BODY LANGUAGE (GESTURES) 黃惠雅 Hui-Ya Huang 494751655.

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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Transcript of BODY LANGUAGE (GESTURES) 黃惠雅 Hui-Ya Huang 494751655.


黃惠雅 Hui-Ya Huang 494751655


Non-verbal communication. Express a variety of feelings and thou

ghts. Use gestures and body language in ad

dition to words when they speak.when they speak.

6 gestures and/ or facial expression to discuss my understanding and interpretation for the body language.

CHEEK KISSING Social gestures

check with check or Lip with check

Body language Friendship Greeting Comfort Happy Love Romantic

BOWING Head gesture

Lowering torso and head in direction to a person or symbol

Body language Respect Greeting Apologise

V-SIGN Finger gestures

Index and middle finger pointing upward

Body language Victory Peace Yea (Happy) Hand Language


HIGH 5 Hand gesture

2 people - each raising one hand to slap the raised hand of the other

Body language Happy Friendly Agreement

NOD Head gesture

Small nod of the head

Body language Agreement Greeting Acknowledge

THAI GREETING Hand gesture

Two hand held together in relation to face and with a small bow

Body language Thank You Greeting Respect to God