管理英文2012 06-06-內文

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Transcript of 管理英文2012 06-06-內文


個人資料: 劉峻瑋╱Zack ╱男性

出生日期: 民國 78 年 5 月 26 日

婚姻狀況: 單身

兵役狀況: 未役

身高體重: 189cm╱ 67kg


Email: b0690315@yahoo.com.tw

聯絡電話: 0936-955-861

聯絡方式: a.m.10:00~p.m.17:00

通訊地址: 台南市歸仁區長榮路一段 200 巷 72 弄 105 號


晶華酒店 99/7~100/2

產業類別: 餐飲業 公司規模: 30 – 50 人

職務類別: 餐飲服務生 管理責任: 無

職務名稱: 服務生 工作地點: 台北市信義區

新市 85 度 c 98/7~101/7

產業類別: 餐飲業 公司規模: 1 – 30 人

職務類別: 餐飲服務生 管理責任: 無

職務名稱: 服務生 工作地點: 台南市新市區


私立長榮大學 100/9~102/6

科系名稱: 經營管理所-人力資源組 學 歷: 碩士

科系類別: 商業及管理相關 地 區: 台灣

遠東科技大學 96/9~100/6

科系名稱: 餐飲管理系 學 歷: 四技

科系類別: 餐旅服務相關

地 區: 台灣

Basic information

Personal Data: Jung-wei liou/zack/male

Date of Birth : May 26th,1989

Marital Status: Singe

Military service: Not served

Height And weight: 180cm /67kg

Contact Information

Email: b0690315@yahoo.com.tw

Mobile Phone: 0936-955-861

Time to call: a.m.10:00~p.m.17:00

Address: No105, Lane 72, Alley 200,.Chang Jung Rd Qui Nhon District Tainan City

Work Experience

Grand Formosa Regent Taipei 99/7~100/2

Industry Sectors: The restaurant industry company scale: 30 to 50

Job Category: Servicer Management responsibility: No

Job title: Servicer workplace: Taipei Taiwan

85 degrees Celsius café 98/7~101/7

Industry Sectors: Cafe company scale: 1 to 30

Job Category: Servicer Management responsibility: No

Job title: Servicer workplace: Tainan Taiwan


Private Chang Jung Christian University 100/9~102/6

departments name: Business management-HRM Degree: Institute

departments category: Business management Region: Taiwan

Far East University 96/9~102/6

departments name: Food and Beverage Management Degree: college

departments category: food and beverage travel services Region: Taiwan



心得 我真的是很認真的準備 word的考試,老師有發一片光碟給我們回家練習,那段時間開機就是先練習 word,而我也不負之前的努力考了滿分,因為是即測即評所以送出資料馬上電腦就可以看到成績,看到滿分的那一剎那真的是欣喜若狂。

心得 這是我第一次考中文打字測驗,老實說當時還不是很習慣看打的方式,總是先看完才打,這樣就比別人慢很多很多,不過當我曉得其中要領的時打字的速度就有增加囉。

心得 這次的考試我是以平常心來準備這場戰役,平常課餘時間上網時,就已經習慣 新注音的打字方式,雖然是進階級不過目前正在積極考取,晉升為專業等級。


After this test I have to prepare for a long time, the exam I am confident that there is a feeling of high aspirations for the exam, I told the other students have long done, the finished product to the review room, hearts the stone also will be down, but we do not tense, but is confidently strode back to the classroom.


am really very seriously prepare for the examination of the word teacher has issued a CD we go home to practice, that period of time to boot is to practice the Word, but I also live efforts to test out, because Measure namely Assessors send data once the computer can see the results, to see out of the moment really is ecstatic.

Experience This is my first time to test the Chinese typing test, be honest was not very used to see play, always the first reading before playing, so that lot slower than others, but when the speed of typing when I know which essentials increased.


This test is just normal to prepare for battle against the usual spare time surfing the web, they have become accustomed to the new phonetic typing, is into the class, but is currently actively obtain, was promoted to the professional level.


歐洲工商管理學院 ........................................7


麥基爾大學 .................................................. 11

有關蒙特婁 .................................................. 13

邦加羅爾...................................................... 15

有關印度...................................................... 17

第五項修練 .................................................. 19

FACEBOOK 的行銷 .................................. 21

習慣的力量 .................................................. 23

合作的心態 .................................................. 25

分析的心態 .................................................. 27

世故的心態 .................................................. 29


INSEAD ....................................................... 7

FONTAINEBLEAU ....................................... 9

MCGILL UNIVERSITY ............................... 11

ABOUT MONTRÉ AL .................................. 13

BANGALORE............................................. 15

ABOUT INDIAN ......................................... 17

THE FIFTH DISCIPLINE ............................. 19


THE POWER OF HABIT ............................. 23


THE ANALYTIC MINDSET ......................... 27

THE WORLDLY MINDSET ......................... 29


(Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires,INSEAD)


INSEAD 於 1957 年創立,是一家私立及獨立的院校。根據 2005 年 6月的統計,兩個校園合共有 144 位教員,870 位 MBA 學生,6,400 位行政及 71 哲學博士學生,他們來自 75 個不同的國家。為擴闊國際視野,不少學生都特意選擇同時在法國及新加坡的校區修讀。該校有不少畢業生都榮獲未來全球領袖的榮譽。

目前 INSEAD 每年錄取四百六十名學生,其中百分之二十為外國學生,修業只要十個月,課程內容主要以歐洲本土企業的眼光來探討國際貿易與管理。

INSEAD 的師資聘自全球二十餘個主要已開發國家,學生則來自全球三十餘國,其中以英國學生最多,佔了百分之二十。在做個案研究的時候,每六個學生一組,每個組員的國籍與母語不可重覆,目的是要營造一個完全國際化的學習環境。INSEAD 採用雙語教學,百分之八十用英語,百分之二十用法語,入學申請時雖然以 TOEFL 來評斷申請者的語言能力,但仍要求申請者稍具法語基礎。若你的法語不夠流利?開學前兩個月學校開有法語訓練班,學費一共 USD$3,000。唸完兩個月的法語,就可以順利入學。近年來,INSEAD的錄取者GMAT平均成績為 640,TOEFL 在 600 以上,每五人中錄取一人,錄取率百分之二十。錄取者平均工作經驗為四年,平均入學年齡為二十八歲。



NSEAD (the name was formerly an acronym for the French name "INStitut Européen d'ADministration des Affaires", or European Institute of Business Administration) is an international graduate

business school and research institution. It has campuses in Europe (France), Asia (Singapore), and the Middle East (Abu Dhabi), as well as a research center in Israel. The school offers a full-time Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme, a PhD in management programme, and several executive education programmes (including an executive MBA).INSEAD MBA students and PhD candidates have the chance to

study in three continents (through a multi-campus structure,an alliance with the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a student exchange programme with the Kellogg School of Management). INSEAD also has a reciprocal agreement with Harvard Business School, Stanford Graduate School of Business and Kellogg School of Management to share career services. Alumni of the four schools have exclusive access to job opportunities databases of each other.INSEAD has three campuses. The original campus (Europe Campus) is located in Fontainebleau, near Paris, France. INSEAD's second campus (Asia Campus) is in the Buona Vista district of the city-state of Singapore. The third and newest campus (Middle East Campus) is located in Abu Dhabi, and currently serves only as a campus for open enrollment executive education programmes.



巴黎坐火車楓丹白露的火車從巴黎 Gare de Lyon 火車站。在Gare de Lyon 火車站去“島法國/ Banlieu”反(Grandes 法分“)的”楓丹白露/雅芳買你的票。當地列車時刻的詳細信息,目前的價

格和可用性,請去 SNCF 的 Transilien 網站的或在這裡下載 PDF 列車計時=> RESEAU 巴黎 - 里昂(NB 新的計時將作為 2011 年 12 月 11 日)

楓丹白露 楓丹白露(Fontainebleau)是法國巴黎大都會地區內的一個市鎮,位於巴黎市中心東南偏南 55 公里(34.5 英里)處。楓丹白露屬於塞納-馬恩省的楓丹白露區,該區下屬 87 個市鎮,楓丹白露是區府所在地。楓丹白露是法蘭西島最大的市鎮,也是該地區僅有的比巴黎市還大的市鎮 楓丹白露與毗鄰的 4 個市鎮組成了擁有 36,713 名居民的市區,是巴黎的衛星城之一。 楓丹白露有不少吸引人的去處。楓丹白露森林因面積大和景色優美而著名,是巴黎人喜愛的周末度假地。歷史悠久的楓丹白露宮,世界最頂尖的商業學院之一—歐洲工商管理學院(INSEAD),ESIGETEL 工程師大學校等均坐落在此。 Fontainebleau 一詞意為「美麗的泉水」。楓丹白露的居民被稱為「Bellefontaine」。 楓丹白露宮 楓丹白露宮是一座大型的皇家宮殿,始建於 12



宮 1981 年被聯合國教育科學文化組織認定為世



Europe Campus

Boulevard de Constance

77305 Fontainebleau

Tel : 33 (0)1 60 72 40 00

rom Paris By TrainTrains to Fontainebleau leave from the Gere de Lyon in Paris.At the Gare de Lyon go to the 'Ile de France/Ban lieu' counter (NOT 'Grandes Lignes') to buy your ticket for 'Fontainebleau

/ Avon'.For more information on local train times, current prices and availability please go to the SNCF-Transition. website or download the PDF of train timings here => Reseau Paris-Lyon (N.B. new timings will be available as of 11 December 2011)

Fontainebleau Fontainebleau (French pronunciation: [f tɛnblo]) is a commune in the metropolitan area of Paris, France. It is located 55.5 kilometers (34.5 mi) south-southeast of the center of Paris. Fontainebleau is a sub-prefecture of the Seine-et-Marne department, and it is the seat of the arrondissement of Fontainebleau. The commune has the largest land area in the Île-de-France region; it is the only one to cover a larger area than Paris itself. Fontainebleau, together with the neighboring commune of Avon and three other smaller communes, form an urban area of 39,713 inhabitants (according to the 2001 census). This urban area is a satellite of Paris.Fontainebleau is renowned for the large and scenic forest of Fontainebleau, a favourite weekend getaway for Parisians, as well as for the historical château de Fontainebleau, which once belonged to the kings of France, It is also the home of INSEAD, one of the world's most elite business schools; of the École supérieure d'ingénieurs en informatique et génie des télécommunications (ESIGETEL), one of France's grandes écoles; and of a branch of the École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris, the Paris School of Mines, also one of the elite grandes écoles. Inhabitants of Fontainebleau are called Bellifontains.



麥基爾大學(McGill University)


互輝映,構成蒙特婁市中心獨特的景觀。 在加拿大,麥基爾大學擁有很高的聲譽,其研究水平享譽世界。該校於 1821 年成立。至 2005 年已有超過 32000 名學生。醫學、文學、法學、工程、自然科學與農業是麥基爾大學最優秀的學科。


麥大有23個學院,分稱 faculties和schools。屬於 faculties 的有 12 個:農業與環境科學院、文學院、牙醫學院、教育學院、工學院、法學院、管理學院、醫學院、音樂學院、宗教學院、理學院、科研與研究生院。屬於 schools 的有11 個:建築學院、計算機科學院、飲食與營養學院、圖書館與情報科學研究生院、人類交流失調學院、麥基爾音樂學院、護理學院、職業健康學院、物理與職業治療學院、社會工作學

院、都市計畫學院。此外,麥大還有 3 個附屬學院:蒙特婁教區神學院、蒙特婁聯合神學院和蒙特婁長老會學院。皇家維多利亞學院是一所合并到麥大的非教學性學院,專為女生提供膳宿。同時是麥基爾大學著名的健康中心。麥大醫學院(擁有 13 個附屬教學醫院)是醫學院師生的教學中心。在中國家喻戶曉的白求恩大夫就是在麥大的一個教學醫院裡開始他的醫學生涯的。此外,該校還與蒙特婁地區 7 大醫院建立了教學和科研掛鈎關係,其中有 5 個是它的綜合性教學醫院,2 個專業教學醫院。麥大在醫學領域,尤其在癌症研究、免疫學、遺傳學、呼吸道疾病和神經病學等方面均取得了很大成就。


McGill University

cGill University is a public research university located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The university bears the name of James McGill, a prominent Montreal merchant from Glasgow, Scotland and

alumnus of Glasgow University, whose bequest formed the beginning of the university. Founded in 1821, McGill was chartered during the British colonial era, 46 years before the Canadian Confederation, making it one of the oldest universities in Canada. With almost 215,000 living alumni worldwide, students and professors at McGill have been recognized in fields ranging from the arts and sciences, to business, politics, and sports..

The main campus is set upon 32 hectares (79 acres) at the foot of Mount Royal in Downtown Montreal, covering much of the Golden Square Mile. A second campus, the Macdonald Campus, is situated on 6.5 square kilometres (2.5 sq mi)) of fields and forested land in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, 30 km (19 mi) west of the downtown campus. With 21

faculties and professional schools, McGill offers degrees and diplomas in over 300 fields of study, including medicine and law. Although the language of instruction is English, students have the right to submit any graded work in English or in French, except when learning a particular language is an objective of the course. Approximately 34,000 students attend McGill, with international students comprising one-fifth of the student population.




特婁是全世界僅次於巴黎的第二大法語城市,隨處可見法文的路標招牌,和滿口法語的加拿大人,但是你卻可以在這裡發現,非常明顯的英法文化綜合特質—兼具英式的典雅與法式的浪漫。其實,英法社群並不能說是完美的融合,在 1760 年七年戰爭法軍戰敗退出,英軍接收加拿大後,英法

兩社群也曾和平共存了好一段時間,不過 19世紀社群分化的事實卻延續至今日,以皇家山為分水嶺,法語社群住在東邊,而英語社群住在西邊。 「蒙特婁」( Montréal)地名的由來,是源於「皇家山」(mont-royal)的法語相似發音,皇家山位於蒙特婁島的中央,從山區以南,就進入蒙特婁的市中心,再往南,就是舊市區和港口。皇家山和蒙特婁人的生活息息相關,是他們最重要的休閒去處,也就是這種以皇家山為指標的思考邏輯,因此蒙特婁的市區地圖是把皇家山放在地圖最上方,而不是放正北方,所以習慣以指南針找地圖的人可能會被搞得暈頭轉向。聖羅倫斯河的港口是蒙特婁舊市區的起源,因此這裡保留了許多 19世紀風格的建築和街道,而現在的市中心是被地鐵綠線及橘線所包圍的長方形區域,大部分的商業大樓、購物商場和四季無阻的「地下城市」(Underground city),都分布在這個區域裡。 【蒙特婁遊客服務中心】 地址:1001 du Square-Dorchester Street 電話:514-873-2015、1-877-266-5687 時間: 9 月初 ~5 月底 9:00~18:00, 6 月初 ~9 月初 7:00~20:00。網址:www.tourism-montreal.org

【蒙特婁博物館通用券 Montréal Museums Pass】 如果你想要有計劃地遊覽蒙特婁的博物館及景點,不妨考慮購買「博物館通用券」,這張通行券可以讓你在 3 天以內遊覽 30 個蒙特婁的知名景點,包括麥寇爾博物館、美術博物館、生物圈、當代藝術博物館(Musée d’Art Contemporain de Montréal)、加拿大建築中心(Canadian Centre for Architecture)、哈梅匝城堡博物館(Château Ramezay Museum)等,通行券上有所有博物館的開放時間及地址、電話、交通等資訊。地點:通行的 30 家博物館、市中心的遊客中心,以及蒙特婁某些主要旅館都可買到。 電話:514-873-2015、1-877-266-5687 價格:45 加幣(包括 3 日旅遊卡),35 加幣(不包括旅遊卡)。


About Montréal

ontreal is the world after Paris, the second largest French-speaking city, signs signs everywhere in French, and a mouthful of French Canadians, but you can find here, very obvious British and French cultural traits - both Britishelegant

French romantic. In fact, the British and French communities and can not be said is a perfect fusion of the war the French army was defeated in 1760 the exit, the British receiver Canada, the British and French communities have peaceful co-existence for some time, but the fact of the 19th century community differentiation was extended to today, as the watershed of Mount Royal, the French community living in the east of the English community living in the west.Montreal (Montréal) origin of the name is derived from the French similar to the pronunciation of "royal mountain" (mont-royal), Mount Royal is located in the center of the island of Montreal, from the mountains to the south of it into the center of Montreal. Further south, the old city and port. Mount Royal and Montreal's daily lives, is their most important leisure destination, this Mount Royal as an indicator of logical thinking, a Montreal city map of Mount Royal on the map top, rather than put is the North, it used the compass to find the map may be disoriented.St. Lawrence River port of origin of the old urban areas of Montreal, retained the style of many 19th century buildings and streets, now the center of the rectangular area surrounded by the Metro Green Line and Orange Line, most of the commercial buildings, shopping malls and the Four Seasons unimpeded "underground city" (underground city) are located in this region.

【Montreal visitor center】 Address: 1001 du Square-, Dorchester, Street Tel :514-873-2015 1-877-266-5 687Time: early September to the end of May, 9:00 18:00,6 early April to early September, 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. Website: www.tourism-montreal.org 【Montreal Museum of universal vouchers Montréal Museums The Pass】 If you want to visit Montreal museums and attractions, the Museum of universal vouchers may wish to consider purchasing this passage coupons allows you to visit the well-known attractions of the 30 Montreal within three days, including the museum of Mr Cole, Museum of Fine Arts, the biosphere, Contemporary art Museum (the Musée d'art Contemporain de Montréal), Canada architecture Centre (Canadian Centre for architecture), Khamenei turns castle Museum (the Château Ramezay Museum) pass the coupons on all the museum's opening hours and address, telephone, transportation and other information. Tel :514-873-2015 1-877-266-5 687 Price: 45 Canadian dollars (including the 3 day travel card), 35 Canadian dollars (not including travel cards).



邦加羅爾(Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore)

度管理研究所(英語:Indian Institutes of Management,簡稱 IIMs,或譯印度管理學院),是 7 所印度國立商學院的總稱;乃自

2007 年 7 月創辦以來,專門於印度各地招收研究生以從事印度政治與經濟研究和管理顧問服務的頂尖學府。

目前 IIMs 於加爾各答、亞美達巴德、邦加羅爾、勒克瑙、卡利卡特、印多爾與西隆等業管理碩士)、研究員獎學金(學位等同於博士)、高階企業管理碩士及以各產業為研究專題的課程予研究生。除了工商管理與營運專題之外,IIMs也對非營利性質或管理未臻善的產業如農業、農村發展、公共管理、能源、衛生教育有所關注,並提供企業界或專業人士公餘進修企業管理碩士的課程。

隨著印度管理研究所(IIM)在加爾各答、艾哈邁達巴德二所分校辦學的成功,1973 年印度政府因應教育需求於邦加羅爾創設 IIM 邦加羅爾分校,以軟體科技公司和公共政策的管理為招生主軸。邦加羅爾分校目前正主導一項為期一年課程密集的高階碩士後學位(E-PGP)予具有厚實工作經驗的考生進修。 該校經常於亞洲頂尖商學院的排名中名列前矛,由於考生人數甚眾,錄取率一般在 0.2%。

邦加羅爾分校有學生交換計劃與學子前往加州大學洛杉磯分校安德森管理學院、WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management、倫敦商學院等以拓展管理學的視野。該校目前亦屬以歐、亞二洲頂尖學府為成員的「LAOTSE」校際聯盟。

IIMs每年為 7所分校、總共 1250個招生名額而設立的CAT(Common Admission Test,一般入學考試)是項競爭激烈的資格測驗。


Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

he Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (Kannada: ಭಾರತೀಯ ವ್ಯವ್ಸ್ಾಾಪ್ರಬಂಧ ಸಂಸ್ಥಾ, ಬಥಂಗಳೂರು, Hindi: भारतीय प्रबंधन ससं्थान, बेंगलरूु, IIMB) is a business school located in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. It

was established in 1973 by the Government of India, and is the third Indian Institute of Management (IIM) to be established, after IIM Calcutta and IIM Ahmedabad. It offers several Post Graduate and Doctoral programmes, as well as a bouquet of Executive training programmes. In 1972, a committee headed by Prof Ravi Mathai, seeing the rising demand for graduates of the first two IIMs namely IIM Calcutta and IIM Ahmedabad, recommended the need to have two more IIMs. It was, therefore, felt that the institute to be set up in Bangalore should be developed in such a manner as to prepare competent persons for fulfilling the needs of the public sector. The Institute at Bangalore was consequently set up that year, designed to cater exclusively to the needs of Public Sector enterprises. For the proposed Bangalore institute, the Government of Karnataka offered 100 acres of land free of cost and a contribution to the corpus of Rs. 30 lakhs. Mr T A Pai agreed to be the first chairman. N S Ramaswamy, who was then director of National Institute of Industrial Engineering, was appointed the first director. Considerable preliminary work was done, and the new institute was inaugurated by Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India, on 28 October 1973.




度面積大約 328 萬 7782 平方公里,大約是台灣的 91 倍大,地理環境複雜多變,包括有沖積平原、乾燥沙漠區、雨林、沼澤、山峰、森林、高原、海岸、河川和湖泊...等地形地貌。 印度人口

最密集的區域是北方邦,超過一億四千八百萬人,佔印度總人口六分之一以上。印度本身擁有複雜多變的地理環境,境內不同種族,形成殊異的人文風情,尤其是宗教信仰深深地影響印度人的生活習慣與型態,如特殊的紗麗穿著、印度的飲食、古典音樂、傳統舞蹈等等,印度的千萬風情吸引了世人的注目眼光。在經過蒙兀兒帝國統治後,留下許多令人讚仰的建築藝術,其中最受世人矚目的莫過於列為世界 7大奇景之一的泰姬瑪哈陵,表現出典型的蒙兀兒式對稱風格,不僅如此,於華麗繁複的藝術外表下,包覆著一段美麗不朽的愛情神話,至今仍是蕩氣迴腸、令人動容。最為人熟悉的金三角路線─首都德里、蒙兀兒帝國首都阿格拉、粉紅城市齋浦爾,由於地理關係形成三角位置,是第一次到印度探門路的必遊組合。印度聖河──恆河等於是印度人的代表,身為印度教徒的一份子,一生至少必須到恆河淨身一次。位於卡修拉荷印度教寺廟,外觀上的男女性愛雕刻,也讓許多遊客趨之若鶩,到底是宗教藝術還是色情?就等你來一睹為快。印度像是一個讓人永遠摸不透的神秘女郎,不知道下一刻會帶來什麼樣的驚喜給你,對於崇尚冒險精神的你,絕對是一趟刺激、過癮的異國旅途。 有關泰姬瑪哈陵 泰姬瑪哈陵可說是印度最知名的超級景點,由蒙兀兒第五代君王──沙賈汗(Shah Jahan),為皇后慕塔芝所建造的陵墓,動用了兩萬名印度和中亞等地的工匠,費時 22 年。樣式融合印度、波斯、中亞回教等風格,造型比例完美,被譽為世界七大奇觀之一。觀泰姬瑪哈陵最佳時段,是清晨日出之際和黃昏日落時分。但是拍攝泰姬瑪哈陵,最好是在下 15:00 以後到黃昏落日之前,因為下午光線正好斜照在白色陵墓主體,色調優美柔和。參考資料:http://tw.travel.yahoo.com/spot/spo3950023620

About indian

ndian area of approximately 3.28 million 7 782 square kilometers, about 91 times larger, complex and changing geographical environment, including the alluvial plain, dry desert areas, rainforests, swamps, mountains, forests, highlands, coast,

rivers and lakeswaiting for topography. India's most densely populated region of Uttar Pradesh, more than $ 148 million, accounting for more than one sixth of India's total population. India itself has a complicated geographical environment, the territory of different races, the formation of a palette of cultural customs, habits and patterns of religious beliefs deeply affected the Indians, such as special sari wearing Indian diet, classical music, traditional dance, the thousands of Indian customs attract people's attention. vision. After the Mughal empire rule, leaving many people praise Yang's architectural art, of which the most attention of the world than as one of the world's seven great wonders of the Taj Mahal, the performance of a typical Mughal symmetric style children, not only gorgeous and complicated art of appearance, covered with a beautiful and enduring myth of love, is still a soul-stirring, touching. Golden Triangle route - most people are familiar with the capital Delhi, the imperial capital of the Mughal, Agra, Jaipur, the Pink City, the geographic relationship to form a triangular position is a combination of must visit for the first time to India to explore opportunities. India's holy river ─ ─ Ganges and other Indian representatives, as a part of the Hindus, the lifetime must be at least to the Ganges purification time. Located in a Hindu temple in Khajuraho, the appearance of male and female sexual sculpture, so many tourists flock to in the end religious art or pornography? Waiting for you to take a look at a faster pace. India is like a mysterious girl, people always unpredictable and do not know what surprises the next moment will bring to you Are you advocating the spirit of adventure is definitely excitement and enjoyable exotic journey. About Taj Mahal Taj Mahal is India's most famous super attractions, from the fifth generation of the Mughal kings ─ ─ Shah Jahan Shah, Jahan, the mausoleum built by Huang Hou Muta Chi, spent $ 20,000 in India andthe artisans of Asia and other places, time-consuming for 22 years. The style fusion style of India, Persia, Central Asia, Islam, the proportion of perfect shape, known as one of the world's seven wonders. The best period in view of the Taj Mahal, on the occasion of the early morning sunrise and evening sunset




書籍介紹 出版日期:2006 年 3 月 21 日,

得·聖吉最暢銷的經典之作,第五項修練,這個修訂版是基於 15多年的經驗,在這本書的想法付諸實踐。作為聖吉明確的,從長遠來看,唯一的可持續的競爭優勢是您的組織的能力比競爭

對手學得更快。在這本書的領導故事展示多種方式,在“第五項修煉的核心理念,其中很多似乎激進,在 1990 年首次出版時,已經深深融入人們看到的世界和他們的管理實踐的方式。


更新和修訂,這項業務的經典貨幣版包含一百多個採訪的數十家公司如 BP,聯合利華,英特爾,福特,惠普,沙特阿美和羅卡,樂施會等組織的從業人員,新材料為基礎的網頁,並世界銀行。關於彼得·聖吉已取得了成功學習這本書的成立以來的組織,以及在推動新的篇章,它採用了新的前言(開始),策略,領導幹部的新的工作,系統的公民,並為未來的前沿。



The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization

Book Description Publication Date: March 21, 2006

his revised edition of Peter Senge’s bestselling classic, The Fifth Discipline, is based on fifteen years of experience in putting the book’s ideas into practice. As Senge makes clear, in the long run the

only sustainable competitive advantage is your organization’s ability to learn faster than the competition. The leadership stories in the book demonstrate the many ways that the core ideas in The Fifth Discipline, many of which seemed radical when first published in 1990, have become deeply integrated into people’s ways of seeing the world and their managerial practices. In The Fifth Discipline, Senge describes how companies can rid themselves of the learning “disabilities” that threaten their productivity and success by adopting the strategies of learning organizations—ones in which new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, collective aspiration is set free, and people are continually learning how to create results they truly desire. The updated and revised Currency edition of this business classic contains over one hundred pages of new material based on interviews with dozens of practitioners at companies like BP, Unilever, Intel, Ford, HP, Saudi Aramco, and organizations like Roca, Oxfam, and The World Bank. It features a new Foreword about the success Peter Senge has achieved with learning organizations since the book’s inception, as well as new chapters on Impetus (getting started), Strategies, Leaders’ New Work, Systems Citizens, and Frontiers for the Future.




Facebook 的行銷

書籍介紹 出版日期:2011 年 1 月 12 日

樣才能幫你推廣自己的品牌,產品和服務?這本書提供了行之有效的戰術,你可以使用馬上建立你的品牌和從事潛在客戶。全球擁有500萬活躍用戶,Facebook 提供一個比傳統媒體更大的觀眾,但加載陌生的挑戰,這是一個

新的景觀。 Facebook 的營銷書籍告訴你如何使服務,而沿途掠過不那麼明顯的缺陷。無論你是一個行銷和公關專業人士,企業家,還是一個小企業主,你會了解的工具和功能,這將有助於您達到特定的 Facebook 的觀眾。你也得到了深入的概述,豐富多彩和易於理解的介紹到配置,組頁,應用,廣告,活動,和 Facebook的禮儀。 作者簡介

Dan Zarrella 是在網頁開發的背景,結合他的編程能力,為社會行銷的熱情,創造社會 URL 縮短 Votrs.com,鏈接景點因素的關鍵字工具,以及應用程序的一個社會,搜索,病毒式營銷的科學家 TweetPsych,TwitterBrandSponsors,TweetBacks 和 TweetSuite。他的連結吸引因素報告幫助讀者確定的主題,日子,時間,關鍵字吸引社會媒體的語義內容優化的故事中的連結,而他的病毒含量報告詳細的動機,偏好和習慣,參與網上內容共享。他曾在 PubCon,搜索引擎策略,收斂'09,140 Twitter 的會議,WordCamp 大西洋中部,社會媒體營,對內營銷訓練營,和得克薩斯州域和開發者大會,他目前在 HubSpot 入境行銷經理。他一直在 Twitter 的圖書,“金融時報”,NYPost,“波士頓環球報”,“福布斯”有線,華爾街日報,混搭和 TechCrunch 特色。最近,他被授予社會媒體和病毒式營銷的矮個子和 Semmy 獎項。



The Facebook Marketing Book

Book Description Publication Date: January 12, 2011

ow can Facebook help you promote your brand, products, and services? This book provides proven tactics that you can use right away to build your brand and engage prospective customers. With 500 million active users worldwide,

Facebook offers a much larger audience than traditional media, but it's a new landscape loaded with unfamiliar challenges. The Facebook Marketing Book shows you how to make the most of the service while skirting not-so-obvious pitfalls along the way.Whether you're a marketing and PR professional, an entrepreneur, or a small business owner, you'll learn about the tools and features that will help you reach specific Facebook audiences. You'll also get an in-depth overview, with colorful and easy-to-understand introductions to Profiles, Groups, Pages, Applications, Ads, Events, and Facebook etiquette. More About the Author Dan Zarrella is a social, search, and viral marketing scientist with a background in web development who combines his programming capabilities with a passion for social marketing to create applications like the social URL shortener Votrs.com, Link Attraction Factors keyword tools, as well as TweetPsych, TwitterBrandSponsors, TweetBacks and TweetSuite.His Link Attraction Factors report helped readers determine which topics, days, times, and keywords attract links in social media stories for semantic content optimization, while his Viral Content report details the motivations, preferences and habits involved in online content sharing. He has spoken at PubCon, Search Engine Strategies, Convergence '09, 140 The Twitter Conference, WordCamp Mid Atlantic, Social Media Camp, Inbound Marketing Bootcamp, and The Texas Domains and Developers Conference, and he currently works as an inbound marketing manager at HubSpot He has been featured in The Twitter Book, The Financial Times, NYPost, The Boston Globe, Forbes, Wired, The Wall Street Journal, Mashable and TechCrunch. He was recently awarded Shorty and Semmy awards for social media & viral marketing.





書籍介紹 出版日期:2012 年 2 月 28 日

位年輕女子走進實驗室。在過去的兩年中,她改變了她的生活幾乎每一個環節。她已經戒菸,跑馬拉松,促進工作。神經學家發現,她的大腦內的模式,從根本上改變。 在寶潔的人使他們的床研究視頻營銷。他們拼命地試圖找出如何

賣軌道上的一個新產品,被稱為 Febreze,是一個最大的公司歷史觸發器。突然,其中一人檢測到幾乎無法察覺的模式,在廣告輕微移位,Febreze的推移,一年賺了 10億美元。 一個未經考驗的 CEO接管美國最大的公司之一。他的第一道命令是攻擊之間單一的模式,他的員工,他們如何接近工人的安全和很快的公司,美鋁成為道瓊斯的表現最佳。 所有這些人有什麼共同點?他們取得的成功模式,塑造我們生活的各個方面為重點。

他們成功地通過改變習慣。 在習慣的力量,屢獲殊榮的紐約時報“商業記者查爾斯Duhigg我們解釋為什麼習慣存在,以及如何可以改變他們的科學發現的驚心動魄的邊緣。深邃的智慧和能力,提取到大量的信息,引人入勝的敘述,Duhigg給生活帶來了整個人類的天性,其改造的潛力有了新的認識。

一路上,我們了解為什麼有些人與公司,儘管多年的努力,努力改變,而其他人似乎重塑自己過夜。我們參觀實驗室的神經學家探索如何習慣工作,準確,他們居住在我們的大腦。我們發現,如何正確的生活習慣是至關重要的奧運游泳選手邁克爾·菲爾普斯,星巴克首席執行官霍華德·舒爾茨,民權英雄馬丁·路德·金的成功,我們目標超市,寶潔,里克·沃倫的馬鞍峰教會,橄欖球更衣室內室,和全國最大的醫院,如何實施所謂的梯形習慣可以賺取數十億美元,意味著成功與失敗,生命與死亡之間的差異。 習慣的力量,其核心包含了一個令人振奮的論據:經常鍛煉的關鍵,減肥,提高特殊兒童,變得更有效率,建立革命的公司和社會運動,並取得成功的是了解如何習慣工作。

習慣是不是命運。利用這一新的科學,正如查爾斯 Duhigg顯示,我們可以改變我們的企業,我們的社區,和我們的生活。



The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life

and Business

Book Description Publication Date: February 28, 2012

young woman walks into a laboratory. Over the past two years, she has transformed almost every aspect of her life. She has quit smoking, run a marathon, and been promoted at work. The patterns inside her brain, neurologists discover, have fundamentally changed.

Marketers at Procter & Gamble study videos of people making their beds. They are desperately trying to figure out how to sell a new product called Febreze, on track to be one of the biggest flops in company history. Suddenly, one of them detects a nearly imperceptible pattern—and with a slight shift in advertising, Febreze goes on to earn a billion dollars a year. An untested CEO takes over one of the largest companies in America. His first order of business is attacking a single pattern among his employees—how they approach worker safety—and soon the firm, Alcoa, becomes the top performer in the Dow Jones. What do all these people have in common? They achieved success by focusing on the patterns that shape every aspect of our lives. They succeeded by transforming habits. In The Power of Habit, award-winning New York Times business reporter Charles Duhigg takes us to the thrilling edge of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. With penetrating intelligence and an ability to distill vast amounts of information into engrossing narratives, Duhigg brings to life a whole new understanding of human nature and its potential for transformation. Along the way we learn why some people and companies struggle to change, despite years of trying, while others seem to remake themselves overnight. We visit laboratories where neuroscientists explore how habits work and where, exactly, they reside in our brains. We discover how the right habits were crucial to the success of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, and civil-rights hero Martin Luther King, Jr. We go inside Procter & Gamble, Target superstores, Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, NFL locker rooms, and the nation’s largest hospitals and see how implementing so-called keystone habits can earn billions and mean the difference between failure and success, life and death. At its core, The Power of Habit contains an exhilarating argument: The key to exercising regularly, losing weight, raising exceptional children, becoming more productive, building revolutionary companies and social movements, and achieving success is understanding how habits work. Habits aren’t destiny. As Charles Duhigg shows, by harnessing this new science, we can transform our businesses, our communities, and our lives.






國模式探討 - 個人和他們的球隊之間的共同研究和合作,組織內部和組織之間。參加中國一個獨特的

角度,探討合作,在業務和管理的世界上繪製的古老關係的過程,理解的和諧與平衡的重要性。通過實地考察,以尖端的國際公司和世界遺產的歷史遺跡的極端對比,來了解當地的管理做法和發現,整個的經驗迫使他們反思自己的和自己公司的合作方式。在本模式中討論的主要議題有:在中國的關係和管理實踐;為合作的策略基礎;的信任,在合資企業和聯盟的作用;全球企業之間的協作;網絡和合作;公司和中國政府之間的合作。 合作思考

合作的思考往往員工的各種思考能力,組織落實到位。它包括給予足夠的時間讓內部和外部的思想家與該組織有關的想法來。之後的時間跨度已過期,所有建議提交遵循這樣激烈的討論,確定每一個意見,優點和缺點。各組織的領導人應該尊重這些不同的員工,那些花時間去思考,以及快速的思想家能夠補充對方 Stumpf(1999)所提出的意見。腦力激盪是一種協作思考的關鍵元素,它的目的是通過減少僱員未能體現在決策過程中參與的社會禁忌,提高創造力的組。頭腦風暴導致產生新的想法,後來有一個動態的協同作用,Gosling(2003 年)的發展產生積極的影響。從事合作思考觀念等各種尺寸,它允許實現更好,更快的結果。在決策過程中的員工納入,確保各方面的想法被認為是和促進僱員的承諾,因為他們的存在和貢獻表示讚賞。(1999)。



Renmin University School of Business Beijing, China

he Chinese module explores collaboration and cooperation – between individuals and their teams, within and between organizations.Participants explore a uniquely Chinese perspective on collaboration in the world of business

and management, drawing on the ancient process of Guanxi to understand the importance of Harmony and Balance.Through field trips to the extreme contrasts of cutting edge international companies and World Heritage historical sites, participants come to understand the local practices of management and find that the entire experience forces them to reflect on their own and their company’s approach to collaboration.Some of the key topics discussed during this module are: Guanxi and management practice in China; a strategic rationale for collaboration; the role of trust in joint ventures and alliances; collaboration among global companies; networks and collaboration; collaboration between companies and government in China. Collaborative thinking Collaborative thinking tends to put in place the various thinking capacities of employees in an organization. It involves giving adequate time to allow the internal and external thinkers to come up with ideas which are relevant to the organization. After the time span has expired, all suggestions are tabled and intense discussions follow such that the pros and cons of every opinion are identified. Leaders of various organizations should respect the opinions presented by various employees such that the fast thinkers as well as those who take time to think are able to complement each other Stumpf, (1999). Brainstorming is a key element of collaborative thinking which is aimed at increasing the creativity of the group by reducing social inhibitions which are exemplified by failure of employees to engage in the decision-making process. Brainstorming leads to generation of new ideas which later on has a positive impact in the development of dynamic synergies Gosling (2003). Collaborative thinking engages ideas from various dimensions such that it allows for achievement of better and faster results. Incorporation of employees in the decision-making process ensures that all aspects of ideas are considered and it promotes employee commitment as their presence and contribution is appreciated., (1999).





蒙特利爾的麥吉爾大學舉辦的第二個模式,學員從傳統的分析,突破創意工作坊。然而,時間也花了這個模塊,以確保與會者有一個共同的基本知識,關鍵在行銷,財務,會計和 IT 基礎。

在這裡,參與者在不同的角度分析的性質和實踐上,它通常應用在組織和決策。他們探索的分析能力,以澄清和簡化問題,以及它的局限性。通過分析癱瘓還探討 - 一種現象,即經理過分析問題,而不是做出決定的勇氣。然後,對模塊的結束,他們看起來在組織一般從不同的觀點,包括組織結構,複雜性理論,政治管理中的作用和產品創新。在這個模塊中,學員去實地考察北美公司,這在過去已包括加拿大鋁業公司,通過鐵路和 CGI,審查和評論他們的分析和決策過程。他們的觀點也訪問到蒙特利爾的博物館,設有由 220個不同的藝術家的同一主題的繪畫與挑戰。分析思維是透過接觸和使用管理的具體組織和正式的方法,提高管理效率的分析工具的應用開發。這就要求策略的概念,結構,文化,科技,人力資源系統的方式,讓領導人,以查看歸併為科學,藝術和工藝領先的過程中了解。這些子系統是相互關聯和相互依存的。你不能在一個隔離區從別人解決問題。如果你改變一個子系統的東西,它會影響別人。照此(一切常數)可能在經濟工作,但它不會導致複雜的組織工作時。在這種分析心態的關鍵思想是對齊是結構、流程,符合該組織的策略嗎?讓我有點反向操作。Jim Collins 說,你有合適的人上車。我同意在一定程度上。你需要得到合適的人在公共汽車上 - 下車一些的(但不罰他們下了車!)。但你不能確定誰是合適的人,直到你有一個明確的意義是什麼,你想實現。

參考資料: http://www.impm.org/program/mindset-2-analytic/



McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management Montreal,


cGill University in Montreal hosts the second module, where participants break from conventional analysis through creative workshops. However, time is also spent in this module to ensure participants have a common basic

knowledge of key fundamentals in marketing, finance, accounting and IT.Here, participants look at different perspectives on the nature and practice of analysis and how it is commonly applied in organizations and decision-making. They explore the power of analysis to clarify and simplify problems, as well as its limitations.Paralysis by analysis is also probed – a phenomenon whereby managers over-analyze a problem rather than have the courage to make a decision.Then, towards the end of the module, they look at organizations in general from various points of view including organizational structure, complexity theory, the role of politics in management and product innovation.In this module, participants go on field studies to North American companies, which in the past have included Alcan Inc., VIA Rail and CGI, to examine and comment on their analytical and decision-making processes. Their perspectives are also challenged with a visit to a Montreal museum that houses paintings of the same subject by 220 different artists. The analytic mindset is developed through the exposure to and application of the analytical tools used to manage specific organizations and to formal approaches that improve managerial effectiveness. This requires that the concepts of strategy, structure, culture, technology, and human resources be understood in a systematic way that allows leaders to view the process of leading as a melding of science, art and craft. These subsystems are interrelated and interdependent. You cannot address issues in one area in isolation from the others. If you change something in one subsystem, it will impact the others. Ceteris paribus (holding everything else constant) might work in economics, but it doesn't work when leading complex organizations. 參考資料:

http://www.impm.org/program/mindset-2-analytic/ http://jleewhittington.blogspot.tw/2010/10/analytic-mindset.html





人的世界帶入一個自己的見解,這有助於使我們更多的世俗和明智的 - 更好的領導者。 通過不同地點的訪問,說明印度的多樣性,從糧食市場的軟件校園 - 這只是一個尚未出現百年除了幾公里分隔的經驗,開始活躍。 在這個“東方符合西部大開發”的背景下,是有深厚的文化考試和發展中國家的經濟,文化的衝突時發生的跨國公司在發展中國家經營的特別關注。因此,與會者獲得作為世俗的經理,他們將面臨的挑戰表示讚賞。所需的各種原則,指出該組織的回應它的環境,必須與環境相匹配。因此,如果環境變得越來越複雜和動態的,所以必須組織。大的想法是相匹配的組織結構與環境的特點。當經營環境是簡單,穩定,組織可以負擔得起更機械,使用的政策和程序來處理與該組織的正常運轉。但是,當環境複雜性的增加,該組織必須更加有機。在這種環境下,法規和規章將不足夠應付組織上的要求。這些環境需要有權使用自己的判斷,以應對客戶的需求和解決問題的員工。反過來,這就要求領導發展的適應能力和他們的團隊相信這些球隊的組織及其利益相關者的最佳利益行事。



Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Bangalore, India

he core of this module focuses on the political, social and economic dimensions of developing as well as developed countries. It is built on the assumption that being exposed to other people’s worlds brings insight into one’s own, and this

helps make us more worldly and wiser – better leaders.The experience comes alive through visits to different locations that illustrate India’s diversity, from a food market to a software campus – which are separated by just a few kilometers yet appear to be centuries apart.In this “East meets West” context, there is a deep examination of culture and the developing economy, with particular attention on the cultural clash that occurs when multinationals operate in developing countries. Participants therefore gain an appreciation for the challenges they will face as worldly managers. The principle of requisite variety states that the organization’s response to the environment in which it operates must match the environment. So, if the environment is becoming increasingly complex and dynamic, so must the organization. The big idea is matching the structure of the organization with the characteristics of the environment. When the operating environment is simple and stable, the organization can afford to be more mechanistic, using policies and procedures to deal with the normal operation of the organization. But, when environmental complexity increases, the organization must be much more organic. In this environment, rules and regulations will not be sufficient to meet the demands placed on the organization. These environments require empowered employees who use their own judgment to respond to customer demands and solve problems. This in turn requires leaders to develop the adaptive capacity of their teams and trust those teams to act in the best interest of the organization and its stakeholders.
