静思语 Words Of Wisdom ( In Chinese & English)

Post on 26-May-2015

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思惟10 句证严法师之静思语,让你每天愉快的过日子。 10 quotes from the Ven Cheng Yan for contemplation , and let you live happily everyday. English translation: ipohteh

Transcript of 静思语 Words Of Wisdom ( In Chinese & English)


Words Of Wisdom(中英)

In Chinese & English

10 句证严法师之静思言

10 Quotes From Ven. Cheng Yen

感恩可以打开我们的心结, 并且启发我们的悲心。

Gratitude could rid our inner conflicts and arouse our compassion.

对别人不要计较, 对自己要好好检讨。

Be less fussy with others but heedful on own self.


Do not let criticism dampen our enthusiasm.


If you cannot influence others, then just do what you ought to.


Personal appeal does not depend on outer appearance, but on inner qualities.

心迷就会苦 ; 心悟就自在。

Deluded mind causes suffering; awaken mind enjoys in


听到人间好话, 要如海绵遇水牢牢吸住;面对是非,要如水泥般地坚固,水过则干。

Hearing good words, absorb them firmly like a sponge absorbing water; facing disputes, be strong like

concrete, it dries after water has evaporated.


The biggest achievement in life is standing up again after falling down.


A true liberation is attained after going through all sorts of conditions and experiencing all sorts of sufferings.


If you are aware of what you are doing , you can manage yourself.