174417013 Folio Masakan

Post on 23-Oct-2015

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Transcript of 174417013 Folio Masakan


Kemahiran mengenai teknik asas penggunaan pisau merupakan salah satu

komponen penting yang perlu dikuasai oleh seseorang ahli kulinari sama ada yang hanya

merancang untuk bekerja sepenuh masa di dapur atau sekadar untuk menghabiskan masa

bersama-sama keluarga dan kawan-kawan di dapur. Mempelajari kaedah penggunaan

pisau dengan cara yang betul dapat menjimatkan masa dan memberikan kaedah potongan

yang pelbagai. Kaedah pemotongan yang pelbagai ini penting unuk menghasilkan

keseragaman pada bentuk dan saiz sayuran yang dipotong yang mana ia mampu

menghasilkan persembahan hidangan makanan yang menarik dan membuka selera.

Di sini, kami akan berikan anda sedikit kefahaman dan pengetahuan asas tentang

panduan keselamatan penggunaan pisau, senibina pisau, jenis-jenis pisau yang biasa

digunakan di dapur, beberapa kaedah potongan klasik dan beberapa jenis kaedah

potongan yang istimewa. Semua kaedah potongan yang dibincangkan ini hanya

menggunakan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan sahaja. Sebagai tambahan, kami turut

membincangkan beberapa perkara mengenai penjagaan pisau dan teknik menajamkan

pisau dan teknik penjagaan papan pemotong.



Keperluan paling asas untuk mempelajari teknik asas penggunan pisau dan

mempelajari beberapa kaedah pemotongan sayur ialah:

Papan pemotong yang kukuh. (Landas)

Pisau chef (chef’s knife) yang tajam

Paring knife yang tajam.

Pengupas kulit sayur.(peeling knife)

Adalah lebih baik sekiranya anda memiliki steel (alat yang digunakan untuk

menajamkan pisau anda dari semasa ke semasa sepanjang penggunaan pisau tersebut).

Bahan-Bahan yang perlu disediakan adalah seperti berikut:

2 biji Kentang

2 biji Lobak

5 biji bawang besar

¼ biji kobis / 1 batang leak

2 biji lada benggala (bell peppers)

2 biji mangga

1 biji limau bali

2 biji cendawan butang




Penggunaan pisau dengan cara yang selamat perlu diberikan perhatian oleh semua

pekerja yang terlibat dengan kerja-kerja di dapur. Walaupun hanya terdapat beberapa

peraturan sahaja tetapi ia amatlah penting untuk dititikberatkan.

1. Pisau yang tajam adalah pisau yang selamat. Menggunakan pisau yang tumpul

boleh mengundang tragedi. Contohnya, apabila anda memaksa diri anda

memotong daging yang liat, anda kemungkinan akan kehilangan keseimbangan

dan keadaan ini boleh menyebabkan kecederaan. Sekiranya anda menggunakan

pisau yang tajam, kerja-kerja pemotongan akan menjadi lebih mudah dan kurang

tenaga dibazirkan.

2. Jangan menangkap pisau yang sedang jatuh. Cara yang terbaik untuk

mengelakkan anda sentiasa memikirkan tentang peraturan ini ialah dengan

memastikan pisau-pisau anda telah lengkap dan berada pada kedudukan yang

selamat di atas meja supaya tiada pisau yang boleh terjatuh akibat pelanggaran

dan sebagainya. Contohnya di bahagian tengah meja atau di bahagian hujung

meja yang ada penghadang.

3. Menggunakan pisau yang tertentu untuk jenis-jenis pemotongan yang tertentu.

Banyak kemalangan yang berlaku disebabkan kemalasan pengguna untuk

menukar pisau apabila menukar objek yang hendak dipotong. Contohnya

menggunakan sejenis pisau sahaja untuk memotong sayur, daging, bawang dan

sebagainya dengan mudah mengundang kemalangan terjadi.

4. Sentiasa memotong objek ke arah hadapan – jangan sekali-kali memotong objek

ke arah anda. Kadangkala langkah ini sukar untuk diikuti. Jika objek berada pada


kedudukan yang salah, pusingkan objek tersebut atau pusingkan papan pemotong

anda. Gunakan papan pemotong yang bergetah di bahagian bawahnya. Sekiranya

bahagian bawahnya adalah licin, lapikkan dengan kain tuala yang basah untuk

pastikan papan pemotong tidak bergerak semasa kerja-kerja pemotongan


5. Semasa anda memegang pisau, pastikan mata anda sentiasa peka pada mata pisau.

Perkara ini perlu diambil berat terutamanya ketika kita sedang memotong sesuatu

objek atau sedang membawa pisau semasa berjalan. Ini merupakan antara

langkah-langkah keselamatan yang penting bagi mengelakkan sebarang

kecederaan dan kecelakaan.

6. Bawa pisau dengan berhati-hati semasa bergerak. Jika anda membawa pisau

melalui dapur yang sangat sibuk, pasti ada ramai orang yang bergerak di mana-

mana sahaja dengan keadaan tergesa-gesa untuk menyiapkan tugas masing-

masing. Jadi, ketika anda membawa pisau, pastikan tangan anda memegang hulu

pisau dimana mata pisau tersebut mestilah lurus ke bawah menghadap lantai.

Pastikan kedudukan tangan anda selesa dan mudah diubah gerakkan (flexsible).

7. Jangan sekali-kali memasukkan pisau ke dalam sinki yang penuh dengan air.

Merendam pisau boleh menyebabkan kerosakan pada hulu pisau. Meletakkan

pisau dalam bekas rendaman terutama yang bersabun boleh mengundang bahaya.

Basuh pisau anda yang tajam itu dengan tangan dan bukannya dengan mesin

pembasuh pinggan. Kemudian letakkan ia ditempat sepatutnya dengan kadar


8. Sentiasa memotong objek di atas papan pemotong. Jangan memotong di atas

kaca, marble dan logam. Ini boleh merosakkan mata pisau.



Pisau direkacipta dalam pelbagai rupa. Bahagian-bahagian pisau yang digunakan

oleh chef dapat dijelaskan melalui dua gambar dibawah.

Pisau yang bagus ialah apabila bahagian tang akan kelihatan memenuhi bahagian

atas di sepanjang hulu pisau seperti yang tertera dalam rajah 2 di atas. Ini akan memberi

imbangan dan kestabilan pada struktur pisau. Satu lagi ciri-ciri pisau yang berkualiti ialah

bahagian bolster adalah sebahagian dari mata pisau, bukan yang dipisahkan.

Sekiranya anda mencari pisau untuk kegunaan persendirian, kami mencadangkan

agar anda memilih pisau yang berat, kehalusan mata pisau yang seimbang (exquisitely

balanced) ataupun pisau German. Berat pada pisau akan membantu memudahkan anda

untuk mendapatkan keseimbangan semasa kerja-kerja pemotongan dijalankan.


Rajah 1

Rajah 2


Terdapat terlalu banyak rekabentuk pisau di pasaran. Setiap set pisau ini direka

untuk pelbagai kegunaan serta untuk kaedah pemotongan yang berbeza. Berikut,

diberikan beberapa contoh set pisau yang terdapat di pasaran.

5 bilah set Cutlery. Set ini sesuai untuk

pemotongan, chopping, peeling, dicing, atau slicing dan

juga boleh digunakan bagi mengukir untuk hiasan.

Mengandungi 9" Chef knife, 8" Carving knife, Fork, 6"

pisau serbaguna dengan mata yang tidak rata dan 3"

Paring knife.

Anda memerlukan 10 bilah pisau seperti ini

yang dipanggil 10pc Chefmaster Knife Set. Set ini

mengandungi pisau pemotong daging (cleaver),

chef knife, pisau ukir (carving knife), pisau daging

(butcher knife), filet knife, utility knife,

fruit/vegetable knife dan steak knife. Pisau ini pula

mempunyai ciri-ciri yang istimewa iaitu tidak perlu diasah dan hulunya diperbuat

daripada bahan polypropylene.

Set pisau dengan papan pemotong

(landas). Sebagai seorang chef, set ini

sesuai untuk dibawa kemana-mana dan

sangat lengkap. Set ini tidak perlu

ditajamkan, mempunyai mata pisau yang

diperbuat daripada stainless steel dan

hulu yang diperbuat daripada


Rajah 3

Rajah 4

polypropylene. Set ini mengandungi 8 steak knives, 3 paring, utility, butcher, chef, fillet,

cleaver serta pisau dengan mata yang tidak rata untuk memotong tomato dan ham/roti.

cleaver, chef, slicer, ham, bread, utility, boning, paring knives. Set ini dilengkapkan lagi

dengan steel pengasah/penajam, gunting serbaguna (all purpose kitchen scissors), poultry

scissors, dan 11-3/8" x 7-3/4" papan pemotong (landas).

Baiklah, sekarang kita akan membincangkan beberapa jenis pisau yang biasa

digunakan untuk kerja-kerja di dapur.

Kiri: steel.

Dari atas:

A) 10” chef’s knife,

B) 9” chef’s knife,

C) 8” chef’s knife,

D) Santoku Oriental chef’s knife

Dari atas:

E) Serrated slicer or “bread” knife,

F) boning knife,

G) paring knife,


Set pemotongan di dapur yang

lengkap ini mempunyai semua jenis alat

pemotong yang kita perlukan untuk

menghiris, memotong dadu, memotong

tulang, mencincang atau membuat ukiran

untuk hiasan hidangan. Set ini terdiri

daripada 8 set cutlery termasuklah









H) bird’s beak or “tourner” knife

Semua pisau yang ditunjukkan pada rajah 3 dan rajah 4 di atas adalah chef’s

knives dan 3 pisau teratas dalam rajah 3 itu kadangkala dirujuk sebagai French knive’s.

Sekiranya anda ingin membeli sebilah pisau, pastikan pisau yang dipilih ialah chef’s

knife. Untuk menentukan saiz pisau sesuai dengan tangan anda, anda perlu memastikan

panjang dan lebar pisau sesuai dengan saiz tangan anda.

Gambar A, C, D dalam rajah 3 di atas adalah daripada Wusthof’s Culinar. Satu

kekurangan pada pisau tersebut ialah tiada tang line dan rivets yang berfungsi sebagai

rujukan semasa memotong. Pisau santoku mempunyai dimpled pada mata pisau. Ini

memudahkan proses pemotongan dimana ia mudah untuk memisahkan produk yang

melekat pada matanya terutamanya produk yang basah.

Pisau pada gambar E merupakan pisau yang bermata gergaji. Ia amat sesuai bagi

memotong roti terutamanya roti yang rangup dan rapuh tanpa menghancurkannya. Pisau

F pula sesuai direka supaya flexsibel dan dapat disesuaikan untuk mengikut ira daging

semasa memotong daging. G pula merupakan pisau-pisau yang sesuai untuk kerja-kerja

umum seperi memotong bawang, manakala pisau H dan I merupakan bird’s beak yang

digunakan untuk mendapatkan hasil pemotongan yang berbentuk melengkung.




Kaedah yang sesuai untuk memegang pisau chef’s knife ialah dengan

mencengkam bahagian pertemuan antara hulu dan mata pisau dengan tetap dengan ibu

jari dan jari telunjuk berada dihadapan bolster dengan keseluruhan jari lain

menggenggam disekeliling hulu. Cara pegangan sedemikian akan memberikan

cengkaman yang kuat. Dan cara memegang pisau yang betul akan memberi hasil yang

baik dan cantik pada bahan yang dipotong.

Terdapat 2 langkah atau kaedah yang berbeza semasa menggunakan chef’s knife.

Yang pertama adalah dengan menggunakan bahagian tumit mata pisau (wrist-fulcrum

method) iaitu bahagian yang paling hampir dengan bolster. Gunakan pergelangan tangan

dan genggam mata pisau di bahagian yang paling hampir dengan bolster. Caranya dengan

menggerakkan pergelangan tangan atas dan bawah dan seterusnya mata pisau akan

bergerak mengikut rentak pergelangan tangan anda. Kedudukan ini akan menaikkan

bahagian hujung mata pisau dan manarik pisau ke arah belakang.


Pandangan hadapan kaedah memegang pisau Pandangan sisi

Kaedah i – guna tumit mata pisau Kaedah ii - guna hujung mata pisau

Kaedah kedua ialah dengan menggunakan bahagian hujung mata pisau pada

permukaan papan pemotong. Kaedah ini digalakkan untuk pergerakan yang lembut dan

perlahan dengan keadaan lebih dikawal.


Basuh chef’s knife anda sebaik saja digunakan dengan air suam yang bersabun,

dan keringkan dengan segera. Untuk memelihara hulu pisau, Jangan rendam hulu pisau

dalam air terlalu lama atau jangan masukkan pisau ke dalam mesin pembasuh pinggan

mangkuk. Simpan pisau di tempat khas yang dijaga rapi (seeloknya gunakan rak pisau

yang bersifat magnetik) dan bukannya di dalam laci yang mana ia boleh rosak apabila

berlaga dengan peralatan-peralatan lain di dalam laci tersebut. Untuk memastikan

ketajaman mata pisau, dicadangkan menggunakan steel pengasah pisau tradisional.

1. Tahan kedudukan steel dengan kemas, tempatkan ia di atas papan pemotong.

2. Pastikan kedudukan mata pisau pada sudut 20° pada steel dengan mata pisau ke

bawah mengadap steel.

3. Tolakkan mata pisau ke arah bawah dan bergerak disepanjang steel, tarikkan

semula ke arah anda. Teruskan proses tolak dan tarik sehingga anda mendapat

mata pisau yang tajam.


Kedudukan tangan yang sesuai ketika memotong.

4. Pusingkan mata pisau pada bahagian sebelahnya. Lakukan proses 3 sekali lagi

sehingga kedua-dua permukaan mata pisau halus, nipis dan tajam.

5. Lakukan proses tolak dan tarik itu sebanyak 6 kali atau sehingga anda mendapati

mata pisau anda telahpun tajam.


Papan pemotong merupakan pasangan dan kawan baik kepada pisau anda. Sama

ada anda memilih papan pemotong daripada plastik atau kayu, katakuncinya ialah papan

pemotong ini berperanan besar untuk menahan apa saja yang anda potong supaya tidak

melayang atau berserakan di merata tempat. Untuk memastikan papan pemotong anda

tidak bergerak semasa proses memotong dijalankan terutama bagi papan pemotong yang

ringan, alaskan bahagian bawah papan pemotong dengan kitchen towel yang lembab.

Elakkan dari memotong sayur di atas permukaan yang keras seperti marble kerana ia

akan merosakkan mata pisau anda.

Di pasaran terdapat papan pemotong yang siap dibina bersana kabinet dapur anda,

tetapi kami biasanya meletakkan papan pemotong kayu atau plastik di atasnya untuk

mengelakkan kerosakan pada permukaannya. Ini kerana, papan pemotong yang kecil ini

amat mudah dialihkan kemana saja disamping mudah dibasuh, dikeringkan dan disimpan.

Ia amat penting terutamanya apabila anda memotong daging dan ikan di atasnya, di mana

ia perlu dibersihkan dengan kadar yang segera. Sesetengah orang menyediakan beberapa

papan pemotong di rumah dan mengkhususkan fungsi papan pemotong tersebut untuk

memotong pelbagai jenis produk yang berbeza. Kaedah ini sebenarnya dapat

memanjangkan riwayat umur papan pemotong anda.

Tidak kira apa juga yang anda potong, adalah lebih baik sekiranya anda

menggosok papan pemotong anda dengan sabun dan air panas selepas setiap kali

penggunaan dan juga sekali-sekala membersihkannya dengan peluntur yang lembut atau

baking soda dan air. Cuka dan jus limau juga boleh digunakan untuk membersihkan dan

mewangikan papan pemotong.



French Knife or Chef’s Knife

• Most frequently used in the kitchen

• For general-purpose chopping,slicing,dicing,and so on

• Larger knives are for heavy cutting and chopping

• Small bldes are for more delicaye work

Utility knife or Salad Knife

Narrow, pointed knife 6 to 8 inches

Used mostly for pantry work,cutting and preparing lettuce , fruits , and so on

Also useful to carving roasted chicken and duck

Paring Knife

Small pointed blades

Used to trimming and paring vegetables and fruits


Boning Knife

Thin, pointed blade

Used to boning raw meats and poultry

Stiff blades are used for heavier work

Flexible blades are used for lighter work and for filleting fish


Long,slender,flexible blade up to 14 inches long

Used for carving and slicing cooked meats

Serrated Slicer

• Like a slicer,but with serrated edge

• Used for cutting breads,cakes,and similar items


Butcher Knife

• Heavy, broad , slightly curved blade

• Used for cutting, sectioning,and trimming raw meat in the butcher shop

Scimitar or Steak Knife

• Curved,pointed blade

• Used for accurate cutting of steaks


• Very heavy, broad blade

• Used for cutting through bones

Oyster Knife

• Short, rigid,blunt knife with dull edge

• Used for opening oyster


Clam Knife

• Short, rigid, broad-bladed knife with a slight edge

• Used for opening clam

Vegetable Peeler

• Short tool with a slotted, swiveling blade

• Used for peeling vegetables and fruits


• Not a knife but an essential part of knife kit

• Used for truing and maintaining knife edges



Ball Cutter, Melon Ball Scoop or Parisiene Knife

• Blade is small, cup shape ,half sphere

• Used for cutting fruits and vegetables into small balls

Cook’s Fork

• Heavy, two pronged fork with a long handle

• Used for lifting and turning meats and other items

• Must be strong enough to hold heavy loads

Straight Spatula or Pallete Knife

• A long flexible blade with a rounded end

• Use mostly for spreading icing on cakes and for mixing and bowl scraping


Sandwich Spreader

• A short, stubby spatula

• Used for spreading fillings and spreading sandwich

Offset Spatula

• Broad blade , bent, to keep hand off hot surface

• Use for turning lifting eggs, pancakes , and on gridsles , grill , sheet pans , and

so on

• Also used as a scrapper to clean bench or griddle

Rubber spatula or scraper

• Broad , flexible rubber or plastic tip on long handle

• Used for scrape bowl and pans

• Also used for folding in egg foams or whipped cream


Pie Server

• A wedge-shaped offset spatula

• Used for lifting pie wedges from pan

Bench scraper or Dough Knife

• A broad , shift piece of metal with a wooden handles on one edge

• Used to cut pieces of dough and to scrape workbenches

Pastry Wheel

• A round , rotating blade on the handle

• Used for cutting rolled-out dough and pastry and baked pizza



• Large stainless steel spoon, holding about 3 ounces

• Used for stirring , mixing , and serving

• Slotted and perforated spoon are used when the liquid must be drain

from solid


• Perforated disk, slightly cupped. on long handle

• Used for skimming froth from liquid and removing solid pieces from

soups, stock, and other liquid



• Spring-types or scissor –types

• Used to pick up and handle foods

Wire whip

• Loop of stainless steel wire fastened to a handle

• There are two types of wire

1. heavy whip

2. balloon whip


China Cap

• cone-shape strainer

• used for straining stock, soup, sauce and other liquids

• pointed shape allow cook to drain liquids through a relatively small opening

Chinois (shee-nwah)

• china cap with very fine mesh

• used when great clarity or smoothness is require in liquid



• rounded-bottomed, cup-shaped strainer made of screen-type mesh or of

perforated metal

• used for straining pasta, vegetables and so on


• screen-type mesh up supported in a round metal frame

• used for shifting flour and other dry ingredients


• large perforated bowl made of stainless steel or aluminum

• used to drain wash or cooked vegetables, green salad, pasta, and other foods


Food Mill

• A tool with a hand-turned blade that force foods through a perforated disk.

Interchangeable disk has different coarseness or fineness

• Used to pureeing foods



• A four side metal box with different sized grids

• Used for shredding and grating vegetables, cheese, citrus rind and other foods


• Small hand tool

• Used for removing colored part of citrus peel in thin strip

Channel knife

• Small hand tool

• Used mostly in decorative work


Pastry bag and tubes

• Conned shaped cloth or plastic bag with open end that can be fitted with metal

tubes or tips of various shape and sizes

• Used for shaping decorating with items such as cake icing, whipped cream,

duchess potatoes and soft icing

Pastry brush

• Used to brush items with egg wash , glaze and other


Can opener

• Heavy duty service type can opener is mounted on the edge of the workbench.

• They must be carefully cleaned and sanitized every day to prevent

contamination on food

• Replace worn blade which can leave metal shaving on the food




• Most recipe ingredients are measured by weight, so accurate scale are very


• Portion scale are used for measuring ingredient as well as for portion products

foe service


• Used for measuring and portioning liquid


• The size in ounce is stamped on the handle

Volume Measure

• Used for liquids have lips for easy pouring

• Sizes are pints, quarts, half gallon, and gallons

• Each sizes is marked off into fourths by ridges on the sides



• Comes in standard sizes and have a lever of mechanical release

• Used for portioning solid food



Stock Pot

• A large , deep , straight-sided pot for preparing stocks and simmering large

quantities of liquid

• There are two types of stock pot

1. normal stock pot

2. spigots stock pot

• stock pot with spigot allow liquid to be drained off without disturbing the

liquid content or lifting the pot

• sizes 8 to 200 quart

Sauce Pot


• round pot of medium depth

• similar to stock pot but shallower, making stirring or mixing easier

• used for soup, sauce and other liquid

• sizes 6 to 60 quart


• round, broad, shallow , heavy-duty pot with straight sides

• used for browning , braising, and stewing meats

• sizes 11 to 30 quart



• similar to a small ,shallow, light sauce pot, but with one long handle instead of

two loop handles\may have straight or slant sides

• used for general range top-cooking

• sizes 1 ½ to 15 quart

Sauté pan, slope sided

• also frying pan

• used for generally sautéing and frying meat ,fish, vegetable and eggs.

• Sloping sides allow the cook to flip and toss items without using a spatula ,

and they make it easier to get the food when a spatula is use

• Sizes 6 to 14 inches


Cast Iron Skillet

• Very heavy thick bottomed fry pan

• Used for pan frying when very steady even heat is desired

Double boiler

• Lower section, similar to a stock pot, holds boiling water

• Upper section holds food that must be cooked at low temperature and cannot

be cooked over direct heat

• Sizes of top section 4 to 36 quart


Sheet pan or bun pan

• Shallow rectangular pan

• Used for baking cakes, rolls, and cookies and for baking or broiling certain

meat and fish

Bake pan

• Rectangular pan about 2 inches deep

• Used for baking

• Comes in variety of sizes

Roasting pan

• Large rectangular pan, deeper and heavier than bake pan

• Used for roasting meat and poultry


Hotel pan

• Also called counter pan, steam table pan or service pan

• Rectangular pan usually made of stainless steel

• Used for baking and steaming and foods can be served from the pan

• Also used to storage

• Standard sizes 12x20 inches

Bain marie insert

• Tall , cylindrical stainless steel container

• Used for storage and for holding foods in bain marie

• Sizes 1 to 36 quart



Good food is safe food. The foodservice manager’s primary responsibility is to make

certain that all are serving safe food to the public. Managers should obtain copies of all

federal, state and local sanitary codes and enforce these regulations strictly.


Foodservice managers can eliminate and control food-borne diseases by using these


“ Building in” sanitation in equipment

Having proper storage facilities and refrigeration

Employing and training healthy and careful workers

Maintaining proper temperature controls with hot foods held over 140 F and cold

foods under 40 F

Cooking alone will not guarantee the destruction of all food-borne bacteria, so it is

necessary to start with the safe food and handle it carefully.

Following are common food-borne diseases:

• Botulism. Poisoning by a deadly toxin that results from improper processing or


• Trichiosis. A diseases caused by larvae that are present in animals tissue-most

often in pork. It is therefore necessary to cook all pork products thoroughly, to at

least 150 F

• Typhoid fever. A diseases caused by ingestion of contaminated milk or water or

exposure to typhoid carriers.


• Salmonellosis. A gastrointestinal infection caused by bacteria found in many

animals product such as eggs, meats, dried yeast, and fish. Growth of these

bacteria can be prevented by through cooking and proper refrigeration.

NOTE: some Salmonella may even multiply if frozen foods are not properly handled.

• Staphylococcal Poisoning. Poisoning caused by bacteria toxin growing in food.

These can come from wound or lesions on worker; thus it is absolutely essential

to have a healthy, well-trained crew. Staphylococcal bacteria are resistant to heat,

so thorough cooking are necessary to destroy them. Hold foods below 40 F and

over 140F

• Clostridium Perfringens Poisoning. A poisoning come from various fungi and

molds that are present in environments. To control their growth, prevent their

germination and multiplication by preventing exposure to air and holding foods at

proper tempretures

• Chemical poisoning. Caused by accidental ingestion of, or exposure to, cleaning

products and the like. Take these steps to prevent it:

Store all cleaning suppliers,detergents,and insect and rodent

poisons away from foods-preferably in a separate storage area

Label these products properly

Train all worker to read labels and to be sure of correct product to

avoid mistakes

Keep MSDSs( material safety data sheets) accessible at all times


HACCP System

• HACCP (hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) is proving to be an

effective and efficient method for managing and maintaining sanitary

conditions in all types of food service operations.

• Developed in 1971 for NASA to ensure food safety for astronauts

• It is a similar system adopted by the National Restaurant Association

known as Sanitary Assessment of the Food Environment (S.A.F.E.), which

is rigorous system of self-inspection

• The HACCP process begins by

- identifying the steps and evaluating the type and severity of

hazard that can occur.

- then identifies what actions can be taken to reduce or prevent

each risk of hazard.


SANITATION RULES1. Get food hot as quickly as possible and keep hot -140F or over

2. get food cold as quick as possible and keep it cold- 40F or below

3. keep food covered as much as possible; use clean utensils

4. Exercise extreme caution when using leftover. Do not prepare too much food


5. Wash all fresh fruits and vegetables

6. Do not expose food to the danger temperature range (40F to 140F) for more than

3 hours

7. Do not refreeze thawed meat, fish or vegetables. Freezing and refreezing caused

cellular breakdown and increases susceptibility to decay

8. Make sure bent cans have not been punctured

9. Check all fish and shellfish for freshness when it is delivered to the property.

Fresh fish have firm flesh, bright red gills and clear eyes

10. Cook all pork thoroughly

11. Dispose of all garbage and rubbish promptly

12. If in doubt about any food, throw it away

13. Always sanitize our work area before beginning food production. Use a solution

of bleach and water


DISHWASHINGMachine Dishwashing

o Remove all food particles from dishes, using either a scraper or rinse water power


o Pre-rinse dishes at 80F. Wash at 140F and rinse at 180F. Avoid toweling dishes.

o Store dishes in a clean, dry, enclosed storage area. Invert cups and glasses

o Any soap or detergents recommended by your supplier is adequate

Hand Dishwashing

o Use the sink with three compartments-one for washing, a second for rinsing in

clean hot water, and a third for sanitizing dishes in some type of sanitizing agents

o Avoid towel drying your dishes

o Any soap or detergent recommended by our supplier is adequate

Safe Pot And Pan Washing

o Use a three-compartment sink or a pot-washing machine

o Scrape loosened food from dishes, pots, and flatware, then soak in warm water

o Wash in clean ,soapy hot water. Use a pot-washing brush, and change water

frequently. A detergent may be employed instead of soap

o Rinse in clean, hot chlorine solution(sanitizing agent) and drain. Toweling is not

necessary if the rinse water is very hot



Slip and Falls

One-fourth of all accidents in the kitchen are slip and falls. Here are ways to prevent such


Clean slippery materials from stairs and floor

Use wooden duck board or nonabrasive strips on hard surface floor

Use abrasive covering in wet or greasy areas

Wipe up all liquid,food,or grease spills immediately

Keep all items off the floor. Do not store items on the floor even for a short time

Require employees to wear proper footwear

Discourage employees from running , walking quickly or engaging in horseplay

Provide handrails in stairways

Provide adequate lighting in all work areas and stairwells

Do not overload serving trays. When loading a tray, be sure the server can see

over and round it

Watch possible problem spots such as the floor around ice machines. deep fat

fryers, and salad preparation areas

Cuts And Bruises


Cuts and bruises are other common problems for foodservice worker. Help to prevent

cuts and bruises by taking these measures:

• Post operation regulations for all equipment. Require strict observance of the


• Keep knives sharp, and use use the proper knife for each job. Dull knives require

more pressure than sharp ones and cause more cuts.

• Handle and clean knife properly. Clean with cutting edge away from you. Use

paper towel or cloth towel. Never wipe the knife on your apron. If knife a knife

or other equipment fall on the floor , step back and allow it to hit the floor.

• Use a cutting board surface for cutting. Hold the food to be cut in a way that will

prevent injury to your fingers. Slice the portion from the bottom of unstable items

to make a flatter surface and given you a better hold during the cutting process.

• Provide side towels so worker san keep their hands and utensils free from grease.

• Cut away from the body when using cutting tools.

• Use tempers to push food into choppers and grinding machines. Always use

guards on power-driven machines.

• Sweep up broken glass or other sharp objects before washing the floor.


Burn presents a serious and constant hazard to foodservices workers in every type of

kitchen. They are built-in danger, much like a microwave with the bad seal. But burns are

avoidable. Follow these procedures to protect yourself and tour crew:

• Require preparation employees wear well-fitting uniforms with long sleeves.

Expose as little skin as possible

• Keep the pot holder dry and readily available

• Keep the handle of pot and pan turn in

• Never fulfit the container with the hot food


• Water cause “pop”. Item to be deep frying must thoroughly drain and free of

excess water

• In case of a minor burn or scald, put the injuries under the cold water or apply ice

immediately to prevent blistering and relieve pain


Chefs must be able to do more than prepare and present foods. They should be able to:

a) understand traditions and factors influence change

b) make sure food served is wholesome and safe to eat

c) make sure those around them work in a safe and efficient manner

d) ensure the food that they served are nutritious or at least offer their customers

sufficient selection of menu in order to construct a nutritious meal

e) write menus and produce food in a consistent and cost-effective manner


Factors to develop professional chef are: knowledge, skill, taste, judgment,

dedication and pride

a) Knowledge

Chef must be able to:


i) identify, purchase, utilize and prepare a wide variety of food

ii) train and supervise a safe, skilled and efficient staff

iii) possess a body of knowledge, understand and apply a certain scientific and

business principles especially through culinary program to provide the

students with:

a) basic knowledge of foods, food style and methodused to prepare


b) an understanding of sanitation, nutrition and

business procedure such as food costing

iii) involve in professional organizations in order to meet his/her peers and

exchange ideas

b) Skills

- Can be provided through practical or hands-on experience. The skills


a) in producing consistent and efficient food quality

b) in organizing, training, motivating and supervising a staff

c) Taste

- Taste is complex combination of smell, taste, sight, sound and texture.

Those senses involve in enjoyment of eating and must be considered in

creating/preparing a dish

- Therefore, chef must be able to develop a memorable taste for both familiar

and unfamiliar menus through

a) making notes and experimenting flat or combination of cooking


b) considering how flavours, appearances, textures to create a total taste



d) Judgment

Chef should be able to judge in:

i. selecting menu items

ii. determining how much of what item to order

iii. deciding whether and how to combine ingredients and approving

finished items for service (skill play a role in developing judgement,

second judgment comes only with experience)

e) Dedication

Chef should be:

i) Efficient in produce food that properly prepared, seasoned, garnished and


ii) dedicated to his/himself and his/her staff

iii) dedicated to share goals and positive attitude (if relies on teamwork) to get

job done well


f) Pride

Chef should have:

i) a sense of pride in doing well

ii) extend to personal appearance and behaviour in and around kitchen

iii) well-groomed and in uniform when working


Staffing of any food service operations depends on the type and complexity of the

menu. Those staff are called brigade.

a) The classic kitchen brigade

No Position Pronounce Responsibilities

1 Chef du

cuisine/ chef

Chef de


- responsible to all kitchen operation

- develop menu items

- set kitchen’s tone and tempo

2 Sous-chef Su chef

- known as second chef (under chef)

- scheduling personnel and replacing the chef and

station chef as necessary

- often function as the aboyeur (expediter or

announcer) who accepts the orders from the dining

room then distributes them to the various station

chefs and then reviews the dishes before serving



Chef de



Chef de


- produce the menu items

- under the direct supervision of the chef or sous-chef

- assists cooks in producing needed items (each station

chef is assigned a specific task based on either the

cooking method and equipment or category of items

to be produced)

No Position Pronounce Responsibilities4 Saucier/

sauté station chef Saucea

Is responsible for all sautéed items and most


5 Poissonier/

Fish station chef Pusonea

Is responsible for fish and shellfish items and

their sauces

6 Grillardin Grilladi Is responsible for all grilled items

7 Friturier/fry

station chef)

Frituriea Is responsible for all fried items

8 Rotisseur/ roast

station chef

Rotissea Is responsible for all roasted items and jus

9 Potager/ soup

station chef

Portagea Is responsible for soup and stocks

10 Legumier/

vegetable station


Legumea Is responsible for all vegetable and starch items


11 Grade-



Gad mangeaIs responsible for cold food preparation including

salad and salad dressing, cold appetizers

12 Tournant/


swing cook


Works where needed

13 Patissier

(pastry chef)

Patisea Is responsible for all baked items including

breads, pastries and desserts

14 Demi-chefs





Commi Work with the station chef or pastry chef to learn

the area

b) The modern kitchen brigade

- Is simpler than the classic ones.

- Executive chef

• coordinates kitchen activities and directs the kitchen staff’s training and work


• plans and creates recipes


• Sets and enforces nutrition, safety and sanitation standards and participates in the

preparation and presenting of menu items to maintain quality standard

• Purchases food items and equipment

• In some food service operation, the executive chef assists in designing the menu,

dining room and kitchen

• Educates the dining room staff to have an understanding of sanitation, nutrition

and business procedures such as food costing

c) The dining room brigade

I. dining room manager

- trains all service personnel,

- overseas wine selection,

- works with chef to develop menu ,

- organizes the seating chart and

- seat the guest

II. wine steward

- responsible for the wine service such as:

• purchasing wines


• assisting guests in selecting wines

• serving the wines

III. Headwaiter

- responsible for service throughout the dining room or a section of it

- in small operations, this position is also known as maitre d’ or a captain

IV. Captains

- explain menu to guests and taking their orders

- responsible for any tableside preparation

V Front waiters

- assure that tables are set properly for each course, food are delivered

properly to the proper tables and the needs of guests are met

VI Back waiters

- also known as dining room attendants or buspersons

- responsible for clearing plates, refilling water glasses



Here are a few different types of napkin folds to help make your event really special

• Bishop's Mitre

1. Fold napkin bringing top to bottom.

2. Fold corners to center line.

3. Turn napkin over and rotate 1/4 turn.

4. Fold bottom edge up to top edge and flip point out from under top fold.

5. Turn left end into pleat at left forming a point on left side.

6. Turn napkin over and turn right end into pleat forming a point on right side.

7. Open base and stand upright.


• Rosebud

1. Fold napkin in half diagonally.

2. Fold corners to meet at top point.

3. Turn napkin over and fold bottom 2/3 way up.

4. Turn napkin around and bring corners together, tucking one into the other.

5. Turn napkin around and stand on base.


• Pyramid

1. Fold napkin in half diagonally.

2. Fold corners to meet top point.

3. Turn napkin over and fold in half.

4. Pick up at center and stand on base of triangle.


1.Lady's Fan

1. Fold napkin in half.

2. Make 1/2" accordion pleats, starting at bottom.

3. Fold in half with pleating on the outside.


4. Fold upper right corner diagonally down to folded base of pleats and turn

under edge.

5. Place on table and release pleats to form fan.

• Clowns Hat

1. Fold napkin in half bringing bottom to top.


2. Holding center of bottom with finger, take lower right corner and loosely

roll around center, matching corners, until cone is formed.

3. Turn napkin upside down, then turn hem all around.

4. Turn and stand on base.


1.Goblet Fan

1. Fold napkin in half.

2. Pleat from bottom to top.

3. Turn napkin back 1/3 of the way on right (folded) end and

place into goblet.

4. Spread out pleats at top.




Bishop’s Mitre Rosebub

Pyramid Pyramid

Clown’s Hat Goblet Fan



Chef jacket



Chef apron


Neck ken


Chef’s Hat




Linen is a type of cloth material that is made from the flax and it has great demand from

the upper class society members. Due its various characteristics linen has become very

popular with in short period of time. There are various types of linens that are used in day

to day to activities. These linens provide a great look to the personal homes and offices.

The other areas where the linens are used widely are the hospitals, restaurants, private

offices, government offices and the in the schools. These linens are treated as decorative

accessories and gives soft feeling. Linens are costly when compared to the other fabrics

and they are considered as a dignity factor and plays crucial role in personal hygiene.

Most of the linen materials are coated with Teflon to get a fine finish and also helps in

linens durability. Due to this Teflon coating linen becomes soft and stains free and

enables easy maintenance. Most famous and popular linens that are used are the Italian

linen and the Antica Linen. Both these linens are quality products and have the longer

durability in all the atmospheric conditions. These varieties are readily available in the

leading stores or can be purchased with the help of online services. If purchased in more

quantity heavy the owners provide discount ranging from 20% to 40%.


These linen materials can be used as tablecloth, napkins, and banquet cloth, door curtains

and as window curtain. The following few lines describes the use of linen in various uses

of linens.

Linen napkins

Linen napkins are widely used in hospitals, restaurants and government offices to cater

for the needs of special guests. There are fixed sizes of the linen napkins but available in

different colors and designs.

Linen tablecloth

While preparing the linen tablecloth maximum care is taken to protect the material and

the shine of the linen. These tablecloths are used in various organizations such as

hospitals, schools and help in provides a glorious look the offices. Tablecloths are readily

available in various attractive colors and different designs. United States of America and

the Canada are the two countries that use the maximum linen all over the world.

Restaurant linens

These types of linens are used in decorating the windows and doors. Mainly they are used

as a curtain for the windows in the restaurants. To have soft feelings restaurants linens are

also used as pillow covers and mattress covers. After each wash the linens provides a fine

and new look to the material.


Restaurant linen tablecloths

This linen tablecloth in the restaurants provides an elegant look to the restaurants and can

be ordered in different sizes as per the requirement of the restaurant. It has an elegant

glaze that stays for longer period and is very easy to maintain. Various colors are also

readily available in the market.

Other than above use the linen is also used in personal clothing for fashion purpose. Due

to low maintenance cost and glazing nature linens are used widely all over the world.

Especially night wears such as evening gowns for the ladies, night dresses for the kids

and night coats for the men are very popular varieties of the linen materials. All these

linen products are just for guidelines only and the readers are requested to not take as

authority for the linen products. Readers are advised to go through the detailed product

catalogue before purchasing any item.




There are many definitions of a spice but, it is best consider a spice as the

“aromatic part of any plant that can be usesd to add flavour to the food”

Spices generally came from hot country lying within a few degree of the equator.

Mediterranean is a importance herbs come from.


Spices should be stored in cool, dry condition away from light.

They should be in airtight packaging to reduce oxidation.


Spices are usually an annual crop and will stored for 6-12 months


Spices are use individually or combines

Use to enhance flavor and to color the products.

To build up the flavor in the development process.



Use in the whole state for pickling spice and widely in the former fot preserving


The normal method is use ground allspices in both savory and dessert application

as wide-ranging as certain types of curry and mixed spice.


Has a characteristic licorice flavor and has a limited use in formulation, although

anise oil widely used in beverages, baked goods, soup and confectionary

A main use in the manufacturing of drinks such as pernod,ouza, and Turkish raki



Herb belonging to the mint family

Distinctive flavor which has affinity with tomatoes and salads

Use for flavoring casseroles,sauces,and sausages

Component of mixed herbs and banquet garni

Bay Leaves

Bay leaves used whole ,cut, ground or as bay leaf oil ,depending on application

Added to stew, pâtés, and marinated

Also use as a traditional ingredient in milk puddings and sweet custard


Caraway Seed

Fruit of hardy biennial herb of the parsley family

Caraway seed has a distinctive flavor and it used whole in rye bread,

cakes,biscuits,cheese,and sauce

Caraway seed oil are used in as a main constitute and can be used in flavoring

sausages, meat and canned goods



Cardamom is unripe seed capsules, which are picked from August to October.


The flavor of cardamom is all in the seed inside

Cardamom has a distinctive flavor which is combine of sweet, pungent and

aromatic notes

Cardamom is expensive and strongly flavor


Member of onion family

The normal use of chives is a mild onion flavor garnish to many dishes including

soups, salad and eggs

They can combine with cottage cheese to give a delicately flavor

Cinnamon And Cassia

They are both the peeled bark of tropical trees


Cinnamon comes from managed trees on estate and is the product of a coppiced


Cassia on the other hand, comes from large tree that grow wild and are cut down

to obtain the bark

Cinnamon has a very fine and delicate flavor, which is used in punches, mulled

wine and delicately flavored dessert

Cassia comes from several tree in the cassia family and has a a very strong and

distinctive flavor

Cinnamon is normally used in grounded form to flavor bread,cakes,dessert and

sweet product



Cloves are the dried, unopened flower of a tropical tree that grows to 40 ft high

The main value of cloves is in the whole state with flower bud intact where they

are used for studding food such as ham and fruit

In the ground form, clove may be used in sparingly to flavor baked goods and

various fruit dishes

Clover are strong distinctive in flavor and can be used as minor ingredient in

some curry and mixed-spice blend to give aromatic lift to flavor



The coriander is the main spice with a wide range of application in spice mixed in


The taste is warm and fragrant with distinct orangey notes enabling it to be used

at fairly high percentages in curry and mixed-spice blend

Cumin Seed

The flavor is very aromatic and distinctive and it is an essential ingredient of

curry powder and chilies powder

It also used to flavor meat, pickled, sausages, soup and casseroles

Cumin can use in whole seed or more commonly in ground form


Fennel Seed

The seed are greenish in color and similar to a large caraway seed

The seed can be used whole or ground and has a particular affinity with fish


Ginger has both savoury and sweet uses and brings a hot and lemony flavor to

many dishes

Nigerian and Indian usually uses in savoury preparation and where it is essential

ingredient in curry powder

Chinese and Indian ginger are uses in sweet dishes where lemon-like flavor are


Jamaican ginger is almost entirely dedicated in the production of ginger beer



There are very types of mint but the two of important are spearmint ( Mentha

Piperita) and Peppermint( Mentha Spicata)

The traditional use in UK is for flavoring lamb in a mint sauce but mint may be

uses to flavoring vegetables,salads and yoghurtthe typical use of mint is as a

rubbed herb and not in ground form

Chilies Powder

Dried, ground chili peppers capsicum anmum

Spicy,hot (heat depend on variety of chili pepper used

Best used in ground

Chili powder is a specific product for specific purpose.

Used in chili or other spicy dishes


Black Pepper

Berries of the pepper tree piper nigrum.

Not related to the species of plants that include bell or other type of pepper

Black pepper is stronger and more piquant in flavor than white pepper

Used as the flavoring or seasoning together with salt to flavor any savoury

dish,adding zest and piquancy to food

Make decomposing meat taste palatable when there were no preservative

Can be used in whole, cracked or ground to various particle sizes



Mustard is well-known and common spice seed belonging to the cabbage family

Mustard is known by everyone as a hot flavor condiment but also whole as an

essential ingredient for pickling spice

There are different types of mustard seed and different preparation



Nutmeg come from Indonesia and Grenada,

This spice have a sweet, warm and highly aromatic flavor

Nutmeg are blended well in baked goods such as cakes and biscuit and also in

savoury dish such as soup, sauces, process meat and curries

Nutmeg also have affinity with dairy products and puddings containing milk and




Bulbs of the garlic plant, a member of the Allium family

Pungent, onion-like, mildly hot to very hot Fresh; granulated acceptable substitute Roasted, or flavoring for pasta sauces, pork roasts, herb butter, stuffing, and

marinades In seasoning they would normally be used as a granules or powders Garlic add flavor to any savoury dish and can be used to replace onion



Leaves of the oregano plant Origanum vulgare

Harvest wild from the mountainside

Oregano is most strongly flavored of the Mediterranean herb and use often in

Mediterranean dishes

Used in in fresh or dried

In Italian dishes, in chili, with vegetables, soups



Fruit from a sweet pepper plant Capiscum annum


Sweet to hot, somewhat bitter

Dried and ground

In Hungarian dishes including goulash, in soups, in potato or egg salad

The red color in paprika is express in ASTA( American Spice Trade Association)

Paprika is use freely in formulation because of its mild flavor

In Germany, paprika is popular in sausages to provide red color



Leaves of the parsley plant Petroselinum crispum

Mildly peppery

Fresh; dried a very poor substitute

As a garnish, in sauces, soups and salads

Parsley come in many form:

1. curly parsley

2. flat leaf parsley

3. celery leaf parsley

4. hamburg parsley

Parsley has a delicate and distinctive flavor

Parsley also can be used as an ingredient in mixed herbs and any other herb blend



Rosemary is very common shrub that grows thoroughly the Mediterranean region

and is most commonly in coastal areas

Rosemary is usually purchase in the cut or ground form

The individual leaves are like long, pine needles and hence unmanageable in the

whole state

Leaves of the rosemary plant Rosmarinus officinalis

Very aromatic, faintly lemony and piney

Used in fresh or dried

Rosemary has an affinity with lamb and can be used in formulations for stew,

casseroles and soup


Sesame Seed

This seed is used widely in baked goods where its distinct nutty flavor add

character to bread , roll, and so on

It is the seed of the herbaceous plant that has a “spring-loaded” seed dispersal


Sesame seed should be used whole and toasted before use to generate the nutty


It taste oily because of high oil content which itself may extracted for use as a

cooking oil

Seeds of the sesame plant Sesamum indicum


Star Anise

Star anise is a star shaped, opened fruit of a small tree native to south western


The flavor had some similarities with anise but it is rounder and not harsh

Usually use ground in Chinese dishes and is an ingredient of Chinese Five Spice

It is used as a ground spice in isolation or combination with other Chinese spices

for Chinese dishes

Use in herbal tea mixtures, in chicken or casserole dishes, or use as you would




Tymes is a low-growing shrub-plant that grow wild in Mediterranean

Over 100 varieties of tymes of which about five are commercial significance

Tymes widely used in savoury dishes as the leaf or as ground tymes

It is also ingredient of bonquet garni and a traditional herb in stuffing mixed for


It taste minty, lemony

In omelettes, stews, bland soups, and stuffing for chicken, or as flavoring for

green salads and cooked vegetables




This spice is a dried rhizome and is the hardest spice in texture to grind Root of the turmeric plant Curcuma domestic, a tropical plant related to ginger

Turmeric provides the yellow color

The flavor of turmeric is mild and earthy

Main constituent in curry powder to give the yellow color and also used to

color mustard ,piccalilli, rice and breadcrumbs

Curries, East Indian recipes. This is also the primary ingredient in

American-style ("ballpark") mustard.



Beans from the vanilla orchid Vanilla planifolia

Sweet, highly aromatic

Remove seeds from whole, dried beans; or, in extract Uses with coffee, in desserts including ice cream, puddings and cakes


Herbs and spices have been with humanity since the beginning of history.

Their use in food was always popularized by the great travelers. In our modern world,

travel is open to all of us, thus bringing more people into contact with new food ideas and

therefore greater use of herbs and spices.


Grains, Meals and FloursGrains are the fruits and seed or cereal grasses. Wheat and corn are of primary importance in Western countries, such as the United States and Canada. Rice is fundamental to many Asian cuisines. Grains, meals and flours in their available forms are described as follows:

• Whole grains have not been milled. They have a shorter shelf life than

milled grains and should be purchased in amounts that can be used in two to three weeks

• Milled grains are polished to remove all or some of the germ, bran

and/or hull. They have a longer shelf life, but lose some nutritive value during processing.

• Cracked grains are whole grains that are milled into coarse particles

• Meals and cereals(cornmeal, farina, cream of rice) are milled to a

finer consistency than cracked grains

• Flours are produced by milling grains(as well as other starchy

ingredients such as beans or nuts) into a fine powder

There are several methods used for milling; crushing between metal rollers, grinding between stones, or cutting with steel blades in an action similar to that of a food processor. Stone-ground grains remain at a lower temperature during milling and tend to retain more of their nutritive value. Some of the major grains meals, and flours and their uses are discussed in the following text.


WHEAT AND WHEAT FLOUR Whole berries are unrefined or minimally processed whole

kernels that are light brown to reddish-brown in color, with a somewhat chewy texture and nutty flavor. They are used in hot cereal, pilaf, salads and breads.

Cracked wheat is made from coarsely crushed, minimally processed kernels that are light brown to reddish-brown in color, with a somewhat chewy texture and nutty flavor. They are used to prepare hot cereal, pilaf, salads, and breads

Bulgur is crushed wheat that has been steamed to precook it as part of its processing. It may be fine, medium, or coarse in texture. Bulgur has a light brown color,tender texture and a mild flavor. It is used to prepare hot cereal, pilaf, and salads(tabbouleh)

Blan is separated from the wheat kernel. It is sold as flakes and used in hot and cold cereals and baked goods(bran muffins)

Wheat germ is a small portion of the wheat kernel, rich in oils and nutrients. It is shaped like a small pellet and has a strong, nutty flavor. It is sold toasted and raw and used to prepare hot and cold cereal and baked goods.

Farina is made from polished wheat. It is a medium-grind with a white color and very mild flavor and is typically used as a hot cereal.

Whole wheat flour is made from hard wheat. The entire kernel is finely milled giving the flour a light brown color and full, nutty flavor. Graham flour is whole wheat flour with a coarser grind

All-purpose flour is a blend of hard and soft wheat that is finely milled. It has an off-white color and may be enriched or bleached.

Bread flour is made from hard wheat, giving it a higher percentage of protein. It is used for yeast-raised baked goods.


Cake and pastry flours are made from soft wheat and are very finely milled. They are typically used to produce tender baked goods.

Durum flour is made from durum wheat kernels. It is high in protein and often used for breads or pastas.

Semolina is also milled from durum wheat; but it is typically coarser than durum flour and normally pale yellow. Is it used for pasta, gnocchi, puddings and to make couscous.

RICEWhite rice is poished to remove the bran layer. For brown rice, only the inedible outer husk is removed. Long, medium and short grain varities are sold in both white and brown styles. The length of the rice grain determines its texture once cooked.

Brown rice is the whole rice grain, with the inedible husk removed. It is light brown in color with a chewy texture and nutty flavor

White or polished rice has the husk, bran and germ removed.

Converted or parboiled rice is soaked and steamed before the husk, bran and germ are removed; grain are fluffy and stay separated when cooked.

Basmati rice has an extra-long grain with an aromatic flavor. It is aged to reduce moisture content; available as brown or white rice. Popcorn rice is a variety of basmati.

Arborio or risotto rice is a short to medium, round grain and high starch content, making it creamy when cooked. Also known as Italian rice, varieties include Carnaroli, Piedmontese and Vialone Nano.


Wild rice has a long, thin grain with dark-brown color, chewy texture and nutty flavor. It is the seed of a marsh grass and is unrelated to regular rice.

Sticky, pearl, glutinous or sushi rice is a round, short grain that is very starchy and sticky when cooked. It has a sweet, mild flavor

Rice flour is white rice that has been very finely milled It is powdery and white with a mild flavor

CORNFresh corn is treated like other fresh produce. The kernels are also dried and processed into many forms.

Hominy is whole, dried kernels that have been soaked in iye to remove the hull and germ. It is available canned or dried.

Grits are ground hominy; available in fine, medium and coarse grinds

Masa harina is a fine flour made from hominy that has been cooked and soaked in limewater.

Cornmeal is ground, dried kernels; available in yellow, white or blue and a variety of grinds(fine, medium, or coarse)

Cornstarch is made from dried kernels with the hull and germ removed. The kernels are ground to pure white powder.


OTHER GRAINSA wide variety of grains fall in the “others” group, as they do not fit cleanly into another category. Some of these grains are quite common, while others are rarely used. In recent years, however, chefs have begun to experiment with many of these

OATSOats are consumed mainly as a hot or cold cereal. They are also used as an ingredient in baked goods and side dishes. They are a valuable source of nutrients and fiber, readily available and inexpensive.

Groats are whole oats that are cleaned, toasted and hulled. They are used in hot cereal, salads and stuffing.

Steel-cut/Irish/Scotch oats are groats that are cut into coarse pieces and made into a hot cereal

Rolled/old-fashioned oats are steamed and flattened groats. “Quick-cooking” oats are partially cooked; “instant” oats need only to be combined with hot water.

Oat bran and oat flour are used in baked goods


Buckwheat groats is sometimes known as kasha. It is a light brown grain with a mildly nutty flavor prepared as a hot cereal or pilaf. Made into flour, it is used for pancakes and baked goods.

Millet may be sold whole or milled into flour. Whole millet is used for cereal or pilaf; the flour is used for puddings, fat breads and cakes.

Rye is sold as whole, cracked, or flaked as well as milled into flour. Pumpernickel flour is a very dark, coarsely ground rye.

Quinoa is sold whole or milled into flour. The whole grain looks like very tiny circles. It is a tan or beige color with a mild flavor.

Barley may be sold hulled or as pearl(Meaning that the hull and bran were removed).It is used in pilaf, salads and soups, as well as to make whiskey and beer.

NUTS AND SEEDS Nuts are the fruits or various trees, except the peanut, which grows under-ground in the root system of a leguminous plant. Seeds come from a variety of plans ,including herbs, flowers and vegetables. Nuts are available in the shell, or shelled and roasted, blanched, sliced, slivered, halved and chopped. Seeds are available whole and shelled or toasted. Nuts and seeds are also used to produce butter, such as peanut butter and sesame paste (tahini)

Nuts should be checked often for freshness. Store bagged nuts or nuts in the shell in dry storage, Store raw, shelled nuts refrigeration or in the freezer to maintain quality and flavor for longer periods.


(Left to right, top to bottom):Baby beans, rice beans, brown lentils, canary beans, large red kidney beans, cranberry beans, green lentils, whole peas/mushy peas, navy beans, fava beans, beluga beans(black lentils), hominy.


(Left to right, top to bottom)Navy beans, red lentils, brown lentils, adzuki beans, calypso beans, chickpeas, black beans, black-eyed peas, baby lima beans, yellow split peas, red kidney beans, great Nortern beans, pinto beans, green split peas.


Macadamias Sunflower seeds Cashews

Walnuts Pistachios Almond

Peanut Pumpkin Seed Pine Nuts


Sesame seeds black sesame poppy seed

VEGETABLESVegetables Classifications

Vegetables are usually classified according to the parts of the plant from

which they are taken,such as roots,stalks,leaves and so on.


• Chives Cucumber

• Onions Eggplants

• Garlic Tomatoes

• Leeks Okra

• Shallots Peppers



• Brussels sprouts Asparagus

• Cabbage Celery


• Chinese cabbage Peas

• Chard Corn

• Endive Rhubarb

• Kale

• Lettuce

• Mustard greens

• Romaine

• Spinach

• Watercress

Root vegetable. Potatoes, carrots and turnips. They are usually starchy

because the root is the storehouse of energy to grow the new plant.

Bulb vegetable. Onions, garlic and shallots. They are related to the lily

family and often are


• Artichokes

• Broccoli

• Brussels sprouts

• Cauliflower


• Beets

• Parsnips

• Potatoes


• Rutabagas

• Radishes

• Turnips

• Sweet potatoes

• Carrots


• Beans

• Green beans

• Peas



1 no carrot 1 no celery 1 no garlic

1 no leek 1 no potato 1 no cabagge

1 no onion 1no shallot

1. Julienne:

• A stick shaped item with dimension ⅛ inch×⅛ inch×1 to 2

inches(3mm×3mm×2.5cm to 5cm)

2. Paysane

• A flat,square-shaped item with dimention of ½ inch×½ inch×1/4




• A cube shaped item with dimention of ⅛ inch×⅛ inch⅛


4. Batonnet

• A stick shaped item with dimension of ¼ inch×1/4inch×2 to 2


5 .Dice

-A cube shaped item with dimention of ¼ inch×1/4 inch×1/4



-it is identical to that used for slicing but without the emphasison

uniformity.Coarsely chopped pieces should measure approximately ¾



-To mince is to cut an item into very small pieces.Peel and dice the

item.With a flat hand,hold .the knife tip on the cutting board,Using a

rocking motion,mince the shallots with the heel of the knife


- Diagonals are elongated or oval sheped slices of cylindrical vegetable

or fruits.Peel the if desired, and place it on the cutting board.Position

the knife at the desired angle to the item being cut and slice it evenly


-Rondelles/round are easily made dish-shaped slices of cylindrical

vegetables and fruits.



-A chiffonade is a preparation of fnely sliced or shredded leafy

vegetables used as garnish or a base under cold presentation.


Vegetables have long been abused and neglected,relegated to the minor roles

of unimportant sides dishes, to be taken or left or not even noticed on the

table.Today,however,the lowly vegetables are beginning to be

appreciated,not only for their nutritional importance,but for the

variety,flavor,eye appeal and even elegance and sophistication that they

bring to the menu.Modern cooks owe it to themselves and their customers to

treat vegetables with understanding,respect and imagination.

Because they are so perishable, vegetables require extra care from

receiving to service.Freshness their most appealing and attractive quality


and one must be especially careful to preserve it.The goals of proper

vegetables cookery are to preserve and enhance their fresh flavor,texture and

color to prepare and serve vegetables that are not just accepted but sought



Cooking affects vegetables in four ways.It changes the following:






Changing the texture is one of the main purposes of cooking vegetables


The fiber structure of vegetables(including cellulose and pectins) given them

shape and firmness.Cooking softens some of these components.

The amount of fiber varies


In different vegetables.Spinach and tomatoes have less than carrots

and turnips

In defferent examples of the same vegetables.Old,tough carrots have

more fiber than young,fresh carrots.

In the same vegetables.The tender tips of asparagus and broccoli have

less fiber than their tougher stalks

Fiber is made firmer by

Acids-Lemon juice, vinegar and tomato products,when added to

cooking vegetables,extend the cooking time.

Sugar-Sugar strengthens cell structure.You will use this principle

primarily in fruits cookery.For firm poached apples or pears,for

examples cook in a heavy syrup.For applesauce,cook apples until soft

before sweetening.

Fiber is softened by

Heat.In general,longer cooking means softer vegetables

Alkalis.Do not add baking soda to green vegetables.Not only does it

destroy vitamins,but it makes the vegetables unpleasantly mushy.


Starch is another vegetables component that affects texture.


Dry starch foods like dried legumes(beans,peas,lentils),rice, and

macaroni products must be cooked in sufficient water so that the

starch granules can absorb moisture and soften.Dried beans are

usually soaked before cooking to replace lost moisture.


Many flavors are lost during cooking liquid and by dissolving into the

cooking liquid and by evaporation.The longer a vegetables is cooked,the

more flavor it loses.Flavor loss can be controlled in several ways:

Cook for as short a time as possible.

Use building salted water.Starting vegetables in boiling water shortens

cooking time.The addition of salt helps reduce flavor loss.

Use only enough water to cover to minimize leaching.Note that this

rule contradicts rule 1,because adding vegetables to a small quantity

of water lowers the temperature more,so cooking time is

extended.Save your questions on this until you have finished the

sections on color and nutritional changes.


It is important to preserve as much natural color as possible when cooking

vegetables.Because customers may reject or accept a vegetables only on the

basic of its appearance,it can be said that its visual quality is as important as

its flavor or nutritional value

White Vegetables


White vegetables called flavones,are the primary coloring compounds in

potatoes, onions, cauliflower and white cabbage and white parts of such

vegetables as celery, cucumbers and zucchini.

Red Vegetables

Red pigments called anthocyanins are found in only a few

vegetables,mainly red cabbage and beets.Blueberries also are colored by

these red pigments.(The red color of tomatoes and red peppers is due to the

same pigments that color carrots yellow or orange)

Green Vegetables

Green coloring or chlorophyll, is present in all green plants.Green vegetables

are very common in the kitchen,so it is important to understand the special

handing required by this pigment.

Yellow and Oranges Vegetables

Yellow and oranges pigments called carotenoids, are founds in

carrots,corn,winter squash,rutabaga,sweet potatoes,tomatoes and red

peppers.These pigments are very stable.They are little affected by acids or

alkalis.Long cooking can dull the color,however.Short cooking not only

prevents dulling of the color,but preserves vitamins and flavors.

Color Examples of vegetables Cooked

with Acid





White Potatoes,turnips,oions,white


White Yellow Yellowish gray

Red Beets,red cabbage Red Blue or





Green Asparagus,green


Olive green Bright green

Olive greenYellow( an

d oranges)







Slightly faded


Vegetables are an important part of our of diets because they supply a wide

variety of essential nutrients.They are our major sources of vitamins A and C

and are rich in many other vitamins and minerals.Unfortunately, many of

these nutrient are easily lost.Six factors are responsible for most nutrient


High temperature

Long cooking

Leaching (dissolving out)

Alkalis(baking soda,hard water)

Plants enzymes(which are active at warm temperature but are

destroyed by high heat)



Now that you understand how vegetables changes as they cook, let’s

summarize that information in some general rules. You should now be able

to explain the reason for each of these rules

Don’t overcook

Cook as close to service time as possible and in small quantities.

Avoid holding for long periods on a steam table


If the vegetables must be cooked ahead, undercook slightly and chill

rapidly. Reheat at service time.

Never use baking soda with green vegetables

Cut vegetables uniformly for even cooking

Start with boiling, salted water when boiling vegetables

Cook green vegetables and strong-flovored vegetables uncovered

To preserve color,cook red and white vegetables in a slightly acid

liquid.Cook green vegetables in a neutral liquid

Do not mix batches of cooked vegetables



Appearance on plate





Vegetables combinations





Peeling and cutting




Iceberg Lettuce

The most popular salad ingredient. Firm, compact head with crisp, mild-

tasting pale green leaves. Valuables for its texture, because it stays crisp

longer than other lettuces. Can be used alone, but best mixed with more

flavorful greens such as romaine, because it lacks flavor itself . Keeps well.

Romaine or cos letture

Elongated, loosely packed head with dark green, coarse leaves. Crisp

texture, with full, sweet flavor. Keeps well and is easy to handle. Essential

for Caesar Salad. For elegant service, the center rib is often removed


Boston lettuce

Small, round heads with soft, fragile leaves. Deep green outside, shading to

nearly white inside. The leaves have a rich, mild flavor and delicate, buttery

texture. Bruises easily and does not keep well. Cup-shaped leaves excellent

for salad bases.


Bibb or limestone lettuce

Similar to Boston lettuce but smaller and more delicate. A whole head may

be only a few inches across.Color ranges from dark green outside to creamy

yellow at the core.Its tendersness, delicate flavor and high price make it a

luxury in some markets.The small, whole leaves are often served by

themselves, with a light vinaigrette dressing, as an after-dinner salad.

Loose-leaf lettuce

Forms bunches rather than heads. Soft, fragile leaves with curly edges. May

be all green or with shades and of red. Wilts easily and does not keep well,

but is enex-pensive and gives flavor, variety, and interest to mixed green



Escarole or broad-leaf endive

Broad, thick leaves in bunches rather than heads. Texture is coarse and

slightly tough and flavor is somewhat bitter. Mix with sweeter greens to

vary flavor and texture, but do not use alone, because of bitterness. Escarole

is frequently braised with olive oil and garlic and served as a vegetable in

Italian cuisine.






Salad is made of raw or cooked vegetables and other

foods. The salad is usually served in a small bowl or

on a salad plate. It should be carefully planned so its

flavor, color and texture complement all of the foods

in the meal.


There are 4 basic parts of a salad: base or under

liner, body, garnishing and dressing. Salads may or

may not have those 4 basic parts.


1. Base or under liner

Leafy greens usually form the base of a salad to

avoid the salad looks naked on a plate. Green

vegetables that commonly used as base or under

liner are:

a)Cup-shaped leaves of iceberg or Boston lettuce

to give height to salads and help to confine loose

pieces of food.

b)A layer of loose, flat leaves (such as romaine,

loose-leaf or chicory) or of shredded lettuce may

be used as a base to reduce labour and food cost

since it is not necessary to separate whole cup-

shaped leaves from a head.

c) Tossed green salads or salads served in a bowl

rather than on a plate usually have no base or

under liner.


2. Body

This is the main part of the salad and receives the

most attention. It can be vegetables, fruits, protein

foods or a combination of all them.

3. Garnishing

The purpose of garnishing is to give eye appeal to

the salad and adds to the flavour as well. The

dressing should be simple and not be elaborate or

dominate the salad, harmonize with the rest of the

salad ingredients and edible. It may be mixed with

other salad ingredients such as shredded of red

cabbage mixed into a toosed green salad. For the

main ingredients of a salad that form an attractive

pattern in themselves, no garnishing is necessary.

Example of garnishing: any of vegetables, fruits,

and protein foods that cut into simple and

appropriate shapes.


4. Dressing

Dressing is a seasoned liquid or semi liquid that is

added to the body of the salad to give it added

flavour like tartness, spiciness and moistness. The

dressing should harmonize with the salad

ingredient. For instance tart dressings for green

salads and vegetable salads while slightly

sweetened dressings for fruit salads. Soft and

delicate greens salad like Boston or Bibb lettuce

requires a light dressing. A thick and the heavy

ones will turn them to mush. Salad dressing may be

added at just before serving time (for green salads),

served separately or mixed with the ingredients

before serving time (as in potato salad, egg salad

and tuna salad). A salad mixed with a heavy

dressing like mayonnaise is to hold all of the

ingredients together it is called a bound salad.



Freshness and variety of ingredients are essential for

quality salads. Below are the most popular ingredients

in the above types of salads.

a)Greens salad

1. Iceberg lettuce

2. Belgian endive

3. Romaine lettuce

Chinese cabbage or celery cabbage

4. Boston lettuce

5. Spinach

6. Bibb or limestone lettuce

7. Dandelion

8. Loose-leaf lettuce

9. Watercress

10. Escarole

11. Arugula

12. Chicory or curly endive


b) Raw vegetables

1. Bean sprouts

2. Jerusalem artichokes

3. Broccoli

4. Kohlrabi

5. Cabbage: white, green and red

6. Mushrooms

7. Carrots

8. Onions and scallions

9. Cauliflower

10. Peppers, red, green and yellow

11. Celery

12. Radishes

13. Celeriac (celery root)

14. Tomatoes

15. Cucumbers


c) Cooked, pickled and canned


1. Artichoke hearts 9. Hearts of palm

2. Asparagus 10. Leeks

3. Beans (all kinds) 11. Olives

4. Beets 12. Peas

4. Carrots 13. Peppers, roasted

and pickled

5. Cauliflower 14. Pimientos

6. Corn 15. Potatoes

7. Cucumber pickles 16. Water chestnuts

d) Starches

1. Dried beans (cooked or canned)

2. Potatoes

3. Macaroni products

4. Rice

5. Bread (croutons)


e) Fresh, cooked, canned or frozen fruits

1. Apples 14. Mangoes

2. Apricots 15. Melons

3. Avocados 16. Oranges

4. Bananas 17. Papayas

5. Berries 18. Peaches and


6. Cherries 19. Pears

7. Coconut 20. Persimmons

8. Dates 21. Pineapple

9. Figs 22. Plums

10. Grapefruit 23. Prunes

11. Grapes 24. Pomegranates

12. Kiwi fruits 25. Raisins

13. Mandarin oranges and tangerines


f) Protein

1. Meats (beef, ham)

2. Poultry (chicken, turkey)

Fish and shellfish (tuna, crab, shrimp, lobster,

salmon, sardines, anchovies and herring)

3. Salami and luncheon meats

4. Bacon

5. Eggs: hard-cooked

6. Cheese and cottage

7. Cheese

g) Miscellaneous

1. Gelatine (plain or flavoured)

2. Nuts



a) appetizer salads

b) accompaniment salads

c) main-course salads

d) separate-course salads

e) Dessert salads.

a) Appetizer salads

1. Appetizer salads should stimulate the appetite

(attractive and appetizing appearance).

Attractive arrangement and garnishing are

important because visual appeal stimulates

appetites. A satisfying and interesting starter

puts the customer in a good frame of mind for

the rest of the meal.

2. The salads must be fresh, contain of crisp

ingredients and tangy and flavorful dressing.


3. Portion of the appetizer salads should not be

so large. The size is just enough to serve as a

substantial complete course.

4. Colour combination of salad ingredients

should be interesting, not dull and in small

quantities of flavorful foods like cheese, ham,

salami, shrimp and crabmeat.

Chicken Waldorf Salad


b) Accompaniment salads

Salads can also be served with the main course.

They serve the same function as other side

dishes (vegetables and starches).

1. Accompaniment salads must balance and

harmonize with the rest of the meal like any

other side dish. For example do not serve

potato salad at the same meal at French Fries

or another starch being served.

2. Sweet fruit salads are rarely appropriate as

accompaniments except with such items as

ham or pork.

3. Should be light, not too rich and flavored.

Heavier salads, such as macaroni or high-

protein (meat, seafood, cheese, etc.) salads

should not be served unless the main course is

light. Combination salads with a variety of


elements are appropriate accompaniments to


c) Main-course salads

Cold salad is popular in luncheon menus,

especially among diet conscious diners. The

salads contain of variety and fresh of ingredients.

1. Main-course salads should be large enough to

serve as a full meal and should contain a

substantial portion of protein. For instance

meat, poultry, seafood, egg salad and cheese


2. Main-course salads should offer enough

variety on the plate to be a balanced meal in

terms of nutrition, flavors and textures.

3. Ingredients of main-course salads should have

attractive arrangements and good colour



4. In addition to the protein, a salad platter should

offer a variety of vegetables, greens and fruits.

For instance:

a) chef ‘s salad (mixed greens raw

vegetables, strips of meat and cheese),

b) shrimp or crabmeat salad with tomato


c) slices of avocado on a bed of greens

d) cottage cheese with an assortment of

fresh fruits.


Rice Salad

i) Protein salad

• Principles

Usually protein salads are served as a main dish

and occasionally they can be served as

appetizers. Sliced meat, poultry, or fish can be

served with cold cooked vegetables and


• Guidelines for making protein salads

1. Cut up the protein foods into small pieces and

mixed with a dressing.

2. Add ingredients such as diced celery or apples.

3. Hard cooked eggs, sliced or halved, cheese,

cooked beans, pasta, cereals and nuts are an

excellent way to add protein to a salad.


ii) Vegetable salads

• Principles

Vegetable salads are salads whose main

ingredients are vegetable. Some vegetables

used are raw such as celery, cucumbers,

radishes, tomatoes, iceberg or head lettuce,

romaine, bibb, leaf and boston or butterhead,

endive, dandelion, escarole, chicory, cabbage,

watercress, spinach and green peppers. Some

are cooked and chilled before including in the

salad such as artichokes, green beans, beets

and asparagus.

• Guidelines in vegetable salads making

1. Variety and neat arrangement of salad

ingredients, different shapes of vegetable

cutting like long and slender asparagus and


green beans, wedge of tomato, slices of

cucumber, strips or rings of green pepper

and radish flowers.

2. Cut the vegetables as close as possible to

serving time otherwise the vegetables may

dry or shrivel at the edges.

3. Cooked vegetables should have a firm, crisp

texture and good color. Mushy, overcooked

vegetables are unattractive in a salad.

4. Vegetables that need to be cooked for a

while must be thoroughly drained and well

chilled before mix in the salad.

5. For vegetables that need to be marinated or

soaked in a seasoning liquid before being

made into salads, do not plate marinated

salads too far ahead of serving time to avoid

salad base like lettuce get wilt. Use crisp and

sturdy greens (such as iceberg, romaine or

chicory) as salad bases because they do not

wilt as quickly.


d) Separate course salad

Separate course salad is usually served as

refreshing and light salad after main course. The

purpose is to ‘cleanse the palate’ after a rich

dinner and to refresh the appetite and provide a

pleasant break after dessert. A diner who may be

satiated after a heavy meal is often refreshed and

ready for dessert after a light, piquant salad.

Separate-course salads may be very light, no

filling and not served with heavy dressings, such

as those made with sour cream and mayonnaise.

The ideal choice is fruit salad and a few delicate

greens, such as Bibb lettuce or Belgian endive,

lightly dressed with vinaigrette.


e) Dessert Salad

I. Fruit salads

• Principles

As the name indicates, fruit salads have either

fresh, frozen or canned fruits as their main

ingredients. It may contain of sweetened

gelatin, nuts and cream. They are popular as

dessert salads and as part of combination

luncheon plates. Often is served with a scoop

of cottage cheese or other mild-tasting protein

food. Can be served using fruit shell as its

container. For instance half cutting of avocado

or a pineapple shell.

• Guidelines for making fruit salads

1. Fruit salads are often arranged rather than

mixed or tossed


because most fruits are delicate and easily

broken. An exception is the Waldorf Salad

that made of firm apples mixed with nuts,

celery and mayonnaise-based dressing.

2. Broken or less attractive pieces of fruit

should be

placed on the bottom of the salad while


pieces arranged on top.

3. Some fruits discolour when cut and should

be dipped into an acid such as fruit juice.

4. Do not hold fruits as well as vegetables after

being cut. In preparing both vegetable and

fruit salads for a particular meal, the

vegetable salads should be prepared first.

5. Drain canned fruits well before mix them in

the salad to avoid the salad watery and

soggy. The juice from the canned fruit can

be reserved for other usage.


6. Dressings for fruit salads are usually slightly

sweet. Fruit juices are often used in fruit

salad dressings.

ii)Gelatin salads

• Principles

Natural gelatin is extracted from bones and

connective tissues. A gelatin salad consists of fruit,

vegetables, or foods protein in a flavored liquid.

That salad is thickening by the gelatin.

Commercially flavored gelatins are sweet and make

the dessert salads fresh. For an accompaniment

salad, the gelatin is less sweet and an acid such as

vinegar or lemon juice is added. The combination of

those ingredients gives a pleasant and sweet-sour

flavor. Unflavored gelatin can be used to make

salad by using a flavorful liquid such as fruiter

vegetable juice. Fresh pineapple is not mixed in


gelatin salad because the fresh pineapple contains

of enzymes which prevent gelatin from get thick. If

need to use pineapple, the pineapple must be

cooked in advance or use the canned ones.

• Guidelines for making gelatin salads

1. Use the right amount of gelatin for the volume


liquid in the recipe. Too much gelatin makes


stiff and rubbery. Too little makes a soft

product that will not hold its shape.

2. Basic proportions for unflavored gelatin are 2½

oz dry gelatin per gallon of liquid (19g

unflavored gelatin per liter of liquid), Basic

proportions for sweetened and flavored gelatin

are 24oz per gallon of liquid (180g sweetened

and flavored gelatin per liter of liquid).


3. Acid such as fruit juices and vinegar weaken

the gelatin to get set. So a higher proportion of

gelatin to liquid is needed. Sometimes as much

as 4oz or more per gallon (30g per liter).The

setting power is also weakened by whipping

the product into foam and by adding a large

quantity of chopped foods. It is impossible to

give a formula for how much gelatin to use

since it varies with each recipe. Test each

recipe before using it.

4. Do not add fresh pineapple or papaya into

gelatin salads. They contain of enzymes that

dissolve the gelatin. If need to put those fruits,

they must be cooked in advance ore use the

canned ones.

5. Add solid ingredients when the gelatin is

partially set-very thick and syrupy. This will


help keep them evenly mixed rather than

floating or settling.

6. Canned fruits or other juicy items must be

well drained before being added or they will

dilute the gelatin and weaken it.

7. Refrigerate the gelatin salads until serving time

to keep them firm.



1. Keep the salad off the rim of the plate.

Arrange the salad within the frame of plate. Select

the right plate for the portion size, not too large or

too small.

2. Strive for a good balance of colors.

Plain iceberg lettuce looks pretty pale and sickly all

by itself, but it can be lived up by mixing in some

darker greens and perhaps a few shreds of carrots,

red cabbage, or other coloured vegetable. On the

other hand, don’t go overboard. Three colours are

usually enough, and sometimes just a few different

shades of green will create a beautiful effect. Too

many colours may look messy.

3. Height helps make a salad attractive.

Ingredients mounded on the plate are more

interesting than if they are spread flat. Lettuce cups

as bases add height. Often just a little height is http://tangkapgambar.blogspot.com/

enough. Arrange ingredients like fruit wedge or

tomato slices so that they overlap or lean against

each other rather than lay them flat on the plate.

4. Cut ingredients neatly

Ragged or sloppy cutting makes the whole salad

look sloppy and haphazard.

5. Make every ingredient identifiable

Cut every ingredient into large enough pieces so that the

customer can recognize them immediately. Don’t

pulverize everything in the buffalo chopper. Bite-size

pieces are the general rule, unless the ingredient can be

cut easily with a fork, such as tomato slices. Seasoning

ingredients like onion may be chopped fine.

6. Keep it simple

A simple and natural arrangement is pleasing. An

elaborate design, a gimmicky or contrived

arrangement, or a cluttered plate is not pleasing.

Besides, elaborate designs take too long to make.


NUTRITIONAL CONTRIBUTION OF SALADSThe nutrition value of a salad is determined by the

ingredients used to make it. For instance fresh fruit

and vegetables salad provide vitamins, minerals, and

cellulose. Dark leafy greens vegetable salad

contributes iron and vitamin A and C for body. Meat,

fish, poultry, cheese, and egg salads provide

complete protein while nuts and mature beans

contribute only incomplete proteins.

The caloric value of salads, in general, is relatively

low. The starchy vegetables such as potatoes and

mature beans, as, well as cereal products such as

macaroni, are higher in calories than fruits and

succulent vegetables. Potato and macaroni salads

contain starch and help meet the body’s energy




Salad dressings are liquids or semi liquids used to

provide flavour to salads. They are sometimes

considered cold sauces and serve as same function

as salad sauce that is to give flavour, moisture and

enrich to salad.


1.) Oil and vinegar dressings (most un



2.) Mayonnaise-based dressings (most



3.) Cooked dressings (similar in appearance to

mayonnaise dressings but more tart and with

a little or no oil content).

There are also a number of dressings whose

main ingredients include sour cream, yogurt and

fruit juices. Many of these are designed

specifically for fruit salads or for low-calorie diets.




a)The dressings should complement and blend

with the other flavors in the


b)Tart fruits are usually served with a sweet or

creamy dressing.

c) Delicately flavored foods such as some

vegetables and meats can be served

d) Almost any type of dressing can be used on

salad greens depending on personal



Since most of salad dressings are not cooked their

quality depends very much on the quality of the

ingredients. Most salad dressings are made primarily

of oil and acid with other ingredients added to provide

flavour or texture.


a) Oil

i) Corn oil

ii) Cottonseed oil, soybean oil, canola oil and

sun flower oil

iii) Vegetable oil and salad oil

iv) Peanut oil

v) Olive oil

vi) Walnut oil

b) Vinegar/ Vinaigrette

i) Cider vinegar

ii) White or distilled vinegar

iii) Wine vinegar

iv) Flavoured vinegars

v) Sherry vinegar


The word vinaigrette (from the French word)

refers to:

An emulsion of vinegar (or sometimes lemon

juice) and vegetable oil, often flavoured with

herbs, spices, and other ingredients.

Vinaigrettes are used as sauces in many

cuisines and as salad dressings.

A small container with a perforated top, used to

provide aromatic substance such as vinegar or

smelling salts (also called a vinaigrette).

c) Egg yolk

Egg yolk is an essential ingredient in mayonnaise

and other emulsified dressings.

d) Seasonings

Any herb or spice can be used in salad

dressings. Dried herbs and spices need extra

time to release their flavours if they are not

heated in the product. That is why most


dressings are best made at least 2 or 3 hours

before serving.

Other ingredients added for flavour include

mustard, catsup, Worcestershire sauce and

various kinds of cheeses.

e) Lemon juice

b) Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is a thick, white, creamy, cold sauce;

an emulsion of fat (originally olive oil or vegetable

oils) suspended in a matrix of egg yolks,

flavoured with vinegar or lemon juice, and


Mayonnaise is made by slowly introducing oil into

the other liquids while whisking vigorously to

break up the fat into small droplets that will

become dispersed in the liquid. The egg yolks


provide lecithin, which stabilizes the emulsion. It

is then seasoned with salt and sometimes other


Mayonnaise is only eaten cold, for instance on

sandwiches (mainly in North America) and on

French fries (mainly in northern Europe and

Canada). The French serve it with cold chicken

and slice hard-boiled eggs.




Di sini kami menggunakan kentang untuk sebahagian besar demonstrasi beberapa

jenis kaedah pemotongan yang terdapat dalam masakan barat. Kaedah-kaedah ini sangat

mudah dan murah. Setelah anda melangkah lebih jauh dalam bab ini, anda akan

mendapati bahawa ada beberapa jenis potongan berkenaan sering anda lakukan semasa

memasak di rumah anda seperti julienne dan brunoise. Sebelum memulakan sebarang

pemotongan, kentang hendaklah direndam di dalam air sejuk agar dapat menghasilkan

kentang yang putih dan rangup.

Luruskan pisau anda dengan menggunakan steel. Walaupun steel tidak boleh

menajamkan pisau, tetapi ia akan menjadikan mata pisau berada pada garisan atau

kedudukan yang lurus sebelum digunakan dan ditajamkan.

4.1.1 Dice/Mirepoix

Pertama sekali kita akan mempelajari kaedah pemotongan dice yang besar

berukuran ¾ pada setiap ukuran. Ia juga dikenali sebagai mirepoix/coarse chopping.

Pertama sekali, potong bahagian tepi kentang bagi mendapatkan permukaan yang rata.

Perkara penting disini adalah sudut mata pisau dengan permukaan pemotongan mestilah

90°. Untuk memastikan sudut yang akan dihasilkan adalah tepat, mata kita mestilah

sentiasa melihat permukaan kentang yang dipotong. Jadi sebaiknya gunakan meja yang

tinggi untuk memotong. Kemudian, mulakan dengan memotong sebelah permukaan

kentang menjadi rata (rajah 5),

Seterusnya, letakkan kepingan tersebut dan potong bagi menjadikannya logs.(rajah 7)

http://tangkapgambar.blogspot.com/dan seterusnya potong menjadi bentuk planks

(¾ lebar) (rajah 6).

Akhir sekali potong bentuk logs tersebut menjadi bentuk kiub ¾ besar setiap sisi.

(rajah 8)

Maka, potongan dice besar / mirepoix telahpun berjaya dihasilkan. Untuk

memahirkan lagi, sila potong semua kentang menjadi beberapa logs dan kemudian satu

persatu jadikannya kepada bentuk dice.

Dengan kaedah yang sama (potongan yang rata, menjadikannya planks dan

potong logs) bagi membentuk dice yang sederhana dengan ukuran kiub ½” setiap sisi.

Kaedah yang sama untuk saiz yang lebih kecil.

1.1.1. Paysanne

Paysanne dibentuk dari dice yang bersaiz sederhana, tetapi saiz ketebalannya

adalah 1/8”. Maka ukuran sebenar paysanne ialah (½” x ½” x 1/8”). Paysanne selalu

digunakan untuk tujuan hiasan.


1.1.2. Batonnet dan Dice

Batonnet adalah berbentuk stick atau potongan kayu (potongan biasa untuk

kentang goreng) yang berukuran (¼” x ¼” x 2” – 2 ½”). Potong segiempat logs di mana

lebarnya bersaiz ¼” x ¼” terlebih dahulu dan kemudian potong panjangnya 2” – 2½”.

Untuk mendapatkan saiz yang sesuai untuk potongan batonnet anda, bandingkannya

dengan rivet pada classic chef’s knife.

1.1.3. Julienne dan Brunoise

Dimensi sebenar untuk julienne ialah

1/8” x 1/8” x 2”- 2 ½”. Kadangkala julienne

juga dikenali sebagai alumette. Kami

mendapati, semakin kecil potongan yang

dibuat, semakin sukar unuk mendapatkan

saiz yang sekata. Oleh sebab itu, potongan

planks ke bentuk logs akan membantu

memudahkan kerja-kerja pemotongan yang bersaiz lebih kecil.

Satu lagi rivet pada hulu pisau boleh membantu anda mendapatkan ukuran

sebenar untuk panjang julienne dan tang pisau anda menjadi alat pengukur untuk lebar

julienne yang sebenar. Julienne boleh dibentukkan kepada bentuk brunoise dengan


memotong julienne logs kepada kiub 1/8”. Brunoise bukan sahaja untuk potongan bagi

kentang tetapi juga sesuai bagi lobak atau lada benggala (pepper).

1.1.4. Fine Julienne / Fine Brunoise

Fine julienne adalah sama panjang dengan julienne tetapi lebarnya bersaiz lebih

kecil iaitu 1/16” x 1/16”. Kiub 1/16” dikenali sebagai fine julienne.


Kaedah menentukan lebar julienne Memotong julienne logs kepada brunoise

Memotong Fine julienne kpd fine brunoiseFine julienne

Mincing a shallot

Mincing (mencincang) adalah sangat kecil, halus dan merupakan potongan yang

cerewet dengan tiada sebarang saiz yang piawai kecuali ia mesti halus. Biasanya

potongan mincing bertindak sebagai bahan perasa dalam makanan anda di mana ia

mampu disiapkan dengan kadar segera semenara menunggu minyak panas untuk ditumis.

Kita akan menggunakan bawang untuk tujuan demonstrasi mincing ini. Untuk

menyempurnakan pemotongan mincing dengan cepat, potong bawang anda kepada

kepingan-kepingan yang mudah diurus atau bersagmen, kemudian gunakan mata pisau

anda dan potong dari atas kebawah dengan hujung jari anda mengawal bawang dan mata

pisau tersebut. Kemudian letakkan tangan kiri anda diatas belakang mata pisau dan

kedua-dua tangan anda akan mengawal mata pisau unutk mencincang bawang tersebut.



Minced shallot

Mincing a shallot

1.1.5. Technic of Dicing an onion. (bawang)

Halangan pertama sebelum anda boleh mempelajari bagaimana untuk dicing

bawang ialah anda perlu tahu kaedah mudah mengupas kuli bawang. Mula-mula

buangkan satu permukaan rata dengan memotong sedikit di bahagian tangkainya.

Sekarang imbangkan bawang tersebut

di atas permukaan rata yang telah dibuat

sebentar tadi. Potong dua bawang tersebut

melalui akar bawang tersebut. Jangan

memotong bahagian akar kedua-dua belah

bawang tersebut.

Kemudian kupas sebelah kulit bawang

tersebut dengan menggunakan paring



Membuat hirisan vertical

Membuat hirisan horizontal

Apabila selesai mengupas kulit

bawang tersebut, letakkan bahagian tengah

bawang yang dipotong itu di atas permukaan

papan pemotong dan buat potongan

menegak dengan kelebaran yang sama dari

akar ke hujung tangkai. Jangan potong habis

sehingga ke hujung akar.

Sekarang potong secara melintang.

Sekali lagi diingatkan agar potong dengan

berhati-hati supaya idak terpotong bahagian

hujung akarnya. Anda mungkin perlu

menahan bawang dengan jari sambil jari

anda turut menjadi pengawal mata pisau.

Jadi, berhati-hatilah kerana ia boleh

mengelar tangan anda semasa menyiapkan

langkah ini.

Akhir sekali, potong melintang ke bawah untuk menghasilkan dice.


Bawang yang telah siap di dice.Menyiapkan dice

1.1.6. Chiffonade

Chiffonade adalah berbentuk hirisan halus dan sesuai unuk sayuran berdaun atau

herba. Mudah saja untuk membua potongan chiffonade. Susun beberapa helai daun sayur,

lung seperti bentuk rokok dan kemudian hiriskan. Jangan lupa untuk asingkan apa saja

yang tidak dikehendaki seperti batang sayur dan sebagainya.


Rolling the leaves Slicing the rolled leaves

The completed chiffonade

1.1.7. Roundelle and Diagonal

Rondelle adalah berbentuk syiling daripada sayuran yang berbentuk silinder dan

sayur yang panjang seperti lobak, terung dan sebagainya. Diagonal pula boleh dibentuk

dengan memotong lobak tersebut dengan hirisan yang menyerong. Kupaskan kulit lobak

sebelum memotongnya.

Terdapat sesetengah buku mengajar kaedah diagonal yang sediki berbeza,

walaubagaimanapun, tiada sebarang kesalahan untuk kedua-dua shape ini dipanggil

diagonal. Rajah di bawah ini merupakan jenis-jenis potongan yang telahpun kita pelajari

sebentar tadi.


Rondelles and diagonals of carrot. Note the flat sides created by the vegetable peeler.



1.1.8. Dicing a mango (dice buah mangga)

Mangga adalah sejenis buah yang bermasalah untuk dikupas, Ini kerana buah ini

bersifat basah dan melekit apabila dikupas dan berbiji besar. Mula-mula, potong setiap

sebelah sisi buah mangga tersebut tanpa terkena bijinya. Dengan menggunakan paring

knife, buatkan crosshatch (garis sejajar bersilang yang rapat) mengikut citarasa anda

tanpa memotong terus kulitnya.

Akhir sekali, dengan menggunakan jari anda, ekan bahagian bawah kulit ke atas

untuk menonjolkan isi tengahnya. Jadi, sekarang anda boleh makan kiub mangga tersebut

dengan memotong bahagian bawah kiub dari sebelah dalamnya.



2.1. Tourne


Removing the side of the mango Cutting the crosshatch

Dice of mango, ready to be cut off the peel

Tourne adalah satu bentuk potongan yang istimewa. Ia berbentuk seperti bola

ragbi, bahagian hujungnya yang tumpul dan mempunyai 7 sisi yang sama saiz. Untuk

menghasilkan satu tourne yang sempurna dan cantik memerlukan latihan yang banyak,

tetapi ia mampu menghasilkan hiasan yang paling menarik di pinggan hidangan anda.

Adalah lebih mudah untuk melakukan latihan tourne ini pada kentang.

Untuk memulakan latihan ini, dapatkan suku kentang yang bersaiz sederhana

yang telah dikupas. Kemudian potong sedikit bahagian yang meruncing untuk

menghasilkan permukaan yang rata untuk memberikan cengkaman yang baik dan stabil.

Untuk membuat potongan ini, pisau yang sesuai digunakan ialah bird’s beak atau

tourner knife.Pisau yang mempunyai mata yang melengkung adalah lebih sesuai, teapi

sekiranya anda ingin menggunakan paring knife, juga boleh. Terdapat dua kaedah

bagaimana hendak memulakannya. Didapati bahawa adalah lebih mudah sekiranya

bentuk asas bola ragbi dibentuk terlebih dahulu. Kemudian barulah tetapkan unuk

membuat tujuh sisi yang sama saiz itu.

Ada juga pendapat mengatakan kaedah membuat bahagian sisi terlebih dahulu

adalah lebih mudah. Jadi terpulanglah pada anda untuk menentukan satu kaedah yang

mudah dengan melakukan latihan berulang yang kerap. Apabila bahagian sisinya telah

siap, selesaikan tourne anda dengan meratakan kedua-dua bucu aas dan bawah. Tourne

yang sempurna boleh didirikan dengan keadaan seimbang.


Preparing to carve a tourne

2.2. Parallel Cutting (potongan sejajar)

Potongan ini dinamakan potongan sejajar. Ia

berbentuk tebal dan besar tetapi dalam hirisan

(slice) yang nipis. Potong sayur di bahagian tengah

dari bahagian belakang ke bahagian tangkai dengan

merujuk seperti gambar yang disediakan. Semasa

memulakan pemotongan, selarikan pisau dengan

papan pemotong. Gerakkan pisau dengan kadar

yang perlahan dan berhati-hati dalam keadaan yang lurus untuk mengelakkan sebarang


2.3. Crushing

Pemotongan jenis ini sesuai untuk sayur atau bahan-bahan yang akan digunakan

untuk tumisan perencah seperti bawang putih

dan halia. Letakkan bawang putih pada papan

pemotong. Kemudian letakkan pisau pada

bawang tersebut dengan keadaan yang

melintang atau selari dengan papan pemotong.

Hentakkan pisau dengan tangan sebelah kiri.


Carving the tourne Tourne of potato

Berhati-hati dengan mata pisau yang tajam semasa menghentakkan tangan. Jauhkan

sedikit tangan dari mata pisau semasa melakukan hentakan tersebut.


Pengetahuan berkenaan ilmu dan teknik pemotongan sayur, amat penting bagi

seorang kulinari. Ini kerana teknik ini boleh memberikan tips dan cara pemotongan yang

selamat, cepat, cantik dan juga mudah. Untuk mendapatkan pemotongan yang cantik dan

menarik, pisau yang sesuai perlu digunakan dan semasa menggunakan pisau, aspek

keselamatan perlulah dititikberatkan. Ini kerana kerja pemotongan sayur melibatkan

penggunaan alatan yang sangat tajam. Dengan menggunakan pisau yang sesuai pelbagai

corak, bentuk dan saiz sayuran dapat dihasilkan. Ini akan menambahkan lagi

kepelbagaian bentuk sayuran dalam masakan dan boleh menaikkan selera orang yang

menikmati hidangan tersebut. Selain digunakan sebagai bahan masakan, sayur juga

digunakan sebagai bahan hiasan dalam sesuatu hidangan. Oleh yang demikian, teknik

pemotongan perlulah diketahui.

Kesesuaian alatan yang digunakan juga amat penting, kerana setiap kaedah

pemotongan perlu menggunakan alatan yang berbeza-beza. Seorang kulinari professional

seharusnya memiliki set peralatan sendiri yang lengkap seperti pisau, papan pemotong

dan sebagainya. Pemilihan alatan pemotong yang baik juga perlu diketahui walaupun ia

dianggap remeh. Ini kerana penggunaan alatan yang berkualiti akan menjamin

ketahanannya dan dapat memberikan hasil yang memuaskan.

Antara jenis-jenis pemotongan sayur yang diketengahkan ialah Dice/Mirepoix,

Paysanne, Botannet/Dice, Julinne/Brunoise, Fine Julienn/Fine Brunoise, Mincing,

Chiffonade, Roundle and Diagonal, Tourne, Parallel Cuting dan Crushing. Kami

berharap, apa yang kami ketengahkan di dalam tugasan ini mampu memberikan sedikit

sebanyak ilmu pengeahuan yang berguna berkenaan teknik pemotongan sayur (vegetable

cutting) ini.



1. http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=dice+cutting/v=2/SID=w/l=IVR/SIG=1275vfnl


2. http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=dice+cutting/v=2/SID=w/l=IVR/SIG=12guage2

3/EXP=1121784219/*- http


3. http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=dice+cutting/v=2/SID=w/l=IVR/SIG=12gg9lbb



4. http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=dice+cutting/v=2/SID=w/l=IVR/SIG=12g



5. http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=dice+cutting/v=2/SID=w/l=IVR/SIG=12us3138



6. http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=dice+cutting/v=2/SID=w/l=IVR/SIG=1275vfnl



7. http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=dice+cutting/v=2/SID=w/l=IVR/SIG=12g9lmta



SaladFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(Redirected from Salad dressing)Jump to: navigation, search

Salad Platter

Salad is a term applied broadly to many food preparations that are a mixture of chopped or sliced ingredients. A salad can be served cold or at room temperature, and it can also form the filling for a sandwich. Though it can be made with meat or eggs, it usually includes at least one raw vegetable or fruit, most often lettuce. Often it is prepared or served with a dressing.

A salad may be served before or after the main dish as a separate course, as a main course in itself, or as a side dish.

Salad may refer to a blended food item— often meat, seafood or eggs blended with mayonnaise, finely chopped vegetables and seasonings— which can be served as part of a green salad or used as a sandwich filling. Salads of this kind include egg, chicken, tuna, shrimp, and ham salad.

In Scandinavia, salad also refers to a blend of vegetables in a dressing used as a condiment on top of the open sandwich, smørrebrød, and with meats. Examples include cucumber salad, horseradish salad, Italian salad (a mixture of vegetables in a crème fraîche/mayonnaise dressing, served on ham), and Russian salad (a red beet salad).

The word "salad" comes from the French salade of the same meaning, from the Latin salata, "salty", from sal, "salt". (See also sauce, salsa, sausage.)


The "green salad" is most often composed of a mixture of uncooked or cold cooked vegetables, built up on a base of leaf vegetables such as one or more lettuce varieties, spinach, or arugula.

Other common vegetables in a green salad include tomato, cucumber, peppers, mushroom, onion, spring onion, carrot and radish. Other food items such as pasta, olives, cooked potatoes, rice, beans, croutons, meat (e.g. bacon, chicken), cheese, or fish (e.g. tuna) are sometimes added to salads.


Types of green salad

• Caesar salad • Chef salad • Chopped salad • Cobb salad • Greek salad • Chilean salad • Hawaiian salad • Italian salad

o Rocket salad (rucola) o Agretti salad o Radicchio salad

• French Salad o Spring Salad o Mesclun salad o Provençale salad o Niçoise salad o Chèvre chaud salad o Gésier salad o Mâche salad o Cucumber salad o Antillaise salad o Watercress salad

• Tossed salad • Pittsburgh Salad




A green salad is often served with a dressing. Some examples include:

• Italian dressing • Mayonnaise

o Blue cheese dressing o Green goddess dressing o Louis dressing o Ranch dressing o Russian dressing o Thousand Island dressing

• Olive oil o French dressing

• Tahini • Vinaigrette

The concept of salad dressing varies across cultures. There are many commonly used salad dressings in North America. Traditional dressings in southern Europe are vinaigrettes, while mayonnaise is predominant in eastern European countries and Russia. In Denmark dressings are often based on crème fraîche. In China, where Western salad is a recent adoption from Western cuisine, the term salad dressing (沙拉酱, shalajiang) tends to refer to mayonnaise or mayonnaise-based dressings.


There are various vegetables and other fare that are often added to green salad. Some of them are:

• shelled sunflower seeds • onions (mostly the red variety) • bacon bits (sometimes the bits are artificially flavored pieces of textured soybean

protein) • radishes • grated carrots • tomatoes • surimi - artificial crab meat • cucumbers • bell peppers

Again, individual taste usually governs the choice of salad garnishes.



Other types of salad

A Watergate salad

A fruit salad

Some salads are based on food items other than fresh vegetables:

• Antipasto salad • Bean salad • Chicken salad • Coleslaw • Congealed salad • Egg salad • Fruit salad • Israeli salad • Larb from Laos • Pasta salad • Potato salad • Shopska salad from Bulgaria • Somen salad from Japan • Som tam from Thailand • Tabouli • Tuna salad • Waldorf salad • Watergate salad



During the Middle Ages, after eating mostly salted meats and pickled vegetables all winter, people would be "salt-sick" and looked forward to spring greens. Popular history asserts that peasants ate more salads than lords, and were the healthier for it; in fact salads, cooked and raw, included many ingredients that would be "gourmet" today: lovage, burnet, sorrel.

The diarist John Evelyn wrote a book on salads, Acetaria: A Discourse on Sallets (1699), that describes the new salad greens like "sellery" (celery), coming out of Italy and the Netherlands.



1. Definition2. Structure3. Composition4. Nutrient5. Characteristics of fresh and old eggs6. Size7. Conversions8. Function in cooking9. Egg cooking techniques10. Storage11. The impact of heat on egg



. An egg is a body consisting of an ovum surrounded by layers of

membranes and an outer casing of some type, which acts to nourish

and protect a developing embryo.

. Nutritionally, eggs are considered a good source of protein.







FUNCTIONEggshell Ground egg shells are sometimes used as

a food additive to deliver Calcium

Air cell • The larger end of the egg contains the air cell that forms when the contents ofthe egg cool down and contract after it is laid.• Chicken eggs are graded according to the size of this air cell.

• As the size of the air cell increases, and

the quality of the egg decreases, the grade

moves from AA to A to B.



contains protein but little or no fat.• used in cooking separately from the yolk, and can beaerated or whipped to a light, fluffy consistency known assoft peaks and stiff peaks.• Beaten egg whites are used in desserts such as meringueand mousse.

• main source of protein in order to build

muscle mass

To hold the egg yolk at the middle of the




Nutrient Egg Yolk Albume


nProtein 16.2% 12.6%

Fat 31.7% -Mineral 1.1% 0.6%Water 51.0% 86.8%



FRESH EGG OLD EGGA very fresh egg has a small air cell A very old egg will actually float in


and receives a grade of AA.the

water and should not be eatenThe yolk in a newly laid egg is round

and firmThe resulting effect is a flattened and

enlarged yolk shape.The resulting effect is a flattened and

enlarged yolk shape.Boiled eggs that are difficult to peel

Shine a light through the egg -clear Looks grey with black spots






These approximations are based on a large (2-oz) egg.


Other egg sizes may be more or less than the amounts listed below.

• Whole Eggs3 whole eggs = 1/2 cup1 whole egg = 3 tablespoons1/2 whole egg = 4 teaspoons

• Yolks6 to 7 egg yolks = 1/2 cup1 egg yolk = 1 tablespoon

• Whites4 to 6 egg whites = 1/2 cup1 egg white = 2 tablespoons

• Dried or Powdered Eggs1 egg = 2 tablespoons egg powder + 2 tablespoons warm water



As a:• main course-First class protein source, replacing fish• and meat• food of patient because it is easy to digest• thickening agent in custard, sauce and soup• raising agent when it is beaten such as meringue• grease agent – add golden colour and shining to food• coating – to maintain shape of the food that is going to

fry• an adhesive agent• garnishing to a savoury food


Grease agent

Food garnishing


Raising agent




Adhesive agent


Food patient












• Eggs are a perishable food and need to be refrigerated. Keep eggs in theoriginal carton in the coldest part of your refrigerator to avoid water in theegg evaporate quickly

• Place the egg with the position narrow part at the bottom to ensure egg yolk

stable and albumen does not press the egg air cell• Throw away any eggs that are cracked, broken, or leaking.

• It is best not to wash eggs before storing them to keep the protective layerthat coated the eggshell. Washing is a routine part of commercial egg processing and the eggs do not need to be rewashed.

• Keep away from a strong smell food to avoid the food smell absorbing intothe egg through eggshell– Fresh eggs in the shell - 3 to 4 weeks– Fresh egg whites - 2 to 4 days– Fresh egg yolks (unbroken and covered with water) - 2 to 4 days– Hard-cooked eggs - 1 week– Deviled eggs - 2 to 3 days--Leftover egg dishes - 3 to 4 days



Bila telur di masak, putih telur akan membeku pada suhu 60’C sementara kuning telur membeku pada suhu 65’C

Memasak telur pada suhu tinggi pada masa yang lama menyebabkan telur liat dan keras

Telur yang direbus secara perlahan-lahan menyebabkanterbentuknya satu lapisan kehitaman antara putih telur dengan kuning telur disebabkan oleh Fosforus Sulfida

Haba lembab menyebabkan beberapa garam mineral dan vitaminlarut dalam air rebusan





Stock are thin, flavored liquid derived from meat,fish,or poultry bones simmered with vegetables and seasonings.

Simmering extracts the flavors and result in rich, flavorful stock.

To make a good stock you need the right ingredients, preparation method and aftercare.

TYPES OF STOCKhttp://tangkapgambar.blogspot.com/

Although all types of stock made from a combination of bone, vegetables,seasoning and liquids, each type uses specific procedures to give itdistinctive characteristics

White stock• Is made by simmering chicken, veal or beef bones in water with

vegetables and seasonings• The stock is colorless during the cooking process



• Brown stock usually is made of beef and veal bones or games bones and vegetables

• All are caramelize before simmered in water before seasoning• All stock are rich and dark in colour

Cooking method: Oil the bones lightly, place them in the roasting pans and brown in an

oven until golden brown. After browning the bones,put them in the stockpot. Add the liquid in the stockpot and simmered it for 6-8 hours Add the mirepoix and sachetabout midway in the cooking period Some chef s are add tomatoes to enrich the colour and give more



FISH STOCK• Bones, heads, skins and trimming from white lean, deep-sea fish,

are typically used for a fish stock. Rich, fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, or trout give a strong and slightly dark stock.

• An acid such as lemon juice often to added to simmering fish stock.

• Simmer for only 30 minutes-45 minutes.• Overcooking will cause stock become cloudly.

GLAZE• Stock that has been strain and simmered until reduce one-fourth in

volume• Use to enhance the flavor of soup and sauce

ESSENCE• Rich stock used to flavor and enriches items.• Containing wine,vegetables,and herbs.• After simmering the liquid is starained and reduces to desire


FUMET• Rich essence that has been further reduces and has sherry or

Madeira wine added to it• Fumets and essence have the same uses.


Court Bouillon (French for “short broth”)• Is not a stock but is prepared in much the same manner as stock• Is made by simmering vegetables and seasoning in water and an

acidic liquid such as vinegar or wine.• It is used to poach fish or vegetables

Vegetable stock• made with 1-2 vegetables will produce better results than a stock

made with many vegetables• clear and light coloured• useful when preparing vegetarian dishes


BASIC STOCK INGREDIENTS1. Bones- Example: beef and veal bones, chicken bones, fish bones andother bones (turkey, lamb, game and ham bones)- The most important ingredient because they add flavour,richness and colour to the stock.- Different bones (with the size of 3-4 inches) release their flavourat different ratesa) beef and or veal bones requires 6-8 hours of cooking timeb) chicken bones requires 5-6 hours- The best bones for beef and veal stock are from youngeranimals because they contain a higher percentage ofcartilage and other connective tissues than do bones frommature animals- Connective tissue has a high collagen content.- Through the cooking process the collagen is converted intogelatine and water.- The gelatine adds richness and body to the finished stock



2. Mirepoix- is a mixture of onions (50%), carrots (25%) andcelery (25%) to enhance flavour and aroma- For brown stock, onion skins is used to add colour- For white stock, white mirepoix is made by replacingthe carrots in a standard mirepoix with parsnip andadding mushrooms and leeks.- The size in which the mirepoix is chopped isdetermined by the stock’s cooking time:a) White/ brown stocks made frob) Chicken and fish stocks size of the mirepoix is ½inch


3. Seasonings- Principal stock seasoning: peppercorns, bay leaves,thyme, parsley stems and optionally garlic- Seasonings can be added as a sachet d’epices or abouquet garni

3. Water



• Can be served as an appetizer to stimulate the appetite or served asthe main dish of the meal

• A good soup s made with quality ingredients and proper method• One way to classify soups is according to consistently because this

reflects their ingredients and dictates their use.• Soups that cannot identified this way are best classified according to

their main ingredients

Consommé mushroom soup


TYPES OF SOUP1. Soup made from meat stock (clear soup)- Meat stock is a broth made by cooking meat- It requires long, slow cooking- Beef, veal, lamb or chicken can beef cooked separately or in combinationsa) Bouillon - made from lean beefb) Consommé - made from two or three kinds of meat (beef-veal-chicken)2. Soups made without meat stock and milk or cream (thick soup)- a) Cream soup -Is called cream soups and have for their basis white sauce- b) Puree soups - are made by combining thin white sauce with cooked,mashed or strained vegetable, fish or meat pulpExamples:i) Bisques - made with thin white sauce with fish added or vegetable stockii) Chowders - with pieces of different vegetables or of fish and potatoes andvarious seasonings


Consomme(clear soup)


Mushroom soup
