Armed Violence in Rio de Janeiro - Amazon Web Services · – State of Rio de Janeiro: 15.989.929...

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Armed Violence in Rio de Janeiro

Stanford, April 28th, 2014

Ignacio Cano

Laboratory for the Analysis of Violence State University of Rio de Janeiro


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Rio de Janeiro: context •  Population (2010 Census):

–  City of RJ: 6.320.446 –  Metropolitan Area of RJ: 11.835.708 –  State of Rio de Janeiro: 15.989.929

•  One in four to one in five inhabitants, in slums: –  Lack of property of the land: Self-construction –  Irregular access to urban services –  Very cheap reproduction of labour –  Lack of Residential policies –  Large sections of the population plunged into informality

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Rio de Janeiro: context •  Highest degree of inequality (Gini -> 0,5) •  Micro-segregation •  Last decade: reduction of poverty and, for

the first time, of inequality: – Economic growth and stability – Assistance programs of conditional income

transfers: ‘Bolsa Família’ (11 million beneficiaries in Brazil)

–  Increase in minimum wages

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Rio de Janeiro: context •  Highest Incidence of Violence and Crime •  Lethal Violence as the main problem •  Homicide Rate increases dramatically in the 80’s

–  cocaine market –  heavy weapons –  territorial control of criminal groups

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Homicide Rates: Evolution in time










Rio de Janeiro

Outros Municípios

Região Metropolitana

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Homicide Rates

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Robbery Rates

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Theft Rates

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Impact of Homicides on Population MORTALITY TABLE

Rio de Janeiro, 1998

MALES Prob. Of death up to the next age (all causes)

Prob. Of death up to the next age (all causes

except homicide)

Life expectancy (all causes)

Life expectancy (all causes

except homicide)

Years of life Lost due to


Survivors at that age (cohort=

100.000: all causes)

Survivors at that age (cohort=

100.000: all causes except


Extra survivors in the absence of homicides

Age nqx total nqx no hom ex total ex no hom ex tot – ex no hom

lx total lx no hom lx tot - lx no hom

0 0,027083 0,026927 63,60 66,12 2,52 100.000 100.000


1 0,004267 0,004147 64,37 66,95 2,58 97.292 97.307 15,65 5 0,001933 0,001851 60,64 63,23 2,59 96.877 96.904 27,31 10 0,002983 0,002472 55,75 58,34 2,59 96.689 96.724 35,21 15 0,015797 0,005378 50,91 53,48 2,57 96.401 96.485 84,52 20 0,022279 0,008283 46,69 48,75 2,06 94.878 95.966 1088,47 25 0,023835 0,011255 42,70 44,14 1,44 92.764 95.172 2407,34 30 0,023535 0,015043 38,68 39,61 0,94 90.553 94.100 3547,25 35 0,028062 0,021551 34,55 35,18 0,63 88.422 92.685 4262,87 40 0,036259 0,030754 30,47 30,90 0,42 85.941 90.687 4746,67 45 0,047406 0,043279 26,53 26,80 0,27 82.825 87.898 5073,80 50 0,064882 0,062134 22,72 22,90 0,18 78.898 84.094 5196,10 55 0,090050 0,087643 19,13 19,25 0,13 73.779 78.869 5090,03 60 0,131414 0,129562 15,77 15,86 0,09 67.135 71.957 4821,51 65 0,177119 0,175855 12,78 12,85 0,07 58.313 62.634 4321,14 70 0,248732 0,247996 9,99 10,06 0,07 47.985 51.619 3634,95 75 0,353020 0,352439 7,47 7,55 0,08 36.049 38.818 2768,82 80 1 1 5,18 5,30 0,11 23.323 25.137 1813,95

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Homicide Rate by Age and Race: Males Taxa Específica de Homicídio para Homens, por Grupo Racial

Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 1998

Faixa Etária










por 1


00 h












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Homicide Rate by race, age and marital status: Brazil 2001

Homens – Solteiros Homens – Não Solteiros







de  20  a  24anos

de  25  a  29anos

de  30  a  39anos

de  40  a  49anos

 de  50  a  59anos

60  anosou  mais

Brancos Negros







de  20  a  24anos

de  25  a  29anos

de  30  a  39anos

de  40  a  49anos

 de  50  a  59anos

60  anos  oumais

Brancos Negros

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Micro-segregation of Violence

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Micro-segregation of Violence

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Central Trait: Territorial Control •  Background: slums interspersed in the city ->

very rich/poor people living together. Micro-segregation as opposed to centre-perifery

•  Domination of small territories, in order to process/sell drugs, to control markets or to establish a certain social order

•  Control of these small areas is fiercely disputed by armed groups - need of machine guns to defend it and high levels of lethal violence

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Several Types of Armed Groups

•  Criminal Groups based on Drug-dealing, which establish loose network formed in jail

•  Death Squads for `social cleansing` •  `Militias`: corrupt state agents (policemen, prison

guards, firemen, etc.) who occupy the slums in their free time, extort inhabitants and control most economic activities

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Armed Actors •  Control of small territories and populations •  Heavy weaponry to defend territory •  Drug-selling as the basis of business (unlike Sao

Paulo) •  Tyrannical control of population:

–  Movements –  Colour of clothing –  Slang

•  Neo-feudalism

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Armed Actors •  Penalties for those who disobey:

–  Reprimand –  Beatings –  Expulsion –  Death

•  Drug Dealers: Loose networks (Comandos) formed in jail -> networks of mutual assistance but not centralised organisations

•  Constant dispute over territory among the criminal groups and with the police

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Armed Actors •  Absence of State and of formal rights •  Loss of Communal Trust (Perlman: 1968-1998)

–  Social Capital •  Assistance activities towards population:

–  Parties, medicines, burials, etc.

•  Long continuum between Coercion and Support •  Provision of Order and Social Control: support •  History of Authoritarian Social Control:

internalised by victims who have been socialised in this and seen nothing else

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Armed Actors •  Local leaders and Residents Associations:

–  many killed, threatened, integrated –  they have to at least be tolerated by local power –  asked by the state to mediate in order to carry out

public works –  Stigmatised by this very mediation

•  Armed Groups make it impossible to generate independent political leaderships and political change

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Definition of Militias in RJ: 5 traits •  Control of small territories and their populations by

armed irregular groups •  Coercive control •  Economic Motivation •  A legitimisation discourse linked to protection/order •  Openly composed and directed by state agents •  Differences with other countries:

–  Political links but no political project, –  No particular identity upheld, –  No ‘desperation’ –  Monopoly of control over territory

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Comparison of irregular armed groups

Characteristics Militias Drug-dealers

Death squads

Control of territories and population X X Not full Coercion X X X

Economic motivation X X X Legitimisation discourse X

Integrated/ directed by state agents X Partially and not publicly

Partially and not publicly

Other traits

Better organisation.

Control of many

economic activities.

Weapon used for symbolic


Directed by

tradesmen/ politicians

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Traditional State Response: public policies •  Policies ? •  Repression rather than prevention •  Reactive rather than pro-active – events of great

repercussion – role of media •  Militarized – War on Crime, War on Drugs •  Focused on Slums

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Militarisation of State Response •  Training •  Doctrine •  Tactics •  Armoured Vehicles •  Caliber as the main problem •  Army intervention •  Military Justice •  Military Disciplinary Regulations for Policemen

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Police Use of Lethal Force: 1993-1996

Mortos e feridos em confrontos com a Polícia por Tipo de VítimaMunicípio do Rio de Janeiro. Janeiro 93- Julho 96

Tipo de Vítima

PolicialIgnorado (civil)

Vítima AcidentalOpositor



de V





Fontes: R.Os, IPMs, Prom. Bravura (ISER))







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Opositores mortos e feridos pela Polícia por Cidade

São Paulo

Rio de Janeiro


San Diego



Los Angeles

New York





de V





Fontes: R.Os,IPMs,Pr. Bravura(ISER)/Sec.Seg. SP (só dados da PM) Ano1995

Fonte para as cidades USA: Geller & Scott Deadly Force. Ano 1991.







Police Use of Lethal Force: 1993-1996

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Police Use of Lethal Force: 1993-1996

São PauloRio de Janeiro

HoustonLos AngelesNew York



Proporção dos Hom. Dolosos Cometidos pela Polícia, por Cidade

Fontes: R.Os, IPMs, Pr. Bravura (ISER)/ Sec.Seg. SP.(só PM). Ano 1995.

Fontes para as cidades USA: Geller & Scott (92). Ano 1991.









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Police Use of Lethal Force: 1993-1996

Buenos Aires

Jamaica São Paulo

Rio de Janeiro

HoustonLos Angeles

New YorkPhiladelphiaChicago

Indice de Letalidade da ação policial por Lugar

Fontes: R.Os, IPMs, Prom. Bravura (ISER). 1995./ Secr.Seg. SP jan-ago 95

Outras fontes: Geller & Scott (92) / Chevigny (90)


ce d

e Le







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Fontes: R.Os, IPMs, Prom. Bravura (ISER))







Atual (mai95-jul96)Anteriores (93-abr95






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War on Crime/Drugs •  Drug-dealing peddlers take the brunt of crime repression

–  War on crime •  High white-collar crime rarely investigated successfully •  Evidence of connections between low-level violent

networks and high-level criminality / corruption •  General evidence of link between police violence and

corruption –  Mingardi –  Killing of Judge Patricia Acioli –  Morro do Fallet –  Tropa de Elite -> Warrior policeman is the exception

•  Extreme violence of state agents fuelling violence -> policy of extermination, summary executions

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Traditional State Response •  State Response -> part of the problem •  Traditionally, police interventions followed a

militarised strategy: war on crime/drugs •  Periodical invasion of slums with heavy gunfire

regardless of humanitarian impact •  Human rights violations: torture, summary

executions, •  Very low legitimacy of police among poor

communities •  Corruption

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Traditional State Response •  Effectively, police force traditionally as one

more actor disputing territorial control •  Public policies designed not to protect people

who live in the slums but to fight the enemy •  Last governments -> Priority of fighting the

main criminal network (Comando Vermelho) -> increased conflict among criminal networks

•  State action feeds into the vicious circle of violence

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War on Crime/Drugs •  Not a War in formal terms:

–  Clear Groups/Sides: `enemy always recruiting from population` –  Temporary: permanent/unwinnable –  Specific Objectives: profit, therefore unattainable

•  A War in its consequences: –  High victimisation –  Heavy Weaponry –  Displacement of populations, Lack of access to medical services –  Severe humanitarian effects: victims of stray bullets in slums

treated as collateral damage •  What is defined as real in a society... •  Metaphor of War used for several purposes:

–  Any means can be used: human rights violations (Geneva Conventions)

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Recent Policies •  Pacifying Police Units:

–  Saturation –  Permanence –  Community Policing doctrine –  New Policemen

•  Targets/Rewards for police officers (Compstat): –  Reduction in homicides and in police killings

•  Division of Homicides (capital) –  Higher clearance rate?

•  Reduction of Homicides 2008-2012 •  Reduction of Armed Crimes

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Recent Policies •  Pacifying Police Units:

•  Significant reduction in violent deaths (48%) and a smaller reduction in robberies in and around UPP areas

•  Parallel increase in non-lethal and non-armed crime, partially due to reduced under-reporting rates and partially to absence of authoritarian rule by armed groups

•  Opportunity to Reform Police/Policies and leave behind ‘war on drugs’

•  Selective Intervention in territorial/social terms: project to turn Rio into an international centre of tourism and services

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TAXA  MÉDIA  POR  MÊS  E  COMUNIDADE            (por  100.000  hab.)    

PRÉ  UPP   PÓS  UPP   PRÉ  UPP   PÓS  UPP  VíAmas  de  Morte  Violenta   0,94   0,25   10,03   2,21  VíAmas  de  Homicídio   0,86   0,16   9,06   1,00  VíAmas  de  Autos  de  Resistência   0,50   0,01   5,70   0,12  VíAmas  de  Desaparecimento   0,32   0,71   3,60   6,92  VíAmas  de  Lesões  Dolosas   3,34   11,66   41,33   127,36  VíAmas  de  Violência  DomésAca  e  Familiar   2,17   8,47   27,12   84,66  VíAmas  de  Ameaça   2,30   7,97   29,45   99,24  VíAmas  de  Estupro   0,14   0,37   1,35   4,84  Ocorrências  de  Roubos   5,87   2,70   61,23   20,58  Ocorrências  de  Furtos   3,48   5,38   46,46   64,99  Ocorrências  de  Crimes  relaAvos  a  Drogas   1,91   5,83   24,13   63,93  

Criminalidade  Registrada  dentro  das  Comunidades  Antes  e  Depois  da  Entrada  das  UPPs  Recorded  Crimes  and  Crime  Rates  in  the  communi9es  

 before  and  a<er  UPPs    City  of  Rio  de  Janeiro:  Jan  2006  –  July  2011    

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Sta9s9cal  Model  of  the  Net  Effect  of  UPP  presence  inside  the  communi9es,  controlling  for  the  overall  trend  in  the  city  

Jan  2006  –  July  2011  –  Cidade  do  RJ  

Variáveis  independentes:  efeito  da  comunidade,  presença  da  UPP  e    incidência  no  resto  da  cidade  

Fonte:  InsAtuto  de  Segurança  Pública  –  ISP  .  Elaboração  :  LAV-­‐UERJ  

VALORES ABSOLUTOS   TAXAS por 100.000 hab.  

TIPO DE OCORRÊNCIA   Coeficente   Qui-Quadrado  GL   p   Coeficiente   Qui-

Quadrado  GL   p  

Vítimas de Morte Violenta   -0,52   16,59   1   0,000   -4,79   7,32   1   0,007  Vítimas de Homicídio Doloso   -0,56   22,30   1   0,000   -5,55   11,89   1   0,001  Vítimas de Auto de Resistência   -0,44   32,07   1   0,000   -5,10   25,11   1   0,000  Vítimas de Desaparecimento   0,25   15,13   1   0,000   2,21   5,02   1   0,025  Vítimas de Lesões Dolosas   6,71   227,85   1   0,000   76,39   222,23   1   0,000  Vítimas de Violência Doméstica   4,43   115,15   1   0,000   42,23   69,23   1   0,000  Vítimas de Ameaça   4,08   108,32   1   0,000   57,73   95,36   1   0,000  Vítimas de Estupro   0,18   13,60   1   0,000   3,15   14,03   1   0,000  Número de Roubos   -1,92   16,21   1   0,000   -8,03   2,24   1   0,134  Número de Furtos   1,54   60,65   1   0,000   21,83   42,92   1   0,000  Número de Crimes de Drogas   3,06   70,29   1   0,000   32,34   69,27   1   0,000  

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1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Number of Civilian Deaths in Police Interventions in the state of Rio de Janeiro , per Year

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Legenda:Centro da Cidade e Zona Portuária


Zona Norte

Zona Oeste

Zona Sul e Barra da Tijuca

Territórios das UPPs

Outros Municípios do Estado do RJ ®0 5 10 152,5



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0   10   20   30  5  Kilometers  

RATE  OF  VIOLENT  DEATHS  PER  100.000  inhab.,    BY  AREA    METROPOLITAN  AREA  OF  RIO  DE  JANEIRO  -­‐  2010  

Mortes por 100.000 hab.20 ou menos

Mais de 20 a 30

Mais de 30 a 40

Mais de 40 a 50

Mais de 50

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Present Crisis •  Homicides increasing in some areas (Baixada

Fluminense) since 2012 and in the state as a whole since 2013

•  Robberies also increasing over the last year (reward crimes)

•  Exhaustion of the positive impact of policies •  Polices have not been evaluated nor adjusted

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TAXAS  DE  MORTES  VIOLENTAS  POR  100.000  HAB.    ESTADO  E  REGIÕES  -­‐  2008  A  2013  

Fonte:  Ins9tuto  de  Segurança  Pública  –  ISP  .  Elaboração:  LAV-­‐UERJ  

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Present Crisis •  Partial Loss of legitimacy of UPPs (Amarildo case

and others) •  Lack of progress in police reform:

–  Lack of significant change in training and overall doctrine: war on crime coexists with pacification

–  Most policemen in UPPs would rather not work there (CESeC, 2011, 2103)

–  Absence of a strategy to merge UPPs with rest of policing

•  UPP remained in Stage 1: police saturation •  Advances easily reversible if police leave

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Present Crisis •  Lack of progress in relationship with community

and its institucionalization •  Electoral Year: no prospects of major decisions •  Last week: crisis in Copabana (Pavão-

Pavãozinho) •  Partial return of old rethoric: ‘demonstrators

stimulated by drug dealers’