4. Islam, Kehamilan, dan Persalinan (dr. Taufiq).pptx

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Transcript of 4. Islam, Kehamilan, dan Persalinan (dr. Taufiq).pptx

Islam, Kehamilan, dan Persalinan

Islam, Kehamilan, dan PersalinanTaufiq RNBagaimana pernikahan Bagaimana pengertian kehamilan dan persalinan?Bagaimana masa melahirkan?Bagaimana tanda - tanda persalinan?Bagaimana pandangan islam tentang kehamilan dan persalinan ?Bagaimana hak- hak dalam islam Masalah Nikah (1) Tujuan nikah:Rekreasi

Jesse:Do you want to know the secret to live to a hundred? Never miss an opportunity to make love to your wife; Frequent sexual activity is one of the ingredient to a long life. (Amen GD, 2007) Seks dan Umur Panjang (1)Riset (survey) thd 400 pria dan wanita usia 70 th tentang aktifitas seksualnya, 5 th kemudian difollow up. Hasil: jumlah kematian pada pria yang menghentikan aktifitas seksualnya secara dini lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibanding yang tetap aktif

(Amen GD, 2007)1000 pria usia 45 59 dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok. Hub seksual > 2 kali/mgHub seksual intermediateHub seksual < 1 kali/bl10 th kemudian dimonitorHasil: jml kematian kel 3 2x lipat dibanding kel. 1; kel 2 1.6 kali lipat dibanding kel. 1Seks dan Umur Panjang (2)Prokreasi

Nikah (2)

The first baby was born at Tlogorejo HospitalsHai sekalian manusia bertakwalah kepada Tuhanmu yang telah menciptakan kamu dari diri yang satu dan daripadanya Alloh menciptakan isterinya, dan darpada keduanya Alloh memperkembangbiakkan laki-laki dan perempuan yang banyak. Dan bertakwalah kepada Alloh yang dengan (mempergunakan) namanya kamu saling meminta satu sama lain, dan peliharalah hubungan silaturrahim. Sesungguhnya Alloh selalu menjaga dan mengawasi kamu. (QS 4: 1)Berikanlah maskawin (mahar) kepada wanita (yang kamu nikahi) sebagai pemberian dengan penuh kerelaan . (QS 4: 4)Nikah (3)

Memberikan Perhatian Selama Istri HamilSeorang suami wajib memberikan perhatian yang lebih terhadap istrinya yang mulai menunjukkan kehamilannya.Alloh berfirman, artinya: Dialah yang menciptakan kamu dari jiwa yang satu (Adam) dan daripadanya dia menciptakan pasangannya, agar dia merasa senang kepadanya. Maka setelah dicampurinya, (istrinya) mengandung kandungan yang ringan, dan teruslah dia merasa ringan (beberapa waktu). Kemudian ketika dia merasa berat, keduanya (suami istri) bermohon kepada allah, tuhan mereka (seraya berkata), Jika engkau memberi anak kami yang shaleh, tentunya kami akan selalu bersyukur. (QS: Al-Araf : 189)Wanita Berhak Mendapatkan Perhatian Dari SuamiArtinya: Laki-laki (suami) itu pelindung bagi perempuan (istri), karena Allah telah melebihkan sebagian mereka (laki-laki) atas sebagian yang lain (perempuan), dan karena mereka (laki-laki) telah memberikan nafkah dan hartanya. Maka perempuan yang shaleh adalah mereka yang taat (kepada Allah SWt) dan menjaga diri ketika (suaminya) tidak ada, karena allah telah menjaga (mereka) (QS:An-Nisa : 34)Otak wanita kurang tertarik pd penampilan pria, lebih tertarik pd bagaimana Ia berfikir dan bertindak.Wanita lebih menyukai pd kemampuan pria untuk menjaga dia dan keluarga Kesuksesan pria lebih disukai ketimbang sekedar penampilan (Amen GD, 2007)Menafkahi Keluarga (Isteri yg sedang Hamil)Kewajiban bagi ayah untuk memberi makan dan pakaian kepada isterinya dengan cara yang baik. (QS 2: 233)Hendaklah orang yang mampu memberi nafkah menurut kemampuannya. Dan orang yang disempitkan rizkinya hendaklah memberi nafkah dari harta yang diberikan Alloh kepadanya. Alloh tidak memikulkan beban kepada seseorang, melainkan sesuai apa yang telah Alloh berikan kepadanya. (QS 65: 7)Apapun yang kamu nafkahkan, maka Alloh akan menggantinya. (QS 34: 39)

Hadist: dari Abu Masud albadry ra. Dari Nabi SAW, Beliau bersabda: Apabila seseorang menafkahkan hartanya untuk keperluan keluarganya hanya dengan mengharapkan pahala maka hal itu akan tercatat sebagai sedekah baginya (HR Bukahari & Muslim)Key Cocepts

The mothers food habits and nutritional status before conception, as well as during pragnancy influence the outcome of thr pragnancy.Pragnancy is prime example of physiologic synergism in wich the mother, fetus, and placenta collaborate to sustain and nurture new lifeThrough the food a pregnant woman eats, she gives her unborn child the nourishment required to begin and sustain fetal growth and developementThrough her diet a breast feeding mother constinous to provide all of her nursing babys nutritional needs.Healthy body tissue depend directly on certain essential nutrient in food.

This is especially during pragnancy because a whole new body is being formed

The tremendous growth of a baby from the moment of conception to the time of birth depend entirely on nourishment from the mothers food.Early obstetricians even develope the notion that semistarvation of the mother during pragnancy was blessing in disguise because its produced a small baby who was easy to deliver

To this end they used diet ristricted in kcalories, protein, water, and salt for pregnant woman.

We now know that is very important to both the mothres and childs healt that a pregnant eat a well balanced diet with increase amount of all the essential nutrients

In fact woman who have always eaten a well-balnced diet are in good state of nutrition at conception even before they know they are pragnant The Obsolete OpinionsTo supply the increasd fuel demanded by the enlarged metabolic woarkloadTo spare protein for the added tissue-building requirmentThe mother needs more kcalories for two reasons:The national standard recommends an increase of about 300 kcal perday (total 2200 2500 kcals) during pragnancy (15% - 20%) over the enrgy need of nonpragnant women

Increase carbohydrate in the diet is the prferred source of these increased energy demand, especially during late pragnancy and lactationAmount of energy IncreaseProtein is a primary need during pragnancy because it is the growth element for body tissues.

Rapid growth of the baby from one cell to millions of cells in 3,2 kg in only 9 months. Indicate rapid growth and its consequent is large protein required

The placenta is the fetuss lifeline to the mother, the mature placenta requiers sufficient protein for its complete developement as a vital and uniqe organ to sustain, support, and nourish the fetus during growth

Growth of maternal tissues during pragnancy: increase developement of breast and uterin tissue also protein required

The Increase of maternal blood volume is 20% - 50% during pragnancy. With extra blood volume, however comes a need for more synthesis of blood component especially Hb and plasma protein (albumin) wich are protein vital to the pragnancy. Amniotic fluid sorrounds the fetus during growth and guards it against shock or injuryAmniotic fluid contains protein, so its formation requiers still more protein

Amount of protein increase should be 10 g per day during pragnancy, making the total protein need 60 g/day.

Food source: Milk, egg, cheese, and meatKey mineral and vitamin needsCalcium along with phosphorus and vitamin D is essential for fetal developement of bone and teeth (needs 3 4 cups of milk and green vegetable)Iron and Iodine. Iron is essential for Hb synthesis required for increase the greater maternal blood volume, as well as for the babys necessary prenatal storage of iron (daily intake 30 g)

Iodine intake essential for producing more thyroxin, which is needed for in greater amount to control the increased basal metabolic rate during pregnancy. This increased iodine need easily ensured by the use of iodized salt VitaminIncreased all vitamin is needed to support healthy pragnancy. Vitamin A & C are needed in increased amount during pragnancy because they are both important element in tissue growth

The B Vitamins are also needed in increased amount because of their role as coenzyme factors in energy production and protein metabolism.

Folate is especially needed to build mature red blood cells, and other fuction of folate is prevent malformation of the neural tube during 2 month before coception to week 6 of gestation, to ensure healthy embryonic tissues developement.The neural tube form during the critical period from 17 30 days gestation and grow into the mature infants spinal column and its network of nerves.Neural tube defect result spina bifida (600 g)ProductsWeightFetusPlacentaUterusAmniotic fluidBreast tissue (weight increase)Blood volume (weight increase)Maternal store (weight increase)Total3400 g450 g1100 g900 g1400 g1800 g1800 3600 g11000 13000 gCukup Sekian