Avoiding Startup Burnout.

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It’s no news to anyone that startup businesses and entrepreneurship are hardwork. From pitching investors to the stress of having enough people to get thework done without putting a strain on the finances, it’s no surprise that gettingyour own business off the ground is a stressful proposition. With the amount of

hard work that is needed, the pressure to succeed, and the self-imposed ideas ofperfection, burnout and exhaustion from overwork can happen before you know


The Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship completed a study aboutEntrepreneurial burnout, and a quick search of the blog­publishing platform Medium suggests

that many, many people have struggled with this exact thing. The study found that burnout has anegative impact on organizational commitment, satisfaction, and perceived performance.  

Mashable has posted an article on preventing business burnout. Below are some of their tips,interspersed with  a bit more advice of my own, to help combat this situation:

TIP #1.Self awareness is key.

The nature of the startup experience and entrepreneurship is stressfuland constant, and uncontrolled stress is not healthy for the boss or forthe company. Be diligent in watching yourself for the telltale signs of

exhaustion – both emotional and physical – feelings ofdepersonalization, or a feeling of reduced personal accomplishment.

Start out with the knowledge that you cannot be the keystone withoutwhom the bridge would collapse, because you are building yourself into a

company that will not survive your taking time out for personal care.When you notice signs of burnout happening, make sure you take some

time for yourself, even if it is just a few minutes. Monitor yourself closelyto better monitor the health of your organization.

TIP #2Learn to prioritize

There will always be more work than there is timeavailable. When you are just starting out and every

resource is scarce, you have to make sure that what youfocus on is the most important thing. You’re going to

want to take every opportunity to build the business thatcomes your way, from networking to advertising, but at

some point the opportunities aren’t as important asaccomplishing the things that matter.

TIP #3Workaholics aren’t heroes.

You can’t save the day if you end up burning through all yourwaking hours. The key is finding ways to work smarter. Don’t beafraid of letting an email wait until tomorrow’s fresh eyes. The

phone calls can be scheduled for work hours and the phone putaway at the end of a work day. Minimize meetings and stick to a

schedule to keep them on track, because they can eat away at yourtime quickly. Keep a schedule and adhere to it. Block out time for

putting out fires, because they do happen.

TIP #4Focus on what you do best.

Multitasking is the name of the game when finances are tight andmargins are nonexistent, but grinding out the work that you hate

will encourage burnout and make you dread your morning alarm. Asquickly as you can manage handing off tasks, start with the ones

that bore you or aren’t your strong suit.

TIP #5Connect with others.

Working from home, or in a small office shared with two co-founders leads to isolation. You can start to feel alone and notunderstood. Also, there are things that no one can understand

unless they’ve been in that same boat. Find a safety net of otherentrepreneurs and small business owners who can offer advice

and a supportive ear.

TIP # 6Learn to say no.

That can be the scariest thing for a type-A personality who chargesahead into the realm of startups, but your decisions need to be

made from a place of productivity or love, not out of fear of sayingno.

TIP #7Finally, take care of yourself.

Eat away from your desk, sleep in your own bed, take a walk in thefresh air, get a massage or at least schedule a block of time whereyour phone is off and the lights are dim and there is no computerand the music is soothing. It may seem like a luxury now, but it isa luxury that could save your burgeoning business down the line.