1 Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety—nine percent perspiration .

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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1 Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety—nine percent perspiration. 天赋,才能. 1) genius /gift / talent. genius : 指“最全面的天才”也指有“天才的人”. Eg : LiBai was a great genius . He is a genius at mathematics. gift : 侧重“天赋”. Eg : She has a gift for music. Talent : 侧重“才能”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 1 Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety—nine percent perspiration .

1 Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety—nine percent perspiration .

1) genius /gift / talent 天赋,才能

genius : 指“最全面的天才”也指有“天才的人”Eg : LiBai was a great genius .

He is a genius at mathematics .

gift : 侧重“天赋”Eg : She has a gift for music .

Talent : 侧重“才能”Eg : He showed great talent in language .

2) 百分数的构成和用法



数词 +percent / per cent


Eg : More than 70 percent of the surface of the earth ____covered by water .

Forty percent of the students in our school ____girls .



注:如修饰 population , 谓语常用复数

Eg : 80 percent of the population in this town ____farmers .are

2 It takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious .

1) It take sb some time to do sth

= Sb spend some time (in)doing sth

on sth

Sth cost sb money /time .

Eg : This new book cost me ten yuan .

It took me three years to finish the project . =

I spent three yeas in finishing the project .

2) mind

n 1) (u) 精神,记忆力,注意力

Call / bring sth (back ) to (one’s )mind 使回想起---







Lose one’s mind

out of one’s mind

absence of mind

come to /into one’s mind

turn sth over in one’s mind

bear /keep / have sth in mind

give one’s mind to + n /doing =

keep one’s mind on 专心,致力于--

Eg She gave her mind to studying English . =

She kept her mind on studying English .

2) ( c ) a 意见 , 主意

Eg : So many men ,so many minds . 人各有志

Be in /of two minds

change one’s mind

make up one’s mind

b 有才智的人

Eg : She was one of the most brilliant minds of the last century .

V (1) 当心,注意

Mind +N


Eg : Mind your head /step

Mind the holes in the road .

Mind that you lock the door when you leave .


( 2 )介意,在意

A :Do you mind if + 从句

B: Would you mine if + 从句 语气委婉,从句谓语用过去时

Eg ; Do you mind if I sit here ?

Would you mind if I changed my mind ?

C: Do / Would you mind + n /doing / 动名词的复合结构

Eg : Do you mind my opening the window ?

Do you mind cigarette ?

D : mind + wh – 引导的从句

Eg : We don’t mind where you do it as long as you get it finished quickly .


F : Never mind . 用于对方道歉时的应答语 , “没关系”“不要紧”

Eg :--I’,m terribly sorry for coming late .

---Never mind . Come earlier next time .

undertake vt


Eg : The lawyer undertook the case without a fee .

I can’t undertake that you will take a profit .

He undertook to be here at five .

He undertook a new experiment .




( undertook , undertaken )

Analysis n 分析 / 解 ( pl) analyses

V analyze / analyse

Eg : The analysis of the murder spot showed some valuable clues to the police .




The coach tried to analyse the cause of our defeat

3 You can’t teach a man anything .You can only help him find it within himself .

within a “ 走 --- 内,在---里面 ”Eg : He learned to speak English within six month . Within these old walls there was once a town

b “ 在---的范围内” 不超出--的范围”

Eg : He lives within 20 minutes’ walk .


Do what’s within your power . 尽力而为 !

4 You are going to debate each other to see which branch of science is the most important and useful for society .

a n (c ) “ 争论 , 辩论 ; 讨论会 , 辩论会”debate

Eg : a debate about the punishment for criminals

谁先发言 ? Who open the debate ?

Education is the current focus of public debate .


Eg : The government is debating the education laws .

They had been debating for several hours without

reaching a conclusion .

b vt “ 辩论,争论 ” 着重“双方各述己见”,内含“交锋”

6 There is no doubt that ----

doubt vt “ 犹豫,怀疑,不确定”

doubt + n/pron

宾语从句 whether /if ( 肯) that ( 否 / 疑)

Eg : I doubt his sincerity .

I doubt_________________________,

I _________________________________the river .


Do you doubt that he will succeed ?



if / whether they will come on time

don’t doubt that he can swim across

--- 是毫无疑问的。

n “ 怀疑,疑惑/问 ” doubt + 同位从句  if / whether (肯)

that ( 否)毫无疑问,他会给你提些好的建议。I __________________________you some advice . have no doubt that he will give


Eg : She had her doubts whether the concert will be held on Saturday evening .

C in doubt “ 怀疑”他不知道下一步该怎么办。

eg : He is in doubt (about ) what to do next .

D without doubt “ 无疑,当然”

eg : Without doubt this design is the best

E beyond doubt

Eg : His ability to design the bridge is beyond doubt .



Eg : There is no doubt that he can do a good job of it .


F throw doubt on sth “ 使人对某事产生怀疑”

Eg : His experiments threw doubt on his teacher’s theory .

G There is no doubt that---- “ 毫无疑问---”




1  No boundaries

Boundary / border / frontier

Boundary 指 “边界线”主要指领土的边界。

Eg : The river is the boundary between the two countries

Border 指“边界”常指边境“即沿两国边界的地区。

Eg : He waited for her at the border .

Frontier 指“就一国讲的边界”

eg : Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland .

2 Imagine this you are twenty –one years old and a promising graduate student at one of the top universities in the world .

1 ) Promise v

promise +sb n/pron

sb to do


Eg : Her parents promised her a new bike if she passed her exam . He has promised to meet me at 8:oo am . But she hasn’t turned up yet . They promised us that they would come .



eg : Early mist promises fair weather

晨雾预示好天气。Eg : This year promises to be another good one for harvests .


break one’s/ a promisebreak one’s/ a promise 失信失信

n 允诺,答应

make a promise 许诺Eg : I’ll try to go back in time , but I’m not making any promises . 我会尽力按时回来,但我不敢做保证。

Eg : He broke his promise and didn’t come to see me .

keep one’s /a promise .履行诺言

eg : You can trust him .He always keeps his promise .

    Eg : She graduated from an American college .

Tom has just graduated with master’s degree in

psychology .

promising adj “ 有希望的,会成功的,有前途的”

a promising youth promising crops 丰收在望的庄稼

2) Graduate n (大学 )毕业生 ,研究生”

A Cambridge graduate Tom is a physics graduate .

V 毕业,获得学位

3 Most of us would probably feel very sad and give up our dream and hopes for the future .

give + prep /adv 的短语

A give away “赠送 ,泄露 (秘密 ),暴露”

Eg : The supermarket is giving away a box of sugar to

everyone who comes today .

The party was meant to be a surprise , but Sharon

gave it away .

B give off 发出 ,放出 (蒸汽 , 气味 )

eg : That tiny radiator doesn’t give off much heat .

C give out “ 分发( vt) ,用完,用尽 (vi)

Eg : Give the money out to the children .

Our food supply at last gave out .

His strength gave out .


D give in “ 屈服,投降;退让( to )

eg : The government can’t be seen to give in to errorists’ demand .


E give up “放弃(+ n/doing );让给”

  Eg : You’ll never guess the answer ---do you give up ?

I gave up smoking two years ago .


4 There did not seem much point in working on my phD –I did not expect to survive that long .

1) There is no point in doing sth

“ 做某事没有作用/没有意义”Eg : There is no point arguing about it –we’re going and that’s that .

There is very little point in trying to persuade him ; he won’t follow your advice .



2) work on /work at / work out

A work on“继续工作;对 --- 起作用;使人信服;从事于”Eg : His dancing technique is good , but he needs to work on his fitness .

I’m working on my father to get him to take me to the airport .

The medicine doesn’t work on him at all .



B work at “ 从事,致力于 ,钻研”

eg : You need to work at improving your writing .

As he worked very hard at his lessons , he made great progress .


因为他努力学习功课 ,所以他取得很大的进步 .


C work out

eg : We need to work out the total cost of the project .

Why does he behave like that ? I can’t work him out at all .

Let’s hope this new job works out well for him .

我们需要计算出这项工程的总成本 .

他为什么会那样做呢 ? 我一点也不明白

. 大多数父母对自己的子女给予很大的希望.

3) expect “ 期待 ,预期 ,盼望 ,预料”

A expect +n / pron

Eg : I expect you for supper at six o’clock sharp .

Most of the parents expect much of their children

B expect +to do

Eg : The shop expects to make a small profit this year




Eg : I expect he’ll pass the examination .

C expect sb to do

Eg : You can’t expect me to approve of it .

The first message is expected to arrive at 7 o’clock

this evening .



D expect + 宾语从句

eg : ---Is the famous singer going to give any performance at the evening party ? ---I expect so .

E I don’t expect that ---- 反意疑问句与从句保持一致


I don’t expect that he will lend us so much money , will he ?

F I expect so / not


4) Survive vi “  生还,幸存,在--之后还活着”

Eg : Few survived after the flood .

The man was very ill , but he survived .

The custom still survive .

Vt “比 ---活的长,经受得住,经历 ---之后依然活着” eg : He survived his wife for many years .

The house survived the storm .


. 我从来没在外面待到这么晚。

5) that adv 表程度“那么”多修饰形容词

eg : I can’t walk that far .

I’ve never been out that late before .

5 Yet two years had gone by and I was not that much worse .

go by :“( 时间)过去;依照;顺便走访”

Eg : You can’t go by what the children say .

Going by what he wears , he must have come form the south .

Three hours went by before we knew it .

You can’t let an opportunity like that go by --- it’s too good to miss .




你可不能让那样的机会溜走 -----机不可失呀!

6 In fact , things were going rather well for me and I had gotten engaged to a very nice gilr , Jane Wilde .


A “约束 / 定,使定婚”be/ get engaged to sb 与某人订婚

Eg : Tom is engaged to Anne .

B “ 从事,着手,忙于” be engaged (in ) “忙于某事”

eg : He is engaged doing his work .

C engage with “ 与--交战,使---卷入其中,咬合,衔接”

eg : The teeth of one wheel engage with those of the other .

D “ 引起(兴趣),雇用,预定(房间,座位)

eg : This seat is engaged .

We engage him as technical adviser .

His good nature engages everyone .


7 Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamed of .

Nor did --- 表示前一种否定情况也适合于后者,

1) “neither / nor + be / 助动词 /情态动词 + 主语”

He isn’t fond of fast food ,

She can’t get there at four , I never saw him again ,

He doesn’t smoke ,

nor am I .

nor can I

nor did I hear from him .

neither does he drink

. 我做梦也想不到如此圆满的成功。

2) Dream of “梦见,梦想” +n/ doing

Eg : I never dreamed of meeting you here .

His dream of being a doctor has come true

8 Since then , Hawking has continued to seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe .

seek (sought ,sought ) “ 试图,企图”seek to do

Eg : I have never sought to hide my view .

He sought to make peace .我从不企图隐藏自己的观点。

他试图讲和。“寻找,探索,寻求”seek + n / pron / doing

Eg : We sought an answer to the questions ,but couldn’t find it . I will seek my doctor’s advice . Most men seek wealth ; all men seek happiness .


9 Readers were pleased and surprised to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary people could understand .

“ 介词 ----+way”

A by the way “顺便说说,顺便提起”Eg : By the way , what happened to the money ?


B in the / one’s way “妨碍某人,阻挠某人”

Eg : If you are in the way , you should say sorry .

C by way of “经由,经过”

Eg : The president came to China by way of Japan

D across the way “ 路对面,街对面”

Eg : The post office is just across the way .

F in a way “ 有几分,稍微,在某一方面;在某种意义上;在某中程度上”

Eg : You are right in a way

G in this way “以这种方式”

Eg : Only in this way can you improve your English .

H on one’s way to “ 到 --- 去的途中”

Eg : We’ll have to stop for fuel on the way to the airport .

Eg : I want to go to the party , but on the other hand I ought to study .

On the one hand I’d like a job which pays more , but on the other hand I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment .

10 Scientists , on the other hand ,Hawking writes , know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out be wrong .

1) On the one hand , on the other hand

“ 一方面 ----另一方面”

2) turn out “ 生产,出产” +doing

Eg : We are to turn out 100,000 computers next year

to meet the market requirements .

“ 结果是,原来是” 多用过去时态,+不定式/从句

Eg : Things turned out to be exactly as the professor had foreseen .

The plan turned out to be failure . It turned out that she had known him when they were children .




Eg : We turned out all the cupboards and drawers and found things we hadn’t seen for years .


Eg: He was turned out of his flat because he couldn’t pay the rent .


Eg : She’s always beautifully turned out .

11 First , they carefully observe what they are interested in .

observe / watch / notice / see

+ 名词 /代词 / 复合宾语

感官动词 “ 看”

observe : 指借助仪器,设备“仔细观察,观测;说”

Eg : I observed him going out . He observed that we should probably have rain




watch 多指“聚精会神地观看(电视,比赛),监视”

Eg : Do you often watch television ? He was watching the crowd go by


The man is being watched by the police .

. 许多变革发生于 19世纪。

notice “ 无意识地注意到”

Eg : He noticed me entering the room . No one noticed anything unusual ?

See “看见,看到”强调“看”的结果,也可以表示“目

睹,见证”Eg : I looked but saw nothing . Please see who is at the door . The 19 t h century saw many changes

12 Finally ,the scientists test the theory to see if it matches what they have seen and if it can predict future events .

match V “ 相等;发现(找到)相等物”

Eg : They are equally matched in their knowledge of Chinese .

This hotel can’t be matched for friendliness



“ 相配,相似”Eg : These shoes do not match ; one is large and the other is small .


Eg : I’m ready to match my strength with yours .

These two are well matched in strength .

“ 相较量,相对抗”

2) predict v “ 预知,预言,预报”

+n / to do / clause

Eg : She predicted that he would marry a doctor .

The hurricane is predicted to reach the coast

tomorrow morning .

No one can predict when SARS will strike again .

1 What is it that Hawking does not like about his speech computer ?


1 ) 陈述句式 :

It is / was + 被强调部分 +that + 其他 .

Eg : It was on Monday night that all this happened .

It was in the street that I met him yesterday .

It was because he was seriously ill that he died .


2) 一般疑问句式:

Is / was it +被强调部分 +that + 其他  ?

Eg : Was it in this city that you were born ?

3) 特殊疑问句式特殊疑问词 + is / was + it + that + 其他?

Eg : Where was it that you were born ?

强调句的特殊句式 It was not until ---that ---

Eg : It was not until 12 o’clock last night that the party

ended .