
Post on 01-Jan-2016

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醫院執業牙醫師離職意願之相關因素探討. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 醫院執業牙醫師離職意願之相關因素探討


由於醫療環境日益競爭,在對醫院教學環境的失望及醫院薪資與診所薪資水準差異造成的不平衡情況下,牙醫師流動率日益升高,醫院的牙科管理階層便須針對影響牙醫師離職意願的因素深入瞭解,以提升牙醫師之工作滿意度,改善牙醫師與醫院之間的互動關係,其服務品質才可能提升。本研究便是針對國內醫院的牙醫師其離職意願及相關影響因素予以探討。本研究之研究母群體為任職於地區級 (含 )以上醫院的牙醫師,依全國牙醫師公會聯合會提供之牙醫師名單,以結構式問卷採普查方式進行調查。共發放1,326份問卷,回收之有效問卷計 175份,回收率為 13.2%。本研究的依變項為牙醫師的離職意願,自變項則包含組織承諾、工作滿意度、薪資滿意度、工作壓力及外在工作機會等。研究結果顯示: (1)住院牙醫師的離職意願較主治醫師及科主任來得高; (2)牙醫師的實際收入與期望收入的差距會影響其薪資滿意度,差距愈大,其薪資滿意度會愈低; (3)薪資滿意度與工作壓力是影響工作滿意度的重要因素;(4)薪資滿意度與工作壓力亦為影響組織承諾的重要因素; (5)雖然薪資滿意度、工作壓力、工作滿意度及組織承諾均與離職意願有相關性,但影響樣本牙醫師離職意願的最重要因素則為診所工作機會,影響住院醫師離職意願的最重要因素為組織承諾,而影響主治醫師離職意願的最重要因素則為工作滿意度。本研究的研究結果可提供給醫院的經營管理階層,作為擬定牙醫師人力資源管理策略時的參考。

Factors Influencing the Turnover Intention of Hospital Dentists

Objectives: In recent years, the dental health care market has become more competitive. Dentists are concerned of and disappointed with the quality of training in hospitals. Moreover, hospital dentists tend to choose quitting and working in clinics instead, due to the compensation gap between hospitals and clinics. Thus, it is imperative for hospital managers to realize the factors related to the turnover intention of their dentists as to improve the relationships between dentists and hospitals. The purpose of this study was to explore the factors influencing the turnover intention of dentists in Taiwan hospitals.Methods: Structured questionnaires were sent to 1,326 dentists nationwide who were listed as members of the China Dental Association. In the end, 175 questionnaires were returned, representing a 13.2% response rate. Questionnaires collected the following information: personal characteristics, job stress, satisfaction of compensation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, opportunity of working in a clinic, and intention to leave.Results: The main findings were: (1). The turnover intention of residents was higher than that of visiting staff. (2). The gap between expected income and actual income had impacts on satisfaction of compensation. The larger the gap was, the less satisfied dentists were with their compensation. (3). Satisfaction of compensation and job stress had impacts on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of dentists. (4). Although satisfaction of compensation, job stress, job satisfaction, and organization commitment were related to the turnover intention of dentists, the most significant predictive factor was opportunity of working in a clinic. Organizational commitment was associated with the turnover intention of residents, while job satisfaction was related to the turnover intention of visiting staff.Discussion: The research showed that opportunity of working in a clinic, satisfaction of compensation, job stress, job satisfaction and organizational commitment were related to the turnover intention of hospital dentists. Findings of this study should provide some insights for hospital managers regarding human resources management strategy.