Abeer elshahat

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Transcript of Abeer elshahat

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 1

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 2

انسبدة اونيبء االمور انكراو

اعزائى انطهبت

تحيت طيبت وبعذ ،،،،،

االسئهخ ثجك ثسجبء انعهى ثبه قد تى انغبء جيع االسئهخ ف انكتبة اندزس واالستعبضخ عهب

وانت سيقىو ثحههب داخم انحصخ وف ثع ا انطبنت غيس يطبنت سىي ثتهك االسئهخ فقظ

:ويحتىيبتهب كبألت انزل

ثصىزح يفسدحاسئهخ عه كم جزء ي انهج .1

قجم ايتحب صف انتسو اسئهخ نهساجعخ .2

اسئهخ نهساجعخ قجم ايتحب اخس انعبو .3

بذج ايتحببد شبيهخ .4

اسئهخ كم جزء ثصىزح يتضب Second Mid-Termعه أ يكى ايتحب صف انتسو

.Mid-Term يفسدح وايضب يتضب يساجعخ صف انتسو

يكى االيتحب يتضب جيع االسئهخ انىجىدح داخم ثك (اخس انعبو )وايضب ف ايتحب

االسئهت انمنفردة عهى كم جزء واالسئهت انخبصت بنصف انترو واالسئهت انخبصت )االسئهخ

بمراجعت اخر انعبو ونمبرج امتحبنبث توضيحيت نهطبنب

نرنك سجى ي سيبدتكى انتزاو جيع انطهجخ ثبحضبز ثك االسئهخ يع انكتبة اندزس ف كم

. حصخ وانتجيه عه احضبز يهف نيشم انكتبة وثك االسئهخ ثبي نى

هرا نهعهى واالحبطخ ،،،

وتفضهوا بقبول وافر انشكر وانتقذير واالحتراو ،،،

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 3

Put (√) or (×)

The steps of organizing desktop.

1. Open two different windows ( )

2. Right click the taskbar to small choices menu appear ( )

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 4


Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 5

Put (√) or (×)

The steps to "tile windows one after one"

1. Open two different windows ( )

2-Right click the Taskbar click on "cascade windows" ( )

**If you want to cancel this step.

Right click taskbar and choose "Undo Cascade" ( )

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 6

Put (√) or (×)

The steps of organizing desktop

1. Open two different windows ( )

2. Right click the taskbar to small choices menu appear ( )

Choose the correct answer:

1. To tile windows “one after one” click (Cascade windows -Show the


2- To cancel step choose (Undo Cascade – Show the desktop)

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 7

Put () or (×)

We can make tile windows "one under one" by clicking the windows

horizontally from small choices menu ( )

If you want to cancel this step

Right click taskbar and choose "Undo Tile" ( )

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 8

Choose The Correct answer:

To tile windows side by side click (The widows vertically – Cascade windows)

To cancel this step …………….. (Right – Left) Click

From taskbar and choose …………. (Task Manager- Undo Tile)

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 9

Put () or (×)

Click (Show Desktop) “to minimize any opened windows in taskbar.” ( )

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 10


Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 11

Complete using the following words:

(Right – left – small)

To show desktop icon …….. …………Click in empty area on desktop.

From the ………………….. Menu.

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 12

Mid-Term Revision

Put (√) or (×)

The steps of organizing desktop

1. Open two different windows ( )

2. Right click the taskbar to small choices menu appear ( )

"The steps to "tile windows one after one"

1. Open two different windows ( )

2-Right click the Taskbar click on "cascade windows" ( )

We can make tile windows "one under one" by Clicking the windows

horizontally from small choices menu ( )

Complete using the following word

(Right – left – small - The widows vertically - Cascade windows)

1-To show desktop icon …….. …………Click in empty area on desktop.

From the ………………….. Menu.

2-To tile windows side by side click…………………

3- To tile windows “one after one” click …………….

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 13

Choose the correct answer

To tile windows “one after one” we choose (windows vertically-

cascade windows).

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 14

Final revision

Put (√) or (×)

1- The status bar shows which (page, line, column and language) is used

( )

2- The working area is the space where the text will be written( )

3- The menu bar contains Menus such as Edit( )

4- The cursor shows the point where you are typing( )

5- The title bar has command buttons which are shortcuts from other

menus( )

6- The ruler is used to show the length of the line or the space from the

text to the edge of the paper( )

7-The menu bar shows the file name and program name ( )

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 15

The steps of organizing desktop. **

1. Open two different windows ( )

2. Right click the taskbar to small choices menu appear ( )

**The steps to "tile windows one after one"

1. Open two different windows ( )

2-Right click the Taskbar click on "cascade windows" ( )

We can make tile windows "one under one" by Clicking the windows

horizontally from small choices menu ( )

Choose the correct answer:

1. To tile windows “one after one” click (cascade windows-show the


2. To tile windows “one under one” click (the windows horizontally-

undo tile)

3. If you want to cancel the step right click on …….. From taskbar (undo

tile- toolbar)

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 16

Re- arrange

To open the Ms Word

1. Point to all programs ( )

2. Choose Microsoft Word 2003( )

3. Click start ( )

4. Choose Microsoft office ( )

Complete using the following words:

(Menu Bar - Tools – Status Bar – Title Bar – Cursor –

Working area – Ruler)

1- The ……………..shows which (page, line, column and language)

is used.

2- The ……………………..is the space where the text will be


3- The …………………contains Menus such as Edit.

4- The ……………..shows the point where you are typing.

5- The …………..has command buttons which are shortcuts from

other menus.

6- The …………. is used to show the length of the line or the space

from the text to the edge of the paper.

7- The …………………… shows the file name and program name.

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 17

Put (√) or (×)

1-we choose "choose windows vertically "to tile windows side by side ( )

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 18

Model Exam ( 1 )

Put (√) or (×)

The steps of organizing desktop

1. Open two different windows ( )

2. Right click the taskbar to small choices menu appear ( )

Choose the correct answer:

1. To tile windows “one after one” click (cascade windows-show the


2. To tile windows “one under one” click (the windows horizontally-

undo tile)

3. If you want to cancel the step right click on …….. From taskbar (undo

tile- toolbar)

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 19

Put (√) or (×)

To tile windows side by side click “the widows vertically” ( )

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 20

1-we choose (choose windows vertically) to tile windows side by side ( )

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 21

Put (√) or (×)

To open the Ms Word

1. Click start ( )

2. Point to all programs ( )

3. Choose Microsoft office ( )

4. Choose Microsoft Word 2003( )

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 22

Choose the correct answer:

Which one is a working Area?

Put (√) or(X)

1. Ms word is a program that is used to correct texts ( )

2. The first bar in the word is “Title Bar” ( )

3. The second bar in the word is “Status Bar” ( )

4. The “Title bar shows the file name, name of the program ( )

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 23


(Menu Bar - Tools – Status Bar – Title Bar – Cursor –

Working - area – Ruler)

1- ………… 2- ………………

3-…………….. 4- ……………….

5-…………… 6-……………..


Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 24

Complete using the following words:

(Menu Bar - Tools – Status Bar – Title Bar – Cursor –

Working area – Ruler)

1- The ……………..shows which (page, line, column and language)

is used.

2- The ……………………..is the space where the text will be


3- The …………………contains Menus such as Edit.

4- The ……………..shows the point where you are typing.

5- The …………..has command buttons which are shortcuts from

other menus.

6- The …………. is used to show the length of the line or the space

from the text to the edge of the paper.

7- The …………………… shows the file name and program name.

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 25

Model Exam( 2 )

Put (√) or (×)

The steps of organizing desktop

1.open two different windows ( )

2.right click the taskbar to small choices menu appear ( )

Choose the correct answer:

1. To tile windows “one after one” click (cascade windows-show the


2. To tile windows “one under one” click( the windows horizontally-

undo tile)

3. If you want to cancel the step right click on …….. From taskbar (undo

tile- toolbar)

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 26

Put (√) or (×)

Side by side Show desktop One under one

( ) ( ) ( )

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 27

Model Exam ( 3 )

Re- arrange

To open the Ms Word

1. Point to all programs ( )

2. Choose Microsoft Word 2003( )

3. Click start ( )

4. Choose Microsoft office ( )


Cascade windows side by side

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 28


(Menu Bar - Tools – Status Bar – Title Bar – Cursor –

Working - area – Ruler)

1- ………… 2- ………………

3-…………….. 4- ……………….

5-…………… 6-……………..


Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 29

Put (√) or (×)

1-we choose "choose windows vertically "to tile windows side by side ( )

Junior 2 – Second Term – Computer & information technology - Leaders Language School 30