1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet

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Transcript of 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet



    / ~ " L .1.t. ': '/ .- .-- .-. KERESKEDELEMOOYI M. KIR. MlNISTERIUM KIADASA.







  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


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    ... ~ I . , . . . ' ....:J-- / ~ - 1 i 7

    A csatorna fontossaga es sziiksegessege.Mczogazda!W.gi termenyeinek m i 1 1 l ~ 1 bovebb

    eloallitasara es minel konnyehb el'lekesitesel'eutaH foldm(vel5 orszagunk viszonyait tekintve,kOzforgalmi viszonyainkat az eddiginel helyesebb iranyban keD fejleszteni s e czelb61 az0lcs6 szallitas fontos tenyezoit, a j6 viziutakatbe ken vonni a k o z g a z d a s ~ \ g s1.01galataba.Ezen viziuthal6zatot mindenek e15tl egyse

    gesse kell tenni az altai, hogy a Duna es Tiszaket k(\lon vizrendszeret mesterseges haj6z6-uUal OsszekOtjiik, me11 csakis e tranzverzalisviziut Ielcsithet kapcsolatot az orszag keleties nyuguli reszei kozOtt, esakis ezen osszckottetes uljan fogja a melIekfoly6k haj6zhat6vatetele a remelt kozgazdasagi crteket kepviselhelni.A technika mai el5haladottsaga mellett teljesen m6dunkball all a foly6vizekben rejl5kincsek Idakmizasa, ha oU, hoi termeszetes

    The significance of the Canal, and theneed for its construction.

    If we take into consideration the condUionsprevailing in Hungary, an agricultural countrywhich is dependent on the increase in its agricultural product" and the ease with which thesame can be disposed of. we must admit that themeans of communkation must be developedin a more opportune manner than has hithertobeen the case: and to this end the most important fadors in the cheapening of transport,viz. the waterways, must be put at the disposalof the public.The network of watel'ways musl, above all,be made uniform by Iht, connection, by anartificial navigable waterway. of the two watersystems of the Danube and the Tisza; for thistransversal waterway alone is capable of creating a cOllnccting link between the easternand westcrn parts of the eountry, and it is onlyby the carrying into cfl'cct of this conncctionthat the rcndering l l a v i g a b l ~ of the tributaryrivers will be of any economic value.

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    - 4Az orszag kcleti f e h ~ b o l a forgalom goczpontjliba. Budapestre vezeto vizidt, rna olyhosszu, hogy a szaUitas idotartarna miaU nviziut oles6saga nern ervenyesOlhet e h ~ g g e . Ha tehat egy Budapestrol kiilldulo s az AlfOI-don at a Tiszaha torkol6 haj6zo esalornn Ie-tesOlne, akkor az orszag leggazdagabb tel'rnovidekenek rOvid es olcso vizilitja lesz az orszagfOvarosaba es nyugat fele.Mar a XVI.. XVII. es XVIII. szazadokhantalalunk tOrvenyhozlisi intezkedeseket a haj6zhato folyamok szabalyozasara es a hajokOzlekedes elomozdilasara.Az li23. evi 122. l-czikk es az 1790/91. cvi61. t.-czikk a mesterseges v(ziutak szOkseges

    voltat hangoztatja.tgy 1783-ban egy Pest-sajotorkolati, 1789-benegy Pest-szolnoki csatorna es 1791-ben a Dunata Tiszaval osszekoto hajozhat6 csatornara mar4-fele iranyra vonatkozo tervezettellahilkozunk.melyek kOzOI Sax epUesi masodigazgato es ahozza beosztott Halla, pestmegyei fOldmero egyPest-Keeskemet.esongradi irany kOveteset ajanloltak.A XIX. szbad elso eveiben Vedres Istvan,

    The waterway leading from Eastern Hungary to Budapest. the staplc of Hungarian trade.is at present too long to allow of the sameholding its own in the competition for traffil',despite the cheapness of the transport rates.Consequently if a ship canal were builtleading from Budapest through the Lowlands(AlfOld) and emptying into the Tisza. therichest and most pl'Oductive part of the counlt'ywould possess a short and cheap watcrwayleading to the Capital and to the West.As far b a l ~ k as the XVI. XVII and XVIIIcenturies we find measures were taken byParliament to regulate navigable rivers and tofurther ship traffic.Acts CXXII of 1723, and LXI of 1790-91emphasised the necessity of the creation ofartificial waterways. And in 1783 we find plansreferring to a canal between Pest and Sajotorkolat. in 1789 one referring to a cunalbetween Pest and SZOlllOk, and in 1791 othersreferring to the building of navigable canalsconnecting the DUlla and the Tisza in no les.o;than four directions. Of the latter Sax, Deputydirector of Works and his assistant Balla. Surveyor for the County of Pest, recommendedthe line from Pest to Csongrad, passing throughKecskemet.In the opening years of the XIX century.Stephen Vcdres. sworn Surveyor of the Town

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    keItett e fontos kOzgazdasagi k6rdes irant.A Pesti Hirlapnak mindjart a m ~ s o d i k szamaban irta: "HigyjOk el - Uraim - egy dunatiszai csatorna haszmil Rosenberg (R6zsahegy),egy pest-fiumei vasdt hasznat a S z i l ~ g y s a g , sol a fiumei kikoton javH6 munkak haszmitm6g a priskopi rusznyak is megerzi". Azonbana kOzbejOtt esemenyek az eszme keresztOlvitelet megakadaIyoztak.

    Ujra feIeIedt a kerdes a 60-a5 evekben, midon Boros Frigyes egy ugyancsak Budapestcsongradi, illetve Budapest-szegedi csatornaterveit keszitette e1, mely tervezetben a csatorna m6lys6grt a Duna-Tisza kozotti vizvalaszt611ak terepalakulatahoz alkalma1.va ugyallapitotta meg, hogy a csatormit t6bb egymasho1. 16pcsosell kapcsolt tartanyra osztva. asZOkseges Upvizet vagy a Duna feloli oldaloneszkOzlelldo szivattyuzassal, vagy a Saj6b61vezetett termeszetes tliplalas utjan jutta tta volnaa csatornaba. A szivattyuzasra alapftott tervkeresztOlvitel6re: a Magyar Hitelbank, az AngolMagyar Bank es Meisels Salamonb61 ~ 1 l 6 konzorczium is alakult, de a vasutak epitese azorszag munka 6s anyagi erejet annyira igenybevette, hogy a kozmunka es kozlekedesOgyim. kir. minis1.terium a csatoma kiepiteserevonatkoz6 tovabbi targyalasokat kenytelen voltbeszOntetni.

    5aid of his brilliant pen, Louis Kossuth tooaroused public interest in the important economic question. In the second issue of the cPestiHirlap:t he wrote as follows: cYou may beconvinced, gentlemen, the advantages of a canalconnecting the Danube Witll the Tisza wouldbe felt by R6zsahegy, those of a railway linebetween Pest and Fiume by the inhabitants ofthe Szihigysag (Szilagy District); nay more, theadvantages of the improvement of the harbourof Fiume would come home to even the Rusniacof Pliskop.:t But the events that intervenedprevented the carrying out of the idea.

    The question was taken up afresh in thesixties, when Frederick Boros prepared plansfor the building of a similar canal betweenBudapest and Csongrad, and Budapest and.Szeged respectively. In these plans the requireddepth of the canal, in view of the formationof the watershed between the Danube and theTisza, was to be secured by dividing the canalinto reservoirs connected with each other terracewise, and by filling it either by pumping thenecessary quantity of water into it on the sidenearest the Danube, or by connecting it by anatural channel with the river Saj6. A com-.pany was formed for the carrying out of theplan including pumping, consisting of theHWlgarian Credit Bank, the Anglo-MagyarHank, and Solomon Meisels; but the building

    . '

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    - 6 -tervezesei es ezzel kapcsolatos tanulmanyai HZ"Adatok a Duna -Tisza csatorna kerdesehezczimfi emlekil"atban vannak felsorolva. melynek tajekoztato fobb adatai a k

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    vfziut elonyeihez oly videket szelne at, melyjelenleg egyeb k O z l e k e d ~ s i eszkOzOkben azorszag mas videkeihez kepest e l ~ g szegeny.

    A Maros, mely Erdely s z i v ~ i g hosszabbilamimeg a kOzvetlen viziutat, a csatorna tiszai veg_pontjaul Szegedet jelOIi meg.A Duna-Tisza csalorminak, mint az egesz

    TiszavOlgy menten fekvo Osszes erdekelt forgalmi terOletek sztUUtmanyainak tovabbibisarahivatott tranzit6-utnak legfobb rendeltetese,hogy a duna-tiszai relaczi6 varhat6 Osszesnyugati il"anyu forgalmat rajta legkOnnyebben,legczelszertibben es a mi fo, legolcs6bban le-hessen lebonyolitani.Ez iranyelv mellett vizsgalat targyava teve

    azon csatorna-iranyvonalakat, melyek Budapestrol a Dunabol kiindulva. a Tiszaba Szolnokmil, Csongradon vagy Szegednel torkolnak be,a kOvetkezo eredmenyre jutunk:Mindenekelott a csatorna varhato fOl'gal-manak megallapithatasa vegeU meghataroztattak ama fOl'galomgytij to teruletek, melyekrol a

    tOmegaruk okvetIenOI a vizilitra gravitalnak,a mely terOletek a Tisza meIlekfoly6i menten, valamint a Jetesitendo csatornahoz csatlakoz6, a viziutt61 jobbrol-balrol 20-20 km

    1junction, and has gained in importance as acentre of traffic.Further south, the corn-producing Lowlandsand the rendering navigable oCthe river KOrOs,would favour the location of the Tisza mouthof the canal at Csongrad, a scheme which wouldenable the pure Magyar population of thedistrict between the Danube and the Tisza toenjoy the advantages of a cheap waterway thatwould cross a district which, in comparisonwith other parts of the country, is comparatively poor in other means of communication.The Maros, which might prolong the waterwayright into the heart of Transylvania, points outSzeged as the place best adapted as the pointof connection with the Tisza.The main purpose of the canal to connectthe Danube with the Tisza, as a means. oftransit for the goods of all the districts situatedalong the whole length of the Tisza valley,is to provide for the easy, adequate, and, mostimportant of all, the cheapest transport of allwares produced by the district between thetwo rivers which may be expected to find theirway west.With this guiding principle in view an examination has been made of the various lines fora canal leading from Budapest and connectingthe Danube with the Tisza at Szolnok, Csongrador Szeged; and this examination has resulted

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    - 8 -A csatorna forgalomgyl1jt6 tenUetenek ma-

    sodik csoportja tagabb kor11 forgalmi terQletnek neveztetett es a Tisza es melJekfoly6inakazon szakaszai mellett terfll el,' melyek csak acsatorna megepitese utan - mondjuk, a messzejOvOben - valnak haj6zhat6kka. E terQletnagysagn 30,408 kms, vagyis 528 milli6 kataszteri hold.A csatorna osszes forgalmi terQlete tehat 908

    milli6 kataszteri hold, vagyis Magyarorszag terQletenek kOzeI 1/6 reaze, meg pedig hazanknak mezc5gazdasagilag legfejlettebb videke.A mi a varhat6 forgalmat illeti, mindenekel6tt megjegyeztetik, hogy csak a szl1kebb kOrl1forgalmi terolet es a Maros foly6nak Piskiigleendo haj6zhat6va iCtele jOlt tekintetbe a csatorna varhat6 forgalmanak szamszer11 megaUapitasanal, mig ellenben a bigabb kOru forgalmiternIetnel a me1l6kfoly6knak csak a messzejOv6ben varhat6 haj6zhatasa miatt csak azoka fobb keretek allittattak fel, melyeken belnIczen terQlet forgalma mozoghat. Az aIabbiakbantehat csak a szukebb forgalmi terQlet es akOzgazdasagilag rendkivQI fontos Maros-videkforgalmar61 le!!z sz6 es erre flt!zve megkQIOn

    bOztetendo:1. "Kezdeli csatornaforgalom", mely a maiforgalomnak a csatorna e l k e s z O l t c . ~ i g leend6 ter

    construction of the canal; in consequence ofwbich fact theh traffic must gravitate westwardby way of the canal. The confines of thisexclusive district are, on the Tisza, Tiszapolgarand TOrOkbecse, on the K6rOs, K6rOstarcsa,and on tbe Maros, Arad. The area of thisdistrict is 21.905 square kilometres, i. e. 3,800.000catastral acres.

    The second par t of the district concentratingits traffic in this manner has been called thecless exclusive traffic districb, and stretchesalong those reaches of the Tisza and its tributaries which will not be navigable until afterthe consbuetion of the canal (let us say, in thedistant future). The area of this district is30.408 square kilometres, i. e. 5,280.000 catastral acres.The whole district whose traffic will gravitate to the canal. therefore, comprises an area

    of 9,080,000 catastral acres, i. e. about one fifthof the aggregate area of Hnngary, agriculturallythe most higbly developed part of the countty.

    As for the traffic that may be expected:ahove all we must remark that only the _ xclusive tramc district and the rendering navigable of the Maros as far as Piski was takeninto account when determining the figures oftbe traffic to he expected on the completion ofthe canal. while on the other hand, owing to

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    - 91. Kezdeti forgalom:TranziteS mennyiseg . 962.400 tonnaA csatoma melletli videkforgalma, vagy r6videnbelforgalom. . . . . 187.000 Osszesen 1,149.400 tonnaMaros forgaIma . . .. . 860.000 tonnaOsszes kezdeti forgalom aMarossal . 2,009.400 tonna2. Vegleges forgalom anelkol:Tranzit6 . .Belforgalom

    marosi forgalom. 1 ~ 1 3 4 . 0 0 0 tonna. 206.000 Osszescn 1.34t1.000 tonna

    3. Vegleges forgalom a Maros forgalmavalegyOU ...... ,200.000 tonna.A felsorolt forgalmi adatok k6zQ) az 1. tete)alatti, vagyis a Maros forgalmanak betudasa.val eloalleS kezdeti forgalom a legfontosabb,mely mar a csatorna meguyitaslival szamftasbaveheto.A hajeSzeS csatorna tenyleges hossztisaga:1. A Budapest-szolnoki iranyban 108 km.2. A Budapest-csongradi iranyban 141 km.3. A Budapest-szegedi iranyban 174'6 km.

    2. Final traffic., the result of the effectproduced by the canal, i. e. the natural consequence of the assertion of the same;3. The Maros traffic., which must be theoutcome of the regulation of the bed of thatriver 8S far as Piski.The extent of the traffic, which must serveto decide the question of the point most adapted as the mouth of the canal, may be summarised as follows:

    1. Preliminary traffic.Transit goods . . .Internal traffic of dis-tricts situated alongthe canal. . . .a) Total

    962.400 tons.

    187.000 tons.1,149.400 tons.

    The Maros traffic . 800.000 tons.;......-------b) Aggregate preliminarytraffic . . . . . . 2,009.400 tons.-----:-----2. Final t r a f f i c ~ , exclusiveof the Maros traffic:. .Transit goods . 1,134.000 tons.Internal hatfic. . . . ' 206.000 tons.Total. . . . . . . . 1,340.000 tons.

    :J. Final traffic inclusive of thec Maros t r a f f i c ~ 2,200.000 tons.Of the above data referring to traffic, thatof the preliminary tramc> including that ofthe Maros (1 b.) is the most important, and

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    - 10A torkolat megfelelc5 valaszt6sahoz az itt k6-z61t adatok felhaszn8lAsaval a sz6llitasi k61tsegek, tovabba az 6pitesi k61tsegek evi kamat jaes a csatorna egyeb Ozemi kolls6geib61 szarmazo 6sszes kiadasok egyOUesen nytijtanakteljes felvilagosftast.A szallitasi k61tsegek alapjat kepezc5 "tonnakilometerek a felemUtetl vonalaknal veglegescsatornaforgalom eseten a beiforgalom elhagya

    saval a k6vetkez61eg alakulnak:1. A szolnoki torkolateseten 101682 milli6 tkm.2. A csongradi torko-lat esetan 83540 mi1li6 tkm.3. A szegedi torkolateseten . 820 25 milli6 tkm.A tenyleges szallitasi k61ts6gek pedig a Maros forgalmaval szamitott kezdeti csalornaforgalom mellett, de meginl belforgalom nelkOl:1. A szolnoki lorkola telfogadasanal . . 70421 milli6 kor.2. A csongradi torko.

    la t elfogadasanaI. 63424 milli6 kor.3. A szegedi torkolatelfogadasanal . . 66046 mi1li6 kor.vagyis az evi szaUitasi k 6 l t s ~ g a szolnoki vonaIon 699.700 korona val es a szegedi vonalon evi

    Consequently the working lengths of thevarious lines would be as follows:1) Budapest-Szolnok, 161 kilometres,2) Budapest-Csongrad, 166 kilometres,3) Budapest-Szeged, 202 kilometres.In deciding on an adequate point for theTisza mouth of the canal, we must be guidedby the outlay on transport the, yearly interestdue on the building expenses, and all the ex-penditure caused by the other working expensesof the canal, which can be calculated by makinguse of the data given above.Taking the unit of a ton per mile as thebasis of a calculation of freight rates, we shalget the following results in the cases of theabove-mentioned roules respectively (exclusiveof inland traffic, and in the case of cHnaltramc.)

    1. In lhe case of the mouth being situatedat Szolnok, 101682 units,2. at Csongrlid, 83540 units,3. at Szeged, 82025 units.The nctual amount expended in transport(taking as basis the c preliminary traffic., inclusive of the Maros traffic., but without inlandtraffic).1. if the mouth be located at Szolnok,7.042,100 crowns,2. at Csongrad, 6.342,400 crowns,:i. at Szeged, 6.604,600 crowns, i. e. if the

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet



    Az eloadollak alapj4n kil6nik, hogy ugy azliltalanos gazdasagi, kOzforgalmi, mint a szallUmanyozok kOlonleges szempontjabol a csongradi torkolat az, mely az erdekeltek legteljesebbkielegitesevel a varhato forgalomnak legolcsobbes legmegfelelobb lebonyolitasat biztositja, sigy a kOzerdek szempontjabol is legindokoltabb.

    A csatorna kozgazdasagi jelentl)sege,haszna es az altaIa elerendl) meg-takarftasok.Hazank termeIese es a termeles altai mozgositott lOmegek elsosorban' a mezo- es erdogazdasag kOrebOl val6k, tehat nagyobb sulyu,vagy nagyobb terjedelmfi, de viszonl terjedelmQkhOz kepest csekelyebb ertekfi nyersterme

    nyek, melyek elsosOl'ban nem gyors, hanemolcso szallitasl igenyelnek.Ezen tomegaruk rendszerint a t e r m e l t ~ s i helyektol tavolabb eso piaczokon lesznek jolertekesithetok, tehat nagyobb utakat kenylelenek megtenlli; ezek szallitasara a 'viziut a legmegfelelobb eszkoz. mivel annak egyik kOlonleges tulajdonsaga eppell az, hogy foleg nagyobb

    t.avolsagokra biztositja az olcso szallitast.Altalanos nezet, hogy a nyerstermenyek

    the aggregate of 911.700 crowns less than thatincurred by locating the mouth at Szolook,and 667,200 crowns less than that incurred bythe location of the mouth at Szeged.From the foregoing remarks it is evidentthat from general points of view of economyand traffic and from the particular point ofview of con signers of goods, the Csongradroute is able to guarantee the perfect satisfaction of the parties interested and to secure thecheapest and most adequate means of transitfor the traffic that may be expected, and istherefore, from the point of view of publicinterest, the one the construction of which ismost justified.

    Economic importance of the canal;its advantages, and the economyto be derived from its construction.The products of Hungary and the masses

    of goods set in motion by production are principally the prodllcloi of agriculture and forestry:they are consequently raw products of considerable weight and bulk, buttheir value is not inproportion to their bulk, Therefore they requireabove all cheapness of transport, not speed.These goods are generally saleable to thebest advantage in markets at some distance

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    - 12 -beUerjesebb gazdalkodAsra kepesiti es igy 01- .cs6bban termelhet.

    Ha erdogazdasagunk nyerstermenyeit, nyersvagy feltermeny alakjaban j6 arakon akarjukertekesiteni, akkor is a direkt es indirekt eszkOzOk kozott mindenott az 0lcs6 szallitas foglalja el az elso helyet.Az ipar legfontosabb anyaga a szen, vas.

    nehez vegyi nyersanyagok, az erczek s igy az0lcs6 szaillitas a gyaripar erdekeben szinten feltetlentll szOkseges, mert ha a nyerstermenyek0lcs6 szallitasat lehetove teszszOk. iparvallalatok keletkezhetnek oly videken is, mely mezogazdasagot liz, egyuttal hozzAszoktatvAn a magyar fOldillovest a telimunkahoz, emelven j61etets ezzel fogyaszt6kepesseget is, a minek kavetk e z h ~ b e n azutan kevesebb nyerstermeny szonUna kivitelre es tObbet fogyasztanank el itthon.

    Az ma mar teljesen ketsegtelen, hogy a j6viziut nyujtotta nagy elonyOket a gyariparkellokep merlegeli es a gyartelepek vizmelleltifekvese rna mar a v e r s e n y k e p e s . ~ e g egyik Ienyeges feltetele.Hogy gyariparunknak a gyarlas nyers- essegedanyaganak oles6 szallitasara mily egetoszOksege van, eIeg rea mutatnunk a szen, koksz

    a n d ~ by making it more intensive, to increaseits profit, the farmer must be enabled to securehis requirements at a cheaper rate.Consequently, if waterways are able tosupply him with cheap manure. artificial manure.bone dust, iron, machinery, petroleum, stones,bricks, pottery, sand, wood, coal, straw. fodderetc., he will be enabled to work his farm ina more intensive manner. and consequentlyto produce at a cheaper rate.

    In order to be able to sell the raw products of forestry (whether in the form ofraw products or unmanufactured articles) at agood price, the greatest stress: must in aU placesbe laid on cheapness of transport, as themost important of all means (both direct andindirect) of producing that result.

    The most important matelials for industrialpurposes are coal, iron, heavy raw chemicals,and minerals: consequently cheapness of transport is indispensable to the interests of themanufacturing industry. For by rendering thecheap transport of raw materials possible,industlial enterprises can be established evenin districts engaged in agricuitUl'al pursuits; atthe same time the Hungarian agricultural labourers can be made familiar with winter work,their wealth is increased and they are thusenabled to consume in greater quantities. Theconsequence of such a state of affairs would

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    - 13 -Csakis ezen csatorna letesftese u tan fog aTisza 6s annak egesz vizrendszere forgalmunk

    foiranyaban kelloen ervlmyesOlhetni es igy forgalmunkban az ot illeto melt6 szerepet betoltve,az egesz Tiszav61gy termenyeit az 0lcs6 szallitaselonyeiben reszesithetni.A vizitit Csongradr61 Budapestre jelenleg,vagyis Tiszan le- es DUlUin felmenve 709 km,mig a j6v6ben a csatornan at Csongradon

    keresztOI a tavolsag 141 kilometer leend, azutr6vidOies tehftt 568 km, a mi annyit jelent,hogy j6voben a mai utnak 8O%-a leend megt a k a r f t h a t ~ . mely rovidOles abszolut ertekeugyanaz marad a Csongrad f6lotti. 6sszes tiszaiallomasokra, valamint a Korosokre es !

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    - 14 -ny6ket biztositand6 300 OIler megtakaritastalapul veve, a csatornavamra tonnankint 115filler esik, mely a csatorna kerekszamhan140 kilometer hosszara elosztva. tonnakilometerenkint ()'82 filler csatornavamnak fog megfelelni.

    . Termeszetes. hogy eme, a forgalom zomere,a gabona es orlemenyekre vonatkoz6 csatornayam az olcs6bb anyagokra: szen, ko, tl'ligyastb. kevesebb leend, es viszont az ertekesebhkel'eskedelmi arukra Mbbet is fog kitenni, amely 6sszes dijtetelek azonban a forgalom novekedese, valamint a vonlatas olcs6bba Mtelekovetkezteben ismet lejjebb is fognak szaIlani.

    Az c czfmen elert megtakaritasokt:a nezve.mint jelLemzo adat f'elemIUheto, hogy a Tiszavidek tranzit6 forgalmaban Budapest fele ameglakaritas a jelenlegi vasdti dfjtetclekhezkepest 4 ( ~ 6 0 % - o t es a mostani vlzi dljtetelekhez kepest 30-40%-ot jelent,

    Azon forgalmilag es gazdasagilag egyarantfontos szempontok koze, melyek a Duna-Tiszacsatorna l e t e s i t t ~ s e n e l kival6an figyelembe veendok, tartozik a csatorna azon szerepe, melylyela mezl>gazdasag, ipar es altalaban a kozfogyaszhis sznksegleteit. fedezo tomegaruk. az olcsonyersanyagok szallitasaban fog birni.

    pay the interest. either in whole or in part, onthe capital invested, and to cover the expensesof administration and maintenance, the principleobserved was not to materially curtail theadvantages offered by the canal or the economy in freight rates, the attainment of whichis so desirable

    Today the rates for transport from Csongradto Budapest amount 10 571 filler: if we deductfrom the same the above mentioned cost oftowing on the canal (156 filler). from the remainder (415 filler), allowing for an economyof 300 filler to secure the economic and trafficadvantages detailed above, a canal toll of 115filler per ton could be exacted, which, takingthe actual length of the canal, in round figures, at 140 kilometres, would mean a canaltoll of 0'82 fillers per ton per kilometre.

    Natm'ally enough, this canal toll, which iscalcldated as the rate for the bulk of thearticles of traffic (corn and mill-produce), wouldbe less for cheaper materials (coal, stones,manure etc.)" and, on the other hand, wouldbe increased in the case of m o r ~ valuablemercantile wares. But all the toll-rates couldbe reduced by the increase of traffic. as wellas by the cheapening of the freight rates,As fOl' the economy thus attained, as acharacteristic example, we may mention thatthe saving in the transit traffic from the Tisza

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    - 15aIM koltsegek az utepiles t'lsszes kt'lltsegeinekmintegy 25-30%-at kepezik.

    A kt'lbmeterenkint rendesen 1'5-2'0 koromiba kerolo utfenntartasi anyagoknak vasutonvalo szallitasa 6-8 koronaba kerOl2. A fa-felek. ertve alatta a tuzifat, tovabbaaz ipal'i es gazdasagi czelokra szolg8.l6 haszon-,epito- es hulladekfat sth.. mely rna is nagy

    mennyisegben kerOI szallitasra a Felso-Tiszar61.valamint a Kl>rl>sl>k felso szakasza es a Marosmellett fekvo videkekrol. A csatorna utjan azis lehet6ve valnek, hogy a Tiszarol es melJekfoly6ir61 erkezo fa a budapesti piaczra isrovidebb uton juthasson el s ertekesebb aruvaalakittassek at

    A viszonyoknak iIy elonyl>s valtoz8sa kl>vet-kezteben az orszag keleti reszeben fekvo erdosegelt es fOkeppen az aIlamkincstar a fatermelesi es faertekesitesi viszonyok Jenyeges javulasait remelhetik.Az l>sszes kiviteli czikkeink kt'lzt'ltt eppen afa az, melynek kivitele a legegeszsegesebb ala

    pon ;ill, de melynek - mereteineI fogvavasuton val6 kezelese nehezkes es draga smelyre nezve ez okbol a haj6n val6 szallitasugy elhelyezes. mint a jarmu teljes kihasznal

    1. Stone material, in which the Lowlandsare extremely poor, a very large quantity ofwhich, however, is required in that part of thecountry, for the completion of the very deficient network of roads. In this group may beincluded. besides, bricks, pottery, sand, andgravel, the acquiring of which, in the Lowlands,is an extremely expensive matter.To characterise the present state of affairswe may mention the fact that, despite theexceptionally low railway rates for the carriageof stone material required for road-making.the expenses occured for the transport by railof stones amount to about 25-30"/0 of thewhole cost of road-making.The carriage by rail of the materials requiredfor the maintenance of roads (which cost about1 5 ~ 2 0 'crowns per cubic metre) involves anexpenditure of 6-8 crowns.2. Wood material (timber), inclusive of fuel,shavings, and timber of all kinds for agl'ieultural and industrial PUIposes. which is eventonay h'ansported in large quantities from theUpper T i s z ~ l , from the upper reaches of thetwo rivers Kort'ls and the districts flanking the:\Iaros. The construction of the canal wouldenable the wood coming from the Tisza andits tributaries to be carried by a shorter routeto the Budapest market and to be thus transformed into a more valuahle article of com

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    - 16 -Nagy jelentosege leend tovabba a csatornanak a dragabb fanemlleknek tavolabbi piaczokra,

    kOIOnOsen Nemetorszagba val6 szaIlitlisanal,tovabba az 0lcs6bb fanemeknek a beltOldon esAusztriaban leend6 ertekesitesenel, ftgyelembeveve, hogy fakiviteliink az utols6 20 ev alattcsaknem megketszerez6dott.Az Osszes mellekfoly6k szabalyozasa utan amesszp. jOvoben rem61het6 evi faforgalom egy

    maga mintegy 1'5 milli6 tonnara becsOlhetO, amelynek elszallftasa kOrOI milli6kra men6 megtakarftasok lesznek eIerhet6k.3. A szen, az e teren kOlfOldOn tapasztalhat6 viszollyokbol itelve, a Duna-Tisza csatornaforgalmaban igen jelentekeny szereppel fogbirni. Slilyahoz kepest csekelyebb erteke, gyorsszaIlfhist nem igenylo termeszete, nagy tOmegekbell val6 8zallithat6saga a szenet a viziutkival6 szlillitmanyava teszi.Magyarorszag evi, mintegy 80 milli6 meterm8zsa szentermesenek jelentekeny r ~ s z e olybanyakb61 kerOI ki, melyek kOzvetlellQl vagykOzvetve Illar most is a viziutat hasznaljak, dea jovoben meg inkabb igenybe fogjak azt

    venni.A hazai s z e n t e l ' m e h ~ s e n kivQI szen es kokszbehozatalunk tObb, mint 20 milli6 metermazsa,

    valleys of the rivers belonging to the watersystem of the Danube-Tisza Canal is 2,630.000hectares, i. e. about 35", of the whole forestcovered territory of HunRary (7,500.000 hectares); this area can produce nearly 7,300.000cubic metres of timber annually.In the transport of timber, in comparisonto the freight rates in force today, a saving of35-40", will be attainable, the natural consequence of which fact will that timber willbe one of the most important items in thetraffic of the canal.The canal will be of great imp011ance,further, in fOI'warding the more expensive kindsof woods to more distant markets (particularlyto Germany), and in marketing the cheaperkinds of woods at home and in Austria. N. B.the wood export of Hungary has almost doubledduring the last 20 years.In the distant future, after the r e ~ u l a t i o n of the beds of all the tributary rivers, thetraffic in wood alone should amount to 1,500.000tons per annum, in the transport of whichmillions or crowns can be saved.

    3. Coal, which. judging by the state ofaffairs abroad, should play a very considerablepar t in the traffic of the Danube-Tisza Canal.The value of coal, which is proportionately smallin comparison with its weight. the fact that itdoes not require quick transport (not being

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    - 17koksz behozatahira szorulunk, mely 1904-ben242.000 es 1906-ban mar 345.800 tonnat tett ki.

    E nagyobb reszben Osztrak-, kisehb reszben Porosz-Szilezi4b61. az Odera meltettibanyaterOletekrol jOvo koksz a Duna-Oderaesatornan, a Dunan, a Dunn-Tisza csatoman,a Tiszan es a Maroson fognak szallittatni, melyczimen even kent mintegy 770.000 korona megtakarftasra szamfthatunk.5. Tragyafelek.A tragyainseg egyik alland6 baja a magyarAlfOldnek s legfObb oka az intenziv gazdalkodosra valo' atmenel lassu haladasanak.Tudvalevo, hogy a termeszetes tragya sulyahoz es tOmegehez kepest csekely erteket kep

    visel, ennelfogva a vasuli szallitas nagy kOlt-seget nem birja el. Hasonlokeppen a mfitragyahasznalatanak eJterjedeset is a szallftasi kOll-segek dragasaga akadalyozza ; mar pedig mezogazdasagi t e r m e l t ~ s O n k fokozasanak allandositasa es jovoje czeljab61 a tragyazasra azeddiginel Ienyegesen nagyobb gondot kell fordUani, mely okb61 allattenyesztesOnk gondosfejlesztese mellett elsosorban az Alfoldre kivaMan nagyfontossagu a mfitragya altalanos hasznalatanak kerdese.

    4. Coke, mineral " and iron.With all their excellent qualities. the kindsof coal produced in Hungary have one greatdrawback: viz. perfectly suitable coke, of adequate quality and in due quantities, cannot bederived from them. Consequently, Hungary isobliged to import a large quantity of foreigncoke: the imports amounted, in 1904, to 242.000,and in 1906, to 345,800 tons.This imported coke (the weater part ofwhich comes from Austrian Silesia - some ofit from Prussian Silesia, - from the miningdistricts situated beside the Oder) would betransported by the Danube-Oder Canal, theDanube, the Danube-Tisza Canal, the Tisza,and the Moros, by which means a sum of about770.000 crowns could be saved annually.. .5. Manures. The lack of manure is one ofthe permanent drawbacks of the Lowlands(AlfOld), and one of the main causes of theslow progress of the transition to an intensivesystem of agriculture.

    I t is well known that natural manure represents a value that is immaterial in proportionto its weight and bulk, and is consequentlyunable to pay the heavy cost of railway carriage.In like manner the increase in tlle sale of artificialmanure is prevented by the high rates of transport: yet, ill order to render permanent theprogress of agricultural production and to secure

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    - 18 -ullami segelyre szorul, hogy takarmanyhoz jut-hasson.

    7. A tozeg is azon tomegaruk koze tartozik,melyek a vasuti onkOUseget nem birjak el,mar pedig itt is elsosorban a mezogazdasagaz, mely a tazegre, ugyis mint kitlino tragyaunyagra, szamot tart s igy a hazai tozegtelepekben rejla nagy nemzeti kincs ertekesithetesenek ugyancsak egyik elafeltetele a DunaTisza csatorna.

    8. lpari nyersanyagok.A kesz ipararuk mint ,ktekesebb aruk a vasuti szallftas kOitsegeil megbirjak. mig ellen benaltalanos a panasz az iparosok es iparvallalatokreszerOl, bogy a nagy tomegu, de csekely belsocrlek-Ii nyers 8nyagoknak a termeles helyel'al afeldolgozas czeljab61 az iparlelepekhez val6 szalitasa aranylalanul draga, s igy megdragulva anyers anyag, cs6kkenti a kesz ipararu versenykepesseget.A hazai ipar egeszsegesebb fejlodese erdekcben bizonyara a leghatalyosabb segitsegetnyujthatja a viziuthal6zat teljesito kepessegenek

    biztosflasa.Az eml1tett okb61 remelhetli, hogy a vizititmenten ipal'telepek, teglagyarak, fQresztelepek,

    ences between the several parts of Hungary inthe produce of fodder that occur from lime totime to be eliminated, a course impossibletoday even with the reduced freight rates all-owed by the railways.In many places today straw, and even hayis unsaleable, whereas in other places farmersare struggling with an absolute famine in fodderand beddihg for hOI'SCS, and are obliged toappeal for help to the State.7. Peat, too, is one of those bulky articlesof commerce that cannot afford to pay eventhe minimum tariff (merely the working expenses) established by the railways. Yet agriculture above all needs peat as all excellentmanuring material: and the construction of theDanube-Tisza Canal is a conditio sille qua nOllfor the exploitation of the enormous national

    treasure latent in the peat-beds of Hungary.8. Raw materials for industrial purposes.Wholly manufactured articles of industry - - asbeing more valuable - can afford the cost ofrailway transport: but it is a general complaintof all manufacturers and industrial enterprisesthat the carl'iage of bulky mw materials ofsmall intrinsic value from the place of theil"

    production to the factories is displ"Oportionatelyexpensive, and that the costliness of raw materials thus caused diminishes the chances of themanufactured articles to compete in the market.

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    - 19 -Eltekintve az ertekesebb mez()gazdasagi termenyektol I. i, a gabonafelekt61, melyek 8Zerdekelt vide ken Illa is forgalom turgyat kepezik, a Budapcsll'e vezeto rovid viziul uj videket nyit meg az 6, n. piaczi termelesnekAz eVl'ol evre fokoz6d6 nagy varosi fogyasztas ellatasa czeljab61 a budapesti piaczra tomegesen iranyul6 ga7.dasagi es kerti termenyekszaIlUssa jelentekellY reszet fogia kepezni a

    Duna-Tisza csatorna forgalmanak, ,A kOzelelmezesben mindinkabb jelentos burgonya termeIeset nyomban fokozni fogia a kozsznkseglet. a melynek nagy tomegekben val6termelesere eppen a csatOl'lla aUal atszelt videkleend igen alkalmas.Az el6zokben felemliteU arucsoportok majdnem kivetel nelknl azokhoz a tOmegarlikhoztartoznak. melyeknek a csatorna altai t.;rdekeltvideken meg jelenleg forgalmuk nines, vagy havan is, az csnk igen jelentektelen.A l'salorna kOzgazdasagi haszna ugy atrallzil6, mint a helforgalomball erdekclt terQleten ketfele, u. Ill, a kozvellen haszon, melyazon megtakarHasok osszegebol kelclkezik,hogy a tomeguruk olcs6bban szallillatnak es akOzvetett haszon, mely a forgalmi teruletek

    is only 2 fillers per Ion per kilometre (actuallybelow Ule cosl of working),By consigning the beetroot (either whole orin slices) by water. the said factory could effectan annual saving of (100.000 cl'owns ( 25,000)on the carriage alone,A similar output could be realised and anequally considerable saving eO'ected, in the costofcarriage by a spirit distillery building alongsidethe waterway,

    Apart from the more valuable agriculturalproducts (viz.: cereals), which even today formarticles of transport in the districts concerned,a short waterway leading to Budapest wouldopen up a new district for the so-called marketproduce.With a view to supplying the demand ofthe consuming public of the Capital, whichincreases year by year, the carriage of agricultural and garden produce gravitating enmasse to the Budapest market would f01'111 aconsiderable palt of the traffic of the DanubeTisza Canal.

    The general demand would at once incl'easethe production of potatoes, which are continually gaining in impOI'tallce as an al'tide offood, for the production of which ell m a s , ~ e thedistrict to be travel'sed by the Canul would bemost suitable,The groups of articles mentioned above

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    A csatornavam reven varhat6 bevetelek:A fentebbi 1. tete I forgalmanal 1,140.000 K " 2 . " " 1,660.000 K.. " 3. " " 1,880.000 KE bevetelekkel szemben all: a csatorna 46milli6 korona epitesi tokejenek evi 4%-oskamatja, azaz 1,840.000 korona, valamint az

    igazgatas. fenntartas es szivaltyuzas k6ltsegeibol eloall6 Qzemkiadas, mely a fenti 1. tetelnek megfelelOieg evi 506,000 koronat es a2. valamint 3. alatli tetelnek megfeleloleg evi544,000 koromit fog kitenni.

    Ha mar most csupan az epitesi toke uhinievi 1.840.000 korona kamatot s az 1. tetel szerinti506,000 korona QzemkOltseget vesszOk alapul,akkor ez 6sszesen 2,346.000 korona Osszmeg-terhelessel szemben a szaIlftasi k6ltsegekbolcioaIl6 4 milli6 korona megtakaritast veve,1,654.000 korona evi kOzgazdasagi haszon allelo, a mely mintegy 40 milli6 korona tokenekfelelne meg. E szamitasnal a csatornavamb61eredo bevetelek figyelmen kivol hagyattak.

    Ha pedig a Duna-Tisza csatorna hasznat acsatornavam figyelembeveleIevel vizsgaljuk, ecsatorna Ietesitesebol keletkezo allami terheket

    2 0 -(without that of the Maros) an annual savingof 4,000.000 crowns (calculated on the basis ofa traffic of 1,150.000 tons).2. In the case of cpreliminary traffic.(inclusive of that of the Maros) an annual savingof 7,900.000 crowns (calculated on the basis ofa traffic of two million tons).3. In the case of final traffic a saving ofjust 8,500.000 crowns.Revenue to be expected from canal dues (tolls):

    1. c Preliminary tramc> (without that of theMaros) 1,140.000 crowns.2. Preliminary traffic. (inclusive of that ofthe Maros) 1.660.000 crowns.3. -Final traffic. 1,880.000 crowns.Over against this revenue we have theexpenditure: 4% interest on a building capitalof 46.000.000 crowns, which represents a sumof 1,840.000 crowns, and the working expenses( ~ d m i n i s t r a t i o n , maintenance, pumping), whichamount, in the case of item No. 1. (v. supra),to 500.000 crowns, in the cases of items No.2 and 3, to 544.000 crowns.Taking as the basis for our calculations theabove interest on the building capital (l,840.00{)crowns per annum) and the working expensescorresponding to item No. 1 (500 000 crowns)we get an aggregate liability of 2,346.000 cl'ownsper annum: jf we balance this sum by theannual saving in cost of transport of 4,OOO.OO()

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    .;-. 21 -724,000 korona, a melylyel szemben 7,900.000korol1lit tevo szallftasi megtakaritas all, s igyaz evi kozgazdasagi haszon 7,176.000 korona,a mi kozel 180.000,000 korona tokcnek volna a4'" kamatja.

    Vegre a 3. tetel e s e h ~ r e . a vallozatlanul fennall6 2,384.000 korona cvi kiadasb61 a csatornayam 1,880.000 koronat fedezven, a meg fennmarad6 504,000 koroua evi teherrel szemben,a 'szallftasi koitsegbol eredo 8,500.000 koronamegtakarit'st veve, kozgazdasagi haszoll czimen evi 7,996.000 korona maradna, melykereken 200 milli6 korona toket kepvisel.

    Ketsegtelen azonball, hogy a csatorna forgalma eppen a viziut okozta elonyoknel fogvaa termeles fejlodesevel ugyancsak fokoz6doltmertekben fog fejlodni es ha meg ehhez akesobbi gozvontatllssal jar6 ujabb koltsegmegtakaritasokat vesszOk figyelembe, akkOl' acsatorna vegleges forgalma eseten a befektetes4%-os teljes kamatoztatasahoz evenkent csupan80.000 korona hianyoznek.

    A csatornall tehat rovid id(> mulvH beallhatazon allapot, melynel sajat tokejet kamatoztatna,a mellelt a nemzeli jovedelem az emlfleUosszegeket, a nemzeti vagyon egy alland6 tokel,kozgazdasagunk pedig egy oly Idvdl6 fejleszto

    liability incurred would amount to, 1,206.000crOWllS, and if we set over against tbis sumthe yearly saving in the cost of transport of4,000.000 crowns, we get an economic proOtper annum of 2,7H4.000, which would correspondto a capital of some 70,000.000 crowns.

    2. in the case of preliminary traffic> inclusive of that of the Maros, of the item of expenditure (interest and working expenses) consistingof 2,384.000 crowns, 1.660.000 crowns arecovered by canal dues: consequently the annualliability incurred would be 724.000 crowns, andif we ~ e t over against tbis sum the yearly savingin the cost of transport of i,900.000 crowns,we get an economic profit of 7,176.000 crowns,which would correspond to a capital of some180,000.000 crowns (calculating interest at 4%).3. in the case of final traffict, of the itemof expenditure (interest on capital and workingexpenses) consisting of2,384.000 crowns,l,XSO.OOOcrowns are covered by canal dues: consequentlythe annual liability incurred would be 504.000crowns, and if we set over against this sumthe yearly saving in the cost of transport of8,500.000 crowns, we get an economic profit of7,996.000 crowns, which represents a capital ofsome 200,000.000 crOWllS.There mlO, however, he no doubt that thetraffic of the canal, owing to the advantagescreated by a waterway, would develop with

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    videk erdekeinck merlegeIese es e vonalvezetcseknek az egesz viziutluil6zatra kilerjedo kOzgazdasagi fontossaga volt bijekoztat6 befolyassal.

    Az emlfteU vfzvalaszt6 okozta es a magassag legyozeseben nyilvanul6 nehezsegek annalllagyobbak, minel feljebb helyezzQk a tiszaitorkolatot, de viszont anmH rovidebb asottcsatormira van szllksegQnk.

    A Duna 0 pontja es a Tisza foly6 legkisebbv i z ~ m a s a kOzotti tetemes magassagklll0nhsegkovetkezt6ben legtermeszetesebbnek kin8lkozotl a Dunab61 kiagaz6 csatornat csekely escsalkalmazasaval es a vlzvlilaszt6 atvagas8valugy vezetni, hogy a csatoma az emlitett vizsziuklll0nbozetet csup;in a tiszai lejtoben alkalmazand6 lepcsol.etcs kikepzes mellell gyozze Ie.

    A Budapest-csongl'adi iranynak ez ertelemben val6 kOvetese czeljab61 vegrehajtott felmeresek es tervezesek azonban urra az el"edmenyre vezettek, hogy ez eljarassal a vizvalaszt6n athalad6 sok kilometer hosszu szakaszonmintegy 15-20 m melysegii bevagas ~ m a n u c1o, melynek fOldmozgositasa, a fold elhelyezese,vulumint a nagy szelvellyeken atvezetendo athidalasok, a mely bevagasokllal elaaII6 terjedelmes rezsObiztosihis, n l ~ s a t O l " l l U rakod6 helyeinek elhelvezese es hozzUferhctese tetemes kolt

    Description of the route to be traversedby the Danube-Tisza Canal.

    In order to decide upon the best an d mostopportune points on the Danube and the Tiszafor connecting the two rivers, various routeshad to be surveyed and mapped out. In makinga proper choice, the persons responsible wereguided by various considerations: the watershedstretching between the two rivel'S, and continually diminishing in size as it passes from N.to S., and the technical and finandal difficultiesinseparable from the necessity of cutting acrossthe same; a comparison of the interests of thedistricts traversed by the respective routes; theeconomic imporlance of the various lines withregard to the whole system of waterways ofthe country.

    The difficulties caused by the task of gettingover the elevations are increased, the farthernorth the Tisza mouth of the canal is placed; 011the other hand a shortel' excavation is requiled.

    Owing to the considerable difference inelevation between c10w tide. (0) on the Danube,and the lowest height (level) of the Tisza, themost natural course to be plll'SUed seemed totrace the canal branching off from the Danube,with the aid of a slight faU and a cuttingthrough the watershed, in such a manner thatit should have to overc.ome the difference in

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    A vizvalaszt6 legmagasabb reszen atvonulocsatornaresz kepezi az oszto-. helyesebben:tgerincztartanyt .

    Az egyes tarlanyok hajozaisi vizszine a csatlakozo talajvizszin magassag'ban nyerven elhelyezest, a bevagasok okozta f61dmozgosibls islehetoleg minimumra lett redukalva.A csatornanak vizzel valo ellatasa a Duna

    felol eszkozlendo sziyaltyuzassal tOrtenik. melynek sZDksegessegere azonban a talajvizbol idoszakonkint varhato taplahis remelhetoleg mersekloleg fog hatni.A csatorna fobb mereteire altcrve, megjegyeztetik, hogy az 18 meterben megallapilottfenekszclesseg mellett 2'0 meter, iIletve a fenek

    nek a csatoma teIigelyeben tervczeU 0'5 m.melyitesellek figyelembe vetelevel 2'5 m vizmelyseggel, a rendes hajozasi vfzszinben 28meter, es e f610tt U'5 meterrel duzz8szthat6 vizszinbell :iO'meter szeles vizszinnel bir, a mi aszabadvonalon tahilkozo ket darab (l5U tonnasuszalynak egymas mellelt val6 kenyelmes elhaladasat teszi lehelove.A csatorna mindkct oldalan elhelyezett vontato utR k 3'5 m szelesek, a mely szelesseg azon

    ban a hidak alatt a csatoma nlliszelvenyenek

    ing country. in consequence of which thedistricts adjoining the canal would suffer amaterial loss than can hllrdly be expressed infigures. Therefore the construction of the canalin deep cuttings was replaced, in subsequentschemes, by a so-called high elevatioll:t system.On the basis of the said system, the canalwould be divided into several reservoirs andbe constructed terrace wise, on both the Danubeand the Tisza side: and the connection betweenthe various reservoirs would be established bychamber locks:t.That part of the ( ~ t l l l a l passing over the highestelevution of the watershed would constitute thedistributing or rather the backbone reservoir.The navigating level of the several reservoirswould be adapted to the level of the adjoiningcountry: consequently the removal of earthoccasioned hy cuttings would be reduced to aminimum.The supply of water to the canal would becarried out by pumping fl"om the side of theDanuhe: hut the natura I su pply of water fromthe surroullding country to he expected fromtime to time would probably moderale theexigency of such artificial expedients.To pass to the main measurements of thecanal, we may remark that the width of theboltom has been determined at 1X metres; thedepth of water is to be 2 metres, in the axis,

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet



    A felsol'Olt kelh!kekkcl elhithat6 csatornavonalak kozol a felsorolasban az eszakdeliiranyl kovetve, a kovetkezo iranyok leltek fel-merve es megtervezve:

    1. A Budapest-szolnoki csatornavonal, melynek hossza 107'8 km.A csatorna epitesi koltsege 4 ,700.000 korona.2. A Budapesti.csongradi csatornavoDal iranyaban a viziut hosszusaga 141'1 km, melybol126'5 km asolt csatormira esik. A csatornaepitesi koltsege 46'5 milli6 korona.3. A Budapest-Szeged kozotti viziut 174'6 kmes az asott csatorna 160 kmt tenne. A Budapestszegedi vonal 55,450.000 koronaba kernIne.A felsorolt osszes vonalak kozol a 2. pontalatti Budapest-csongradi vonal lett a reszletestargyahisok alnpjaul eJfogadva.Az eloadottakb61 kitonik azonban, hogy aBudapest-csongradi csatorna a mesterseges viziuthoz fozoda osszes kovetelmenyek tekintete

    hen csak ugy emelkedik teljes jelentosegre, haa Maros foly6 Piskiig haj6zhat6va tetetik.E szabalyozasi munkak azollban n fold

    The bridges arc of three classes (I, II, and111) according to the requirements of h'afficand arC! to be constructed with a carriage-road.6, 6, and 4 metres wide respectively.The ~ c h a m b e r locks (lock chambers) connecting the several ('eservoirs are planned witha terracelike bottom between 3'5 and 4'5 metresin depth: they will be 70 metres long and10 metres wide.Of the canal routes a n s w e r i t ~ g to the requirements enumerated ahove, - takinR the samein order of dil'ection from N. to S. - thefollowing have been surveyed and measured:

    1. The Budapest-Szolnok route: length, 107'8kilometres; cost ofcOllstl'Uction, 47,700.ooocrowllsj2. Blldapest-Csongrad route: length ofwaterway 141'1 kilometres, of which 126'5kilometres would be excavutions (cuttings); cost

    of constl'Uction 46,000.000 crowns;3) Budapest-Szeged route: length of waterway, 174'(j kilometres. of which 160 kilometres would be excavations; costofconstruction,55,450.000 crowns.Of all the routes enumel'ated, as the result ofthe dl'lailed discussions and negotiations, that between Budapest and Csongrad (2) was accepted.Yet, by what has been here related, it will

    be seen that the canal between Budapest andCsongnid cannot answer all the requirementsof an a r t ~ t i c i a l waterway, unless the Maros he

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    '.k R ~ S K E D E L E M O G Y I M. Kilt MiNISTEIUUM kiAOAsA.







  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    A termeszeti szepsegekben es tortenelmi emIt!kekben oly gazdag Alduna a folyam nagysaga' es az altala alszelt birodalmak jelentosegedaczara, evezredeken at nem volt kepes rendeltetesenek megfelelni, mivel az oUan volt hatalmas haj6zasi akadalyok miatt a jelentkezo forgalmat csak csekely reszben lehetett lebonyolitani.Ezen haj6zasi akadalyok elhnrftasa kerdeHeivel mar a r6maiak is foglalkoztak, a kik aVaskapu elnevezes alatt ismeretes s az egeszfolyamot litera nagy sziklapad, az U. n, Prigrada megkerOlese vegett val6sziDlileg Trajancsaszar idejeben a jobb parton egy nagyszabasu oldalmeder letesitesebe belefogtak, aztazonban vagy az eloallott technikai nehezsegek,vagy a Trajan csaszar uralkodasa utan nemsokara bekovetkezelt hanyatlas miatt befejezninem tudtak.Az ezutan kovetkezett szazadok nem engedtek alkalmat arra, hogy ezen nehez kerdesmegoldasaval barki is foglalkozzek, miglen183O-ban gr6f Szechenyi Istvan, kit hazajabanlegnagyobb magyarnak neveznek, eletenek leg

    The I.ower Danube is the centre of magnificent natural scenery and has been the witnessof memorable historic events. But notwithstanding the size of the river and the importanceof the territories through which it flows, it hasonly of recent years fulfilled its mission, forthe formidable obstacles impeding navigationwere such as to permit traffic only of the mostrestricted kind.

    The question of removing these obstaclesoccupied the attention even of the old Romanswho - wishing to avoid the rocky bank ofPrigrada - which traverses the river its wholewidth and is known as the eIron Gates -attempted, probably in the reign of the Emperor Trajan, to construct a great auxiliarybed; but the project was abandoned, on account either of technical difficulties or of thedecadence which followed on the death ofTrajan.In the long centUl'ies which succeeded thisattempt it was hardly possible to' try again.

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    - 4m ~ g arra is felhasznalta, hogy az egyeszuhatagoknal kian6 s7.iklacsucsokat - Osszesenmintegy 4000 mS-t - lerepeszsze.A kriwi haboru utan Wex Gusztav fomernOkOt kiildtek ki a helyszinere a Vaskapu zuhatagot- tanulmanyozni. Ezen tanulmanyok alap

    jan tObb alternativ tervezet is dolgoztatott ki,sot ott robbantasok is vegeztettek. IdokOzbena Mke Parisban 1856-ban megkOttetett, de atervek meg s e ~ kerOltek kivitel ala, valamintazok sem hajtattak vegre, melyeket k ~ s o b b azI. cs. kir. szabo D. G. T. altaI 1871-ben meghivottMac Alpin amerikai m ~ r n O k dolgozott ki.Az aldunai haj6zasi akadalyok eltavoht6sak ~ r d e s e b e n ezut'n hosszd ideig nem tOrtentsemmi, mig v ~ g r e az 1871. evi londoni kOllgresszuson megegyezes jOlt letre arra n ~ z v e , hogy az Alduna szab'lyozasa Ausztria-Magyarorszag- es TOrOkorszagra, mint parti aIlamokrabizatik.A 10ndoni szerzodes ide vonatkoz6 czikkekOvetkezokepen szol:Article VI. Les Puissances Riveraines de 1ftPartie du Danube oli les Cataractes et les Portes de Fer mettent des obstacles a la navigation, se r ~ s e r v a n t de s'entendre entre eUes al'etTet de faire disparaitre ces obstacles, lesHautes Parties Contractantes leur reconnaissentdes a present Ie droit de percevoir une taxeprovisoire sur les navil"es de commerce sous

    In 1834 Vasarhelyi profited, however, bythe extreme shallowness of the river to makeexact surveys (which proved of excellent service to the plan-makers of subsequent years),and to blow up some 4000 cubic metres ofrock which lay in the cataracts.After the Crimean War the Engineer-inChief. Gustavus Wex, was sent to the spot tostudy the situation. His observations finished, he

    tried several experiments, and even removedsome of the rocks by blasting. Peace wasproclaimed in 185(), followed by the NavigationAct of 1857, but the plans remained in force,as well as the plan drawn up by the AmericanEngineer Mac Alpin in 1871 at the request ofthe First Danube Navigation Company.In 1871 the International Conference of

    London, in Article VI of the Protocol of the13th March, enacted as follows:The River Powers of that part of theDanube where the cataracts of the Iron Gatesobstruct navigation, agreeing among themselvesas to the removal of the obstacles, the HighContracting Parties will henceforth enforce theirright of imposing a provisional tax on mer

    chant vessels. under whatsoever flag sailing,until the debt incurred in the execution of thework be liquidated; and they hereby declare

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    Az ut6bbiak altai keszUett tervek sem kerOIhettek kivitel ala, mert nemsokara a boszniaifOlkeles, majd a tOrOk-szerb es az orosz-tOrOkluiboru kOvetkezett es csak a berlini kongreszszus alkalmlival kerQIt e kerdes ismet napirendre. Az akkor kOtott nemzetkozi szerzodesszelint a Yaskapu es az ottani tObbi zuhatagokszabalyozasanak munkalataival Ausztria-Magyarorszag bizatott meg, annak 57-ik czikke, az1871. evi londoni szerzodes VI. czikkere val6vonatkozassal a kOvetkezoket mondja:c L'execution des tra vaux destinesa faire disparaitre les obstacles que les Portes de fer etles cataractes opposent it la navigation est confiee a l'Autriche-Hongrie. Les Etats Riverainsde ceUe partie du fleuve accorderont toutesles facilites qui pourraient etre requises dansI'interet des travaux. Les dispositions de I'article VI du Traite de Londres du 13 mars1871 relatives au droit de percevoir une taxeprOVlSOlre pour cOllvrir Jes frais de ces travaux sont maintenues en faveur de J'AutricheHongrie Az 1878. h i julius h6 13-ikl1n kelt szerzodesen kivOI 1878 julius 8-an Ausztria-Magyarorszag es Szerbia kozt kOlon egyezmeny is jolth ~ t r e , mely kovetkezokepen hangzik:cL'Autl'iche-Hongrie se chargeant de faireexecuter les travaux de reglilarisation desPortes de Fer et des cataractes d'Orsova sans

    5Herzegovina, the Turko-Servian War, and theRusso-Turkish War, and the question did nottherefore come to the fore again until theBerlin Congress took place.

    The Tl'eaty of Berlin in 1878 entrustedAustria-Hungary with the work of regulatingthe Iron Gates and the cataracts of the LowerDanube. Article 57 of the Treaty expresses itselfon the subject as follows:

    c The execution of the works for removingthe obstacles preventing the navigation of theIron Gates and the cataracts is entrusted toAustria-Hungary. The River States of that partof the river will accord all the facilities thatmay he required in connection with the works.The provisions of Article VI of the Treaty ofLondon, 13th March 1871, relating to the rightof imposing a provisional tax to cover theexpenses of the works, are maintained in favourof Austria-Hungary

    Following the Treaty of Berlin. on the 8thJuly 1878 Austria-Hungary and Servia COllcluded a special Convention, of which the following is an extract:Austria-Hungary being charged with the

    wQrk of regulating the Iron Gates and thecataracts of Orsova without seeking the financial assistance of the Principality, the latteragrees to grant all facilities needful for the due

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    - 6szabalyozasara vonatkoz6 hat8rozatanak vegrehajtasllt a magyar a1lam vallalta magara.Ezen id6tc51 fogva a magyar kormany vettekezebe a Vaskapuszabalyozas Ogyet es 1879-benazokat a kival6 kOlfOldi szakferfiakat, kiket azorszagban, de kOIOnOsen a Tisza vOlgyen dultrendkivOIi vfzllradasok folytan eszkozlendc5munkailatok fOlOtti velemenyadasra hivott meg,egyszersmind arra is felkerte, hogy az aldunaizuhatagok es a Vaskapu haj6zhat6vli tetelerevonatkoz6lag a nemzetkOzi bizotlsag altai ke-szftetl terveket a helyszinen vizsgaljak meg sa szabalymlasra nezve velemenyOket szintenterjeszszek eM. A kolfOldi szakferfiak ennekfolytan behat6 biralat es tanulmany targyavatettek e nagyfontossagti kerdest is es erre von atkoz6lag elc5terjesztett velemenyes jelentesOkbenkiterjeszkedtek a tervbe vett munkalatok mindenik reszere, a mllr letezc5 tervekre vonatkoz61agtObbrendbeli m6dositaisokat hozvlln javaslatba.188ii-ban Wallandt Ernc5 magyar kirlilyiorszagos kOzepitesi felOgyelc5 bizatott meg, hogya ietez6 tervek es javaslatok alapul vetele mellett a szOkseges felveteleket eszkOzOltesse eshogy az 1873. evi nemzetkOzi bizottsllg terveitaz 1879. evi kolfOldi szakferfiak altai tett javaslatoknak megfelelc5leg dolgozza al

    Ennek megtortente utan a munkalatok tenyleges megkezdese iranti el6keszoletek letettekmeg es 1889-ben Baross Gabor kereskedelem

    Thus it came to pass that the HungarianGovernment took in hand the important workof the regulation of the Iron Gates.After the formidable inundations of 1879which ravaged the shores of the Tisza andproduced the catastl"Ophe ofSzeged, the Government - having deemed it advisable to invitea commission of foreign experts of high reputation to study on the spot the regular course

    of the waters of the country in order to decideupon the works necessary to prevent a recurrence of such catastrophes - took advantageof the occasion to ask these experts for theirviews on the projects of the International Com-mission of 1875. The experts thereupon drewup an exhaustive critique, proposing certainmodifications on several points of the projectsreferred to.

    In 1883 Mr. Ernest Wallandt, Royal Hungarian Inspector-General of Public Works, wascharged to make surveys based on previousplans and schemes, and to modify the plandrawn up by the International Commission of1875, conformable to the propositions of theexperts in 1879.This done, preparations were made to putthe plans into execution. In 1889 Mr. Bal"Oss,Royal Hungarian Ministerof Commerce, insti

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    - 7Hogy mibol allottak a haj6zasi akadalyok esaz egyes zuhatagokon vegrehajtott munkalatok,az a k6vetkezokben adatik elo.Az eltavolftand6 volt haj6zasi akadalyokatazok a zuhatagok kepeztek, melyek az Aldunanoly nagy szamban es oly nagy valtozalossagbanfordulnak elo. Zuhatagok tamadnak valamelyszikllis mederbol a1l6 folyamszakaszon, ba aviz folylisat ural6 tenyezok, U. m.: szelesseg.melyseg es eses, egymas ullin minden atmenet

    m ~ l k O I rohamosan valtoznak s majd sekely helyeket kepeznek, majd robamos folyast es Or-venyezest okoznak. Az aldunai zuhatagok alakulatuk szerint ket csoportba oszthat6k; t. i. vagy keresztiranyban huz6dnak at a sziklapadok a medren s a vizet visszaduzzasztva nagy folyasi sebesseget okoznak ; vagy pedig a sziklas partokb61kiny11l6 hegycsucsok es gerinczek a folyammedret aranylag kis hosszban erosen Osszeszo-ritjak. Az elsok kicsiny, az ul6bbiak magasabbvizallasokn81 kepezik a haj6zasi akadalyokat sa haj6zast vagy veszelyesse. vagy lehetetlenneteszik. A lelras targylit kepez6 szabUlyozasnakeppen az volt a czelja, hogy a folyami haj6zasa sekelyek megszOntelese vagy a nagy sebessegek merseklese altaI a zuhatagok daczarak6nnyittessek, veszelytelenne tetessek es mindenvfzallasnal biztosfttassek.A sekely vizmelysegek megszOntetese vegetta zuhatagokon at a haj6utnak 60 m. feneksze

    Before recounting the labours of thesegentlemen, we will review the obstacles to beovercome.There were the numerous cataracts, of variedfonn, which succeeded each other on the LowerDanube. A cataract forms on a rocky section

    of the bed if the elements which determine theflow of the water (i. e., the width, depth, andslope) are rapidly changed and without transition,forming sometimes shoals. sometimes rapidsand whirlpools. With regard to their formation,the cataracts of the Lower Danube are dividedinto two categories; the first comprises therapids cl'eated by the rocky banks crossingthe bed from one shore to the other, causingan eddy and imparting a tremendous speed tothe current; the cataracts of the second categoryare caused by points of rock projecting fromthe steep banks which confine the bed of theriver over a relatively short distance. The firstimpede navigation, rendering it impossible atlow water; the latter do the same at highwater.

    It was, then, the purpose of the regulation,which forms the subject of this sketch, to removethe shoals and moderate the too swift currentS,in order that navigation might be facilitatedand sheltered from the dangers through all thechanges of the water level.

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


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    - 8 -. Azon zuhatagok, me1yeknel csak a viz alalti, ': sziklaeltavolitasok altaI kellO' melyseget kellett': elO'aWtani, Stenka, Kozla-Dojke es Izh1t;-Tachtali a ; ellenben a hoI kO'gatakkal is kellett aszabalyozast kiegesziteni: Greben-Milanovacz,Jucz es a tulajdonkepeni Vaskapu,A legfelsO'bb zuhalag a Stenka, melyet az1600 meter legnagyobb szelesseggeJ bir6 ObIOzelben a Duna teljes szelessegeben kisebbgr{tnitsziklapadok es a mclyebb vizbc51 kieme1-

    kedc5 sziklacsucsok kepeznek. Ezen Dunaresznekk ~ v f z n e l val6 haj6zhat6va tetele czeljab61 egy. a meder kOzepen vegig huz6d6 1800 m. hosszu~ e d e r c s a t o r n a Ietesittetett, melynel 18030'64rna tOmOr sziklat kellelt viz alatt kirobbantanieltavolitani. A Slenka alatt kOvetkez6 zuhatag a KozlaDojke. Ezen zuhatag mintegy 4 kilometerreterjed es 800-900 meter szeles OblOzetben elter0l6 ket fO' sziklapadb61 a l ~ melyek a Dunamedrenek majdnem teljes szelesseget atfogjak.A felsO' sziklapad a Kozla nevii, az als6 pedigDojke, a melyek altal okozoU ki.vizi haj6zlisiakadaly ugy lett megszOntetve, hogy mindketsziklapadon athuz6d6 3500 m hosszu cunettelett kirobbantva. Ezen medercsalorna Ietesite-'senel 58750'92 rna tOmor szikla vizalatti eltavolilasa vlllt sZOksegesse.A Dojke alatt 7'5 kilometerre kezd6dik az.Izlas-Tachtalia" zuhatag. Ez is, mint minden

    this point is equally distributed over a longerdistanceThe cataracts which rendered necessary thedeepening of the bed by the removal of therocky banks are the Stenka, Kozla-Dojke, andIzlas-Tachtalia. The construction of stone damswas, on the other hand, necessary at GrebenMilanovacz, Juez, and the Iron Gates.The first cataract. the Stenka, is caused by

    banks of granite which cross the Danube fromone side to the other, a distance of 1600 metres,and by reefs which spring up from its depths,To render this part navigable a passage of1800 metres has been cut in the middle oftbebed. This necessitated the removal of 18034'64mS of solid rock which lay under water.

    The next rapid, Kozla-Dojke, extends ;alength of about 4 kilometres, and is formedby two rocky banks which enth'ely bar thebed of the river in a width of 800 to 900 metresThe Kozla bank is above, that of Dojke below;both impede navigation at low water. To obviatethis a heading., or small channel, was boreda length of 3500 metres, which cleared the twobanks. The removal of rocks here was carriedout over a mass of 58750'92 m3

    At 7'5 kilometers below Dojke we have thecataract of Izlas-Tachtalia. Situated betweentwo defiles, it comprises three parts, each of a

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    -- !) -kezik. Itt nemcsak a Grehcntol 2 kilometerreeso Szvinicza kozsegig tcrjcdo Dunareszen elofordul6 magas sziklacslicsok es Szvinicza kOz-segnel leva sziklapad kepezetl akadalyt, hanemaz altai, hogy a mcredek c G r e b e n ~ csucs aDunaba messzirc benyult, magasabb vizalhisokmil oly szomlat kepzodOtt, mely folOIt a folyamerosen felduzzadt. Minlhogy pedig a Duna agrebeni csucs alaU a 420 m. szol"Ulatb61 egyszerre 2200 meterre szelesedett ki, hirtelen nagyvizbukas t&madt es a viz Orvcnyezve oly sebesseggel folyt ala. hogy a haj6k atig tudtak a vizsebesseg es Orvenyek okozla nehezseget lekuzdenio E kelfele hajozasi akadalyon ugy lett segUve, hogy l-szor a Greben csucs 150 m. szelessegben kOzepvizallasig lehordatott, ugy hogy itt anagyviz 420 m. helyett 570 m. szelessegbenfolyhat s tgy fOlfele kevesbbe lesz 'duzzasztva,lefele pedig eses es sebessegkisebbedes all elo.2-szor a Greben - l ~ u c s t 6 l Milano\-acz szerbkozsegig egy 6 kim. hosszn szoriL6gat epfttetelt,melylyel a Greben-Milanovacz kOzti Dunareszmintegy 570 meterre szorUtalott ossze. Ez a gtHvan hivatva egyreszt a Greben es Szvinicza koztiszakaszon a kisvizszint emelni, masreszt nagyVIZ alkalmaval a grebeni csucs levagasnvalegynU Grebennel a vizbuknst csokkenteni. E ketnemft munkan kivDl Szviniczamil meg vizalaUisziklaelhivoUtas altai medermelyitesi munkat iskellett vegezni.

    extending a distance of 2 kilomeb'es, fromGreben as far as the parish of Szvinicza, andnext the rocky banks spreading out in frontof Szvinicza. On the opposite side is the promontory of Greben, which rises up from theDanube in such manner as to narrow the bedto 420 metres. Below Greben the bed suddenlywidens to 2200 metres, and into this basin thewater rushes with such swiftness and turbulencethat the boatmen have considerable difficultyin guiding their craft. Here the headland hasbeen reduced over a width of 150 metres tothe mean level of the water. Consequently athigh water the stream flows in a bed enlargedfrom 420 metres to 570 metres, which diminishes the eddy above and reduces the gl'adientand speed below. Moreover a reserve damhas been constructed, which extends from thepromontory of Greben to the Servian parishof Milanovacz - a distance of 6'00 kilometres,and nanows the bed to 570 metres betweenGreben and Milanovacz. This dam serves, onthe one hand, to raise the low-water mark onthe section between Greben and Szvinicza, andon the other to diminish at high water the fallproduced at Greben. Mot'eover, the rocks nearSzvinicza have been operated upon to deepenthe bed.

    The reduction of the promontory of Grebenmeant the removal of a mass of rock 327.000

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    - 10 - -csatorna letesittetett. a sebesseg szabalyozAs4rapedig egy 400 m. hosszo szorit6gal epittetett,melynek meg azon czelja is volt, hogy a vizszinduzzasztas folyt8n a letesftett medercsatormin61 kevesebb sziklaeltavolitas valjek sztlksegesse.Ezen zuhatag szabalyozasanal vegzett munkamennyiseg 29958'97 m3 IOm6r szikla v(zalaltieltavolitasa es 97605'00 m3 kohanyas h!tesitese.A legnagyobb haj6Z1isi akadaly es a legveszelyesebb zuhatag kOvetkezik ezutan, melyOrsova magyar hatBrvaros alatt mintegy 10kilometel're van es ez a tulajdonkepeni Vaskapunem mas, mint a Karpatokat a Balkan hegyseggel Osszek6to agyagpalas, reteges als6 Jur4b616116 sziklaszirl (Prigrada), mely a Dumin kereszttll huz6dik es egy val6sagos szikladuzzaszt6muvet kepez, rendetlen csocsos es meredekfalo szikiatOmb6kkel, melyeken az atbuk6 \,(Zeros Orvenyekel es limanyokat kepez. Itt afolyamnak kisvfznel 1800 m hosszban 5 mabsolut esese van, mely csak a legnagyobb viz-allasnal szall ala 1'0 m.-re. A vaskapui haj6zasiakacMly elharitasa szinlen medercsalorna letesitesevel eszkOzOltetett, de itt, a mint mar emlittetett, a csatornat a tObbi zuhatagnail letesitett medercsatornat61 elteroleg arviz f610ttigatak k6ze kellett fogni, hogy annak vizea Dunanak lepcsozetes konczenlralt esesu vizszinet61 el legyen knl6nflve es hogy a csa-

    of the current a resel've dam 400 metres longwas constmcted, whieh served to raise the waterlevel and to diminish the need for removalof roeks in the channel

    Here the removal of roeks is representedby 29.958'97 m3 and the filling in is representedby a total of 97605'00 eubie metres.After these cataracts we reach the mostdangerous of all, the one presenting the greatest

    obstacle to navigation. This is the elron G a t e s ~ properly so-called, at 10 kilometers below theHungarian frontier town of Orsova. A ehain ofcistuous jurassic rocks, the Prigrada, serves tounite the Carpathians and the Balkans. It erossesthe Danube and forms a veritable rocky barrier,steep, and with jagged edges, over which:the riverflows with angry swirls. At low water the river,for a distance of1800 metres, has a sheer descentof 5 metres, which is not reduced to 1'5 metreuntil high water, Here still another passage hasbeen made, with this difference, that it had tobe embanked between insubmersible dams, inorder that the water might be separated fromthe bed, in whieh the descent is formed byledges, and in order that the gap of the levelsof the sections above and below the cataractmight be redeemed by a uniform descent. Thepassage constructed near the Servian shore is1720 metres long by 7";, wide and 3 deep at

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    ". .,

    - 11 -hoz csatlakozo U. n. cKis Vaskapu-n at vezetettmedercsatorna, vegal azon k6hanyAsb61 epfteU1800 m. hosszu parhuzamruft. mely a Vaskapucsatorna jobboldali gatjat61 fOlfele huz6dik esczelja a Duna vizenek a csator1ll1ba valo terelese. Osszev6ve mindezen munkalatokat, azok109700'02 mS sziklaeltavoUtast a szabad folyamban, 367816'24 ma sziklae1tavolitast szarazban,276404'11 ma kohanyu Jetesfteset es 264411'53'ms vegyesanyag (kotOrmelek) felt01test igenyeltek, nem emlitven a gataknak mintegy 60000mS feltlleten tOrtent kiburkolasat es egyeb munkakat.Az ismertetett aldunai zuhatagok szabAlyo-zasa es az azoknal volt haj6zasi akad81yok el-haritas'& tehat haromfele m6don tortent, t. i.mederc8atorna litullissel, a Greben hegycsdcsnak lehorddsdval b gdtak epCMsevel.

    A zuhatagok mentell letesitett medercsatornak vizalatti sziklaeltaivoUtast igenyeltek, mi amederfeneket kepez6 sziklak megtUrasat es robbantasat, avagy zuzasat es ezek folytlin fel-d ~ a b o l t sziklaanyagnak viz al61 val6 eltavolftaslit "vagyis kotruat es egyeb m6don tOrtentkiemeleset teUe szOks6gesse.

    Mielott azonban ezen munkalatok vegrehajtasahoz how lehetetl fogni, a haromszOgtanilagmeghatarozott medercsatornlik helyen a folyam

    Danube thereinto, All these works have necessitated the removal of 109.700 02 mS of rocksin the river, and 367.816'24 mS of rocks onland; 276.404'12 ma of artificial rock-bedding,and 264.411'53 mS of mixed filling, withoutmentioning the casing of the dams over asuperficial area of 60,000 mB

    The regulation of the catarncts of the LowerDanube was thus accomplished by three means:by the cutting of channels or passages, bythe reduction of the promontory of Greben,and by the construction of dams.

    The channels cut along the cataracts requiredthe removal of rocks beneath the water. Itwas necessary, either to bore the rocks fromthe bottom and blow them up, or to breakand raise them, that is to say, to dredge theriver.But before commencing these operations itwas necessary to ascertain, with the greatestpossible exactitude, the formation of the bedof the channels, determined by trigonometricalsurveys, in order to compute the mass of rockto be cleared. The choice of machines requiredan equally exact knowledge of the formationof the strata; for the shoals, filled with rocks

    of immense thickness, could only be attackedby the aid of cboring-boats {bateaux-foreurs},while the stony beds, less difficult were sub;-

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    - 12ftir6kkal felszerelt amerikai ftir6hajok vugy a-Lobnilzlt-fele zuz6haj6k (derocheuse) segelyevel eszkOzOltetett, s a felapr6zolt sziklaanyageltavoIitssara a S k 6 l ~ z i a b 6 1 eredo Vnskapu newnagy vedres sziklakotr6 es mas paternostel'kotr6k. tovabb6 az amerikui knnalas kotr6 esa Priestmann-fele excavator szolg3.lt; vegOI annak kipuhatolasara, hogy a medercsatornak atervezeU meretekkel allittattak-e elo es hogy8zok minden reszukben tiszhik, azaz nincsenekbennOk egyes visszamaradt kavek, vagy sziklatombOk, arra szolgalt a kutnt6 haj6, mely kesobb a derocheuse-el es Priestmann excavatorral combinalv8 szolgaitatta az U. n. universalhaj6t, melylyeI a kutatb es az ezen llluveletnel esetJeg visszamaradt szikhik ZUZ8sa es kiemelese is eszkOzolheto volt.Lassuk sorban ezen felsorolt muukahaj6kkal vegzett munkak menctet, valamint azokberendezesel.

    A melyslgmlro haj6 ket pontonra szerelt,10 m. szeles es 20 m. hosszu mllnkaplateallb61all, melyen hat egymast61 1-1 meterre fekvonyihis fut vegig hossziranyban olyforman, hogy2 sin kOzOtt egy nyilas van. A sineken ketkocsi mozog, melyek mindegyike 4 dm. beosztasu merocsovel van felszerelve, ugy, hogyazok egy negyzetmetel' negy sarokpontjait ke

    The following is a brief description of theconstruction and method of working of thesemachines.

    The Sounding Boat is a platform 20 metreslong by 10 metres wide, mounted on two pontoons; it is pierced with six longitudinal slits ofa metre apart, each slit being placed betweelltwo rails. The rails bear two cars furnishedwith graduated bars forming the: four anglesof a squal'e of one metre, and pullies on whichUley slide up and down, The strongest currentcannot dislodge them, so that they alwaysindicate the exact depth sounded,The car carries, for each graduated bar. avernier) placed at a fixed height (1'60 metre)above the top of the rail. If the height of therail has been brought bal'k to the side of themark of the shore, and if the depth be ascertained at which the end of the bar is foundtouching the bottom below the zero of thevernier. the depth at the point where the barhas just touched l'an be gauged, and the heightof the rock to be removed calculated. A car,with the graduated bars at its four angles,gives four soundings, and these form -a group.The plummer-block of a boat admits of 50groups, that is to say, a boat anchored at apoint llllows of 50 positions of the car,

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    Melysegmero haj6 - Sounding Boat.Olda lnuet - Side V iew. Neut e totro l Fron t V iew.

    Hosszmetszet - Longi tudinal Sec tion . Kere sztmets zet - Cross Section .

    FCllUlnuet - V iew from Above. Mt ly segmerB kocs i - Mea suring Car.


  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    , ..




    - 14 --'ga. Egy-egy kocsi nelD' sarkan leva melysegmer6c8c; altai nyerheto negy szonda e g y - e ~ y CIOporlot kepez is egy teljes haj6plateauval 50CIOportot lehet felvenni, ilIetaleg egy haj6allasfelvelelehez 50 kocsialJas szOkseges.

    Mint mm- emliltetett, a .ziklalazl!d, ki/felem6don tijrlint e. pedig aJ zt1zdhaj6k .egiI6lge-vel, b) 1t1r6haj6kkal.a) A z6z6haj6k azon elven alapulnak, hOl!y

    egy haj6testre feL .zerelt ves6alak6 vasczOIOpOtbizonyOl maga..sagra val6 emelk utan, szaba-.don cjtenek a mederszikhira, hotly azt Osszczllzza. Ket kapcsolt, vagy eleg DaRY egyes haj6n, mintegy 13 m. magas luiromlab6 allvanyvan, mclynek tetejere akasztolt 1'0 m. atmerajOkerek kOrOI a haj6n leva gozcsOrla dobjar61m c ~ f e l e l a vastag lancz vezel. A lancz szabad.vegen egy kapocsemeUyttvel eUAtotl harang van,mely a leercsztesnel a veso fels6 vegere bo-rulva, Onmttkod6leg a ves6kengyclbe kapaszkodik es fgy a vesat a vesaemelolanczczal, illet6leg a geppel OsszekapcsoIja. A ves6 az emelc5-geppel felemelletik addig, mig a kapocsemellyO18ncza meg nem feszt1l: mire a v ~ s 6 a harangt61 elszabadul es lezuhan. A kikapcsol6 lanczhossdval szabalyozhat6 a vesa csesi magas-8aga i ., mely a szerint, a mint a lazitand6 anyagvastogabb vagy vekonyabb retegtt, nagyobbra,vagy kiKebbre vetetik,

    top of the tripod; the free end of, the chaincarries a bell-formed vessel provided with ahook-lever; this 'bell' covers the top oCthe centrepiece. hooks it automatically in the strap ofthe centre-piece, an d thus binds it to the chaiqand consequently to the winch. The winchraises the centrepiece until the chain is pulled'taut', then the centre-piece becomes detachedfrom the beD and falls with a crash to thebottom.

    The length of the chain can be adjusted toregulate the distance of the fall, which may beinel'eased or diminished, according as the bedto be crushed be more or less thick. '

    The centre-piece is a square bar of iron, 40by 40 centimetres at the middle and 20 by20 at the top, weight about 9 tons. It ends inthe form of a wedge, whose edge has a steelbevel welded in the middle of the bar. Thisconstruction offers the advantage that the edgeremains always taper, for the steel nut doesnot wear out so quickly as the iron exteriol.

    Besides the centre-piece mechanism justdescribed, the rock-breaker consists of apparatuswhich causes it to tack about - to advanuand recede - or to make a flank movement,as well as of a dynamo supplying electric lightfor night work.

    In front of the boat is the winch; in the

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    Sziklazuz6 baj6. - Rock-breaker Boat.O l d a 1 n ~ z e t Side View. Keresztmetszet - CrollS Section.

    =--=-z, I-----'

    F 6 1 U l n ~ z e t - View (rom Above. Keresztmetszet - Cross Section.

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    -- 16A kapcsolt haj6 elejen all a vesoemelogep.a hujo kozepen a luiromlabu vasallvany, ket

    Iabbal oldalvast es a harmadikkal a vesoemelogep fele. Ezen allvliny oldalvast 8116 hibai kOztvan a nyilas a szabadon levo veso reszere,melyben eros allvany kOze fogott, megvasalt,eros tOlgyfakeret van a veso vezetesere es aveso oldalOteseinek felfogasara.A zuz6haj6, miutan a laziland6 csatornareszben fo-, oldal- es farhorgonyokkal meg

    felelOleg kihorgonyoztatolt, munkajat megkezdte,mely a nehez lavirozas miatt egyszerre csak afel csatoma szelessegre terjedt ki es aluh-ol fOIfele tortenl.b) A sziklalazitas masodik m6dja a /ar6-

    haj6kkal val6 laz[his.A fUr6haj6k altai a sziklafenekbe meghahirozolt ilelyeken, a tervezelt ( ~ s a t o r n a f e n e k alii,1 -2 111. nuHysegre akmik fliratlak, melyekazutan robban6 anyagot tartalmaz6 patronokaltaI felrobbantallak.

    A szabalyozasi munkBlatoknal alkalmazotlfUr6haj6k IngersollfUrokkal voltak felszerelvees szerkezetOk eRY foelveben mind megegyeztek egymassal, a mellnyiben mindenik negyhibbal birt, keUo a haj6 elejen es ketlo a haj6faran, melyekkel a ftlr6haj6knak a vfzfolyast61es hulhimzast61 fOggellen es a fUrashoz szQkseges szilard {alias biztosittatotl. A hibak gozeravel, vagy viznyomlissal megfelelO szerkeze

    These machines serve to drill mining holesin the rocky bed at a depth of from 1 to 2metres under the projected floor of the channel_Bombs filled with explosives afterwards springthe mines.

    The boJ'ing-boats employed in the regulationof the Iron Gates were supplied with Ingersolldrills. Their construction was on the generalprinciple that each hoat had four legs, two atthe fore and two at the stern, to assure theboat a stedfast position, independent of thecurrent and the motion of the waves. Theselegs were lowered to the bottom of the riverbed, and maintained there by a constantpressure, either of steam or of hydraulic power,which raised the hull slightly above the surfaceof the water.

    Two kinds of boring-boats wel'e employed.A) On the 'rectilinear' boring-boats the borerswere placed in a single line and moved onrails, so that the anchored boat worked onlyin that single line, but on all its poinl.. ThebOl'ers were fixed either on olle side or at the

    stem of the boat.B) On the 'superftcial' boring-boats all theborers were invariably mounted on a movable

    ( ~ a r r i a g e , so that the boring lines might bedisplaced at will, but the space between the

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    IV. szamu fur6 haj6 - Boring Boat No. IV.

    N ~ z e t hitulr61 - Back View.

    F l i l U l n ~ z e t - View from Above.

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    - 18 -volt valtoztathato, azonban a fUrt aknak egymlisl6li tavola mindig ugyannz maradt

    Ha egy fdrlytik elkcszOlt, a fti.'o elhivolilasaes a fUrlyuk kifecskendezcse ulan a lOIMny avezelocsOvOn a flirlyukba eresztheto, a tollenygytijto sodronya pedig a vezeloc.'so hasadekan atkiszabadlli. I-:zulan a vezetocsovel a vezelotartosegelyevel fOlemelik es a fU.'oliU"anyl egy tij fUrlyuk e16lillftasa vegett a sinpnron tovaibb loljak,Miulan az egy haj68lIasb61 a megszabottmunkavonal iranyaban eJoallitott fUrlyukak robbanD anyaggal megtOllettek es a gytijlosodl'onyok egymassal Osszekc')ttettek, a bajoIabak felemeltettek es a bajo a flirlyukakt61 20-25melernyire elta vozott, az Osszes vfzalatti akmikvillamos titon egyszerre felrobbantattak, RobbantHs utan a haj6 tijra visszaereszkedelt a marfelrobbanlott aknasor melle 1'5-3'0 m.-nyire esaz aknafUrast folytattak,Az Uy modon felJazftott szikJaanyag kotrokaltai lavolitlatott el a medercsalormib61,A mar emmett baromfele rendszerfi kotrokkOzOI a vedres es kanalas kotrok OsszefQggoterOletek atkolrasara alkalmaztattak, mfg a dartiskolrok csak egyes nagy lOmbOk eJlavoUlasanaJ,a letraskolr6k altaI osszetolt anyaggal elbivolilaslmal es a szetszortan visszamaradllaza anyag

    kikotrasainal, vagyis a csatorna liszlibisanalbasznaltattak.Annak kipuhaloJasara, vajjon a lelesilendovolt . medercsatorna a tervben megallapitott

    spark exploded all the mines simultaneously,and the boat returned to continue its work ona new line at a distance of 1-5 to 3'0 metresfrolD the preceding one,

    The dredgers afterwards removed the massof rock thus displaced.

    Of the three kinds of dredgers mentioned,the bucket and spoon-dredgers were employedfor ordinal'y dredging, whilst the tooth-dredgers raised the isolated blocks, and the chapletdredgers the small rubbish left behind by thebucket-dredgers,

    Last of all it was necessary to ascertainthat the channel was being excavated alongthe prescribed lines, and that there were nolonger any pieces of rock or debris remaining.For this purpose a search-boat was employed,carrying two vertical slides, 7 metres high, placedin the direction of the boat's crank, one behindthe other, and turning with their guidingframes in the direction of the cross-sectionaround an axle. The slides, which ascended ordescended in the guiding-frames, were suspended by a cable, and raised or lowered, osrequired, by means of a windlass. Each slidewas composed of two columns whose lowerends were united by a horizontal iron tube70() metres long. The columns were dividedinto decimetres, and the centimetres were readon the verniers attached to the guiding frame.

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  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    - 20 -A kereloszlopok deczimelerekre vannak beoszlva es a czenlimelerek leolvasasa a keret

    vezeteken alkalmazolt n6niusokon torlenik.Millthogy a paternosler kolr6k nem voltakkepesek egy leljesen tiszla csalornafenekel eM-allflani es az ulanliszUl6sok a daruskolr6val esgozdaruval sem adlak kielegilo eredmenyl, fo-k ~ p p e n pedigo merl ezen objeklumok ismelellbelillilasa es partra lilUtasa igen koltseges esidorabl6 Yolt, kesobben oly kutal6haj6 szerkesz'lelelt, mely a kutalaslUil talall hihakal maga'kepes elliivolflani, mi v ~ g b o l a rendes kUlat6-haj6 kosarkotr6val es zuz6val is ellallatott. Ezenhaj6 c U ~ l i v e r s a " hnj6nak neveztetetl el.Az Universal- haj6 szerkezele lenyegebena kOvetkezo:Valamely gozdamval egy m a ~ o d i k megfelelo kOveshaj6 kapcsoltatolt Ossze a kel haj6kOzli hezagba, a baj6k hosszlengelyehez parhuzamosan 5 drb 5 m. hossz6. mar osmerlrendszerii kulat6keret allittalott fe t Ezen kerelvonallal egy 25 m. hosszu csatornareszt leheleU egyszerre alkutatni; minlhogyazonban ateljesen megbizhat6 eredmellY cleresehez szQk-seges, hogy a7. egyenkenl alkutalott csatoruaterQlelek reszben egymast fedjek, csak 20 m.hossztl csalornare3z veletelt egy-egy kulablsiszalagnal szamba es a tuleso 5 m. biztonsagi:szalagnak lekilllelett.A ket haj6test kOzli hezagban meg el volt

    intervening space five sounding-frumes of thekind already described, 5 metres in length,were placed parallel with the boal's axis. Bythis means a section of 25 melres of the channel could be sounded at 0 nee. But absolutecertainly of aim being necessary, in orderlhal the seclions sounded one after the olhershould be perfectly united, the sounding waslimited to a section of 20 melres, the stripof 5 metres which exceeded this length beingreckoned as a surety strip . Between the twoboats was also fixed' the guiding bar of the .basket of the Priestmann dredger and theguiding frame of a rock-breaker centre-piece.

    The steam crane was used to lower andraise the baskel of the Priestmann dredger,and lo lift the rock-breaker cenlre-piece. Whenin sounding an obstacle was encountered lhebasket was hooked to the windlass, and the cranewas set to work 8S a Priestmann dredger.A trolley, placed under the basket and movingon rails, received the rubbish and emptied itinto the barge alongside the Universal boab.

    When in sounding a point of solid rock wasencountered, the basket was placed upon ,theplummer-block of the boat, the " bell " of thecentre-piece was attached to the windlass anddid duty as a rock breaker.

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    "Vaskapu" kotr6. - The Large Dredger "Vaskapu".Olrlalm!zet - - Side Vitw . Nezet ellSlr81 - Front View.

    F 6 1 U l n ~ z e t - View from Above.

  • 8/6/2019 1908 - Duna-Tisza-csatorna tervezet


    - 22

    az cUniversal- hajoval kDIOnbell ugyanolym6don tOrtenik, mint a mar ismertetett kiskutat6hajovaLAtterve a Va"kapu-zuhatagra, megemJitendo,hogy a Vaskapu-csatoma kogatak kOzOtt vezet,s nem a fentebb lefft modon lett lemelyftve,hanem, miutan e vezergatak kOzti csatornatermegfelelo ideiglenes zarogatak es szivararkoksegelyevel szarazzli tetetett, a mederfenek kO-zOnseges vaslabas cIngersolh fUrokkal, melyekhez a szDkseges gozt lokomobilok szolgaltattak,megfuratott es a lazitott anyag vasnti vaganyonkocsikkal lett eltavolftva.Az ideiglenes zargatak elhivolitasaval a csatorna bejarata es als6 torkolata ugyancsak aleirt mfitargyak segelyevel kepeztettek ki.A mi kQIOnOsen a kogatak eplteset illeti, ehelyen csak azon modszerek es nehezsegek fel-emlitesere szorftkozom, melyek ezen glitak ep{-t ~ n e l kOvettettek, illet61eg melyekkel ennelmeg kellett kQzdeni. A grebeni folyamszakaszonfelepitett, mintegy 6 kilometernyi szorftogat esminlegy Osszesen 2 kilometer hosszn ket keresztgat liltalaban alacsony kozepvfz magassaggalbfrnak es kiepltesQk ketftHe m6dszer alkalmazlisBval torient.A szorftogatnak kezdete, a grebeni csncshozcsatlakoz6 resze, par szaz meter hosszban, ahegytol kiindul6an szarazban leU elorehajtvaolyforman, hogy a hegylerobbantasmil nyertkoanyag vaganyokon halado kocsikra rakatott

    After the demolition of the provisionalcoffer-dams, the entrance to and exit from thechannel were bored by the machines referred to.With regard to the insubmersible stonedams, we shall content ourselves by merely.describing the method of their construction,and the difficulties that had to be overcome.

    The longitudinal dam of 6 kilometres and .the two transverse dams about 2 kilometres ";.long, on the Greben section, have generally themean height of low water, and two methodswere employed in their constroction.

    The first part of the reserve dam was constructed on the dry land, that is, some hundreds of metres from the point of connectionwith the Greben promontory. To this end therocky rubbish caused by the demolition of thepromont