8.2 Masnoon Duas

Post on 17-Jul-2016

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Authentic duas from Hadith of prophet muhammad(PBUH).masnoon dua By Asma Huda and farhat hashmi.Duas From alhudapk.comDigitalDawahHD’s YouTube: http://goo.gl/H8gZ5nDigitalDawahHD’s Facebook: http://goo.gl/iVCEAODigitalDawahHD’s Twitter: http://goo.gl/qPqFnsDigitalDawahHD’s Google+ 1: http://goo.gl/uQpvnqDigitalDawahHD’s Google+ 2: http://goo.gl/wtoINXDigitalDawahHD’s Tumblr: http://goo.gl/CnnbgVDigitalDawahHD’s Instagram: http://goo.gl/3OT3MTDigitalDawahHD’s Sound Cloud: http://goo.gl/wRKnvaDigitalDawahHD’s Scribd: http://goo.gl/zUS0jJ

Transcript of 8.2 Masnoon Duas




1 ھم فقھنی فى الد ین الل

O Allah! Grant us understanding of Deen. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)


سیرا ھم حاسبنى حسا با ی الل

O Allah! Grant me an easy reckoning. (Al-Hakim)


یامقلب القلوب ثبت قلبى على دینك

O Allah! The One who turns the hearts, make my heart steadfast and firm upon Your Deen. (At-Tirmidhi)


ف قلبى على طاعتك ف القلوب صر یا مصر

O Allah! The One who turns the hearts, turn my heart towards Your obedience. (Sahih Muslim)


ھم ألھمنى رشدى و أعذنى من شر نفسى الل

O Allah! Inspire my heart to guidance and save me from the evil of my nafs (soul). (At-Tirmidhi)


ھم أعنى على غمرات الموت و سكرات الموت الل

O Allah! Help us in the severity and swoon of death. (Al-Tirmidhi)

7 ھم انك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عنى الل

O Allah! You are the One who pardons (overlooks), You love to pardon, so pardon me. (Al-Tirmidhi)


ھم إنى اسئلك الھدى و التقى و العفاف و الغنى الل

O Allah! Indeed I, I ask of You, guidance and piety and chastity and to be free of depending on anyone (except you). (Sahih Muslim)


تقبال با و عمال م افعا و رزقا طی ھم إنى أسئلك علما ن الل

O Allah! I ask you for beneficial knowledge, pure provision and acceptable deeds. (Mishkat)


ھم اجعل أوسع رزقك على عند كبر سنى و انقطاع عمرى الل

O Allah! Expand for me Your provision till my old age and till the end of my life. (Al-Hakim)


ن سواك ھم اكفنى بحاللك عن حرامك و اغننى بفضلك عم الل

O Allah! Make sufficient for me what is halal (lawful) and keep me away from what is haram (unlawful) and enrich me with Your Favours so that I am dependent upon no one but You. (At-


12 ھم انفعنى بما علمتنى و علمنى ما ینفعنى و زدنى علما الل

O Allah benefit me through what you teach me and teach me what is beneficial for me and increase

me in knowledge. (Ibn-Majah)


نكرات ا الٴخالق وا العمال و ا الٴھوآء و ا ھم إنى اعوذبك من م الل الٴدوآء

O Allah! Indeed I, I seek refuge in You from a bad character (and manners) and from disliked deeds,

desires and illnesses. (At-Tirmidhi)


ھم أحینى مسكینا و توفنى مسكینا و احشرنى فى زمرة المساكین الل

O Allah! Keep me alive (in a state of) humbleness and grant me death in (a state of) humbleness and gather (resurrect) me in the company of the humble ones. (Ibn Abi Shebah)


ھا و موالھا اھا انت ولی ھآ انت خیر من زك ھم آت نفسى تقواھا و زك الل

O Allah! Grant my nafs (soul) piety and purify it, for You are The Best of the ones to purify it (as) You are its Guardian and Master. (Sahih Muslim)


عنى بما رزقتنى و بارك لى فیھ واخلف على كل غآئبة لى بخیر ھم قن الل

O Allah! Make me content upon what you have granted me and Bless me in it; and be The Best Protector (and Guardian) for me (in my absence) of whatever is hidden from me. (Al-Hakim)

17 حبك و العمل الذى یبلغنى حبك ھم إنى أسئلك حبك و حب من ی الل

O Allah! I ask of You Your love, the love of whoever loves You and the love of the deed which will

draw me in attaining Your love. (At-Tirmidhi)


ضا ة و العفة و ا الٴمانة و حسن الخلق و الر ح ھم إنى اسئلك الص الل بالقدر

O Allah! Indeed I ask You of sound health, chastity, trustworthiness, good character and

contentment on whatever is decreed. (Mishkat)


ھم إنى أعوذبك من الفقر و القلة و الذ لة و أعوذبك ان اظلم او اظلم الل

O Allah! Indeed I, I seek refuge in You from poverty, any lessening in my means, and from humiliation; and I seek refuge in You that I wrong anyone or am wronged. (An-Nasa'i)


قآء، و سوء القضآء ، و ھم إنى اعوذبك من جھد البآلء و درك الش لل شماتة ا الٴعدآء

O Allah! Indeed I seek refuge in You from severe trials and hardships, to be overtaken by

wretchedness, and bad fate and the rejoicing of enemies. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)


ل عافیتك، و فجآئة نقمتك، و ھم إنى اعوذبك من زوال نعمتك، وتحو الل جمیع سخطك

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the decline of Your blessings, the changing of my state of well-being, the suddenness of Your punishment and any kind of displeasure from You. (Sahih Muslim)


ھم رحمتك ارجوا فال تكلنى ا لى نفسى طرفة عین و أصلح لى شانى الل أنت كلھ ال إلھ إال

O Allah! I hope for Your mercy, so don not entrust me to myself (nafs) even for a moment, and

rectify all my affairs. There is no God but You.(Abu-Dawud)


ھم إنى اعوذبك من علم ال ینفع و من قلب ال یخشع و من نفس ال الل تشبع و من دعوة ال یستجاب لھا

O Allah! I seek Your protection from knowledge that is not beneficial, and from a heart that does not

fear, and from a soul that is not satiated and from a prayer that is not answered. (Sahih Muslim)


ھم اجعلنى صبورا و اجعلنى شكورا و اجعلنى فى عینى صغیرا و الل فى أعین الناس كبیرا

O Allah! Make me one who is most patient and grateful; and make me small in my own eyes but

great in the eyes of others. (Hisn-e-Haseen)


وء و وء و من ساعة الس وء و من لیلة الس ھم إنى أعوذبك من یوم الس اللوء فى دارالمقامة وء و من جار الس من صاحب الس

O Allah! Indeed I, I seek refuge in You from an evil day, an evil night, an evil moment, an evil

companion and from an evil neighbour (in the place of residence). (At-Tabarani)

26 ھم اغفرلى خطیئتى و جھلى و إسرافى فى أمرى و مآ أنت أعلم بھ للى وخطئى و عمدى و كل ذلك عندى منى اللھم اغفرلى ھزلى وجد

O Allah! Forgive me my faults, my ignorance, and exceeding in my matters and (forgiveness) in that which You have more knowledge of than me. O Allah! Forgive me my sins done in jest, those done

knowingly, those done mistakenly, those done intentionally and all those (shortcomings) that are within me. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)


ھم إنى أسئلك من الخیر كلھ عاجلھ و آجلھ ما علمت منھ و ما لم أعلم الل و أعوذبك من شر كلھ عاجلھ و آجلھ ما علمت منھ و ما لم أعلم

O Allah! Indeed I ask You of every kind of good, the hastened one (of the world) and the delayed

one (of the hereafter) from that which I know and that I do not know; and I seek refuge in You from every kind of evil the hastened one (of the world) and the delayed one (of the hereafter) from that

which I know and that I do not know. (Ibn Majah)


یآء، و لسانى من الكذب، و فاق، و عملى من الر اللھم طھر قلبى من الندور عینى من الخیانة، فإنك تعلم خآئنة األعین، وما تخفى الص

O Allah! Purify my heart from hypocrisy, my deeds from any kind of Ria (show off), my tongue from lying and my eye from treachery. For indeed only You know the treachery of the eyes and what lays

hidden in the breasts. (Al-Baihaqi)


ب إلیھا من قول أو عمل و أعوذبك من ة و ما قر ھم إنى أسئلك الجن أللب إلیھا من قول أو عمل و أسئلك أن تجعل كل قضآء ار و ما قر الن

قضیتھ لى خیرا

O Allah! Indeed I ask You of Paradise and of that deed or speech that will be a means of drawing near to it; and I seek refuge in You from the fire and from that deed or speech that will be a means of drawing near to it; and I ask You that You make whatever You have decreed for me a means of

good. (Al-Hakim)


ا ھم ما رزقتنى مم ھ عندك، الل نفعنى حب ھم ارزقنى حبك، وحب من ی اللا أحب فاجعلھ ھم ما زویت عنى مم ، الل ة لى فیما تحب احب فاجعلھ قو

ب فراغا لى فیما تح

O Allah! Grant me Your love, and the love of a person whom my loving him will be of benefit to me near You. O Allah! Whatever You have granted me from what I love, make it a means of strength for me to use in the way You love. O Allah! Whatever love (of things) You have removed from me then

Grant in its place the love (of things) that You love. (At-Tirmidhi)


شیآء عندى شیآء الى واجعل خشیتك أخوف االٴ ھم اجعل حبك أحب االٴ اللوق إلى لقآئك و إذا أقررت أعین أھل نیا بالش وقطع عنى حاجات الد

نیا من دنیاھم فأقرر عینى من عبادتك الد

O Allah! Make my love for You transcend the love of all other things and make my fear of You be more than the fear of all others things, and make my desire to meet You over ride all the desires of this world. And when the eyes of the worldly people are cooled and comforted by the world make

the coolness and enjoyment of my eyes lie in Your worship.


ھم إنى أعودبك من الھم و الھزن، و أعوذبك من العجز و الكسل، و اللجال ین و قھر الر أعوذبك من البخل والجبن، و أعوذبك من غلبة الد

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from worry and grief, and I seek refuge in Your from helplessness and laziness, and from miserliness and cowardice, and I seek refuge in You from the over powering of

debt and domination of others. (Mishkat)

33 ردى والھدم والغرق والحرق وأعوذبك أن ھم إنى أعوذبك من الت اللیطان عند الموت وأعوذبك أن اقتل فى سبیلك مدبرا و طنى الش تخب ی

أعوذبك أن أموت لدیغا

O Allah! Indeed I, I seek refuge in You from dying by falling from above, or being buried under debris, and by drowning and by burning; and I seek refuge in You that Shaytan should confound me near death and that I am killed in Your way while turning my back (fleeing); and I seek refuge in You

that I die from a bite of a venomous animal. (Abu-Dawud)


ھم أصلح لى دینى الذى ھو عصمة أمرى و أصلح لى دنیاى التى الل فیھا معاشى و أصلح لى آخرتى التى فیھا معادى واجعل الحیاة زیاده

لى فى كل خیر و اجعل الموت راحة لى من كل شر

O Allah! Rectify for me my Deen which is a means of guarding my matters and my world which is a means of my livelihood, and make good my hereafter in which is my returning, and make my life a means of abundance of all good and my death a means of comfort and peace free from all bad.

(Sahih Muslim)


ھم إنى أعوذبك من العجز ، والكسل، والجبن، والبخل ، والھرم، الللة، والمسكنة ، و أعوذبك من الفقر، والكفر، والقسوة، والغفلة ، والذ

مم ، یآء، و أعوذبك من الص معة، وار فاق، والس قاق، والن والفسوق، والشء األسقام والبكم، والجنون ، والجذام، والبرص، وسى

O Allah! Indeed I seek refuge in You from inaction, laziness, cowardice, miserliness, extreme old age, hardness of heart, heedlessness, need, humiliation and destitution, and I seek refuge in you

from poverty, disbelief, disobedience, opposition, hypocrisy, a bad reputation and showing off, and I seek refuge in You from deafness, dumbness, insanity, leprosy, leucoderma, and from all bad

diseases. (Al-Hakim)

36 ھم إنى عبدك وابن عبدك و ابن امتك ناصیتى بیدك ماض فى حكمك اللیت بھ نفسك او انزلتھ فى عدل فى قضآءك اسالك بكل اسم ھولك سم

ن خلقك او استاثرت بھ فى علم الغیب عندك ان كتابك او علمتھ احدا م تجعل القرآن العظیم ربیع قلبى و نور صدرى و جآلء حزنى و ذھاب

ى ى و غم ھم

O Allah! Indeed I am your servant, the son of Your bondman, son of Your bondwoman my fore look is in Your Hand; Your command is in my favour, and Your decree based on justice. I ask You with

every name of Yours that You have named for Yourself, or revealed in Your Book or taught anyone of Your creation, or kept hidden with Yourself. (I ask) that you make the Quran the delight of my

heart, the light of my chest, and the means of removing my grief and sorrow and worries. (Musnad-Ahmed)


عن فى سمعى نورا و فى بصرى نورا و ھم اجعل فى قلبى نورا و اللتحتى نورا و امامى نورا فوقى نورا و ساري نورا و عن ی مینى نورا و ی

خلفى نورا و اجعل لی نورا و فى لسا نى نورا و عصبى نورا و واجعل فى نفسى لحمى نورا و دمى نورا و شعرى نورا و بشرى نورا و

ھم اعطنى نورا نورا و اعظم لى نورا الل

O Allah! Put light in my heart, and light in my sight, and light in my hearing, and light to my right and light to my left, and light below me, and light above me, and light before me and light behind me,

and make light for me; and light in my tongue and light in my muscles and light in my flesh, and light in my blood, and light in my hair, and light in my body and light in my soul; and magnify the light for

me. O Allah! Bestow me with light. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

38 رب أعنى وال تعن على ، وانصرنى وال تنصر على وامكر لى والر الھداى إلى وانصرنى على من بغى على ، تمكر على واھدنى ویسابا ، لك مطواعا، ألیك ارا، لك رھ ا را ، لك ذك رب اجعلنى لك شك

ل تو بتى، واغسل حوبتى، وأجب دعوتى، نیبا، رب تقب اھا م مخبتا أود لسانى، واسلل سخیمة قلبى تى، واھد قلبى، وسد وثبت حج

O My Lord! Help me and do not help (others) against me, help me to overpower (them) and do not

let them overpower me, plan in my favour and do not plan against me, guide me and make the Guidance easy for me, and help me against whoever oppresses me; O my Lord! Make me one most

grateful to You, one who mentions Your name greatly, one who fears You greatly, one who obeys You greatly, one turning greatly towards You in submission and humility; O my Lord! Accept my

repentance, wash away my sins, accept my invocations, keep me firm on my proof, guide my heart, make my tongue to utter what is correct (and true), and remove any ill feeling (and rancour) from my

heart. (Abu-Dawud)


ھم بعلمك الغیب، وقدرتك على الخلق، أحینى ما علمت الحیاة خیرا اللھم إنى أسئلك خشیتك فى لى، و توفنى إذا علمت الوفاة خیرا لى، اللھادة، وأسئلك كلمة الحق فى الر ضا والغضب وأسئلك الغیب والشة عین ال القصد فى الغنى والفقر، وأسئلك نعیما ال ینفد، وأسئلك قرضا بعد القضآء، وأسئلك برد العیش بعد الموت تنقطع وأسئلك الرآء وق إلى لقآئك فى غیر ضر ة النظر إلى وجھك، والش وأسئلك لذ

ھتدین ا بزینة االیمان واجعلنا ھداة م ن ھم زی ضلة الل ال فتنة م ة و مضر

O Allah! By Your knowledge of the unseen, and by your power over your creation, keep me alive as long as you know that alive is good for me, and grant me death when you know that death is best for me. O Allah! Indeed I ask You of having Your fear when hidden and seen (by others) and I ask

You of speaking the truth when pleased and when angry and I ask You for moderation in wealth and in poverty and never-ending blessings, and I ask You unceasing coolness of the eyes; and I ask You for contentment on Your decree and the pleasure of life after death and I ask You for the delight of gazing at Your Countenance and the eagerness of meeting that my mislead. O Allah! Adorn us with

the beauty of Iman and make us a guides of the one who are guided. (Al-Nasa'i)

40 جاح، و خیر عآء، وخیر الن ھم إنى أسئلك خیر المسالة، وخیر الد اللتنى، وثقل واب و خیر الحیاة و خیر الممات وثب العمل و خیر الث موازینى، وحقق إیمانى، وارفع درجاتى، وتقبل صالتى، واغفر

ة، اللھم إنى أسئلك فواتح الخیر رجات العلى من الجن خطیئتى وأسئلك الدرجات لھ، وآخره، وظاھره، وباطنھ، والد وخواتمھ، وجوامعھ، وأو

ھم إنى أسئلك أن ترفع ذكرى، و تضع وزرى، ة آمین۔ الل العلى من الجنر قلبى و تغفرلى ن فرجى، و تنو رقلبى و تحص و تصلح امرى، وتطھھم إنى أسئلك أن تبارك ة آمین۔ الل رجات العلى من الجن ذنبى وأسئلك الد فى نفسى، وفى سمعى، وفى بصرى وفى روحى، وفى خلقى، وفى

ل حسناتى خلقى، وفى أھلى وفى محیاى، وفى مماتى وفى عملى، و تقبة آمین رجات العلى من الجن وأسئلك الد

Allah! Indeed I ask of You the best appeal and the best of invocation, and the best salvatation and

the best deed, and the best recompense and the best life and the best death and make me steadfast (on Deen) and make heavy my scale (of good deeds) and make my faith a reality and elevate my ranks and accept my prayers and forgive my mistakes, And I ask You for the highest

levels of paradise. O Allah! Indeed I ask You for the opening of good and it's completion of all kinds of good, and it's first and it's last and it's apparent and it's hidden and I ask You for the highest levels of paradise. ‘Aameen O Allah! Indeed I ask You that You elevate my remembrance (of you) and You unload my burden (of sins, work, unwanted things) and reform my condition and You purify my heart (from enmity, jealousy, cowardice, laziness, miserliness and all bad) and You safeguard my private parts and You illuminate my heart and You forgive my sins and I ask You for the highest levels of

paradise. ‘Aameen. O Allah! Indeed I ask You that You bless myself (nafs), and my hearing and in my sight and my soul and my (physical) form and my character and my family and my life, and my death, and my deeds and accept my good deeds and I ask You for the highest levels of Paradise.

‘Aameen. (Al-Hakim)

41 نا من الم، ونج ھم الف بین قلوبنا، وأصلح ذات بیننا، واھدنا سبل الس اللبنا الفواحش ما ظھر منھا وما بطن، وبارك لنا ور، وجن لمات إلى الن الظاتنا، وتب علینآ انك ی فى أسماعنا، وأبصارنا، وقلوبنا، وأزواجنا، وذر

حیم اب الر أنت التو

O Allah! Put affection amongst our hearts, set right our matters between ourselves, guide us to the ways of peace, save us from darkness towards light, save us from all kinds of indecency; the

apparent as well as the hidden, and bless our hearing, our seeing, our hearts, our spouses and our children, and turn in mercy upon us. Indeed Your are the One who greatly Accepts repentance, One

who is repeatedly Merciful. (Al-Hakim)

42 نیا وعذاب ھم أحسن عاقبتنا فى اال مور كلھا وأجرنا من خزى الد الل


O Allah! Grant a good end to all our matters and save us from humiliation in the world and the punishment of the Hereafter. (Musnad Ahmed)


د وملسو هيلع هللا ىلص نعوذبك من شر لك منھ نبیك محم لك من خیر ما سئ ا نسئ ھم إن اللد ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص وأنت المستعان وعلیك البالغ والحول ما استعاذ منھ نبیك محم

ة إال باہلل (الترمذي (والقو

O Allah! Indeed we ask you of all good that Your Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked You of, and we seek refuge in You from all evil that Your Prophet Muhammad (saw) sought refuge from. You are

The One whose Help is sought and The One to make it reach (us); there is no Power and Strength except with Allah. (Al-Tirmidhi)

44 ھم اقسم لنا من خشیتك ما تحول بھ بیننا وبین معصیتك ومن طاعتك لل

ھم نیا الل ن بھ علینا مصآئب الد تك ومن الیقین ما تھو ما تبلغنا بھ جناتنا ما احییتنا واجعلھ الوارث منا، واجعل عنا باسماعنا وابصارنا وقو مت ثارنا على من ظلمنا وانصرنا على من عادانا وال تجعل مصیبتنا فينا وال مبلغ علمنا، وال تسلط علینا من ال نیا اكبر ھم دیننا وال تجعل الد


O Allah distribute amongst us such awe and fear of You that will be a means of intervening between us and Your disobedience; and grant us such obedience to You that will enable us to reach Your Paradise; and such conviction which will ease out upon us the afflictions of the world. O Allah! As long as You keep us alive, benefit us by means of our hearing, our sight and our bodily strengths / faculties and make each one of them our inheritor; and avenge for us those who wronged us and help us against our enemies; and do not place any difficulties in our deen, nor make the world the

greatest of our sorrows nor the limit of the source of our knowledge; and do not impose upon us one who has no mercy for us. (Al-Tirmidhi)


1 سبحان هللا و بحمده عدد خلقھ و رضا نفسھ و زنة عرشھ و مداد كلماتھ

How perfect Allah is and I praise Him by the number of His Creation and as much as His pleasure,

and by the weight of His throne, and the ink of His words. (Sahih Muslim)


د نا محم ھم صل وسلم علی نبی الل

O Allah! Send prayers and peace upon our prophet, Muhammad (saw).


ھم فقھنا فى الد ین الل

O Allah! Grant us understanding of Deen. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)


سیرا ھم حاسبنى حسا با ی ألل

O Allah! Grant me an easy reckoning. (Musnad Ahmed)


یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبى على دینك

(O Allah!) O one who turns the hearts makes my heart steadfast upon Your Deen. (At-Tirmidhi)


ف قلوبنا على طاعتك ف القلوب صر یا مصر

O Allah! The One who turns the hearts, turn my heart towards Your obedience. (Sahih Muslim)

7 ھم ألھمنى رشدى و أعذنى من شر نفسى ألل

O Allah! Bestow on me my rectitude and save me from the evil of my soul (nafs). (At-Tirmidhi)


ھم أ عنی علی غمرات الموت و سکرات الموت ألل

O Allah! Help us in the severity and swoon of death.


ھم انك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عنى ألل

O Allah! Indeed You are the One Who forgives; You love to forgive so forgive me. (At-Tirmidhi)


ھم إنى اسئلك الھدى و التقى و العفاف و الغنى ألل

O Allah! Indeed I ask You for guidance, Allah consciousness, chastity and contentment. (Sahih Muslim)

11 ھم اجعل أوسع رزقك على عند كبر سنى و انقطاع عمرى ألل

O Allah! Expand for me Your provision till my old age and till the end of my life. (al-Jami' as-Saghir)


ن سواك ھم اكفنى بحاللك عن حرامك و اغننى بفضلك عم الل

O Allah! Suffice me with Your halal (lawful) and (save me) from Your haram (unlawful), and enrich me with Your favors so that I am not dependent upon anyone except You. (At-Tirmidhi)


تقبال با و عمال م افعا و رزقا طی ھم إنى أسئلك علما ن ألل

O Allah! I ask You for beneficial knowledge, pure provision and acceptable deeds. (Ibn-Majah)


ھم انفعنى بما علمتنى و علمنى ما ینفعنى و زدنى علما ألل

O Allah! Benefit me through what You taught me and teach me what is beneficial for me and increase me in knowledge. (Ibn-Majah)


ھم إنى أعوذبك من منكرات ا الخالق وا العمال و ا الھوآء ألل

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from a bad character and bad actions and bad desires. (At-Tirmidhi)

16 ھم أحینى مسكینا و أمتنی مسكینا و احشرنى فى زمرة المساكین ألل

O Allah! Keep me alive (in a state of) humbleness and grant me death in (a state of) humbleness

and resurrect me in the company of the humble ones. (Ibn-Majah)


ھا و موالھا اھا انت ولی ھا انت خیر من زك ھم ات نفسى تقواھا و زك ألل

O Allah! Grant piety to my soul (nafs) and purify it, You are the Best of the ones to purify it; You are its Guardian and Patron. (Sahih Muslim)


عنى بما رزقتنى و بارك لى فیھ واخلف على كل غآئبة لى بخیر ھم قن ألل

O Allah! Make me content upon whatever (blessings) You have granted me and bless me in it and compensate me with goodness for all that is out of sight. (Al-Hakim)


بن إلی حبک قر حبک وحب عمل ی ھم إنى اٴسئلک حبک وحب من ی الل ا

O Allaah! I ask of You Your love, the love of whoever loves You and the love of that deed which would draw me to attaining Your love. (At-Tirmidhi)


ضا ة و العفة و ا الٴمانة و حسن الخلق و الر ح ھم إنى اسئلك الص الل بالقدر

O Allah! Indeed I ask You of sound health, chastity, trustworthiness, good character and

contentment on whatever is decreed. (Mishkat)

21 ھم إنى أعوذبك من الفقر و القلة و الذ لة و أعوذبك ان اظلم او اظلم ألل

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from poverty, deficiency and humiliation and I seek refuge in You that I

wrong others or that I am wronged. (Abu-Dawud)


قاء، وسوء القضاء ، ھم إنی أعوذبک من جھد البالء ، ودرک الش الل وشماتة ا الٴعداء

O Allah! Indeed I seek refuge in You from severe trials and hardships, being overtaken by

misfortune, a bad fate and the rejoicing of enemies. (Sahih Al-Bukhari,)


ل عافیتك، و فجآئة نقمتك، و ھم إنى اعوذبك من زوال نعمتك، وتحو الل جمیع سخطك

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the decline of Your blessings, the changing of my state of well-being, the suddenness of Your punishment and any kind of displeasure from You. (Sahih Muslim)


ھم رحمتك ارجوا فال تكلنى ا لى نفسى طرفة عین و أصلح لى شانى ألل كلھ الإلھ إال أنت

O Allah! I hope for Your mercy, so do not entrust me to myself for the twinkling of an eye and set all

my affairs straight, there is no deity except You. (Abu-Dawud)


ھم إنى اعوذبك من علم ال ینفع و من قلب ال یخشع و من نفس ال الل.تشبع و من دعوة ال یستجاب لھا

O Allah! I seek Your protection from knowledge that is not beneficial, and from a heart that does not fear, and from a soul that is not satiated and from a prayer that is not answered. (Sahih Muslim)


ھم اجعلنى صبورا و اجعلنى شكورا و اجعلنى فى عینى صغیرا و الل فى أعین الناس كبیرا

O Allah! Make me one who is most patient and grateful; and make me small in my own eyes but

great in the eyes of others. (Hisn-e-Haseen)


وء و وء و من ساعة الس وء و من لیلة الس ھم إنى أعوذبك من یوم الس أللوء فى دارالمقامة وء و من جار الس من صاحب الس

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from an evil day, an evil night, an evil moment, and evil companion and

from an evil neighbor at the place of staying. )At-Tabarani(


ھم اغفرلى خطیئتى و جھلى و إسرافى فى أمرى و ما أنت أعلم بھ أللى وخطئى و عمدى و كل ذلك عندى منى أللھم اغفرلى ھزلى وجد

O Allah! Forgive my faults, my ignorance, exceeding in my matters and all that which You know

better than me. O Allah! Forgive my sins done in jest, knowingly, mistakenly and those done intentionally and all these are in me. (Al-Bukhari)


ھم إنى أسئلك من الخیر كلھ عاجلھ و آجلھ ما علمت منھ و ما لم أعلم ألل و أعوذبك من شر كلھ عاجلھ و آجلھ ما علمت منھ و ما لم أعلم

O Allah! Indeed I ask You for all the goodness of the hastened one (this world) and of the delayed one (the

Hereafter), from what I know and what I do not know. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from all the evil of the hastened one (this world) and of the delayed one (the Hereafter), from what I know and what I do not know. (Ibn-Majah)

30 یاء، و لسانى من الكذب، و فاق و عملى من الر أللھم طھر قلبى من الن

عینى من الخیانة، فإنك تعلم خائنة االعین وما تخفى

O Allah! Purify my heart from hypocrisy and my actions from showing off (riya) and my tongue from lying and my eyes from treachery. Indeed You know the treachery of the eyes and what is hidden in

the chests.


ب إلیھا من قول أو عمل و أعوذبك من ة و ما قر ھم إنى أسئلك الجن أللب إلیھا من قول أو عمل و أسئلك أن تجعل كل قضاء ار و ما قر الن

قضیتھ لى خیرا

O Allah! I ask You of Paradise and those words and actions that will draw me near to it. I seek refuge in You from the Fire and from those words and actions that will draw me near to it. I ask You that You make, whatever You have decreed (for me), and a mean of goodness for me.(Ibn-Majah)


ا ھم ما رزقتنى مم ھ عندك، ألل نفعنى حب ھم ارزقنى حبك، وحب من ی أللا أحب فاجعلھ ھم ما زویت عنى مم ، ألل ة لى فیما تحب احب فاجعلھ قو

ب فراغا لى فیما تح

O Allah! Grant me Your love and the love of those whose love will help me draw nearer to You. O Allah! Whatever You have provided me of that which I love, then make it a means to strengthen me for that which You love. O Allah! And what You have kept from me of that which I love then make it a

means for me to be free for that which You love. (At-Tirmidhi)

33 ھم اجعل حبك أحب االشیاء الى واجعل خوفک أخوف االشیاء الى أللوق إلى لقآئك و إذا أقررت أعین أھل نیا بالش واقطع عنى حاجات الد

نیا من دنیاھم فأقرر عینى من عبادتك الد

O Allah! Increase Your love for me over the love of all other things, exceed Your fear over the fear of all other things and exceed my eagerness to meet You over all the worldly desires, And when the eyes of the people of the world are cooled by their world, place the coolness of my eyes in Your


34 ھم إنى أعودبك من الھم و الھزن، و أعوذبك من العجز و الكسل، و اللجال ین و قھر الر أعوذبك من البخل والجبن، و أعوذبك من غلبة الد

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from worry and grief, and I seek refuge in Your from helplessness and laziness, and from miserliness and cowardice, and I seek refuge in You from the over powering of

debt and domination of others. (Mishkat)


ردى والھدم والغرق والحریق وأعوذبك أن ھم إنى أعوذبك من الت أللیطان عند الموت وأعوذبك أن أموت فى سبیلك مدبرا و طنى الش تخب ی

أعوذبك أن أموت لدیغا

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from falling from above and to be buried beneath debris and drowning and burning and I seek refuge in You from being led astray by the Satan at the time of death and I seek refuge in You from turning my back and fleeing from the battlefield and I seek refuge in You

that I die from the bite (of a venomous animal). (An-Nasa'i)

36 ھم أصلح لى دینى الذى ھو عصمة أمرى و أصلح لى دنیاى التى ألل فیھا معاشى و أصلح لى آخرتى التى فیھا معادى واجعل الحیاة زیاده

لى فى كل خیر و اجعل الموت راحة لى من كل شر

O Allah! Rectify for me my Deen which is a means of guarding my matters and my world which is a means of my livelihood, and make good my hereafter in which is my returning, and make my life a means of abundance of all good and my death a means of comfort and peace free from all bad.

(Sahih Muslim)


ھم إنی أعوذبک من العجز، والکسل، والجبن، والبخل، والھرم، الللة، والمسکنة، وأعوذبک من الفقر، والقسوة، والغفلة، والعیلة، والذ

یاء، وأعوذبک معة، والر فاق ، والس قاق، والن والکفر، والفسوق، والشء االٴسقام مم، والبکم ، والجنون، والجذام ، والبرص، وسی من الص

O Allah! Indeed I seek refuge in You from inaction, laziness, cowardice, miserliness, extreme old age, hardness of heart, heedlessness, need, humiliation and destitution, and I seek refuge in you

from poverty, disbelief, disobedience, opposition, hypocrisy, a bad reputation and showing off, and I seek refuge in You from deafness, dumbness, insanity, leprosy, leucoderma, and from all bad

diseases. (Al-Hakim)


ھم إنى عبدك وابن عبدك و ابن امتك ناصیتى بیدك ماض فى حكمك اللیت بھ نفسك او انزلتھ فى عدل فى قضآءك اسالك بكل اسم ھولك سم

ن خلقك او استاثرت بھ فى علم الغیب عندك ان كتابك او علمتھ احدا م تجعل القرآن العظیم ربیع قلبى و نور صدرى و جآلء حزنى و ذھاب

ى ى و غم ھم

O Allah! Indeed I am your servant, the son of Your bondman, son of Your bondwoman, my fore look is in Your Hand; Your command is in my favour, and Your decree based on justice. I ask You with

every name of Yours that You have named for Yourself, or revealed in Your Book or taught anyone of Your creation, or kept hidden with Yourself. (I ask) that you make the Quran the delight of my

heart, the light of my chest, and the means of removing my grief and sorrow and worries. (Musnad-Ahmed)


عن فى سمعى نورا و فى بصرى نورا و ھم اجعل فى قلبى نورا و اللتحتى نورا و امامى نورا فوقى نورا و ساري نورا و عن ی مینى نورا و ی

خلفى نورا و اجعل لی نورا و فى لسا نى نورا و عصبى نورا و واجعل فى نفسى لحمى نورا و دمى نورا و شعرى نورا و بشرى نورا و

ھم اعطنى نورا نورا و اعظم لى نورا الل

O Allah! Make light in my heart, light in my sight and light in my hearing, light to my right and light to my left, light above me and light below me, light before me and light behind me, let there be light for me, light in my tongue, light in my muscles, light in my flesh, light in my blood, light in my hair, light.



رب أعنى وال تعن على ، وانصرنى وال تنصر على وامكر لى والرلی الھداى وانصرنى على من بغى على ، رب تمكر على واھدنى ویس

ابا ، لك مطواعا، لك مخبتا ارا، لك رھ ا را ، لك ذك اجعلنى لك شكل تو بتى، واغسل حوبتى، وأجب دعوتى، نیبا، رب تقب اھا م إلیک أو

د لسانى، واھد قلبى، واسلل سخیمة صدری تى، وسد وثبت حج

O My Lord! Help me and do not help (others) against me, give me supremacy and do not let them overpower me, plan in my favour and do not plan against me and guide me and make the guidance easy for me and help me against whoever over presses me, O My Lord! Make me one most grateful to You, one who remember you greatly, one who fears You greatly, one who obeys You greatly, one who exhibits humbleness greatly, one who sighs greatly and turns towards You. O My Lord! Accept

my repentance, wash away my sins and accept my supplications, keep firm my proof, keep my tongue truthful, guide my heart and remove grudges from my heart.(At-Tirmidhi)

41 اللھم بعلمك الغیب و قدرتك على الخلق، احینى ما علمت الحیاة خیرا لى و توفنى اذا علمت الوفاة خیرا لى اللھم و اسئلك خشیتك فى الغیبضاء و الغضب و اسئلك القصد ھادة و اسئلك كلمة الحق فى الر و الشة عین ال تنقطع و فى الفقر و الغنى و اسئلك نعیما ال ینفد و اسئلك قرة ضاء بعد القضاء و اسئلك برد العیش بعد الموت و اسئلك لذ اسئلك الرة و ال فتنة اء مضر وق الى لقائك فى غیر ضر النظر الى وجھك و الش

ھتدین ا بزینة االیمان واجعلنا ھداة م ن ضلة ، اللھم زی م

O Allah! By Your knowledge of the unseen and by Your power over Your creation, keep me alive as long as You know that being alive is best for me and grant me death when You know death is best for me. O Allah! Indeed I ask You of Your fear in the hidden and evident; I ask of You for a truthful

speech in the state of contentment and in fury and I ask You for moderation an wealth and in poverty and never-ending favors, I ask You unceasing coolness of the eyes, I ask You for

contentment on Your decree and the pleasure of life after death and I ask You for the delight of looking at Your Countenance and eagerness of meeting You without undergoing any harmful

difficulty or a trail that leads astray. O Allah! Adorn us with the beauty of faith and make us a guide of righteous people. (An-Nasa'i)

42 جاح، و خیر عآء، وخیر الن ھم إنى أسئلك خیر المسالة، وخیر الد اللتنى، وثقل واب و خیر الحیاة و خیر الممات وثب العمل و خیر الث موازینى، وحقق إیمانى، وارفع درجاتى، وتقبل صالتى، واغفر

ة، اللھم إنى أسئلك فواتح الخیر رجات العلی من الجن خطیئتى وأسئلك الدة رجات العلی من الجن لھ وظاھره وباطنھ والد وخواتمھ، وجوامعھ وأوھم إنى أسئلك خیر ما آتی و خیر ما افعل و خیر ما اعمل و آمین۔ اللھم إنى ة آمین۔ الل رجات العلی من الجن خیر ما بطن و خیر ظھر والد

رقلبى و أسئلك أن ترفع ذكرى، و تضع وزرى، و تصلح امرى، وتطھرجات العلی من ر قلبى و تغفرلى ذنبى وأسئلك الد ن فرجى، و تنو تحصھم إنى أسئلك أن تبارك لی فى نفسى، وفى سمعى، وفى ة آمین۔ الل الجن بصرى وفى روحى، وفى خلقى، وفى خلقى، وفى أھلى وفى محیاى،رجات العلی من ل حسناتى وأسئلك الد وفى مماتى وفى عملى، فتقب

ة آمین الجن

O Allah! Indeed I ask You that I make the best appeal and the best supplication, for the best salvation, the best deeds, the best reward, the best life and the best death and to keep me

steadfast, and to make heavy my scale (of good deeds) and establish my faith and elevate my ranks, accept my prayers and forgive my mistakes. I ask You for the highest levels of Paradise. O Allah! Indeed I ask You for the onset of goodness and its completion (in goodnesses), its foremost

and its last, its apparent and its hidden, I ask You for the highest levels of Paradise. Aameen' O Allah! I ask You for goodness of what You have given, and put goodness in whatever I will do and in all the deeds that I will do, of what is hidden and what is evident and I ask You for the highest levels of Paradise. 'Aameen'. O Allah! I ask You to elevate my remembrance and unload my burdens and reform my affairs, You purify too my heart and safeguard my private parts, illuminate my heart and forgive my sins. I ask You for the highest levels of Paradise. 'Aameen' O Allah! Indeed I ask You to (put) blessing in myself (nafs), in my hearing and my sight and in my soul and my creation, in my conduct and my family, in my life and my death and in my deeds, so accept my good deeds and I

ask You for the highest levels of Paradise. 'Aameen'(Al-Hakim)

43 نا من الم، ونج ھم الف بین قلوبنا وأصلح ذات بیننا، واھدنا سبل الس اللبنا الفواحش ما ظھر منھا وما بطن، وبارك لنا ور وجن لمات إلى الن الظاتنا وتب علینا انك أنت ی فى أسماعنا وأبصارنا وقلوبنا وأزواجنا وذرحیم واجعلنا شاکرین لنعمک مثنین بھا علیک قابلین لھا و اب الر التو

اتممھا علینا

O Allah! Put affection amongst our hearts, reform our matters within us, guide us to the path of peace, save us from the darkness towards the light, save us from all kinds of obscenity; the

apparent as well as the hidden; bless our hearing, our sight, our hearts, our spouses and our children, turn in mercy towards us. Indeed You are the One who greatly accepts repentance, most Merciful. Make us the ones most grateful for Your bounties so we may compete with one another in

Praising You for these (bounties) and complete these (bounties) for us. (Al-Hakim)


نیا وعذاب ھم أحسن عاقبتنا فى اال مور كلھا وأجرنا من خزى الد أللخرة اال

O Allah! Grant a good end in all our matters and save us from humiliation of the world and the

torment of the Hereafter.


د وملسو هيلع هللا ىلص نعوذبك من شر لك منھ نبیك محم ا نسئلك من خیر ما سئ ھم إن اللد ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص وأنت المستعان وعلیك البالغ والحول ما استعاذ منھ نبیك محم

ة إال باہلل والقو

O Allah! Indeed we ask you of all good that Your Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked You of, and we seek refuge in You from all evil that Your Prophet Muhammad (saw) sought refuge from. You are

The One whose Help is sought and The One to make it reach (us); there is no Power and Strength except with Allah. (At-Tirmidhi)

46 ھم اقسم لنا من خشیتك ما تحول بھ بیننا وبین معا صیك ومن طاعتك الل

ھم نیا الل ن بھ علینا مصائب الد تك ومن الیقین ما تھو ما تبلغنا بھ جنتنا ما احییتنا واجعلھ الوارث منا، واجعل عنا باسماعنا وابصارنا وقو مت ثارنا على من ظلمنا وانصرنا على من عادانا وال تجعل مصیبتنا فينا وال مبلغ علمنا، وال تسلط علینا من ال نیا ا كبر ھم دیننا وال تجعل الد


O Allah! Distribute amongst us such awe and fear of Yours that will be a means of intervening between us and Your disobedience; and grant us such obedience of Yours that will enable us to reach Your Paradise; and such conviction which will ease upon us the afflictions of the world. O Allah! As long as You keep us alive, benefit us by means of our hearing, our sight and our bodily

strengths; make each one of them our heir; avenge for us those who wronged us; help us against our enemies and do not place any difficulties in our Deen nor make the world the greatest of our sorrows nor a (limited) source. Of our knowledge and do not impose upon us one who has no

mercy for us.


ا نجعلک فی نحورھم و نعوذبک من شرورھم ھم إن الل

O Allah! Indeed We place You before them (our enemies) and we take refuge in You from their evil. (Abu-Dawud, Al-Hakim)

48 تی، و قلة حیلتی، وھوانی علی الناس، یآ ھم إلیک اٴشکوا ضعف قو اللاحمین اٴنت رب المستضعفین، واٴنت ربی إلی من تکلنی؟ إلی اٴرحم الرلکتہ اٴمری؟ إن لم یکن بک علی غضب منی، اٴم إلی عدو م تجھ بعید ی

فال اٴبا لی، ولکن عافیتک ھی اٴوسع لی، اٴعوذ بنور وجھک الذینیا واآلخرة، من اٴن ینزل بی لمات، وصلح علیھ اٴمرالد اٴشرقت لھ الظ

ی ترضی و ال حول و غضبک، اٴو یحل علی سخطک، لک العتبی حتة إال بک ال قو

O Allah! I complain to you of my weakness, my scarcity of resources and humiliation before the

people. O Most Merciful! The Lord of the weak and my Lord too! To whom have You entrusted me? To one who does not care for me? Or have You appointed my enemy as master of my affairs? So as

long as You are not angry with me, I care not. Your favor is abundant for me. I seek refuge in the light of Your Face, by which all darkness is dispelled and every affair of this world and the next is set right, lest Your anger or your displeasure descend upon me. I desire your pleasure and satisfaction until You are pleased. There is no power (to do good) and no might (to refrain from evil) except with

You. (Ar-Raheeq-Al-Makhtum)