(Big) (Open) Data (as a service) in Wallonia

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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Transcript of (Big) (Open) Data (as a service) in Wallonia

Open Data … Open Wallonia[Big][Open]Data[as a service]

Data Days| 17/02/2014 | @awtbe | André Blavier


• ICT vision for Wallonia • Public actors for ICT and Open Data • ICT platform for Wallonia• AWT’s vision about Open Governement• [Public] [Private] Open Data initiatives

• Walloon Government’s vision about Open Data• Implementation of PSI European Directive

Laurent NoëlExpertCabinet du Ministre-Président

André BlavierWeb & Communication Manager



• ICT vision for Wallonia • Public actors for ICT and Open Data • ICT platform for Wallonia• AWT’s vision about Open Government• [Public] [Private] Open Data initiatives

• Walloon Government’s vision about Open Data• Implementation of PSI European Directive

André BlavierWeb & Communication Manager


Laurent NoëlExpertCabinet du Ministre-Président

ICT Master Plan

Web² / mobileReal and virtual

worlds are merging

CloudUniversal platform for

online services

Social Empowerment. A new

distribution of roles

DataThe new power

of data and analytics



Source : Master Plan TIC & AWT

ICT Master Plan : 5 priorities• Digital planning. Boadband fixed and mobile networks,

regulation, smartcities, NWOW, ….• Structuring the ICT sector. Better visibility, innovation and

ability to transform R&D into products and services.• Advanced ICT uses in enterprises. E-business & e-commerce, e-

learning. Innovative projects based on ICT, particularly to tackle major future challenges (climate, mobility , aging, etc.).

• Digital public services. Facing the challenges of digital empowerment, Open Data and Open government.

• Digital education. Integration of ICT in the heart of the education system. Universal access to ICT and fight against the digital divide.


• ICT vision for Wallonia • Public actors for ICT and Open Data • ICT platform for Wallonia• AWT’s vision about Open Governement• [Public] [Private] Open Data initiatives

• Walloon Government’s vision about Open Data• Implementation of PSI European Directive

André BlavierWeb & Communication Manager


Laurent NoëlExpertCabinet du Ministre-Président

Public ICT actors

• EWBS. e-Wallonie-Bruxelles Simplification (eWBS) • AWT. Agence Wallonne des Télécommunications• DTIC. Département des Technologies de l’Information et de

la Communication du Service Public de Wallonie (SPW)

• … and of course all the administrations and public agencies that implement ICT projects (on their own and / or with ICT suppliers).

EWBSe-Wallonie-Bruxelles Simplification (eWBS) is the agency in charge of administrative simplification ande-government in Wallonia and Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

eWBS coordinates all actions against the complexity and the administrative challenges. It helps, mobilizes and encourages governments , administrations and public agencies to implement the proposed measures.

eWBS reports to the General Secretariat of the Public Service of Wallonia (SPW) and the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Federation Wallonia-Brussels.

Banque Carrefour d’Echange de Données

Crossroads Bank for Data Exchange


• Independent trusted third party offering services that increase the reliability for electronic data exchange and recording.

• Certification for authentic sources. • Horizontal integrator for e-services.

• Institution legally recognized : • to organize and facilitate the exchange of data from

authentic sources;• to provide highly secured access services to authentic


• www.ensemblesimplifions.be

• WalloniaChaussée de Charleroi, 83b - 5000 SalzinnesTél.: +32 (0)81 40 92 40 | Fax : +32 (0)81 40 92 41

• Fédération Wallonie-BruxellesBoulevard Léopold II, 44 - 1080 BruxellesTél.: +32 (0)2 413 25 10 | Fax: +32 (0)2 413 35 10

• BCEDBenoit Wanzoul, Directeurbwa@ensemblesimplifions.be

Get in touch with eWBS

AWT [… now]Agence Wallonne des Télécommunications (AWT). Public agency of the Walloon Region in charge of ICT, through 3 main missions: technology watch, consultancy and promotion.

Examples of services :

• ICT observatory in Wallonia. ICT barometer : annual statistical surveys (companies, citizens, education, ICT sector, health, municipalities, etc.). Recommendations to the Walloon Government.

• ICT watch and content provider (awt.be). In close cooperation with the main players and companies in the ICT sector in Wallonia, Belgium and abroad (technologies, laws, business opportunities, etc.).

• Database of the ICT sector and ICT players. This directory gathers ICT companies, e-commerce sites, Public Digital Spaces, coworking & smarwork centers, ICT schools, municipalities and more.

• Professional forums and events. #mforum, #ipforum, #edtechforum, events about e-commerce & ICT uses by companies and administrations.

[… and soon] AWTIC

Agence Wallonne des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication. Public enterprise, subsidiary of the new Agency for Enterprise and innovation (AEI), result of the merging of the ASE and the AST.

The Walloon government wanted to keep a public company totally focused on ICT.

We are in a global reorganization of our activities. The keywords of this reorganization are : DATA and SERVICES.

One major project … The ICT platform for Wallonia.

• awt.be• awt.be/ict• awt.be/opendata | opendata.awt.be• awt.be/ecommerce

• Avenue Prince de Liège, 133 - 5100 JambesTél.: +32 (0)81 77 80 80 | info@awt.be

• @awtbe

Get in touch with AWT

Open Data Task Force

• The idea is to create a task force involving the AWT(IC) (and globally the AEI), EWBS and the Walloon Governement … and of course all relevant organization if needed (DTIC, …).

• Its role will be to identify, assist and support the Open Data initiatives in Wallonia.

• Powered and hosted by AWT(IC) (ICT platform for Wallonia).

• Laurent Noël will tell you more about it later.


• ICT vision for Wallonia • Public actors for ICT and Open Data • ICT platform for Wallonia• AWT’s vision about Open Governement• [Public] [Private] Open Data initiatives

• Walloon Government’s vision about Open Data• Implementation of PSI European Directive

André BlavierWeb & Communication Manager


Laurent NoëlExpertCabinet du Ministre-Président


Pouvoirs locaux


A platform for what ?• Historical missions of AWT.• One stop shopping for the identification of business and ICT actors in

Wallonia. Simple idea : an enterprise equals a recording on the platform.

• Validity and simplicity of the data. Each partner platform can handle its affiliates and use all information without friction.

• Contacts with companies focused on their business (products, services, brands, stories, ...).

• Permanent or temporary customized services (clusters, events, maps, ...), based on an API / REST model (validated with partners).

• Technology open showcase for innovative ICT technology trends (Cloud, [Big] [Open] Data [as a Service], NWOW, ...). The agency has to be in itself a true illustration of Open Government.

• ICT support for the Agency for Enterprise and Innovation (AEI), including tools, services and methodologies related.

ICT companiesAWT, TIC & TWIST

Clusters , eTIC label, Spin-offs, startups, Cetic, university, …

ICT related companies & actors E-commerce, e-business, ICT schools, Coworking centers, Smartwork centers, EPN, PAPI, …

Other ICT related actors or ressources Municipalities, ICT initiatives, digital schools, events, …

Business(es)Brand(s), products and services (managed by tags // OECD), Web & social media, case studies, press and media, …

Identity(ies)Official identification,

adress(es), geolocation, headquarter(s), Web & social

media, statistics, RH, …// BCE and other sources

PeopleContact information,

social media, subscriptions (AWT, …), affiliations and

certifications (PME 2.0, …),missions and events, …

Context(s)Affiliations andprofessional federations, technology clusters, opportunity clusters (fairs, events, …), agenda, …

USA mission 2013 [Beta]

Platform / Web

Powered by AWT[IC]





People …

Websites(Partners, events, …)

Companies, direct back-office management, …

EntrepriseCompanies EntrepriseClusters

AWTIC Website(s)& applications

ICT Barometer, Companies,

geolocation, virtual catalogs, fairs, …




[Open] Data

Datasets and feeds (on demand, …)



EntrepriseActorsAPI / Data

API / Data

API / Data



• ICT vision for Wallonia • Public actors for ICT and Open Data • ICT platform for Wallonia• AWT’s vision about Open Governement• [Public] [Private] Open Data initiatives

• Walloon Government’s vision about Open Data• Implementation of PSI European Directive

André BlavierWeb & Communication Manager


Laurent NoëlExpertCabinet du Ministre-Président

Finally … communism ;-)

The rise of the sharing economy.A social and economic system

driven by network technologiesand peer communities

that enable the sharing of assetsfrom space to skills to objects to money

in ways and on a scalenever possible before.

Source : www.euro-freelancers.eu

Me ><Ownership ><

Global ><Centralized ><

Competition >< Enterprise ><

Ads & marketing ><Credit ><

Money ><B2B & B2A ><

(Hyper) Consumption ><

Adapted from www.euro-freelancers.eu

UsAcces and serviceLocalDistributedCollaborationPeopleCommunityReputationValueP2PCollaborative Consumption

Values of the sharing economy

The 5 governance deficits

Source : thegovlab.org





Loss of confidence of citizens intheir governments, particularly because of the lack of transparency, accountability and (real) citizen participation in the decision process.

Because of their bureaucratic, centralized and rigid nature, public services are struggling to address the challenges of the modern digital world and the needs of citizens.

Deficits and budget cuts, questionable expenditures or taxes, ... suggest that governments are not really able to deal with real world problems.

Governments are paralyzed by institutional inertia and pyramidal structures. They are not agile, innovative and creative enough.

While digital empowerment is breaking down barriers to citizen participation, citizens are frustrated that governments do not allow them to contribute to public policies.


Public services


Public services

Public services

“Open” Government

Source : thegovlab.org













From a push and top-down model, to a model involving a maximum

of voices in thegovernance


Transition from intuition and

repetition based models to processes based on the richness

and intelligence of data, and on wide

scale experimentation,

for better decisions

Personalizationof content and services,

One2One, pertinent and individual experiences, collective proposals, …

Openness. Problems solved with the intelligence of the crowd, rather than only by

public services. Validation andco-design by allied


Cloud, mobile,apps, augmented services,

programmable Web, suppressionof time and location barriers, NWOW, …

Networks, online and cloud platforms, 3D, DIY, crowdfunding & crowdsourcing, loss

of influence of "historical“

monopolies and intermediaries …

Empowerment numérique


• Online services are (often) too dependent on specific platforms (CMS , etc.). … You MUST use Drupal or Open Source of course ;-)

• Time to market for Websites and services is toooooooo long. Public services must shift from an automatic outsourcing model to aco-development model where administrations get highly involved.

• Digital public services should be designed to allow their (partial or full) integration with on other platforms and systems (websites, applications, workflows, etc.) on which the public sector loses control.

• Today, a website is the natural way to online services. But who can say that this will the same in the future ? We must anticipate the new digital ways that will be used to consume information and services.

• Do we allow a kind of “geek” citizen to take control ? Currently, Open data does not interest "real" people. Go on the street, ask people and you will undestand ;-) … an interesting question for our schools !

• Do you really think that ICT will simplify procedures and systems ... simply not simplifiable ? Should we not devote our energy in priority to simplify our incredible belgian legislative and institutional back-office ?

Just for fun … some thoughts ;-)


• ICT vision for Wallonia • Public actors for ICT and Open Data • ICT platform for Wallonia• AWT’s vision about Open Governement• [Public] [Private] Open Data initiatives

• Walloon Government’s vision about Open Data• Implementation of PSI European Directive

André BlavierWeb & Communication Manager


Laurent NoëlExpertCabinet du Ministre-Président

• The main goal is to implement an interactive database covering the entire territory of Wallonia and providing an inventory of public industrial real estate for economic activities (business parks, port areas, unoccupied buildings, industrial wastelands, etc.).

• Tool for decision support and promotion to potential investors.

• Target : foreign and local investors.• Database manager : DGO6.• Development and management : AWT.• www.bspace.be


• Open products and standards : LAMP Server (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).

• “From scratch” development (without any CMS) focused on the data.• Web standards : XHTML, HTML5, CSS, AJAX (Jquery), …• Geolocation and interactive calculation of distances inside Google

Maps.• Data gathered from various (and sometimes not digital) data formats

and sources managed by the public economic development companies (intercommunales). Once recorded in BeSpace, these data can be (re)consumed in an “Open data way” by all their initial owners through API and Web services … In fact the AWT already proposed this kind of services for a long time on his “Vigie” ICT database ;-)

• Multi-criteria search. Multi-formats results.






• On this portal, more than 70 sets of data and applications are available. Most of them are free but subject to license, except data PICC (IT Project continues mapping)

• Licence : geoportail.wallonie.be/files/LicData.pdf• Service public de Wallonie

Département de la GéomatiqueDirection de l'Intégration des géodonnéesChaussée de Charleroi, 83 bis - 5000 NamurTél. : +32 (0)81 71 59 13helpdesk.carto@spw.wallonie.be

• Contact AWT : Stéphane Vince | sv@awt.be


The future of the AWT[IC] … can be summarized

in on word : DATA

For many years , the AWT has collected extensive data on ICT uses in Wallonia. These data are presented each year in the Wallonia’s ICT barometer. Theses data are now available in Open Data:

• ICT equipment and uses of walloon companies;• Analysis of websites and ICT Walloon municipalities uses;• ICT equipment and uses of Walloon citizens;• ICT equipment and uses of schools in Wallonia;

opendata.awt.be. Finally, inside the global project of the ICT platform for Wallonia, AWT has launched an Open Data service. Its goal is to enable all public services of Wallonia to open their data. It’s based on CKAN (open source data portal software). Still in Beta … but workforces will arrive at the end of February 2014.

The AWT will follow an “Open Governement” strategy and rely as much as possible on digital communities.

Open Data for Wallonia


• The first hackathon e-government in Belgium took place in Namur 4, 5 and 6 October 2013.

• For three days, developers and managers of regional public services and citizen-users came together for one goal : working prototypes of one or more online service(s) for “real” users (citizens, companies, …).

• eGov Hackathons are focused on the development of an application or a service to citizens. Public services are closely involved these events and their members can be integrated into the teams.

• Public administrations and operators agree to provide usable data sets in order to give developers the raw material that will allow them to develop applications that provide a tangible and real for users service.

First eGov hackathon …

• Innovative application that allows quick access to bus schedules. The added value of the app is the ability to provide a count of time and distance to your stop and to send an alert when the bus is about to arrive.

• Based on Crowdsourcing , ProchainBus.be has managed to create a real community.

• During a #mforum in 2013 (AWT’s forum about mobile technologies), ProchainBus’ founder Thomas Hermine announced the conclusion of a partnership with the SRWT (Public Transportation Company in Wallonia / TEC) that will provide all official schedules and bus stops locations.

• This project was formalized by SRWT on June 25th, 2013 . This achievement confirms the strong message about the necessity for public services to open their data and to work in partnership with the civil society.

… ProchainBus …

… ProchainBus …

SRWT = 5000 employeesProchainBus = 1 developer

Digital empowerment

Source : prochainbus.be

• A second e-government hackathon will take place in Namur from 4th to 5th april 2014.The main topic will be mobility.

• Support from AWT, University of Namur … and more and more from public services.

• … and the final step from the SRWT on the road to Open Data ! The SRWT group has decided to share completely their data through opendata.awt.be. This is a main breakthrough for Open Data in Wallonia.

• More information :www.hackathonegovwallonia.netwww.awt.be/opendata

… and the 2nd eGov hackathon

Namur SmartcityAs part of their mission and inside the general FEDER project supported by the Economic Office of Namur (BEP), AWT and Namur’s University intend to play a major role in the development of an innovative model for "digital governance."

3 major objectives :

• positioning Namur as the “digital capital” of Wallonia. Namur must embody an innovative model of digital governance that integrates technology, legal and practical aspects.

• Facilitating and supporting digital public services and Open Data initiatives by citizens and associations. Namur has to become a place for activation and convergence of digital communities.

• Contributing to technological innovation in the ICT sector in Wallonia. Namur will create a physical hub of expression and development for companies from the ICT sector.

Initiative by private partners supported by Wallonia (ICT master plan) to accelerate time to market for new products, processes or innovative services to enterprises.

• Hardware and/or virtual infrastructure. • Shared and open. • Offering skills and services. • Driven by companies, based on the needs of the competitiveness

poles (Marshall Plan) and their international jury in connection with the Governement.

More info :

• Damien Hubaux (CETIC) | damien.hubaux@cetic.be• www.awt.be/bigdata

Big Data Innovation Platform

Contacts et infos

André Blavier | ab@awt.be @unpeudeblabla Stéphane Vince | sv@awt.be



• ICT vision for Wallonia • Public actors for ICT and Open Data • ICT platform for Wallonia• AWT’s vision about Open Governement• [Public] [Private] Open Data initiatives

• Walloon Government’s vision about Open Data• Implementation of PSI European Directive

André BlavierWeb & Communication Manager


Laurent NoëlExpertCabinet du Ministre-Président