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聆听音乐中英文讲义16. Baroque Music: The Vocal Music of Johann Sebastian



今天我们开始学习 Today we're going to start talking about 巴洛克时期的音乐music of the Baroque period,从一六零零年至一七五零年 to ,以 J·S·巴赫为代表 exemplified by J.S.Bach.在巴赫的两类音乐中 Today will be the first我们今天将呈现 第一 of two presentations about the music of Bach:巴赫的声乐作品 one,today,dealing with Bach's vocal music,而 另一部分 the other coming in sections在星期四 五和下周一的分组讨论课上 yes,we have sections on Thursday,Friday and Monday我们会谈谈巴赫的器乐作品 having to do with the instrumental music of J.S.Bach.现在 我们先从 So we're going to start now巴洛克音乐和巴赫开始with Baroque music and Bach,不得不先提一下巴赫的生平 and a word,first,about Bach's biography.巴赫出生于一个古老的音乐世家 Bach came from a very long line of musicians.家族中十代人都是音乐家 Indeed,ten generations of Bachs were musicians.从十六世纪的Veit Bach起 It goes back to old Veit Bach in the sixteenth century延续了一代又一代 and continues generation after generation 直到十九世纪 into the nineteenth century.在巴赫出生的地方 In the area in which Bach was born,爱森纳赫小镇 this small town of Eisenach你可以在上面看到小镇的名字 you can see the town's name up there 巴赫是在一六八五年出生于 and the date in which he was born,图林根州的这片地区 in this area of Thuringia,爱森纳赫就坐落于此地 the region in which Eisenach sits,巴赫这个词与这个地方齐名 the word "Bach"Was eponymous.换句话说 巴赫这个词就意味着音乐家 In other words,a Bach simply meant a musician就像Kleenex[纸巾品牌]意味着纸巾 just like we have the word "Kleenex,"for example,Xerox[施乐公司]意味着复印 or we have the word "Xerox,"这类词代表了一整类事物 that begin to take on the connotations of an entire class.所以在那个地区 So to be a Bach in that area 名叫巴赫就意味着是一个音乐家was to be a musician.约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫是这一家族中 Johann Sebastian Bach was simply the most talented最有天分的一个 of this long-lived clan of musicians.在他九岁时 From the age of nine,他成了一个孤儿 J.S.Bach was orphaned.他的父母都已去世 Both his parents had died by that time,

他基本是由他的长兄抚养长大的 so he was raised for the most part by his older brother,约翰·克里斯托夫·巴赫 Johann Christoph Bach他是约翰·帕赫贝尔的学生who was a student of our Johann Pachelbel.帕赫贝尔和巴赫们关系紧密 So there is this connection between the Bachs and Pachelbel,从很大程度上来说 and for the most part,J·S·巴赫是自学的 J.S.Bach was self-taught.他是怎么自学音乐的呢How did he teach himself music?他抄写乐谱Well,he copied music.他这样做有两个原因He copied music for two reasons:一 是为了学习音乐风格 One,to learn the musical style 二 是为了得到乐谱 and two,to get music,因为那时候不可能有复印机来复制乐谱 because you simply couldn't go to a photocopying machine and copy this复制科雷利或者维瓦尔第的音乐 the music of Corelli or the music of Vivaldi.你必须亲手把它抄下来You had to copy it down yourself by hand.你也不可能去一家音乐商店You couldn't go to a music store 然后买一个编辑版本 and buy edited editions因为在那个时候 这些并不存在 because for the most part,that didn't exist.所以那是的乐谱都是由音乐家们 So much more of it was simply music copied 亲自抄写并且流传开来的 by one musician after the next.所以巴赫通过抄写科雷利的音乐自学成才 So Bach learned his craft by copying,literally,Corelli.当然 我们已经提过科雷利了And we have run into Corelli,of course.有人记得我们放过的科雷利的作品吗 Anybody remember a piece by Corelli that we performed?弗雷德里克 Frederick.《福利亚变奏曲》 没错 "La Folia,"Excellent,他还抄写了维瓦尔第的作品 and he copied Vivaldi.维瓦尔第最有名的作品是什么What's Vivaldi's most famous composition?弗雷德里克 Frederick again.《四季》The Four Seasons.巴赫抄写了这个 So he copied that 他还抄写了维瓦尔第的一些大协奏曲 and he also copied some other concerti grossi of Vivaldi--通常是在别人睡觉时 oftentimes surreptitiously在月光下偷偷摸摸进行的 by moonlight when he was supposed to be in bed.巴赫对音乐的专注和投入是出了名的 Bach's devotion to his profession was legendary.当他还是个年轻人时When he was a young man 他在做第一份工作时擅离职守 he sort of went AWOL from his first job从阿恩施塔特镇 你们可以看到在这里 and walked from the town of Arnstadt which you see up there从德国中心的阿恩施塔特walked from Arnstadt in the center part of Germany一路走到位于北海的 all the way up to the Hanseatic city of Lubeck 汉莎同盟城市吕贝克 on the North Sea up there之间相距大概两百五十英里 a distance of about two hundred fifty miles,只是为了向吕贝克 in order to be able to sit at the feet

一位著名的管风琴师和作曲家学习 of a very famous organist and composer there in Lubeck,之后他又一路走回来 and then he walked back.就好像我们中的一个 It would be like one of us wanting想要从某个国会议员那打听些什么 to learn something from a congressman or something然后从纽黑文一路走到华盛顿 and walking from New Haven to Washington,D.C.,再走回来 and back.在那个时代 巴赫是一个传奇 In his day Bach was legendary说来也怪 并非因为他是一个作曲家 not so much as a composer oddly enough,那是因为什么呢 but as what?巴赫因什么出名What was Bach known for in his day?我们以前提过We touched on this before.安杰拉Angela.他是一个管风琴师 没错He was an organist.Okay.他是一个管风琴师 So he was an organist.他是那个时期 He was the great virtuoso organist德国中北部著名的管风琴大师 of central northern Germany in this period.我们之前接触过巴赫的一首管风琴作品Now,we have met an organ piece of Bach before.是什么What was that?作品名是 迈克尔 The name--Michael?米琪 没错Mitch.Okay.Yes.那是什么What was that,please?《G小调赋格》G Minor Fugue.你们能唱出来吗 Can you sing any of it?有人能唱出来吗 Could anybody sing any of it?有人举手了Hey,we got some takers down here,克里斯和A.J.一起 二重唱 Chris and A.J.,together,a duet.先生们 开始Gentlemen,please.棒极了 太棒了 Excellent.Oh,wow.Bravo.Okay.我认为这是他们唱的时候的音高 I think that's sort of the key that they sang it in.我们之后再来讨论这点We'll come back to that idea in just a minute因为今天早上 because I have found myself 当我在整理思绪的时候 tripping over that fugue subject我在赋格以及接下来要讲的另外一点上 and another one that I want to talk about this morning想了很长时间 as I was trying to think through these.还有一首有名的作品 There's another famous piece--巴赫的管风琴作品 organ piece of Bach--我们之前可能听过 that we might have heard recently.是不是准备了托卡塔Do we have the toccata... up there应该是第一首 It should be track one.我们来听一下巴赫的托卡塔 Let's listen to a toccata by Bach这是他早期在阿恩施塔特完成的written in Arnstadt early in his career.这是哪来的Wow,what does that come from我知道了 在机器里 That's-- I know it's in the machine--在 CD机里 It's-- they were in the bay

今天早上我们找不到的 CDWe lost the CD this morning原来放在机器里 多有趣 So it's sitting in the machine,how interested有时候 CD机把碟吃掉几天 Sometimes our CDplayer eats our machine for days之后突然推出来 This is ... belatedly spitted back out我们有没有 So do we have that--好了 抱歉 我们没有准备那个Okay.We don't have that queued.I'm sorry不过你们应该在前几天的音乐会上听过了 but you probably heard it at the concert the other day.这是一首很长的D小调管风琴作品 It's a big organ piece in D minor,就像每年万圣节开头的吓人音乐 kind of spooky music that begins every Halloween show.还有更多的 J·S·巴赫的管风琴作品Well,that's more organ music by J.S.Bach.我们一会儿来再听We may be able to resurrect that after a while.我们会找到的We'll find out.同时 他年轻时And again,a piece that he composed在阿恩施塔特创作的另一首作品 as a young man here in the town of Arnstadt,大概是在一七零五年左右 roughly or so.所以那时候他在做第一份工作 So there he is,first job,我们不能说他 初出校园 and we won't say "Fresh out of college"因为他并没有上过大学 because Bach did not go to college,但是他上过一个很有名的预科学校 but he went to a very high-standing prep school在德国北部 in the northern part of Germany, 他刚刚毕业 just graduated,就在阿恩施塔特有了他的第一份工作 has his first job at Arnstadt.我们来看看 Let's take a look at拉乌尔 这是他们这个伟人的照片 Raoul--here is the picture of our great man,我们来看我们的第一张幻灯片 but let's go on to our first real slide there,每个人都能看到吗 and I think-- Everybody see that ok?那是在在阿恩施塔特教堂中的一架管风琴 That's the organ in the church at Arnstadt 巴赫在那里工作过where Bach worked.那架管风琴仍在那里 The organ is still there.音管的主要部分和所有东西仍在那里 The essential parts of the pipes and all are still there.那就是巴赫用过的管风琴 That's the very organ that Bach played,不过几个世纪以来 它已经被现代化了 but they've sort of modernized it over the centuries他们取掉了原来的操作台 and they took out the original console拉乌尔 我们来看下一张幻灯片 so Raoul,if we could have the next slide,please这是操作台 and there is the console.对于巴赫的管风琴来说 This is kind of the central processing unit,这相当于中央处理系统 if you will,for Bach's organ.你们可以看到 就我们的标准而言 So you can see--does that look like a big organ这是一架大管风琴还是小管风琴 or a small organ to you by our standards?应该算是小的那种Yeah,kind of on the smaller side.事实上在北部确实有更大的 There were bigger ones,actually, up to the north,你们可以看到 but you can see here你们中有人做过管风琴的课外学分项目 some of you did that extra-credit project on the organ

演奏时使用两组键盘和一个踏脚板 two keyboards and a pedal board down here to be played,很显然 要用脚踩 obviously,with the feet.还有 你们觉得隐藏在下面的是什么东西 And what do you suppose these things are lurking all around it?我们怎么称呼它们What would we call those?我们要拉一下其中的一个We're going to pull one of those.一个音栓 没错A stop.Okay.之后就可以使另外一排音管工作And it brings into play an extra rank of pipes,一排能发出特别声音的音管 pipes of a particular sound,我们会这样说 and we have this expression,"我要拉出所有的音栓""Oh,I'm going to pull out all the stops."当然 那必须要有管风琴技术Well,of course that has to do with organ technology.这是巴赫的 操作台 So this is Bach's--the console,事实上 是原来那架的操作台 in effect,of Bach's original organ.巴赫后来离开阿恩施塔特 Bach eventually left Arnstadt and moved on搬到大城市魏玛居住了九年 to the larger city of Weimar where he stayed,你们可以看到 在这儿 as you can see there,从一七零八年到一七一七年 from to ,他在那里是一名管风琴师和宫廷音乐家 and he functioned as an organist and a court musician there.一七一七年 他决定辞去魏玛的这个职务 In ,he decided to leave that position in Weimar搬到另一个城镇 柯登 and move on to another town,Coethen于是魏玛的公爵 即威廉公爵 and the Duke of Weimar,Duke Wilhelm,马上把巴赫关入监狱 summarily had Bach thrown in jail.他在监狱中待了一个月 Bach was thrown in jail for a month,渐渐衰弱憔悴 sat in jail,languished in jail.人们认为他是在监狱里We think he started 开始创作《十二平均律钢琴曲集》的 the "Well-Tempered Clavier"While in jail.为什么公爵把巴赫关入监狱Why did the duke have Bach thrown in jail?有人知道吗Any ideas?因为他没有得到公爵的准许离职Well,he hadn't obtained a release from the duke,从中我们可以看出 and this tells us something about 十八世纪音乐家的地位 the status of musicians in the eighteenth century.他们比奴隶好不了多少 They were little better than indentured servants.没有行动自由No such thing as free agency here,不像今天的棒球运动员或者其他人一样 not like baseball players or whatever today.如果你想要得到另一个职位 If you wanted to take another position,你必须得到现在雇主的批准 you had to get your present employer to say,"好的 我允许你离开""Okay.It's all right if you go."在现在简直难以想象 Imagine that today.你想要辞掉现有的工作找一份更好的You want to quit your job and move on to a better job.除非你的老板同意Well,you can't leave 否则你不能离开 until the present boss says you can go.巴赫违反了这种做法 But that was the case and Bach had violated that modus operandi

所以他在监狱里关了一个月 and there he languished in jail for a month.后来魏玛公爵大发慈悲 释放了巴赫 Finally the Duke of Weimar relented and off Bach他们一家搬到了柯登 and his family went to the town of Coethen.我们来看下一张幻灯片 Let's take a look at the next slide,请放 柯登 please,the town of Coethen,它也是在德国中部 again,sort of central Germany.这是十七世纪中叶的版画 This is an engraving of the mid-seventeenth century,我们可以在这里看到宫廷建筑群 and we can see here the court--building of complexes巴赫在这中间工作where Bach worked there in the center.下一张幻灯 我们去看看它的前部 Now we're going to go to the front of that next slide在今天是什么样的光景 as it stands today.二战后 它被共产主义者占领 It's rather heavily damaged after communist occupation被破坏得很厉害 after World War II,很难修补 rather--not in the best state of repair.走进庭院You go inside the courtyard there.下一张幻灯片Next slide,please.走进去可以发现有些乱Going in you can see it's something of a mess因为他们正在修复这幢房子 because they are fixing up that room也确实修好了上面这间房间 and indeed have fixed up that room up above.我们来看下一张幻灯片 Let's have the next slide,please,这是上面的那间房间 and here is that room up above,就是所谓的柯登宫殿的水晶屋 the so-called now Crystal Room of the palace at Coethen,巴赫就是在这里表演的 and this was where Bach performed.在这星期的分组讨论课上And when you go to sections this week你们会看一段精彩的视频表演 you will watch a wonderful video of a performance巴赫的《勃兰登堡第五协奏曲》of the Bach "Brandenburg Concerto"No.就是在这个大厅里表演的 performed right in this hall,你们可以看到和画里一样的窗户 and you'll see those same windows there.这就是巴赫创作并且演奏 This is Bach's music performed in the environment这些音乐的地方 for which Bach had created it.一七二三年 巴赫再次搬家 In ,Bach moved again.他是一个上进的He was an aggressive,有野心的人 ambitious person,J·S·巴赫 J.S.Bach.他这次搬到了莱比锡He moved this time to the city of Leipzig,在柯登往南一些 a little bit to the south of Coethen,他在那里度过了剩下的音乐生涯 and he spent the rest of his career in Leipzig.他搬家出于两个原因He moved to Leipzig in for two reasons,我们一会儿再来说这两个原因 and we'll come back to those two reasons.不过当我放这张幻灯片时 But while I have this slide up here我们来看看当时的环境 let's just put this in context a little bit.你们可以看到柏林在这里You can see where Berlin is there.你们可以看到吕贝克You can see where Lubeck is where he walked,他从这里一路走到顶上 all the way at the top.

这里是德国中部 This is central Germany here这些城镇离得并不远 and these towns aren't too far apart.这里是柯登 这里是莱比锡Here's Coethen.Here's Leipzig.他在一七二三年去了莱比锡 So in he goes to Leipzig 出于以下两个原因 and he goes there for two reasons:下一张幻灯片One--next slide.第一 因为他的家族One,because his family will be given,按照那时候的标准 by the standards of the time,在这里能获得一个大的住处 rather large quarters here.事实上 按我们的标准来说这很小Actually,by our standards they were very small九百平方英尺 nine hundred square feet.巴赫一共有二十个孩子 Bach ultimately had twenty children他们都住在这九百平方英尺的地方 and they were living in nine hundred square feet.问问你们自己Ask yourself--do you know知道自己家或父母家有多少平方英尺吗 how many square feet are in your parents' apartment or home?肯定比九百大得多A lot more than nine hundred,但在十八世纪 but that--this was thought to be这确实被认为是很大的了 big digs back in the eighteenth century,这些城市被军事要塞包围 in these cities that were encased by military fortresses.无论如何 In any event,我们可以看到这幢房子里we can see Bach's working area 巴赫的工作区还有生活区 and living area right here in this building.我希望你们数一下楼层数And I want you to count the number of stories因为等一会儿会很有用 because it will become important later on.一 二 三 然后是屋顶One,two,three and then the roof begins.同样我希望你们And I also want you to在幻灯片上很难看到 it's hard to see on this slide 有一群唱诗班少年从这里走出 but there's a group of choirboys walking out here.我怎么知道他们是唱诗班少年How do I know they're choirboys?因为他们按照身高排队'Cause they're arranged by height.以前看过唱诗班少年吗 Ever look at choirboys?他们就是这么排队的 That's how they arrange them 他们在队伍中前进时when they walk in procession,年幼的孩子先走 the young kids first,年长的跟在后面 the older ones toward the back.我们一会儿再来谈这点We'll come back to that point in just a minute.巴赫搬到莱比锡的另一个原因Another reason Bach moved to Leipzig 是因为那里是一个大学城was it was a university town,他的数量众多的儿子们 so he'd get a free university education 可以在那里获得免费教育 for his numerous sons.她的数量众多的女儿们呢What about his numerous daughters?她们获得大学的免费教育了吗Did they get a free education at the university?不 因为那时候女人不上大学No,because women did not go to the university in this period.

第一个获得学位的女人 The first woman to receive a degree,大学学位 a college degree,在西方的大学 in a Western university 是一六七六年 一个女人获得哲学学位 was a woman enrolled in philosophy 在帕多瓦大学 at the University of Padua in ,这是前所未有的 so it would be unprecedented,really.我的意思是 在巴赫那个时代 I mean,there was one precedent女人上大学的先例只有一个 in Bach's day for women to go to university.那时候认为只有男人才要上大学 It was assumed that just the men would go to university.无论如何 In any event,我们来谈谈巴赫在莱比锡的地位 let's talk about Bach's standing here in the town of Leipzig.巴赫不得不请求这份工作 Bach had to petition for this job.他渴望这份工作He wanted this job 因为有之前提过的各种好处 because it had these advantages,as mentioned,他并不是莱比锡地方议会的首选 and he was not the first choice of the town council of Leipzig.另一位作曲家是他们的首选 There was another composer who was their first choice格奥尔格·菲利普·泰勒曼Georg Philipp Telemann.他婉拒了这个职位He declined the position.他们把这个职位提供给另一个叫格洛普纳的人 They offered it to somebody else named Graupner.而他没有从雇主那里获准离职He couldn't get a release from his employer所以无法接受这个职位 so he couldn't take it.根据地方议会的记录And so,as the town minutes of the town council议会记录说 the minutes of the town council--say,既然没有好的音乐家 since good musicians can't be had那只能退而求其次了we'll--mediocre ones will have to suffice.因此他们找到了巴赫And they turned at that point to Bach,这使我们不得不问问which I guess calls us to ask生活中到底有多少判断不公 how many misjudgments are we making in our lives?也许A.J.并没有意识到Maybe A.J.Doesn't realize 坐在他旁边的克里斯 that sitting right next to him,Chris there,是一个真正的天才 is really a genius 我们应该更关注他 and we should pay more attention.在我们中间到底藏着多少How many geniuses are sort of sneaking around未被我们发掘的天才 in our midst unrecognized today?至少 巴赫在到达莱比锡时Anyway,Bach was anything other than完全没有被认为是一个伟大的艺术家 the grande artiste when he arrived in Leipzig.我从自己的一本书《巴赫的读者》上Here I've made some Xeroxes out of复印下一些东西my book called The Bach Reader.当巴赫到那里的时候When Bach got there,他必须宣誓就职 he had to take an oath of office.他必须宣誓做到以下几点He had to swear to do the following:"一 我必须为学生树立一个"One,I shall set the boys a shining example 诚实而有礼的生活行为榜样 of honest and retiring manner of life,

勤奋地为学校服务 serve the school industriously认真指导学生 and instruct the boys conscientiously.二 尽我所能 把所有主要教堂中的音乐 Two,bring the music in all the principal churches带向更高的水平 of the town into good estate to the best of my ability.三 向尊贵而明智的地方议会 Three,show the honorable and most wise council献上应有的敬意和服从"all proper respect and obedience."等等And so on it goes.还有这些Here are a few more things:"尽心指导学生"Faithfully instruct the boys not only不仅在声乐上 而且在器乐上"in vocal music but also in instrumental music,"巴赫还必须教授拉丁文 and he had to teach them Latin as well,"安排不会占用很长时间的音乐""arrange the music that it shall not last too long,""要有这样的特性"and shall be of such a nature 即不要造成歌剧式的印象 as not to make an operatic impression而是要激发听众的喜爱"but rather incite the listeners to devotion."所以他们不希望巴赫的音乐过于冗长 So they didn't want Bach's music to go on too long,这点很重要which is very important,他们不希望音乐是歌剧式的 and they didn't want it to be very operatic.他们想要那种传统的音乐 They wanted sort of conservative music there.这是第十二条Here's number twelve:不得离开城镇Not to go out of town 除非得到尊贵的镇长的允许without the permission of the honorable Burgermeister.第十三条Number thirteen:在葬礼上尽可能地和学生在一起Always walk as far as possible with the boys at funerals.所以巴赫在莱比锡 So Bach here in Leipzig 相当于是光荣的童子军团长 is sort of a glorified scoutmaster.他并不是那种十九世纪中的天才He's not this kind of nineteenth-century image 也不是我们前面提到的那种伟大的艺术家 of the genius or the of the grande artiste as mentioned.好了 再次重申Okay,the point being,once again,巴赫在那个时代 that Bach in his day was recognized被公认为是演奏家 and valued not so much as a composer 而非作曲家 but as a performer.这和巴赫的音乐有什么关系呢Well,what was the matter with Bach's music?为什么他们在开头Why were they already at the outset here,就斩断他的羽翼 sort of clipping his wings,限制他的创作风格呢 telling him what style not to write in?巴赫倾向于创作那种Well,Bach had this proclivity for writing music 死板的且半音居多的 that's very sort of rigid,very chromatic,对位的 很长的音乐 very contrapuntal and very long,这类音乐很长而且对位 and it is long and contrapuntal,我们将在接下来的分组讨论课上研究这个 as we will be seeing in particular in sections this coming week.举个例子说 If we compare,

如果我们比较两种大协奏曲 for example,two concerti grossi:维瓦尔第的《春之协奏曲》的第一乐章 the first movement of Vivaldi's Spring Concerto,它持续三分十秒 it lasts three minutes and ten seconds;巴赫写的一个大协奏曲的第一乐章 Bach writes a first movement of a concerto grosso.你们将会看一段视频You're going to watch a video of it.它持续了九分十秒 It runs for nine minutes and ten seconds.相当于维瓦尔第的三倍时间 So it's three times as long,在某种程度上 三倍的紧凑 three times as dense,in a way.好了 我们继续来看Okay.Let's go on to talk about巴赫创作的音乐 the kinds of things that Bach composed here,我们来看一下黑板 and for that we'll take a look at the board.巴赫的作品 Bach's works:其中有一些我们已经讨论过了 Some of these we've talked about already.有大键琴和键盘乐器的前奏曲和赋格 Preludes and fugues for harpsichord or keyboard;《十二平均律钢琴曲集》"The Well-Tempered Clavier."我们讨论过《G小调管风琴赋格》We've talked about the G Minor organ fugue.还可以说说《赋格的艺术》We can talk about "The Art of the Fugue."拉乌尔 放下一张幻灯片 Let's-- Raoul,let's have the next slide.我有一张关于这个的幻灯片 I think I've got a slide of that here.不对 不是这张No,wrong piece.好的 抱歉Okay.Sorry.这是巴赫的《勃兰登堡》This is the Bach "Brandenburg."我放错了幻灯片 抱歉 I've brought in the wrong slide.I'm sorry.然而《赋格的艺术》But "The Art of Fugue"是部有趣的作品 is an interesting composition它是巴赫在生命尾声创作而成的 that Bach wrote very much toward the end of his life;包括长笛和小提琴的奏鸣曲 sonatas for flutes and violin以及管弦乐队的舞曲组曲 dance suites for orchestra.你们可能知道《G弦上的咏叹调》You may know the "Air on a G String"一部很美的小提琴独奏 beautiful,beautiful solo violin writing there,持续低音贯穿全曲with basso continuo underneath还有小提琴和大键琴的独奏协奏曲 solo concertos for violin and harpsichord以及我们即将讨论的大协奏曲 the concerti grossi that we'll be talking about《勃兰登堡协奏曲》the "Brandenburg Concertos."我们将会关注勃兰登堡第五协奏曲We'll be working with No..之后他创作了很多宗教声乐 Then he wrote a lot of religious vocal music:《B小调弥撒》the B Minor Mass.当你们进来时 I was playing parts of the Sanctus我正在弹《B小调弥撒》中的三圣颂 of the B Minor Mass when we came in.琳达 简直乱套了 Lynda,this is gonna really mess things up你知道这首歌在哪里吗Do we know where we have that song巴赫的《B小调弥撒》Where is Bach's B Minor Mass如果你们有 CD 应该在第十首 It's track ten if you can get to the CD我们来听一小段 Let's just listen to a little bit of

我们今天早上匆忙地听了这段we listen to this on the fly this morning,但还是再听一下 but let's just listen to a bit 《B小调弥撒》中的三圣颂 of the Sanctus of the B Minor Mass 让你们感受一下 to give you a sense of 巴赫所创造的不朽的篇章 the monumental quality that Bach can create.听上去确实气势磅礴 So pretty impressive stuff.但是它持续时间太长 But it goes on for a long time其中充满了不断重组的模仿音以及赋格主题 and it's filled with imitation and fugal subjects以及各种重复组合 that recombine and different kinds of permutations.它可以倒过来 It can be inverted 来回变化 and go backwards and forwards颠来倒去 and upside down,这就是巴赫的创作方式 and this is what Bach would do.如果别人写一首变奏曲 If somebody would write a set of variations其中包含十个变奏 that had ten variations in it,那么巴赫就会在其中包含二十个变奏 he would write a set of variations with twenty variations in it.如果别人写一个卡农 If somebody would write one canon,他就会写十个 he would write ten canons--as he does,比如他写的 《哥德堡变奏曲》for example,in "The Goldberg Variations."无论他做什么Whatever he did,都会做得疯狂彻底 he prosecuted maniacally,他的结尾总是很密集 and what he ended up with was stuff that's very dense,很紧实 very compact,确实就像一件最棒的手工艺品一样 that's really the best sort of craftsmanship但这却未必是大众 but it's not necessarily the most popular最想要听到的音乐 sort of music in that regard.正如你们听到的 But,as you heard,音乐本身非常波澜壮阔 it can be very grand and quite spectacular,正如我们从 as we heard from 《B小调弥撒》中的三圣颂中听到的那样 the Sanctus of the B Minor Mass there.当巴赫到达莱比锡时When Bach arrived in Leipzig,这个城镇拥有人口 it was a town of thirty-five thousand,是当时德国最大的城镇之一 and was one of the biggest in Germany.你们觉得这是个大城镇吗Does that sound like a big town to you,才人 thirty-five thousand?不 我的意思是No.I mean,哈姆登[美国的小城市]就有人Hamden probably has thirty-five thousand people living in it.但在巴赫那个时代 这确实是个大城镇 But this was a big city in Bach's day,巴赫在那里 and he was called there要管理所有路德会教堂的音乐 to run music really for all of the Lutheran churches in that town.我们这里说的莱比锡Now we're talking here Leipzig,离维腾堡并不远which is not far from Wittenberg 马丁·路德在维腾堡很活跃where Martin Luther was active,

我们谈论的这个地方 so we're talking about相当于是路德教的大本营 kind of the home ground of Lutheranism here.而莱比锡享有完全的宗教信仰自由And Leipzig enjoyed complete freedom of religion.你可以选择任何教堂You could attend any church当然 都是基督教的 of course,this was all Christianity.你可以选择你想要的任何教堂You could attend any church that you wished.在这座城镇中有许多教堂 There were a dozen or so of them in this city.唯一的遗憾是它们都是路德教教堂 The only kicker was that they were all Lutheran churches.你可以选择这个路德教教堂You could go to this Lutheran church 也可以选择那个 随便哪个 or that Lutheran church,whatever one you want,但它们都是路德教教堂 but they were all Lutheran churches.巴赫的工作就是为这些教堂安排音乐 So Bach's job was to organize the music for these churches,特别是主教堂 particularly the principal church,就是这座圣托马斯教堂which was this Saint Thomas Church,他为圣托马斯教堂创作的音乐 and what he wrote for this Saint Thomas Church叫做康塔塔was this thing called the cantata.康塔塔是什么What's a cantata?它是指歌唱作品Well,literally it's a "Sung thing"和奏鸣曲等器乐作品 形成对比 as opposed to a sonata,"Sounded thing."所以这是一种歌唱作品 So this is a sung thing.从巴赫的康塔塔中我们可以看出什么What can we say about the cantatas that Bach wrote?我们怎么概括它们How would we summarize them?它们都是多乐章的Well,they are multi-movements宣叙调 咏叹调 合唱 --多乐章的 recitative,aria,chorus--multi-movements.持续二十五到三十分钟 They go on for about twenty-five to thirty minutes.就主题而言它们是宗教的 They are religious in subject matter当然 它们是由德语写成的 and of course they are written in the German language,巴赫创作了将近三百首这样的康塔塔 and Bach wrote about three hundred of these cantatas.他按五十部为一周期来创作He wrote them in cycles of fifty.他在一七二三年到达那里When he arrived there in seventeen twenty-three,他每星期日开始写一首康塔塔 he starts writing one cantata for each Sunday.在这年末At the end of the year,他已经有了五十多首 he's got about fifty of these things;下一年他又重复如此 next year he starts all over again.最终有了三百首康塔塔 So he ended up with about three hundred cantatas.之后他精疲力竭 Then he got exhausted from the process 在一七二九或一七三零年左右停止创作 and stopped about , or so.现在在黑板上Now on the board up here你们可以看到典型的康塔塔结构 you see the layout of a typical cantata.这是巴赫的《醒来吧 一个声音在呼唤》It is "Wachet auf,ruft uns die Stimme,""醒来吧 一个声音在呼唤""Arise,a Voice is Calling,"我希望你们能看看这个 and here's--I hope you can see this okay.这是它的结构Here's how it shakes down.

这首康塔塔有七个乐章We have seven movements in this cantata,七个乐章 seven movements.它的顺序是这样的 首先是合唱And they are arranged chorus,然后是宣叙调 then recitative.什么是宣叙调What's a recitative?有人知道什么是宣叙调吗 Somebody tell us what a recitative is.我们还没提过We haven't talked about it but 也许有人已经从其他地方知道了maybe you know from other context.雅各布 Jacob.没错 宣叙调并不像音乐Yeah.Okay.It's not much music,更像一种口语对白more sort of spoken dialogue伴随有持续低音 accompanied a little bit by a basso continuo.有人看过书 可以告诉我Anybody tell me from the reading 什么是持续低音what a basso continuo is?如果你们看过Well,I think if you look on your text 教材上第一百十四页 in about page one hundred fourteen你们会发现有一段关于它的论述 you'll find a discussion of it,持续低音其实是一种低音的合奏 but a basso continuo is an ensemble that plays a bass line,其中包含几种乐器 and because a number of instruments are involved in it一般是大键琴的低音部 it'd be the left hand of the harpsichord,可能是大提琴或是巴松管maybe a cello,maybe also a bassoon,由两个或三个乐器演奏的低声部 two,three instruments playing a bass line.能产生深沉而有力的低音 It makes for a very heavy, very powerful bass line,这是巴洛克音乐的典型特征 and this is something that is typical of Baroque music.宣叙调 实际上还有所有的咏叹调 So a recitative will be--and indeed all the arias都是由持续低音伴奏will be accompanied by basso continuo.合唱部分由持续低音伴奏 The choral stuff will be accompanied by basso continuo.持续低音 顾名思义就是不会间断的 Continuo--it's just always going,它是一个一直持续的强低音 so it's a strong bass that's always going.它与固定低音有所不同 It's different from the basso ostinato 固定低音是什么特点 because what happens in a basso ostinato?扬Yong.它不断地重复 It keeps repeating over and over and over again所以固定低音是一种特别的持续低音 so a basso ostinato would be a particular kind of basso continuo,是持续低音的一种 a kind of species of basso continuo.而持续低音 But basso continuo,是一种不断持续的强有力的低音 a bass that's always going on and is very strong.因此给人一种口语对话 So we have sort of spoken dialogue 配合强力低音的感觉with a strong bass,而后是咏叹调 then an aria,我将会谈谈 and I'm going to say something about this那个时期的咏叹调 these arias in this period.巴洛克时期的返始咏叹调 They are Da Capo arias in the Baroque period.

返始咏叹调是什么What does a Da Capo aria mean?如果有人看过教材上后面的论述Anybody peeked ahead at that in the discussions in--大概是在一百五十页或者一百六十页 around pages one hundred fifty,one hundred sixty or so in the text或者从其他地方知道 or know that from other contexts返始咏叹调是什么What would a Da Capo aria be?按照字面意思 Da CapoWell,literally "Da Capo"听上去像电影配乐 sounds like a film score,领头人之类的 the capo or something.它的意思是领头人 It means the head guy or 在这里是指音乐的起始 in this case the beginning of the music,音乐的开头 the head of the music.它意味着又从音乐的开头开始 It means you take it from the beginning of the music.比如说你负责某一声部 So you do one section,A部 an A section,然后进入对照部 and then you have a contrasting section然后你看到DC这个符号 and then you get this sign that says DC,即Da Capo"Da Capo,"这表示你要回过头从A部重新开始 and then you go back and do the A section all over again.显然 So what form 返始咏叹调运用了什么曲式 do we end up with when we have a Da Capo aria then obviously?三段式 对吧 Ternary form.Okay?所以在巴洛克时期 So the arias in here are usually structured DC曲式的咏叹调是结构化的 in the Baroque period in Da Capo form,之后是合唱部分 and then we have the choruses:在第一 第四 第七乐章都有合唱 chorus one,chorus four,chorus seven.在每一个合唱部分And in each of these choruses 我们采用了赞美诗we are making use of this thing called a chorale tune.什么是赞美诗What's a chorale?什么是赞美诗What's a chorale tune?赞美诗就是Well,a chorale tune is just what其他基督教派称的颂歌 other Christian denominations would call a hymn或者是我们在耶鲁听到的 or what we hear at Yale--不管我们是穆斯林whether we're Muslim,犹太教徒 还是基督教徒whether we're Jewish or whether we're Christian,我们都要唱的歌we're going to have to sing 等等 and so on it goes.它叫做《杜克街》I think it's called "Duke Street,""噢 上帝"Oh,God,beneath the--oh,God,在上升的群星上 above the rising stars 你被放逐的父跨越大海"thy exiled fathers cross the sea."它事实上是在纽黑文创作的 It was actually written here in New Haven,所以可以说是耶鲁颂歌 so it's kind of the Yale hymn,或者说是耶鲁赞美诗 if you will,or maybe the Yale chorale.

这些赞美诗是旧式的旋律 So these chorales were sort of old melodies,旧式的宗教旋律 old religious melodies.有一些是格里高利圣咏的翻版 Some of them were remakes of Gregorian chants.路德教徒们把旧有的天主教圣歌 The Lutherans just took old Catholic chants直接转变成赞美诗 and turned them in to chorale tunes.还有一些是新创作的Others were newly composed,可以追溯到十六世纪 going all the way back to the sixteenth century.马丁·路德本人也创作赞美诗Martin Luther himself composed chorale tunes.有人能说出一个马丁·路德的 Can anybody name a chorale tune 赞美诗或者颂歌吗 or a hymn tune by Martin Luther?我打赌有人知道 I bet you有人知道名字吗Anybody know the name of that?好的 克里斯丁 Yes.Kristin,is it?好的 请大声些 克里斯丁Okay.Nice and loud,please,Kristin.好的 《上帝是我们坚固保障》Okay."A Mighty Fortress is Our God."这是一次宗教改革 也改革了赞美诗 It's a Reformation--so the Reformation chorale,几个世纪以来 音乐家们频繁地使用它 and musicians have used that frequently over the centuries.我们要 So we're going我们不讨论《坚固保障》not going to be working with "A Mighty Fortress."而是讨论另一个赞美诗We're going to be working with a different chorale tune,《醒来吧》"Wachet auf,ruft uns die Stimme,"在巴赫进行改编前which was a couple hundred years old它已存在数百年之久 by the time Bach got his hands on it,你们可以看到 and you have it here.在你们的材料上 每个人都拿到材料了吗 So on your sheet-- Everybody got the sheet for today?这是一首赞美诗 So here is a chorale tune 有很多短句 对吧 and it's in lots of phrases.Right?这个呢What about this?这是一段有调性的旋律吗Do you think that's a tonal melody?听上去很可靠Does that sound pretty secure for you还是很奇怪 or does that sound sort of weird?罗杰 你认为呢 Roger,what do you think?听上去很可靠 Sounds secure.它是有调性的 It is tonal,and 为什么你们觉得听上去很可靠呢why would you imagine it sounds secure?你们看看每小节的强拍 If you look at the downbeat of each measure,几乎每个小节 almost every measure,这里是什么音符what notes do we have there?这些音符形成一个三和弦 They're notes that form a triad,大三和弦 a major triad,我们不能忘记以前学过的东西 so we mustn't forget all that stuff we studied early on.巴赫借用了一个赞美诗 So here's Bach borrowing a chorale tune他显著地突出了这个大三和弦 he is foregrounding a major triad in a big way,

谁来唱这首曲子 and who has to sing this?应该是所有会众Well,ultimately the full congregation.每个人都要唱这些赞美诗 Everybody has to sing these chorale tunes以表明你是一个 to show that you are a--in this case,一个虔诚的路德教徒 a good Lutheran,I suppose,每个人都要唱 so everybody was expected to sing them,正因如此 and because of that,它们都是渐进式的 they tended to be rather step-wise.我们一起来唱这首赞美诗曲 So we should all sing this.Right?今天我们都是虔诚的路德教徒 Today we're all going to be good Lutherans,不管我们真正的宗教信仰是什么 no matter what our real religion is,假如我们有宗教信仰的话 assuming we have a real religion,好了我们开始 so let's start here.我们来唱 LaWe're just going to sing "La."开始Here we go.好的 很好Okay.Great.效果并不太好Now this is not working so well,为什么效果不好呢 and why is it not working so well?音太高了 It's too high.那个时候巴赫是怎么做的呢 So what would Bach have done in those days?在这里只有琳达能唱出来 The only person here that can sing this is Lynda琳达还有桑塔纳 她们是女高音 Lynda and Santana 'cause they're sopranos我能听出来 and I could hear them,也只能听出这点 but that was about all I could hear.音太高了 所以巴赫那个时候怎么做的 It's too high so what would they have done in Bach's day?不去唱它 我不知道 Stopped singing it?I don't know.这有可能要遭天谴 Lightning bolts would come down on the church or something.我不确定 I'm not quite sure.他们不可能不唱它No,they couldn't stop singing it.他们不得不变调 They had to transpose it,把音降低 just take it down.我们也要把音降低We'll,make it lower.我们换一个不同的调We'll go to a different key.开始Here we go.准备 唱 Ready,sing.休止 Rest.大声 Louder.好了 我们在这儿停一下Okay.We'll stop there.巴赫有了这首赞美诗 So Bach's got this chorale他要做出一些修改 and then he's going to do something with it.他写了第一乐章And what he does is write a first movement,所以把我们带回了 so that takes us back over here这首赞美诗康塔塔的第一乐章 to movement one of our chorale cantata.

我们现在要谈谈We're going to talk now about the text这首赞美诗的词with regard to this particular chorale.它想表达什么What's the text calling about?这是它的翻译Well,here's what--here's the translation of it:"醒来吧 一个声音在呼唤"Awake,a voice is calling,高塔上的守卫在呼唤 from the watchman from high in the tower.醒来吧 耶路撒冷 午夜将近Awake Jerusalem; midnight is the hour.号角已经鸣起 They call us with a clarion voice.智慧的处女啊Where are the wise virgins?起来吧Get up.新郎即将到来 The bridegroom cometh.带起你的油灯 Stand up and take your lamps.哈利路亚Alleluia.收拾自己准备婚礼 Provide yourself for the wedding.快快出门迎接他"Go--you must go out--go forth to meet him."在巴赫那个时代Now in Bach's day,必须唱这首赞美诗 this chorale would have been sung.这是康塔塔的主要音乐部分 It's the major musical portion of the cantata,也是整个宗教仪式的主要部分which is the major musical portion of the whole service,读过福音书后就要唱这首曲子 and it was sung right after the reading of the gospel.所以人们进入教堂 So they'd come in and there'd be some 首先唱些引导性的赞美诗 introductory chorales 做些祷告之类的事情 and prayers and that kind of thing.之后他们要读福音书 Then they would have a reading of the gospel,一整天的重头戏 the thesis of the day.这首特别的康塔塔是为降临节而写的Now this particular cantata is written for Advent.降临节是什么 So what's Advent?谁能告诉我Who can tell me what Advent is?穆斯林 犹太教徒 基督教徒Don't necessarily--Muslim,Jew,Christian,无论你有什么信仰 都可能知道降临节whatever,you may--probably know what Advent is.萨迪厄斯 Thaddeus.它是指圣诞节前的一段时间 It's the days before Christmas.所以有一个英语词 So we have the English word Adventitious"Adventitious,"意思是有东西来了 something coming,或者即将到来 something about to arrive.这里是指基督诞生 It's the birth of Christ in this particular case.大概是在圣诞节前四周 So it's,I think roughly the four weeks before Christmas.可能是十一月末 或者十二月初 Think maybe late November,early December,取决于圣诞节的日期 up to Christmas.这首康塔塔就是用于那个时候的 So that's when this cantata would have been appropriate.要在十二月的第一个星期日 It would have been sung say,on the on the Sunday,唱这首歌 the first of December,诸如此类 something like that,

我说过应该在读福音书之后唱它 and as I say it's preceded by the gospel of the day.为了记住这点 So to get our heads in this we have to我们必须理解巴赫所传达的信息 understand what Bach's message is here.我们必须知道福音书是什么We have to know what the gospel is.我把福音书给了克里斯 So I've asked Chris--I gave Chris the textbook here.我把它放在课本里 I put it in the textbook要求克里斯读一下福音书 and asked Chris to read the gospel for today.所以请起立 So stand up and--or--yeah.你想站起来吗Are you going to stand up?好的 我喜欢这样 大声点Oh,good.I like that,nice and loud,上帝之声 the voice of God."那十个处女"--be likened unto ten virgins,她们拿着油灯which took their lamps前往与新郎相遇 and went forth to meet the bridegroom.她们中五个智者五个傻瓜And five of them were wise and five were foolish.五个傻瓜带着油灯 They that were foolish took their lamps却没有带油 but took no oil with them,午夜有一声尖叫 and at midnight there was a cry made.看 新郎来了 Behold,the bridegroom cometh.出去见他Go ye out to meet him.所有的处女们起立 Then all those virgins arose 整理她们的油灯 and trimmed their lamps,傻瓜对智者说 and the foolish said unto the wise,给我们点油 我们的灯没油了'Give us of your oil for our lamps are gone out,'智者回答说 but the wise answered,saying,不能这样 恐怕我们自己不够'Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you,你们不如自己去买 but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves.'当她们去买油时And while they went to buy 新郎来了 the bridegroom came 她们已经准备好婚礼 and they that were ready went in with him把门关上 to the marriage and the door was shut.看吧Watch therefore,因你知道既非今天也非此时 for ye know neither the day男人的孩子不会到来"nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh."好的 太棒了Okay.Excellent,这是詹姆士六世钦定版本 and that's the King James version of that句法有时候很难 so the syntax is sometimes difficult而且措词也比较出人意料 and the verbiage is a little bit unexpected there.但这些是什么意思 But what does all this mean?是什么意思What is this?罗杰 Roger?基督再次降临 没错 The second coming of Christ.Okay.我们应该做什么And what are we supposed to do?莱比锡善良的公民们We,good citizens of Leipzig,

我们应该做什么what are we supposed to do?我们要做准备 Be ready.整理我们的宗教场所 get our spiritual house in order 因为基督降临了 because Christ is coming,所以巴赫联想到了这样的场景 so Bach has this idea of this伟大的神灵降临莱比锡 powerful figure coming into the midst of Leipzig.于是他创作了如下音乐And he creates the following kind of music.我们从这里开始We start out here with 之后在音高上有一些移动 and then it begins to move a little bit in pitch.这对于我们接下来要谈的内容 It's a good example 是一个很好的例子 of something that we'll talk about in a moment,如果想要产生不可阻挡的前进的感觉 but if we want to have the sense of the inexorable march of something,还有什么比重复的低音更好的what better way than a repeating bass line?之后旋律开始 Then we have a melody begin之后没时间了 and then we didn't have time有一个 C大调的母题要放在这里we have a C motive that we wanted to put up here当你们读课本时 So when you read your textbook there,我这样诠释它 I interpreted this as follows.你们会听到某人说 即是我说的You will hear someone saying,I.E.,me saying,这是不可阻挡的前进 that this is the inexorable march主降临在莱比锡的公民身边 of the Lord coming to the citizens of Leipzig.他们很兴奋 They get very excited 开始朝着他的方向奔跑 and they begin to run in his direction,巴赫并没有把这个完全记录下来 and this is the--Bach didn't write all this down;我只是按这种方式解读它 I'm kind of interpreting it this way,我不得不想到这学期早期 but I can't help but think back on the early session我们谈到过音乐剧《芝加哥》that we had talking about the musical Chicago《芝加哥》中的一首曲子 and that number in Chicago,《拿起枪 枪》"Get the gun,the gun,"节奏越来越快 and it gets faster and faster织体也越来越紧密 and the texture gets denser and denser.巴赫在这里也是这么做的Well,that's exactly what Bach is doing here.不管是百老汇还是巴赫Whether it's Broadway or Bach,他们的做法是一样的 the modus operandi is going to be the same.让我们来听一小段 So let's listen to just a little bit here.这是巴赫康塔塔的第一乐章 This is the opening movement of Bach's cantata 《醒来吧》"Wachet auf,ruft uns die Stimme."好了 我们停在这儿Okay.We're going to stop it there.这是开头短句 That's just the opening phrase.人群涌入 The crowd's coming in there且有少量的赋格呈现部在底部伴奏with little fugal expositions underneath that,谁 哪里 去哪里"Who?","Where?",coming where?,好像在底部运用了繁忙的对位法 sort of this busy counterpoint underneath.

我过去常把它作为听力练习 I used to use this as a Listening Exercise 但它效果不佳 but it didn't work.它太 学生们不能 It was too--I couldn't get--the students couldn't我不明白 它太复杂了 I don't know.It just was too complex 在某种程度上 它传达了一些东西 and in a way it told me something.巴赫的音乐很复杂 Bach's music is very complex.所以我要放一个简单易懂的乐章 So I went on to a more straightforward movement这是我们接下来要做的 and that's what we're going to do now,包含赞美诗的第四乐章 the fourth movement that incorporates the chorale.我们这个赞美诗 So we have the chorale,就像上帝之声 sort of like the voice of God,在上面咏唱 up here on top.我们来听一下第四乐章 Let's go on to the fourth movement 也许你们能分辨出来 that you may well recognize.这是巴赫最著名的作品之一 It's one of Bach's most famous compositions,在这里我有四个问题 and I have four questions for you here.低音起了什么作用What's the bass doing?其中有多少声部How many voices are there?在织体中 你们能听出几条音乐线How many lines,strands, do you hear in the texture?赞美诗在哪里And where is the chorale tune?谁在唱赞美诗Who's singing the chorale tune?这是康塔塔《醒来吧》的第四乐章 So this is movement four of cantata "Wachet auf."之后引子再次响起And then the ritornello starts again;这个副歌主题再次开始 this refrain theme starts all over again.好了 在这里停一下All right.Let's pause it there.这里是什么低音 So what kind of bass do we have here?它叫做行走低音 It's called walking bass.Right.我们以前提过We've talked about that before,现在再重复一下 and,once again,它给人一种可靠稳重的感觉 it gives a very sort of secure foundation.此处的行走低音是 So we have a basso continuo 以持续低音的方式演绎出来的 playing a walking bass,像这个样子 something like that,相同的时值 并且持续不断 just going on and on sort of with the same note values,趋向于渐进 tends to be step-wise,具有相同的时值 have the same note values.还有什么我们需要知道的What else did we need to know there?赞美诗是怎样的What happened to the chorale?首先 织体是怎么样的Well,first of all,what about the texture?结构中你们听到有几条音乐线How many strands did you hear in that texture?布莱恩和尼克尔 Brian and Nicole,你们挤成一团 you want to huddle up there想要搞明白答案吗 and figure out what the answer to this one is?你们认为呢What do you think?

尼克尔 有几条音乐线Nicole,how many strands?你听到了几条音乐线How many lines did you hear there?好的 有低音Okay.Well,we've got the bass in there 还有非常甜美的旋律 and we had that lovely,lovely melody,你们的材料上已经有了which you have on your sheet there,那就有两个了 so that's two,第三个是什么 and what was the third one?没错 是赞美诗Well,the chorale tune 但这次 赞美诗曲有什么不同吗 but what was different about the chorale tune this time?它更容易听出来了 It was easier to hear.为什么Why?因为所有的男声'Cause all of the male voices 都在合声齐唱were singing it together in unison.他们并没有分散在多声部中 It wasn't distributed in all this counterpoint 而是以同样的音调在唱 in all of the voices.所有声部All of the lines所有声音都在一起唱 all of the voices were singing it together.如果你们有这页材料And if you have this sheet here,我认为这份材料的奇迹在于 I think the miracle of this particular sheet is这家伙拿到这个单个旋律 that this guy had this one melody 然后他说 "哎哟 and he said,"Gee whiz,if I went我可以再作一个旋律与之对应" I could have that go against this melody."他想 既然已经有了一段美妙的旋律He thought--he had one nice melody那再创作一段更美妙的旋律 and he thought up an even more beautiful melody与已有的这段旋律交织在一起 that could interweave with his given melody.这是一种天赋 So that's the gift here,聆听一段音乐 to be able to hear one thing 领会它的内涵 and size up its implications,并且知晓它能够如何变化 to know what it could become.我猜这就是一个伟大的 I guess that's what a great 具有创造性的艺术家所具备的能力 creative artist is all about,知晓事物应该如何变化 to know what something can become.好了All right.我们有了那个乐章 So we have that particular movement and I think这是你们下次将要进行的 that's the basis of your Listening Exercise twenty-two 听力练习二十二的基础 for next time.我们将进入这节课的尾声Now we're getting toward the end of our hour我想要问你们 and I want to ask you我们要做两件事情well,we're going to do two more things.一 我们将回到康塔塔的尾声One,we're going to come back at the end to the end of the cantata,我想要问你们一个问题 but I want to ask you a question about假设你们站在巴赫的位置上 just try to put yourself in Bach's shoes here for the moment.作为作曲家 你获得了这份工作You got this job as a composer你必须创作所有这些音乐 对吧 and you got to generate all this music.Right?

每周要创作二十五到三十分钟的新音乐 You got to generate twenty-five to thirty minutes of new music every week.那会很 --好的Well,that would be like--all right.你可能星期日下午休息 So presumably you get Sunday afternoon off,看足球 或者随便干嘛watch football,whatever you want to do.星期一早上重新开始工作 Then Monday morning you start all over again,在下周日之前 and by next Sunday morning you got to have你必须要有二十五到三十分钟的音乐可以演奏 twenty-five to thirty minutes of music ready to perform.为什么这很难Why is that really hard?难在哪里What's the hard part of this?时间消耗在哪里What's the time-consuming part of all of this?罗杰和伊丽莎白举手了 I see Roger and Elizabeth.伊丽莎白 你来说 Elizabeth,go with it.把它写下来Writing it out,对 而不是创作它 yeah,probably not composing it.我想这些作曲家们都是这样 I think these composers just have this stuff不断地倾倒出灵感 spewing out of their ears nonstop.我不觉得他们苦思冥想 I don't think it was thinking it up 他们可能都不需要排练 and maybe not rehearsing it,尽管那会需要一些时间 though that would take some time.但在复印机时代前 But before the days of photocopying machines,抄写总谱和所有部分 it would be very laborious to copy the full score 是很费力的 and all of these parts,也许同时有十四条不同的音乐线maybe fourteen different lines simultaneously,还要多抄写几份小提琴和大提琴谱 and multiple copies of the violin parts and the cello parts诸如此类 and this kind of thing所以这是很消耗时间的 so it'd be very time consuming.那巴赫是怎么做的呢How did he do this?我们来看一下Well,let's see if we can go back 回到下一张幻灯片 to the next slide here 我们会稍微谈一下这点 and we're going to talk about this just for a bit.巴赫是怎么做到的How did Bach execute this and the next拉乌尔 我想大概有 Raoul,I think there was the--yeah.我们回到教堂 So we're going to go back into our church here 回到巴赫的教堂 and we're going to see Bach's church where his楼层平面图 the floor plan here and then we're going to请放下一张幻灯片 next slide,please看看里面 take a look at the inside of it 看看布道的地方where the sermon was preached留意上面的主祭坛 and take a note of the high altar up there.下一张幻灯片Next slide.我们要快速过一遍We're going to go through these quickly now.西面的尽头是管风琴 There we have the west end up there where the organ is.

康塔塔在这里表演 That's where the cantata would be performed.下一张幻灯片Next slide.管风琴在这儿 The organ up there.这里有个问题Here's a question for you.这是巴赫时代的管风琴吗 Is this an organ from Bach's day?下一张幻灯片Next slide.这看上去像巴赫的管风琴吗Does that look like Bach's organ?不 有太多的机械了No,too many mechanical像机械产物 kind of mechanical contrivances there这架管风琴产自二十世纪初 so that's a organ from the beginning of the twentieth century,巴赫的管风琴更像这个 and Bach's organ would have looked far more like this我们在之后的讨论课上谈到 and we're going to talk about this in section a little bit later on.继续Moving on,我们回到这个 let's go back to this,这幢建筑物我们之前看过 because this is the building that we saw before,这是巴赫居住的地方 the place where Bach lived.我们现在看一下 数一下 If we look at it now and start counting up,会发现除了顶楼 有五个楼层we see that now there are five stories before we reach the roof line.年 巴赫请求镇地方议会 In ,Bach petitioned the town council由于其庞大的家庭 because of his large family他请求移除屋顶 to take the roof off of this building 提供更大的空间 and provide him with more space,因为他有很多孩子more space because he had all of these children,还有亲戚和学生 he had relatives and he had students也住在这座房子里 living in these quarters,他们是如何维持生计的 and what did they do to earn their keep?他们为巴赫抄写音乐Well,they copied music for him.这相当于是 So this is sort of,if you will,巴赫集团的总部 the corporate headquarters of Bach,Inc.所有伟大的音乐在这里被创作出 This is where all this great music is being generated from.他的妻子 安娜·马格达莱纳·巴赫His wife,Anna Magdalena Bach,是他的主要抄写员was his principal copyist.好了All right.这就是他们居住的地方 So that's what--where they lived.之前提过 巴赫死于年Now Bach,of course,as mentioned,died in .历史学家因此深深地感激他Historians are profoundly grateful to him for因为他的去逝 完美而清晰地 that because it gives us a nice,clean cut-off结束了巴洛克时期 by which to end the Baroque era巴赫的去逝 也就是巴洛克时代的终结 end of Bach,end of Baroque.年死于中风 享年六十五岁Died in of a stroke at age sixty-five.在那个时代At the time he wasn't thought 他并非举足轻重 to be particularly important,所以他们把巴赫的遗体 so they relegated Bach's remains 移交到了一个偏僻的教区教堂 to an outlying parish church.

之后因为莫扎特演奏巴赫As Mozart played Bach,贝多芬演奏巴赫 Beethoven played Bach,菲利克斯·门德尔松演奏巴赫 Felix Mendelssohn played Bach,人们才开始意识到 people began to realize that,你瞧 lo and behold,在他们当中有一个天才 they'd had a genius in their midst.因此他们重新挖出巴赫 So they exhume Bach 想要看看他是否是个天才 to see if he was a genius.我们来看一下 Let's take a look at this.这是他们年做的 This is what they did in .他们把他挖出来 给他拍照 They dug him up and they photographed him因为那个时候有一个关于天才的理论 because this was the period in which there was a theory of genius--很有趣 interestingly enough,天才的大脑比常人更小 that the genius had a smaller brain than the normal human being而不是更大 not a larger brain but a smaller brain.无论如何 In any event,巴赫的大脑尺寸完全正常 Bach's brain turned out to be just completely normal这大概是胡扯 and this was presumably a lot of nonsense,不过他们把他挖出来后 重新安葬了他 but when they dug him up then they repositioned him.他们把他放在了主祭坛上And they repositioned him at the high altar这个标记处 and this marker here 就是巴赫遗体所在的位置 is now where the remains of Bach are situated.他们移开教堂南面的玻璃And they tore out the south-side bank of glass in the church然后根据一副肖像改建 and constructed based on the portrait 这幅肖像你们在上课刚开始时看过 that you saw at the beginning of our hour他们以巴赫部分作品的标题 that portrait--they constructed stained glass windows重新修建了彩色玻璃窗with titles of some of Bach's works there,所以音乐观光客们 就像我自己 so that the musical tourists such as myself或者希望是你们 or I hope you,someday有一天能够去莱比锡will go to Leipzig 享受这个城市美妙的音乐 to enjoy the wonderful music以及巴赫美妙的音乐 of this city and the wonderful music of Bach.下课时最后一件事情Now the last thing we're going to do on our way out康塔塔结尾的方式 the way the cantata would end是所有会众站起来 is that the entire congregation would stand up一起唱赞美诗 and everybody together would sing the chorale tune.我们不这么做 因为大家已经做过了We're not going to do that 'cause you already did that,不过我们将会放这段音乐 but we'll just play this music 让你们知道整个宗教仪式是如何结束的 as you go out to give you a sense of how the service would end.