ACCT Courseregguide Spring 2011

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Transcript of ACCT Courseregguide Spring 2011

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

Course Registration Guide VOL.2

(Spring 2011)

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

Dear Members,

喺科大讀左一個 semester, 相信對呢間學校都了解同認識左唔少. 其實我一路都認為每個 professor 的 grade 分別都唔大, 只要有付出

就總會有收穫, 兩者係有微妙既關係的. 回想上個 semester, 大家既 friend, 高分嗰啲係咪個個都係「好 grade professor」教, 低分嗰

啲就全部都係「爛 grade professor」教? 點解無 course registration guide, 啲 mainland/international 同學都可以考得好? 本身都無打

算做呢份野, 但係之前應承左好多人做, 所以最後都做左出黎. 我一個無可能讀過晒咁多個 courses, 所以好多意見都係歸納出黎. 每

個人既perspective都唔同, 所以呢份野的 comment無話一定啱或錯. 記住呢份野既目的唔係話比你聽邊個professor好 grade爛 grade,

而係將一啲師兄師姐讀過既 course 既經驗分享出黎, 方便你地選擇一個適合自己讀既 course/professor. 知道有啲同學喺上一個

semester 考得唔係咁理想, 仲有好多 BBA 既同學差唔多時侯需要稔定讀咩 major, 所以如果你哋有咩問題, 例如 grade average (計

BCGA, CGA, SGA, GGA), curriculum, 揀 major, double major, minor, overload, defer, dismiss, retake, exchange 等都可以問吓我意見, 我會


CHAN Ka Wai, Michael

Academic Secretary

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU,

Session 2010-2011

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

ACCT188 Professional Excellence Program I [1-0-0:1] (for accounting major students only)

一個幾輕鬆, 主要係聽 Talk (Department 每堂都 invite 左 guest)既 course, 好好 grade (未聽過有人 C range)但得一個 credit, 有座位表會每堂點名再加 PRS 答

問題 (attendance 50%), 有 Group Project, Presentation 同 Peer Evaluation, 另外喺個 course 最尾嗰日亦要交一份 Career Plan (Individual). 全個 course 只係用

半個 semester 就會完, 無任何 exam (因為無教書的).

Professor/Instructor Lecture Past evaluation Remarks

TANG, Tedmond L Y L1-2 52.4 (ACCT221),

70.8, 75 (ACCT220)

Fall semester ACCT101 上過佢堂既同學應該都知佢係個幾好人既 professor, 好鍾意講野亦好幫學生.

上堂好興奮, 雖然英文不太好, 但係係香港人的 accent, 所以亦唔會唔明.

LAM, Charles K N 86.8, 89.7


一個好 funny 好 cute 的 instructor, 同 Tedmond 一樣係香港人, 亦都好好人. 講英文有時會徘徊喺走音

既邊緣, 亦都係香港人的 accent.

*留意 year 1 既同學應該唔可以 swap 去 L2 (L2 係 for year 2, 3 的 accounting major). 換言之, year 1 accounting major 既你應該只可以留喺 L1, 即係一定係頭

半個 semester 讀完.

ECON110 Introductory Microeconomics [3-1-0:3] (for students without AL Economics background)

有讀 CE Economics 的同學會比較容易應付, course content 幾似 AL 的 Economics (micro), 唔識可以叫啲讀過 AL Economics 的 friend 教. 上年係 4 credits, 今年

改為 3 credits, content 同 workload 應該會少啲. 上年既經驗係有功課, 無 project, exams 算係容易 (midterm and final)但係計數同 graph 既題目居多, concept

題較少. Tutorial 可以唔上, 但建議多做 tutorial 的 exercises, 應該好似 ISOM111 既 tutorial 咁, 上齊既話應該總有得著. 一般至正常 grade 的 course (多勞多


ZHAO, Xiaojian L1, 3 N/A 新 professor

YU, Yan L2 62.1, 62.5 (大前年)

76.9, 77.8 (ECON115)

很有經驗的 professor, 由 2000 年開始在科大教授, 06 年轉任客座副教授

近年教 ECON115, ECON 214 為主

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

71.1 (ECON214)

LIM, Woo Young L4 N/A 2010 年入職新 professor. 在剛過去的 Fall Semester 任教這個 course 和 ECON311, 但學校尚未公

佈 evaluation 分.

*因為今年同上年教 ECON110 的 Professors 全部都唔同, 所以以上資料係 according to 上年的經驗, 今年呢三個 professors 既 course requirements 可能會有


ECON111 Microeconomics [3-1-0:3] (for students who got E, D, or C in AL Economics)

一個同 AL Economics 幾唔同幾多數計既 course. Tutorial 唔 take attendance, 但教既野幾有用. 上年係 4 credits, 今年改為 3 credits, content 同 workload 應該


VISARIA, Sujata L1-2 58.3 爛 grade (mean C+/C), 唔 take attendance 但好憎人遲到, 所以遲到的話寧願缺席. 成個 course 有六份

功課, 要上 lecture 嗰時交, 無 project. 英文比較難聽.

ECON191 Honors Microeconomics [3-1-0:3] (for students who got B or above in AL Economics)

同 AL Economics 可以話完全唔同. Course content 其實幾深但上年係 4 credits, 今年改為 3 credits, 所以 content 同 workload 應該會少啲. 上年由 Department

Head 教, midterm 難, final (non-cumulative) 好容易. 因為 Department 知呢個 course 好多人都好叻, 所以呢個 course 既 grade 係比其他 course 好的 (有人無

上堂 midterm final below mean 都有 B-). 上年有功課, 幾難的但可以同幾個同學 form group 然後交一份. Tutorial 會計 attendance, 上堂亦有 participation 分

LEUNG, Siu Fai L1 89 (ECON198),

94.4 (ECON323),

92.7 (ECON324),

83.9 (ECON150)

近年教 ECON150, ECON198, ECON323, ECON324 為主

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

FINA111 Financial Management [3-1-0:3]

一個 class size 非常大的 course, 由兩位 professors 分開上半個 semester 同下半個 semester 教. 3 個 Lecture 就包含晒所有 Year 1 讀 Business (包括 BBA, ACCT,

ECOF, QF, GBUS)的同學, 換言之, 呢個 course 係全部 Year 1 Business Students 一齊拉 curve. Lecture 唔會 take attendance, 但上堂其實幾有用. 有人話爛 grade,

但其實 class size 大的關係, 如果係接近 mean 嗰批人爭幾分可能個 grade 最後都會有幾大分別, 所以唔好睇少啲功課同 participation 分, 個人認為係一般至

正常 grade, 但除左 mid term 同 final 之外, 功課同 tutorial 都絕對唔可以忽略.

Course content 其實唔係好難, 但有少少繁複, 會有少少 ACCT101 同 ISOM111 的成份. 考試正常程度, mid term 同 final mean 都大約係 70 幾分.

功課係每一至兩星期有一個網上 submit 的功課叫 My Finance Lab (MFL). 要有 MFL 就要買個 code, 就咁買同連書買個價錢分別其實唔係好大. MFL 裡面亦有

好多 exercises 可以做(唔計分), 但唔好撈亂會計同唔會計分的 exercises. 全個 semester 要交十次, 會 count 最好嗰九次. 通常有溫書, 做過 exercises 的同學

功課也很容易滿分, 所以記得一定要交喇!

Tutorial會每堂 take attendance, 好次 LABU咁係必上的堂. 第二三堂就會分好組 (assigned), 然後 throughout 成個 course 的 tutorial 也分組坐, 每堂也有group

exercises 做完會即堂講解答案 (計 participation), 另外會有 group case (計重啲分)做完直接交唔會對答案. Tutorial 最後會有 Peer Evaluation.

PI, Lynn K F L1-3 66.5, 67.5, 67.7 教得清楚, 英文幾好, 好容易聽得明

CHAN, Dennis S S N/A Department of Accounting 和 Department of Finance 的兼任副教授. 在剛過去的 Fall Semester 任教 ACCT


*呢個 course 係需要用到 Financial Calculator (簡稱 Fin Cal), 一部幾百蚊, 如果唔打算 major finance/account 的話會建議你問人借/買二手機.

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

ISOM101 Introduction to Information Systems [3-0-1:3]

Course content 幾容易, 有溫就一定會識. 中學讀過電腦的會比較易 catch up 啲電腦既 terms. 個 course 對你地最新鮮既係每個星期有一個 LAB session, 唔

係 science 做實驗嗰啲, 而係喺 Business Barn 教同試一啲 computer software, 類似中學既電腦堂. 每堂都會 take attendance 同有張 worksheet 要做落堂交. 上

年係 take 左 attendance 同交 worksheet 就會每堂都有 1.5 分. LAB 教既野考試唔會考,但可以當係識多啲電腦知識既環節

SIN, Raymond G L1-2 79.9, 85.1 Notes 多圖少字, midterm 全 MC, 有 project 同 presentation 但比較輕鬆, 英文算係好聽, 教得都幾易

明, 算係好 grade. 上年 final exam 計數的部份(很容易的)與 Michael 的試卷相同. 上堂亦會有部份

topic 由 Michael 教.

ZHANG, Michael X L3-4 74.5, 76.8 很喜歡”Apple” product 的 professor. Notes 也是多圖少字, 有 project 同 presentation. 上堂要舉手答問

題計 participation. 英文正常, 教得 OK 但有啲悶, 好 grade. Midterm exam 有 True or False 同 MC, 考

試幾淺. 上年 final exam 計數的部份(很容易的)與 Raymond 的試卷相同. 上堂亦會有部份 topic 由

Raymond 教.

KARHADE, Prasanna P L5-6 47.8, 56.3 講野細聲, 英文比較難聽. 上堂幾輕鬆, 有時會早放, 但有時上堂有 class exercise 落堂要交(for

attendance). 有 project 同 presentation. OK Grade. 考試問題幾淺同 straightforward, 會有 fill in the

blanks, mc and essay (上年考試前有 sample questions, 考試時有好多都可以喺裡面搵到)

XU, Hong L7-8 N/A 新 professor

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

ISOM161 Operations Management [3-0-0:3]

少數學完可以喺現實生活應用到既 business course, course content 有少少難但幾 interesting. 會有少少計數(類似 ISOM111 咁), 不過考試會偏重 concept 題多


LAU, Ronald S M L1-2 80.7, 83.6, 84 教得好好但有啲悶, 會有啲中學老師 feel. 上堂會睇 participation, 亦都需要喺 LMES 的 Discussion

Board 積極留言. 好好 grade. 可惜既係走左堂既話無得睇番 video 重溫.

YU, Man L3-4 72.2, 73.9, 81.3 上堂幾容易明, 亦有 video 可以重溫, 但講野幾高音同慢. Fair grade. 無 project, exam 幾難. 會有 2-3

個 quiz,上堂間中亦會有 pop quiz

SHUM, Stephen W H L5-6 79.8, 85.6, 85.7 貌似蕭源, 幾好人的 professor. 講解 OK, 唔會 take attendance, 但要答好多問題加上間中的 class

exercises 先有 5%的 participation 分. 有 Project (整 video), 唔洗 presentation, 無 Evaluation, 組組個

分都差唔多. 兩個 non-cumulative 的 quiz 和一個 cumulative 的 final exam, 全 MC, 深淺正常. 好


NASIRY, Javad L7-8 N/A 新 professor

MARK112 Marketing Management [3-0-0:3]

同 AL Business Studies Marketing 嗰課有少少相似, 但係考核既範圍同形式都好唔同, 所以之前有讀過的也不會有好大優勢. 成個 course 會有 3-4 個 quiz

(depends on professor), notes 同 textbook 都要溫, 無 final exam, quiz 普遍既同學都幾高分, 所以個 course 其實都好睇重 participation, 上堂需要積極舉手發

表意見 (好似 MGMT121 咁). 亦有 project 同 presentation, 呢啲反而比 quiz 的成績更為重要.

DALTON, Amy N L01-03 72.4, 78.4, 91.1 長久給評為爛 grade professor (上年又唔係真係咁爛), 所以好多 local students 都 swap 走晒, 令班

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

上有比較多的 mainland/international 的學生 (他們的英文大多很好). 上堂其實幾輕鬆, 雖然有少

少悶但係教得唔差的 , 私下同佢傾計你會發現佢其實好好人 . 好憎人遲到 . 上堂有 group

discussion 就會 take attendance. Project (自行 form group, 有 peer evaluation) 好緊要但亦相對地個

workload (只係做 few pages) 比其他 marketing professor 輕鬆. Total 4 次 quiz, 計 best 3.

SALVACRUZ, Joseph L04-05 81.4, 85.6, 87 上堂有座位表 (但上年可以唔跟 ), 會有 pop quiz, Project 佔好重 (較喜歡 Professional 的

presentation), 英文係印度人的 accent. Fair Grade.

ZHAO, Yue L06-07 65.9, 70.2, 75 教得一般, 上堂輕鬆同會吹水, 但係係最多 local students 爭住 reg 的好 grade professor

MUKHOPADHYAY, Anirban L09-11 90.5, 91, 93.1 印度人, evaluation 咁高分證明好多同學都覺得佢好人同教得好. 好睇重 participation, 上堂要分

組坐, 會有 group discussion, 間中會有 group exercises, 上堂講過既野/播過既 video 都會在 quiz

出現. 有 project and presentation (presentation 只需派兩個 group mates 講野), 另外開學初頭會有

一個 2 人做的 project report, 佔 10%. Fair grade.

*呢個 course 亦會有 3%係屬於一個叫 marketing research participation 既野. 其實係類似填問卷咁, 做夠 3 次就 OK. 係要上網報名的 (會經常有電郵通之幾

時有得做), 初頭會好多人報好難報到, 但差唔多去到四五月就會無咁難報, 所以初頭唔夠人快的同學也不用擔心最後會報唔到.

LABU 104 Business Case Analyzes II [0-3-0:2]

讀左一個 semester 相信都唔洗再介紹咩係 LABU 喇. LABU instructors 的 comments 和 evaluation marks 可以睇番 Fall Semester 的 Course Registration Guide, 或

者問吓自己啲 friend 應該會有最 update 既資料. Year 1 SBM 既同學除左 GBUS 的同學上個 semester 已經讀晒之外, 大家都要讀這個延續的 LABU course. 同

上個 semester一樣, 啲case大部份會係同你今個 semester讀既 course有關連, 例如會有個有關Finance的 case. Group/Individual presentations, vocabulary test,

作文寫 report, peer evaluation 等在今個 semester 仍會繼續出現. 留意既都係仍係要至少上 80%既堂, 同埋相信大家或多或少也感受到 impression mark 的重


Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

* Class Schedule 嗰度你仍係會見都係未有任何 instructor 的名字, 所以大家都未知自己 pre-reg 左嗰班係邊個教. 但其實也有方法可預早知, 不過呢啲

information 都會好快傳到個個知, 所以自己發掘吧!

Common Core Courses

根據 SBM 最新的 Overloading Policy, Year 1 Spring semester 同埋 Year 2 每個 semester 最多可以 take 20 個 credits, CGA 有 9 分或以上最多可以 take 22 個 credits.

所以如果今個 semester 仲有 credit 淨 (或者夠高分 overload), 又想讀多啲 course 的話, 就可以選擇讀 Business Breadth* (所有 Business Department offer 的

courses), 或者普遍啲多啲選擇可以讀 Common Core Course(s).

*選擇 Business Breadth 的時侯要留意你想讀嗰個 course 個 target student 同埋有無 pre-requisite 同 exclusion, BBA 的同學尤其要小心啲選擇. 你亦可以喺揀


其實科大除左你哋個 major 要讀既 core 同 required courses 之外, 佢仲 require 你哋要讀一啲叫Common Core 既 courses (以前叫 General Education Elective). 簡

單啲黎講就係要讀晒科大 3 個 Common Core 既 Area, 分別為: 1. Science and Technology, 2. Social Analysis, 3. Arts and Humanities.

Science and Technology 最少要讀夠 6 個 credits (兩個 courses); Social Analysis 同 Arts and Humanities total 要讀夠 12 個 credits(四個 courses), 而呢四個 courses

入面至少要有一個 course 係喺 Social Analysis 個 special course list 度, 一個 course 係喺 Arts and Humanities 個 special course list 度.

下面就係今個 semester 有 offer 到, 而你哋又可以揀黎讀去 satisfy common core courses 既 requirement 既 courses:

Science and Technology

BIEN 101 Application of Engineering in Life Sciences [3-0-0:3]

Bioengineering 唯一一個 for Undergraduate 既 course

BISC 002 Biology of Human Health [3-0-0:3]

OK Grade. Course content 同 AL Biology 有啲相近, 無 project 但多野背 (被喻為 Biology of Human Disease, 因為有好多疾病名要背), 有讀過 AL Bio 的可以一試!

但無 Bio 底的就不建議選修了

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

BISC 006 Environmental Conservation and Public Health in Hong Kong [3-0-0:3]

背野為主, 有 Bio 底也可以一試!

CENG 109 Biotechnology and Its Business Opportunities [3-0-0:3]

Course content 同 AL Biology 有少少關係. 考試得 final (MC 和 Essay), 幾容易. 有 group project 同功課, 可以自己分組 (最好搵啲有 AL Bio 底的同學一組). PRS

計 participation. 好 grade.

CHEM 002 Introduction to Chemistry of Cosmetic [3-0-0:3]

爛 grade 同唔係幾學到野

CHEM 100 General Chemistry [3-0-0:3]

讀呢個 course 既 prerequisite 係要讀過 AL/AS Chemistry

CIVL 142 Environmental Quality Control and Improvement [3-0-0:3]

CIVL 161 Civil Engineering and Modern Society [3-1-0:3]

幾好 grade. 有 past paper, 考試全 MC, 要做 project.

CIVL 171 Climate Change Risk, Mitigation and Adaptations [3-0-0:3]

COMP 101 Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing [2-0-2:3]

有人話係教做 PowerPoint, 有 past paper, 無咩電腦 background 都可以考得 OK. 但有 CE CIT 底的話更佳

COMP 102 Computer and Programming Fundamentals I [3-0-2:3]

一般 grade. 一個 programming 既 course. 教得差, CE CIT pascal 底會有 advantage

COMP 191 Computational Thinking for Everyone in the Internet Age [3-1-0:3]

ELEC 001 Electronic and Information Technology [2-1-0:3]

好 grade, 有人 final below mean 2 SD 都有 B, 兩次 minimum 都有 C-. 讀過 PHYS 一開始會覺得好 easy, midterm 睇一兩次都可以識晒. 無 science 底就要上

堂聽書, workload 一般. Project 好容易, 但要做齊功課, 無 participation, 可以唔上 tutor, 理科人必 take!

ELEC 005 Multimedia Design and Marketing [2-0-3:3]

好好 grade. 雖然無 final exam 但 workload 幾大, 要識剪片嗰啲 software 做 project

ENVR 003 Environment and Health [3-0-0:3]

MATH 106 Multivariable Calculus and Basic Probability [3-1-0:3]

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

OK Grade.

MECH 112 Fundamental Building Blocks for Microsystem Technologies [3-1-0:3]

讀呢個 course 既 prerequisite 係要讀過 CE/AL/AS Physics

MECH 113 Buildings for Contemporary Living [3-0-0:3]

PHYS 002 Introduction to Astrophysics and Astronomy [3-0-0:3]

讀呢個 course 既 prerequisite 係要讀過 CE Physics. Absolute grade (唔係拉 curve, 拎咩分就咩 grade). 會有兩個 professors 輪流教, 一個幾有趣, 另一個就好

悶. 個 course 教既野都幾 informative, CE/AL 讀過 PHYS 會有 advantage. 用 PRS 計 participation. 考試要善用 cheat sheet, 有時可以去 visit/睇 movie.

PHYS 006 Energy and Related Environmental Issues [3-0-0:3]

讀呢個 course 既 prerequisite 係要讀過 CE Physics

PHYS 007 Physical Phenomena in Everyday Life [3-0-0:3]

讀過 AL Physics 係唔可以 take 呢個 course

Social Analysis

ACCT 261 Business Law [3-0-0:3]

如果你係 ACCT major, year 2 spring semester 會 pre-reg 比你, 而唔會計做 elective

ECON 112 Macroeconomics [3-1-0:3]

如果你係 ACCT/ECON major, year 2 fall semester 會 pre-reg 比你, 而唔會計做 elective

ISOM 125 Business Protections for Innovations [3-0-0:3]

ISOM 231 Introduction to Electronic Commerce [3-0-0:3]

MGMT 235 Negotiation [3-1-0:4]

因為 professor 好人, 所以係一個幾搶手既 management course

MGMT 331 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Studies [3-1-0:4]

Special Course List

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

ISOM 139 Technology and Innovation: Social and Business Perspectives [3-0-0:3]

MGMT 233 Essentials of Managerial Leadership [3-0-0:3]

SOSC 101A Introduction to Political Science [3-0-0:3]

多 readings. 2 個 midterm 1 個 final. 上堂會計 participation. Fair Grade.

SOSC 142 Poverty [3-0-0:3]

SOSC 146 Introduction to Japan [3-0-0:3]

Workload 一般, 要做 report. midterm final 唔算難, 有上堂的話應該可以容易應付

SOSC 166 Hong Kong Society [3-0-0:3]

一般 grade. 2 個 midterm 1 個 final. 雖然無 attendance 同 participation, 但上堂既 course materials 都會喺 exam 出現

SOSC 180 Introduction to Chinese Society [3-0-0:3]

幾好 grade. 個 course 會有好多 readings, 同埋要做 Project

SOSC 185 Introduction to Sociology [3-0-0:3]

勁好 grade. 個 course 會探討唔同既社會問題. 要上堂 jot notes, 因為考試會考, total 會有 3 個考試, 每個 20 跳 MC + 幾條 Short questions, 考試可以用 cheat


SOSC 186 Population and Society [3-0-0:3]

背野 course

SOSC 196 Introduction to Psychology [3-0-0:3]

好 grade. 要做功課(計好重), 兩次 quiz, 要溫 notes 同書

SOSC 200C Women in China [3-0-0:3]

SOSC 200J Psychology of Adolescence and Adulthood [3-0-0:3]

SOSC 200N Economic Development [3-0-0:3]

SOSC 200P Health Psychology [3-0-0:3]

SOSC 274 Gender and Society [3-0-0:3]

SOSC 330 Modern Dictatorship: West and East [3-0-0:3]

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

Arts and Humanities

Special course list

HUMA 001 Introduction to Language [3-0-0:3]

有關語言學同拼音的 course, 算係好 grade.

HUMA 041 General Chinese History: Pre-modern [2-1-0:3]

HUMA 072 Logic [2-1-0:3]


HUMA 101D Culture and Environment [2-1-0:3]

HUMA 110 Music of the World [3-0-0:3]

好好 grade. 好似 5 級樂理咁, 介紹世界唔同地區音樂文化, 要自己出去聽一個 concert 然後交 report, 2 midterm + 1 final, 考試全 MC, 有音樂底既人必 reg!

HUMA 113 Approaches to Western Literature [3-0-0:3]

HUMA 114 China in Film: Modern Chinese Culture and Identities [2-1-0:3]

好 grade, 但要寫 film review, written report 同做 project, final exam 做 essay, 建議對呢方面有興趣先揀

HUMA 115 Enjoyment of Classical Music [2-1-0:3]

HUMA 117 Introduction to Music Theory [2-1-0:3]

HUMA 124 Masterpieces of Chinese Literature [3-0-0:3]


HUMA 157 East Asia and the West: Cultures in Contact [2-1-0:3]

HUMA 165 Art Appreciation [2-1-0:3]

HUMA 168 Understanding Western Architecture [3-0-0:3]

好多野記, 除非好有興趣, 否則不建議修讀

HUMA 182 Chinese Culture and Its Philosophies [3-0-0:3]


HUMA 201 Metaphors in English and Chinese [3-0-0:3]

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

HUMA 202 Chinese Language, Logic, and Science [3-0-0:3]

HUMA 204 Study of the Modern Chinese Writing System [3-0-0:3]

HUMA 210 Music, Drama and Theatre [3-0-0:3]

HUMA 262 Chinese Culture and Society in Anthropological Perspectives [2-1-0:3]


HUMA 266 Tradition and Modernity: Chinese Ink Painting in 20th Century [3-0-0:3]

HUMA 284 Buddhism: Origin and Growth [3-0-0:3]

用英文學佛教. Fair grade. Workload 一般, 無 midterm 但要做 report.

HUMA 300R Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler: Dictators and their Regimes [0-3-0:3]

HUMA 310 Literary Classics in Visual Culture [2-1-0:3]

HUMA 352 History of US-China Relations [3-0-0:3]

*以上 common core courses 係 for 讀 business 既同學, 如果你係讀 science/engine 的有啲 relevant 既 course 會唔喺個 list 度, 有啲 irrelevant 既 course 會喺

個 list 度, 所以會建議你睇番個 full course list for more details.

Common Core 所有 courses 既 list 同埋有關 common core 既多啲 information 可以去呢個 website 度睇睇:


1. 畢業計 honors 嗰時 year 1 既 weighting 只係 0.5, 而 Year 2 3 係 1. 所以你哋唔洗太介懷 Year 1 因為最遲 reg course 而 reg 唔到啲搶手 course, 都係嗰句, 就

算入左啲被認為無咁好 grade 既 course 嗰度, 其實肯讀書個 grade 都唔會差太遠.

2. 話就話 year 1 只計 0.5, 但係如果你打算 year 2 spring semester 去 exchange 的話, 呢個 semester 會係你最後衝刺的機會啊!

3. 留意 evaluation 個分只係反映當時學生對 professor 教學的評價, 而非好唔好 grade. 因為 evaluation 係喺 exam 前一兩個星期做, 亦即係未出任何 grade

前, 啲學生已經做完個 evaluation, 所以個分絕對同好唔好 grade 無關

Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Prepared by Michael Chan, Academic Secretary, Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU


Office of the Provost (former Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs)

Admissions, Registration and Records Office

Undergraduate Core Education Office

Language Center, HKUST

HKUST Business School

Department of Accounting, HKUST

Department of Economics, HKUST

Department of Finance, HKUST

Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management, HKUST

Department of Marketing, HKUST

Department of Management, HKUST

Former Executive Committee members of Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU

Executive Committee members of Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU, Session 2010-2011

Helpers and contributors


This course registration guide summarized the opinions of the students who took the same course in the past and is FOR REFERENCE ONLY. It does not represent

any stance of Accounting Students’ Society, HKUSTSU. For any latest and related information, please refer to the official websites or approach the related faculty


Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at 63348862 or