Brightness Consistancy. Color Consistency The red squares are the same color in the top and bottom...

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Brightness Consistancy. Color Consistency The red squares are the same color in the top and bottom...

Brightness Consistancy

Color Consistency


The red squares are the same color in the top and bottom of the "X".



Which of the figures in the picture do you think would measure the tallest with a ruler?Don't measure -- just guess!

Muller Lyer Illusions

Poggendorf Illusion

• “Stepping feet” Motion Illusion

Ames Room

Good vs Evil – figure ground


Are the horizontal lines parallel, or do they slope?

How many legs does the elephant have?


Man playing a horn?Or woman's face?


A rabbit, looking right?Or a duck, looking left?


What do see?


Three prong fork?


Is this woman old...or young?


Wavy Squares? No!The background of concentric circles makes the squares appear distorted.


      Perpetually ascending can the man go up all the time and come back to the same place over and over?


Stare at the Reversing Staircase Illusion until it changes to a different staircase.