9 Jenis Text ENGLISH

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Transcript of 9 Jenis Text ENGLISH


Procedure is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal.

A. Generic Structure of Procedure Text :1. Goal : Title of the text (e.g. “How to make a cup of coffee milk) 2. Materials : Optional, not for all procedure texts

e.g The ingredients are (especially for a recipe) :a. …………….b. ……. ……Or, What you need :a. ……….b. ……….

3. Steps : a series of steps oriented to achieving the Goal.e.g How to make (The Method) :1. ………….2. ………….3. ………….

B. Generic Features :1. The use of Simple present tense,often in an imperative forme.g. Add ….. pour in …..2. The use mainly of temporal conjunctions (or numbering to indicate sequence, especially in written text)

a. As Sentence introducers (sequencers),especially in spoken text:First,….. Firstly,……..Second,….. Secondly,....After that,….. After wards,……Finally,….. Lastly,……e.g After that,put the vegetables into the pan.

b. As Time introducers,especially in spoken text :…. Before …After….,…When…,…While…,……until…During…,…E.g Whileyou are boiling the water,grind the chilies,onions,and salt


Report are used for many purpose : to describe the way things re with reference to

a range of natural, manmade nd social phenomena in our environment.

A. Generic Structure of Report :

1. General Classification: tells what the phenomenon under discussion is.

2. Description : tells what the phenomenon under discussion is like in term of.

Parts (and their functions)


Habits or behaviors

B. Generic Features of Report

1. Report text usually use simple present tense,and seldom use past tense

2. The language is neutral or should be objective: no expression of opinions,no

reference to the reader (not using “I”, “We”, or ”You”)

3. Frequent use of passive sentences.

4. Use of “be”:is,are,was,werefor the classification

5. Use of verb “have” : have,has,had to give detail description.

6. Use of actions verb related to the topic,especially when describing behaviours

7. Use of adjectives in describing especially the qualities.

8. Often accompanied by photos,diagrams,maps,and illustrations

RECOUNTA Recount is a type of spoken or wrtten text that deals with past experiences. The function is to retell some events that happened in the past for certain purpose: to inform and or to entertain the listener or readers.

A. Generic Structure of Recount Text:1. Orientation : an introduction that provides he setting and introduces participants.2.Events : account that tells what happens,in a sequence.

Events 1 Events 2 Events 3 Etc

3. Re-orientation : closure of events

B. Generic features :1. The recount focuses on a sequence of event all of which relate to a particular occasion.2. It introduces specific participants.3. Frequence uses of simple past tense.4. Past continuous tense is sometimes used.5. Temporal sequncers are also usedf in the sentences to show the events.

o Before…,…o After…,…o When…,…o While…,…o …until…o During…,…o As…,…,…o At that time /moment,….o After that/then,…o Firstly/secondly/finally,….


A narrative is a type of spoken or written text that tells a story of one character or more who face certain situations. There are various kinds of narratives such as fairy stories, mysteries, science fictions, romance, horror, etc. Narrative text can be found in short story book, magazines, novels, movies, etc. Narratives are popular because they present plots which consist of complications and resolutions. They make people feel curious and anxious with the end of the stories.

A. Generic Structure of Narrative text:1. Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participants (characters)2. Complication : a crisis arises3. Resolution : the crisis is resolved,for better or worse4. Re-orientation : Closure of the story.

B. Generic Futures :1. A narrative focuses on specific participants.2. There are many actions verb,verbal and metal processes.3. It usually uses past tenses.4. Direct and indirect speeches are often used.5. Linking words are used, related with time.6. There are sometimes some dialogs and the tense7. Descriptive language is used to create listener’s or reader’s imagination.8. Temporal conjutions are also used.


News item use to inform readers, listeners or views about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

A. Generic Structure of a News Item :1. Newsworthy Event : recount (tells) the events in summary form.2. Background Events : elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstances. In other words, this component usually deals with :

a. Where did it happen?b. When did it happen?c. Who are involved in the event(s)?d. Why did it happen?e. How did it happen?

3. Sources : comments usually given by :a. Participants,b. Witnesses,c. Authorities,d. Experts on the event.

B. Generic Features of a News Item :1. Headline (if any, usually in written news): short telegraphic information about the story2. Uses of qualifiers (esp. adjectives) to describe the situations3. Frequent use of simple past tense4. Past continuous tense and past perfect tense is sometimes used5. Present perfect tense and past perfect tense are usually used in quotations6. Expressions to show mental process: realize, feel, appropriate, etc.7. Direct and Indirect speech, especially in quoting statements from the sources.


DESCRIPTIONDescriptions are the text which are used to describe a particular place, person,

or thing. Descriptions are almost same as report text. A descriptive text focuses on a specific thing, its specific features; a report usually deals with things in general. Descriptions can be used in textbook, enclycopedias, scientific magazines,historical texts, magazines.

A. Generic Structure of a Description :1. Identification : identifies the phenomenon tobe described.2. Description of features : describes features in order of importance :

Parts/things : Physical appearance. Qualities : Degree of beauty, excellence, or worth/value. Characteristics : Prominent aspects that are unique.

B. Generic Features of Descriptions :1. Descriptive texts usually use simple present tense2. Frequent use of Passive sentences3. Use of “be” : is, are, was, were for the identification and showing qualities.4. Use of verb “have” : have, has, had, to give detail description of the object’s features.5. Use of action verbs related to the topic, especially when describing behaviours or personalities (for persons).6. Use of adjectives in describing especially the qualities.

ANECDOTEAn anecdote is a type of spoken or written text that deals with past incident.

The fungsion is to retell an account or story of an unusual or amusing incident. The incident happened in the past. The purpose are sharing with others an unusual or amusing incident, and entertaining others.

A. Generic Structure of Anecdote Texts :1. Abstract : signal the retelling of an unusual or amusing incident.2. Orientation : sets the scene.3. Crisis : provide details of the unusual incident.4. Reaction : reactoion to the crises.5. Coda : reflection on or evalution of the incident.

B. Generic Features :1. Use of exclamations, rhetorical questions and intensifiers (really, very, quite, etc) to point up the significance of the events.2. Frequent uses of simple past tense.3. Past continuous tense is sometimes used.4. Use of temporal sequencers to show the sequence of the story :

Before….,…. After….,…. When….,…. While….,…. ….until…..


A hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. To strengthen the explanation, the speaker or writer needs some arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea. In order words, this kind of text can be called as argumentation. Hortatory exposition texts can be found in scientific books , journals, magazines, newspapers articles, academic speech or lectures, research report, etc.

A. Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition Text :1. Thesis : statement or announcement of issue concern.2. Argument : reasons for concern that wiil lead to recommendation3. Recommandation : statement of what should or should not happen or be done

based on the given arguments.

B. Generic Features :1. A hortatory exposition focuses on generic human and non generic human

participant, except for speaker or writer referring to self.2. It use mental processes: to state what the writer/speaker thinks or feels about

something. For instance : realize, feel, etc.3. It often needs materials processes: to state what happens, e.g.…..has polluted …., etc.4. It usually uses simple present tense and present perfect tense.5. Enumeration is sometimes necessary to show the list of the given argument: firstly,

secondly, Finally, etc.

ANALYTICAL EXPOSITIONAn analytical exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to

persuade the listener or readers that something is the case. To make the persuasion stronger, the speaker or writer gives some argument as the fundamental reasons why something is the case. This type of text can be found in scientific books, journal, magazines, newspaper article, etc.

A. Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text:1. Thesis: introduces the topic and show speaker/writers position; outlines the arguments

to be presented.2. Arguments: Point and elaboration. Point: states the main argument. Elaboration:

develops and support each point of argument.3. Conclusion: reiteration (restatement): restates speaker/writer’s position.

B. Generic Features:1. An analytical exposition focuses on generic human and non generic human participants.2. It uses mental processes: to state what the writer/speaker thinks or feels about something. For instance: realize, feel, etc.3. It often needs materials processes: to state what happens, e.g.…..has polluted …., etc.4. It usually uses simple present tense and present perfect tense.5. Enumeration is sometimes necessary to show the list of the given argument: firstly,

secondly, Finally, etc.

EXPLANATION Explanation is the process how or why something occur in scientific, technical

fields, sericulture and natural.

A. Generic Structure of Explanation Text: General statement: A describe of the events or thing and a preview of what rest

of the text will be about. Explanation how or why something occurs Closing

B. Generic Futures:1. Use simple present tense2. Action verbs3. Abstract noun:Suffix:

o “ion” : information, attentiono ‘sion” : permissiono “ure” : pleasure, pressureo “ment” : agreemento “ness” : sadness, happinesso “ance” : appearanceo “Lay” : reality

4. Noun phrase5. Passive voice

Text Discussion

Cloning at Animals : Allowed or Not Allowed ?

In this modern era, technology has developed into such a certain degree that

scientists are able to create now forms of life. One of them cloning. The debate whether

cloning at animals is allowed or not seems never endless.

Those who agree with the cloning at animals usually argue that the seed produced

from them can be used to everlasting rare species. They also add that cloning has a

purpose to produce high quality of seeds. Many species are becoming rare and rare.

Scientists are concerned if they don’t do anything to save the species, these animals will

be extinct and this means a big loss in the animal kingdom.

However, not everyone is excited about cloning at animals. Some people feel that

it can have a terrible consequence. For example, if dinosaurus are cloned, then men will

be destroyed. It is clear that the beats can’t live together with human. In history, these

creatures lived several thousand years before men appeared. Can you imagine these giant

killing creatures live in the same era and in the same era and in the same planet with us ?

As a result of this controversy, people still haven’t got the answer yet for cloning

at animals. While someone members of the scientific community think that the banning

of cloning technology will destroy the creativity of science.

Text Hortatory Exposition


Television has a great influence on our ideas about what is right and wrong, about

the way we should behave, and about life in general.

Sometimes the values and life styles that we get from television are in conflict with

those that are taught at home and school. Critics on television point out that crime and

western programs often appeal to a taste of violence, while many game shows appeal to


Many critics also believe that television should be used for socially constructive

purpose as well as for entertainment.

Text Analytical Exposition

Being Fat is A Serious Problem

Do you know that if you are too fat, you many have serious problems with your

health? A group of doctors rote a report about some of the effects of too much fat.

One important effect is on the heart. If you are fat, your heart has to work harder.

This may lead to a heart attack, or it may lead to other heart problems. Extra fat can also

change the amount of sugar in your blood. This can cause serious diseases, such as

diabetes. High blood pressure is another possible result of being fat.

More studies re needed about all these problems. But one thing is clear : extra fat

can make your life shorter.

1 ) Procedure

How To Make Avocado jus

The ingredients:

One avocado

For table spoon of sugar

One table spoon of milk

One cup of ice

Cup a water

One wafer stick


1. Peel the avocado

2. Cut them into small pieces then put them into the blender

3. Add the water, ice, and sugar

4. After that blend them for 30 second

5. Put the blend into the glass and add milk, wafer stick on the top of the glass

6. Now a glass avocado jus ready to serve.

Text Description


The model of Deinonychus, a dinosaur from the Cretaceous period, can be found in

the Museum of Natural Science.

Deinonychus is small by dinosaur standarts. It is about 2, 5 metres in length and

stands about one meter high at the shoulder.

This reptile has a long tail, spindly legs and slender neck. The head is large and the

jaws are lined with sharp teeth.

The tail, approximately 3 metres in length, has vertebrae surrounded by bundles of

bony rods so the whole tall can be held stiff.

The toes of Deinonychus are unusual. The first toe is small and point backwards.

The second toe has a huge sickle-shaped claw and is raised. The third and fourth toes Rae

the normal position.

Deinonychus is an interesting is an example of a fast-running dinosaur.

Text Recount

A Postcard

Dear Nan

We are having a great holiday here on the Gold Coast. Yesterday we went to Movie


When we got up in the morning it looked like rain. After a while the clouds

disappeared and it became a sunny day. We then decided to go to Movie World.

The first ride I went on was Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy show.

After that I had lunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly queued for the

Batman ride.

About one o’clock we got a light shower of rain but it cleared up soon after. We then

went on all the other rides followed by the studio tour.

It was a top day. See you when we get back.

Text Report


A galaxy is a collection of stars and other astronomical bodies, including planets,

comets and asteroids, held together by gravity.

Galaxies come in different shapes and sizes. These include the spiral, barrel-spiral

and elliptical. Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, is approximately 100.000 light years in

width and contains over 100 billion stars.

The centre of galaxies can contain many young, very hot stars as well as older stars.

Swirling clouds that have been energized by magnetic forces also exist in the centre.

At this point in time, no one knows the exact number of galaxies in the universe.

Astronomers are, however, learning more and more about them everyday.

Text Explanation

What Causes Food Poisoning ?

Food poisoning is a disorder of the stomach and intestines caused by bacteria or

chemical in foods.

The classic form of food poisoning as caused by staphylococci (bacteria commonly

known as staph). The staph germs enter the food during preparation. As a result of the

food not properly refrigerate the bacteria multiply hourly, contaminating the food with

toxin (poison). As staph germs and their toxins are odourless and tasteless the

contaminated food smells and tastes normal.

Eating contaminated food caused vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea within

one to six hours.

Thus, food poisoning is frequently caused by staphylococci, which contaminate

food during preparation and enter the stomach and intestines during eating.