B2C Campaign Saudade

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Bohemia Amsterdam was asked way back to communicate new landscape art in Houten Vinex. (2006)

Transcript of B2C Campaign Saudade

B2C Campaign Case

Saudadethe birth of a Vinex

Client Personnel:Bohemia Personnel:

Sjaak LangenbergMarco de BoerHenry TyminskiMelissa Agostino

SituationBack in 2004 four Dutch artists developed imposing landscape art for a freshly developed suburb, Houten Vinex. Needless to say that the art is a bit revolutionary. !ey created dunes, mini-forests, useless roads and solitary streetlights and a major sign announcing the opening of a ‘hamam’.

How can we get the newcomers of Houten Vinex enthusiastic about this art in their backyard?

Target• Explain the art to the newcomers of Houten Vinex.

• Engage with the target group and let them use the art as meant.

• Create a community.

Target group

• Inhabitants of Houten Vinex

• SME of Houten & Houten Vinex

StrategyWith some art you don’t realize it until someone points it out. !e landscape art by these young artists is just like that. !eir idea of Modern Archeology is to admit and freeze a certain moment in the development of settlements like a Vinex.!ey’ve created a ‘freeze frame’ of the construction of a lane with solitary street lights and build a dunes out of a le"over heap of sand. Why? To give the new inhabitants the dream of how it started.

ConceptTo engage the newcomers of Houten Vinex we asked them to send in their pictures of how it was before the streets were there. With the contest we wanted to receive the pictures of people measuring their non-existing kitchen, carport and front door, the unfinished road to no-where and the piles of sand. We blended these homemade pictures of an unborn suburb with the art work of the artists. !ey match seamless.

!rough presenting these pictures in the birth book Saudade, we introduced the art to the inhabitants of Houten Vinex back in 2006.

VisualsAnd we call her... Saudade

MediaCampaign identityPosterLeafletsRadio commercialsWebsiteBook

Campaign identity and pay-o#

Posterdistributed in local shops

Door-to-door leafletfor people living in Houten

Websitefor getting entries and voting

Websitefor getting entries and voting

Websitefor getting entries and voting

Websitefor getting entries and voting

Birth book“And we call her... Saudade”

Results!e campaign was a huge success. Many newcomers of Houten Vinex send in their pictures. !e project ended in 2006 yet till today people still call the agency to order books.

Sorry folks, the 1,000 copies are sold out.

We create believers.For more information: Hugo Kalf hugo@bohemiaamsterdam.comKyra Roest kyra@bohemiaamsterdam.com

Bohemia AmsterdamSint Pieterspoortsteeg 23a1012HM Amsterdam, Netherlands

+31 [0]20 42 33 555bohemiaamsterdam.com