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Dr. Ir. Haryadi





• Mahasiswa memahami berbagai konsep kesempurnaanetis





Manfaat teori etika:

• Memberikan kejelasan , konsistensi , pemahaman yang sistematis dan komprehensif.

• Ini memberikan panduan praktis dalam membantu masalah moral menuju solusi.

• Justifikasi kewajiban dan keputusan profesional, dan

• Dalam berhubungan moralitas biasa dan profesional.

Kriteria teori etika yang baik:

• Harus jelas dan ( koheren), logis .

• Konsisten, tidak ada prinsip-prinsip yang bertentangan dengan yang lain.

• Bergantung hanya pada fakta-fakta .

• Ini harus mengatur nilai-nilai moral dasar secara sistematis dan komprehensif . Hal ini untuk memperbaiki prioritas nilai-nilai dan memberikan bimbingan dalam segala situasi.

• Sesuai dengan keyakinan moral kita ( penilaian ) tentang pandangan dunia dan situasi konkret.

Manfaat dan Kriteria

1. Utilitarian Theory

2. Duty Ethics

3. Rights Theory

4. The Virtue Theory

5. Self-realisation Ethics

6. Justice (Fairness) Theory

Bebarapa macam teori



• Diajukan pada abad ke 19 oleh Jeremy Bentham dan John Stuart Mill untuk membantu legislator menentukan hukum yang secara moral terbaik.

• Menyatakan bahwa tindakan yang benar adalah maksimalisasi konsekuensi ang baik (Good consequences), yaitu bermanfaat atau ‘menimbang kebaikan atas keburukan’.

• Menimbang the costs and benefits.

• Tindakan yang benar adalah yang paling menghasilkan kepuasan terbesar terhadap orang yang terdampak.

• In analyzing an issue in this approach, we have to:

– Identify the various courses of action available to us.

– Ask who will be affected by each action and what benefits or harms will be derived from each.

– Choose the action that will produce the greatest benefits and the least harm.

– The ethical action is the one that provides the greatest good for the greatest number.

Teori Utilitarian

• Dikemukakan oleh Immanuel Kant (1724-1804).

• Menyatakan bahwa actions are consequences of performance of one’s duties such as, ‘being honest’, ‘not cause suffering of others’, ‘being fair to others including the meek and week’, ‘being grateful’, ‘keeping promises’ etc.

• John Rawl, gave importance to the actions that would be voluntarily agreed upon by all persons concerned, assuming impartiality. Rawlproposed two basic moral principles;

1. each person is entitled to the most extensive amount of liberty compatible with an equal amount for others, and

2. differences in social power and economic benefits are justified only when they are likely to benefit every one, including members of the most disadvantaged groups.

Teori Etika Kewajiban (The duty ethics theory)



• C.W.D. Ross, the British philosopher introduced the term prima facie


1. Fidelity : duty to keep promises.

2. Reparation : duty to compensate others when we harm them.

3. Gratitude : duty to thank those who help us.

4. Justice : duty to recognize merit.

5. Beneficence : duty to recognize inequality and improve the

condition of others.

6. Self-improvement : duty to improve virtue and intelligence.

7. Non-malfeasance : duty not to injure others.

• Oleh Immanuel Kant,

– Hak untuk akses terhadap kebenaran

– Hak atas privasi

– Hak untuk tidak terluka

– Hak untuk membuat persetujuan

• HAM: Human rights are explained in two forms, namely liberty rights and welfare rights. Liberty rights are rights to exercise one’s liberty and stresses duties on other people not to interfere with one’s freedom. The four features of liberty rights (also called moralrights), which lay the base for Government Administration, are:

– Rights are natural in so far as they are not invented or created by government.

– They are universal, as they do not change from country to country.

– They are equal since the rights are the same for all people, irrespective of caste,race, creed or sex.

– They are inalienable i.e., one cannot hand over his rights to another person such asselling oneself to slavery.

• The Welfare Rights are the rights to benefit the needy for a decent human life, when one can not earn those benefits and when those benefits are available in the society.

Teori Hak (Rights Theory)



• The theory advocated by Aristotle, stressed on the tendency to act atproper balance between extremes of conduct, emotion, desire, attitudes to find the golden mean between the extremes of ‘excess’ or ‘deficiency’.

The Virtue Theory

• The most important faculties of the soul are:

1. The power of intelligence (al-quwwah al-aqliyyah)-angelic.

2. The power of anger (al-quwwah al-ghadabiyyah)-ferocious.

3. The power of desire (al-quwwah al-shahwiyyah)-animalistic.

4. The power of imagination (al-quwwah al-wahmiyyah)-demoniac.

• If the faculty of reason is put in control of the other faculties, it keeps them in their rightful place and moderates their excesses; they will work for the welfare of man and shall perform useful functions; otherwise, nothing except evil and mischief will come of them.

• The strongest and the purest of pleasures is the pleasure experienced by the faculty of reason. This is a form of pleasure which is both inherent and natural to man. It is a pleasure which is constant, not subject to the changing experiences in his daily life.



• The moral virtues, therefore, are: wisdom, courage, chastity, and justice.

• The opposite qualities of these are: ignorance2, cowardice, concupiscence (gluttony and lust), injustice and tyranny.

• To find the real center, which entails absolute moderation, is thus difficult to attain. To remain at this center and to preserve this balance is even more difficult.

• Deficiency : • stupidity, • cowardice, • lethargy , • submissiveness

• Moderation: • wisdom, • courage, • chastity, • justice

• Excess : • slyness, • foolhardiness, • rapaciousness, • tyranny

• Right action consists in seeking self-fulfillment. In one version

of this theory, the self to be realized is defined by caring

relationships with other individuals and society.

• In another version called ethical egoism, the right action

consists in always promoting what is good for oneself.

• No caring and society relationships are assumed.

Self-realisation Ethics



• Berakar pada ajaran Aristoteles,

• Manyatakan bahwa: “equals should be treated equally and

unequals unequally.”

• The basic moral question in this approach is: How fair is an action?

Does it treat everyone in the same way, or does it show favoritism

and discrimination?

• Issues create controversies simply because we do not bother to

check the fairness or justice.

• Favoritism gives benefits to some people without a justifiable

reason for singling them out; discrimination imposes burdens on

people who are no different from those on whom burdens are not

imposed. Both favoritism and discrimination are unjust and wrong.

Teori Keadilan Justice (Fairness) Theory

• It is a virtue of maintaining personal discipline. It means a

strong will and motivation and avoidance of fear, hatred, lack

of efforts, temptation, self-deception, and emotional

response. It encompasses courage and good judgment also.

Self-respect promotes self-control.




• Religions have played major roles in shaping moral views and moral values, over geographical regions.Christianity has influenced the Western countries, Islam in the Middle-East countries, Buddhism and Hinduism in Asia, and Confucianism in China.

• Further, there is a strong psychological link between the moral and religious beliefs of people following various religions and faiths. Religions support moral responsibility. They have set high moral standards.

• Faith in the religions provides trust and this trust inspires people to be moral. The religions insist on tolerance and moral concern for others.

• Many professionals who possess religious beliefs are motivated to be morally responsible.


• Each religion lays stress on certain high moral standards. For example, Hinduism holds polytheistic (many gods) view, and virtues of devotion and surrender to high order.

• Christianity believes in one deity and emphasizes on virtues of Love, Faith, and Hope. Buddhism is non-theistic and focuses oncompassion and Islam on one deity and adherence of ishan (piety or pursuit of excellence) and prayer.

• Judaism stresses the virtue of ‘tsedakah’ (righteousness). But many religious sects have adopted poor moral standards, e.g., many religious sects do not recognize equal rights for women.

• The right to worship is denied for some people. People are killed in the name of or to promote religion. Thus, conflicts exist between the ‘secular’ and religious people and between one religion and another. Hence, religious views have to be morally scrutinized.




• As per this principle, the right action is defined by the

commands by God. It implies that to be moral, a person

should believe in God and an action is right only if it is

commanded by God. � Lihat pembahasan tentang baik dan


• Religions such as Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity accept the

existence of God.

• But Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism adopt only faith in a

right path and do not believe in God.

Etika Syariat (Divine Command Ethics)Etika Syariat (Divine Command Ethics)Etika Syariat (Divine Command Ethics)Etika Syariat (Divine Command Ethics)

• It is defined as valuing oneself in morally suitable ways. Self-respect includes (a) recognition, which means respect to others, their ideas, decisions, ability, and rights and (b) appraisal, which means properly valuing ourselves as to how well we face moral standards and our personal commitments (aims). An intensive but balanced feeling of self-respect is sense of honor. This includes intense agony and guilt for wrong doings. Self-control is a virtue of maintaining personal discipline (self-regulation).

• Courage is a bye-product of self-respect, which makes a person face the hardship in rational way




1. “Sesungguhnya yang paling mulia diantara kalian adalah yang

paling bertaqwa”

2. “Demi jiwa dan penyempurnaannya. Telah Kami ilhamkan

kepada jiwa keburukan dan ketaqwaan (fujuur dan taqwa).”

3. “Ditegakkan agama (termasuk etika) di atas kebersihan


4. “Sumber dari segala kesalahan adalah cinta dunia.”

Berbagai “Teori” yang Lain

• Menghargai orang lain, dan lingkungan

• Perduli dan berbagi

• Jujur

• Berkemauan keras dan berani (Courage)

• Menghargai waktu

• Berkomitmen

• Bekerjasama

• Berempati

• Percaya diri

• Spiritualitas

• Setia kawan

Etika yang Baik



1. Naagarazan, R.S., 2006, A Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, New Delhi, India

2. An-Naraqi, Muhammad Mahdi ibn abi Dharr, , Jami' al-Sa'adat (The Collector of Felicities terjemahan ke dalam Bahasa Inggris oleh Muhammad Baqir Ansari), Islamic Propagation Organization.

3. Yazdi, Misbah M. T., Falsafeh ye Akhlaq (Meniru Tuhan, terjemahan bahasa Indonesia oleh Ammar Fauzi Heriyadi), Jakarta: Al-Huda, 2006
