APS 1015 Class 3 - SE Workshop

Post on 08-May-2015

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This lecture will be structured workshop-style, in collaboration with Clean Care and Public Inc. Students will be introduced to these two real-life social enterprises and have the opportunity to better understand the social problems these organizations are trying to solve and the challenges they are facing in doing so. This workshop is the first step in analyzing the two beneficiary organizations as part of developing proposed solutions, which make up the final assignment.

Transcript of APS 1015 Class 3 - SE Workshop


APS 1015: Social Entrepreneurship

Class 3: Social Enterprise Workshop

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Instructors:Norm Tasevski (norm@socialentrepreneurship.ca) Alex Kjorven (alex@socialentrepreneurship.ca)


© Norm Tasevski


• Presentations– Clean Care (Janise Lee)– Public Inc. (Leigh Merlo)

• Team Breakout


© Norm Tasevski

Clean Care


© Norm Tasevski

Public Inc.


© Norm Tasevski

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