24 Januwari - 06 Febhuwari 2014 METRO Iphephandaba …

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Transcript of 24 Januwari - 06 Febhuwari 2014 METRO Iphephandaba …

METROe z a s e g a g a s i n i

24 Januwari - 06 Febhuwari 2014Iphephandaba lakho LAMAHHALA


Izindaba: Ikhasi 4Izindaba: Ikhasi 2



SEKUHLALE obala ukuthi uHulumeni uyayiwina impi yokulwa nesifo sengculazi kuleli.

Lokhu kugqame gesikhathi kwethulwa i-Operation Sukuma Sakhe ngokuse-mthethweni kanye nombiko wezibalo zalapha eNin-gizimu Afrika eziphathelene nesifo sengculaza nesan-dulela saso sango-2012 KwaMashu ngesonto eledlule. Phakathi kwabahambele

lo mcimbi kubalwa iPhini likaMengameli wakule-li uKgalema Motlante, iNhloko ephakeme yak-wa-UNAIDS uMichel Sidibe, uNgqongoshe wezeMpilo wakuleli u-Aaron Motsoale-di, uNdunankulu wesiFun-dazwe uSenzo Mchunu neMeya uJames Nxumalo.Imibiko iveza ukuthi isibalo

sabatheleleka ngesifo ses-andulela ngculaza sesehle kakhlu futhi nesibalo sabafa ngenxa yengculaza sesehle kakhulu lapha eNingizimu Afrika. Lapha KwaZulu-Natal,

ukutheleleka kwabantwa-na abazelwe bethelelwe onina sesehle kakhulu kusukela ku-20.5% ngo 2005 kuya ku-2.1% ngo 2011, okungaphansana nje uma

uqhathanisa nezibalo zika-zwelonke esingu-2.7%. Balinganiselwa ku-241

000 abantu okwahleng-wa izimpilo zabo ekufeni kulesiFundazwe. Isibalo sa-bantwana ababulawa yileli gciwane sehla ngo-60% ngo-2012. Isibalo sabathelelekile sehle ngo-33% kusukela ngo-2004, abathelelekile bangama-370 00 uma

kuqhathaniswa nezi-500 000 ngo-2004. IPhini likaMengameli uMo-

tlanthe lihalalise kakhulu i-Operation Sukuma Sakhe ngeqhaza elikhulu elili-bambile ekulwisaneni nalo mashayabhuqe. “Lezizibalo zezilinganiso ziwuphawu lo-kuthi lelizwe liyaphumelela enjongweni elinayo yokwe-hlisa isibalo sabathelelekayo

okungenani ngo-50%. Ukugwema ukubhebheth-eka kwalesisifo yilonasu eliyinjongo yezinhlelo zamacebo akuleli okulwisa-na nengculaza, isifo sofuba nezifo zocansi (2012 – 2016). Sekulele kithina ukuthi sihambe ezinyathelweni ze-Operation Sukuma Sakhe ukuze siphinde sifinyelele kule mpumelelo ebaluliwe

kulo mbiko.” kusho oka-Motlanthe. “ Ngo-2009 sasina-

bahlengikazi abangama-250 ababeqeqeshelwe ukuthi baqalise abantu imishangu-zo ngaphandle kokuya ku-dokotela, namhlanje bayi-23 000. Bangaphezu kwesigidi abesilisa asebesokile, futhi sihlose ukuthi kuthi kushaya unyaka ka-2016 babe se-

beyizigidi ezingu-4.6 kusho uMotsoaledi.UNdunankulu uMchunu

uthe lo mbiko uwuphawu lwethemba lokuthi siyay-inqoba impi yokulwisana nale sifo. IMeya uNxumalo uthe konke okuhlonyuliwe bekungeke kwenzeka uma besingazange sesekwe um-phakathi kanye nababamba iqhaza.

Siyehla isibalo sengculazaSIYANQOBA: IPhini likaMon-gameli uKgale-ma Motlanthe nesikhulu se UNAIDS uMichel Sidibe, uNdunan-kulu uSenzo Mchunu kuzethu-lo zeSukuma Sakhe nemibiko ethulwe ngeHIV/AIDS.Isithombe: SIMPHIWE DLAMINI


IDOLOBHA iTheku se-liphinde lakhombisa ukuthi ilona dolobha elithandwa ngabavakashi e-Afrika.Balinganiselwa ezigidini

ezinhlanu abantu aba-vakashele eThekwini ngen-yanga edlule kanti iDolobha lenze inzuzo ka-R1.5 billion.Isibalo sabantu aba-

vakashela amabhishi eTheku bayakhula njalo ngonyaka futhi lokhu kuphinde kwenze iTheku libe indawo yokuvakashel-wa ehamba phambili.Umkhakha wezokuvakasha

uzuze lukhulu ngoba ukug-cwala kwamahotela bekul-inganiselwa kuma phesenti angu 92 ngalesisikhathi sokujabula.UMeya uJames Nxum-

alo uncome abavakashi ngokuziphatha kahle. “Sijabule kabi ukuthi siveze ukuthi yonke into ihambe

kahle futhi ngohlelo”.“Sizoqhubeka nokuthuthu-

kisa izinqalasizinda zethu zasemabhishi ukuze sihehe abanye abantu abathanda ukuvakasha. Lendawo esanda kunwetshwa ebhishi okuthiwa yenza amabhishi ethu kube iwona ahamba phambili eAfrika. Ngithan-da ukubonga iKomidi lokuhlelela amaholidi ngendlela ebebeqinisekisa ngayo ukuthi abavakashile bahlale kahle futhi bajabule kuleli dolobha lethu,” kusho uNxumalo.UChristo Swart, owuSihlalo

weKomidi elihlelela ama-holidi ubonge abavakashi ngokulandela imithetho. Uthe, “Bekumnandi ebhishi futhi nabantu bebethoko-zile okwenze kwaba lula kulaba abekade besebenza beqinisekisa ukuthi imigo-mo yase bhishi ilandelwa ngendlela.”

ITheku lisahamba phambili kubavakashi


UMKHANDLU weTheku kulindeleke ukuthi usin-gathe umhlangano wawo wokuqala wonyaka ka-2014 emuva kokuthatha ikhefu ngamaholide kaKhisimusi ngesonto elizayo. Lomhlan-gano uzoba ngoLwesithathu mhlaka 29 Januwari 2014 eDurban City Hall. Kulin-deleke ukuthi lomhlangano uvulelwe umviliyelo.

Lomviliyelo kuqondwe ngawo ukugubha iminyaka engu 20 iNingizimu Afrika yathola inkululeko. UMeya Nxumalo uthe babone kungcono ukuthi iDolobha leTheku libe ingxenye yale-migubho ngokuthi ligub-he impumelelo esizuzwe iTheku kuleminyaka engu 20 yokubusa ngentando yeningi. Uthe “Ingakho nje umhlangano wethu wokuqala kulonyaka uzothi

ukwehluka kunejwayele-kile”.UNxumalo uthe iNin-

gizimu Africa seyenze okuningi kusukula ngo-1994 ekwenzeni ngcono izimpilo zabantu. “ Kodwa siyaqonda ukuthi kuningi okusafanele sikwenze.”Umviliyelo uzoqala epaki

i-King Dinizulu (eduze kwase Durban Christian Centre) ngo 08h00, ekuqa-leni kuka Pixley kaSeme

nobewaziwa ngoWest Street bese uphela eCity Hall, kuChurch Walk, la kulinde-leke ukuthi uMeya Nxum-alo ethule inkulumo yakhe mayelana nosekuzuzwe iTheku selokhu kwaqala umbuso wentando yeningi.Khonamanjalo uMasipala

uzohlinzeka umphakathi ngezindawo zokubuka ngesikhathi kuqhubeka umhlangano woMkhandlu eDurban City Hall.

Uzovula ngomviliyelo UMkhandlu


IZINDABA 24 Januwari - 06 Febhuwari 2014Ikhasi 2

Ezintsha ngekhadi leMuvo ABAGIBELI bezithuthi bansuku zonke eThekwini abanezinhlelo zokugwali-sa amakhadi eMuvo abo ngemali ebavumelayo ukuthi bagibele izikhathi eziyishumi bazohlomula ngama khadi eMuvo kuze kudlule inyanga sekuqedwa amakhophoni okugibela.UNigel Gumede, uSihlalo we-

Komidi lokuHlaliswa kwaBan-tu neNgqalasizinda ukhutha-ze abagibeli ukuba bathenge ikhadi leMuvo bazizwele ukuhamba bengaphethe mali ebhasini njengoba imali yokugibela ifakwe ekhadini.Ikhadi leMuvo lethulwe

ngokusemthethweni ngoJu-layi 2012 kanti selethulwe kuzo zonke izifunda. Kodwa, amakhuphoni ephepha asasetshenziswa ngoba iningi labagibeli bansuku zonke abakaqali ukusebenzisa ikhadi leMuvo.

IShaka Marine World idinga amavolontiya

USHAKA Marine World un-xusa bonke abantu abane-minyaka engu 18 kuya ku 66 abanentshisekelo ngezasol-wandle ukuthi beze kwin-hlolokhono yokuvolontiya. IShaka Marine ihlose ukukhu-lisa isibalo samavolontiya ayo ngaloluhlelo.Uma unesikhathi phakathi nezinsuku noma ngezimpelasonto .Ungaxhu-mana noKathy Drummond ku 031 328 8191 noma email kdrummond@seaworld.org.za



AMALUNGA eKomidi elikhulu eholwa uMeya James Nxumalo apheleze-la izikhulu zikaHulumeni wesiFundazwe ngesikhathi sohlelo lokuhlola indlela izikole ezisebenza ngayoLolu hlelo, oluyingxenye

yohlelo i-Operation Sukuma Sakhe, kuhloswe ngalo ukuthi kubhekwe ukuthi ng-abe izikole zisebenza kahle ngokuphelele na ukuze kuhlonzwe ukuthi yikuphi la zidinga ukusizwa khona uma kunesidingo.UMeya Nxumalo uthe

injongo-ngqangi yalokhu kuhambela izikole kwabe kungukuhlonza izingq-inamba abafundi nothisha ababhekana nazo ezik-oleni ukuze kubonakale ukuhi bangasizwa kanjani. “Okokuqala nje, ngifisa ukuhalalisela abafundi bakamatikuletsheni bango-nyaka owedlule ngokuthola amazinga aphezulu oku-phumelela. Sinqume ukuthi sihambele izikole zaseThe-kwini ukuze sibone ukuthi ngabe sekuqaliwe yini uku-funda nokuthi ngabe konke kuhamba ngendlela”.UMeya Nxumalo uphin-

de wathi bakhethe izikole ezithile ezihlonzwe um-nyango ukuthi bezibheke

nezinselelo eziningi kulo nyaka owedlule. “Izikole es-azivakashela zazinezinselelo ezahlukene njengokunga-phatheki kahle kwezimali, imibiko yokuhlukumezeka ngokocansi nezidakamizwa, okwenze nokuthi kugcine sekuthikameze kwehlisa nesibalo sabaphumelelayo ekupheleni konyaka, ika-khulukazi kuMatikuletsheni. Inhloso yethu ukuqinisekisa ukuthi aziphindi lezizinto ezenzekayo futhi kunezin-hlelo ekuhlongozwa ngazo ukuthi kuqinisekiswe lok-ho.” kusho okaNxumalo.Kulolu hlelo kuhanjelwe

izikole zazo zonke izifunda zeTheku, futhi kuzobe se-kwenziwa nombiko ozoy-iswa kwiSishayamthetho sakule sifundawe ukuze uhulumeni aphendule ngezinto ezaphakamiswa kule zikole. UMasipala uzophinde abe

nomcimbi wokuklomelisa uMatikuletsheni obanjwa kanye ngonyaka madu-zane nje, nehlelelwe ukuthi yenziwe kanye nohlelo lweMeya olukhuthaza ukuvulwa kwezikole, lapho khona iMeya iyaye ihambele izikole zalapha eThekwini ixhase abafundi abaswele ngomfaniswano.


Abaholi baka-Hulumeni bavakashela izikole


NJENGENGXENYE yokuqongelela ezinye izimali zokwakha iHoy Park Sports Development Centre yesimanjemanje, uMasi-pala uzosingatha uchun-gechunge lwemiqhudel-wano yebhola lezinyawo nalapho kobe kuhlungelwa khona amakhono kwen-zelwa imidlalo yeDurban Under 19 International Football Tournament eqala mhlaka 28 Julayi -09 Agasti 2014. Ithimba elithungathayo

eliholwa ngusaziwayo womthungathi ebholeni lezinyawo uPaulo Cardoso kumanje nje liyahlunga ezifundeni eziyi-11 zesifun-dazwe, lithungatha abadlali abazomela iKwaZulu-Na-tal kulolu chungechunge lwemiqhudelwano yebhola

lezinyawo esezingeni lom-hlaba.OyiBamba lePhini leNhloko

eMnyangweni wezeMdlalo nokuThuthukiswa kwa-maKhono, uSandra Khathi, uthe ukuhlunga kwaqala eHluhluwe emasontweni amabili edlule futhi kuqhu-beka kahle kakhulu.“Kuze kube manje se-

sivakashele izifunda ezahlukene nethalente liyamangalisa. Abadlali abakhethwayo bazodlala namaqembu ayi-6 omhlaba azomenyezelwa ngesonto elizayo. Abanye balaba badlali bazoba yingxenye yesizoqala ngabo sibafake esikhungweni sokuthuthu-kisa ibhola,” kusho uKhathi.ISports Development

Centre izoba nezifundo eziphelele zebhola lezin-yawo zokuthuthukiswa kwabadlali abasebancane

abanekhono nekusasa. Le phrojethi ilubambiswano phakathi kukaHulumeni wesiFundazwe, uMasipala waseThekwini, i-IEC Sport neSouth African Football Association.“Sifuna abadlali abayi-145

esizobathatha sibaphekisise ebhodweni elizobe libasel-we eThekwini ngoMashi. Ngemuva kwamasonto amabili okuqeqeshwa ku-zokhethwa iqembu labadlali abangama-25,” kusho yena.Izinsuku zezifunda ezizo-

vakashelwa zimi kanje:-25-26 Januwari 2014 UThukela Kandahara Sport Grounds, Ladysmith,28-29 Januwari 2014 UMgungundlovu Harry Gwala Outer Fields,01-02 Febhuwari 2014Sisonke Oval, Kokstad,04-05 Febhuwari 2014 UGu District, UGu Sports and Leisure,07 -08 Febhuwari 2014 UThungulu Eshowe High, Ground,10-11 Febhuwari 2014 ILembe KwaDukuza Recre-ation Grounds,15-17 Febhuwari 2014 Umlazi King Zwelithini Stadium,18 Febhuwari 2014Durban Rural Chief Manzol-wandle Stadium,19 Febhuwari 2014 Chatsworth 1016 Football Field,20 Febhuwari 2014Claremont Sugar Ray Xulu Stadium,21-22 Febhuwari 2014KwaMashu Princess Magogo Stadium23-25 Febhuwari 2014Durban Central George Campbell fields


Kuthungathwa amakhono


UMASIPALA weTheku usingathe umcimbi woku-valelisa nokufisela inhlan-hla iqembu leLadySmith Black Mambazo njengoba lilifulathelile leli kuleli sonto lilibhekise e-Los Angeles (LA) ukuyoba ingxenye yomcimbi wokuklomelisa abaculi abenze kahle i-56th

Grammy Awards.Leli qembu eseliwine ku-

lomcintiswano izikhathi ez-intathu seliqokwa okwesi-17 manje ngaphansi kweqoqo le ‘Best World Music CD’ befolosa nge albhamu yabo ethi, “Live: Singing for Peace around the World”.UMeya James Nxumalo

ufisele leli qembu elidume umhlaba wonke uhambo

oluhle wathi kumele babuye nendondo yesine.“ILadySmith Black Mam-

bazo ingamanxusa aseNin-gizimu Afrika ngoba noma ngabe ikuphi lapho abaya khona baphakamisa igama lethu kanti lokhu kungaba nomthelela omuhle kakhulu ekunyukeni kwezibalo zezivakashi ezitheleka kuleli njengoba sisanda kwethula

uhlelo lokuheha izivakashi kuleli dolobha,” kuchaza uNxumaloUNxumalo ubonge leli

qembu ngokuphumelela ukushintsha imiqon-do yabaningi ngomculo wesintu, manje abantu sebeyawujabulela umculo wesintu kwazise uchaza kabanzi ngesiko laseNin-gizimu Afrika. Lo mculo

ubungeke ufike kuleli zinga ngaphandle kwaleliqembu. Umsunguli waleli qembu uJoseph Shabalala ubonge iMeya yaseThekwini ngo-kutshengisa ukuyijabulela imisebenzi yabo.“Umculi wethu umele

umlando wase-Ningizimu Afrika ngakho kuyajabulisa kakhulu ukubona nabantu abakhulu bewulandela ngo-ba lokhu kunguphawu lo-kuthi abawalahlile amasiko abo,” kuchaza uShabalala.Uveze ukuthi manje sebe-

hambela izindawo zamaciko ezihlukene ukuyokhetha labo abanethalente lokucula lolu hlobo lo mculo ukuze igama leLadysmith Black Mambazo lihlale likhum-buleka.ILadysmith Black Mam-

bazo ivalelise iNingizimu Afrika ngokushaya imicu embalwa ngesikhathi icula emcimbini ebiyenzelwe wona.Umcimbi wokuklonyeliswa

uzoba se-LA ngeSonto (26-01-14) futhi bazophinde bahambele amadolobha ahlukene okubalwa kuwo o-New Orleans, New York neWashington namanye. Leli qembu lizohlala izin-yanga ezintathu phesheya kwezilwandle loze libuyele kuleli ngo 26-03-14.


Ndlelanhle Mambazo

Meya weTheku uJames Nxumalo, amalungu esigungu esiphezulu soMkhandlu , uPhillip Sithole kanye Lady Smith Black Mambazo emcimbini wokuvalelisa amaMbazo eCity Hall. Isithombe: THEMBA KHUMALO

ITHUBA LOMHLABA: Abadlali bedlalela ukuqokel-wa kwabangu 25 abazomela isifundazwe emqhu-dalwaneni womhlaba i-Durban Under 19 Football International Tournament ngoJulayi.




EZasegagasini Metroiphephandaba likaMasipalaweTheku elidlulisa izindabazentuthuko eThekwini.Liphinde linike abafundi ithubalokuthi bakwazi ukuletha imibonoyabo. Liphuma njalo emuvakwamaso-nto amabili ngoLwesih-lanu. Kushicilelwa amaphephand-abaangu 400 000.Xhumana nathi:eZasegagasini Metro, PO Box 5588, Durban, 4000Newsroom: 031 311 4813/81/84, iFax: 031 3328051Reception: 031 311 4827themba.nyathikazi@durban.gov.za

Umhlei: Tozi Mthethwa

Abahleli wezindaba: Mandla Nsele no Themba Nyathikazi

Ababhali: Nondu Ngcongo, Romita Hanuman, Themba Khumalo, Sane Shandu, Sohana Singh, Khaya Sengani, Gugu Mdlalose, Vuyolwethu Gwala, Priah Dass, Slindile Maluleka, Simphiwe Dlamini, Rodney Moore no Jessie Singh

Umthwebuli: Gugu Mqadi

Abahumushi: Themba Nyathikazi, Themba Khumalo, Nondu Ngcongo, Simphiwe Dlamini no Slindile Maluleka

iGraphics: Amith Sewparsad, Zama Zwane, Zakhe Ntshingila, Phindile Sibeko no Trevor Mlambo

IZINDABAIkhasi 3 24 Januwari – 06 Febhuwari 201424 Januwari – 06 Febhuwari 2014


Izinhlangano ezingekho ngaphansi kukaHulu-meni ezibalelwa ku-78 eThekwini manje sezizokwazi ukwelu-

la isandla kakhudlwana emiphakathini eziyakhele ngemuva kokuba uMasipala efake uxhasomali ngokuse-benzisa uhlelo lwe-Grant-In-Aid.Izinhlangano ezingenzi

nzuzo, iningi lazo okuy-izinkulisa nezikole zoja-hidada, athola amasheke kuMasipala anesamba esahlukahlukene, kuncike ezidingweni zenhlangano ngayinye.Uhlelo lukaMasipala lwe-

Grant-In-Aid luhlinzeka ngezezimali nangolunye ux-haso ezinhlanganweni ez-ingenzi nzuzo, ikakhulukazi

emiphakathini edla imbuya ngothi. Umcimbi wokudlu-lisela lolu hlelo bewuzima-ziswe uSomlomo uLogie Naidoo, uSihlalo weKomidi lezokuBusa nezabaSebenzi, uKhansela Nondumiso Cele namaKhansela amaWadi avela ezingxenyeni ezahlu-kahlukene zeTheku.UNaidoo uthe uMasipala

uyazeseka izinhlangano ezingenzi nzuzo ngenxa yemisebenzi emihle ayenzela imiphakathi ehlukahlukene. Kusukela ngo 2003 uhlelo lwe-Grant-In-Aid seluchithe ngaphezu kuka-R20 million ukweseka izinhlangano zomphakathi nezinhlangano ezingenzi nzuzo.Ekhuluma ngenhloso

yohlelo, uCele uthe iz-inhlangano ezingenzi nzuzo nezinhlangano

zomphakathi ziyiso nezin-dlebe zikaMasipala noHu-lumeni. “Lezi zinhlangano zisebenza ngokubambisana noHulumeni, ngakho-ke njengoHulumeni baseKha-ya sizibophezele ukweseka izinhlangano ezingenzi nzuzo ukuze siwah-langabeze emisebenzini ayenzayo ukuze asebenze kangcono,” usho kanje.Lezi zinhlobo ezilandelayo

zezinhlangano ezingenzi nzuzo zingafaka izicelo: Ezemidlalo, ezamaSiko nezokuNgcebeleka, Ezo-kuthuthukisa intsha, ezo-kuThuthukiswa koMnotho nezeNhlalakahle.Amafomu okufaka izicelo

angatholakala emaHhovisi amaKhansela noma esi-Funda noma kumaSizakala Centre.Silindile.maluleka@durban.goov.za

UMasipala unike umphakathi usizo

UXHASO: Abanye abahlomulile kube iHlengimpilo Early Child and Educare Cen-tre nethole umxhaso kaR40 000. Isithombe: GUGU MQADI

SIYANAKEKELA: UKhansela Mary-Jane Mkhize (ogqoke okuphinki) kanye nomphakathi waseRedhill obuyonikezelwa ngokudla.


Umphakathi ka-Wadi 34 ubuyiselwe isithunziAPHELELE NTUMBU

UMASIPALA weTheku ngokubambisana noM-nyango wakwa-South Afri-can Social Security Agency (SASSA), basanda kunikela ngokudla emphakathini wasezakhiweni zaseMath-ambo, eduzane naseRedhill, osanda kufakwa ezindli-ni zesikhashana emva kokusha kwezakhiwo zabo ngonyaka odlule.UKhansela Mary-Jane

Mkhize uthe uMasipala un-qume ukuthi asize amalun-ga omphakathi ukuze ukwazi ukuzimela futhi emva kokuba ulahlekelwe yikho konke ngesikhathi izindlu zabo zithungeleka ngomlilo. Ubeke wathi “SinguMasipala, sibakhele izindlu zesikhashana ukuze bakwazi ukufihla amakhan-da endaweni ehloniphekile nephephile.”Ukudla kuhlinzekwe

uMnyango wakwa-SASSA, ophinde wasiza abantu ngokubabhalisela imali yesibonelelo, njengoba abanye babo belahlekelwe amakhadi abo ngesikha-thi kusha. UThembekile Dolwana, umhlali onemin-yaka engama-39 naye

ohlomulile, uthe baswele imilomo yokubonga abang-abonga ngayo iMinyan-go kaHulumeni ephose itshe esivivaneni ukuze kuqinisekiswe inhlalakahle yabo. Uthe, “Salahlekelwa yikho konke ngesikhathi kusha, ngakho-ke sibonga kakhulu ukuthi uhulumeni usihlinzekele ngendawo yokufihla amakhanda enhle

kunalezizakhiwo ebesinazo ngaphambi kwesigameko somlilo. Ukuthengelwa nokudla bekuyinto ebesin-gayilindele nhlobo ngoba into ebesiyikhulekela ka-khulu ukuthi sithole izindlu ezintsha njengoba besikade sesihlala ematendeni,”.



EMUVA nje kwamason-to amabili amaphoyisa kaMasipala evale umgede wezidakamizwa eDurban North; abhadame izigila-mkhuba ezishushumbisa izidakamizwa ebezicabanga ukuthi zizophumelela, nge-sikhathi zilayisha umthunzi wezinkukhu ongu-107kg esithuthini somphakathi esihambela ogwini olus-eningizimu. Amaqhinga alezizigilamkhuba aphelele eRenki yamatekisi aseChes-terville ekuWarwick Trian-gle, ngesikhathi amalunga omphakathi ebe nezinsolo ase eqwashisa owoPhi-

ko lwabaHwebi base-mgwaqweni lwamaPhoy-isa kaMasipala weTheku obesebenzela kule ndawo ngalolu daba. Le zidakamiz-wa zilinganiselwa esigidini samarandi.Okhulumela uMnyango

wamaphoyisa kaMasi-pala uNsumpa omkhulu u-Eugene Msomi uthe “Amalunga ophiko labah-webi abematasa enza um-sebenzi wawo ngesikhathi ethiphiswa ongazidalulanga mayelana nezikhwama ezisolisayo esihlalweni sokuqala sesithuthi. Aba-solwa besifazane abatha-thu bebeqashe sonke leso sihlalo. Amaphoyisa abe

esebuza-ke ukuthi ubani umnikazi wale mithwalo, kwathi uma sekuqaqwa le zikhwama kwatholakala ukuthi zigcwele mfi insan-gu.” UMsomi uthe le nsan-gu igcinwe amaphoyhisa kwase kuboshwa la basolwa abagcinwe esiteshini esi-maphakathi neTheku.Ungcome amaphoyisa

ngokubamba la basolwa wase ekhuthaza nomphaka-ti ukuthi wazise ama-phoyisa njalo uma ubona okusolisayo. “UMnyango wamaPhoyisa kaMasi-pala uncoma amalunga awo ngokubamba lezigila mkhuba futhi ujabula kakhulu ngesimo samarenki esesingcono kakhulu. Labasolwa ababoshiwe

bazobhekana nengalo yomthetho.”Mpimpa izenzo ezisolisayo

kule nombolo yocingo 031 361 0000.


IMetro Police ibhadame inqwaba yezidakamizwa

BABANJWE OQOTSHENI: Amaphoyisa kaMasipala nensangu engu-107kg ebanjwe ku-Warwick Av-enue ngesonto eledlule.Isithombe:SITHUNYELWE

Bhalisela ukuvota mhlaka 8 no 9 Febhuwari Isiteshi seBridge City sesizovulwaINGABE ukhathazekile ngokuthi kungenzeka un-gakwazi ukuvota okheth-weni lwakulonyaka ngoba ungakwazanga ukubhalisa ngonyaka odlule ngesikha-thi i-IEC inomkhankaso wokubhalisa abantu? Uma impendulo yakho kungu ‘Yebo’ ungabe usakhath-azeka ngoba kuzophinde kubhaliselwe ukuvota ngomhlaka 8 no 9 Febhu-wari.Ithuba lokubhalisa

ngomhlaka 8 Febhuwari kobe kuyithuba lokugcina kubantu abazobe beqala ukubhalisela ukuvota, kobe futhi kuyithuba lokugcina nakulabo asebebhalisile ukuthi bazibheke ukuthi bayatholakala yini ohlwini lwababhalisele ukuvota okhethweni lukazwelonke nezifundazwe.Ungabhalisela ukuvota

esiteshini sokuvota esise-duze nawe, Sizakala centres nakwiMunicipal Elector-

al Office. Ukuze uthole isiteshi sokuvota unga-vakashela i-website yakwa noma ufonele ku-0800 11 8000 (kuvuliwe ngoMsom-buluko kuya kuLwesihlani kusukela ngo 8 ekuseni kuya ku 5 ntambama.)UMeya James Nxuma-

lo usenxuse izakhamizi zeTheku ukuthi ziliseben-zise lelithuba. “Nginxusa abantu baseThekwini ukuthi baphume ngobunin-gi babo” kusho uNxumalo.

IPASSENGER Rail Agency of SA isikuhlehlisile ukuvul-wa komzila wesitimela waseBridge City KwaMashu ngenxa yobuchwepheshe bezimpawu zemizila yezi-timela. Lesi siteshi sesiz-ovulwa mhlaka 1 Febhu-wari.I-PRASA yethula ngokuse-

mthethweni isiteshi sesitimela saseBridge City ngo Okthoba nyakenye nokwakulindeleke ukuthi siqale ukusebenza ekuqale-

ni kwalonyaka.Kodwa emuva kokuhlolwa

kokusebenza kwezimpawu zomzila okwenziwa ngu PRASA ngoDisemba wang-onyaka odlule kwatholakala ukuthi kukhona okunga-kaqedwa ukulungiswa. Izimpawu zomzila wesi-timela zibaluleke kakhulu ekuqinisekiseni ukuphepha kwezimpilo zabantu.Isikhulu sakwaPRASA,

uLucky Montana, uthathe isinqumo sokuthi kuphin-

de kuhlolwe ukuseben-za kwalomzila ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuphepha kwabantu. “IPRASA izo-qhubeka nokuhlola lomzila kulenyanga. Kusukela ngo Febhuwari 1 kobe sekuqala uhlelo lokusebenza kwezi-timela ezisuka eBridge City Station ziya eThekwini. Uthe, “Uma sesigculisekile

ukuthi zonke ezokuphepha nezobuchwepheshe zilun-gile kobe sekuqala uhlelo lokusebenza kwezitimela.”

24 Januwari – 06 Febhuwari 2014

Iprojekthi yezindlu ku-Ward 100IZINDABA Ikhasi 4


IZINHLELO zikaHu-lumeni zokuthuthu-kisa izindawo ezin-gamakhaya kuvezwe ngesikhathi uMasipala

weTheku uveza izinhlelo zawo zokuqhuba iphrojek-thi enkulu yakuWard 100.Lokhu kuvele ngesikha-

thi kukhona umhlangano womkhankaso kaMa-sakhane obusanda kwen-ziwa eZwelibomvu obu-hanjelwe abahlali bendawo nabasebenzi beMnyango ehlukene kaMasipala.Umkhakhaso kaMa-

sakhane uwuhlelo luka-zwelonke eligqugquzela ukuxhumana phakathi ku-kaMasipala nomphakathi.uWard 100 uyindawo

ethuthukiswayo kodwa esenawo amakhaya futhi ibalwa namaWard amakhu-lu kuloMasipala.

Umphakathi ukhalaze ngezindlu nemigwaqo kwezinye izindawo zayo.Ngesikhathi abasebenzi

bakwaMasipala benikez-wa ithuba lokuphendula, uChris Busani waseM-nyangweni wokuHlaliswa kwaBantu uthe kukhona uhlelo lokwakha izindlu ku-lendawo olwaziwa ngeVu-mengazi oluzoba nezindlu ezingu-3 000.Ukuqinisekisile ukuthi

uMasipala unezinhlelo zokuqhuba lephrojekthi yokwakha izindlu kwazinye izindawo waku leWard.“Le phrojekthi iza nezin-

hloso zokuletha intuthuko ezindaweni zasemakhaya. Sinezinhlelo zokuqhuba lephrojekthi futhi kukhona namanye amaphrojekthi ezindlu ahleleliwe. Kuyo lendawo, kunohlelo

lokulungisa izindlu ezalin-yazwa izikhukhula futhi

kade lwaqala.Abahlali baphinde

bachazelwa ngohlelo olusebenzayo lokwabi-wa kwezindlu. Yize umgwaqo iza-

khamizi ebezikhalaza ngawo ungaphansi ku-kaHulumeni wesiFun-dazwe, uXolani Dube woPhiko lwezemiGwaqo kuMasipala weTheku uthembise ukuthi uzoxhumana nabesi-fundazwe ukulungisa lenkinga.“Yize kungumgwaqo

wesiFundazwe njengo-Masipala sizongenelela kulokudaba. Njengo-sizo lwesikhashana thina njengoMasipala sizobe siqala siwuphe-sha umgwaqo,” kusho uDube.


MASAKHANE: Amalungu omphakathi waseZwelibomvu kuWard 100 ngenkathi be-hambele umkhankaso kaMasakhane ngempelasonto edlule.. Isithombe: SILINDILE MALULEKA

Izinqumo Zekomidi elikhuluUkungenelela okusezingeni eliphezulu kwa-Metro PoliceIKomidi Elikhulu (EXCO)

livume ukujutshwa kweqembu elizimele elinezifundiswa nezingcwe-ti kwezobuphoyisa ukuh-langanisa umbiko ozosiza uMasipala waseThekwini ekubhekaneni nezindaba zenguquko nokuthuthuka emaphoyiseni edolobha.IMenenja yeDolobha, uSi-

busiso Sithole, wengulele phezulu amalungu eKo-midi Eliphethe ekuhlaleni kokuqala kwekomidi kulo nyaka ka-2014 eCity Hall, mayelana nokungenelela okuthuthukisayo okuhlose ukuzinzisa, ukuguqula nokwenza amaphoyisa eDolobha abe yisimanje.USithole uthe uMasipala

udinga ukuthola umnyom-bo wembangela yezinselelo emaphoyiseni eDolobha bese ethatha izinyathe-lo ukubhekana nalobo buthakathaka. Uthe kub-alulekile ukwakhela phezu kobuqatha obukhona no-kuthola ukuthi kuzoding-eka nhloboni yokuzihlela kabusha emaphoyiseni eDolobha kusukela manje.Uthe umbiko uzosi-

za uMasipala ukubeka

esiqongweni ukusetshen-ziswa kobuchwepheshe obukhona ukunciphisa ubelelesi eThekwini, ukwenza ngcono ukupha-thwa koMnyango jikelele kanye nokuqoqwa nokuset-shenzwa kwezinhlawulo zomgwaqo, kungagcini lapho. “Sibheke ukuba lo msebenzi wenziwe ngab-antu abazimele abanolwazi ngobuphoyisa jikelele lapho kubhekwa ukwen-ziwa kwezinto nangeso labagogode emfundweni ngenxa yobubanzi bom-sebenzi okumele wenzi-we. Sifuna ukusebenza namanyuvesi sifake nezim-fanelo ebezisemaphoyiseni kuqala nawo ake adlula kulezi zinguquko,” kusho uSithole.USithole uthe unethemba

elikhulu ukuthi ukun-genelela okwendlalekile emaphoyiseni eDolobha kuzothela izithelo kodwa wexwayisa ngokuthi lona akuwona umsebenzi on-genziwa uphele ngelanga.“Kodwa ukungenele-

la kufanele, kuthathwe njengomkhankaso wokul-wisana nabantu abathile. Ngeke kwenziwe sengathi siphenya ubugebengu ngoba kasiqondile lokho. Sihlose ukuya emaphoy-iseni eDolobha sibhekisise ubuqatha nobuthakatha-ka,” kusho Sithole.Umsebenzi uyoban-

dakanya nomphakathi ngokuwukhuthaza ukuba uphawule usho ukuthi ungathanda ukubona ama-phoyisa eDolobha eshint-she kanjani. “Sixhumane nezifundiswa

ukunxenxa ukuthi umse-benzi onje udinga ukwenzi-

wa kanjani. Umbiko uzobe sewethul-

wa ngokusemthethweni emakomidini afanele nase-Mkhandlwini uwucubun-gule,” kusho uSithole. “Ukusebenza kwanga-

phandle kuzosiza uMasipa-la ukuba alibuyekeze iqha-

za lamaphoyisa eDolobha awenze umbutho osebenza ngokushaya emhloleni ngokuthe thuthu. Okwamanje, uSithole uthe

kuzokwenziwa uphenyo lwangaphakathi mayela-na namahemuhemu athi amanye amaphoyisa

eDolobha ahlupha amanye. Uthe uMasipala uwabu-ka ngeso elihlabayo la mahemuhemu futhi ucele uMnyango ukuba wethule umbiko ukuze kuthathwe izinyathelo ezifanele.

ISIMO soMasipala eNin-gizimu Afrika sizoguqu-ka ngemuva kokhetho lwawomasipala luka-2016 kulandela isinqumo esin-gujuqu sebhodi eliklama kabusha imingcele yomasi-pala. Incazelo eyendlalekile ngokuklanywa kweming-cele yoMasipala nokuthi lokhu kuzoba namthelela muni koMasipala abe-hlukene KwaZulu-Natal futhi yenziwa nguMnyango wesifundazwe wokuBusa ngokuBambisana neziNd-aba zaboMdabu eKomidini Eliphethe. Umsebenzi ufaka

ukuhlakazwa nokuhlangan-iswa komasipala abaninga-na esifundazweni.Njengengxenye yomse-

benzi, uMasipala uzothola amawadi amathathu kanye nengxenye yenye ngoba iVulamehlo iTheku lizowe-hlukaniselana noMdoni. Umbiko ubeka umhlah-landlela ngendlela yokwen-za ezolandelwa ngoMasipa-la abathintekayo ekufakeni lezi zinguquko nokubunjwa kwamakomidi okuphathwa kwenguquko yobuch-wepheshe nombusazwe.

IKOMIDI eliphethe livume isincomo sokwelula inkontileka yokunike-za izimfanelo zendawo yokugezela yomphakathi emijondolo njengengx-enye yesu lokusheshisa ukunikezwa kwenhlanzeko kubahlali baseThekwini. Esinye isamba sikaR250 wezigidi sibekelwe lokhu.USihlalo weKomidi

leNgqalasizinda neziNdawo eziHlala aBantu, uNigel Gumede uthe ingxenye yesamba izosetshenzisel-wa ukusheshisa ukuqed-wa kwezinsalela zohlelo

lwamabhakede, ikakhulukazi ehos-tela KwaMashu. UMasipala unikwe kuze kube nguMashi ukuba aqede uhlelo lwamabhakede.Ukwakhiwa kwez-

indawo zokugezela zomphakathi kuy-ingxenye engehlu-kaniseke yohlelo lu-kaMasipala lokwenza okwesikhashana, ol-unikeza izidingongq-angi ezifana naman-zi, ugesi nenhlanzeko emijondolo.

Ukuklanywa kabusha kwemingcele kaMasipala

Ukwelulwa kwenkontileka yezakhiwo zokugezela ezindaweni eziyimijondolo

AmaPhoyisa kaMasipala eviliyela kuBriekfield Road kudala ngenkathi belungiselela ukuyothamela um-khuleko wabo. Isithombe: ENQOLOBANENI

Izindawo zokugeza ezakhiwe emijondolo. Isithombe: ENQOLOBANENI




REF NO: 21000090Total Remuneration PackageR755 823.00 / R963 406.00 p.a.

(Grade 17)“Benefits included in the Total Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13th Cheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy and Locomotion) are payable in accordance with the rules/requirements of the respec-tive benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time to time which may alter the Total Value of Remunera-tion Package. In addition other allowances may be payable (where applicable). “Job Purpose: Manages the Land Use Management func-tionality, aligning functional key performance areas and procedures necessary to guide and regulate develop-ment according to applicable legislation, vision, strategies and policies.Key Responsibility Areas:Identifies and aligns the branch’s key performance areas to support legislative changes and/ or departmen-tal objectives. •Directs and controls outcomes associat-ed with utilisation, produc-tivity and performance of personnel within the branch. •Prepares capital and oper-ating estimates and controls expenditure against the approved budget allocations. • Produces, implements, monitor and reviews the Mu-nicipal Land Use Scheme/s.Manages land use applica-tions associated with the development, use and regu-lation of land and buildings across the Municipality. • Disseminates functional information on the imme-diate, short and long term objectives and current developments, problems and constraints. • Co-ordinates administrative and reporting requirements associated with the key performance and result indicators of the functionality.Essential Requirements:• Postgraduate Degree in Town and Regional Planning. Registration as a Profession-al Planner with the South African Council for Town and Regional Planners. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B). • 6 years relevant experience of which 3 years must be at management level. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Master of Town and Regional Planning degree from an accredited tertiary institution. • 8 Years relevant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


(5 year contract)REF NO: 32001414

Total Remuneration PackageR634 074.00 / R806 683.00 p.a.

(Grade 17)“Benefits included in the Total Value of Remuneration Package (Pension; 13th Cheque; Medical Aid; Housing Subsidy)are payable in accordance with the rules/requirements of the respective benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time to time which may alter the Total Value of Remu-neration Package. In addition; other allowances may be pay-

able (Where applicable)”Job Purpose: To provide strategic Professional and Specialist service for the functionality to ensure full service delivery, guiding and advising and supporting se-nior management and polit-ical structures of the Council in related matters for Human Settlement projects.Key Responsibility Areas:Prepare well balanced con-solidated capital budgets for the Unit through collaborat-ing with all internal depart-ments. •Ensures strategic coordination, support and compliance with the require-ments of the OHS ACTand regulations. •Directs and coordinates the training and development of staff includ-ing providing support andcoordination to the Deputy Heads and Managers. •Plans, leads and manages projects as determined by the Head: Housing, including working with other Units and de-partments in order to solve any outstanding issues and ensure team approach and synergy on service delivery matters. • Keeps abreast of legislation and policies relating to Human settle-ments and makes sugges-tions to the Head regarding appropriate amendments to existing policies. • Interacts with internal and external role players to resolve issues of a complex nature.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification i.e. Diploma or Degree e.g. B.Comm. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B). • 6 Years relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Relevant post graduate qualification. • 8 years rele-vant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07



Total Remuneration PackageR635 467.00/R807 177.00 p.a.

(Grade 16)“ Benefits included in the

Total Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13th

Cheque, Medical Aid, Hous-ing Subsidy and Locomotion)

are payable in accordance with the rules/requirements

of the respective benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time

to time which may alter the Total Value of Remuneration

Package. In addition other allowances may be payable

(where applicable). “Job Purpose: Coordinates and controls the depart-ment’s planning and development of the commu-nicable diseases health care services.Key Responsibility Areas:Manages communicable dis-eases (TB, sexually transmit-ted diseases, HIV/Aids etc) in the department. •Con-trols specific procedures and measure pertaining to research and compliance on development. • Coordinates functions associated with the financial and human re-sources management. • Con-tributing to the provision of a high quality clinic service. Performs specific activities associated with communi-cation/liaison support with relevant stakeholders.Essential Requirements:• Registered as a Medical Practitioner with the HPCSA. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B).

5 years clinic experience of which one year must be in the provision of ARV initiation services. Computer Literacy.Preferred Requirements:• Relevant post graduate qualification. • 8 years rel-evant experience in Com-municable disease manage-ment.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


Basic Salary R72 085.01/R85 098.74 p.a.

(Grade 03)Job Purpose: Provision of a general cleaning service.Key Responsibility Areas:Cut down and removes over-growth, silt and obstructions from water courses (ditch-ing), private and Council owned premises. • Removes refuse and other matter from water courses, banks, private and Council premises.• Cleans depot yard, offices, ablution and toilet facilities, change rooms and Council vehicles. • Empty and flush mobile toilets. • Prepare food and provide water for field staff. • Maintenance of the depot gardens. • Undertakes furniture removal. • Assists in anti-vector and nuisance bird / animal campaigns. • Assists in the removal of condemned foodstuff.Essential Requirements:Basic numeracy and literacy, i.e. an understanding of basic written words and number recognition.Preferred Requirements:• An appropriate level of primary education.Application forms must reach the human resources ad-ministration section, health department, 9 archie gumede (old fort) place, durban, 4001 or p o box 2443, durban, 4000. Must be returned by not later than friday 2014-01-31at 12:00 (midday)


(ENERGY EFFICIENCY)(2 Year Fixed contract)

REF NO: 99971537Total Remuneration Package R480 444.00 / R607 243.00 p.a.

(Grade 15)“Benefits included in the Total Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13thCheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy) are payable in accordance with the rules/requirements of the respec-tive benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time to time which may alter the Total Value of Remuner-ation Package. In addition other allowances may be payable (where applicable).”Job Purpose: To implement a systems optimization approach to energy man-agement in the EThekwini Municipality.Key Responsibility Areas:Develop, revise and imple-ment an Internal Energy Efficiency or Energy Man-agement policy for the mu-nicipality. • Supervision and control of staff. • Manage Energy Efficiency (EE) team logistics. • Constitute and manage an Energy Manage-ment Steering Committee. • Facilitate the development and review an Energy Man-agement Implementation Pan (EMIP). • Facilitate the implementation of an EMIP. • Develop and implement an Internal Energy Manage-ment and Metering System • Develop and implement Energy Efficiency Financing

System.Essential Requirements:Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification, i.e. Diploma or Degree, e.g. in Engineer-ing, Physics, Environmental Management or Energy re-lated fields. • 4 years relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• Relevant post graduate qualification. • Certified Energy Manager (CEM). • 6 years relevant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07.

PROJECT OFFICER(2 year fixed term contract)

REF NO: 99971541Basic Salary R195 162.36/

R253 331.05 p.a.(Grade 11)

Job Purpose: To provide project management and administration support to the Energy Office.Key Responsibility Areas:• Provide support to energy related projects. • Manag-ing energy project data. • Co-ordinates and manages consultants. • Monitors and tracks project budget of infrastructure delivery projects. • Conducts and co-ordinates research and investigations into various projects. • Assists the Project Executive and Senior Project Manager in obtaining fund-ing for projects. • Maintains an accessible project admin-istrative support service to project teams.Essential Requirements:Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification, i.e. Diploma or Degree, e.g. in Energy Man-agement, Environmental Management, Economics or related fields. • 3 years rele-vant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• 4 Years relevant experienceTo apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


(2 year Fixed Contract)REF NO: 99971581

Basic Salary R165 321.05/R214 595.45 p.a.

(Grade 10)Job Purpose: To Provide engineering support to the project team in the electri-cal engineering and energy efficiency fieldsKey Responsibility Areas:• Actively participate in practical field work. • Record details of experience gained in formal reports and submit to manager. • Submit interim reports as required by man-ager. • Engage in planning, organisation and execution of construction and mainte-nance projects. Investigate practical and execution of construction, maintenance and operational issues as assigned. •Engage in drafting technical specifications and bid reports and the quali-ty and testing of material purchased. • Draft technical codes of practices and work procedures. • Engage in supervisory installations and control panel work. • Engage in the design and mainte-nance of three-phase power metering. • Engage in design and implementing of street lighting and flood lights projects.Essential Requirements:• National Diploma in Engineering (Electrical or Electronic). Eligible for immediate registration as a Candidate Technician with the Engineering Council of

South Africa (ECSA) within 6 months of appointment. • No experience required.Preferred Requirements:• Registered as a Candidate Technician.Special Conditions: Hours of Work - 40Hr, 5days a weeks. Flexi-time - no Shift Work - no Standby - as and when required Special Allowances - no Incentive bonus - no Overtime - Incumbents must be prepared to work over-time when required to meet the exigencies of the service Locomotion – no Transfer/Relocation - Incumbents will be subject to transfer/ relocation to any of the Units depots or divisions as requiredPhysical Requirements:Must be physically capable of carrying out duties. Must be physically fit and in good health as determined by the City Medical Office. Must be able to climb ladders and lattice structures and work at heights. Must be able to physically lift heavy objects and equipment normally re-quired by a Technician. Must have necessary dexterity to work with tools and instru-ments.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07 or (Tel 031 311 1630)


Basic Salary R165 321.05 / R214 595.45 p.a.

(Grade 10)Job Purpose: To administer and communicate retire-ment benefits of employees within EThekwini Munici-pality.Key Responsibility Areas:Responsible for all facets of communication with mem-bers of the Durban Pension Fund including specifical-ly the communication of amendments, retirement preparation, declaration of dependants and basic pension entitlements. •Responsible for transaction of all documents, circular and reports to members and pensioners of the Fund • Representation at meetings of the Benefits Sub-Commit-tee. • Preparation of reports for and compilation of agen-da and minutes of benefits Sub-Committee Investigate suspected discrepancies in declarations of marriage, birth and dependency certificates. •Undertake interviews with the media including radio and newspa-pers to communicate with suspended rural pensioners. •Undertakes correspondence with Attorneys, Magistrates, Hospital Secretaries, Chiefs, Councillors and Police Stations. • Conducts pre-sentations and seminars for prospective pensioners.Essential Requirements:• An appropriate level of sec-ondary education. • Ability to speak English and isiZulu. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B). • 2 years relevant experience. • Good interpersonal skills.Preferred Requirements:• High level of Public Rela-tions awareness. • Studying towards intermediate Cer-tificate issued by Insurance of S.A. • Computer literacy (working knowledge of Quat-tro Pro/Excel and financial spreadsheets).• Good report writing skills. • Computer literate (working knowledge of Quattro Pro and Financial spreadsheets).To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday

2014-02-07 or(Tel 031 311 1630)


Basic Salary R95 812.50 / R124 372.95 p.a.

(Grade 06)Job Purpose: To ensure that insurance schedules, (fire, motor vehicle, sasria and contents) are compiled accurately an ensure that cash received is distributed to appropriate votes.Key Responsibility Areas:• Charge out annual Insur-ance premiums. • Distribute amounts recovered. • Moni-tor recoverable expenditure report. • Preparation and control of fire and motor vehicle schedules. • Main-tain and balance premium register. • Prepare reinsur-ance schedule. • Payment of departmental claims. • Mon-itor settlements of vehicle total loss claims. • Maintain schedule of hired vehicles and plant.Essential Requirements:• An appropriate level of secondary education. • 6 months relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • 12 Months relevant experience.Applications to the Human Resources (Finance), Ground Floor, Florence Mkhize Building, 251 AntonLembede Street, Durban 4001or P.O. Box 828, Durban 4000 or(Tel 031 311 1630) by Friday, 2014-02-07at 12:00 (Midday)



REF NO: 17000044Total Remuneration PackageR424 024.00/ R533 996.00 per

annum(Grade 14)

“Benefits included in the Total Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13thCheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy) are payable in accordance with the rules/requirements of the respec-tive benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time to time which may alter the Total Value of Remuner-ation Package. In addition other allowances may be payable (where applicable).”Job Purpose: Responsible for the effective integration of business and performance management knowledge to contribute to the develop-ment of operational indica-tors for Clusters and Depart-ments across the EThekwini Municipality.Key Responsibility Areas:Contributes to the devel-opment of methodologies and mechanisms and the improvement to the current processes and applications of performance manage-ment. •Formulating and pre-senting detailed recommen-dations for consideration during departmental objec-tives setting and planning on performance management. •Identifies, monitors and tracks indicators created to address critical priorities and requirements of the City and its citizens. • Conduct-ing studies of risks identi-fied in the Risk Register of the Municipality. Studying reports and data gathered from surveys and interviews to formulate and apply a methodology for the analysis of information.•Applying financial analysis to interrogate and make derivations on the Return on Investment of

VacanciesThe eThekwini Municipality with its seat in Durban invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for undermentioned positions

Cost/Benefit Ratio as measures of efficiency and effectiveness. •Presents and explains performance analy-sis outcomes and reinforces understanding on the indica-tors and measures.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification, i.e. Diploma or Degree. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B).• 4 years relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• Relevant post graduate qualification. • 6 Years rele-vant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


REF NO: 17000034TBasic Salary R146 833.90/

R190 591.48 P.A(Grade 09)

Job Purpose: Applies guidelines, as per training received, to execute system administration on applica-tions to user control access, prepare reports, monitor performance of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Systems and performs ad-ministrative activities.Key Responsibility Areas:Executes system rules and procedures as instructed to administer requirements relating to the Performance Monitoring and Evalua-tion System. • Maintains user profiles, verifies and updates information based. • Controls user access levels. • Executes master file maintenance sequences. • Identifies system faults or opportunities to improve system performance. Inter-rogates, manipulates and merges databases as well as setting up mini databases for reporting purposes. • Creates reports using system tools to organise information and represent relationships. • Updates and maintains project related information. • Assists with the provision of secretarial and general office support.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year IT Diploma. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B). • No experi-ence required.Preferred Requirements:• 1 year experience in sys-tems administration.Applications Must Reach Human Resources Adminis-tration, Ground Floor, Shell House, 221 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001 Or P O Box 5892, Durban 4000 or Apply Online At E-careers www.durban.gov.za (Tele-phone 031-3113172) Not Later Than Friday 2014-02-07 at 12.00 (Midday)



Total Remuneration Package R503 212.00/R635 467.00 p.a.

(Grade 14)“ Benefits included in the

Total Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13th

Cheque, Medical Aid, Hous-ing Subsidy and Locomotion)

are payable in accordance with the rules/requirements

of the respective benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time

to time which may alter the Total Value of Remuneration

Package. In addition other allowances may be payable

(where applicable). “Job Purpose: Responsible for planning, management and control of the operational region in accordance with relevant regulations/by-laws to ensure such is run as a sustainable operation.Key Responsibility Areas:

• Manages and control the administrative operations. Undertake planning and gives input into visionary development for the fastest growing metropolitan area. • Provides input into the educational programmes run by the education section. Promotes employment op-portunities, education, and upliftment of communities and minimisation of waste. • Manages and controls waste contractors. • Compiles and manages capital and oper-ating budget for designated regions. • Develops policies with regard to commercial, industrial and domestic refuse collection.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification (Degree or Diploma). • 4 years relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• Relevant post graduate qualification. • 6 years rele-vant experience at a senior management level at a local authority.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


REF NO: 35004532/ 35004534/ 35004536/ 35004552

Basic Salary R165 321.05/R214 595.45 P.A(Grade 10)

Job Purpose: To carry out planned and unplanned maintenance on vehicles.Key Responsibility Areas:• Replaces and services com-ponents. • Tows and recovers vehicles including changing of wheels / tyre breakdowns. • Undertakes engine tuning. • Re-assembles and adjusts, where necessary the clutch-es, gearboxes, propeller shafts etc. • Operates com-pression testers, fuel pump pressure gauges to assist with fault finding. Under-takes inspection of vehicles and record / fix defects on various makes and models, both petrol and diesel.• Maintenance of cooling systems. • Supervises and trains apprentices. • Repairs hydraulic systems on vehi-cles. Carries out other repairs and maintenance work ap-plicable to the trade of diesel / plant / petrol mechanic.Essential Requirements:• Qualified Artisan Diesel Mechanic. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code EC) with PrDP.• 2 Years post-qualifying experience.Preferred Requirements:• Some knowledge of petrol engines and hydraulics.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


REF NO: 35004792/ 35004794Basic Salary R130 413.96/

R169 280.32 P.A(Grade 08)

Job Purpose:Provides cleansing duties for the department.Key Responsibility Areas:• Supervising staff on refuse removal, street cleaning and removal of dead animals. • Investigate complaints lodged by members of the public. • Maintains proper records of stock issued to employees. • Undertakes safety representative duties. • Undertakes related assign-ments.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B). • 18 Months rele-vant experience.Preferred Requirements:• Matric plus relevant certification accredited by

SAQA. • 24 Months relevant experience.Special Conditions:Required to work night shift. Posts are interchangeable.Applications must reach the Human Resources Adminis-tration Section, Cleansing & Solid Waste, 7 Meller Road, Pinetown, 3610 Or P O Box 49, Pinetown 3600 or go to www.durban.gov.za(Tele-phone 311 6255/311 6260) not later than Friday 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (Midday)

SENIOR CLERK (DEPOTS)REF NO: 35003880/ 35005078

Basic Salary R95 812.50/124 372.95 P.A

(Grade 06)Job Purpose: Responsible for the administrative tasks and supervises the maintenance of the depot andimmediate environment.Key Responsibility Areas:• Performs administrative tasks. • Supervises the maintenance of cleanliness of the depot and immedi-ate environment. Ensures the drivers maintain radio contact and communicates with them with regards to referrals. • Ensures that stock items are available. • Issues daily stock items such as operational consumables. • Updates computer records. • Performs first aid functions on injured staff. • Undertakes related assignments.Essential Requirements:• An appropriate level of secondary education. • Valid first aid certificate or be in a position to obtain one within 6 months of appointment. • 6 Months relevant experi-ence.Preferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • 12 Months relevant experience.Applications must Reach the Human Resources Adminis-tration Section, Cleansing & Solid Waste, 7 Meller Road, Pinetown, 3610 Or P O Box 49, Pinetown 3600 or go to www.durban.gov.za(Tele-phone 311 6255/311 6260) not later than Friday 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (Midday)

CLERKREF NO: 35003888

Basic Salary R81 153.86/105 347.28 P.A

(Grade 05)Job Purpose: Provides a gen-eral clerical support service to the Plant and Engineering branch.Key Responsibility Areas:• Performs administrative duties related to disposal sites. • Answers the tele-phone and takes messages. • Responsible for one of the keys to the safe and tasks related to the collection of cash. • Writes out orders for all landfills and obtains quotes. • Provides a relief service on the weighbridge. • Controls items in the store-room.Essential Requirements:• An appropriate level of secondary education. • 3 Months relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • 6 Months relevant experience.Applications must reach the Human Resources Adminis-tration Section, Cleansing & Solid Waste, 7 Meller Road, Pinetown, 3610 Or P O Box 49, Pinetown 3600 or go to www.durban.gov.za(Tele-phone 311 6255/311 6260) not later than Friday 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (Midday)


Total Remuneration PackageR503 212.00 / R635 467.00 P.A

(Grade 14) “Benefits included in the Total Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13th Cheque, Medical Aid, Hous-ing Subsidy and Locomotion) are payable in accordance with the rules/requirements of the respective benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time to time which may alter the Total Value of Remuneration Package. In addition other allowances may be payable (where applicable). “Job Purpose: Responsible for the review, analysis and evaluation of business processes, systems and user needs for planned projects based on business plan of the organisation.Key Responsibility Areas:• Determines the feasibility of projects. • Performs busi-ness analysis and business process improvements with-in Departments. Implements new and / or improved busi-ness processes and assists in the design of newapplications. • Develops Council-wide technology standards and market tools and methods consistent withthose emerging standards. • Applies project management methodologies and strate-gies to systems on diverse platforms.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification. (National Diploma). • 4 Years relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• Relevant post graduate qualification. • 6 years rele-vant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


REF NO: 11000320Total Remuneration Package R424 024.00 / R533 996.00 P.A

(Grade 14)“Benefits included in the Total Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13th Cheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy) are payable in accordance with the rules/requirements of the respec-tive benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time to time which may alter the Total Value of Remuner-ation Package. In addition other allowances may be payable (where applicable).”Job Purpose:To ensure effi-ciency and effectiveness of the Municipality’s portfolio of IT projects by targeting IT resources to meet specific business goals and increase IT / business alignment.Key Responsibility Areas:• Manages and maintains the portfolio of Municipal Information Technology Projects. • Manages the scope of project. • Under-takes time management of projects. • Manages the cost of the projects. • Undertakes quality management of proj-ects. • Determines project staffing requirements and constraints. • Determines information and communi-cation needs of stakeholders for projects. • Undertakes project risk management planning. • Determine proj-ect procurements. • Develop a consistent, coherent inte-grated project plan.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification, i.e. Diploma or Degree. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B).• 4 years relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• Relevant post graduate

qualification. • 6 years rele-vant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07

IT SUPPORT OFFICERREF NO: 11000440/ 11000398Basic Salary R165 321.05 /

R214 595.45 P.A(Grade 10)

Job Purpose: To provide IT support services to the EThekwini Municipality staff in order to support optimal functionality of technologi-cal systems.Key Responsibility Areas:• Maintain the desktop envi-ronment. • Support PC hard-ware and software. • Provide general desktop publishing (DTP) service. • Participate in desktop projects. • Install hardware and software. • Perform Administrative Functions. • Provide an effective and efficient Local Area Network and Desktop Support. • Maintain the en-terprise’s Local Area Network and Desktop environment. • Develop Standards, Proce-dures and Guidelines. • Man-age Local Area and Desktop Project.Essential Requirements:• Relevant IT qualification e.g A+ and N+ certificate. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B).• 2 years general PC experience (Installation and support) in a networked environment.Preferred Requirements:Diploma in PC hardware and software or related IBM, AIS, LINUX Skills, Diploma in Information Technology. • 3 years general PC experience in a networked environment.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07

PRINCIPAL CLERKREF NO: 11000610/ 11000612Basic Salary R115 828.11 /

R150 356.70 P.A(Grade 07)

Job Purpose: To provide a comprehensive clerical administrative service to the Geographic Information andPolicy Unit.Key Responsibility Areas:• Facilitates all administra-tive aspects for the repair of faulty radio equipment. • Maintains records and pro-vides administrative support with regard to pool vehicles. • Maintains and monitors the staff attendance register.• Control of petty cash. • Processes equipment works orders. • Complete docu-mentation for the disposal of radio equipment. • Main-tains the radio asset regis-ter. • Issues portable radio batter and antenna stock. • Provides a clerical service for the paging and cell phone service contracts. • Admin-isters service, purchase, emergency requisitions and finance vouchers.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • 12 Months relevant experi-ence. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 plus rele-vant certificate accredited by SAQA. • 18 Months relevant experience.Applications Must Reach Human Resources Adminis-tration, Ground Floor, Shell House, 221 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001 Or P O Box 5892, Durban 4000 Or Apply Online At E-careers www.durban.gov.za (Tele-phone 031-3113172) Not Later Than Friday 2014-02-07 At 12.00 (Midday)


REF NO: 71002002Total Remuneration PackageR424 024.00/R533 996.00 P.A

(Grade 14)“Benefits included in the

Total Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13thCheque, Medical Aid,

Housing Subsidy) are payable in accordance with the rules/requirements of the respec-

tive benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time to time which may alter the Total Value of Remuner-ation Package. In addition other allowances may be

payable (where applicable).”Job Purpose: To provide an effective and efficient Financial and Management Accounting support service for the City Fleet Unit.Key Responsibility Areas:• Co-ordinates the consoli-dated budget process of both operating and capital bud-gets. Co-ordinates, controls and consolidates the prepa-ration of the operating and capital comparative state-ments. • Monitors monthly operating and capital expen-diture. Undertakes special projects and research into matters relating to the scope, functions and financial implications. • Undertakes cost analysis and feasibility studies on purchase / lease of vehicles. • Complies and adheres to testing of finan-cial regulations and account-ing policies of the Council. • Co-ordinates, monitors and examines all tariff reports. • Prepares management ac-counting reports. • Respon-sible for assets management for the Unit from a financial perspective. • Reviews and responds to the various sta-tistical returns and statistics.Essential Requirements:Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification in at least one of CA, CIMA, CIS, Associate member of IMFO or B.Com degree or comparable de-gree, all with accounting as major. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B). • 4 Years relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Relevant post graduate qualification. • 6 Years rele-vant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


Total Remuneration PackageR424 024.00/R533 996.00 P.A

(Grade 14)“Benefits included in the

Total Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension,

13th Cheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy) are payable in accordance with the rules/requirements of the respec-

tive benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time to time which may alter the Total Value of Remuner-ation Package. In addition other allowances may be

payable (where applicable).”Job Purpose: Plans, coor-dinates and controls the financial associated with the Housing Branch (Projects and Rentals) through the application of laid down pol-icies and procedures related to financial reporting and recording; implementing accounting procedures and processes and associated with controlling financial accounts, interpreting and implementing the Housing Policy, analyzing statistical information pertaining to rental housing, hostel administration and new developments, and guid-ing personnel on specific applications and/ or clari-

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fying work procedures and requirements. Key Responsibility Areas:Implements plans to achieve objectives and outcomes associated with functions of the department. • Man-ages the key Performance Indicator’s and outcomes of personnel. Manages applications and sequences associated with recording, adjustment and updating of the Municipality’s debt col-lection. • Co-ordinates and controls specific accounting procedures associated with asset controlEssential Requirements:• B. Comm Degree in Accounting. • Computer literacy (Specific Accounting Software packages).• 4 Years relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Relevant post graduate qualification. • 6 years rele-vant experience.Special Conditions: The post is required to attend meet-ings of finance sub-commit-tees when required.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


1264/1384/1386/1388Basic Salary R81 153.86 /

R105 347.28 P.A(Grade 05)

Job Purpose:To be trained in the Accounting Environment in order to gain in depth knowledge while in training to become an Accountant.Key Responsibility Areas:Provides assistance with the drafting estimate reports by the collection of information from various Clusters, in-ternet, Council Minutes and other publications. • Assist with the distribution of the budget program, plan and circulars. • Assist with the preparation of the Finance Management Grant Report in the prescribed forms.• Assist in with the capturing of the business levy budget. • Assist with the prepara-tion of the equitable share allocation to departments. • Assist with the submission of 201 VAT forms to the South African Revenue Service. • Assist with the preparation of the three year capital budget program. • Obtaining fixed and call rates from various banks. • Prepares vouchers from authorised invoices and supporting documents. • Prepares entries on the pre-scribed forms and capture onto the JDE system once authorised.Essential Requirements:• Must be in possession of a Matriculation Exemption Certificate. • Higher grade passes in Accountancy and Mathematics. • No experi-ence required.Preferred Requirements:• Must be in possession of a Matriculation Exemption Certificate. • Higher grade passes in Accountancy and Mathematics. • No experi-ence required.Applications to the Human Resources (Finance), Ground Floor, Florence Mkhize Building, 251 AntonLembede Street, Durban 4001or P.O. Box 828, Durban 4000 or(Tel 031 311 1630) by Friday, 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (Midday)

SENIOR CLERKREF NO: 71001204/ 71001206

Basic Salary R95 812.50 / R124 372.95 P.A

(Grade 06)Job Purpose: Ensure validity and correctness documenta-tion presented and captured for payment and the general supervision of duties of staff in the Accounts Payable Branch.

Key Responsibility Areas:• Provides a customer in-terface for the Department. • Controls the receiving, recording, distribution and despatching of all payment document. • Provides cus-tomer assistance. • Controls the receipt and distribution of faxes. • Provides relief secretarial duties.Essential Requirements:• An appropriate level of secondary education. • 6 Months relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • 12 Months relevant experience.Applications to the Human Resources (Finance), Ground Floor, Florence Mkhize Building, 251 AntonLembede Street, Durban 4001or P.O. Box 828, Durban 4000 or(Tel 031 311 1630) by Friday, 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (Midday)



Total Remuneration Package R424 024.00 / R533 996.00 P.A

(Grade 14)“Benefits included in the

Total Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension,

13th Cheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy) are payable in accordance with the rules/requirements of the respec-

tive benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time to time which may alter the Total Value of Remuner-ation Package. In addition other allowances may be

payable (where applicable).”Job Purpose: Plans, research-es and implements policies pertaining to the Job Evalua-tion and Remuneration func-tionality for the EThekwini Municipality t and providing critical advice aimed at sup-porting HR development and the accomplishment of the departments’ key perfor-mance areas.Key Responsibility Areas:In conjunction with senior managers develop shot and medium term plans for the job evaluation function-ality. •Provide specialist remuneration advice to line management in terms of current policies and mar-ket trends. • Identifies and provides a high level projects function from inception to completion. Monitors and implements procedures and forwards / presents plans to the senior manager and / or SALGBC. •Represents the municipality at arbitrations and grievance hearings on grading and remunera-tion matters. •Implements grading and remuneration communication strategies aimed at creating awareness and / or seeking acknowl-edgment. •Conduct market research through surveys, public advertisements, remuneration journals and legislation. •Participate in trade unions and HR forums, committees etc with a view to interact and lead discus-sions on the implementation of Job Evaluation strategies and constraints facing job evaluation.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification. (National Diploma). • Certified as a Job Evaluator. • 4 Years relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• Relevant post graduate qualification. • 6 years rele-vant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07

SENIOR CLERKRef No: 61000660

Basic Salary R95 812.50/R124 372.95 (Grade 06)

Job Purpose: To ensure ac-curate filing and maintaining of systems to ensure quick retrieval of files and informa-tion and efficient reception functions for the Human Resources Administration Branch.Key Responsibility Areas:Under the direction of the Recruitment and Adminis-tration Controller, Recruit-ment and Administration section, assume responsibil-ity to attending to customer needs. •Perform all filing of incoming correspondence for personnel files, termi-nations, open new files, pay batches, time sheets and overtime authorities. • Sorts, stamps and distributes the system generated leave balance letters. Maintaining a register for the removal and return of files and arranging for archiving files as per the relevant units operational requirements. • Sorts and ensures the distribution of pay slips and circulars. • Preparing of all requisitions. • Undertake related assign-ments. • Transports candi-dates to and from respective destinations.Essential Requirements:• An appropriate level of secondary education. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B). • 6 Months relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • 12 Months relevant experience.Applications Must Reach Human Resources Adminis-tration, Ground Floor, Shell House, 221 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001 Or P O Box 5892, Durban 4000 or Apply Online At E-careers www.durban.gov.za (Tele-phone 031-3113172) not later than Friday 2014-02-07at 12.00 (Midday)


Basic Salary R95 812.50 / R124 372.95 P.A(Grade 06)

Job Purpose: To provide ad-ministrative assistance in the Recruitment and Adminis-tration Branch.Key Responsibility Areas:• Perform recruitment and administrative functions. • Clear boxes, receipting, scheduling and jacketing of applications for employ-ment. • Provide statistics relating to applicant demo-graphics. • File all correspon-dence relating to recruitment and employment of staff. Administer engagements/ promotions including the signing on of new employees and employment medicals.Essential Requirements:• An appropriate level of secondary education. • 6 Months relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • 12 Months relevant experience.Applications Must Reach Human Resources Adminis-tration, Ground Floor, Shell House, 221 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001 Or P O Box 5892, Durban 4000 Or Apply Online At E-careers www.durban.gov.za (Tele-phone 031-3113172) not later than Friday 2014-02-07 At 12.00 (Midday)



Total Remuneration Package R503 212.00 / R635 467.00 P.A

(Grade 14)“Benefits included in the

Total Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13thCheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy and Car Allowance) are payable in accordance with the rules/requirements of the respec-

tive benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time to time which may alter the Total Value of Remuner-ation Package. In addition other allowances may be

payable (where applicable).”Job Purpose: Manages and administers the capital and development projects and provide a consulting/ advi-sory services to the Unit in respect of the management of strategic and other assets through the implementation of Assets. Management Plans / Programmes.Key Responsibility Areas:Plans and controls the im-plementation of all relevant capital projects and develop-mental projects for the Unit.•In conjunction with the Deputy Heads of the Departments, manages and controls the financial aspects of projects. •Executes applications associated with the provisions of an Asset Management consulting/ advisory service to the Unit. • Manages procedures and applications associated with the implementation of Asset Management Plans and Programmes. • Analyses key asset information based on specific engineering princi-ples to support management strategies. • Disseminates functional information on the immediate, short and long term objectives and current developments, problems and constraints. • Co-ordinates specific administrative and reporting requirements associated with Asset Management ap-plications and requirements. • Supervision and control of subordinate staff.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification, i.e. Diploma or Degree. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B).• 4 Years relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Relevant post graduate qualification. • 6 Years rele-vant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07.Telephone (031) 311 4102.


REF NO: 44017038Basic Salary R195 162.36 /

R253 331.05 P.A(Grade 11)

Job Purpose: To provide technical support in Assets and Capital projects in ensuring they are technically sound, economically justifi-able and in terms of relevant legislation and policy.Key Responsibility Areas:• Provides technical support to the Asset Manager. • Inter-acts with other Organisations and affected parties.• Technically, supervises routine contractors. • Assists with the input into corre-spondence and estimates for submission to the Asset Manager. Co-ordinates pro-cedures and applications associated with implemen-tation of asset management plans and programmes. •Analyses key asset infor-mation based on specific engineering principles to

support management strat-egies. • Undertakes related assignments.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification, i.e. Diploma or Degree. • Valid motor vehicle drivers’ license (Code B or EB). • 3 years relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• 4 Years relevant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07 Telephone (031) 311 4102


Basic Salary R146 833.90/R190 591.48 P.A

(Grade 09)Job Purpose: Supervise and control the lifeguard service on the designated beach within the Section.Key Responsibility Areas:• Controls lifeguarding duties on designated beach. • Performs administrative functions at the designated beach.• Supervises, moti-vates and provides develop-ment for staff. • Complies with the required standards of fitness at all times. • Oper-ates, maintains and performs administrative duties relat-ing to the use of Power Craft. • Assists in the promotion of Aquatic Safety awareness. • Inspects voluntary Surf Lifesaving Clubs. • Ensures that all aspects of safety as prescribed by the OHS Act are complied with.Essential Requirements:• An appropriate level of secondary education. • Valid Advanced First Aid Certif-icate or equivalent. • Valid Lifeguard Award or equiv-alent with current annual retest. • General Health and Safety course or equivalent. • Valid appropriate Law Enforcement qualification (Peace Officer). • Depart-mental Advanced Lifeguard Certificate. • Corporate Services Supervisory Skills Training Course Certificate or equivalent. • SPA Instruc-tor’s Certificate or equiva-lent. • Valid Code EB vehicle driver’s licence. • Depart-mental IRB drivers certificate S.A. Lifesaving Qualification. • 2 years Professional Surf Lifeguard experience.Preferred Requirements:• Jet Ski drivers certificate. • SPA Examiner or equivalent Surf Lifeguard Examiner. • Familiar with outboard motors and their operation and maintenance. • General administrative / clerical du-ties. • 5 Years as a Profession-al Lifeguard. • Proven ability to run a beach efficiently without supervision.Special Conditions:All posts of Senior Life-guard are interchangeable, depending on operational re-quirements. All incumbents are required to work over-time subject to operational requirements and in terms of the Conditions of Service. Incumbents must maintain a courteous relationship with the public and be neat and presentable at all times, which includes wearing the uniform provided to main-tain acceptable dress code. Incumbents must comply with the procedures laid down in the Department’s Aquatic Safety Standard Operating Procedures and Power Craft Manuals as amended from time to time. Incumbents are expected to work in all weather condi-tions and mustB accept the risks/hazards inherent in the job. Tests of hearing and visual acuity are conducted annually in order to ensure that standards of safety are maintained. An entrance test will be included as part of the recruitment process for

applications to whom the regular skills and fitness test did not apply. Application for leave during school holidays will be considered. Senior Lifeguards on obtaining the Jet Ski Drivers Award may progress to notch 5 within the TASK Grade in accor-dance with Section 22(c) of the Regulations Re:- Leave and Conditions of Service.Physical Requirements:Adequate hearing and visual acuity. Must at all times be able to undertake and pass regular Skills and Fitness Tests as per the set stan-dards. Essential qualifica-tions must be kept valid at all times. Able to drive a 4x4 vehicle.Applications Must Reach the Human resources Adminis-tration section. Parks, Rec-reation & Culture, 3rd Floor, Rennie House, 41 Margaret Mncandi (Victoria Embank-ment) or P.O Box 5426, Durban, 4000 (Telephone 311 4102) or go to wwww.durban.gov.za not later than Friday 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (Midday)


Basic Salary R115 828.11 / R150 356.70 P.A

(Grade 07)Job Purpose:To provide an efficient administrative ser-vice to the Parks, Leisure and Cemeteries Unit.Key Responsibility Areas:• Undertakes administrative and clerical duties. • Per-forms general financial and administrative functions. • Performs a public enquiry function. Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • 12 Months relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 plus rele-vant certificate accredited by SAQA. • 18 Months relevant experience.Applications Must Reach the Human resources Adminis-tration section. Parks, Rec-reation & Culture, 3rd Floor, Rennie House, 41 Margaret Mncandi (Victoria Embank-ment) or P.O Box 5426, Durban, 4000 (Telephone 311 4102) or go to wwww.durban.gov.za not later than Friday 2014-02-07at 12:00 (Midday)


Basic Salary R115 828.11 / R150 356.70 P.A

(Grade 07)Job Purpose: To supervise the maintenance and devel-opment services rendered to all community halls, public leisure and recreation facil-ities, within the EThekwini Municipal area.Key Responsibility Areas:• Prepares and supervises allocated staff and resources. • Prepares and implements work programmes. • Under-takes general administrative duties. • Communicates, liaises and interacts with communities, internal and external stakeholders. • En-sures the health and safety of staff and the general public in terms of the OHS Act.• Maintains an up-to-date working knowledge in the field of facilities manage-ment.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B). • 12 Months rele-vant experience.• Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 plus rele-vant certificate accredited by SAQA. • Supervisor training certification. • Valid NOSA certification. • Valid First Aid certification. • 18 Months relevant experience.Special Conditions:1. Required to undertake

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technical training. 2. All posts of Supervisor within the department areinterchangeable. 3. Maybe required to work irregular hours and/or overtime.Physical Requirements:Must be able to perform all the duties of the post in an efficient and effective manner.Applications Must Reach the Human resources Adminis-tration section. Parks, Rec-reation & Culture, 3rd Floor, Rennie House, 41 Margaret Mncandi (Victoria Embank-ment) or P.O Box 5426, Durban, 4000 (Telephone 311 4102) or go to wwww.durban.gov.za not later than Friday 2014-02-07a t 12:00 (Midday)

DRIVER OPERATORRef No: 44003166/ 44003168Basic Salary R81 153.86 /R105

347.28 P.A(Grade 05)

Job Purpose: To drive, oper-ate and care for all vehicles and associated equipment whilst performing various tasks and duties.Key Responsibility Areas:• Drives allocated / relevant vehicles including tractors and heavy plant. • Maintains allocated vehicles and equip-ment in a clean roadworthy and functional condition. • Complies with relevant traffic legislation. • Addressing minor queries and complaints from mem-bers of the public.Essential Requirements:• An appropriate level of secondary education. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code EC1). • Valid Profes-sional Drivers Permit. • Rele-vant operator certificate, e.g. crane, hydraulic platform, front end loader/back hoe. • 3 Months relevant experi-ence.Preferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. 6 Months relevant experience in truck driving as well as working experience in operating back actor/pay loaders and cranes.Applications Must Reach the Human resources Adminis-tration section. Parks, Rec-reation & Culture, 3rd Floor, Rennie House, 41 Margaret Mncandi (Victoria Embank-ment) or P.O Box 5426, Durban, 4000 (Telephone 311 4102) or go to wwww.durban.gov.za not later than Friday 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (Midday)


Basic Salary R72 085.01 / R85 098.74 P.A

(Grade 03)Job Purpose: To perform var-ious manual tasks and duties in compliance with policies and procedures to deliver an effective maintenance services.Key Responsibility Areas:• Prepares for daily tasks en-suring that all tools, equip-ment, stores and materials are collected. • Cut grass and overgrowth, control woody vegetation and prepare sports surfaces. • Cleans and sanitizes ablution facilities.• Address minor queries and complaints from members of the public. • Washing and cleaning municipal vehi-cles. • Cleaning of drainage systems. • Preparing and marking of sports fields.Essential Requirements:Basic numeracy and literacy, i.e. an understanding of basic written words and number recognition.• No experience required.Preferred Requirements:• An appropriate level of primary education. • No experience required.Applications Must Reach the Human resources Adminis-tration section. Parks, Rec-reation & Culture, 3rd Floor,

Rennie House, 41 Margaret Mncandi (Victoria Embank-ment) or P.O Box 5426, Durban, 4000 (Telephone 311 4102) or go to wwww.durban.gov.za not later than Friday 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (Midday)

SEASONAL LIFEGUARDREF NO: 99950388/ 99950389Basic Salary R115 828.11 / R150

356.70 P.A(Grade 07)

Job Purpose:To under-take life guarding duties at designated beaches in the eThekwini area through established team efforts.Key Responsibility Areas:• Performs lifeguard duties at any designated beach. • Assists in the adminis-tration and supervision of the beach. • Assists with Power Craft (IRB/Jet Ski) operations. • Complies with all training requirements. • Upholds the professional image of the Aquatic Safety Service.Essential Requirements:An appropriate level of sec-ondary education. (Including any other wording accept-able to the position.)• Lifeguard Award or equiva-lent with a valid retest. • Valid Level 2 First Aid certificate or have obtained one within 6 months of appointment. 12 months duties with a vol-untary Surf Lifesaving Club and/or have worked one holiday season as a tempo-rary/seasonal Lifeguard. • Operation of two way radios.Preferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • Valid motor vehicle driver’s licence (Code EB). • Valid Code A motorcycle license.• 18 Months relevant expe-rience.Special Conditions:Posts are interchangeable. Posts are required to work overtime. Application for leave during school holidays will be considered. Provide proof of immunization for Hepatitis B prior toengagement. Incumbents are expected to work in all weather conditions and must acceptrisks/hazards inherent in the job.Physical Requirements:High level of fitness and the ability for undertake and pass the entrance and quarterly skills and fitness tests. Adequate hearing and visual acuity. Pass the annual medical checks.Applications Must Reach the Human resources Adminis-tration section. Parks, Rec-reation & Culture, 3rd Floor, Rennie House, 41 Margaret Mncandi (Victoria Embank-ment) or P.O Box 5426, Durban, 4000 (Telephone 311 4102) or go to wwww.durban.gov.za not later than Friday 2014-02-07 (Midday)


REF NO: 62000208Basic Salary R292 081.03 /

R379 130.57 P.A(Grade 14)

Job Purpose: To manag-es, maintains and control training requirements for the department in line with the Workplace Skills Plan and strategic objectives to en-hance knowledge within the EThekwini Municipality.Key Responsibility Areas:Develop a training and development strategy which will support and promote achievement of the units strategic mission goals and objectives. • Develop im-plementation plans for the projects and programmes identified by the unit. • Review initiatives that were undertaken in the previ-ous financial year. • Advise units on Skills Development

strategies. Provide units with training which is aimed at improving productivity and reducing staff turnover and costs. • Undertake special projects and assignments.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification, i.e. Diploma or Degree. • Diploma or certificate in Training and Development. • Valid motor vehicle driver’s licence (Code EB) 4 years managerial experience in training and development including the following: Managing staff and resources in a large organisation, Developing the implementation plans for ca-pacity building projects and programmes, Monitoring the adequacy of interventions and report to the workplace impact post training. • Com-puter LiteracyPreferred Requirements:Relevant Higher Degree in Training and Development Education, Training and Development Practitioner (Diploma or Certificate). •5 years as a Training Man-ager in a large unionised organisation. Several years as a Trainer/Facilitator at a managerial level. Designed and developed outcomes based training programmes. Understanding of Skills Development and Labour Relations Acts.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


Basic Salary R195 162.36 / R253 331.05 P.A

(Grade 11)Job Purpose: Co-ordinate, facilitate and implement skills development projects that address socio-econom-ic and youth development issues.Key Responsibility Areas:Ensures co-ordination and implementation of projects on behalf of EThekwini Municipality, Skills Devel-opment Unit. • Administer monitoring tools to all proj-ects. • Monitor and evaluate projects. • Procure service and resources required to deliver on project goals and objectives. • Co-ordinate administrative require-ments related to all projects assigned. • Report on project progress. • Ensure that appropriate communication strategies are conducted with stakeholders. • Develop operational schedules of project visits and activities.• Provide strengthening sup-port to projects. • Develop implementation plans for each project.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification, i.e. Diploma or Degree. • 3 years relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• 4 Years relevant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07



Basic Salary R81 153.86/R105 347.28 P.A

(Grade 05)Job Purpose: Responsible for providing a receptionist service for the unit.Key Responsibility Areas:• Provides a reception service for the Unit. • Handles correspondence of the Unit. • Ensures that urgent documents/deliveries are undertaken timeously. • Keeps registers/diary. • Controls and maintains relevant equipment. • Places

orders for consumables and relevant requirements. • Undertakes miscellaneous word processing spread-sheet, presentation duties. • Assist with photocopying of documents.Essential Requirements:• An appropriate level of secondary education. • 3 months relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 . • 6 Months relevant experience.Applications Must Reach Human Resources Adminis-tration, Ground Floor, Shell House, 221 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001 or P O Box 5892, Durban 4000 or go to www.durban.gov.za (Telephone 031-3113167) Not Later Than Friday 2014-02-07 At 12.00 (Midday)


REF NO: 73000524/ 73000122Basic Salary R165 321.05/

R214 595.45(Grade 10)

Job Purpose: To service, repair and maintenance of plant, vehicles and machin-ery.Key Responsibility Areas:Carry out servicing, faults diagnosing, repairs and modification to construction plant equipment including vehicles, cranes, aerial plat-forms, earthmoving equip-ment, forklifts, compressors, trailers, small plant and standby/emergency gener-ator sets.• Towing and re-covery of plant and vehicles, some of which are in high risks areas. • Responsible for the completion of jobs cards, time sheets, vehicle trip sheets. • Testing of vehicle before and after repairs are completed. Responsible for the safe keeping and correct utilization of specialized tools and equipment under his/her control. •Required comply with all OHS Act Chapter 25 inspections and repairs (within trade) if required as per workshop inspection registers. •Inspec-tion/preparation of statu-tory load testing of Aerial Platforms, Trucks Mounted Cranes, Forklifts and fixed Hydraulic Cranes as per OHS Act. •Carry out on site main-tenance and breakdown repairs under hazardous conditions, including minor auto electrical repairs.• Rigging of aerial platform and crane booms for remov-al, repairs and replacement as required.Essential Requirements:• Qualified as an Artisan with either Petrol and/or Diesel Artisan or as a Heavy Plant Artisan.• Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code EC) with PrDP. • 2 Years relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• 3 Years relevant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


REF NO: 73001212Basic Salary R115 828.11/

R150 356.70 P.A (Grade 07)

Job Purpose: Provides cler-ical support to the Vehicle Monitoring Service Centre and attends to specific cleri-cal activities associated with monitoring of vehicles and communicating with cus-tomers, officials and making available routine informa-tion pertaining to scheduled activities of the Department. Undertakes monitoring of vehicles on a 24 hour basis through the use of the C-Track Dig core Tracking System. • Provides clerical

support to the department. • Reports on status of vehicles in respect of abuse of vehi-cles, hijacking and theft. • Handles outbound calls from users of municipal vehicles. • Maintains a filing/record system.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • 12 Months relevant experience.• Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 plus rele-vant certificate accredited by SAQA. • 18 Months relevant experience.Applications to The Human Resources (Finance), Ground Floor, Florence Mkhize Building, 251 AntonLembede Street, Durban 4001or P.O. Box 828, Durban 4000 or(Tel 031 311 1630) by Friday, 2014-02-07at 12:00 (Midday)

SENIOR CLERKREF NO: 73001442/ 73001490/73001492/73001494/73001496


Basic Salary R95 812.50 / R124 372.95(Grade 06)

Job Purpose: Applies in-structions, procedures and guidelines in respect of cler-ical applications by attend-ing to the update of system information, handling of ver-bal enquiries/ queries, filing of reports/ correspondence and provision of general office support.Key Responsibility Areas:• Captures / updates op-erational activity related information. Scans corre-spondence using automated office applications, sizing and setting image format to capture original text and graphics and referencing scanned copies prior to inserting into appropriate subject files. •Attends to telephonic calls and visitors establishing nature of visits and directs requests to appropriate personnel. •Undertakes copy typing and formats documents/ reports using word pro-cessing and related office applications. •Photocopies or transmits facsimile copies to specific destinations and records transmission details confirming receipt, time and date of execution. •Main-tains all office equipment, prepares requisitions or communication require-ments to the immediate superior, seeking approval and follows up on urgent items. •Maintains records of the opening and closing values displayed on the photocopier control counter and, attends to routine faults (paper jams, toner replace-ments etc.).Essential Requirements:• Appropriate level of secondary education. • 6 Months relevant experience.• Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 . • 12 Months relevant experience.Applications to The Human Resources (Finance), Ground Floor, Florence Mkhize Building, 251 AntonLembede Street, Durban 4001or P.O. Box 828, Durban 4000 or(Tel 031 311 1630) by Friday, 2014-02-07 at 12:00



Basic Salary R259 415.77/ R336 741.30(Grade 13)

Job Purpose:To manage and supervise the maintenance of a valuation roll as required to fulfil the objectives ofthe IDP.Key Responsibility Areas:• Plan, organise and allocate the work of the Division,

set output targets, maintain productivity. • Investigate and timeously respond to all audit queries received. • Manage, supervise, moti-vate, direct and control staff. • Manage and administer valuation roll exemption applications. • Manage the rates clearance applications.• Supervise the administra-tion of valuations appeals and provide all necessary support. • Manage the maintenance of data and information of valuation roll. • Liaise with management of different departments and prepare/approve corre-spondence. • Undertake the management of projects. • Ensure implementation of committee decisions.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification. • 3 years rele-vant experience in Property Administration. • Computer Literacy.Preferred Requirements:4 years relevant experience in the Municipal Property environment with broad ex-perience and understanding of legislative and develop-mental aspects of property.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


Basic Salary R195 162.36/ R253 331.05(Grade 11)

Job Purpose: To undertake valuations roll maintenance as required to fulfill the ob-jectives of the IDP.Key Responsibility Areas:• Contribute to the efficient functioning of the division. Undertake research and maintenance of property identification and valuation attributes to the valuation roll. • Process rate clearance applications received.• Undertake administration of valuation appeals and to provide necessary support. • Attend to valuation roll and ratepayer queries. • Under-take investigation/research and report on findings. • Undertake quality assurance of the receipting process of generated revenue. • Provide support for the administra-tion of valuation roll exemp-tion applications.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license. • 3 Years relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 plus rele-vant certificate accredited by SAQA. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B).Must have knowledge of the Deeds Office and Surveyor General business processes and documentation. Must have knowledge of the rele-vant sections of the Local Au-thorities Ordinance No25 of 1974. Must have basic work-ing knowledge of municipal valuation methodology and rating policy. Must have computer literacy skills: MS Office, Value Assist, IRCAM, AMS(Appeals Management System), GIS Application. Must have the ability to work with minimum supervision and take tasks their logical conclusion.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07

24 Januwari - 06 Febhuwari 2014

VACANCIESIkhasi 9Ikhasi 8 24 Januwari - 06 Febhuwari 2014


REF NO: 72000336/ 72000402/72000412B

Basic Salary R115 828.11 /R150 356.70 (Grade 07)

Basic Salary R146 833.90/ R190 591.48 (Grade 09)

Estates Assistant (Grade 07)Job Purpose: To acquire property and/or rights therein in order to provide for capital projects identified by the Municipality.Key Responsibility Areas:• Contribute to the efficient functioning of the divi-sion. • Assist with general maintenance of property attributes in the valuation roll. • Assist in the processing of rate clearance certificate applications. • Provide assis-tance with general clerical administration of valuation appeals. • Attend to valua-tion roll and ratepayer que-ries. • Assist with department investigation and research. • Receive and issue receipts of payments received.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 certificate. • 12 Months relevant experi-ence. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Must have a relevant ter-tiary qualification or in the process of obtaining one. • 18 Months relevant experi-ence.

Estates Officer (Grade 9)Job Purpose: Undertake valuation roll maintenance as required to fulfill the objectives of IDP, all leg-islative requirements and council policy, programs and initiatives.Key Responsibility Areas:• Contribute to the efficient functioning of the division. • Undertake general main-tenance of property identi-fication and evaluation in the evaluation roll. Process rate clearance applications received and effect valuation roll adjustments on interims raised. • Undertake adminis-tration of valuation appeals and provide the necessary support. • Attend to val-uation roll and ratepayer queries. • Undertake inves-tigation/research and report on findings. • Attend to all monies received for valua-tion roll certificates.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 certificate. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B).• 2 Years relevant experience. • Computer Literacy Preferred Requirements:• Registration with the Engineering Council of SA (ECSA) as a Professional En-gineer (Electrical). • 4 Years relevant experience. Must have knowledge of the Deeds Office and Surveyor Gener-al business processes and documentation. Must have knowledge of the relevant sections of the Local Author-ities OrdinanceNo25 of 1974. Must have basic working knowledge of municipal valuation meth-odology and rating policy. Must have computer literacy skills: MS Office, Value Assist, IRCAM, AMS(Appeals Man-agement System), GIS Appli-cation. Must have the ability to work with minimum su-pervision and take tasks their logical conclusion.Applications to The Human Resources (Finance), Ground Floor, Florence Mkhize Building, 251 AntonLembede Street, Durban 4001or P.O. Box 828, Durban 4000 or(Tel 031 311 1630) by Friday, 2014-02-07



Basic Salary R95 812.50 / R124 372.95

(Grade 06)Job Purpose:To effectively manage the Stores processes to enable Units within the various Clusters.Key Responsibility Areas:• Responsible for receiv-ing and issuing of stock. • Capture all stores related documents. • Ensure that sufficient tyres are made available for staff on duty. • Undertake stock taking and ensure safe-keeping of stock. • Render an administrative function.Essential Requirements:• Appropriate level of sec-ondary education. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B). • 6 months relevant experience in a stores related environment. Preferred Requirements:• Appropriate certificate in stores management. • 12 Months relevant experience.Special Conditions:Posts are interchangeable.Applications to the Human Resources (Finance), Ground Floor, Florence Mkhize Building, 251 AntonLembede Street, Durban 4001or P.O. Box 828, Durban 4000 or(Tel 031 311 1630) by Friday, 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (Midday)



REF NO: 37000138ABasic Salary R230 418.62

/R299 082.97 P.A(Grade 12)

Job Purpose: Applies guidelines and technical knowledge to interpret the engineering requirements of internal / external clients and formulates proposals and design concepts and, at-tends to contract and project management of basic com-plexity types of broadly de-fined engineering works with low levels of impact in order to ensure understanding and know-how of the principles and procedure s involved in controlling projects within agreed terms, specifications, costs and standards of quali-ty is improved.Key Responsibility Areas:Provides support on the principles, procedures and applications associated with basic complexity levels of Engineering processes. • Participates in processes associated with the devel-opment and presentation of technical designs. • Applies guidelines relating to the preparation and collation of contract documentation. Observes and reports on the implementation / outcomes associated with time, quality and cost of specific basic complexity Engineering contracts. •Participates in processes involving the dis-semination of information on the technical aspects of engineering design con-cepts and provides reports detailing interventions and outcomes.Essential Requirements:Relevant B.Tech plus registration as a Candidate Technologist with the En-gineering Council of South Africa within 3 months of employment. • Valid motor vehicle drivers’ license (Code B or EB).To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


Basic Salary R115 828.11/R150 356.70 p.a.(Grade 07)

Job Purpose: To perform clerical support services to the Transport Co-ordinators.Key Responsibility Areas:• Maintain an efficient filing system. • Arrange meetings and appointments including updating of manager’s diary. • Keep summarized records of overtime and time sheets. • Keep records, incoming and outgoing correspon-dence and ensuring replies are sent timeously. • Draft letters and reports. • Capture information for cost control and budgeting purposes. • Prepare costing reports. • Maintain management statistics.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • 12 Months relevant experience.• Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Matric plus relevant certification accredited by SAQA. • 18 Months relevant experience.Applications Must Reach the Human Resources Adminis-tration, Engineering Unit, 166 Ke Masinga (Old Fort) Road, Durban, 4001 Or P.O. Box 680, Durban, 4000, (Telephone 031-3117740) or go to www.durban.gov.za click e-careers not later than Friday 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (Midday)



Total Remuneration PackageR 571 065.00/ R 723 547.00 P.A

(Grade 15)“Benefits included in the total value of remuneration pack-age (Pension; 13th Cheque;

Medical Aid; Housing Subsidy and Car Allowance) are pay-able in accordance with the

rules/ requirements of the re-spective benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from time to time which may alter the total value of remu-

neration package.”Job Purpose: To ensure the successful implementation of complex housing and infrastructure development for low income earners in accordance with Council’s IDP.Key Responsibility Areas:• Manages the implemen-tation of complex housing projects. • Supervises, guides, manages and trains subordinates under his / her control. • Develops appro-priate development delivery system for projects.• Packages and implements specialised, high profile and / or sensitive projects as nec-essary. • Monitors risk and progress of project. Identifies issues arising from proj-ects which require a policy position, and to formulate policy for housing develop-ment in the Municipal area in conjunction with other staff members. • Ensures that contractors are complying with set building and health and safety regulations. Pre-pares and checks payment requests / certificates prior to submission to Region-al Manager for approval. •Reports to Council on the nature and progress of proj-ects and obtains necessary approvals for the projects.Essential Requirements:Relevant 3 year tertiary qual-ification e.g NHD/ BTech/Degree in a Building/Civil Engineering/Town Planning discipline. • Valid motor vehicle driver’s licence (Code EB). • 4 years relevant experi-ence in project management.Preferred Requirements:

Relevant postgraduate qualification within a Built Environment. Profession-al registration with the accredited Project Manage-ment Institute e.g PMISA. •6 years relevant experience in Project Management within Human Settlement, trace-able knowledge of Project Management fundamentals. • Ability to communicate effectively in English and isiZulu. • Experience within the local government envi-ronment.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07



Basic Salary R 195 162.36/R 253 331.05 p.a.

(Grade11)Job Purpose: Responsible for rental administration for all rental stock within the re-spective areas of jurisdiction.Key Responsibility Areas:• Attends to telephone, counter queries and corre-spondence from tenants. • Attends to arrear rental debt recovery and pro-cesses the administration charges write-off. Termi-nates tenancy agreements and institutes legal action in respect of breaches of Tenancy Agreements. • Prepares eviction schedule for scrutiny and approval. • Allocates vacant dwellings. Co-ordinates, supervises and authorises the preparation of all annual audit papers for insurance, recoverable costs of repairs, loss of rentals and Supervisor’s stock. •Cap-tures various housing data in respect of Arrear rental write-offs, rental adjust-ments and credit authorities on the mainframe. • Control and supervise staff. • Main-tains customer relations. • Maintains asset register.Essential Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification, i.e. Diploma or Degree. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B).• 3 years relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Public Administration Diploma (3 years). • 4 years relevant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


Basic Salary R165 321.05/R 214 595.45 P.A

(Grade 10)Job Purpose: To provide quality housing within Council’s low income hous-ing projects.Key Responsibility Areas:• Advises the communities in low income housing projects. • Identifies property boundaries and servitude’s.• Attends to queries / prob-lems relating to services. • Advises on plumbing regulations. • Facilitates issues related to relocation of dwellings. • Advises owners on the best location of new structures. • Prepares basic drawings for owners and calculate material quan-tities. • Submit reports to Contract Support Officer for all projects. • Attends site meetings with Project Managers and Contractors. • Manages external Clerk of works during construction of top structures.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 plus rele-vant certificate accredited by SAQA. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B).

• 2 Years relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Trade Certificate. • 3 Years relevant experience.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


Basic Salary R 146 833.90/R 190 591.48 p.a.

(Grade 09)Job Purpose: Provides an ad-ministrative support service to the Conveyancing branch.Key Responsibility Areas:• Processes cancellation of agreements, making final entries and closing accounts. • Initiates resale’s of proper-ties following cancellation. • Investigates contravention of agreements of purchase and sale. • Prepares docu-mentation for subletting of properties. • Prepares and checks documentation for property transfers. • Checks housing advice for valuation roll for change of name. • Arranges for re-imbursement of concession on legal fees for registered properties from KZNPA. • Schedules dispute panel meetings.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 plus rele-vant certificate accredited by SAQA. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B).• 2 years relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification, i.e. Diploma or Degree. • 3 Years relevant experience.Applications Must Reach The Human Resources Adminis-tration, Engineering Unit, 166 ke Masinga (Old Fort) Road, Durban, 4001 Or P.O. Box 680, Durban, 4000, (Telephone 031-3117740) or go to www.durban.gov.za click e-careers not Later Than Friday 2014-02-07 (Midday)


Basic Salary R146 833.90/R 190 591.48 P.A

(Grade 09)Job Purpose: Responsible for the control and recording of the correspondence, dis-tribution and safe keeping. Responsible for the compli-ance with the Archives Act within respective areas of jurisdiction.Key Responsibility Areas:• Supervises and co-ordi-nates the records function of the department. • Processes correspondence to ensure effective record keeping and timeous replies. • Maintain a filing system of the unit ser-vice. • Attends to telephone and counter queries from public and staff with regards to correspondence. • Provide assistance to the admin-istration officer with daily operational requirements.Essential Requirements:Matric/Grade 12 plus rele-vant certificate accredited by SAQA or comparable accept-able qualification• Valid motor vehicle drivers licence (Code B or EB). • 2 years relevant experience with a working knowledge of the Archives Act. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification. • 3 Years rele-vant experience.Special Conditions:Hours of work: 40 per week.Physical Requirements:Must be physically able to carry out duties of the jobApplications Must Reach The Human Resources Adminis-tration, Engineering Unit, 166 Ke Masinga (Old Fort) Road,

Durban, 4001 Or P.O. Box 680, Durban, 4000, (Telephone 031-3117740) or go to www.durban.gov.za click e-careers not Later Than Friday 2014-02-07 (Midday).


Basic Salary R95 812.50/R124372.95 p.a.

(Grade 06)Job Purpose: To provide a complete secretarial service for the Support and Admin-istration Department.Key Responsibility Areas:• Provides a complete sec-retarial service to the Senior Manager (Support Services). Co-ordinate the itinerary and make the necessary travel and business arrangements for the Senior Manager (Support Services). • Directs and controls telephone calls. • Establishes and maintains a confidential filing system. • Maintains and updates rel-evant policy and procedural records where appropriate. • Undertakes research as the Senior Manager (Support Services) may require. • Con-trols and maintains execu-tive stationery and miscella-neous requirements.Receives visitors and attends to arrangements regarding meetings, presentations and office functions.• Compiles and distributes agendas and take minutes. • Co-ordinates and controls incoming and outgoing mail.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • 12 Months relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 plus rel-evant certificate accredited by SAQA.• 18 Months relevant expe-rience.Applications Must Reach The Human Resources Adminis-tration, Engineering Unit, 166 Ke Masinga (Old Fort) Road, Durban, 4001 Or P.O. Box 680, Durban, 4000, (Telephone 031-3117740) or go to www.durban.gov.za click e-careers not Later Than Friday 2014-02-07at 12:00 (Midday)


Basic Salary R72 085.01 / R85 098.74 P.A

(Grade 03)Job Purpose: Undertakes basic repairs / mainte-nance (Plumbing, Painting, Carpentry etc) at the various hostel buildings.Key Responsibility Areas:• Undertakes basic repairs / maintenance at the vari-ous buildings / hostels on instruction. • Assist with urgent collection / deliveries or repairs / maintenance work. • Undertakes related assignments.Essential Requirements:Basic numeracy and literacy, i.e. an understanding of basic written words and number recognition.• No experience required.Preferred Requirements:• An appropriate level of primary education. • No experience required.Special Conditions:Required to reside on the premises where the facilities are available.Physical Requirements:Must be physically capable of carrying out the duties of the post.Applications must Reach the Human Resources Adminis-tration, Engineering Unit, 166 Ke Masinga (Old Fort) Road, Durban, 4001 Or P.O. Box 680, Durban, 4000, (Telephone 031-3117740) or go to www.durban.gov.za click e-careers not Later Than Friday 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (Midday)

VACANCIESIkhasi 10 24 Januwari - 06 Febhuwari 2014



Basic Salary R165 321.05/R 214 595.45 P.A

(Grade 10)Job Purpose: Participates in processes and applies guide-lines to interpret engineering procedures relating to the development and/ draugh-ting of plans, proposals and designs at an elementary level.Key Responsibility Areas:Participates and executes specific responsibilities relating to the provision of technical information on principles and applications. • Participates in the process-es involved in developing en-gineering designs at a basic level. Prepares contractual documentation and reports observations with regards to the execution of minor contracts.Essential Requirements:National Diploma plus regis-tration as a Candidate Tech-nician with the Engineering Council of South Africa with-in 3 months of employment; plus Internal Assessment. • Valid motor vehicle drivers’ license (Code B or EB). • No experience required.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


REF NO: 36003456Basic Salary R165 321.05/

R 214 595.45 P.A(Grade 10)

Job Purpose: Co-ordinates and controls the prepara-tory arrangements, work in progress and completion of specialised tasks/ activities associated with road con-struction, marking, installa-tion and/ or maintenance.Key Responsibility Areas:Performs specialised tasks

associated with road and stormwater related repair, construction, installation and maintenance type work (e.g. construction of asphalt/ concrete roads, installation of underground pipelines, kerb-laying, brick work, etc.). •Co-ordinates, monitors and controls road and storm-water repair and construction work at specific sites. •Performs specific tasks associated with the operation of heavy and/or specialized vehicles (Tip Trucks; Crane Trucks; Vactor etc) during road and storm water drainage maintenance activities. •Completes Inter-nal transactional documen-tation (e.g. tally sheets, log sheet, progress report, etc.) and related forms (vehicle checklist) Essential Requirements:• Trade tested Artisan in the civil construction/building field. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code EC1) plus PrDP. Certification of competency in the operation of truck mounted cranes to be obtained within 6months of appointment.• Certification in basic First Aid within six months of ap-pointment. • 2 Years relevant experience.Preferred Requirements:• 3 Years relevant experience.Special Conditions:Required to work in all weather conditions. Re-quired to work outside normal working hours during emergencies and planned overtime. Required to be on stand-by duty. The post is interchangeable with other Artisan (TASK 10) posts within the Department and staff can be reassigned at the discretion of the Deputy Head in accordance with laid down policies and proce-dures.Physical Requirements:Incumbent must be physi-cally fit and able bodied.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers

link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


REF NO: 30000018Basic Salary R115 828.11/

R150 356.70 P.A(Grade 07)

Job Purpose: Provision of an administrative support service to the Unit.Key Responsibility Areas:• Plans and regulates the expenditure of the Unit. • Procures and manages the assets of the Unit. • Provides administrative support to the Unit. • Ensures that all internal circulars regarding policies and related issues are cascaded to all staff. • Updates the workplace skills database. Makes travel and accommodation arrange-ments for management and staff attending meetings, training and conferences. • Co-ordinates security of the Unit. • Attends to all staff requirements, including ac-commodation and resources. • Provides a receptionist messenger and recording services.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B). • 12 Months rele-vant experience.• Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 plus rele-vant certificate accredited by SAQA. • 18 Months relevant experience.Applications Must Reach the Human Resources Adminis-tration, Engineering Unit, 166 Ke Masinga (Old Fort) Road, Durban, 4001 Or P.O. Box 680, Durban, 4000, (Telephone 031-3117740) or go to www.durban.gov.za click e-careers not later than Friday 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (Midday)



Basic Salary R165 321.05/ R214 595.45 P.A

(Grade 10)Job Purpose: Develop/ enhance full potential and maintain performance of employees within the Con-tent Centre branch, by pro-viding ongoing live coaching plans and programmes which are contextualized to needs of contact centre functionality.Key Responsibility Areas:To provide real time sup-port to line management in managing and co-ordinating unique coaching needs. • Provide ongoing knowledge management activities. • To provide supervision and guidance to coaches. • To provide administrative duties by maintain accurate records. • Assist, relieves and deputizes for the Adminis-trators in their absence. • Re-lieves and deputizes for the Manager: Contact Centre.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12 plus rele-vant certificate accredited by SAQA. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B).• 3 Years relevant experience. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification, i.e. Diploma or Degree. • 4 Years relevant experience.Special Conditions:Ability to work under pressure and in a stressful environment.Physical Requirements:Must be physically capable of carry out the duties of the post.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07


REF NO: 34005978Basic Salary R115 828.11/

R150 356.70 p.a. (Grade 07)

Job Purpose: To supervise the production of precast concrete products.Key Responsibility Areas:• Manages activities related to the supervision of staff. • Completes all necessary requisitions to ensure that materials are available. • Controls resources on site to ensure that work is economically completed. • Ensures that the concrete mix proportions are correct and are of correct strength and quality.Essential Requirements:• Matric/Grade 12. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B). • 12 Months rele-vant experience.Preferred Requirements:• Relevant post matric certif-icate e.g. Technical qualifi-cation. • 18 months relevant experience.Applications must reach the Human Resources Adminis-tration Division, EThekwi-ni Water Services, 3 Prior Road, Durban, P.O Box 1038, Durban, 4000 or visit www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers. (Telephone 3118779 / 8780) not later than Friday 2014-02-07at 12.00 (Midday)



Ref No: 65000052/ 65000274Basic Salary R259 415.77/

R336 741.30 P.A(Grade 13)

Job Purpose: To ensure effective provision of Occu-pational Health Nursing and First Aid Service to EThekwi-ni Municipality employees.Key Responsibility Areas:Determines the needs of the clusters and units within the

Municipality with regards to Occupational Health Nursing and First Aid aspects of the Occupational Health and Safety Service. • Supervises and controls activities of subordinate staff. • Oversees emergency preparedness and disaster management. • Participates in finance man-agement activities within the section. • Ensures that the re-quired standards of nursing practice is maintained and updated. • Assists with report compilation for the section. • Oversees asset and inventory management at the regional clinics. • Ensures compliance with clinic permit legislation. • Provides input in clinic staff management decision. • Plans and implements Occu-pational Health projects.Essential Requirements:• Registration with the South African Nursing Council as a General Nurse. Certificate in Occupational Health listed on the South African Nursing Annual Practice Certificate as such. • Certificate in Pharmacology / Dispensing course or license. • Certifi-cate in Audiometric. • Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B). • 5 Years relevant post graduate experience in Occupational Health Nurs-ing. • Computer LiteracyPreferred Requirements:• B.Tech Occupational Health Nursing. • B.Tech Nursing Management. • Diploma in Health Services Management or Nursing Ad-ministration. • Certificate in Spirometry. 6 Years relevant Occupational Health Nursing experience of which 2 years must have been in a supervi-sory capacity in the Occupa-tional Health Environment.To apply go to www.durban.gov.za and click on e-careers link – closing date is Friday 2014-02-07

Priority will be given to applicants who are under represented in terms of race, gender and disability within the occupational level of the respective advertised posts. Applicants who have not been contacted within three months from the closing date should consider themselves unsuccessful. An employee may be deployed to any of the office, depot or workplaces of the municipality within its area of jurisdiction. Canvassing councillors or officials in respect of these positions will lead to disqualification of the applicants. Applicants may be required to participate in a comprehensive assessment process and must be deemed competent. Work sample and / or psychometrics test’s may be undertaken as part of the selection process. You shall be required to undergo a pre-engagement medical examination to be conducted by a medical officer in the employ of the Municipality.



Inkontileka PQ:7G-13627: Ukuqeqeshwa komakhe-

nikha bezimoto baseThekwini kwezokuphatha ibhizinisi

Umnyango wakwa-Business Support, Tourism and Markets kuMasipala weTheku umema abanamakhono nesipiliy-oni esifanele ukuba balethe iziphakamiso zokuwaqeqeshela omakhenikha basendaweni en-gaphansi kukaMasipala weTheku kwezokuphatha ibhizinisi. Imibhalo enemininingwane ephelele ngalo msebenzi itholakala emahhovisi omnyango

wakwaBusiness Support, e-11th Floor, 75 Dr Langalibalele Dube (Winder) Street, eThekwini, ku-sukela mhla ka-27 Januwari 2014.

Usuku lokugcina lokulethwa kweziphakamiso uLwesihlanu, 14 Febhuwari 2014, ngo-12:00.

Zonke iziphakamiso kufanele zifakwe ezimvilophini, zivalwe zibhalwe ukuthi: ‘Contract Num-ber: PQ: 7G-13627 – Business Management Training for Motor Mechanics Within eThekwini Municipality’, nokuthi ziya ku: “The Head: Supply Chain Man-agement”, bese zifakwa ebhokis-

ini lamathenda elise-Foyer Floor, Corporate Procurement Building (phambilini ebiyaziwa nge-Ma-terials Management Building), 166 KE Masinga Road (Archie Gumede Complex).

Yonke imibuzo kufanele ibhek-iswe kuKhosi Sithole, oyi-Pro-gramme Manager: Support to Enterprise, Manufacturing and Women Empowerment, kule nombolo: 031-311 4575 noma nge-email: makhosazane.sithole@durban.gov.za

Sibusiso SitholeiMenenja yeDolobha

Inkontileka PQ:7G-13628: Ukuqeqeshwa kosomabhizinisi besifazane abasakhula bakuMa-

sipala weTheku

Umnyango wakwa-Business Support, Tourism and Markets kuMasipala weTheku umema abanamakhono nesipiliy-oni esifanele ukuba balethe iziphakamiso zokuwaqeqeshela osomabhizinisi besifazane aba-sakhula basendaweni engaphansi kukaMasipala weTheku ngokus-ingathwa kwezomkhiqizo kanye nangokuphathwa kwamaphro-jekthi.Imibhalo enemininingwane ephelele ngalo msebenzi

itholakala emahhovisi omnyango wakwaBusiness Support, e-11th Floor, 75 Dr Langalibalele Dube (Winder) Street, eThekwini, ku-sukela mhla ka-27 Januwari 2014. Usuku lokugcina lokulethwa kweziphakamiso uLwesihlanu, 14 Febhuwari 2014, ngo-12:00. Zonke iziphakamiso kufanele zifakwe ezimvilophini, zivalwe zibhalwe ukuthi: ‘Contract Num-ber: PQ: 7G-13628 – Productivity And Project Management Train-ing To Women Owned SMMEs Trading Within eThekwini Mu-nicipality’, nokuthi ziya ku: “The Head: Supply Chain Manage-ment”, bese zifakwa ebhokisini lamathenda elise-Foyer Floor,

Corporate Procurement Building (phambilini ebiyaziwa nge-Ma-terials Management Building), 166 KE Masinga Road (Archie Gumede Complex). Yonke imibuzo kufanele ibhek-iswe kuKhosi Sithole, oyi-Pro-gramme Manager: Support to Enterprise, Manufacturing and Women Empowerment, kule nombolo: 031-311 4575 noma nge-email: makhosazane.sithole@durban.gov.za

Sibusiso SitholeiMenenja yeDolobha

TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR FEMALE LIFE GUARDThe Skills Development Unit in partnership with eThekwini Parks, Recreation & Culture are

embarking on a Skills/Training Programme. Stipend: R1,480p/mLEARNER:- FEMALE LIFE GUARD (SKILLS PROGRAMME) 12 MONTHS

The above developmental opportunity exists in the Parks, Recreation and Culture of the eThekwini Municipality.

This ad seeks to engage South African FEMALE candidates that have interest in Life Guard career develop-ment.REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROGRAMME:Qualifications Essential: Secondary Education (must produce original documentation)Female South African Citizen with a SA Identity document Between ages of 18-30 years , Have basic water confidence and skills- be able to float and underwater breath holding. Have basic swimming ability-be able to swim 400m-non-stop under 8 minutes. Undergo and pass the eThekwini Municipal standard lifeguard medical assessments .Available to attend regular/ daily Durban based training sessions. Physically fit and disciplined. Must Reside within EThekwini Municipal Area.

THE DUTIES OF THE LEARNER WILL INCLUDE:Training in life guard principles and practices, undergoing physical fitness training, receive practical expo-sure on life guard working environment. Attend theoretical training provided by external service provider and be placed under mentorship while on training programme to whom assigned, to the level specified by the eThekwini Parks, Recreation and Culture Unit.

PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS:“Physical fitness assessments will be undertaken as part of the selection process”.Priority will be given to applicants who are underrepresented in terms of race within the occupational level of the respective advertised post. Applicants who have not been contacted/notified within three months from the closing date of this advert should consider themselves unsuccessful. “Incomplete Applications will not be considered- Original documents of the following must be produced on registration and certified copies must be handed in with application”

Applications must reach Skills Development Unit, 11th Floor, Shell House Building, 221 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001 or P.O. Box 5892, Durban 4000 (031 311 3150/3451) not later than Friday, 2014-02-07 at 12:00 (midday).

IZAZISO NAMATHENDA 24 Janiwari - 06 Febuwari 2014Ikhasi 11 PUBLIC NOTICES









Lesi yisaziso ngokwesigaba 116(3) (a) no (b) somthetho i-Municipal Finance Management Act mayelana nokuchitshiyelwa kwalezi zinkontileka ezibalulwe lapha ngezansi:

Inombolo yenkontileka

Inkontileka: E.8958: Amasevisi obuchwepheshe

Yanikwa abakwa- IGODA-TAP Joint Venture mhla ka 2011-02-16.

Igama lephrojekthi

Ukwakhiwa noku-lungiswa kwez-intambo zikagesi ezingu-275 000 volts no-132 000 volts

Incazelo yokuqala yom-sebenzi

Incazelo yokuqala yom-sebenzi ibandakanya ukuhlinzekwa kwamase-visi obuchwepheshe nga-phansi kwenkontileka E.8960. Imali eyayizok-hokhelwa lo msebenzi = R 10,000,000.00 (sekufak-we nentela yentengo)

Incazelo echitshiyel-we yomsebenzi

Incazelo yokuqala yomsebenzi ibanda-kanya ukuhlinzekwa kwamasevisi obuch-wepheshe ngaphansi kwenkontileka E.8960. Imali echitshiyelwe yomsebenzi = R15, 000,000.00 (sekufak-we nentela yenten-go)

Izizathu zokuchibiyela incazelo yomsebenzi

Kwabalwa imali engenele yalo mebenzi njengoba kwabalwa kusetshenziswa izinyanga ezingama-24 ke-pha inkontileka ibe izotha-tha izinyanga ezigama-36. Kwakufanele izibalo zemali ezobizwa yile nkontileka zisuselwe ezinyangeni ezin-gama-36.

Kumenywa abathintekayo ukuba bathumele abafisa ukukusho engakadluli umhla ka 14 Febhuwari 2014 kuleli kheli: The City Manager, Municipal Centre, 166 KE Masinga Road, Durban. Mayelana nemibuzo: Mnu. T. Mpetsane: Ucingo: 031-311 9420; email: MpetsaneT@elec.durban.gov.za

Sibusiso SitholeIMenenja yeDolobha


UMasipala weTheku unesifiso sokuthenga lo mhlaba ochazwe lapha ngenzansi kumnikazi wawo ukuze kuthuthukiswe indawo kuphinde kwakhiwe nezindlu zomphakathi endaweni yaseClermont. Uma udinga ulwazi noma unemibuzo mayelana nalolu daba ungaxhumana noMnu Gift Doncabe kuleli kheli: eThekwini Municipality’s Human Settlements Unit, 90 Qashana

Khuzwayo (Shepstone) Road, New Germany, inombolo yocingo: 031-3116516 noma e-mail: Doncabe.Gift@durban.gov.za.


1 Erf 3358 Clermont Sipho Martin Mbatha 381031 T26481/1984

Sibusiso SitholeiMenenja yeDolobha

Ukudayiswa nokususwa kwezinsimbi ezingasadingeki, amakhebuli nokuhambisana

nawo kanye nokudayiswa nokususwa kwama-trans-

former amadala, i-switchgear, ama-mini substation noku-

hambisana nawo

Umnyango kaGesi kaMa-sipala weTheku umema amakhotheshini alezi zinto ezilandelayo: 1. Ukudayiswa nokususwa kwezinsimbi ezingasadingeki, amakhebuli nokunye okuham-bisana nalezi zinto kanye2. Nokudayiswa nokususwa kwama-transformer amadala, i-switchgear ama-mini sub-station nokunye okuhambisa

nalezi zinto.Umhlangano okuzotholakala kuwona imininingwane eph-elele ngalezi zinto, okuyimpo-qo ukuwethamela, ungo-11:00, mhla ka 2014-01-31 kwanom-bolo 11 Electron Road, Spring-field. Wonke amakhotheshini kufanele abuyiswe mhla ka 2014-02-07 ngefeksi kule nombolo: 031-311 9119 noma alethwe edeskini elingasem-nyango omkhulu, enhlokohho-visi yakwaGesi, kwanombolo 1 Jelf Taylor Crescent, eThekwini. Yonke imibuzo: 031-311 9420 (Tumo Mpetsane).

Sibusiso SitholeiMenenja yeDolobha

Isimemo esibhekiswe ez-inkampanini ezincane ezenza

umsebenzi wobunjiniyela ukuba zilethe iminingwane


Ithuba eliyingqayizivele lokuthuthukiswa kwamabhiz-inisi! Umnyango wakwaBusi-ness Support kuMasipala ngokubambisana nenkampani enkulu ezimele eyenza imise-benzi yobunjiniyela bamema wonke ama-SMME kanye nama-QSE asemkhakheni wobunjiniyela ukuba athumele imininingwane yawo ukuze ifakwe ku-database. Lesi sime-mo sibhekiswe emabhizinisi aphethwe ABESIFAZANE akule mikhakha: Civil, Mechanical, Electrical Engineering.Izinkampani ezidingekay kumele zibe nalokhu okulan-delayo:• Isitifiketi se-BBBEE esinga-kaphelelwa yisikhathi• Abasebenzi abaqashwe

ngokugcwele abangekho nga-phansi kwabane • I-Clearance Certificate yak-wa-SARS• Incwadi yegama elihle • Inombolo yeCK• I-Organogram• Imininingwane yenkampaniAmafomu agcwaliswayo atholakala kusukela ngoM-sombuluko, 27 Januwari 2014), phakathi kuka-08:00 no-16:00 emahhovisi akwaBusiness Support, Markets and Durban Tourism, 11th Floor, 75 Dr Langalibalele Dube (Winder) Street. Usuku lokugcina loku-lethwa kwamafomu agcwalisi-we uLwesihlanu, 14 Febhuwari 2014. Mayelana neminye imininingwane ungaxhumana noLungile Ngubane: 031-311 4500 noma Lungile.ngubane@durban.gov.za

Sibusiso Sithole iMenenja yeDolobha

Umhlangano oyisipesheli woMkhandlu

Ngokwesigaba 19 somthetho kazwelonke omayelana noHulu-meni baseKhaya, uLocal Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000, umphakathi uyaziswa ukuthi umhlangano oyisipesheli woMkhandlu kaMasipala weTheku uzoba ngoLwesithathu, mhla ka-2014-01-29, ngo-10:00, eMain Auditorium, City Hall, Church Walk, eThekwini.

Sibusiso SitholeiMenenja yeDolobha

Ukulungiswa kwamaphutha ezazisweni ezakhishwa

UMnyango wezokuHlal-iswa kwaBantu kuMasipala waseThekwini lapha ukhipha isaziso sokuthi iziKhangiso zeZaziso ngenhloso yokudli-wa ngokomthetho komhla-ba ezimaqondana nalawa maphrojekthi alandelayo ezashicilelwa mhla ka 23 Agasti 2013 kwi-Metro Ezasegagasini zinamaphutha: • Cottonlands Housing Project: Isaziso No. 2687• Amaoti Moscow Housing Project: Isaziso No. 2684• Stop 8 Namibia Project: Isazi-so No. 2688• Inanda Africa Housing Proj-ect: Isaziso No. 2685• Jadhu Place Housing Project: Isaziso No. 2686

Kulezi zaziso kwathiwa uNgq-ongqoshe owagunyaza iZaziso uNgqongqoshe wezokuBusa ngokuBambisana nezoMda-bu kanti kwakumele kuthiwe uNgqongqoshe wezeMisebenzi yoMphakathi nokuHlaliswa kwaBantu.Yonke eminye imininingwane kulezi zaziso iqondile.Imibuzo ingabhekiswa ku-Jef-frey Naidoo eMnyangweni wezokuHlaliswa kwaBantu e-3rd Floor, 221 Anton Lem-bede Street, eThekwini noma kuNjabulo Maseko wak-waMaseko Mbatha Attorneys ku-031-309 4813 noma 031-309 1691, kwanombolo 28, Kent Road, Stamford Building, eGreyville.

Sibusiso SitholeiMenenja yeDolobha

aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela). Usuku lokuvala: 7 Febhuwari 2014

CF/02/14 Ukuthengisela nokudilivela uMasipala izin-hlobonhlobo zama-chassis cabs amaloli (R1000 imali ekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 21 Febhuwari 2014

CF/04/14 Ukuthengisela noku-dilivela uMasipala i-trailer yokucisha imililo edonswa wugandaganda (R100 imali ekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela)

Usuku lokuvala: 7 Febhuwari 2014



Imibhalo yamathenda (ebhal-we ngesiNgisi) itholakala

ku-Cashier, Basement, Munic-ipal Centre, 166 KE Masinga (Old Fort) Road, eThekwini

(phakathi kuka-08:00 no-12:30 nango-13:15 kuya ku-15:15)

1N-13425 Ukwenziwa kocwan-ingo ngezokusetshenziswa kabusha kobesekulahliwe eThekwini (R100 imali ek-hokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma

amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 7 Febhuwari 2014. Yonke imibuzo: Noma Sokhela: Ucingo: 031-311 4096/4227; email: Noma.Sokhe-la@durban.gov.za


Imibhalo yamathen-da (ebhalwe ngesiNgisi)

itholakala kwaSkills Development Unit, 11th

Floor, Shell House, 221 Anton Lembede Street, eThekwini (phakathi kuka-08:00 no-12:30 nango-13:15 kuya


7Z-13123 Umsebenzi wokuqeqesha ama-lifeguard

Usuku lokuvala: 7 Febhu-wari 2014. Abavumelekile ukufaka amathenda yilabo kuphela abagunyazwe ngok-uphelele umkhandlu ofanele ukuba benze uqeqesho lwa-lolu hlobo futhi abanendawo efanele yokuqeqeshela. Am-athenda kufanele alandwe kusasele izinsuku ezingekho ngaphansi kwezintathu kufike usuku lokuvalwa kwamathendaYonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-311 3150 (Puleng Monatisa) noma 031-311 3451 (Thulani Ndlovu).


Imibhalo yamathen-da (ebhalwe ngesiNgisi) itholakala ku-Cashier,

Basement, Engineering Unit, Municipal Centre, 166 KE Masinga (Old Fort) Road,

eThekwini (phakathi kuka-08:00 no-12:30 nango-13:15

kuya ku-15:15)

S.3996 Ukuthengisela noku-dilivela uMasipala upende nemikhiqizo ehlobene nawo isikhathi esiyizinyanga ezingama-24 (R250 imali ek-hokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqiniseki-swe yibhange kuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 21 Febhu-wari 2014. Yonke imibuzo: Eyobuchwepheshe: 031-7773/7041 (Ringo Kanhai/N. Mbatha); Eminye: 031-311 7424 (Harry Sirriram).

S.4036 Ukuthengisela noku-dilivela uMasipala impahla

yemitapo yolwazi isikhathi esiyizinyanga ezingama-36 (R1000 imali ekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela). Usuku lokuvala: 21 Febhuwari 2014. Umhlangano wabafaka amathenda, okuyimpoqo ukuwethamela, umhla ka-2014-02-07 eRoom No.1, Mezzanine Floor, eThekwini Municipal Library Services Building, 99 Umngeni Road ngo-10:00. Yonke imibuzo: 031-311 2418 (Nksz. Michelle Jackson).

Sibusiso SitholeIMenenja yeDolobha

Inombolo yenkontileka: 7G:13088: Ukuhlaziywa kwemisebenzi eyakhiwa

uMasipala nendlela aseben-zisa ngayo imali

Kumenywa iziphakamiso zokwakhela uMasipala indlela eshaya emhloleni, edidiyela konke okuding-ekayo futhi ethembekile yok-walusa isibalo semisebenzi eyakheka ngesikhathi uMasi-pala usebenzisa isabelo-

mali semisebenzi emikhulu kanye nangezinye izindlela zokuthuthukisa umnotho wendawo. Le phrojekthi ngeyoMnyango wakwa-Eco-nomic Development and Investment Promotion.

Imibhalo enemininingwane ephelele ngalo msebenzi itholakala emahhovisi om-nyango wakwa-Economic Development and Invest-ment Promotion, ase-11th

Floor, 41 Margaret Mncadi Avenue (Victoria Embank-ment), phakathi nesonto, ku-sukela ku-8:00 kuya ku-16:00 noma bathintane noNksz. Caili Forrest kuleli kheli le-email: Caili.Forrest@durban.gov.za bacele abathumelele ikhophi.

Le mibhalo ingatholakala nakwi-website yoMkhandlu kuleli kheli: http://www.durban.gov.za/Resource_


Yonke imibuzo: 031-311 4247/4015.

Usuku lokugcina lokulethwa kweziphakamiso umhla ka 7 Febhuwari 2014, ngo-11:00.

Sibusiso SitholeiMenenja yeDolobha

CLASSIFIEDS tendersThe place for eThekwini jobs, staff news, calls for proposals, tenders & notices

Amathenda afakwe ezimvilophini zavalwa, aqondiswa ku-City Manager, c/o Ground Floor, Municipal Buildings, 166 K.E. Masinga (Old Fort) Road, eThekwini, ayokwamukelwa noma ngasiphi isikhathi ngaphambi kuka-11:00 emini (hhayi emuva kwaleso sikhathi) ngezinsuku okuvalwa

ngazo ezibhalwe lapha ngenzansi, lapho amathenda eyovulwa phambi kwabantu. Imininingwane namafomu kutholakala kulowo mnyango noma ama-consultants abhaliwe. SIBUSISO SITHOLE • IMENENJA YEDOLOBHA • 2014-01-24


Imibhalo yamathenda (ebhalwe ngesiNgisi)

itholakala eThekwini Elec-tricity, 1 Jelf Taylor Crescent, eThekwini (Okheshiya ba-

tholakala kusuka ngo-08:00 kuya ku-15:00, ngeMisom-

buluko kuya koLwesihlanu. Akuvulwa ngamaholide.)

Yonke imibuzo: Tumo Mpetsane: Ucingo: 031-311 9420

E.9208 Ukuthengisela nokudiliva ama-low voltage fuse distribution switch-board izinyanga ezin-gama-24(R250 imali engeke ibuye ekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela). Usuku lokuvala: 21 Febhuwari 2014


Imibhalo yamathen-da (ebhalwe ngesiNgisi) itholakala ku-Cashier,

Basement, Engineering Unit, Municipal Centre, 166 KE Masinga (Old Fort) Road,

eThekwini (phakathi kuka-08:00 no-12:30 nango-13:15

kuya ku-15:15)

Amathenda Enani Elil-inganiselwa Ngaphansi kuka-R1.0m

CSA.2230 Iwadi 28: 166 KE Masinga (Old Fort) Road, eThekwini: Ukupendwa kabusha kophahla kusukela emphemeni 1 kuya ku-4 ebhilidini lakwa-Architec-ture nelakwa-SCM (R100 imali ekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 7 Febhu-wari 2014. Umhlangano wokucacisa ngalo msebenzi, okuyimpoqo ukuwethame-la, umhla ka-2014-01-31, ebhilidini lakwa-Architec-ture elikwanombolo 166 KE Masinga (Old Fort) Road, ngo-10:30. Amathenda alabo abangezanga kulo mhlangano ayokhishelwa ngaphandle uma sekuhlung-wa. Abavunyelwe ukufaka amathenda yilabo kuphela ababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma labo abazokwazi ukubhalisa ngaphambi kokuhlaziywa kwamathenda afakiweyo, esigabeni sokubhaliswa kosonkontileka esilingana noma esingaphezu kwesin-qunywe ngokwenani lomse-benzi wokwakha osezingeni 2GB/2SN noma ngaphezulu.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-311 7114 (T. Shange).

CSA.2336 Tecoma Road, Kingsburgh - DSW Depot: Izindlu zangasese ezintsha zabesifazane (R100 imali ek-hokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqiniseki-swe yibhange kuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 14 Febhu-wari 2014. Umhlangano wokucacisa ngalo msebenzi, okuyimpoqo ukuwethame-la, umhla ka-2014-01-30, edepho yakwa-DSW ekuTe-coma Road, eKingsburgh, ngo-10:00. Amathenda

alabo abangezanga kulo mhlangano ayokhishelwa ngaphandle uma sekuhlung-wa. Abavunyelwe ukufaka amathenda yilabo kuphela ababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma labo abazokwazi ukubhalisa ngaphambi kokuhlaziywa kwamathenda afakiweyo, esigabeni sokubhaliswa kosonkontileka esilingana noma esingaphezu kwesin-qunywe ngokwenani lomse-benzi wokwakha osezingeni 2GB noma ngaphezulu.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 073-893 8875 (D. Naidoo).

CSA.2473 Iwadi 34: 111 Rochdale Road, Seacowlake: Ukulungiswa kwezindon-ga ze-paddling pool (R100 imali ekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 7 Febhu-wari 2014. Umhlangano wokucacisa ngalo msebenzi, okuyimpoqo ukuwethame-la, umhla ka-2014-01-31, eRochdale Paddlind Pool, kwanombolo 111 Roch-dale Road, eSeacowlake, ngo-09:30. Amathenda alabo abangezanga kulo mhlangano ayokhishelwa ngaphandle uma sekuhlung-wa. Abavunyelwe ukufaka amathenda yilabo kuphela ababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma labo abazokwazi ukubhalisa ngaphambi kokuhlaziywa kwamathenda afakiweyo, esigabeni sokubhaliswa kosonkontileka esilingana noma esingaphezu kwesin-qunywe ngokwenani lomse-benzi wokwakha osezingeni 2GB noma ngaphezulu.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-311 7115 (D. Catin).

Amathenda Enani Elilingan-iselwa Ngaphansi kuka-R5m

CSA.2384 7 Meller Road, Pinetown: Ukunwetshwa nokwenziwa kwezinguqu-ko ezithile emahhovisi akwa-DSW HR – Iwadi 18 (R250 imali ekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 14 Febhu-wari 2014. Umhlangano wokucacisa ngalo msebenzi, okuyimpoqo ukuwethame-la, umhla ka-2014-01-31, kwanombolo 7 Meller Road, ePinetown, ngo-11:00. Am-athenda alabo abangezanga kulo mhlangano ayokh-ishelwa ngaphandle uma sekuhlungwa. Abavunyelwe ukufaka amathenda yilabo kuphela ababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma labo abazok-wazi ukubhalisa ngaphambi kokuhlaziywa kwamathenda afakiweyo, esigabeni sokub-haliswa kosonkontileka esilingana noma esingaphe-zu kwesinqunywe ngokwe-nani lomsebenzi wokwakha osezingeni 4GB noma ngaphezulu.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-322 7000 (S. Sewnarain).

CSA.2391(i i) Iwadi 26: Uku-lungiswa kwama-aircondi-tioner e-2nd Floor, Florence Mkhize Building (R250 imali ekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela). Usuku lokuvala: 14 Febhuwari 2014Umhlangano wokucacisa

ngalo msebenzi, okuy-impoqo ukuwethamela, umhla ka-2014-01-31, eLift Foyer, eGround Floor, eFlorence Mkhize Build-ing, Anton Lembede Street, ngo-09:00. Amathenda alabo abangezanga kulo mhlangano ayokhishelwa ngaphandle uma sekuhlung-wa. Abavunyelwe ukufaka amathenda yilabo kuphela ababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma labo abazokwazi ukubhalisa ngaphambi kokuhlaziywa kwamathenda afakiweyo, esigabeni sokubhaliswa kosonkontileka esilingana noma esingaphezu kwesin-qunywe ngokwenani lomsebenzi wokwakha osezingeni 3ME noma nga-phezulu.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-311 7604 (L. North).

CSA.2423 Iwadi 18, ePin-etown: Ukulungiswa nokunwetshwa kweFire Station(R250 imali ekhokhel-wa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 14 Febhu-wari 2014. Umhlangano wokucacisa ngalo msebenzi, okuyimpoqo ukuwethame-la, umhla ka-2014-01-30, kwanombolo 1 Oppen-heimer Street, ePinetown, ngo-09:00. Amathenda alabo abangezanga kulo mhlangano ayokhishelwa ngaphandle uma sekuhlung-wa. Abavunyelwe ukufaka amathenda yilabo kuphela ababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma labo abazokwazi ukubhalisa ngaphambi kokuhlaziywa kwamathenda afakiweyo, esigabeni sokubhaliswa kosonkontileka esilingana noma esingaphezu kwesin-qunywe ngokwenani lomse-benzi wokwakha osezingeni 4GB noma ngaphezulu.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-205 4133 noma 083 723 2071 (Ken Froise).

Amathenda Enani Elilingan-iselwa Ngaphezu kuka-R10m

CSA.1068 Iwadi 21: Amah-hovisi amasha akwa-Durban Solid Waste: 5 Koningkramer Road, New Germany (R1000 imali ekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 21 Febhu-wari 2014. Umhlangano wokucacisa ngalo msebenzi, okuyimpoqo ukuwethame-la, umhla ka-2014-01-31, kwanombolo 5 Koningkram-er Road, eNew Germany, ngo-10:00. Amathenda alabo abangezanga kulo mhlangano ayokhishelwa ngaphandle uma sekuhlung-wa. Abavunyelwe ukufaka amathenda yilabo kuphela ababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma labo abazokwazi ukubhalisa ngaphambi kokuhlaziywa kwamathenda afakiweyo, esigabeni sokubhaliswa kosonkontileka esilingana noma esingaphezu kwesin-qunywe ngokwenani lomse-benzi wokwakha osezingeni 7GB noma ngaphezulu.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 082 556 2164 (R Johnson).

CSA.2338 Iwadi 26: Anton Lembede Street, eThekwini: Irenki yamatekisi entsha (R1000 imali ekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke

ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela). Usuku lokuvala: 21 Febhuwari 2014Umhlangano wokucacisa ngalo msebenzi, okuy-impoqo ukuwethamela, umhla ka-2014-01-31, erenki engasekugcineni kuka-An-ton Lembde Street ngasoh-langothini olungaseNtsh-onalanga lwalo mgwaqo, maqondana neDUT Central Campus, ngo-10:00. Ama-thenda alabo abangezanga kulo mhlangano ayokh-ishelwa ngaphandle uma sekuhlungwa. Abavunyelwe ukufaka amathenda yilabo kuphela ababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma labo abazok-wazi ukubhalisa ngaphambi kokuhlaziywa kwamathenda afakiweyo, esigabeni sokub-haliswa kosonkontileka es-ilingana noma esingaphezu kwesinqunywe ngokwenani lomsebenzi wokwakha osezingeni 6GB noma nga-phezulu.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-322 7128 noma 071 926 3706 (Thulani Dlamini).

ENGINEERING UNITImibhalo yamathenda (ebhalwe ngesiNgisi)

itholakala ku-Cashier, Basement, Engineering Unit, Municipal Centre,

166 KE Masinga (Old Fort) Road, eThekwini (phakathi kuka-08:00 no-12:30 nan-go-13:15 kuya ku-15:15)

1M-12860 Ukusingathwa, ukuphathwa nokwesekwa kohlelo luka-Zibambele lokulwa nobuphofu (R1000 okhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye ongeke ubuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 21 Febhu-wari 2014. Umhlangano wabafaka amathenda, okuyimpoqo ukuwethame-la, umhla ka-2014-01-31, eBoardroom, 6½ Floor, Municipal Building, 166 KE Masinga Road, ngo-12:00. Amathenda alabo abangezanga kulo mhlan-gano ayokhishelwa nga-phandle uma sekuhlung-wa. Amathenda kufanele alandwe kusasele izinsuku ezingekho ngaphansi kwezintathu kufike usuku lokuvalwa kwamathenda.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-311 7870 (Thandeka Zondi).

1M-13031 Ukuthengisela nokudilivela umnyango wakwaRoads & Stormwater Maintenance ama-chain slings, web slings nokok-uphakamisa impahla (R100 okhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye ongeke ubuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 14 Febhu-wari 2014. Umhlangano wabafaka amathenda, okuyimpoqo ukuwethame-la, umhla ka-2014-01-31, edepho yakwaRoads & Stormwater ekwanombolo 8 Electron Road, eSpring-field, ngo-9:00. Amathenda alabo abangezanga kulo mhlangano ayokhishel-wa ngaphandle uma sekuhlungwa. Abafaka amathenda kufanele kube yizinkampani ezinezitifiketi ze-ISO futhi kufanele bale-

the amasampula empahla esohleni abazoluletha ukuze ihlolwe kuqiniseki-swe ukuthi iyahambisa nezidingo ezibekiwe. Am-athenda kufanele alandwe kusasele izinsuku ezingek-ho ngaphansi kwezintathu kufike usuku lokuvalwa kwamathenda. Yonke imib-uzo: Ucingo: 031-311 7429 (Zama Sikhosana).

1M-13301 Ukusingathwa, ukuphathwa nokwesekwa kohlelo lukaSihlanzimvelo Stream Cleaning EPWP(R1000 okhokhelwa ithen-da ngalinye ongeke ubuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela). Usuku lokuvala: 21 Febhuwari 2014Umhlangano wabafaka amathenda, okuyimpoqo ukuwethamela, umhla ka-2014-01-31, eBoard-room, 6½ Floor, Municipal Building, 166 KE Masinga Road, ngo-10:00. Ama-thenda alabo abangezanga kulo mhlangano ayokh-ishelwa ngaphandle uma sekuhlungwa. Amathenda kufanele alandwe kusasele izinsuku ezingekho ngaphansi kwez-intathu kufike usuku loku-valwa kwamathenda.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-311 7870 (Thandeka Zondi).

3V-12241 Welbedatch East: Ukwakhiwa kwez-indonga zokusekela, ama-drain amanzi emvula nokulungiswa kwetiyela (R250 okhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye ongeke ubuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela). Usuku lokuvala: 7 Febhuwari 2014Umhlangano wabafaka amathenda, okuyimpoqo ukuwethamela, umhla ka-2014-01-30. Kuzohlangan-elwa eMobeni Fleet Yard Complex, ngo-13:00. Ama-thenda alabo abangezanga kulo mhlangano ayokh-ishelwa ngaphandle uma sekuhlungwa. Abavunyel-we ukufaka amathenda yilabo kuphela ababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma labo abazokwazi ukubhalisa ngaphambi kokuhlaziywa kwamathenda afakiweyo, esigabeni sokubhaliswa kosonkontileka esilin-gana noma esingaphezu kwesinqunywe ngokwenani lomsebenzi wokwakha osezingeni 4CE noma nga-phezulu.Amathenda kufanele alandwe kusasele izinsuku ezingekho ngaphansi kwezintathu kufike usuku lokuvalwa kwamathenda. Yonke imibuzo: Eyobuch-wepheshe: Ucingo: 031-311 7284 (M. Chetty); Eminye: Ucingo: 031-311 7588 (B. Timakia).

3V-13410 Mobeni – Uk-wakhiwa kwendawo entsha yokupaka izimoto ekhonki-we eMobeni Fleet Yard Complex (R250 okhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye ongeke ubuye – ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela). Usuku lokuvala: 7 Febhuwari 2014Umhlangano wabafaka amathenda, okuyimpoqo ukuwethamela, umhla ka-2014-01-30. Kuzohlangan-elwa eMobeni Fleet Yard Complex, ngo-11:00. Ama-

thenda alabo abangezanga kulo mhlangano ayokh-ishelwa ngaphandle uma sekuhlungwa. Abavunyel-we ukufaka amathenda yilabo kuphela ababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma labo abazokwazi ukubhalisa ngaphambi kokuhlaziywa kwamathenda afakiweyo, esigabeni sokubhaliswa kosonkontileka esilin-gana noma esingaphezu kwesinqunywe ngokwenani lomsebenzi wokwakha osezingeni 3CE noma nga-phezulu.Amathenda kufanele alandwe kusasele izinsuku ezingekho ngaphansi kwezintathu kufike usuku lokuvalwa kwamathenda. Yonke imibuzo: Eyobuch-wepheshe: Ucingo: 031-311 7284 (M. Chetty); Eminye: Ucingo: 031-311 7588 (B. Timakia).


Imibhalo yamathenda (ebhalwe ngesiNgisi)

itholakala ku-Cashier, Basement, Engineering Unit, Municipal Centre,

166 KE Masinga (Old Fort) Road, eThekwini (phakathi kuka-08:00 no-12:30 nan-go-13:15 kuya ku-15:15)

MMS-0012 2014 Top Gear Festival: Ingqalasizinda nemisebenzi ehlobene nayo (R1000 okhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye ongeke ubuye ukheshi noma amasheke aqinisekiswe yibhange kuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 21 Febhu-wari 2014. Umhlangano wabafaka amathenda, okuyimpoqo ukuwethame-la, umhla ka-2014-02-12, eMoses Mabhida Stadium, ngo-10:00. Amathenda ala-bo abangezanga kulo mh-langano ayokhishelwa nga-phandle uma sekuhlungwa. Abavunyelwe ukufaka amathenda yilabo kuphe-la ababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma labo abazokwazi ukubhalisa ngaphambi kokuhlaziywa kwamathen-da afakiweyo, esigabeni sokubhaliswa kosonkon-tileka esilingana noma esingaphezu kwesinquny-we ngokwenani lomsebenzi wokwakha osezingeni 7CE noma ngaphezulu.Amathenda kufanele alandwe kusasele izinsuku ezingekho ngaphansi kwez-intathu kufike usuku loku-valwa kwamathenda.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-311 4728 (Sugan Venketraju).


Imibhalo yamathenda (ebhal-we ngesiNgisi) itholakala

ku-Cashier, Basement, Munic-ipal Centre, 166 KE Masinga (Old Fort) Road, eThekwini

(phakathi kuka-08:00 no-12:30 nango-13:15 kuya ku-15:15)

Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-309 5770 (Brian Stokes)

CF/01/14 Ukuthengisela uMasipala u-crane okwazi ukuthwala umthwalo ongu-20 000kg (R250 imali ekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye – ukheshi noma amasheke