A Study of Art College Student's Learning Motivation

Post on 11-Feb-2016

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A description of issues facing English teachers of art students in Chinese university system.

Transcript of A Study of Art College Student's Learning Motivation



A Study of Art College Students' English Learning

Motivation--Take the Students of School of Art in Xihua

University for Example







摘 要




























M嘶Vation is not only the so啪.ce of tlle pow盯to illspire stud饥ts t0 lear玛but also tlle

inlle嘲1t嘶Ve t0 pro】mote stud饥ts’continuo哪le锄:liIlg.n is a访taJ f挑r for En西ish le锄:liIlg,

也e key锄d p嗍uisite for En酉iSh t髓CbiIlg舔well.

1n recent yea璐,wi廿l tlle popularization of mgll盯耐ucation and e珈DllI】1铋t e)【par坞ion of

UlliVe硌iti骼,the prop硎0n ofart College students h嬲been in渊ing mpidly.And the En91ish

te∞llillg of alt college stl珂朗临k峪become an inlp删吻呲compon哪of College English

te∞lling.Howcver’嬲a special st眦Ient目.0up of college snJd伽峪,most of也em pay more

att酬on t0 meir m勾0r c0U瞒es趾d f.ew of tllem kIVe a 900d comm锄d of IⅪ酉isk w11ich

makes tlle art college stud伽临’English t髓cIljhg in锄awkward situation and h嬲alwa),S b咖

i伊10red by陀searche璐.Meallwllile,in teaClling pmCtiCeⅡle autllor f.mdIs t11at compared wi血

oth盱m勾0r students,the∞is a coll∞tive dem嘶V撕on in缸C0llege stIld锄_ts’Eh百ish

l翩lnIing since the fi瑙t ye缸.Tlll硼曲questio衄ailI骼锄d iIIter、riews,it is pmVcd tllat the

collective d锄otiv撕on does exist.111evita_bly tlle c0UecltiVe demodVation will曲血u%ce

indiVid眦l l∞rning badly.So a、riciol塔c№le is.Thercfore,也e collectiVe d锄otiVation of

E时ish le鲫【1i】19 lK峪bccome a s甜。峭0bstaCle for art college stud∞ts’En酉ish t铋chiIlg.n is

al∞a big problem we necd t0∞lvc in me an college stud锄ts’Enghsh t髓ching refom.

11lis stIldy tries t0 investigate l 35 firSt—year an college stud朗ts in)(illua UniVers时by

me出坞of questio越air懿and interviews t0 lmow morc a:bout也eir English l翩n血g m06Vati∞

leVel锄d type.h al∞tri骼t0缸alyze tlle main re嬲。璐锄d iIlnu锄cillg fkt0璐of the

d锄otivalion of art college students.B勰cd on the research f.mdiIlgs and an college洲ents’l锐盯1ing ch啪ct耐Stics,也e咖dy putS f.0nⅣ引Id some s砸te西es for promptiIlg an college

smd伽临’English le锄【liIlg motiVatio玛舳ch硒semng p∞per objcctiV伪,删),ziIlg le蛐gn∞dS,衔锄dly classroom anIlosphere,le蛐g sn.ateg)r仃乏临ng,tiIIlely positiVe fIecdback锄d

group dyIlalIlics.Me锄wmle,tllis study tries to teSt tlle Validit)r oftll懿e promptiIlg s臼铽egies by

exp洳髓ts whose re姒ltS show tllatⅡlese s仃ategies盯e∞mewhat ef‰tiVe in咖lotiVatiIlgart C0llege students’English l翩miIlg肌d preVentiIlg tlle collectiVe d锄0tiVation锄d also

lla_vc played a cenaill mle in illlpr0、,ing an college smdents’English leamillg interest and

l或mng ef6ciency.


As the requiremem of high∞cial唧。ctadon锄d r印id deVelopm咄of society'it is

船se嘶al for an college students t0 have a 90lod础臧eD,of血e缸Iemationm l趾g岫ge一酬S:k And the钺岫吼’h即eby hopes也at也rough mis study’we c趾陀m06Vate art C0nege

studeIIts,iInprove廿leir En舀ish l朗n]曲g e佑cieIlcy觚d pr0访de∞me吼培gestions锄d

inlplica石ons f.0r impr0、,ing art C0llege stIldents’列ish t朗ching.

Key Words:EnghSh I,昀加ing M曲撕。珥An College stlld铋tS;S锨egi嚣flor



Chapter one Introduction

1.1 Bacl【ground of the Research

H啪觚beiIlgs are bom with le锄血g c印abili够锄d positiVe psycholog)r wmch c强

sthnmate our i11nate le甜Ilil坞potemial and l黝吣g modV舐on.L眦母mge l翩ming is a process

mat le锄e琏a北c0衄multly s∞虹ng,disc0V醯lg and restllJctu血g language mles in me brain

Language is leamed by l锄ers也em∞lVes,not by t舭gm.And l锄目塘ge l鼠Imillg is also a

唧lex p∞c锶s,砌u锄ccd by a 10t of 0bj硎Ve锄d州ectiVc f融。璐觚d me仃a璐fer of

mother慨哩皿e.Theref-0rc,in forei弘l锄guage le锄=liIlg,le锄er is the ce砷陀粕d playS孤

actiVe r0Ie iIl也e pmc鹤s.Only wh髓the l∞miIlg materials haVe some inn盯co衄ectio璐witll

l黜锶’williIlg or past lcr的wlcdge,will it promote studentS t0 panicipate in le觚血g

activiti懿actively and trigg盯meir motivation and le蛐g potential.And oIlly when we

eliDljj唿tc蛆xie哆and s口骼s aIld bccDme c耐id锄t'can we haVe posi石Ve lea珈曲g attitude,

wmch c衄p1.0Inpt 0ur le蛐g motiVation fhrtller.That is the mally me鲫Lhlg凡l leanling,

confbmIiIlg t0 smdcnts’will锄d the cen仃e of leanling一—吲ud胁tS.M06vation is not only也e source of the pow盯t0 inspi陀stud锄tS t0 le扰l'b1毗also tlle

iIlhe他nt“ve t0呻ote snJd∞ts’cOntilluous le缸niIlg.It is帆e of tlle det既m试atiVe f诎。体

mat aff&t En舀ish l枷ng觚d te∞lli|19 emcienCy.How吖%tlle phe∞m∞∞of motiV撕∞

rec懿sion h弱b仪栅me a common锄d s嘶0l坞problem in College English lean】liIlg锄d te∞lling.

We∞n f.md也at:a 10t of college studentS beg:in t0 sI卸cl雒s懿锄d the an∞d锄ce rate is Very

low;m锄y a他forced t0 1%m Englis址few haVe objoctiV懿and pla璐f;∞their En酉ish le鲫洫g.The∞all haVe great negatiVe eff.cct on伽r college stude鹏’En酉ish leaming锄d teachin&

especially for An College stIJdents.They a托more酬略c印tible t0 0thers and霉。oup dynaIIlics.

So a Vicious circle is.

111 rec:em yc躺,wim the p叩ul撕zati∞of lligller education锄d tlle饥mllIIlent expa璐i∞

0f UIliVe倦ities,the proportion of an college咖dems h嬲been i11cre弱iIlg r印idly.And tlle

English t∞cmng of an college咖dents h雒become an iIllportant component of College

English tc∞lling.HoweVer’an college咖dents’English te∞lling is in锄awkwa珂situation

锄d h勰always been ignored fOr a long tirne.That is bcc叭se,嬲a speciaJ student掣。oup of

college studcnts,most of m锄pay mo坞an胁tion t0 tlleir m旬0r cOurses,例[11盯tll肌om盯

courSes,觚d f.ew of mem kIve a good comm锄d of E’nglish wllich makes tlleir lcamiIlg


e衔Ciency low.Thereforc,d锄06vati∞h船bcc锄e∞e of也e m勾0r obStacl豁in Coll99e

E时ish Te砌1ing Refom.缸趾imp咖t pan of College English舰chiI坞it is of great

value t0 have a d∞p r瞄earch on art college咖d朗tS’En曲Sh l∞ming跹d tea曲Iing.

As tlle requirement of lligh social既pec枷∞and dcvelopm钮t of酉0bal娩atio玛it is

骼se而al f.0r an C0llege stud锄tS to maSter t11e硫emati伽Ial l锄guage_——En酉ish.And f10r

tllemselv髂,wim a 900d C0mm觚d of刚isk t11ey a坞e嬲y t0 devcl叩锄int删ollalhor洒n which will be bcme6cial for m锄f.0r a life ti】咀e.The他f.0re,in order t0 improve art

C0llege stude鹏’English l∞millg锄d te觚№g∞hieV锄∞ts,we should他mo矗Vate也cir

English l跚nlir喝which c锄also adv锄ce Collegc En百ish T∞ching Ref0珊.

1.2 Purpose and Signi6cance of the Research

The r唧lts of m锄y r髓earch懿虹旧w t11at l翩肛Lillg modVa:tion h够a high C0rrelation witll

l铭删hg aClliev锄cnts.StudentS wi也high leamiIlg∽hiev锄∞tS oR%haVe high level of

m06va60珥where弱,stud豇lts witll low mo幢Va石on oR钮consid盯I’n酉iSh lⅨ岫1ing as such a

burden that tlley 011ly g戗雌results(G山Sllichl屿1985).Am舐c锄psycholo百st Ausubel雒s啪es th她material tllat makes se璐e is much e嬲ier to

le缸n t11an no璐睨坞e.The托f0咒,讲Jr l趾丹尬ge te觚h.mg ShoIlld缸ouse咖d∞tS’meaning伽v拍al l黝Inlin舀也at is,stud伽临wiU t∞d t0 c他ate∞me connec60ns betw∞n me new

lmowledge趾d som甜1ing陀leVant that t11ey haVc ahady k∞wn 0r l锄。d(citcd by Li

Xi∞∞ng’2005:l71).The c0衄∞d∞is not a而i的Dr.IIl B姗cr’s c仰smIcdVe廿l∞Ⅸit

钮1pl粥娩销mat leaming is锄∞廿Ve pmc骼s in whiCh l锄锶c0枷Ct n删ide签0r conceptS

b鹪ed on meir cI啪旧nt or paSt Imowlcdge.The le锄e璐need t0∞leCt跹d吣f0皿infoma60玛c0璐仇lct h)『p0也嚣es'create c0衄eC石。璐觚d makc deciSio璐,他1),il唱on tlleir c0嘶石Ves臼mctu他.The ac6Ve proce豁is sigIlificam fbr l锄g吼ge l昀nlirlg.The他f.0re,也e teache璐or

iIl蚰舢嘶璐shollld时t0朋舢ge stud伽临t0 engage in a撕Ve l翩ming锄【d msCOV盯p血ciples

by tll铡∞elV伪.And m06Va60n is tlle∞且m∞of the pow盯t0 inspire lc锄懿’acdVe

p枷cipadon iIl l∞ming.

Wi也me conVe琏ion缸髓‘‘te∞h盯_c印仃c,’t0“StIment佣臼e’’,we have realized t11al the

stud伽临them∞lV骼a托the cem陀of English l哟叮Iing龃d t朗ching.AU efrective le缸ning and

t∞ching枷啊6鹤a他inSep袖le董吣m Stud锄临’ac6Vc p枷cipa60几The他fore't0 s血lulate

stud锄ts’l瑚Iming inte他St and modva廿on is tlle startil唱p0血觚d p枷∞of e丘硎Vc t∞ching.



h is also锄en缸y point for∞lVi]唱problems in t11e leammg锄d teaCMng proc骼s.On也e otller

hand,咖d邮’high m嘶Vation锄d actiVe panicipation will stiIIlulate te∽h哪’锄1№si撇.Soit is leanling I舶tiVation that c趾impr0Ve l锄guage le踟:lillg锄d teaChillg∞hieV锄ents丘.0m


舭。删ngly't11e髑eaml∞leanliIlg m砸vati∞is of great tlleor戗ical锄d prachcal

si鲥fic强ce in E|ngliSh teaching.n is a1∞也e requm珊∞t of all—romld deVelopment cd【ucatio玛

not懿am.oriented eihlca五on.

M砸vation is纽inidatiVe one锄ong v耐ous le锄血g砌u∞ciIlg fktors.Compa川wimomer major s眦∞ts,art C0llege stIld伽临a陀Imlch e嬲ier t0 be a仃&ted by otlle璐and group

dyna血cs.neir l伽恤g motivation is oR钮u璐协ble.缸a special stud咄group,也eiren仃习mce requi】砌锄ts a他枷Ch low盯tll姐mo∞of other m旬or stlJdents舱d ttlcy pay mo托

attention t0 t11eir m旬or col鹏伪姐d t11ey arc eVen l∞k of systeIIlatic王洫斟iSh l朗ming.Their

EIlglish le岫g motiVati∞a坞nmch morc diVersified锄d c伽叩licatcd.知1d it may dif.f打in

difl6册t majo璐锄d cl踮s醯.

Nevemlel铬s,也e m娟vation托c锶sion h弱bec伽e a common觚d s舐ous ph豇Iomenon in

art college stud伽临’English leaming锄d teaching.Du血g the teachiIlg praCtice,me autllor

蠡咖d that a 10t of art C0llege stud锄tS had beg眦t0 decre勰e 0r eV∞lose English l铡商ng

motivation伊ailually sillce tlle fh.st yc虬锄d therc w锯a si印of colle甜Ve d锄otiVation wi也

the perf.0锄锄ce that a group 0r也e whole cl嬲s get bored of Eh班sh趾d care lime for t11eir

le鲫:liIlg acIIiev锄饥ts,ev饥舔their course requirc瓢ent.

AIthoug:h t:here are many re∞arches wi也di仃brent r髓earch aSpeCts on le盯niI培InotiVation

made abmad and at h咖e,tllere盯e fbw researches on t11e l∞miIlg motiVation of the an C0llege

studentS,wKch is a Spccial student group.Therc a他ev%fIewer r豁earch嚣on tlle gtudy of

motivation witll tlle Group DyIlalllics The0巧.Hereby the autllor hopes tllat t11rougll nlis snJdy'

we c锄remotivate跚d impmve art C0llege stude鹏’English leamiIlg.Fir瓯nlis stIJdy mal【es

蛆inVeStigation∞an college smdents’English le跚lillg motiVation and leanling needS by

mea璐ofquestionnair∞蛐d irIterviews,锄d tri∞t0 f砌out n圮maill r黜船Ⅱ1at c叭se tlleir

d锄otivation∞也at we c锄put forw羽some eff&tiVe prompdng s仃ategies.Next,tlle mlnlor

will mal(e蛆唧irical research t0 teSt tlle Validity of tllese prornpting snate西es in t朗cIling

p删:tice.It ailIls at pr0Viding∞me跚ggeStio璐蛐d irnplicatio船for iIIlpr0ViIlg an college

stude鹏’English teacmng.



1.3 oven,iew of the Thesis

1醯mesis co地ists of血chapt懿.111e first chapter m砌y discuSses tlle baCk鲫哪也

p咖巾o∞,sig叫丘c锄ce跹d me stmcture of也is也髓is which cove璐the nccess时and

importa】∞e of l朗疵g m撕Va60n f-0f aft COUege Stud伽峪’En出ish le甜11ing,b勰ed on tlle fIaCt

t11at tlley decre弱e or eVen lose也e mo瞄Vation of l朗疵咀g English毋砒ally觚d the糟is a sign

of collec6Ve d锄06Ⅵ惦on.The second chapter呻∞ts a lite瑚加re re访ew on也is research

a:broad锄d at home,in which defiIlitio璐of le锄血唱mo廿vati∞and tlle cl嬲sific撕。璐and

硼u黜吨f.actors of learning m砸V撕0n黜硫luded.111e吐啪ch印ter pr0Vides舭tho删cal f.0吼datio璐of t11e tll懿is tllat a他Ⅱle tlleori髓of l∞ming motiv撕on锄d group

dy删cS,wllich a托me b嬲is of也is resea]Ⅸ血.Chapter f.0ur tries t0 mal(e衄inVeStig撕∞∞

an college stude鹏’E119lish l铭ming m嘶v撕∞∞mat we c缸haVe强吼de塔tandi】唱of也eir

En鲥sh leamirlg mo石Vati∞锄d put f0刑a耐∞me e侬加ve p彻砷ting跚ggeStio璐.111e 6怂

Chapter provid岱some∞l砸。璐觚d s的te舀es t0 in!印ire也e l∞mj.mg m嘶V撕∞of an collcge

stud衄tS,b勰酣on t11eir王’nglish leaming featm它s觚d the也eori骼锄d r髓earch filldiIlgs

disc嘴sed in t11e向衄er ch印ters.The l嬲t mal(懿an懿p洫印t t0 test me VaJidity of吐l鼯e

s昀te百鼯in t∞ching pra砸Ce觚d蛔s a conclusion of恤whole Study.



Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 De6nitions of Learning Motivation

Now瓤lays scholars趾d托searche璐are a:ttaclling great iIllponance t0 t11e坞searches on

m嘶Vation iIl foreign lan昏玩ge lean]Iillg and te觚h访g,趾d t:he t锄‘‘motiⅥltion’’is widely

used.But∞f.ar'them ham’t b嘲an∞cm龇e defi|:lition of motiVation which is in a莎∞m咖wi也most rese眦he瑙’ide嬲.Di行.e瑚t弧pens由叮t0唧lain锄d stIldy it f.rom dif衔ent


G鲫dner(1985:50)defm懿motiV撕0n嬲‘‘the combination ofe舫rt plus desn t0∞llieve

me goal of leanling the l锄guage plus f.aVo饱ble attitude toward le锄ing the l锄guage”.And

he assumes that“motiVation inVolVes f-0ur戳;pccts:a goal,effortml bellaVior,a d髓ire t0 attain

the goal锄d fIavorable attitudes toW{川s the∞tiV时in queStion”(Gardner,1985:50).

Ellis(1994:715)claims,“M0tiVati∞他fc璐to the e侬In tllat le觚le倦put i11to l铭ming a

∞训l锄母mge弱a result of廿leir need or d髓iI-e t0 l锄it'’.Pir崩ch锄d Schunk(1 996)believe也at motiVation is也e proce豁whe-cby goal-diI优ted

acti讥够is mstigatI。d锄d双娼tained.

Williar璐柚d Burden(1 997:120)pre鲫me t11at l锄guage leanling m砸V撕∞is“a state of

c0嘶tiVe龃d锄0tional缸ousal,which leadS t0 a COIl:scio吣decision t0 act,锄d which西V懿

ri∞t0 a p甜od of s啦taillcd intelloc删锄彤0r physical e丘Iort,in order t0 a蛐1 a pII晰。鹏lyset 90al(0r goals)”.The C0枷ctive motiVation model tlley prcsent includ懿也r∞咖ges:

re嬲。璐for doiIlg∞metlliIlg,dccidiIlg t0 d0∞methillg and鲫StamiIlg t11e efr0It.And tlle

second stage is tlle C0re oftllis model.

Schml锄tri懿t0懿plaill motivation丘。om n即robiology’indicatiIlg tllat“The b随iIl

evaluatcs t11e 锄v沛l蚰altal st证luli it他ceives and tms le孤iS to an 锄。廿onal, 觚d

col塔cqu朗tly t0 a behavioral瑚po璐e.MotiV撕0n is me process of陀spo璐e”.Besides,fivc

diIIle璐io璐along which Stimul惦印prajsals a北made: ∞Vel吼ple嬲如tlless,goal/necd

si鲥fic锄ce,copiIlg pot%tial,self锄d social inlage(cited by Y锄g LiannIi'2007:l 68).

Some of our domestic scholars锄d坞searche璐a他al∞an即叩tiIlg t0 make a def.mition of

m“Vation iIl meir owll views.Pi Li觚sh锄g(1 997:280)maintains,“M0tivati∞is锄iIltemal

s协te of an觚[1iIlg t0∞me 90al锄d s吣枷ng tlle eff0It.It is a f.0rcc to血ve锄d eIlll锄ce

people t0 decide 锄d pc一’0眦 tlle decisio玛 iIlcludiIlg pcople’s int锄tio璐, deshs,



psyCholo西cal impul∞,90als锄d∞on’’.He办∞)【iong趾d Mei Deming(1 999)鹤跚me mat

l伽millg m嘶v撕∞is n圮goal锄d血优60n of all inmVidual leaming a砸Viti骼.W∞Q啦(2001)即叩h鹪泣懿English l∞rning m撕vadon弱tlle re够on and 90al of English l翩衄jIlg

a嘶访ti鼯.Yet Lu Haidong(2002)cl出啮,“m06V撕∞iS锄硫emal state t0删om t0 tal【e

戤1tion t0 meet some neods.n is也e mrect cause and intemal iIllp酣峪ofone’s beh撕o,’.

舢廿lough(1i绦:IIent Schola璐haVe made di侬:rent defini60璐锄d expl姐atio地of leaming

modvado玛we can丘11d a C0mmon point of view:1∞ming mod伽on c觚p1.0mpt le锄e璐t0

makc eff-on t0 flllI丑l tlleir goals锄d desi】re.

Here恤删bor agr嗽more witll Willi锄觚d Burd朗’sⅥcws锄d舭research of this

papcr is b踮cd∞meir Vi唧oiIltS.Fir吼of all,it is some memal 0r甑t伽1a1 illduc锄em that

lea£IS l锄e璐t0 make dociSion t0 take aCtion t0 mlfiUⅡleir goals.Then motiVation can insp心e

l锄ers t0鲫.st撕n efllons咖l attainiIlg t0 tlle goal.MotiVa60n is觚intemal血Ve which is

triggered by∞me indllc锄ent锄d pmmp慨l锄懿’s峭tained efforts t0 attain t0 meir goals.

n讹fore,me induc锄咖(硫lu(1ing le锄崦0bj硎Ve),dcCision锄d e仃0ns眦me key of

l觚guage leaming.But th哦is彻e p0血me锄thor c锄’t孵优with..MotiVation is cx仃cmely

C0mplex,u印础魄出le跹d v撕able.The踟mor co璐id懿motiVation雒加inVisible,dyIlaIIlic

锄d initi撕ve胁【0r.whiCh Willi锄衄d Bllrd印hold the view that it is s谢c.

2.2 Classi6cations of Learning Motivation

l翩miIlg m撕v撕0n is compl既舭d diV锄始.o∞l锄er may have a V撕奶,of leanliIlg

m撕vation.IIl ord盯to make a cle盯underst锄ding of s砌%ts’motiv撕。玛it is麟∞tial for峭

t0 cl笛si匆di缗e11ent motivalion.Howcv盯,due t0 t11e complexi移of l∞rni】呜modV撕。玛we

have difI℃rem crit耐a f.0r me classifica五oI塔of nlodvalio几

1.Ime罂嘶ve M06vanon锄d 111s咖entm M06Va石on

Inte星删ve mo矗vadon and ins们lm酬皿D6va虹on a地 也e moSt weU—lalown

cl勰Sific撕∞acC0rding协G砌n盯and L舢nb叭’s th∞ⅨGardn钉衄d k田men(1972)

bclievc廿诅t l伽rIIe倦,who m∞tlle缸唱et l趾guage,印p麟:iate tlle伽ltu佗of taI.get l缸g岫ge

c咖臼ries,d鹤i他t0 how mo他about tlle切rget lang眦喀e Cc旺lmunid髓锄d eVen wam t0

b∞ome a m钉nb盯 of也e c‘加如删6骼, haVc intcg枷Ve m06vadon L翰me巧 wim

in!觚髓∞tal m嘶V撕加jllst唰f-0rei伊l觚g岫ge leaming弱a t00l凹m伽陷t0 0btain



utili谢纽90als,叭ch雒fhlding a job,eamiIlg high sal撕es,他adiIlg sci∞tific锄d

蛐lo百cal anicl髓,deVeloping care%gailljng Kgller∞cial s觚s柚d∞on.The leamillg desire prompted by inte孕铖iVe motiVation is muCh s仃ongcr and long-lastiIlg.

F0r缸栅neIItal motivation le锄e墙,t11ey may re仃c斌wh∞fIaciIlg di艏Culties 0r stop舢胁盯

le锄iIlg once attailliIlg t0 me goals.But nle two types 0f motiVation don’t coll仃adict e∞h

o也er complctely all tlle tilIle.There is a grcat possibili妙廿lat aRcr poss器sing a_bundant

l锄guage knowledge锄d吼Jcc铭sfbl le觚血g懿p耐锄ces,le锄e娼wi血in!加肋锄talm舐V撕on may伊ad_ually d钾el叩∞me妇erest氓0r discoV盯potemial吣es of forei印

l叩age,锄dⅡlus enllance more aCtiVe leaming in a posi缸Ve枷tude.F0r moSt咖d∞ts,it is

of硒nt possibih哆t0 le锄a forci印l锄gIlage juSt矗∞^弛especially f10r ChiIl懿e college

students.Most of tllem l锄English f.0r some in蛐即tal ailIls 0r Cenific撕。璐.IllⅡ1is

cducation baCk羽-0ur吐te∞he您Sb棚ld explore studeI】峪’inte伊atiVe m06Vation锄d pmmpt

nleir王’nglish le锄lillg b硒ed on nleir in鼬rLlm∞tal m06V撕on.

2.Intrir毽ic Motiv撕on and Ex订豳ic Motivation

Deci锄d Ry趾(1985)cl勰si匆le锄血g m嘶Vation iI们intri璐ic姐d麟曲塔ic motiVati帆

Edward Dcci and Ryan propo∞弱follows:

!In研hsically motiVated枷访ties are ones f-0r wllich mere is no appa啪t崩Ⅳard except

t11e activity itsel£People se锄t0朗gage in t11e∞tiViti懿f.0r t11eir 0wn sal【e锄d not

beca鸺e t11ey lead t0锄懿trjl坞ic瑚Ⅳard⋯In研卫喀ically motiVatcd beIla撕0r is弛ed at

b血giIlg abom cenain 硫enIally陀wardiIlg col塔equ饥c懿, n锄ely' feel洫gs of

competenCe锄d selfⅪetenI]LiIlation.(Edward D∞i锄d I啪玛1 99l:237)

IIltri_r塔ically motivated students a他willillg t0 take up a challenge缸ld haVe强ability to

explo他硫l印锄denny.They朗gage iIl le锄lillg activities more∞tiVely锄d efficienuy,geniIlg

a great s伽峪e of fhlfilhnem锄d satisfaction me髓wMle.IIltri璐ic motiVation is ete删锄dlong-laStiIlg,锄d it can giVe a鲫rong锄d permanent suppon t0 Students’leanling.On the

.∞n仃aID,,nle leanling activities of ex扛i璐ically motivatcd studerIts a聆∞mpul∞巧,t锄p0捌秒 -’

锄d utili谢距.Their m嘶Vation d印∞dS on tlle懿tri璐ic f-act0璐.once the懿幽sic fkt粥

shjR,their motiv撕on will decre勰e or ev∞dis印pe盯.Thercf.0他,in_trinsic motiVation plays觚

iIllponant mle in students’leamiIlg∞tiViti懿.It is me rcal“Ve force pmmoting s伽∞tS’



l瑚田1ing舳d i玎1p∞诎唱their a出eVem∞_ts.Only血is lcind of l或啊1ing c趾鲫眦ain long-t锄aIld p锄anent study.But we c蛆’t i毋10re也e eff.eCt of ex仃insic m06Va:tion'especially at tlle

early stage.We sholdd dlwelop leame倦’抽tri璐ic moma石on粤咖aUy锄d s仃∞gtllen t11em by

exnjnsic r∞Ⅳard aRerlval。ds.

3.岫-t锄趾d Shon—t锄M嘶vationL舳g-t锄motiVated stIldent ref舔to the 0ne wh0 le蜘强a f.0rei伊language in order t0

溅眦his/h口long-t锄90als,龇Ch够缸曲er educ撕。玛iII】呻咖ng C0mp咖ce锄d∞蚰.Short-t锄l m嘶vatcd stud∞:ts need or a∞f.0rced t0 leam just f.0r虹旧rt-馏m goals,f10r ins协ce,t0 p弱s甑锄s.Cr00k髓锄d Schmidt(1991)雒s哪e that shon-t锄madV撕on ref-e倦t0

p∞ple’s neodS,d鹊ire,interest or clIriosity’锄d long-te皿modVation refle飓t0 the long-l嬲ting

锄d much more stable goals 0r needS.

According t0也e cl勰sific撕。玛we c觚find t11at me s:hon-te眦m06Va60n is more

concrete锄d pm甜cal,blJtⅧ1sta_ble锄d血pemanent,wllile nle long-te眦motiVation persistS

f.0r a long缸e,et锄al觚d sta:ble.But in fkt'也ese two lcjnds of m06删on a他interrdated

锄d comp】锄即taⅨAnd thcy haVe c∞c踟塔wim Smd即ts’l髓nlj堍州cCtiV懿锄d 90als.耽e

c(mlbination of shon.teml mo石Va矗0n and long-term皿10tiVation c锄prom讲Stud铋ts’lea加血g

du咖g di脓ent p嘶0ds.Fulfillment of shon-t印皿goals c缸rein:f.0rCe stud锄ts’c0曲d%ce

锄d s饥∞of achievement.Fuml咖ore,it c锄eIlh锄Ce c0硎删。惦I∞m.mg锄d achieV锄吼t0f long-t锄goals.Long-t黜modVated l俄旺niIlg is et锄a1.

4.De印锄d S憾‰e M0tiVa6∞

AccomiIlg t0 ChiIle∞stIld饥ts’EngHSh le锄血g f醯tIu岱,ollr schol甄Profi黟sor W髓

Qiuf.跹g(2001)p呷os骼a cl弱si6c撕∞of仕屺d∞p锄d tlle龇m啪‘modV撕∞.She believ鹤

mat观圳f.ace motivation is心mally related t0 p∞ple’s如tu托education or c乏Ⅱ.eer,com-iIlg劬mextema:I吼—!.acc f缸蜘瞒;deep m嘶V砸∞is gene均皿y nDt in di托脱c锄仪时∞wim individIIal

fhtIl他锄d eCon砌c bene6ts,嘶西na血g fbm也e inte他st of ta理滞l觚g眦咯e itsele culm他of

伽驾et l柚guage c0倒咖iti璐0r 0也钉硫印1al de印fact0Is.

In砌60玛tlle他are otll盯cl雒si6训ons.For ex锄ple,f№Im me mmI代of m06vabo玛it

c锄be dividcd幽也e right锄d tlle啪ng m嘶V撕。珥舶m the e舔斌of m嘶Valio玛it f姐s

int0 tlle direct and the indimct m06V撕。珥扰cormng t0 the l翻ming pID懈s蚰d删t'm嘶V撕on is cl鹤sified int0 tlle taSl【-b弱ed觚d∞hicvem朗t-b舔ed m06V撕on;∞coming t0

me stlat吣ofm06va60玛“c锄bc s印锄tcd int0 d‘加1i】唿nt跚d mlxmaD,m撕伽on



Fmm di行erent、rie、叩oints,motiVation c趾be cl嬲sified di侬≥阍砌y,but some ov甜印.

However'wim diffcr锄t cl弱sificatio璐,we c趾make a b撕unde璐t锄dirlg of咖dents’

leanling motivation.one le锄er may lmVe m觚y№ds of leaming motivation at也e s锄e tilIle.

IIl dif!f;∞em stag懿,one’s motiVation difI打s.But teaChe墙should util也e tlle eff&ts of di行醯ent

motiVation t0 prompt stude鹏’leamillg in di伍:r姐t leamiIlg stag懿.AIld comp砌ively,tlleiIlt%乒.atiVe,in慨ic,long-t锄l蛆d de印motiVation is etemal锄d perm锄ent,morc beneficial

f.0r studcl]晦’e艏ciem leamiIlg.

2.3 Main Factors Innuencing Learning MotiVation

Language leaming motiVation is a dynaIIlic锄d缅jdadve f.actor.n is砌uenced by m锄y

f如to璐.He托t11is papcr will analyze some m洳iIlnuenciIlg fIacto璐丘Dm州ectiVe嬲peCtS of

leanle璐th跚【lselV髓锄d objectiVe facto墙outside.

Z.3.1 Learne聃’IntemaI Subjec廿Ve Facto聃

1.SelGc0鲥tion.SelCcog正tion(al∞called scloawar%ess)ref;翻晤t0 me aw绷l骼s of

one’s o^Ⅳn charact舐stics,fcelings,m06Vadon锄d desires,as well as the a_bilit),t0 reconcile

∞豁elf嬲锄ill(1ivi出lal s印a豫ted肋m the∞Vi瑚ent and otll盯miVi‘hJals(c“ed by Zhou

Hongq沁2005).n i11cludes∞lfperception'∞lf-exp谢印ce,self.conc吼selfwalu撕。玛∞lfrencc60玛selfmollitoriI嗨sel仁conn砒吼c.Selfc0嘶tion is廿1e key of emcient le鲫血g∽tiviti懿锄d a detenIlinatiVe f.actor向r咖dents’fhturc leamiIlg.If a stud饥t tms a high

∞lf.啪鲥tio玛he will haVe a better unde咖diIlg of llimsele motiVate llis le觚血g aCtiⅥti髓

powermlly锄d make an optimum le舭岫g pl觚龇ld objcctiVe.Thercf0托,le锄crS’motiVation

d印eIlds∞tlleir∞lf-c0鲥tion t0 a g他at懿tent.

2.k瓤1ling objectiV懿.obj∞tiVe is tlle comp嬲s of hun锄beiIlg,s∞tiViti髓,directing

p∞ple’s marching st印s.Leanling o切cCtiV懿are also tlle dircction of all e行.0rts锄d le甜TliIlg

∽tivities.They c锄iIl!’p№le锄e璐t0 move closer锄d s咖in mo他efrorts till a枷ng t0 me

goals.It is山e directi∞indicator forle枷ng a甜vities锄d觚iIldispensable trigge血lg factor

of motiVation.Witllout l翩n】IiIlg 0bje(溉Ves,studems will lose tlleir dir∞tion觚d iIllpct啵of

study.But ollly a prop盯objectiVe,not t00 lligh or t00 low,c蛐prornpt stud饥ts’iIltri璐ic

m甜vatio玛iIlcrc舔iIIg t11eir C0nfiderIce锄d sense of acmev锄ent.n is nle powerml intrinsic



m06v撕on t:hat in印ir髓le锄e璐to wo出h乏Irdh’and pe墙ist witll cond加。吣le锄ing


3.Aff.ecdve f融。璐.He他也ey佗f旨t0 tlle change of m06Vanon ca峪ed by le锄懿’

锄嘶0n.IIl心aShen’s“艋-cctiVc Filter Hypotllesis'’,it is铡mmed缸也讹is a‘‘m锄tal

block,’mat preV即偬le锄e璐缸粕ma玉【ing nm use of tlle input ttley他ceiVe and conVcniIlg

也锄硫o intal汜,and t11e‘‘mental block,’caused by a行.ective factors is ca¨ed”A任Iective Fil衙”,

due t0 the l∞k of COIlfidence,p觞sive枷tude,s∞鼯s 0r a戚e哆(KraShen,1 982).Lle锄e瑙

wi也high绷‰tiVe filt盯c锄only receiVe hme卸ut锄d allow ev%l髓s in.n斌’s妇托删Iin

re啪n tbal也e l髓m粥’l锄g岫ge leVelis diV∞∞in也e s锄e cl勰s,百V饥也e鼢me l雒guage

inp眦.CoIl|jd锄ce锄d seI塔e of∞lliev锄ent can trigger l翩miIlg m06Vation.It is me actiVator

of le踟血g∞廿viti鹪,wllich mal【懿le锄e瑙c0而dent and be willillg t0 tal(e up a chall∞ge of

more dimcldt t雒ks.But if也e leamers haVe too m弛y f越lure唧丽髓ces,they wiu lose

confid∞ce缸d缸e嘲t'Or西ve up le掘1ing,d∞豫Ising the m砸V撕0n badly.Posi6Ve 1ea倒咀g

a撕tude c趾also pr锄pt motivadon while p雏siVe砌tude only results iIl Hnle mo吐Vation and

low e伍ciency.High sn.ess趾d anxie哆砬lde璐le锄懿’m06Valion.Little鼬陀ss锄d am【i啊

c锄bccome也e ilI】.petus t0“ve lligll motiV撕0n.Theref.0re,we should debilitate all neg撕Ve

f.act0璐tO lower tlle撒石ve filter t0 get thmugh more l锄昏mge input.

23.2 Extemal objec廿Ve-’acto强


Cl弱ses a他也e删n so删∞e 0f langm唱e input Stud∞ts f嵌斌Ve.And teacher is the key

figu鹏in cl雒s who n∞dS t0 l∞d the cl雒s锄d insallct StIld伽临’l锄guage l姗i11舀弱well弱tlle au也ori哆强d ex唧l缸of stIJd印tS.DIDmyei(1 994)础c锄鼯that’‘蚴t铭Che髂perf.0rmh勰a great e行.ect∞stud即临’beha访0r and le缸ni】唱m06Vation,’.Teach钉h嬲become a

Signi6c锄t fktor innu∞cing stlJde吣’l∞rning撕tude and mo矗Vanon T铭che璐,谢ttl mlll

te∞hing met]bodS,刘【p吧而cial姗ledge,蛐g teaChing cont饥t蛆d k:aVy弱si伊lm豇叱will

reduce stud伽昭’intere:st觚d motiV撕on on the c(咀仃ary'te∞he醛witll hl皿or'既吡msia辄‰

v习殴h的wledge,inSpiring锄d flexible t∞ching methodS wiu arDlu∞st|叫蛔吣’既IⅡlusi踟觚dl瑚叮ling m06va60几Mo咒ow墨teach粥’diff.c陀nt弧p∞雠on of stud饥ts wiu haVe diff.e删t

e疗.ects on stIld∞伍’b‘:ha啊or锄d modva60n This“exp∞枷on e仃&:t”(also ho、Ⅳn弱



“P瑁nalion ef!f.ect’’)will砌uence嘶lde鹏’selfc0印jtion and leVel of如曲itio玛wlliCh a坞

访ta:I iIlnuencmg f融ors of motivation.

2.Le锄盯咖sLeam盯groups maillly rc衙t0 tlle cl嬲s collcctive雒d衔朗dS.M0tiv撕0n is锄uIlstarble

fktor.M锄b粥’motiVation is innuenced by∞ch otll既If咖der】I招help锄Id胁C0啪ge e∞h

otll%锄d estat’liSh a 900d relatioI坞llip and C0mpetition syst锄锄ong nle甄廿ley will

m蛐a Kgll le觚1ing motivation and enh锄ce each om盯’s le觚血g.

3.S0cial NeeIds锄d F锄ily Educ撕0n

With tlle rapid deVel叩ment of society'the social d锄髓dS for stud肌ts arc alwa),s

妇ging and iIlcrc嬲ing.To adapt t0 me deVelopment of socie妙,stud即tS n∞d t0 change t11eir

mo廿V撕on accordiIlg to∞cial needs,wllich a他t11e b懿is of their l∞皿曲g motivation.Wi也

lligll expecta吐on f10r th既玛it is ess咖al f.0r stud跚临t0 llave a good comm锄d of English.

Therefo代te∞herS should c0璐id盯∞cial needs硒tlle s讹g point of tca蛐d豁i皿∞tllatwe c锄p删npt stud吣’le眦liIIg m嘶Vation e舔ily.舢∞f.aIIlily plays弛inlponamt role in

stud黜’l锄曲lg.Di疏rent f抽11ily oducati∞锄d既pectation for the幽ld啪will砌u锄ce

students’le刮洫g motiVation.

Fumlemlore,也盯e a托many f配t0璐洫nuenciIlg stIld锄ts’leamiIlg m06Vatio玛wllich we

锄’t list he他one by 0ne.But we should rcalize廿1at it is a sigIlific锄t甾;pect of r髓earch鼯∞

leanliIlg m嘶Vati叩.灿l th髓e砌u∞cillg f籼ors c趾help璐t0缸aly冼stud锄’motivati∞and pr叩o∞emcient sa献e百es to prompt tlleir motiVation.

2.4 Previous Research on Motivation Home and Abroad

2.4.1 Research on M06va60n Abroad

The 坞s∞1.ch 0n l锄guage le扰lillg motivatiOn w嬲丘I枝 “tiatcd by C锄adi锄

psyChologistS G删ncr鲫d L锄ben舶m the l 950s.111e res跚.ch∞motivation abroad

mainly 90铭tllrDugll th嗽stag懿:ext锄al崩nforc锄∞t’iIldiVidual c0鲥tion锄d social


In tlle l 960s, tlle r骼earch w嬲砌u锄ced by beha“orism m∞可. Be量mViorist

代pres锄tadve Slcinn盯∞跚m∞tllat,all lmm觚锄d aIlimal behaVior c锄be explailled in te脚瞒

of“Stimulus一他sponse”without印pealing to tlleir feeliIlgs锄d mougllts.And t11e lirll(bctween


g岫_Ill髑粕d豫唧吣e咖bc c∞舡Dlled by叩啪nt bch撕0r(i.e.reiI面rc锄饥t).M砸V撕∞w砌d be defined勰·‰锄ticipation 0f rei血m锄alt"(Brov峨l 994:35).0忱e,龇R醯舭伽nent 1飞eory w嬲a ve巧惦enll memod in l卸g岫ge cl弱sroom.It w勰Ve巧C0mmon

tllat many teaChe璐璐ed跚ch powe而Jl reiIlf.0rc锄∞t in tlleir cl嬲s嚣.However'tllis tlle0Dr

ignores Stude吣’active∞les锄d their initiatiVe in the l∞miIlg proce鼹,viewiIlg殉Jd伽峪撼

p嬲siVe锄d mech锄ic l锄舒阻ge recciVe体.n啪’t eXplain studentS’compleX leamillg behaVior

and tlle s:hiR of m06valion citll口.Lat叮,the R础.0rcem∞t Th∞ry is critic讫ed by many

Schola瑙强d r骼铭rche琏.AR盯1 960s,cog面tiVe psyChology bec锄e predo如曲ant in me

r懿earch on motivation.It is believed tllat leamerS’motivation is bascd∞tlleir co印ition

pfoc髓s,includi】唱perceivin吕l翩mill&m锄。血iIlg,t11in:king,unde璐taIlding觚d re嬲0血g.Hence t11e research on mo矗valion began t0 a位∞h importance t0 indi访dllal co鲥tiVe fact0髂in

the leamillg proce豁.Since tlle late 1 970s,tlle陀se疵h on m06vation h嬲beC锄e more and

mo陀scientific,normal娩ed and dive娼i6e也stu蛐g缸匝di丘.e他nt鹬pects.Social C0嘶tiVe

tllc0叫is pre、ral锄t in nle mo石Valion research.n pa),s more an∞tion tO how∞cial

en、l,i|的珈吐ent facto璐i玎血uence oⅢbmin b私ed on our cognition prcHce鸥,lil(e amtud璐,

砌budo玛伊伽p d),I姗ics趾d∞onThe如Dst i玎nueIItial is也e潞e砌conducted by Ga矗In叮锄d L锄bcn.Their definjti∞

of mo石vati∞is al∞widely删ed in廿1is 1field.The AMTB(Attimde/lⅥotiV撕∞Test

Banery)t11ey desi驴ed h豳al∞become觚跚也oritatiVe m∞跚rem∞t蕾00l for f0咒i弘

l锄guage l伽讪唱m嘶V撕弛B∞ed∞Integra石ve恤s眦cntal M06V撕∞111∞彤觚d

conlbmd wi也Expect锄cy-val∞111∞ry and Goal Th∞巧,1’础田lbley锄d G鲫dn盯(1995)

pmposcd a m嘶vati叽懿pa璐i∞珊0dd.Ill mis model’it indical髓the importam line盯

他la60璐Kp of“l锄gI璩ge attitude-motiV撕on-acade血c∞llieV锄entS”.

M硒low’s Hi锄rchy of N∞ds Th∞巧al∞h弱蛆衄lportam∞lc in me r嚣earch∞

m06va吐on.M船low believ髂也at tlle他is a hiemrchy f.0r o盯di行妇t n∞ds.only when t11e

b弱ic ne。ds a心sads6ed will p∞ple s仃Dn哲y d髂iI.e t0 meet tlle∞condaD,or higller leVel of

n∞ds.The五Dllr缸1dam眦al n∞dS(1Ll∞callcd de6ci∞cy n∞ds)include ph),sical n∞ds,

∞训ty,lov刨belonging锄d髓t∞m.Ill tlle t叩of the n∞dS p删也it is self∞tIlal:ization

(also caUed being ncedS).The de6ci∞cy圳沧dS a他the b雒ic c0咀di石。璐f.or human being’s

sⅢvivm.1kk她n∞ds iS t0∞hieve也eir per∞nal锄d social砌ue.111伽r lifc舳d l翩皿Ii玎吕



we do follow me hi髓unchy ofnecds.But we协l to aCc叫nt for all hum锄b咖gs’beh撕0r

oIllybythis hi砌y.The岫∞一d妇锄ion s咖cturc le锄地model proposed by Dom徊(1 994)tries tO

缸e印ret le硼哪’m舐V撕0n舶m l锄guage leVel,lean研leVel锄d le觚ler si咖ion leVel.

脚tllese are just me吐lr∞m旬or f.ac幻幅of foreign l锄guage le缸Ilillg.This learmng model

h弱a close lirll(wi也teac№g practice.Theref.0他it h嬲a访tal pedago百cal sigllificance.

2.4.2 R髓earch On MO廿Va廿on At Home

The他searcll∞le姐liIlg motiv撕0n in C岫擒staned舶m nle l 980s.HoweV%we haVe

made great acllieVements.At the be西nning,o砒r骼earch maillly c0吼ts on the t11eories and

reSearch鹤abroad.IIl me meaIlwhile,oW scholars begill to f如吣on也e e伍瞅of廿l∞ri豁in

锄pirical r髓earch and deVelop the t11eori髓.And∞忸e of tll锄put forward廿leir o、Ⅳn points

of访铡.H岫Hui胁g(1 998)龇ggestS nlat the cl嬲si6c撕∞of hne鲫ve/i璐协珊饥l面motivation is not enough.She觚alyz嚣CIline∞studcnts’motiVation in EFL teaclling锄d

prcsa慨tllat 80 perc饥t of their motiVati∞belongs幻“cenification motiVation’’,w11iCh me剐够

mat咖dents le锄E|nglish juSt for p觞siIlg ex锄1S 0r gettillg cenificatio璐.W锄g C㈨g(2001)懿plo嘲;the他l撕。璐址p b咖e%le砌lg m嘶V撕∞觚d forei弘l锄guage l蛐g,and锄ph弱娩懿that锄。矗on(iIlcludir玛leanling m06Va_tion)距d monler tongue are tlle铆o

f0舢ost f.acto璐of forci印l锄guage le锄如g.Qin XiaoqiI冯锄d W髓Qiu胁g(2002)pmposea f.0rei弘l锄guage l蛐g motiVati∞model.It contail坞砌Vidual needS,ttle p删∞ofmotivatio玛emotional/C0911i吐ve硫锄cdi‰motiVa:tion bcha讥or'le跗血g r骼ultS锄d o也盯

kmds of m娟vation c0叫,0n肌ts.n髓thcy seloct me∞6ve c0InponeIIts db0Ve t0 eX蛐e也eiIlfluenCe 0n our college stud锄tS’l鲫施g mDtiVation锄d t0 V丽匆their hypotlletical leanling

motivation model.

Now缸Iays,our research on motiVa石∞h嬲been deVelopillg瑚.pidly.The research h踮

bccome dive璐ified’mtional舳d肿malize也in、rinue of irlc陀asiIlg Immb盯aIld∞ale锄d

more∞ientific他se鲫ch memods(maillly b硒ed on me c0恤b访ation of qu觚ti协tiVe锄d

qualitative,锄叩irical柚d non—mat荫al坞search metllodS).HoweV%tllere a他∞me problems

cxisting in o盯他search.For i璐taIlce:perSpectiV豁of坞search are∞t wide enougll;t11e

跚bjectS a代i璐u币ci朗t;the expd嘶髓tal metllods a托∞t sci∞tific∞ougll;most他search铭

foc啦on the inte巾retatio璐of defillitio玛cl雒sificatio珥c011relatio玛洫nu锄cillg faCt0璐,豫rely



cono咖ing wi也applic撕。璐in t铭ching pmctice觚d nle姗洒of Special s咖饥t脚s and

indivi(hlal Cas鼯.Am tllese wm hi]nder our deVel叩m朗t of麟e卸ch∞m撕Valion锄d EFL

蛐.There is砌a long wayt0 90.



Chapter Three Theoretical Basis

A心a、,ital f犯tor of l柚g吼ge le鲫血g,more and mo他懿pens锄d researChe璐attach

inlpommcc t0 the陀search on motiVation And di岱糊t∞hD0ls haVe diff.erent r骼earch

弱pcctS觚d diff打em II州Vation t11eori骼.Here we in咖ce some main^mdamental tll∞ri懿

as f.0Uows.

3.1 Self-e佑cacy Theo眄

B髂cd 0n his social c0嘶tiVe t11e0ⅨB锄dum(1983)put f0]n)I,ard U1e Selfefjficacy

Th∞D,.He def.m髓selBe伍c∞y弱t11e belief tllat one is c印able of pe墒mlillg in a Cenain

ma彻er t0 attain a ccrtain sct of goals.It is ajudgment of one’s own compctcnce,bclonging t0

one k砌of sel二cognitio玛wllich is a dete皿血a:tiVe factor i玎【flu∞ciIlg lea皿IirIg motiVation.

Self-emc∞y af融溜oIlr le锄jng∞ti们ti懿觚d social bellaVior in ahnost cVeDr way’l妇our l黝lnliIlg moEv撕。玛choiCe be}mVior,acad砌c prodl烈iVi哆觚d so o几L锄e稻areiIlclilled t0锄gage in t11e tasl【S where nley belieVe tlley c锄suCceed,avoi曲19 t11e taSl(s where

也cy may黼1.Amd this will他sult in dif衔ent choic懿of le觚血g tasl【S.High efjfic∞y c趾

锄courage le锄e璐t0 tacl【le challenging tasks aboVe廿leir a:bilities.Le锄e体wi也10w

seloemcacy will c0璐ider tasI【S hamer m趾t11ey acnlally a他.High selfemc∞y c锄lead t0 a

mo坞e佑cient锄d p础ctiVe l觚guage leam.mg,wllich c觚al∞help璐make mll瑚e of

selfregulation in our l∞miIlg actiVities.Theref0佗,it is、,itally iInpon锄t for邺t0 f0St盯the

d“el叩ment of∞lfef!ficacy iIl le锄1ing pmCess.

111 his social c0鲥tive le鲫曲g tlle0吼B锄dura(1 983)fi砌nd mat models are觚

i珈岬rtant s叫rce for leanling new behavior锄d ch锄giIlg behaVior i11洫stitutional娩ed se牡iIlgS.

M0del is co璐ide川鹪。鹏killd of托iI怕rcement. Dia.e嗽lt的m也e behaVioristic

他mf.0rcement,he廿nph硒iz船model is吼lbstitutiVe他iIlf0亿锄ent’wllich mea∞tllat le锄e璐

c锄rcill】force 0r adjuSt their leaming behaviorby obserVing models'behavior and甑p嘶∞c懿.

Tllis is a subStitutiVe以p丽∞ce,but it c锄haVe the s锄e e腧ct∞Ieamers’bchaVior wi也也e

reiIl|'0rcement of“stimulus-他sponse”.



At t11e s啪e time,le锄ers’f0册er懿pcri明ces a托also柚impon距t砌u锄ciIlg f犯0r of

l∞加Iing m06vation.This is也e direct reli玎f0姗饥t.Su‘幻嚣sfllll钧ming experi锄c髓c锄raise

lea舶efs’self.e街cacy,缸d黼lure 10wers it.

Flmbe加10陀,Bandu期(1 983)af!f.m璐a third而nf-0rcem曲卜一selfreillforcem∞t.1t托f.e塔t0 t11at l∞me璐will佗inforce l∞ming bekI、,ior by self-walua60n and self monit0而玛.

Although l跚e体’direCt e)【perienc髓锄d models’substitutive experiences can a行.eCt le锄e体’m鲥va60n觚d bch撕or'∞IfrciIlflorcem∞t is tlle eXact det锄向mtive f_actor'wllich reflects

le锄ers’∞tive role in廿le leaming proccss.Th惦tlle extemal reinforcement is not t11e

p砌嘲uiSite,but me∞dVa协r of l锄g岫ge l髓nling.

3.2 Attribution Theory

It is C(M姗on也at pcople anempt t0 i11te叩ret the caus器of孤event 0r behavior.

枷b施∞n∞Dr foclls嚣∞how people anmute me ca璐es雒d how it iIlflu锄ces people’s

intemal perc印tion.A最er lmowing tlle re嬲ons of也eir succ骼s 0r f缸lⅧ℃,le锄e墙can删llst也eir leaming memodS锄d s雠e百懿in硪e刑砌leamiIlg.

A m∞巧of attribution is觚t proposed by Heider.Heider(1 958)嬲汕nes也at whal

p00ple p蹦潮Ved粕d belie、,cd about w11at也ey saw dictatcd how they would a鸥纠髓if t11eir

beliefs ab0_ut what they perceiVed we佗invalid.L越%Wein盱dcVeloped Heidcr’s a俩b砸∞

t11e0巧int0 a mo他coml玳:№嘣Ve‰ewo咄which h嬲be%璐cd primarily in也e current

an矗budon rese锄rch.

Weiner attem雕d t0 m a:ke a compreh∞sive觚alysis of pe叩le’s删bution.He(Wein%1 985)fomld out f-0llr inlponant f.aCto塔innuencing le锄e体’矧butions for achievement:

abili饥e仃on'切Sk di伍叫t)r蛆d luck劬五buti啷眦cl勰sified along tll脱c哪aldime璐io璐:loc惦of comml,stabili饥锄d con蜘DUabili够.The 10c啦of con缸Dl dime船i∞h嬲

two pol骼:int锄al ve硌吣懿temal lo伽喀.The stlabili时diIIle璐ion ref-e璐t0 whem盯the ca吣锶

change 0v盯血e 0r not.C加们llabin哆托f.e璐t0 whe吐lef tlle cauS嚣c跹be con臼rollcd 0r not.

Weiner’s∽hieV啪∞t motiVation硼一bution mode(i.e.他I撕。璐hip betW咖four f融ors and

thr∞dime璐io璐of删b嘶。璐)is shown in Figure 3.1.



Fig.3.1 Achievement Attribu60n Mode

AtI—bution dhensionsAtI—bu60n

Locus of con廿.0l Stabili够 ControllabiliWFactc'r8

IIltcmal Extcmal Stable Unstablc Con廿ollable unconn.oUable

Abilit)r + + +

Efrons + + +

T弱k di硒culty + + +

Luck + + +

People make砌butions every day.HoweV%t11ese砌b砸ons are not always correct.

Difj衙咖a腼b以0n dim肌sio璐haVe di触e胁s叩le啪e体’motiVation锄d Ie锄ingbehaVior aRenvardS.Ifle锄ers a_tl矗bute文lCcess to血锄al 10C吣,lil【e abilit),,efrortS,tlley will

ta:ke pride in t11emselV镐锄d pmmote their leaming motiVation;砌buting龇cc髓s t0 extem甜

10c吣,l诹e task dimcuhy and luck’nley will expect a nuke next the.If le锄e璐a:ttributesuccess t0 stable f.act0倦,it can a山ance tlleir le龇ning motivation f.0r the next瓯lCcess;if

atn_ibu血g龇ccess t0 mlsl曲le f.aCto璐,leame娼will c0璐id盱也eir efforts惦eless fIOr t11eir

∞llieV锄ents,删tillg in low motiVation.If le锄e倦at乜-ibute鲫∞器s t0 controlla_ble fact0璐,

lil【e efrortS,nley will striVe f.0r鳓cc嚣s wim morc efforts;if attributiIlg t0 uncommllable

f犯to塔,le锄ers will f醅l deSpair and powerless.

WeiIler(1 980)stat贫,“Ca璐al altributio璐dct锄ine aff.ective r∞ctio璐t0辄cCess锄d

failu他”.StudentS with h谵h achieV锄entS柚d successml experiences tend t0砌bute success

t0硫锄lal,connDllable 0r sta.ble觚。璐,l撤e abili饥ef】f.0ns,wⅫe t11ey seem l设ely t0

a耐bute陆l眦t0甑tenlal,吼C0n仃0llable‰t0墙,l妇luck锄d task di佑砌锣.L0w aCllieV懿

incline t0 at廿ibute fiIilure t0 int锄a1,sta:ble,uncol加rolled facto倦lil(e a:bility,锄d mey wm

doubt tlleir dbilit),舭d considcr le锄ing beyond tlleir c0脚【petence锄d control,wllich makes

them lose co娟dence锄d f酰l helpless髓d despa近Iow缸ng or elimiIlatillg their le钺niIlg

motiVation fIⅢ1ll盯.Thercfore,positiVe觚d cor陀ct atn伯utions are Vital fkto瑙of fosteriIlg

leamers’ motiVation.A州butions t0 efrortS c锄仃igger leame璐’ mo陀锄thusiasm and

motiVatio玛wmle删butio嬲t0 abilit),oIlly low盯it.

Atn伯ution Th∞ry iS one of me most important sy吼ematic motivation thcori髓so f缸.

M蛐g correct锄d positiVe删butions helps us f.md om whe他tlle probl锄is,孙,0id f撕lⅧ℃



觚d C‘m矗衄our le龇ning击r∞1tion ane刑ards.n h够a practical Value and si嘶丘cance boⅡl in


3.3 Group Dynamics Theory

Sch00ls and cl舔鲫Ooms a托tlle main spIDts of studentS’le锄ing activities.However’in

t11e sch00ls锄d cl硒srooms,stud铋ts are not isolated indiViduals.They证『te删wiⅡl each otller'

gct toge吐ler锄d f-0衄groups.ncir beh撕0r缸d psychology is m【ely t0 be innu跚ced锄d

c0哑;蛐ed by t11eir respectiVe伊oups.G舢p d弘瞰nics indicate tlle main moV锄咖of a

whole and haVe great f0亿鼯锄ong m即曲e瑙.Nowada)rs,t11e伊oup dyn枷cs fesearCh h勰

dI踟more趾d mo他龇酬on in t11e 6eld of lan聃ge leaming m甜V撕on.

3.3.1 De6nition of Group Dynam_i髂

锄up Dynamics 111∞巧is proposed by G铋锄psychologist Kun kwin.He claims tllat

one pe体on’s beh撕0r is c011relatcd t0 paIsonal intemal d锄锄ds趾d tlle aIViromnent.It is

also∞lled“f0佗e field”thc0叫,which comes舶m tlle physics te珊.

IIlitially,the“force field”theo呵is吣ed in tIle rcsearCh 0n indiVid岫lbehaVior,锄d lat盯

出fts t0 t11e r豁earch on掣-0up be:ha啊oL And Lewin p1.0posed t11e concept of“group

d),n锄ics”.ne te咖“group d”锄ics”他fers t0 a syStcm of beh撕0r and psycholo百cal

proc髓s懿0c嬲m证g wi也in a social孕.0up(i.e.№伊oup D弘l砌cs),0r between social印ups(i.e.hlterg砌lp Dynanlics)(Lew虹l 935).

Borrowingthe concept of“magnetic field”ill physics,Lewin conside瑙people’s p删ious觚d p他∞nt intcmal dem锄ds弱the intcmaI psychoIo舀阻I force fieId.When pcopIe’s intcmal

d锄ands a托not met’it wiU gen啪te a state of tension in the intem出psychoIo西cal内IrIcc fiel正

脚tlle St砒e of ta啮ion is也e dete皿血ative f砬tof iⅢlu∞ciIlg pI踟al bI蜘or'while tlle

e小,i|的mnent plays也e role of the允∞.Meanwllile,Lewin p眦f0刑ard a well·lcllo、Ⅳn fhnc60n

fommIa:B可(P,E).He陀B refe倦t0 beha啊or'P他fIe倦t0 the唧nal,如d E托f.c巧to

印viI-0nment.It su鹤ests t11at hum锄’s behaVior is the陀sult 0r a‰ction of me intcI锨i∞berw∞n t11e pt弱Dnd and也e environment.

Gmup dynamics c锄’t dominate individllal sp屺ci丘c beh撕or’but it∞n inm∞瞳c me

gene随l directio璐of membe体’actiViti髓.Funhenmo他,it h船锄inVisible卸d powerml e仃c咀



on members’motiVation,efrons锄d persistence.In tlle folIowing we will discuss the efl’ects

of粤.0up dyl擒nlics on indi“duals.

3.3.2 The Innuence of G*oup Dynanlics on Individuals

Gmup f.0mation arises丘om a psycholo西cal bond witll iIldiViduals,wllich eVery me瑚【ber

∞knowledges.Diffcrem bonds c锄f0珊dif衔ent伊跏lps.But all毋.0ups have恤。∞common

f.ca_tu|髑:FirStly,a group is唧scd of铆o 0r more础、,id吼ls.SeConmy,a group h勰趾

achowledgcd set of no加晦,ml铭,陀latioI塔趴d c(mmon goals.M锄be墙cooperate witll e龇Ih

0mer觚d work hard for nle加【utual goals.Last bln not leaSt,eVery me加ber isⅧ1der co埘内面nt

of掣Dup no埘陷and mles.

Groups a陀not me s呻le gatll响g of iIldi访duaJs but a dynamic proc髓s of i11t豇搬嫡。玛

i玎te鲈ation and interdep钮d∞ce锄∞g membe璐.As one of the most import锄t孕.0ups in

sch00l,t11e cl勰s collective h嬲innu∞ced miVidual l∞miIlg m06V撕∞跹d beh撕0r in


1.G1坝巾No吣one of也e fcat眦℃s of孕.0up actiVities is that m锄be璐work tog劬er f.0r the acllicV锄em

of meir mutual goals.The陀f.0他,a伊伽p n∞ds a set of noms t0 gu锄ntee t11e c0嘎lsist∞cy of

伊oup a撕Vities.Group n0加陷托f打t0也e ml豁0r a code of conduct tllat all m朗小懿

∞knowledge.Group m朗曲e璐肌lst comply witll t11髓e n0彻s,oⅡle删i∞they win be咖【der

pr懿sI"e of pdblic op“on.

2.Group P他ssu坞

G]rolJp pressu他ref.e髂t0 tlle psychological pres辄rc on iIldiViduals coming心om m旬orit)r

m锄be倦.Group pressure is not C0mpulSODr∞nle corlduct of m锄be倦.But me他is a Vay

strong binding on members’behavior.That’s because,membe璐盯e af.raid of the isolation锄d

exclusion丘.0m groups他sultillg丘Dm meir inCoIlsiStent beha讥or witll nle m旬o^ty.Therefore,

group p陀ssure h嬲a sigllific觚t iIIlpact on ch锄西ng indiVidual bella、,ior tend∞cies.

3.Group cohesion

咖iIl(1935)defiIled group cohesi∞舔tlle willill印ess of砌iViduals t0 StiCk tog砒er肌d belieV酣that wimout cohesiv锄ess a group could∞t exist.It is me core 0f a group觚d is

liIlked t0伊.0up p盯f0肌蚴ce and iIlter掣’oup m锄be体llip.11l a毋的up witll lligh毋‘oup cohesio玛

m锄bers ke印lligll C0璐ist锄cy in bcha们0r,跚ppon锄d colla.borate wim c∞h otll盯,figllting



togem盯for也e mu_tual goals.H a伊伽p is wim low g彤up

op“ons觚d lack of C(舡lbat wm exist a埘10ng tlle m既nbe璐.

What’s more,廿1e group cohesion h嬲锄i如岬In锄t∞le in supeⅣisiI培indi、,idllal behaVior.

CDheSion can trigg盯membe璐’ collectiVism, m咖l help,coope您tion 锄d ha硼onious

ml撕。蹦p.n c趾make mU璐e of coll硎Ve power衄d adv锄_tag骼t0∞hi眦删mIal goals,

锄d it敏IVanc懿the achicvement of indivimlal goals,鹊weU.

4.Gro叩M锄be塔hip锄d Cl鹤sroom Lea加ling A锄osphe赡

The rel撕onship b酣Ⅳeen粤.0up me啪be璐is锄important part of毋广0up f缸。璐.An

excellent cl勰s c0Uec6ve is b弱ed on gpod c00p锄石on趾d interaCtio也And tlle good

C00p酬ion锄d硫er∞tion is b鹤ed on t11e b栅onio璐他la廿。璐hip betw咖t∞ck腮锄dstud衄ts,锄d between stud豇Its and stud∞_ts.T慨fore,only hj啪011i叭塔孕.oup membe璐llip

c趾improve也e qllal时锄d emci∞cy of cl勰s嚣.

Competition is a common phenomenon exist通g in all孕.0ups.Appropriate觚d fhir

com阿ition c锄not only stimulate students’le栅ing motiVation锄d ef硒rts,impr0Ve tlleir

level of弱p油吐on and le盯ning ef五ciency,but al∞explo他t11eir l翩皿IirIg potential龃d help

them f.md olIt tlleir disadV趾tages in the pmc髓s.

As an访visible ext锄al l翩n血g em怖mn锄t’cl硒srolom l氍叽liI培a恤osphe他h嬲强

i皿岬nant impact∞eve搿student’s psychology锄d beha啊or.It on∞ref.erS t0也e d0疵.呦呲

ani砌e and锄砸on t0 me l朗血ng锄ong cl勰smom. S缸ong l锄illg anIlosphe他can

p∞mote students’le锄ing motiVation and is of grcat signific锄ce for inlpr0Ving the qualit)r of

l锄guage le锄ling and te∞址唱.

AU aboVe a他me main伊oup f.acto璐which haVe删ollS e舒献s on inm访mIals.And也e

effbc船of孕‘oup dynamics on m仃打ent indiVimIaIls a他majIlly删fIestod in the t、Ⅳo鹪p∞ts:

social缸ilitation vs.iIlllibi石on and c0Ilf.0衄i哪.SOCial fknit撕on ref.e璐t0 tl把facili俐伽of

group a撕Vi6嚣on indi啊duals.Amd∞me血n岱伊饥lp a幽Vi6嚣may inhibit indiVidu越l∞miIlg’

which托fIe璐t0∞Icial inhibi60礼Con】fb砌够陀f.e璐t0也e situa60n也at m锄be璐haVe t0 give

llp tlleir o舳叩inio璐岫der刚p p瞒su托锄d adopt tlle s锄e 0p洒∞奶tll the喇ori哪.<咖is a d仪lble捌g。d sword趿d the impact of伊oI巾dynaIIlics∞indi、riduals C0ntains

posidVe缸d nega6Ve唧ects.IIl EFL te∽hin吕we S:h砌d take mU adV锄tage of伊oIlp

d)rI哪ni∞t0 gmSp tlle g伽啜吼tcnd髓ci嚣of gmups趾d pm眦indivimlal l∞ming.

Cm哟rm时∞n make m伽nbe琏k唧co璐iSt锄t’but we啪’t pu倦ue conf0册i哆blindly.In tlIe



c0玎ect d胁io玛we Should pay more alt训0n t0 f0St耐ng students’initiative and creative



Chapter Four A Sunrey of Art CoUege Students’MotiVation

The嗽锶sion of c0Uege刚躺’English le锄ing mIDtiVa石0n h硒become a C0衄onph髓ome∞n.H0wc、,cr’器a special group of姗印临in C0llege,an college stud吣∞肌aLllyhave a rel撕vely p00r En百ish b勰ic虹owledge,due t0 meir u璐ystematicaUy le觚ling in廿lcir

senior high sch00l趾d tlley de、rote mⅦch more t0 t11eir m旬0r cmuses man f洫甜ish.HoweV%

恤舢曲teaChing pmCtice,也e踟tllor 0bsen,ed也at毗college咖d钮ts have tlleir∞m

曲【ar∞teristics:0n the one hand也ey have 900d丘哥赋iVe锄d creatiVe abilit)r锄d tlley are

mo咒im楚删ve锄d creative吐l觚otllcr smdents;on the otll盯h锄d they do not do well in

a:b蛐阻ct and lo西c t11inkin舀缸d tlleir millds are l懿s lo百cal锄d more d懿ulto可.They a他

ou坞oiIlg and ac石Ve觚d it is e弱y for t11em t0 accept new mings,howeVer,mey are e嬲y t0 get

如瞳tated 0r excitod砌can not sp∞d long tilne in l朗皿iIlg王h百ish.Their motiVation is

瑚lStable.IIle访ta:bly也e C0llecdve d锄odv撕on will have much more negatiVe impaCt 0n meir

lea咄.111is陀search aneml煅t0 u∞question眦№s,硫enlri唧s and 0bserv撕0n t0 inVestigate tlle

overall situ撕∞of an college StIld咄’EngliSh le觚血g motiVatio玛s0 mat we c锄propose

effIe嘶ve sn锨e西髓for remotiVa向略tlleir E|n百ish le蛐g锄d敝i母our h),poth器es.

4.1 Questions and Hypotheses

In comparison wim otllcr m旬0r students,an C0llege snJd伽峪’English l∞ming锄d

te∞hing is咖ch more speCial,硒a r嚣ult of tlleir p00r b雒ic la∞wledge跹d tllin:king style.

And this survey ailns at锄删醯g the也嗽queStio璐觞f0Uows:

1.‰t)Ip豁ofEnglish lcarIling m06删∞do an college stude鹏mc?2.Is d锄。石va60n of English l∞millg preVailing锄oI唱an college StudeIns?If yes,wh砒

玳也elcad啦舭觚?3.How to咒m06vate art collcge stIld∞tS’En酉ish Ie锄ing eff酬Vel)r?On the 0ther han止this qu酬佃妇ananptS t0 t懿d匆my hyl’o也嚣岱propos。d by my

pe嘲砌0bsen,撕∞in the tc∞hing p嫩dce.’。

1.111e modvad∞that art college studentS poss骼s mainly bclon】梦t0血e inStmmental



2.111ere is a∞douS recession of an C0llege咖d饥ts’English le姗迦motivation sh鹏

tlle f奴year,姐dⅡlere is a sign of collectiVe d锄0tiva:tion.

3.We c锄砌notiVate an college students’En酉iSh le锄血g氤腿m锄y aSp。Cts叭Ch嬲

teaching mat谢als,cl船sr00m a恤10sphe陀,毋。oup dynaIIlics,le孤试ng o协ectives,le锄iIlgs的te萄es锄d so吡

4.2 Subiects

n坞subjectS of this study arc 135 fiI_st-ye对aIt college咖d即峪of Xih岫UniVe倦i哆.

They a∞seleCt酣舶m School of Art at瑚dom.J岫0ng tll即呜45 a他males觚d 90眦

f.锄ales.They are‰m孤ly m面。璐,like art per。form锄ce,music锄d daIlce,睨Ⅳir呲emdesign’indl工st呵desig玛new media锄d so on.n concerns most of the m萄。墙ill Sch00l of An.

Therefore,the sampIe s咖锄ts c锄rcprcsent t11e art c01lege洲ents t0 a国广eat extent.

4.3 InstI·uments

Therc arc two iIlstmments used in恤s他se盯ch:a questlomlaire趾d mterviews.

4.3.1 Ques60nnaire

The questio衄aire is adapted丘.0m tlle leamiIlg mo石Vation questiolmai他of办ang

Hai灿g(2009).n is d商驴cd t0 iIⅣ懿tigate也c leVel of an College stud锄’English le觚ling

motivati∞锄d也eir leamj.m【g situ撕on.The qucstion彻讹is composcd of 30 objectivc

queStio璐,他lated t0 me帅髓of motiv砒io玛le跹【ling i11terest and neodS,le嬲liIIg objectiV器,

∞lfe硒cacy’a删b砸册style,teac蛐唱锄d l倒mng s昀te舀鹤锄d so∞。111e it锄optio璐a陀

maillly desi印ed by tlle 5-poim Liken scale,砌giIlg董hom l t0 5:1=Stron百y a伊ee;2=a孕优;

3=neu仃al;4=disa孕优;5=s仃on酉y disa掣.ee.The subjects are印pealed t0∞lect也e opti∞

closest t0 meir own exp酣e11Ce.Details are Shown in Appendix I.

ne questio衄a№w嬲adIl:liIliste同in Marck 20 11.Tal【iIlg∞count of conVeIli∞ce and

an college smd饥ts’English level,tlle it朗陷a他in ChiIlese Ve娼ion.The咖d饥ts w骶

presented witllⅡle questio衄ail℃锄d we陀told tllat mc加would be oIlly髑cd for tlle

r鹤earch pu中o∞髓d k印t c0Ilfidential.The re姒ltS have∞m.mg t0 d0 wim tlleir fiIlaJ懿锄

∞o他s.They were%comged t0 complete honeStly锄d ind印∞dently.The questio皿ah w鹊

dis研buted i11 a total mmlb盱of l 35.All of tlle queSti咖air髓we聆collected.ARer care凡lly


eli】mina矗l坞lmc0珈Iplct。d觚d i玎【、试id ones,133 were used雒也e缸al sa皿Ipl%.The da:ta

vali嘶础es 98.5%.础l也e data we他coll删alld put imo comput吼

4.3.2 Inter、riews

(沁esn01maires are e嬲y趾d coIⅣeni铋t t0 impl锄钮t,b叭it c缸’t explain stud钮:tS’exact

ide鹤cleady.In order t0 m址汜a b撕und盯Standing of stud即偬’仇le ide弱,interviews are

made.B嬲酣0n t11e prel劬lina巧data of nle ques廿伽脚由rc觚d血出懿锄∞ores,15 stude鹏

were resp硎Vely selected with higk血ddle觚d low En百ish aClliev锄ents嬲interview∞s.

The merViews硫luded 6 0p铋-朗ded queStio璐(S∞App吼dixⅢ),锄d laStcd for about 20

mjn圳璐resp仪晒Vely.The studer】临were嬲k酣t0 ten nleir own ide弱锄d exp丽ence.

4.4 Data Analysis

4.4.1 Data Analysis of Qu鹤60nnaire

Table 4.1 Mo廿憎don Typ髓

op石∞ Nu瑚ber Pefcentage

A.C玳er requ岫ent 65 48.87%

B.Futllre deVelopment 4l 30.83%

C.Inn恤ic interests 15 11.28%

D.Courses requirem∞t 62 46.62%

E.To虹ow mo他at埘ut target langI豫ge co衄砸骼 9 6.77%

Fmm Qu鼯石∞1(The main rGaS0璐I l锄En酉i出删,we c锄硒d out what typ髓of

E]喇sh l锐啪1ing modVati∞tlley po豁岱s.

舡曲啪in Table 4.1,也e main心瓢的璐t11at art c0Uege Stude鹏’En班sh l翻I咖哦岛rc蜀嗍心quirem∞t'f11_ture deVelopII坨nt觚d courS镐咒quir锄锄_t'while oIlly l 5 smdents

(ne砌y 11.28%)le锄En西iSh due t0蛐ic硫ereStS and only 9 students(ne砌y 6.77%)

w砌d l设e t0 lmow mo陀about targct 1anguage coun研懿.Tbe resultS虹Iow that in∞删witllo盯hypoth岱is,me mod训on也al aIt college stud钮ts pos辩蹒mainly belongs t0 me

in鲫mmemal type(including Op60n八B and D).1nst吣∞tal m06vadon c姐s岫lllatc

stude吣’s乜ong l锄ing d骼iI℃,but it啪only IaSt f.0r a shon t锄锄d I昀加血g isjust a t00l



or a means to achieve tlleir objectives.ARer tlle objectives are achieved,leamers’motiVation

may decrease or even disappear i删nediately.Consequently,it leads to passiVe le枷ng for an

college students,wmch will also af先ct meir le砌i119 motivation.Especially,we find a large

proportion(nearly 46.62%)are forced to leam English as courses requirement,wllich will

result in low level of motivation and low leaming ef!Eiciency.

Therefbre,it is illevitable that aRer success如11y eIlte血g u11iVerSities,art college SnJdents’

English leamiIlg motivation pl咖et.And in the following we can proVe tlle facts of

demotivation and low emciency.

111 item 1 8(Before ent耐ng the umVersity,my En91iSh leaming motiVation is Very s仃ong)

and item 1 9(S洒ce ente血g t11e u11iVersit),,my En酉ish leam洒g motiVation haS decreased

se^ously),we make a compaIison of art college students’English leamjllg motiVation before

aIld aRer enterillg t11e uIliVersity.From Table 4.2,we fhld mat i11 order to pass the college

emraIlce exarllination,Ⅱley wofked hard aIld En舀ish leamiIlg desire was Very str.ong.ARer

entering tlle u11iversity,most of tll锄admit their leaming motiVation haS decre2used seriously.

Unsmprisingly mere is obVious recession of leamillg motiVation锄ong art college students

since the first year iIl college,w11ich is the d锄erit of ins咖ental motiVation.Yet there are

some exc印tive students who did not attach importaIlce to English leanling since sellior Kgll

sch001.FunhemoI℃,we can speculate tlleir English leanling in coUege.






1 5




Table 4.2 Recession of Learning Moti、’ation

Strongly Agree Netural Disag,ee






Table 43 Seriousn铭s of CoUec廿ve Dem06Ⅶ60n


A(%) B(%) C(%) D(%) E(%)


32(24.06) 65(48.87) 26(19.54) 5(3.76) 5(3.76)

1ll it锄23(Cl髂锄at骼跚d衔∞dS d0 not a优adh import黜e t0 EngHsh le锄吨锄1d care

little f10r也eir En酉ish sco陀s),we臼y to伍1d om if d锄06Va石on h嬲bl≥come a s甜0l腮pr0M啪.F∞m Table 4.3,me St撕stical糟sults show that it is a comm∞phe∞menon t11at d吼0tiv撕0n

is preVailil唱锄0ng an college StLldeI煅锄d tlle陀is a si盟of coll枷Ve dem砸V撕on.

IIldiViduals a坞a胁ed by孕Dup dyIlamics and伊oup m耐be璐.111州tably me CoU硎Vedemo石V撕∞will iIlnuence刚咖8’lea加【ing motiVation bamy.Low leVel of皿IotiVation is

bound to n暑sult in 10w academic achiev锄ents.So a vicious ciI.cle is.

T叠ble 4.4 outcome ofAn CoU%e StlId吼协’EngIish Leaming


A(%) B(%) C(%) D(%) E(%)

71(0.75) 4(3.01) 35(26.31) 58(43.62) 35(26.31)

SIlbtotal 5(3.76) 35(26.31) 93(69.93)

M06Vation iS a l汜y fktor incfluencing lea疵g.IIl item 7,studcnts are舔ked t0 compa他

也eir l∞ming o眦om骼wittl tlleir唧eCtabon.In Table 4.4,only 5 pcople(nearly 3.76%)

think也eir l∞mi】唱0lrbcom岱a托high盯tham their expeCta缸on.35(n∞rly 26.3 1%)thi】出they

眦b弱ically me蛐e.And tlle舢j耐6髓(nedy 69.93%)nlink t11eir 0utc锄骼哦10W盯.nedata indicale t11at tlle 0ln咖鹤of art c0Uege stud朗tS’Enghsh l翩删IiIlg a托not sads研ng.The

lon哥t锄low l鲫ming e佑ci锄cy wm def-c砒students’c0娟d∞ce,l既mj皿g desn砌modva石0也bve蹴Iy’stud锄ts’c耐idence衄d modva石∞win砌啪ce t11eir l翻ming.


nl讹fore,low emci黜y h嬲become a s鲥邮probl锄in an college students’English


As a maner of融,the托跚lts of it锄30(111 f.act,1 would l骶t0 leam English well)

Show也at oIlly 5 and l people disagree and s臼.0ngly disa伊∞wim t11e proposition.The

砌[IIailliIlg 127(印proxinlately 95.49%)agree wim t11e View.It suggests mat me 0Ve刑hehing

m萄ority haVe他al沱cd tlle impon龇lce of t11e int锄a吐onall觚目mge锄d klVe a Strong desir.e t0

le锄I洫班ish well.But wllat are the main re舔ons r髓ulting in tlleir demotiva:tion锄d 10w

∞Mev锄ents.hl t11e following,t11is mesis tries t0 fmd out me他aso璐丘Dm m锄y aspectS.

Table 4.5 Leaming obj∞tiveo


A(%) B(%) C(%) D(%) E(%)

1235(26.32) 4l(30.83) 4l(30.83) 13(9.77) 3(2.25)

Subtotal 117(87.98) 16(12.02)

The le砒TliIlg winlout 0bjectiVes c锄’t aIDl娼e s眦ents’leanliIlg钮I廿1usiasm跹d studerIts

will f曲l c0Ⅲhsed锄d c觚not鲫staill persist哪efforts.An印pr0俩ate 0bjeCtive c觚e嬲ily

stimulate stud饥ts’motiVation锄d it is a ncc懿saDr pr盯equisite f.0r e佑cient lea加曲g.HoweVer'

tlle陀sultS of item 12——-Table 4.5 show廿1at tlle聆a他1 17(neady 87.98%)wh0 do not haVe

leanling objectiV骼觚d d0 not know how幻make l鲫嘶ng obje砸Ves锄d pla璐,eith盯.And

all t11e∞will haVe negatiVe ilnp∞t On t11eir le踟_liIlg.Presumably we c锄speculate the le鲫血lg

situation of art college studentS(See i11 Table 4.6).

Table 4.6 Engnsh Learning SItua廿on Of An CoUege Studen臼


A(%) B(%) C(%) D(%) E(%)

31l(8.27) 44(33.08) 67(50.38) 10(7.52) l(O.75)

280(0.00) 10(7.52) 32(24.06) 58(43.61) 33(24.81)


h item 3(my present Enghsh l翩miI培sh撕∞),11(nearly 8.27%)ad加血也at t11呵a他

p舔siVe l锄e璐,跹d t11ey d∞’t lcIlow tlleir own le缸ni】ng n∞:dlS,and nleir l翩millg锄til.ely

rcli骼on teach懿’inst删0n缸d supeⅣision.And 44 stud朗tS(nearly 33.08呦t11缅k t11ey are

p髂siVe le锄e璐.Al也ough也ey b10w what nley sdblomd leanl,t11ey don’t lcllow how t0 make

l髓ming o惭ectiVes锄d plans,锄d how t0丘nd out effici∞t l翩_ming metllodS觚d劁e百嚣.And tlleir learning enti】rely reli懿0n teache璐,嬲well.67(nea订y 50.38%)haVe蜘g le鲫niIlg

d酷il.e,b1毗don’t ho啊how t0 mal【e l伐Iming objeCdVes and plans趾d盘nd 0ut emci髓t

lea瑚ling metllods and s昀legies.Their le孤啦la玛ely relies on teache璐.And l O(nearly

7.52%)也_i11k mey棚℃ac6Ve le锄erS,lcllow也eir lea加-ing needs and h篁IVe t11eir o晡,n le舡ning

o岣硎V髓and plans.But w砌10m e丘icient l翩nli】19 methods and s们te萄es't11ey need

te∞he塔’咖ction.oIlly 1(nearly 0.75%)is缸aC廿Ve le锄cr who blows his o眦l le雒ning

needS and h踮prolper l嘲lrrIiI培0bj硎V髓锄d pla璐.He h觞llis o^Ⅳn e伍cient lea瑚血19 memodS

趾d sn铖e西es,距d his leaming ma“y d印∞dS∞his锄tonomy.

Itl item 28,we inVesdgate血e level of aIt college stud∞ts’肌to∞my.High level of

autonomy c锄adV锄Ce stIJd∞ts’selB㈨l柚d selfregulatio玛wKch盯e main innu髓cing

触。瑙of le帅【咄m舐v撕0n.舡sh0、)I,n in Table 4.6,砌y l 0(ne砌y 7.52%)are satisficd

wi也t11eir level of锄tonomy.And 32(ne砌y 24.06%)thinl(t11eir abilit),of autonomy is∞t so

good.58(n∞rly 43.61%)think也eir abili妙of卸幻∞my is not s撕sf舛ng.And 33(nearly

24.81%)nlink their abili哆of踟tonomy is t00 low.

TIble 4.7 L蛆ming Methods and S仃ategi髓


A(%) B(%) C(%) D(%) E(%)

2444(33.08) 43(32.33) 35(26.32) lO(7.52) l(O.75)

Subtotal 122(91.73) ll(8.27)

k岫g methods锄d sn锨egi岱a陀inIpHDn锄砌u∞ciIlg fIactID幅in l锄gLIage l∞miIlg.

Sllitable觚d e伍ciem leamillg m甜10dS锄d s廿锄e西岱c觚inlp刚e l昀rning e佑ci∞cy蛆d

∽hi吖em伽临功pimy’which咖prompt stud即tS’l∞ming m06Va60n允rth盯.IIl itI即a 24(I


how lime about le眦ling metllods and s廿ate西es锄d can not血d e行ici朗t锄d suita_ble

lea珈曲g metbods锄d s仃ate西es),we缅lveStigate the situation of an college咖dents’le龇Ilillgm甜10ds锄d sn钲e西鹤.From Table 4.7,we c锄iIlf打t11at 0111y 8.27%can fmd e佑ci∞t and

sIlita:ble le牡ni】唱memods锄d s缸吼egies,锄d the rest 9 1.73%express meir agreem锄t witll也e

proposition.We c锄c(mf-蚰mat廿le oVerwhelll:lillg m勾ori哆how little about learIling

me_tllods锄d s仃ategies,so nlat廿ley c锄not丘nd efEci胁t锄d suitable ones.Tms is an

血唧rt锄t代;髓on f-0r tlleir low achieV钮lents锄d le锄n.mg e伍ciency.

TabIe 4.8 Sememcacy


A(%) B(%) C(%) D(%) E(%)

2243(32.33) 39(29.32) 42(31.58) 9(6.77) 0(0.00)

2510(7.52) 14(10.52) 45(33.84) 50(37.60) 14(10.52)

Self-emcacy c锄a侬娥our le锄j玎g的m eveD,唧oct.k锄e璐with high∞lfef!ficacy

a坞mU of c011fidence and haVe蛐rong leanlillg m撕V撕on.They arc嘶ct winl也emselV髓and

willir塔t0 tal【e up chall∞g骼.111 fIaCe 0fdimculties,nley will not re廿.eat but s髑ta洫.In itcm 22

(There is little pr0伊ess觚d sucC鹤s,whiCh h弱躲iIIlportant efjf;ect∞my le踟:1iIlg iIlterest趾d

n106valion),we c锄缸d恤t oIlly 9(nearly 6.77%)disagrce winl咄wllile 93.23%a伊∞wim

it.IIl item 25(I锄c0Ilfid锄t nlat I c觚le锄English well),only l O(nearly 7.52%)锄d

14(neally 1 0.52%)眦S仃on百y C0曲d饥t锄d a little c0曲d咖唧e嘶Vely.Details c锄be

9e髓in Table 4.8.n’s cle盯tllat me whole level of an college咖d黜’selGemcacy is Ve巧

low,bec眦se of tlleir p00rb够ic howlcdge觚d low洲eV伽l饥ts.T00 much蹦lure is bound

t0 def.eat their c0蚯d∞ce.Collfid朗ce is锄iIIlponant C0mponent of sel‘e硒c∞y and is also a

si弘t0 me嬲u托tlle l钾el of selGe伍c∞y.And the re叭ltS 0f Table 4.8 c蛆al∞pmVe tlle fj阻Ct

that an college stud饥ts are iIl low∞lf-e伍cacy.


TabIe 4.9 At臼ribu60n S锣Ie


A(%) B(%) C(%) D(%) E(%)

1195(72.18) 56(42.11) 83(62.41) 7l(53.38) 78(58.65)

A咐ibuti∞als0 plays a Vitally important role iIl伽r le锄血g be:haVior.Corrcct and

posi廿Ve atn伯ution style啪help us商nd也e re鹊o n:s of f越lure缸ld get close t0 suCCess.When

懿ked meir main reas0璐of fililu托experi锄ces in tlleir E叫ish l船ming(it锄11),95(nearly72.18%)也ink it iS due t0 t11eir p00r bowlodge.And 56(ne砌y 42.11呦也inl【it is due t0 t11e

dull t%c址ng m砷斑als.83(ne砌y 62.41%)mil】k it is beC硼∞mey c锄0t血d 0ut e伍cient

l朗ming metllodS and snme百es.7l(nearly 53.38%)tIlil】k“is due协bad cl嬲s l∞miIlg

a衄osphere which硼u朗c骼也eir l锄咖g m甜V撕on.78(58.65%)admit廿1at it is b。cau∞

th叫d∞’t work ha坩铋ough.From Table 4.9,we c蛆in衍m砒most studeIlts pre衙to

砌bute也eir触ure t0 nleir poor b硒ic lmowledge..111is l【ind of a删b而∞g叫e belongs t0

abilit)r attrihItio玛which is趾m锄al,unc0曲∞llcd趾d stable factor.Tllis a仰bution style is

ex的nely disadV锄tageolls t0 t11eir l锄guage l∞miIlg.ARer a long劬e,mey will邮bablygive up leaming器tbey∞咖优妇ge也e awM l鼢帆liIlg situati吡

Table 4.10 CI嬲墨Le曩rning A衄。叩he№蚰d L蛆rning EnVironme叭


A(%) B(%) C(%) D(%) E(%)

1550(37.59) 43(32.33) 26(19.55) 13(9.78) l(0.75)

S咖tal 119(89.47) 14( O.53)

IIldividums a佗innu伽俄姐by the dynamics髓d m伽出e噶of gmups t11ey belong tO.G00d

l昀miIlg睨lVill舢ent and釉oSphe他咖triggcr m既nbe璐’leanling mo畦Vadon.111 it锄l 5(If

my酬盯叭mding lcanling铷而舢ent趾d am抢Sphe托is g∞也my m06vadon wm inlpmVe),


119(ne砌y 89.47%)belieVe mat if nle舢删iIlg le锄血g踟咖nment锄d a_hIlosphere is

900d’hi姗er motivation will ilIlp∞ve.111erefore’we a代跚rc of the Vital si鲥fic锄ce of

leaming朗啊r0姗%t and annosphe∞f-0r art college蚰Jdents’English leaming.ADIl me

C0lleCtiVe d锄硐Vation con矗肋ed db0Ve is ex仃emely disadV锄tage0瑚t0 nleir le觚liIlgm06vation.

From me re叭lts above,we c锄c0Ilfj.哪mat moSt of an C0llege gnlden博EngliSh leaming

is p弱siVe,largely 0r咖曲rely陀lyiIlg on teaCh哪’i11S臼佻tion and super、,ision.111 addition t0

p00r b硒ic h10wledge and瑚岱yst锄atic l∞rnhlg,tlley lack confid即ce'e硒cient leamiJlg

methods锄d晌te西es and eV%d0 not haVe proper le姗ing obj∞tives锄d plaI塔.What’s

w吣e,t11eir卸tonomy abili哆is veDr low.Undoub僦ly all也鹤e f配to璐will result in low

l∞miIlg e佑ci%cy觚d achicvements whiCh will innu朗ce meir le踟1ing motivation badly.

4.4.2 Da纽Analysis of Inten,iews

Mor∞V%we selccted 1 5 stlm即ts f.0r iIlterviews wllich m枷y c0忸c锄ed with t11eir

l鲫恤g exp甜册ce锄d慨liIlgS,l鲫心g needS跹d motiVali∞ch锄ge.S∞Aplp朗dixⅡin

dctails.AccomiIlg t0 students’f.mal ex锄scor鼹,5 stl阳伽她wim high En酉ish∞lliev锄e吣

(i.e.firlal懿锄score is above 80)we陀selected.5 snJd部晦wi也a sc0鹏be附e钮60锄d 79

were selo硼as iIlterviewees wi也middle level of acllieV锄ents.Amd 5 snldents winl a sco旭

below 60 were selected as low achicv锄em Ie锄ers.ne data of iIltervi洲s砌iCate吐谢4 Students wim higlI English a凼ev锄ents se锄ed t0

龇ff打“plate觚ph∞om∞on’’,锄d tlle陀is little pmgress in tlleir study.F0r mrther

development锄d c盯e盯requi】r锄ent,all t11e 5咖d∞tS have a s廿.0ng desn t0 p勰s CElV 0r

eV吼CET-6.H0weV%mc‘‘plate跚ph锄om朗on’,mal【骼nl锄lack c0以d髓Ce,althou91l

comp娥ItiVely meir English∞lliev锄饥tS a他I肌ch lligher.5 stud印ts wim面ddle l钾el of

English∞llieV锄crIts haVe a s廿.ong desi舱t0 p勰s PETS-2,wllich is the requi嗽n锄t for meir

鲈ad岫tion.Among m锄3 haVe a desh t0 p鹋s CET_4,but not s协)ng.Among low

∞meVem锄t咖dents,4 tal【e∞∞co吼t of English le舭ling锄d ca舱little about tlleir English

leVel他g川less of g芦aduation唧irement or如tu他c玳凹n∞ds.OIlly l student witll low

acllieV即1ent h撼a s仃.Ong des№t0 p鹤s PETS-2,but he felt helpless锄d despair beca啪e of llis

p00r English.The a叫10r also tried t0 f.md tlle他aso璐for tlleir low motivation.We f10urld that

it is溉much m坞ucC∞sml le蛐g exp嘶∞ces and fomler tc∞h粥’anitude t0 tll咖tllat



mak髓t11锄lo∞c0血d饥ce gnad姚Uy锄d cv∞loan舱En酉ish le锄1in吕Once de印in也eir

heart,t11ey had a s呐ng des她t0 le锄En百ish weⅡ.

on tlle otll盯h粕也all the l 5 stud即临have su绦:rcd r∞ession of E姆iSh l∞J11ing

modv撕on s血e髓t咖g univ懿i哆,跹d mcre is collec6ve d锄嘶V撕0n amng tllcir

cl嬲锄at懿and衔朗ds.1k c0Hecdvc il即∞tivation d0髓aff嗽t11锄t0 dif】衙ent de酉∞.The

studen:ts wim middle level of modva60n are most砌uenCed by t11e COUec廿ve d锄06v撕。玛

f0Ilowod by stud即瞳S witll high∞hiev锄伽临.ThIe impact on stud伽峪wi廿l low achieV锄伽临

is miIloL嬲也ey have suffhed low motiva:tion锄d n朗rly giVe up tlleir English lcaming.

Besid∞,they pm访de∞me suggestio璐for ch蛆giIlg也e l姗n矗d situ撕on

Ill咖a吼we c弛draw tl增conclusio璐:The m砸Vati∞龇an C0llege stude鹏

poss骼s m山ly belongs t0 the ins栅mental type.In f-a%an COUege则entS haVe reahzcd n圮

impon加cc of EngliSll l嘲曲g and haVe a g廿ong d骼硫t0 le锄En班sh weU.HOWev%tllcy

啪not do weU in王’n酉ish leamillg bcc:al坶e of p00r b弱ic howledge,ine伍cient l翩瑚i119

m酬hods and sn瞰egi鹳,low self-e硒c∽y’bad leaming细osph豇Ic’p鹊siVe砌bu60n style

觚d so on.All tll嚣e r豁lllt证a serious rec骼sion of nleir En甜ish l锐mliIlg motiVati∞.IIl

additio玛nle陀is a colleCtive demotiv撕on锄ong也em,w11ich will haVe a disadVantag∞l塔

effect on their l∞ming motivation.T1lere向陀,we sh0山d anach inlporta埘∞to也e s谢0l塔

probl锄of d锄odvation in art COUege smdents’酬sh le锄iIlg觚d t∞chin舀锄d we c觚

p唧t也eir l倒ming m06V撕∞缸蛆m锄y aspeCts.


Chapter FiVe Strategies蕾Dr Prompting Art College Students’English

Learning MotiVation

触er nle s山Ⅳey锄d analysis of an college students’En醇ish le跚niIlg motivatio玛we get

a bettcr und豇吼锄dillg of tlle他弱ons for廿leir low motiv撕on觚d s耐ous demotivation.

舡a man盯of f搬,many an collegc stude吣d0 adlnit廿lat meir poor pcrf.0肌anc懿in

En酉ish le龇niI玛a托maildy due t0也emselv懿.IIl nleir senior lli曲school,moSt of t11em did

not work hard锄d did 110t get correct锄d efficient l∞rning methods锄d s乜-ate西es,aIld some

stude吣ev∞did not study En口iSh system撕cally.So tlley did not d0 well in EngliSh which

1ed tb锄losing confidellce in EngHsh leamiI玛or becoming selfab勰ed.

ObjectiVely,College EIl廿ancc Ex锄血ation h觞much higher dem锄dS in tlleir m匈0r

courses觚d lower d锄锄dS in也cir lit蹦毗y CourSes,wlliCh mal【豁tllem care little for 0r eV锄

negloct t11eir En百ish leamillg in meir删跹d actio也T1lis is disadv锄舱g∞惜t0也eir

En鲥sh leaming'wlliCh will mal【e tlleir demo石v撕0n wor∞.

In ord盯t0 ch锄ge此删sh撕∞ofan college咖d例ts in E叫ish le锄i119,helpn1锄get out of the臼ouble of d锄otiVation锄d顺notiVate meir En酉ish leam如&this pap盯

will印Ⅵde∞me跚ggeStio璐趾d c0恤t锄easur瞄aCcordiIlg to t11eir Ch蹦烈eristics in

E时ish l翩millg嬲follows.

5.1 Setting Proper Learning objectives

Conternporarily'witll廿le rapid eC0n咖c deVelopmem锄d 910balizatio玛maste血gEngHsh has become iIldispe嬲ible i11 diff.e他m fields锄d is趾app哟aCh t0 pe塔onal

adV锄c锄咄.舢tllougll most an college smd饥tS llave realized the呻ort锄ce of Engli啦it is

∞t∞0ugh.In order t0 llaVe bc牡cr试t锄atio啦l C0r姗uIIication鲫d develop int锄ationlLl

horizo玛it is of vital ess锄ce锄d li触岫e b吼efit for an college咖de鹏t0 have a good

c0I砌锄d of English.

only wh∞陀aliziIlg tlle Value of EngliSh co爪:ctly’c觚stud朗ts have adequate

pr印删ion for iIlVestiIlg a 10t of 6me觚d e仃0ns,ke印iIlg lligh le觚ling motivati∞锄d

prolongillg suSl【aliIled ef茧brts.


No pai】笛,n0 gains.To删盯a删弘lan嗍e,l锄e稻have t0 inVest a 10t of血c锄de行10ns.And tlle proc懿s ijs vt玎y long铀d difficult.However也ere are alwa弘some situatio璐

也at me e丘-orts stud印瞳S have made do not g吼gai】啮孔以)—in百y.At也is mom锄t’teachers

sh砌d help stud伽峪analyze the他嬲。璐,gtlide tll锄t0 posi6Ve mmctio嬲趾d∞cmu冶ge

也锄t0 maimain pe璐istent e饪.0rtS距d l朗ming modV撕on.Ul在mately nley wiU get an gains

f.0rtlleir e廊rtS.

Setting proper髓d Cle盯l∞rning 0bjectiV懿al∞h弱great砌u胁ce on l俄Imillg

modv乏呖on Cle盯觚d prop盯learning o协oc6Ves咖鳓.衄matc stud∞ts t0 wo呔hard趾d

generate Strong motivation.What’s mo他,Ie锄ing objectiVes a托not only t11e goals tllat

studeI]临strive for,but also the standards for eval嘣ing studentS’efforts and pro伊骼s.(Wang

Son舯ei,2003:3)Leanl].m唔obje嘶v舔c锄be cl船sified int0 long·t锄objectiV懿(0r g髓eral objeC吐Ves)and

Shon-teml 6bjeCtiv髂(0r speci丘c objectiV骼).The∞comphshn啪t of speci丘c 0bjectiV髂c缸

make Sl:udents have a sense of矗llfillment锄d鼬晡sf-actio皿which wiU st缅眦late their inn盯

leaming motiVadon At tlle same time,也e accomplisllIIlent of short-t锄objeCdV懿wiu make

the studen_ts f.cel也e possibilit),of甜缸ning long·term objeC6V髓and th_us t11盯beCome mo他

c0倘dent.On tlle onl盯h鲫吐鼬g cor他m趾d pfop盯long-t锄obj硎V懿can mal【e

studentS rem娩e tI坨inlportance of l黝InIing En91ish锄d tlleir l黝响1ing needs,w址ch is tlle

懿senCe of s出吡l撕ng tlleir En班Sh leamiIlg motiV撕∞锄d inlerests.So,it is n∞骼saD,for吣

t0 c(咀lbiIle tlle long-t锄0bjⅨ晒V鹤witll Sbort-t锄obj∞6V骼、)lrhen tc∞he塔help Stud∞ts

mal【e leaming o蜘Ⅸ=tiV铭锄d leaming pla璐.The lon哥t锄obj硎V伪shc“d be of high

standam,beca吣e a ChaJlen善;ing 0bjec矗Ve wiU stimlllate Students’desi他of l∞加IiIlg and

adv锄c锄ent.Thl_ls g∞e瑚血y setting‘‘1’0 p雒s tlle exams”弱tIle long-t锄。蜘∞dVe is not

胁0ugh and p∞per.We shoIIld sct a bit challen百ng long.t锄oq硎Ve beyond l姗锶’al侧t abili哆,whne shon·蛔m objoctiV鹤Should be p豫clical锄d f.c舔ible.If Shon-tam

obj∞1tiv豁a11e t00 higk it wm make stud伽临f曲l自屿眦e也10∞c0血id∞ce觚d跚ffh伊铭td锄舐v撕∞:in tlleir EngliSh l姗沁.Th骶f0嗡le珊吨0bj硎v髓sllould be鳅at di腩陀nt

levcls t0 di行b姗t鳓m即庀S∞cordin酉y.

Objoc6v伪t00 high 0r t∞low a托helple豁t0 trigg盯stud∞ts’l∞ming m06Va畸on And

t11眦is锄伽tStand啦锄d e伍ci阻t evaIualion嘲nda珂一‘仙CD"l删devcloped by

McCombs加d P叩e(Citcd by H纽Xi∞ya:吗2007:48).


●A(AcIlieVable):Re衙t0 tlle le锄血g objectiV懿tllat are acllievable for leamers’age

舳d abili妣

●B(BelicVable):Re衙t0也e le锄:liIlg 0bjectiv骼tllat le锄e墙belic、,e nley c觚reaCh锄d


●C(C∞cciVable):Rcfcr tO tlle le踟血Ig objectivesⅡlat arc def疏te锄d conceiVable;

●D(Desirable):lk衔t0 me lear血g 0bje甜V髓mat眦desirable for le锄船and for

0廿l懿’懿pectation as weU.

SettiIlg cle盯孤d pr叩er leaming o协ectiV豁can prompt smdents’positiVe l既衄ling

anitude and s咖g motiVation.n al∞iInproves咖d吣’COIlfidence跹d se璐e 0f directi∞.

011ly in nlis way,wiU it be b胁eficial fbr stimulatillg stud髓ts t0 prolong pe塔ist豇lCe untilⅡ坞

∞lliev锄髓t of 90als锄d),ielding铆ice the袱湖t w池half ef|FOIt.

5.2 Analyzing What An College Students Need in Learning

AmIlysis of咖dents’l翩ming needS can pr0Vide reference f.0r teaChing desig轧teaClling

C0nt衄t锄d ah璐of teaclliI培tasl【s.Th∞ugh the髓alySis of stud髓tS’le蚰g needs,it c强

help us虹ow t11e students’d锄锄dS for oIlr E|n西ish teacllillg,analyze gtude鹏’wea:h骼s锄d

ccmf.眦饥Jr t∞c№g focl塔.OIlly aRer lmowing stude鹏’leamiIlg needs,wiU we∞1eCt the

te∞lling materials t11at stIld伽临a他rcally interestcd iIl’wllich wiU mal【e蛳ld饥ts be rcally

williIlg t0 leam锄d play tlleir actiVe mle in tlle l∞nling proc懿s,硪Ⅱler nl弛“be forced t0

le锄''.11lis is t11e acnlally me锄jng削.1e鲫曲19 and c锄enh锄ce stud邮’high m嘶Vadon.If

stud即tS realize what tlley haVe leamed in college can nm m瞅t11e social n∞ds,tlley will

doubt tlle Vmue of tlleir l∞millg in sch00l锄d reduce廿leir E洫百ish l翩nliIlg motiVation.。

So f札廿lere h弱not be%a set of En酉ish tcXtbD0ks eSpecially desi驴cd for art college

students.The tc)【tbooks tlley a北岫iIlg a托a linle difficult for也锄锄d haVe no correlation

wim nleir m旬。娼.So it啪’t st证mlate t11eir s臼的ng iIlte豫st锄d∞tIl岫i鲢m in English le盯【li】呜.

At the mome咄our teache墙c锄0t髓t№ly d印朗d∞textb00l【S锄d add mo孢舰cmngmat研als w11ich tlle students are iInerested吨suita_ble for th锄or correl砒ed wi吐l也eir m勾。璐

锄d le鲫:liIlg n∞ds.on t11e otll盯h觚也bcc叭se of tIleir p00rb够ic howledge髓d low English

level in whole,we shomd pay more anention tO the叩plication锄d“lls of language slcills iIl

an college smd%ts’English teaCI曲g.The te∞Mng content should foc吣锄nle b鹪ic,

pmctical锄d aIt special够mat耐als,踟ch鲢the mat谢als∞conVe璐atio玛spe∞ll’蛔岛


humor’stories'articl骼他latIed t0 an’嬲weU弱∞me aum伊、,isual mat嘶aIs姐d∞on

Mor∞ver'the州ects we seloCt can锄ph药ize on t11e ones conceming o呱删life,∞cialdevelopment衄d an m句。琏,∞that stud锄ts can cc旺出ine t11e knowle电e witll life锄d majo璐

and mal(e nlll llse 0fiL Language is me训er ofCultIlre.T0 m嬲t盯a f.0rei髓l觚g吼ge,we

Should lmow础Jch dbout tlle cultu托of tlle伽唱et l缸guage com眦niti骼.111廿le t∞c蚰略

proccss,we c趾al∞add some m删als on forcign l锄g岫ge culture and伽IStom m筇玎伽【c鹤

betweenChina锄d劬er C(m谢es,wbich can am峭e洲饥ts’interest趾d Curiosi哆.

IIlⅡle teaclling met:hods,the bowledge inculcation te∞hiIlg modcl is阳th盯bD血g f.0r

t11e hyp啪c6ve an college stl妇ts.Due t0 meir tll幽g ch撇ct耐stics,也e multimedia

tocbnology h鹊an incomp砸ble te∞11ing eff.。Ct on art college咖d伽峪tllan that Of“chall【s

and a blackboard”.n can豇lhance t11eir s心Dng l黝岫g interest and initia_tiVe.Theref0陀,we

≤hmIld att∞h iIIlport锄ce t0 thc印plication of mul缸odia t出ology in art C0llege stud伽幢s’

En酉ish teaclling.By me mlll血edia t%hnology,EIlglish le嬲血g can become a cycle process

of跏mo in】Iitaftio玛Visual c0鲥d衄锄d memo巧,communication锄d applicati∞of l锄guage

skiUs.This kind 0f te∞lling model c缸a_tn麓ct art college stlJdentS’鲫rong l翩mjng desir.e舳d

睨l也usi嬲m.IIl addi60玛when t黝Id忙体show t11e muldmodia C(mrseware,we c锄e∞oⅧ隐ge

stud∞ts’panicipa石on in tlle multinledia courseware mal(i119'whi c_h can inlpr0Vc咖d即临’

锄gagement iIl leaming acti访廿%and eIlll舳ce tllcir m甜V撕on

5.3 Friendly CIassroom Atmosphere

Cl镐汀oom iS not only也e删n source of l舡Iguage input f.Or stud伽晦,but also t11e main

Spot t0 de、,elop stIld即tS’l翩ming int嘲and m嘶Vadon.Fn∞my跹d comf0n_able cl嬲趼∞m

锄oSphe陀is much more imponam f.0r an c0Ilege stlld印ts.Due to p陀vio吣u璐uc圮豁s丘ll

懿peri伽【c骼,they beCome mlaDnfident蛆d a他e舔y t0 be innw材ccd by extcnlal∞vi啪ent.The托fore,what也ey need badly is comfortable锄d伍曲my leamiIlg∞咖mn∞t t0 bmld叩

t11eir self毛onfidence.

To a℃ate衔endly cl硒sr0咖a佃∞sphe他is mainly bas酣on t%ch懿’efflons.Te孔he焉

shomd be mo陀tolemt of Stud伽临’miStd潞柚d encofurage tll锄mo陀.ReSpect tlleir

l昀ming ct圆捌m衙stics锄d be mo陀pad伽止When豳ldng questio璐,tlle questio璐should bc

d嚣igned suitable f.0r their E时ish leVel to即血m∞t11eir panicipado几And te∞he瞒删d址∞inlpm№也eir own te∞hing区kiUs t0 f0St盯stIJd伽临’modVadon lIl a础do玛tlle m删


help and饥Ist锄ong stud饥ts are i如portant for衔钮dly cl嬲sroom釉oSphe陀.They help

witll each omer锄d c趾proVide emotional support for slow leanle倦.

Ca订Roge硌c0Ilfirms廿lat people’s cog硒tio玛behavior锄d锄otion are closcly related

(Cited by W龃g Son班ei,2003:1).The relatio璐llip be帆e吼te∞he瑙髓d殉Jdents h弱a dire蜕

eff.ect on删饥ts’黜tion and psychoIo舀cal state,wllich will be舰nsf研red iIlto t11eir

leanling'dircctly i11nuencing t11eir lea加ling interest’motivatio玛amtude锄d∞1lieVement.And

me eff.ect is Str0咀ger锄d more obviol坞for也ese s饥sitive an coUege咖d饥ts.Their bell撕or

is higldy susc印曲le t0 emotional nuctuatio璐.To骼讪lish 900d化1atio璐hip bet、)l,e阻

teache璐and students needs me joint efrorts of both sides,and it is bas酣on t11e mImlal t11_lst

and咒spect between tllem.However'弱a special咖dent粤.0up,most of art college咖dentsIm,e e)【p谢锄ced t00 much黼lure in廿leir pre访。惦le锄血g,reSul血g丘.0m t11eir p00r b弱ic

knowledge and珊鸲ySt锄atic lea如ling.They arc critic也ed more趾d p瑚ised less.They bccome

硼co血dent眦d w%∞lfab舔od’and跗tirely lo∞En西ish lea玎血g锄:erest抵r a long tiI鹋.

They a坞always tllo∞who are oRen neglected and critic也ed by teache硌.Actually,the

se璐itive an C0llege students眦w油hi曲self-est∞IIl’舳d mey have be髓s仃0n西y lon鳓ng

for陀spect’ pmise,encoumgement and underSt觚ding' espcCially也o∞fbm te∞he娼.

Therefore,for teache璐,fi瑙tly we should陀spoct'仇Ist髓d encomge廿l钮玛care觚d praise

m锄mo他锄d tole豫te more of tlleir mistal【懿锄d f缸lure∞that t11ey don’t need t0 woqdbout it.ollly in mis way,will stI珂伽峪f.cel that teache瑙really carc for tllem and饥JStⅡlem

锄d haVe a s缸Dng m舐Vation t0 work llard钉.

Fuml锄。他,for an C0llege students,what they need most is self二c0耐id%Cc.And the

first舡ld most impon觚t miIlg for te∞he琏is t0 b陀ak up tlleir f.Ⅸed tlliIlkiIlg model-‘‘MyE叫ish is伽bad’锄d all e仃0nS撇of∞avail',and help th锄e嘲bliSh seloc0Ilfidence.The

懿tablishmem of selfconfid印ce c锄iInprove le锄鸺’ selfemc∞y,wllich will aflR圮t

lc锄e墙’锄otio玛selection of t舔l(s,persistence and leanling枷tude i11 fke of difnculties.

Reve塔ely,stud即峪with lligll sel二e伍cacy a他more com;ident觚d haVe a鼬rong le蛐gmotivation and tligher dem锄ds for tll锄selV髓.

At tlle s锄e讥e,teach懿’expeCtation c锄砌u锄ce咖d∞ts’le明曲g behaVior锄d

motivation grcatly.It c锄trigger smd饥ts’leanling potential t0聆∞h t朗lch粥’懿p。cta_tion.

Di触麟pcct撕。璐t0 diff.e1.咖stud%ts mal(e te∞he璐haVe diaf孤mt甜itude锄d骶at

吐l锄in diff打ent ways,wKch will砌uence stud肌ts’seIBconcept,lea皿LiIlg motiVation髓d



leVel of asp砌∞.F∞ed witll廿lese印ecial mldents wh0 have s锄e di伍叫6es in English

1翩ming,it is e豳y f研teac_he璐t0 suff旨a se璐e of mtilit),锄d generate low expectadon t0

t11em.:But∞Ce tlle p弱sive m骼sage is C0nVeyed t0 tlleIn,it will lower their∞lf:COIlfid锄忧:

锄d l∞rning m06va60n.Th凹eby,it is of great signi6canIce for teache璐t0 aVoid tlle p觞siVe

唧ecta石∞胡搬锄d have mo他posidVe expeCtati∞t0 all stud衄ts∞tllat it c趾have

positive e伍∞t∞stI珂伽临’l∞ming bc!haVior跹d motiVation.We sh砌d al∞骶at weD,

student f.airly锄d仃y t0 explore nle s_Ilining meritS of eVe]r),0ne.

5.4 Learning Strategy Training

The k:ey t0 me success of lea皿【ing is t0 sclect suita_ble觚d e伍cient leaming methodS缸d

s仃ate百es.Ev叼,0ne in t11e le觚liIlg pmc鼯s wiU develop a sct of rel撕vely s讪·le锄d sui协blle

l∞miIlg method.From也e results of nle跚Ⅳey’it is believed也at an c0Uege蚰Jd∞:ts删陀ly

maSter l∞ming metllods and鼬rate萄鼯and c锄0t select a set of suita_ble on骼,wllich mak髓

tlleir EI珂iSh leamillg mo他di佑cult趾d lowe璐meir le鲫1ing motiV撕∞锄d e佑ci∞cy.

L锄guage leaming iS a proc髓s of C0枷ctiIlg觚d他c0枷ctillg l锄glmge rIlles.

L.e盯ning s乜龇e百骼a托help丘ll t0 l∞舢’sel鼻constmCtion of l锄母mge syStem.【)ue t0

iIldiVidual dia研锄c懿锄d di触l蛐g锄Vi】_0姗∞t锄d b∞k伊。岫也l∞mers will adopt


L啪g呦哩re l∞ming smlte西髓C0璐iSt of t11r∞types:metaIcogni石Ve蛐眦e百es,c0鲥dVe

s廿砒e百懿锄d affective sn眦e百骼(o’Malley&Chamot'l 990).Metac0班畦Ve s缸ate百∞rcf打t0

t11e strate西鹪that c趾㈣ll锄guage l铋mj堍in血e c0鲥ti∞proc骼s,such鹊adV锄Ce

org锄娩e璐,selfcomml,∞lfInonitor’∞lfeValuation锄d∞on Co班tiVe舭萄骼a托mec0鹏of l锄guage l蛐g s缸龇e西懿,refIerring t0也e S臼龇e萄嚣le锄e璐鸺e t0锄a1),ze,induCe

舳d dⅨIuce.It includ懿repeti石。玛仃赳塔l撕。玛indu嘶。玛takiIlg notes,deduc60玛inf打ence,

r∞rg锄娩a石∞锄d∞o几A仃&洒Ve s嗽e西髓mean t0 tlle per∞nal aff.ectiVe fact0璐锄d

ext锄al fkt0璐也砒c蛆help le锄e璐c0衄【plete tk=ir cogllidVe a嘶viti髓.n includ胬

colla:b0枷on锄d蚰g qu硎。璐,pm访ding mo陀lang岫唱e input for l姗e髂.AIthough t:he他a他indiVimIal m您:咖c璐in l翩miIlg smlte萄eS'it can be taught.And tlle

位lil洫g of l锄g岫ge l翩ming s啾e百懿can impmVe StlJd伽临’枷eV锄伽临觚d enhanCc tlleir

m嘶v撕∞锄d叫咖埘ny.IIl tlle搬蛐pmcess’t∞che塔c龃in!潮t 0r ml的tc l舳gIlage

l铡ming咖te科tralining by∞巴atiIlg comI砒ed Situalio璐t0 impmVe stIld∞ts’l∞millg


蛐rategies锄d help tllem f.om血eir own e伍cient lcanling metllods.F0r ex锄叩le,when

le蛐g an anicle,we c锄insert some readiIlg sl【ills tcachin吕l出e f奴一readiIlg skills,

i|1te璐iVe rcading sl【ills,吣ing di侬獭lt r∞ding sl【ills in difjF钉胁t situ撕。璐and∞∞.or we

c衄desi伊a whole cl硒s for readiIlg≤I(ills le踟血g锄d啪e some mat嘶als t0 practice

students’代adiIlg sl【ills.

5.5 Timelv Positive Feedback

Gi诚唱tiIIlely feedbacl【s锄d propcr eval姐d∞t0咖dents’leaming p酬f.0肌锄ce is

b%e6cial蠡竹∞hanciIlg也cir le鲫【li|唱mo“ation.Eff&tive feodback饥ables stIldentS t0

how nleir le蛐g re叭ltS觚d f.md t11eir progress锄d Shortcomillgs so也at也ey c锄rc删Ilsttheir le锄ing stI.ategies in time t0 maI(e伊eater prog陀ss.Teachers’fcedbacl(S should be

speci丘c觚d timcly.Iftlle fcedb∞ks are not giV∞at t11e right time,tllcy will lose meir Value.

Af而舳a_tive evaI岫don will als0 Stimulatc students’le锄ing motiVation柚d make them feel

ttlat tlleir valu懿a他admitted.()Ilce tlley llaVe a s睨坞e of mlfilhIlent in le龇Iling,Ⅱ1eir pride雅d

c011fidence will iIlc他勰e锄d they will be more actiVe in l∞miIlg.

For tlle special group students,teac血e体should not oIlly giVe tiIIlely锄d speci矗c

f曲dbaCks to tlleir 1%miIlg pcrfonn锄c懿,bm al∞西ve more afmmatiVe趾d positiVe

eval谢∞.Pm伊髓s锄d positive f.cedbaCks c觚妇e stud黜’confidenCc锄d se璐e of

mlfilhent.We should be 900d at captuI证g t11eir progress锄d m砸ts in tlleir le锄1iIlg,prai∞

mo他witll l髓s c—ticism跹d encollrage tlleir participation in leaming acti访ties∞tiVely and

willin酉y.Meanwllile,we should make t11e students how that it is me lea加j119 process that is

much n10rc valuable锄d ilnponant舶恤the f的dbacb ralmcr也锄tlle re叭lts.As蹦lure is tlle

证evita:ble part of le龇IliIlg proce鼹,we≤hc}uld l戗the stud伽晦lcIlow也at也ey should not giVe

up leamiIlg or lose heart j惦t bcc肌∞of a few failures.Amd at nlis tilIle,teachers should help

锄d guide stud朗tS t0 aml),ze nle ca憾髓锄d an曲ute con优tly锄d positiVely,adIIlit tlleir

progress aIld efrortS锄d伽Icourage也em t0 ke印on le删ng.For tlle se∞itiVe锄d mlcoⅢident

art college stud伽临,t11e suppon觚d encourag锄ent丘Dm t∞che体are 0f grcat power t0 iIlSph

m锄t0 prolong persist∞ce.


5.6 Group DynaIllics and CoUectiVe construction

111diVidllals are砌u睨lced by伊oup由ma血cs and掣.0up me如be琏.Group dyn砌cs c观

help璐t0 grasp the g饥钉al tend∞cy of group be:ha啊0r.And it is al∞b锄eficial屯0 me

r豁earch on individuals.The group pressure and C0h腮ion∞皿d瑚19e indiVimIal l朗ming

m甜Va_tion趾d bc:b乏lvior.An excell印t cl勰s C0llectiVe plays an important∞le in t11e

insp岫石on觚d cc咀straint f10r iIldiVidllals.n is also a印ot t0 foster stud印l招’a:bil时缸d a stage

t0 Show Stud伽临’talent.Theref.0re,也e cl弱s Cc咀StmCtion h醛become a b优topic in t∞clliI培

矗eld.F0r t11e suSceptible an C0llege stlld即ts,cl弱s collo嘶Ve h嬲great si鲥fic锄ce for tlleir

English l倒ming.

An懿cellent cl船s colleCtiVe c0璐ists of s咖e骼semial嘲曲啪ents舔f0Uows:1.Cle盯and c0袱:ct m椭lal 90als.1Ks is tlle pra血se of缸excellent collec6Ve.only

wim clear and co删mut脚goals,will a掣10up h乏IVe a lligh cohesion锄d persistp盯跏础ly.High cohesion c缸mal【e m锄b懿stick tog毗ler closely'丘曲血g for the mulllal goals.

oth髓wise,it c锄’t 0唱龇lize coll蒯Ve pow盯髓d m锄be倦are slack.For an C0llege stIld锄ts,

也e),c锄build up a noti∞of“l∞m啦En百ish weU”硒t11eir mutua】90a1.n啪urge eVeDr

m即m盯t0 work h习帕f.0r t11e re砒娩ation ofthe mu舰l goal.

2.Co玳蛾曲优tion of public op“∞锄d g叻ng le锄1illg anIlosphere.Public叩inion is

don血趾t∞删Vidual beh撕0r.F0r廿圮co响衄岫of public opini呱indi讥dual may

probably haVe t0 Ch锄ge廿leir l∞nlj.m唔behavior.An瓴ceUem cl弱s collectiVe should have

c0溅t dir∞tion of public 0pinion.And its public 0p诚on Should be f砬’如d却删al in tl地

disp既喇on of他wam跹d pIlIlishment.S仃Dng l锐唧【iIlg a衄osphere is al∞an import趾t

compon肋t of an excellent cla豁.h啪urge all stIldents t0 keep l翻呶lin岛。山e刑i∞吐ley will

f矾l hihiIld.F0r the special霉Dup g叫aItS,we can make them believe that klVing a 900d

comm锄d of EnghSh is of g陀at si嘶丘c觚Ce for their如tu】re caIIe盱developme毗but it Shomd

pay a 10t of缸e觚d e仃10rts.T翰che璐can help t11e cl嬲s c0Uecdve bmld up posidVe mreC6∞

of public 0pini叽锄d g响ng l锄ming an∞sphe陀,such弱舯tion9_‘‘We c觚l锄En幽shweU”,“EnghSh l∞millg iS vitauy imponan_t’'’“EV够归鹏lOVe le锄il珞En西ish'’,“I瑚mEngliSh“叩Ⅳhe他and eveD,time”.

3.G00d and h锄onious m既nt圮rship.Stud髓ts of an exccllent cla胬collcc缸Ve haVc

mutual他spIeCt and help witll e∞h otll盯.They a砖willing to sha他剐IcCe豁with 0the稻锄d

锄:pI’0n with e∞h o也盯in di伍cult血e.Mant圮璐c10sely伽唧:锄w“h the cla鼹c0U仪洒ve



glo叮.They fcel proud of collective啊cto巧alld are willing t0 de、,oteⅡlemselves t0 cl嬲s酉。巧.

舢l sticktogetller t0 strive f10r也e cl鹊s gloDr.F0r an college students,we c锄mal(e憾e of

cl鹊s collective glo巧t0 u唱e e、,ery0鹏work hard.We咖als0 prolnpt C00per撕Ve lean血g

锄ong an C0llege咖d伽峪.Witll m咖l help觚d suppon,nley c趾supcⅣise and motiVate

e∞h otll盯’s English leamiIlg m咖lly'wllich can al∞cultivate mer:nbe璐’ autonomo惦

leam.mg abilit)r grad啪lly.Wim lligh卸舾n伽哕,studen_ts c锄self-monitor也eir En百ish

l鲫幽gbctt贫锄d呻rove l鲫曲g emci∞cy锄d m甜V撕帆

For mese s惦ceptible锄d se船itiVe art C0llege stud伽晦,meir En百ish leamillg motiVation

is瑚瓯able粕d e嬲ily innuenced by懿tenlal fac乜。瑙.Theref0他,cl雒s collectiVe h嬲a I肌Ch

mo陀importam sigllific锄ce for them.111 order t0 ch锄ge the嘶barr於sillg l鼢叭ling situa_tion

锄d e佑ci髓cy,teaChe璐Sholdd s嘲lgm髓tlle c0璐虮蛾i∞of cl勰s C0llectiVe and mal【e憾e of

乎。oup dyIlaIIlics t0他motiVate art college students’English leaming.By掣‘oup dynalIlics,we

c锄al∞prompt nlcir c00p锨tivc l髓ming跹d cultiVate硼tonomy ability∞也at it c趾

st:.呱mlate,Ⅷ唱e锄d supervise tlleir le赳niIlg.



Chapter Six Empirical Research of Prompting A11 College Students’

EngⅡsh Leaming MotiVation

6.1筋ms of the Empirical Research

Leamillg m硎~ati衄is a d鼬阴11inativc fIactor砌u锄cing StudeI】峪’∽llieV即舱nts.But

缸胁tlle r鼯ults of the survey'we鼬d 0ut t11at art college stlm∞tS kIve鼬ffbred a s面0l塔

collectiVe d锄砸V撕∞sillce the 6rSt ye码which is bad f-0r theilI fb|胁er En百iSh l∞m.mg in

college.The锄pirical rese鲫ch aims t0 t懿t也e Validi够of t11e remotiV鲥由g sn锄e西镐we haVe

proposed in Chapter FiVe缸粕t11e p翎;p硎Ve of Snld郇’葩hieVements觚d mo石V撕0n leVel.

6.2 Subj ects of the Experiment

111e州ects玳恤凰-y哪stude鹏胁Cl勰s N鲫M础a锄d Cl嬲s An Pe墒胁柚ce

in Xm岫UniVe璐ity.Th出En西iSh is t叭ght by me aumor’∞the砌u∞ce of t%chcr is

懿cl憾iVe o£And we seloct Cl镐s New Media(called Cl觞s A hereiIlafter)勰tlle exp甜m锄tal

cl嬲s,C1鹤s An Pcrf0蚴ce(callcd Cl鹊s B h凹eiIlaRer)髂也e comrol cl船s.The他are 45

stud锄临in Cl够s A,while 40 in Cl勰s B.In也e fhlal ex锄oftlle fi】哦t锄in 20lO,tlle me觚

sc0他ofCl嬲sA is 65.38锄d the paSsiIlg rate r∞ch嚣71.1 1%.C锄paradVely't11e me柚scorc

ofC1舔s B is 65.58 w油.a p够siIlg rate of 77.50%.

6.3 Procedures

The弧periInem w雒impl锄ented fi河0v盯4 m∞ths,舫m March t0 July in 2010.111也e

implementa60n proc懿s,t11e total cl弱s hou体觚d ta【tl’00ks of t:he tw0 cl弱s鼯a地ex∞Uy the

鞠me.But in the∞咿e血e删cl嬲s,也e autllor锄ph硒娩髓on也e application of me pmm砸Ilg

s嘣e酉岱pmposed in Chapt盯FiVe to motivate stud伽临’EnghSh l∞miIlg.IIl tlle comml cl鹊S’

t11e author鲥ll毹10l粥f.0m盯tea蛐lg modcl锄d s饷te百啜.Aner me懿p渤伽呜we wiu

compare the sco麟oftlle铆o cl嬲in tlle血aJ懿锄ofthe∞cond t锄in 20lO,弘well觞

thcir EnghSh le锄iI唱m嘶V撕∞lcv吐which is p臌舢cd by山e豫湖ts of a qu硎0nm沁(S∞A1)pI髓di)【Ⅱ).


6.4 Results of the Empirical Research

6.4.1 Comparison of Scores of Final Exam

Table 6.1 Comparison of Scores of FinaI Exam Before and After the Experiment

Scores of FiIlal Ex锄

C1ass First Semester i11 2010 Second Semester i11 2010

Mean Standard De们ation Mean Standard Deviation

A 65.18 10.50 71.96 10.6l

B 65.58 9.7l 69.38 11.23







TabIe 6.2 Comparison Of PrOpor60n in D∞ferent Score LeVel in the Final Exam of Second

Semester in 20lO

<60 60一69 70.79 80.100

From Table 6.1 we caJl see t11at the mean scores of me two classes do not show great

diSp撕ty before the exp嘶mellt,wllich aLre 65.18觚d 65.58 respectiVely.HoweVer,afkr tlle

exp幽eIlt,nlere is a wide disp撕t),m the me粕scores be附e锄tlle t、Ⅳo claSses.Table 6.2

mal(es a comparison of tlle studeIlts’proportion of dif!f旨ent score leVels in t11e 6nal

ex锄ination aRer the experiment be似een the two cl硒ses.111 Exp谢mental Class A,3 students

failed in the flnal ex锄ination and take up 6.67%of t11e whole class.1 2 students are in the

leVel of 60—69 and account for 26.67%of the whole class.1 9 students get tlle level of 70.79

and account for 42.22%.1 1 students are in the level of 80·1 OO and make up 24.44%of t11e



whole cl弱s.In me comrol cla豁.7 of也e stIld伽峪flailed in t11e丘11al eXaI】响啮don and mal【e

17.5%of nle wh01e claLss;18 studentS are in也e 1eVel of60—69 and诎【es up 45%ofn圮whole

claSs;9咖dentS get the level of 70.79锄d account f-or t11e 22.5%of the whole claSs;6

studentS are in t11e level of 80.100锄d hold 15%oftlle whole claSs.The best score of claSs A

is 93 while t11e best score of class B is 87.111is shows t11at廿1e exp醯n%tal cl弱s gets b甜er

reSults iIl the f-mal ex卸血ation tll趾me control class aRer me懿p妇ent.

6.4.2 Comparison of Levds of L豫ming M娟Va廿on

ARer nle expc血ent, a suI、,ey w鹊made agaill to inVestigate students’ l翩nling

motiVation iIl bom of the two cl雒ses witll t11e questio姐aire mmed“The Survey ofⅡle LeVel

of AIt College Stud衄ts’English I,ea加ing MotiVation'’(See AppeIld奴II).Th%也e p印er

made a comp撕son of tlle dala of tlle questionmires of me t、7Iro clausses觚d made an觚alySis.

TheresIllts are as below:

For也e eXpected English leVel,2 1咖d∞_tS in exp喇melltal class A expect t0 p勰s CET4

or eVen CET·6,acco咖tiIlg for 46.67%,wh∞巴笛only 12(nearly 30.77%)in C0n仃0l cl鹪s B

haVe the s锄e expec枷on.From me results,we c锄believe t11at the stud锄tS of eXp醯n朗眦Class A haVe a higller exp跳don and dcmand for their En舀iSh lea】mng,and也eir lean曲g

des№is S仃0ng%which is more conducive t0 s劬lllate stud曲tS’En鲥iSh 1伽11ing m砸Vation.

Table 6.3 Comp曩ri蛐n of The De矿∞They Ln舱EngIish








Lil(e A Lot Lil(e JuSt so so DiSm(e


Table 6.3 shows that 6.67%of the stlJdeIlts in Class A like English Ve彤much,wⅫe

there are 2.5%in control class B.And 26.6%of the students m Class A like English wllile

only 1 2.5%of the studems in C1ass B like En91ish.For the students who dislike English,they

tal(e up 22.22%in Class A w11ile acco蚰tiIlg for 30%iIl Class B.For these students,English

learmng is considered as a burden aJld they are forced to leam En91ish just due to course

requirements.Therefore,we can infer that tlle de伊ee tllat students like English iIl ClaSs A is

m曲er and tlleir le枷ng desire is much s仃Dnger.








TabIe 6.4 Comparison of Situation of Taking Notes



i。 “■,

Never At Teachers


Table 6.4 makes a comp撕son of tlle situation tllat students take notes in class be铆een

the铆o classes:26 of students i11 Cl弱s A tal(e notes in class丘明uently,accoulltiIlg for

57.78%.But 011ly l 5(accom】【ting for 37.5%)in Class B oRcn take notes iIl class.And tllere are

4 students(acco硼t洒g for 1 0%)锄d 11(acco吼ting for 27.5%)iIl Class B who neVer tal(e

notes in claSs or tal(e notes just at teachers’request.ne results of Table 6.4 show tllat tlle

simation of tal(ing notes m C1ass A is better man tllat iIl ClaSs B.It indicates mat stude鹏’

English leaurmng in Cl嬲s A is much more actiVe,wllile students’En百ish leanling m Class B is

inclined to be paSsiVe leanling,largely depending on teachers.Furthemore,aS aIl import锄t

cognitiVe le籼ing strategy,tal(ing notes strategy can improve learlling ef!Eiciency and facilitate

their English leanling more










TabIe 6.5 Comparison of ImproVemeⅡt on Class LearniIIg Atmosphere





Chapter SeVen Conclusion

The iIIlport锄ce of EhgHsh le蛐g motivation c锄not be neglecte也for it is a cmcial

f概0r tllat am圮ts le锄血g e硒ci髓cy觚d it is me key and p彻嘶se of跚ccessml English

l翩miIlg.But in me teacMng proc鹤s,we fhld廿lat an college stud即临’En酉ish l∞millg

motivation a他not satis轴g觚d tlle他is eV∞a si弘of collectiVe d锄otiVation锄ong6℃s_hIIlen.

nlrough questio皿air∞锄d inteⅣiews,tlle mmlor f.mdS th砒tlle m06Vation t11at an

college s砌锄ts poss嚣s maillly belongs t0也e inS仃啪朗tal t),pe,whiCh c锄nm fostef烈锄al

l∞miIlg趾d e船ily r咖lts in denlotivation.Meanwllile也e飑is a s耐。惦demotiVation锄ongth锄sil赋tlle丘rst ye盯.Defmitely,tlle coll硎Ve d锄otiVati∞will havc negatiVe ef五献0n

indiVidual modv撕on'especially f.0r the special stud∞t孕‘oup.111 additio玛me咖龇ggeStt11at we c肌r锄otivatc an college stud锄ts’En百ish Iemling缸衄m粕y aspccts跚Ch鹊

te踮lliIlg mat两als,claSS atmosphe陀,伊0up dyn锄ics,l∞rIliI冯obj酬V骼,leamiIlg蛐gi镐and so on.

N懿t'based on tlle resmts of me sm、,ey’me绷mor puts forward∞me心motiVatiIlg

s缸锨e百酷,which is t11e c0他of廿lis researc也鲫ch嬲s锄g prop盯0bjoctiV骼,肌a1),zing

l翎ming needs,衔即棚y cl鹊盯oom舳osphe佗,l∞millg s仃ategy缸ainin岛血ely positiVe

f的dbaCk觚d group dynamics.111 o耐er t0 test t11e validit),of tllese remotiV弛g sn-ate西懿,the

auⅡ10r mal【es an即叩irical rese卸ch whose聆鳓lt shows the promp血唱sn砒e百es are∞mewhat

eff醯tive in remotjVating an college stud吣’En酉ish le跚IiIlg and p咧e嘶ng tlle c0IlectiVe

d锄otivation and kIVe played a ccrtain role in inlpr0Ving an college stIld印tS’English

l∞miIlg inte他st锄d le锄lil玛e佑ci饥cy,w11ich contributes to也e maill pu印o∞ofthis瑚earch.To r锄0tivate art college students’English le肌ling makes lligll盯demands and great

Chall饥ge for teaChe璐.Howcv%t0 prompt leanljhlg motiVati∞is Vitally iIIlportant for me

quality锄d他f0衄of an college咖d吣’Enghsh le锄1iIlg觚d te∞11ing.ItS Value c锄∞t be

ne91cctcd in le鲫[1iIlg觚d teac蛐19 p110Cess.

G删p D)rIlalIlics n∞巧is a the0巧wideIy懈cd iIl∞on0面cs field.Ill fa鸭it is also of

伊eat si鲥fic锄ce in teaclling field.n c锄not oIlly iIldicate tlle g∞eml t∞dency of舯upbehaVior,but al∞h嬲a伊eat eff&t on砌iVidual b曲日vior,esp∞ially fOr the seI:略idVe art

C0llege stud伽临.111 face of me collectiVe d锄0tiVatio玛teache塔should attach great



inlponjmCe t0 the eff&t of伊oup d"lanlics锄d cla鼹collectiVe c0璐t11lction.Te∞he稻can

make矗lll璐e of伊唧C0:h铭io玛group pres舢陀,l铡ming ann0Sphe托缸d proper C0mp硝ti∞

t0 u略e stlJd即心English l∞ming.Besides,StIld即临删d c0叩删te姐d supervi∞each

othcr’s En百iSh l韵ming.

As也e r髓earch go骼。玛也e author g既s t0 how more锄d more a:bout也e C0mplexit)r of

l鲫ming m砸vation.舢mougll也is船伽.ch h弱made∞me C0嘶b沥。璐in n地fe∞arch of an

COUege stud朗tS’le锄ing motiVation,tlle陀are stiU s咖e probl伽陷t11at need t0 be f叭l盯disc惦scd.h恤is r懿earck∞me s廿ate西鼯t0撒notivate stud即瞳S haVe be髓plIt in_t0 p豫c6ce

f.0r a由融f of也e s锄ester’but ob访ouslyⅡle矗me is f缸丘Dm enough锄d the span of t11e

既p丽ment is∞t wide e∞ugh ei也既What’s more,the subjccts selcctcd i11 me exp湎ent are

only铆o cate90ries ofan college咖de鹏,锄d me触may∞t be印plicd t0 all an C0llege

stud∞tS weu.So,me嗽;e鲫出needS to bc ilnpmVed弛d p刊’ected by more r鹪朗rch髓∞t11e

l翩肛曲g m06Vation of art college students.




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Appendix I






、个人背景信息:年级:——专业: 性别:



1.我学习英语的主要目的是: (可多选)

A.求职需要 B.将来发展需要 C.个人爱好 D.课程要求E.了解外国文化


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意












A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意


D.不太同意 E.很不同意

D.不太同意 E.很不同意


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意


A.效果远远高于期望 B.效果基本高于期望 C.效果与期望基本一致

D.效果基本低于期望 E.效果远远低于期望


A.积极参与 B.较常参与 C.一般参与

D.很少参与 E.完全不参与


A.全班 B.十人左右小组 C.五人左右小组 D.二人组 E.一个人


A.少于半小时 B.半小时左右 C.1小时左右 D.2小时左右 E.2小时以上


A.基础差,听不懂老师讲课 B.对教材内容没兴趣 C.找不到有效的学习策略

D.课堂和班级学习气氛不好 E.自己不够努力 F.其他


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意













15.周边学习环境好,我的成绩会提高. :“

A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意



A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意

26.我喜欢通过下列哪些方式学习英语: (可多选)

A背单词 B.学课文 C.看英文电视、电影等

D.做游戏 E.实际生活应用,练习对话


A背单词 B.学课文 C.看英文电视、电影等

D.做游戏 E.实际生活应用,练习对话


A.很强 B.较好 C.一般 D.较差 E.很差


A.语法 B.写作 C.听说 D.词汇量 E.国家文化


A.很同意 B.同意 C.基本同意 D.不太同意 E.很不同意


Appendix II







A.能通过国家大学英语四级或六级考试。 B.能通过学校的考试。

C.能通过四川省英语二级考试。 D.能和老外交流或阅读国外文献




C.英语学习很令人头疼,如果可以,真想放弃。 .



A.非常喜欢 B.喜欢 C.一般 D.没办法


A.完全没有 B.较少 C. 有 D.信心满满


A.经常 B.偶尔 C. 从不 D.除非老师要求


A.没有 B.较少 C.有所提高 D.很大提高


A.不努力 B.不是学英语的料 C.不感兴趣


A.经常 B.偶尔 C. 从不


A.没有 B.较少 C.有改善


A.经常 B.偶尔 C. 从不






Appendix IIl






















This也豁is c锄0t be completod witllout the酬【p]p0In锄d enCom.ajgemem of m锄y people.

First锄d foremost'my special鲫itude go锶t0 a吐团Ⅱ曲g woma玛my s印ervisor Pmf醅S0r

H∞乃卸啦.It is Professor.H∞w】№helped me sel。眈吐屺州。ct of mis r鼯earCh锄d

inspired me t0 make a research in也is丘eld.Her emdite howledge aIld constmc廿Ve

in鼬mc石。璐够weU弱h盱妇d smile h乏Ive:inspired me t0 go through a 10t of击mclll石es and

跚stain c0面nuous ea’0rts伽t:he r豁e砌.But She iS al∞strict witll uS,urgillg m t0 read a

large mmlber of b00l【s锄d impmVe our prof酞sional lcIlowlcdge,Which pr0、,ides a 900d b嬲is

f.0r my research.k fh鸭we are de印ly伊at血l for her high dem锄【dS for憾,觚d we alllove


Meanwllile,my appreci撕。船al∞雠t既d t0 my de盯teache璐of Sch00l of Foreign

L缸guage in Xill吼UniVe璐i以such弱Professor Yill D锄o,Li Yi|19,)(iang Xiaohong,Y锄g

Chlmhong,and Zh趾g Zmhm锄d∞on.111ey always help me in my uniIer伊aduate study衄d

rich my pmfessional Ialowledge.‘

:L嗣lst but not l铭St,my special tll锄l【s删d be百V∞t0 my f砌ly,伍∞dS,and all t11e

stude鹏wh0 helped me唧lete questi锄ail髑锄d眈p池ent.ney all help me and

suppon me all tlle劬e in the他sea砒.

A Study of Art College Students' English Learning

Motivation--Take the Students of School of Art in

Xihua University for Example作者: 冯磊

学位授予单位: 西华大学

引用本文格式:冯磊 A Study of Art College Students' English Learning Motivation--Take the Students

of School of Art in Xihua University for Example[学位论文]硕士 2012