29 Things to Do With a Barbell in the Corner

Post on 08-Jul-2016

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29 ejercicios fáciles y efectivos para realizar con una barra en una esquina o barra t.

Transcript of 29 Things to Do With a Barbell in the Corner

7/6/2016 29 Things to do with a Barbell in the Corner | Straight to the Bar : Helping you get stronger since 2004

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29 Things to do with a Barbell in the CornerTime to get creative.



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Modified Lumberjack Squat.Have you been looking for a way to attract some attention in the gym, or some new tricks to slip up your sleeve?

Here are a few twists on some old moves using 1 or 2 barbells against a wall. The set up is painfully simple; find some space to place a barbell or two, make sureyou have at least 5 or 6 feet on either side of you (for safety reasons) and some plates. In our experience we find that it is a good idea to have several 10 poundweights due to their ease in loading the barbell with steady increments, and they help to increase the range of motion, but to also have a some 45's as wellbecause sometimes, you just need more weight.

Here's the set up.

1. The Modified Hammer JammerThis is an extremely low tech high effect solution to a hammer jammer system. As you press on the barbell it moves upwards in an arc like fashion. You canisolate the pressing motion by keeping your legs in an athletic lean position without bending them and initiating the force through your core, or you cantack some weights and lower the stack with your legs, and while driving through your heels, explode the weight forwards.

2. Lumberjack SquatThis is an exercise that can help beginners learn how to squat using their hips. It removes the large majority of compressional forces on the spine, that canbe associated with back squats. The idea is to interlock your fingers as high up on the barbell as you can, and then allow the bar to rest at the bottom ofyour chest, or right on your sternum. You want to actually be leaning into the barbell, so as you squat your hips come into play and act as a set of brakes.Then drive your weight through your heels so you're leaning forwards again. This is one of the exercises that I highly recommend using the 45 poundplates; if weight is not an issue. Otherwise you can always progress upwards in increments of 2.5 all the way to the 45's.

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3. Bentover RowsThese ones actually change then angle of pull from parallel to the floor, to about 45 degrees, depending on limb length and how far you start and end.Essentially you want to have your back facing the wall, and the execution is the same as a TBar row except that you are only using one barbell. Here isanother situation where you will most likely want to use many smaller weights instead of few larger ones, due to the R.O.M. decrease that happens withbigger plates.

4. Modified High PullsThis one takes advantage of the high pull motion with a change of feel. You'll want to actually face the barbell perpendicular so that you become a largerextension of it. Reach down and grasp the bar near the end (the closer to the end, the heavier) while keeping a straight back, and pull your elbows as highas you can.

5. Overhead SquatThis is not what is considered the overhead squat, however it can add a whole new challenge, especially in the shoulders and core. You basically outstretchyour arm(s) (one arm version showed here) and squat down as you would in the lumberjack squat.

6. The Floor Press this is a modified version in which you lay down on the floor with the end of the barbell sitting over your the crease in your elbow. Essentially pressstraight up, and the weight will move up and behind you as it does with that arc like movement. This one is a bit tougher because the nature of the barbellwhen compared to a dumbbell tends to swivel 360 degrees, plus upwards, downwards, and side to side as well.

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7. Modified Jefferson LiftThis is where you straddle the barbell with both legs, and grasp above the weights while you lower yourself straight down as if sitting down into a chair.The R.O.M. is limited so you can use heavier weights if you feel comfortable.

8. Modified Stifflegged DeadliftsThe same concept as a regular stifflegged deadlift except that you choose a side to start with and grasp the barbell only with one hand. The motion is thesame, but this time the stretch is a bit more intense.

9. Suitcase DeadliftThis one is an older movement beginning to resurface itself into the main scene. Essentially it's the exact same thing as the stifflegged version mentionedabove, except that you bend your legs and sit back as you pull up, so a deadlift where only one arm is holding the weight, and the opposite side as tocontract very tightly to keep you from tipping over.

10. Modified Seated Overhead PressThis one's a bit harder than it looks, the weight will rise behind you as you lean into it, and the weight feels significantly heavier than it really is.

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11. PushupsJust like it sounds, except that you place one hand on the barbell to raise yourself a bit higher. It really helps to use the big plates as this will make things abit more challenging. If you want to add some more core stability and coordination you can push up, and then power yourself over it and land with theopposite hand on the end.

12. Barbell Wrist FlexionJust like it sounds, grasp the edges of the bar, and roll your fingers up to your wrist, activating the wrist flexors and improving your overall grip strengthas sometimes sweaty hands can make this part of the bar harder to hold. You also get the bonus of dealing with a larger surface area, rather than the bodyof the barbell.

13. Bentover RaisesBasically you bend at the waist preventing your back from rounding as you stand on the side of the barbell, and then raise it as high up to your sides as you

can. This one is harder than it looks, and can be a new facet to rear delt training.

14. Modified Barbell WindmillsThis one is a bit difficult to explain since the bar somewhat throws off the motion of the windmill, and it's much less stable, but if you're looking for achallenge or a new take, this might be the trick for you. Get under the bar, and outstretch your hand, as you go down you'll want to stare up at the bar tokeep your focus high, and bend at the waist so that your trunk becomes parallel to the floor.

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15. Single Arm Barbell FlyThis one is an excellent challenge for overall core stability, and this one stresses the chest, shoulders, and elbows very heavily. You want to lock your feetinto the ground and maintain a tight waist as you allow the outstretched barbell to drift as far to your side as you can, any lower than parallel can becomevery dangerous to your shoulder so exercise with caution.

Now we add two barbells to the mix, and essentially double the fun.

Here's the setup, essentially same as the first, and altering the distance between the barbells can shift the arcs and angles a bit differently.

7/6/2016 29 Things to do with a Barbell in the Corner | Straight to the Bar : Helping you get stronger since 2004

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16. Modified Hammer Jammer (Double Barbell version)

This time you use two barbells, and most likely cut the weight down, as this one can become very difficult very quickly. Same as above although you'll haveto use your legs a bit more to drive the weight upwards.

17. Double Overhead Squat

Same as it is with the single except you're going to have to exert more core stability to keep from caving in or falling backwards.

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18. Double Bentover Barbell Row

This one I think is a bit easier than with a single barbell, due to the balance from side to side. Essentially you want to lean back, squat down to a quartersquat or so, and pull elbows back as if giving someone an elbow to the ribs.

19. Double Floor Press

This one you will most likely want a partner to pass you the weights because it is extremely awkward to roll onto each side to grasp the barbell, howeveronce you give these a try, you may find that work very well for hitting the upper chest, because the barbell moves up and back.

20. Double Incline Fly

This one is absolutely amazing, and difficult to describe where you will feel the tension because it shifts all over the upper body depending on how you areable to transfer forces.

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21. Double Seated Military Press

This one is a bit challenging to get into position, but when done unilaterally it helps you generate a tremendous amount of core force to maintain anupright position. The weights moves forward, and upwards so it really challenges you to maintain a tight position.

22. Double Lateral Raises

These can be extremely difficult to get used to, but not only are they stressing the lateral head of the deltoid, but the posterior comes into play veryheavily the higher up you go. It also challenges the rotators because the arc like movement goes against the conventional lateral raise, and can help withstubborn external rotators.

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23. Double Standing Russian Twist

This one is probably one of the toughest core exercises with a rotational component, with or without weights. The idea is to get the barbells swinging insuccession so that one is a few inches or feet away from the other, and they move as a windshield wiper. With weight this is extremely difficult and not forthe faint of midsection.

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24. Double Barbell Shrugs

This one can be a test of grip strength if held on the edge of the barbell, and the shrug pulls the weight behind you, really loading Trapezius 3 and 4. Ifyou're going for a pure strength perspective grab the business portion of the barbell and shrug, the only real difference is grip strength.

25. Double Barbell Deadlift

This may soon become my new favorite exercise due to the new angle on an old favorite. Essentially you get in between the bars, and deadlift away, themovement is the same, except that it might be less stressful on the back if you lean into the pull of the movement.

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26. Push ups

Don't have a set of push up bars? Feel free to give this one a shot, it also doubles as a fly if you allow the barbells to roll to your sides. If you do not keepyour arms close to your sides, you may find the barbells rolling to your sides. I'd recommend using the 45 lbs. on this so that you can really get a deepstretch. If this is not difficult enough try it with your feet on a bench or box, a weighted vest, or a partner giving you manual resistance.

27. Bench Dips

Or in this case double barbell bench dips. Essentially the same set up as the push ups except that you face the other directions with the barbells to yourback, you can add a box to the mix, some weight, or aim for high reps. This one also has a tendency for the barbells to roll away to your sides, so it keeps adeep contraction of the chest, and shoulders, to prevent this. Also makes a good beginning progression to the iron cross if you have your feet up onsomething.

28. Double Barbell Standing Calf Raises

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Now this one hits the calf from a whole new approach. The key differences between this and the machine standing calf raises, is that instead of movingupwards, you're moving upwards and forwards with the arc of the movement. Add some plates below your feet to deepen the stretch. You may want apartner to help pass you the weight, because too much weight can be risky when picking up the barbells.

29. Double Barbell Front Squat

Like the standing calf raise this one forces you to drive forwards as well as upwards, hitting the muscle in a new way. Like the previous exercise you maywant a partner to help you load the weights up to your shoulders.

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7/6/2016 29 Things to do with a Barbell in the Corner | Straight to the Bar : Helping you get stronger since 2004

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The Rotater.Brilliant device. If your shoulders aren't quite as flexible as you'd like, grab The Rotater. Love it.

NB : For a complete list of everything we use and recommend, swing by the reviews area. And of course the Straight to the Bar Store. It's all inthere.

To learn how to put it to work, swing by the Guides area.

Hopefully this article can give you some more ideas, to keep up your gym repertoire, and for those who work out at home with minimal equipment, canhelp you reach your goals with the low tech, high effect mentality. Last but not least some extra exercises that came as some runner ups were LSits, LSit IronCrosses, Handstands Push ups, Squatting on the ends of the barbells for instability, and abductor adductor exercise in which you stand on the ends of thebarbells and while using a spotter, spread your legs using abduction, and then squeeze your feet back together to a stand. This one would be best if done with thelittle weights to increase the R.O.M.

Jason Kirby is a Personal Trainer and author for Straight to the Bar.

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7/6/2016 29 Things to do with a Barbell in the Corner | Straight to the Bar : Helping you get stronger since 2004

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mike stein • 2 years agocoooooool thanks a million!

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Peter • a year agogood stuff.


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John • a year agoThanks a lot!!! I have a question for you: can I use a standard bar instead of olympic bar when I am doing these exercises?

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Scott Bird • a year agoMod > John

Sure can John use whatever you've got available.

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Tim • 2 years ago

Have you been looking for a way to attract some attention in the gym Literally this seems to be the key feature of EVERY person I have seenuse this approach and without exception they are below average

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Mike • 2 years agoThanks for the suggestions.. I was wondering about this during my workout today, I though I was creating something new, apparently not!Great article

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Scott Bird • 2 years agoMod > Mike

Thanks Mike, appreciated.

Curious : what sort of combination did you come up with?

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mike stein • 2 years agoFeatured by Straight to the Bar

coooooool thanks a million!

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Scott Bird • 2 years agoMod > mike stein

Cheers Mike.

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7/6/2016 29 Things to do with a Barbell in the Corner | Straight to the Bar : Helping you get stronger since 2004

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