4Developers 2015: Testowanie ze Spockiem - Dominik Przybysz

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Transcript of 4Developers 2015: Testowanie ze Spockiem - Dominik Przybysz

SpockDominik Przybysz


alien11689@gmail.com @alien11689 http://przybyszd.blogspot.com


Person.groovy@Canonicalclass Person { String firstName String lastName Integer age

boolean isAdult() { age >= 18 }}

PersonValidator.java Part. 1@Componentpublic class PersonValidator { public void validatePerson(Person person) { String firstName = person.getFirstName(); if (firstName == null || firstName.length() == 0) { throw new PersonValidationException("First name must be given"); } String lastName = person.getLastName(); if (lastName == null || lastName.length() == 0) { throw new PersonValidationException("Last name must be given"); }

PersonValidator.java Part. 2 Integer age = person.getAge(); if (age == null){ throw new PersonValidationException("Age must be given"); } if( age < 0) { throw new PersonValidationException("Age cannot be negative"); } }}


public class PersonValidationException extends RuntimeException { public PersonValidationException(String message) { super(message); }}

PersonDao.groovy Part. 1

@Componentclass PersonDao { final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate

@Autowired PersonDao(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) { this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate }

PersonDao.groovy Part. 2void persist(List<Person> persons) { persons.each { persist(it) } }

@Transactional void persist(Person person) { jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('${person.firstName}', '${person.lastName}', ${person.age})") }

PersonDao.groovy Part. 3 List<Person> findByLastName(String lastName) { jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select first_name, last_name, age from person where last_name = ?", [lastName] as Object[]) .collect({Map row -> new Person(row.first_name, row.last_name, row.age) }) }

void close() { println "Closing person dao" }}

PersonController.groovy Part. 1@Componentclass PersonController { final PersonValidator personValidator final PersonDao personDao

@Autowired PersonController(PersonValidator personValidator, PersonDao personDao) { this.personValidator = personValidator this.personDao = personDao }

PersonController.groovy Part. 2

void addPerson(Person person) { personValidator.validatePerson(person) personDao.persist(person) }}

PersonContextConfiguration.groovy Part. 1

@Configuration@ComponentScan("com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock")class PersonContextConfiguration { @Bean JdbcTemplate getJdbcTemplate(DataSource dataSource){ return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource) }

PersonContextConfiguration.groovy Part. 2 @Bean DataSource getDataSource() { BasicDataSource basicDataSource = new

BasicDataSource() basicDataSource .setDriverClassName("org.h2.Driver") basicDataSource.setUrl("jdbc:h2:mem:personDB;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=1000;INIT=runscript from 'classpath:db/person.sql';") basicDataSource.setUsername("sa") basicDataSource.setPassword("") return basicDataSource }}


Dependenciescompile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.0'compile 'org.springframework:spring-jdbc:4.0.5.RELEASE'compile 'org.springframework:spring-beans:4.0.5.RELEASE'compile 'org.springframework:spring-context:4.0.5.RELEASE'compile 'commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp:1.4'compile 'com.h2database:h2:1.4.178'

testCompile 'org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4'testCompile 'org.spockframework:spock-spring:1.0-groovy-2.4'testCompile 'org.springframework:spring-test:4.0.5.RELEASE'testCompile 'cglib:cglib-nodep:3.1'testCompile 'org.objenesis:objenesis:2.1'

when-then blocks

class PersonTest extends Specification { def "should set first name from constructor"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob") then: person.firstName == "Bob" }}

Test failed output

person.firstName == "Bob"| | || Bb false| 1 difference (66% similarity)| B(-)b| B(o)bcom.blogspot.przybyszd.spock.dto.Person(Bb, null, null)

Block with description

def "should set first name from constructor 2"() { when: "person with set first name" Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob") then: "person has first name" person.firstName == "Bob"}

Given block

def "should set first name from setter"() { given: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob") when: person.firstName = 'Tom' then: person.firstName == "Tom"}

Multiple asserts

def "should set person data from constructor"() { when: Person person = new Person("Bob", "Smith", 15) then: person.firstName == "Bob" person.lastName == "Smith" person.age == 15}

Multiple when then

def "should set first name from constructor and change with setter"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob") then: person.firstName == "Bob" when: person.firstName = "Tom" then: person.firstName == "Tom"}

And block

def "should set first name and last name"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob", lastName: "Smith") then: person.firstName == "Bob" and: person.lastName == "Smith"}

Expect block

def "should compare person with equals"() { expect: new Person("Bob", "Smith", 15) == new Person("Bob", "Smith", 15)}


Test fields

class LifecycleSpockTest extends Specification {

@Shared StringWriter writer

Person person


Setup specification

def setupSpec() { println "In setup spec" writer = new StringWriter()}

Setup each test

def setup() { println "In setup" person = new Person(firstName: "Tom", lastName: "Smith", age: 21)}

Cleanup each test

def cleanup() { println "In cleanup" person = null}

Cleanup specification

def cleanupSpec() { println "In cleanup spec" writer.close()}

Setup and clenup blocks

def "should check firstName"() { setup: println "setup in test" println "should check firstName" expect: person.firstName == "Tom" cleanup: println "Cleanup after test"}

Statements without block

def "should check lastName"() { println "should check lastName" expect: person.lastName == "Smith"}


Parameters in table@Unrolldef "should set person data"() { when: Person person = new Person(lastName: lastName, firstName: firstName, age: age) then: person.firstName == firstName person.lastName == lastName person.age == age where: lastName | firstName | age "Smith" | "John" | 25 "Kowalski" | "Jan" | 24}

Parameters in method signature@Unrolldef "should set person data 2"(String firstName, String lastName, int age) { // … where: lastName | firstName | age "Smith" | "John" | 25 "Kowalski" | "Jan" | 24}

Parameters in method name@Unrolldef "should set person with #lastName, #firstName and #age"() { // … where: lastName | firstName | age "Smith" | "John" | 25 "Kowalski" | "Jan" | 24}

Call parameterless method in test name Part 1

@Unroll("should set person with #lastName.length(), #firstName.toUpperCase() and #age")

Call parameterless method in test name Part 2

@Unroll("should set person with #lastName.length(), #firstName.toUpperCase() and #age when last name starts with #firstLetter")def "should set person with lastName, firstName and age 3"() { //… where: lastName | firstName | age "Smith" | "John" | 25 "Kowalski" | "Jan" | 24

firstLetter = lastName.charAt(0)}

Separeted table

@Unrolldef "should check if person is adult with table"() { expect: new Person(age: age).isAdult() == adult where: age || adult 17 || false 18 || true 19 || true}

Parameters from list

@Unrolldef "should check if person is adult with list"() { expect: new Person(age: age).isAdult() == adult ageSquare == age * age where: age << [17, 18, 19] adult << [false, true, true] ageSquare = age * age}

Parameters from list of list

@Unrolldef "should check if person is adult with list 2"() { expect: new Person(age: age).isAdult() == adult where: [age, adult] << [[17,false], [18,true], [19, true]]}

One paramter table

@Unrolldef "should set first name"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: firstName) then: person.firstName == firstName where: firstName | _ "John" | _ "Jan" | _}

Parameters from db - setupstatic Sql sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:h2:mem:", "sa", "", "org.h2.Driver")

def setupSpec() { sql.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS person; CREATE TABLE person ( first_name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, age INT NOT NULL );""") sql.executeInsert("""INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, age) VALUES ('Tom', 'Smith', 24), ('Jan', 'Kowalski', 30);""")}

Parameters from db - cleanup

def cleanupSpec() { sql.close()}

All parameters from db@Unrolldef "should set person data with #lastName, #firstName and #age"() { // … where: [firstName, lastName, age] << sql.rows("SELECT * FROM person;")}

All parameters from db by name@Unrolldef "should set person data with #lastName, #firstName and #age"() { // … where: [firstName, lastName, age] << sql.rows("SELECT first_name, last_name, age FROM person;")}

Drop last parameter@Unrolldef "should set person data with #lastName, #firstName and #age"() { // … where: [firstName, lastName] << sql.rows("SELECT * FROM person;")}

Omit parameter@Unrolldef "should set person data with #lastName, #firstName and #age"() { // … where: [_, lastName, age] << sql.rows("SELECT * FROM person;")}


Not thrown exceptionPersonValidator sut = new PersonValidator()

def "should pass validation"() { given: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Tom", lastName: "Smith", age: 30) when: sut.validatePerson(person) then: notThrown(PersonValidationException)}

Not thrown exception - fails

Expected no exception of type 'com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock.bean.PersonValidationException' to be thrown, but got it nevertheless

Thrown exception@Unrolldef "should not pass validation"() { then: PersonValidationException exception = thrown(PersonValidationException) exception.message == message where: firstName | lastName | age | message "Tom" | "Smith" | -1 | "Age cannot be negative" "" | "Kowalski" | 19 | "First name must be given" "Jan" | null | 19 | "Last name must be given"}

Thrown exception - another exception

Expected exception of type 'com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock.bean.PersonValidationException', but got 'java.lang.RuntimeException'

Thrown exception - but no exception

Expected exception of type 'com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock.bean.PersonValidationException', but no exception was thrown

Mocking and stubbing

Creating mock

JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = Mock(JdbcTemplate)

PersonDao sut = new PersonDao(jdbcTemplate)

Validate mock calls

def "should persist one person"() { given: Person person = new Person("John", "Smith", 20) when: sut.persist(person) then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith', 20)")}

Mock not called

Too few invocations for:

1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith', 20)") (0 invocations)

Unmatched invocations (ordered by similarity):


Too many calls

1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith', 20)") (2 invocations)

Matching invocations (ordered by last occurrence):

2 * jdbcTemplate.execute('Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values (\'John\', \'Smith\', 20)') <-- this triggered the error

Another parameters in callsdef "should persist many persons"() { given: List<Person> persons = [new Person("John", "Smith", 20), new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 15)] when: sut.persist(persons) then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith', 20)") 1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('Jan', 'Kowalski', 15)")}

Any parameter

then: 2 * jdbcTemplate.execute(_)

Range of calls

then: (1..3) * jdbcTemplate.execute(_)

At least one call

then: (1.._) * jdbcTemplate.execute(_)

Any amount of calls

then: _ * jdbcTemplate.execute(_)

Two calls of method of any mock

then: 2 * _.execute(_)

Two calls of any method of mock

then: 2 * jdbcTemplate._(_)

Two calls of method by regex

then: 2 * jdbcTemplate./exe.*/(_)

Closure validates call

then: 2 * jdbcTemplate.execute({ String sql -> sql.endsWith("('John', 'Smith', 20)") || sql.endsWith("('Jan', 'Kowalski', 15)") })

Sequential callsdef "should persist many persons in order"() { given: List<Person> persons = [new Person("John", "Smith", 20), new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 15)] when: sut.persist(persons) then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('John', 'Smith', 20)") then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.execute("Insert into person (first_name, last_name, age) values ('Jan', 'Kowalski', 15)")}

Define mock interactions in given block

given: jdbcTemplate = Mock(JdbcTemplate) { 2 * execute({ String sql -> sql.endsWith("('John', 'Smith', 20)") || sql.endsWith("('Jan', 'Kowalski', 15)") }) }


def "should find one person"() { given: jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select first_name, last_name, age from person where last_name = ?", ["Kowalski"]) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] expect: sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)]}

Stub in context

given: jdbcTemplate = Stub(JdbcTemplate) { queryForList("select first_name, last_name, age from person where last_name = ?", ["Kowalski"]) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] }

Any stub parameters

def "should find many times person"() { given: jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] expect: sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)]}

Multiple return values

def "should find many times person 2"() { given: jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 25]] expect: sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 25)]}

Multiple return values as list

def "should find many times person 3"() { given: jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >>> [ [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]], [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 15]]] expect: sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 15)]}

Side effectsdef "should throw exception on second find"() { given: jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]] >> { throw new DataRetrievalFailureException("Cannot retrieve data") } expect: sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] when: sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") then: thrown(DataAccessException)}

Mocking and stubbing

def "should find one person and check invocation"() { when: List result = sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") then: result == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] 1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, _) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]}

Any parameter list

then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(*_) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]

Validate parameter value

then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(_, !(["Smith"] as Object[])) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]

Validate parameter is not null

then: 1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(!null, _) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]

Interaction blockdef "should find one person and check invocation external with first parameter not null"() { when: List result = sut.findByLastName("Kowalski") then: result == [new Person("Jan", "Kowalski", 20)] interaction { queryForListCalledOnceWithFirstName() }}

void queryForListCalledOnceWithFirstName(){ 1 * jdbcTemplate.queryForList(!null, _) >> [[first_name: "Jan", last_name: "Kowalski", age: 20]]}

SpiesList sut = Spy(ArrayList, constructorArgs: [10])

def "should use spy on list"() { given: sut.add(1) >> { callRealMethod() } sut.size() >> 10 when: sut.add(1) then: sut.size() == 10 sut.get(0) == 1}


Spring from configuration class@ContextConfiguration(classes = PersonContextConfiguration)class PersonContextFromClassTest extends Specification { @Autowired PersonController personController

@Autowired PersonDao personDao


Spring from configuration xml@ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:personContext.xml")class PersonContextFromXmlTest extends Specification {

@Autowired PersonController personController

@Autowired PersonDao personDao


Helper methods

Without helper

def "should check person"() { when: Person result = new Person("Tom", "Smith", 20) then: result != null result.firstName == "Tom" result.lastName == "Smith" result.age == 20}

Boolean helperdef "should check person with boolean helper method"() { when: Person result = new Person("Tom", "Smith", 20) then: checkPerson(result, "Tom", "Smith", 20)}boolean checkPerson(Person person, String firstName, String lastName, int age) { person != null && person.firstName == firstName && person.lastName == lastName && person.age == age}

Boolean helper - outputcheckPerson(result, "Tom", "Smith", 20)| |false com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock.dto.Person(Tom, Smith, 20)

Helper with assertdef "should check person with assert helper method"() { when: Person result = new Person("Tom", "Smith", 20) then: checkPersonWithAssert(result, "Tom", "Smith", 20)}void checkPersonWithAssert(Person person, String firstName, String lastName, int age) { assert person != null assert person.firstName == firstName assert person.lastName == lastName assert person.age == age}

Helper with assert - outputperson.firstName == "John"| | || Tom false| 3 differences (25% similarity)| (T)o(m-)| (J)o(hn)com.blogspot.przybyszd.spock.dto.Person(Tom, Smith, 20)

Withdef "should set first name, last name and age 1"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob", lastName: "Smith", age: 40) then: with(person) { firstName == "Bob" lastName == "Smith" age == 40 }}


Ignoreclass IgnoreTest extends Specification { def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 } @Ignore def "test 2"() { expect: 1 == 1 } def "test 3"() { expect: 1 == 1 }}

IgnoreRestclass IgnoreRestTest extends Specification { def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 } @IgnoreRest def "test 2"() { expect: 1 == 1 } def "test 3"() { expect: 1 == 1 }}

IgnoreIfclass IgnoreIfTest extends Specification {

// @IgnoreIf({os.windows})// @IgnoreIf({os.linux}) @IgnoreIf({ System.getProperty("os.name").contains("Linux") }) def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 }}

Requiresclass RequiresTest extends Specification {

// @Requires({os.windows})// @Requires({os.linux}) @Requires({ System.getProperty("os.name").contains("windows") }) def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 }}

AutoCleanupclass AutoCleanupTest extends Specification {

JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = Mock(JdbcTemplate)

@AutoCleanup(value = "close", quiet = true) PersonDao sut = new PersonDao(jdbcTemplate)

def "test 1"() { expect: sut != null }}

FailsWithclass FailsWithTest extends Specification {

@FailsWith(RuntimeException) def "test 1"() { expect: throw new RuntimeException() }}


class TimeoutTest extends Specification {

@Timeout(value = 750, unit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 }}


@Title("Title annotation is tested in this specification")class TitleTest extends Specification {

def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 }}


@Narrative("""Multiline narrative annotationis tested in this specification""")class NarrativeTest extends Specification {

def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 }}


@Subject(Person)class SubjectTest extends Specification {

@Subject Person person = new Person("John", "Smith", 21)

def "should be adult"() { expect: person.isAdult() }}


class IssueTest extends Specification { @Issue(["http://example.org/mantis/view.php?

id=12345", "http://example.org/mantis/view.php?id=23"]) def "test 1"() { expect: 1 == 1 }}


void instead of def

void "should set first name from constructor"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob") then: person.firstName == "Bob"}

Shoud instead of def

Should "set first name from constructor"() { when: Person person = new Person(firstName: "Bob") then: person.firstName == "Bob"}

Shoud instead of def - how it works

import java.lang.Void as Should

Q & A

Thank you