Bhs Inggris Kls XII

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Transcript of Bhs Inggris Kls XII

Bhs Inggris Kls XII i







Bhs Inggris Kls XII ii


Dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan sekolah kejuruan, penulis mencoba menyusun bahan pembelajaran dalam bentuk modul untuk memudahkan siswa/guru melaksanakan proses pembelajaran di SMK, mengingat siswa tidak hanya belajar disekolah tetapi juga di dunia kerja Modul ini disusun sesuai dengan Standar Kompetensi/Kompetensi dasar Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) 2009, pada level intermediate. Standar kompetensi yang dibahasa pada modul ini adalah:

- Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja - Memahami percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli - Melakukan dan menangani pesanan - Menyampaikan dan menangani keluhan - Memahami manual penggunaan alat

Untuk dapat mencapai standar kompetensi /kompetensi dasar tersebut , perlu adanya usaha keras baik dari guru maupun siswa itu sendiri. Siswa juga dituntut dapat menentukan cara belajar yang lebih efektif untuk dapat mencapai hasil yang maksimal. Modul ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa dalam mencapai kompetensi tersebut. Peserta diklat tidak perlu menunggu untuk diajarkan terlebih dahulu, karena mereka dapat belajar mandiri dari modul tersebut serta dapat mengevaluasi diri sendiri. Untuk materi yang mungkin sulit dipahami peserta diklat dapat belajar dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil . Guru dalam hal ini berperan sebagai fasilitator dan motifator. Modul tersebut dirancang sedemikian rupa agar peserta diklat dapat menyimak materi pembelajaran sebanyak mungkin. Tentu dalam modul ini masih banyak kekurangan-kekurangannya . Untuk itu, kritik dan saran sangat diharapkan dari semua pihak untuk dapat mencapai hasil yang maksimal Mataram, 12 Mei 2010 Mengetahui Penulis, Kepala sekolah

Dra Hj. Nurhasanah Dra. Ni Nyoman Sukina Nip. 19590904 198503 2 010 Nip. 19570914 198303 2 006 DAFTAR ISI

Bhs Inggris Kls XII iii

Halaman Judul............................. .................................................................. i Kata Pengantar................................................................................................ ii Daftar Isi......................................................................................................... iii Peta kedudukan Modul................................................................................... vii Glosarium........................................................................................................ viii MODUL 1 I. PENDAHULUAN

A. Deskripsi......................................................................................... 1 B. Prasarat.......................................................................................... 1 C. Petunjuk penggunaan modul........................................................ 1 D. Tujuan akhir.................................................................................. 1 E. Kompetensi................................................................................... 1 F. Cek Kemampuan.......................................................................... 2

II PEMBELAJARAN Learning Activity 1

a. Tujuan Pembelajaran..................................................................... 4 b. Listening....................................................................................... 4 c. Reading......................................................................................... 5 d. Summary....................................................................................... 6 e. Formative test. 1............................................................................ 6

Learning Activity 2 a. Tujuan Pembelajaran.................................................................... 8 b. Writing.......................................................................................... 8 c. Speaking........................................................................................ 9 d. Summary....................................................................................... 9 e. Formative test................................................................................ 10

Learning Activity 3 a. Tujuan Pembelajaran..................................................................... 11 b. Reported Speech........................................................................... 11 c. Summary....................................................................................... 15 d. Formative test................................................................................ 15

III EVALUASI Evaluation Test................................................................................... 16 Answer Keys....................................................................................... 21 MODUL 2 . PENDAHULUAN

A. Deskripsi...................................................................................... 22 B. Prasarat......................................................................................... 22 C. Petunjuk penggunaan modul........................................................ 22 D. Tujuan akhir................................................................................. 22 E. Kompetensi................................................................................... 23 F. Cek Kemampuan......................................................................... 23

II PEMBELAJARAN Learning Activity 1

Tujuan Pembelajaran......................................................................... 26 Reading Task Receptionist....................................................................................... 26

Bhs Inggris Kls XII iv

Advertisement.................................................................................... 26 Summary............................................................................................ 28 Formative test. 1.................................................................................. 28

Learning Activity 2 Tujuan Pembelajaran.......................................................................... 29 Writing................................................................................................ 29 Speaking.............................................................................................. 29 Summary............................................................................................. 30 Formative test...................................................................................... 31

Learning Activity 3 Tujuan Pembelajaran.......................................................................... 31 Handling guest.................................................................................... 31 Summary............................................................................................. 32 Formative test...................................................................................... 32

Learning Activity 4 Tujuan pembelajaran…………………………………………………. 32 Relative clause……………………………………………………….. 32 Formative test 4……………………………………………………… 33

III EVALUASI Evaluation Test..................................................................................... 34 MODUL 3 . PENDAHULUAN

A. Deskripsi......................................................................................... 39 B. Prasarat.......................................................................................... 39 C. Petunjuk penggunaan modul........................................................ 39 D. Tujuan akhir.................................................................................. 39 E. Kompetensi................................................................................... 39 F. Cek Kemampuan.......................................................................... 40

II PEMBELAJARAN Learning Activity 1

Tujuan Pembelajaran..................................................................... 42 Making reservation....................................................................... 42 Summary....................................................................................... 43 Formative test. 1............................................................................ 43

Learning Activity 2 Tujuan Pembelajaran.......................................................................... 44 Reservation form................................................................................. 44 Summary............................................................................................. 46 Formative test...................................................................................... 46

Learning Activity 3 Tujuan Pembelajaran.......................................................................... 47 Possible Future Conditions................................................................ 47 Improbable Conditions....................................................................... 49 Impossible Conditions....................................................................... 50 Summary............................................................................................. 52 Formative test...................................................................................... 52

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III EVALUASI Evaluation Test............................................................................ 53


A Deskripsi..................................................................................... 58 B. Prasarat........................................................................................ 58 C. Petunjuk penggunaan modul........................................................ 58 D. Tujuan akhir................................................................................ 58 E. Kompetensi.................................................................................. 58 F. Cek Kemampuan.......................................................................... 59

II PEMBELAJARAN Learning Activity 1

Tujuan Pembelajaran................................................................... 61 Reading Task Handling complaint...................................................................... 61 Summary....................................................................................... 63 Formative test. 1............................................................................ 64

Learning Activity 2 Tujuan Pembelajaran.................................................................... 65 Writing.......................................................................................... 66 Speaking........................................................................................ 66 Summary....................................................................................... 66 Formative test................................................................................ 66

Learning Activity 3 Tujuan Pembelajaran................................................................... 66 Language Focus Preference .................................................................................... 66 Causatives..................................................................................... 68 Derevatives of Adjectives ........................................................... 68 Summary....................................................................................... 69 Formative test............................................................................... 69

III EVALUASI Evaluation Test................................................................................... 70 MODUL 5 PENDAHULUAN

A. Deskripsi......................................................................................... 73 B. Prasarat.......................................................................................... 73 C. Petunjuk penggunaan modul........................................................ 73 D. Tujuan akhir.................................................................................. 74 E. Kompetensi................................................................................... 74 F. Cek Kemampuan.......................................................................... 74

II PEMBELAJARAN Learning Activity 1

f. Tujuan Pembelajaran..................................................................... 75 g. Listening task................................................................................. 75

Bhs Inggris Kls XII vi

h. Reading task.................................................................................. 77

i. Summary....................................................................................... 79 j. Formative test. 1............................................................................ 79

Learning Activity 2 f. Tujuan Pembelajaran.................................................................... 80 g. Writing.......................................................................................... 80 h. Summary....................................................................................... 81 i. Formative test................................................................................ 81

Learning Activity 3 e. Tujuan Pembelajaran..................................................................... 81 f. Language Focus

Derivatives Adjectives - Noun...................................................... 82 Derevatives verb - noun ........................................................... 84

g. Summary....................................................................................... 85 h. Formative test................................................................................ 85

III EVALUASI Evaluation Test................................................................................... 86 Daftar pustaka....................................................................................... 89 Tape Script modul 1-5 ………………………………………………. 90

Bhs Inggris Kls XII vii


Novice Level Elementary Level Intermediate Le el

Memahami Monolog pada situasi kerja

Memahami percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli

Melakukan dan menangani pesanan

Menyampaikan dan menangani keluhan

Memahami manual penggunaan alat

Memahami surat bisnis sederhana

Menyajikan laporan

Bhs Inggris Kls XII viii


anti aging = Anti penuaan add = menambah anti wrinkle = Anti kerut Apology = Permintaan maaf appointment = Janji temu Arrange = Mengatur Artificial colour = Warna buatan Available = tersedia available = tersedia benefit = keuntungan certificate = sertifikat Challenges = tantangan change = mengubah Comment = Komentar Complaint = Pengaduan confident = Percaya diri connection = sambungan Customer list = Daftar pelanggan Decide = Mengambil keputusan Depart = berangkat Departure = keberangkatan Depend on = tergantung pada deputy = wakil Desert = makanan penutup device = alat Down payment = (DP) uang muka efficient = mampu Except = Menerima Frond liner = Garis depan Genuine = Tulus Has stolen = Telah mencuri Immediately = Dengan segera Including = termasuk Instruction = Petunjuk Landscape = Tata ruang Missing = Hilang Misunderstanding = Salah paham Necessary = Perlu Occasion = Kesempatan Overbooking = Kelebihan pesanan

Bhs Inggris Kls XII ix

pleasant = menyenangkan Polite = Sopan private = pribadi Receiving fax machine = Mesin fax penerima Recently = Baru saja refreshment = Merasa segar kembali Refund = Membayar gerugian remove = memindahkan resembles = menyerupai Resort = Tempat peristirahatan Responsibility = Tanggung jawab revitalize = Menghidupkan kembali Shy people = pemalu store = menyimpan Subscribe = Berangganan/menjangkau sufficient = cukup teleprinter = Mencetak jarak jauh The second place prize winner = Pemenang kedua Transmitting = mengirim Travel delay = Penundaan perjalanan unattended = Tak diawasi unmanned = Kosong (tanpa petugas) Up set = Bingung Valuable = Barang berharga Various efforts = Berbagai usaha Vending machine = Mesin penjual visitors = pengunjung Was conducted = diselenggarakan

Bhs. Inggris Kls XII 1



A. Deskripsi Modul Bahasa Inggris SMK untuk level Intermediate diajarkan dikelas XII semester

1 dengan kompetensi dasar ” Memahami monolog pada situasi kerja” . Lingkup materi yang diajarkan adalah

- Kemampuan listening tentang menyimak informasi - Kemampuan memahami informasi tertulis - Kemampuan mengungkapkan maksud dalam bentuk lisan dan tulisan

Setelah proses belajar mengajar ini diharapkan siswa bisa berkomunikasi sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris pada situasi kerja.

B. Prasarat Sebelum belajar pada modul ini siswa telah belajar kalimat atau ungkapan yang

menyatakan kegiatan sehari-hari (daily activities) dan Simple present tense

C. Petunjuk penggunaan modul

PETUNJUK BAGI SISWA (PESERTA DIKLAT)) 1. Baca dan pahami rumusan kompetensi dasar dan indikator dengan baik 2. Pelajari dengan seksama dan pahami setiap kalimat untuk dapat berkomunikasi 3. Kerjakan semua latihan yang ada pada modul ini 4. Minta guri atau teman untuk membacakan tape script dalam mengerjakan

listening test 5. Cocokkan jawaban and dengan kunci jawaban yang tersedia 6. Ulangi lagi kalau belum mencapai hasil lulus minimal 7. Lanjutkan ke modul berikut kalau anda sudah mencapai nilai minimal 7,0


1 Cek kemampuan awal siswa sebelum mengerjakan modul 1 2 Latih siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas-tugas secara mandiri 3 Beri penilaia pada setiap kegiatan khususnya untuk kemampuan verbal 4 Latih siswa untuk menilai diri sendiri setiap latihan atau tes formatif melalui

kunci jawaban 5 Sarankan untuk melanjutkan bembasahan modul selanjutnya bagi siswa yang

sudah berhasil dan beri kesempatan mengulang bagi siswa yang belum berhasil D. Tujuan Akhir Setelah belajar modul ini diharapkan siswa dapat:

- Memahami instruksi dalam bahasa Inggris baik secara lisan maupun tertulis - Berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris dalam lingkungan kerja - Menjawab pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris secara lisan

C. Kompetensi Standar kompetensi pada modul ini adalah ” Mampu berbahasa Inggris setara level

Intermediate” dengan kompetensi dasar ” Memahami monolog pada situasi kerja”

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 2

Akhir kegiatan ini siswa diharapkan dapat mempraktikkan percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang kegiatan atau aktifitas didunia kerja secara lisan didepan kelas

F. Cek kemampuan Listening Komprehension Listen to the cassette and then answer the questions Listen about the introduction to answer the questions no 1 - 5 1. What is the name of your guest?

a. Debby Brown b. Dudi Brown c. Judi Brown

2. Where is she from? a. German b. London c. Indonesia

3. How old is she? a. 18 years old b. 16 years old c. 17 years old

4. What does she do?

a. a student b. an office clerk c a lecturer

5. What does she learn in her campus? a. English b. German c. Dutch

To answer the questions no 6 – 8, listen to the information 6. What benefits do you get from fast food restaurants? a. Popularity b. Fast service and lower price c. Culture 7. What is the name of the first popular fast food restaurant in US ? a. Mc. Donald’s b. Hamburgers c. Burger King 8. When did the fast food restaurants get their start? a. Last year b. in 1955 c. Two years ago

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 3

Listen to the information to answer the questions no. 9 - 10 9. What time should the worker be at the office? a at 8.00 am b at 7.00 am c four pm 10. How long does the lunch time last?

a. 30 minutes b. 15 minutes c. one hour


Date : Class /Semester : XII/ 1 Learning Activity 1 In this activity you should be able to: - answer some questions through listening task

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 4

- answer the questions through reading task - write some sentences in completing a dialogue I LISTENING TASK Listen to the information and then answer the question! I. Write the missing words in the dialogue below by listening to the cassette! Diana : What sort of job are you going to get after __________ from SMK? Linda : Well, ___________ Diana : Would you be interested in working in a cooperative? Linda : So you mean as ____________? Diana : Yes, a cashier. Linda : I’d prefer __________ in a bank to working in a cooperative, I think. Diana : Which do you prefer, working in a government office or working for

a ______________? Linda : I think working for a government office is __________ working for

private company Tour Guide Information Listen to the information to answer the questions no 11 - 13 1. Who is speaking to the audience?

a. the hotel manager b. the guest leader c. the tour guide

2. Where will they have lunch?

a. at Senggigi Restaurant b. at Rinjani Restaurant c. at Suranadi Restaurant

3. What are they going to do after shopping?

a. go back to the hotel b. enjoy the sunset c. have dinner

II READING TASK Read the text below and then answer the questions. Learning Activity 2 Task 1 Hotel Informations Welcome to Senggigi Beach Hotel. It’s surrounded by 12 hectares of tropical landscaped parklands and garden on the prime site of Senggigi Beach-Lombok finest beach. The resort is a 15 minutes drive from Selaparang Airport. Our Airport representative meets all scheduled flight. Lombok’s capital city ,Mataram, is 10 km away. It’s a 45 minutes drive to Lembar harbor and 25 km to Gili islands. Lombok is easily accessible by flight. International direct flight will ease you to make a trip to Lombok. Daily flights from Jakarta and Surabaya are also available. Domestic airlines have daily flight from Denpasar as well.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 5

1. Where is the Senggigi Beach Hotel located? 2. How far is it from Mataram? 3. How long does it take to go to Lembar Harbor? (Taken from Senggigi Beach Hotel Brochure)

Task 2 Read the text and answer the questions! Report In this 28th Anniversary of our company, we’d like to deliver our business report. Firstly, although the effects of the economic crisis seem to be decreasing, we still have future challenges which are not easy to do, especially to prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. Various efforts to improve our performance continue to be carried out, including the program to promote productivity through total quality control. Our development is also to ensure social responsibility towards both the workers and the neighboring community.


1. How long has the company been running? 2. What future challenges should the company solves?

Task 3 National customer’s day As part of the activities to celebrate National Customers day, which fell on 4 September 2004, a ‘customer service championship’ was conducted, in which 90 teams representing over 40 State owned enterprises, participated. The aim of this activity was demonstrate and test the skill of the SOEs’ front liners in serving customers and creating top-rate service.

Of the three teams fielded by Garuda Indonesia, two made it into the grand final, and came in the second place prizewinner and second runner-up. Another of Garuda Indonesia’s team receives the award for ‘favorite team’. As a company operating in the travel business, Garuda Indonesia is continually conducting various educations and training programs, especially for its front liners, to improve the quality of their service to our customers


1. What are the text talks about? 2. What is done by Garuda to increase the service? 3. What is the similar meaning of the word received? 4. The aim of this activity was ……….(Paragraph 1)

What do the words ‘this activity’ refer to? Task 4 Advertisement

ELEPHANT’S PIZZA COW’S PIZZA Sodas $ 1.25 Cheese & Tomato $ 2.25 Green Pepper $ 3.25 Hamburger $ 4.75

Sodas $ 1.75 Cheese & Tomato $ 2.75 Green Pepper $ 3.75 Hamburger $ 5.25

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 6

All pizza are ready in just 5 minutes

All pizza are ready in just 10 minutes

1. How much is one Hamburger for elephant’s pizza? 2. If you want to buy three sodas for cow’s pizza, how much should you pay? 3. What kinds of pizza is the most expensive one?

Summary You have learned how to get the information through listening task and reading about: Report, National Customer’s day, and advertisement. Next try to do the assessment bellow! Formative Test 1 I. Listen to the cassette to answer the questions no. 1 – 10 Questions no. 1 – 3 refer to the following information

1. What is Laura? a. A teacher b. A student c. A musician

2. Does she like cooking?

a. No she doesn’t b. Yes, she does c. She likes music

3. What does she want to be?

a. A musician b. A guitarist c. A bank clerk

Questions no. 4 – 5 refer to the following dialogue

4. Where is the man going? a. To the post office b. To the bank c. To the supermarket

5. Where is the place located? a. The second turn on the left b. The second turn on the right c. The first turn on the right

Questions no. 6 – 8 refer to the following permission letter

6. What kind of letter is that? a. Invitation letter b. Permission letter c. Application letter

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 7

7. Why is Laela absent today? a. She is sick b. She is busy c. She is very tired

8. When did she write the letter? a. The 16th of August b. The 15th of August c. The 14th of August

Questions no. 9 – 10 refer to the following Advertisement

9. Who is probably interested in the advertisement? a. A businessman b. A big family c. A new couple

10. What number can be contacted for information? a. 0370234432 b. 0370243432 c. 0370254453

II. Read the vacancy bellow and then answer the questions Vacancy Questions

1. What position is offered in the vacancy? 2. What is the first requirement?

Foreign Trading Company has vacancy for:

A FEMALE / MALE RECEPTIONIST For its branch office in Mataram Applicants should have the following requirements:

1. good at speaking and writing English 2. a good personality 3. aged : between 19 – 27, 4. education: minimum high school

Applicant should write identities naming two references. Those who are considered will be invited for an interview.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 8

3. What education background is needed? 4. Those What does the word

who are considered...... those

5. What is the name of the company? refer to?

Tugas Cari di Koran, majalah atau di internet lowongan kerja yang sesuai dengan kompetensi yang anda miliki dan susun dalam bentuk kliping ( lowongan kerja / vacancy) dalam bahasa Inggris) Learning Activity 2 In this activity you should be able to: - write the missing words trough listening text - write a short dialogue about making an appointment - demonstrate a short dialogue about making an appointment I WRITING TASK Task 5 A. Complete the dialogue below! Shopping Shop keeper : Good evening, sir ____________? Customer : Yes, I need a pairs of shoes Shop keeper : _________________? Customer : Number 40, Shop keeper : What about this one, the color is nice, light brown? Customer : Yes but I don’t like that style. Shop keeper : ____________________? Customer : Yes, it looks nice, I like the black color ______________________? Shop keeper : It’s Rp. 150.000,- Customer : Well, I’ll take them Shop keeper : __________________________? Customer : No, I think that’s all Shop keeper : Will you pay at the cashier, please! Customer : _____________________

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 9

Task 6 B. Complete the dialogue below! Want to meet somebody Guest : God morning, Can I see Mrs. John? Secretary : I’m afraid ____________ at the moment. _____________ a seat for a while? Guest : Thank you. ____________ it will be long? Secretary : It should not more than 15 minutes. She has got some one in with her Guest : I will wait then. Secretary : _______________, please? Guest : Marry, here is my card Secretary : Thank you . ______________ a newspaper? Guest : Sure, thank you. C. Write a short dialogue about making an appointment. Situation: Your manager wants to meet Mr. Edward the director of Trading Company on

Saturday at 8.00 o’clock. Please make a phone call to make an appointment. II SPEAKING Now demonstrate the dialogue you have written in front of the class, try to

memorize the sentences you have written. SUMMARY Dalam kegiatan ini anda telah belajar melengkapi kalimat melalui listening text dan membuat dialogue tentang cara meninggalkan pesan dalam bahasa Inggris. Anda juga telah mencoba berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris melalui dialogue FORMATIVE TEST Read the dialogue and then answer the questions about the dialogue! Receptionist : Primadona travel and tour agency, good morning, can I help you? Caller : I’d like to reserve a ticket to Pontianak next Thursday afternoon, is

there any? Receptionist : Wait a moment please, I’ll check it first. Yes there is a flight at

14.00 and 16.30. Caller : That’s fine. Could you tell me how much the return flight cost? I’ll

be there for three days Receptionist : Economy, business or first class ticket? Caller : Economy, please Receptionist : That would be Rp. 600.000,- Caller : Ok, could I make a reservation? Receptionist : Certainly, which flight would you take? Caller : The 14.00 please Receptionist : Could I have your name, please? Caller : Hendrawan Receptionist : And your telephone number? Caller : 085239594754 Receptionist : And your address?

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 10

Caller : Jl. Pemuda 26 Mataram Receptionist : Thank you Mr. Hendrawan, you will go to Pontianak on Thursday at

14.00 so you must be at the Airport at 13.00 and the ticket will be delivered to you address soon

Caller : thank you. Questions:

1. Who is the caller? 2. When will he go to Pontianak? 3. Which flight does he take? 4. How much is the flight to pontianak? 5. What kind of ticket does the caller need?

Learning Activity 3 In this activity you should be able to:

- Write reported speech - Write reported command

LANUAGE FOCUS Reported Speech Direct speech adalah pengulangan ucapan seseorang sama seperti yang diucapkannya. Indirect speech adalah pengulangan ucapan seseorang secara tidak langsung. Contoh direct speech: Ani said :” I’m very busy.” (Ani berkata: “ Saya sangat sibuk.”) Contoh Indirect speech: Ani said that she was very busy. (Ani berkata bahwa dia sangat sibuk). Untuk mengubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung, tensesnya mundur satu langkah.


Direct speech. Indirect speech Simple present tense simple past tense Present continuous tense past continuous tense Present future tense past future tense Simple past tense past perfect tense Present perfect tense past perfect tense

Modals :

Can could May might Will would Have to had to Must had to Contoh:

Simple present tense – simple past tense 1. Indriati asked me:” Where does the teacher live?”

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 11

Indriati asked me where the teacher lived. 2. Mother said:” I go to the market every day.”

Mother said that she went to the market everyday. 3. Father said:” I’m tired now.”

Father said that he was tired at that moment. Present cont. tense – past cont tense

1. The teacher said:” I’m attending a meeting.” The teacher said that he was attending a meeting.

2. Budi said:” The boys are playing in the yard.” Budi said that the boys were playing in the yard.

3. Mother said:” Tina is typing in the computer.” Mother said that Tina was typing in the computer.

Present future tense – Past future tense. 1. Father said:” I’ll come home late this afternoon.”

Father said that he would come home late that afternoon. 2. My uncle said:” I’ll come to your house.”

My uncle said that he would come to my house. 3. The man said:” Tom is going to call you tomorrow.”

The man said that Tom was going to call me tomorrow

Simple past tense – Past perfect tense 1. Tina said:” I phoned you last night.”

Tina said that she had phoned me the night before. 2. The teacher said:” Tom was absent last Wednesday.”

The teacher said that Tom had been absent on Wednesday before. 3. Mother said:” some one knock at the door last tight.”

Mother said that some one had knocked at the door the night before.

Present perfect tense – Past perfect tense 1. Rini said:” I have called him twice.”

Rini said that she had called him twice. 2. Mother said:” I have sent the letter.”

Mother said that she had sent the letter. 3. The secretary said:” I have typed the letter.”

The secretary said that she had typed the letter Modals.

1. Budi said:” I can’t come to your house.” Budi said that he couldn’t come to my house.

2. Mr. Ridwan said:” I’ll reserve a room for you.” Mr. Ridwan said that he would reserve a room for me.

3. Lucy said:” I must stay here for two days.” Lucy said that she had to stay there for two days.

Bila kalimat langsung dalam bentuk pertanyaan, maka kalimat tak langsung berbentuk penyataan dan tensesnya mundur satu langkah.


Bhs Inggris Kls XII 12

1. Mother asked me:” Where did you go last night?” Mother asked me where I had gone the night before.

2. Father asked me:” will you visit your uncle this week?” Father asked me if I would visit my uncle this week.

3. Mother asked me:” When will you leave for Jakarta?” Mother asked me when I would leave for Jakarta.

Bila kalimat langsung dalam bentuk pertanyaan yang jawabannya Yes/No, maka kata penghubung yang digunakan adalah: if.


1. Are you tired, Rina? Mother wanted to know

2. Does the student always come late? if Rina was tired

The teacher asked me if the student always came late3. Have you closed the door?


Mother asked me

1. The teacher asked me:” Open the door”

if I had closed the door. Bila kalimat langsung dalam bentuk perintah (request) maka kata kerja pada kalimat tidak langsung ditambah to didepannya (to infinitive)


The teacher asked me to open the door. 2. The man told me:” Don’t make a noise ”

The man told me not to make a noise. 3. Mr. Rahman asked Tom:” Clean the blackboard.”

Mr. Rahman asked Tom to clean the blackboard. Task 1 Change the sentences into indirect speech!

1. Dani said:” Suratman is sick.” ………………………………………………..

2. Aminah said:” I’m going to book a ticket to Semarang.” ………………………………………………………

3. Hadi said:” I’m sorry, I can’t go with you tonight.” …………………………………………………………….

4. The man said:” I’m interested in studying abroad.” ………………………………………………………….

5. Ani told me:” My father was out of town.” ……………………………………………………….

6. The teacher told the students:” You must study hard to pass the examination.” …………………………………………………………………………….

7. The boy said:” The guest came two days ago.” ………………………………………………………………………………

8. Ridwan told me:” I went to the beach yesterday.” ………………………………………………………..

9. Mother said to Tina:” your friend will call you to night.” ………………………………………………………………

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 13

10. My father said:” The thief has been caught.” …………………………………………………

Task 2 Change the questions below into indirect questions. Example:

1. Mother asked me:” What are you doing?” Mother asked me what I was doing.

2. The teacher asked me:” Have you done the homework?” The teacher asked me if I had done the homework.

3. The teacher told Andi:” Clean the blackboard!” The teacher told Andi to clean the blackboard.

1. The man asked me:” What time does the class begin?” ………………………………………………………

2. Toni asked me:” Where have you put the dictionary?” ……………………………………………………………

3. Mr. Rahman asked me:” Have you booked the room for the guest?” …………………………………………………………………….

4. Father asked me:” What time will you leave for Singapore?” …………………………………………………………………..

5. The teacher asked the students:” Did you study English last night?” ………………………………………………………………………

6. Joan asked me:” Where do you live?” …………………………………………..

7. Father asked me:” What time did your uncle leave?” …………………………………………………………………..

8. The teacher asked Tina:” How do you go to school?” ……………………………………………………………

9. The man asked me:” Do you like working in an office?” ……………………………………………………………

10. Father asked me:” Will you go to Bali for a holiday?” ………………………………………………………………

Task 3 Change the commands or requests of the teacher below into indirect ones. Example:

1. Come in Tom! The teacher told Tom

2. Don’t open your book, Rina! to come in.

The teacher told Rina not to open the book. 3. Will you close the door, Budi!

The teacher asked Budi to close the door. 1. Look at unit seven, Tom!


Bhs Inggris Kls XII 14

2. Bring your dictionary everyday, students! …………………………………………..

3. Can you turn on the lamp, Rudy? ………………………………………….

4. Don’t be late to school, Reny! ………………………………………..

5. Shut the door, Tina! ………………………………………….

6. Don’t open your English book, Tom! ………………………………………….

7. Close your book, Students! ……………………………………….

8. Will you speak loudly, Rudy? ……………………………………

9. Don’t forget to come earlier, students! ……………………………………………….

10. Will you call Mr. Rahman to come here, Rini? ……………………………………………………..

SUMMARY Pada kegiatan ini anda telah belajar cara membuat kalimat tidak langsung dalam berbagai tenses Tes Formatif Change the sentences bellow into indirect speech 1. Mother :” Don’t come home late, Titin!” ………………………………….. 2. Teacher:” Why were you absent yesterday, Tono? …………………………………….. 3. Mr. Tomy::” Where did you go last Holiday, Kiki?” …………………………………….. 4. Mr. Budi:” Did your father go to Jakarta last week, Dian?” …………………………………….. 5. Tono: “ Will you pick me up to school tomorrow, Rizal?” …………………………………………..

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 15

EVALUASI Read the reading text below then answer the questions.

PLACING THE PAPER IN THE RIGHT FILE This is the most important part of the whole of the filing proces. Paper. Which place in the wrong file will be very dificult to find and could be lost forever. The most resent paper is lways placed on top of all the other paper in the file. These paper will have been filed in date order, too, so that the oldest paper is at the bottom or back of the file. Paper should be flat and square in the file so that they remain uncrreased. The other reason for placing papers carefully in a file is to keep the clean and free from dust, but mainly filing is done inorder to find documents when needed. More annoyance, frustation, and waste of time is caused in firms by not being able to find a paper that is needed quickly than almost anything else.

After callecting the filing the next step is to sort it into the order in which will be filed. This is called “pre-sorting”. Presorting save time, as the papers are in the right order before they are taken to the filing cabinet and there is no need to make frequent journeys to and from the filing cabinet

A desk- top sorter is divided into sections each labelled with a letter of the alphabet and papers areplaced behind the flaps in their right section. 1. Why should the paper be placed in the right place?

a. to make it easy to find b. because it is important c. that’s a cecretary’s duty d. The manager has told her.

2. What happened if we placed the paper in the wrong place?

a. It will be easy to find b. It is not good c. It will be difficult to be found d. It will be nacessary

3. The other reason of placing document in the right place is …………

a. to make it interested b. to make the enfisonment clean c. to respect the manager d. to decrease the problem.

Read the text below to answer the questions no 4 - 6 “I’m Albert Salisbury. I was a clerk. I actually still wanted to work, although I’m already fifty three now, I think I’m still strong enough to work. The MN Company thinks that it is time for me to retire. The company needs younger staff and to be recognized. They think that by getting rid of old people like me, they will get better. Well, they get their works done. I know I receive pension allowance every month, but what I need is a job that can keep me busy and can make me feel useful.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 16

4. How old is Albert now? a. 50 years old b. 15 years old c. 53 years old d. 55 years old

5. Does he still work at MN Company?

a. Yes, he does b. No, he doesn’t c. Yes, he did d. No he didn’t

6. What does he really needs in his life?

a. having much money b. receives pension c. younger staff d. a job to make him busy

Read the dialogue to answer the question no 7 - 10 In a cafetaria, two old friends, Heny and Rudy are having lunch together. Heny : Well, it has been a long time not to see you. What is it going on? Rudy : I’m so busy. I have been working in Express Travel Agent behind

this café, Heny : Wow, that’s wonderful! Rudy : Are you working near here? Heny : Yes, I’m a secretary assistant in Bima Sakti Office. Rudy : How many hours do you work? Heny : Well, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. What about you? Do you get good

salary? Rudy : Yes, I work 5 days a week but sometimes I work on Sundays to, and

salary? It’s good I think. Can I meet you this weekend? Can I visit you? Do you still live in tha same address as before/

Heny : Yes, the same as before, with my parents Rudy : Okay, wait for me at 7:00 p.m.on Saturday morning. 7. Where does Heny work?

a. in Bima Sakti Office b. in Express Travel Agent c. Behind the café d. On Saturday morning

8. How many hours does Heny work a day?

a. six hours b. seven hours c. eight hours d. nine hours

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 17

9. .How many days does Rudy work in a week? a. 4 days b. 5 days c. 6 days d. 7 days

10. When will Rudy visit Heny?

a. on Saturday b. on Sunday c. at 7:00 d. At the same address

For question no 11 -20 choose the correct answer from the option given 11. Open the door, Susan? A : What did Mother tell Susan? B : She told Susan …………..

a. open the door b. to open the door c. she open the door d. opening the door

12. The teacher said:” The students are studying English” The reported speech is: The teacher said that ……………..

a. the students were studying English b. the students are studying English c. the students studied English d. the students have studied English

13. A : What does the note say? B : It says ……………….

a. not open the door b. don’t open the door c. not to open the door d. may not open the door

14. A : Where do you live Ria? B : On Jl. Bali no. 17 C : What did the manager ask Ria? He asked Ria ……………………….

a. where she lived b. where does she live c. where she lives d. where has she lived


Bhs Inggris Kls XII 18

15. A : Will you attend the meeting, Budi? B : Well, I’ll come if it doesn’t rain C : What did Arman ask Budi? He asked Budi ………………..

a. will you attend the meeting b. if he will attend the meeting c. he would attend the meeting d. if he would attend the meeting

16. “Are you tired Rina?”

Mother wanted to know if ……………… a. Rina is tired b. Rina was tired c. She has been tired d. She would be tired

17. “When did you come from Medan?”

The teacher asked me ………………. a. when I came from Medan b. when I had come from Medan c. when did you come from Medan d. when you come from Medan

18. “What time does the work start?” The man wanted to know …………….

a. what time the work starts b. what time does the work start c. what time did the work start d. what time the work started

19. “My father has gone to Surabaya.”

Rina said that …… a. her father had gone to Surabaya b. her father has gone to Surabaya c. my father went to Surabaya d. my father had gone to Surabaya

20. “Is Mr. Robby in?”

The man wanted to know if ……… a. the manager is in b. the manager was in c. the manager in the office d. Mr. Robby had been in

Identify the underlined words that should be corrected, by choosing A, B, C or D 21. A : Is Mr. Robby in A B : Sorry sir,


he has gone out for lunch. Do you have

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 19

B any message? C A : No thanks

22. Anton : What will you do after

. Please tell him that I’ll meet her at 8:00 D tomorrow

graduating A vocational school? Dina : I’ll


go to the University. What about you? B Anton : I’m going to get a job first, and then I would

23. Manager : Linda,

C D study at the University

will you arrange


a travel business

for me to Jakarta? B Linda : Yes sir, I will C Tom : What did the manager tell you? Linda : He told me arrange

24. Distributor : Would you

business travel. D

mind send us the price list of your product

Producer :

? A B We’d be glad to. When will you need it?

C Distributor : The sooner

25. Caller :

, the better D

Can I speak A Operator : Mr. Bambang

to Mr. Bambang, please?

was still busy. Would you like to call back later? B C Caller : I’d love to

26. Guest : Good morning,

if you don’t mind. D

will I meet A Receptionist: Yes, but

Mr. Edward, please?

he has some one with him, can you wait for a Moment? B C And will you

27. Mr. Edward :

write your name here? D

Can I A

type this report and I need it tomorrow morning

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 20

Secretary : I’m sorry sir I have many things to do, I can’t finish it tomorrow B what about in the afternoon? C Mr. Edward :

28. Shoopkeeper: Good morning,

It’s ok. D

can I help you A Customer : I need


a pair of shoes B Shopkeeper : What size do you wear? Customer : I like the black color, may I try it on? C Shopkeeper :

29. Receptionist : Surya Jaya Tour & Travel

Sure D

can you help you A Mr. Dani :


I need one way ticket for two persons to Jakarta B Receptionist : What kind of ticket do you want? C Mr. Dani : Economy class

30. Caller :


I’d like to reserve a room for two nights, is it possible A B Receptionist : Single or doble please? Caller :


Single please C Receptionist : What name is it for? Caller : The first and the second of September

- Modul 2 ini diajarkan dikelas XII semester 1 dengan kompetensi dasar

. D



(Module 2) A. Deskripsi

” Memahami percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli ” . - Lingkup materi yang diajarkan adalah

* Kemampuan memahami informasi tertulis * Kemampuan memahami informasi melalui mendengar (listening) * Kemampuan mengungkapkan maksud dalam bentuk tulisan dan lisan

Setelah proses belajar mengajar ini diharapkan siswa bisa berkomunikasi sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris pada situasi kerja.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 21

B. Prasarat Sebelum belajar pada modul ini siswa telah belajar kalimat atau ungkapan yang

menyatakan kegiatan sehari-hari (Simple present tense), kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung dan kegiatan yang sudah terjadi atau yang terjadi pada waktu yang sudah lewat atau lampau

D. Petunjuk penggunaan modul

PETUNJUK BAGI SISWA (PESERTA DIKLAT)) 1. Baca dan pahami rumusan kompetensi dasar dan indikator/tujuan pembelajaran 2. Pelajari dengan seksama dan pahami setiap kalimat untuk dapat berkomunikasi 3. Kerjakan semua latihan yang ada pada modul ini 4. Minta guru atau teman untuk membacakan tape script dalam mengerjakan

listening test 5. Cocokkan jawaban dengan kunci jawaban yang tersedia 6. Ulangi lagi kalau belum mencapai hasil lulus minimal 7. Lanjutkan ke modul berikut kalau anda sudah mencapai nilai minimal 7,0


1. Cek kemampuan awal siswa sebelum mengerjakan modul 1 2. Latih siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas-tugas secara mandiri 3. Beri penilaian pada setiap kegiatan khususnya untuk kemampuan verbal 4. Latih siswa untuk menilai diri sendiri setiap latihan atau tes formatif melalui

kunci jawaban 5. Sarankan untuk melanjutkan pembasahan modul selanjutnya bagi siswa yang

sudah berhasil dan beri kesempatan mengulang bagi siswa yang belum berhasil D. Tujuan Akhir Setelah belajar modul ini diharapkan siswa dapat:

- Mengungkapkan kalimat-kalimat yang sering digunakan dalam menangani tamu dikantor

- Mengungkapkan kalimat yang sering digunakan dalam pemesanan tiket/kamar hotel

- Menyusun sebuah percakapan sederhana yang berkaitan dengan reservation. E. Kompetensi Standar kompetensi pada modul ini adalah ” Mampu berbahasa Inggris setara level

Intermediate” dengan kompetensi dasar ” Memahami percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli ”Akhir kegiatan ini siswa diharapkan dapat dan berani berkomunikasi dengan penutur asli untuk memperoleh data dan dapat menyusun percakapan sederhana yang berkaitan dengan reservation.

F. Cek kemampuan Listening Komprehension Listen to the conversation. Then choose the option for each question based on the dialogue from the cassette. I. Short conversation

1. Is it still raining there?

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 22

a Yes, it does b Yes it is c No, it doesn’t

2. What seasons does Indonesia Have?

a The rainy b The dry c The rainy and dry

3. How’s Joe today?

a. He’s fine thanks b. He is busy c. He is not well

4. What does he think about the test? He thinks it............

a. is too difficult so she can do well b. is not so easy, that she can’t do it well c. easy enough so she can do it well

5. How is the exercise for the students? It’s.........

a. easy enough b. difficult enough c. too difficult

II. Listen to the information to answer the questions no 6 – 9

6. Where is the Big Ben clock?

a. In America b. In London c. In Australia

7. What is the clock like?

a. It’s sharp b. It’s very high c. It’s great

8. When were the Houses of Parliament burnt and the clock erected?

a. 1834 b. 1854 c. 1843

9. Who was responsible for making the clock?

a. Beny b. Binyamin c. Mr. Big Ben

Questions 10 - 12 refer to the following News

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 23

10. What happened with the State High School on Friday night? a. There was a fire b. The two students started to study c. There are two police

11. What were the boys doing when the police wrote the license plate of their car’s

number? a. They were making a fire b. They were studying c. They were driving away

12. How old are the students?

a. Around 15 years old b. About 16 years old c. About 17 years old

Questions 13 - 15 refer to the following notice

13. What street runs through the heart of the city from railway station to the Yogyakarta Palace?

a. Mall street b. Malioboro street c. Railway street

14. Are there many hotels, shops and restaurant around the street?

a. Yes, they are b. No they aren’t c. Yes there are many

15. When does the lesehan usually begin?

a. In the morning b. In the afternoon c. In the evening

Questions 16 - 20 refer to the following dialogue 16. Where does Jenny work?

a. At Suryajaya Tour & Travel b. At Puri Bunga Hotel c. At the colleague

17. How long has Jenny been working there?

a. 6 months b. 3 months c. 3 years

18. Where does Sapto work?

a. At puri Bunga Hotel b. At Suryajaya Tour & Travel c. He is jobless

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 24

19. How long has Sapto been looking for a job? a. For three months b. For six months c. For three years

20. What is Jenny’ suggestion?

a. To bring an advertisement b. To look for a vacancy c. To apply for the job at Puri Bunga Hotel


Date : Class /Semester : XII/ 1 Learning Activity 1 In this activity you should be able to: - answer the questions about receptionist - answer questions about advertisement - answer questions about a short dialogue II READING TASK Task 1 Read the text and then answer the questions!

RECEPTIONIST The receptionist’s job is to look after the visitors to a firm. She will however, have time during the day when there are no callers, to do other work. She may:

• Type • Operate computer • File • Give out brochures and handbooks issued by her firm • Open and arrange for distribution of mail; receive parcels, and registered or

recorded delivery mail

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 25

• Help with making tea or coffee for visitors – as it is essential that the reception desk is never left unattended, many firms have vending machines so that callers are able to help themselves to refreshments.

• Be able to give simple first aid, when necessary. Alternatively, there may be two receptionists – the head receptionist and her deputy – so that the reception desk is never left unmanned. Visitors to a firm must never kept waiting unnecessarily. They may go elsewhere if they are, and not return. Valuable business could be lost to the firm. All large firm and organization such as universities, hospitals, colleges, and local authorities have receptionists. In addition, many small firms find their services very useful to – estate agents, accountants, solicitors, as well as doctors and dentists. In fact, almost any office where an appointment system made has receptionists. A good receptionist should be:

• Polite • Friendly • Helpful • Tactful • Calm (above all, patient) • Neat • Smart • Well-groomed (hair, nails, make up) • Well-informed about her firm products, layout and staff, so that she can direct

visitors to the right offices, and answer any questions they may ask her.

The receptionist voice is particularly important; it should be pleasant and clear. Some visitors must be foreigners and have difficulty understanding English. Receptionist work is not suitable for shy people. A receptionist must be able to get on easily with strangers. Generally speaking, an ideal receptionist should be aged 20 over. She will have sufficient experience by then to be both confident and efficient at her job. Questions

1. What is the main job of a receptionist? 2. What does a receptionist have to do when there are no callers? 3. Mention what a good receptionist should be! 4. Why is a receptionist important to a firm? 5. They may go elsewhere if they.... ( paragraph 2) What does the word they

refer to?

.Task 2 Read the advertisements and then answer the questions

DYNASTY RESTAURANT Second floor, ward shopping

center Open 11 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.

7 days a week ** Excellent Chinese cuisine


Shrimp with lobster sauce Spicy fried beef or chicken

Lemon chicken

Come to the Yum Yum Restaurant!

Breakfast, lunch, dinner Open 24 hours

Family restaurant Our specialties – desserts:

Fresh baked pies& cakes daily

Meals start at $ 4.00

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 26


1. Which restaurant is opened at 3 a.m.? 2. Which restaurant has Italian food? 3. Which restaurant serves breakfast? 4. Which restaurant has entertainment? 5. Which restaurants are opened on Sunday? 6. Which restaurant delivers meals to your home? 7. Which restaurants accept credit cards?

Summary You have learned information through reading task Now try to do the test below Formative Test 1 Listen to the information from a dialogue and then answer the questions below! Questions:

1. What is the name of the foreigner?

Café Athens

Delicious coffee and espresso Beer, wine, and drinks

In the Greek Bar Light snacks and meals

Live music every night

Belly dancing at 10.p.m Friday & Saturday only

$5 cover charge

Located opposite Sam’s Bowling Monday – Saturday

7 p.m. till 2 a.m. No personal checks

or credit cards

-- Giorgio’s -- Italian Restaurant

310 S Pine Ave 647-9928 for reservations

Lunch and Dinner Service

Monday – Saturday 11:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.

Spaghetti, lasagna, pizza

The best in town! Outdoor seating available

In our new patio Reservations necessary

Most major credit

Card accepted All meals cooked to order

By our famous chef, Giorgio

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 27

2. Has he married? 3. Where is he from? 4. What did he come to Mataram for? 5. What does he think about Lombok?

Learning Activity 2 In this activity you should be able to: - answer the questions about reservation Task 3 HANDLING GUEST Read the dialogue then answer the questions.

Receptionist : Good morning sir, can I help you? Rudy : Good morning. I’d like to book a single room for 2 nights. Receptionist : When will you use it sir? Rudy : On the seventh and the eighth of October. Receptionist : Wait a minute, let me check it first. All right that’s a room

available. What name is it for sir Rudy : Mr. Harianto. He is my director. What is the number of the

room? Receptionist : It’s number 234 on the second floor. Rudy : How much is the price per night? Receptionist : It’s $75 for the standard and $100 for a superior one Which one will you take? Rudy : The superior one, please. Receptionist : My I have your name, your company and your telephone

number? Rudy : Sure, I’m Rudi from CV Perdana. Telephone number is

674451 Receptionist : Thank you sir, I hope you will make a confirmation as soon

as possible. Rudy : Of source, thank you madam, good bye.

Answer the questions based on the dialogue. 1 When will Mr. Harianto stay in the hotel? 2 How long will he stay in the hotel? 3 Who is Mr. Rudy? 4 What is the room number? 5 How much is the rate per night

Task 4

Read the dialogue below then answer the questions Receptionist : Good afternoon. What can I do for you, madam?

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 28

Customer : Good afternoon. I want to book a ticket to Jakarta. Receptionist : When will you go, madam? Customer : Next week on the 2nd of Sept.. Can I get the ticket for the

first flight? Receptionist : Sure. What name is it for? Customer : Lucy. What time does the first flight depart? Receptionist : At 7.30 and you should be at the air port one hour before the

departure. Customer : Is that a direct flight? Receptionist : No, you will transit at Juanda airport for about one hour. And you will arrive at Soekarno- Hatta air port at 10.50 Customer : Well. How much is the ticket, please? Receptionist : It’s Rp. 800.000. May I have your telephone number? Customer : Yes, it’s 672556. Receptionist : When will you take the ticket, madam? Customer : May I take it tomorrow? Receptionist : Sure, thanks. Customer : Thank you and good bye.

Answer the questions based on the dialogue.

1. Who will go to Jakarta? 2. What time does the first flight? 3. How much is the price of the ticket to Jakarta? 4. What time is the first flight? 5. Is that a direct flight?

Task 5 Shopkeeper : Good morning sir, can I help you? Customer : I need a T shirt, do you have any? Shopkeeper : Sure, what size do you wear? Customer : Medium, please Shopkeeper : What color do you want sir? I have 3 favorite colors, blue, red and

yellow. Customer : Can I have a white one? Shopkeeper : Sorry sir we don’t have the white one Customer : I think I’ll try to get one at the other shop Shopkeeper : All right. Answer the questions based on the dialogue.

a. What does the customer need? b. What size does he wear? c. What color does the shop have? d. Does the man get the thinks he need? e. Why?

Summary You have learned reading task and dialogues about how to handle guest Now try to do the test below

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 29

Formative Test 2 . Study the dialogue then answer the questions about the dialogue Receptionist : Garuda Indonesia Airlines, good morning. Can I help you?

Deny : I want to reserve a ticket to Medan. Can I have the ticket for the first flight?

Receptionist : I’m sorry, sir. All the seats have been confirmed. Do you want to take the second flight? There are two seats left.

Deny : What time does it depart? Receptionist : At 10.30. It will arrive in Medan at 11.15 Deny : OK, I’ll take the second flight. How much is the ticket, please? Receptionist : Rp. 530.000. What name is it for, sir? Deny : It’s Deny. Deny Wijaya. Receptionist : May I have your address and your telephone number? Deny : Sure. My address is Jl. Sriwijaya 12 Mataram, and my phone

number is 634313 Receptionist : Thank you sir, the ticket will be ready in 15 minutes. You must

be at the airport one hour before the departure. Deny : All right, and thank you madam. Bye.


1. Where dose the customer want to go? 2. How does he want to go there? 3. Can he go on the first flight? Why? 4. What time will he arrive with the second flight? 5. What is the customer’s address and how much should he pay for the ticket?

Learning Activity 3 In this activity you should be able to: - write a report about information you’ve got from someone - talk the report in front of the class I. WRITING: Study the information below told by Ahmad

Good morning, I’m Ahmad from Ampenan. I’m studying at SMKN1 Mataram. Last Sunday I met a foreigner at Senggigi Beach. His name is Mr. Richard. He is from Canada. He has married and he has 2 children, one daughter and one son. He stays at Lombok Garden Hotel. He went to the beach with his friends to enjoy the sunset. He likes visiting Lombok, he said that Lombok is beautiful and has many interesting places. He plans to visit some interesting places in Lombok with his family next summer and will stay in Senggigi Beach hotel. I think that’s all and thank you.

Task 6

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 30

Ask your friends (2 or 3 students) about themselves and their family, write the information you’ve got and tell it in front of the class! II. SPEAKING Make a group of 2 or 3 students, meet some native speakers, After introducing yourself, ask about their name, address and about their family. Ask their opinion about our country especially about Mataram and the tourist spots we have! Write some information you’ve got and tell your friend about them. At least one student talks about one guest. Summary In this activity you’ve learned how to get some information from someone and retell or describe it to somebody Formative Test 3 Try to meet a foreigner, make a short conversation asking about himself/herself or her/his family, and then tell the information you’ve got to your friend in the class Learning Activity 4 In this activity you should be able to;

- complete sentences using relative clauses correctly - write sentences using relative clauses, (who / whom/ whose/ which)

I LANGUAGE FOCUS Relative Clause / Adjective clause Study the sentences below!

1. The man who is talking to our teacher2. Is this the books

is my uncle. which you are looking for

3. I don’t remember the girl ?

whom you met last night4. The student

. whose bicycle was stolen

5. The Merapi reported last night.

which erupted many times - who is talking to our teacher is clause explaining

destroyed rice field.

- the man

which you are looking for is clause explaining


the book

whom you met last night is clause explaining the girl -

whose bicycle was stolen is clause explaining


The student

which erupted many times s clause explaining The Merapi

Who/ whom/ whose called connector or subordinator for person Who, as the subject of the adjective clause Whom, as the object of adjective clause Whose, is used to relate to possession. For things and animals use which or that. Example:

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 31

1. Some kinds of birds which live on grain are harmful to men. 2. A thief killed the dog which/that bark to strangers.

Sometimes when, where, and why are also used as subordinators in complex sentences. Observe the following example:

1. Do you remember the date when 2. This is the house

she was born? where

3. The officials didn’t want to give the reason we grew up.

why Task 7 Complete the following sentences with who, whose, who, or which.


his team was beaten.

a. Let me see the shirt _______ you bought last night. Let me see the shirt whichb. The woman ________ is waving her hand is my aunt.

you bought last night.

The woman, who

1. That rich family usually gives away clothes_______ are out of style.

is waving her hand, is my aunt.

2. He is the man _______ has taken our dog away. 3. My niece ________ father died last month has to start working 4. Can you recognize the person ______ came and robbed your shop? 5. The ship ______ left the harbor yesterday is heading for Papua. 6. There are many books in the reference ______ I have to read. 7. The man ______ you met last night is my English teacher. 8. The woman _______ car is red is my aunt. 9. The student _______ always comes late is being punished. 10. Never go with a boy ________ likes to cheat.

Task 8 Write the sentences below in English

1. Wanita yang sedang duduk disamping kepala sekolah kita adalah tetangga saya.

2. Kamus yang saya beli tadi malam terlalu mahal 3. Orang laki-laki yang berkacamata itu adalah paman saya 4. Gadis yang saya kenalkan di Mall tadi malam itu adalah teman kelas saya. 5. Murid yang tasnya berwarna merah itu adalah murid yang terpandai dikelas

saya Formative Test 4 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences below!

1. The man (whom, which, whose) car is parked in front of this building is a famous writer.

2. Films (which, whom, who) show violence must not be shown to children. 3. The library member (whose, which, whom) card already expired can have his

card renewed. 4. This is my home town (which, where, when) I spent my childhood years. 5. It was the hottest month (which, when. Where) many trees and animals were

dying of a long draught. 6. Let’s visit our friend (who, whose, whom) sister got an accident last Sunday.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 32

7. Will you tell me about the interviewer (whom, whose, which) questions were unanswerable?

8. Give this thing to anybody (who, whose, which) needs them. 9. Show me the swimming pool (where, when, which) the two students were

drowned. 10. The restaurant owner knew the customer (whom, who, whose) bag was left on

one of the chairs.


Read the reading text below and then answer the questions. Personal hand phone system (PHS) is high capacity mobile telephone service, which was first launched in July 1955 in Japan. PHS is completely digital, high quality, cordless telephone service available at a relatively law price. PHS operated at spectrum of I.9 GHz.

Today a typical PHS headset can be used continuously for five hours on stand by for 200 hours, in the future; this capability is likely to increase as a result of the development program, which is soon to be marked on a commercial scale.

Larger capacity, cheaper price, higher quality, PHS constitutes a low tier microcellular wireless network which offer a larger capacity for dollar infrastructure compare to other cellular network, and this result in cheaper selling rates. For example, cost of speaking for three minutes with a PHS in Japan is ten yen, cheaper than using a public coin phone. PHS makes possible in use of smaller handset because of its superior energy consumption. This is because it uses a network with a law powered micro - cellular basic. PHS is also able to handle quantity of traffic compared to other cellular system.

A number of countries outside Japan have already adapted PHS as a made of personal telecommunications.

Questions 1-5 based on the reading above 1. What is PHS?

a. An expansive communication b. It’s found in Japan. c. It’s a personal hand phone system. d. A new mobile system.

2. Which country introduced the PHS for the first time?

a. In July 1955 b. Japan c. Many countries d. In a large capacity.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 33

3. What are the advantages of PHS compared to other cellular telephone? a. It’s easy to be used b. It’s cheaper and has higher quality c. It’s used by many people d. It’s needed by the company.

4. How much money is used for speaking for six minutes using the PHS in Japan?

a. ten yen b. fifteen yen c. twenty yen d. twenty five yen

5. ……which was first launched in July……. The synonym of launched is ……………

a. asked b. prepared c. produced d. offered

II Listening. Listen to the dialogue on the cassette and then choose the correct answer for each


1. Why did she look very happy? a. She met her boy friend b. She got her best marks c. She got some gifts

2. What will she do tonight?

a Get her exam b Come at around 7 p.m. c Celebrate her birthday party

3. What is she going to do? a She’s going to look for a new job b She is going to study at the university c She is going to meet someone.

4. Which sport does he prefer? a He prefers tennis to swimming b He likes swimming better than tennis c He likes playing tennis very much

5. What does she play?

a piano b music c guitar

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 34

To answer questions no. 6 – 9 listen to the following notice.

6. How should you take good photograph? a We should be patient b We should rush c We should not wait for the right picture.

7. What should you do then?

a You may stand far away b Take photograph every where c Look carefully before taking a photograph

8. What should we do about the light when photographing?

a Check and wait for good light b Just ignore the light c Put the fingers in front of the camera

9. What can we do in taking the picture?

a Press the button any time you want b Press the button quickly c We should press the button slowly enough

Listen to the report to answer questions no 10 – 12

10. How many seasons are there in the United States? a 2 seasons b 3 seasons c 4 seasons

11. How is it in summer?

a Cool b Hot c Warm

12. When does it rain?

a In the fall b In the winter c In the spring

13. What kinds of equipment has been advertisement?

a Color TV b Black & white TV c Indoor TV antenna

14. How much discount is given to the buyer for the New Year, 2005?

a 15 % b 50 % c 30 %

15. How much does it cost today?

a Rp. 40.000

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 35

b Rp. 50.000 c Rp. 80.000

Listen to the dialogue to answer questions no 16 – 20

16. Who will stay in the hotel? a. The customer b. Mr. Andreas c. Mrs. Andrew

17. How long will the guest stay in the hotel?

a. 5 days b. 4 days c. 3 days

18. Where is the guest from?

a. Bali b. Sanur c. Semarang

19. What is his address?

a. Jl. Melati no 23 b. Jl. Cempaka no 32 c. Jl. Cempaka no 23

20. What is the phone number? a. 085239594754 b. 085239549574 c. .081239549574

III. Write the questions based on the answer given! 1 A : ............. B : I’m from London 2 A : ............. B : I stay at Holiday Inn Hotel, room no. 234 3 A : ........... B : I’m Ronald and I’m still single 4 A : .............. B : Well, I like the weather in your country but the town is rather dirty.

There are rubbish everywhere. 5 A : ............. B : I work for an Italian Restaurant and I come here for a holiday.

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A. Deskripsi Modul 3 ini diajaran dikelas XII semester 1 SMK pada level Intermeniate dengan kompetensi dasar ” Melakukan dan menangani pesanan ” . Lingkup materi yang diajarkan adalah

- Kemampuan melakukan pesanan (reservation) melalui telpon - Kemampuan melakukan pesanan secara langsung - Kemampuan menangani pesanan baik secara langsung maupun melalui

telpon Setelah proses belajar mengajar ini diharapkan siswa bisa berkomunikasi sederhana

dalam bahasa Inggris dalam melakukan dan menangani pesanan. B. Prasarat Sebelum belajar pada modul ini siswa telah belajar kalimat atau ungkapan yang

sering dipakai dalam melakukan dan menangani pesanan. Misalnya : - Can I help you?

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 37

- What can I do for you? - I’d like to reserve …. - Is there a flight to … - May I have a ticket to …. - How much is ….

E. Petunjuk penggunaan modul


1. Baca dan pahami rumusan kompetensi dasar dan indikator/tujuan pembelajaran 2. Pelajari dengan seksama dan pahami setiap kalimat untuk dapat berkomunikasi 3. Kerjakan semua latihan yang ada pada modul ini 4. Minta guru atau teman untuk membacakan tape script dalam mengerjakan

listening test 5. Cocokkan jawaban dengan kunci jawaban yang tersedia 6. Ulangi lagi kalau belum mencapai hasil lulus minimal 7. Lanjutkan ke modul berikut kalau anda sudah mencapai nilai minimal 7,0


1. Cek kemampuan awal siswa sebelum mengerjakan modul 3 2. Latih siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas-tugas secara mandiri 3. Beri penilaia pada setiap kegiatan khususnya untuk kemampuan verbal 4. Latih siswa untuk menilai diri sendiri setiap latihan atau tes formatif melalui

kunci jawaban 5. Sarankan untuk melanjutkan pembasahan modul selanjutnya bagi siswa yang

sudah berhasil dan beri kesempatan mengulang bagi siswa yang belum berhasil D. Tujuan Akhir Setelah belajar modul ini diharapkan siswa dapat:

- Melakukan pesanan melalui telpon - Melakukan pesanan secara langsung - Menangani pesanan baik secara langsung maupun melalui telpon.

E. Kompetensi Standar kompetensi pada modul ini adalah ” Mampu berbahasa Inggris setara level

Intermediate” dengan kompetensi dasar ” Melakukan dan menangani pesanan ”Akhir kegiatan ini siswa diharapkan dapat mendemonstrasikan cara mealukan dan menangani pesanan.

F. Cek kemampuan I Listening Komprehension Listen to the conversation. Then choose the option for each question based on the dialogue from the cassette. Listen to the dialogue 1 to answer questions 1 -5 1. Who wants to go to Surabaya? a. Mr. Rudy

b. The manager c. Mr. Sukarta

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 38

2. When will he go? a. On Monday

b. On Sunday morning c. On Sunday afternoon

3. How will he go? a. By Garuda Air line b. By Simpaty Airline c. By Merpati Airline

4. Where is he from? a. PT Angkasa Pura b. Merpati Airline c. Kerta Gaya Pusaka

5. How much is the ticket? a. Rp. 300.000 b. Rp. 650.000 c. Rp. 200.000

Listen to the dialogue to answer questions 6 -10 6. Where is the caller from?

a. Mataram b. Surabaya c. Jakarta

7. Which room is being reserved? a. Standard room b. Single room c. Superior room

8. What name is the reservation for?

a. Mr. Andrew b. His wife c. Superior room

9. How long will they stay in the hotel?

a. 2 days b. 3 days c. 5 days

10. When will they stay in the hotel?

a. The twenty-third of Dec. b. The twenty second of Dec c. The twentieth of Oct

II. Complete the dialogue bellow in your own words Hotel Clerk : Senggigi Beach Hotel, good morning, ________? Caller : Yes, I’d like to reserve a room for Saturday night

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Hotel Clerk : Yes, let me check it first. It’s a room available, which one would you like Single or double room?

Caller : Single, please. ___________? Hotel clerk : It’s $100 per night. How long will you stay in the hotel? Caller : For _____________. Hotel Clerk : May I have your name please? Caller : Sure, _________I’m from Denpasar Hotel clerk : May ___________? Caller : Yes, it’s 081245687345.


Date : Class /Semester : XII/ 1 Learning Activity 1 In this activity the students should be able to: - make a reservation - handle a reservation MAKING A RESERVATION

As a clerk or a secretary, some times you have a guest and should make a reservation or if you are a receptionist at a hotel or work at a travel agency you should handle a reservation. In this unit we are going to learn how to handle a reservation.

Task 1 Listen to the dialogue and then answer the questions Questions:

1. Who is Indra? 2. Who does she book the room for ? 3. When will the room be used? 4. How long will her guest stay in the hotel? 5. What company does Indra work for?

Task 2 Mr Ridwan will have lunch with his colleagues in a restaurant. So he asks Indra, his secretary, to book a table for 10 persons. Observe the dialogue below!

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Receptionist : Arema Restaurant, good afternoon, can I help you? Indra : Yes, I want to book a table for lunch tomorrow! Receptionist : For how many persons madam? Indra : for 10 persons, please. Receptionist : What about the menu? Indra : Chinese food, I think. How much is the price per person? Receptionist : It depends on the menu. For Chinese food it will be Rp. 75.000 per

person including the dessert. Indra : So it will be Rp. 750.000,- for 10 persons Receptionist : Yes, that’s right. Please make a confirmation as soon as possible and the

20 % down payment. Indra : It’s all right. Receptionist : May I have your name, the company and your phone number? Indra : Sure, I’m Indra from Indo Karya Motor my phone number is 672008 Receptionist : Ok, you reserve a table for lunch tomorrow for 10 persons. What time

should the lunch be ready? Indra : At one pm. Receptionist : All right Indra : Thank you madam, and good bye. Answer the question below based on the dialogue above!

1. Where will Mr. Ridwan have lunch with his colleague? 2. Who reserves the table? 3. For how many people does she reserve the lunch? 4. How much is the price per person? 5. How much should Mr. Ridwan pay for the lunch?

Task 3 Mr. Tommy will go back to Jakarta on the 2nd of Sept. Indra will reserve a flight ticket for him. Study the dialogue below! Indra : Good morning Receptionist : Good morning, can I help you, madam? Indra : I need one ticket to Jakarta on the 2nd of Sept. Can I have it? Receptionist : Wait a minute let me check it. All right there is one ticket

available, Garuda airline. What name is it for? Indra : Mr. Tommy. What time does it depart? Receptionist : At 3 pm, and you must check in one hour before the departure. Indra : How much is the ticket please? Receptionist : It’s Rp. 1.200.000,- Indra : May I take the ticket now? Receptionist : Sure, it will be ready in 10 minutes Indra : Here is the money Receptionist : All right, here is the ticket. Indra : Thank you, and good bye. Answer the questions based on the dialogue above!

1. How will Mr. Tommy go to Jakarta? 2. What time will it depart? 3. How much is the price of the ticket? 4. What time should he be at the airport? 5. Who reserves the ticket?


Bhs Inggris Kls XII 41

You have answered questions about reservation Now try to arrange a dialogue and demonstrate it Formative Test 1 Suppose you are working at Hero Supermarket. Your supervisor from Surabaya will come and will interview the staff in your office. He will come on September 15, 20___. he will be in Mataram for 3 days. He will go back to Surabaya on the 17th of Sept. 20__ with the first flight. Your tasks are:

1. Reserve a hotel room at Seraton Hotel for three days ( Write a dialogue) 2. Book a table at Rinjani restaurant for dinner on the 16 of Sept 2009 for 6

persons (in a dialogue) 3. Reserve a flight ticket by Garuda airline with the first flight on Sept. the 17th,

2009 (in a dialogue) 4. Demonstrate one of the dialogue in front of the class

Learning Activity 2 In this activity you should be able to: - make a reservation - fill in the reservation form Task 4 Study the dialogue then fill in the reservation form Receptionist : Garuda Indonesia Airlines, good morning. Can I help you? Deny : I want to reserve a ticket to Medan. Can I have the ticket for the first

flight? Receptionist : I’m sorry, sir. All the seats have been confirmed. Do you want to

take the second flight? There are two seats left. Deny : What time does it depart? Receptionist : At 10.30. It will arrive in Medan at 11.15 Deny : OK, I’ll take the second flight. How much is the ticket, please? Receptionist : Rp. 530.000. What name is it for, sir? Deny : It’s Deny. Deny Wijaya. Receptionist : May I have your address and your telephone number? Deny : Sure. My address is Jl. Sriwijaya 12 Mataram, and my phone number

is 634313 Receptionist : Thank you sir, the ticket will be ready in 15 minutes. You must be at

the airport one hour before the departure. Deny : All right, and thank you madam. Bye.

RESERVATION FORM Name : ____________________________

Route : ____________________________

Flight number : ____________________________

Date : ____________________________

Reserved by : ____________________________

Name : ____________________________

Address : ____________________________


Phone number : ____________________________

Received by _____________________ :

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 42

Task 5 Listening Fill in the reservation form below, based on the dialogue read by the teacher.

Task 6 Read the dialogue and then answer the questions! Shop assistance : Good morning, can I help you? Customer : Yes, I need some sugar, please. Shop assistance : how much do you want? Customer : 2 kg please Shop assistance : Here you are. anything else? Customer : Yes, 10 eggs, a kg of flour, and 10 kg of rice. Shop assistance : Sure Customer : How much does it cost? Shop assistance : a kg of sugar is Rp. 7500,- the eggs cost Rp.10000, a kg of rice is

Rp.5500 Customer : Well, this is my money Rp.100000 Shop assistance : all right, this is your change Customer : Thank you. Questions

1. How much does the 2 kg of sugar cost? 2. How much is 10 kg of rice? 3. How much should the customer pay for the items? 4. How much is the change? 5. Fill in the invoice below based on the dialogue

RESERVATION FORM Name : 1 ________________________ 2. ________________________ Room : ___________________________________ Date : ____________________________________ Reserved by : ________________ Address : ________________ Phone : ________________

Received by _______________________

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 43

Date, _____________ Mr. /Mrs. __________ Note No, __________

Qty Item Price Sub-Total Total

Summary In this activity you’ve learned how to fill in the form. Like room reservation form, ticket reservation form and order form or invoice. Now listen to the dialogue and fill in the reservation form! Formative Test 2 1. Listen to the dialogue and then fill in the reservation form

RESERVATION FORM Name : 1 ________________________ 2. ________________________ Room : ___________________________________ Date : ____________________________________ Reserved by : ________________ Address : ________________ Phone : ________________

Received by _______________________

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 44

a. Listen to the dialogue and then fill in the reservation form

Date, _____________ Mr. /Mrs. __________ Note No, __________

Qty Item Price Sub-Total Total

Learning Activity 3 In this activity you should be able to:

- answer the questions in the form of possible future condition - make sentences in the form of improbable condition - write sentences in the form of impossible condition


CONDITIONAL Pengertian conditional:

Conditional adalah kalimat pengandaian, artinya sesuatu bisa terjadi bila kondisi memungkinkan untuk itu. Kalimat pengandaian bisa terlaksana dan bisa juga tidak terlaksana.

Ada tiga macam kalimat pengandaian - Possible future conditions - Improbable conditions - Impossible conditions A. Possible Future Conditions Conditional jenis pertama ini dipakai untuk mengungkapkan suatu pengandaian yang dapat terjadi jika kondisi yang disebutkan dalam if clause dapat dipenuhi.


1. A : What will you do if it rains?

B : I will use my umbrella if it rains. 2. A : Will you come to the party if it rains? B : No, I won’t come to the party if it rains. Task 7

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 45

Answer the following questions. 1. A. What will you do if the teacher is absent today? ( a newspaper)

B. I will read a newspaper if the teacher is absent today. 2. A. What will you put on if it gets colder? ( a coat)

B. ……………………………………………………….. 3. A. Where will you go if you get the money? ( Jakarta)

B. ……………………………………………………………. 4. A. What will happen to you if you don’t study hard? (fail)

B. ………………………………………………………………… 5. A. What will happen to the cup if you drop it? (break)

B ………………………………………………………………… 6. A. What will you do if you get hungry? ( a restaurant )

B. ………………………………………………………………. 7. A. What will the bagger say if you give him some money?(thank you)

B. ……………………………………………………………………….. 8. A. What will you do if you meet a pretty girl? (take a photograph of her)

B. …………………………………………………………………………. 9. A. What will the dog do if you hit it? (bite me)

B. ……………………………………………………. 10. A. What will you do if you fail in the test? (try it again)

B. ................................................................................ Task 8

Answer the questions with no. Example

A : Will you come to the party if he doesn’t invite you?

B. : No, I won’t come to the party if he doesn’t invite me.

1. A. Will Tom pass the examination if he doesn’t study seriously? B.………………………………………………………………..

2. A. Will you drown if you can swim? B. …………………………………………………………….

3. A. Will you be on time if you get up late? B. ……………………………………………………….

4. A. Will you be healthy if you keep on smoking? B. …………………………………………………………

5. A. Will you be able to speak English well if you don’t practice it? B. ………………………………………………………………………..

6. A. Will you play tennis if you don’t have a racket? B. ………………………………………………….

7. A. Will you be slim if you eat too much? B. ………………………………………………….

8. A. Will the thief enter the house easily if you lock all the doors? B. ………………………………………………………………..

9. A. Will the teacher be angry if you listen to him carefully? B ………………………………………………………………….

10. A. Will you feel cold if you wear a coat?

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 46

B. ………………………………………………………………… B. Improbable conditions. Conditional jenis kedua ini dipakai untuk mengungkapkan suatu pengandaian untuk

waktu sekarang atau waktu yang akan dating.


He can’t buy a house.

If he got one hundred million rupiahs, he could buy a house.

Jenis ini dapat dipakai untuk melukiskan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi dimasa yang akan datang atau sesuatu yang berlawanan dengan kenyataan saat ini.


What would you do if you were a bird?

If I were a bird I would travel all over the world

Untuk conditional jenis ini to be were digunakan untuk semua subyek karena tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan.

Contoh lain.

If Tony were a bird, he would fly to Japan.

I would do a different thing if I were you. Perhatikan conditional sentence dan if clause.

If clause = past tense (kata kerja bentuk ke dua / were)

Conditional sentence: S + would + Inf. (V1)

Contoh: . The student would not be punished if he came to school earlier. Condition If clause Would ……….. if … verb 2…../ were…

If I got the money from my parents, I would buy the book.

If clause condition If… V2 …/ were would + Inf.

If I were you, I

1. Would he get an accident if he were more carefully?

would study seriously to get the best mark. If. + S + were.. would …… Task 9 Answer the questions with yes or no

No, he would not get an accident if he were more carefully 2. Would he miss the bus if he got up earlier?

………………………………………………………………. 3. Would you buy a new car if you got much money?

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 47

…………………………………………………………………. 4. Would you stay at home if it rained?


5. Would you live in your village if you were a doctor? ……………………………………………………………….

6. Would you watch TV until mid-night if you had a test at school? ………………………………………………………………………………

Task 10

Finish the sentences by using the second type of conditional, in your own words. 1. If he studied harder, he……………………………

If he studied harder, he could pass the exams. 2. If I came to school earlier… 3. If my parents had much money… 4. If I had a car … 5. If you worked more carefully … 6. If I were a teacher…

Task 11 Write the sentence in English!

1. Saya akan membeli mobil baru jika saya mempunyai banyak uang. 2. Kami akan tinggal di rumah besar jika ayah saya kaya. 3. Tony tidak akan datang terlambat jika dia pergi dengan sepeda motor. 4. Saya akan belajar di luar Negeri jika saya mendapat banyak uang. 5. Saya akan datang kerumahmu jika saya ada waktu.

C. Impossible conditions Conditional jenis ketiga ini dipakai untuk mengungkapkan suatu pengandaian untuk

masa yang lampau. Kondisi yang disebutkan dalam if clause tidak mungkin dipenuhi karena apa yang telah tejadi tidak akan terjadi lagi.


If she had worn her red dress, she would have looked pretty.

(Kenyataannya, dia tidak kelihatan cantik karena tidak memakai gaun merah) Conditional jenis pertama dan kedua melukiskan masa kini dan masa yang akan datang, sedangkan jenis yang ketiga melukiskan masa lampau.

Perhatikan bentuk kalimatnya:

1. You could have taken pictures if you had remembered to bring your camera. S+ could/would + have + PP, if S + had + PP

2. If I had received the money, I would have bought the car.

If S + had + PP ….., S + would + (have + PP) + O

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 48

Task 12 Write the conditional sentence for the sentences below 1. A. : He didn’t talk to President Yodoyono because he didn’t meet him. B : If he had met President Yudoyono, he would have talked to him. 2. A : He didn’t get accidence because he stopped the car soon. B : ……………………………………………………………………. 3. A : She didn’t get one million rupiahs because she didn’t win the beauty contest. B : ………………………………………………………………………………. 4. A. : Parto couldn’t see Queen Elizabeth because he was not an important person. B : ………………………………………………………………………………… 5 A : Dina didn’t pass the exams because she didn’t study seriously. B : ……………………………………………………………………… 6. A : Anton came late yesterday because he got up late. B : ……………………………………………………………………. Task 13 Finish the sentences by using the words in brackets.

1. If you had offered me an umbrella, ……………………….( I/not/get wet) 2. If she had bought him an ice-cream, …………………….(he/not cry) 3. If John had been at home, ……………………….(I/visit him) 4. If she had had more time, ……………………(she / explain everything again) 5. If I had had a car, …………………………………….( I/pick you up) 6. If the library had stayed open in the evening,………………..(I/go/there) 7. If it had been cloudy, ………………………….(I/wear my coat) 8. If you had sent him a special invitation,……………………(she/come) 9. If they had received some money, …………………….(they/build a house) 10. If you had worked hard before, …………………………( you/get much money)

Task 14 Finish the sentences according to the type of the conditional. Example:

a. If I came earlier, ……………………………( I/ meet him) If I came earlier, I would meet him.

b. If I were you, ……………………………..(I/call him) If I were you, I would call him at that time.

c. If he invites me, ……………………..( I/come) If he invites me, I will come to his birthday party.

d. If she had called me, ……………………..(I/visit him) If she had called me, I would have visited him.

1. If I had a new car, ……………………………(I/take you to school) 2. If my father were a doctor, ………………………..(he/ examine you) 3. If I had gone to Jakarta, …………………………….( I/tell you)

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 49

4. If the man had given me the money, ……………………(I/inform you) 5. If the teacher is absent today, ………………………..( we/go home earlier) 6. If my mother got much money, …………………….(she/buy the car) 7. If Mr. Tom were a rich man, ………………………..(he/live in a large house) 8. If the student had got the test, ……………………….(he/pass it) 9. If I had come to your house, ………………………….(I/meet your uncle) 10. If you had met him yesterday, …………………………….(you/talk to him)

Summary You have learned conditional The three types of conditional are:

- possible future condition - improbable condition - impossible condition

Now try to do the test below Formative Test 3 Complete the sentences based on the type of conditional!

1. If I got up earlier, … (I / come late) 2. If he had called me last night… (I / meet / him at the hotel) 3. If my father were rice ….. ( we / buy / a new house ) 4. If she has a holiday next month … ( she / go to Denpasar) 5. If he invites me… (I / come/to the party) 6. If the teacher were absent today ….( we / read newspaper at the library) 7. If we had studied in group …. (we / finish / the homework) 8. If I had had a new car …. ( we / go for a picnic) 9. I the teacher had explained it before …. (we / do the test well) 10. If he had a motorcycle …. ( he / visit you every Sunday)


EVALUASI Choose the correct responds from the options given by writing A, B, C or D. 1. Good morning what can I do for you?

A. I’m sorry for disturbing you. B. May I sit here? C. I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. Rahman. D. I want to work here.

2. I want to reserve a room for the 2nd of October. Is it possible? A. No it’s not possible for you to do it. B. Sure. What name is it for? C. I’m not sure about it. D. You may call me later. 3. May I have your name, please? A. Of course. This is my name card. B. Yes you may.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 50

C. No, may be not. D. Here is your name. 4. I’d like to book a ticket to Semarang for this morning? A. You can’t book a ticket, sir. B. It’s not possible for you to get a ticket. C. Sorry sir, all the seats have been confirmed D. Sorry sir, I don’t have any tickets. 5. What time does the flight depart? A. There are some time tables B. At seven forty-five C. We don’t have enough time D. The time is up. 6. Is that a direct flight? A. No it will transit at Ngurah Rai airport. B. No, you don’t need direct flight. C. It is not possible to get direct flight. D. A direct flight is impossible. 7. What sport facilities do you have?

A. I don’t have my facilities. B. I have swimming pool for children and adult C. We have many facilities. D. The facilities are good enough. 8. What’s the check out time, Ma’am?

A. After the registration time B. After breakfast C. At twelve D. Before having lunch.

9. How log will you stay in the hotel?

A. For some days C. For several days B. For three days D. For many days 10. What name is it for?

A. It’s for Mr. Johnson C. It’s for my director B. It’s for my father D. It’s for my sister. 11. A : What will you do if the teacher is absent today?

B : …………………………………………..

A. I will read a newspaper in the library. B. I’d study alone C. I’d like to play football. D. I would have gone home.

12. Will you be healthy if you keep on smoking?

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A. No, I would be sick. B. No, I don’t think so. C. Yes, of course. D. Yes, I think so.

13. Tom didn’t pass the examination. If he had studied harder…

A he would pass the examination. B he will pass the examination. C he has passed the examination. D he would have passed the examination.

14. You would meet me everyday if I …………………………

A. were a teacher at that school. B. was a teacher there. C. am a teacher D. am teaching at the moment.

15. If you had offered me an umbrella, I ……………………………

A. I won’t get wet. B. I would not get wet. C. I would not have got wet. D. I didn’t get wet.

16. They would have built a house if ………………………

A. They got much money. B. They had received much money C. They have much money. D. They have got much money.

17. Anton would not come late yesterday if ………………………..

A. he got up earlier B. he gets up earlier C. he doesn’t get up late D. he hasn’t got up late.

18. You would have been able to speak English well if you...

A Practice a lot B Have practiced a lot C Had practiced a lot D Practiced a lot

19. If you worked more carefully, you accident.

A Would not have accident B Will not have accident C Would have got accident D Would get accident

20. I would have booked a room for Mr. Ronald if he.......

A Asks me

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 52

B Had asked me C Asked me D Ask me

Read the dialogue below to answer the questions no. 21 -23. Receptionist : Good morning. Can I help you sir? Customer : Good morning. I want to book a room for five nights, is it possible? Receptionist : Sure. Which rooms do you need, a single or a double room? Customer : A double room, please. Receptionist : What name is it for, sir? Customer : It’s for Mr. Smith, from America. He will arrive next week on the

2nd of Oct. How much is the rate per night? Receptionist : It’s US $100. So it will be $500 for five days. Customer : What time is the check out time, ma’am? Receptionist : As usual, it’s at 12.00 Customer : Is the rate including breakfast? Receptionist : Yes, of course. May I have your name and telephone number? Customer : My name’s Rahman and the phone number is 671334. Receptionist : OK. Thank you Mr. Rahman, good bye. 21. Who reserves a double room at the hotel?

A. Mr. Rahman C. A customer B. Mr. Smith D. Receptionist 22. How long will he stay in the hotel?

A. for a week C. for five nights B. for two nights D. for two weeks 23. When will Mr. Smith come from America?

A. next Sunday C. next week B. on the second of Oct D. on Monday Read the dialogue below to answer the questions no. 24 – 26. Receptionist : Good morning. What can I do for you sir? Mr. John : Good morning. Can I get a ticket to Surabaya for the first flight,

tomorrow? Receptionist : Sorry sir, all the seats have been confirmed. What about the second

flight? Mr. John : That’s okay. What time will it depart? Receptionist : At ten twenty. You have to be at the airport one hour before the

departure. Mr. John : All right. How much is the ticket? Receptionist : Rp. 580.000,- The ticket will be ready in 15 minutes. Mr. John : Is that a direct flight? Receptionist : Yes, of course. You will arrive at 11.30. May I have your telephone number?

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Mr. John : Sure, it’s 645223 Receptionist : Thank you sir, good bye. 24. Where will Mr. John Go?

A. He’ll go to Surabaya C. He’ll go to buy a ticket B. He’ ll go to Medan D. He’ll go by plane 25. What time will the plane depart?

A. At 10.00 C. At 11.20 B. At 10.20 D. At 11.30 26. What time should Mr. John be at the airport?

A. At 9.20 C. At 11.20 B. At 10.20 D. At 12.20 Read the dialogue below to answer the questions no. 27 – 30. Receptionist : Good morning sir. What can I do for you? Customer : Can I reserve a bus travel for three days, please? Receptionist : Sure. When will you need it? Customer : Next week, on the 5th until the 7th of November. Receptionist : Do you need a driver and a guide to lead you on your travel? Customer : No, thanks. But I just need your driver that knows the condition of

the road Receptionist : That’s okay. What time will he meet you? Customer : Before 8.00 a.m. Receptionist : Where should the driver meet you sir? Customer : They will stay at Lombok Garden Hotel. So you can meet me at the

registration office. How much is the price for a day, madam? Receptionist : Rp. 150.000,- Can I have your name and telephone number? Customer : Yes. I’m Lukman and my telephone number is 673456. Receptionist : All right. Thank you Mr. Lukman, and you should make a

confirmation at least Three days before the day time. Customer : OK. I’ll confirm you as soon as possible. 27. What did the customer reserve?

A. A ticket C. A bus travel B. A taxi driver D. A double room 28. How long will he need the bus?

A. For two days C. For four days B. For three days D. For five days 29. How much should the customer pay for the bus?

A. Rp. 150.000 C. 350.000 B. Rp. 250.000 D. 450.000

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30. Where can the driver meet Mr. Lukman?

A. At the office C. At Lombok Garden Hotel B. At his house D. Before 8.00 a.m.



A. Deskripsi Modul 4 ini diajaran dikelas XII SMK semester 1 pada level Intermeniate dengan kompetensi dasar ” Menyampaikan dan menangani keluhan ” . Lingkup materi yang diajarkan adalah

- Handling Complain - Dialogue about making complain - Language focus ” preferences” & “Derivatives of adjectives”

Setelah proses belajar mengajar ini diharapkan siswa bisa berkomunikasi sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris dalam melakukan dan menangani complain.

B. Prasarat Sebelum belajar modul ini siswa telah belajar kalimat atau tenses bentuk lampau,

dan penggunaan modals atau request F. Petunjuk penggunaan modul


1. Baca dan pahami rumusan kompetensi dasar dan indikator/tujuan pembelajaran dengan baik

2. Pelajari dengan seksama dan pahami setiap kalimat untuk dapat berkomunikasi 3. Kerjakan semua latihan yang ada pada modul ini 4. Minta guru atau teman untuk membacakan tape script dalam mengerjakan

listening test 5. Cocokkan jawaban dengan kunci jawaban yang tersedia 6. Ulangi lagi kalau belum mencapai hasil lulus minimal 7. Lanjutkan ke modul berikut kalau anda sudah mencapai nilai minimal 7,0


1. Cek kemampuan awal siswa sebelum mengerjakan modul 4 2. Latih siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas-tugas secara mandiri 3. Beri penilaian pada setiap kegiatan khususnya untuk kemampuan verbal 4. Latih siswa untuk menilai diri sendiri setiap latihan atau tes formatif melalui

kunci jawaban

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 55

5. Sarankan untuk melanjutkan pembasahan modul selanjutnya bagi siswa yang sudah berhasil dan beri kesempatan mengulang bagi siswa yang belum berhasil

D. Tujuan Akhir Setelah belajar modul ini diharapkan siswa dapat:

- Melakukan complain atau keluhan - Menangani complain (sebagai pegawai sebuah perusahaan)

E. Kompetensi Standar kompetensi pada modul ini adalah ” Mampu berbahasa Inggris setara level

Intermediate” dengan kompetensi dasar ” Menyampaikan dan menangani keluhan ”Akhir kegiatan ini siswa diharapkan dapat mendemonstrasikan cara mealukan dan menangani keluhan.

F. Cek kemampuan

I. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form 1. I (buy) a pair of shoes here 2 days ago 2. I (order) coffee half an hour ago. I wonder what happened to it. 3. I think the room has not ( be clean ) yet, can you help me please? 4. Mr. Andy (call) me an hour ago but I was not at home 5. The teacher has (explain) the lesson twice but I can’t understand it

6. I have (order) some English book but I haven’t received them yet. Could you let me know what the problem is?

7. When did you (buy) the book? 8. Would you please send the incomplete book and I’ll (give) you the other one 9. I (come) to your shop an hour ago but it’s closed 10. She has (ring) you twice but there is no answer, will you call her back!

II. Make request or offering based on the situation given.


a This room is dark. Tuti asks Budi to open the door.

Can you open the door, Budi?

b The blackboard is dirty. Iwan offers a help to clean it.

Shall I clean the blackboard?

1. It is hot in the room. Tono asks Nita to turn on the fan.


2. Siska can not do the homework. She asks Mr. Rudy to help her. ………………………………………………………………….

3. Rina is studying English. She asks Susie to turn off the TV. ………………………………………………………………….

4. The students are studying in-group. They don’t have dictionary. Andi offers a help to borrow one in the library. …………………………………………………………………..

5. The teacher asks Anton to read lesson five loudly. ………………………………………………………

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III .Read the information given and then answer the questions by choosing A,B,C

or D.

MAKING A CAKE Lucy is helping her mother in the kitchen now. Her mother is a baker. She

makes cake everyday. Her cakes are popular among the villagers. That’s why they sell well. Some time people order in advance. Her mother tries to increase the number of cakes every day. Dadang her brother takes the cake to the customers in the morning, after that he go to school.

1. What is Lucy doing now? A. She is eating some cake. C. She is meeting the

customers B. She is helping her mother D. She is going to school.

2. Why does Lucy’s mother try to increase the number of the cake

everyday? A. Because people like to buy her cake B. Because she needs more money. C. Since he has no other job. D. As she likes the job very much.

3. When does Dadang take the cake to the customers?

A. After coming from school. B. Before going to school. C. In the afternoon D. When he is going to school.


Tono and Amri are going home from school together.

Tono : Have you ever been to Bali, Amri? Amri : No, not yet, and what about you? Tono : I went there last year. It was wonderful. Amri : Where did you stay? Do you stay in a hotel? Tono : No, I stay with my uncle in Tabanan. He works in a post

office there. Amri : Where did you go in Bali? Tono : I went to many places. I went to see many old temples, many

beautiful places like Kintamani, Tanah Lot, Bedugul, Kuta beach and Sanur beach.

Amri : Did you see many tourists there? Tono : Yes, I saw a lot of tourists at those places Amri : I want to go there some day.

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4. When did Tono go to Bali? A. Last month C. Last year. B. Next year D. Many times.

5. Where did Tono stay in Bali? A. In a hotel B. In his friend’s house C. In Kintamani D. In his uncle’s house.


Date : Class /Semester : XII/ 1 Learning Activity 1 In this activity the students should be able to: - answer questions about complain - read dialogues about handling complain in correct pronunciation.

Task 1 Read the texts and answer the questions

HANDLING COMPLAINT All members of a hotel staff must be ready to deal with complaints. Some of them are genuine, silly, polite but firm. Most businesses take complaints very seriously. Some complaints are more serious than others. It is often responsibility of an individual member of staff to deal with the problem. Some times, of course, it is necessary for the staff member to refer someone else such as a manager. Suppose that you are now dealing with complaints, you should listen to it carefully; be polite and, except when it is absolutely necessary, don’t comment until the customer has finished. Then make a short clear apology. After that you should repeat the complaint. This is to make sure that you have fully understood the problem and that there is no misunderstanding. When possible, you should also note down what the customer has said. Next, you should decide who will deal with the complaint. If it is not a serious one you can deal it by yourself. You should explain to the customer the actions you plan to take and tell him or her when it will be done. If you decide that the manager should handle the complaint, you should first inform him or her and then arrange a meeting between the manager and the customer. (Taken from English for vocational school, book 3) Questions Bellow are the steps of handling complaints. Write the missing words of phrase of

the steps based on the reading text above.

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1. Listen carefully 2. .............................. 3. Don’t comment 4. .......................... 5. ........................... 6. Note down what the customer has said 7. Decide who will handle the complaint 8. ............................ 9. Give time 10. ………………..

Task 2 Read the dialogue below and then answer the questions Receptionist : Good morning Miss Irma. Is everything all right? Irma : No, it is not. Some one has stolen some of my valuables, 2 rings, a gold

necklace and two gold watches. Receptionist : I’m very sorry to hear that, Miss Irma. Where were they? Irma : In my room, and the door was locked. It can only be one of the staff. I want

my thing back. Receptionist : Well, I can certainly understand that you are upset about loosing them and

we’ll do all we can to help. If they really are missing, it is a meter of the police.

Irma : What do you mean, “if they are messing”? I told you they were. Receptionist : Yes, Miss Irma, but first I’ll have one of the housekeeping staff look

through your room in case they are still there. But say that we can’t be held responsible. You should have deposited your valuables with the reception. It says so in the ‘key card’.

Irma : That’s not good enough I want to see the manager immediately. Receptionist : I’ll be glad to call the duty manager for you Miss Irma, but he certainly

says the same. We have very clear instruction about valuables and we must follow them.

Questions: 1 What does Miss Irma complain about? 2 What does the receptionist do to handle the complaint? Task 3 Read the letter below and then answer the questions

Mataram, July 17th 2009 The manager Surya Jaya Tour & Travel Jl. A Yani No 24 Dear Sir, I have recently returned from your travel package tour to Jakarta with my colleagues. I’m very upset by the standard and the organization of this tour and I have a number of comments about it that I would like to make.

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1. Who wrote the letter? 2. How long did the writer wait for the food? 3. Why was the writer transferred to another hotel? 4. What happened to the luggage? 5. What did the writer think the company should do about the service?

Summary You have answered questions about complain and how to handle it Now listen to the cassette or the teacher and fill in the missing words! Formative Test 1 I. Listen to the reply from the manager of Mawar Tour & Travel, and fill in the blank spaces.

Jakarta, July 25th 2008 Dear Mrs. Hj. Nurhasanah, I have received 1 __________ about your complaint dated 2 ________. I would like to say thank you for your concern for 3 __________ of our service. I know how 4 __________ and I very much apologize for any thing which has caused you inconvenience concerning 5____________ accommodation and our 6_____________.

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1 Who wrote the letter? 2 When did he write it? 3 What is the reason of the poor service? 4 Did they agree with the refund? 5 How did he solve the problem?

II. Complete the dialogue below while listening to the cassette. Customer : I bought this mobile phone here on Friday …… Shop assistant : Is there a ________ with it, sir? Customer : Well, primarily, it doesn’t appear to function outside the

_______, which means it fails to function as a mobile phone as far as I can see.

Shop assistant : Do you bring ___________ and the guarantee card with you, sir? Customer : Yes, here they are. Shop assistant : Right, may I take a look at your ID card? Customer : No problem. ________________. Here it is. Shop assistant : Okay then. Here’s the receipt. Don’t forget to bring it with you

when you come to ______the phone later. And this is your phone

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card. Is there _____________ you want to complain about this mobile phone?

Customer : No, by the way, how much will it ______? And can I take it back next two days?

Shop assistant : It’s ____________, sir. But I’m sorry; you can’t take it ________. We are pretty busy these days. I suppose it’ll ________ next week.


1. What is the problem with the mobile phone? 2. What does the assistant ask? 3. When can the customer have his phone back? 4. How much does he have to pay for the mobile phone? 5. What is required to take the phone when it is ready?

Learning Activity 2 In this activity you should be able to: - write sentences in handling complain - write dialogues about handling complain Task 4 List the complaint on the dialogue and write down the actions that are done to solve the problem. Room service : Room service, can I help you? Guest : I ordered coffee half an hour ago. I wonder what happened to it? Room service : May I have your room number? Guest : 207 Room service : One moment please, I’ll check it. (after checking) We’re very

sorry for the inconvenience, sir. Your order will be right up. Guest : OK, make it quick, please. The complain is _____________________________________________________________ The action for solving the problem is: _____________________________________________________________ Task 7

Last week you bought a pair of shoes. Your size in no. 37 but after coming home you realized that one of them is no. 36. Call the shoe store to make a complaint about the mistake, write in a short dialogue.

Summary In this activity you’ve learned how to handle complain. Now try to do the formative test bellow. .

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Formative Test 2 Suppose you are a shopkeeper at a garment store. One of the customs complains about the shirt he has bought. Make a short dialogue! Learning Activity 3 In this activity you should be able to:

- Preference using …like… better than…. - Preference using …prefer… to…. - Write sentences using ‘Derivatives of adjectives.’

LANGUAGE FOCUS a. Preference A. better than.....

Study the sentences below! A : Which do you like better, tea or coffee? B : I like tea better than coffee A : Which does your father like better, reading magazine of reading

newspaper? B : He likes reading newspaper better than reading magazine.

Like .......better than.......... artinya ; libih menyukai ... dari pada .... Task 8 Answer the questions below using ....better than ..... ! 1. A : Which do you like better, the red shirt of the black one? B : ...... 2 A : Which does your mother like better, tea or coffee? B : ....... 3 A : Which do you like better studying in the morning or studying in the evening? B : ....... 4 A : Which do you like better going on foot or going by bicycle? B : ......... 5 A : Which do you like better, mathematics or English ? B : ........ B Prefer ....... to ........ Study the examples below! A : Do you think traveling by plane is more interesting than traveling by ship? B : Yes, I prefer traveling by plane to traveling by ship. A : Do you think working part-time is more interesting than working full-time? B : No, I prefer working full-time to working part-time. Prefer ..... artinya lebih menyukai .....dari pada ........ Task 9 Answer the questions below using prefer ...... to ........!

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1 A : Which do you prefer working indoors or working outdoors? B : ....... 2 A : Which do you prefer playing guitar of playing piano? B : .......... 3 A : Which does your sister prefer, studying at night or studying in the morning? B : ........ 4 A : Which do your patents prefer, living in a big city or living in the country? B : ....... 5 A : Which does the baby prefer milk or cake? B : ,,,,,,,, Task 10 Write the following responses and use the correct pronouns. No 1 has been done as an example. 1 A : I don’t like ice cream as much as I like lemonade. B : So you prefer lemonade to ice cream. 2 A : The students don’t like mathematics as much as they like sport. B : ......... 3 A : My uncle doesn’t lime swimming as much as he likes fishing B : ........ 4 A : My sister doesn’t like cooking as much as she likes plying piano B : ........... 5 A : These boys don’t like basketball as much as they like football B : ......... b. Causative use of have Study the sentences below: 1. I have my hair cut 2. She has her car mended 3. I always have my clothes washed 4 Untuk contoh 1, I have my hair cut maksudnya saya menyuruh orang lain memotong rambut

saya 2 She has her car mended artinya dia menyuruh orang lain memperbaiki

mobilny 3 I always have my clothes wased artinya saya selalu menyuruh orang lain

mencuci pakaian saya. Bentuk kalimatnya selalu menggunakan kata bantu have/has + pronoun + PP Task 11 Answer the questions using causative have as shown in the example Example: -. Did you make that dress yourself? No, I had it made

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 64

- Do you usually clean your bedroom yourself? No, I always have it cleaned

1. Did Rina cut her hair herself? .

2. Did they paint her house themselves? 3. Does your father repair his car himself 4. Did he cut the tree himself? 5. Do you install the computer yourself? 6. Does Ms Irma wash her clothes herself? 7. Did you take the photograph yourself? 8. Did Anton do his homework himself? 9. Did your grandma post the letter herself? 10. Do you iron your shirt yourself?

c. Derivatives of adjectives.

Pembentukan kata sifat: Kata sifat dapat dibentuk dari: 1. kata kerja ditambah akhiran (–ful, - able, -y)

help - helpful agree - agreeable catch - catchy A : He likes to help people B : That’s true, he is very helpful A : Every body agree to the statement B : Are you agreeable to that? A : Can you catch the tune? B : Yes, because it is a catchy tune

2. Kata benda ditambah akhiran (- ful, -ish, -y, -ly)

Beauty - beautiful A child - shildish Rain - rainy Day - daily A : I admire the beauty of the girl B : The girl is beautiful A : He is not a child anymore B : What he does and says is childish A : There is much rain these days B : Yes because it is a rainy season A : We get “Lombok Post” every day.

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B : Of course because it is a daily newspaper Task 12 Write at least 10 sentences using adjectives ending with –ful, -able, -y, -ish, and ly. Summary You have learned preferences

- I like working in the office better than working in the shop - My mother prefers cooking better than shopping

Derivative of adjectives - The girl is beautiful

- What he does and says is childish - Lombok post is a daily newspaper

Formative Test 3 I. Answer the questions below in the correct order1

1. Which do you prefer camping or shopping? ………………………………………….

2. Which does your mother like better reading magazine or reading newspaper? …………………………………………..

3. Which do the students like better studying indoors or studying outdoors? ……………………………………………

4. Which do you like better studying in the morning or studying in the afternoon? ……………………………………………

5. Which does your father prefer, going by car or by motorcycle? II. Write the words in brackets in the correct form of adjectives.

1. The umbrella is always …(use ) 2. The teacher explains the lesson clearly. What he says is always … (understand) 3. Although he is already 17 years old, what he does or says is …. (child) 4. Many people think that John is a … (fool) boy. 5. The King has a great power. He is a … (power) man


EVALUASI I. Read the dialogue, and then answer the questions! Hotel staff : House keeping. May I help you? Guest : This is room 406; the room has not been clean yet. How come? Hotel staff : Room 406, could you wait just a moment. Let me check. (After

checking) Madam, the DON’T DISTURB sign was on the door. Guest : The DON’T DISTURB sign? Oh, I’ll have a look at it. Would

you hold on a minute? Hotel staff : Certainly, madam. (After checking) Guest : You are right. It was my mistake. Sorry. Hotel staff : Never mind. Shall I send someone to make up your room now? Guest : Yes, please.

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6. What did the guest complain about? 7. What did the hotel staff do?

II Read the letter below and then answer the questions!


Jakarta, August 15, 2005

Dear Mr. Sulaeman.

Your letter arrived only this morning, and I decided to write you immediately. I’m very sorry about the books with unpainted pages. I know how you feel about that. I would suggest that you return the books to our bookstore and I’m sure you will get the replacement in a day or two.

Thank you very much for your cooperation. I’m positive we will check our merchandise more carefully than usual.

Rally Rondowowo Complaint Dept

1. Who wrote the letters? 2. What’s the letter about?

3. What will the bookstore do with the unpainted pages book?

4. I know how you feel about that

What does .


5. What did the bookstore suggest Mr. Suleiman?

refer to?

III. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of adjectives. Example: He always uses his umbrella. The umbrella is very

1 He always forgets what he has to do


He is very........ 2 He didn’t mind helping me

He was very...... 3 The king has a great power. He is a.............. man 4 People think that John is fool. He is a ......... boy 5 There are many clouds in the sky. It is..........

IV. Answer the questions below in the correct order!

1. Which do you like better, English or Mathematics? 2. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? 3. Which do you prefer reading magazine or novel?

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 67

4. Which do you like better Studying in the afternoon or in the morning? 5. Which do you like better going to school by public transportation or by

motorcycle? V. Complete the following sentences using the words in brackets. Example: We are _______at the moment. ( the house/ paint) We are having the house painted at the moment

1. Her hair is too long. I think she should ____________ (it/cut) 2. How often _____________ ( he/his motor/service)? 3. Is that true that many years ago he ___________ (his portrait/ paint) by a

famous artist? 4. Mother always ___________ (the living room / design) 5. I’ll ___________ (this book/arrange) on the shelves tomorrow

VI. You bought a dictionary at Karisma dept. store last night. When you arrived at

home, you realized that some page is messing. You don’t have page 50 until the store asking about the replacement. Write in a short dialogue!


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A. Deskripsi Modul 4 ini diajaran dikelas XII SMK semester 2 pada level Intermeniate dengan kompetensi dasar ” Memahami manual penggunaan alat ” . Lingkup materi yang diajarkan adalah

- Reading: Advertisement Facsimile Telex

- Writing & Speaking - Language focus

Derivatives ( Adjectives Noun ) Noun suffix – ance or - ence Derivatives (Noun Adjectives)

John Brown is from America. He is American

Setelah proses belajar mengajar ini diharapkan siswa bisa berkomunikasi sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris dalam menjelaskan cara penggunan alat.

B. Prasarat Sebelum belajar modul ini siswa telah belajar kalimat imperative seperti put on, put

it off, open the cover dst. G. Petunjuk penggunaan modul


1. Baca dan pahami rumusan kompetensi dasar dan indikator/tujuan pembelajaran dengan baik

2. Pelajari dengan seksama dan pahami setiap kalimat untuk dapat berkomunikasi 3. Kerjakan semua latihan yang ada pada modul ini 4. Minta guru atau teman untuk membacakan tape script dalam mengerjakan

listening test 5. Cocokkan jawaban dengan kunci jawaban yang tersedia 6. Ulangi lagi kalau belum mencapai hasil lulus minimal

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 69

7. Lanjutkan ke modul berikut kalau anda sudah mencapai nilai minimal 7,0 PETUNJUK BAGI GURU ( FASILITATOR)

1. Cek kemampuan awal siswa sebelum mengerjakan modul 4 2. Latih siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas-tugas secara mandiri 3. Beri penilaian pada setiap kegiatan khususnya untuk kemampuan verbal 4. Latih siswa untuk menilai diri sendiri setiap latihan atau tes formatif melalui

kunci jawaban 5. Sarankan untuk melanjutkan pembasahan modul selanjutnya bagi siswa yang

sudah berhasil dan beri kesempatan mengulang bagi siswa yang belum berhasil

H. Tujuan Akhir Setelah proses belajar mengajar ini diharapkan siswa bisa berkomunikasi

sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris dalam menjelaskan cara penggunaan alat. E. Kompetensi Standar kompetensi pada modul ini adalah ” Mampu berbahasa Inggris setara level

Intermediate” dengan kompetensi dasar ” Memahami manual penggunaan alat ”Akhir kegiatan ini siswa diharapkan dapat mendemonstrasikan/ menjelaskan cara mengoprasikan alat sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris. .

F. Cek kemampuan

I. Ask some one to do something based on the instruction Example: Ask Tina to open the box _ Tina, open the box! Or please open the box, Tina!

a. Ask Anton to take some water b. Ask your sister to water the flowers in the yard c. Ask your friend to clean the white board d. Ask the teacher to explain the lesson once again e. Ask your mother to make a cup of coffee f. You want to do the homework, ask your brother, Tono, to take the

dictionary. g. You want to watch the news program on the TV, ask your mother to turn

on the TV h. Ask your father to pick you up at one pm i. It’s almost seven o’clock; please ask your little brother, Dadang, to get

up! j. It’s time to study; Ask Rina to turn off the TV.

II. Complete the sentences using the correct verb!

1. Mom, I want to watch TV, ______ it on please! 2. If you have finished studying, please _____ me what time I should pick

you up. 3. The classroom is dirty, can you _____ the floor please! 4. Sir, I don’t understand lesson 5, would you ______ it once again! 5. I want to send the letter but I don’t have an envelope, will you _____one

for me please? 6. If you want to borrow the book please _____ your name and class on

this form 7. Please ______ the article on the Lombok Post dated on Sept. 17

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 70

8. If you want to buy the shirt you can get it at Hero Supermarket. It ______at nine in the morning

9. Please ______ on these seats if you want to read the book 10. Don’t _____ the rubbish in the table.


PEMBELAJARAN Date : Class /Semester : XII/ 2 Learning Activity 1 In this activity the students should be able to: - answer questions through listening task. - Answer the questions through reading task.

Task 1 Choose the correct answer based on the information heard from the cassette. Question 1-3 refer to the following information 1. What is the information about?

A. How to use a tape recorder B. How to operate computer C. How to write a letter D. The ways of typing

2. What should we do after pressing the power button? A. Choose the program B. Type the program C. Wait for a few minutes D. Open the program menu

3. What program will you choose if you want to write a letter? A. Ms-Excel B. Ms- Word C. Windows menu D. Program menu

Question 4-5 refer to the following information 4. According to the instruction, the SIM Card is inserted after.....

A. The battery is taken out B. Pressing the back cover release button C. Replacing the battery D. Sliding the back cover off

5. What should you do after inserting the SIM Card?

A. Press the back cover release button B. Remove the battery C. Slide the back cover into its place

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D. Replace the battery Question 6-7 refer to the following dialogue 6. What does Dea want to know?

A. How to save the money B. How to get an ATM Card C. How to withdraw the money in the Bank D. How to use the ATM Card to get the money

7. After inserting the Card, we should.... A. Write the amount of money we want B. Press the secret number C. Push withdraw D. Take the money we want

Question 8-10 refer to the following dialogue 8. What are Mr. & Mrs. Iskandar going to leave for?

A. To visit their old parents B. For a business C. To get a meeting D. To leave their son

9. What should Tom do before going to bed? A. Invite his friends B. Turn on the TV C. Clean the bed room D. Turn off the lights.

10. How long will Tom stay alone at home? A. For a week B. For a month C. For a few days D. One day


Bhs Inggris Kls XII 72

Read the texts and then answer the questions!


11. Who would be most likely to use this product?

Anti Aging Moisturizing Complex ANTI-WRINKLE ANTI AGING

Now, there is a safe, natural way for you to have firmer, more youthful looking skin with A-Retinol Re Moisturizing Treatment. It revitalizes and helps renew wrinkled skin and prevents facial lines. And it’s hypoallergenic, fragrance-free and contains no artificial colors.

A. Children under 15 years B. Teenagers C. Old women D. Young adult women

12. Which of the following is not true about the product?

A. It cares the skin B. It makes you looks younger C. It revitalizes wrinkled skin D. It is colorful Using a private computer (PC) is much faster. Once you have entered the name of the customers into a computer database, you can store all the records on a few small disks. You can quickly add, change, remove and analyze the information. If you want to know which customers are based in Kansas, just tell the computer to read the customer list and pull out the names of everyone in Kansas. In second, the list is displayed on the screen. Press a key on the computer keyboard, and you get a print out on paper of the list. Now ask the computer to rank these customers according to the dollar amount of purchases they made during the past year. In a flash, the new list appears on the screen. It’s too, can be immediately printed.

13. What does the above article tells us about? A. The disadvantages of using computer B. The advantages of using a private computer C. The parts of a private computer D. The prices of a private computer

14. Which activity is included in using the PC for analyzing information?

A. Entering the name of the customers B. Storing all the records on a few smack disk C. Getting a printout on papers of the list D. Ranking customers’ information about purchasing they made during the past

year. 15. “In second, the list is displayed on the screen.” What is the synonym of the word

displayed? A. Replayed

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 73

B. Disappeared C. Shown D. Replaced

FACSIMILE A Facsimile or fax machine resembles a small photocopier. It is a device capable of transmitting or receiving an exact copy of a page of printed or pictorial matter over telephone line, usually in less than 60 seconds. To send a document, the user inserts it into the machine and dials the telephone number of the receiving fax machine. After the connection is made, an electronic scanner on the transmitting machine moves across the page and converts the image into a set of electronic signals. 16. What does a fax machine look like?

A. A small machine B. A telephone line C. A small photocopier D. A large printer

17. How long can we usually get a copy of a page?

A. Less than thirty second B. Less than forty five second C. Around fifty second D. More than sixty second

18. What do you do to send a fax? A. Insert the document and dial the telephone number B. Copy the document and move cross the page C. Transmit the machine and copy the document D. Find the electronic signal and print the copies.

TELEX The modern telex system with its 800.000 subscribers in more than 100 countries in 1978 is the combination carrier telegraphy and teletypewriter. By temporarily connecting lines and switching equipment, subscribers can communicate directly with one another by means of teleprinters. Messages are sent in a unit code at 67 words per minute. Calls can be made automatically, or manually, depending on how the machines are set and how the calls are made 19. How is the way to communicate using the telex system?

A. By disconnecting lines B. By switching equipment C. By typing the messages D. Connecting lines & switching equipment

20. How many words can be sent in 30 second? A. 67 words

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B. 50 words C. 33 words D. 100 words

Summary You have done the listening and reading task. You have learned about how thing is operated. You have learned about private computer (PC), about telex, and facsimile. In this case we study about instruction. Instruction is a sentence started with verb such as: (a) plug the cord, (b) insert the cassette (c) push the button, etc. Now try to do the formative test bellow! Formative Test 1 I. Listen to the instruction; fill in the blanks while listening.

1. ______ the scanner’s power adapter into an electrical outlet. 2. _______ the other end of this cable into the power adapter receptacle on the rare

panel of the scanner. The _______ indicator on the front panel of the scanner should now be illuminated.

3. Plug your computer’s power ______ into an electric outlet. 4. _______


your computer on.

1. What is the instruction above about? 2. What should you do after plugging the scanner’s power adapter? 3. What should you do before turning on the computer?

II. Listen to your teacher telling about instruction, write the sentences and give the

meaning of the sentences!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Learning Activity 2 In this activity you should be able to: - write or arrange how things operated - explain it in front of the class

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WRITING & SPEAKING Task 3 Rita has bought a new cassette player, but she doesn’t know how to use it. She asks you to help her. Please show her how to use it by arranging the instruction below!

- insert the cassette into the cassette chamber - to start it, press the start button - to stop it, press the stop button - first, plug the cord - to make the tape go forward quickly, press the fast-forward button - for recording, press the start and record button at the same time - to make it go back, press the rewind button - And to adjust the sound, please adjust the volume knob.

Task 4 Demonstrate in front of the class how to use the cassette player! Task 5 Read the dialogue below and then write the last responses of Anton, telling the ways of making fried rice. Anton : What do you have for breakfast, Jack? Jack : oh, I like sandwich with peanut butter, honey, and a banana. It’s really

delicious. What about you? Anton : Can you tell me how to make it? Jack : Sure. First, take two pieces of bread and spread peanut butter on them.

Then cut up a banana into small slices and put them on one of the pieces of bread. Then pour some honey over the bananas and put the other pieces of bread on top.

Anton : It sounds awful! Jack : And what about you? What do you have for breakfast? Anton : Well, I like fried rice. Jack : Now, tell me how to cook fried rice! Anton : First, .... Summary In this activity you have learned about how to operate things such as how to operate a cassette player, and how to make fried rice. Now do the formative tests bellow! Formative Test 2 I. Read the dialogue bellow and then answer the questions Customer : Excuse me, could you show me how this vacuum cleaner works? Shopkeeper : Sure Customer : What is it for? Shopkeeper : Oh, it’s for picking up heavy dirt. Customer : Why is it bent? Shopkeeper : That’s so you can clean under furniture easily. Let me show you. Customer : Oh, I see. And does it have a dust bag? Shopkeeper : Yes, of course

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Customer : How do you change it? Shopkeeper : It’s very easy. First, make sure the power turned off. Then, press this

clip down. The sack is lifted off, take out the dust bag like this. Customer : Oh, that’s easy. Ok. I’ll take this one. Can it be delivered? Shopkeeper : Sure. We’ll deliver it to your house right now Customer : Thank you Questions

1. Where does the dialogue take please? 2. What is the shopkeeper explaining? 3. Does the customer buy the thing? 4. How does the customer get the things? 5. Why is the thing bent?

II. Bellow is the way of cooking rice. Listen it and then write the missing words.

1. Wash the rice in ______2. Put it with some water in

water _____

3. and boil it

______4. Put it into the steamer and

it for about 15 minutes until it get dry _______ the rice for about

5. The rice is ready to be served ________

Learning Activity 3 In these activities you should be able to write the noun forms of the adjectives and the verbs; for example:

Tolerant - tolerance Diligent - diligence to differ - The difference to enter - the entrance to write the noun form of adjectives, like;

1. John Brown is from America. He is American 2. Paul lives in Africa. He is African

LANGUAGE FOCUS A Derivatives ( Adjectives Noun ) Noun suffix – ance or – ence Study the sentence below!

1. It is very important to be on time What is the importance of being on time?

2. The school is 5 km distant. It is quiet a distance from here

3. I’m not a very confident person What I need is confidence

4. You must be patient with the lazy student I know but how can I get more and more patience?


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- Derivatives berarti kata yang berasal dari jenis kata yang lain. Kata importance

- Dalam hak ini kita memusatkan perhatian pada kata sifat (adjectives)yang berubah menjadi kata benda (noun) dengan berakhiran –ance / -ence

ini disebut derivatives karena berasal dari kata sifat, important ditambah imbuhan ance.

- Biasanya kata sifat yang berakhiran -ant berubah menjadi kata benda (noun) dengan berakhiran –ance; kata sifat yang berakhiran –ent menjadi kata benda dengan akhiran –ence misalnya:

Tolerant - tolerance Diligent - diligence

Task 6 Write the noun of the adjectives below!

1. evident - 2. absent - 3. resistant - 4. reluctant - 5. dominant - 6. different - 7. obedient - 8. excellent - 9. present - 10. independent - 11. repentant - 12. convenient - 13. consequent - 14. intelligent - 15. resident -

Task 7 Complete the sentences using one of the words in brackets!

1. John studies four hours every day. He is a very........ student. (diligent, diligence)

2. Is there enough........... to prove him guilty? (evident, evidence) 3. What is the ............ between coffee and Nescafe? (different, difference) 4. In the past a slave was very ......... to his master (obedient, obedience) 5. When is the ............ day of Indonesia? (independent, independence) 6. the teacher wrote ‘.................’ on his paper because he got 100.(excellent,

excellence) 7. I can come after lunch if it is........... for you. (convenient, convenience) 8. Her........... was known by almost every one in the town( intelligent,

intelligence) 9. the new teacher is more .......... than the others (competent, competence) 10. Due to her sickness, Catharine is often ...................(absent, absence)

B. Derivatives (Verb Noun) Noun suffix - ence Example:

1. The teacher asked the students to differ the books (verb)

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2. The difference of the books is clear (noun) 3. I don’t want to pretend to love her.(verb) 4. Pretence is not good but sometimes needed (noun) 5. Please do not enter the class (verb) 6. It is not the entrance.(noun) 7. Debora wants me to assist her (verb) 8. She said that she need an assistance (noun) 9. If you want to past the exam you have to attend the class regularly (verb) 10. Attendance is very important. (noun)

Task 8 Write the noun derived from the following verbs. Find the meaning of the words in

your dictionary 1. accord - 2. utter - 3. hinder - 4. appear - 5. disturb - 6. allow - 7. perform - 8. avoid - 9. assure - 10. pursue - 11. prefer - 12. exist - 13. depend - 14. obey - 15. confide -

C. Derivatives (Noun Adjectives) Example:

3. John Brown is from America. He is American 4. Paul lives in Africa. He is African 5. Robertson comes from Europe. He is European


A. Pada umumnya nama suatu negara atau benua (noun) dapat dipakai untuk menyatakan kebangsaan dengan menambahkan akhiran –an. Kalau sudah berakhiran A, tinggal menambahkan N. kata yang demikian itu menjadi kata sifat atau adjectives.

B. Perhatikan, kadang-kadang ejaan mengalami perubahan.

Misalnya: Germany - German Canada - Canadian Egypt - Egyptian Mexico - Mexican Haiti - Haitian Italy - Italian Peru - Peruvian

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Australia - Australian Asia - Asian Colombia _ Colombian Rumania - Rumanian Liberia - Liberian

Task 9 Complete the following sentences

1. The man comes from Peru. He is.............. 2. This woman lives in Italia. I think she is.......... 3. His name is Suprapto. He must be.......... 4. One who comes from Rumania is................. 5. These people live in Africa. They are............ 6. Both of them come from Australia. I’m sure they are............. 7. Do you think she is............. since she is from Mexico? 8. These people are probably........... because they come from Germany. 9. ............... people live in Asia 10. Most ............... people live in America.

Summary In this activity you have learned derivatives of noun suffix ance / ence Such as ;

Tolerant - tolerance Diligent - diligence to differ - The difference to enter - the entrance in this case we have part of speech like; Noun: Difference = perbedaan Independence = kemerdekaan Diligence = kerajinan Adjectives: Different = berbeda Important = penting Independent = merdeka/bebas Verb; Attend = menghadiri Enter = memasuki Differ = membedakan Formative test 3 I. Choose the correct word in brackets to complete the sentences!

1. Dani is (absent / absence) today because she is sick 2. August 17th is the (independent / independence) day of our country. 3. Do you believe that coffee is (different / difference) from Nescafe? 4. I think Andi is more (competent/ competence) than Ira.

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5. Mr., Bob wants me to (assist / assistance) him because he is very busy 6. My manager needs an (assist / assistance) to help him 7. To be successful student we should (attend / attendance) the lesson regularly. 8. As a student, the (attend / attendance) is very important. 9. Ariyani and Ariyanti look alike in (appear / appearance) 10. If it is (convenient / convenience) for you, I’ll come after lunch.

II. Write the noun form of the verbs below!

1. disturb - 2. allow - 3. obey - 4. confide - 5. utter -

III Complete the sentences below!

1. I’m from Bali. So I’m _______ 2. John is from America. He is an _______ 3. The woman lives in Canada. I think she is ________ 4. Both of the men come from Mexico. I’m sure they are ________. 5. His name is Slamet Raharjo, he must be ________

BAB III EVALUASI I. Read questions and five possible answers and decide which one would be the best

answer to the questions you have just read. The text is for questions 1 – 5 Care and cleaning instruction Use Wash the pan in hot soapy water with a sponge or dishcloth. After drying,

condition the nonstick surface by wiping with cooking oil. Cleaning Cool the pan gradually. Do not pour cold water into a hot pan. Soak the pan in a

hot water before washing to remove burned or dried-on foods. Do not use abrasives on it.

Care Interior Plastic or wooden utensils will prevent scratching the surface. A spotted white film

(minerals from water starch from food) may form on the non-stick surface. A sponge dipped in lemon juice or vinegar will remove the film. Wash, rinse, dry, and recondition with oil. Deterioration of the handle can occur if the pan is immersed for too long time. Check the handle periodically and tighten when necessary.

Exterior Hot soapy water is suggested to clean the exterior finish. A sponge or plastic pad

will avoid scratching. This cookware nay be cleaned in an automatic dishwasher.

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1. What is the object discussed in the text? A. Cook pan B. Hot soapy water C. Cleaning surface D. Plastic utensils

2. What do we need to try the surface of the pan? A. A sponge B. Cooking oil C. Hot soapy water D. Dishwasher

3. What do we use to clean the pan? A. Abrasives B. Cold water C. Dishcloth D. Hot water

4. If we cook in a pan, we must use plastic utensils. Why? A. To prevent the pan hot fast B. To check the handle periodically C. To avoid the scratching of the pan D. To scratch the surface of the pan

5. “Don’t use abrasives on it” (paragraph 2) what does it refer to?

A. Cold water B. Hot water C. The pan D. The sponge

The text for questions 6 – 10 Instruction of ironing

1. Before plugging or unplugging the power cord, be sure always to set the temperature knob at the lowest temperature. Never pull the cord, but take off the plug by grasping the plug body with hand for power disconnection.

2. The user must never leave the sight after the iron is connected with the power. The user shall always disconnect the power if he has to leave. Place the iron a place far away from children’s access to avoid the careless taught of children.

3. Using the iron may generate high temperature. Never taught it with hands and never allow it to approach any inflammable substances to avoid accident.

Use dry ironing • Classify the clothing according to the labels attached there before using. Speed

on the iron heating is quicker than it’s cooling. So shall begin ironing the cloths which requires a lower ironing temperature first (synthetic, fiber fabric and silk) and then iron the clothes of other materials requiring of high temperature improper order (woolen, cotton and jute etc.)

• Place the iron vertically and set the temperature knob at min.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 82

• Insert the plug into the socket, turn the temperature knob to temperature point required by the clothes materials an aim the materials identity mark at the heating indicator. May start ironing when the indicator bulb turns off.

6. The text tells you about.........

A. Safety caution of ironing B. The users of ironing C. The temperature of ironing D. The unplugging of the cord

7. After the iron is connected with the power, the user.......

A. Leave the site B. Place it far away from the children’s access C. Touch it with hand D. Start with the highest temperature

8. Speed of the iron heating is .......than its cooling. A. Harder B. Quicker C. Slower D. Lower

9. InsertA. Put off

the plug into the socket. The underlined word means.......

B. Classify C. Place D. Take out

10. When do we start ironing? A. When the indicator bulb off B. If the indicator bulb turn on C. After unplugging it D. Before plugging the cord

II. Write the missing words of the sentences below, while listening to your teacher!

1. I’m sorry sir, I was absent2. Our

yesterday because I was sick independent

3. The day is the 17th of August.

difference4. Do you think that the younger teacher is more

between coffee and Nescafe is the taste competent

5. She wants me than the older one?

to assist6. Mr. Ronald needs an

her because she is very busy assistance

7. We should to help him

attend8. The

the lesson regularly to be successful student. attendance

9. The two girls look alike in appearance is very important in this seminar

10. If it is convenient

for you, I’ll call after lunch.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 83

BIBLIOGRAPHY Effendi, Thomas Slamet. 1983. Bahasa Inggris Niaga. Jilid I - III. Departemen

Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan, Directorat Jendral Pendidikan dasar dan menengah.

English Language service, Inc. English 900. Book I - VI. New York: Collier Macmillan

Internasional. Hornby, A.S. Gatenby, EV and Wakefield H. 1973. The Advance Learner’s Dictionary

of Current English. London: Oxford Univercity Press. Nanan, Suryana, Drs. 1999. New Concept English. Tingkat 1 - 3. Bandung: Armico. Richards, Jack C. 1997. Interchange, English for International Communication. New

York Cambridge University Press. Richards, Jack C. dan David Bycina. 1984. Person to Person; Communication Speaking

and Listening Skills. London, Oxford University Press. Sjah, Djalius, Drs. dan Azimar Enong. Dra. 1982. Modern Business Conversations and

Interview. Jakarta: Simplex Publishing. Shadily, Hassan dan Echols .J.M.. 1984. Kamus Inggris -Indonesia. Jakarta. Gramedia. Shadily, Hassan dan Echols .J.M.. 1984. Kamus Indonesia-Inggris. Jakarta: Gramedia. Yiyis, Krisnani, Dra. 2005. English for Vovational. Book 1 - 3. Yogyakarta: LP2IP

Gajah Mada

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 84


F. Cek kemampuan I LISTENING Listen to the information and then answer the question! A. Introduction You have a guest in your office and she wants to introduce herself. My name is Judi Brown. My address is Greenstone road, London. I’m 17 years old and I was born on May 18th 1991. I’m a student. I’m at Kingston technical College and I’m learning German, French, and Indonesian. I like Indonesia and I have visited some interesting places in your town. I hope I can come to Indonesia some other time and able to speak Indonesian well with the people in your town, thank you. Answer the questions no. 1 – 5 B. Culture close up Fast food restaurant are very popular in the US. At this restaurant, people get fast service and pay less than in most other restaurants. Fast food restaurants got their start in the US in 1955 when a restaurant called: “Mc Donald’s” was opened. Today, the two most popular fast food restaurants in the US and in many other parts of the world are Mc. Donald’s and Burger King. Their most popular food items are Hamburgers and French fries.

Answer the questions no. 6 – 8 C. Getting information Good morning, I’m Hendra the personal manager of PT Narmada; this is the first day for you to work here, and thank you for being on time. Work will start from seven in the morning until four o’clock in the afternoon. Lunch time is from twelve to one p.m. If you have problem in your work, please ask you supervisor, thank you. Answer the questions no. 9-10 Listening Task I. Write the missing words in the dialogue below by listening to the cassette! Diana : What sort of job are you going to get after graduating from SMK? Linda : Well, I’m not sure Diana : Would you be interested in working in a cooperative?

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Linda : So you mean as a cashier? Diana : Yes, a cashier. Linda : I’d prefer working in a bank to working in a cooperative, I think. Diana : Which do you prefer, working in a government office or working for

a private company? Linda : I think working for a government office is better than

I. Listen to the cassette to answer the questions no. 1 – 10

working for private company

II. Tour Guide Information Good morning. I’m Andy. I’ll be your tourist operator for the whole day today. I’m glade all of you can join me to visit many interesting places in Mataram. First we will visit Kuta Beach but it’s not the same as Kuta Beach in Bali, but I’m sure that you will have special experience about going there. Than we will go to Narmada Park to enjoy the panorama with the long life water and we will have lunch at Suranadi Restaurant. In the afternoon we will go to Senggigi and you can shop at an Art Shop there. After shopping we will enjoy the sun-set at Senggigi Beach. We will go back to this Hotel at about 7 p.m. Formative Test

Questions no. 1 – 3 refer to the following information Hi, I’m Laura; I’m a student at a vocational school. I take accounting program and I want to work in a bank or in an office. I’m 18 years old and I love music. I can play piano and guitar, but I don’t like cooking. I hope to make friends all over the world Questions no. 4 – 5 refer to the following dialogue Man : Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the post office, please? Woman : Yes, go down this street, and take the second turn on the right. Man : Down this street, then it’s the second turn on the left. Woman : No, right. The second turn on the right Man : Thank you very mush Woman : Don’t mention it Questions no. 6 – 8 refer to the following permission letter Mataram, August 15, 2008 Dear Sirs, I’m so sorry that I can’t come to school to study today, because I have a bad cold

and headache. My doctor told me to take a rest for a few days. I hope I’ll be present next Friday and thank you for your attention. Yours faithfully Laela

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Questions no. 9 – 10 refer to the following Advertisement For rent: a large house in strategic location. It is near schools and public transportation good for family with children. Call Mr. Hillman at 0370234432


I. Listening task Listen to the conversation. Then read and choose the correct answer of the question based on the dialogue from the cassette. Cek kemampuan Short conversation 1. Man : What’s the weather like today? Woman : It’s been raining cats and dogs since 6 a.m here Man : How can you go to school today? Woman : By bus 2 Woman : Indonesia has two seasons. They are the rainy and the dry seasons

however, Europe has four seasons, summer, autumn, winter, and spring

Man : I see 3 Woman : Joe, you look so pale, what’s the matter? Are you unwell today? Man : Yes I’m. I’ve got a stomachache but I’ve had medicine. Woman : I hope you will be better soon Man : I hope so, thank you. 4. Man : Do you think it was easy to do the test? Woman : Yes, I do Woman : Have you done your best? Woman : Certainly I have 5 Woman : I believe that the exercise is too difficult for the students Man : I don’t think so, it’s easy enough for them. Woman : Look at it! They won’t be able to do it well. Man : You are right. Task 2 Listen to the information to answer the questions no 6 – 15 Questions 6 - 9 refer to the following information Big Ben Clock When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the BBC. If the Houses of Parliament had not been burnt down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected. Big Ben takes it’s name from sir Binyamin Hall who was responsible for making the clock the the new Houses of Parliament were being built.

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Questions 10 - 12 refer to the following News Naughty students Police thinks two students started a fire at the State High School on Friday night. They drove away on Sudirman Street but the police had only three numbers of the license plate – 576. They are both around sixteen years old. One had curly light brown hair, and the other had black hair. Questions 13 - 15 refer to the following notice Malioboro Street The main sopping street that runs through the heart of the city from the railway station to Yogyakarta Palace is called ’Malioboro Street’. Around this area there are a lot of cheap Hotels ‘Losmen’ big hotels, shops, restaurant and many services offering great bargains for the visitors. At night, the stalls along the street selling souvenirs and small items roll up and the evening lesehan begin. Questions 16 - 20 refer to the following dialogue Sapto : Jenny, where do you work now? Jenny : I work for Puri Bunga Hotel Sapto : How long have you been working there? Jenny : for three years, Sapto : You mean. You have been working since you left your colleague? Jenny : That’s right, what about you? Sapto : I’m jobless. I have been looking for a job since I left Suryajaya Tour & travel

six months ago and I haven’t got one yet. Jenny : Look I bring an advertisement for you. There is a vacancy at Puri Bunga Hotel.

Please try. I wish you are success. Formative test 1 Listen to the dialogue and then answer the questions! Meeting a foreigner Ahmad : Good morning sir, how are you? A foreigner : Good morning, I’m very well, thank you Ahmad : How do you think of the weather here? A foreigner : It’s rather hot I think Ahmad : By the way, where are you from? A foreigner : I’m from Canada Ahmad : May I know your name, please? A foreigner : Richard Ahmad : I’m Ahmad. I’m still studying at a vocational school in Mataram. Are you marriage, Mr. Richard? A Foreigner : Yes, I have one daughter and one son. Ahmad : Do you come with your family? A foreigner : No, I came here for a business, my wife and my children are in

Canada Ahmad : How long will you be here? A foreigner : For about a week. Ahmad : Do you stay at Senggigi Beach hotel? A foreigner : No, I stay at Lombok Garden Hotel, but I like Senggigi beach. The

panorama is beautiful and we can enjoy the sunset in the afternoon.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 88

Ahmad : Will you stay around here or at Senggigi Beach Hotel next time? Or do you have a plan to visit Lombok with your family?

A foreigner : Yes I think so. I hope next Summer I can come here with my family, I think I will stay at Senggigi Beach hotel

Ahmad : What is your opinion about our town? A foreigner : Well, you have a beautiful island, and I know that there are many

interesting places to be visited and the people are very friendly Ahmad : Thank you, Mr. Richard I should leave soon, my friend is waiting for

me, good bye and, see you later. A foreigner : Bye EVALUATION TEST II Listening. Listen to the dialogue on cassette and then choose the correct answer to each

question! 1 Man : You look like you are in a good moon today.

Woman : Yeah. I got some good news. I got my Math and English test back this morning. In fact, I didn’t fail. Therefore they are great news.

Man : Oh, that’s great! 2 Woman : My exams are over and I’ll celebrate my birthday party tonight. I

hope you are still going to come. Man : Of course. It sounds like fun. May I bring you anything? Woman : No, nothing. Please come around 7 p.m. Man : Ok, see you then 3 Man : Are you going to look for a new job? Woman : Not yet. But I’m going to start looking soon 4 Woman : I heard, you are a pretty good tennis player. Man : I don’t think so. I prefer swimming to tennis. I’m not very good

at sport 5 Man : Hello, do you play any musical instrument?

Woman : I play piano a little, but not very well at all. Do you play anything?

Man : No. To answer questions no. 6 – 9 listen to the following notice. HOW TO TAKE PHOTOGRAPH

Be patient, don’t rush, and don’t take the photograph too soon. Wait for the right picture. Look carefully before taking a picture. Don’t stand too far away when you are photographing people. Check the light. Wait for good light. Don’t put your fingers in front of the camera.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 89

Hold the camera straight Keep it still; press the button slowly, not quickly.

Listen to the report to answer questions no 10 – 12 Four seasons in the United Sates Some parts of United States have four seasons; spring, summer, fall, and winter. In the Northern States, for example, it rains in spring, it’s hot in summer, its cool in fall, and it’s cold and snowy in winter. Listen to the following advertisement to answer questions no 13 – 15

Listen to the dialogue to answer questions no 16 – 20 Complete the dialogue below by listening to the cassette. Guest : Is that Bali Beach Hotel? Receptionist : Yes, sir. Can I help you? Guest : I’d like to book a single room please, from the 14th of Dec. to the

18th of Dec. Have you got a room free then? Receptionist : Yes, we have, sir. Can you give me your name? Guest : Sure, I’m Andreas from Semarang Receptionist : And your address? Guest : Cempaka Street no 23, Semarang. Receptionist : Can I have your phone number? Guest : It’s 085239594754 Receptionist : All right, thank you Mr. Andreas.


Cek Kemampuan Listen to the dialogue 1 to answer questions 1 -5 Dialogue 1

INDOOR TV ANTENNA • Best for color or black & white

TV • Gain control • High gain • Low noise Built in booster Please buy at once! 50% discount for the New Year, 2005. Rp. 80.000,00 reduced to 40.000. Hurry up! And get it!

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 90

Receptionist : Merpati Nusantara Airline, good morning can I help you? Caller : Yes, do you have any flights to Surabaya next Sunday morning, please? Receptionist : A moment please… Yes there is a flight at 6.45 and one at 9.00 am Caller : That’s fine. How much is the ticket to Surabaya? Receptionist : It’s Rp. 650.000 Caller : Could I make a reservation? Receptionist : Certainly, which flight would you like? Caller : The 9.00 o’clock please Receptionist : May I have your name, please Caller : Rudy, from Kerta Gaya Pusaka Receptionist : All right Mr. Rudy, may I have your telephone number? Caller : Sure, 672450 Receptionist : Thank you, your ticket will be ready soon and I will bring the ticket to

your office. What is the address please? Caller : Jl. Pariwisata No. 63 Mataram. Receptionist : I’ll come to your office before 12. Caller : Thank you Listen to the dialogue 1 to answer questions 6 -10 Dialogue 2 Receptionist : Holiday Inn, good morning Guest : I’m calling from Jakarta. Can I reserve a double room for 3 nights,

please? Receptionist : Sure, when will you use it? Guest : On Dec 23 until 25. How much is the rate per night? Receptionist : US $ 100 for standard and US $ 150 for superior one. Which one do you

want? Guest : Superior, please. Receptionist : May I have your name, and phone number please? Guest : Andrew and my wife, phone 21 690 7626 Receptionist : Thank you Mr. Andrew BAB I Task 1 Listen to the dialogue and then answer the questions Situation: Indra is a secretary of Mr. Ridwan. Next week, she will have a guest from Jakarta, sho she should book a hotel room for him. Study the dialogue below! Indra : Good morning, is this Hotel Handika? Receptionist : Yes, that’s right. What can I do for you madam? Indra : I want to book a room for next Monday, the 1st of September, is it

possible? Receptionist : Let me check it first. Yes, there is a room available, a room with a single

bed. Is that ok? Indra : It’s ok, how much is the rate per night? Receptionist : It’s Rp. 400.000 per night. What name is it for, madam? Indra : Mr. Tommy, from Jakarta. Receptionist : May I have your name and telephone number? Indra : I’m Indra, and my phone number is 672008. Receptionist : And what company are you from? Indra : I work for Indo Karya Motor, Mataram. Receptionist : Ok, thank you and I hope you make a confirmation as soon as possible Indra : Sure, good bye.

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Formatif test 2 1 Receptionist : Holiday Inn, good morning Guest : Good morning. Can I reserve a double room for 2 nights, please? Receptionist : Sure, when will you use it? Guest : On Dec 20th and 21st. How much is the rate per night? Receptionist : US $ 100 for standard and US $ 150 for superior one. Which one do you

want? Guest : Standard, please. Receptionist : May I have your name, and phone number please? Guest : I’m Deny and Sara, my wife. My phone number is 21 690 7626 Receptionist : Thank you Mr. Deny 2 Shopkeeper : Good morning, can I help you madam? Customer : Yes, I want to get a T shirt and trousers Shopkeeper : What size do you wear ma’am? Customer : Medium, I think. Shopkeeper : What about this T shirt? Customer : And the trousers? Shopkeeper : I think the brown one is better. Customer : May I try them on? Shopkeeper : Sure, it’s over there, room 2 Customer : Yes, I take them. How much is that all? Shopkeeper : Rp. 65000 for the T shirt and Rp.150000 for the trousers. You can pay at

counter 1 Customer : Thank you.

TAPE SCRIPT MODULE 4 Formative test 1 I. Listen to the reply from the manager of Mawar Tour & Travel, and fill in the blank spaces.

Jakarta, July 25th 2009 Dear Mrs. Hj. Nurhasanah, I have received your letter about your complaint dated on July 17th. I would like to say thank you for your concern for the quality of our service. I know how you feel and I very much apologize for any thing which has caused you inconvenience concerning the food, accommodation and our service. I’m sure at that time we lack of staff and some of the staffs are new and they are not yet experienced. I can assure you we will do our best to return

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II. Complete the dialogue below while listening to the cassette. Customer : I bought this mobile phone here on Friday …… Shop assistant : Is there a problem with it, sir? Customer : Well, primarily, it doesn’t appear to function outside the city area,

which means it fails to function as a mobile phone as far as I can see. Shop assistant : Do you bring the receipt and the guarantee card with you, sir? Customer : Yes, here they are. Shop assistant : Right, may I take a look at your ID card? Customer : No problem. Wait a minute. Here it is. Shop assistant : Okay then. Here’s the receipt. Don’t forget to bring it with you when

you come to take the phone later. And this is your phone card. Is there anything else you want to complain about this mobile phone?

Customer : No, by the way, how much will it cost? And can I take it back next two days?

Shop assistant : It’s free of charge, sir. But I’m sorry; you can’t take it so soon. We are pretty busy these days. I suppose it’ll be ready next week.


Learning activity 1 Listening Question 1 – 3 Before typing your letter study the steps below! First, plug the power cord. Press the power button on. After a few minutes you will see a windows menu on the monitor. Second, look at the left bottom of the monitor. Then hold the mouse gently. Move the arrow pointer onto the ‘start’ menu and click it. Finally, click the program menu, and choose Ms-Word. Now you are ready to type.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 93

Question 4-5 refer to the following information To install the SIM card of your mobile phone, follow the instruction below: First, press the back cover release button, then slide the back cover off. After that, remove the battery by lifting it with the fingertips. Second, insert your SIM Card under the metal plate; make sure that the golden connectors are facing downwards. If you need to remove the SIM Card, carefully slide it out of the SIM Card slot, and then replace the battery. Finally slide the back cover into its place. Question 6-7 refer to the following dialogue Dea : Tom, I don’t have any money left, can you tell me how to get the money from the

Automatic Teller Machine at the Bank? Tommy : Sure, first, put your card into the slot, then press your secret number, next push

withdraw and the amount of money you ant. Take your card out and then you get your money

Dea : I see. That doesn’t sound very hard. I think I’ve got it, thank you Question 8-10 refer to the following dialogue Mr. & Mrs. Iskandar will visit their old parents for a few days and they must leave their son alone at home. This is the dialogue between Mrs. Iskandar and her son. Mrs. Iskandar : Tom, mom and dad will leave soon to visit your grandma & grand pa.

Make sure that you turn off the lights at night, lock all the doors and close the windows if you go out. Make sure that you don’t leave the TV on when you go to bed.

Tommy : Yes, mom I will. Mrs. Iskandar : Don’t stay out late at night and please don’t invite a lot of friends around

while we are away. Tommy : No, don’t worry mom! Formative Test 1 I. Listen to the instruction; fill in the blanks while listening.

5. Plug6.

the scanner’s power adapter into an electrical outlet. Insert the other end of this cable into the power adapter receptacle on the rare panel of the scanner. The power

7. Plug your computer’s power

indicator on the front panel of the scanner should now be illuminated.


into an electric outlet. Turn

II. Listen to your teacher telling about instruction, write the sentences and give the meaning of

the sentences!

your computer on.

1. Turn off the light 2. Plug in the cable 3. Push the button 4. Cut the paper into pieces 5. Stir the soup and add some salt and pepper.

Bhs Inggris Kls XII 94

6. Cook some rice for our lunch 7. Don’t forget to wear your seat belts 8. Close the windows before going out 9. Clean the board before studying 10. Don’t speak loudly

Formative test 2 II. Bellow is the way of cooking rice. Listen it and then write the missing words.

6. Wash the rice in cold7. Put it with some water in

water a pan

8. and boil it

Cook9. Put it into the steamer and

it for about 15 minutes until it get dry steam the rice for about

10. The rice is ready to be served 45 minutes

Evaluation II. Write the missing words of the sentences below, while listening to your teacher!

11. I’m sorry sir, I was absent12. Our

yesterday because I was sick independent

13. The day is the 17th of August.

difference14. Do you think that the younger teacher is more

between coffee and Nescafe is the taste competent

15. She wants me than the older one?

to assist16. Mr. Ronald needs an

her because she is very busy assistance

17. We should to help him

attend18. The

the lesson regularly to be successful student. attendance

19. The two girls look alike in is very important in this seminar

20. If it is appearance


for you, I’ll call after lunch.