Bon iver - Holocene

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Bon iver - Holocene


By Saffron Lee

I wanted to begin by analysing one of my all favourite music videos. The creation of beautiful cinematography and subtle story telling is something we hope to

incorporate into our own music video. Bon Ivers video for ‘Holocene’ follows the story of a boy exploring different parts of the world and seeking adventure. Not

only are the visual aspects incredible but the messages of exploration and adventure is really interesting. Also by starring a child it opens up the message of

childhood and how children are far more carefree and they seek adventure something we as people should perhaps do more of.

The video starts off in a cottage, this immediatelysets the tone of isolation. The warm tones bring a sense of authenticity to the piece – and adds to

the natural setting.

This scene is interesting, where he pears out the

window sets the contrast between the

indoors and the possibilities of exploration.

As the music video progresses we get wider shots of the different scenery. I really love the colour grading used in the scenes as they create a more visually pleasing shot. I also love the sense of isolation and independence. From watching this video, I felt liberated and

inspired. I think sometimes the subtle messages that a music video creates is the reason why they are so amazing – especially with the song to compliment it.

The music video ends with shots of on top of the mountain where he completes his adventure. The theme of childhood and independence create a feeling of liberation for

the viewer – something we hope to incorporate in our own.