Alfresco勉強会#33 Alfresco Solr Admin UI

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Alfresco勉強会#33 Alfresco Solr Admin UI

...#some test synonym mappings unlikely to appear in real input textaaafoo => aaabarbbbfoo => bbbfoo bbbbarcccfoo => cccbar cccbazfooaaa,baraaa,bazaaa

# Some synonym groups specific to this exampleGB,gib,gigabyte,gigabytesMB,mib,megabyte,megabytesTelevision, Televisions, TV, TVs#notice we use "gib" instead of "GiB" so any WordDelimiterFilter coming#after us won't split it into two words.

# Synonym mappings can be used for spelling correction toopixima => pixma