Akcia Depeche Mode Bratislava 2014 · Participate and enjoy fans action during Depeche Mode concert...

Post on 15-Mar-2020

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Transcript of Akcia Depeche Mode Bratislava 2014 · Participate and enjoy fans action during Depeche Mode concert...

Uži si spolu s ostatnými akciu fanúšikov Depeche Mode v Bratislave. Akcia má 3 časti: 1. Plagát "WELCOME HOME" vytiahni počas prvej skladby koncertu

2. Plagát "I Love DM" vytiahni počas prvej martinovej sólovej skladby koncertu 3. Počas mávačky záverečnej skladby "Never Let Me Down Again" rozsvieť svoj náramok, tyčinku či displej/blesk tvojho mobilu

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Participate and enjoy fans action during Depeche Mode concert in Bratislava. The event consists of 3 parts:1. Show the poster "WELCOME HOME" during the first track of the concert

2. Show the poster "I Love DM" during Martin's first solo track3. and finaly light up your bracelet, lightstick, phone display or flash during the wave hand in final track "Never Let Me Down Again"

Thank you for cooperation!