20140918 nagahama(改)環境科学会

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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For invited presenter at the symposium of Society of Environmental Science, Japan

Transcript of 20140918 nagahama(改)環境科学会

実践事例  Case Study「ポスト 2015 時代の持続可能な開発に向けた

科学教育とその草の根的実践」Science Education and the Grass-Roots Practices for

Sustainable Development of Post 2015 Period

東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科自然環境学専攻 博士課程

長濱和代 Kazuyo NAGAHAMADept. of Natural Environmental Studies,

Graduate Schools of Frontier SciencesThe University of Tokyo

内容  Content

1.自己紹介 Introduction 2.大学での授業 Classes from University3.自分の研究 My study4.研究室のプロジェクト研究 Project study in my lab  「サイバーフォーレスト」 Cyber forest5.大槌での出前授業報告 Practice from Otsuchi, Iwate


1. Introduction 自己紹介

1. Master’s diploma in March 2013 from Tsukuba University.2. RA (research assistant) in Tokyo University and TA (teaching assistant) at a SSH

(super science high school) in Kanagawa.3. Member of HCFC (Himalayan Community of Forestry Center) in Uttarakhand,

India 4. Organizing science workshop for children with their parents and reviewing

educational   mathematics material for teachers.6. Supporting an environmental NGO Earthwatch (http://earthwatch.org/). -organizing science talk of researchers and volunteers. -conducting Earthwatch Japan Picture Contest 2012 and 2013 with Nikon Co., Ltd.

My field in Uttarakhand state,

India, 2012

Field note,2013

Kazuyo NAGAHAMA 長濱和代

Before Graduation: Teacher at Elementary School in Tokyo  2011年 3月まで東京都小学校教員

Environmental Diplomatic Reader’s program in Tsukuba(March, 2013) 

2013年 3月 筑波大学にて EDL プログラム修了Present 現在

Ph.D Student, Tokyo University, Frontier Sciences

東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科 博士2年

Earthwatch Japan (NPO), Member  

Hands-on-Math group, Faculty member,




In my case

その地域で生活する人たち  People living in the local community

Our ultimate purpose for the study誰のための研究か?

Whose research is it for?

Campus Life in The University of Tokyo2.大学での授業


My Ph.D. work

国際コモンズ学会第 14 回世界大会にてThe International Association for the Study of the Commons, July 2013


• Investigate reality on the people’s forest management and utilization under Van (forest) Panchayat

• Identify characteristics of Management Committee (MC) of Van Panchayat

• Clarify factors of participation of forest management in Van Panchayat/ local institution

地域における持続可能な森林管理のモデル案を提案Proposal of a model for sustainable

forest management for local institutions


Local people (India) utilize forest for their needs and demands

Fodder (leaves for animal)


Medicinal herb

Wood house

Field survey 2013. Uttarakhand in India

Impact of Van Panchayat for sustainable forest management and livelihood improvement


How do we utilize forest in Japan?

Firewood and art

Wood house

Wood craft

Playing with wood

Design Studio 2013 produced by Saito lab, The University of Tokyo Forest


Cyber forest Project in my lab

Education for students

to utilize forest

Access to forest –

24 hours by Internet

Students and Teachers from Otaki Elementary School 2013, The University of Tokyo Forest in Chichibu

Check “CF4EE” or

“Cyberforest” in Google

4.研究室の取り組み (斎藤馨 研究室)12



5.大槌での出前授業 【夏休み自然体験講座 2014年8月1日】

① 小学生 (小3以下保護者同伴 ) ・中学生ウミガメ観察体験(午前)&赤浜の自然観察会(午後) 講師 石田健(東大農学部)

② 高校生(気象データを用いた)自然環境の解析体験  講師 中山雅哉 (東大情報基盤センター)

他講師 藤原章雄(東大農学部演習林) 中村和彦 (東大空間情報科学研究センター) 斎藤馨(東大新領域)



3年目の出前授業 教材化・報告・論文の取り組みへ


Our examination is to connect with study and education to utilize natural resources



Do practice Science Education and the Grass-Roots Practices


ご静聴いただき,ありがとうございました。Thanks for your kind attention.

ご意見,ご質問等あれば,ご連絡ください。Email: nagahama@nenv.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp千葉県柏市柏の葉5-1-5 環境棟517
