая; свая-стойка; свая-колонна endurable [in'djuərəbl] – переносимый, приемлемый, терпимый, удовлетвори-тельный, сносный endurance [in’djuərəns] - прочность, стойкость; выносливость, способность пе-реносить engineered [,endʒi'niəd] wood – композитные материалы на основе древесины; инженерные деревянные элементы engineering [,endʒi'niəriɳ] bricks - высокопрочный кирпич; кирпич повышенной прочности engineering [,endʒi'niəriŋ] - инженерное дело; технология; техника, машино-строение engineering plastics – пластмассы для технических нужд ensure [in'∫uə / in'∫ɔ:] - гарантировать, обеспечивать entrance ['entrəns] – вход; въезд; входная дверь equal ['i:kwəl] – равный, одинаковый; равносильный; подходящий equalize ['i:kwəlaiz] - делать равным; уравнивать; уравновешивать equipment [i'kwipmənt] - оборудование; снаряжение; оснащение equivalent [i'kwivələnt] - равноценный; равнозначный, эквивалентный erect [i’rect] - прямой; вертикальный; вертикально поднятый; прямо, верти-кально; сооружать; устанавливать; возводить, строить (здание) even ['i:vən] – чётный eventually [i'vent∫əuli] – в конечном счёте, в итоге, в конце концов; со временем everlasting [,evə’la:stiŋ] – вечный, бессмертный excavate [‘ekskəveit] - рыть, копать; производить земляные работы; вынимать грунт excavation [,ekskə'vei∫ən] waste – отходы раскопок excess [ik'ses] - избыток, излишек, излишнее количество; избыточный; превы-шающий норму excessively [ik'sesivli] - чересчур, чрезмерно excluded [iks'klu:d] – исключать; не впускать; не допускать exhibit [ig'zibit] – экспонат (на выставке); показывать; выказывать, выражать, проявлять exhibition [,eksi'bi∫ən] hall – выставочный зал exothermic [,eksəu'Ɵə:mik] - экзотермический expansive [ɪk‘spænsɪv] - способный расширяться; расширительный expose [iks'pəuz] - подвергать действию (атмосферных влияний) exposed [iks'pəuzd] - незащищённый, открытый; подвергающийся воздействию (окружающей среды); неоштукатуренный exposure [ik'spouʒə] – подвергание (какому-л. воздействию); выставление, ос-тавление (на солнце, под дождём)


extend [ɪk’stend] - расширять, наращивать, увеличивать extensive settlement – обширная осадка exterior [eks'tiəriə] application – наружное применение exterior [eks'tiəriə] cladding - наружная обшивка стен; облицовка (стен) exterior [eks'tiəriə] wall - внешняя стена external [eks'tə:nl] loadbearing wall - внешняя несущая стена extract [ik'strækt] – вытаскивать, извлекать extrude [eks'tru:d] - экструдировать, штамповать, прессовать, выдавливать fabrication [,fæbri'kei∫ən] - производство, сооружение, конструирование face of the brick - лицевая грань кирпича, ложок face veneer – лицевой слой фанеры facilitate [fə'siliteit] – облегчать, содействовать, способствовать facing bricks - облицовочный (лицевой), отделочный кирпич facing material – облицовочный, отделочный материал fail - выходить из строя; ломаться, разрушаться; повреждаться failure ['feiljə] - обрушение; крушение; поломка; авария; отказ, сбой, неисправность fastened [‘fa:snd] - прочно соединенный, скрепленный; укрепленный fast-setting cement - быстросхватывающийся цемент faulty [fɔ:lti] - неисправный, повреждённый, с изъяном; несовершенный felled tree - срубленное дерево felling ['feliɳ] - рубка, валка (леса) fence - забор, изгородь, ограждение fiber [faibə] - волокно; волокнистый; волоконный fiberboard [faibəbɔ:d] - древесноволокнистая плита fibrous [‘faibrəs] - волокнистый, жилистый, фиброзный film - плёнка, тонкий слой fine aggregate - мелкий заполнитель finger-joint – зубчатое соединение (элементов деревянных конструкций); шиповое соединение finish - отделка, отделочное покрытие; чистовая (отделочная, финишная) об-работка || производить чистовую (отделочную, финишную) обработку finished ['fini∫t] lumber - готовый, отделанный, обработанный пиломатериал finishing ['fini∫iŋ] - чистовая обработка, окончательная отделка; отделочные работы fir [fə:] - пихта fire protection – противопожарная работа fire-proof ['faiə,pru:f] - несгораемый; огнестойкий, огнеупорный fireproof material - несгораемый; огнеупорный, тугоплавкий fire-resistance [’faiə ri’zistəns] - огнестойкость fire-resistant material - огнестойкий, тугоплавкий, огнеупорный материал


firestop joists – противопожарные прогоны (перекрытия) fissure ['fi∫ə] – небольшая трещина, расщелина; излом fittings ['fitiɳ] - фитинги; гарнитура; монтаж, настройка, сборка fix - устанавливать; прикреплять; укреплять, закреплять; приводить в порядок; налаживать, регулировать; ремонтировать, чинить; подготавливать, готовить flight ['flait] of stairs - пролёт лестницы float - мастерок flooding ['flʌdiŋ] – затопление, заводнение floor - пол; перекрытие; настил; этаж; междуэтажное перекрытие; площадка; участок floor board – половая доска floor joist - балка междуэтажного перекрытия; ригель пола flooring ['flɔ:riɳ] - напольное покрытие; настил; пол; настилка полов flowing water - проточная вода fluid ['flu:id] - жидкость; жидкая среда, раствор fluting ['flut] – рифление, гофрировка; нарезка пазов или канавок fly ash - летучая зола, зольная пыль; зола-унос, зола пылеугольного топлива foam ['fəum] – пена, пенистый материал footing ['futiɳ] - опора, основа, основание, фундамент forefront ['fɔ:frʌnt] - передний план; важнейшее место foreman ['fɔ:mən] - мастер; бригадир; старший рабочий; десятник; прораб; на-чальник цеха formwork ['fɔ:mwə:k] – опалубка, опалубочные конструкции; опалубочные работы fossil fuels ['fɔsil fjuəl] – ископаемое топливо foundation [faun'dei∫ən] - фундамент, основание; основа, база foundation trench - котлован под (ленточный) фундамент frame construction - деревянная каркасная конструкция; рамная конструкция framework ['freimwə:k] - рамная конструкция, каркас; остов framing - создание, сооружение, конструирование free (from) - без чего-л.; не содержащий чего-л. free calcium hydroxide [hai'drɔksaid] crystal - свободный кристалл гидроокиси кальция freeze [fri:z] – замораживание || замерзать; замораживать freezing ['fri:ziɳ] - замораживание; замерзание fresh concrete - свежеуложенная бетонная смесь; не вполне затвердевший бе-тон, свежий бетон frost attack [ə'tæk] - разрушительное действие низкой температyры frost heave [‘hi:v] - пучение (грунта) при замерзании frost line – уровень промерзания frost-susceptible [sə‘septəbl] восприимчивый к низким температурам frost-resistant material - незамерзающий; морозостойкий, морозоустойчивый материал


fulfil [ful'fil] - выполнять; делать, исполнять, осуществлять, совершать furnace ['fə:nis] - топка furniture-making ['fə:nit∫ə] - изготовление мебели fusion [ju:ʒn] - плавка; расплавление; расплавленная масса, сплав gain strength – приобретать прочность gap [gæp] – пролом, брешь, щель, дыра, промежуток, интервал, разрыв, зазор, люфт garage ['gæra:ʒ] - гараж; авторемонтная мастерская generic [dʒi’nerik] - общий, обобщенный; родовой; характерный для опреде-лённого класса, вида girder ['gə:də] - балка; брус; перекладина; балочная ферма glass - стекло glass-cutter [kʌtə] - стекольщик glazier ['gleizə] - стекольщик, монтажник остекления glue – клей || клеить; склеивать glued laminated (Glulam) timber - клеёные деревянные конструкции, глулам glulam – глулам, слоистые клеёные древесные материалы gracious ['grei∫əs] – добрый, вежливый, любезный, обходительный; великодушный grade – степень, градус, уклон; уровень земли; сорт || сортировать, рассортировать grain - строение; структура; волокно; фибра; зернистость; грануляция granite ['grænit] - гранит granular [grænjulə] - сыпучий; гранулированный, зернистый gravel ['grævəl] - гравий; галька; крупный песок || балластировать гравием gravel limestone ['grævəl 'laimstəun] - известняковая галька, гравий gravity ['græviti] - сила тяжести; тяготение gravity load - сила тяжести; тяготение grind ['graind] (ground) - молоть, перемалывать; растирать (в порошок); толочь; размельчать groove ['gru:v] - желобок, паз, вырез, прорез grooved ['gru:vd] - гофрированный, рифлёный, волнистый, желобчатый ground beam – лежень; фундаментная балка, ростверк ground floor - нижний этаж, первый этаж ground price - цена земли growing conditions - условия произрастания guard ['ga:d] - охранять; сдерживать, контролировать gypsum ['dʒipsəm] - гипс || гипсовать hammer ['hæmə] - (кузнечный) молот, кувалда; молоток handrail ['hændreil] – перила; поручень hangar ['hæŋə] - ангар; навес; сарай; склад


hard - твёрдый, жёсткий; прочный hardboard - твёрдая древесноволокнистая плита; твёрдый картон harden ['ha:dn] - закаливать; твердеть, набирать прочность (о бетоне) hardening ['ha:dniɳ] - закаливание; твердение, затвердевание (цементного раствора или бетона) hardening chamber ['t∫eimbə] - закалочная камера hardness - твёрдость; степень твёрдости hardwood ['ha:dwud] - твёрдая древесина; древесина лиственных пород harsh [ha:∫] - жёсткий, суровый harvest ['ha:vist] trees - заготавливать древесину hazardous ['hæzədəs] - опасный, рискованный header ['hedə] - тычок кирпича, кирпичной кладки; опорная несущая балка healthy ['helƟi] - здоровый; полезный, благотворный; безопасный healthy environment [in'vaiərənmənt] - среда, благоприятная для здоровья человека heat evolution - выделение, выпускание (тепла, газа, света, звука) heat insulation [,insju’lei∫ən] - тепловая изоляция, теплоизоляция heat loss - потеря, лишение; утрата heat tolerance [hi:t 'tɔlərəns] - теплоустойчивость, переносимость высокой тем-пературы heating ['hi:tiŋ] - обогрев; отопление, отопительная система heating system ['hi:tiɳ 'sistəm] – система отопления heat-insulating material – теплоизоляционный материал heaving ['hi:viŋ] - подъём; вспучивание hemlock ['hemlɔk] - тсуга, гемлок herringbone - шеврон, кладка «в ёлку» high-grade flooring - высокосортные половые доски; высококачественный на-стил пола high-performance - высокие эксплуатационные качества; высокоэффективный; высококачественный high-performance [pə'fɔ:məns] concrete (HPC) - бетон быстродействующий, вы-сокопроизводительный, высокого качества с повышенной удобоукладываемо-стью high-rise building - высотное жилое здание high-strength concrete - высокопрочный бетон hollow ['hɔləu] - пустой, полый; полость, пустое пространство (внутри чего-л.) hollow out - выкапывать, выдалбливать home - дом, жилище horizontal [,hɔri’zɔntəl] - горизонтальный; одноуровневый horizontal sill - горизонтальный лежень, поперечно лежащее бревно, нижний опорный брус


house - жилой дом; жилище; помещение || вмещать; поместить (где-л.), жить в доме huge [hju:dʒ] - большой, громадный, огромный human habitat ['hæbitæt] – жилище, место обитания человека humidity [hju:'miditi] - сырость, влажностьстепень влажности hydrate ['haidreit] - гидрат || гидратизировать, гидратировать hydrated ['haidreitid] lime [laim] – гашёная известь hydrated ['haidreitid] calcium silicate ['kælsiəm 'silikit] – гидратизированный силикатный кирпич hydration ['haidrei∫n] - гидратация, гидратирование ice lens - ледяная линза imaginable [i'mædʒinəbl] - вообразимый imagination [i,mædʒi’nei∫n] - воображение; фантазия immensely [i'mensli] - безмерно, весьма, очень, сильно, чрезвычайно immersion [in'kredəbl] - погружение impact [‘impækt] - воздействие; влияние; удар, толчок; впечатление impart [im’pa:t] - давать, придавать (какое-л. качество) impervious [im'pə:vɪəs] (to water) - непроницаемый, не пропускающий (влагу) imply [im'plai] - предполагать, подразумевать, заключать в себе, значить impose (on) - налагать (связь); прикладывать (нагрузку) imposed load - временная нагрузка; приложенная нагрузка impregnate [im'pregneit] - наполнять, насыщать; обогащать; пропитывать improper [im'prɔpə] - негодный; неисправный; неподходящий improvised ['imprəvaizd] - сделанный из подручных материалов; импровизиро-ванный, нестандартный inclined [in'klaind] plane - наклонная плоскость incombustible [,inkəm’bʌstibl] – несгораемый; невоспламеняемый, негорючий, огнестойкий; невоспламеняющийся incompressible [,inkəm’presibl] - несжимаемый, несжимающийся incredible [in'kredibl] - невероятный, немыслимый, неправдоподобный induce – побуждать; вызывать; стимулировать; приводить (к) induce stress – вызывать напряжение industrial building - промышленное здание inexpensive [,iniks’pensiv] - недорогой, дешёвый infrastructure - инфраструктура; сети обслуживания; инженерные коммуникации inherent [in'hiərənt] - характерный, присущий; свойственный; неотъемлемый; врождённый; прирождённый initial [i'ni∫iəl] setting - первичное схватывание inject [in'dʒekt] - впрыскивать


inlay [‘inlei] work - инкрустация; мозаика, мозаичная работа insert [in’sə:t] - вставлять, вкладывать in-situ - на месте, без снятия (с машины), в месте нахождения install [instɔ:l] – устанавливать, вставлять insufficient [,insə'fiʃənt] - недостаточный; несоответствующий, неподходящий; неудовлетворительный; неполный interdisciplinary field - междисциплинарная область interior [in'tiəriə] - внутренняя сторона, часть; интерьер; внутренний interior [in'tiəriə] doors - внутренние двери interior application – внутреннее применение interior partitions – внутренние перегородки internal infrastructure – внутренняя инфраструктура interrupt [,intə'rʌpt] - прерывать, нарушать; препятствовать, мешать intricate ['intrikit] - сложный, замысловатый; запутанный invention [in’ven∫n] - изобретение investigate [in'vestigeit] - изучать, исследовать involve [in'vɔlv] - вовлекать, включать; включать в себя; вызывать iron [,aiən] - железо (элемент); чёрный металл irregular [i'regjulə] (shape) – нестандартный; имеющий неправильную форму, несимметричный; неровный irritation [,irə'teiʃn] - недовольство, раздражение; возбуждение joint [dʒɔint] – стык, соединение, место соединения; паз, шарнир, шов joist - брус, балка; перекладина, лага, стропило kerbstone [‘kə:bstoun] – бордюрный камень kiln - печь для обжига и сушки kiln-fired [,kiln ‘faiəd] bricks – обожжённый кирпич lack - недостаток, нужда; отсутствие (чего-л.); испытывать недостаток, нуж-даться в (чём-л.); не иметь laminate ['læmineit] - древеснослоистый пластик, ламинат || ламинировать Laminated Strand Lumber (LSL) - брус из клеёного шпона Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) - профилированный клеёный брус landscape designer ['lænskeip di'zainə] – ландшафтный дизайнер lash [læ∫] – скреплять внахлест, связывать lateral ['lætərəl] – боковой; поперечный; направленный в сторону lathe-work ['leiðwə:k] - токарная работа lay term - непрофессиональный термин layered - слоёный


layout - планировка, план, расположение; разметка lead (to) - приводить к (каким-л. результатам); быть причиной (чего-л.) length [leŋθ] – длина, расстояние, протяжённость light-frame construction – легкая конструкция деревянного каркаса lightness ['laitnis] - лёгкость; лёгкий вес; легковесность lightweight ['laitwet] - лёгкий; мелкий, поверхностный, несерьёзный, незначи-тельный lime - известь; окись кальция (CaO) || белить известью; скреплять известью limestone[ 'laimstəun] – известняк limitation [limitei∫n] – ограничение; недостаток; предел, граница lintel - перемычка окна или двери; перемычка (окна или двери); косяк; притолока liquid [likwid] plasticiser [plæs'tisaizə] – жидкий пластификатор live [laiv] load – временная, рабочая нагрузка; подвижная, динамическая на-грузка living space - жизненное пространство; жилая площадь дома или квартиры load - груз; нагрузка; загрузка || грузить; загружать load-bearing wall - несущая стена loamy ['ləumi] - суглинистый; мергельный locate [ləu'keit] - поселяться; поселять; определять место, местонахождение locksmiths ['lɔksmiθ] - слесарь, специалист по замкам log [lɔg] - бревно; кряж; лесоматериал, годный для распиловки || заготавли-вать (вырубать) лес log cabin ['kæbin] - бревенчатый домик; бревенчатая хижина long life - долговечность longevity [lɔŋ‘dʒeviti] - долгая жизнь; долголетие; долговечность; долгожительство; долгосрочность; срок службы loose ['lu:s] - неплотный, неутрамбованный loose soil - рыхлая порода; сыпучий грунт low-energy house - энергосберегающий дом; дом с низким потреблением энергии lumber [‘lʌmbə] амер. - пиломатериалы; строевой лес, брёвна main - главный, основной maintenance ['meintənəns] - содержание; уход; текущий ремонт; техническое обслуживание maintenance ['meintənəns] costs – стоимость текущего обслуживания, текущего ремонта malleable ['mæliəbl] - пластичный; вязкий, тягучий; ковкий manipulation [mə,nipju'lei∫ən] - управление; манипулирование, манипуляция


man-made - искусственный manner – способ manufacture [,mænju'fækt∫ə] - производство; изготовление || производить; из-готовлять manufactured [,mænju'fækt∫əd] aggregate - искусственный заполнитель manufactured [,mænju'fækt∫əd] sand - искусственный песок (получаемый дроб-лением камня, гравия или шлака) manufacturing [,mænju'fækt∫əriɳ] technique [tek'ni:k] – технология изготовле-ния; технология производства marble ['ma:bl] – мрамор; мраморное изделие marshy ['ma:∫i] - болотный; болотистый, топкий mason ['meisn] – каменщик; производить кладку, класть камни или кирпичи masonry ['meisnri] - каменная или кирпичная кладка masonry ['meisnri] unit ['ju:nit] - элемент каменной кладки (блок, кирпич, камень) mass concrete – массивный бетон; монолитный бетон; неармированный бетон matching ['mæt∫iɳ] - равный по силам противник, достойный соперник materials engineering - технология производства материалов materials science - материаловедение matrix ['meitriks] - раствор, вяжущее вещество; цементирующая среда matter ['mætə] - вещество; материал, материя means - средства; ресурсы; способы mechanical [mi’kænikəl] - механический mechanical properties [’prɔpəti] - механическиe свойства mechanizing ['mekənaiziɳ] saws - бензо-, электропила medium ['mi:djəm] – среда; средний, умеренный medium density [’mi:djəm ‚densiti] polyethylene – полиэтилен средней плотности medium-density fiberboard (MDF) - древесноволокнистая плита средней плотности meet requirements [rɪ’kwaɪəmənt] - удовлетворять, отвечать, соответствовать требованиям megapascal (MPa) - мегапаскаль melt - плавить, плавиться; таять members – часть, деталь, звено; конструкционный элемент milling [miliɳ] - молотьба; дробление, измельчение mine [main] – рудник; шахта || добывать (уголь, руду), производить горные работы misconception [,miskɔn’sep∫n] - неправильное представление; недоразумение mixing - перемешивание; смешивание; смесеобразование moderate exposure [iks'pəuʒə] - умеренное, сдержанное воздействие modify ['mɔdifai] - видоизменять, трансформировать, модифицировать; подправлять moist - влажный, мокрый, сырой moisture [‘mɔɪstʃə] - влажность, влага


moisture resistant - влагоупорный mold - форма || формовать; литейная форма || отливать в форму mortar ['mɔ:tə] - известковый раствор; строительный раствор || скреплять раствором mould - (литейная) форма, опалубка для бетона must (a must) - необходимость, потребность nail - ноготь; гвоздь || забивать гвозди; прибивать (гвоздями) nanoscience - нанонаука nanotechnology - нанотехнология natural patina - патина (плёнка, образующаяся на бронзе, меди, латуни при окислении металла); налёт, след, отпечаток negligible ['neglidʒəbl] - незначительный; неважный, не принимаемый в расчёт net effect [i'fekt] - суммарное воздействие; совокупный эффект non-bearing walls – не несущая стена; ограждающая стена; перегородка non-cohesive soil – несвязный грунт notch [nɔt∫] - паз, V-образный вырез, желоб, борозда || делать паз nylon ['nailən] - нейлон obstruction [əb'strʌk∫ən] - препятствие, преграда, барьер; непроходимость obtainable [əb'teinəbl] - достижимый, доступный occupancy ['ɔkjupənsi] – населённость; заполненность; заселенность occupy ['ɔkjupai] - занимать (дом, квартиру) odd number – нечётное число offset - возмещать, вознаграждать, компенсировать oppose [ə,pəuz] (to) – противопоставлять; быть против, возражать; препятство-вать; противодействовать option ['ɔp∫ən] - выбор; предмет выбора; право выбора; опция Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) - обычный портландцемент organic [ɔ:'gænik] derivatives - органические производные organic [ɔ:'gænik] glass - органическое стекло oriented ['ɔ:rientid] strand board (OSB) – ориентированно стружечная плита outcome ['autkʌm] - исход, итог, последствие, результат; выпускное отверстие outer ['autə] - внешний, наружный; поверхностный outside ['autsaid] walls – внешняя, наружная стена overall [,əuvə’rɔ:l] – спецодежда, комбинезон || полный, общий, от начала до конца; всеобщий; всеобъемлющий overcome [,əuvə'kʌm] - превзойти, преодолеть overlap - перекрытие, нахлестка класть кирпичи внахлестку owing (to) - из-за, вследствие, благодаря, по причине own [‘əun] - свой, собственный; родной||владеть; иметь, обладать, располагать


pad - подушка; подкладка paint - краска; красочное покрытие; (сухой) пигмент || красить; окрашивать; раскрашивать painter – маляр; живописец, художник pane [pein] - оконное стекло panel – панель; щит, тонкая доска partial ['pa:∫əl] - частичный, неполный partial setting ['pa:∫əl 'setiɳ] - частичное, неполное твердение (схватывание) particle ['pa:tikl] - частица; зерно; включение partition [pa:'ti∫ən] - перегородка; внутренняя стена, простенок passive exposure [iks'pəuʒə] - инертное воздействие passive solar heating - самонагрев за счёт солнечной радиации paste [peist] - тесто (цементное); замазка; паста; мастика, замазка, клей pattern ['pætn] – рисунок; изображение; узор; картина; схема; рельеф | форми-ровать рисунок или изображение pavement ['peivmənt] - мостовая; дорожное покрытие peculiar [pi'kju:ljə] - особенный; своеобразный; необычный penetrate [‘penɪtreɪt] - проникать, проходить сквозь; пронизывать penthouse ['penthaus] - пентхаус (апартаменты на крыше небоскрёба) perform [pə'fɔ:m] - исполнять, выполнять; делать, совершать perlite ['pə:lait] - перлит (материал вулканического образования) permafrost [‘pə:məfrɔst] - вечная мерзлота permanence ['pə:mənəns] – неизменность, постоянство, прочность, стабиль-ность, устойчивость permanent ['pə:mənənt] - постоянный, неизменный; долговременный; перма-нентный permanently ['pə:mənəntli] - перманентно, надолго, постоянно permeability [,pə:mjə'biliti] - водопроницаемость perpendicular [,pə:pən'dikjulə] – перпендикуляр, отвес, вертикаль; вертикальное положение perpendicularly [,pə:pən'dikjuləli] - перпендикулярно, вертикально personal ['pə:snl] wood-lot - частный лесной участок pervasive [pə’veisiv] - распространяющийся, пропитывающий, заполняющий petroleum [pi'trəuljəm] based – на основе нефти; нефтепроизводный physical [’fizikəl] properties - физические свойства pier [‘pɪə] - стойка; столб; пилон; вертикальная опора pier foundation – свая-столб; столбчатый фундамент; кессонный фундамент pier-and-beam foundation – кессонный фундамент с ростверком pigment ['pigmənt] - пигмент, красящее вещество, краситель || окрашивать pile - свая, столб || вбивать сваи, устраивать свайное основание


pile foundation - свайный фундамент; свайное основание pile-and-beam foundation - свайный фундамент с ростверком piling drilling rig - буровая установка на свайном основании piling rig – копёр pillar [‘pilə] – опора, стойка; столб, колонна pine - сосна pipe - труба, трубопровод pise [‘pizei] - глина с гравием placement ['pleismənt] - укладка (бетона, арматуры) plain [plein] - простой; незамысловатый, обыкновенный plain concrete - неармированный бетон plain wood – простая, обычная древесина plank [plæɳk] - брус; толстая доска; планка plant - установка; механизм; энергоблок; завод, фабрика; растение plaster ['pla:stə] - штукатурка; штукатурный раствор; строительный гипс | шту-катурить plasterer ['pla:stərə] - штукатур; скульптор, использующий гипс plastic ['plæstik] concrete – пластичный бетон plasticity [plæs'tisiti] - пластичность, эластичность; гибкость plasticizer [‘plæstisaizə] - пластификатор; смягчитель; материал для придания пластичности (бетонной смеси) plastics ['plæstiks] - пластмасса, пластик plate - пластинка, дощечка; табличка platform [‘plætfɔ:m] framing - деревянный каркас с поэтажной разрезкой стоек; шарнирный каркас platform ['plætfɔ:m] - платформа; помост plentiful [plentifəl] - изобилующий, изобильный, обильный plexiglass ['pleksigla:s] - плексиглас, органическое стекло plumber [‘plʌmə] - водопроводчик plumbing [plʌmiɳ] - водопроводное дело; слесарные работы plumbing fixture ['fikst∫ə] - водопроводное приспособление, прибор ply [plai] - пласт шпона, слой plywood-like - фанерообразный pointing - расшивка швов каменной кладки; ориентирование, заострение pole - столб, шест; свая pollutant [pə,lu:tənt] - загрязнение; примесь (в воздухе); токсичная составляющая polycarbonate [,pɔli'ka:bə,neit] - поликарбонат polyester [,pɔli'estə] – полиэстер, сложный полиэфир polyethylene [,pɔli'eƟili:n] - полиэтилен


polymer ['pɔlimə] - полимер || полимерный polymer base - на полимерной основе polymer base – полимерная основа polymerization [pə,limərai'zei∫ən] - полимеризация polypropylene [,pɔli'proupili:n] - полипропилен polystyrene [,pɔli'stairi:n] - полистирол polyurethane [,pɔli'juərə,Ɵein] - полиуретан polyvinyl-chloride [,pɔli'vainil 'klɔraid] - поливинилхлорид poplar – тополь, древесина тополя porosity [pɔ:'rɔsiti] - пористость, ячеистость; рыхлость portal frame - портальная рама Portland cement - портландцемент post-tensioned concrete - напряжённо-армированный бетон с последующим напряжением арматуры; железобетонная конструкция с натяжением арматуры на бетон pour [pɔ:] - бетонирование; укладка бетонной смеси; объём бетонной смеси (укладываемой или производимой за единицу времени) || бетонировать; зали-вать, укладывать бетонную смесь powder ['paudə] - порошок; пыль powdered ['paudəd] cement – порошкообразный цемент power ['pauə] - сила, мощность; энергия practicable ['præktikəbl] – осуществимый, реальный pre-cast pile - сборная железобетонная свая predominantly [pri'dɔminəntli] – особенно, преимущественно prefabricated [pri'fæbrikteitid] - изготовленный заводским способом; сборный prefabrication [pri,fæbri’kei∫n] – изготовление деталей для сборки preference ['prefrəns] - предпочтение; преимущество pre-formed pile - готовая свая (заводского изготовления) pre-mixed - предварительно смешанный; предварительно перемешанный preservative [pri'zə:vətiv] - защитный, предохранительный, предохраняющий; предохраняющее средство; консервант pressure ['pre∫ə] - давление; сжатие, стискивание prestigious [pre'stidʒəs] - престижный pre-stressed [,pri'strest] concrete – предварительно напряжённый железобетон pre-tension [prɪ‘tenʃn] - предварительное натяжение pretensioned [pri'ten∫ənd] concrete - предварительно напряжённый железобетон prevent [pri'vent] – предотвратить, предупредить; мешать, препятствовать; оберегать primarily [prai'merəli] - первоначально; в основном, главным образом primary ['praiməri] – первичный; основной, главный


prior [‘praɪə] - прежний, бывший; предшествующий prior (to) - прежде чем; до, перед, раньше privacy ['privəsi] - уединение; уединённость; неприкосновенность частной жиз-ни (прайвеси) proceed [prə’si:d] - продолжать (говорить); направляться, идти; отправляться; (to) приступать, переходить (к) process - процесс; операция; обработка || обрабатывать projectile [prə'dʒektail] – снаряд; пуля promote [prə'məut] - ускорять, активировать; помогать; содействовать; способ-ствовать prone (to) - склонный, предрасположенный (к чему-либо) pronounced [prə'naunst] - резко выраженный; определённый, отчётливый, явный propel [prə'pel] - толкать вперёд; двигать; приводить в движение proper ['prɔpə] - присущий, свойственный, характерный; правильный, долж-ный; надлежащий; подходящий properly ['prɔpəli] – должным образом; как следует; правильно property ['prɔpəti] - имущество; собственность; состояние, хозяйство; свойствo; качество, характеристика proportion [prə'pɔ:ʃn] - пропорция; количественное соотношение protect [prə'tekt] - защищать; охранять, ограждать; предохранять protein ['prəuti:n] - белок, протеин puddling [‘pʌdliɳ] - глиняное тесто, глиняная обмазка (обладают свойством во-донепроницаемости); применение глинобетона; приготовление глинобетона; уплотнение почвы; осадка почвы pulpwood [‘pʌlpwud] - древесная масса pulverize [‘pʌlvəraiz] - растирать, дробить; превращать в порошок; распылять (жидкость) pumice ['pʌmis] – пемза; чистить, шлифовать, полировать пемзой purlin ['pə:lin] – обрешетина; перекладина; продольная балка, прогон purpose ['pə:pəs] - назначение, намерение, цель put up – поднимать; строить, возводить(здание), воздвигать; повышать (цены) putty ['pʌti] – шпаклёвка || замазывать замазкой; шпаклевать quality/price ratio – соотношение цены и качества quarry ['kwɔri] - каменоломня, открытая разработка, карьер || разрабатывать карьер, добывать (камень из карьера) quarryman - рабочий карьера quartzite - кварцит quicklime ['kwiklaim] - негашёная известь


raft foundation - сплошной фундамент, фундамент в виде ростверка rafter - стропило; балка; ставить стропила raise – поднимать; поднимать, повышать, увеличивать rake out - выискивать, выкапывать, добывать с трудом ram - баба (молота); трамбовка || трамбовать; уплотнять (землю и т. п.) rammed earth – утрамбованный грунт ratio [‘reiʃiou] - отношение, пропорция; коэффициент; соотношение raw [rɔ:] material - сырьё, сырьевой (исходный) материал real estate [is'teit] - недвижимое имущество, недвижимость, недвижимая собст-венность rebar – арматурная сталь; арматурный пруток; арматурный профиль (для желе-зобетона) rebar cage [keidʒ] - арматурный каркас recourse [ri’kɔ:s] - прибежище, пристанище, убежище recreational building - помещение для отдыха и развлечений recycled [ri'saikld] aggregate - повторно используемый как заполнитель (напр. бетон) reduce [ri'dju:s] - сокращать, уменьшать, ослаблять, понижать regardless [ri’ga:dləs] - безотносительно к чему-либо, невзирая ни на что regenerative [ri'dʒenərətiv] - возрождающий, восстанавливающий; регенера-тивный, рекуперативный regular ['regjulə] concrete - обычный бетон regular ['regjulə] in shape - правильной формы regular wood - обычная, нормальная древесина regulation [,regju'lei∫n] - регулирование; упорядочение; правило, регламент, предписание, постановление, распоряжение, директива reinforced [,rɪ:ɪn’fɔ:st] - армированный; укреплённый; усиленный reinforced [,ri:in'fɔ:st 'kɔnkri:t] concrete - креплённый; усиленный; армирован-ный бетон release [ri’li:s] - отпускать, выпускать, пускать removal [ri'mu:vəl] - перемещение; устранение, удаление; ликвидация remove [rɪ‘mu:v] - удалять, устранять: передвигать, перемещать render ['rendə] - трёхслойная штукатурка || штукатурить; обмазывать repeated [ri'pi:tid] - повторяющийся, неоднократный replace [ri'pleis] - заменять; замещать replacement [ri'pleismənt] - замена; замещение; подстановка require [ri'kwaiə] - нуждаться (в чём-л.); требовать (чего-л.) residence ['rezidəns] – постоянное проживание; местожительство, место пребы-вания; резиденция residential [,rezi’denʃəl] building - жилой дом; жилищное строительство


residue ['rezidju:] - остатки, отходы; осадок; отстой resilience [ri'ziliəns] - гибкость, упругость, эластичность; устойчивость (к внеш-ним воздействиям); упругая деформация; ударная вязкость resiliency [ri'ziliəsi] - гибкость, упругость, эластичность; устойчивость resilient [ri'ziliənt] - упругий, эластичный resin ['rezin] – смола, каучук || смолить resist [ri'zist] - сопротивляться, оказывать сопротивление; противостоять; не поддаваться resistance [ri’zistəns] - сопротивление; отпор, противодействие rest (upon) – покоиться; опирать(ся) (на) restrained [ri’streind] - сдержанный, умеренный; ограниченный restriction [ri’strikʃn] - ограничение result – результат; следствие; исход result [ri'zʌlt] (from, in) - происходить в результате (чего-либо); следовать; проистекать (из); приводить (к) retain heat – держать, удерживать, аккумулировать тепло retaining wall [ri'teiniɳ 'wɔ:l] - подпорная стенка retarder [ri'ta:də] - замедлитель; добавка для замедления процесса схватывания rice stalk – стебель, цветоножка риса ridge [ridʒ] - конёк крыши rift - трещина; расселина; разлом; щель; разрыв; прорез, просвет, разрез right angle - прямой угол (90 град.) rigid ['ridʒid] – жёсткий; негибкий; неподатливый; устойчивый; неподвижно за-креплённый roadway [roudwei] - шоссе; мостовая; проезжая часть дороги rock - камень, булыжник; скала, утёс roof - крыша, кровля roof construction – строительство, сооружение крыши roof diaphragm [‘daiəfræm] – перегородка, перемычка крыши roof truss - висячие стропила; стропильная ферма; ферма стропильная rough [rʌf] – грубый; необработанный; неровный rough [rʌf] lumber - нестроганый пиломатериал row houses [rou] - дом, являющийся частью сплошного ряда домов, имеющих общие боковые стены rubble ['rʌbl] – бут, бутовый камень, бутовая кладка; каменная кладка; булыж-ник, валун; бутить, производить бутовую кладку; превращать в каменные об-ломки, разрушать rustic ['rʌstik] – деревенский, простой, грубый; грубо сработанный, неотёсанный, грубо отёсанный (о кирпичной кладке); грубо обработанная каменная поверхность rusticity [rʌs'tisiti] – безыскусственность, простота rustics ['rʌstiks] – камень для кладки


safely - безопасно; надёжно salvage ['sælvidʒ]– реутилизация; скрап, металлолом; используемые отходы производства; утиль; утилизация отходов; заготавливать повреждённый лес; спасательные работы sand - песок; гравий sanitary fittings ['fitiɳ] - санитарные фитинги, настройки sash - оконный переплёт; оконная рама satisfactorily [,sætis'fæktərili] - удовлетворительно; достаточно satisfy ['sætisfai] - удовлетворять; соответствовать, отвечать (требованиям) saturate ['sæt∫əreit] - насыщать; пропитывать saturation [,sæt∫ə'rei∫ən] - насыщение; поглощение, впитывание sawn [sɔ:n] planks - обработанный брус (толстая доска) sawn wood – пиломатериалы, чистообрезной пиломатериал scaling ['skeiliɳ] - отслаивание scour [‘skauə] - размыв; водная эрозия, промоина; эрозийное действие воды seal [‘si:l] – уплотнение, запайка; герметик, пломба || уплотнять, изолировать, герметизировать sealing – уплотнение, изоляция, герметизация season [‘si:zn] – сушить лесоматериал на воздухе seasonal changes - сезонные изменения seawater - морская вода secondary ['sekəndəri] - вторичный; производный; второстепенный sedimentary [,sedi’mentəri] – осадочный, наносной segregation [,segri'gei∫ən] - расслоение (бетонной смеси) seismic activity [æk'tiviti] – сейсмическая активность seismic endurance [in’djuərəns] - стойкость, способность переносить землетрясения select [si'lekt] - выбор; выборка || выбирать semi-arid [,semɪ‘ærɪd] - засушливый; полупустынный; semi-liquid [’likwid] - полужидкий semi-synthetic [’semi sin’Ɵetik] - полусинтетический serviceability [,sə:visə'biliti] - удобство обслуживания; эксплуатационная (при)годность set of standards - множество; совокупность стандартов setting ['setiɳ] – загустевание, твердение; схватывание бетона или раствора; установка; место действия settle - оседать; осаждать(ся) settlement [‘setlmənt] - осадка, оседание (напр., фундамента грунта) settlement density - плотность населения severe [si'viə] - суровый, жестокий severe [si'viə] exposure [iks'pəuʒə] - сильное воздействие


shade tolerance - теневыносливость shade tolerant - теневыносливый shaft - колонна; стержень колонны; столб; шахта, ствол шахты shallow [‘∫ælou] foundation - фундамент мелкого заложения shape - форма, очертание; придавать форму; делать по какому-л. образцу shaping ['∫eipiɳ] - придание формы; формирование, фасонирование share [∫ɛə] - доля, часть || разделять (что-л. с кем-л.); использовать совместно shavе - срезать тонкую стружку sheathe [∫i:ð] - обшивать (щитами, досками, планками) sheathing [∫i:ðiŋ] - дощатая обивка; дощатый настил shed - навес, сарай sheet – лист, пласт, пластина ||листовой sheet metal - тонкий листовой металл sheet piling – установка шпунтовых свай; забивка шпунтового крепежа shelter - приют, кров; пристанище || укрывать, приютить, дать приют shingle ['∫iŋgl] - галька; булыжник; гонт, тонкая доска; плоская кровельная че-репица || крыть гонтом, обшивать гонтом shortcoming - отсутствие, недостаток shredded wood – дроблёная, измельчённая древесина shrink - давать усадку; усыхать; сжиматься shrinkage ['∫riŋkidʒ] - усадка; сжатие; сокращение; усыхание shuttering material - опалубка siding - наружная обшивка; сайдинг; облицовка (листовым материалом) silica - кремнезём; кварц; двуокись кремния, окись кремния; оксид кремния silica fume ['silikə fju:m] – микрокремнезём sill - лежень, поперечно лежащее бревно, нижний опорный брус silt – ил, илистый грунт silty - илистый site - место; позиция; стройплощадка; площадь, место (для строительства) skilled labour ['leibə] - квалифицированная рабочая сила slab - плита; лист, пластина; панель; плита дорожного покрытия; горбыль slab-on-grade foundation – монолитная плита-фундамент по грунту slag - шлак slag cement - бесклинкерный шлаковый цемент, известково-шлаковый цемент, шлако-портландцемент slanted - наклонный, косой slate - шифер; шиферная плита; грифельная доска slender - тонкий, узкий slight batter – незначительный уклон, откос sloping - наклонный, покатый; косой, скошенный


smooth – гладкий, ровный soda ash - кальцинированная сода sodium sulfate - сульфат натрия softwood ['sɔftwud] - мягкая древесина; хвойная древесина soil - грунт; почва; нанос || пачкать(ся), грязниться solid - твёрдое (геометрическое) тело; монолитный; массивный solid timber – массивная древесина solidify [sə'lidifai] - твердеть; затвердевать; застывать; загустевать solidity [sə'liditi] – твёрдость, крепость, прочность; плотность, солидность soluble ['sɔljubl] - растворимый sound adj. - здоровый, крепкий sound insulation [,insju’lei∫ən] – звукоизоляция; шумоизоляция sound proof - звуконепроницаемый, звукозащищённый sound-absorbing material – шумопоглощающий материал sound-insulating material - звукоизоляционный материал space [speis] – пространство; расстояние; интервал времени, промежуток; площадь; помещение || оставлять промежутки; расставить с промежутками spalling [spɔ:liŋ] - откалывание, отслаивание, растрескивание span - интервал, промежуток, пролёт specialty applicatios - узкоспециализированное применение species ['spi:∫i:z] - род; порода speed up - увеличивать скорость, ускорять spot – пятно, место spread [spred] - разворачиваться; простираться; расстилаться; распространяться spread [spred] footing - фундамент на естественном основании spread foundation - уширенное книзу основание, фундамент на естественном основании spruce [spru:s] - ель squeeze [skwi:z] - сжатие, сдавливание || сжимать, сдавливать squeeze out - вытеснять, выдавливать, выжимать stability [stə’bɪlətɪ] – стабильность, устойчивость; состояние устойчивого равно-весия; стойкость, прочность stack - штабель; кипа; стопка || складывать в штабель, в кучу; скирдовать stainless steel – нержавеющая сталь stake - столб, кол; стойка stake out - отмечать границу (чего-л.) вехами standard ['stændəd] sizes - стандартные размеры steel - сталь; арматура (железобетонных конструкций) steel reinforcement [,ri:in’fɔ:smənt] - cтальная арматура steel rod - стальной прут


steel tendon ['tendən] – стальная предварительно напряжённая арматура steep ['sti:p] - крутой, резкий; крутизна stem wall – подпорная стена с заглубленной ниже пятой стенкой step - ступень (лестницы), ступенька; порог sterile ['sterail] – бесплодный; неспособный к деторождению; стерильный, не-плодородный (о почве); безрезультатный, бесплодный, неэффективный stick – палка, прут; рукоятка; круглый лес; кругляк; брусок stiffen - застывать; затвердевать; схватываться (о бетоне); придавать жёсткость stiffness – жёсткость, негибкость stilt - стойка, свая stone [stəun] - камень строительный; камень (как материал) stone cutter - каменотёс stone dresser - каменотёс, резчик по камню stone slab – каменная плита stone-like material - камнеподобный материал storage [stɔ:ridʒ] - сохранение, хранение; накопление; аккумулирование storage facility - сооружение для хранения; хранилище, склад store [stɔ:] - склад; накопитель; магазин || складировать; хранить storm drain – коллектор ливневых вод storеy = story (амер.) - этаж; ярус strand – жила, пучок волокон, слой; направление stratum [stra:təm] - слой, пласт; ступень, уровень, straw [strɔ:] - солома strength [streŋθ] - прочность; крепость; предел прочности; сопротивление stress condition [kən'di∫ən] - напряжённое состояние stress limit - предел перегрузки; предельное напряжение stretcher [’strеtʃə] - ложок кирпича string - верёвка; завязка, шнурок || завязывать, связывать, шнуровать stringer [striŋə] - продольная балка; тетива (лестницы); прогон моста strip [strip] - полоса; полоска; лента || снимать, раздевать strip foundation - ленточный фундамент structural ['strʌkt∫ərəl] material – конструкционный (материал) structural support - опора конструкции; структурная опорная конструкция structure ['strʌkt∫ə] - сооружение; строение, структура; конструкция, устройство stucco ['stʌkəu] – наружная штукатурка; отделочный, штукатурный гипс; ошту-катуривание; лепная работа; оштукатуренный дом || штукатурить (снаружи) stuccoed ['stʌkəud] rubble - оштукатуренная бутовая (каменная) кладка stud – стойка (каркаса); косяк; высота помещения (от пола до потолка); цапфа; палец; шип; штифт шпилька || скреплять шпильками sturdy ['stə:di] - прочный, крепкий submerge [səb'mə:dʒ] – затоплять; погружать в воду


subsequently ['sʌbsikwəntli] - впоследствии, позднее, позже, после, потом substantially [səb'stænʃəli] - существенно, в значительной степени substitute ['sʌbstitju:t] (for) - заменять, использовать вместо чего-л. subtle ['sʌtl] - утончённый, изысканный; неуловимый, едва различимый; искусный suburban [sə'bə:bən] - пригородный; загородный successive [sək'sesiv] – последовательный; последующий, следующий suffer failure ['feiljə] – испытать неудачу sufficient [sə'fiʃənt] - достаточный; надлежащий sufficiently [sə'fiʃəntli] - достаточно, в достаточной мере; полностью, совершенно sugar cane - сахарный тростник suitable ['sju:təbl] - годный, подходящий, пригодный, применимый, соответст-вующий super plasticizer - суперпластификатор; пластифицирующая добавка (к бетону) superimposed [,supə'impouzd] - накладной, наложенный; суперпозиционный superior [su:'piəriə] - лучший, более совершенный; превосходящий supervision [,supə'viʒn] - надзор, наблюдение; заведование, контроль supplement ['sʌplimənt] - добавление, дополнение; приложение; добавка supplementary [,sʌpli’məntəri] cementitious materials (SCMs) – цементирующие добавки supply [sə'plai] - снабжение, поставка; ресурсы, запас support [sə'pɔ:t] - подставка, опора; опорная стойка; поддержка; помощь || поддерживать || опорный, поддерживающий|| опирать(ся); служить опорой; подпирать supporting [sə'pɔ:tiɳ] material - подпорный материал; вспомогательный, до-полнительный материал surface ['sə:fis] - поверхность; площадь || выравнивать, строгать, отделывать поверхность surface finishing – отделка, полировка поверхности survey [‘sə:vei] - землемерная съёмка || производить топографическую съёмку susceptible [sə‘septəbl] - восприимчивый suspended [səs'pendid] - взвешенный; подвесной; подвешенный sustainable [sə'steinəbl] - устойчивый; жизнеспособный swamp [swɔmp] - болото, топь swell - разбухание; вспучивание || разбухать; вспучиваться; вздуваться synthetic [sin'Ɵetik] resin - синтетическая смола; пластмасса take measures ['meʒə] - принимать меры tar [ta:] – гудрон || гудронировать; дёготь || пропитывать дёгтем; смола || смолить tearing [‘tɛəiɳ] power – прочность на разрыв; разрывная сила technique [tek'ni:k] - методика, технология; метод


tend (to) – смотреть (за), присматривать (за) tensile ['tensail] force – сила растяжения tensile ['tensail] stress - напряжение при растяжении, напряжение растяжения, продольное натяжение terra cotta – терракота; обожжённая глина, керамическое неглазурованное изделие terrace [‘terəs] – ряд сблокированных домов; терраса, уступ, насыпь, веранда texture [‘tekst∫ə] – текстура, структура, строение материала thaw [Ɵɔ:] - таяние thawing [Ɵɔ:iɳ] - таяние, оттаивание thermal ['Ɵə:məl] insulation - тепловая изоляция, теплоизоляция, термоизоляция tile – черепица; кафель, плитка || крыть черепицей (кафелем) timber [‘timbə] (брит.) - лесоматериалы; строевой лес; древесина timber-framed construction – древеснокаркасное строительство tiny ['taini] - очень маленький, крошечный tipping – опрокидывание, опрокидывающийся tissue - ткань, материя tolerance ['tɔlərəns] - стойкость, устойчивость; терпимость, толерантность; до-пуск, допустимое отклонение tongue [‘tʌɳ] - шип, шпунт; дышло tooling [‘tu:liɳ] - механическая обработка; оснащение, оборудование (инстру-ментами, приборами); обтёсывание камня; резьба по камню, по дереву top - верхушка, вершина; верхний top soil - верхний слой почвы total [‘təutəl] settlement – общая осадка toughness [‘tʌfnəs] - жёсткость; вязкость; тягучесть; плотность tow [‘tаu] - буксир, буксирный канат; пакля tracery – ажурный оконный переплёт; ажурная каменная работа trade-off - компромисс; выбор; обмен, взаимозаменяемость transfer [træns’fɜ:] - перекрытия transmit [trænz’mit:] - передавать, посылать; распространять(ся); пропускать trash [træ∫] bag - пакет для мусора travertin(e) ['trævətin] – белый итальянский известняк; известковый туф; травертин treat [‘tri:t] - обрабатывать, подвергать действию; подвергать воздействию ка-кого-л. реагента treatment ['tri:tmənt] – обращение; обработка, пропитка trench – котлован, траншея trowel [‘trauəl] - шпатель, штукатурная лопатка || затирать лопаткой, наносить шпателем (штукатурку) truss ['trʌs] - ферма, связь, стропильная ферма


ubiquitous [ju’bikwitəs] - вездесущий; повсеместный ultimate ['ʌltimit] - конечный; предельный, крайний ultimately ['ʌltimitli] - в конечном счёте, в конце концов unaffected [,ʌnə’fektid] - не подвергшийся влиянию, не изменяющийся под действием undergo [,ʌndə'gəu] - подвергаться чему-л.; испытывать, переносить, претерпевать underground ['ʌndəgraund] – подземный, находящийся под землей underground ['ʌndəgraund] pipe – подземный трубопровод undesirable [,ʌndi'zaiərəbl] - неприемлемый, нежелательный undisturbed [,ʌndis’tə:bd] – ненарушенный, непотревоженный uneconomic [ʌn,i:kə'nɔmik] - бездоходный, невыгодный, нерентабельный unfavorable ['ʌnfeivərəbl] - неблагоприятный, невыгодный uniform ['ju:nifɔ:m] - единообразный; одинаковый, унифицированный uniformity [,ju:ni'fɔ:miti] - единообразие; однородность unique [ju'ni:k] specimen - уникальный, единственный в своем роде образец, экземпляр uniqueness [ju'ni:knəs] - единственность, уникальность; однозначность unlike [ʌn'laik] - в отличие от; отличный, непохожий, не такой как unlikely [ʌn'laikli] - маловероятный, неправдоподобный; маловероятно unprocessed [,ʌn’prousest] - необработанный unsightly [ʌn'saitli] - неприглядный; уродливый unstable ['ʌn'steibl] - нестабильный, неустойчивый; непостоянный unsuitable ['ʌn'sju:təbl] - негодный, неподходящий; несоответствующий upright [‘ʌpraɪt] log – вертикальное бревно valuable [’væljuəbl] - ценный; дорогой, дорогостоящий, драгоценный value ['vælju:] - ценность; значение; величина || оценивать vapor-proof [‘veipə‘pru:f] material - непромокаемый; водостойкий variety [və‘raɪəti] - многообразие, разнообразие; вид, разновидность vary [‘vɛərɪ] - менять (ся); изменять(ся); варьировать vault ['vɔ:lt] - подвал, погреб, склеп (со сводом) || образовывать свод, арку vegetable [‘vedʒətəbl] fibers - растительное волокно veneer [vi'niə] - шпон; однослойная фанера; прислонная кирпичная, каменная облицовка стены (без стенной перевязки)|| облицовывать шпоном (кирпичом) versatility [,və:sə’tiliti] - универсальность, многофункциональность; разносто-ронность vertical [‘və:tikəl] – вертикальный; отвесный vibration [vai'brei∫n] - колебание, дрожание; вибрация virtually [‘və:tjuəli] - фактически, практически, в сущности; поистине void – пустота, карман, полость


volcanic [vɔl'kænik] sand – вулканический песок volume ['vɔlju:m] - объём; ёмкость; вместимость, вместительность vulnerable ['vʌlnərəbl] - восприимчивый; чувствительный, уязвимый wall [wɔ:l] - стена, вал; стенка; перегородка; переборка wall plates - пластинка, дощечка; табличка walling [wɔ:liŋ] - возведение стен; обнесение забором warning [wɔ:niŋ] - предупреждение; предостережение; знак, сигнал (чего-л. предстоящего) warping [wɔ:piŋ] – искривление, коробление; деформация (древесины) wastewater ['weistwɔ:tə] - сточные воды water absorption [əb'sɔ:p∫ən] - гигроскопичность; абсорбция воды; впитывание воды water and cement paste – водно-цементное тесто water content ['kɔntənt] - влагосодержание; содержание воды water ingress [‘ingres] – доступ воды water pipe - водопровод water table – уровень грунтовых вод water-cement (w/c) ratio - пропорция; соотношение воды и цемента waterproof ['wɔ:təpru:f] - водонепроницаемый, непромокаемый; водостойкий, водоупорный; водоотталкивающий water-reducing admixture - разжижающая (пластифицирующая) добавка; водо-поглощающая добавка water-soluble ['sɔljəbl] - растворимый в воде wear ['wɛə] - износ; изнашивание, истирание weather resistance ['weðə ri'zistəns] – устойчивость против атмосферных воз-действий weather resistant ['weðə ri'zistənt] - стойкий против атмосферных воздействий weep [wi:p] – течь, протекать; давать течь, давать утечку; просачиваться; по-крываться каплями; запотевать, выделять влагу weight [weɪt] - вес; масса; груз weight bearing (wall) - несущая (стена) well-established - хорошо обоснованный; твёрдо установившийся wet concrete - пластичная бетонная смесь whatever - какой бы ни; любой; какой бы то ни было, любой wind brace – ветровая связь; элемент жёсткости (воспринимающий ветровые нагрузки) wind erosion - выветривание window pane - оконное стекло wire ['waiə] – проволока; электрический провод


withstand [wið'stænd] - устоять (перед чем-л.), выдержать (что-л.); противосто-ять, не поддаваться (чему-л.) withstand competition – выдержать конкуренцию wood - дерево; древесина; лесоматериал wood derivatives [di'rivətiv] - производные, вторичные древесные материалы wood fiber [faibə] - древесное волокно wood processing [prou’sesiŋ] - деревообработка; переработка древесины wood pulp [pʌlp] - древесная масса; целлюлоза wood shingle ['∫iŋgl] - дранка wood-framed - на основе деревянной каркасной конструкции workability [,wə:kə'biliti] - удобоукладываемость (бетонной смеси); примени-мость; годность (к обработке) workable [‘wə:kəbl] - подходящий для работы; годный для обработки; пригодный для работы workmanship ['wə:kmən∫ip] – мастерство, квалификация; качество работы; со-зидательная деятельность wythe [‘waið] - изолированный слой каменной кладки, не перевязанный с ос-новным массивом стены; верста каменной кладки; облицовочный слой кирпича yield [ji:ld] – выработка, добыча || производить; вырабатывать; приносить уро-жай, давать плоды; давать результат, приводить (к чему-л.)


Учебное издание

Карлова Татьяна Михайловна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков


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