Ae.u7 aliyah bey

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Ae.u7 aliyah bey

Does social media play a role in the isolation of our people? this has been a much debated topic.Social media is one of the sole reasons people are so isolated today. it lessens face to face interaction,it decreases social skills and builds a false sense of security.

decreases our social skills.

IT is now difficult for us to meet new people face to face.We don’t want to use our social skill like we did before social

media was created.

we want this

VS. this

It lessens face to face interactionWe would choose talking over the internet instead of talking on the phone or meeting up.We don’t wanna meet our co workers face to face ,instead we want to do it over social media. Many of us don’t even know that were doing this .We are now a people

who choose technology over human interactions.

Some may argue that social media helps us stay more connected than we ever were as a people.For them it makes meeting people easier.“It made it more comfortable so it as wasn’t

as awkward,” she said. “It was better than just meeting someone for the first time (Rodriguez). ” When this was said it made me think.How did we meet people before

Facebook and twitter were created.Also when you look at that statement it proves my point.She said it wasn’t as awkward.That already shows us that our ability to talk to to

people is decreasing along with our social skills.We choose to have more online friends than real friends.We rather meet people online for the first time instead of in person.

take the first step.Instead of chatting someone on Facebook pick up the phone and call.Stop spending hours at a time on social networks.Limit you time spent on these websites/apps.And last but not least.Make a date once a month were you and you close friends meet up,because

at the end of the day your going to need them before the “1,000” friends you have all around the world.